Where to STAYin & around - Bradford on Avon 2014

Page created by Clarence Strickland
Where to STAYin & around - Bradford on Avon 2014
Where to

Bradford on Avon 2014
                                            in & around

   Published by the
   Bradford on Avon Area Tourism Association
   Book your accommodation online: www.bradfordonavon.co.uk            FREE
   or telephone: 01225 865797
   Please pass this on to a friend or leave for someone else to use.
Where to STAYin & around - Bradford on Avon 2014
Events                                                             July
                                                                        Iford Arts Festival
                                                                                                            Welcome                                                                      Contents
                                                                                                                                                                                         Events Guide                2

       Guide                                                            Final Secret Gardens Festival       Welcome to our full colour
                                                                                                            guide showing accommodation
                                                                                                                                                  and road links to all the leading
                                                                                                                                                  attractions and centres across the     In and around
                                                                                                                                                                                         Bradford on Avon        4-5
                                                                        August                              in the Bradford on Avon area.         region. This makes Bradford on
    A flavour of events taking                                                                                                                                                           Accommodation Rates         5
                                                                        Art Exhibitions                     We hope this brochure will            Avon an excellent touring base.
    place in Bradford on Avon                                                                               make it easy to show you the                                                 Map References              6
              in 2014                                                   Picnics in Westbury Gardens
                                                                        Pavilion Café French night          diverse range of accommodation
                                                                                                            available to suit all budgets, from   Contact us                             Location Maps         24-27

                                                                                                                                                  Should you require any further
                                                                                                            a weekend break to a more
                                                                                                                                                  information concerning this
                                                                                                            extended stay in the town.
                                                                                                            A warm welcome awaits you             guide, or if you have any further      Hotels                  8-9

                                                                                                            in Bradford on Avon set in the        questions about the town or            Inns                  10-11
    January                                                                                                                                       the surrounding district and its
    Bradford Roots Music               April                                                                peaceful Wiltshire countryside.                                              Guest Houses /
                                       Easter Sunday - 20th                                                 There’s lots to do and see in         facilities, please don’t hesitate to
    Festival - 12th January                                                                                                                                                              Bed & Breakfast       12-15
                                                                                                            this part of the South West,          contact the Bradford on Avon
    Bradford on Avon Youth Music.      Secret Gardens Festival - 27th                                                                                                                    Room Only               16
                                                                                                            with the City of Bath just a few      Information Centre
    31st Jan - The Vaults, Lamb Yard
                                                                                                            miles away, Stonehenge on our         Call: 01225 865797                     Self Catering         18-21
                                                                                                            doorstep and so much more             Email: tic@bradfordonavon.co.uk        Caravan and Camping     23
                                                                                                            to explore. There are bus, rail

                                       BoA Choral Society
                                                                        September                              Bradford on Avon Tourist Information
                                       Major Concert - 17th             Heritage Weekend
                                                                        Bradford on Avon Walking Festival
                                                                                                                         & Pavilion Café
                                       Secret Gardens
                                       Festival - Sunday 25th           BoA Fringe Festival

                                       June                             October
                                       Fathers Day - 15th June          Charity Christmas cards from
                                       Iford Arts Festival              Santas Shack at the TIC
                                       Secret Gardens                   Halloween Murder Mystery
                                       Festival - Sunday 29th                                                  • Accommodation booking service                                              The Pavilion Café
                                                                                                               • Local guides, maps and books                                     • Morning coffee & afternoon tea
                                                                        November                               • Information on all attractions                                           • Lunch and picnics
    February                                                            Bonfire Night                          • Ticket agent for local events & attractions                         • Fair Trade products served
    Beads, Findings & Jewellery                                                                                                                                                      • Open throughout the year
                                                                        Christmas Lights Switch-on             • Guided walks or day packages for groups
    Making Fair - 8th & 9th
                                                                                                               • Coach ‘meet & greet’ service
    Pancake Day
                                                                        December                               • Booking agent for West Barn & Priory Barn
    Valentines Day - 14th                                               Festival of Christmas                  • Charity Christmas cards
                                                                        BoA Winter Wanderland                  • Souvenirs; local artists and local produce
    March                                                               Christmas Party Night                  • Wifi available
    Seedy Sunday - 23rd
    Mothers Day - 30th
                                                                        Santas Grotto                          50 St Margaret’s Street, Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire BA15 1DE
                                                                        Santa Trail                            T: 01225 865797 E: tic@bradfordonavon.co.uk www.bradfordonavon.co.uk

2              Please pass this on to a friend or leave for someone else to use.                                   Please pass this on to a friend or leave for someone else to use.
Where to STAYin & around - Bradford on Avon 2014
Barton Bridge
                                                                                             over the River Avon
    In and around....                                                                                               until the 19th century. Weavers’       fishing tackle to fruit and veg,        Accommodation Rates
    BRADFORD ON AVON                                                                                                cottages, the old dye house
                                                                                                                    that is now St Margaret’s Hall,
                                                                                                                                                           and surfboards to stationery.
                                                                                                                                                           The town also has quite a
                                                                                                                                                                                                  The guide price is based on a
                                                                                                                    as well as the mills themselves,                                              single person rate or double/twin
                                                                                                                                                           reputation for the quality of          room for two persons sharing and
                                                                                                                    speak eloquently of that strand
                                                                                                                                                           its hospitality. If you are visiting   is correct at the time of going to
                                                                                                                    of the town’s heritage. Stone
                                                                                                                                                           from out of the area, Bradford         press. Bed and Breakfast includes
                                                                                                                    quarries, breweries, foundries
                                                                                                                                                           on Avon offers a wide variety          a cooked served breakfast. The
                                                                                                                    and forges have also left
                                                                                                                                                           of places to stay, from cosy           Room Only rate is for the room
                                                                                                                    their mark, while the Kennet
                                                                                                                                                           self-catering and boutique             with other variable breakfast
                                                                                                                    and Avon Canal, which runs
                                                                                                                                                           B&Bs to comfortable inns and           arrangements. You are advised
                                                                                                                    alongside the River Avon for long
                                                                                                                                                           country house hotels – all             to check with the proprietor.
                                                                                                                    stretches, is once again a busy
                                                                                                                                                           personally inspected by the            If you have special requirements
                                                                                                                    waterway – although its traffic                                                you are advised to check on
                                                                                                                                                           Tourism Association. The town
                                                                                                                    now consists largely of cruising                                              booking that the accommodation
                                                                                                                                                           also boasts numerous excellent
                                                                                                                    narrowboats, rather than the                                                  suits your needs. The majority
                                                                                                                                                           pubs and restaurants. Whether
                                                                                                                    working vessels of earlier times.                                             of houses are open all year. The
                                                                                                                                                           you want a pint of local cider
                                                                                                                    But although major industries          in a traditional local, a hearty       price for self-catering is based on
                                                                                                                    have disappeared, the town             breakfast, a cream tea or the          a price per unit per week. Mileage
    Bradford on Avon is sometimes described in                                huge areas of nearby Bath – but       continues to flourish. Light            full fine dining experience, you’ll     is taken from the Town Centre.
    guidebooks as the last outpost of the Cotswolds, or a                     the stone is now pale gold, not       industry and craft workshops           find it in Bradford – all within a      All accommodation is regularly
    kind of ‘mini-Bath’ – but such shorthand descriptions                     grey and soot-blackened. The          thrive alongside a lively collection   short walk of the town centre,         inspected by our Association
    capture only a fraction of the charm and variety of                       endlessly smoking mill chimneys       of independent and specialist          and offering a warm welcome to         ( ). We base our standards
                                                                              noted by Thomas as he sat by          shops dealing in everything from       visitors from all over the world.      on the Quality in Tourism / AA
    this unique town.
                                                                              the river one afternoon in 1913                       Joceline Bury      www.jocelinebury.co.uk                     minimum requirements from
    Once seen, never forgotten,         magnificent 14th century Tithe         have long since fallen into disuse,                                                                                 whom a detailed list can be
    Bradford on Avon is an              Barn and the country park             as first the wool trade, and                                                                                         obtained.
    architectural treasure chest. Its   towards Bath, Bristol and the sea.    then the rubber industry that                                                                                       Most accommodation has
    ranks of dwellings, from tiny                                             replaced it, moved out and away.                                                                                    en-suite facilities, and some will
                                        The river gives Bradford its
    weavers’ cottages to grand                                                                                                                                                                    supply evening meals if prior
                                        ‘shape’ – carving out the valley      The huge complex of former
    clothiers’ houses, its handsome                                                                                                                                                               notice is given. You are advised
                                        described a century ago by            wool mills and factories that
    public buildings and places of                                                                                                                                                                to check this upon booking.
                                        the poet Edward Thomas: “The          once dominated the heart of
    worship, its ancient alleyways                                                                                                                                                                Although every effort is made
                                        town hill rises from off the water,   Bradford have been redeveloped                                                                                      to ensure that the information
    and modern estates reflect
                                        covered as with scales with stone     into a brand new centre of                                                                                          given is correct the Bradford on
    the town’s development from
                                        houses of countless varieties of      residential and commercial                                                                                          Avon Area Tourism Association
    Iron Age settlement to 21st
                                        blackened grey stone and many         premises, but the town’s                                                                                            cannot be held responsible for
    century working town.
                                        gables, and so steep that the         industrial history is stamped                                                                     St. Mary Tory
                                                                                                                                                                                                  errors or omissions in directory
    Winding through it all is the       roofs of one horizontal street        on almost every street.                                                                                             entries. The quality of the services
    River Avon – from the weir          are only just higher than the                                                                                                                             offered in the advertisement
    at Greenland Mill through the       doorsteps of the one above.”
                                                                              Bradford was an important              Bradford on Avon Information Centre                                          section are not the responsibility
                                                                              centre of the cloth industry
    centre of the town, where                                                                                        50 St Margarets Street, Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire BA15 1DE                 of the Bradford on Avon Area
                                        Today, the houses are still           from the 14th century, when the
    the Saxons drove their carts                                                                                     Tel: 01225 865797                                                            Tourism Association. The
                                        there – having largely escaped        first Flemish weavers arrived
    across the ‘broad ford’ that gave                                                                                                                                                             Association is grateful to the
                                        the worst efforts of the 1960s        in the west country to pass            Email: tic@bradfordonavon.co.uk
    the early settlement its name,                                                                                                                                                                Bradford on Avon Town Council
                                        town planners who flattened            on their trade secrets, right up       Website: www.bradfordonavon.co.uk
    and on past Barton Farm, the                                                                                                                                                                  for their financial support.
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Where to STAYin & around - Bradford on Avon 2014
Map References                       - Location map is on pages 26 and 27, map references for Hotels, Inns, Guest Houses,
    B&Bs and Room Only are numbered in sequence according to increasing distance by road from Bradford on Avon town centre.     Accommodation
        HOTELS Pages 8-9                                                                                                        in & around Bradford on Avon
        5        Best Western Leigh Park Hotel & Vineyard
        7        Woolley Grange Hotel & Spa          12 Old Manor Hotel                                                             HOTELS
        INNS Pages 10-11
        4        Castle Inn                                            14        Tollgate Inn                                       INNS
        GUEST HOUSES/BED & BREAKFAST Pages 12-15
        1        Lynchetts                                             13        Stillmeadow
                                                                                                                                    GUEST HOUSES / BED & BREAKFAST
                                                                                                                                    Guest Houses offer evening meals but Bed & Breakfast do not
        2        Priory Steps                                          15        Fresh Fields
        3        Alisa House                                           16        Stoneleigh
        6        Beeches Farmhouse                                     17        Cherry Orchard Farm                                ROOM ONLY
        8        Granby House                                          18        Candleford
        9        Herb Cottage                                          19        Church Farm                                     Key
        10       Allford House                                         21        Kings Stile Cottage
                                                                                                                                      Access (NAS)              Grading
        11       Great Ashley House
                                                                                                                                      Access Statement          Internet Access
                                                                                                                                      Available                 Locally Inspected
        ROOM ONLY Page 16
        20       The Studio                                                                                                           Baby Sitting              Open Over
                                                                                                                                      Welcome                   Pets Accepted
        SELF CATERING Pages 18-21                                                                                                     Climate Friendly          Private Parking
        A        Bradford Views Apartments                             H         Avonvilla                                            Bradford on Avon
                                                                       I         Ivy Cottage                                                                    Reduction for
        B        Priory Steps Coach House                                                                                                                       Children
                                                                                                                                      Credit Cards
        C        Lock View Cottage                                     J         Elbow Cottage
        D        Tithe Cottage Studio                                  K         Church Farm Country Cottages                         Cyclists welcome          Residents Lounge
        E        Vine Cottages                                         L         Cumberwell Country Cottages                          Electric Charging         Tea/Coffee in
        F        Moorings Lodges                                       M         Old Stable House                                     Station                   Bedroom
        G        Pig Wig Cottages                                      N         Romsey Oak                                           Evening Meal              TV Available
                                                                                                                                      Fairtrade Products        Walkers are
        CARAVAN & CAMPING Page 23                                                                                                     Offered                   Welcome
        X        Merkins Farm Caravan & Camping                                                                                       Garden
                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Shambles

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Where to STAYin & around - Bradford on Avon 2014
Bradford on Avon Information Centre Telephone: 01225 865797                                                           Book your accommodation online visit: www.bradfordonavon.co.uk

                                                                                                                                  Woolley Grange Hotel & Spa Map ref. 07
                                                                                                                                  Woolley Green, Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 1TX
                                                                                                                                  Tel: 01225 864705
                                                                                                                                  Website: www.woolleygrangehotel.co.uk
                                                                                                                                  Email: info@woolleygrangehotel.co.uk         Contact: Mrs C. Hammond
                                                                                                                                  Prices: Double/Twin: £145-£240
                                                                                                                                  Bedrooms: Double: 13 Twin: 8 Family: 4          Bathrooms: En-suite: All
                                                                                                                                  Description: We welcome families offering creche, spa, outside play facilities,
                                                                                                                                  light and formal dining. 1.1 miles to Town Centre.

         Best Western Leigh Park Hotel & Vineyard                                                              Map ref. 05
         Leigh Road West, Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 2RA
         Tel: 01225 864885
         Website: www.leighparkhotel.co.uk
         Email: info@leighparkhotel.eclipse.co.uk         Contact: Ms P. Duckett
         Prices: Single: £78-£108 Double/Twin: £98-£170

         Bedrooms: Double: 24 Twin: 9 Family: 5          Bathrooms: En-suite: All
         Description: Georgian country house hotel set in 5 acres of landscaped grounds overlooking the picturesque Wiltshire
         Downs. Superbly appointed conservatoire restaurant using locally sourced produce. Wedding receptions a speciality. Own
         vineyard on site. 0.9 miles to Town Centre.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Kennet & Avon Canal

                                                   Old Manor Hotel                               Map ref. 12
                                                   Trowle Common, nr Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA14 9BL
                                                   Tel: 01225 777393
                                                   Website: www.oldmanorhotel.com
                                                   Email: reservations@oldmanorhotel.com          Contact: Mr Tudor Hopkins
                                                   Prices: Single: £75-£95 Double/Twin: £95-£140
                                                   Bedrooms: Double: 17 Twin: 2 Family: 4         Bathrooms: En-suite: All
                                                   Description: 500 year old Manor house 2 minutes drive from Braford on Avon,
                                                   Bath 10 minutes. 1.9 miles to Town Centre.

            Kennet & Avon Canal

  8             Please pass this on to a friend or leave for someone else to use.                                                            Please pass this on to a friend or leave for someone else to use.
Where to STAYin & around - Bradford on Avon 2014
Bradford on Avon Information Centre Telephone: 01225 865797                                                        Book your accommodation online visit: www.bradfordonavon.co.uk

                                                                                                                             Tollgate Inn                                   Map ref. 14
                                                                                                                             Ham Green, Holt, Nr Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA14 6PX
                                                                                                                             Tel: 01225 782326
                                                                                                                             Website: www.tollgateholt.co.uk Email: laura@tollgateinn.co.uk
                                                                                                                             Contact: Ms L. Boulton & Mr M. Hodges
                                                                                                                             Prices: Double: £70-£110
                                                                                                                             Bedrooms: Double: 4                        Bathrooms: En-suite: All
                                                                                                                             Description: Luxury rooms.
                                                                                                                             Four AA star accommodation in a gastro village pub.
                                                                                                                             2 miles to Town Centre.

       Castle Inn                                                                                          Map ref. 04
       10 Mount Pleasant, Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 1SJ                                                                                                                                        View across Bradford on Avon
       Tel: 01225 865657                                                                           Mobile: 07771 924742
       Website: www.flatcappers.co.uk
       Email: thecastle@flatcappers.co.uk                                                              Contact: Mrs V. Hill
       Prices: Double: £100-£140
       Bedrooms: Double: 4                             Bathrooms: En-suite: All

       Description: Welcome to the Castle Inn a beautiful Georgian pub with stunning views over Bradford’s rooftops to the
       Westbury White Horse. Boutique bedrooms, proper pub food and great local ales. 0.4 miles to Town Centre.

         Tithe Barn

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Where to STAYin & around - Bradford on Avon 2014
Bradford on Avon Information Centre Telephone: 01225 865797                                            Book your accommodation online visit: www.bradfordonavon.co.uk

                                                         Alisa House                                                  Map ref. 03       Cherry Orchard Farm                                           Map ref. 17

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          GUEST HOUSES / BED & BREAKFAST
                                                         Holt Road, Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 1TR                                   19, Lower South Wraxall, Wilts, BA15 2RU
                                                         Tel: 01225 862020                                                              Tel: 01225 865009                                         Mob: 07702 803321
                                                         Website: www.alisahouse.co.uk               Email: info@alisahouse.co.uk       Website: www.cherryorchardfarminfo.co.uk
                                                         Contact: Mrs F. Gibbs                                                          Email: rosietomkins14@gmail.com                      Contact: Mrs R Tomkins
                                                         Prices: Single: £60 Double: £80                                                Prices: Double: £90-£150
                                                         Bedrooms: Double: 1 Twin: 1                     Bathrooms: En-suite: All       Bedrooms: Double/Family: 1
                                                         Description: Friendly atmosphere in comfortable house overlooking              Bathrooms: En-suite: 1
                                                         countryside. French, Dutch spoken. Free WiFi. Off road parking. 0.4 miles to   Description: Exquisite luxury suite in delightful rural setting. Romantic,
                                                         Town Centre.                                                                   relaxing. Roll-top bath, adjoining wet room. 3.5 miles to Town Centre.

                                                         Allford House                                Map ref. 10                       Church Farm, Atworth                                          Map ref. 19
                                                         11 The Pastures, Lower Westwood, Nr Bradford on Avon,                          Atworth, Melksham, Wilts, SN12 8JA
                                                         Wilts, BA15 2BH                                                                Tel: 01225 702215
                                                         Tel: 01225 867804                                   Mobile: 07889 143028       Website: www.churchfarm-atworth.freeserve.co.uk
                                                         Email: jilly.allen@talktalk.net                        Contact: Mrs J. Allen   Email: churchfarm@tinyonline.co.uk                   Contact: Mrs P. Hole
                                                         Prices: Single: £25-£35                                                        Prices: Single: £40-£55 Double/Twin: £65-£75
                                                         Bedrooms: Single: 2                        Bathrooms: Private: 1 Shared: 1     Bedrooms: Double: 1 Twin: 1 Family: 1
                                                         Description: Friendly private house. Picturesque village. Local Pub.           Bathrooms: En-suite: 1 Private: 1 Shared: 1
                                                         Post Office. Wonderful walking. Homely atmosphere. Fridge/Microwave.            Description: Organic dairy farm. Easy walking distance to local pub and
                                                         1.8 miles to Town Centre.                                                      regular bus service into Bath. 5 miles to BoA Town Centre.

                                                         Beeches Farmhouse                                            Map ref. 06       Fresh Fields                                                  Map ref. 15
                                                         Holt Road, Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 1TS                                   53 Murhill, Limpley Stoke, Wilts, BA2 7FG
                                                         Tel: 01225 865170                                                              Tel: 01225 720220
                                                         Website: www.beeches-farmhouse.co.uk                                           Website: www.murhill.co.uk
                                                         Email: stay@beeches-farmhouse.co.uk               Contact: Mrs P. Stanley      Email: freshfields@murhill.co.uk                        Contact: Mrs J. Broad
                                                         Prices: Single: £60-£110 Double/Twin: £85-£110                                 Prices: Double: £55-£60
                                                         Bedrooms: Double: 2 Double/Twin: 2 Family: 1 Bathrooms: En-suite: All          Bedrooms: Double: 1                                    Bathrooms: Private: 1
                                                         Description: Four of five rooms farm building conversions. Exposed beams.      Description: Idyllic setting. Stunning views. Five minutes walk to river, canal
                                                         Furnished and decorated with rustic charm. 1.1 miles to Town Centre.           and pub. Bath 5 miles. 2.6 miles to Town Centre.

                                                         Candleford                                    Map ref. 18                      Great Ashley House                             Map ref. 11
                                                         62, Priory Way Park, Upper South Wraxall, Wilts, BA15 2SE                      Great Ashley, Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 2PP
                                                         Tel: 01225 862754                                      Mob: 07895 770341       Tel: 01225 863381
                                                         Website: www.candlefordbandb.com                                               Website: www.smoothhound.co.uk/hotels/greatashley.html
                                                         Email: info@candlefordbandb.com                       Contact: Ms. T Turik     Email: greatashleyhouse@talktalk.net            Contact: Mrs B. Rawlings
                                                         Prices: Double: £65-£80                                                        Prices: Single: £40-£45 Double: £60-£65
                                                         Bedrooms: Double: 1                                 Bathrooms: En-suite: 1     Bedrooms: Double: 2                              Bathrooms: En-suite: All
                                                         Description: Pleasant rural situation. Self-contained annex; large garden.     Description: Friendly old farmhouse. Quiet location. Delicious breakfast.
                                                         Pub nearby. 4 miles Bath. Hungarian spoken.                                    1.9 miles to Town Centre.
                                                         5 miles to Town Centre.

           12                      Please pass this on to a friend or leave for someone else to use.                                               Please pass this on to a friend or leave for someone else to use.
Where to STAYin & around - Bradford on Avon 2014
Bradford on Avon Information Centre Telephone: 01225 865797                                                                  Book your accommodation online visit: www.bradfordonavon.co.uk

                                                                                                                                                             Lynchetts                                      Map ref. 01

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          GUEST HOUSES / BED & BREAKFAST
                                                                                                                                                             15 Woolley Street, Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 1AD
                                                                                                                                                             Tel: 01225 866400
                                                                                                                                                             Website: www.lynchetts.co.uk
                                                                                                                                                             Email: lynchetts15@hotmail.com                       Contact: Mrs G. Lunt
                                                                                                                                                             Prices: Single: £65-£72 Double: £76-£90
                                                                                                                                                             Bedrooms: Double: 2 Twin/Family: 1         Bathrooms: En-suite: 2 Private: 1
                                                                                                                                                             Description: Interesting historic house. Gardens, stunning views.
                                                                                                                                                             Near buses, trains, canal. Cycle storage. Free parking, Wifi. 0.2 miles to Town Centre.

                                 Granby House                                                                                             Map ref. 08
                                                                                                                                                             Priory Steps                                                           Map ref. 02
                                 Elms Cross, Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 2AL
                                 Tel: 01225 868000                                                                                 Mobile: 07826 222845      Newtown, Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 1NQ
                                 Website: www.granbyhousebandb.co.uk                                                                                         Tel: 01225 862230
                                 Email: granbyhousebandb@hotmail.co.uk                                                          Contact: Mrs M. Cooper       Website: www.priorysteps.co.uk
                                 Prices: Double/Twin: £80-£125                                                                                               Email: priorysteps@clara.co.uk           Contact: Mr & Mrs C. Chapman
                                 Bedrooms: Double: 2 Twin: 1                                                                    Bathrooms: En-suite: All     Prices: Single: £80 Double/Twin: £98-£112
                                 Description: Large country friendly home set in beautiful gardens with tennis court.                                        Bedrooms: Double: 3 Twin: 2                    Bathrooms: En-suite: All
                                 Spacious and comfortable bedrooms. Elegant Drawing Room. Bath 8 miles, 20 minutes.                                          Description: Luxury accommodation. 3 minutes walk to town. Stunning
                                 Choice of good restaurants and pubs nearby. 1.5 miles to Town Centre.                                                       views from all rooms. 0.2 miles to Town Centre.

                                                                            Herb Cottage                                   Map ref. 09                       Still Meadow                                                           Map ref. 13
                                                                            99 Bradford Leigh, Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 2RW                             18 Bradford Road, Winsley, Nr Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 2HW
                                                                            Tel: 01225 865554                                                                Tel: 01225 722119                              Mobile: 07710 107472
                                                                            Website: www.herb-cottage.co.uk                                                  Website: www.stillmeadow.co.uk
                                                                            Email: suzanne.wise44@gmail.com                      Contact: Mrs S. Wise        Email: sue.gilby@btinternet.com                 Contact: Mrs S. Gilby
                                                                            Prices: Single: £42-£45 Double/Twin: £70-£80                                     Prices: Single: £85-£95 Double/Twin: £95-£140.
                                                                            Bedrooms: Double: 1 Twin: 1                       Bathrooms: En-suite: All       Bedrooms: Double: 1 Twin/Double: 1 Family: 2 Bathrooms: En-suite: All
                                                                            Description: Sculpture/organic herb garden. Totally peaceful cottage.            Description: Friendly relaxed home in idyllic
                                                                            Luxury accommodation. Exceptional views. Delicious breakfasts.                   peaceful gardens. Award winning breakfast.
                                                                            1.5 miles to Town Centre.                                                        Bath 15 minutes. 2 miles to Town Centre.                                        Gold Award

                                                                            Kings Stile Cottage                           Map ref. 21                        Stoneleigh                                        Map ref. 16
                                                                            153 Bath Road, Atworth, Melksham, Wilts, SN12 8JR                                26B Little Parks, Holt, Nr Trowbridge, Wilts, BA14 6QR
                                                                            Tel: 01225 706202                                    Mobile: 07790 823331        Tel: 01225 783253                                 Mobile: 07765 224621
                                                                            Website: www.kingsstilecottage.co.uk                                             Website: www.stoneleighbandb.com
                                                                            Email: sean@kingsstile.freeserve.co.uk        Contact: Mr & Mrs S. Hughes        Email: slade_meg@hotmail.com                Contact: Mr & Mrs A. Slade
                                                                            Prices: Single: £40-£45 Double/Twin: £60-£65                                     Prices: Single: £40 Double: £70
                                                                            Bedrooms: Double: 1 Twin: 1                Bathrooms: Private: 1 Shared: 1       Bedrooms: Single: 1 Double: 2          Bathrooms: En-suite: 1 Shared: 1
                                                                            Description: Ideal base for exploring historic area. Delicious breakfasts with   Description: Comfortable, friendly home in quiet cul-de-sac. Easy access
                                                                            homemade preserves. Fridge for guests use. 6 miles to Bradford on Avon           to local towns. Idyllic views. 2.6 miles to Bradford on Avon Town Centre.
                                                                            Town Centre.

           14                            Please pass this on to a friend or leave for someone else to use.                                                               Please pass this on to a friend or leave for someone else to use.
Where to STAYin & around - Bradford on Avon 2014
Bradford on Avon Information Centre Telephone: 01225 865797

                                            The Studio                                               Map ref. 20
                                            84 The Common, Broughton Gifford Nr Melksham, Wilts, SN12 8ND
                                            Tel: 01225 782032                                   Mobile: 07767 787723
                                            Website: www.accommodationinwiltshire.com                                    in & around Bradford on Avon
                                            Email: sally.gurney99@btinternet.com               Contact: Mrs S. Gurney
                                            Prices: Double: £65-£75
                                            Bedrooms: Double: 1                                 Bathrooms: En-suite: 1
                                            Description: Luxury self-contained studio in village overlooking large
                                            common. Pub nearby. Self-service breakfast.
                                            5.3 miles to Bradford on Avon Town Centre.
                                                                                                                             SELF CATERING


                                                                                                                            Access (NAS)                          Radiators
                                                                                                                            Access Statement Available            Short Breaks
                                                                                                                            Baby Sitting                          TV Available
                                                                                                                            Children Welcome                      Walkers are Welcome
                                                                                                                            Climate Friendly BOA                  Washing Machine
                                                                                                                            Credit Cards
                                                                                                                            Cyclists Welcome
                                                                                                                            Electric Car Charging Station
                                                                                                                            Fairtrade Products Offered
                                                                                                                            Ground Floor Beds                Saxon Church

                                                                                                                            Internet Access
                                                                                                                            Linen Available
                                                                                                                            Locally Inspected
                                                                                                                            Open Over Christmas
                                                                                                                            Pets Accepted
                                                                                                                            Power Included
            Bradford on Avon at Christmas
                                                                                                                            Private Parking

   16           Please pass this on to a friend or leave for someone else to use.                                          Please pass this on to a friend or leave for someone else to use.   17
Where to STAYin & around - Bradford on Avon 2014
Bradford on Avon Information Centre Telephone: 01225 865797                                           Book your accommodation online visit: www.bradfordonavon.co.uk

                                        Avonvilla                                                    Map ref. H       Elbow Cottage                                                   Map ref: J
                                        Property: 155 Avoncliff, Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 2HD                    Property: 51/52 Elbow, Turleigh, Wilts, BA15 2LZ
                                        Mobile: 07784 606583                                                          Tel: 01225 866602                                      Mobile: 07955 401417
                                        Website: www.avonvilla.co.uk                          Contact: Mr M. Clarke   Website: www.elbowcottage.co.uk
                                        Email: afpmike@gmail.com                                                      Email: info@elbowcottage.co.uk                         Contact: Mrs J. Griffith
                                        Address: 155 Avoncliff, Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 2HD                     Address: 51/52 Elbow, Turleigh, Wilts, BA15 2LZ
                                        Price: £280-£340. Units: 1 No. Persons: 2 Type: House                         Price: £350-£550 Units: 1 No. Persons: 1-4 Type: Cottage Annex
                                        Description: Beautiful riverside setting. Private fishing. Large garden.       Description: Idyllic peaceful canalside setting in large garden. Traffic-free.
                                        Equipped kitchen and lounge. Next to train station. 2 miles to Town Centre.   Walking/cycling. 10 minutes Avoncliff/Winsley. 2.4 miles to Town Centre.

                                        Bradford Views –                                           Map ref: A         Ivy Cottage                                                     Map ref: I
                                        2 Bed Apartment

                                                                                                                                                                                                       SELF CATERING
                                                                                                                      Property: 59 Ham Green, Holt, Wilts, BA14 6PY
                                        Property: Flat 3, 10 The Shambles, Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 2HD          Tel: 01225 783436                                Mobile: 07973 738878
                                        Tel: 01225 858695                                Mobile: 07973 779696         Website: www.theoldstablehouse.co.uk
                                        Website: www.bradfordviews.co.uk                                              Email: heathermorris@compuserve.com              Contact: Mrs. H. Morris
                                        Email: office@shiresproperty.co.uk                Contact: Mr W. Jones        Address: The Old Stable House, The Midlands, Holt, Wilts, BA14 6RG
                                        Price: £600-£1,200 (£160-£195 day rates) Units: 1 No. Persons: 1-4            Price: £350-£500 Units: 1 No. Persons: 1-3 Type: Cottage
                                        Description: A luxury, spacious Grade 11 listed apartment set within the      Description: Charming period cottage with woodburner. In village with pubs.
                                        historic walkway called “The Shambles”.                                       Near National Trust properties and Bath. 2 miles to BoA Town Centre.
                                        0.1 miles to Town Centre.

                                        Church Farm Country Cottages Map ref: K
                                        Property: Church Farm, Winsley, Wilts, BA15 2JH
                                                                                                                      Lock View Cottage                                              Map ref: C
                                        Tel: 01225 722246                                                             Property: Frome Rd, Bradford on Avon, Wilts,
                                        Email: stay@churchfarmcottages.com        Contact: Mr & Mrs S. Bowles         Tel: 01225 865607                                 Mobile: 07742 321138
                                        Website: www.churchfarmcottages.com                                           Website: www.lockviewcottage.co.uk
                                                                                                                      Email: lockview@talktalk.net                      Contact: Mrs L. Palmer
                                        Address: Church Farm Country Cottages, Winsley, Wilts, BA15 2JH
                                                                                                                      Address: 23 Woolley Street, Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 1AE
                                        Price: £295-£2,795 Units: 8 No. Persons: 1-12 Type: Cottages
                                                                                                                      Price: £350-£580 Units: 1 No. Persons: 1-4 Type: Cottage
                                        Description: Farm cottages and barn with indoor heated pool.                  Description: Lovely cottage. Cosy. Well equipped. Close to Kennet and Avon
                                        Farm shop, Co-op, Pub 500m. Special offers. 2.5 miles to Town Centre.
                                                                                                                      Canal, pubs, restaurants. Patio garden. 0.5 miles to Town Centre.
                                           Level 2

                                        Cumberwell                                                   Map ref: L
                                        Country Cottages                                                              Moorings Lodges                                                 Map ref: F
                                        Property: Gt Cumberwell Farm, Bradford on Avon, Wilts,                        Property: The Old Farmhouse, Widbrook, Bradford on Avon,
                                        BA15 2PQ Tel: 01225 869230                          Mobile: 07766 798582      Wilts, BA15 1UD
                                        Website: www.cumberwellcountrycottages.com                                    Tel: 01225 867900                             Contact: Mrs D. Griggs
                                        Email: enquiries@cumberwellcountrycottages.com Contact: Mr A. James           Address: The Old Farmhouse, Widbrook, Trowbridge Road,
                                        Address: Great Cumberwell Farm, Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 2PQ             Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 1UD
                                        Price: £265-£845 Units: 7 No. Persons: 2-30 Type: Cottages                    Price: £175-£500 Units: 10 No. Persons: 2-4 Type: Lodges
                                        Description: An old tithe barn carefully restored to seven delightful         Description: Riding school on site. Next door to Bradford on Avon Marina.
                                        cottages. Close to Bath. 2.5 miles to Town Centre.                            1 mile to Town Centre.

                                                                                                         Gold Award

    18            Please pass this on to a friend or leave for someone else to use.                                              Please pass this on to a friend or leave for someone else to use.
Bradford on Avon Information Centre Telephone: 01225 865797                                             Book your accommodation online visit: www.bradfordonavon.co.uk

                                       Old Stable House                                              Map ref: M         Tithe Cottage Studio                              Map ref: D
                                       Property: The Midlands, Holt, Wilts, BA14 6RG                                    Property: 23A Trowbridge Road, Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 1EE
                                       Tel: 01225 783436                                   Mobile: 07973 738878         Tel: 01225 864261                                     Mobile: 07929 717388
                                       Website: www.theoldstablehouse.co.uk                                             Website: www.tithecottagestudio.co.uk
                                       Email: contact@theoldstablehouse.co.uk             Contact: Mrs H. Morris        Email: contact@tithecottagestudio.co.uk         Contact: Mr & Mrs J. Newth
                                       Address: The Old Stable House, The Midlands, Holt, Wilts, BA14 6RG               Address: 23A Trowbridge Road, Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 1EE
                                       Price: £300-£350 Units: 1 No. Persons: 1-2 Type: House                           Price: £300-£400 Units: 1 No. Persons: 1-2 Type: Studio
                                       Description: Self-contained suite of character. Quiet. Breakfast available.      Description: Beautifully presented, well equipped, self contained, ground floor
                                       Near National Trust properties and Bath. 2.5 miles to BoA Town Centre.           Studio apartment. Continental style breakfast available. Parking. 0.5 miles to Town Centre.

                                       Pig Wig Cottages                                              Map ref: G         Vine Cottages                                    Map ref: E

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SELF CATERING
                                       Property: Beeches Farmhouse, Holt Road, Bradford on Avon,                        Property: 8/9 Vine Cottages, Wine Street, Bradford on Avon,
                                       Wilts, BA15 1TS                                                                  Wilts, BA15 1NR
                                       Tel: 01225 865170                                                                Tel: 01225 782456                               Mobile: 07986 494974
                                       Website: : www.pigwigcottages.co.uk                                              Website: www.vinecottages.co.uk
                                       Email: stay@beeches-farmhouse.co.uk              Contact: Mrs P. Stanley         Email: vinecottages@btconnect.com              Contact: Mrs L.Hanham
                                       Address: Beeches Farmhouse, Holt Road, Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 1TS         Address: Box Cottage, 74 Ground Corner, Holt, Wilts, BA14 6RT
                                       Price: £475-£895 Units: 3 No. Persons: 2-14 Type: Cottages                       Price: £340-£560 Units: 1 No. Persons: 1-4 Type: Cottage
                                       Description: Farmyard barn conversions. Short breaks available. Collect          Description: Charming cottage, tucked away but with lovely valley views. One
                                       eggs for breakfast. 7 miles Bath. 1.1 miles to Town Centre.                      double and one twin bedroom. 0.5 miles to Town Centre.

                                       Priory Steps Coach House                                      Map ref: B
                                       Property: Priory Steps, Newtown, Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 1NQ
                                       Tel: 01225 862230
                                       Website: www.priorysteps.co.uk
                                       Email: priorysteps@clara.co.uk             Contact: Mr & Mrs C Chapman
                                       Address: Priory Steps, Newtown, Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 1NQ
                                       Price: £490-£560 Units: 1 No. Persons: 1-4 Type: Apartment
                                       Description: Stunning Views. Spacious contemporary accommodation.
                                       Central location. Rooftop terrace. Minimum 3 nights. 0.2 miles to Town Centre.

                                       Romsey Oak Farm and Cottages Map ref: N
                                       Property: Frome Road, Wingfield, Wilts, BA14 9LS
                                       Tel: 01225 866505                                 Mobile: 07881 588607
                                       Website: www.romseyoakcottages.co.uk
                                       Email: enquiries@romseyoakcottages.co.uk        Contact: Ms C. Harland
                                       Address: Weaver House, 49 Newtown, Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 1NG
                                       Price: £250-£1,395Units: 6 No. Persons: 2-28 Type: House and Cottages
                                       Description: Georgian farmhouse and 5 cottages with tennis court in
                                       countryside 8 miles from Bath. 3.4 miles to Town Centre.
                                                                                                                        Westbury Gardens

    20            Please pass this on to a friend or leave for someone else to use.                                                 Please pass this on to a friend or leave for someone else to use.
Book your accommodation online visit: www.bradfordonavon.co.uk

     Accommodation                                                          Merkins Farm Caravan
                                                                            and Camping
                                                                            Bradford Leigh, Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 2RW
                                                                                                                                       Map ref: X

     in & around Bradford on Avon                                           Tel: 01225 865249                                Mobile: 07721 696054
                                                                            Website: www.merkinsfarm.com
                                                                            Email: info@merkinsfarm.com                      Contact: Mrs H. Painter
                                                                            Months Open: All year.
                                                                            No. Tents: 10          Price: £13 per night min.
          CARAVAN & CAMPING                                                 No. Caravans: 5        Price: £13 per night min.

                                                                                                                                                                                       CARAVAN & CAMPING
                                                                            Description: Countryside location. Panoramic views. Easy Access. Toilets and
                                                                            shower. Café on site. 1.5 miles to Town Centre.

         Chemical Disposal Point
         Electric Hookups
         Locally Inspected
         Parking by Unit
         Pets Accepted
     WC Toilets

                                                                                                                                                           Bradford on Avon Cottages

22      Please pass this on to a friend or leave for someone else to use.             Please pass this on to a friend or leave for someone else to use.

                                                                    Bradford on Avon
                                                                    Area Map
                                                                                                                                     Box                                           Corsham

                                                                    Bradford on Avon
                                                                    Area Map

                                                                                                                                     Box                            A3
                                                                                                                                                                      65           2

                                                                                                                                                   B3 1

                                                                                                       Monkton                                                              Atworth
                                                                                                                                                                    A3             2
                                                                                                       Farleigh                                                       65

                                                                    Bath                                                               South

                                                                                                                                                   B3 1
                                                                                       A3                                              Wraxall

                                                                                                       Monkton                                                              Atworth
                                                                                                       Farleigh                                                                                                          Melksham

                                                                                                                               South                                       6                   Gifford

                                                                                                                  7            Wraxall

                                                                                                      Farleigh          Cumberwell
                                                                                                       Wick              5
                                                                                                          Ashley                                                                                                         Melksham
                                                                                                                                               Bradford                                       Broughton

                                                                                                                                                Leigh                      6Holt               Gifford


Please pass this on to a friend or leave for someone else to use.
                                                                                                 7                B3108
                                                                                                                        BRADFORD B3107
                                                                                                      Winsley                  ON AVON
                                                                                 Limpley                 Ashley                                Bradford
                                                                                  Stoke                                                         Leigh                       Holt
                                                                                                9 Avoncliff                                                                        B31                        1
                                                                                                                                                                                      05                   A36
                                                                                                                    BRADFORD B3107
                                                                                                      Winsley            1
                                                                                                                     ON AVON
                                                                                 Limpley                   Westwood
                                                                                  Stoke                                8                           Trowle   3
                                                                                                      Avoncliff                                                        06          B31                        1
                                                                                                                                                                     31               05                   A36


                                                                                                            8           1              Widbrook                        Trowbridge
                                                                                                                                       A 366
                                                                                                                                                   Trowle   3



                                                                                                                                       A 366


                                                                    Main roads                                                              A3
                                                                    Minor roads                                        4Wingfield
                                                                    Unclassified roads
                                                                    Main roads                                                                61
                                                                    Rivers/canals                                                           A3
                                                                    Train stationroads
                                                                    Detailed map                                                                                                                       B3098
                                                                    Railway  track                                                                                                 Westbury
                                                                      1 KM
                                                                       1 MILE
                                                                    Train station
                                                                    Detailed map                                                           B3099
                                                                                                                                                                4                                      B3098
                                                                    boundaries                                                                       Dilton Marsh                  Westbury

                                                                      1 KM

                                                                        1 MILE

Please pass this on to a friend or leave for someone else to use.


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                                                                                          84 The Common SN12 8ND, United Kingdom - Google Maps                                                         26/10/2011 20:22

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Avoncliff, Bradford-on-Avon, United Kingdom - Google Maps                                                            26/1

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                                                                             Roa d

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   B31 0 8
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire BA15
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                                                              B3109 F ro m e

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26        Please pass this on to a friend or leave for someone else to use.                                                                                                                                                                        Please pass this on to a friend or leave for someone else to use.                                                                                                                                         27
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