What Makes a City Bikeable? A Study of Intercity and Intracity Patt erns of Bicycle Ridership using Mobike Big Data Records - Beijing City Lab

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         What Makes a City Bikeable?
       A Study of Intercity and Intracity
      Patterns of Bicycle Ridership using
           Mobike Big Data Records
                                YING LONG and JIANTING ZHAO

          This paper examines how mass ridership data can help describe cities from the bikers’
          perspective. We explore the possibility of using the data to reveal general bikeability
          patterns in 202 major Chinese cities. This process is conducted by constructing a
          bikeability rating system, the Mobike Riding Index (MRI), to measure bikeability
          in terms of usage frequency and the built environment. We first investigated mass
          ridership data and relevant supporting data; we then established the MRI framework
          and calculated MRI scores accordingly. This study finds that people tend to ride
          shared bikes at speeds close to 10 km/h for an average distance of 2 km roughly three
          times a day. The MRI results show that at the street level, the weekday and weekend
          MRI distributions are analogous, with an average score of 49.8 (range 0–100). At
          the township level, high-scoring townships are those close to the city centre; at the
          city level, the MRI is unevenly distributed, with high-MRI cities along the southern
          coastline or in the middle inland area. These patterns have policy implications
          for urban planners and policy-makers. This is the first and largest-scale study to
          incorporate mobile bike-share data into bikeability measurements, thus laying the
          groundwork for further research.

Bikeability                                             theft locks, GPS tracking, and mobile appli-
                                                        cation-based user interfaces, have enabled a
Biking is beloved by a wide range of people             wider deployment of dockless shared bikes
for its environmental (Zhang and Mi, 2018)              (Si et al., 2019). In the Chinese context, the
and physical health (Giles-Corti et al., 2010)          bike-sharing market started to grow rapidly
benefits. Many cities worldwide started shared          in 2016, with OFO, Mobike, Bluegogo and
bike programmes years ago (DeMaio, 2009;                other similar start-ups entering the market.
Fishman et al., 2013; Shaheen et al., 2010; Si et       Driven by investments and growth, 20 million
al., 2019). However, it was only recently that          shared bikes were launched nationwide in
shared bikes became ‘smart’ as a result of the          just two years (Bi, 2018). These dockless bikes
development of information technology (Guo              have several key merits: bike locations are
et al., 2017). These technological advance-             searchable on mobile applications, users can
ments, such as the implementation of anti-              return bikes anywhere anytime, and bike

                           Contact: Ying Long  ylong@tsinghua.edu.cn

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rentals are exceptionally cheap. Currently, in       system has increased, both inside and outside
large Chinese cities such as Beijing, Shanghai,      of China. The data derived from shared bikes
and Shenzhen, shared bikes are almost                are unprecedented. Bike companies collect en-
ubiquitous (figure 1). There is little product       ormous quantities of precise data about user
differentiation in shared bikes in terms of           travel time, trace, speed, and other user profile
pricing and user experience. Registered users        information. These data enable studies that
simply look for a bike offline or on the mobile        could not have been conducted previously. In
application, select the ‘unlock’ option to scan      some studies, shared bike data are used to
the QR code marked on the bike, and start            solve pressing social issues. He et al. (2018)
riding. The mobile application will record the       developed a way to detect illegal parking
trajectory and time for the rider. The typical       using Mobike riding trajectories. Bao et al.
cost of a rental is 1 RMB (US$0.15)/hour, or         (2017) used a data-driven method to propose
10–20 RMB (US$1.5–3) per month. As a result          bike lane plans using mass trajectory data.
of financial support, abundance, and the             Others have developed spatiotemporal data
popularity of dockless shared bikes, publicly        analysis approaches to predict station demand
run bikes have been forced out of the market         (Ai et al., 2019; Guo et al., 2017; Li et al., 2019; Zhou,
(Li et al., 2019).                                   2015).
                                                        In addition, many bike-sharing and bike
                                                     infrastructure studies in the Western world
Shared Bike Data Usage in Academia
                                                     focus on stationed bikes (Austwick et al., 2013;
Recently, academic interest in the bike-sharing      Carstensen et al., 2015). Reviews of dockless

Figure 1. The abundance of dockless bikes in Chinese cities (Sources: http://www.twoeggz.com/
picture/696347.html; https://www.lianxianjia.com/zixun/140408.html)

56                                                                       BUILT ENVIRONMENT VOL 46 NO 1

shared bikes mainly focus on programmes              and took up the major market share in top-tier
in China and Singapore (Li et al., 2019; Xu          cities after two years of competition (Qian-
et al., 2019). However, these studies focus on       zhan, 2019). In November 2018, for example,
one or several cities, potentially lacking the       the number of active users of Mobike, OFO
ability to expand to other cities. No similar        and Hellobike was 19 million, 18 million and 7
research examines bike-sharing programmes            million, respectively. However, OFO’s market
at the national level.                               share was expected to drop after going bank-
                                                     rupt at the end of 2018 (Huang, 2018). In
                                                     contrast, Mobike was acquired by an e-commerce
The Meaning of Bikeability
                                                     giant, Meituan Dianping, and its status is
Bikeability initially branched off from the           secure at the moment. With the secured invest-
walkability measurement movement and has             ment, Mobike was able to withdraw its 299
gained greater attention over the years (Porter      RMB (US$44.4) deposit charge, which attracted
et al., 2019). The term bikeability is commonly      more users and hence is viewed as having
used in bike ridership and built environment         promising market prospects. Moreover, Mobike
studies; however, the factors that this term en-     bikes cover over 200 Chinese cities and across
compasses are often ambiguous. Some studies          wide geographical regions. These traits are
examine the suitability of built environ-            essential for our study, as we would like to
ments for biking (Mertens et al., 2017; Moudon       explore general bike-riding patterns across
et al., 2005; Orellana and Guerrero, 2019;           China and be able to continue the study
Zhang et al., 2017). Others focus on perceived       without considering bike ridership instability.
bikeability from a more subjective standpoint
(Ferández-Heredia et al., 2014; Ma and Dill,
                                                     Our Study Aims
2017). Porter et al. (2019, p. 4) summarize the
term ‘bikeability’ as being ‘used to describe        In this study, we explore the possibility of
collective aspects of the environment that           using Mobike’s mass ridership data to study
are conducive to bicycling’. Our bikeability         bike ridership in major cities across China.
definition stretches to include usage fre-           We divided our study into two parts. Part one
quency, with the consideration that even though      conducts an in-depth examination of Mobike
some streets may not have pleasant biking            data to study ridership patterns. Part two con-
environments, they may attract many bikers           structs a bikeability rating system called the
due to their location or other factors.              Mobike Riding Index (MRI), which reflects
   As more people start to bike again, improv-       bikeability in terms of usage frequency and
ing urban bikeability would benefit not only         the built environment on a scale of 0 to 100.
the riders but also the public as a whole.           From the results of the MRI, we discuss the
Nevertheless, the emphasis on bikeability is         discernible patterns of the MRI at intercity
inadequate in Chinese cities compared to walk-       and intracity scales. Our study focuses on the
ability (Gu et al., 2018). There is a need to        urban built-up area of 202 Chinese cities, which
study the bikeability of Chinese cities and pro-     fills the gap of regional-scale bike data research.
pose practical ways to make streets safer and        This paper contributes to the study of
more appealing to bikers.                            Chinese bikeability by being the first to create
                                                     a bikeability rating index using massive bike
                                                     data and the first to cross-sectionally study
Mobike as Our Study Subject
                                                     202 cities. Its results would have implications
The competition amongst bike-share providers         for urban policymakers and inspire like-minded
is fierce. There were initially more than thirty     researchers.
companies in the market (ASKCI, 2018), but
only Mobike, OFO, and Hellobike survived

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Literature Review                                     tions. Gu et al. (2018) created a street scoring
                                                      framework for bikeability using eight para-
Variables Used in Bikeability Measurements
                                                      meters that covered three dimensions: a safety
Bikeability encompasses many different factors,        dimension (existence of bike lanes, existence
and these factors are represented differently          of crossing facilities, bike lanes with illegal
in different measurement approaches. The               parking), a comfort dimension (streets with
Copenhagenize Index (CI), the self-proclaimed         tree shade, bike lane isolation), and a con-
most comprehensive worldwide ranking of               venience dimension (street network density,
bicycle-friendly cities, began in 2011 and in-        crossing facility density, facility accessibility).
corporates thirteen parameters in its bike-           While CI parameters place more emphasis
ability ranking methodology (Copenhagen-              on social factors, Zayed’s study focuses more
ize Design Co., 2019). It includes streetscape        on city-related figures, and Gu et al.’s index
parameters (bicycle infrastructure, bicycle           focuses mainly on the streets’ built environ-
facilities, traffic calming), culture parameters        ment. Each rating system has a unique focus,
(gender split, modal share for bicycles, modal        while streets’ built environment parameters
share increase over the last 10 years, indicators     are a common feature of each rating system.
of safety, image of the bicycle, cargo bikes),
and ambition parameters (advocacy, politics,
                                                      Methods for the Evaluation of Bikeability
bike share); it also includes a bonus point to
address any extra effort that is not reflected         Next, we examine the methods that have been
in these points. The consideration of bicycle         used in previous bikeability studies. The most
facilities is in line with existing research.         straightforward approach would be point
Rixey (2013) concludes that proximity and             addition with equal weight, which is used in
access to a comprehensive bike station net-           the CI. A similar approach is to compare para-
work are critical to support ridership once           meters using statistical descriptive and factor
demographic and built environment factors             analyses (Zayed, 2016). While weighting is
are controlled for. This index stands out             not emphasized in these two approaches,
amongst numerous bikeability measurements             Gu et al. (2018) used Shannon’s information
due to its expansive scale (Zayed, 2016). In          entropy weighting to reduce artificial effects
the study of city readiness for cycling, Zayed        in weighting and to avoid information over-
chose case cities using the CI, indicating the        lap. However, since information entropy
credibility of the index’s ranking in academia.       weighting is based on mathematical models
Twelve variables were considered in Zayed’s           instead of bikeability-related knowledge, it is
study, including city area, population and            difficult to justify the reliability of weighting.
density, city form, city sector, land-use geo-        A regression model is used to forecast bike-
graphy, road network length, motorized trans-         sharing ridership. Rixey (2013) used factors
port modal split, motorization rate, terrain          including demographics, the built environ-
slope, annual temperature, and yearly precipi-        ment, the transportation network, and system-
tation. Relevant research shows the importance        specified factors to explain the natural log of
of the variables used in this study. Zhang et         the number of rentals. Although this method
al. (2017) find that factors including popu-          is used for ridership forecasting, its result also
lation density, bike lane length and diverse          reflects the degree of influence of different
land-use types near bike parking places are           variables.
positively associated with bike trip demand,
whereas distance to the city centre is nega-
                                                      Scope of Study
tively associated with trip demand. In con-
trast to the CI, Zayed’s study focuses more           Existing research varies in scope. It ranges from
on city-related variables and natural condi-          community to international levels. Community-

58                                                                      BUILT ENVIRONMENT VOL 46 NO 1

level research provides an in-depth perspective       Data and Methods
in an area. Luo et al. (2018) studied the Qiaobei
                                                      This study outlines several assumptions
area of Nanjing to determine the influence of
                                                      and hypotheses based on precedent studies.
the built environment on public bike usage.
                                                      First, we expect to see more trips on week-
Although the area is limited, the study im-
                                                      days than at weekends, as people use the
plication is generalizable, as influential built
                                                      dockless bike-sharing system more for com-
environment factors such as bus stations and
                                                      muting purposes (Li et al., 2019). We would
street amenities are common in other places.
                                                      also assume the overall trip frequency varia-
The most frequent level of study is the city.
                                                      tions at weekends to be smaller and the
Studies have been conducted in Chinese cities
                                                      temporal patterns across the city to be evenly
(Ningbo, Zhongshan), North American cities
                                                      distributed (Xu et al., 2019). Porter et al. (2019)
(San Francisco, Chicago, Vancouver), and in an
                                                      also note that geographical location is an
Ecuadorian city (Cuenca) (Ashqar et al., 2019;
                                                      important factor that influences bikeability.
Gallop et al., 2011; Guo et al., 2017; Orellana
                                                      It is particularly important in our research,
and Guerrero, 2019; Zhang et al., 2017; Zhou,
                                                      since we are comparing cities across China,
2015). City-level studies, however, are harder
                                                      which spans a large latitude and longitude
to extrapolate due to their distinct culture,
                                                      range. We would expect better bike ridership
geographical location, and other factors. In
                                                      performance in the south, where the climate
addition, the built environment also varies
                                                      is more temperate. Since the information on
widely from urban to suburban areas. Also
                                                      user characteristics was not released, we assume
common are multi-city/regional studies. The
                                                      it to be similar to that of the entire shared-
comparisons between different cities give
                                                      bike industry in China. As shown by iiMedia
another dimension to the study of bikeability.
                                                      Research (2008), a Chinese big-data consultantcy,
Research is mostly performed in the Western
                                                      out of all the shared bike users nationwide,
world, especially in the United States (Si et al.,
                                                      males account for 4.4 per cent more than
2019). Chinese dockless shared bike schemes
                                                      females. In terms of the age distribution, those
have not attracted sufficient research attention
                                                      younger than 24 years old account for the
despite their size (Fishman, 2016; Si et al.,
                                                      lowest proportion of users (only 4.8 per cent),
2019). At the international level, the CI is by
                                                      and those aged 31–35 comprise the largest
far the most comprehensive (Copenhagenize
                                                      group of users (28.8 per cent). This group is
Design Co, 2019; Zayed, 2016).
                                                      followed by those aged 25–30 (25 per cent)
   We will fill the gap in the existing litera-
                                                      and those aged 36–40 and older than 41 (each
ture by providing insights into shared bike
                                                      approximately 20 per cent). This distribution
ridership in the Chinese context and construct-
                                                      is generally even, so it is reasonable to
ing a bikeability rating system using mass
                                                      assume that our MRI applies to the general
ridership data. Specifically, we will conduct a
countrywide study covering major cities that
had Mobike activities in September 2017. The
data availability enables us to study ridership
                                                      Mobike Data
at different scales. This study encompasses
trends from the regional level to the street          One-week (4–10 September 2017) bike trip
level. Unlike existing literature that uses city      data at a national level were obtained from
administrative boundaries as the scope of             Mobike Inc. to conduct detailed research. This
study, we only consider urban built-up areas,         dataset originally covered the urban built-up
making our study more urban-focused. This             area of 287 Chinese cities and 769,407 street
study is the first of its kind in the known           segments and contains street ID, date, daily
literature and could have implications for            user volume, bike volume, speed, and other
researchers and urban practitioners.                  related parameters.

BUILT ENVIRONMENT VOL 46 NO 1                                                                          59

   We conducted background research and                 Data Exploration
checked the dataset’s legitimacy. First, we
assumed Mobike’s market share to be con-                Since weekday and weekend travel patterns
sistent across different regions of China, since         may be different, the Mobike data were
there is no precise measure of the difference.           divided into weekday and weekend datasets,
When this dataset was compiled in September             and separate analyses were conducted. Data
2017, Mobike and OFO were the two largest               from 4 to 8 September were aggregated into
firms that shared the market almost evenly at           a weekday dataset, and data from 9 and 10
the national level (CheetahGlobalLab, 2018).            September were aggregated into a weekend
However, this dataset was set in a time frame           dataset. Table 1 lists the indicators after aggre-
that was close to the end of China’s bike-              gation. These eight indicators have the same
share industry frenzy. Since the beginning              naming conventions, in which 1 denotes week-
of 2017, Mobike and OFO have been rapidly               days and 2 denotes weekends. Street ID and
expanding both domestically and overseas                date were omitted as they were not included
(Zhou, 2017). However, in September both                in the MRI framework.
companies announced that they would stop                   The aggregated data were visualized in
launching new bikes in existing cities due to           charts and maps. The Mobike data were geo-
management difficulties (Cheng, 2017). In                 located on the map by joining them to the
the meantime, dozens of similar firms shut              street network using ArcMap 10.5. Since Mobike
down (CheetahGlobalLab, 2018). The shut-                had not opened its business in all 287 cities in
down wave drew shared bike users back to                China, streets in many of those inactive cities
the biggest firms like Mobike and OFO, and              had zero bike counts. Therefore, a formula
hence, we assumed the dataset’s represent-              was used to select only valid cities. As shown
ability of the larger bike user population.             in formula 1, the active city is defined as a

Table 1. Indicators for weekday and weekend datasets.
Indicators        Definition
UV1_SUM           Cumulative user count on each street segment
UV2_SUM           (1 for weekday, 2 for weekend)
UV1_MEAN          Daily average user count on each street segment
UV2_ MEAN         (1 for weekday, 2 for weekend)
PV1_SUM           Cumulative unique trip count* on each street segment
PV2_SUM           (1 for weekday, 2 for weekend)
PV1_ MEAN         Daily average trip count on each street segment
PV2_MEAN          (1 for weekday, 2 for weekend)
PV/UV1            Daily average trip count per user on each street segment, or trip-to-user ratio
PV/UV2            (1 for weekday, 2 for weekend)
ORDCNT1           Daily average order count for users who passed the street segment
ORDCNT2           (1 for weekday, 2 for weekend)
AVGDIS1           Daily average travel distance for users who passed the street segment
AVGDIS2           (1 for weekday, 2 for weekend)
AVGSPD1           Daily average travel speed for users who passed the street segment
AVGSPD2           (1 for weekday, 2 for weekend)
* ‘Unique trip count’ indicates that a street segment is only counted once in a trip order even if the user
passes through it repeatedly.

60                                                                        BUILT ENVIRONMENT VOL 46 NO 1

Figure 2. 202 active cities are preserved for further research.

city that has more than ten street segments                  in a histogram, but instead of plotting with
for which cumulative trip counts are non-                    columns, it plots a normal density curve.
zero. With this criterion, 202 out of 287 cities,            Essentially, a taller curve indicates the more
equivalent to 693,605 out of 769,407 street                  frequent appearance of a number (R Core
segments, were selected for further research.                Team, 2013).
These 202 cities cover all major cities in China
(figure 2), with a higher concentration in
                                                             MRI Initial Framework
Eastern China.
                                                             The Mobike Riding Index was created based
                     Active City =                           on our understanding of bikeability and pre-
Number of Streets ((PV1 _SUM+PV2 _SUM)>0) > 10 (formula 1)   cedent studies. Bikeability should include two
                                                             aspects: street usage frequency by bikers and
  To further investigate the data, each indi-                built environment-related factors. The street
cator was visualized using a density chart. Since            usage is reflected by Mobike riding data, which
extreme values could highly skew the data                    show usage frequency and riding quantity.
distribution, the top and bottom 5 per cent                  The built environment is further divided into
of the dataset were removed. A density chart                 the dimensions of street segment measure-
provides information similar to that presented               ments and city environment. The street dimen-

BUILT ENVIRONMENT VOL 46 NO 1                                                                             61

sion includes measurements derived from the             work was later simplified to eleven factors due
point of interest (function density and function        to various reasons addressed in the follow-
mix) and other street characteristics, including        ing two sub-sections.
junction density, street length, and width, which
have been important in previous research (Gu
                                                        Other Data
et al., 2018; Zayed, 2016). Township-level pop-
ulation density is included, since it has been          For the street measurements and city environ-
found to be relevant to high bikeability (Zhang         ment dimensions, we tried to obtain data for
et al., 2017). We also incorporated the Walk            each proposed indicator, as shown in the
Score, a walkability measure we previously              MRI initial framework (figure 3). The datasets
developed (Long et al., 2018), in the street            come from various sources, ranging from
dimension to indicate the convenience to a              commercial data to manual collection. Table
nearby point of interest (POI) and street               2 presents the explanations and sources of all
amenities. In the city environment dimension,           indicators from the street measurement and
research has shown the importance to bike-              the city environment dimensions, respect-
ability of city area, street length, weather,           ively. With the available data, clarification is
temperature, and household income (Guo et               needed for the following terms: centre city,
al., 2017; Porter et al., 2019; Zayed, 2016). These     city’s administrative core, road network and
factors are reflected in our framework as the           street amenities:
city centre area, number of street segments,
total street length, annual average temperature,        (a) The centre city refers to a city’s largest
precipitation, city administrative level, and           concentrated urban built-up area within its
gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. This           administrative boundary (Long, 2016).
framework (figure 3) was reviewed by experts
in related fields, including the Director of            (b) The city’s administrative core is used to
WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities and              represent the location of its local government,
the Chief Data Scientist and CEO of Mobike              rather than the geometrical centroid, as cities
Inc., who have years of practical knowledge in          usually expand radially from their local gov-
rider preferences. However, the MRI frame-              ernment.

 Mobike Riding Data                  Street Segment Measurements         City Environment

 1. User count per segment           1.    Function density              1. Annual GDP per capita
 2. Trip count per segment           2.    Function mix                  2. City administrative level
 3. Daily average user speed         3.    Junction density              3. Average Annual
 4. Ratio between trip count         4.    Township level population        Temperature
    and user count                         density                       4. Annual average
 5. Daily average user riding        5.    Length                           precipitation (mm)
    distance                         6.    Width                         5. City centre area (km2)
 6. Daily average user order         7.    Distance to city centre       6. Number of street segments
    count                            8.    Walk Score                    7. Total street segment length
                                     9.    Street greening                  (m) in city centre
                                     10.   Street slope
                                     11.   Whether a street segment
                                           has a separated bike lane

Figure 3. Initial MRI calculation framework.

62                                                                       BUILT ENVIRONMENT VOL 46 NO 1

(c) The road network refers to all simplified                    Data Correlation Analysis
roads within the centre city boundary. Briefly,
the original two-way roads were simplified                       To avoid overly correlated indicators in the
into one, minor discontinuities were recon-                      MRI calculation process, the correlations for
nected, and random branches were removed                         all indicators in each dimension are investi-
(Long, 2016).                                                    gated. The Spearman rank correlation is used,
                                                                 as there is no pairwise linear relationship
(d) Finally, the street amenities, represented                   assumption between these indicators. As we
by the point of interest (POI), were obtained                    expected, some indicators are highly correlated
from a Chinese leading map company, which                        with each other; some are even perfectly cor-
initially contained over twenty categories but                   related. It would be meaningless to include
was later generalized to nine, including rest-                   both. Thus, a benchmark of  = 0.8 is set to
aurants, banks, and parks (Zhou and Long,                        filter out the invalid indicators. The cut-off
2017). However, street greening, street slope,                   point is chosen such that only the perfectly
separated bike lane, annual average precipi-                     associated indicator pairs are eliminated
tation, and annual temperature indicators were                   while the relatively highly correlated pairs
excluded due to insufficient data.                                 are preserved. Correlation analysis pairs with

Table 2. List of street and city indicators and their definitions, calculation methods and sources.
Indicator                   Definition            Calculation Method                               Source or
                                         Street Segment Measurement Indicators
WALKSCORE                   A rating system                                                        Long et al., 2018
                            that reflects the
                                                 Walk Score = ∑ (Wi  f(S))  –––
                            walkability on a                 i=1               15
                            street segment,
                            with a range of       Wi : An amenity’s influential weight
                            0–100. The higher     i : a type of amenity
                            the score, the        n : all types of amenities
                            more likely it is     S : the distance from a type of amenity to the
                            that people walk      S street in metres
                            on the street.        f(S): the decay function of S

FUNCTION_DEN                Street segment                               number of POIs            Liu and Long,
                                                  FUNCTION_DEN =        ––––––––––––––
                            function density                               area (km2)              2016
                                                  POI: point of interests

FUNCTION_MIX                Street segment        FUNCTION_MIX = – ∑in= 1 (pi  ln pi)             Liu and Long,
                            function mix: the                                                      2016
                            variety of amenity    pi : the ratio between a type of amenity
                            functions in an       and the total number of amenities that
                            area                  are along the street segment

JUNCTION_DEN                Street segment                              number of junctions        The street
                                                  JUNCTION_DEN =        –––––––––––––––––
                            junction density:                           0.5 km search radius       network in the
                            the number of                                                          centre city is
                            junctions in an                                                        from a Chinese
                            area, unit: #/km2                                                      leading
Table 2 – continued on page 64

BUILT ENVIRONMENT VOL 46 NO 1                                                                                      63

Table 2 – continued from page 63

Indicator                   Definition           Calculation Method                             Source or
                                          Street Segment Measurement Indicators
DIST_TO_CC                  Street segment’s Calculated the distance from a street              City’s
                            distance (m) to     segment’s centroid to the city core using the   administrative
                            the city’s          spatial-join feature in ArcGIS                  core comes
                            administrative core                                                 from manual

STREET_LEN                  Street segment       The default length in ArcGIS
                            length (m)

WIDTH                       Street width (m)                                                    Raw data

POP_DEN                     The township-level                                                  The Sixth
                            population density                                                  National Census
                            (people/km2)                                                        (2010)

                                                City Environment Indicators

STREET_COUNT                The number of      ArcGIS Summarize tool
                            street segments in
                            the centre city

SUM_LEN                     The total length     ArcGIS Summarize tool
                            (m) of street
                            segments in the
                            centre city

GDP_PC                      The city’s annual                                                   China City
                            GDP per capita                                                      Statistical
                            (RMB/person; based                                                  Yearbook (2015)
                            on the

CITY_LEVEL_N                City levels:                                                        Long et al., 2018
                            1. Zhixiashi (ZXS),
                            i.e. the direct-
                            2. Fushengji (FSJ),
                            i.e., the sub-
                            provincial city
                            3. Shenghui (SH),
                            i.e. the provincial
                            4. Dijishi (DJS), i.e.
                            the prefectural-level

AREA_CC                     Area of the centre The default polygon area in ArcGIS
                            city (km2)

64                                                                                BUILT ENVIRONMENT VOL 46 NO 1

>0.8 were treated by removing one of the             streets, narrower streets are preferable for
pairs.                                                non-vehicular traffics. Thus, the street width
                                                      was then reversed and normalized to reflect
                                                      the reverse influence on the bikeability.
Data Transformation
                                                      Similarly, since distance to the city centre is
Since some data are highly skewed and others          inversely associated with bike trip demand
have an inverse relationship with the MRI, a          (Zhang et al., 2017), it is also reversely scored.
log transformation, normalization (formula 2)         Table 3 lists all indicator manipulations. With
and reverse normalization (formula 3) were            the transformed indicators, we computed the
applied to counteract the negative effects of          sum by using equal weighting, which is a
the original datasets. For example, the original      method used in the CI.
street width ranges from 0 m to 130 m in the
dataset. However, in theory, streets always                               (xi – xmin)
have a width, and the zeros should be missing
                                                      Normalization:     (xmax – xmin)     (formula 2)
values. Therefore, replacing them with the
average street width is a reasonable approach
to handling these missing values. In addition,                           (xi – xmin)
                                                      Reverse        1–
as Jacobs (1958) suggests, compared to wider          normalization:    (xmax – xmin)      (formula 3)

Table 3. The list of data transformation methods for every indicator, including log transformation, con-
version, and normalization.
                 Weight      MRI Indicators          Performed Log         Conversions         Notes
                                                     Transformation        for Zeros and
MRI              1/11        PV1_MEAN                Yes                   0 to 0.01
                 1/11        PV2_MEAN                Yes                   0 to 0.01
                 1/11        AVGSPD1                 No

Results                                                    (shown in a lighter colour) and weekend (shown
                                                           in a lighter colour) distributions are skewed
Mobike Data
                                                           in opposite directions in both graphs. The
The in-depth exploration of Mobike data gives              cumulative user counts and trip counts for
us a general sense of the differences and                   weekdays are much higher than those for
similarities in ridership patterns between week-           weekends because there are five weekdays
days and weekends. This information aids in                vs. only two weekend days. For the daily
the preparation of the construction of the MRI.            average, the daily average user count (UV_
As table 4 shows, the cumulative user count                MEAN) and the daily average trip count (PV_
(UV_SUM) and cumulative trip count (PV_                    MEAN) distributions both show that week-
SUM) have similar distributions. Weekday                   days generate 13.5 per cent more trips and

Table 4. Density distributions of Mobike data (removing the top and bottom 5 per cent).
                   UV_SUM                  UV_MEAN                   PV_SUM                PV_MEAN



               Weekday    Weekend       Weekday Weekend         Weekday     Weekend    Weekday   Weekend

Average         388.3      136.7           77.7     68.4          439.9      154.9        88.0     77.5
Standard        518.5      172.0         103.7      86.0          590.2      196.1       118.0     98.0
Median          154.0          61.0        30.8     30.5          173.0       68.0        34.6     34.0
Maximum        2334.0      757.0         466.8     378.5         3253.0      865.0       650.6    432.5
Minimum           1.0           1.0         0.2      0.5            1.0        1.0         0.2       0.5

                       PV/UV                ORDCNT                   AVGDIS                 AVGSPD



               Weekday    Weekend       Weekday Weekend         Weekday     Weekend    Weekday   Weekend

Average          1.0           1.1         2.6      2.7          1959.0     2019.0        9.0      9.2
Standard         0.2           0.2         0.7      0.7           648.5      643.8        2.4      2.2

66                                                                          BUILT ENVIRONMENT VOL 46 NO 1

user counts than weekends. The average                           trip-to-user ratio of less than one, there may
UV_MEAN for weekdays is 77.7, and for                            have been data errors because it is impossible
weekends, 68.4. Nevertheless, the travelling                     for a street segment to have more users than
patterns for weekdays and weekends do not                        the number of trips. For instance, if a street
differ much in our finding, which is incon-                       segment has generated three trips, the maxi-
sistent with other findings that dockless bikes                  mum possible number of users should be three,
tend to have more influence on weekdays (Li                      and therefore, the trip-to-user ratio would never
et al., 2019). A possible explanation is that our                fall below 1. Fortunately, the average trip-to-
data are aggregated daily not hourly, thus the                   user ratios are not skewed by the erroneous
temporal change is not obvious.                                  value, staying at 1.0 and 1.1 for weekday and
   The average of the PV_MEAN for week-                          weekend measures. The mean user order count
days is 88.0, and for weekends, it is 77.5. The                  (ORDCNT) peaks at approximately 3, with an
trip-to-user ratio density distribution shows                    average of 2.6 and 2.7 for weekdays and week-
that in most cases it equals one, but there                      ends, respectively. This finding implies that
are also incidents in which users have made                      users, who generate trips on a street segment,
more recurrent trips on the same day. For the                    ride Mobike bikes close to three times a day

Table 5. Spearman correlation matrices for Mobike dimension indicators (weekday | weekend) and
street and city dimension indicators.
                    AVGDIS         AVGSPD          ORDCNT          PV/UV         PV_      PV_      UV_       UV_
                                                                                 MEAN     SUM      SUM       MEAN
AVGDIS              1|1
AVGSPD              0.83 | 0.81    1|1
ORDCNT              0.64 | 0.65    0.69 | 0.69     1|1
PV/UV               0.66 | 0.65    0.72 | 0.70     0.77 | 0.77     1|1
PV_MEAN             0.67 | 0.67    0.74 | 0.72     0.74 | 0.75     0.81 | 0.82   1|1
PV_SUM              0.67 | 0.67    0.74 | 0.72     0.74 | 0.75     0.81 | 0.82   1|1      1|1
UV_SUM              0.67 | 0.67    0.74 | 0.72     0.74 | 0.74     0.80 | 0.80   1|1      1|1      1|1
UV_MEAN             0.67 | 0.67    0.74 | 0.72     0.74 | 0.74     0.80 | 0.80   1|1      1|1      1|1       1|1

                    FUNCTION_      FUNCTION_       POP_            WALK-         JUNCTION_ WIDTH   STREET_   DIST_
                    DEN            MIX             DENSITY         DEN           DEN       DEN     LEN       TO_CC
FUNCTION_DEN         1
FUNCTION_MIX         0.84           1
POP_DENSITY          0.3            0.28            1
WALKSCORE            0.62           0.58            0.44            1
JUNCTION_DEN         0.42           0.32            0.35            0.61          1
WIDTH                0.06           0.05           –0.03            0.01         –0.03     1
STREET_LEN          –0.21           0.02           –0.11           –0.19         –0.38    –0.03    1
DIST_TO_CC          –0.32          –0.3            –0.3            –0.41         –0.24     0.02    0.08      1

                    AREA_CC        STREET_         SUM_LEN         GDP_PC
AREA_CC             1
STREET_COUNT        0.91           1
SUM_LEN             0.97           0.98            1
GDP_PC              0.49           0.56            0.53            1
* Bolded values indicate correlation coefficient >0.80.

BUILT ENVIRONMENT VOL 46 NO 1                                                                                      67

on average, which could indicate that users          ORDCNT were kept in the Mobike dimension.
use shared bikes as a connection from their             For the street dimension, the correlation
homes to public transportation. The mean user        between the street function mix and the street
distance distribution indicates that the most        function density is 0.84, which is beyond our
common riding distance is approximately 2,000        benchmark. Thus, only one of them could be
m, with slightly less on weekdays (1,959 m)          kept in the MRI framework. Looking at the
and more at weekends (2,019 m). Finally, the         correlation plot, FUNCTION_MIX is less cor-
mean user speed distribution shows that the          related with other indicators compared with
most frequent riding speed is approximately          FUNCTION_DEN, making it the better one
10 km/h; the average is 9 km/h for weekdays          to remove. In addition, as mentioned earlier,
and 9.2 km/h for weekends.                           street greening, street slope, and whether a
                                                     street segment has a separated bike lane were
                                                     removed due to insufficient data. As a result,
Correlation Result and Finalized MRI
                                                     only the function density, junction density,
                                                     population density, street length, street width,
The correlation test is used to determine the        distance to city administrative core, and Walk
association between the indicators we plan           Score were kept in the street dimension.
to consider. Table 5 shows the correlation              In the city environment dimension, many
matrices for all indicators divided by dimen-        indicators were omitted due to various issues.
sions. For the Mobike dimension, weekday             AREA_CC, STREET_COUNT, and SUM_LEN
and weekend results are shown side by side.          were removed due to high correlation, and
Their values are highly analogous. The trip          the city administrative level was withdrawn
count (PV_MEAN and PV_SUM) and user                  as it is unclear how the city level can influ-
count (UV_MEAN and UV_SUM) variables                 ence ridership. As a result, this city environment
have almost perfect correlations and hence           dimension contains only the city’s annual
are excluded. After using the benchmark, only        GDP per capita.
the indicators PV_MEAN, AVGSPD, and                     The final framework is shown in figure 4,

Figure 4. The finalized MRI calculation formula contains eleven equally weighted indicators from three

68                                                                     BUILT ENVIRONMENT VOL 46 NO 1

Figure 5. The distributions of
MRI scores for weekdays and

which contains three dimensions and eleven           with only one towards the East in a business
equally weighted indicators summing up to            district. Similarly, the top MRI townships in
the final MRI, a 0–100 scoring system. This          Shanghai are concentrated in the historic
scoring system is used as a basis for our            districts, i.e. Huangpu and Jing’an. Shenzhen
evaluation of nationwide bikeability.                has an outlier in the west, where new develop-
                                                     ment is occurring. This finding broadens the
                                                     finding of Gu et al. (2018): not only do city
MRI Results
                                                     centres tend to have higher walkability than
The MRI scores for both weekdays and week-           city peripherals, but they also have higher
ends are visualized in figure 5. The weekday         bikeability. This finding is not difficult to
MRI ranges from 9.3 to 75.1, with an average         imagine because the central area usually has
of 49.8, whereas the weekend MRI ranges              more people, shorter street segments, and
from 9.3 to 73.7, averaging 48.8. Although the       higher function density and diversity, which
weekday MRI scores are slightly higher than          all positively contribute to higher MRIs. Lastly,
the weekend ones, their distributions almost         at the city level, high-MRI cities are widely
overlap each other. This is not unexpected           spread throughout mainland China (figure 6).
given that the Mobike daily trip counts and          The cities with the largest circles are along the
user counts are very similar (table 4). There-       southern coastline and around Chengdu and
fore, it is reasonable to assume that by analys-     Wuhan, where cities are also more cluster-
ing either indicator, the result would be similar    ed. In contrast, northern cities are compara-
to its counterpart. The following results mainly     tively weaker in MRI ratings, especially in
focus on the weekday scores.                         the cities above Hefei, which are shown in
   The interpretation of MRI results can be          small dots. However, a low MRI may not
divided into three levels. First, at the street      rule out these cities’ bikeability, as there may
level, the nationwide MRI ranges from 9.3 to         still be many private bike users, or there is
75.1, with an average of 49.8 out of 100. The        simply no demand for bike trips. To better
overall score has room for improvement. On           understand these factors, field trips and
the township level, high-MRI townships tend          onsite observations are needed.
to cluster in city centres, given that the top
MRI townships are in four megacities (table
6). Taking Beijing as an example, nine out of
ten townships are in Beijing historic districts,     This study is considered to be the first bike-

BUILT ENVIRONMENT VOL 46 NO 1                                                                       69

Table 6. Top-ten townships (shown in black) in four Chinese megacities.
             Beijing                            Shanghai

               Guangzhou                                    Shenzhen

                                                                  Figure 6. City-level MRI distribution.

70                                                                        BUILT ENVIRONMENT VOL 46 NO 1

ability rating system using mobile bike-share         to the absence of data for annual temperature,
data in China, given that Porter et al. (2019)        precipitation and other factors, despite the
state that well-established research has not          influence of weather on bikeability (Gallop
been published on the bikeability index in            et al., 2011). More data-mining efforts are
regions outside of North America. Our study           required.
incorporates 202 cities in China, the size of            There are several potential uses of the
which is unprecedented for bikeability studies.       MRI. For map navigation providers, the MRI
In most studies, only a handful of cities are         can help navigation companies recommend
studied (Du and Cheng, 2018; Mattson and              better routes to bike riders. For shared bike
Godavarthy, 2017).                                    providers, this evaluation can help clarify the
                                                      demand and supply relationship. For shared
                                                      bike management teams, this pattern may
MRI as a Bikeability Measurement
                                                      indicate the need for the allocation of more
Compared to existing measurements, the MRI            employees to city centres to provide sufficient
carries several merits. First, the use of bike-       bike parking maintenance and supply.
share data directly reflects a street’s useful-
ness to bike users. This dimension has not
                                                      Practical Implications
been used in previous bikeability studies.
Second, other supporting data are a mixture           Mobike data reveal common biking behaviours
of traditional and new datasets, such as the          that can inform biking-related policymaking.
China City Statistical Yearbook (traditional), the    We found that Mobike users across major
nationwide road network (new) and point               cities in China tend to ride at a speed of
of interest (new). Third, the wide availability       approximately 10 km/h, a distance of approx-
of the MRI enables cross-sectional analysis           imately 2 km per trip, and a frequency of
among a large number of cities. Under the             close to three times a day. Several studies
rapid evolution of shared bikes worldwide,            have raised concern that the shortage of bik-
this kind of evaluation is needed for under-          ing infrastructure and corresponding laws
standing challenges in sustainable develop-           have threatened users’ health and safety (Si et
ment (Si et al., 2019).                               al., 2019). These travel habits are hence crucial
   This framework is intended to function as a        forms of information for urban planners, as
preliminary framework that lays the ground-           this information can allow them to better
work for more sophisticated studies in the            facilitate and regulate bike trips in cities.
future. However, several aspects need improve-        The bike infrastructure should be designed
ment. The current Mobike data are provided            to accommodate riders’ speed. For example,
on a daily basis rather than on an hourly basis;      the bike speed limit can be a multiple of the
thus, this measurement prevents us from con-          common riding speed; the bike lane protect-
ducting a more detailed rating. Moreover,             ing barricade can be designed to best protect
these Mobike data do not include information          normal-speed riders. Planners should also
on user characteristics, so we had to use external    keep in mind the coverage of public transit
research to assume the user characteristics, for      so that riders can get to transit stops within
example, the gender ratio and market share            a 2-km bike trip. On average, Mobike users
conducted by iiMedia. The representativeness          use shared bikes almost three times a day,
of our finding could have been better studied         suggesting that riding shared bikes is becom-
had information on user characteristics been          ing an essential part of their daily transit
available. This improvement would rely on             routine. Thus, providing a better biking en-
closer collaboration with Mobike Inc. or similar      vironment will benefit a large number of
organizations. Moreover, the framework had            shared bike users and potentially draw more
to compromise the number of indicators due            people into biking.

BUILT ENVIRONMENT VOL 46 NO 1                                                                        71

Figure 7. Beijing’s first bike-exclusive route and its location with reference to Beijing city.

  It would be interesting to test these find-             focus should be to determine the reasons for
ings and implications in practical settings.              the low scores by conducting case-by-case
Recently, Beijing opened its first bike-only              studies. If bike demand exists, then planners
route in Changping District, a northern suburb            need to seek ways to improve bikeability.
(Du, 2019), with the intention of alleviating
public transit and vehicular traffic. Shown as a
                                                          Future Directions
green line in figure 7, this bike route is a 6.5-
km path connecting a large residential com-               This research has its limitations but can be
munity (labelled ‘Bike Route Starts’) and an              converted into next-stage research plans. Cur-
IT hub (‘Bike Route Ends’). Based on our find-            rently it lacks temporal analyses. Temporal
ing that most trips are concentrated in city              studies are important to determine rider be-
centres and that the average length of travel is          haviours depending on the granularity of the
one-third of the route, we may not expect to              data. For example, hourly data are useful in
see overwhelming usage of this route. How-                studying the differences and similarities in
ever, its actual usage is subject to observation.         riding patterns across China, whereas monthly
  At the city level, the highest MRI cities are           data or daily data with a longer time period
distributed widely (cities with larger circles            would help uncover seasonal changes in
shown in figure 6), covering the Yangtze River            Chinese bikers’ behaviours and how they dif-
Delta, the Pearl River Delta, and the inland              fer in different regions. These objectives may
area. However, better-performing cities tend              require further collaboration with bike-share
to cluster in southern cities, divided by the             companies or self-collected data.
Yangtze River. For policy-makers, knowing                    Future research would include the creation
each city’s MRI will allow them to release                of a dynamic MRI and the application of dif-
more targeted policies and provide tailored               ferent weights to different indicators. Ideally,
support to different cities. For cities with high          the MRI should be frequently updated. The
MRI, the focus would be on how to manage                  city environment dimension should be updated
shared bike parking effectively and ensure                 yearly, the street dimension monthly, and
sufficient bike supply for areas with high                  Mobike data daily, thus providing people with
demand. For cities with lower MRI, the policy             navigation suggestions dynamically. The next

72                                                                           BUILT ENVIRONMENT VOL 46 NO 1

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Keywords: Shared transportation; Bike share; Mobike; Bikeability; Riding index

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