Page created by Jacqueline Ray
Established October 1895
                                                                                                                 Gay named OECS
                                                                                                              ambassador for Barbados
                                                                                                                           Page 7

Thursday July 1, 2021                                                                                                                        $1 VAT Inclusive

First of two waves
affects island
THE first of two expected
tropical waves passed over
the island yesterday, bring-
ing with it rain, lightning
and thunder along with
flood waters in many areas
of Barbados.
  The Barbados Meteorological
Services (MET Office) issued a
Severe Thunderstorm Warning
along with a Flash Flood
Warning around 5:10 am yes-
terday morning as the condi-
tions, brought about by the trop-
ical wave affecting the island,
  The warnings put Barbadians
on alert for rapid flooding due to
heavy or excessive rainfall in a
short period of time, which
would be accompanied by sig-
nificant lightning activity.
Director of the Barbados
                 MET on Page 4       Bay Street as usual was flooded and motorists had to navigate the waters wisely.

                                                                                                                            to bus
                                                                                                                           THERE is one less bus on the
                                                                                                                           road for at least a day or two
                                                                                                                           and the taxpayers of Barbados
                                                                                                                           are now forced to pay out in ex-
                                                                                                                           cess of $1 000 after vandals
                                                                                                                           struck the Barbados Transport
                                                                                                                           Board. Around 8:30 on Tuesday
                                                                                                                           night while transporting pas-
                                                                                                                           sengers along the St. Patrick's
                                                                                                                           route, one of the Board's electric
                                                                                                                           buses was attacked by a person
                                                                                                                           or group of persons, who threw
                                                                                                                           stones through the windows.
                                                                                                                             This was revealed to members
                                                                                                                           of the media by Chief
                                                                                                                           Operations Officer of the
                                                                                                                           Transport Board Lynda Holder
                                                                                                                           early yesterday morning.
                                                                                                                           Counting the blessings that no
                                                                                                                           passengers were injured during
                                                                                                                           the attack, Holder bemoaned
                                                                                                                           the actions and noted that this
                                                                                                                           was not the first time that mem-
                                                                                                                           bers of the public had made at-
                                                                                                                           tempts at vandalising the new
                                                                                                                           fleet of government buses.
                                                                                                                           “Everyone is aware that the gov-
                                                                                                                           ernment of Barbados would
                                                                                                                           have tried to improve on public
Workshop Manager at Caribbean Auto Glass Jamar Russell explaining the procedure for the replacement of the glass for the   transportation by purchasing a
front left panel of the bus to Barbados Transport Board Chief Operations Officer Lynda Holder.                                              BUS on Page 3
2 • Thursday July 1, 2021   The Barbados Advocate
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                                          Thursday July 1, 2021 • 3

‘Tread lightly’
WHILE many are breath-
ing a sigh of relief that
                                 of countries to reimpose
                                 lockdowns and other pub-
                                                                   end of 2020, the current
                                                                   regime follows the money
                                                                                                    Significant losses
Barbados finds itself on         lic health restrictions.          and not the science with         LGBT+ discrimination
United Kingdom’s COVID           Fears are rising that the         COVID19.”                        is      costing        the
19 Green List, Reverend          more contagious variant             “The too-short, two-day        Caribbean region up to
Guy Hewitt is calling on         will hamper global efforts        quarantine and not lock-         5.7 percent of annual
the powers that be to pro-       to contain the pandemic.          ing down when the med-           gross domestic product
ceed with caution as it re-      In the UK, COVID19                ical community signalled         (GDP).
lates to the expected in-        cases are again starting to       an alert, came at a cost to        That’s according to Phil
flow of visitors from            rise exponentially, and           lives and the economy.           Crehan, social develop-
Britain.                         their already exhausted           Further, when the crisis         ment consultant and one
  In a statement to the          National Health Service           hit, rather than identify        of the researchers respon-
media         yesterday,         (NHS) is seeing a rise in         overseas visitors as the         sible for the report com-
Reverend Guy Hewitt who          hospitalisations.”                main perpetrators, they          missioned by Open for
is a candidate for presi-          Reverend Hewitt says            blamed           everyday        Business,        on     the
dent of the Democratic           that Barbados should not          Barbadians for the com-          Economic Case for
Labour Party recalled that       underestimate this vari-          munity spread.”                  LGBT+ Inclusion in the
on the previous Amber            ant, which now accounts             He noted that due to the       Caribbean. He spoke to
List persons travelling          for 99 percent of new             spread of the Delta vari-        this yesterday during the
from Barbados were re-           COVID19 cases in the              ant, Brits are now banned        launch of the report not-
quired to quarantine at          UK.                               from travelling to 58 coun-      ing that in actual figures,
home (or in the place they         “It is roughly 60 percent       tries including: in Europe:      that discrimination re-
were staying) for 10 days        more transmissible than           Germany,               The       sults in loss of between
and take COVID19 tests           the original Alpha variant        Netherlands            and       US $1.5 billion and US
on day 2 and day 8.              and is somewhat more re-          Switzerland; in North            $4.2 billion in one year
However, now on the              sistant to vaccines. A            America: Canada & the            alone.
Green List, passengers to        Public Health England             US; in Central America:            His comments came as
Britain simply have to           (PHE)study showed 29              Argentina,          Brazil,      he said that the research,
take a COVID-19 test be-         percent of the 42 people          Panama, & Suriname; in           for which the data was col-
fore travelling and an-          who recently died after           Africa: Kenya & South            lected qualitatively and
other one after arrival. No      catching the Delta variant        Africa; in Asia: China,          quantitatively, utilising
quarantine is required.          new strain had both vacci-        India, Israel, Japan, &          surveys and interviews,
  He cautioned however           nations.                          Singapore;        in    the      examined exclusion and          Phil Crehan, social development consultant
that this ease of travel re-       “A PHE technical brief-         Caribbean: Bahamas,              challenges in family, edu-      providing details on the report.
strictions, which is antici-     ing on June 25 indicated          Bermuda, St Kitts &              cation, health, employ-
pated to increase the vol-       that figure had risen to 43       Nevis, Trinidad & Tobago;        ment, housing, financial        Caribbean countries            likely to visit local com-
ume of passenger flows be-       percent (50 of 117), with         and South Pacific:               services, brain drain, oc-      which included the             munities, go into the local
tween the two countries,         the majority (60 percent)         Australia & New Zealand.         cupational segregation,         Eastern Caribbean states,      nightlife, museums [and]
may come at a cost.              having received at least            “Persons from the UK           tourism among others.           Barbados, Trinidad,            markets. So it's not just
  “The rapid rise of the         one dose.”                        will only be allowed to          According to Crehan there       Guyana Belize, Jamaica         that they want to visit the
highly transmissible               He noted that of signifi-       enter these countries if         was a larger LGBT+ vul-         and The Bahamas.               country and stay in a re-
Indian-originating Delta         cance is that the UK’s            they are citizens, perma-        nerability to interpersonal        “The LGBT+ sample           sort, they want to go visit
coronavirus variant strain       COVID-19 experience has           nent residents, or an im-        violence and self-harm,         earns 11 percent less than     the country and really go
in the UK has put coun-          been a precursor of things        mediate family member of         and he added, that there        the mainstream popula-         out there and spend more
tries in Europe, North           to come for other countries       a citizen, but with a few        is a significant wage gap       tion, and this is absolutely   dollars. So that's two
America and elsewhere on         including the US and              other         exceptions.        between the average an-         exactly in line with global    things that we're able to
watch.”                          Caribbean.                        Barbados is encouraged to        nual income of the LGBT+        literature. And what we        plug into an economic
  “The rapid global spread         “This has proved partic-        be vigilant and this time        sample and the average          can do with that, is we can    model,” he said.
of the Delta variant has         ularly true in Barbados as        follow the science not the       annual income of the gen-       extrapolate that wage gap         Crehan stated that
forced a growing number          we watched towards the            money,” he opined.               eral populations in the 12      to lost productivity in the    there is an added value to
                                                                                                                                    workplace, and then fur-       having pro LGBT+ poli-
                                                                                                                                    ther extrapolate what          cies enacted. He explained

Lawless behaviour a blow                                                                                                            that means in terms of
                                                                                                                                    lower economic output...
                                                                                                                                    But all of this comes down
                                                                                                                                                                   that when the LGBT+
                                                                                                                                                                   and non LGBT+ partici-
                                                                                                                                                                   pants were asked if they
                                                                                                                                    to, that we can with as-       would visit a country be-

to tax-paying public                                                                                                                surance... say that be-
                                                                                                                                    tween 1.5 billion and 4.2
                                                                                                                                    billion dollars are lost an-
                                                                                                                                    nually due to LGBT+ ex-
                                                                                                                                                                   fore or after it passes leg-
                                                                                                                                                                   islation supporting same
                                                                                                                                                                   sex civil unions, 60 per-
                                                                                                                                                                   cent of the entire sample,
    BUS from Page 1              work. “It means that this         were only a few of the bur-      Barbadians to be more           clusion and that’s up to       said only after such laws
                                 bus, BM615, is now off the        dens that the public had to      mindful and caring. “The        5.7 percent of the regional    were in place.
number of electric vehi-         road until we can fix this        bear. “We want to make           buses came on the road          GDP,” he stated.                 “This is really interest-
cles. After spending just        situation.The cost of doing       sure we share this mes-          just under a year ago. The         He went further indi-       ing, because it shows us
over $22 million BDS to          this, if it continues, will ob-   sage with the traveling          first bus was deployed on       cating that 18 percent of      that a lot of LGBT+ trav-
purchase buses, put in in-       viously grow and it will di-      public so people would un-       August 23rd so we're com-       the tourism sample said        ellers, of course, looking at
frastructure and train           minish the value of what          derstand that when you           ing into 12 months of the       they would not visit the       the context in which they
staff, it is quite unfortu-      we are seeking to achieve.        engage in vandalism it           buses being on the road.        region due to the percep-      want to travel, but per-
nate that some members           We cannot replace a small         has long-term ripple ef-         We don't want persons to        tion of anti LGBT+ laws        haps more importantly, al-
of our society do not ap-        piece of the glass, we have       fects. It isn't just that the    forget the joy that all of us   as well as stigma. In that     lies, non LGBT+ people
preciate and extend a cer-       to replace the entire win-        bus is off the road, it is the   experienced when we saw         vein, he explained that up     are also looking at that.
tain level of care,” she said.   dow and this is not some-         cost of bringing that bus        these buses on the road for     to US $689 million, which      So this really represents a
  Explaining that three          thing that is even stored         back on the road, it is the      the first time and because      is approximately 2.93 per-     significant way to really
quarters of the bus body is      here in Barbados. We have         loss of goodwill when we         we have now gotten accus-       cent of regional GDP, is       bolster better travel and
glass and that entire sec-       to bring it in as a spare         cannot then service some         tomed to it, feel that the      lost per year as a result.     tourism outcomes. But re-
tions need to be replaced        part,” Holder noted.              areas and then there is          value of it has dimin-             “What's unique about        ally, to do so entails look-
in the instance of shatter-        Going on to say that ul-        the financial issue.”            ished,” she said.               our sample is that the av-     ing at those constraints on
ing, Holder said that the        timately incidents like             With        the      Royal        The Transport Board          erage budget of partici-       tourism as they currently
Board has been working           these were unfortunate            Barbados Police Force cur-       has 35 electric buses in its    pants was twice the            exist. This is so important
closely with Caribbean           and unacceptable due to           rently investigating the         fleet with 30 currently on      amount of general trav-        as we emerge from the
Auto Glass to do the re-         the lack of care for the          matter, Holder gave a re-        the road. Four are out for      ellers to the region. That's   COVID-19 pandemic and
pairs as they were the           safety of others she also         minder that our pubic            their servicing with the        one interesting finding.       many countries are re-
only company they discov-        added that the impact to          transport system was in-         fifth, BM615, expected          But another interesting        launching many of their
ered at present on-island        taxpayers through loss of         tegral to our economic and       back in rotation by tomor-      finding is actually our        tourism strategies,” he
that could facilitate the        use and lack of service           social wellbeing and urged       row at latest. (MP)             sample is much more            stated. (JRT)
4• Thursday July 1, 2021                                                                                                                                The Barbados Advocate

Regardless of development,
second wave may impact island
     MET from Page 1            "We are advising every-     11 am yesterday it was lo-     towards the west/west
Meteorological Services      one to be careful on the       cated near 41 W with an        northwestward at 35km/h
(MET Office), Dr Sabu        roads, especially during       associated broad area of       (22mph).
Best highlighted that the    lightning activity. Try not    low pressure centered            The alert from the MET
lightning and thunder was    to be outdoors during se-      near 9.2N 41.7W or about       Office stated that regard-
part of the segment of the   vere lightning activity and    1240 miles to the east of      less of development, this
wave, which had passed in    plan your outdoor move-        Barbados.                      system has the potential
the wee hours but another    ments accordingly. If you        Showers and thunder-         to produce heavy rainfall,
would affect the island in   know certain roads tend to     storms associated with         thunderstorms and gusty
the late morning and early   flood, plan your routes ac-    this feature continued to      winds across Barbados
afternoon. The showers       cordingly," said Best.         become better organised        and      the    southern     Matching! Decked out in matching boots and um-
and flooding mostly af-         The MET Office is also      overnight and some slow        Windwards by tomorrow        brella, this young lady braves the weather, under
fected the north and cen-    following the path of a sec-   development of this sys-       morning, Friday 2nd July     the protective eye of the gentleman on
tral parts of the island.    ond tropical storm and at      tem is possible as it tracks   2021. (AS)                   Martindale's Road.

                                                                                                                        BARBADOS was under              their ability to recover
                                                                                                                        a severe flash flood and        from an impact.
                                                                                                                        thunderstorm warning              She implored persons to
                                                                                                                        yesterday as the first of       not only secure their
                                                                                                                        two tropical waves af-          homes and carry out miti-
                                                                                                                        fected the island.              gation work around them
                                                                                                                          And, residents are again      and in their neighbour-
                                                                                                                        being cautioned to prepare      hoods to reduce the poten-
                                                                                                                        for any type of weather         tial for flooding, but to also
                                                                                                                        event, and to monitor offi-     insure their homes and
                                                                                                                        cial channels for weather       properties.
                                                                                                                        updates throughout the            “There is nothing worse
                                                                                                                        day.                            than seeing the roof of
                                                                                                                          Director        of     the    your home and all your
                                                                                                                        Department of Emergency         possessions destroyed by
                                                                                                                        Management (DEM),               a storm or hurricane, and
                                                                                                                        Kerry Hinds, is reminding       not having the means to
                                                                                                                        persons that being pre-         replace them. Please in-
                                                                                                                        pared ahead of time is key      sure your homes and busi-
                                                                                                                        in the response and recov-      nesses,” she urged.
                                                                                                                        ery phases.                       Ms. Hinds stressed that
                                                                                                                          She made these re-            in the event of an emer-
                                                                                                                        marks as the Barbados           gency, residents should
                                                                                                                        Meteorological Services         contact       the     Royal
                                                                                                                        (MET Office) issued the         Barbados Police Force at
                                                                                                                        warnings at 5 a.m. yester-      211; the Barbados Fire
                                                                                                                        day as the island began to      Service at 311, and the
                                                                                                                        feel the effects of the first   Barbados Ambulance
                                                                                                                        weather system.                 Service at 511.
                                                                                                                          Meanwhile, the MET              To report any damage in
                                                                                                                        Office also stated that the     the wake of an event, per-
                                                                                                                        second tropical wave has        sons may call the DEM at
                                                                                                                        the potential to produce        438-7575, so a record of
                                                                                                                        heavy rainfall, thunder-        the report could be made
                                                                                                                        storms and gusty winds          and the relevant response
                                                                                                                        across Barbados by Friday       agencies activated to pro-
                                                                                                                        (July 2) afternoon.             vide assistance, if neces-
                                                                                                                          With this in mind, the        sary.
                                                                                                                        DEM Director reminded             In addition, persons may
                                                                                                                        persons that weather sys-       also find the list of hurri-
                                                                                                                        tems are unpredictable, as      cane shelters on the
                                                                                                                        they      could      either     DEM’s         website       at
                                                                                                                        strengthen, weaken or dis-, or the
                                                                                                                        sipate at short notice.         Barbados Government
                                                                                                                          “The key therefore is to      Information Service web-
                                                                                                                        be prepared at all times.       site at www.gisbarbados.
                                                                                                                        By now, persons should
                                                                                                                        have started stocking up          The Director also en-
                                                                                                                        on their canned items and       couraged persons to down-
                                                                                                                        other supplies. They            load the Common Alerting
                                                                                                                        should also seek to rein-       Protocol (CAP) app on
                                                                                                                        force their homes to in-        their Android and Apple
                                                                                                                        crease their resilience         devices to stay abreast of
                                                                                                                        against potential damage,       the updates.Alternatively,
                                                                                                                        should one of the systems       they may download the
                                                                                                                        impact the country,” she        BMS app – BMS Insight –
                                                                                                                        said.                           to receive updates on sys-
                                                                                                                          Ms. Hinds further             tems likely to affect the is-
                                                                                                                        stressed that how persons       land. This app is only
                                                                                                                        prepared for the hurricane      available on Android de-
                                                                                                                        season, would determine         vices at this time.
The Barbados Advocate                                 Thursday July 1, 2021 • 5

Wet Wednesday                                                   AT LEFT:
                                                                These ladies
THE final day of June       Barbadians were awak-               made sure
2021, proved to be a      ened to a strong thunder-             they were
very wet one as the is-   storm advisory by the                 well pro-
land was impacted by      Barbados MET services as              tected from
the passage of a strong   the system started to                 the rain.
tropical wave.            make its presence felt.
                                                                BELOW: Large
                                                                puddles of
                                                                water were a
                                                                challenge for

This gentleman was all smiles as he moved
through Swan Street.
6 • Thursday July 1, 2021                                                                                                                                                         The Barbados Advocate

New CDB president
meets with PM Mottley
THE economic challenges of                    year, and surmised that this               Dr. Leon said the issue of cli-
tourist and travel depend-                    level of double-digit economic          mate change was critical and
ent Caribbean countries, as                   decline had pushed the island           must be a main area of focus.
a result of the COVID-19                      back by one or two decades. She         He added that sustainable and
pandemic, and possible so-                    lamented that no responses had          inclusive growth could only
lutions to them were dis-                     been forthcoming as yet to meet         come about with resilience, and
cussed, when the new                          the needs of the region, as she         if there was innovation.
President of the Caribbean                    highlighted the volcanic erup-             He underscored the impor-
Development Bank (CDB),                       tion in St. Vincent and the             tance of partnership and work-
Dr. Hyginus ‘Gene’ Leon, re-                  Grenadines and the recent               ing closely together, and stressed
cently paid Prime Minister                    weather-related “freak event” in        that the development of the re-
Mia Amor Mottley a courtesy                   Barbados, as issues that com-           gion remains the goal of the
call.                                         pounded the situation.                  CDB.
  Ms. Mottley highlighted sta-                  Therefore, she expressed the             Prime Minister Mottley and                 Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley in discussion with new
tistics, in the IMF World                     view that there needs to be an          Dr. Leon also spoke about the                 President of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)
Economic Outlook for last year,               engagement and review of the            importance of a vulnerability                 Dr. Hyginus Leon, during a recent courtesy call. (BGIS)
to prove the point that with the              Bretton Woods institutions of           index; COVID-19 and the need
exception of a few war-torn                   the IMF and World Bank to               for the region to access more                 Chief Economic Counsellor,                Dr. Leon was accompanied by
states, highly dependent tourist              meet the needs of countries.            vaccines; marine transport in                 Ambassador Clyde Mascoll;               Vice President (Operations),
and travel countries in the                     During the discussions, she           the region; food security and ed-             Director of Finance and                 Isaac Solomon; Vice President
Caribbean were greatly im-                    underscored the importance of           ucation, among others.                        Economic       Affairs,      Ian        (Corporate Services), Yvette
pacted economically by the pan-               natural disaster and pandemic           Government representatives at-                Carrington; Economic Advisor            Lemonias Seale; Advisor to the
demic.                                        bonds, and said that now, more          tending the courtesy call in-                 to Government, Dr. Kevin                Vice President (Corporate
  The Prime Minister said                     than ever, the Caribbean must           cluded Minister in the Ministry               Greenidge, and Permanent                Services), Fay Alleyne Kirnon;
Barbados had registered a 17.6                speak with one voice and act col-       of Economic Affairs and                       Secretary in the Prime                  and Advisor to the President,
per cent decline in GDP last                  lectively.                              Investment, Marsha Caddle;                    Minister’s Office, Alies Jordan.        Dorla Humes. (SA/BGIS)

                 Land (Title Proceedings) Act, 2011                                    SUPREME COURT OF BARBADOS                                 BARBADOS
                             (Act 2011-7)                                              IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE
                       FORM 3                                                                                                                    APPLICATION NO.: RT 35 of 2021
      NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DECLARATION OF                            CLAIM NO. LTP 48 of 2019
  OWNERSHIP AND CERTIFICATE OF TITLE IN RESPECT OF                                                                                                   LAND TITLE DEEDS RESTORATION ACT CAP. 229C
   SQUARE METRES OF LAND AT LOT 35 OCEAN CITY A IN                                                                                                                   (SECTION 3)
       THE PARISH OF SAINT PHILIP IN THIS ISLAND                          ACT, 2011 (Section 3);
                                                                                                                                                       RESTORATION OF TITLE DEEDS DESTROYED
               SUPREME COURT OF BARBADOS                                  AND IN THE MATTER OF ALL THAT land situate Pilgrim Road,                    BY DISASTER OR OTHERWISE LOST OR STOLEN
               IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE                               Pilgrim Place in the parish of Christ Church in this Island
                                                                          Barbados containing by admeasurement 60720.0 square metres             TAKE NOTICE that an Application has been made to the
                     CLAIM NO. LTP 18/2021
                                                                          as shown on a Plan made and certified on the 5th day of                Registrar of Titles by KELVIN LOVELLE also known as KELVIN
                      IN THE MATTER OF THE LAND (TITLE                    September, 2019 by Lloyd Powlett, Land Surveyor, abutting and          JUNIOR LOVELL and KELVIN LOVELL (JUNIOR) of 98 E
                      PROCEEDINGS) ACT, 2011 (SECTION 3);                 bounding to the North on a public road, to the East on lands now       Block Guinness Trust Buildings, Fulham Palace Road, London
                                                                          or formerly of Frank Clarke, Victor Brathwaite, Sheila Stuart and      W6 8BG. England for the Restoration of the Title Deed to Lot 27
                      AND IN THE MATTER OF ALL THAT PIECE
                      OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATE AT LOT 35                 Arthur Gooding, to the South on a public road and to the West
                                                                                                                                                 Durants in the Parish of Christ Church (more particularly
                      OCEAN CITY A IN THE PARISH OF SAINT                 on lands now or formerly of Lillian Watson, Marva Woodroffe and
                                                                                                                                                 described in the schedule hereto) on the grounds that the
                      PHILIP IN THIS ISLAND CONTAINING                    a pubic road or however else the same may abut and bound.
                      BY ADMEASUREMENT 694.3 SQUARE                                                                                              Original Title Deed to the Property was lost or misplaced and has
                      METRES OF LAND OF WHICH 209.1                                                                                              never been recovered.
                                                                                 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DECLARATION
                      SQUARE METRES ARE CONTAINED IN
                      THE ROAD ABUTTING ON THE NORTH                             OF OWNERSHIP AND CERTIFICATE OF TITLE
                                                                                                                                                 ALSO TAKE NOTICE that unless notification is received at the
                      ON LOT 34 OR LANDS OF PATRICK
                      WAITHE ON THE WEST ON LOT 36 OR                     TAKE NOTICE that Horris Linton of 270 Kingsland                        Land Registry ‘Warrens Office Complex’, Warrens, in the Parish
                      LANDS OF KEITH ELCOCK ON THE                        Development, Stage 2, Kingsland in the parish of Christ Church         of Saint Michael in Barbados by the 29th day of July, 2021 that
                      SOUTH ON 3RD AVENUE OCEAN CITY                                                                                             the Title Deed has not been lost or are being lawfully held by
                      AND ON THE EAST ON A ROAD                           in Barbados has applied to the High Court for a declaration of his
                                                                          ownership and a certificate of the title in respect of the property    some person, the Registrar of Titles shall immediately proceed
                      RESERVED 7.92 METRES WIDE OR
                      HOWEVER ELSE THE SAME MAY ABUT                      described above.                                                       to determine the said Application according to law.
                      AND BOUND
                                                                          Any person having any adverse claim, lien or charge or right or                       Dated this 1st day of July 2021
 TAKE NOTICE that PATRICK WAITHE of Lot 34 Ocean City A in
 the parish of Saint Philip has applied to the High Court for a dec-      interest against the said property should submit a claim duly
 laration of his ownership and a certificate of title in respect of the   authenticated on oath to the Registrar of the Supreme Court,                                  Hilford A. Murrell
 property described above.                                                Bridgetown, on or before the 30th day of August 2021 and                                      Attorney-at-Law
                                                                          immediately thereafter serve a true copy on the undersigned.
 Any person having any adverse claim, lien or charge or right or
 interest against the said property should submit the claim duly                                                                                                          SCHEDULE
 authenticated on oath to the Registrar of the Supreme Court,             Any person who has information relating to the ownership of the        1) ALL THAT land situate at Lot 27 Durants in the Parish of
 Bridgetown on or before the 29th day of July 2021.                       said property is invited to give such information in writing to the    Christ Church in this Island containing by admeasurement
                                                                          Registrar of the Supreme Court, Bridgetown, on or before the           830.18 square metres or thereabouts.
 Any other person who has any information relating to the
 ownership of the said property is invited to give such information       30th day of August 2021.
 in writing to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, Bridgetown on                                                                                 2) The Title Deed to be restored is:
 or before the 29th day of July 2021.                                                  Dated the 17th day of June, 2021
                                                                                                                                                 Conveyance dated 11th day of December 1984 made between
                 Dated the 17th day of June 2021.                                          Grace A. Mc.Caskie (Ms),                              AILEEN DECOVERLEY WARD of the ONE PART and KELVIN
                          Alicia A. Archer                                 Attorney-at-Law for the Claimant whose place of business              DARWINTON LOVELL and ALFREDA ELGINA LOVELL of the
    Attorney-at-law for the Claimant Whose place of business                  and address for service is First Floor, One Welches,
     and address for service is Artemis Law, Venus House,                                                                                        OTHER PART recorded in the Registration Office on the 21st
             Walrond Street, Bridgetown, Barbados.                                Welches, St. Thomas BB22025 in Barbados.                       day of December 1984 as Deed No. 9033/84.
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                                Thursday July 1, 2021 • 7

Gay named OECS ambassador for Barbados
GABRIELLE GAY is the cur-           University of The West Indies        ardising the ability of future       programme Gabrielle Gay
rent Organisation of Eastern        Cave Hill Campus, said despite       generations to meet their own        Award for Literacy is in coun-
Caribbean States (OECS)             her stellar resume, she is still     needs. For me, that is best          tries all over the world and she
Ambassador for Barbados and is      shocked each time she receives       achieved via Education, legisla-     is now an OECS ambassador.
the first Barbadian to be recog-    correspondence that she has          tive and public policy change.       Therefore, it is no surprise that
nised for her unique contribu-      won an award or received am-         This is the foundation of the        she is keen on assisting the
tion to the education sector.       bassador status.                     OECS               Sustainable       Government of Barbados with
  Gay said that the experience          “It surprises me in the best     Development Movement, so that        the redevelopment of the cur-
of being recognised as the OECS     way whenever it happens, be-         is why I am so passionate about      rent education sector.
ambassador was an extremely         cause I never take any of it for     it,” she said.                         “I am definitely open to work-
humbling experience.                granted. I believe that the             Gay explained that as an am-      ing together with the govern-
  “It’s honestly extremely hum-     minute you become complacent         bassador for the OECS all am-        ment to further spearhead per-
bling. The OECS is without a        and settled in any sphere, that is   bassadors are mandated to host       manent progress in the educa-
doubt one of the most presti-       when you lose your edge and vi-      an event. She explained that she     tional, legislative and executive
gious international institutions    sionary essence. Therefore, I see    is hosting a virtual conference      spaces. Governments need the
of regionalism, so to be recog-     every win, small or big, as a won-   on the topic, “Technology on the     input of the youth who are in
nised by them as a key global       derful surprise and blessing. I      frontline: Is the medical arena      the field with the issues faced. I
leader from a shortlist of over     never want to get comfortable        equipped for technological           am always willing to partner for
250 of the best Youth Leaders       in this regard, ever,” she said.     progress, post-COVID 19? We          the greater good of humanity,”
worldwide- is such a fulfilling        The newly appointed ambas-        will be exploring this highly rel-   she said.
achievement!”                       sador of the OECS said that she      evant and exciting new topic           Gay shared some words of en-
  She said it was on her Goals      is passionate about sustainable      which will have a team of ex-        couragement to the members of
List for over a year. “So when it   development. “Sustainable de-        perts which include global and       the youth. “Take time out to         Gabrielle Gay is the newly
manifested, I cried many happy      velopment is by and large eco-       regional experts from the            write each of your goals down        appointed Ambassador for
tears. This is such a proud mo-     nomic development conducted          health, technology and medical       on paper or digitally. Begin to      the Office of Eastern
ment for The Gabrielle Gay          by countries and leaders, with-      sector,” she said.                   identify individuals or entities     Caribbean States.
Award for Excellence in Reading     out the depletion of natural re-        Gay was honoured by Queen         that are aligned with those goals
and Literacy Mentorship             sources. I deeply believe this       Elizabeth II in the Queen’s          and then proceed from there. I       media and follow along for mo-
Programme,” she said.               style of ethical societal progres-   Young Leaders Programme, con-        am always open to offer advice       tivation, and tips on building a
  Gay, who is a final year          sion is compulsory as it allows      ferred ambassadorship by the         and assistance, so please feel       legacy that is selfless and bene-
Bachelor of Law Student, at the     us to move forward without jeop-     World Literacy Foundation, her       free to reach out to me on social    fits all,” she said. (PR)

DEM Director: Interest in
competition pleasing
   POETRY from Back Page            creativity while actively engag-     this month”.
Director of the DEM, Kerry          ing children to learn more about       Hinds encouraged all five
Hinds, in her remarks, said she     the major hazard that can po-        prize winners to continue writ-
was truly pleased the competi-      tentially affect us annually. The    ing and to see themselves as am-
tion generated such a great in-     judges’ feedback- generally well     bassadors for disaster prepared-
terest among the youth. She fur-    structured, creative, informa-       ness. Also, she urged them to en-
ther said “the competition’s en-    tional pieces. I am also pleased     courage their families and
trants wrote on the topics of       to note the competition of itself    friends to be prepared, to be
storms and hurricanes and “we       generated a lot of buzzy on our      aware and know what actions
thought that this competition       social media platforms and it        to take to keep themselves
was a great avenue to encourage     maybe our most popular activity      safe.(MG)                            Maliah Chandler won the second-place prize.

Director of the DEM, Kerry Hinds.                                        Kayley Bovell won the fourth-place prize.
8 • Thursday July 1, 2021                                                                                                                                                The Barbados Advocate

    ‘For the cause that lacks assistance, ’Gainst the wrongs that need resistance, For the future in the distance, And the good that I can do’

                 Editorial                                    Indonesia considers broader curbs
 COVID vaccine                                                   as coronavirus crisis deepens
 encouraged                                                  JAKARTA – Indonesia is
                                                             finalising emergency
                                                             measures aimed at
                                                                                                 Indonesia reported
                                                                                               21,807 COVID-19 cases on
                                                                                                                                  closure of non-essential
                                                                                                                                  offices, according to a
                                                                                                                                  government document
                                                                                                                                                                         said was about 200,000 to
                                                                                                                                                                         300,000 a day at present.
                                                                                                                                                                           “There is no bargaining”,
 OVER the weekend during a press conference to               controlling Southeast             Wednesday and 467                  seen by Reuters.                       Jokowi added.
 update the country on the COVID-19 pandemic,                Asia’s worst coronavirus          deaths, one of six days of           The proposals, which                   Just 13 million people
 officials from the Ministry Health and Wellness told        epidemic, its president           record cases since June 21.        were preliminary and have              have received two vaccine
 Barbadians of the importance of getting tested and          said yesterday, as the              Movement curbs were              yet to be endorsed, were               shots in Indonesia. Of its
 vaccinated, if the country is to get a better handle on     country reported record           tightened last week in so-         made by the coordinating               more than 270 million
 the spread of the virus.                                    COVID-19 cases for the            called “red zone” areas            ministry for maritime                  people, 181.5 million are
     Given that developing countries like ours have had      second day this week.             where cases have jumped,           affairs and investment and             targeted for immunisation.
 a hard time securing vaccines, it was pleasing to hear        President Joko Widodo           but health experts said            would apply from July 3 to               The president had
 officials urging more Barbadians to get the shot.           said authorities were             those were insufficient.           20, on the islands of Bali             previously resisted calls
 Vaccine inequality is real, but with some luck and          mulling whether to tighten          Social mobility and the          and densely populated                  from health experts for a
 smart negotiations, we have been able to secure the         restrictions for one week         presence of highly                 Java.                                  full lockdown and warned
 precious commodity, and as of Tuesday, 70,948 persons       or two weeks and urged            transmissible variants has           The           document               last week that curbs
 received two doses of the vaccine and 95,264 had been       the public to remain              been blamed for a surge            recommends critical                    should be implemented
 administered one dose.At present, the country has one       vigilant and focus less on        that has pushed many               sectors remain open but                that avoid “killing” the
 of the highest vaccination rates not just in the            the health of the economy.        hospitals to their limits.         for malls to close and a               economy.
 Caribbean, but the world, and if Barbados is to achieve       “Today it will be                 Bed occupancy ratio was          work from home policy for                But           Hasbullah
 herd immunity, then this trend must continue.               finalised, because the            at 72% nationally, Jokowi          non-essential workers.                 Thabrany, chief of the
    We well remember back in May of this year, Prime         spike is very high,” the          said, although some local            It suggests reduced                  Indonesian          Health
 Minister Mia Amor Mottley made a promise to ensure          president, better known as        authorities have reported          public transport capacity              Economic Association, said
 that the country has vaccines on demand. With the           Jokowi, told a business           rates far higher, including        and requirements of                    more comprehensive
 arrival of the Sinopharm vaccine from China this            event, referring to the           Jakarta.                           vaccines or COVID-19                   measures were necessary
 week, and news that we are also set to secure vials of      emergency protocols.                In a bid to halve the            tests for domestic air                 and the economy would
 the Pfizer vaccine, which has been approved for               “I ask that we all be           current daily cases to             travelers.                             not suffer badly.
 persons 12 years and older, there is even greater hope      careful and don't let our         below 10,000, Indonesia is           Jokowi also pledged to                 “No restrictions will kill
 that more Barbadians will be able to get vaccinated as      guard down. Don't just            proposing           tighter        expedite vaccinations to               the people’s economy. It
 needed and we will move closer to achieving the herd        talk about the economy,           restrictions on movement           one million doses per day              just pauses economic
 immunity that is required to get our economy back on        while we don’t see the            and air travel, a ban on           in July and two million in             activities to keep the virus
 track.                                                      health aspect,” Jokowi            restaurant dining and              August, up from what he                at bay,” he said.
     But, we appreciate that some people are hesitant
 to get vaccinated. Therefore, as officials urge more
 persons to get the shot, they may have to put greater
 effort into tailoring their messages to combat vaccine
 hesitancy and also ensure that persons are inclined to
                                                                       2 Australian states urge against
 go back for the second dose where applicable.
     Last Saturday during the press conference, Chief
 Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Kenneth George, said
                                                                        under 40s taking AZ vaccine
 that in particular, they want to encourage healthcare       CANBERRA, Australia –                Australians have a              as ATAGI, recommends                   administered to people
 workers to get vaccinated, stating that it is important,    The Queensland and                choice of only two vaccines        Pfizer for people under 60             under 60 “for whom Pfizer
 not only for them to protect themselves, but for the        Western Australia state           and locally manufactured           because of the clotting risk.          is      not     available.”
 protection of colleagues and the clients that they serve.   governments yesterday             AstraZeneca is more                   AstraZeneca had been                Conditions included that
 We echo his call, because healthcare workers are at         advised people under age          plentiful.                         recommended for all adults             benefits were likely to
 increased risk of being infected with COVID-19, and         40 not to take the                   Queensland         Chief        until a 48-year-old                    outweigh risks and that
 given that a number of persons are ignoring symptoms        AstraZeneca vaccine               Health Officer Jeannette           Australian woman died                  the decision to take
 and not getting tested and that numerous others get         because of the risk of a rare     Young said younger adults          from clotting in April. The            AstraZeneca            was
 COVID and are asymptomatic, the possibility of those        blood clotting disorder,          should wait for Pfizer to          vaccine      was       then            informed.
 in the healthcare sector being exposed to COVID,            despite the Australian            become available, despite          recommended for people                    “We deeply respect
 should such persons seek medical attention is real.         government making those           only 5% of all Australians         older than 50 until a 52-              throughout the course of
     According to Dr. George the percentage of staff at      shots available to all            being fully vaccinated.            year-old died in May.                  the pandemic there have
 the government healthcare facilities that have been         adults.                              With only 42 coronavirus           As concerns grew about              been a range of views put
 vaccinated varies from 35 to 60 percent, but they want        The state governments’          cases         active      in       new infections, the federal            forward, but the critical
 it in the region of 70 percent. So it is clear that the     advice to those under 40 is       Queensland, AstraZeneca            government on Monday                   elements are that we have
 Ministry of Health has to work at encouraging more          based       on      British       was not worth the risk for         decided       to      make             a national vaccine
 employees of these institutions to safeguard their          government guidelines,            younger adults, she said.          AstraZeneca available to               program, which is based on
 health and the health of the persons they care for.         while the new federal                “No, I do not want under        all adults and to indemnify            the medical advice and
 While admittedly the vaccine does not prevent               government’s position             40s to get AstraZeneca             against lawsuits doctors               continues to be based on
 infection, it has been proven to prevent serious            acknowledges the scarcity         because they are at                who administer it.                     that medical advice,” Hunt
 complications, and given the number of lives that have      of the Pfizer vaccine and         increased risk of getting –           Western       Australia             said.
 been claimed by COVID-19, it should be embraced.            an urgent need to                 it is rare – but they’re at        Premier Mark McGowan                      Hunt declined to say
      On Saturday, we also heard that people are not         accelerate a slow national        increased risk of getting          said his government took a             whether Australians
 getting tested even though they are experiencing            rollout.                          that      rare     clotting        “different approach” to the            younger than 40 should
 symptoms. There are a number of reasons this could            The disagreement has            syndrome,” Young said.             federal government.                    expect doctors would inject
 be the case - they are afraid of the test, afraid of what   stoked confusion as around           “I don’t want an 18-year-          “Under 40s shouldn’t                them with AstraZeneca.
 the results will be, or afraid of having to go into         half Australia’s population       old in Queensland dying            have it,” McGowan said,                   “I certainly would never
 isolation. What they are not realising is that by not       is locked down in                 from a clotting illness who,       referring to AstraZeneca.              step between a patient and
 getting tested, if they are infected and become severely    Queensland, Western               if they got COVID,                    Health Minister Greg                a doctor where an informed
 ill, they are at risk of dying, especially if they do not   Australia, New South              probably wouldn’t die,”            Hunt said the ATAGI                    decision to be vaccinated
 get medical attention. We urge persons to make              Wales and the Northern            Young added.                       advice continued to be his             was made,” Hunt said.
 themselves au fait with the various symptoms of the         Territory due to new                 Australia’s adviser on          government’s “guiding                     Many           younger
 virus and encourage them, should they experience            clusters, mostly of the delta     vaccines, Australian               light.”                                Australians have proved
 any of the symptoms, not to brush them off, but to go       variant, which is thought         Technical Advisory Group              But ATAGI advised that              eager to accept the
 and get tested.                                             to be more contagious.            on Immunization, known             AstraZeneca could be                   AstraZeneca option.
     Also, we urge Barbadians, as more persons become
 fully vaccinated, not to drop their guard and ensure                                 Telephone: 467-2000 News Fax: 434-1000         News Editor: Dorian Bryan            Executive Editor: Allison Downes
 that they continue to physical distance, wear masks                                  E-mail Address:      Business Editor: Jewel Brathwaite    General Manager: Sandra Clarke
                                                                                                                                     Sports Editor: Corey Greaves         Assistant Managing Director: Sean Eteen
 and sanitise their hands to help keep COVID at                                       Website:
                                                                                                                                                                          Publisher: Sir Anthony Bryan
                                                                   @The Barbados Advocate          @barbadosadvocate
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                                  Thursday July 1, 2021 • 9

World Bank approves US$50m to SVG
THE World Bank has             operation aims to assist          “The volcanic eruption          “The eruptions displaced     their attempts to manage     needs, while also encour-
signed US$50 million           the country cover a wide        started as St Vincent, and      approximately to a             the impacts of both          aging long-term develop-
in     Supplemental            unexpected financing gap        the Grenadines was              quarter of the island’s        COVID-19 also this           ment goals.
Financing for the              and address emergency re-       still coping with the dev-      population and harshly          crisis.”                       The operation helps the
Second Fiscal Reform           quirements caused by the        astating socioeconomic im-      impacted livelihoods. We          The volcano eruption &    country’s program to
and Resilience Develo-         La Soufrière volcano            pacts of the coronavirus        value our strong ties          the ensuing ashfall,         respond to the COVID-19
ment Policy Credit             eruption.                       pandemic,” said Tahseen         with St Vincent and the        mudslides, and pyroclastic   pandemic, strengthen
(DPC) for St Vincent             Notably, the original         Sayed, World Bank               Grenadines, & the World        flows have had disastrous    fiscal sustainability, and
and the Grenadines.            DPC was approved in June        Country Director for the        Bank remains dedicated to      impacts on people’s          improve climate and dis-
  This quick-disbursing        2020.                           Caribbean.                      supporting the people in       livelihoods also the         aster resilience.
                                                                                                                              economy of St Vincent and       The grant, which is
                                                                                                                              the Grenadines.              from the International

Stocks trade mixed, hovering near record levels                                                                                  This supplemental fund-
                                                                                                                              ing to the DPC approved
                                                                                                                                                           Development Association
                                                                                                                                                           (IDA), is interest-free with
                                                                                                                              last year will assist the    a maturity of 40 years,
STOCKS were mixed              hovering at or near record      692,000 versus the 600,000      the balance sheets of          government address emer-     including a grace period
Wednesday to hover close       levels while traders await      expected.                       consumers."                    gency response & recovery    of ten years.
to all-time highs. Traders     more catalysts to push eq-        Consumer confidence             “It’s a lot of dry powder
considered stronger-than-      uities higher. Many have        has also risen and pointed      for continued gains in the
expected prints on private     pointed to the prospects of     to Americans’ increased         economy, and that trans-
payroll gains and pending      another batch of strong         propensity to spend,            lates into good news for
home sales and looked          corporate earnings results      with the Conference             corporate profits down the
ahead to more economic         as a likely source of upcom-    Board's consumer confi-         road,” he added.
data out at the end of         ing strength, given the         dence index racing to             Wednesday’s session also
this week.                     firming economic backdrop       the      highest      level     marks the final day of trad-
   The S&P 500 was             as pandemic risks in the        since February 2020             ing for the month of June,
slightly higher, while the     US recede further.              in June.                        the second quarter, and
Nasdaq traded to the              On Wednesday, traders          “If you look at what’s        the first half of 2021.
downside Both indexes set      got stronger than expected      really been powering the        In the S&P 500, the real
record levels yet again dur-   update on the labor market      economy and powering            estate, information tech-
ing Tuesday’s regular trad-    in ADP’s June private           the stock market, it’s been     nology and communication
ing day.The Dow gained as      payrolls report. This           the fact that there’s been      services sectors have come
shares of Walmart (WMT)        underscored the ongoing         so much fiscal stimulus         in at the top-performers
outperformed.                  economic recovery with a        pour into the economy,”         for the March through
   The major US stock in-      sixth straight monthly          David Lefkowitz, UBS            June quarter, and only the
dexes have moved only          increase in employment,         Global Wealth Manage-           utilities sector is on track
modestly so far this week,     with jobs rising by             ment head of equities for       to end the quarter lower.
                                                               the Americas told Yahoo         For the year-to-date
                                                               Finance. “What’s really         through Tuesday’s close,
Saudi unemployment                                             crucial though is that a lot
                                                               of that fiscal stimulus
                                                                                               the S&P 500 has increased
                                                                                               14.3%, the Nasdaq by
                                                               has actually not been spent     12.7% and the Dow
down to pre-pandemic                                           year. It’s sitting on           by 12%.

levels in Quarter 1
                                                                              BANK RATES
as economy rebounds                                             Commercial bank rates to the public at the close of
                                                                business yesterday by the Central Bank of Barbados.
DUBAI – Unemployment           expected to grow 2.1% this
among Saudi citizens           year after shrinking                               Valid for July 1, 2021
dropped       to     11.7%     by 4.1% in 2020, the             Notes:
in the first quarter of this   International Monetary           Currency                  Buying            Selling
year from 12.6% at the end     Fund has said.                   Belizean Dollar           1.00000           1.00000
of 2020, official data            In the first quarter, real    Canadian Dollar           1.59154           1.63862
showed on Wednesday, as        gross domestic product           East Caribbean $          0.73704           0.74445
the economy of the world’s     shrank 0.5% quarter-on-          Euro                      2.32064           2.41836
biggest oil exporter picked    quarter mainly because of        Pound Sterling            2.70397           2.81783
up after a sharp contrac-      a drop in the oil sector,        United States Dollar      1.98000           2.02857
tion last year.                reflecting the kingdom’s         Demand/Sight:
  Saudi Arabia has been        voluntary oil output cuts.       Currency                  Buying            Selling
                                                                Belizean Dollar           0.99688           1.00313
pushing through economic          The non-oil economy           Canadian Dollar           1.60060           1.63718
reforms since 2016 to          grew by 4.9% compared            East Caribbean Dollar     0.73843           0.74306
create millions of jobs and    with the last three months       Euro                      2.35469           2.40335
aims to reduce unemploy-       of last year, driven by a        Guyana Dollar             0.00942           0.00948
ment to 7% by 2030,            6.3% private sector              Pound Sterling            2.74364           2.80034
but those plans were           expansion.                       United States Dollar      1.99000           2.02768
disrupted by the coron-           Recent data suggest           Telegraphic Transfer
avirus crisis that sent oil    economic activity picked         Currency                  Buying            Selling
prices plummeting.             up further in the second         Belizean Dollar           0.99688           1.00313
  Unemployment hit a           quarter, London-based            Canadian Dollar           1.60364           1.63718
                                                                East Caribbean Dollar     0.73843           0.74306
record high of 15.4% in the    Capital Economic said this       Euro                      2.35912           2.40335
second quarter last year.      week, estimating a 3.5%          Guyana Dollar             0.00942           0.00948
  “In the first quarter of     quarter-on-quarter growth        Pound Sterling            2.74881           2.80034
2021, the overall Saudi un-    in Q2.                           United States Dollar      1.99375           2.02768
employment             rate       “Saudi Arabia’s eco-
decreased to 11.7% com-        nomic recovery seems to             INDICATIVE RATES FOR SOME REGIONAL
pared to 12.6% in the last     have got back on track in                CURRENCIES AS ADVISED BY THE
quarter of 2020, reaching a    Q2 and, as virus restric-                 RESPECTIVE CENTRAL BANKS
level below pre-pandemic,”     tions are eased further and        N.B.: These rates are not meant to be used for trading.
the General Authority for      oil production cuts are                                    BDS$
                                                                Guyana Dollar             0.00945
Statistics      said     on    scaled back, a strong            Jamaica Dollar            0.01335
Wednesday.                     second half of the year lies     T & T Dollar              0.29690
  The Saudi economy is         in store,” it said.
10 • Thursday July 1, 2021                                                                                                                           The Barbados Advocate

                                                                                                                                                     GENEVA – The World
                                                                                                                                                     Health Organization
                                                                                                                                                     (WHO) yesterday officially
                                                                                                                                                     granted China a malaria-
                                                                                                                                                     free certification as a token
                                                                                                                                                     of celebration of the
                                                                                                                                                     country’s        successful
                                                                                                                                                     elimination of the disease
                                                                                                                                                     after 70 years of its
                                                                                                                                                     struggles against malaria.
                                                                                                                                                        From 30 million malaria
                                                                                                                                                     cases in the 1940s, China
                                                                                                                                                     brought down that number
                                                                                                                                                     over the last decades, to
                                                                                                                                                     finally achieve no cases in
                                                                                                                                                     the last four years, the
                                                                                                                                                     WHO said.
                                                                                                                                                        “Today we congratulate
                                                                                                                                                     the people of China on
                                                                                                                                                     ridding the country of
                                                                                                                                                     malaria,” said WHO
                                                                                                                                                     Director-General Tedros
                                                                                                                                                     Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of                            “Their success was hard-
the Central Military Commission, walks with the recipients of the July 1 Medal, the Party’s highest honour, into the venue of the                    earned and came only after
award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1                         decades of targeted and
Medal was held yesterday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.                                                                         sustained action,” he

Xi awards highest Party honour to                                                                                                                       China’s efforts against
                                                                                                                                                     malaria started in the
                                                                                                                                                     1950s, as the disease was
                                                                                                                                                     rampant in the southern

role models ahead of CPC centenary                                                                                                                   part of the country, close to
                                                                                                                                                     other hotspots in mainland
                                                                                                                                                     Southeast Asia.
BEIJING – Xi Jinping,                                         Xi also told CPC            a volunteer who has           million members.                The “523 Project” – a
general secretary of         Role models                    members        to    work     spent decades serving her       Xi called on the Party     research           program
the Communist Party            Over the past 100            diligently, maintain high     community, a Uygur            to follow the example set    launched in 1967 – allowed
of    China        (CPC)     years, generations of CPC      morale, tackle challenges     village official resolutely   by the awardees, saying      Chinese Nobel Prize
Central Committee, on        members have worked            and continue the fine         fighting ethnic separatist    every CPC member can         winner Tu Youyou to
Tuesday conferred the        hard and made selfless         traditions of hard work       activities, a welder, a       make accomplishments         discover artemisinin, one
July 1 Medal, the            contributions in the           and plain living, and to      weaver, a veteran             for the Party and the        of the most effective
Party’s         highest      pursuit of national            put public interests above    diplomat and a police         people in the great cause    antimalarial           drugs
honour, on model CPC         independence and the           personal interests.           detective.                    of national rejuvenation.    nowadays, according to the
members.                     liberation of the people,        The ceremony was              A battalion commander         “The new era needs         WHO.
  A total of 29 CPC          as well as in striving for a   presided over by Wang         who sacrificed his life       heroes and can give birth       Over the last two
members who have             prosperous and strong          Huning, and attended by       defending the Chinese         to heroes,” he said.         decades, China ramped up
made      “outstanding       country and the people’s       Li Keqiang, Li Zhanshu,       border, a Party official        At the end of the          its efforts and reduced the
contributions to the Party   well-being, said Xi.           Wang Yang, Zhao Leji          who was sent to a village     speech, Xi called on CPC     number of cases in the
and the people” received       Noting       that     the    and Han Zheng – all           to fight poverty and died     members and officials to     1990s from 117,000 to
the    honour,      some     awardees have been             members of the Standing       on the front line, and a      boldly advance toward        5,000 annually by
posthumously.                outstanding represen-          Committee         of   the    war hero who worked in        the second centenary goal    providing staff training,
  This is the first time     tatives of CPC members         Political Bureau of the       obscurity after retiring      of fully building a modern   laboratory equipment,
the medal has been           on all fronts, Xi said they    CPC Central Committee,        from the military were        socialist country, as well   antimalarial medicines
awarded as the CPC is        embody Party members’          as well as Vice President     awarded the honor             as the Chinese Dream of      and new methods to
set to celebrate its         staunch faith, fighting        Wang Qishan.                  posthumously.                 national rejuvenation.       control           mosquito
centenary today, July 1.     and dedicated spirit,            Wang Huning read a            Zhang Guimei, the             After the ceremony, Xi     propagation.
  Over the past 100          integrity and devotion,        decision of the CPC           principal of a senior high    and other leaders took a        The “1-3-7” strategy –
years, the Party “has        and loyalty to the Party’s     Central Committee on          school that offers free       group photo with the         one day to report a case,
written a splendid           fundamental tenet –            conferring the medals.        education to girls from       medal recipients.            three days to confirm a
chapter in the history of    putting the people at the                                    impoverished families,          Before the ceremony, Xi    case and seven days to
the Chinese nation’s         very center of their           Everyday heroes               called      herself     an    and other leaders met        prevent further spread of
development and that of      hearts, and whole-               The recipients of the       “ordinary teacher” when       with awardees of the         the disease – was also a
humanity’s progress,”        heartedly serving the          medals all come from the      she delivered a speech on     titles of outstanding        tool of success and is still
said Xi, also Chinese        people.                        people and are rooted in      behalf of the honorees        Party           members,     used nowadays for
president and chairman         To maintain staunch          the people. They are          after receiving her medal.    exemplary            Party   travelers coming from
of the Central Military      faith is to stay true to the   everyday heroes who             “The honor belongs to       workers, and advanced        malaria-infected countries.
Commission.                  Party’s           original     have fulfilled their duties   every CPC member              community-level Party           “Over many decades,
  In the Great Hall of the   aspiration and dedicate        and made contributions,       working on different          organizations from across    China’s ability to think
People, Xi draped the        everything, even one's         said Xi.                      fronts,” said Zhang.          the country, and took a      outside the box served the
medals around the necks      precious life, to the cause      They include a veteran      “What we’ve done is just      group photo with them.       country well in its own
of the recipients, shook     of the Party and the           of the Red Army and           what       many       CPC       The      meeting      on   response to malaria, and
their     hands       and    people, said Xi.               those who fought in the       members are doing every       awarding the three titles    also had a significant
congratulated them.            All Party members            War of Liberation and the     day.”                         was held Monday, which       ripple effect globally,” said
  Xi addressed the           should trust, love and         War to Resist U.S.              According to figures        was attended by Wang         Pedro Alonso, director of
attendees            after   devote themselves to the       Aggression and Aid            released last year, the       Huning        and     Zhao   the WHO Global Malaria
presenting the medals.       Party, he said.                Korea. They also include      CPC has more than 91          Leji.                        Programme.
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                                    Thursday July 1, 2021 • 11

Grenada designated world’s
first ‘culinary capital’
THE World Food Travel Association               handcrafted rums and nutmeg ice cream.
(WFTA) has designated Grenada                   Spices on the island are used for both
and its sister islands of Carriacou &           food as well as medicinal & wellness
Petite Martinique as the world’s                purposes,” the WFTA statement noted.
first Culinary Capital.
   As per the WFTA, the Culinary                ‘Spice of the Caribbean’
Capitals programme intends to focus             Grenada comprises three islands located
on culinary cultures worldwide as               in the Caribbean’s southernmost region.
the tourism sector starts to recover later        The Island country boasts of 60
the long pandemic-induced hiatus.               unforgettable dive sites, including the
   The WFTA, which is considered as the         largest shipwreck in the Caribbean &
world’s leading authority on food and           the world’s 1st Underwater Sculpture
beverage tourism, said the combination          Park.
of spices into the nation’s cuisine has           Grenada also has 50 world-class
resulted in an overall robust and               white sand beaches, 15 breathtaking
flavourful Grenada food profile.                waterfalls and countless hiking trails.        The World Food Travel Association (WFTA) has designated Grenada and its sister
   From casual beachside restaurants to           Kirl Grant-Hoschtialek, the interim          islands of Carriacou & Petite Martinique as the world’s first Culinary Capital.
fine dining and even street food,               CEO of the Grenada Tourism Authority,
Grenadians’ taste and the flair for             called the Culinary Capital accreditation      attract discerning travellers,” he said.        plantations.
delicious food is undeniable, the WFTA          a significant achievement for the country.       Grenada is a Caribbean country                  It’s also the place of the capital,
said.                                             “We are known as the Spice of the            containing the main island, also called         St. George’s, whose colourful homes,
   “The islands showcase many unique            Caribbean. So it is fitting that we are the    Grenada, and smaller circling islands.          Georgian buildings and early-18th-cen-
culinary assets. These hold the tradition       1st Caribbean island to earn the designa-      Dubbed the “Spice Isle,” the hilly main         tury Fort George overlook narrow
of ‘saraka’, the national dish ‘oil down’,      tion of Culinary Capital. This will            island is home to numerous nutmeg               Carenage Harbour.

PM Holness rejects claims COVID rules relaxed as election sweetener
KINGSTON, Jamaica – PM Holness says             have been relaxed to pave the way              remarks at the opening of the Olympic           be deferred up to February 27, 2022.
an election will not be held this year and      for local government elections.                Gardens Police Station in St Andrew               The bill was piloted by Local
certainly not until he is satisfied that          Holness says an election will not be held    Wednesday morning.                              Government Minister, Desmond
Jamaica is on the right trajectory              this year and certainly not until he is sat-     Last November, the House of                   McKenzie.
for vaccination.                                isfied that Jamaica is on the right            Representatives approved amendments               Local elections are held every four years
  Prime Minister Andrew Holness has             trajectory for vaccination.                    to the Representation of the People Act to      and the last poll was conducted
refuted claims that COVID-19 measures             He made the declaration as he gave           allow the local government elections to         on November 28, 2016.

Jamaica Gov’t pushes ahead with                                                                Six Delta variant infections identified
summer school despite objections                                                               as active cases rise in Bermuda
KINGSTON, Jamaica – THE education               gagement.                                      HAMILTON, Bermuda – Six people have             ant and five the Beta or South African
ministry of Jamaica is pressing ahead             When the diagnostic test data becomes        been infected with the Covid-19 Delta           variant, according to Dr Oyinloye.
with plans to hold summer classes,              available this will be used to guide           variant, a more virulent strain of the             The Delta variant, linked to outbreaks
notwithstanding clear indication from the       further support for summer school and be-      coronavirus, it was announced at                in India, can infect five to eight people
island’s teachers that they are not             yond. We sent out the analysis report for      Tuesday night’s Government press                on average from one case.
in favour of the move.                          our grade nine students today [Tuesday],       conference.                                        Patients in the original outbreaks of the
  On Tuesday, portfolio minister Fayval         and the schools now have this data to            David Burt, the Premier, called the news      virus across Europe appeared to infect
Williams announced that summer                  begin planning learning for these              “disappointing” and said it highlighted the     about three different people, while those
school will start on Monday, July 5, and        students,” she advised.                        need for vigilance, even as Bermuda’s           with the Alpha or British variant
continue through August, with the                 A tiered system is to be used to             number of fully vaccinated people passed        responsible for Bermuda’s surge this
assistance of available trained teachers        prioritise students for face-to-face learn-    the 60 per cent mark.                           spring typically infected between four
and retired teachers as tutors, as well as      ing, supplemented by online instruction,         Burt remained upbeat that the island          or five others, he said.
final-year teachers’ college students           the minister said, with tier-two students      could still hit its goal of 70 per cent immu-      Dr Oyinloye said the Beta strain
as assistant tutors.                            being facilitated virtually only, guided by    nisations, saying the arrival last week of      appeared more adept at evading the full
  The plan is for face-to-face learning to      their classroom teachers “who may              4,000 fresh doses of the Pfizer vaccine put     protection offered by the vaccine – but
run for the first four weeks, and virtual       volunteer to assist” or by tutors recruited    the jab within reach of anyone not              emphasised the vaccine remained the best
classes to continue throughout                  by the ministry.                               vaccinated so far.                              line of defence.
August.                                           Meanwhile, Minister Williams said the          Ayo Oyinloye, the Chief Medical Officer,         Mr Burt, who was heckled outside the
  When the plan for mandatory summer            previously announced national extra            said it was now clear that “variants of         Cabinet office by protesters Wednesday
school was first announced the Jamaica          lessons/homework programme commis-             concern are on the island – there’s no          morning, acknowledged that some of the
Teachers’ Association (JTA) had came out        sioned by the ministry will be delivered       argument about that”.                           Government’s restrictions had proven
in opposed, positing that teachers had          primarily online, and that tutors/teachers       Four new positive coronavirus cases           unpopular.
become burnt out and needed time to re-         would be required to manage both face-to-      were announced, bringing the total active          He conceded that early confusion over
coup for the start of the new school year       face and online classes.                       cases to 15 – almost quadruple the four         the implementation of the travel
in September. The teachers said                   “The national summer school and              cases just two weeks ago.                       authorisation form at the island’s
the summer break should, instead, be            national homework and national extra             It was also revealed that large group         borders was “not the Government’s finest
used to strategise and plan for the term        lesson intervention or programme is for        gatherings will be cut from 100 to              hour”.
ahead.                                          every student who want to avail them-          50 people from tomorrow, due to the                But the Premier maintained that strict
  Williams later advised that summer            selves of it. We would love for those who      increase in cases.                              two-week supervised quarantines for
school would be voluntary, but that the         are below the line to participate,               Health minister Kim Wilson said the           non-immunised incoming travellers were
ministry would roll out a structured            but it is for every single student,”           four cases were from 7,048 test results         scientifically proven as necessary.
programme.                                      she stressed.                                  since the last pandemic update, giving a           He said, “Strong leadership will be
  In a statement to the House of                  The ministry has also promised to track      test positivity rate of 0.1 per cent.           necessary in the face of criticism and
Representatives on Tuesday, she said the        down and bring into the loop the 120,000         Ms Wilson said the 15 active cases were       differing views.”
ministry would begin the summer school          students reported to have not been in          all under public health monitoring with            He added it did not mean “we will
programme using existing performance            contact with the education system since        none in hospital.                               make decisions without listening to
data on the students to guide its initial en-   last March.                                      Six of the active cases are the Delta vari-   the people”.
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