WOODSTOCK FUTURE OF FLIGHT - Flight 86 program in New Brunswick to develop local pilots - COPA

Page created by Gilbert Jennings
WOODSTOCK FUTURE OF FLIGHT - Flight 86 program in New Brunswick to develop local pilots - COPA
The Journal of the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association
                                                                                      MAY 2021

    More than

  Classified Ads

                OF FLIGHT
                        Flight 86 program in New Brunswick
                                to develop local pilots

                                                                SELLING YOUR AIRCRAFT
                                                               NEXT STEPS AFTER COMMITTING

                                                                CIFIB NATIONAL NETWORK
                                                            FREE IN-COCKPIT WEATHER AND TRAFFIC

                                                                  NAV CANADA INSIGHT
                                                               Q&A WITH HEATHER MCGONIGAL
WOODSTOCK FUTURE OF FLIGHT - Flight 86 program in New Brunswick to develop local pilots - COPA
Upgrade by November 25, 2021
The new Industry Canada regulations require all aircraft, with limited exceptions,
flying in Canada to upgrade to a 406 MHz Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT).

All commercial air operators, foreign aircraft and private operators will need to
be upgraded to a 406 MHz ELT, like the ARTEX ELT 345 no later than November
25, 2021, while recreational operators have until November 25, 2025 to comply
with the new regulations, however the cost of service to maintain the legacy
121.5 MHz ELTs required on their aircraft with annual battery replacements
make upgrading to a 406 MHz ELT more attractive.

The ELT 345 boasts an industry low price
for an ELT providing the same quality and
performance on which the ARTEX brand was
built. Optional GPS data is embedded within
the first emergency transmission and
provides Search and Rescue personnel
with the aircraft location, within 100
meters, in less than a minute.

  Learn more at

   ELT 345™
   406MHz General Aviation ELT
      • 406 MHz ELT with 121.5 MHz Homing and   • ELT Kit Configurations with multiple
        GPS Interface                             whip antennas and remote switches
      • FAA TSO / Industry Canada Approved      • Installation Kit Included

                                                          YOUR BEST LAST CHANCE
WOODSTOCK FUTURE OF FLIGHT - Flight 86 program in New Brunswick to develop local pilots - COPA

                                                                                                    4 PRESIDENT’S CORNER
                                                                                                    REMAINING PATIENT AND READY TO FLY

                                                                                                    6 REGIONS, BC & YUKON
                                                                                                    AIR ACCESS AIRPORT INVESTMENT
                                                                                                    AND BROWN BAG FLY-OUTS

                                                                                                    8 REGIONS, ONTARIO
                                                                                                    REMEMBERING FORMER COPA
                                                                                                    GENERAL MANAGER BILL PEPPLER

18 CIFIB BUILDING NATIONAL NETWORK                                                                  9 INCIDENTS & ACCIDENTS
Steven McDowell outlines free in-cockpit weather and traffic coming to Canada                       LATE APRIL BLIZZARD AT CYKD,
                                                                                                    FSS RUNWAY INTERVENTION AT CYQB

20 SELLING YOUR AIRCRAFT                                                                            12 PLANE TALK
Phil Lightstone on the next steps after you make that emotional commitment                          TROUBLE SHOOTING TECHNIQUES
                                                                                                    WITH ADVANCED AVIONICS

22 A RETURN TO BUSIER SKIES                                                                         14 SAFETY SERIES
Sharon Cheung speaks with NAV CANADA’s Heather McGonigal about GA issues                            PILOT PROFICIENCY, WHAT IS IT AND
                                                                                                    HOW DO WE MAINTAIN IT

26 FLYING FUTURES IN NEW BRUNSWICK                                                                  16 SÉRIE DE SÉCURITÉ
Theresa Blackburn reports on a new high school course to develop local pilots                       LA COMPÉTENCE PILOT, QU’EST-CE QUE
                                                                                                    C’EST ET COMMENT L’ENTRETENIR

                                                                                                    38 DISPATCHES
ON THE COVER: Vanessa, David, Wanda and Colby Harris in front of David’s ultra-                     FLOAT PLANES IN OTTAWA VALLEY
light at Woodstock Municipal. (Photo: Tabitha Burrell, Leigha Jane Photography).

                                                              COPA BOARD OF DIRECTORS                              Clark Morawetz
                     READER SERVICE                                  B.C. & Yukon                      cmorawetz@copanational.org, 905-809-4835
         Print and digital subscription inquiries                 Warwick Patterson
                 or changes, please contact
       Jay Doshi, Audience Development Manager
                                                       wpatterson@copanational.org, 604-849-0407                 Jonathan Beauchesne
                      Tel: (416) 510-5124                                                              jbeauchesne@copanational.org, 514-585-3959
                     Fax: (416) 510-6875                             Kate Klassen
            jdoshi@annexbusinessmedia.com                kklassen@copanational.org, 604-366-8211                 Mathieu Delorme
             111 Gordon Baker Rd., Suite 400,
                                                                                                       mdelorme@copanational.org, 514-248-5379
                    Toronto, ON M2H 3R1                     Alberta and Northwest Territories
                                                                  Henry Vos, Treasurer                       Newfoundland and Labrador
                    Jon Robinson                          hvos@copanational.org, 780-835-1992                    Bill Mahoney, Chair
          jrobinson@annexbusinessmedia.com                                                             bmahoney@copanational.org, 709-685-6885
                    647-448-6188                           Ken Zachkewich, Western Vice-Chair
                                                       kzachkewich@copanational.org, 780-623-0673                    Maritimes
                                                                                                                    Brian Pinsent
   Theresa Blackburn, Peter Campbell, Sharon Cheung,
    Brian Douglas, Phil Lightstone, Steven McDowell,
                                                                    Saskatchewan                        bpinsent@copanational.org, 506-383-1867
                   Warwick Patterson                                Candace Pardo
                                                          cpardo@copanational.org, 306-621-7181                        Ex-Officio
                   MEDIA DESIGNER
                     Brooke Shaw                                  Manitoba & Nunavut                      Christine Gervais, CEO and President
                                                                   Jim Bell, Secretary                  cgervais@copanational.org, 613-236-4901
                     Mena Miu                             jbell@copanational.org, 204-293-5402
          mmiu@annexbusinessmedia.com                                                                      For Membership enquiries contact:
                   416-510-6749                                     Northern Ontario                  Angela Storing, Adminitrative and Membership
             ACCOUNT CO-ORDINATOR                                    Lloyd Richards                          Coordinator / General Enquiries
                   Barb Vowles                           lrichards@copanational.org, 705-267-7111       astoring@copanational.org, 613-236-4901
                   416-510-5103                                   Southern Ontario
                                                                   Kevin Elwood                          Canadian Owners and Pilots Association
                  Martin McAnulty                       kelwood@copanational.org, 705-444-9461       75 Albert Street, Suite 903, Ottawa, ON K1P 5E7
         mmcanulty@annexbusinessmedia.com                                                                 613-236-4901 | www.copanational.org
     PUBLICATION MAIL AGREEMENT #40065710                    Doug Ronan, Eastern Vice-Chair
       COPA Flight is published under contract
         to COPA by Annex Business Media                 dronan@copanational.org, 705-327-4730            Find us on Facebook and Instagram
                                                                                                          @copanational          #allforflight

                                                                                                                COPA FLIGHT | MAY 2021 3
WOODSTOCK FUTURE OF FLIGHT - Flight 86 program in New Brunswick to develop local pilots - COPA

                To advance, promote and preserve
                   the Canadian freedom to fly.
                Avancer, promouvoir, et préserver          REMAINING PATIENT,
                  la liberté de vol des Canadiens

                Did you know that as a COPA
                                                           READY TO FLY
             member you can enjoy many of the
                                                                                                        office soon, take time away from my
                      benefits we offer?
                                                                                                        computer screen, and actually physi-
             Saviez-vous qu'en tant que membre
                                                                                                        cally meet people. Maybe shake some
              de la COPA, vous pouvez profiter
                                                                                                        hands, or bump elbows or just nod,
              de nombreux avantages que nous
                                                                                                        whatever the new normal for greetings
                                                                                                        will be, but there will be a real per-
                                                                                                        son in front of me and not just a little
             This includes but not limited to:                                                          square on my computer screen. I’ll be
             Cela comprend, entre autres:                                                               able to see and touch that airplane I’ve
                                                                                                        been eyeing from the comfort of my
             Group Insurance Programs: VIP                                                              own home.
             Aircraft, Health & Dental, Home &
             Auto and Emergency Medical
             Travel.                                                                                    We are almost there. I can
             Programme d’assurance: VIP
             aviation, maladie & dentaire,                                                              see the finish line. I’m still
             maison & auto et urgence médicale                                                          not sure what the distance
             en voyage.                                    I love spring. The air feels different.
                                                           The days are getting longer and the          is to cross it, but I see it.
             Monthly COPA Flight Magazine.                 temperatures are warming up. We
             Revue COPA Flight mensuelle.                  are in that awkward time of year
                                                           where you leave with a warm jacket              We have become so reliant on
             Website Members only section.                 and long pants but pack a T-shirt and        technology to communicate that we
             Accès au section du site web                  shorts for the afternoon! That’s if we       all need a good reminder that there
             réservées exclusivement aux                   are getting out.                             are real people on the other side of
                                                               Spring brings us new beginnings          that computer screen. There are real
                                                           each and every year. And do we ever          people reading those messages we are
                                                           need it this year! Like most of you,         sending. There are real people strug-
             Discounts: Car, Hotel,
                                                           I’ve been cooped up at home, keeping         gling with the same sense of isolation
             Magazines (Wings, Helicopter),
                                                           to my COVID bubble, browsing the             as you might be. It’s been a hard win-
             Survival Kits, Red Canoe wear,
                                                           classifieds for a new-to-me aircraft         ter, probably one of the hardest ever
             Sirius XM, etc.
                                                           and waiting. Waiting to hear the new         for most. We just need to find it in us
             Rabais: locations voiture et hotels,
                                                           health guidelines that seem to change        to be patient, understanding, thought-
             Revues (Wings, Helicopter), Kits de
                                                           on a weekly basis. Waiting for the           ful and respectful. We’ll need to face
             survie, achats Red Canoe, SiriusXM,           snow to melt (although I do enjoy both       actual people someday day soon, let’s
             etc.                                          cross country and downhill skiing, so        not forget what that looks like. We all
                                                           I wasn’t that eager). Waiting for the        need to hang in there a little longer.
                   Join Now and support                    vaccines to arrive. Waiting to hear the         Our freedom to fly is not being
                      General Aviation!                    news that we can finally get back out        taken away, it has just encountered a
              Adhérez maintenant et supportez              there and do!                                little bit of unexpected turbulence. I’m
                     l'aviation générale!                      We are almost there. I can see the       recharging and your whole COPA team
                                                           finish line. I’m still not sure what the     is recharging, so when we do cross
              Visit/Visitez www.copanational.org,          distance is to cross it, but I see it. So,   that finish line, we’ll be prepared to
             Email/Couriel:copa@copanational.org           I’m allowing myself to prepare. I’m          ensure flying in Canada remains a right
                        Tel: 613-236-4901                  allowing myself to hope that the line        for all and not become a privilege for
                                                           isn’t as far away as it was. I need this.    the few. I’m riding out this turbulence
               Get your membership today!                  We all need this. I need to know that        with you and we’ll see you on the oth-
             Devenez membre dès aujourd’hui!               I’ll be able to leave my living room         er side where the calm air resides.

                                                            4 COPA FLIGHT | MAY 2021
COPA_Membership_third_March21_CSA.indd 1       2021-02-09 3:10 PM
WOODSTOCK FUTURE OF FLIGHT - Flight 86 program in New Brunswick to develop local pilots - COPA

                                                                                                                     Discount Avionics
                                                                                                                        •                  •    •

                              RESTER PATIENT                                                                                 BEST
                                                                                                                                  PRICE ION
                                                                                                                                       IC T
                              ET PRÊT À VOLER                                                                                    ERTIF
                                                                                                                            ELT C OTH NEW
                                                                                                                               FOR B MODELS
                                                                                                                              + OLD
                              J’aime le printemps. L’air est dif-         faire un signe de tête, quelle que
                              férent. Les jours s’allongent et les        soit la nouvelle norme en matière
                              températures se réchauffent. Nous           de salutations, mais il y aura une
                              sommes dans cette période délicate          vraie personne en face de moi et pas
                              de l’année où l’on part avec un man-        seulement un petit carré sur mon
                              teau et un pantalon long mais où l’on       écran d’ordinateur. Je pourrai voir et
                              emporte un t-shirt et un short pour         toucher l’avion qui m’intéresse depuis
                              l’après-midi ! Et ce, si nous sortons.      un bout de temps.
                                 Chaque année, le printemps nous             Nous sommes devenus si dépen-
                              apporte de nouveaux débuts. Et              dants de la technologie afin de com-
                              ccomme nous en avons de esoing              muniquer avec nos amis, notre famille,
                              cette année ! Comme la plupart              nos coéquipiés, etc. que nous avons
                              d’entre vous, je suis restée confinée       tous besoin de nous rappeler qu’il y a     • 406 Sales + Service
                              à la maison, dans ma bulle COVID, à         de vraies personnes de l’autre côté de     • Repair station for all headsets
                              parcourir les petites annonces pour         cet écran d’ordinateur. Il y a de vraies   • Factory Authorized Dealer for
                              trouver un nouvel avion et à attendre.      personnes qui lisent les messages            Technisonic Industries LTD
                              Attendre de connaître les nouvelles         que nous envoyons. Il y a de vraies        • 2-4 days turn around time on
                              directives en matière de santé qui          personnes qui luttent contre le même         ELT certification
                              semblent changer toutes les se-             sentiment d’isolement que vous. L’hiv-     • Artex, Kannad, Pointer,
                              maines. Attendre la fonte des neiges        er a été dur, probablement l’un des          Ameri-King, ACK, SkyHunter
                              (bien que j’apprécie le ski de fond et      plus durs pour la plupart. Nous dev-
                              le ski alpin, donc je n’étais pas si im-    ons juste continue de trouver en nous
                                                                                                                     • French + English service
                              patiente). Attendre l’arrivée des vac-      la force d’être patients, compréhen-
                              cins. Attendre de recevoir la nouvelle      sifs, réfléchis et respectueux. Bientôt
                              que nous pouvons enfin reprendre            nous devrons faire face à de vraies
                              nos activités !                             personnes, n’oublions pas à quoi cela        PLEASE SEE wEbSITE
                                 Nous y sommes presque. Je vois la        ressemble. Nous devons tous nous
                                                                                                                        FoR PRomoTIonS,
                              ligne d’arrivée. Je ne suis pas encore      cramponer un peu plus longtemps.
                              certaine de la distance à parcourir            Notre liberté de voler ne nous
                                                                                                                          ADDRESS AnD
                              pour la franchir, mais je la vois. Alors,   est pas enlevée, elle a juste subie           SubmISSIon FoRm
                              je me permets de me préparer. Je me         quelques moments de turbulence
                              permets d’espérer que la ligne n’est        inattendus. Je me réalimente, toute
                              pas aussi éloignée qu’elle ne l’était.      l’équipe de la COPA se réalimente afin
                              J’ai besoin de ça. Nous en avons tous       que, lorsque nous franchirons la ligne
                                                                                                                            CONV Box 3635

                              besoin. J’ai besoin de savoir que je        d’arrivée, nous serons prêts à faire en
                              pourrai bientôt quitter le bureau dans      sorte que voler au Canada demeure             Cochrane Ontario
                              mon salon, m’éloigner de mon écran          un droit pour tous et ne devienne pas          Canada P0L1C0
                              d’ordinateur et rencontrer physique-        un privilège pour quelques-uns. Je
                                                                                                                       Office: 877-878-8363
                              ment des gens. Je pourrai peut-être         traverse cette turbulence avec vous et
                              leur serrer la main, leur donner un         nous nous verrons de l’autre côté, là
                                                                                                                        Cell: 705-272-9179
                              coup de coude ou simplement leur            où l’air est calme.                        www.discountavionics.com

                                                                                   COPA FLIGHT | MAY 2021 5
WOODSTOCK FUTURE OF FLIGHT - Flight 86 program in New Brunswick to develop local pilots - COPA


                                            The BC government has announced                  frastructure that would otherwise be
                                            its annual investment into airport in-           difficult or impossible to achieve. This
                                            frastructure improvements, providing             can include funds to support safety
                                            $9.3 million in grant money to small             improvements, increase economic op-
                                            and regional airports for 2021. The B.C.         portunities and address environmental
                                            Air Access Program, now in its seventh           concerns. Northern BC airports were
                                            year, is a cost-share program that pro-          the biggest recipients, receiving a to-
                                            vides funding to assist communities              tal of $3.6 million, while South Coast
                                            with improvements to their airport in-           airports received $3.4 million.

                                                Squamish Municipal Airport (Don Patrick Field) was one of the recipients of a BCAAP
                                                grant to enable the district to rebuild the crumbling 2,400-foot runway.

Flying BC and BCGA (COPA Flight 194)        chairs, stay distant, but get to enjoy a
announced a tentative schedule for the      destination with other pilots. Airports
second season of Brown Bag Picnic           where the local flying club or manage-
Fly-Outs. Started in 2020 in response       ment are making an active effort to
to BC Covid restrictions at the time        engage General Aviation are chosen

                                                                                                                                            PHOTOS: PROVIDED BY WARWICK PATTERSON
(max 50 people outdoors), the events        to show the communities support. The
gave pilots an opportunity to social-       2021 calendar is subject to change de-
ize in a responsible manner and visit       pending on Covid restrictions nearer
some under-used airports. Aside from        the event, but will visit Sechelt (CAP3),
setting a time and place, there is little   Princeton (CYDC), Vanderhoof (CAU4)
organization involved to execute the        and Golden (CYGE) on the first week-
                                                                                                 BCGA Director, Ryan Van Haren, flew
events, making it an easy and fun way       end of each month starting in May. See               his Bearhawk into Port Alberni with his
to get people out flying. The idea be-      full details at Flyingbc.com/brown-                  kids for the first Brown Bag Fly Out
ing that pilots bring their own food and    bag-fly-out.                                         event, August 2020.


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6 COPA_SiriusXM_Jan21.indd
   COPA FLIGHT | MAY       1 2021                                                                                      2020-12-17 2:01 PM
WOODSTOCK FUTURE OF FLIGHT - Flight 86 program in New Brunswick to develop local pilots - COPA

               copanational.org/en/store   copanational.org/fr/boutique
WOODSTOCK FUTURE OF FLIGHT - Flight 86 program in New Brunswick to develop local pilots - COPA
            COPA Members, your VIP                                                                                                                       ONTARIO
            Aviation Insurance Program
            is ready for takeoff.
            Membres COPA, votre
            programme d’assurance
            aviation VIP est prêt                                                                                                                 PEPPLER
            à décoller.                                                                                                                           PASSES

                                                                                                                                                         John Bogie, co-founder of COPA
            Preferred Rates.                                             Tarifs préférentiels.                                                           (left), and Bill Peppler, COPA’s past
                                                                                                                                                         president, June 23, 2012, at the COPA
            Comprehensive Coverage                                       Couverture complète pour                                                        Convention held at the Saugeen
            for COPA Members!                                            les membres de la COPA!                                                         Municipal Airport at Hanover, Ont.

                                          For more information/Pour plus d’information
                                                                                                                                                    Bill Peppler, past president of the Ca-
                                             please call/appelez 1-855-VIP-COPA,
                                       email us at/courriel VIPCOPA@magnesaviation.com                                                              nadian Owners and Pilots Association
                                         or visit/visitez nous magnesaviation.com/copa                                                              (COPA), and one of the country’s lead-
                                                                                                                                                    ing contributors to the general aviation
            AIG Insurance Company of Canada is the licensed              La Compagnie d’assurance AIG du Canada est le souscripteur                 community, passed away in Ottawa on
            underwriter of AIG property casualty insurance products      autorisé des produits d’assurance dommages au Canada. La
            in Canada. Coverage may not be available in all              présente protection pourrait ne pas être disponible dans toutes
                                                                                                                                                    April 1, in his 96th year.
            provinces and territories and is subject to actual policy    les provinces et tous les territoires et est assujettie aux termes            Born in Hanover on June 29, 1925,
            language. Non-insurance products and services may            et aux conditions de la police en vigueur. Les produits et les
            be provided by independent third parties. © American         services de nature autre que l’assurance pourraient être fournis           Peppler performed as a profession-
            International Group, Inc. All rights reserved.               par des tierces parties indépendantes. © American International
                                                                         Group, Inc. Tous droits réservés.                                          al musician in his late-teens and ear-
                                                                                                                                                    ly-twenties, touring Southern Ontario as
                                                                                                                                                    part of Hanover’s popular Frankie Banks
                                                                                                                                                    Orchestra. He played many instruments,
                                                                                                                                                    and was particularly talented with his
                   Coverage proudly administered by The Magnes Group Inc. and underwritten by AIG Insurance Company of Canada.
                                                                                                                                                    saxophone and clarinet.
                     Couverture administrée fièrement par The Magnes Group Inc. et souscrite par AIG Insurance Company of Canada.                      Aviation was another of his early pas-
                                                                                                                                                    sions, flying many aircraft types over an
                                                                                                                                                    outstanding aviation career. He became
                                                                                                                                                    a flight instructor at Ontario’s Goderich
                                              MADE FOR HARSH CANADIAN WINTERS!                                                                      Airport, where he also served as the
COPA_CAS-CPL_Feb21_MLD.indd 1                                                                                                     2021-01-14   10:32 AM
                                                                                                                                                    facility’s general manager. Peppler ad-
          Manufacturers of a Complete Line of                                                                                                       vanced his career as a bush pilot for sev-
          Premium Quality Aircraft Covers including:                                                                                                en years with Spartan Air Services.
          • Wing and Tail Covers
          • Insulated Engine Covers                                                                                                                    Peppler then became general manag-
          • Windscreen, Cabin, and Canopy Covers
                                                                                                                                                    er of COPA, a position he held with end-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    PHOTO: PROVIDED BY TIM COLE

          • Cowl Plugs
          We also manufacture                                                                                                                       less enthusiasm for 39 years. During his
          • Standard and Custom Made Windsocks                                                                                                      tenure at COPA, he developed an aero-
          • Stainless Steel Revolving Windsock Frames
          • Our Famous Canadian Flag Windsock                                                                                                       nautical ground school textbook, From
                                                                                                                                                    the Ground Up, for which he worked
          Located in Orillia, Ontario                                                                                      MADE IN
                                                                                                                           CANADA                   tirelessly with his wife, Isabel, the title’s
                   1-800-461-4589              •   info@aerocovers.com       •   www.aerocovers.com
                                                                                                                                                    editor and publisher.

                                                                                                                                                   8 COPA FLIGHT | MAY 2021
COPA_AERO_Dec20_CSA.indd 1                                                                                                         2020-10-19 10:43 AM
WOODSTOCK FUTURE OF FLIGHT - Flight 86 program in New Brunswick to develop local pilots - COPA

The following reports are taken in         PACIFIC REGION                            ty, VT (KFSO) to Montreal/Pierre El-
part from Transport Canada’s CA-           After completing a run-up, a KF Cargo     liott Trudeau, QC (CYUL) conducted a
DORS website.                              Beech A60 from Kelowna, BC (CYLW)         transborder VFR flight without an active
                                           to Vancouver, BC (CYVR) pulled off of     flight plan.
ONTARIO REGION                             Apron 03 onto Taxiway Alpha direct-
”MAYDAY” relayed to the Winnipeg           ly in front of a vehicle (RED1). It had   ATLANTIC REGION
area control centre (ACC) by a high        been cleared for Taxiway Delta and        A Jazz Bombardier CL-600-2B19 from
flyer regarding a Cessna U206G on a        Foxtrot. The vehicle saw the aircraft     Montreal/Pierre Elliott Trudeau, QC
flight from Sioux Lookout, ON (CYXL),      and stopped in time.                      (CYUL) to Moncton/Romeo LeBlanc, NB
executing a forced landing on a lake                                                 (CYQM) reported multiple bird strikes
near Jeannette Lake due to engine          A privately registered Maule MX-7-        200ft above ground, while on final for
failure. The aircraft crashed into the     180C on a flight to Fort St. John, BC     Runway 06.
trees. The Joint Rescue Coordination       (CYXJ), received an advisory and ar-
Centre (JRCC) Trenton dispatched its       rived on Runway 21. An unidentified       RÉGION DE L’ONTARIO
C130 aircraft in rescue capacity. The      Piper PA20 aircraft was observed be-      « MAYDAY » transmis au centre de con-
pilot and passenger were uninjured.        hind the Maule MX-7-180C as it turned     trôle régional (ACC) de Winnipeg par un
(TSB Report #A20C0022.)                    final. When asked, the pilot of the       aéronef volant à haute altitude au sujet
                                           Maule MX-7-180C confirmed that they       d’un Cessna U206G, exploité par 2320127
An aircraft on a 1200 code entered         were aware of the other aircraft. The     Ontario Inc., en provenance de Sioux Look-
the Kitchener/Waterloo, ON (CYKF)          aircraft landed together, in formation,   out (CYXL), ON, effectuant un amerrissage
zone from the south, flew through the      on the grass beside Runway 21 without
zone for four minutes, and then exited     incident. The other aircraft was later
east at an altitude between 1800ft and     identified as an American corporately
1900ft.                                    registered Piper PA-22-160.

REGION                                     A Beech 1900D from Quebec/Jean
A privately registered Cessna 172M         Lesage, QC (CYQB) to Baie-Comeau,
                                                                                       Quality - Quick Turnaround Time -
reported being struck by a green laser     QC (CYBC), a Government of Que-
                                                                                             24/7 Aircraft Support
while conducting a city tour. The air-     bec de Havilland DHC-8-315 on a
craft reported that the laser appeared     MEDEVAC flight from Quebec/Jean               Q1 Aviation is a full-service MRO
to be coming from a high-rise building     Lesage, QC (CYQB) to Baie Comeau,            that specializes in Structures, NDT,
south of the river and east of 109th       QC (CYBC), and an Air Inuit de Havil-        Components Overhaul & Repairs.
street. The Edmonton Police Services       land DHC-8-314 from Quebec/Jean
(EPS) unit was advised.                    Lesage, QC (CYQB) to Baie Comeau,             We provide unique maintenance
                                           QC (CYBC) made late initial contact           solutions to our customers with a
The Aklavik, NT (CYKD) airport oper-       with the flight service station (FSS)          focus on quality, flexibility, and
ator advised that the aerodrome (AD)       while on the area navigation approach
is closed due to a blizzard from April     (RNAV) 10 at CYBC. The initial con-
                                                                                         Contact our team today for your
20th at 1849Z until April 21st at 1500Z.   tact with the FSS should have been            upcoming inspections/repairs.
NOTAM issued.                              well in advance. In addition, the esti-
                                           mates from the pilots were different
At 2310Z, upon landing at High River,      from those of the air traffic service
AB (CEN4), a privately registered Cess-    (ATS). The interventions of the FSS
na 170B hit soft ground and flipped.       with the vehicles on the runway had to
There was one soul on board and no         be executed very quickly. Fortunately,
reported injuries. Runway 07/25 was        there was no impact, and no pull-ups.
closed by NOTAM until 0030Z. (Infor-                                                              Inquiry details
mation from Aviation Incident Report       An American, privately registered             Email: inquiries@q1aviation.com
incorporated into narrative summary).      Piper PA-24-260 from Franklin Coun-                  Call: 905-678-1234

                                                     COPA FLIGHT | MAY 2021 9
WOODSTOCK FUTURE OF FLIGHT - Flight 86 program in New Brunswick to develop local pilots - COPA

forcé sur un lac près de Jeannette Lake à      À 2310Z, en atterrissant à High River       étant un Piper PA-22-160, d’entreprise
cause d’une panne moteur. L’aéronef s’est      (CEN4), AB, un Cessna 170B, d’imma-         et de propriété américaine.
écrasé au milieu des arbres. Le Centre         triculation privée, a heurté un sol mou
conjoint de coordination des opérations        et s’est renversé. Une personne à bord      RÉGION DU QUÉBEC
de sauvetage (CCCOS) de Trenton s’ap-          indemne. Piste 07/25 fermée par NO-         Un Beech 1900D,            de Québec/
prête à envoyer son C130 pour aider aux        TAM jusqu’à 0030Z. (Information tirée       Jean-Lesage (CYQB), QC, à Baie-Co-
activités de sauvetage. Le Bureau de la        du rapport d’incident d’aviation (AIRA)     meau (CYBC), QC, ainsi qu’un de Havil-
sécurité des transports (BST) du Canada,       ajoutée au sommaire de l’exposé des         land DHC-8-315, exploité par le gou-
#A20C0022.                                     faits)                                      vernement du Québec, effectuant un
                                                                                           vol MEDEVAC de Québec/Jean-Lesage
Un aéronef affichant un code 1200 est          Après avoir effectué un point fixe,         (CYQB), QC, à Baie Comeau (CYBC),
entré dans la zone de Kitchener/Water-         un Beech A60 (C-GKFX), exploité par         QC, et un de Havilland DHC-8-314, ex-
loo (CYKF), ON, depuis le sud, a traversé      KF Cargo, de Kelowna (CYLW), BC, à          ploité par Air Inuit (C-GXAI/AIE850),
la zone pendant 4 minutes, puis en est         Vancouver (CYVR), BC, a fait irruption      de Québec/Jean-Lesage (CYQB), QC, à
sorti par l’est à une altitude de 1 800 ou     depuis l’aire de trafic 03 sur la voie de   Baie Comeau (CYBC), QC, ont fait leur
1 900 pi.                                      circulation Alpha directement devant        contact initial tardivement avec la sta-
                                               un véhicule (RED1). Il avait été autorisé   tion d’information de vol (FSS), alors
RÉGION DU PRAIRIES ET DU                       pour les voies de circulation Delta et      qu’ils étaient sur l’approche navigation
NORD                                           Foxtrot. Le véhicule a vu l’aéronef et      de surface (RNAV) 10 à CYBC. Le con-
Un Cessna 172M, d’immatriculation              s’est arrêté à temps.                       tact initial avec la FSS aurait dû être
privée, a indiqué avoir été visé par un                                                    fait bien avant. De plus, les estimées
laser vert alors qu’il faisait une visite de   Un Maule MX-7-180C, d’immatricula-          des pilotes étaient différentes de celles
la ville. L’aéronef a précisé que le laser     tion privée, effectuant un vol à desti-     des services de la circulation aérienne
semblait provenir d’un immeuble de             nation de Fort St. John (CYXJ), BC, a       (ATS). Les interventions de la FSS avec
grande hauteur au sud de la rivière et à       reçu un service consultatif et est arrivé   les véhicules sur la piste ont dû été ex-
l’est de la 109e Rue.                          piste 21. Un Piper PA20 non identifié       écutées rapidement. Par chance, il n’y a
                                               a été observé derrière le Maule MX-7-       eu aucun impact et aucune remontée.
L’exploitant de l’aéroport d’Aklavik           180C alors qu’il tournait en finale. In-
(CYKD), NT, a indiqué que l’aérodrome          terrogé, le pilote du Maule MX-7-180C       Un Piper PA-24-260, d’immatricula-
serait fermé en raison d’un blizzard           a confirmé être au courant de l’autre       tion privée américaine, de Franklin
du 20 avril à 1849Z jusqu’au 21 avril à        aéronef. Les aéronefs ont atterri en-       County (KFSO), VT, à Montréal/Pierre-
1500Z. NOTAM émis.                             semble, en formation, sur l’herbe à côté    Elliott-Trudeau (CYUL), QC, a effectué
                                               de la piste 21, sans encombre. L’autre      un vol VFR transfrontalier sans plan de
RÉGION DU PACIFIQUE                            aéronef a été plus tard identifié comme     vol actif.

  COPA_LAKE_COUNTRY_Dec20_CSA.indd 1                                                                               2020-10-19 10:59 AM
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                                                                                                                          COPA FLIGHT | MAY 2021 11
COPA_EDMONTONFLYINGCLUB_MAY_BAS.indd 1                              2021-04-14 10:37 AM
                                                                           COPA_GlobalAircraft_Dec20_CSA.indd 1                                       2020-11-23 7:26 AM


                ircraft ownership is not
                for the faint of heart.
                Aircraft are complex
                machines comprised of
                many systems, some old
and some new. From steam gauges and
glass panels to 1935 (ish) engine tech-
nology, troubleshooting techniques in-
volve both older techniques and com-
puter aided technologies. I’m not an
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME),
but I have learned a few things through
the aircraft that I have owned.
   General Aviation aircraft, from a sys-
tems perspective, fit into one of three
categories: Legacy, hybrid, and 2021
bleeding-edge technology. Over the
past decade, advancements in avionics,
beginning with the Global Positioning
System (GPS), have created a digital           A 1967 Mooney M20F with a leak in an engine oil line being diagnosed on the
divide which impacts the remediation           ramp at Peterborough, Ontario (CYPQ), during a $100 hamburger fly out with the
                                               Buttonville Flying Club.
of problems. Troubleshooting has be-
come more challenging as AMEs nav-
igate between year 2021 modern air-         things on or behind the panel). Typical-    AMEs (but not all) may use a trial by
craft and vintage 1960s machines. The       ly engine technology has not changed        error approach to determine the faulty
integration between different avionics      over the past 50 years. Fuel pumps,         component, essentially replacing parts
manufacturers creates more complexi-        alternators, voltage regulators, magne-     to find the faulty part.
ty which increases the amount of time       tos, oil coolers, etcetera have seen lit-      Aircraft type clubs are an excellent
(and money) to diagnose and resolve         tle change with innovation being seen       source of information, especially if your
problems. Utilizing a single vendor ap-     through solid state ignition systems.       aircraft is no longer manufactured. The
proach to the entire avionics suite, in-    The move to diesel engines and all          Commander 114b which I fly has an ac-
clusive of the autopilot, will help min-    electric aircraft takes engine technolo-    tive forum, where members and guests
imize interoperability issues, but may      gy to the next level, while dealing with    are free to post maintenance issues
not be practical based upon budget-         the 100LL fuel problems.                    and problems. With many members
ary and certification restrictions. Glass      There are many approaches to trou-       having experienced the same problem,
panel technologies have eliminated the      bleshooting problems. The simplest          solutions and recommendations are
                                                                                                                                    PHOTOS: PHIL LIGHTSTONE

suction system, eliminating potential       approach, but not necessarily the most      forth coming. With multimedia capa-
points of failure, but introducing new      cost effective, is to hand the keys, the    bilities, photos and videos add anoth-
problems.                                   problem and your cheque book over to        er element to information sharing. This
   Aircraft systems can be divided into     your AMEs. This approaches places the       valuable information can be emailed to
three categories: Airframe, engine, and     onus on the AMEs to triage, research,       your AMEs or implemented by the pi-
gauges/indicators and avionics (the         order parts, install and test. Some         lot/owner (for uncertified aircraft).

A Harvard inspection underway at the Canadian Harvard                 Oleg Axanov of Vision Avionics Inc. based in Oshawa,
   Aircraft Association based in Tillsonburg, Ontario.                   Ontario, upgrading a Commander to WAAS.

   It is a great idea to play an active roll   shorter the remediation process may          ing parts, which wear over time. As a
in the troubleshooting process. This           be. Many Graphic Engine Monitors             magneto begins its path to failure, the
begins with having a copy of your air-         (GEMs) collect data such as EGTs, CHTs,      impact to smoothness of the engine
craft’s parts manual and access to cross       TITs, oil pressure, oil temperature, amps,   will become apparent. Surefly Partners
reference charts. Parts for certified air-     volts, OAT, manifold pressure and RPM.       (www.surefly.aero), solid state magne-
craft require more paperwork, PMA/             GEMs can be integrated into air data         tos, are cost effective components, with
STC, aircraft listed on the AML, and           computers, to add into the data stream       four cylinder units starting at $1,926
FAA 8130-3 form (in the Canadian con-          altitude, airspeed, true airspeed, wind      and six cylinder units starting at $2,340
text). For uncertified aircraft, no paper      direction and wind speed. The data can       with a 2,400 hour TBO. This generates
work is required, significantly simplify-      be easily off loaded from the aircraft       a net savings of $3,300 (excluding tax-
ing the replacement of broken or faulty        systems and managed with software            es) over the life of a Surefly magneto.
components. Documenting the re-                tools provided by the GEM manufactur-        A new Slick magneto (used in the Com-
placement of aircraft components with          er or uploaded to SavvyAnalysis. Using       mander) costs $2,025, while a typical
more details is a preferred practice to        these tools, simplifies the AMEs ability     500-hour mandatory inspection with
aid in triaging future problems.               to unlock the data and incorporate it        minor parts replaced (not overhauled) is
   Airframe and component manufac-             into the diagnostic process. (Please see     roughly $500 (plus shipping, taxes and
turers may offer technical support re-         my article Glass Engine Management in        installation).
sources, including telephone support           COPA Flight December 2019). Some-               During the process of remediating air-
calls. Case in point, in the Commander         times adding data collecting devices         craft problems or routine maintenance,
I fly, after upgrading the Garmin GNS          uncovers hidden problems. Recently,          e.g. changing the oil and 100-hour in-
Systems to WAAS, the aural alert from          a COPA member added an Insight G3            spections, we should consider the phe-
the SkyWatch TCAS system into the              to his aircraft. The data recording GEM      nomena of Maintenance Induced Fail-
Garmin audio panel stopped working.            alerted him to unexpectedly high CHT         ures (MIF). The NTSB reported in 2002,
Replacing the WAAS enabled GNSS                levels on a number of cylinders. With        based upon a 10-year study, that 7.1 per
with non WAAS GNSS immediately                 the data in hand, the member has been        cent of the accidents were caused by
rectified the SkyWatch problem. Our            working with his local AMEs and SAV-         at least one maintenance related error.
avionics technician was stumped. A             VY Aviation analysts to resolve the high     Ensuring that a quality assurance pro-
call to Garmin and L3 technical support        CGT readings. A common outcome of            cess is in place to double check the
created an environment of collabora-           new detailed information is data fixa-       work performed by the maintenance
tion which determined a pinout change          tion. While the engine instruments are       shop will help ensure that your aircraft
between the two Garmin devices had             in the green and acceptable (during          does not become a statistic.
occurred (WAAS and non WAAS). Sim-             flight), operation of the engine may            Some aircraft problems are easy to
ply unplugging one pin resolved the            lead to other engine issues in the lon-      resolve, like dirty spark plugs. Others
interoperability issues with SkyWatch.         ger term.                                    require more investigative skills, espe-
OEM aircraft manufacturers are an-                Often the question of overhauling or      cially if they are intermittent. Following
other excellent resource for helping           replacing with a new component comes         a logical approach to isolating a faulty
resolve technical problems. For exam-          to mind. A great example are magnetos.       component will help reduce the invest-
ple, Diamond Aircraft manufactures the         Most magnetos have a 500-hour ser-           ment into time and money. Having a
DA40 line of aircraft in London, Ontar-        vice inspection limitation. Should they      well maintained aircraft will help ensure
io. Having your AMEs reach out to their        be serviced/overhauled, replaced with        that your next flight occurs without in-
maintenance folks provides another             an overhauled magneto, replaced with         cident, which is priceless.
level of knowledge.                            a new magneto or replaced with a new            Checkout my PlaneTalk podcast on
   The more data that you can review,          solid state magneto (which has a 2,400       Apple, Google, Spotify, YouTube and at
analyze and provide to your AMEs, the          life)? Traditional magnetos have mov-        www.PlaneTalk.ca.

                                                                                                      COPA FLIGHT | MAY 2021 13


               oes anyone know who first         approach. You learned slow flight, stalls      make a MAYDAY call at the same time.
               coined the idiom practice         and steep turns and forced approaches             When was the last time we read
               makes perfect? According          so that you could manoeuvre the aircraft       through our red pages and quizzed our-
               to my research it emerged         well at slow speeds close to the ground.       selves on a few emergencies such as
               in the 1500s, adapted from        You also became very proficient at tak-        electrical fire in the air? Or done a “from
a Latin phrase. Former U.S. President            ing off and landing, safely in your aircraft   memory”, simulated emergency landing
Benjamin Franklin made great use of the          in several crosswind situations. Then you      gear extension procedure, on the ground,
phrase in his written works. Many pilots         went solo. And, later on, you earned your      in the hangar? Yes – I am asking myself
have made repeated use of the phrase             licence. It is my fervent belief that if we    and all of us a bunch of soul-searching
during their training for PPL or CPL. It         are not going up flying with a purpose         questions about our real proficiency. But
was either said by them or by their in-          and practicing the basic components of         this is the point of my prose today. To be
structor. Students are still told to: “Go out    our piloting skills, those building-block      proficient means that we must be capa-
to the Practice Area and keep practicing         exercises, we cannot honestly tell our-        ble of calling on those foundation skills,
your [skills] until you get it perfect.”         selves that we are as safe or as proficient    that should be in our muscle memory.
   That’s right – We practice our pilotage       as we were when we got that licence.           We are proficient when we can routine-
skills to get them perfect, so that we can          Dust off your old how-to-fly manual.        ly manoeuvre the aircraft successfully in
achieve the instructor’s praise and, more        You don’t necessarily need an instructor,      typical or urgent situations.
importantly, the coveted 4 for as many           but having one along would be a good              But in Canada we typically don’t re-
manoeuvres as possible on the flight             thing. Ready? Do some slow flight, to          quire that our pilots demonstrate to
test. Student and instructors both equat-        within 15% of Vs (clean stall speed), or do    themselves or to others, such as TC-des-
ed this perfection with a high degree of         some steep turns at 45 degrees of bank,        ignated examiners or instructors, that
proficiency. This was the objective of
perfection as we graduated from that
phase of our pilot training. Every time          When we learned to fly, the instructors took us
we climbed another wrung on our career           through a building-block approach.
ladder, we got back to the desired level
of perfection through practice of those
manoeuvres that would ensure success             without embarrassing yourself, or prac-        we are reasonably close to flight-test
on the respective flight test. But since         tice a stall-recovery. How long has it been    proficient. They do in the U.S. every year.
that last flight test or our last pilot profi-   since you did this? Within the last year?      So what? Can we make a connection be-
ciency check ride, what have we done to          Within the last five years? If the answer      tween our apparent lack of proficiency,
maintain our proficiency?                        is no to either, then how rusty are you        especially amongst pilots who are flying
   In our very well attended Pilot Recur-        and can you deal with that 10 gusting 15       infrequently, and accident rates or rising
rency Training Program (PRTP) safety             crosswind take-off or landing?                 insurance premiums? Absolutely. If we
seminar in March, we discussed how we               When was the last time we looked in         are more liable to have an accident be-
could get out of our COVID-19 pandem-            our POH/AFM for our V speeds? How              cause we are not sufficiently proficient,
ic funk safely. We agreed that we need           long has it been since we then went up         then we should expect to pay more for
to get current, to satisfy the regulations.      flying and went through a few side-slip        our insurance. Then, how can we expect
Our seminar did that for those who par-          exercises, including slipping turns, or set    to take these same fundamental skills
ticipated. So roughly 1,150 of us regained       up a simulated engine-out glide for a few      and use them when we need them most?
currency. But I put forward a case for not       thousand feet (warming the engine ev-             We need to fix this gap between cur-
stopping there. Did the PRTP improve             ery 500 feet or so of course), and judged      rency and proficiency before we are
your physical skills of pilotage? I am cer-      our ability to make a nearby field in the      legislated into the fix. The PRTP presen-
tain that the answer is a rather loud “NO!”      past year? I will give you credit for being    tation gave some guidance on building
   When we learned to fly, the instruc-          proficient if you also included a practice     your own ground school to awaken those
tors took us through a building-block            passenger briefing and pretended to            long-sleeping memories of proficient fly-

ing skills. It all starts with us building a
plan to get to a better level of proficien-
cy. We can also talk it up amongst the
members of our local flying community.
The risks are that we do it half-hearted-
ly or not at all. Perhaps we think that I
am making too much of this whole pro-
ficiency issue? We don’t feel the need to

“sharpen the blade” or we think that we
can keep proficient by flying about 10
hours a year and most of those within 10
nautical miles of our home aerodrome.
   If we take that approach then we will                       YOUR
find ourselves on the outside of the solu-
tion and looking in at a regulatory man-                                                                                                               FOR CURRENT
date for yearly or bi-annual check rides                                                                                                                 SPECIALS
for Recreational Pilot Permit and Pri-             WE’VE GOT THE                                                                                      CONTACT US
vate Pilot Licence holders. Or we will be          TECHNOLOGY.                                                                                          TODAY!
deemed uninsurable by the underwriters
who are already making it nearly impos-
sible for some pilots to fly recreationally.       ROTECH MOTOR LTD. | 1-(236)-600-0137                                                                     AUTHORISED
Trust me, just like the 406 ELT mandate            SALES@ROTECHMOTOR.CA                                                                                     ROTAX
that descended from on high in Novem-              WWW.ROTECHMOTOR.CA
ber 2020, the push to mandatory flight
reviews or unaffordable insurance can
happen quickly. Let’s seize the moment
and take responsibility for our future.COPA_RotechMotors_April21_CSA.indd 1                                                                                       2021-03-11   7:14 AM
   How do we do this? There are many                                   The Skills You Need — The School You Want
ways, but they all start with refreshing
the knowledge that we had or have from
those early days. But maybe the memo-
ries are a little weak or fuzzy. The COPA
website has the whole series of Smart Pi-
lot videos for viewing. These are a great
place to start, but they do make assump-
tions about your foundations being well
practiced. Don’t assume anything.
   Also be a regular participant at our
monthly safety seminars. We are working
with Industry to create an incentive for
discounts based on regular participation.
Do go up regularly by yourself and train
in the basics. My favourites are slow flight,
especially with take-off flaps deployed,
and executing a missed-approach over-
shoot with minimal altitude loss. Oh, yes                   education                  industry partnerships
and BALL IN THE MIDDLE THROUGH-                   competitive       edge                      skills
OUT. And do involve a flight instructor
                                                                                       519-648-2213 | 1-877-FLY-WWFC |
because another mistake comes from re-
learning the foundations incorrectly. Hey
was it Power-Attitude-Trim for the start
of a climb? Practice makes perfect – and
                                                                            Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre professional programs are approved as
proficiency is perfection.                                              vocational programs under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 (PC# 105919).

             COPA FLIGHT | MAY 2021 15


                  uelqu’un sait qui est
                  à l’origine de l’idiome
                  « c’est en forgeant qu’on
                  devient forgeron » ?
                  D’après mes recherch-
es, elle est apparue à la fin du XVe siè-
cle, adaptée d’une expression latine. Le
président américain Benjamin Franklin
a beaucoup utilisé la version anglaise
de cette expression dans ses écrits. Je
sais que de nombreux pilotes ont utilisé
cette phrase à plusieurs reprises pendant
leur formation pour le PPL ou le CPL. Ils
l’utilisaient soit envers eux-mêmes, soit
avec leur instructeur. On a dit et on dit     convenu que nous devions nous mettre à         mes aussi sûrs ou aussi compétents que
encore aux élèves : « Allez à la zone d’en-   jour, pour satisfaire aux réglementations.     nous l’étions lorsque nous avons obtenu
traînement et continuez à pratiquer votre     C’est ce que notre séminaire a fait pour       cette licence. Voilà, je l’ai dit.
_________ jusqu’à ce que vous le maîtri-      ceux qui y ont participé. Ainsi, environ          Voler dans un but précis ? Dépous-
siez parfaitement. »                          1150 d’entre nous sommes à nouveau à           siérez votre vieux manuel « comment
    C’est bien cela ! Nous pratiquions nos    jour. C’est formidable ! Mais je pense qu’il   voler ». Vous n’avez pas nécessairement
compétences de pilotage pour les rendre       ne faut pas s’arrêter là. Le PRTP a-t-il       besoin d’un instructeur, mais il serait bon
« parfaites » afin d’obtenir les éloges de    amélioré vos compétences physiques de          d’en avoir un avec vous. Vous êtes prêt
l’instructeur et, plus important encore,      pilotage ? Je suis certain que la réponse      ? Allez-y et faites un peu de vol lent, à
le « 4 » tant convoité pour le plus grand     est un « NON » catégorique.                    moins de 15% de Vs (vitesse de décro-
nombre possible de manœuvres lors du             Concentrons-nous sur la compétence          chage propre), ou faites quelques vi-
test en vol. Nous, élèves et instructeurs,    pour un autre moment. Lorsque nous             rages serrés à 45 degrés d’inclinaison,
assimilions tous deux cette perfection à      apprenions à voler, les instructeurs nous      sans vous ridiculiser, ou pratiquez une
un haut degré de COMPÉTENCE. C’était          faisaient suivre une approche modulaire.       sortie de décrochage. Depuis combi-
l’objectif de perfection que nous visions     On apprenait le vol lent, les décrocha-        en de temps n’avez-vous pas fait cela
en sortant de cette phase de notre for-       ges, les virages serrés et les approches       ? L’année dernière ? Au cours des cinq
mation de pilote. Chaque nouvelle étape       forcées afin de pouvoir bien manœuvrer         dernières années ? Si la réponse est non
de notre carrière complétée, nous nous        l’avion à faible vitesse près du sol. Vous     à l’une ou l’autre de ces questions, alors à
rapprochions du niveau de perfection          avez également acquis une grande com-          quel point sommes-nous rouillés et pour-
souhaité en pratiquant les manœuvres          pétence en matière de décollage et d’at-       rions-nous faire face à un décollage ou
qui nous permettraient de réussir le test     terrissage, en toute sécurité dans votre       un atterrissage par vent de travers de 10
en vol correspondant. Mais, depuis ce         avion, dans plusieurs situations de vent       nœuds avec rafales de 15 nœuds ?
dernier test en vol ou notre dernier vol      de travers. Puis vous avez été lâché sur          À quand remonte la dernière fois que
de contrôle des compétences du pilote,        l’avion. Et, plus tard, vous avez obtenu       nous avons consulté notre POH/AFM
qu’avons-nous fait pour les maintenir ?       votre licence.                                 pour connaître nos vitesses V ? Depuis
    Lors de notre séminaire de sécurité          Je crois fermement que si nous n’al-        combien de temps n›avons-nous pas
du Programme de formation périodique          lons pas voler dans un but précis et ne        effectué un vol en altitude et effectué
(PRTP) en mars, qui a attiré un grand         pratiquons pas les éléments de base de         quelques exercices de glissade, y com-
nombre de participants, nous avons dis-       nos compétences à titre de pilote - ces        pris des virages glissés, ou mis en place
cuté de la manière dont nous pourrions        exercices fondamentaux que nous avons          un vol plané simulé sans moteur sur
sortir en toute sécurité de l’ornière de      appris il y a si longtemps - nous ne pou-      quelques milliers de pieds (en réchauf-
la pandémie de COVID-19. Nous avons           vons honnêtement dire que nous som-            fant le moteur tous les 500 pieds, bien

BAS Inc. FE 2011
                                                                                    BAS Inc. FE 2011
                                                                                BAS Inc.
                                                                                BAS Inc. FE
                                                                                         FE 2011
                                                                                                                                                OMBE • C
                                                                                                                                         LUSC            ES
                                                                                                                                     T •                        SN
                                                                                                                                AF                                   A









                                                                                                                            SA                                       SS

sûr), et évalué notre capacité à atteindre    PRTP a donné quelques conseils sur la                       FET
                                                                                                              Y HAR
                                                                                                                    NESSES AND

un terrain proche, au cours de l›année        façon de créer votre propre instruction
écoulée ? Je vous accorderai le crédit        théorique pour réveiller ces souvenirs                                    BEECHCRAFT • LUSCOMBE • CESSNA • PIPER

d›être compétent si vous avez également       longtemps endormis de compétences
inclus un briefing pratique des passagers     et de techniques de vol efficaces. Tout

et fait semblant de lancer un appel MAY-      commence par l’élaboration d’un plan

DAY en même temps. BRAVO !                    pour atteindre un meilleur niveau de
                                                                                                       AIRCRAFT SAFETY HARNESSES
   À quand remonte la dernière fois que       compétences. Nous pouvons également                             AND ACCESSORIES

nous avons lu nos « pages rouges » et         en discuter avec les membres de notre
que nous nous sommes interrogés sur           communauté de vol locale. Le risque est
quelques urgences telles qu’un incendie       que nous le fassions sans enthousiasme
électrique en vol ? Ou fait une simulation    ou pas du tout. Peut-être pensons-nous
de mémoire d’une procédure d’urgence          que j’accorde trop d’importance à cette
de sortie du train d’atterrissage, au sol,    question de compétences ? Nous ne
dans le hangar ? Oui, je me pose et je        ressentons pas le besoin «d’affûter la
pose à chacun d’entre nous un tas de          lame» ou nous pensons que nous pou-
questions sur nos compétences réelles.        vons rester compétents en volant une
Mais c’est le but de ma prose d’aujo-         dizaine d’heures par an et la plupart de
urd’hui. Être compétent signifie que nous     celles-ci dans un rayon de dix milles nau-
devons être capables de faire appel à         tiques de notre aérodrome d’origine.
ces compétences fondamentales, qui               Si nous adoptons cette approche,
devraient faire partie de notre « mémoire     alors nous nous retrouverons à l’extérieur
musculaire ». Nous sommes compétents          de la solution et nous verrons un mandat
lorsque nous pouvons couramment               réglementaire pour des vols de contrôle      www.basinc-aeromod.com
manœuvrer l’avion avec succès dans des        annuels ou biannuels pour les détenteurs
situations typiques ou urgentes.              de licences de pilote de loisir et de pilote
   Mais au Canada, nous n’exigeons            privé. Ou bien nous serons jugés « COPA_BAS_INC_Dec20_CSA.indd
                                                                                      non                        1                           2020-10-19 10:50 AM
généralement pas que nos pilotes              assurables » par les assureurs qui ren-
démontrent à eux-mêmes ou à d’autres          dent déjà presque impossible pour cer-
personnes, comme les examinateurs ou          tains pilotes de voler de façon récréative.
les instructeurs désignés par Transports      Croyez-moi, tout comme le mandat de
Canada, que nous sommes raisonnable-          l’ELT 406 qui est descendu d’en haut en
ment proches de la compétence au test         novembre 2020, la poussée vers des ex-
en vol. C’est ce qu’ils font aux États-Unis   amens de vol obligatoires ou une assur-
chaque année. Et alors ? Peut-on établir      ance inabordable pourrait arriver rapide-
un lien entre notre manque apparent           ment. Saisissons le moment et prenons
de compétence, en particulier chez les        la responsabilité de notre propre avenir.
pilotes qui volent peu, et les taux d’ac-        Comment s’y prendre ? Le site web de
cidents ou l’augmentation des primes          la COPA propose toute la série de vidéos
d’assurance ? Absolument. Si nous som-        du pilote intelligent. Elles constituent
mes plus susceptibles d’avoir un acci-        un excellent point de départ, mais elles
dent parce que nous ne sommes pas             supposent que vos fondations sont bien
suffisamment compétents, nous devons          pratiquées.
nous attendre à payer davantage pour             Participez aussi régulièrement à nos
notre assurance responsabilité civile.        ateliers mensuels sur la sécurité. Allez
Alors comment pouvons-nous espérer            régulièrement voler par vous-même
prendre ces mêmes compétences fonda-          et entraînez-vous sur les bases. Mes
mentales et les utiliser lorsque nous en      préférés sont le vol lent, surtout avec les
avons le plus besoin ?                        volets au décollage déployés, et l’exécu-
   Nous devons combler le fossé qui           tion d’une remise des gaz en cas d’ap-
sépare la validité de notre licence de la     proche manquée avec une perte d’alti-
compétence avant que le législateur ne        tude minimale. Oh oui! Et la BALLE AU
le fasse à notre place. La présentation du    MILIEU TOUT LE LONG.

                                                          COPA FLIGHT | MAY 2021 17
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