Zee News - Zonta Club of Findlay

Page created by Jamie Bell
Zee News - Zonta Club of Findlay
May 2018

                                                                         District 5

                                                                           Area 1

                                                                       Club # 0431

                    Z ee N ew s

 Tuesday, May 1 at noon: Business Meeting
 Wednesday, May 2 at 7:00 am: Z Club Meeting
 Wednesday, May 2 at 5:30 pm: Service Committee Meeting
 Wed, May 9 Geraniums Arrive! 6:30 am to 2:00 pm: Let Maile know if you can help!
 Monday, May 14 at 11:30 am: Finance Committee Meeting
 Wednesday, May 16 at 7:00 am: Z Club Meeting
 Tuesday, May 22 at 6:00 pm: Spring Banquet at Birchaven
 Thursday, May 24 at 5:30 pm: Board Meeting
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Ali Weising-Pike   Amy Laibe          Annette Shaffer   Deb Bartlet

Jane Heringhaus    Jane Shoemaker     Jodi DeVore       Judy Scrimshaw

Kathy Creighton    Kathy Foust        Kim Darnell       Kristi Bryant

Lynn Benevides     Maile Doyle        Renee Perry       Shirley Pollock

Jane Heringhaus          Pam Ferris         Amy Laibe          Karen Flanagan
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                      Zonta Spring Style Show
From our President:
Dear Zonta Sisters,

Congratulations and thank you all for the amazing job on this year's Spring Style show! Everything was
just beautiful and we received so many compliments as our guests were leaving the auditorium.

This year's Style Show Committee was chaired by Renee Perry with members Kathy Natal, Jane Hering-
haus, Paula McRill, Andrea Reinhart, Lisa Loughman, Kim Lichtveld, Amy Laibe, Maile Doyle, and Pam
Ferris. They spent many, many hours planning and preparing to make it a successful event, and what a
terrific job they did! Working with them to get the word out about the event was our PR committee led by
Melissa Crowe with members Jodi DeVore, Kim Darnell, Jeanne Atkins, Judy Scrimshaw, and Kathy

So much hard work was done by our members behind the scenes yesterday to make everything run
smoothly for our guests. If I tried to name everyone, I'm sure I would miss someone, but just know that
you played a huge role in making the evening successful. And of course, the event could not have hap-
pened without everyone participating and selling tickets.
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                       Zonta Spring Style Show
Thank you to sponsors Ron & Gwen Phal, Elaine Wehri, Allen Pohlman, Scott Keller, Papillon Boutique, Annette

More than enough was raised to fulfill both requests from Open Arms, and the Sexual Assault Nursing Services!
Zee News - Zonta Club of Findlay

Area 1
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Barb Wilson presented Megan Young the Women in Public Affairs Award
on April 4, 2018.
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See you all at the 59th Annual Installation Banquet on Tuesday, May 22,
2018 at 6:00 pm.

Remember, we won’t have the lunchtime meeting.
Zee News - Zonta Club of Findlay

Thank you Letters!!
Zee News - Zonta Club of Findlay

Thank you Letters!!
Zee News - Zonta Club of Findlay

Thank you Letters!!

Thank you Letters!!

Thank you Letters!!
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District 5 Clubs Highlights Zonta’s Achievements at International
Women’s Day Luncheon
The Zonta Clubs of Ashtabula Area, Cleveland and Hudson (district 5, Area 3) joined last month to commemorate Interna-
tional Women's Day with a luncheon.

While highlighting the achievements of Zonta International over the past 98 years, past Zonta International Director Kath-
leen Douglass spoke about developing leadership qualities in girls and women.

The keynote speaker, Heather Hodges, is ambassador-in-residence and president of the Cleveland Council for World Af-
fairs and was an ambassador to Moldova and Ecuador. She spoke of her experiences during her 31 years in the foreign
service, highlighting the progress women have made in an otherwise male-dominated field.

Additionally, there were about 13 all-women vendors for the shopping pleasure of approximately 80 guests. They were
selling items ranging from health and fitness products to hand-painted glassware to jewelry and knick-knacks.

District 5 Governor Joyce Combs and Governor-Elect Margot Hoffman were in attendance.
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                                                Zonta Club of Findlay
                                       Program Meeting Minutes – D R A F T
                                                    April 17, 2018
                                         Hancock County Historical Museum

President Jane Shoemaker called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m. Following the welcome, she led members in
the Pledge of Allegiance and the Zonta Prayer.

Members: 24
Guests: 5, Our speaker, Astha Adhikari; Bill Doyle, husband of Maile Doyle; 3 guests were ladies who attended the
style show: Rhonda Nye, a retired Van Buren teacher who runs the family's Dairy Queen in N. Baltimore and has a
dream of setting up an art studio (Debbie Bartlett); Brittany Vickers, a Marathon employee who attends U. Findlay
and chaired the Heart Walk (Diane Ellerbe); Tracy Warnecke, a Marathon employee who volunteers at work and
wants to expand on activities (Pam Ferris).

Service Hours: 127      Fundraising: 161         Advocacy: 2

Minutes: Karen Flanagan made a motion that the March Program minutes be approved, Diane Ellerbe seconded, ap-

Announcements and President's Remarks:

1. Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 26, 5:30 p.m. at Jane's office. Final review of fiscal year 2018-19
budget will be done so it can be voted on at the next business meeting May 1.

2. Please pay your dues and meal voices to Barb Wilson asap. Remember to notify Jodi DeVore by the Friday be-
fore a meeting if you won't be attending or don't need lunch; otherwise you will be billed for lunch. Also let Jodi
know if you're bringing a guest.

3. Committee chairs should check the club calendar before scheduling a meeting. Let Jane or Melissa Crowe know
to add your meetings to the calendar.

4. Four members (Jane Shoemaker, Barb Wilson, Kristi Bryant and Karen Flanagan) attended the spring Area 1
meeting at Highland Meadows golf club in Sylvania April 7. The morning focused on the opioid epidemic and the
afternoon was devoted to updates from Governor Joyce, Governor Elect Margot and other district officers.

5. Style Show: Committee is looking for feedback; it's very important because we want to keep improving. Maile
would like to know what food was left over. Thank you notes and style show programs are available. Barb Wilson
will take left over tickets and money.

6. Scholarships: 9 candidates are being interviewed Thursday, April 19 at Blanchard Valley Hospital.

7. Take Back the Night, April 10: Karen Flanagan reported that there was very little traffic in the room
while she was there. The speaker was scheduled for 6:00 p.m.
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8. Walk A Mile In Her Shoes, April 28, Jodi DeVore: 2 Zontians are interested in walking. We can also work a table.

9. Woman of Achievement Nominations: Kristi Bryant placed nomination forms on the tables. The forms included
the award criteria and a list of eligible members; they are due April 20. Previous winners may be nominated again.

10. Zonta Foundation: We will have forms at the next meeting. The District is $10,000 short.

11. May Banquet theme is “Zonta in Action”. Will be held Tuesday, May 22 at 6:00 p.m. at Birchaven. RSVP to Jodi
DeVore by May 1. There will be no regular program meeting May 15.

Our speaker, Astha Adhikari of Nepal, was introduced by Maile Doyle. Maile explained that at the 2016 meeting in
Nice, Zonta voted to give $1 million to the UN for projects in Nepal. Nepal, north of India and south of China, is
home to Mt. Everest. Astha came to the US two years ago to continue her studies for a Master's degree in Environ-
mental Safety, including an internship in Fairbanks. She earned a BS in Micro-biology in Nepal in 2014. She is multi-
lingual and very accomplished. She works for Kellogg in Florence, KY and has attended Zonta meetings in the Cin-
cinnati area. She works with youth issues arising from two earthquakes in Nepal.

Astha explained that while her father supported her education, she was pressured by her family to follow traditions
of getting married and raising a family. She wanted her own career. Astha didn't plan to move to the US but had
friends studying here and felt it was the best decision. She is now a role model for her sister and cousins who are
getting the opportunity to study.

Astha described barriers to women in her country that are based on cultures and traditions:

1. Early and forced marriage – planning for a career is useless.
2. Women cannot stay out late, must be home by 6:00 p.m. or cannot go out at all.
3. They must not go into the kitchen during their menstrual cycle and in rural areas they sleep in outbuildings
where animals are kept.
4. If the husband dies, they can not re-marry; however, men can if their wife dies.
5. They should give birth to children.
6. Women will not be the head of the family, even if highly educated.
7. Issues about the dowry, money given to the groom's family, sometimes leads to domestic violence.

Astha and her undergraduate friends formed an organization to work with youth empowerment, nature conserva-
tion, research, training and education, advocacy campaigns, gender equality and human dignity. Various projects
are health related, having to do with earthquakes, pollution, blood donation through the Red Cross and menstrual
hygiene awareness. Human trafficking is a severe problem because Nepal is a landlocked country with open bor-
ders. There are many rape cases and people are sold for prostitution in India. Their organization is ongoing and is
seeking ideas about how to work with others.

Barb Wilson mentioned that Zonta has Days for Girls efforts for Africa. If anyone has questions or wants more infor-
mation, Maile has Astha's information.
Adjourned: Christy Santistevan made a motion to adjourn and Maile Doyle seconded. The meeting adjourned at
1:18 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Lynda Gallant, Secretary
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Thank you Jane Shoemaker for your leadership, guidance
                   and friendship!
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