Vorlesungsverzeichnis - Master of Science - Linguistik Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2012/13 - Universität Potsdam

Page created by Bertha Watkins
Vorlesungsverzeichnis - Master of Science - Linguistik Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2012/13 - Universität Potsdam
Master of Science - Linguistik
Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2012/13

                              Sommersemester 2021
Vorlesungsverzeichnis - Master of Science - Linguistik Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2012/13 - Universität Potsdam


                Abkürzungsverzeichnis                                                                                                                                  3

                MM 1 - Phonetik/Phonologie                                                                                                                             4
                  85884 VS - Atelier in Experimental and Computational Phonology                                                                                       4

                MM 2 - Syntax/Morphologie                                                                                                                              4
                  85878 S - Advanced syntax: Uncovering the structure beneath the surface                                                                              4
                  85879 S - Advanced Morphology                                                                                                                        5
                  85892 S - Syntax and semantics of ellipsis                                                                                                           5

                MM 3 - Semantik/Pragmatik                                                                                                                              5
                  85892 S - Syntax and semantics of ellipsis                                                                                                           5
                  85959 S - Semantics of African Languages                                                                                                             5

                MM 4 - Spracherwerb und Sprachverlust                                                                                                                  6
                  85905 S - Advanced Topics in Language Acquisition                                                                                                    6

                MM 5 - Sprachverarbeitung                                                                                                                              6
                  85844 S - Development of Language Processing                                                                                                         6
                  86252 SU - Sentence processing theories                                                                                                              7
                  86254 VS - Bayesian statistical inference 2                                                                                                          7

                MM 6 - Forschungsmethoden                                                                                                                              7
                  85880 BL - Fieldwork in Syntax and Morphology                                                                                                        7
                  86253 VS - Statistical data analysis 2                                                                                                               8
                  86254 VS - Bayesian statistical inference 2                                                                                                          8

                MM 7 - Forschungsmodul                                                                                                                                 8
                  85844 S - Development of Language Processing                                                                                                         8
                  85846 KL - Psycholinguistics of Multilingualism                                                                                                      9
                  85878 S - Advanced syntax: Uncovering the structure beneath the surface                                                                              9
                  85879 S - Advanced Morphology                                                                                                                      10
                  85880 BL - Fieldwork in Syntax and Morphology                                                                                                      11
                  85884 VS - Atelier in Experimental and Computational Phonology                                                                                     11
                  85892 S - Syntax and semantics of ellipsis                                                                                                         11
                  85905 S - Advanced Topics in Language Acquisition                                                                                                  12
                  85959 S - Semantics of African Languages                                                                                                           12
                  86252 SU - Sentence processing theories                                                                                                            12
                  86253 VS - Statistical data analysis 2                                                                                                             13
                  86254 VS - Bayesian statistical inference 2                                                                                                        13

                Fakultative Lehrveranstaltungen........................................................................................................................13

                Glossar                                                                                                                                              14

                                                                 Abkürzungen entnehmen Sie bitte Seite 3
Vorlesungsverzeichnis - Master of Science - Linguistik Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2012/13 - Universität Potsdam


                  Veranstaltungsarten                  Andere

                  AG         Arbeitsgruppe             N.N.     Noch keine Angaben
                  B          Blockveranstaltung        n.V.     Nach Vereinbarung
                  BL         Blockseminar              LP       Leistungspunkte
                  DF         diverse Formen            SWS      Semesterwochenstunden
                  EX         Exkursion
                                                                Belegung über PULS
                  FP         Forschungspraktikum
                  FS         Forschungsseminar         PL       Prüfungsleistung
                  FU         Fortgeschrittenenübung
                                                       PNL      Prüfungsnebenleistung
                  GK         Grundkurs
                  KL         Kolloquium                SL       Studienleistung
                  KU         Kurs
                  LK         Lektürekurs                L       sonstige Leistungserfassung

                  OS         Oberseminar
                  P          Projektseminar
                  PJ         Projekt
                  PR         Praktikum
                  PU         Praktische Übung
                  RE         Repetitorium
                  RV         Ringvorlesung
                  S          Seminar
                  S1         Seminar/Praktikum
                  S2         Seminar/Projekt
                  S3         Schulpraktische Studien
                  S4         Schulpraktische Übungen
                  SK         Seminar/Kolloquium
                  SU         Seminar/Übung
                  TU         Tutorium
                  U          Übung
                  UN         Unterricht
                  UP         Praktikum/Übung
                  V          Vorlesung
                  VE         Vorlesung/Exkursion
                  VP         Vorlesung/Praktikum
                  VS         Vorlesung/Seminar
                  VU         Vorlesung/Übung
                  WS         Workshop


                  wöch.      wöchentlich
                  14t.       14-täglich
                  Einzel     Einzeltermin
                  Block      Block
                  BlockSa    Block (inkl. Sa)
                  BlockSaSo Block (inkl. Sa,So)

Master of Science - Linguistik - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2012/13


                MM 1 - Phonetik/Phonologie

                    85884 VS - Atelier in Experimental and Computational Phonology
                Gruppe        Art       Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus       Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin       Lehrkraft
                1             S         Mi       08:00 - 10:00      wöch.          Online.Veranstalt      14.04.2021     Dr. phil. Manfred

                This course will be held remotely and synchronous . The virtual seminar room will be announced on Moodle.

                Please get enrolled in the Moodle course page (follow link above):
                  Course full name: Pastätter,M.: Atelier in Experimental and Computational Phonology
                  Course short name: SoSe21_Atelier
                  Enrolment key: SoSe21_Atelier

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L   1111 - Hauptseminar I - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1112 - Hauptseminar II - 6 LP (benotet)

                MM 2 - Syntax/Morphologie

                    85878 S - Advanced syntax: Uncovering the structure beneath the surface
                Gruppe        Art       Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus       Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin       Lehrkraft
                1             S         Mi       10:00 - 12:00      wöch.          Online.Veranstalt      14.04.2021     Andreas Schmidt

                last update: 12.4.

                The course will take place on Tue 10–12 in order for it to not collide with Prof. Vasishth's course. The first meeting is going to
                be on 13 april.
                This is the first part of a two-term journey through syntax. The aim of this journey is that you'll be able to recognize and name
                syntactic phenomena, and construct such constructions in a language of your choice; you'll have some general background
                in syntactic theories and typological profiles that lets you identify specifically interesting constructions, constructions that
                challenge existing theories or corroborate their extend; you'll be able to understand theories that analyse these phenomena
                and make predictions based on them, and you'll be able to come up with possible structural analyses of sentences on the
                fly; as such, you'll make steps towards reaching a syntactic auto-pilot, that constantly scans what you hear and say and that
                reacts when you come across a sentence for which you cannot find a meaningful analysis.
                The subject matter that you'll be acquiring these skills by is mostly the field of word order. The nice thing about word order
                is that every language has one, and so you can investigate it in every language (in contrast, there is not much to research in
                terms of morphological agreement in, say, Mandarin). The theoretical problem that we'll focus on is that word order doesn't
                directly inform you about constituency and hierarchical structure most of the time. Therefore, we have to find ways to gain
                access to the hierarchal structure of sentences. I will encourage you to work on your native language or the language of your
                In this first term, we lay the groundwork for the empirical investigations in the upcoming term. In order to show that you've
                understood a certain theoretical construct or phenomenon, you will write a contribution to the public Wikipedia. Writing for
                Wikipedia requires a thorough understanding of a subject allowing you to explain something to a wide audience. As a result,
                you may even be able to make your friends and family understand what you're studying! Editing Wikipedia will also be part of
                the curriculum.
                We'll meet over Big Blue Button unless we will be more than 8 people, then I'd say we switch to Zoom. I won't provide
                asynchronous videos apart from the recordings of our live sessions (in case you agree to them being recorded).
                Enrollment: You'll find the link to the Moodle-page below. This is where most of our communication will take place. Because
                of how Moodle works now, you'll need a password to join. You'll have to drop me a brief mail and I'll send you the pw. Don't
                worry about parts of the moodle page that are in German, there will be no German required for this course (I'll take it as an
                example a lot, though).

                                                          Abkürzungen entnehmen Sie bitte Seite 3
Master of Science - Linguistik - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2012/13

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L   1121 - Hauptseminar I - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1122 - Hauptseminar II - 6 LP (benotet)

                    85879 S - Advanced Morphology
                Gruppe        Art       Tag      Zeit                  Rhythmus   Veranstaltungsort   1.Termin     Lehrkraft
                1             S         Fr       12:00 - 16:00         Einzel     Online.Veranstalt   18.06.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL        Fr       12:00 - 16:00         Einzel     Online.Veranstalt   25.06.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL        Fr       12:00 - 16:00         Einzel     Online.Veranstalt   02.07.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL        Fr       12:00 - 16:00         Einzel     Online.Veranstalt   09.07.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL        Fr       12:00 - 16:00         Einzel     Online.Veranstalt   16.07.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL        Fr       12:00 - 16:00         Einzel     Online.Veranstalt   23.07.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser

                This course will be offered online by Dr. Philipp Weisser as block course

                Dates of the block course
                18.6., 25.6., 02.7., 09.7., 16.7., 23.7. from 12-4pm

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L   1121 - Hauptseminar I - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1122 - Hauptseminar II - 6 LP (benotet)

                    85892 S - Syntax and semantics of ellipsis
                Gruppe        Art       Tag      Zeit                  Rhythmus   Veranstaltungsort   1.Termin     Lehrkraft
                1             S         Mo       14:00 - 16:00         wöch.      Online.Veranstalt   12.04.2021   Hon. Prof. Dr. Craig
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L   1121 - Hauptseminar I - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1122 - Hauptseminar II - 6 LP (benotet)

                MM 3 - Semantik/Pragmatik

                    85892 S - Syntax and semantics of ellipsis
                Gruppe        Art       Tag      Zeit                  Rhythmus   Veranstaltungsort   1.Termin     Lehrkraft
                1             S         Mo       14:00 - 16:00         wöch.      Online.Veranstalt   12.04.2021   Hon. Prof. Dr. Craig
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L   1131 - Hauptseminar I - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1132 - Hauptseminar II - 6 LP (benotet)

                    85959 S - Semantics of African Languages
                Gruppe        Art       Tag      Zeit                  Rhythmus   Veranstaltungsort   1.Termin     Lehrkraft
                1             S         Do       12:00 - 14:00         wöch.           15.04.2021   Prof. Dr. Malte

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Master of Science - Linguistik - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2012/13


                The class will be taught online via zoom. If possible, we will switch over to hybrid teaching with linmited participants
                in class plus livestreaming.

                Zoom details:

                Meeting-ID: 633 9679 1305
                Kenncode: 02658841

                Moodle-Course: https://moodle2.uni-potsdam.de/course/view.php?id=18144 (password in class)

                Contents: The class will provide an overview of the expression of core semantic concepts in African languages, including

                i. function-argument structure, ii. modification, iii. determiner systems and quantifiers, iv. number, v. negation, vi. tense
                and aspect, vii. verbal derivational semantics in Bantu, viii. comparison constructions, ix. focus-sensitivity, x. Serial Verb

                The students will the have the opportunity to investigate selected phenomena in their native language or, alternatively, in Akan
                (Kwa, Niger Congo) or Awing (Grassfield Bantu, Niger Congo) (or Tigrinya), for which langauges there are native speaker
                consultants available.

                Course requirements:

                i. Active participation

                ii. One written homework exercise

                iii. Course project plus in-class presentation and/or written report (5-6 pages)

                Module exam: Course project plus term paper (15 pages)

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L    1131 - Hauptseminar I - 6 LP (benotet)
                L    1132 - Hauptseminar II - 6 LP (benotet)

                MM 4 - Spracherwerb und Sprachverlust

                     85905 S - Advanced Topics in Language Acquisition
                Gruppe         Art        Tag    Zeit                Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin       Lehrkraft
                1              S          Do     08:00 - 12:00       14t.          Online.Veranstalt       15.04.2021     Natalie Boll-Avetisyan
                1              S          Do     08:00 - 12:00       14t.          2.25.B0.01              24.06.2021     Natalie Boll-Avetisyan
                1              S          Do     08:00 - 12:00       Einzel        2.25.B1.01              22.07.2021     Natalie Boll-Avetisyan
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L    1141 - Hauptseminar I - 6 LP (benotet)
                L    1142 - Hauptseminar II - 6 LP (benotet)

                MM 5 - Sprachverarbeitung

                     85844 S - Development of Language Processing
                Gruppe         Art        Tag    Zeit                Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin       Lehrkraft
                1              S          Do     16:00 - 18:00       wöch.         Online.Veranstalt       15.04.2021     PD Dr. Claudia Felser

                This Masters course examines and compares grammatical processing in child first (L1) and adult second language (L2)
                learners, focusing on sentence-level phenomena. Specific questions to be examined include: What role does the ability to
                process the input play in L1 and L2 acquisition? Are language processing mechanisms universal or language-specific? Do
                sentence parsing strategies develop in conjunction with, or independently from, language learners' grammatical competence?
                Do adult language learners process the L2 input in the same way as native speakers of the target language do? Do properties
                of L2 learners' native language affect their processing of the L2? We will also consider current theoretical accounts of L1/L2
                processing differences.

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Master of Science - Linguistik - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2012/13


                The course presupposes a good basic grounding in grammatical theory and description. Some familiarity with current issues,
                models and methods used in experimental sentence processing research is desirable.


                This course will run asynchronously via Moodle, with additional Zoom meetings as required.


                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L   1151 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)

                    86252 SU - Sentence processing theories
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus    Veranstaltungsort     1.Termin     Lehrkraft
                1             SU       Mi       10:00 - 12:00      wöch.       Online.Veranstalt     14.04.2021   Prof. Dr. Shravan

                Please sign up here on moodle to participate in this course:


                Enrollment key: SU2021

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L   1151 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1152 - Übung - 6 LP (benotet)

                    86254 VS - Bayesian statistical inference 2
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus    Veranstaltungsort     1.Termin     Lehrkraft
                1             VS       Fr       10:00 - 12:00      wöch.       Online.Veranstalt     16.04.2021   Prof. Dr. Shravan

                To take part in this course, please enroll over moodle:


                Enrollment key: SU2021

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L   1151 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1152 - Übung - 6 LP (benotet)

                MM 6 - Forschungsmethoden

                    85880 BL - Fieldwork in Syntax and Morphology
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus    Veranstaltungsort     1.Termin     Lehrkraft
                1             VS       Mo       12:00 - 14:00      Einzel      Online.Veranstalt     14.06.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL       Do       14:00 - 16:00      Einzel      Online.Veranstalt     17.06.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL       Mo       12:00 - 14:00      Einzel      Online.Veranstalt     21.06.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL       Do       14:00 - 16:00      Einzel      Online.Veranstalt     24.06.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL       Mo       12:00 - 14:00      Einzel      Online.Veranstalt     28.06.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL       Do       14:00 - 16:00      Einzel      Online.Veranstalt     01.07.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser

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Master of Science - Linguistik - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2012/13

                1             BL       Mo        12:00 - 14:00     Einzel        Online.Veranstalt   05.07.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL       Do        14:00 - 16:00     Einzel        Online.Veranstalt   08.07.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL       Mo        12:00 - 14:00     Einzel        Online.Veranstalt   12.07.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL       Do        14:00 - 16:00     Einzel        Online.Veranstalt   15.07.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL       Mo        12:00 - 14:00     Einzel        Online.Veranstalt   19.07.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL       Do        14:00 - 16:00     Einzel        Online.Veranstalt   22.07.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser

                This course will be offered by Dr. Philipp Weisser as block course

                Dates of the block course
                Mondays: 14.6., 21.6., 28.6., 05.7., 12.7., 19.7. from 12-2pm
                Thursdays: 17.6., 24.6., 01.7., 08.7., 15.7., 22.7. from 2-4pm

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L   1161 - Hauptseminar I - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1162 - Hauptseminar II - 6 LP (benotet)

                    86253 VS - Statistical data analysis 2
                Gruppe        Art      Tag       Zeit              Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort   1.Termin     Lehrkraft
                1             VS       Mo        10:00 - 12:00     wöch.         Online.Veranstalt   12.04.2021   Prof. Dr. Shravan

                To take part in this course, please sign up on moodle:


                Enrollment key: SU2021

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L   1161 - Hauptseminar I - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1162 - Hauptseminar II - 6 LP (benotet)

                    86254 VS - Bayesian statistical inference 2
                Gruppe        Art      Tag       Zeit              Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort   1.Termin     Lehrkraft
                1             VS       Fr        10:00 - 12:00     wöch.         Online.Veranstalt   16.04.2021   Prof. Dr. Shravan

                To take part in this course, please enroll over moodle:


                Enrollment key: SU2021

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L   1161 - Hauptseminar I - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1162 - Hauptseminar II - 6 LP (benotet)

                MM 7 - Forschungsmodul

                    85844 S - Development of Language Processing
                Gruppe        Art      Tag       Zeit              Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort   1.Termin     Lehrkraft
                1             S        Do        16:00 - 18:00     wöch.         Online.Veranstalt   15.04.2021   PD Dr. Claudia Felser

                                                          Abkürzungen entnehmen Sie bitte Seite 3
Master of Science - Linguistik - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2012/13


                This Masters course examines and compares grammatical processing in child first (L1) and adult second language (L2)
                learners, focusing on sentence-level phenomena. Specific questions to be examined include: What role does the ability to
                process the input play in L1 and L2 acquisition? Are language processing mechanisms universal or language-specific? Do
                sentence parsing strategies develop in conjunction with, or independently from, language learners' grammatical competence?
                Do adult language learners process the L2 input in the same way as native speakers of the target language do? Do properties
                of L2 learners' native language affect their processing of the L2? We will also consider current theoretical accounts of L1/L2
                processing differences.


                The course presupposes a good basic grounding in grammatical theory and description. Some familiarity with current issues,
                models and methods used in experimental sentence processing research is desirable.


                This course will run asynchronously via Moodle, with additional Zoom meetings as required.


                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L   1171 - Hauptseminar oder Kolloquium - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1172 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1173 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)

                    85846 KL - Psycholinguistics of Multilingualism
                Gruppe       Art       Tag      Zeit              Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1            KL        Mi       16:00 - 18:00     wöch.         Online.Veranstalt      14.04.2021    PD Dr. Claudia Felser

                This colloquium is only available to research students doing a PhD or Master's project at the Potsdam Research Institute for

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L   1171 - Hauptseminar oder Kolloquium - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1172 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1173 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)

                    85878 S - Advanced syntax: Uncovering the structure beneath the surface
                Gruppe       Art       Tag      Zeit              Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1            S         Mi       10:00 - 12:00     wöch.         Online.Veranstalt      14.04.2021    Andreas Schmidt

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Master of Science - Linguistik - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2012/13


                last update: 12.4.

                The course will take place on Tue 10–12 in order for it to not collide with Prof. Vasishth's course. The first meeting is going to
                be on 13 april.
                This is the first part of a two-term journey through syntax. The aim of this journey is that you'll be able to recognize and name
                syntactic phenomena, and construct such constructions in a language of your choice; you'll have some general background
                in syntactic theories and typological profiles that lets you identify specifically interesting constructions, constructions that
                challenge existing theories or corroborate their extend; you'll be able to understand theories that analyse these phenomena
                and make predictions based on them, and you'll be able to come up with possible structural analyses of sentences on the
                fly; as such, you'll make steps towards reaching a syntactic auto-pilot, that constantly scans what you hear and say and that
                reacts when you come across a sentence for which you cannot find a meaningful analysis.
                The subject matter that you'll be acquiring these skills by is mostly the field of word order. The nice thing about word order
                is that every language has one, and so you can investigate it in every language (in contrast, there is not much to research in
                terms of morphological agreement in, say, Mandarin). The theoretical problem that we'll focus on is that word order doesn't
                directly inform you about constituency and hierarchical structure most of the time. Therefore, we have to find ways to gain
                access to the hierarchal structure of sentences. I will encourage you to work on your native language or the language of your
                In this first term, we lay the groundwork for the empirical investigations in the upcoming term. In order to show that you've
                understood a certain theoretical construct or phenomenon, you will write a contribution to the public Wikipedia. Writing for
                Wikipedia requires a thorough understanding of a subject allowing you to explain something to a wide audience. As a result,
                you may even be able to make your friends and family understand what you're studying! Editing Wikipedia will also be part of
                the curriculum.
                We'll meet over Big Blue Button unless we will be more than 8 people, then I'd say we switch to Zoom. I won't provide
                asynchronous videos apart from the recordings of our live sessions (in case you agree to them being recorded).
                Enrollment: You'll find the link to the Moodle-page below. This is where most of our communication will take place. Because
                of how Moodle works now, you'll need a password to join. You'll have to drop me a brief mail and I'll send you the pw. Don't
                worry about parts of the moodle page that are in German, there will be no German required for this course (I'll take it as an
                example a lot, though).

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L   1171 - Hauptseminar oder Kolloquium - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1172 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1173 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)

                    85879 S - Advanced Morphology
                Gruppe        Art       Tag      Zeit                  Rhythmus    Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin       Lehrkraft
                1             S         Fr       12:00 - 16:00         Einzel      Online.Veranstalt      18.06.2021     Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL        Fr       12:00 - 16:00         Einzel      Online.Veranstalt      25.06.2021     Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL        Fr       12:00 - 16:00         Einzel      Online.Veranstalt      02.07.2021     Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL        Fr       12:00 - 16:00         Einzel      Online.Veranstalt      09.07.2021     Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL        Fr       12:00 - 16:00         Einzel      Online.Veranstalt      16.07.2021     Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL        Fr       12:00 - 16:00         Einzel      Online.Veranstalt      23.07.2021     Dr. Philipp Weisser

                This course will be offered online by Dr. Philipp Weisser as block course

                Dates of the block course
                18.6., 25.6., 02.7., 09.7., 16.7., 23.7. from 12-4pm

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L   1171 - Hauptseminar oder Kolloquium - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1172 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1173 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)

                                                          Abkürzungen entnehmen Sie bitte Seite 3
Master of Science - Linguistik - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2012/13

                    85880 BL - Fieldwork in Syntax and Morphology
                Gruppe        Art      Tag       Zeit              Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort   1.Termin     Lehrkraft
                1             VS       Mo        12:00 - 14:00     Einzel        Online.Veranstalt   14.06.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL       Do        14:00 - 16:00     Einzel        Online.Veranstalt   17.06.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL       Mo        12:00 - 14:00     Einzel        Online.Veranstalt   21.06.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL       Do        14:00 - 16:00     Einzel        Online.Veranstalt   24.06.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL       Mo        12:00 - 14:00     Einzel        Online.Veranstalt   28.06.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL       Do        14:00 - 16:00     Einzel        Online.Veranstalt   01.07.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL       Mo        12:00 - 14:00     Einzel        Online.Veranstalt   05.07.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL       Do        14:00 - 16:00     Einzel        Online.Veranstalt   08.07.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL       Mo        12:00 - 14:00     Einzel        Online.Veranstalt   12.07.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL       Do        14:00 - 16:00     Einzel        Online.Veranstalt   15.07.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL       Mo        12:00 - 14:00     Einzel        Online.Veranstalt   19.07.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser
                1             BL       Do        14:00 - 16:00     Einzel        Online.Veranstalt   22.07.2021   Dr. Philipp Weisser

                This course will be offered by Dr. Philipp Weisser as block course

                Dates of the block course
                Mondays: 14.6., 21.6., 28.6., 05.7., 12.7., 19.7. from 12-2pm
                Thursdays: 17.6., 24.6., 01.7., 08.7., 15.7., 22.7. from 2-4pm

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L   1171 - Hauptseminar oder Kolloquium - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1172 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1173 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)

                    85884 VS - Atelier in Experimental and Computational Phonology
                Gruppe        Art      Tag       Zeit              Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort   1.Termin     Lehrkraft
                1             S        Mi        08:00 - 10:00     wöch.         Online.Veranstalt   14.04.2021   Dr. phil. Manfred

                This course will be held remotely and synchronous . The virtual seminar room will be announced on Moodle.

                Please get enrolled in the Moodle course page (follow link above):
                  Course full name: Pastätter,M.: Atelier in Experimental and Computational Phonology
                  Course short name: SoSe21_Atelier
                  Enrolment key: SoSe21_Atelier

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L   1171 - Hauptseminar oder Kolloquium - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1172 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1173 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)

                    85892 S - Syntax and semantics of ellipsis
                Gruppe        Art      Tag       Zeit              Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort   1.Termin     Lehrkraft
                1             S        Mo        14:00 - 16:00     wöch.         Online.Veranstalt   12.04.2021   Hon. Prof. Dr. Craig
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L   1171 - Hauptseminar oder Kolloquium - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1172 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)

                                                          Abkürzungen entnehmen Sie bitte Seite 3
Master of Science - Linguistik - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2012/13

                L    1173 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)

                     85905 S - Advanced Topics in Language Acquisition
                Gruppe         Art        Tag    Zeit                Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin       Lehrkraft
                1              S          Do     08:00 - 12:00       14t.          Online.Veranstalt       15.04.2021     Natalie Boll-Avetisyan
                1              S          Do     08:00 - 12:00       14t.          2.25.B0.01              24.06.2021     Natalie Boll-Avetisyan
                1              S          Do     08:00 - 12:00       Einzel        2.25.B1.01              22.07.2021     Natalie Boll-Avetisyan
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L    1171 - Hauptseminar oder Kolloquium - 6 LP (benotet)
                L    1172 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)
                L    1173 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)

                     85959 S - Semantics of African Languages
                Gruppe         Art        Tag    Zeit                Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin       Lehrkraft
                1              S          Do     12:00 - 14:00       wöch.               15.04.2021     Prof. Dr. Malte

                The class will be taught online via zoom. If possible, we will switch over to hybrid teaching with linmited participants
                in class plus livestreaming.

                Zoom details:

                Meeting-ID: 633 9679 1305
                Kenncode: 02658841

                Moodle-Course: https://moodle2.uni-potsdam.de/course/view.php?id=18144 (password in class)

                Contents: The class will provide an overview of the expression of core semantic concepts in African languages, including

                i. function-argument structure, ii. modification, iii. determiner systems and quantifiers, iv. number, v. negation, vi. tense
                and aspect, vii. verbal derivational semantics in Bantu, viii. comparison constructions, ix. focus-sensitivity, x. Serial Verb

                The students will the have the opportunity to investigate selected phenomena in their native language or, alternatively, in Akan
                (Kwa, Niger Congo) or Awing (Grassfield Bantu, Niger Congo) (or Tigrinya), for which langauges there are native speaker
                consultants available.

                Course requirements:

                i. Active participation

                ii. One written homework exercise

                iii. Course project plus in-class presentation and/or written report (5-6 pages)

                Module exam: Course project plus term paper (15 pages)

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L    1171 - Hauptseminar oder Kolloquium - 6 LP (benotet)
                L    1172 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)
                L    1173 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)

                     86252 SU - Sentence processing theories
                Gruppe         Art        Tag    Zeit                Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin       Lehrkraft
                1              SU         Mi     10:00 - 12:00       wöch.         Online.Veranstalt       14.04.2021     Prof. Dr. Shravan

                                                           Abkürzungen entnehmen Sie bitte Seite 3
Master of Science - Linguistik - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2012/13


                Please sign up here on moodle to participate in this course:


                Enrollment key: SU2021

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L   1171 - Hauptseminar oder Kolloquium - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1172 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1173 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)

                    86253 VS - Statistical data analysis 2
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus    Veranstaltungsort   1.Termin     Lehrkraft
                1             VS       Mo       10:00 - 12:00      wöch.       Online.Veranstalt   12.04.2021   Prof. Dr. Shravan

                To take part in this course, please sign up on moodle:


                Enrollment key: SU2021

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L   1171 - Hauptseminar oder Kolloquium - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1172 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1173 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)

                    86254 VS - Bayesian statistical inference 2
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus    Veranstaltungsort   1.Termin     Lehrkraft
                1             VS       Fr       10:00 - 12:00      wöch.       Online.Veranstalt   16.04.2021   Prof. Dr. Shravan

                To take part in this course, please enroll over moodle:


                Enrollment key: SU2021

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                L   1171 - Hauptseminar oder Kolloquium - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1172 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)
                L   1173 - Hauptseminar - 6 LP (benotet)

               Fakultative Lehrveranstaltungen

                                                         Abkürzungen entnehmen Sie bitte Seite 3


          Die folgenden Begriffserklärungen zu Prüfungsleistung, Prüfungsnebenleistung und Studienleistung gelten im Bezug auf
          Lehrveranstaltungen für alle Ordnungen, die seit dem WiSe 2013/14 in Kranft getreten sind.

          Prüfungsleistung             Prüfungsleistungen sind benotete Leistungen innerhalb eines Moduls. Aus der Benotung
                                       der Prüfungsleistung(en) bildet sich die Modulnote, die in die Gesamtnote des Studiengangs
                                       eingeht. Handelt es sich um eine unbenotete Prüfungsleistung, so muss dieses ausdrücklich
                                       („unbenotet“) in der Modulbeschreibung der fachspezifischen Ordnung geregelt sein. Weitere
                                       Informationen, auch zu den Anmeldemöglichkeiten von Prüfungsleistungen, finden Sie unter
                                       anderem in der Kommentierung der BaMa-O

          Prüfungsnebenleistung        Prüfungsnebenleistungen sind für den Abschluss eines Moduls relevante Leistungen, die
                                       – soweit sie vorgesehen sind – in der Modulbeschreibung der fachspezifischen Ordnung
                                       beschrieben sind. Prüfungsnebenleistungen sind immer unbenotet und werden lediglich
                                       mit "bestanden" bzw. "nicht bestanden" bewertet. Die Modulbeschreibung regelt, ob
                                       die Prüfungsnebenleistung eine Teilnahmevoraussetzung für eine Modulprüfung oder
                                       eine Abschlussvoraussetzung für ein ganzes Modul ist. Als Teilnahmevoraussetzung
                                       für eine Modulprüfung muss die Prüfungsnebenleistung erfolgreich vor der Anmeldung
                                       bzw. Teilnahme an der Modulprüfung erbracht worden sein. Auch für Erbringung einer
                                       Prüfungsnebenleistungen wird eine Anmeldung vorausgesetzt. Diese fällt immer mit
                                       der Belegung der Lehrveranstaltung zusammen, da Prüfungsnebenleistung im Rahmen
                                       einer Lehrveranstaltungen absolviert werden. Sieht also Ihre fachspezifische Ordnung
                                       Prüfungsnebenleistungen bei Lehrveranstaltungen vor, sind diese Lehrveranstaltungen
                                       zwingend zu belegen, um die Prüfungsnebenleistung absolvieren zu können.

          Studienleistung              Als Studienleistung werden Leistungen bezeichnet, die weder Prüfungsleistungen noch
                                       Prüfungsnebenleistungen sind.


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Am Neuen Palais 10                                    Die Universität Potsdam ist eine Körperschaft des Öffentlichen Rechts. Sie wird
14469 Potsdam                                         gesetzlich vertreten durch Prof. Oliver Günther, Ph.D., Präsident der Universität
                                                      Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais 10, 14469 Potsdam.
Telefon: +49 331/977-0
Fax: +49 331/972163                                   Zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde
E-mail: presse@uni-potsdam.de                         Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur des Landes Brandenburg
Internet: www.uni-potsdam.de                          Dortustr. 36
                                                      14467 Potsdam
DE138408327                                           Inhaltliche Verantwortlichkeit i. S. v. § 5 TMG und § 55 Abs. 2
Layout und Gestaltung                                 Referat für Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
jung-design.net                                       Referatsleiterin und Sprecherin der Universität
                                                      Silke Engel
Druck                                                 Am Neuen Palais 10
13.9.2021                                             14469 Potsdam
                                                      Telefon: +49 331/977-1474
                                                      Fax: +49 331/977-1130
                                                      E-mail: presse@uni-potsdam.de

Die einzelnen Fakultäten, Institute und Einrichtungen der Universität Potsdam sind für die Inhalte und Informationen ihrer
Lehrveranstaltungen zuständig.
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