Waltham Recreation Department - City of Waltham

Page created by Rodney Peters
Waltham Recreation Department - City of Waltham
Waltham Recreation
                                            510 Moody Street
                                           Waltham, MA 02453
                                             (781) 314-3475

                          “Reaching out to all in our community”

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ON-LINE REGISTRATION                                    WALK-IN REGISTRATION
Begins:    Monday, August 27 at 9:00 a.m.               Begins: Wednesday, September 5 at 7:00 a.m.
Concludes: Friday, August 31 at noon                            (the office will remain open until 5:00 p.m.)

 To register, go to: www.city.waltham.ma.us            On Thursday, September 6, registration will
 Follow the link to the Recreation Department            continue during regular business hours,
 On-Line Registration is for Waltham residents           8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
 Non-residents may call the office for registration    Registration will be held at the Recreation
   policies/program cost.                                  Department located at 510 Moody Street
 See inside for further registration information       Entrance on Alder St., please ring bell.

                                                        Please Note: Credit card payments are now
Will be opened Thursday, September 6, 2018              accepted at walk-in registration
Waltham Recreation Department - City of Waltham
           All programs are offered to Waltham residents only, unless otherwise stated.
           Before registering, check that the participant meets the age/date of birth/grade level qualifications.
           Registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until a program fills or begins.
           The Recreation Office maintains a waitlist for sold out programs. Please call the office.
           Each adult may register just one child, unless registering siblings.
           A processing fee of $10.00 will be charged for any changes made to registrations.
           Birth certificates and proof of residency is required for all first-time participants. Please submit these to the
             Recreation Office within one week of registering and/or before the start of a program. Documents can be
             faxed to the Recreation Office at 781-314-3482.
           Children and adults with disabilities are encouraged to participate in our programs. Please let us know of any
             special needs at the time of registration.

Weather/No School Cancellations
           Youth programs do not meet on holidays or during school vacations.
           If Waltham schools are cancelled due to inclement weather, all youth programs are cancelled as well.
           If Waltham schools are delayed due to weather conditions, programs may run as usual. Please call the
             Recreation Office at 781- 314-3475 for further information.
           Adult participants should check with their instructors for cancellation policies.

Cancellation Policies
           Although we do not expect to cancel programs, we reserve the right to cancel due to insufficient enrollment, space
             limitations, or instructor availability.
           If a program is cancelled by the Recreation Dept., all participants will receive a Recreation Dept. credit.
           Recreation Dept. credits can be applied to future programs, or toward the purchase of discount tickets.
           We are unable to issue refunds.

           If a participant needs to withdraw due to injury or illness, a doctor’s note will be required and a Recreation
              Department credit will be issued.
           If a participant withdraws for any other reason, credits will be issued only if a program is full and we are able to fill
             the opening with another participant. A Recreation Department credit will be issued.
           Recreation Dept. credits can be applied to future programs or toward the purchase of discount tickets.
           We are unable to issue refunds.

Online Registration
           A limited percentage of program openings are reserved for online convenience.
           If online registration is full, walk-in and mail-in registrations are still an option.
           Online registrants are still required to submit a paper copy of our Waiver, Consent, and Release form to the
             Recreation Office.

Activenet.com Online Registration
           We have employed the services of Activenet.com for online registration.
           Activenet.com is a secure site.
           You must have a valid credit card for online registration. Activenet accepts Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.
           Charged transactions will appear on your statement as Activenet.com.
           Please keep the confirmation email you receive from Activenet.com as your receipt.
           Activenet.com will charge a processing fee of 7.03% per transaction, plus $0.50 per transaction, with a
             minimum of $2.00 per transaction.

           Non-residents may register for programs, if space allows, 2 weeks prior to the beginning of a program.
           Non-residents will be charged an additional fee per program.

By registering for programs, registering parties agree to the above guidelines.

Any registration that does not comply with the above guidelines will be subject to cancellation. Activenet.com processing fees
will not be refunded. Only Recreation Department credit will be issued, we are unable to issue refunds.

Waltham Recreation Department - City of Waltham
                   Each Waltham resident may purchase six tickets per visit

                        AMC BLACK DISCOUNT MOVIE TICKETS
      AMC black tickets never expire and are valid from the first day of a new movie’s release.
                            Cannot be used to reserve seating online.
                                      Cost: $10.50 per ticket

                                LAUNCH TRAMPOLINE PARK
Waltham Recreation has discounted tickets to Launch Trampoline Park in Watertown. These tickets
 may be traded in for a one hour jump time. Subject to availability. You must also fill out a waiver
                           online at home or at Launch in order to jump.
                                       Cost: $10.25 per ticket

You don’t have to leave town to watch first-rate movies. The Embassy Theatre in downtown Waltham
           has six screens and shows a great mix of independent and Hollywood movies.
                       Find out what is playing at www.landmarktheatres.com.
                                        Cost: $9.25 per ticket

                         MUSEUM OF SCIENCE/OMNI THEATRE
 Enjoy Exhibit Hall admission for less than a third of the cost of full-price tickets! Check out dinosaur
   skeletons, watch baby chicks hatch, learn about electricity, and much more! You can purchase
           discount tickets for Omni Theatre movies as well. Learn more at www.mos.org.
                                         Cost: $7.00 per ticket
                         (Exhibit Hall and Omni passes each sold separately)

                           RECREATION STAFF
 Nick Abruzzi            Director of Recreation                          nabruzzi@city.waltham.ma.us

 Kim Scott               Assistant Director of Recreation                kascott@city.waltham.ma.us

 Ed Kelley Jr.           Asst. Superintendent of Recreation/Facilities   ekelley@city.waltham.ma.us

 Kathy Gross             Recreation Supervisor/Teen Coordinator          kgross@city.waltham.ma.us

 Adam Dallaire           Recreation Supervisor                           adallaire@city.waltham.ma.us

 Kara Greeley            Recreation Supervisor                           kgreeley@city.waltham.ma.us

 Ben Kiwanuka            Recreation Supervisor/Special Needs             bkiwanuka@city.waltham.ma.us

 Lisa DiBlasi            Administrative Assistant                        ldiblasi@city.waltham.ma.us

 Karen O’Brien           Administrative Assistant                        kobrien@city.waltham.ma.us
Waltham Recreation Department - City of Waltham

                     Saturday, October 27th
                         4:00– 8:00 p.m.
            Prospect Hill Park, 314 Totten Pond Road
                         Join us for a night of haunted fun at Prospect Hill Park!
  We will have games, snacks, haunted mini golf, an inflatable and more! The night will end with a kid
  friendly outdoor movie (“It’s The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown”) to begin at sunset (approximately
           6:00). Don’t forget your water, bug spray, lawn chairs/blankets and warm clothes.
              Halloween costumes are welcomed and encouraged! Admission is FREE!

APPLE PICKING                                                 FALL FUN
                                                              (“Summer Fun”...in the Fall!)
Grades kindergarten through five
Wednesday September 19 (no school day)                        Grades one through five
11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.                                        Wednesday, September 19; Tuesday, November 6
Waltham Recreation Department, 510 Moody Street               (no school days)
Lookout Farm Natick, MA                                       9:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m.
Instructor: Kara Greeley                                      Prospect Hill Park, 314 Totten Pond Road
                                                              Instructor: Ben Kiwanuka
School’s out! Come along and spend the
                                                              New season, same old FUN! If you know of and have
afternoon picking delicious apples at Lookout Farm
                                                              enjoyed your time at Summer Fun at Prospect Hill,
in Natick. We will ride the train to the orchards, then
                                                              come join Ben for a “Fall Fun” day full of activities.
stop along the way to visit the farm animals, play at         We will play sports, do arts/crafts, have a Gaga ball
the playground, and have fun in the hay maze.                 tournament and add in some brand new things. Be
Please bring a bagged lunch for a picnic before we            sure to pack a snack, lunch and water. Choose one
leave for the Farm!                                           or both days.
Cost: $25.00                                                  Cost: $25.00 per session
ART ADVENTURES                                                HALF DAY FUNDAY
Grades four through six                                       Grades kindergarten through five
9:00 a.m.– 3:00 p.m.                                          2:00– 6:00 p.m.
Monday, September 10; Wednesday, September 19                 October 5 and/or November 27 (early release days)
Tuesday, November 6 (no school days)                          Waltham Recreation Department, 510 Moody Street
Prospect Hill Park, 314 Totten Pond Road                      Instructor: Kara Greeley
Instructor: Kathy Gross
                                                              If you are at all familiar with Monday Funday, come
A full day of all your favorite art projects and more!
Each day we will create 3-4 works of art, as well as          join Kara for 4 hours of fun!! We’ll spend our time
enjoy free time to create whatever else your heart            doing crafts, playing sports, and games. We will play
desires! Breaks will be taken for games and outdoor           with building toys and board games. Bowling and
activities. Please bring a snack, lunch and water.            Skate n Scoot are also a possibility! If it is nice out,
Choose one to three days.                                     we will head to the super fun Gilmore Playground!
Cost: $25.00 per session                                      We will end with pizza and a movie!
                                                              Cost: $25.00 per day
Waltham Recreation Department - City of Waltham
DESTINATION: OUTDOORS                                        DISCOVERY DAY!
Biking with Ben!
                                                             Grades kindergarten through two
                                                             2:00– 5:00 p.m. Oct. 16; Nov. 27 (early release)
Grades four and five
                                                             10:00 a.m.– 2:00 p.m. November 6 (no school)
October 5, 16 from 2:00– 4:00 p.m.
                                                             Waltham Recreation Department, 510 Moody Street
November 27, 30 from 2:00– 4:00 p.m.
                                                             Instructor: Kathy Gross/Kara Greeley
(early release days)
Meet at 510 Moody Street                                     Paint with shaving cream, grow your own water
Instructor: Ben Kiwanuka                                     beads, design with model magic, and more! This day
                                                             is all about discovering and creating new things.
Do you enjoy the great outdoors? Come, let’s get             Breaks will be taken for active games as well.
active and have some fun! We will enjoy a different          Please bring a snack, water and sneakers.
outdoor adventure every week in this exciting fall           Cost: $25.00 per session
season program. We will explore different bike paths
along the Charles River and hiking trails each time.         PARENTS’ NIGHT OUT
Families are welcome too!                                    Grades kindergarten through five
Bikes will be provided but please feel free to bring         Fridays, November 30 and/or December 21
your own. Don’t forget the helmets!                          6:00– 9:00 p.m.
Cost: $20.00 per session                                     Waltham Recreation Department, 510 Moody Street
                                                             Instructor: Kara Greeley
                                                             Whether you need to get some last minute shopping
Grades three through five                                    done for the holidays, or you just want a fun night
2:00– 4:00 p.m.                                              out, bring your kids here! We will have so much fun,
October 16; November 27 (early release days)                 playing games, bowling, Skating, Crafts and more!
Launch Trampoline Park                                       We will end with pizza and a movie!
Instructor: Adam Dallaire                                    Cost: $30.00 per session
Meet us at Launch on your early release days!                NATIONAL GINGERBREAD
Parents can check their child in with Recreation
Supervisor Adam Dallaire, let them bounce away
                                                             HOUSE DAY!
their afternoon, and come back for pick-up at 4:00pm!        Grades kindergarten through five
All participants must have a valid Launch waiver             Wednesday, December 12
Signed electronically. This can be done upon arrival         3:45– 5:30 p.m.
If needed. Launch socks will be provided.                    Waltham Recreation Department, 510 Moody Street
Cost: $20.00 per session                                     Instructor: Kara Greeley
                                                             Let’s make a gingerbread house!! Supplies and help
PUMPKIN CARVING PARTY                                        will be provided! Each participant will go home with a
                                                             one of a kind Gingerbread house to enjoy just in time
Grades one through five
                                                             for the holidays!
2:00– 6:00 p.m.
                                                             Cost $15.00
October 16 (early release day)
Prospect Hill Park, 314 Totten Pond Road                     NATIONAL CUPCAKE DAY!
Instructor: Kara Greeley
                                                             Grades kindergarten through five
Celebrate the fall and Halloween with us at an early         Wednesday December, 19
release Pumpkin Carving Party! Here you will find            3:45– 5:30 p.m.
everything you need to carve an amazing pumpkin              Waltham Recreation Department, 510 Moody Street
(including adult supervision and assistance with the         Instructor: Kara Greeley
sharp tools!) We will have classic fall snacks, arts and
crafts, and we may also                                      Come decorate some cupcakes in honor of national
visit mini-golf!                                             cupcake day (December 15)! Plain cupcakes and all
Cost: $30.00                                                 decorations will be provided. We will each bring
                                                             home four homemade decorated cupcakes!
Waltham Recreation Department - City of Waltham

         Let’s Celebrate!!
Waltham residents are invited to celebrate their birthdays with us!
             We offer parties for ages three and above.
             Two party package options are available:
   VALUE PARTY: Up to 15 party friends $100.00
    PLUS PARTY: 16 - 25 party friends $140.00
  Make your reservation in person up to two months in advance and a
 minimum of two weeks prior. (Example: Sept. 12th for a Nov. 12th party)
 The Recreation Department will host Parties Beginning September 16th
     Check out the Recreation Department website for more details.

                     PUTT AT PROSPECT HILL

                            GENERAL HOURS OF OPERATION
                            Thursday/Friday, 3:30- 6:30 p.m.*
                            Saturday/Sunday, noon- 6:00 p.m.*

                                          Mini Golf Birthday Parties!!
                                            One hour of Miniature Golf and Carousel!
                                            Each party will also enjoy an hour in the
                                               Prospect Hill Lodge for Food/Cake.
                                              See above for birthday party pricing.

   *Closing times subject to change due to sunset calendar. Facility to remain open through the Fall
      season; anticipated to close mid to late October. For additional information, please contact
                Recreation Supervisor Adam Dallaire at adallaire@city.waltham.ma.us.
Waltham Recreation Department - City of Waltham
              Please Note: After 4:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday use door # 11 on the corner of
                     Beech and Alder St. The Recreation Office closes at 4:30 p.m.
                MON.            TUES.              WED.                  THUR.              FRI.            SAT.           SUN.
Family        Stay and Play   Skate n’ Scoot                           Skate n’ Scoot   Tiny Bowlers     Family Bowling
              9:30–11:30       10:30-11:30                              10:30-11:30     10:00-10:45       12:15-1:15

             Skate n’ Scoot                    Skate n’ Scoot                                            Family Bowling
               3:30-5:00                         3:30-5:00                                                 1:15-2:15

Pre-K        Tumbleweeds       Sports Sup.         Little              Pre-K Program    Pre-K Program
             10:00-10:30      10:00– 10:40       Scientists              9:30-noon        9:30-noon
                              11:00– 11:40      10:00-10:45

               Skater Tots      Bouncin’       Paint and Paste         Jump Up & Go     Treasure Hikes
              10:00-10:30       Builders           @ PHP                 OUTSIDE!!       10:00-10:45
              10:45-11:15     11:15– noon       10:15– 11:00           10:00- 10:45
                                                 11:15-noon            11:00- 11:45

             Zumba Kids Jr.     Bouncin’                               Jump Up & Go     Sign and Sing
              11:00-11:45       Builders                               10:00- 10:45     10:00-10:45
                               1:15– 2:00                              11:00- 11:45
              Karate Kids                                                 Messy         Little Sprouts
             Little Dragons                                            Masterpieces     11:00-12:00
               3:30-4:00                                               10:15– 11:00

Youth        Monday Funday Baking Buddies Wicked Science                 Gym Time       Story Shifters
               3:45-5:00    3:45– 5:30      3:45-4:45                    3:45-5:00       3:45-5:00

                 Karate        Zumba Kids      I Like to Move It       Youth Tennis        Fall Into      Saturdays        Ultimate
               4:10-4:55        4:15-5:00          3:45-5:00            3:30-4:20           Action       On The Farm       Frisbee
               5:00-5:45                                                4:30-5:20         3:45-5:15       9:00-noon       12:15-1:15

                              Street Hockey/      Play Ball!            Strings and     Street Games     Games Around      Ultimate
                                 Dodgeball        3:45-5:00               Things         3:45– 5:00        The World       Frisbee
                                3:45– 5:00                              3:30– 5:00                        10:30-11:30     1:30-3:00

                                Kickin’ It      Garden/Farm              Kids Yoga
                               3:45– 4:45         Explorers              5:00-6:00

Teen          Teen Space         Kickin’ It      Teen Space                               Chill Zone       Chill Zone
               2:30-5:00        5:00-6:00         2:30-5:00                               3:00-9:00       12:00-8:00

                                                                                          After Chill      After Chill
                                                                                         7:00-11:00        4:00-8:00

Fitness      Fitness Room     Fitness Room      Fitness Room           Fitness Room     Fitness Room
               8:30-4:00        8:30-4:00         8:30-4:00              8:30-4:00        8:30-4:00
                 Open             Open              Open                   Open
              Gymnasium        Gymnasium         Gymnasium              Gymnasium
              12:00-1:30       12:00-1:30        12:00-1:30             12:00-1:30

Adult                          COA Bowling      COA Bowling               Zumba         COA Pickleball
                               11:00-1:00       11:00-1:00               5:30-6:30       11:00-12:30
                                 Zumba            Pickleball               Yoga
                                5:30-6:30         6:15-7:15              6:15-7:20
                                                Paint Nights

Waltham Recreation Department - City of Waltham
                    Limited sizes available for free rentals.
                 Schedule September 18– December 20
                 (closed during half days and no school days)

                             Preschool (ages 3-5) :
                        Tuesday/Thursday, 10:30– 11:30 a.m.
                             Family (all ages):
                       Monday/Wednesday, 3:30– 5:00 p.m.
The Skate n’ Scoot is NUT FREE. Parents/Guardians are required to supervise their children at all times. There are a
              scooters available for use. Participants are encouraged to bring their own skates and/or
 scooters. Please note, anyone on the skating surface must be participating in Skate or Scoot activities only. Those
                           under the age of seven are required to bring their own helmet.

                                          FAMILY BOWLING
                                          All ages welcome!
                                          Choose one session:
                                          Saturday, 12:15-1:15pm
                                          OR 1:15-2:15pm
                                          October 13, 20, 27
                                          November 3, 10, 17
                                          December 1, 8
                                          (no program November 24)
                                          Waltham Recreation Department
                                          510 Moody Street
                                          Get ready for some family fun! All skill levels are welcome
                                          to come enjoy our four lane bowling alley.
                                          Cost: $40.00 per family
                                          (Maximum of four people, must include one adult)

Waltham Recreation Department - City of Waltham
          Wondering which class to attend? Find your child’s date of birth in the chart below,
                          then choose the appropriate class for your little critter.
             Birth certificates for all new participants required by Friday, September 7th.

                                     LIONS:         Born September 2016– August 2017

                                     TIGERS:        Born September 2015– August 2016

                                     BEARS:         Born September 2014– August 2015

                                     GIRAFFES: Born September 2013– August 2014

STAY AND PLAY                                                 TUMBLEWEEDS
Lions, Tigers, Bears                                          Lions, Tigers
Monday, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.                                     Monday, 10:00 – 10:30 a.m.
October 29; November 5, 12, 19, 26; December 3, 10            October 29; November 5, 12, 19, 2; December 3, 10
Waltham Recreation Department                                 Waltham Recreation Department, 510 Moody Street
510 Moody Street                                              Instructors: Kim Scott

Looking to play with some new and old friends? Drop           Climb, bounce and balance! Each week we will
in during the open hours each Monday! Children will           tumble our way through a path of exercise and
play, build and imagine, while the adults get to chat         challenges. Children will then stretch, wiggle, and
and supervise. This comfy room will bring new toys            dance to new songs. Each week, a new sport and
each week. There is a story area too!                         activity will also be introduced.
Cost: $10.00 per family (1 adult + up to 2 kids)              Cost: $42.00

ZUMBA® KIDS JR.                                               SKATER TOTS
Bears, Giraffes                                               Bears, Giraffes
Monday, 11:00 - 11:45 a.m.                                    Mondays, 10:00– 10:30 a.m. OR 10:45– 11:15 a.m.
September 24; October 1, 15, 22, 29; November 5               November 5, 19, 26; December 3, 10, 17
(no program October 8)                                        (no program November 12)
Waltham Recreation Department                                 Veteran’s Memorial Ice Rink
510 Moody Street                                              Instructor: Kathy Gross
Instructor: Jen Williams
                                                              Get ready to ice skate! The perfect intro. class for
Bring your adult! This class is perfect for our younger       preschoolers who have little or no experience. The
Zumba® fans! Kids get the chance to socialize with            goal of this program is to get your toddler comfortable
friends and jam out to their favorite music.                  in their skates and out on the ice. We will practice
Zumba® Kids Jr. classes are rockin', high-energy              walking in our skates, falling down/standing back up,
dance parties packed with kid-friendly routines. We           and more. We will also leave some time at the end for
break down steps, add games, activities, and cultural         everyone to practice moving on their own with crates.
exploration elements into the class structure.                Everyone must bring their own skates, helmet with
Cost: $42.00                                                  face mask, gloves and snow suit.
                                                              Cost: $36.00
Waltham Recreation Department - City of Waltham
KARATE KIDS – LITTLE DRAGONS                                  PAINT AND PASTE
                                                              @ Prospect Hill Park
Monday, 3:30 – 4:00 p.m.                                      Tigers, Bears, Giraffes
September 17, 24; October 1, 15, 22, 29                       Wednesday, 10:15 – 11:00 a.m. OR 11:15– noon
November 5, 12, 19, 26                                        September 26; October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
Waltham Recreation Department, 510 Moody Street               November 7
Instructors: Steve Nugent Karate Institute                    Prospect Hill Art Room, 314 Totten Pond Road
                                                              Instructor: Kathy Gross
Uniforms and belts are provided for this age                  Bring your adult with you and get ready to paint, draw,
appropriate martial arts program for preschoolers.            create and play. We will make a variety of different
The fun and upbeat class will emphasize listening             projects involving both painting and pasting. Each
and following directions, stretching and breathing,           week will start with a new coloring sheet to complete
and of course some cool karate routines! Enter/exit           while you wait for class to begin.
through door #11 on Beech Street.                             Cost: $42.00 per session
Cost: $130.00
                                                              LITTLE SCIENTISTS
SPORTS SUPERSTARS                                             Wednesday, 10:00– 10:45 a.m.
Tigers, Bears: Tuesday, 10:00– 10:40 a.m.                     October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31; November 7
Giraffes: Tuesday, 11:00 a.m.– 11:40 a.m.                     Waltham Recreation Department
November 20, 27; December, 4, 11, 18                          510 Moody Street
Waltham Recreation Department                                 Instructor: Kara Greeley
510 Moody Street
                                                              Does your preschooler ask lots of questions?
Instructor: Kara Greeley
                                                              Questions like: “Where do the clouds come from?”
                                                              “Why does ice melt?” “Why is the sky blue?” Well they
Learn the FUNdamentals of sports! Each week
                                                              may be just the fit for a fun hands-on science class
we will practice basic sports skills. These sports may
                                                              that will help us explore questions like these. We will
include soccer, basketball, baseball, hockey and
                                                              break down the basics of science and have fun while
more. We will have fun while we learn! Be ready to
                                                              we are doing it! We will perform exciting experiments
move! Remember to bring plenty of water and wear
                                                              relating to a wide variety of topics from electricity and
active clothing.
                                                              sound, to chemistry and physics!
Cost: $30.00
                                                              Cost: $36.00
BOUNCIN’ BUILDERS!                                            MESSY MASTERPIECES!
Tigers, Bears, Giraffes                                       Tigers, Bears, Giraffes
Tuesday, 11:15 a.m.– noon OR 1:15 – 2:00 p.m.                 Thursday, 10:15– 11:00 a.m.
September 25; October 2, 9, 23, 30; November 13               September 27; October 4, 11, 18, 25; November 1
(no program October 16 and November 6)                        Waltham Recreation Department
Waltham Recreation Department, 510 Moody Street               510 Moody Street
Instructor: Kathy Gross                                       Instructor: Kathy Gross
Bring your little one to exercise both their body and         Don’t forget to bring your adult! A class full of all those
mind in this program! Class will start off with 25            REALLY messy sensory projects you’d rather not do
minutes of bouncing on one of our preschool                   at home. Let us set-up, clean-up and you and your
inflatables, along with a few tumble elements set             toddler can just enjoy the fun! Activities may include:
up as well. After that we move next door for the              Sensory bins, homemade play-dough, slime, finger
remainder of class to work on building amazing                painting and more! Remember to wear clothes you
“Lego DUPLO” creations!                                       don’t mind getting a little messy!
Cost: $36.00 per session                                      Cost: $36.00

                   JUMP UP & GO                                         JUMP UP & GO– OUTSIDE!!
                                                                               @Prospect Hill Park
   Tigers, Bears: Thursday, 10:00-10:45 a.m.                       Tigers, Bears: Thursday, 10:00-10:45 a.m.
      Giraffes: Thursday, 11:00 –11:45 a.m.                          Giraffes: Thursday, 11:00 –11:45 a.m.
      November 1, 8, 29; December 6, 13, 20                          September 13, 20; October 4, 11, 18, 25
          (no program November 15, 22)                                     (no program September 27)
  Waltham Recreation Department, 510 Moody St.                      Prospect Hill Park , 314 Totten Pond Road
             Instructor: Kara Greeley                                        Instructor: Kara Greeley
    Join us for a class full of running around and playing. Class will consist of a bunch of movement games,
              obstacle course, and teaching children to work together. Be ready to jump up and go!
                                      Please bring a water bottle. Cost: $36.00

PRE-K PROGRAM                                                     TREASURE HIKES
Giraffes                                                          Tigers, Bears, Giraffes
Thursday, or Friday                                               Friday, 10:00– 10:45 a.m.
9:30 a.m.– noon                                                   September 14, 21, 28; October 5, 12
Beginning Thursday, September 20 (10 weeks)                       Prospect Hill Park, 314 Totten Pond Road
Waltham Recreation Department, 510 Moody Street                   Instructor: Kara Greeley
Instructor: Kim Scott                                             Are you and your grown-up ready for an adventure?!
                                                                  Meet Kara at the playground at Prospect Hill Park for
Come play with us! We’ll get ready for kindergarten in
                                                                  a Treasure Hike! Each week we will “hike” to a
a fun four-going-on-five way! We have all kinds of fun
                                                                  different part of the park and find some treasure! We
toys to play with! Each morning we will play, do crafts,          will also see what nature has to offer in this beautiful
and play sports and games. A nut free snack will be               park. Rain date: October 19)
provided, and we will end each morning with a story.              Cost: $30.00
Each child is limited to one morning per week.
Cost: $90.00                                                      SIGN AND SING WITH STORY
                                                                  Lions, Tigers, Bears
Tigers, Bears, Giraffes                                           Fridays, 10:00– 10:45 a.m.
Friday, 11:00 a.m.– noon
                                                                  September 14, 21, 28
September 14, 21, 28; October 5, 12, 19
                                                                  October 12, 19, 26; November 2
Waltham Fields Community Farm Beaver Street
Instructors: Community Farm Educators                             (no program October 5)
                                                                  Waltham Recreation Department, 510 Moody Street
Bring your child out to the farm to play and learn in             Instructor: Kimberly Strafford
the garden! We will spend six weeks watching and
listening for birds and insects, digging to soil, planting        Babies can crawl before they walk and can sign
seeds, smelling and tasting fresh herbs, and engaging             before they talk! Our class will introduce students and
in the many delights of fall on the farm!                         caregivers to the benefits of Sign Language. Signs
Cost: $60.00 per family per session (one adult and                are introduced in a fun and musical way. Adding ASL
one or two children)                                              to your family creates a window into your child's mind
                                                                  and heart, instills confidence and can help with
                                                                  tantrums! This course gives parents a tool kit for
                                                                  interacting with their child. We sing, sign and play!
                                                                  Cost: $55.00

                                                               KICKIN’ IT
                                                               Grades K – 5 (Tuesday, 3:45 – 4:45 pm)
                                                               September 11, 18, 25; October 2, 9, 23
                                                               (no program October 16)
                                                               Grades 6-8 (Tuesday, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.)
                                                               September 11, 18, 25; October 2, 9, 23
                                                               (no program October 16)
                                                               Lowell Field
                                                               Instructor: Ben Kiwanuka

                                                               All skill levels are welcome! Come play and learn all
                                                               about the wonderful game of soccer! Each session will
MONDAY FUNDAY                                                  consist of basic skills practice and a 6 v 6 game.
                                                               Emphasis will be held on the values of teamwork,
Grades kindergarten, one, two, three                           sportsmanship, and communication. Your “goals” will
Monday, 3:45- 5:00 p.m.                                        be met in this fun, safe, positive environment!
October 1, 15, 22, 29                                          Cost: $36.00
November 5, 19
(no program October 8 and November 12)
Waltham Recreation Department
                                                               BAKING BUDDIES
510 Moody Street                                               Grades three, four, five
Instructor: Kara Greeley                                       Tuesday, 3:45- 5:30 p.m.
                                                               October 30; November 13; 20; December 4, 11
Come join us for a super fun time after school! Each
                                                               (no program November 6)
day we will play games, sports, do arts/craft projects
                                                               14 Church Street
and sample all the fun activities the Waltham
                                                               Instructor: Kara Greeley
Community and Cultural Center has to offer! Including
Bowling, Skate n’ Scoot, Paint Locker and more!                Learn how to bake from scratch, and find out how
Cost: $36.00                                                   simple, fun, and fulfilling baking can be!! From cake
                                                               and pies to cookies and bread, class will include
KARATE                                                         hands-on instruction, an apron for during class,
                                                               recipes, and baked goods to take home! Please wear
Monday                                                         your comfortable clothes, tie your hair back, and wear
Kindergarten through two: 4:10- 4:55 p.m.                      your closed toed shoes!
Grade three through eight: 5:00- 5:45 p.m.                     Cost: $30.00
September 17, 24; October 1, 15, 22, 29
November 5, 12, 19, 26                                         STREET HOCKEY/DODGEBALL
Waltham Recreation Dept., 510 Moody
Instructors: Steve Nugent Karate Institute                     Grades two, three, four five
                                                               Tuesday, 3:45– 5:00 p.m.
Introductory, intermediate, and advanced karate                October 9, 23, 30; November 13, 20
classes will teach proper stances, breathing,                  December 4, 11
stretching, discipline, confidence, and practical              (no program October 16, November 6, 27)
self-defense. Karate classes are offered through a             Waltham Recreation Department, 510 Moody Street
partnership with Steve Nugent Karate Institute. All            Instructor: Adam Dallaire
instructors are certified black belts teaching a
standardized system of martial arts so that the quality        Come ready to run, block, dodge, and shoot.
is high and consistent. Uniforms and belts are                 Kids will learn how to work as part of team in
                                                               these two fun filled sports. Each week we will
provided. Students must be registered by belt level.
                                                               play half hour of floor hockey, half hour of dodgeball.
Enter/exit through door #11 on Beech Street.
                                                               Please bring sneakers and a water bottle.
Cost: $130.00                                                  $42.00
ZUMBA® KIDS                                                    PLAY BALL!
Grades one, two, three, four                                   Grades two through five
Tuesday, 4:15 p.m.– 5:00 p.m.                                  Wednesday, 3:45 – 5:00 p.m.
September 25; October 2, 9, 23, 30; November 13                Session I: October 3, 10,17, 24; November 7
(no program October 16 and November 6)                         (no program October 31)
Waltham Recreation Department, 510 Moody Street                Session II: November 14,21,28; December 5,12
Instructor: Jen Williams                                       Waltham Recreation Department, 510 Moody Street
                                                               Instructor: Ben Kiwanuka
Perfect for our younger Zumba® fans! Kids get the
chance to be active and jam out to their favorite              Enjoy our fun, energetic multi-sport program that is
music. Zumba® Kids classes feature kid-friendly                the perfect opportunity for kids to learn and play a
routines based on original Zumba® choreography.                variety of sports. Whether you are experienced or a
We break down the steps, add games, activities and             first timer wanting to try new sports, this clinic is for
cultural exploration elements into the class structure.        you. Participants will have the chance to play a new
This program helps develop a healthy lifestyle as a            sport each week such as whiffle ball, basketball,
natural part of children's lives by making fitness fun.        volleyball, handball, kickball etc that helps us improve
Classes also provide key childhood development                 our hand-eye coordination. Participants must wear
elements like respect, team work and confidence.               closed-toe athletic shoes and a water bottle!
Cost: $42.00                                                   Cost: $30.00

I LIKE TO MOVE IT                                              GARDEN EXPLORERS
Grades one, two, three
                                                               Grades kindergarten, one, two, three
Wednesday, 3:45– 5:00 p.m.
                                                               Wednesday, 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.
October 10, 17, 24; November 7, 14, 21, 28
                                                               September 19, 26; October 3, 10, 17, 24
December 5 (no program October 31)
                                                               Waltham Fields Community Farm, Beaver Street
Northeast Elementary School
                                                               Instructors: Community Farm Educators
Instructor: Adam Dallaire
Tag, capture the chicken, dodgeball, and kickball              Discover the many plants and animals that live at
are just a few of the many games we will play. We’ll           Waltham Fields Community Farm. Participate in farm
play some traditional games and some new ones too!             activities and games while meeting new friends.
Wear sneakers and bring a water bottle. Recreation             Finish your afternoon with a delicious snack that you
Staff will be at school at 3:00 p.m. for supervised            create in the solar-powered outdoor kitchen using
homework/snack time before the class begins.                   farm fresh herbs and vegetables. Wear appropriate
Cost: $48.00                                                   clothing to play outdoors since we will spend all
                                                               afternoon in the garden area. Bring a refillable water
WICKED SCIENCE                                                 bottle and sunscreen. WFCF educators will contact
                                                               you if the program is cancelled for the day due to
Grades kindergarten, one, two, three                           possible thunder and lightning. Class will be held if
Wednesday, 3:45- 4:45 p.m.                                     lightly raining.
October 3; 10,17, 24; November 7, 21                           Cost: $60.00 per session
(no program October 31 and November 14)
Waltham Recreation Department, 510 Moody Street
Instructor: Kara Greeley
Come have a blast at this “wicked” fun hands-on
science class! Each week we will complete several
super cool and crazy experiments. It will be an
entertaining yet educational experience! We will
explore science in a variety of topics including,
chemistry, physics, electricity, biology, light, sound
and astronomy, among many other fun subjects!
Cost: $36.00                                              13
                                                           STRINGS & THINGS
                                                           @ PROSPECT HILL PARK

                                                           Grades three, four, five.
                                                           Thursday, 3:30– 5:00 p.m.
                                                           September 13, 20; October 4, 11, 18, 25
                                                           (no program September 27)
                                                           Prospect Hill Art Room
                                                           314 Totten Pond Road
                                                           Instructor: Kara Greeley
FARM EXPLORERS                                             Do you LOVE doing projects with all different types of
                                                           string? Gimp, Floss, yarn, finger loops oh my!
Grades four to eight                                       Weaving, braiding, knotting, crocheting, you name it,
Wednesday, 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.                                that’s what Strings & Things is for! We will spend an
September 19, 26; October 3, 10, 17, 24                    each week learning and making a whole bunch
Waltham Fields Community Farm, Beaver St.                  of fun string projects! These will be skills and fun
Instructors: Community Farm Educators                      projects that will be with you for the rest of your life!
                                                           Cost: $36.00
Spend a time on the farm in the fall, learning about
the natural sciences and developing your agriculture
and culinary skills! Young farmers will learn about all    GYM TIME
stages of the food system, from growing their own
food to caring for chickens, and preparing healthy         Grades two, three, four, five
snacks each day in our solar powered kitchen. We'll        Thursday, 3:45– 5:00 p.m.
touch on a range of skills such as math, science,          October 11, 18, 25; November 1, 8, 15, 29
writing, group cooperation and more! Wear                  December 6
appropriate clothing to play outdoors since we will        (no program November 22)
spend all afternoon in the garden area. Bring a            Plympton Elementary School
refillable water bottle and sunscreen. WFCF                Instructor: Adam Dallaire
educators will contact you if the program is cancelled
for the day due to possible thunder and lightning.         Come ready to run, block, dodge, shoot, and kick.
Class will be held if lightly raining.                     Kids will learn on how to work as part of a team
Cost: $60.00                                               while releasing that excess energy from the school
                                                           day. Each week we will play two activities. Bring a
KIDS YOGA                                                  water bottle. Plympton students will have supervised
                                                           homework and snack time before the start of class.
Grades one through five                                    Cost: $48.00
Thursday, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Sept.13, 20, 27; October 4, 11, 18, 25                     YOUTH TENNIS
November 1, 8, 15
Waltham Recreation Department, 510 Moody Street            Thursday
Instructor: Katy Potts                                     Grades Kindergarten through two: 3:30 – 4:20 p.m.
                                                           Grades three through five: 4:30 – 5:20 p.m.
                                                           Thursday, September 13, 20, 27; October 4, 11, 18
Be a Bird, Be a Frog, Be a Tree! Yoga is a non-
                                                           Nipper Maher Park, Dartmouth Street
competitive and active, fun way to work on strength,
                                                           Instructor: Ben Kiwanuka
self-confidence, concentration, and relaxation. Our
mini-yogis will work on yoga poses and qi gong that        Get into the swing of it with this outdoor tennis lesson
will include stretching and balance. Wear comfy            series for beginners. Racquets and balls are provided.
clothes good for stretching. Yoga mats will be             In the event of rain, the program will relocate to the
provided.                                                  Waltham Community and Cultural Center Gym.
Cost: $60.00                                               Cost: $36.00
FALL INTO ACTION!                                              SATURDAYS ON THE FARM
Grades Kindergarten through three                              Grades kindergarten through three
Friday, 3:45- 5:15 p.m.                                        Saturdays, 9:00 – 12:00 noon
September 14, 21, 28; October 12, 19, 26                       September 15, 22, 29; October 6, 13, 20
(no program October 5)                                         Waltham Fields Community Farm, Beaver Street
Prospect Hill Park, 314 Totten Pond Road                       Instructors: Community Farm Educators
Instructor: Kara Greeley
                                                               Discover the many plants and animals that live at
Join Kara at Prospect Hill for some outdoor, fall fun!         Waltham Fields Community Farm. Participate in
We will play games, sports, and a hike. Bring a water          farm activities and games while meeting new friends.
bottle, sneakers and your desire for fun!                      Finish your morning with a delicious snack that you
Cost: $36.00                                                   create in the solar-powered outdoor kitchen using
                                                               farm fresh herbs and vegetables. Wear appropriate
STREET GAMES/ACTIVITIES                                        clothing to play outdoors since we will spend all
                                                               afternoon in the garden area. Bring a refillable water
Grades three through five                                      bottle and sunscreen. WFCF educators will contact
Friday, 3:45– 5:00 p.m.                                        you if the program is cancelled for the day due to
Waltham Recreation Department, 510 Moody Street                possible thunder and lightning. Class will be held if
September 28; October 12, 19, 26; November 2                   lightly raining.
(no program October 5)                                         Cost: $100.00
Instructor: Ben Kiwanuka

Join us for this fun-filled outdoor program that takes         GAMES FROM AROUND THE
it back to the basics with a different street activity         WORLD
every week. Activities include; four-square, knockout,
stickball etc. We will meet at Waltham Recreation              Grades two through five
Department office before heading over to Gilmore               Saturday, 10:30– 11:30 a.m.
Playground. In the event of rain, the program will             September 22, 29; October 13, 20, 27; November 3
relocate to the Waltham Community and Cultural                 Prospect Hill Park
Center Gym. Wear sneakers and appropriate clothing.            314 Totten Pond Road
Bring a water bottle too!                                      Instructor: Ben Kiwanuka
Cost: $30.00
                                                               Learn about children in other cultures by how they
STORY SHIFTERS                                                 play. Each week, we will focus on a different country
                                                               or region and the games they play. Come try out a
Every kid has a story to tell....                              NEW activity, you never know how much you will
                                                               enjoy it!
Grades Kindergarten through four
                                                               Cost: $36.00
Friday, 3:45 – 5:00 p.m.
September 14, 21, 28
October 12, 19, 26; November 2
                                                               ULTIMATE FRISBEE
(no program October 5)
Waltham Recreation Department , 510 Moody Street
                                                               Grades two and three: noon– 1:15 p.m.
Instructor: Kimberly Strafford                                 Grades four and five: 1:30– 3:00 p.m.
                                                               September 9 to October 21
Story Shifters’ is a unique theatre building pro-              Lowell Field, 190 Grove Street
gram. The group takes a well-known folktale, fairytale         Instructor: Burt Granofsky
or genre and changes certain aspects of it. The end
result is a new story written and performed by the stu-        Ultimate Frisbee is back in Waltham! Learn how to
dents. Youth will explore the different aspects of thea-       throw, catch, and play the fastest sport around. No
tre production throughout this six week course. The            prior experience necessary. Please bring water and
class will culminate in a sharing for family and friends.      wear sneakers.
Cost: $45.00                                                   Cost: $40.00

                                                       Grades Six, Seven, Eight
                                      Fridays 3:00-9:00
                                    Saturdays 12:00-8:00*
                          *see monthly calendars for days of operation
                       at www.city.waltham.ma.us/recreation-department

         The Chill Zone is a FREE program for Waltham middle school students in grades 6-8.
   On an average night members can enjoy playing sports in the gym, using our inflatables, playing
board and table games, making art projects, watching movies, playing video games and spending time
 with peers and staff in a safe and supervised environment. The Chill Zone offers great opportunities
  for socialization, physical fitness, and learning new skills. Please check the Recreation website for
                                          monthly event calendars.
 Note: All members must register in person with a parent/legal guardian. The Chill Zone does
                  not permit any guests who are not registered members.

Grades six through eight, 5:00– 6:00 p.m.
September 18, 25; October 2,9, 23, 30 (no program October 16)
Lowell Field
Instructor: Ben Kiwanuka

All skill levels are welcome! Come play and learn all about the wonderful game of soccer! Each session will
consist of basic skills practice and a 6 v 6 game. Emphasis will be held on the values of teamwork,
sportsmanship, and communication. Your “goals” will be met in this fun/positive environment! Cost: $36.00

APEX ENTERTAINMENT                                      TREETOP ADVENTURES
Grades six through eight                                Grades six through eight
9:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m.                                    9:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, November 6 (no school day)                     Wednesday, September 19 (no school day)
Meet at Chill Zone                                      Meet at Chill Zone
Waltham Recreation Department,                          Waltham Recreation Department,
510 Moody Street                                        510 Moody Street
Instructor: Adam Dallaire and Staff                     Instructor: Adam Dallaire and Staff

Join us for a full day at Apex Entertainment in         Join us for a full day at Treetop Adventures in
Marlborough. Activities may include: Bowling,           Canton. Climb through ropes courses soaring
virtual sports, bumper cars, indoor ropes course and    through the trees above! Please bring water and a
more. Please bring water and a lunch.                   lunch. Online waiver must be completed prior to
Cost: $40.00                                            September 12th.
                                                        Cost: $40.00

         Grades Nine and Ten

                                 Fridays 7:00-11:00
                                Saturdays 4:00-8:00*
                   *see monthly calendars for days of operation
                at www.city.waltham.ma.us/recreation-department

The Chill Zone has expanded it's programming to offer activities for Waltham residents in grades nine
    and ten!! Note: Former Chill Zone members will be permitted for one day without paperwork.
 Membership paperwork must be returned upon the following visit in order to attend. NEW members
                   must complete ALL Membership paperwork before entrance.
                      Memberships are valid for two years, or until 11th grade.

                                                          After Chill programming will still be
                                                          held at 510 Moody Street!! BUT…

                                                          we now have a new satellite location as
                                                          well! See monthly teen calendars for teen
                                                          programs and events held at 14 Church
                                                          Street! All teens must hold a valid After
                                                          Chill membership to attend any Church
                                                          Street programming. Teens can register
                                                          for a FREE membership at the Moody
                                                          Street or Church Street Location during
                                                          hours of operation.

Supervisor: Kathy Gross and Staff
14 Church Street will be open on Mondays and Wednesdays, beginning October 1st, from
2:30– 5:00 p.m. for After Chill members. Do homework, participate in mindfulness activities,
destress from the day and spend time with peers and staff. Teen Space will not be held on
Monday holidays, as well as school vacation weeks. Free with After Chill membership.
      Join Waltham Recreation, Healthy Waltham and your Local Ward Councilors for “Walk in Waltham.”
                    Remember your sneakers/water and meet us for the following walks:
                                               Ward 5: Joey LaCava
                              1st Tuesday of the month, 6:00 p.m. at Waltham Common
                                               Ward 3: George Darcy
                        Saturday, October 6th at 10am at the Beaver Brook North Reservation
                                    (former Metropolitan State Hospital grounds)
            Meet at the McLaughlin building at the end of Metropolitan Parkway South off of Trapelo Road.
                                            Ward 4: John McLaughlin
                                        Thursday, September 27th, 6:30 p.m.
                                            Meet at McCabe Playground
                                               Ward 9: Robert Logan
                                         Sunday, September 16th at 2:00pm.
             Meet at Landry Park, next to the Cabot Mill on the Charles River by the Moody Street Bridge.

  More walks to come! Check out Waltham Recreation Department’s “What’s Happening” page on the City of Waltham
                                 website to view current listing of upcoming walks.


Weekday morning Public Skating hours will begin in early October. All other Public skating hours will begin
on Friday, November, 16th. Hours subject to change due to school vacation weeks, no school days and
special events. Please visit the Recreation Department website or call 781-314-3474 for complete rink
schedule and information.
Cost: $3.00 kids/seniors, $5.00 adults.

Sundays                           2:00 p.m.                      to                      3:50 p.m.
Tuesday– Thursday                 10:00 a.m.                     to                      11:50 a.m.
Fridays                           7:00 p.m.                      to                      8:50 p.m.
Saturdays                         2:00 p.m.                      to                      3:50 p.m.

Adult Public Hockey will begin this September. Hours subject to change due to school vacation weeks, no
school days and special events. Please visit the Recreation Department website or call 781-314-3474 for
complete rink schedule and information.
Cost: $10.00 (full equipment required)

Tuesday– Friday                 12:00 p.m.                            to             12:50 p.m.
     WALTHAM YOUTH HOCKEY                                     BAYSTATE SKATING SCHOOL
     Walthamyouthhockey.org                                   www.BayStateSkatingSchool.org
     617-429-8745                                        18
All Adult Programs are for ages 16 and over, unless otherwise mentioned. To enter the building after 4:30 p.m.
  M-TH please use door #11 on the corner of Beech and Alder St. The Recreation Office closes at 4:30 p.m.

                                                          ADULT PICKLEBALL PROGRAM
                                                          Wednesday, 6:15 – 7:15 PM
                                                          October 3,10, 17, 24, 31; November 7
                                                          Waltham Recreation Department Gymnasium
                                                          510 Moody Street
                                                          Instructor: Ben Kiwanuka

                                                          The rules are simple and the game is easy for
                                                          beginners to learn, but it can develop into a fast-
                                                          paced, competitive game for experienced play-
                                                          ers. Learn to play this fun and exciting game and
                                                          then put your skills to the test in friendly games.
                                                          All necessary equipment is provided. Pickleball is
                                                          available for adults.
ZUMBA                                                     Cost: $36.00
Tuesday and Thursday
5:30- 6:30 p.m.                                           YOGA
September 4– December 20
Waltham Recreation Department                             Thursday, 6:15 to 7:20 p.m.
510 Moody Street                                          September 13, 20, 27
Instructor: Jen Williams                                  October 4, 11, 18, 25
                                                          November 1, 8, 15
Zumba is a Latin-inspired, dance-fitness class            Waltham Recreation Department
that incorporates Latin and international music           510 Moody Street
and dance movements, creating a dynamic,                  Instructor: Katy Potts
exciting, and effective workout. But! We take the
"work" out of workout! This 60 minute calorie             Increase strength, flexibility, balance and
burning class goes by so fast because you are             relaxation while improving circulation and
too busy having fun! This class is designed for
                                                          reducing stress in the Hatha Yoga class.
everybody and any fitness level. Get ready to
                                                          Enter/exit the building through door #11 on Beech
Cost: $5.00 drop-in fee for residents.                    Street.
$6.00 non-residents. Cash or check only.                  Cost: $65.00

   Please sign in and out at the main office for the following FREE fitness options:

                            FITNESS ROOM                                           OPEN GYMNASIUM

                              Monday– Friday                                         Monday– Thursday
                           8:30 a.m.– 4:00 p.m..                                      12:00– 1:30 p.m.

Ages 18+
                                 New Recreation Facility!!
                         14 Church Street (unless otherwise noted)
  Join us for an evening of artistic expression! Choose from the options below*. During each session you will
  create your very own masterpiece. Follow along with Recreation Supervisor, Kathy Gross, as she provides
   step-by-step instructions to create an original piece of art. No previous experience necessary, just a desire
to create something beautiful! All supplies are included, unless noted below. You are welcome to bring snacks
                                          or dinner to enjoy during class!
                          Cost: $20.00 per session/ Non-Residents: $30.00 per session
                 *Note: Projects are inspired by the images below, and will differ slightly.

  Wednesday, September 26
                                               Stained Glass                      5:30–7:30 p.m.*
    @ Prospect Hill Park
      Thursday, October 18                  Fall Welcome Sign                     5:30–7:30 p.m.*

   Wednesday, November 14               Purple Pointillism Flower                 5:30–7:30 p.m.*

   Wednesday, December 5                  Red Barn in the Snow                    5:30–7:30 p.m.*

   Wednesday, December 19               Winter Trees with Robins                  5:30–7:30 p.m.*

          *We aim to finish in two hours, but some projects take more time and some take less.

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