Williams Bay Recreation Department 2021 Spring & Summer Program Guide - Open Mind Healthy Body Balanced Life

Williams Bay Recreation Department 2021 Spring & Summer Program Guide - Open Mind Healthy Body Balanced Life
Williams Bay
      Recreation Department
      2021 Spring & Summer
          Program Guide

 Open Mind
Healthy Body           rec@williamsbay.org
Balanced Life             262-245-2720
Williams Bay Recreation Department 2021 Spring & Summer Program Guide - Open Mind Healthy Body Balanced Life
General Info
Our mission

The Williams Bay Recreation Department's mission is to provide a variety of leisure
and educational programs to meet the needs of the community while striving to
enrich the quality of life of the residents of the Village of Williams Bay.

New Lakefront Office                             Lions Field House
15 East Geneva St.
                                                 Lions Field House Office is currently
Office Hours
                                                 closed to the Public.
March 15 - April 30
Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 2:00PM
                                                 Registration Information:
May 1 - June 4                                   Online: www.wbrecdept.com
Monday - Saturday: 8:00AM - 2:00pm               Mail in: Po box 580, Williams Bay
                                                 Walk in Person: 15 East Geneva ST.
June 5 - September 6                             Drop off box: Lions field house
Monday - Sunday: 8:00am - 5:00pm                 Place completed registration form and
                                                 payment in a sealed envelope and drop it
September 7 - December 17                        off in the designated box at the lions
Monday-Friday: 8:00am-2:00pm
                                                 field house.

Dave Rowland - Recreation Director

A 2012 graduate of George Williams College of Aurora University, Dave majored in
Parks and Recreation Administration where he received the Helen Finch Award for
the top undergraduate student. Dave has been the Recreation Director for the
Village of Williams Bay for the last nine years. Besides his love for athletics and
coaching, Dave enjoys fishing, hiking, and spending time with family.

Kendra Jenski - Recreation Specialist

A Williams Bay Resident for almost 17 years, Kendra lives with her husband and
three sons. When not running craft camps and shuttling three kids around she
enjoys reading and scouring Pinterest for new activities and projects.

 2                   rec@williamsbay.org 262-245-2720 PO BOX 580 Williams Bay, WI 53191
Williams Bay Recreation Department 2021 Spring & Summer Program Guide - Open Mind Healthy Body Balanced Life
Covid-19 Program Information
Participants and Programs

Participants must conduct a self-assessment daily and not attend the program if they are
ill or exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. At the time of drop-off program staff will ask the
participant, or the parent/guardian, if the participant is currently exhibiting COVID-19
symptoms. If an individual begins to exhibit symptoms during the program they must be
isolated from others until they leave the premises.*
If a participant has symptoms, they must wait to enter the premises until they have had no
fever for at least 72 hours, other symptoms have improved, and at least 10 days have
passed since their symptoms first appeared.
When outdoors, participants should wear face coverings over their nose and mouth
whenever not actively exercising or participating in an activity, and when unable to
maintain a safe distance (6 feet) from others.
When indoors, participants should wear face coverings over their nose and mouth at all
times, including while participating in an activity.
Program participants are required to provide their own face coverings. We recommend
participants have additional face coverings on hand, if needed.
Personal items should have proper separation, at least 6 feet, and should not be shared
with other participants. Participants must bring their own water bottle. No sharing of
water bottles between participants is to be permitted.Handwashing or hand sanitizing will
be encouraged often.
Additional handwashing breaks will be implemented between activities whenever possible.
Check-in with the instructor upon arrival to the program location.
Do not arrive more than 10 minutes prior to the class start time.
No socializing or extra-curricular activities before or after the program. Maintain 6 foot
distancing, except when instruction requires close interaction with the instructor/coach or
other participants. Participants should travel to the program location alone or with a
member(s) of their immediate household, if possible. No carpooling.
Facility capacity will be limited to 50% occupancy. Class/program areas will be setup to
promote social distancing by spacing equipment, tables and chairs, etc. to provide a 6 foot
radius when possible. Class/program areas will be set up before the arrival of

*Per the CDC, symptoms include cough, shortness of breath or difficulty
breathing, fever, chills, muscle or body aches, headache, sore throat, new loss
of taste or smell congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting and diarrhea.

                     Sign up for programs online at www.wbrecdept.com!             3
Williams Bay Recreation Department 2021 Spring & Summer Program Guide - Open Mind Healthy Body Balanced Life
Kayak & Stand UP Paddle Board Rentals
   Kayak & Stand up Paddle Board rentals are
     coming to the Williams Bay Recreation
  Department in 2021! Rentals available May 1 -
September 30. Rentals will be located at our new
 lakefront office next to the Williams Bay Boat
 Launch Monday-Sunday! Free parking and easy
            access to Geneva Lake!

                       Resident Rental Rates:

    Kayak Tandem - 1 Hour $15, 2 Hours $35, 4 Hours $50, Day $85

    Kayak Single - 1 Hour $10, 2 Hours $20, 4 hours $40, Day $75

         Stand Up Paddle Board - 1 Hour $10, 2 Hours $20,
                      4 hours $40, Day $75

                  Non-Resident Rental Rates:

Kayak Tandem - 1 Hour $25, 2 Hours $50, 4 Hours $75, Day $125

    Kayak Single - 1 Hour $20, 2 Hours $35, 4 hours $50, Day $100

         Stand Up Paddle Board - 1 Hour $20, 2 Hours $35,
                      4 Hours $50, Day $100

4               rec@williamsbay.org 262-245-2720 PO BOX 580 Williams Bay, WI 53191
Williams Bay Recreation Department 2021 Spring & Summer Program Guide - Open Mind Healthy Body Balanced Life
Lakefront Office
     New Lakefront office

    Open house - Join us on
Saturday, May 8 from 2:00-4:00pm
 to check out our new office!

                   Office Hours

           May 1 - June 4
Monday - Saturday: 8:00AM -2:00pm

      June 5 - September 6
Monday - Sunday: 8:00am - 5:00pm

       Sign up for programs online at www.wbrecdept.com!   5
Williams Bay Recreation Department 2021 Spring & Summer Program Guide - Open Mind Healthy Body Balanced Life
Rex Park

    We are very happy to announce that in 2021 we will have a
    new Dog Park in Williams Bay at Lions Park! Rex Park will
       have two separate parks for large and small dogs.

    Construction is projected to begin in April and projected to
             be completed by the first week of May.

     Opening Day Ceremony is Saturday, May 8th at 11:30am.

The Village Board of Williams Bay has voted to make the Rex
 Park Free! All dogs entering the park are required to have a
  dog license for the safety of everyone in both dog parks.

                                Dog Licensing

Wisconsin State Law and Village Ordinance requires that you
obtain a dog license for your pet unless it is less than five (5)
 months old. The Village will strictly enforce this law. It is
 your responsibility to obtain this license. Licenses can be
   picked up at the Village Clerk's Office during regular
                       business hours.

      You must bring in your pet's: Current rabies certificate
          proving vaccination. Proof of pet having been

         Unaltered Pet: $30.00 Altered Pet: $11.00
 Any person purchasing a dog license for a dog 5 months of
age or over after April 1 shall pay an additional late fee of $5

6               rec@williamsbay.org 262-245-2720 PO BOX 580 Williams Bay, WI 53191
Williams Bay Recreation Department 2021 Spring & Summer Program Guide - Open Mind Healthy Body Balanced Life
Rex Park

Small and Large Dog Park Areas - Dog owners are
  responsible for choosing which area is best
suited for their dog. No more than two dogs per
          person allowed at one time.
           Sign up for programs online at www.wbrecdept.com!   7
Williams Bay Recreation Department 2021 Spring & Summer Program Guide - Open Mind Healthy Body Balanced Life
Summer Camp
                          Who:        Ages       9-14

     Dates:   Monday-Friday                    9:00am           -   11:00am

                     June       14    -   August         20

               Camp Information

       Drop Off/Pick p ocation: Lions Field House

         Cost: $30 Per Week or $250 for 10 Weeks

            Maximum Participants: 15 per week

                             Register Today!

     Enjoy the summer with the Williams Bay Recreation

Department! New this summer we will be offering a five day

camp! Benefits of the five day camp include fitness, social

    skills development, coordination, fun age-appropriate

            activities and affordably priced fun!

8             rec@williamsbay.org 262-245-2720 PO BOX 580 Williams Bay, WI 53191
Williams Bay Recreation Department 2021 Spring & Summer Program Guide - Open Mind Healthy Body Balanced Life
Summer Youth Crafts

                                KIDS CRafts
                                                                                                                                          frogs to

Lacey and
her yearly

                 Registration ends one week before each program
                  Summer S.T.R.E.A.M.                                               SUMMER CRAFT CAMP
          Science Technology Reading Engineering Art Math                   Craft Camp is back for its 7th year! We will be doing some
             Join us for this fun program where we will make,                messy process art so be sure to wear clothes you don't
                    experiment, predict and discover!                                         mind getting stained!
                          6/24, 7/29 & 8/12                                                   July 19th-23rd
                  Ages: 4-10 from 11:00-NOON                                           Ages 3-5: 8:00-9:30 AM*
              Location: Helen Rohner Fishing Park                     *Must be toilet independent or with personal assistant
   Will be held at Lions Field House if weather is bad                                Ages 6-8: 10:15-11:45 AM
                              Cost: FREE                                               Ages 9-11: 1:00-2:30 PM
         Instructors: Emily Sanders & Kendra Jenski                                   Ages 12-14: 3:00-4:30 PM
                                                                                      Location: Lions Field House
                                                                                Cost: $35 Maximum: 15 participants
         Playgroup & Process Art                                                        Instructor: Kendra Jenski

      Get messy with all kinds of fun projects this summer! We
         will play in sensory bins, make fun projects and more!                      Dream House CAMP
                          6/23, 7/28, 8/11
                                                                            We had so much fun last year and want to do it again! We
                 Ages: 3-6 from 1:00-2:00pm*
                                                                            will build our houses, make "blueprints", decorate and make
*Must be toilet independent or with personal assistant
                                                                                furniture! Will you make a dog house, fairy house,
                   Location: Lions Field House
                                                                                             business? It's up to you!
                               Cost: $8
                                                                                                August 2nd-6th
                     Instructor: Kendra Jenski
                                                                                         Ages 5-8: 8:00-11:00 AM
                     Maximum 6 participants
                                                                                        Ages 9 & Up: 1:00-4:00 PM

             Friday FAMILY ART NIGHT                                                  Location: Lions Field House
                                                                                  Cost: $75 Maximum: 15 participants
         Bring down the whole family for Friday Family Art Night!                         Instructor: Kendra Jenski
             You will be walked through the process of making your
         own family masterpiece! Snacks and drinks are included -                    Dream House Reno
             but you might not want to include it in your painting!
                    June 25th 5:30-8:00 PM                            Already have a dream house and want to update it? Renovate it during
                    July 30th 5:30-8:00 PM                                                    our two day workshop!
                  Location: Lions Field House                                   8/12-8/13          All Ages: 8:00-10:30 AM
                       Cost: $40 per family
                                                                                Location: Lions Field House              Cost: $15
                    Instructor: Kendra Jenski
                                                                                         Maximum: 15 participants
                       Maximum 4 Families

                                     Sign up for programs online at www.wbrecdept.com!                                                9
Williams Bay Recreation Department 2021 Spring & Summer Program Guide - Open Mind Healthy Body Balanced Life
Adult Crafts

              Happy Mail                               Angry Art Therapy
      Revive the lost art of snail mail by           Explore your snarky side through a
       using a variety of mixed media                  variety of journaling and mixed
       techniques to create beautiful                   media techniques meant for
           papers and envelopes.                     reducing stress and anxiety. Be as
             Supplies provided.                        salty and sarcastic as you want
         Date: Wednesday, June 23                     without worrying about offending
             Time: 6:00-8:00PM                                      anyone!                $ #! %
         Location: Lions Field House
                                                             Date: Thursday, July 8
          Instructor: Jen Sternberg
                                                              Time: 6:00-8:00PM
                  Cost: $30
                                                          Location: Lions Field House
Art Journaling Boot Camp                                   Instructor: Jen Sternberg
 Intro level class to learn techniques and                         Cost: $30
how to use different mixed media materials                          BYOAJ
        Supplies  snacks provided                   Want to art journal but don't want to
             Date: Saturday, July 10               invest in all the supplies? Bring your own
                Time: 9:00 - 4:30                 art journal and have access to a multitude
       (will break for 1.5 hours for lunch)       of supplies during this open art journaling
         Location: Lions Field House
                                                   session. Get one on one tutorials on the
            Instructor: Jen Sternberg
                   Cost: $100
                                                   techniques and materials of your choice.
                                                             Date: Thursday, July 22
                                                               Time: 6:00-8:00PM
                                                           Location: Lions Field House
                                                            Instructor: Jen Sternberg
                                                                    Cost: $50

                                              Art Journaling for Educators
                                         Learn how to incorporate art
                                      journals into any subject area. We
     Art Journaling for Kids will create several projects that can
        It will be messy. Very messy. be used with students of all ages.
                                                         Date: Thursday, August 26
            Date: Thursday, August 12
                                                            Time: 6:00-8:00PM
               Time: 5:00-6:00PM
                                                        Location: Lions Field House
           Location: Lions Field House
                                                         Instructor: Jen Sternberg
            Instructor: Jen Sternberg
                                                                 Cost: $30
                    Cost: $30

10                   rec@williamsbay.org 262-245-2720 PO BOX 580 Williams Bay, WI 53191
5th Annual Community Wide Garage Sale
                 Friday, May 28th & Saturday, May 29th
    Central Sale at Lions Field House 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

      Recreation Department will put up signs                           Advertising Includes:
       at Village entrances and at prominent                                Local Paper
                 street intersections.                                   Rec Dept Website
                                                                        Flyers, Sale Signs &
        Participants will be responsible for
                                                                           Printable Map
          directional signs to their house.

           $10 Registration Fee
     to help cover advertising costs.

Fill out the bottom half of this form and return with cash or check by May 10th to the WB Rec Dept located
          in the Lions Field House, Williams Bay or mail to: P.O. Box 580 Williams Bay, WI 53191

  Name, Email & phone # is for Rec Dept use only - Address, hours & item description will be included on
    printed map which will be available at the Central Sale at Lions Field House on the days of the sale

  Williams Bay Recreation Department - wbrecdept.com - (262) 245-2720 - Email: rec@williamsbay.org

  Name:                _________________________
                                                        Open Hours:
 Address:              _________________________
                       _________________________     Fri: _____________
     Email:            _________________________     Sat: _____________
  Phone #:             _________________________
    Items for sale:              ___________________________________________
(ex - furniture, mens clothes,
       toys, tools, etc.)        ___________________________________________
                        Sign up for programs online at www.wbrecdept.com!                         11
Youth Sports
       Summer Golf                                Quarterback Clinic
        Ages 8-14                                          Ages 10-16

 Tuesday's & Thursday's                          Tuesday's & Thursday's

      June 15 - July 1                                 June 8 - June 17

       10:00-11:30am                                     6:00-7:30pm

       Theatre Road                                     Theatre Road

        Cost: $40                                          Cost: $30

     Multi Sport Camp                                Video Games 101
        Grades 6-8                                         Ages 12-16

      June 7 - June 9                                         June 19

       9:00-10:30am                                      6:00-8:30pm

        Lions Field                                  Lions Field House

        Cost: $30                                           Cost: $10

           TGIF                               Pickleball For Beginners
        Grades 6-8                                        Grades 4-8

     April 29 & May 14                                  August 23-25

       6:00-8:00pm                                      9:00-10:30am

        WBES Gym                                           Lions Field

     Cost: $5 per date                                      Cost: $10

12            rec@williamsbay.org 262-245-2720 PO BOX 580 Williams Bay, WI 53191
New Winter Activities
     Lions park ice rink

   Weather Permitting Open
Monday-Thursday 9:00am-sunset
  Friday, Saturday, & Sunday

       snowshoe rentals
    $5 an hour or $20 a day
       Pickup locations:
Lions Field or lakefront office

      Sign up for programs online at www.wbrecdept.com!   13
Baseball, Softball, T-Ball, & Coach Pitch

               Baseball Quad County League - Levels for Baseball:
              (Ages based on August 31, 2021) U8, U10, U12 & U14

              All baseball levels play on Mondays and Wednesdays

                       Practices Start Week of April 5
      Games Start U8-U14 - May 12, End of Season Tournament July 12-15

                Softball Quad County League - Levels for Softball:
               (Ages based on August 31, 2021) U8, U10, U12, U14

               All softball levels play on Tuesdays and Thursdays
                         Practices Start Week of April 6
       Games start U8-U14 - May 13, End of Season Tournament July 12-15

      Age Breakdown for Baseball & Softball (Age based on August 31, 2021)
                             U8 - 7 & 8 Year Olds
                            U10 - 9 & 10 Year Olds
                           U12 - 11 & 12 Year Olds
                           U14 - 13 & 14 Year Olds

                   T-Ball (Ages 4-6) & Coach Pitch (Ages 6-8)
Practices held at Theatre Road Field on Tuesdays & Thursdays starting May 25
   Games held at Big Foot High School, Tuesdays & Thursdays, Dates TBD

                       Baseball & Softball U10-U14 - $65
                     U8 Baseball, T-Ball & Coach Pitch - $35

                            Teams in Quad County:
Big Foot, Burlington, Delavan-Darien, Eagle, East Troy, Elkhorn Rec, Genoa City,
Lake Geneva, Lakeland, Milton, Palmyra, Waterford, Whitewater & Williams Bay

       Register online at www.wbrecdept.com or email rec@williamsbay.org

 14               rec@williamsbay.org 262-245-2720 PO BOX 580 Williams Bay, WI 53191
Quad County Flag Football
   Flag football is back at the Williams Bay Recreation
Department after six years! We will be partnering with the
Quad County league this year. Boys and Girls in grades 1-6
  will have the opportunity to learn new skills and play
against surrounding communities. Divisions are 1-2 grade,
 3-4 grade, 5-6 grade (Grades for 2021-2022 school year).

   Practices are scheduled during the week by volunteer
  coaches with games on Saturday's. Teams will compete
 against local communities playing both home and away
games. Teams will travel to Delavan-Darien, Elkhorn, East
Troy, Palmyra, and Whitewater. Players will receive a NFL
     team-branded jersey. Practices start the week of
August 9th with the season ending on October 16. Rain date
                    will be October 23.

         Who: Grades 1-6 (2021-2022 School Year)
                         Cost: $50
         Provided by the Recreation Department:
            Game Jersey, Flag Belt and Flags

  Practice & Home Game Location: Theatre Road Field

  Quad County Flag Football Towns: Delavan-Darien,
  Elkhorn, Milton, Palmyra, Whitewater, Williams Bay

           Sign up for programs online at www.wbrecdept.com!   15
65 GENEVA ST                 CLICK HERE FOR

       on Facebook
                                JUNE 7TH!
STORY TIMES                   STORY WALK
  WEDNESDAYS @ 10 -           with Kishwauketoe
CHILDREN'S FISHING PARK         June 10th, 1-3
                            TEEN ART JOURNALS
2ND FRI OF THE MONTH @ 10        with Emily
   SUNSHINE & STORIES          6/24, 7/22, 8/26

   6/12, 7/10, 8/21 @ 6PM
    TIE DYE PARTY!            MARKET
      August 6th, 12-4
       QR QUEST             PERFORMERS
  with the Rec Department    4TH FRIDAYS,
        July 8th
                               11:30 AM
REx park    Opening
      Rex Park              Day Schedule
               Opening Day Saturday, May 8

11:30am - RIBBON CUTTING ceremony


         11:45AM - DOG PARADE

       12:00PM - Top 3 prizes for
           Best Trick Contest
            Best Look a like
              Best in show

12:30pm - dog training workshop

18        rec@williamsbay.org 262-245-2720 PO BOX 580 Williams Bay, WI 53191
Community Garden

      Rent a Garden Plot!
Do you like to garden, but don't have
 the space at home? Rent a 10x20 or
    20x20 foot plot at Lions Park.
          Garden Plot Fees
           Resident 10x20 $20
           Resident 20x20 $30
         Non-Resident 10x20 $30
         Non-Resident 20x20 $40
 *For more information and complete guidelines
   please visit our website at wbrecdept.com

                    Sign up for programs online at www.wbrecdept.com!   19
Community Events
                 April 3                             April 18
        Take Home Egg Hunt 10:00-                Spring Clean Up
                11:30am                           12:00-2:00pm
           WBHS Parking Lot                      Lions Fieldhouse

       May 8                        May 8                          May 28 & 29
   Day In the Bay              Dog Park Opening               Community Garage Sale
  10:00am-5:00pm                   11:30am                       8:00am-4:00pm
       WBBA                       Lions Park                    Lions Fieldhouse

June                                                         4th Friday May-August
      Every Friday May 21 - September 10                        Library Farmers
        Williams Bay Farmers Market                           Market Performers
               8:30am - 1:30pm                                      11:30am
               Edgewater Park                                   Edgewater Park

                                                July 17
    July 3         July 3                                                 July 24 & 25
                                             Williams Bay
   Kish 5K       Lions Club                                             Fine Art Festival
                                           Fire Department
7:30-10:30am    Pancake Day                                             9:00am-4:00pm
                                            Chicken Roast
     KNC       Edgewater Park                                           Edgewater Park
                                           Edgewater Park

              August 7
       Williams Bay Women's                              August 13, 14 & 15
            Civic League                              Lions Club Corn & Brat
             Duck Race                                   Edgewater Park
         Edgewater Park

 20            rec@williamsbay.org 262-245-2720 PO BOX 580 Williams Bay, WI 53191
Day in the Bay
           The Williams Bay Business Association proudly hosts the 14th Annual

                            DAY IN THE BAY
                                      JOIN US FOR FUN, FOOD, PRIZES, AND MORE!

                                 SATURDAY, MAY , 2021
                                                           10:00am - 5:00pm

         DAY IN THE BAY SCHEDULE                                                          Other Activities
    10:00am:                                                                 May 7th Noon - 5:00pm and
    Pick up your Passport at Barrett Memorial Library                        May 8th 9:00am - 4:00pm:
    or Lions Field House                                                     BOOK SALE at Barrett Memorial Library Parking Lot

    10:00am - 4:00pm:                                                        May 8th 7:00 - 9:00am:
    Visit participating business to get your Passport                        Naturalist Jim Killian will be leading The Annual
    punched, enjoy treats, and shop!                                         Migratory Bird walk along with a representative from
                                                                             Lakeland Audubon Society at KNC.
    Grand Opening Dog Park - Rex Park! Join us at                            May 8th:
    Lions Park for Prizes for Best Trick, Best Look A                        KNC Concierge table from 10:00am -2:00pm where
    Like, and Best In Show. Williams Bay Women's                             KNC staff will be answering questions about KNC as
    Civic League will be holding a Chili Dog Sale as                         well information about event’s, programs, classes we
    well at the Lions Field House!                                           will have available this summer season. KNC will also
                                                                             have clothing on sale along with a camp fire for
    10:00am-4:00pm:                                                          people to sit around and enjoy. Starting at 1:00pm
    Join the Williams Bay Historical Society as they                         there will also be a guided walk.
    celebrate the Anniversary of our Volunteer Fire
    Department. Learn the history, meet a firefighter,                       May 8th 11:30am:
    see the firetrucks, tour the firehouse, learn about                      Women's Civic League Chili Dog Sale at the Lions Field
    the WBHS, purchase a book of history of WB, talk                         House
    with a historian, and learn about membership!
                                                                             May 8th:
    Privato Bistro and Lounge                                                @ Dip in the Bay $1 cones

    3:00-7:00pm:                                                             May 8th 2:00 - 4:00pm:
    Live Music at Privato Bistro and Lounge                                  Williams Bay Recreation Department Open House at
    4:00pm:                                                                  our new office located west of the boat launch.
    Complimentary Food at Privato Bistro and
    Lounge                                                                   May 8th:
    4:30pm:                                                                  Clear Waters Salon Spa - Wine Tasting, Live Music, &
    Deadline to turn in COMPLETED Passports at                               Treats for kids!
    Privato Bistro and Lounge for prize drawing
    GRAND PRIZE DRAWING! Stick around, becasue
    you must be present to win!

Participating Businesses Prize:                           Passport Prizes:
     Cutwing Marketing -
     Social Media Package                         Grand Prize: Crew Defender 700c Bike

Rubin Dogs Gift Certificate, Jim Pfeil - Sierra Financial Services Gift, Steamers Coffee Shop - Gift Basket, Advia Credit Union -
Gift Basket, Belfry Theatre - 4 tickets, Dog Harbor Grooming Salon - Gift Basket, La Fiesta - Gift Certificate, Clear for Life - Gift
     Certificate, Avant Cycle Cafe - Gift Certificate, First National Bank - Gift Basket, Greg Choyce - Choyce Builders, GLAS
     Education - Gift Certificate, Julia Hillman Realtor @ Properties - Gift Certificate, Green Grocer - Gift Basket, Burroughs
Flooring - Gift Certificate, Pier 290 - Gift Card, Harpoon Willies - Gift Card, Lucke's Cantina - Gift Card, AIM Tax Serivce - Gift
   Certificate, Gage Marine - Boat Cruise Tickets, The Cashmere Cape - Gift Certificate, Lake Geneva E-Bike Company - Gift
   Certificate, Harborview Motel - Gift Certificate, American Family Matthew Faytle - Gift, Sam Asani-Edward Jones - Gift,
                                               Avant - Two Hour E-bike Rental For Two

                             Sponsored By:                                                                            Passport Locations:
                                                                                                     Barrett Memorial Library, KNC Booth, Environmental
                                                                                                    Education Foundation Booth, Mobil, Sam Asnai-Edward
                                                                                                   Jones, Pier 290, Cafe Camari, Harpoon Willies, La Fiesta,
                                                                                                   Green Grocer, Clearwater Salon Spa, Lake Geneva E-Bike
                                                                                                   Company, Lucke's Cantina, Frosty Moose, Phillips 66, The
                                                                                                     Cashmere Cape, Dog Harbor Grooming, Pure Family
                                                                                                      Chiropractic, Steamers Coffee Shop, Dip in the Bay,
                                                                                                               American Family - Matthew Faytle

                             Sign up for programs online at www.wbrecdept.com!                                                              21
Baseball, Softball, T-Ball & Coach Pitch Sponsorship

          As spring is almost upon us in Williams Bay our attention turns to our baseball and softball programs. We
          are asking local businesses in Williams Bay for support in sponsoring youth Baseball and Softball.

          This year we have two options for sponsorship with the first being team sponsorship. Your sponsorship
          support of $150.00 will provide uniforms for the team. Benefits of your sponsorship include your business
          name on jerseys, league schedules, and the special recognition in our program guide. Our second option
          will be outfield fence sponsorship. This will be the fourth year that the Williams Bay Recreation Department
          will be offering outfield fence sponsorship advertising. Your sponsorship support of $300.00 ($150.00 for
          previous sponsors) will provide sponsors for our outfield fence at Lions East Field in Williams Bay.

          Outfield Fence Sponsorship Purpose: To raise money for the Williams Bay Recreation Department
          baseball and softball program and for ongoing improvement projects at the ball fields.

          Outfield Fence Sponsorship Sign Size: 4’ X 3’ sign attached to the new outfield fence at Lions East Field.

          Outfield Fence Sponsorship Exposure: Signs will be up for all games and tournaments played from May
          1st through July 31st. Local and out of town players and fans will see the fence signs throughout the spring
          and summer creating great exposure for your business.

          Please submit your sponsorship to the Recreation Department office by completing and returning the
          bottom half of this form with a $150 or $300 check to Williams Bay Recreation Department. For questions
          please call us at (262) 245-2720, or email rec@williamsbay.org Thank you for showing your continued
          support to our community!

          I am interested in sponsoring:

          Tee Ball Team                                                     Baseball Team                     

          Coach Pitch Team                                                  Softball Team                     

          Outfield Fence                                                     Returning Sponsor Outfield Fence   

          Please accept my commitment to sponsor a Team or Outfield Fence.

          Sponsor Name:_________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________________

          Contact Information (Phone number, Email & Mailing Address):

          Total Amount Due: ________________________      Please return by 4 / 21 / 2021

          Williams Bay Recreation Department, PO Box 580, Williams Bay, WI 53191

22                 rec@williamsbay.org 262-245-2720 PO BOX 580 Williams Bay, WI 53191
Registration Form

 Family Name__________________________________________________________

 WB Village residents? Yes No

 Address ____________________________________________________________

 City ________________________________________ State_______ Zip _________

 Phone: Day___________________________ Evening ___________________

 Email _____________________________________________________

 Emergency Contact ________________________________________________

 Relationship to participant ____________________________________________

 Phone: Day___________________________ Evening ________________________

 Special requirements __________________________________________________

 How did you hear about this program? ____________________________________

 As a volunteer, I would like to ________________________________________ Method
 of Payment: Cash or Check # _________ Total fee enclosed $ _________
 How to register:
     1. Read and complete this form, especially the insurance liability waiver.
     2. Make checks payable to Williams Bay REC DEPT.
     3. Return the completed form to the drop box at Williams Bay REC DEPT. Po. Box
            580 Williams Bay 53191. The Williams Bay REC DEPT. is located at Lions
            Field House
                  Please use one line for each participant and program.
           Participant’s                 Grade/                             Program
            Full Name                   Birthdate                            Name

I have carefully read and fully understand the release and insurance liability waiver from the
preceding page and understand a participant’s signature is required. A parent/guardian’s
signature is required if the participant is under the age of 18 years.

Signature Print Name Date ______________________________________________________

              Sign up for programs online at www.wbrecdept.com!                                  23
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