2018 Gold Coast Marathon Team Tent Bookings

Page created by Nicole Lawrence
2018 Gold Coast Marathon Team Tent Bookings
2018 Gold Coast Marathon Team Tent Bookings

Zone 1: Finish Chute                     Packages A - B
Zone 2: Finish Chute (Water View)        Package C                         Zone 2

Zone 3: Team Lawn                        Packages D - F
Zone 4: Event Lawn                       Package G

Team tents can be hired for Saturday 30 June and/or Sunday 1 July and are assigned on a first in first served basis.
Team tents are available exclusively to pre-registered teams and can be booked via your team manager login.

Please note that your tent is not confirmed until payment has been received.

Tent bookings close at Thursday 31 May 2018. Team tent contacts will be advised of their specific tent selection
within their chosen zone either as soon as the zone has sold out or by Friday 8th June.

Please ensure you read the tent booking terms and conditions provided at the end of this document before
booking your tent.
2018 Gold Coast Marathon Team Tent Bookings
Zone 1: Finish Chute

                           Team Zone 1: Finish Chute; Packages A - B
                                                      Package A Package B
                  Tent Size                            3m x 3m     6m x 6m
                  Ideal for:                           10-20ppl    20-50ppl
                  Chairs                                 x 10        x 30
                  Trestle table with table cloth          x1          x2
                  Fascia sign with team name              x1          x1
                  Ice tub (200L)                          x1          x2
                  Bags of ice (per day)                   x1          x2
                  Café table with umbrella                x1          x2
                  10AMP single powerpoint                 x1          x1
                  Rubbish Bin 60L                         x1          x2
                  Lighting                               Yes         Yes

                  Price Saturday (incl GST)          $1,050.00   $2,000.00
                  Price Sunday (incl GST)            $1,050.00   $2,000.00
                  Price Weekend (incl GST)           $1,600.00   $2,600.00

                  Availability                          x4          x8
2018 Gold Coast Marathon Team Tent Bookings
Zone 2: Finish Chute: Water View

                     Team Zone 2: Finish Chute – Water View; Package C
                                                          Package C
                    Tent Size                              6m x 6m
                    Ideal for:                             20-50ppl
                    Chairs                                   x 30
                    Trestle table with table cloth            x2
                    Fascia sign with team name                x1
                    Ice tub (200L)                            x2
                    Bags of ice (per day)                     x2
                    Café table with umbrella                  x2
                    10AMP single powerpoint                   x1
                    Rubbish Bin 60L                           x2
                    Lighting                                 Yes

                    Price Saturday (incl GST)            $2,200.00
                    Price Sunday (incl GST)              $2,200.00
                    Price Weekend (incl GST)             $2,800.00

                    Availability                             x3
2018 Gold Coast Marathon Team Tent Bookings
Zone 3: Team Lawn

                              Team Zone 3: Team Lawn; Packages D - F
                                           Package D      Package E     Package F
        Tent Size                           6m x 6m       10m x 9m     10m x 18m
        Ideal for:                          20-50ppl      60-90ppl     150-180ppl
        Chairs                                x 30          x 60          x 150
        Trestle table with table cloth         x2            x8            x 20
        Fascia sign with team name             x1            x1             x1
        Ice tub (200L)                         x2            x3             x4
        Bags of ice (per day)                  x2            x3             x4
        Café table with umbrella               x2            x3             x3
        10AMP single powerpoint                x1            x1             x2
        Rubbish Bin 60L                        x2            x4             x6
        Lighting                              Yes            Yes           Yes

        Price Saturday (incl GST)        $1,700.00        $3,650.00    $6,800.00
        Price Sunday (incl GST)          $1,700.00        $3,650.00    $6,800.00
        Price Weekend (incl GST)         $2,350.00        $4,700.00    $8,300.00

        Availability:                       x4               x2           x2
Zone 4: Event Lawn

                               Team Zone 4: Event Lawn; Packages G
                                                              Package G
                     Tent Size                                 3m x 3m
                     Ideal for:                                10-20ppl
                     Chairs                                       x 10
                     Trestle table with table cloth                x1
                     Fascia sign with team name                    x1
                     Ice tub (200L)                                x1
                     Bags of ice (per day)                         x1
                     Café table with umbrella                      x1
                     10AMP single powerpoint                       x1
                     Rubbish Bin 60L                               x1
                     Lighting                                     Yes

                     Price Saturday (incl GST)                $800.00
                     Price Sunday (incl GST)                  $800.00
                     Price Weekend (incl GST)                $1,050.00

                     Availability                               x8
Optional Extras

                 Optional Extras                                              Price $AU incl GST
                 BBQ and pro floor (per day)                                       $180.00
                 BBQ and pro floor (weekend rate)                                  $220.00
                 Urn 27L (120 cups) includes 100 foam cups                          $80.00
                 Extra Foam Cups (100 cups)                                          $5.00
                 Nu Pure 600ml -24 btls per carton                                  $25.00
                 Ice 10kg bags                                                       $8.50
                 Powerpoint 10AMP                                                   $60.00
                 Power board - 4 plug multi point                                   $20.00
                 White Picket Fence per 2.5m length - Courtyard                     $75.00
                 Extra Chair (each chair)                                            $5.00
                 Extra 1.8m trestle table with tablecloth                           $40.00

Team Zone Terms and Conditions

Tent Locations
Team Organisers will be advised of their tent locations by Friday 8 June or as soon as the chosen zone has been
sold in full. Tent sites will be allocated in accordance with time of booking and full payment received. If you have
any special requirements or any circumstances which may impact the amount of space you require, please advise
GCM at the time of booking. Although requests are taken into consideration where possible, the final tent
location is at the discretion of the Event Managers.

Tent Inclusions and Power
Tent bookings are only inclusive of the items listed in the package. BBQs and urns are the only additions that will
be organised on request by GCM. If additional power is required, this must be purchased at the time of booking.
Any additional furniture must be organised by the individual or company hiring the tent package. Please note,
teams cannot BYO BBQs for health and safety reasons. Any electrical items brought onsite must be tagged and
tested by a qualified technician. The Event Manager reserves the right to remove any electrical item that does not
have an up-to-date electrical tag attached to it. Please do not overload powerpoints; urns are only to be plugged
into 10AMP powerpoints. The use of double adaptors and powerboards is prohibited in all tents due to the
power limitations of the Race Precinct.

Food and Beverage
All Team Zones are alcohol free and BYO alcohol is not permitted. Food and beverages are available for purchase
at the Race Precinct. If you source your own caterer, please ensure they hold the necessary licenses and adhere to
Council regulations. If you intend on preparing food for sale, a food licence may be required with City of Gold
Coast Council to ensure you are taking the appropriate measures in relation to food safety. Please refer to
http://www.goldcoast.qld.gov.au/council/permits-licensing-32008.html (Permits and Licensing – Food Business)
for further details. All groups preparing food must comply with the Australian and New Zealand Food Standard
Code with further details provided closer to the event

Team Zone Etiquette
The Team Zone is a social area and is therefore not a place to solicit and/or promote your place of
business/product/service. The distribution of flyers and/or any other promotional activity is reserved only and by
prior agreement for the Official sponsors of the event. Teams can erect company signage and colours within
their tent and designated courtyard area, however anything beyond this cannot be displayed without the prior
approval of the Event Managers.
Bump-in and Bump-out Requirements

Saturday only Bookings
Items can be dropped off and tents are accessible on the afternoon of Friday 29 June between 2:00pm and
5:00pm. No vehicles are allowed on site. A ten (10) minute load zone will be established within the race precinct,
indicated on the precinct map which will be provided with team tent details on Friday 8 June. It is recommended
to bring trolleys or some team members to assist as vehicle access will not be immediately up to the tent
entrance, but only to designated load zone area on the Gold Coast Highway. Tents must be vacated by 12:00pm
midday on Saturday 30 June. Roads will reopen at approximately 11:00am with load zone operational from
11:30am. Tents must be left in a reasonable state and all signage and personal belongings must be taken with
you. Any BBQs that have been used must be given a general clean and tidy up.

Sunday only Bookings
Items can be dropped off and tents are accessible on the afternoon of Saturday 30 June between 2:00pm and
5:00pm. No vehicles are allowed on site. A ten (10) minute load zone will be established within the race precinct,
indicated on the precinct map which will be provided with team tent details on Friday 8 June. It is recommended
to bring trolleys or some team members to assist as vehicle access will not be immediately up to the tent
entrance, but only to designated load zone area on the Gold Coast Highway. Tents must be vacated by 3:30pm on
Sunday 1 July. Roads will reopen at approximately 2:30pm with load zone operational from 3:00pm. Tents must
be left in a reasonable state and all signage and personal belongings must be taken with you. Any BBQs that have
been used must be given a general clean and tidy up.

Weekend Bookings
Items can be delivered and collected to and from your tent within the hours indicated above. Please dispose of
rubbish and leave your tent in a reasonable state between events. Your tent will be “refreshed” between
Saturday and Sunday; bins will be emptied and ice replenished. Where applicable, BBQs will also be
cleaned. Anything outside of these tasks is the team’s responsibility.

Security and Risk
Security will monitor the area on Saturday 30 June and Sunday 1 July, however while all care is taken, GCM shall
take no responsibility for any loss or damage to any team’s stock, equipment, reputation and goodwill that may
result for whatever reason, either before, during or after the event. GCM recommends that the team has in place
all appropriate insurances and takes all reasonable precautions in regards to the safekeeping of valuables.

Teams must not adhere or affix to, write on, screw into, hammer or modify the supplied structure. Nor shall a
team member insert any item under the surface of the tent without first seeking permission. If damage is made to
any equipment or property associated with the event by the team, the Company is liable for such damage and
should inform the GCM office immediately.

Booking and Refund Conditions
Tent bookings close at Thursday 31 May 2018. The Tent Booking form and full payment must be received by Gold
Coast Marathon (GCM) on or before 31 May to confirm the booking. Upon cancellation, no refund or credit of any
nature in relation to the tent package(s) and/or ancillary items, is provided for any reason whatsoever, or in any
circumstances, unless and to the extent that the Event Organiser is required to provide a refund or payment at

Force Majeure
No party is liable for any failure to perform or delay in performing its obligations under this Agreement (other
than obligation to pay money) if that failure or delay is due to anything beyond GCM’s reasonable control
including fire, storm, flood, wet weather, earthquake, explosion, war, invasion, rebellion, sabotage and epidemic.
If that failure or delay exceeds 30 days, the other party may terminate the Agreement with immediate effect by
giving notice to GCM. Neither party shall be liable to the other for any breach of any term of this Agreement if
such breach arose by reason.
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