VTEX positions itself as a Major Player in the global market - With a SaaS multi-tenant ecommerce solution, the company is known for accelerating ...

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VTEX positions itself as a Major Player in the global market - With a SaaS multi-tenant ecommerce solution, the company is known for accelerating ...
VTEX positions itself as               With a SaaS multi-tenant ecommerce
                                       solution, the company is known for
a Major Player in the global market.   accelerating innovation and national
                                       and international clients’ growth.
VTEX positions itself as a Major Player in the global market - With a SaaS multi-tenant ecommerce solution, the company is known for accelerating ...
IDC MarketScape
                  IDC MarketScape

                  What is the IDC?
VTEX positions itself as a Major Player in the global market - With a SaaS multi-tenant ecommerce solution, the company is known for accelerating ...
IDC MarketScape

What is the IDC?

IDC is the premier market             More than 1000 analysts in 110
intelligence and consultancy          countries provide local, regional
provider of information technology,   and global knowledge and insights
telecommunications and mass           on software, services, telecom
consuming technology markets.         and hardware technology markets,
It analyzes and forecasts             as well as on vertical segments
technology trends so that             and IT investments.
market professionals, investors
and executives can make
fact-based business decisions.
VTEX positions itself as a Major Player in the global market - With a SaaS multi-tenant ecommerce solution, the company is known for accelerating ...
IDC MarketScape

The impact of digital                 Digital transformation is not
transformation on businesses          just a movement to digitize
come to light in all market           businesses. It’s main focus is to
segments, but especially in retail.   bring a company’s decision-making
The possibility to deliver buying     capabilities to a new level, starting
experiences to customers opens        from a cultural shift that puts
new growth opportunities              data use, action swiftness and
to companies present in this          a constant innovation mindset at the
market segment, based on              forefront of this transformation.
a real understanding of the target    In addition, this culture boasts great
audience’s needs and desires,         discipline in its execution, enabling
along with the possibility to         it to identify potential operational
effectively deliver customization     gains, tactical initiatives and
on a large scale.                     strategic movements that allow
                                      for a customer’s expectations
                                      to be met in the best possible way,
                                      thereby gaining an edge over
                                      market competitors.
VTEX positions itself as a Major Player in the global market - With a SaaS multi-tenant ecommerce solution, the company is known for accelerating ...
IDC MarketScape

Cultural change and the absorption     IT team are often caught in solving
of new business processes by           daily problems instead of promoting
companies riding the digital           new solutions that increase the
transformation wave leads to a         company’s competitiveness.
rethinking of information technology   In this context, the ecommerce
use models, which includes             platform fulfills an important role:
replacing legacy systems (along        simultaneously offering more
with any linked fixed and personnel    flexibility to develop new solutions
costs) with SaaS platforms,            and centralizing the exchange
contracted as services and highly      of data with legacy systems.
adaptable to precise business          Thus, it reduces corporate IT
needs. One of the main challenges      architecture complexity, since
the IT area faces with regards to      any future innovations the market
retail is the integration complexity   may demand can be directly
between business applications and      connected to the ecommerce,
partner systems, which decreases       simplifying the management
agility and performance, in addition   of multiple contact points with
to distracting the teams from          customers, payment platforms
competitive scenarios.                 and logistics.
VTEX positions itself as a Major Player in the global market - With a SaaS multi-tenant ecommerce solution, the company is known for accelerating ...
IDC MarketScape
                  IDC MarketScape

                  Two software
                  architecture models
VTEX positions itself as a Major Player in the global market - With a SaaS multi-tenant ecommerce solution, the company is known for accelerating ...
IDC MarketScape

Two software
There are two main ecommerce
system architecture models offered
worldwide. These models define
the way platforms are built, traded
by companies and used by retailers
and industries. Understanding the
advantages and disadvantages
of each model is the first analysis
that IT teams must undertake to
see which model is best suited
for your needs, business vision
and market strategy.
VTEX positions itself as a Major Player in the global market - With a SaaS multi-tenant ecommerce solution, the company is known for accelerating ...
IDC MarketScape

Unified platform

A model in which a single         Unified platforms tend to require
ecommerce system offers all       a longer implementation time due
of the functionality that could   to their complexity and the high
be used by a company’s digital    number of functionalities they
operations. In this case, the     have, which may or may not be
platform supports all of the      used on a daily basis.
operations that, in some way
or another, connect with the
ecommerce, such as inventory
management, product catalog,
order management (OMS),
content management,
marketing and sales.
VTEX positions itself as a Major Player in the global market - With a SaaS multi-tenant ecommerce solution, the company is known for accelerating ...
IDC MarketScape

API based platform

 In this model, the ecommerce        cost and benefit from a faster
serves as the backbone on top        implementation. However, internal
of which specific applications       HR resources must be capable
are individually contracted and      to successfully implement all
connected to the business system.    API connections.
This allows the retailer to solely
contact the resources needed
at that particular moment and,
afterwards, to incorporate other
tools according to the operation’s
level of complexity. API based
platforms tend to be more
flexible, have a lower starting
IDC MarketScape
                  IDC MarketScape

                  Think about today
                  and tomorrow
IDC MarketScape

Think about today
and tomorrow

The speed with which business          the market evolution without
environments transform is high,        burying too much capital in
but should further increase within     systems that may prove obsolete
the next few years. This creates       in the near future. The uncertainties
a new challenge to IT decision         that the future holds force
makers: how to deal with current       companies to be flexible in
market demands and prepare the         keeping all options on the table.
company for the next five years,
which are almost unpredictable?
When making business decisions,
adopting cloud-enabled market
SaaS solutions is a way of following
IDC MarketScape

Part of the process of                Considering that the ability to react
maintaining future flexibility        to market changes will be an ever
is in the IT architecture itself.     more valuable characteristic of more
Even in companies that choose         innovative companies that are digital
not to replace all of their legacy    transformation leaders. Having a less
systems with cloud-based versions,    flexible IT architecture will inevitably
centralized business configurations   slow down a company’s path to
based on ecommerce solutions          innovation. Digital retail needs to
standardized methods, processes       structure operations to ensure that
and information. In addition,         resources can be tested and swiftly
they minimize the impact that         implemented when these benefit the
future innovations have on legacy     current business reality.
systems: when the time comes
to incorporate new resources
into your current platform, the
ecommerce integration offers
                                      Having a less flexible
simplicity, speed and flexibility     IT architecture will
at an affordable cost.
                                      inevitably slow down
                                      a company’s path to
IDC MarketScape
                  IDC MarketScape

                  A market reference
IDC MarketScape

A market reference

The IDC MarketScape report
provides a comparative analysis
of the major B2C e-commerce
players and provides company
decision makers with trustworthy
guidelines for defining which
e-commerce platform to adopt and
which vendors are best equipped
to handle current and future global
e-commerce challenges.
IDC MarketScape

In the report’s most recent issue   With its elastic, cloud-based
(which came out earlier in 2018),   and multi-tenant infrastructure,
VTEX was named a Major market       the company constantly brings
Player for SaaS and cloud-enabled   innovation to its customers and
global e-commerce solutions         enables resources, that were
for B2C retail, highlighting the    developed based on specific
company’s ability for worldwide     demands of a particular market
innovation. According to            segment, to be readily available
IDC MarketScape, VTEX has           to all ecosystem participants.
pushed ahead in recent years        Therefore, the platform remains
with developing solutions that      sturdy, up-to-date and undergoing
support the need companies          frequent innovation, enabling
have to accelerate their digital    it to follow and even anticipate
transformation.                     market demands.
IDC MarketScape

This results is increased
transaction security, while as
the same time delivering a faster,
more transparent and accessible
customer shopping experience.
According to the IDC MarketScape
report, VTEX excels in features
such as a robust marketplace, an
advanced promotions module, a
distributed and highly functional
OMS, as well as its SmartCheckout,
a VTEX exclusive feature that
makes one-click password-less
transactions possible, with a single
checkout page. This feature alone
leads to a buying conversion
rate increase of up to 21%.
IDC MarketScape
                  IDC MarketScape

                  Global impact,
                  local DNA
IDC MarketScape

Global impact,
local DNA

VTEX platform is currently present    To deliver such agility in terms of
                                                                            28 countries, with more
in 28 countries, with more than      platform development and go lives
2,500 connected online stores,       (with an average time of 109 days),    than 2,500 connected
including 40% of the world’s most    VTEX counts on the support of more     online stores, including
valuable brands and supporting       than 1,000 worldwide partners,
sales in more than 50 countries      including payment gateways,            40% of the world’s most
and all currencies. The pace         implementation agencies and            valuable brands.
of innovation is intense: during     marketplaces.
the last 12 months, the platform
underwent more than ten
thousand deploys and updates,
contemplating resources that
cater to any user demand.
IDC MarketScape

Global impact,
local DNA

The result of this global
infrastructure is the possibility
count on resources that are
validated by an extensive network
of business partners and clients,
which increases the security, agility
and quality of the experience
offered to customers.
Among the main factors that led
to VTEX being considered a Major
Player in the global context by the
IDC MarketScape report are:
IDC MarketScape

                  Configuration                       Single Sign-in                      Strong presence
                  capabilities                                                            in Latin America

                  One of the strong points            SmartCheckout allows                Originating in Brazil, VTEX
                  highlighted by clients who were     customers to log in to a store      started its global expansion
                  interviewed for the study was the   without having to create an         in Latin America, where
                  configuration flexibility related   account on its site, with only      it is widely recognized as
                  to apps and user experience.        their email and credit card data.   market leader.
                                                      For subsequent purchases,
                                                      checkout can be done quickly
                                                      using just the email address.
IDC MarketScape

The challenges that VTEX will be
tackling next in order to gain even
more credit in evaluations done by
consultancies such as the IDC are:
IDC MarketScape

                  Global reach                        Artificial                        Customer support

                  As the main focus for VTEX since    A.I. and machine learning are     In a fast-paced world, keeping
                  2017 has been Latin America,        some of the large expansion       your customers close, heeding
                  there is a lot of room for growth   vectors of technology use in      their suggestions and requests,
                  in markets such as the US, Europe   retail, since the capacity to     is fundamental to accelerating
                  and Asia. The acquisition of        process large amounts of data     innovation and continuing to be
                  US based UniteU in January of       to uncover behavioral patterns    relevant in the market.
                  2019 marks an important step in     leads to a huge potential for
                  this direction: with it, VTEX has   innovation and competitiveness.
                  doubled the number of US clients    VTEX is closely following this
                  to more than 100 businesses.        trend and has developed
                                                      solutions that integrate A.I.
                                                      in ecommerce.
IDC MarketScape

Companies that seek a robust
SaaS multi-tenant solution
that allows them to scale their
infrastructure according to demand,
while maintaining the quality and
availability based on constant
platform updates, can count on
VTEX as a platform IDC MarketScape
recognizes as a Major Player.
Retailers and industries that seek
global expansion, but that want
to count on the flexibility of
a typically Brazilian company, find
in VTEX a worthy partner to
accelerate their growth.
IDC MarketScape


                  For more, visit us at:   www.vtex.com
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