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THE LEADING NORTH AMERICAN MAGAZINE FOR ACCESS INDUSTRY INFORMATION Official North American magazine of the International Powered Access Federation 2021 MEDIA INFORMATION MEMBER OF: www.khl.com www.khl.com/alh
THE BRAND ACCESS, LIFT & HANDLERS No other B2B magazine covers the access, telehandler and vertical markets like MAGAZINE WEBSITE ALH does. From exclusive executive interviews and market reports, to podcasts, videos and social media, Access, Lift & Handlers provides topical content across ACCESS, LIFT & HANDLERS A KHL Group Publication multiple platforms. ACCESS n TELEHANDLERS n MASTS AND HOISTS n BUSINESS REPORTS n PEOPLE AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2020 VOLUME 16 n ISSUE 6 www.khl.com/alh INTERVIEW: Zoomlion North America PRODUCTS: Tires ACCESS, LIFT & HANDLERS Specialty While 2020 started out strong, it quickly crumbled under the force of Covid-19. But ALH forged on. We MEWPs A KHL Group Publication Batteries Rotating ACCESS n TELEHANDLERS n MASTS AND HOISTS n BUSINESS REPORTS n PEOPLE AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2020 VOLUME 16 n ISSUE 6 www.khl.com/alh telehandlers INTERVIEW: Zoomlion North America pivoted when the market needed it, providing more digital content and information than ever before. In- PRODUCTS: Tires Specialty MEWPs Batteries Rotating telehandlers person conferences were moved to virtual platforms. Video interviews were conducted online. Webinars OFFICIAL NORTH AMERICAN MAGAZINE OFFICIAL NORTH AMERICAN MAGAZINE were created to address industry concerns. ALH has long informed and influenced its audience, and it built upon its strengths throughout 2020 to come out even stronger. With a revamped website, visitors to www.khl.com/alh will find not only breaking news, but in-depth features, podcasts and videos. With 21 editors spread across the globe, KHL has the ability to constantly 13,257 7,452 update our content. Whether you’re looking for product walk-arounds or financial results, we guarantee CIRCULATION PAGE VIEWS* you’ll find the latest, most up-to-date information. Our dynamic circulation of more than 13,000 readers trusts ALH to provide researched and relevant 8 information that shapes decisions and bottom lines. ALH lives and breathes the market – and has for ISSUES PER YEAR SOURCE: GOOGLE ANALYTICS more than 15 years. Google Analytics is the most widely used web analytics service on the internet and considered the most accurate. *Web stats are the averages for the three months from May-July 2020. Publisher’s own data. www.khl.com/alh
THE BRAND MORE THAN JUST A MAGAZINE, ALH AND KHL GROUP OFFER A WIDE-RANGE OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES SUITED FOR THE MARKET NEWSLETTER TOP LISTS DIRECTORY SOCIAL MEDIA EVENTS 5,450 3 YEARLY 7,480 ACCESS, LIFT & HANDLERS WEEKLY TOP LISTS ACCESS CONFERENCE 2021 DISTRIBUTION PER YEAR YEARBOOK 1,528 4,724 accessliftandhandlers @khlgroupalh AVERAGE (JULY 2020) In-depth reporting of the The new online Access PUBLISHER’S OWN DATA North American telehandler, Yearbook provides information aerial and MCWP rental on suppliers and equipment industries. used in the global access 1,042 186 accessliftandhandlers access-lift-and-han- sector, along with full market dlers-magazine information. Social media stats are as at August 2020 www.khl.com/alh
CIRCULATION IF YOU’RE LOOKING TO INFLUENCE THE RIGHT AUDIENCE THROUGH A DYNAMIC, STRONG VEHICLE, ALH WILL DRIVE YOU THERE MAGAZINE ALH reaches the people you aim to do business with. From independent and large rental companies to regional and national contractors, ALH’s highly targeted ACCESS, LIFT & HANDLERS readership is constantly fine-tuned by our dedicated circulation team. A KHL Group Publication ACCESS n TELEHANDLERS n MASTS AND HOISTS n BUSINESS REPORTS n PEOPLE ALH is the fabric of the industry. We reach: AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2020 VOLUME 16 n ISSUE 6 www.khl.com/alh INTERVIEW: Zoomlion North America PRODUCTS: Tires l Aerial platform and telehandler rental companies Specialty ACCESS, LIFT & HANDLERS MEWPs A KHL Group Publication Batteries Rotating ACCESS n TELEHANDLERS n MASTS AND HOISTS n BUSINESS REPORTS n PEOPLE AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2020 telehandlers VOLUME 16 n ISSUE 6 www.khl.com/alh INTERVIEW: l Mast climbing work platform dealers and distributors Zoomlion North America PRODUCTS: Tires Specialty MEWPs Batteries Rotating telehandlers l Original equipment manufacturers and suppliers OFFICIAL NORTH AMERICAN MAGAZINE OFFICIAL NORTH AMERICAN MAGAZINE l All IPAF, California Rental Association and Scaffold & Access Industry Association members Access, Lift & Handlers can ensure your advertising spend is targeted toward current 13,257 and active buyers of access equipment through our unique Proof of Performance (PoP) indicator. Through PoP, we can demonstrate exactly who reads our magazine and CIRCULATION guarantee those readers are relevant to your business. In addition to PoP, our regularly conducted readership surveys and yearly Signet Ad Study scrutinize each page of each ALH issue. The results provide us with detailed and valuable feedback that keeps our finger on the pulse of the market. If your company operates worldwide, request a media pack from our sister publication, Access International, to see further advertising opportunities. For more information, or to advertise, please contact Tony Radke: tony.radke@khl.com | +1 602 721 6049 www.khl.com/alh
CIRCULATION BREAKDOWN BY BUSINESS TYPE Aerial Platform Rental Companies 3,845 General Equipment Rental 2,651 Contractors 2,784 Manufacturer/Distributor/Equipment Sales 1,458 Scaffolding/Masonry Contractors 1,591 897 Other - Consultant/Finance 398 1,809 510 NEW YORK Utility Companies 133 CALIFORNIA ILLINOIS Industrial Maintenance 133 1,099 ALH has a dedicated circulation Training 133 TEXAS 345 team that identifies key regions based on GDP and Airports/Ports & Shipbuilding 133 construction output. The team FLORIDA follows market trends and growth areas, directing ALH’s BY REGION circulation accordingly to Canada: 1,193 market hotspots. Our readership is constantly USA: 11,799 scrutinized and updated to ensure the right people receive Mexico: 265 and read ALH. We don’t simply focus on growing circulation: quality is of utmost importance. TOTAL: 13,257 www.khl.com/alh
2021 EDITORIAL PROGRAM JAN-FEB MARCH APRIL MAY-JUNE TOP LIST PRODUCTS PREVIEWS TOP LIST 2 0 2 1 • Telescopic booms • Electric scissors International Rental Exhibition 15-17 June 2021 MECC Maastricht, The Netherlands SHOW GUIDES FEATURES PRODUCTS SHOW GUIDES • Used equipment • Track-based units 2 0 2 1 • Drones • Compact telehandlers International Rental Exhibition • Economic report - OEMs 15-17 June 2021 MECC Maastricht, The Netherlands FEATURES PRODUCTS PRODUCTS • Direct electric drive • Vertical-mast units/low-level • Attachments access • Telehandlers • Truck-mounts BONUS DISTRIBUTION FROM FEATURES OUR BOOTH: FEATURES • Rental software APEX • Engines • Economic report - rental International Rental Exhibition • Training – VR/AR/online BONUS DISTRIBUTION FROM OUR BOOTH: FREE MARKET RESEARCH FREE MARKET RESEARCH: CRA Rental Rally F REE independent advertising World of Concrete How do you measure recall and readership of your advertisements? research for full pages or larger Advertise in the May–June issue of Access, Lift & Handlers with a full page or greater and we will provide IAPAs/Summit you with an independent, detailed advertising report that not only measures recall and readership but BONUS DISTRIBUTION FROM also the awareness, familiarity and perception of your brand. OUR BOOTH: APEX This independent brand feedback from our loyal readership can help you shape the strategic direction of your brand. International Rental Exhibition www.khl.com/alh
2021 EDITORIAL PROGRAM JULY AUG-SEP OCTOBER NOV-DEC PREVIEWS SHOW GUIDES TOP LIST PREVIEWS ACCESS, LIFT & HANDLERS ACCESS, LIFT & HANDLERS CONFERENCE CONFERENCE &AWARDS2021 &AWARDS2021 PRODUCTS PREVIEWS SHOW GUIDES PRODUCTS • MCWPs and hoists • Manually propelled MEWPs • RT scissors • Trailer-mounts BONUS DISTRIBUTION FROM FEATURES OUR BOOTH: • Telematics and connected CRA Rental Rally jobsites World of Concrete BONUS DISTRIBUTION FROM PRODUCTS PRODUCTS OUR BOOTH: • Rotating telehandlers • Articulated booms ALH C&A • Specialty MEWPs • Batteries SAIA Annual • Fall protection The Utility Expo FEATURES FEATURES • Maintenance EDITORIAL DEADLINES • Tires • Autonomous equipment • ANSI updates Editorial can be submitted to BONUS DISTRIBUTION FROM editor Lindsey Anderson a month OUR BOOTH: BONUS DISTRIBUTION FROM prior to each issue. ALH C&A SAIA Annual OUR BOOTH: If you wish to receive exact deadlines, contact The Utility Expo APEX Asia Lindsey: lindsey.anderson@khl.com APEX Asia +1 312 929 4409 www.khl.com/alh
MAGAZINE ADVERTISING RATES MAGAZINE US$ RATES NUMBER OF INSERTIONS: 1 3 5 8 ACCESS, LIFT & HANDLERS DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD $5,795 $5,695 $5,595 $5,395 A KHL Group Publication ACCESS n TELEHANDLERS n MASTS AND HOISTS n BUSINESS REPORTS n PEOPLE FULL PAGE $3,995 $3,895 $3,795 $3,595 AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2020 VOLUME 16 n ISSUE 6 www.khl.com/alh INTERVIEW: Zoomlion North America PRODUCTS: HALF PAGE $2,995 $2,895 $2,795 $2,595 Tires Specialty ACCESS, LIFT & HANDLERS MEWPs A KHL Group Publication Batteries Rotating ACCESS n TELEHANDLERS n MASTS AND HOISTS n BUSINESS REPORTS n PEOPLE AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2020 telehandlers VOLUME 16 n ISSUE 6 www.khl.com/alh THIRD PAGE $2,395 $2,295 $2,195 $1,995 INTERVIEW: Zoomlion North America PRODUCTS: Tires Specialty MEWPs Batteries Rotating telehandlers OFFICIAL NORTH AMERICAN MAGAZINE OFFICIAL NORTH AMERICAN MAGAZINE QUARTER PAGE $1,695 $1,595 $1,495 $1,295 FACING MATTER 15% extra on page rates ISLAND POSITION 20% extra on page rates ACCESS, LIFT & HANDLERS APP RICH MEDIA Bringing the most relevant and important news and reviews on the Link additional media to your narr ow FAR-REACHING YET entire North American access market in the latest mobile formats. digital advertisement when Agility is the key to reaching confined s p a c e s . At o n l y 4 f t . 9 i n . (1. 45 m ) , the ultra-narrow width of the Snorkel S2755RT fits in places where a standard width machine would have difficulties. While it can reach a maximum working h e i g h t o f 33 f t . 1 i n . (10 .1m ) , t h i s machine is also lightweight and can be towed on a car trailer between jobs. Add viewed via the Access, to that rugged 4-wheel drive and optional bi-energy for a highly versatile scissor lift that can go the distance on all terrains. By downloading the Access, Lift & Handlers app, readers can: Lift & Handlers app. lA ccess additional rich media such as photo galleries, FIT TO GO FURTHER FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL Snorkel™ at +1 (785) 989-3000 or visit www.snorkellifts.com audio commentary and video footage ©2019 Snorkel. All rights reserved. Images limited to 10 per slide show (JPG or ALH_July.indd 4 7/11/2019 8:30:19 AM PNG only) | Video supplied as MP4 format lD ownload online, enjoy offline (max. 30MB) or YouTube link | Sound supplied as MP3 format (max. 15mb) lD ownload past issues of ALH from the archive Total app opens for the period: Aug 2019 - Jun2020 - 1190 Please send all relevant materials to: production@khl.com For more information, or to advertise, please contact Tony Radke: tony.radke@khl.com | +1 602 721 6049 www.khl.com/alh
MAGAZINE SPECIFICATIONS MAGAZINE DOUBLE PAGE FULL HALF PAGE HALF PAGE ACCESS, LIFT & HANDLERS SPREAD PAGE ISLAND VERTICAL A KHL Group Publication ACCESS n TELEHANDLERS n MASTS AND HOISTS n BUSINESS REPORTS n PEOPLE AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2020 VOLUME 16 n ISSUE 6 www.khl.com/alh INTERVIEW: Zoomlion North America PRODUCTS: Tires Specialty ACCESS, LIFT & HANDLERS MEWPs A KHL Group Publication Batteries Rotating ACCESS n TELEHANDLERS n MASTS AND HOISTS n BUSINESS REPORTS n PEOPLE AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2020 telehandlers VOLUME 16 n ISSUE 6 www.khl.com/alh INTERVIEW: Zoomlion North America PRODUCTS: Tires Specialty MEWPs Batteries Rotating telehandlers OFFICIAL NORTH AMERICAN MAGAZINE OFFICIAL NORTH AMERICAN MAGAZINE 15.75in W x 10.75in H 7.875in W x 10.75in H 4.625in W x 6.625in H 3.375in W x 9.875in H (400mm x 273mm) (200mm x 273mm) (118mm x 168mm) (86mm x 251mm) BLEED SIZE l P lease add 0.125in (3mm) bleed HALF PAGE THIRD PAGE THIRD PAGE QUARTER to all edges of full page and DPS HORIZONTAL VERTICAL HORIZONTAL PAGE ad sizes. COLOR l C MYK only – do not use RGB or spot color BONUS DIGITAL ISSUE l A ll advertisements are included in the digital version of the magazine and are linked to the company website. Please supply 7.062in W x 4.625in H 2.250in W x 9.875in H 7.062in W x 3.125in H 3.375in W x 4.625in H high resolution pdf files. (180mm x 118mm) (57mm x 251mm) (180mm x 80mm) (86mm x 118mm) For more information contact: production@khl.com | +1 262 754 4130 www.khl.com/alh
ALH WEBSITE Advertise with the North American access industry’s trusted choice TOP BILLBOARD MPU 3 for web-based content. The ALH website keeps readers up to date with the latest in breaking news and daily news updates as well as product MPU 1 information, important industry events and shows. MPU 4 WEBSITE WALLPAPER SPECIFICATIONS 1360 n 1360 x 1500 pixels 55 (inc 1024 center gap not visible) SOLUS WALLPAPER SOLUS WALLPAPER SOLUS WALLPAPER SOLUS WALLPAPER n Visible area on most monitors 118 X 700 pixels either side of center gap 1500 700 700 WEBSITE The wallpaper is pinned to the top of the page SPONSORED CONTENT MPU 2 so will not scroll as users move down the page. Creatives display as MPU on mobile devices. 118 118 IN-CONTENT LEADERBOARD BANNER SIZES AND RATES Please note: a maximum of two clients can share one position. 7,452 DESKTOP TABLET MOBILE PAGE VIEWS* TOP BILLBOARD 728 x 90 pixels 468 x 60 pixels 300 x 75 pixels $2,500 MPU 1 300 x 250 pixels 300 x 250 pixels 300 x 250 pixels $2,100 MPU 2 300 x 250 pixels 300 x 250 pixels 300 x 250 pixels $1,700 MPU 3 300 x 250 pixels 300 x 250 pixels 300 x 250 pixels $1,400 SOURCE: GOOGLE ANALYTICS Google Analytics is the most widely MPU 4 300 x 250 pixels 300 x 250 pixels 300 x 250 pixels $700 TERMS & CONDITIONS used web analytics service on the WEBSITE SPONSORED CONTENT Image size: High Res, 3:2 ratio JPEG* $3,350 GIF, JPeg and PNG file formats supported for | Headline (maximum 40 characters inc. spaces) *Images are processed to the best optimized size dependant on viewing device size internet and considered the | Body copy (maximum 250 characters inc. spaces) and to ensure that the image is loaded instantly without delay all creatives | No Flash files | Animated GIFs most accurate. | Click-through URL to article (KHL can host article if needed) supported for websites and apps, but not newsletters | Maximum file size is 50kb unless IN-CONTENT LEADERBOARD 598 x 100 pixels 468 x 60 pixels 300 x 75 pixels $1,700 specified | Third party files and files with *WEB STATS ARE THE AVERAGES FOR THE THREE MONTHS FROM MAY-JULY TARGET CREATIVE WALLPAPER 1360 x 1500 pixels 300 x 250 pixels 300 x 250 pixels $2,850 embedded links must be coded to open a new window | Third-party tags must be scalable | 2020. PUBLISHER’S OWN DATA FEATURES SPONSORSHIP WALLPAPER 1360 x 1500 pixels 300 x 250 pixels 300 x 250 pixels $1,300 All sizes are in pixels | All positions are solus and not rotated unless specified. www.khl.com/alh
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ALH TOP LISTS ASSOCIATIONS ALH aligns itself with relevant INCREASE THE EXPOSURE OF YOUR ADVERTISING MESSAGE. industry associations to TOP LIST ISSUES ARE REFERENCED BY READERS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. provide its members and the ALH keeps readers up-to-date with the latest access market information through our industry-leading industry a trusted means benchmark studies. Top lists appear in select issues throughout the year to highlight the leaders in of communication. various sectors of the industry. These partnerships provide the industry and its important associations a vital means of communication while promoting growth, innovation and market awareness. All members of our partner associations receive and read ALH. A LH is a media partner with the California Rental Association. CRA members who have aerials, telehandlers or mast climbers in their fleets DISTRIBUTED MASTCLIMBER20 Market upswing Mast climber fleet numbers (% CHANGE) MASTCLIMBER20 DISTRIBUTED TELEHANDLER30 RANK 2019 2018 COMPANY HEADQUARTERS FLEET SIZE IN 2019 FLEET SIZE IN 2018 PERCENTAGE CHANGE (2018-2019) WEBSITE Still warm TELEHANDLER30 DISTRIBUTED AERIALS20 Reaching new w hheights AERIALS20 receive and read ALH. WITH THE WITH THE WITH THE 2019 2018 2018-2019 2017 2016 2015 1 1 United Rentals Greenwich, CT 31,420 24,826 26.56% www.ur.com 2 2 Sunbelt Rentals* Fort Mill, SC 18,000 15,000 20.00% www.sunbeltrentals.com A massive partnership propels one TOP 5 2,699 1,459 84.99% 999 1,023 938 The North American telehandler market The access rental industry has been witness to a number Sunbelt, which has an estimated 96,500 3 3 HERC Rentals, Inc.* Park Ridge, NJ 6,200 5,700 8.77% www.hertzequip.com pieces of access equipment in its fleet, grew of the M20’s long-standing top- TOP 10 3,469 2,114 64.09% 1,626 1,613 1,529 is thriving. With double-digit growth of acquisitions over the last year. As the market shifts, A LH is the official magazine 4 5 H&E Equipment Services Baton Rouge, LA 5,900 4,500 31.11% www.he-equipment.com that number by 26 percent, largely due to its M20 4,533 3,142 44.27% 2,694 2,582 2,712 on our annual TELEHANDLER30 expanding footprint. One such company no H&E Equipment Services increased five players into the number one it changes the scope and size of the AERIALS20. M20 5 4 Ahern Rentals Las Vegas, NV 4,974 4,513 10.21% www.ahern.com longer listed due to being purchased is Voisin’s its access fleet size by almost 30 percent. Equipment Rental in Canada. The company position. ALH reports on the market. 6 6 Sunstate Equipment Co. Phoenix, AZ 4,350 3,850 12.99% www.sunstateequip.com listing, the rental industry’s versatile Lindsey Anderson reports on the healthy, active sector. had long been on the AERIALS20 and as of between Fraco Products and Turboiber numbers to reflect market conditions without the last year, had roughly 2,257 units in its access of Blagrave No. 2 Ltd., the parent company of our long-term structural growth strategy. JANUARY– OCTOBER T MAY–JUNE W 7 8 Leavitt Machinery* Langley, BC, Canada 800 730 9.59% www.leavittmachinery.com equipment shows no signs of slowing he number is shocking. The Elevación, a Spanish company with more than partnership, a double-digit increase still exists – ill 2018 go down as the year buyouts of Neff Corp. and BakerCorp. fleet. Sunbelt Canada purchased the company Mabey Inc. for $90 million cash. We continue to capitalize on the opportunity MASTCLIMBER20 list increased 44.27 1,000 mast climbing work platforms, mobile roughly 15 percent or more for the market. 8 8 Equipment Depot Houston, TX 760 800 -5.00% www.eqdepot.com of acquisitions? At the time of While United sits atop the AERIALS20, its for $24.6 million. Another Canadian buy-out presented by our markets through a combination percent this year from 3,142 rentable elevating work platforms and various lifts and Overall, the MASTCLIMBER20 represents 4,533 down. Lindsey Anderson reports. publication, United Rentals surprised nearest competitor, Sunbelt Rentals, is actively happened on July 3, when Sunbelt Canada Looking at the list of organic growth — same-store growth and 9 12 Admar Supply Co. Inc. Rochester, NY 540 415 30.12% www.admarsupply.com MASTS & HOISTS drives to 4,533. While nearly all companies scaffolds in its roster. Fraco, which had 175 units and the top five companies clock in with the industry, again, with its announcement to pursuing market share with greenfield additions acquired the entire share capital of Richlock Geoffrey Drabble, Ashtead Group’s CEO, T greenfields — and bolt-ons as we expand reported increases in their fleet sizes, the jump Masts at work from Superior Scaffold. drives in 2018, reported an increase to 1,100. 2,699 of those. here has been plenty of action across the at 20.19 percent from last year’s 64,543 units purchase BlueLine Rental for $2.1 billion. The and bolt-on locations. The company added Rentals for $9.9 million in cash. described the industry’s recent merger and our geographic footprint and our specialty 10 10 High Reach Co. LLC Sanford, FL 488 445 9.66% www.hr2fl.com North American rental industry over the to this year’s 77,576. comes from the newly formed partnership Despite this large increase, if we adjust the Other major marks come from Mastclimbers deal will add 18,343 pieces of access equipment 30 locations to its roster in 2018 through said On July 17, Sunbelt also acquired the business acquisitions activity as indicative of “a year of businesses. We added 30 new stores in the LLC which boosted its fleet from 131 drives to 11 11 Manulift Sainte-Foy, QC, Canada 450 425 5.88% www.manulift.ca last year. Acquisitions and bolt-ons are The top five companies make up the to United’s already-ballooning 158,330 units, greenfields and bolt-ons, and during the first and assets of Wistar Equipment for $23 million consolidation.” U.S. in the quarter, the majority of which were of the International 260 and Dunlop Mastclimbers from 82 to 160. propelling businesses and overall construction largest chunk of the T30, with 66,494 units which is up 8.57 percent from last year. This fiscal quarter of 2019, it has already made five in cash. And just three days later, on July 20, Sunbelt’s double-digit growth in revenue specialty locations,” Drabble says. RANK NUMBER OF NUMBER OF (% CHANGE) For more facts and information, please see 12 13 Star Rentals* Seattle, WA 425 400 6.25% www.starrentals.com work remains steady. The TELEHANDLER30 representing the big players; this showcases newest purchase follows United’s most-recent acquisitions worth $151.9 million. Sunbelt U.S. acquired the entire share capital “demonstrates the successful execution of For the whole of its fiscal 2018, Sunbelt made 2019 2018 COMPANY NAME DRIVES 2019 DRIVES 2018 2018-2019 LOCATION WEBSITE PHONE our digital edition. ■ backs this up with outstanding growth for 2019 CapEx spend and acquired fleets that toppled 15 acquisitions. 13 14 The ALL Family of Companies (ALL Erection & Crane Rental Corp.) Cleveland, OH 415 375 10.67% www.allcrane.com FEBRUARY ISSUE ISSUE 1 4 Fraco Products Ltd. 1,100 175 528.57% Montreal, Quebec, Canada www.fraco.com 888-372-2648 the entire T30 last year. Number four on our list, H&E Equipment CMC Scaffolding 14 16 Rental Equipment Investment Corp (REIC) Miami, FL 374 291 28.52% www.reicorporation.com For the most part, there aren’t major surprises RANK RANK % CHANGE Services, also saw a big boost in its aerial 2 1 AGF Access Group Inc. 770 675 14.07% Montreal, Quebec, Canada www.agfaccessgroup.com 450-589-8100 12,000-pound maximum or ranking upsets on the TELEHANDLER30 this in San Antonio. 2018 2017 COMPANY FLEET 2018 FLEET 2017 FLEET 2016 2017-2018 HEAD OFFICE WEBSITE PHONE fleet due to two key purchases. The company, 3 2 Brand Safway (Previously Safway Services) 289 245 17.96% Atlanta, GA www.brandsafway.com 800-558-4772 15 15 Ameco* Greenville, SC 310 300 3.33% www.ameco.com year. United Rentals sits at the top with 31,420 up 29.71 percent to 27,346 pieces of access 4 3 Sunbelt Rentals* 280 200 40.00% Asheville, NC www.sunbeltrentals.com 800-667-9328 capacity with 55 feet of maximum units in its fleet, a 25.5 percent increase over 1 1 United Rentals 158,330 145,833 122,331 8.57% Greenwich, CT www.ur.com 800-877-3687 equipment, attributed part of the increase to 16 17 Cloverdale Equipment Co. Oak Park, MI 260 245 6.12% www.cloverdaleequipment.com 5 8 Mastclimbers LLC 260 131 98.47% Atlanta, GA www.mastclimbers.com 678-680-6730 last year. The company recently reported a good 2 2 Sunbelt Rentals* 96,500 76,500 62,500 26.14% Fort Mill, SC www.sunbeltrentals.com 800-667-9328 purchasing Denver-based Contractors Equipment 6 6 TNT Construction Equipment 175 160 9.38% Columbus, WI www.tntequip.com 800-827-6846 17 19 AeroLift Milford, MI 225 194 15.98% www.aeroliftusa.com reach is heavily populated start to 2019, with rental revenue rising by 23 3 3 Herc Rentals* 28,000 27,160 25,867 3.09% Park Ridge, NJ www.hercrentals.com 888-777-2700 Center and Southern-based Rental Inc. percent to a first-quarter record of $1.8 billion. Overall, the AERIALS20 saw another year of 7 5 Klimer Platforms, Inc.* 165 163 1.23% Toronto, Ontario, Canada www.klimer.com 888-526-3262 18 18 Aerial Access Equipment* Belle Chasse, LA 210 209 0.48% www.aae-la.com within rental and end user fleets This represents a 7.2 percent year-on-year 4 5 H&E Equipment Services 27,346 21,083 16,008 29.71% Baton Rouge, LA www.he-equipment.com 877-410-4242 double-digit growth, expanding 10.97 percent to Powered Access Federation 8 14 Dunlop Mastclimbers 160 82 95.12% Boston, MA www.dunlopmastclimbers.com 617-393-0199 increase. 5 4 Ahern Rentals 27,231 23,694 18,868 14.93% Las Vegas, NV www.ahern.com 800-400-1610 a total of 413,934 units. The top five companies 19 21 Ideal Crane Rental Inc. Madison, WI 192 165 16.36% www.idealcranerental.com throughout North America. ISSUE 9 7 Bracing Systems* 140 135 3.70% Chicago, IL www.bracingsystems.com 630-665-2732 United reaffirmed its full-year outlook, with saw a 14.65 percent increase in total from 20 20 NMC* Omaha, NE 180 175 2.86% www.nebraskamachinery.com total revenue for 2019 expected to be between 6 7 Sunstate Equipment 20,350 19,100 18,000 6.54% Phoenix, AZ www.sunstateequip.com 888-399-4826 294,270 units last year to 337,407 this year. > 10 9 Sun Scaffold & Supply 130 130 0.00% Carnation, WA www.sunscaffold.com 800-813-7780 11 10 JD Long Masonry 110 100 10.00% Lorton, VA www.jdlongmasonry.com 703-550-8880 MATTHEW ELVIN, CEO, Xtreme Manufacturing $9.15 and $9.55 billion. Capital expenditure is > 7 6 BlueLine Rental 18,434 21,000 20,800 -12.22% The Woodlands, TX www.bluelinerental.com 866-610-BLUE 21 22 ABLE Equipment Rental Deer Park, NY 176 164 7.32% www.ableequipment.com 12 11 Masonomics* 90 90 0.00% Richmond, VA www.masonomics.com 804-714-0095 8 9 Equipment Depot 5,840 5,000 5,000 16.80% Waco, TX www.eqdepot.com 800-835-2128 22 23 Western One Rentals* Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada 140 135 3.70% www.westernone.ca I believe we are nearing 13 12 UBS* 90 85 5.88% New Rochelle, NY www.ubs1.com 800-582-0070 9 8 Briggs Equipment* 5,075 5,055 5,050 0.40% Dallas, TX www.briggsequipment.com 214-630-0808 14 13 NorthEast Mast Climbers 86 83 3.61% Philadelphia, PA www.northeastmastclimbers.com 877-435-6224 23 24 Battlefield Equipment* Ottawa, ON, Canada 113 105 7.62% www.battlefieldequipment.ca 10 10 Star Rentals 4,030 4,030 3,750 0.00% Olympia, WA www.starrentals.com 800-825-7880 the top of the bell curve and 15 15 Leidal & Hart Mason Contractors 85 80 6.25% Detroit, MI www.leidalandhart.com 734-522-2400 24 25 Associated Supply Company, Inc. Lubbock, TX 111 105 5.71% www.ascoeq.com 11 11 High Reach Co.* 3,075 2,977 2,500 3.29% Sanford, FL www.hr2fl.com 800-860-1648 16 15 Calvert Masonry* 80 80 0.00% Manassas, VA www.calvertmasonry.com 703-335-2128 things will start to level out. 25 26 Wagner Rentals* Ashland, KY 105 96 9.38% www.wagnerrental.com 12 13 Admar Supply Co., Inc 2,770 2,600 2,600 6.54% Rochester, NY www.admarsupply.com 800-836-2367 17 17 Advanced Scaffold Services 73 70 4.29% Passaic, NJ www.advscaffold.com 973-591-0220 13 19 Able Equipment Rental 2,178 1,361 1,236 60.03% Deer Park, NY www.ableequipment.com 866-468-2666 The results in North America. Every 18 16 EZ Scaffold 72 70 2.86% Nashville, TN www.ezscaffold.com 800-699-6831 26 27 Kirby-Smith Machinery Oklahoma City, OK 103 90 14.44% www.kirby-smith.com 14 16 All Aerials (All Family of Companies) 2,100 2,100 2,100 0.00% Cleveland, OH www.allcrane.com 216-986-5190 19 18 CMC Scaffolding 66 65 1.54% Dallas, TX www.cmcscaffolding.com 866-692-8591 27 29 Stevenson Crane Service Bolingbrook, IL 100 80 25.00% www.stevensoncrane.com 20 19 Lynn Ladder and Scaffolding Co., Inc. 58 61 -4.92% Lynn, MA www.lynnladder.com 800-225-2510 Research for Access, Lift & Handlers’ M20 was 15 15 Simplex Equipment Rental 1,801 2,150 2,050 -16.23% Montreal, Canada www.simplex.ca/en 800-361-1486 conducted in the winter of 2018 with the help of 28 31 Bigge Crane and Rigging Co. San Leandro, CA 95 75 26.67% www.bigge.com 16 20 American Scissor Lift 1,350 1,175 1,125 14.89% Stockton, CA www.americanscissor.com 209-466-3867 21 21 Marr Scaffolding Company 55 54 1.85% Boston, MA www.marrscaffolding.com 617-269-7200 industry experts, manufacturers and fleet owners. 22 22 Northern Mast Climbers 37 31 19.35% Skaneateles, NY www.northernmastclimbers.com 800-321-9002 We would like to thank those who contributed 29 31 Illini Hi-Reach, Inc. Crown Point, IN 95 75 26.67% www.ihi-reach.com 17 18 WesternOne Equipmment Sales & Rentals 1,340 1,340 1,300 0.00% Calgary, Alberta, Canada www.westernone.ca 877-875-9378 23 20 USA Hoist 30 55 -45.45% Chicago, IL www.usahoist.com 773-486-6900 information or responded to our questionnaire. To 30 32 AirWorx Construction Equipment & Supply* Indianapolis, IN 65 60 8.33% www.airworxcorp.com 18 21 Stephenson's Rental Services, Inc. 1,200 1,050 1,026 14.29% Mississauga, Ontario, Canada www.stephensons.ca 416-209-1562 24 23 Goedecke* 30 30 0.00% St. Louis, MO www.vlgoedecke.com 314-652-1810 the best of our knowledge, the list represents the 19 23 Acme Lift Company 1,063 700 682 51.86% Mesa, AZ www.acmelift.com 877-254-0650 top mast-climbing-fleet owners in North America. Total fleet size: 77,576 64,543 20.19% 25 26 Associated Scaffolding Company Inc. 30 25 20.00% Raleigh, NC www.associated-scaffolding.com 800-768-2655 *Denotes estimate If you have any comments or questions, or would United Rentals reported 31,420 NEW N/A Illini Hi-Reach 1,000 N/A N/A N/A Lemont, IL www.hi-reach.com 800-REACH-90 26 24 United Masonry Inc. 28 28 0.00% Alexandria, VA www.umcadfw.com 703-971-6840 like to be included on next year’s listing, please telehandlers in its fleet for 2019. *Denotes estimate 21 17 AGF Access 800 1,450 1,470 -44.83% Quebec, Canada www.groupeagf.com/en/access 877-404-9494 27 25 Trowel Trades Inc. 28 25 12.00% Suwanee, GA www.troweltrades.net 770-271-8825 contact Editor Lindsey Anderson at (312) 929- 28 Superior Scaffold Services 14.29% 4409 or by emailing lindsey.anderson@khl.com 22 22 Ideal Crane Rental, Inc. 796 720 713 10.56% Madison, WI www.idealcranerental.com 608-241-4092 issue of the magazine 27 16 14 Philadelphia, PA www.superiorscaffold.com 215-743-2200 NEW N/A Equipment Finders, Inc. 763 N/A N/A N/A Nashville, TN www.efitn.com 615-313-8334 YOUR MATERIA RIAL SOLUTIONS HANDLED. NEW 25 N/A 24 Accès Location + Kropp Equipment, Inc.* 747 675 N/A 675 N/A 650 N/A 0.00% Quebec, Canada Streamwood, IL www.acceslocation.com www.kroppequipment.com 866-921-2244 866-402-2222 * - estimated 26 25 Randall Industries* 615 610 600 0.82% Elmhurst, IL www.randallind.com 630-833-9100 New York-based Able Equipment Rental had 27 26 Birch Equipment Co., Inc. 525 510 500 2.94% Bellingham, WA www.birchequipment.com 360-734-5744 the largest percent increase on the list. www.manitou.com www.m manitou.ccom 28 ACCESS, LIFT & HANDLERS OCTOBER 2018 OCTOBER 2018 ACCESS, LIFT & HANDLERS 29 carries two pages of news ALH 01 2019 M20 JH LA FINAL.indd 28 09/01/2019 16:08:33 ALH 01 2019 M20 JH LA FINAL.indd 29 09/01/2019 16:08:44 ALH 05-06 2019 Telehandler30 JH LA FINAL.indd 22 20/05/2019 09:14:28 ALH 05-06 2019 Telehandler30 JH LA FINAL.indd 23 20/05/2019 09:13:47 ALH 10 2018 Aerials 20 JH LA FINAL.indd 28 02/10/2018 11:58:59 ALH 10 2018 Aerials 20 JH LA FINAL.indd 29 02/10/2018 11:59:08 MASTCLIMBER20 TELEHANDLER30 AERIALS20 on the activities of IPAF and is distributed to all IPAF ALH’s in-depth coverage of North America’s ALH’s yearly report on North America’s The definitive listing of North America’s top members. largest MCWP and hoist-renting companies telehandler market. Rental companies are ranked aerial-renting companies ranked by fleet size. ranked by total number of drives within fleets. by total number of telehandlers within their The list includes scissors, booms, towables and A LH is the media partner fleets. vertical mast machines. of the Scaffold & Access Industry Association (SAIA). ALH attends every SAIA Take advantage of the added benefits these top lists provide advertisers along with our regular features. event and is distributed to Be sure to confirm your advertising space early as premium positions alongside these top lists sell out quickly. all SAIA members. To sponsor an ALH Top List please contact Tony Radke: tony.radke@khl.com | +1 602 721 6049 www.khl.com/alh
ALH CONFERENCE 2021 THE ALH CONFERENCE IS NORTH AMERICA’S ESSENTIAL ACCESS AND RENTAL CONFERENCE. WHETHER VIRTUAL OR IN-PERSON, THE ALH ACCESS, LIFT & HANDLERS CONFERENCE PROVIDES THE MOST-RELEVANT INDUSTRY INFORMATION CONFERENCE FROM OUR MARKET’S LEADING EXPERTS. 2021 While the 2020 ALH Conference had to switch to a virtual platform, we hope 2021 will offer us a face-to-face opportunity to educate and network. When attending the ALH Conference, participants can expect a range of topics to be covered, all with the goal of “I think anytime you get a group helping companies successfully navigate current markets. together with common interests – where they can share ideas on how WHY ATTEND? WHO ATTENDS? WHY SPONSOR? to promote the industry and how l Meet fellow professionals l Rental companies l P romote your company, brand, products to promote effective operational and services to key equipment buyers l Learn from industry experts l Equipment dealers improvements - is great. It’s an l D emonstrate your commitment to l Network with customers l Manufacturers opportunity for the industry industry education and professionalism l Renew friendships l Used equipment brokers to learn from one another and l Increase brand loyalty by supporting a l Understand market trends l End users beneficial industry event collectively it will make us better l Meet peers from other markets l Finance providers l N etwork with key existing and potential in the marketplace.” customers l Industry associations Larry Silber, CEO & President, Herc Rentals l U se the event to support a sales l Consultants/analysts promotion or marketing initiative l Benefit from exposure before, during and after the event via the website and marketing campaigns For sponsorship information or opportunities, please contact Tony Radke: tony.radke@khl.com | +1 602 721 6049 www.alh-ca.com
IAPAS 2021 APEX 2021 The APEX access equipment exhibition will celebrate its 10th edition in 2021 by returning to the city of Maastricht, The Netherlands, where the event was first held in 1996. The show will take place at the MECC exhibition and convention center in Maastricht on June 15-17, 2021, going back to the city following two editions when it was held at the Amsterdam RAI. The next IPAF Summit and International Awards for Powered Access (IAPAs) will be held in London on 18 March 2021 at the Millennium Gloucester Hotel London Kensington. APEX will again be supported by the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) – which has been involved in the show since its launch – and co-located with the WHY SPONSOR? European Rental Association’s annual convention as well as the International Rental Exhibition (IRE), ensuring important rental buyers will be in attendance. l T he IPAF Summit is a high-profile l T he evening before the IPAF Summit conference that brings together senior and IAPAs, IPAF holds an informal representatives from across the access drinks reception perfect for networking WHY EXHIBIT? community to discuss and debate the and meeting new peers lP romote your project and solutions lN etwork with investors, entrepreneurs latest developments in our industry at this leading global event and delegates l T he morning following the Summit and lR each a global audience at the lE nhance your brand awareness l T he IAPAs are the most prestigious IAPAs, a site visit to a rental company international meeting point and gain media exposure and respected global awards in or manufacturer is arranged for l F orge new collaborations with key lA cquire expert knowledge from our industry attendees decision makers global thought leaders For sponsorship information or opportunities, please contact For more information, please contact Tony Radke: tony.radke@khl.com | +1 602 721 6049 Tony Radke: tony.radke@khl.com | +1 602 721 6049 www.iapa-summit.info www.apexshow.com
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KHL DIGITAL SOLUTIONS Continued SPONSORED SPONSORED CONTENT WHITE NEWSLETTER & VIDEOS WEBINARS PAPERS A White Paper by KHL Group and International Rental News sponsored by Infor Business transformation in 2018: operational challenges and IT solutions in the construction equipment market January 2018 Copyright © 2018 KHL Group, All rights reserved www.khl.com Branding on a newsletter dedicated Sponsored content creates reader Engage and interact with an White Papers, which explain technical to your company sent to our readers. engagement when written in a international audience. Share your issues on topics such as the Supply content and artwork and newsworthy format. It displays in a content for conferences, technical environment, health & safety, machine our production team will design a prominent position on the magazine topics, marketing, online courses, and efficiency are very effective lead newsletter to send out on your behalf. homepage. so much more. generators. Promote your White Paper A great way to advertise your products PRICE PER MONTH FROM Our Digital Team will provide the insight throughout the magazine’s website and services in a format our readers 5,000 and support to make your webinar a in prominent positions to deliver are familiar with. success without the headache. We can targeted sales. PRICE PER ISSUE FROM provide the total webinar service with PRICE ON APPLICATION 8,450 Sponsored videos of 1-3 minutes are hosting, moderating, promoting and ideal in capturing your audience. Placed recording or any element of that. on a high profile portal on the magazine PRICE ON APPLICATION homepage and on KHL’s YouTube channel. PRICE PER MONTH FROM 3,500 For more information please contact Peter Watkinson: peter.watkinson@khl.com | +44 1892 786240 www.khl.com
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CONTACT US KHL OFFICES USA HEAD OFFICE KHL Group Americas LLC 3726 East Ember Glow Way, Phoenix, AZ 85050, USA Tel: +1 480 659 0578 USA CHICAGO OFFICE KHL Group Americas LLC 205 W. Randolph Street, ACCESS, LIFT & HANDLERS TEAM Suite 1320, Chicago, IL 60606, USA TONY RADKE LINDSEY ANDERSON EUAN YOUDALE Tel: +1 312 496 3314 Sales Manager Editor International Editor USA WAUKESHA OFFICE Tel: +1 602 721 6049 Tel: +1 312 929 4409 Tel: +44 (0)1892 786214 20855 Watertown Road, e-mail: tony.radke@khl.com e-mail: lindsey.anderson@khl.com e-mail: euan.youdale@khl.com Suite 220, Waukesha, WI 53186-1873, USA Tel: +1 262 754 4100 UNITED KINGDOM (Head Office) KHL Group LLP Southfields, Southview Road, Wadhurst, East Sussex, TN5 6TP, UK Tel: +44 (0)1892 784 088 GERMANY OFFICE KHL Group, Niemöllerstr. 9 73760 Ostfildern (Stuttgart), Germany. Tel: +49 (0)711 3416 7471 GLOBAL SALES REPRESENTATIVES CHINA OFFICE NORTH AMERICA UK/IRELAND FRANCE GERMANY/SPAIN KHL Group China Tony Radke Ollie Hodges Hamilton Pearman Petra Kaiser Room 769, Poly Plaza, No.14, South Dong Tel: +1 602 721 6049 Tel: +44 (0)1892 786253 Tel: +33 (0)1 45930858 Tel: +49 (0)711 3416 7472 Zhi Men Street, Dong Cheng District, e-mail: tony.radke@khl.com e-mail: ollie.hodges@khl.com e-mail: hpearman@wanadoo.fr e-mail: petra.kaiser@khl.com Beijing 100027, P.R. China Tel: +86 (0)10 6553 6676 ITALY THE NETHERLANDS/BELGIUM SWITZERLAND/AUSTRIA/ TURKEY SOUTH AMERICA OFFICE Fabio Potestà SCANDINAVIA/LUXEMBOURG EASTERN EUROPE Emre Apa KHL Group Américas LLC Tel: +39 010 5704948 Arthur Schavemaker Simon Battersby Tel: +90 532 3243616 Av. Manquehue 151, of 1108, Las Condes, e-mail: info@mediapointsrl.it Tel: +31 (0)547 275005 Tel: +49 711 34 16 74 70 e-mail: emre.apa@apayayincilik.com.tr Santiago, Chile e-mail: arthur@kenter.nl e-mail: simon.battersby@khl.com Tel: +56 2 2885 0321 CHINA JAPAN KOREA Cathy Yao Michihiro Kawahara Simon Kelly Tel: +86 (0)10 65536676 Tel: +81 (0)3 32123671 Tel: +44 (0)1892 786223 e-mail: cathy.yao@khl.com e-mail: kawahara@rayden.jp e-mail: simon.kelly@khl.com www.khl.com www.khl.com/alh
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