YOUR am Berg SUMMER - Hotel Austria

Page created by Josephine Knight
YOUR am Berg SUMMER - Hotel Austria
  D a h e i m
  am B e r g

                LECH 2020
YOUR am Berg SUMMER - Hotel Austria
                                             MOUNTAIN SUMMER
                                                      im         Daherg
                                                                am Be
                                             Dear Austria guests!

                                             We love summer in the mountains at Lech!
                                             Share our love with us.

                                             Hikers will be enthusiastic about the various options,
                                             summiteers will love the numerous challenges around
                                             Lech, golfers will rejoice in our beautiful alpine 9-hole
                                             golf course, recreational bikers and downhillers will
05 At home on the mountain
                                             find suitable tours, both children and teenagers will
06 In summer - What‘s new in Lech?
08 Hiking                                    experience cool adventures on the mountain, and last,
12   All for the family                      but not least, summer in Lech is perfected with the
16   Culture                                 wonderful cultural programme.
19   Airport Shuttle
20 Golf
25 Regular Guests’ Days                      Share our love with us – our love for Lech and our
26 For fans of vintage cars & convertibles   unique nature.We would be glad to spoil you in our
27 Skyspace in Lech
                                             summery Hotel Austria from 24th June to 13th
28 High quality and from the region
32 Breakfast
                                             September 2020.
34 Alpine Spa
36 Revitalium

                                             Yours sincerely,
38 Adventure Land – Teddy Club
40 Feeling at home & fully flexible
44 Room rates
46 Apartment rates
51   Booking information
                                             Claudia,Georg und Aurel
                                             Claudia, Georg and Aurel Strolz

                                                                        — 03 —
YOUR am Berg SUMMER - Hotel Austria

         on the mountain
                               TRADITIONALLY FIRST CLASS

               Time and space for discoveries - you can
         enjoy unique summer days and the sense of having
         finally arrived without constantly having to look at
              the clock. Welcome to the Austria family!

         Our hotel is exactly the right address     ing a great holiday together in our
         to spend some exclusive and still          hotel. After all, all generations feel at
         down-to-earth holidays. We guaran-         home at Hotel Austria. We have stood
         tee tranquillity and relaxation. In our    for honest encounters from person to
         beautiful alpine pool or on the sun        person since 1963. What our parents
         terraces, you can enjoy wide views of      had started as a small guesthouse, has
         the magnificent mountain landscape         become a first-class 4-star superior
         surrounding Lech. In the Revitalium        hotel due to constant renovations and
         sauna area, you can relax completely       adaptations; today’s hotel is lovingly
         and take a break from everyday life.       managed by us, with the aim to leave
         And given the wide range of rooms          it to the next generation as a grand
         and apartments in our hotel, every one     and modern family business. Our son
         of you will find the environment that      Aurel joined our hotel last summer. He
         suits your individual holiday happiness.   is responsible for the restaurant at the
         This might also be the reason why          moment and slowly following in his
         there are often all generations spend-     parents‘ footsteps.

— 04 —                                         — 05 —
YOUR am Berg SUMMER - Hotel Austria

 in Lech?


                Experiencing Lech – find    LechErLeben is a guided programme             in the forest or mindful hiking – it will be

               the rhythm, feel the beat,
                                            provided by locals with various activities    a guided experience in the presence
                                            to recharge your batteries in the magical     of kindred spirits to find inner balance
                    open your eyes.         alpine nature of Lech Zürs. Central           and become one with the powerful
                                            elements of the programme include             alpine nature – this is what experiencing
                                            activity in nature, pausing for a moment      Lech means.
                                            to reflect, as well as focused inspiration.
                                                                                          Price per programme EUR 25,00
                                            Get to know unique power places around        (Sunrise Tour EUR 50,00)
                                            Lech, get inspired by extraordinary,
                                            guided activities and get your mind onto
                                            other things. Whether with yoga on the        Please ask us for further information or
                                            mountain’s viewing platform, swimming         visit

     — 06 —                                                — 07 —
YOUR am Berg SUMMER - Hotel Austria
                                                          IN UNISON

                               No other leisure activity combines the love of nature
                                and the joy of exercise as harmoniously as hiking.
                                 The hiking region around Lech is a paradise for
                                             this kind of deceleration.

         As a certified “hiking hotel” and member   Once a week you can climb a summit          We also organise the herb hikes with
         of the “Arlberg Wanderer” group of         with our passionate mountain guides         Veronika. You will be amazed at what
         hotels, we offer guided hiking tours       Chris or Gebhard, respectively. Wearing     grows around our beautiful village. If
         7 days a week. In addition, you can        the right shoes, being sure-footed and      the weather does not quite play along,
         participate in a herb hike or sign up      having the corresponding stamina are        Veronika will move the hike to her herb
         for a summit tour on one day.              important because you have to expect        workshop at short notice and introduce
                                                    5-6 hours of walking time for one summit.   you to the production of creams, soaps
         Jürgen, our hiking guide for more                                                      and much more. Everything with products
         than 10 years, knows how to inspire        The weekly advertised general summit        from our nature.
         our hiking guests over and over again.     tour is included in the room price.
         He adapts the hikes to the wishes and      You can also book Chris or Gebhard,         A particular highlight for those loving
         the stamina of our guests; he also         respectively, as private mountain           to hike will take place from 6th to 13th
         takes special requests into account.       guides or guides for one of the sur-        September. From Monday to Friday
                                                    rounding fixed-rope routes through          our mountain guide will take you to
                                                    Alpinschule Widderstein.                    the most beautiful summits and high
                                                                                                routes. Please take a look at page 11 for
                                                                                                further information.

— 08 —                                                             — 09 —
YOUR am Berg SUMMER - Hotel Austria
HIKING WEEKEND                                                                                                              HIKING PACKAGE

                                                                                     • 4 nights incl. half-board (single                                                                                         • 7 nights incl. half-board (single
                                                                                       room surcharge on request)                                                                                                  room surcharge on request)
                                                                                     • Welcome drink                                                                                                             • Welcome drink
                                                                                     • 3 days with guided hikes                                                                                                  • 5 days of guided hikes

Alpine Rose Hiking                                                                                                         Magic hiking world
                                                                                     • Lech Card for using all summer                                                                                            • Lech Card for using all summer
                                                                                       lifts and hiking busses                                                                                                     lifts and hiking busses

                                                                                     • Austria hiking sticks                                                                                                     • Austria hiking sticks
                                                                                     • Use of the alpine pool and the                                                                                            • Use of the alpine pool and the
                                                                                       Revitalium                          FROM 6     TH
                                                                                                                                           TO 13   TH
                                                                                                                                                        SEPTEMBER 2020                                             Revitalium
                                                                                     • Bathrobe and slippers                                                                                                     • Bathrobe and slippers
FROM 24TH TO 28TH JUNE 2020                                                          • Use of the gym                                                                                                            • Use of the gym
                                                                                     • Garage parking space                                                                                                      • Garage parking space

We would like to take you to the most      or alpine pastures, you can enjoy the                                           At the end of the summer season, we        called the Gehren crest, where a large
beautiful places also in the summer of     breath-taking view or get spoiled with    in a redecorated comfort              will organise a special tour week for      alpine ibex colony lives. It might well    in a redecorated comfort
2020, so you can admire the wonderful      home-made delicacies.                     double room                           “experienced summiteers”. From Monday      be that you will see them there. A very    double room
alpine flora in early summer.                                                        per person             EUR 510,00     to Friday, the mountain guides of Alpine   nice high route leads from Oberlech to     per person          ab EUR 870,00
                                           With the Lech Card, which is included     (double occupancy)                    Sports School Widderstein will take        the Göppinger Hut where a hearty plate     (double occupancy)
After you arrived, we will invite you to   in the package, you get a little closer                                         you to the most beautiful summits          with local delicacies will await tired
a welcome drink Wednesday evening.         to your destination comfortably and                                             and high routes.                           summiteers.
Hiking guide Jürgen will take you to       without extra cost.                                                             Depending on the weather, ascending
the most beautiful hiking spots on                                                                                         the Omeshorn or the Karhorn will be        Each tour takes 5 to 6 hours. Sure-foot-
Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The                                                                                         on the agenda; for those being light on    edness and good hiking equipment are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 MOST BEAUTIFUL SUMMITS
diverse alpine flora is unique at this                                                                                     their feet, the route might even take      prerequisites. It will be no problem if
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    AND A LARGE ALPINE
time of the year. During a break in                                                                                        you to the Rote Wand peak. A very          you need a break of one day. You will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         IBEX COLONY
one of the surrounding mountain huts                                                                                       popular high route is, for example, the    be required to sign up for a tour the
                                                                                                                           one from Lake Spuller to Lake Formarin,    evening before at the latest.

                                                              — 10 —                                                                                                                  — 11 —
YOUR am Berg SUMMER - Hotel Austria
a unique, large playground waiting to be                                               ALL
 discovered, and there are opportunities
         to do so in abundance.                                                      FOR THE


                                           Family trails suitable for prams offer    to work for your lunch. Fishing gear       The older, daring kids, who want to do
                                           opportunities for excursions with our     and bait will be provided and with a       something without their parents, can
                                           mountain-buggies, themed hiking           few small tips, nothing stands in the      participate in the adventure programme
                                           trails inform you about fauna and         way of catching the first fish! Or, how    of the Adventure Team Lech. Highlights
                                           flora, and alpine playgrounds as well     about visiting the forest swimming pool    include canyoning, archery or an
                                           as mystery trails attract little hikers   in Lech? The heated forest swimming        adventure day in the forest camp. First
                                           to the mountains. Not to forget the       pool is located directly at the Lech       contact with rocks in dizzy heights is
                                           adventure of pure nature – clear          river and attracts visitors with a water   not excluded either, because children’s
                                           mountain rivers to splash around          temperature of 25 °C as well as with       climbing in the climbing garden is on
                                           or to build a dam, stone manikins to      a romantic lawn for sunbathing. As of      the schedule once a week; well secured,
                                           build, trees to climb and colourful       the summer of 2020, our guests will        of course. And the best thing is that
                                           alpine plants to marvel at. After all,    also find a sports pool with a diving      the little adventurers up to the age of
                                           even the little ones can have a lot of    area as well as an aqua fitness pool       14 can do all that for free.
                                           fun on a hike. The only thing that is     with attractions such as jacuzzi beds,
                                           important to provide is entertainment     surge showers, massage jets and aerator
                                           and plenty of variety.                    plates. Another new attraction will be
                                                                                     the wide wave slide in a separate area.
                                           A real highlight for the entire family    A large children’s pool as well as a
                                           is a short hike to the fish pond in the   magnificent playground for children
                                           village of Zug. There, you will have      will complete the site.

                   — 12 —                                                                           — 13 —
YOUR am Berg SUMMER - Hotel Austria

                                                                                    EXCITING MOUNTAIN WEEK                                                                                                           • 7 nights in the hotel apartment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        of your choice incl. half-board
                                                                                    • 7 nights incl. half-board                                                                                                      • 6 days of adventure programme
                                                                                    • 5 days of adventure programme                                                                                                     for the kids
                                                                                       for the kids                                                                                                                  • 5 days of guided hikes for the
                                                                                    • 5 days of guided hikes for the                                                                                                    parents

Mountain week for                                                                                                            Adventure week
                                                                                       parents                                                                                                                       • 1 herb hike (half-day)
                                                                                    • 1 herb hike (half-day)                                                                                                         • 1 summit tour with Chris or

the whole family                                                                                                             for minis and kids
                                                                                    • 1 summit tour with Chris or
                                                                                       Gebhard                                                                                                                       • Lech Card for using all summer
                                                                                    • Lech Card for using all summer 		                                                                                                 lifts and hiking busses

                                                                                       lifts and hiking busses                                                                                                       • Use of the alpine pool and the
FROM 28TH JUNE TO 5TH SEPTEMBER 2020                                                • Use of the alpine pool and the         FROM 29TH AUGUST TO 5TH SEPTEMBER 2020                                                     Revitalium
                                                                                       Revitalium                                                                                                                    • Bathrobe and slippers
                                                                                    • Bathrobe and slippers                                                                                                          • Use of the gym
The Adventure Team Lech of outdoor       Archery in the Burgwald forest –           • Use of the gym                         The same difficult question every year:      In our adventure week, we have an          • Garage parking space
company Arlberg Alpin guarantees an      who has ever been on a stalk like a        • Garage parking space                   Where do we spend our summer holiday?        adventure programme for two different
exciting week of adventure. Each day     hunter from earlier times?                                                          At the seaside or in the mountains?          age groups. Children at the age from       2 adults
from Monday to Friday will provide for                                                                                       “And what can we do in the mountains?”       3 to 6 experience a day in the forest      Apart. A/B           EUR 1.977,00
a new challenge or highlight.            Children’s canyoning – equipped with                                                is often the decisive question. The answer   or in the water, feed goats, or compete    Apart. E/s. M        EUR 2.030,00
                                         a neoprene suit, a helmet and a climbing   depending on the season in a             is: Experience the mountains with other      for the best places in the children’s      Apart. F/l. M        EUR 2.170,00
Day of adventure in the forest           harness, you will enter a breathtaking,    beautiful family room                    children of the same age all summer          Olympics. Depending on their courage,      Apart. D/D south     EUR 2.243,00
camp - on Wednesday, you will explore    foreign world: the canyon.                 as of           EUR 1.030,00 per adult   long, but especially during the adventure    children at the age of 6 years or older
the mysterious forest camp. You will                                                (double occupancy)                       week. Go climbing, build a dam, go fish-     can participate in the adventure pro-      Children
get to know nature better and find       Children’s climbing in the                                                          ing or have a barbecue. Have a trip to       gramme of outdoor company Arlberg          0 – 2 years            no charge
out how Stone Age people built a fire.   climbing garden – climbing higher          Children                                 the Bärenland theme park or go to the        Alpin. And during the childcare hours,     3 – 6 years            EUR 270,00
We will also have a barbecue and play    and higher along the rock, completely      3 – 6 years             EUR 217,00       small petting zoo in Oberlech.               the parents have much time for extended    7 – 10 years           EUR 345,00
games in the forest, of course!          fearless, because the guides will make     7 – 10 years            EUR 294,00                                                    hikes, a bicycle tour or a round of golf   11 – 13 years          EUR 420,00
                                         sure that you reach your destination       11 – 13 years           EUR 364,00                                                    at the beautiful mountain golf course      14 – 16 years          EUR 530,00
                                         well secured.                                                                                                                    in Zug.

                                                           — 14 —                                                                                                                        — 15 —
YOUR am Berg SUMMER - Hotel Austria
                                            The summer of culture in Lech
                                                has several highlights                                                                                                                                                         PACKAGE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • 7 nights incl. half-board (single
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 room surcharge on request)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • Festival tickets for all 6 days
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 with the best seats
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • 5 days of guided hikes with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • Lech Card for using all summer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 lifts and hiking busses
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • Use of the alpine pool and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • Bathrobe and slippers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • Use of the gym
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • Garage parking space

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               in a beautiful comfort double room
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               per person           EUR 1.220,00

                                                                                                                                     Lech Classic ­
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               (double occupancy)
LECH CLASSIC                                 RIGOLETTO                                   JAZZ STAGE LECH
FESTIVAL                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Individual festival days can

                                                                                                                                     Festival 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               also be booked on request.
We cannot imagine Lech without the           The play at the lake in Bregenz is a        Another classic is the Jazz Stage Lech
Lech Classic Festival from 3rd to 8th        recurring event at our place in the         which will enter its 6th anniversary next
August 2020. On 6 evenings, great            mountains as well. Rigoletto, Giuseppe      summer. It will take place from 12th to     FROM 3RD TO 8TH AUGUST 2020
artists will present masterpieces which      Verdi’s captivating and eerily beautiful    16 August 2020. Once again, it will

are rarely performed in concert halls        masterpiece, will be performed on the       feature popular artists and new ones.
or not performed at all since they are       lake stage in Bregenz for the second        Those organising the Jazz Stage, the
often simple and short and therefore         time in the summer of 2020. On 28     th
                                                                                         Waldhart family – sports dealers from       The “Beethoven Anniversary Year                However, the organisers will remain true
hardly fit the usual concert schedule.       July we will provide transfer to Bregenz    Lech – are working enthusiastically on      2020” will influence the “9th Lech             to their programme philosophy and, in
On the stage of the new church in            and an idyllic dinner ahead of the          the programme for the popular Jazz          Classic Festival” as well. For the 250    th
                                                                                                                                                                                    addition to the common repertoire,
Lech, however, the programme selected        performance on the paddle steamer           Festival next summer.                       anniversary of Ludwig van Beethoven’s          will also present Beethoven’s master-
by family Wagner shows to perfect            Hohentwiel for you. Our share of tickets,                                               birthday, the Festival will exclusively        pieces which are barely performed in
advantage. As a result, the Lech Classic     however, is always sold out quickly.                                                    attend to Beethoven’s masterpieces.            usual concerts. There are still musical
Festival attracts more enthusiastic          We therefore recommend booking our                                                      Of course, his most popular compositions       treasures to be found with Beethoven
guests each year. Each day, the concerts     Rigoletto package as soon as possible.                                                  such as the five piano sonatas, the violin     as well. Accompany us for this musical
will start at 5.00 p.m. and will end at                                                                                              concerto, a concert performance of the         expedition.
7.00 p.m., so you will be able to walk                                                                                               opera “Fidelio”, the “Choral Fantasy”
back comfortably to your home on the                                                                                                 and the final movement of Symphony             As partner hotel, we can book tickets
mountain after the concerts, still elated                                                                                            No. 9 “Ode to Joy”, will be performed.         for the best seats early. An early
by the wonderful music.                                                                                                                                                             reservation will guarantee you seats
                                                                                                                                                                                    with direct view of the orchestra, the
                                                                                                                                                                                    festival choir and the solo artists.

                                                                — 16 —                                                                                                                             — 17 —
YOUR am Berg SUMMER - Hotel Austria


                                                                                         • 2 nights (single room surcharge
                                                                                            on request)
                                                                                         • 1 day with half-board (breakfast                 Enjoy the breathtaking view as you pass by
                                                                                                                                           and arrive relaxed at your destination – to or
                                                                                            and dinner at the hotel)
                                                                                         • 1 day with breakfast only
                                                                                         • Festival tickets category 3                       from the airport. Just hop on and relax.
                                                                                         • Aperitif on board of the
                                                                                         • 4-course Festival dinner

Rigoletto on
                                                                                            on the ship
                                                                                         • Bus transfer Bregenz – Lech -        If you arrive in Zurich by plane, the            Travel completely stressfree from
                                                                                                                                Arlberg Express now provides the                 your accomodation to the airport.

the lake stage
                                                                                         • Use of the alpine pool and           comfortable shuttle service directly             EUR 50,00 per route!
                                                                                            the Revitalium                      from the airport to Lech in summer
                                                                                         • Bathrobe and slippers                as well.                                         Bookings can be made directly on
FROM 27     TH
                 TO 29   TH
                              JULY 2020                                                  • Use of the gym                                                              
                                                                                         • Garage parking space                 Every day at 1.00 p.m. from Zurich to
                                                                                                                                Lech as well as daily at 7.15 a.m. from
                                                                                         in a beautiful comfort double room     Lech to Zurich.
                                                                                         per person              EUR 525,00
Giuseppe Verdi‘s captivating and eerily    scenes between father and daughter            (double occupancy)
beautiful masterpiece will be performed    as well as Gilda and the duke. Many
on the lake stage in Bregenz for the       people in the audience were enthusiastic
second time in the summer of 2020.         about the unique stage setting in the
                                           summer of 2019.                            aperitif. You will directly dock at the
In his production, director and stage                                                 lake stage approximately 15 minutes
designer Philipp Stölzl emphasizes         We will take you to Bregenz and back       before the play starts.
Verdi’s unique contrasts between           with a bus shuttle. At 6.00 p.m. you
spectacle and intimate chamber play.       will get on board of the historic steam    Since our share of tickets is limited,
The circus-like hustle and bustle at the   boat Hohentwiel and cruise comfortably     we recommend booking the Festival
party, the daring kidnapping and the       across the lake during an excellent        Package as soon as possible.
creepy storm at night versus intimate      4-course festival dinner including         Extension days on request.

                                                             — 18 —                                                                                                     — 19 —

                      Crisp, with the power of the
                  nature, unique… AN EXPERIENCE!
                          This is golf in Lech!

                 The various courses lead through the      The course’s signature hole is hole 7      What is particularly special:
                 Zugertal valley directly along the Lech   with a length of 122/140 m. Here, the      Since we are a founding member
                 river which even has to be crossed        Stierloch river must be crossed before     of the Golf Club in Lech, our guests
                 several times. At hole 1 and 2 the golf   the ball lands on an idyllic green close   receive a 40 % green fee discount at
                 players have a unique panorama view       to the Lech river. The last hole leads     the golf course in Lech and a 25 %
                 of the Rote Wand mountain.                past the fabulously laid out fish pond     green fee discount at the golf course
                                                           in Zug.                                    in Bludenz-Braz.
                 Holes 3 and 4 are particularly exciting
                 as here, the Lech river needs to be       Afterwards, you can relax on the ter-      FOR OUR GUESTS
                 crossed with the ball to successfully     race of the elevated club house and
                 putt it. In addition, the Schafberg       enjoy the impressive view once again       Prices Golf Course Lech-Zug
                 mountain provides for an impressive       as if you had all the time in the world.   9-hole EUR 33,60 (instead of EUR 56,00)
                 scenery at hole 3.                                                                   18-hole EUR 49,20 (instead of EUR 82,00)
                                                                                                      Prices Golf Course Bludenz-Braz
                                                                                                      9-hole EUR 39,00 (instead of EUR 52,00)
                                                                                                      18-hole EUR 61,50 (instead of EUR 82,00)

      — 20 —                                                              — 21 —
GOLF PACKAGE                                                                                                                GOLF PACKAGE

                                                                                     • learn how to play golf (long-                                                                                             • 2 nights with half-board
                                                                                       distance, short-distance, putting)                                                                                          (from 11th to 13th July 2020)
                                                                                     • basic knowledge such as grip,                                                                                             • Welcome drink

Golf in Lech                                                                                                                 Playing golf with
                                                                                       stand and posture                                                                                                         • Golf Tournament with
                                                                                     • training for golf rules & etiquette                                                                                         programme
                                                                                     • exam to receive the license to

                                                                                                                             Claudia and Georg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 • Use of the alpine pool and
                                                                                       play golf courses                                                                                                           the Revitalium
FROM 24TH JUNE TO 13TH SEPTEMBER 2020                                                • training at the Academy short                                                                                             • Bathrobe and slippers
                                                                                       course                                                                                                                    • Use of the gym
                                                                                     • incl. range balls                     GOLF CUP LECH – 12TH JULY 2020                                                      • Garage parking space
Our golf school will show you within      If you are not sure where to apply for a   • golf equipment for rent
a few hours only how exciting and         membership, you can apply for a Holiday
varied playing golf is. You will gain     Membership at the Golfclub Lech.           Sessions                                                                                                                    in a beautiful comfort double room
first experiences with basic long- and                                               12 sessions of 45 minutes               Texas Scramble                                                                      per person      as of EUR 350,00
short-distance golf strokes. You will     More Informations:                         in small groups of 3 – 4 people                                                                                             (double occupancy)
receive basic knowledge such as grip,                         9 sessions of 45 minutes                Would you like to join us for the Golf     when the Golf Cup Lech is over and
stand and posture. You will also learn                                               in small groups of 2 people             Cup on 12th July?                          may call the Challenge Cup their own
about golf rules and etiquette and will   And for your very first golf round as                                                                                         for one year?
be rewarded with the license to play      an official member we are happy to         Course                                  In this funny tournament, hoteliers
golf courses by passing the exam.         give you special Austria- golf-balls!      per person      as of EUR 490,00        from Lech always play in a team with       Rules and special evaluation will be
                                          Good luck and have fun!                                                            2 guests. The first 4 guests registering   explained again during an aperitif
                                                                                     We are happy to send you prices         with us will therefore have the oppor-     reception on game day. We will end
                                                                                     for your individual room and            tunity to play with either Claudia or      our joint day of golf with a lunch
                                                                                     desired date.                           Georg in this tournament. We play a        (incl. 1 drink) and the award ceremony
     THE COURSES WILL TAKE                                                                                                   Texas Scramble – this is a great oppor-    in the club house.
  PLACE EITHER FROM MONDAY                                                                                                   tunity primarily for inexperienced golf
      TO THURSDAY OR FROM                                                                                                    players to get a taste of “tournament
         FRIDAY TO SUNDAY                                                                                                    air”. Which hotel will be perpetuated

                                                            — 22 —                                                                                                                      — 23 —
GOLF PACKAGE                                                                                                                   PACKAGE

                                                     • 2 overnight stays incl. half-board                                                                                           • 3 overnight stays incl. half-board
                                                       (from 28th to 30th August 2020)                                                                                              • Welcome evening
                                                     • Welcome drink                                                                                                                • General programme of events

Jörg‘s Relish                                                                               Regular Guests’ Days
                                                     • Green fee and tournament fee                                                                                                 • 2-day Lech Card for using all
                                                     • Use of the alpine pool and the                                                                                                 summer lifts and hiking busses

                                                       Revitalium                                                                                                                   • Amenities at the hotel as usual
                                                     • Bathrobe and slippers
                                                     • Use of the gym                       FROM 27TH TO 30TH AUGUST 2020                                                           in a redecorated comfort
                                                     • Garage parking space                                                                                                         double room
29TH AUGUST 2020                                                                                                                                                                    per person      as of EUR 399,00
                                                     in a beautiful comfort double room                                                                                             (double occupancy)
                                                     per person      as of EUR 320,00       We are looking forward to these days        When making your reservation, please
                                                     (with 2 adults in the room)            with anticipation. After all, we hope       tell us for how many years you have
Our sommelier Jörg became a golfer                                                          that we will see many regular guests        already come to Hotel Austria or Lech,
in the summer of 2019. He already won                                                       and friends at the end of August for our    so we can take care of any Lech awards
his first Texas Scramble golf tournament.                                                   regular guests’ days in 2020. We are        (10, 15, 25, 35 and 45 years). The award
His victory inspired him to organise a                                                      planning many joint events.                 and renewal of awards, respectively, will
special, stress-free, delightful fun                                                                                                    be given away in a private setting with
tournament for our guests. It will be                                                       The exciting short programme will be        the Strolz family.
a 9-hole game in Lech. We will also                                                         for hiking fans, gourmets, golfers and
organise some scope before the first                                                        culture lovers. We will not tell you more
                                                          DELIGHTFUL AND FUN
tee-off as well as small refreshment                                                        at the moment. However, we would like
stations during the tournament.                                                             to know from our golfer guests whether      Additional cost for
Come and take potluck!                                                                      you are planning to participate in Jörg’s   the golf tournament
                                                                                            Relish Tournament.                          per person              EUR 60,00

                                            — 24 —                                                                                                     — 25 —
The most beautiful mountain passes around the Arlberg mountain                                                             SKYSPACE
               FOR FANS
                                                                                                                                                                             IN LECH

                                       OF VINTAGE CARS
                                       & CONVERTIBLES

                                                                                                                             The world-famous US-American          James Turrell said, “We are not aware        mountain, the Omeshorn mountain and
                                                                                                                             artist James Turrell designed a       that it is us who give the sky its colour.   the village of Bürstegg.
                                                                                                                             lightroom for Lech where you will     We believe that everything is given
                                                                                                                             be able to experience a meeting       but we are actively involved in creating     You can visit the Skyspace at any
                                                                                                                             of sky and earth in the high alpine   the reality we live in.”                     time. It is, however, most impressive
There is nothing better for fans of     Whether Flexen Pass, Arlberg Pass,        And after a wonderful day of touring,      landscape of Lech with a new view.                                                 in the evening, when the sun goes
vintage cars and convertibles than      Hochtannberg Pass, Silvretta high         you can reminisce about what you have                                            The Skyspace is an underground struc-        down and night falls, as well as in the
folding down the car top at high        alpine road, Timmelsjoch Pass or          seen with a cool drink on our sun ter-                                           ture which blends sensitively into the       early morning hours, when the light
temperatures, feeling the wind in       Hahntennjoch Pass – there is a total of   race. Relax in our alpine pool or in the                                         landscape. The main room is equipped         of the rising sun overlays the night
their face and enjoying the landsca-    more than 50 tours here. Magnificent      Revitalium sauna area; and while you                                             with a circular bench and opens up for       and finally replaces it. You can also
pe rolling by. Around the Arlberg       panoramic views and roads with little     are having a good time, your car will                                            a clear view of the sky. Access is           book expert-guided tours with light
mountain, there are countless           traffic and in optimum condition make     rest safely in our underground car park.                                         through a 15-metre tunnel. The location      programme.
mountain passes you should              drivers’ hearts pound. Many beautiful                                                                                      has a fascinating line of sight between
absolutely drive on.                    rest stops and inns make stopping                                                                                          the striking summit of the Biberkopf
                                        along the road a pleasure.

                                                          — 26 —                                                                                                                  — 27 —
          AND FROM
         THE REGION
                        EXCLUSIVE CUISINE

          At the Hotel Austria, we do not only          With his experiences gained while
          serve culinary specialties from Austria       working at excellent international
          but also from all over the world. The         establishments, he masterly
          most important are above all the              combines culinary delights with
          ingredients – always the best quality         delicious traditional home recipes.
          and, if possible from the region. This
          is how refined dishes satisfy the             PERSONAL
          highest demands. Our chef Markus
          Mathis believes in an exclusive and           Markus Mathis personally takes charge
          well balanced meal. Enjoy a delicious         of all that is needed in the kitchen. “I
          six-course menu every evening.                take care of all the shopping for the
                                                        ingredients myself, because I care
          The time for the refined culinary             about local, high-quality and honest
          highlight of the day has come.                products. Selecting from a great variety,
          Our chef Markus Mathis succeeds               we cook with great joy for you”, he
          in balancing between exquisite and            says. For Markus Mathis, being a cook
          regional sensible cuisine.                    is the most rewarding profession of all.

— 28 —                                         — 29 —
THE EVENING CAN START            AT HOME ON THE MOUNTAIN                     An integral member of our team is        get yourself spoilt on the terrace not     CULINARY
                                                                             sommelier Jörg who has been com-         only in the afternoon. We also serve       WE PAMPER YOU WITH

After a day of hiking,           “At home on the mountain” is a leitmotif
                                 of the Hotel Austria that also applies to
                                                                             piling our wine list for more than
                                                                             20 years, finding the right wine for
                                                                                                                      your breakfast here, so you can enjoy
                                                                                                                      the terrific view of Lech. The only        · Imperial breakfast buffet
we enjoy sitting in a            our menu. You can select a tasty classic    every guest. Our regular guests put so   thing you will hear is the rushing of      · Small lunch menu

pleasant atmosphere at           dish from the Austrian cuisine every        much trust in him that they no longer    the Lech river and bird’s twittering.      · Cake buffet

the table. The restaurant
                                 day which lets you enjoy authentic          choose a wine by themselves in the                                                  · Delicious coffee and tea
                                 Austrian cuisine. International and         evening but rather let themselves be                                                  specialties
is decorated tastefully –        vegetarian dishes of highest quality,       surprised by Jörg. You can also take     THE AUSTRIA BAR                            · Excellent evening meals

fresh flowers everywhere.
                                 are also part of our extensive menu.        wine home from his small wine shop,                                                   with regional and international
                                                                             so you can still enjoy the holiday       We have also remodelled our day-time         specialties
We are looking forward           TAKEN CARE OF WITH LOVE                     delight at home.                         bar where our guests meet comfortably      · Aperitifs and Digestives from

to a relaxing evening.                                                                                                for an aperitif before dinner or for a       our day bar
                                 Interpersonal relations matter – this                                                digestif or cocktail afterwards. You can
                                 credo applies to our entire hotel but       TERRACES WITH A                          expect interesting talks about the
                                 especially also to our well-attuned         PANORAMIC VIEW                           events of the day or Georg Strolz in
                                 service team. Aurel Strolz is not only                                               person recommending one or the
                                 restaurant manager but also part of         What guests at Hotel Austria particu-    other hiking tour.
                                 his team, and he wants to see all of his    larly appreciate is our wonderful,
                                 guests be well taken care of and feel       quiet sun terrace. Ending a perfect
                                 that they are in good hands. You will       day with a great cup of coffee, an
                                 be indulged completely in a modern          apple strudel from our delicious cake
                                 and still comfortable dining area,          buffet or a glass of wine is among the
                                 your holiday dining room.                   holiday highlights. However, you can

                        — 30 —                                                                                                       — 31 —

                                                                                                   t s m e l l s
                                                                                                tha so good



   Our rich breakfast buffet
with a wide selection of many
 delicious products from the
 region leaves nothing to be
desired. This is how it tastes
  at home on the mountain!

                                          THE EARLY BIRD                         BREAKFAST TERRACE                         NATURALLY FROM THE REGION

                                          … catches the worm! This definitely    An absolute highlight for guests at       A successful day starts with high
                                          reflects the spirit at the Hotel       Hotel Austria is our small breakfast      quality and, if available, wholesome
                                          Austria. Even the early risers that    terrace. In fair weather, you can start   regional products – or as Claudia
                                          are drawn to the mountain at the       the day in complete peace and with a      Strolz puts it: “We look forward to
                                          brake of day will find everything at   unique view.                              spoiling you with delicacies.”
                                          7:30 am that makes a delightful
                                          and nourishing breakfast.

                                 — 32 —                                                         — 33 —
m e o n t he
                                                                                                   at ho


                          means to let the
                         time simply flow,

                          to become fully
                          conscious of the
                           own body and
                             its needs;
                        to gather strength
                            and restore


                      ALPIN BAD

                      Swimming, relaxing or simply enjoying
                      the wonderful mountain panorama –
                      just enjoy our indoor pool. While some
                      might swim their laps, others will
                      make themselves comfortable in the       STARTING THE DAY RIGHT                  KIDS, KIDS
                      blissfully bubbling whirl bed.
                                                               Our Alpine Spa opens as early as        Right next door, juniors enjoy their
                      There is a wooden deck with several      7.00 o‘clock. Tired muscles are         own space. Kids and juniors have fun in
                      sunbeds as well as small nature places   refreshed quickly. Enjoy a cup of tea   the warm kids’ pool with the waterfall!
                      for 2 persons each in the wonderful      or coffee on the sun terrace – so you   The little ones enjoy splashing around
                      park in front of the indoor pool. The    can start your day at home on the       in the Baby pool. Afterwards they all
                      perfect spot to take a break from        mountain.                               meet in the delightful cuddle corner
                      everyday life.                                                                   that is fitted with warm cushions.

       — 34 —                                                                — 35 —
              HOT AND COLD                                 AN OVERVIEW OF              OUR WELNNESS                  WITH US YOU ARE
                                                           OUR WELLNESS OFFER          APPLICATIONS                  IN GOOD HEALTH

              In addition to the different saunas, our
              wellness area offers an opportunity          · Finnish Sauna             · Full body massage           Numerous massages and treatments
              to tune down and regenerate. A good          · Biosauna                  · Back massage                round of the offer in our Revitalium.
              place to enjoy full relaxation is for ex-                                                              Let a professional relax your tense
                                                           · Steam Bath                · Sport and fitness massage
              ample the whirlpool and solarium. The        · Cold Air Room             · Floating bed                back, treat yourself to an Aroma-
              blood circulation is stimulated again, if    · Infrared-Sole-Laconium    · Aroma massage               Relax-Massage or experience long
                                                                                                                                                                GIVE JOY
              you visit the cold-air room after having     · Relax Whirlpool           · Relaxation massage          lasting relaxation in our water-
 REVITALIUM   enjoyed a steam bath in the sauna.           · Sole Grotte               · Manual lymph drainage       floating bed.
              Cooling off is even more beneficial using    · Relaxation Deck           · Foot reflexology
              the footbasin on our terrace.                · Solarium
                                                           · Fitness Room Athleticum

              After a strenuous hike, relax in the hot
              sauna – it awakens you – this is why we                                  Schedule an appointment
              call our wellness area “Revitalium”. Here                                at the reception
              juniors aged 16 or over, as well as adults                               +43 5583/2382
              are enjoying deep relaxation. Although,
              there are many options when using the
              sauna, less is often more. Take time out,
              completely relaxed, with a lot of time
              between each individual sauna session.

                                  — 36 —                                                                                             — 37 —
Adventure Land

                                                         FREE SERVICE                                CINEMA FOR KIDS

                                                         A holiday with children is great.           An offer at the Teddy Club is a cinema

                                                         Nevertheless, it can be very exhausting     for kids where the children can watch
                                                         at times. Naturally, both youngsters        many exciting movies in the evening.
                                                         and adults would sometimes rather be
                                                         among themselves. We gladly support         KIDS DINNER
                                                         you enjoying a bit of free time. Children                                            TEDDY CLUB
                                                         from the age of three are in good hands     In the evenings, our little guests can
                                                         with our skilled staff – and this service   choose whether they have dinner with     · Play room
                                                         is even free!                               their peers at 6:30 pm or whether they   · Youth Club with Billiard
                                                                                                     eat with their family at 7:00 o’clock.   · Table football
                                                         A trained kindergarten teacher tends                                                 · Kids’ Cinema
    Families love to stay at the Hotel Austria. In our   to the wellbeing of our little guests at    YOUTH CLUB
 Alpine Spa, kids can romp around in the indoor pool,    the Teddy Club six times a week.
  and at the Teddy Club they find everything they like   Together they will experience some          Older kids will never be bored at the    Care times are

and need – loving and competent care, books, games and
                                                         great excursions and discover the           Hotel Austria. Teens can meet at the     adjusted to the needs
                                                         most beautiful wood animals during          Youth Club and enjoy playing table       of our guests.
      even a kids’ cinema. If you need a babysitter,     their short hikes to the Libellensee.       football, billiard or try out the PS4
                   we are glad to help.                                                              game console.

                        — 38 —                                                                                      — 39 —
e r e I f e el
                                             at home

         AT HOME
                         & FULLY FLEXIBLE

         “Home is where you can let go, sharing           for and simply feel comfortable. The
         one‘s heart with another,” writes the            Hotel Austria is also unique because of
         German poet Sylvia Tubbesing. In this            the variety of rooms available. Rooms
         sense, it is precisely what the Hotel            range from a cozy double room, to your
         Austria wants to transmit – a feeling            own apartment or a spacious chalet.
         of coziness and comfort. It should be a          We offer full flexibility, meaning that
         place to which our guests gladly come            our apartment guests can also enjoy
         back, a place in which they feel cared           breakfast or half-board.

— 40 —                                           — 41 —

OUR DIVERSE LIVING                   ROOMS                                                                                                 All apartments feature a bathroom, WC, kitchenette with double
                                                                                                                                           burner stove top, refrigerator, dishwasher, Nespresso machine,

Whether it is a cozy double
                                     At the hotel Austria, every guest feels                                                               plates and glasses, bathrobe(s) and slippers, dining corner,
                                     at home on the mountain. This is lastly                                                               bed linen, hair dryer, Satellite TV, telephone, tablet, safe and wifi.
room, suite, apartment or chalet –   due to our extensive service for families,
we guarantee that you will find      couples and singles, such as our in-

exactly the room suiting your        house laundry service, kindergarten
                                     and babysitter arrangements. You do
personal vision.
                                     not have to do without your favorite
                                     newspaper during your vacation. Our
                                     facility manager will gladly pick up the
                                     newspaper of your preference.                APARTMENTS
· Double Room
· Comfort Double Room                The rooms of all five categories             Our apartments offer a lot of space         or half board is available. This offer is               YOU CAN CHOOSE
· Junior Suits                       feature tasteful, high quality design,       and even more flexibility. Many guests      naturally also available to our guests
· Family Rooms                       which at the same time displays a            appreciate the flexibility, the amenities   staying in the chalet. Seven people                 breakfast or
· Single Rooms                       homey atmosphere. Whether a com-             and the additional service we offer at      have enough room on the two floors                 half board can
                                                                                  the Hotel Austria. Would you like to
                                                                                                                                                                                  be booked in
· Apartments                         fortable single room or generous                                                         of the chalet. It is directly opposite the
· Chalet                             junior suite – in any event, everyday        enjoy our exquisite cuisine? No problem     hotel and has direct access to the
                                     stress remains outside while total           – for an additional charge, breakfast       Hotel and the indoor swimming pool.             addition at any time
                                     relaxation moves in.

                           — 42 —                                                                                                            — 43 —
RATES                                                                                                       24.06. – 11.07.20                                  11.07. – 29.08.20
                                                                                                            29.08. – 13.09.20

               ROOM FEATURES AND FURNISHINGS                                                                DOUBLE ROOM (approx. 20 m2)
               All rooms (largely with wood flooring) feature a bathroom                                    Bath/WC, satellite TV, telephone, tablet, safe, minibar, wifi
               or shower, WC, hair dryer, bathrobe(s) and slippers, minibar,
               satellite TV, tablet, telephone, safe and wifi. All rooms are
               non smoking rooms and dogs are not allowed in the hotel.                                                                                                               from
                                                                                                                             107                                     116              4 nights
                                                                                                                                110                                  120              3 nights
               The hotel rate is in Euro per person per day.

               Included are                                                                                 COMFORT DOUBLE ROOM (approx. 27 m2)
               •   Half-board with a large breakfast buffet, afternoon cake,                                Bath, sep. WC, satellite TV, telephone, tablet, safe, minibar, wifi
                   5-course evening menu (deduction for cancelled dinner
                   EUR 10)
               •   Use of the pool facilities                                                                                120                                     132              from
                                                                                                                                                                                      4 nights
               •   Use of the wellness area                                                                                                                                           to
                                                                                                                             124                                     136
               •   Fitness room                                                                                                                                                       3 nights

               •   Hotel kindergarten “Teddy Club” children above 3 years
                   of age; baby cot, baby jogger, children‘s playroom,
                   youth room                                                                               JUNIOR SUITE (approx. 35 m2)
               •   Use of garage, wifi                                                                      Bath, sep. WC, large living area,
                                                                                                            satellite TV, telephone, tablet, safe, minibar, wifi
               Local tourist tax EUR 2.40 per person from age 14, per day.                                                   130                                     145              from
                                                                                                                                                                                      4 nights
                                                                                                                             134                                     149
               Extra bed for children with two adults paying in full, per day                                                                                                         3 nights

               incl. half board
               0 – 2 years of age 		        no charge
               3 – 6 years of age           EUR 31                                                          SINGLE ROOM (approx. 17 – 20 m2)
               7 – 10 years of age          EUR 42                                                          Bath or shower/WC, satellite TV, telephone, tablet, safe, minibar, wifi
               11 – 13 years of age         EUR 52

               ADDITIONAL SERVICES                                                                                           128                                    140               from
                                                                                                                                                                                      4 nights
               •   Massages, Solarium                                                                                                                                                 to
                                                                                                                             132                                    144
               •   Babysitter service                                                                                                                                                 3 nights

               •   Laundry service
               •   Newspaper service
                                                                                                            FAMILY ROOM (approx. 35 – 40 m2)
                                                                                                            Children’s room sep. or in the living area, bath/WC,
                                                                                                            satellite TV, telephone, tablet, safe, minibar, wifi

                                                                                                                             142                                     155              4 nights
                                                                                                                             146                                     158              3 nights

                                                                                EXTRA BED WITH HALF BOARD                       90                                   95

             — 44 —                                                                                                        — 45 —
RATES                                                                            24.06. – 11.07.20                                 11.07. – 29.08.20
                                                                                 29.08. – 13.09.20

               APARTMENT FEATURES AND FURNISHINGS                                APARTMENT A approx. 50 m2 (4 pers.)
               All apartments (largely with wood flooring) feature a bathroom,   1 bedroom, 1 Living room with seating corner (2 – 3 sofa beds
               WC, kitchenette with double burner stove top, refrigerator,       possible), kitchenette, dining area, bath with tub/shower, sep.
               dish washer, Nespresso machine, bathrobe(s) and slippers,         WC, satellite TV, telephone, tablet, safe, wifi
               dining corner, bed linen, hair dryer, Satellite TV, telephone,
               tablet, safe, wifi and Balcony (except for “Large Attic
               Apartment”). All apartments are non-smoking apartments.                                161                                 191             4 nights
                                                                                                      167                                197
                                                                                                                                                          3 nights
               The apartment rate is in Euro per day for 4 persons
               (except for Apartment G and the Chalet). Included are
               •   Electricity, Heat, VAT                                        APARTMENT B approx. 44 m2 (4 pers.)
               •   Daily cleaning (except kitchen) and final cleaning            1 bedroom, 1 living room with seating corner (2 – 3 sofa beds
               •   All amenities offered by the hotel (see page 36)              possible), kitchenette, dining area, bath with tub/shower, sep.
               •   Garage space                                                  WC, satellite TV, telephone, tablet, safe, wifi

               Local tourist tax EUR 2.40 per person from age 14, per day.                                                                                from
                                                                                                      161                                 191             4 nights
                                                                                                      167                                197
                                                                                                                                                          3 nights
               •   Half board                                      EUR 73
               •   Deduction for reserved dinner                   EUR 10
                                                                                 APARTMENT C approx. 40 m2 (4 pers.)
               OPTIONAL FOR SELECT DAYS                                          1 bedroom, 1 living room with seating corner 2 sofa beds possible),
               •   Breakfast                                       EUR 23        kitchenette, dining area, bath with tub/shower, sep. WC, satellite TV,
               •   Dinner                                          EUR 59        telephone, tablet, safe, wifi
               •   Kitchen cleaning                                EUR 15
               •   Dog per day without food                       EUR 20
                                                                                                      140                                169              from
                                                                                                                                                          4 nights
               LOWER - OR ADDITIONAL OCCUPANCY                                                                                                            to
                                                                                                      146                                176
                                                                                                                                                          3 nights
               •   Occupancy with only 3 persons            minus EUR 10
               •   Occupancy with only 2 persons            minus EUR 20
               •   Occupancy for additional 5 person
                                                                   EUR 1 5
                                                                                 APARTMENT D approx. 54 m2 (4 pers.)
               ADDITIONAL OPTIONS FOR CHILDREN                                   1 bedroom, 1 children’s room with 2 – 3 beds (1 Bunk bed , 1 Sofa
                                                                                 bed) and children’s wash basin, 1 living room with dining area,
                                Child          Child            Child            kitchenette, bath with tub/shower, sep. WC, satellite TV, telephone,
                                breakfast      dinner           half board       tablet, safe, wifi
               3 – 6 years      EUR 10         EUR 16           EUR 23
               7 – 10 years     EUR 13         EUR 23           EUR 34
               11 – 13 years    EUR 18         EUR 34           EUR 45                                201                                239              from
                                                                                                                                                          4 nights
                                                                                                      210                                245
                                                                                                                                                          3 nights

            — 46 —                                                                               — 47 —
RATES       24.06. – 11.07.20                                 11.07. – 29.08.20                     24.06. – 11.07.20                                 11.07. – 29.08.20
            29.08. – 13.09.20                                                                       29.08. – 13.09.20

            APARTMENT D SOUTH approx. 56 m2 (4 pers.)                                            APARTMENT LARGE WITH ATTIC ROOM approx. 60 m2 (4 pers.)
            1 bedroom, 1 children’s room with 2 – 3 beds (1 bunk bed, 1 double sofa              1 bedroom, 1 children’s room (slanted ceiling) with 2 beds (5th bed
            bed), 1 living room with dining corner, kitchenette, bath with tub/                  possible), living room with seating corner and dining corner
            shower, sep. WC, satellite TV telephone, tablet, safe, wifi                          (2 sofa beds possible , kitchenette, bath with tub/shower, sep. WC,
                                                                                                 satellite TV telephone, tablet, safe, wifi

                                                                                      from                                                                                      from
                             192                                    228               4 nights                   188                                    222                     4 nights
                                                                                      to                                                                                        to
                             198                                    235               3 nights                   194                                    228                     3 nights

            APARTMENT E approx. 44 m2 (4 pers.)                                                  APARTMENT G approx. 70 m2 (6 pers.)
            1 bedroom, 1 small children’s room with 2 – 3 beds (5. bed as bunk bed               2 bedroom, 1 children’s room (slanted ceiling) with 2 beds (7. bed
            possible), living room with dining corner, kitchenette, bath with tub/               possible, living room with dining corner, kitchenette, bath with tub/
            shower, sep. WC, satellite TV telephone, tablet, safe, wifi                          shower, sep. WC, satellite TV telephone, tablet, safe, wifi
                                                                                                 Rate for 6 persons

                                                                                      from                                                                                      from
                             169                                    201               4 nights                   228                                     265                    4 nights
                                                                                      to                                                                                        to
                             176                                    210               3 nights                   237                                     275                    3 nights

            APARTMENT F approx. 44 m2 (4 pers.)                                                  APARTMENT OMESHORN approx. 85 m2 (4 – 5 pers.)
            1 bedroom, 1 children’s room with 2 – 3 beds (1 bunk bed, 1 Sofa                     In the “Schöpfli” house opposite the main house.
            bed), living room with dining corner, kitchenette, bath with tub/                    1st floor: kitchen, living room with pull-out sofa bed for 2 persons, dining
            shower and WC, satellite TV, telephone, tablet, safe, wifi                           area, small bath with shower/WC, satellite TV, telephone, tablet, safe, wifi
                                                                                                 2nd floor: bedroom, bath/tub/WC, living room with sofa bed.

                                                                                      from                                                                                      from
                             190                                    226               4 nights
                                                                                                                 230                                     266                    4 nights

                                                                                      to                                                                                        to
                             196                                    232               3 nights
                                                                                                                 239                                     273                    3 nights

            APARTMENT SMALL WITH ATTIC ROOM                                                      THE CHALET approx. 115 m2 (7 pers.)
            approx. 44 m2 (4 pers.)                                                              2 floors directly opposite the hotel with direct access to the hotel and
            1 bedroom, 1 children’s room (slanted ceiling) with 2 beds (5. bed                   indoor swimming pool. 3 double rooms with bath/WC, 1 single room with
            possible, living room with dining corner, kitchenette, bath with tub/                shower/WC, living room, kitchen, dining corner, balcony and terrace,
            shower, sep. WC, satellite TV telephone, tablet, safe, wifi                          shoe storage room, satellite TV, telephone, tablet, safe, wifi
                                                                                                 Rate for 7 persons
                             160                                     191              4 nights
                             167                                    197               3 nights

                                                                                                                 297                                     343                    4 nights
                                                                                                                 307                                     355                    3 nights

                                — 48 —                                                                             — 49 —
BOOKING                                                                                    D


                                                                                CH                       Bregenz
         SECURING RESERVATIONS                                                  BASEL

         In order to secure your reservation, we ask that you send                                               Bezau

         us a written acknowledgement within 10 days of receiving
         your booking confirmation.                                                                                      Warth
         CANCELLATION POLICY                                                    FL                            Bludenz             VIENNA
         In accordance with Austrian hotel regulations, the following           CHUR
         cancellation fees shall be charged in the case of cancellation:
         •   At the latest 3 months before arrival: no fee
         •   Up to 1 month before arrival: 40% of the total price
             for the booked accommodations                                                                                       PAZNAUN

         •   Up to 1 week before arrival: 70% of the total price for
             the booked accommodations
         •   And in the last week before arrival: 90% of the total
             price for the booked accommodations
         •   Early departure: 100% of the total price for the                   CHECK-IN/CHECK-OUT
             nights booked                                                      Your room/apartment will be ready for check-in at 3:00 pm
         The cancellation fee shall not apply for nights that                   on the day of arrival. We ask that you vacate your room/
         are rebooked. Court of Jurisdiction: Bludenz                           apartment by 11:00 am on the day of departure.

         TRAVEL CANCELLATION INSURANCE                                          AND THAT´S HOW YOU CAN FIND US
         In order to avoid any inconveniences in the case of                    Coming from Zürs direction Lech approx. 100m after
         cancellation, we recommend that you take out a travel                  the village sign ‘Lech’ take the first possible road to the left
         cancellation insurance policy, unless you already have                 (Omesberg), then the next road to the right and after that
         insurance that covers this. We are happy to offer you                  straight ahead.
         “Hotelstorno Plus” from Europäische Reiseversicherung.
         On request and with each booking you will get more                     Address to enter into your navigation device:
         information. We ask you to let us know directly with your              Omesberg 287,
         reconfirmation if we should book the insurance for you.                6764 Lech

         DEPOSIT                                                                ATTENTION
         To secure your reservation, we ask you to make a deposit               Do not forget the toll sticker for Austria’s motorways!
         amounting to 25% of the booked accommodations.
         With the booking confirmation you will receive a link to easily        DATA PROTECTION REGULATION
         pay your deposit online (Visa/Master/Maestro/Bank transfer).           If you no longer wish to receive information from us, please
         •   Bank transfer to our account at Raiffeisenbank Lech,               tell us by sending an e-mail to,
             account number: 12831, sorting code: 37449,                        including your first and last names as well as your address.
             IBAN: AT90 3744 9000 0001 2831,
             SWIFT: RVVGAT2B449                                                 PHOTO CREDITS
                                                                                Lech Zürs Tourismus, Christoph Schöch, Anna-Lisa Falch,
         PAYMENT OPTIONS                                                        Florian Holzherr, Georg Schnell, Bernadette Otter,
         We will be happy to accept cash (Euros), EC cards from                 Hans Wiesenhofer, Leo Baumgartner, Michael Moosbrugger,
         Austria, Germany and the Netherlands, and credit cards                 Paul Severn, Zangerl, Jazzbühne Lech, Christian Fritz,
         (MasterCard and Visa).                                                 Hanno Mackowitz, © Bregenzer Festspiele / Ralph Larmann

— 50 —                                                                 — 51 —
Georg Strolz GmbH      T +43 (0)5583/2382

Omesberg 287 
6764 Lech am Arlberg
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