€4 - FOUNDED 1883 - 5 GENERATIONS OF SUCCESS Special Online Auction of Antiques, Fine Art, Silver & Collectables Featuring Estate of Stan and ...

€4 - FOUNDED 1883 - 5 GENERATIONS OF SUCCESS Special Online Auction of Antiques, Fine Art, Silver & Collectables Featuring Estate of Stan and ...
    Special Online Auction of Antiques, Fine Art, Silver & Collectables
Featuring Estate of Stan and Catherine Cussen late of ‘Ashleam, Monkstown,
                        and other clients and estates

€4 - FOUNDED 1883 - 5 GENERATIONS OF SUCCESS Special Online Auction of Antiques, Fine Art, Silver & Collectables Featuring Estate of Stan and ...
138 years serving the people of Cork
                                            ONLINE AUCTION
                                  Antiques, Fine Art, Silver & Collectables
                                    Saturday March 13th 2021 at 11am
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  ANTIQUES, FINE ART, & COLLECTABLES                                            ANTIQUES, FINE ART, & COLLECTABLES
    CONTENTS FROM ESTATE OF JEAN                                                CONTENTS WITHIN ‘MILLBORO HOUSE’,
WITHRINGTON DECEASED, LATE OF ‘SALEENS’,                                                  LEE ROAD, CORK
         CARRIGALINE, CO. CORK                                                     Summer 2021 – details to follow
      April 10th - Entries Now Invited
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   When the Forename(s) and Surname of the Artist are given, in our opinion this is a work of the Artist.
   When the Initials of the Forename(s) and the Surname of the Artist are given, in our opinion this is a work of the period of the Artist
which may be wholly or partly his work.
   When the Surname only of the Artist is given, in our opinion this is a work by the school, or by one of the followers of the artist, or in his
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                        Joseph WOODWARD & Sons, Ltd.
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€4 - FOUNDED 1883 - 5 GENERATIONS OF SUCCESS Special Online Auction of Antiques, Fine Art, Silver & Collectables Featuring Estate of Stan and ...
1. Assorted lot of or-     9. French style brass
   naments, glassware,        and marble stand-
   etc. in box                ard lamp with foli-
                              ate decoration

2. Edwardian nest of      10. Edwardian mahog-
   three tables with          any tea table with
   reeded borders, on         fold-over top, frieze
   turned legs                drawer with brass
                              handle, on square
3. Edwardian oak          11. Victorian oblong
   window seat with           stool with criss-
   foliate upholstered        cross leather top,
   top                        turned columns and
4. Edwardian gilt tri-    12. Ornate gilt framed
   ple dressing mirror        bevelled glass wall
   with foliate and and       mirror with foliate
   shell decoration           decoration

5. Edwardian style ob-    13. Edwardian design
   long occasional ta-        oblong occasional
   ble on square legs         table with carved
                              border, on cabriole
                              legs with claw on
                              ball feet
6. Regency design gilt
   framed wall mirror     14. Aboriginal oblong
   with shell and             carved oval table
   scroll decoration          with turned legs

7. Cased replica clock
   with miniature bot-    15. Regency design
   tles and casks             cheval mirror with
                              reeded border and
                              stretcher, on shaped
8. Metal railed clothes
€4 - FOUNDED 1883 - 5 GENERATIONS OF SUCCESS Special Online Auction of Antiques, Fine Art, Silver & Collectables Featuring Estate of Stan and ...
16. Edwardian style        23. Oriental bamboo
    mahogany oblong            magazine or book
    coffee table with          table with bird and
    reeded borders, lyre       foliate decoration
    shaped supports,
    brass lionclaw cas-
    tors                   24. Victorian mahog-
                               any serpentine
17. Edwardian style            fronted commode
    small bureau with          with lift-up lid, on
    fall-down front,           turned legs
    pull-out supports,
    serpentine fronted     25. Louis XV French
    drawers with brass         secretaire "en Ab-
    drop handles, on           bant" with brass
    bracket feet               gallery, serpentine
18. Antique Caucasian          fronted frieze
    rug 91.83 x 1.31m          drawer, interior fit-
                               ted with drawers,
                               drop-down front,
                               drawers under with
                               brass drop handles
19. Victorian oak round        and escutcheons, on
    occasional table           plinth
    with tip-up top,       26. Edwardian mahog-
    vase turned col-           any Pembroke table
    umn, on hipped tri-        with drop leaves,
    pod                        rounded borders,
20. Edwardian design           pull-out supports,
    inlaid and cross-          on square tapering
    banded hall table          legs
    with frieze drawer,    27. French style oblong
    on shaped legs             glass topped coffee
                               table with ornate
21. Edwardian mahog-
                               foliate decoration,
    any three tier ser-
                               on shaped legs
    pentine fronted
    shelf unit with        28. Ornate carved tim-
    reeded borders and         ber electric table
    turned columns             lamp, with reeded
22. Victorian oak circu-       shaped column and
    lar occasional or          circular base
    coffee table with
    vase shaped col-
    umn, on splayed tri-
€4 - FOUNDED 1883 - 5 GENERATIONS OF SUCCESS Special Online Auction of Antiques, Fine Art, Silver & Collectables Featuring Estate of Stan and ...
29. Ornate carved elec-    35. Victorian mahog-
    tric table lamp with       any bow fronted
    baluster reeded col-       sideboard with
    umn on circular            frieze drawer, burr
    base with shaped           fronted napery, two
    legs                       side presses, li-
                               onmask brass drop
30. Victorian oak Pem-
                               handles, on turned
    broke table with D-
                               tapering legs
    shaped drop leaves,
    pull-out gateleg       36. Victorian walnut
    supports, on square        hexagonal shaped
    tapering legs with         sewing table with
    pad feet                   fitted interior, on
                               hexagonal tapering
31. Edwardian inlaid
                               column, on foliate
    mahogany two tier
                               carved tripod
    occasional table
    with reeded bor-       37. Edwardian mahog-
    ders, turned col-          any swivel mirror
    umns, beehive              with reeded col-
    turned column, on          umns, brass finials,
    quadrapod                  on bracket feet
32. Pair of small cast     38. Edwardian bracket
    iron garden vases          clock with circular
                               dial and serpentine

33. Set of Edwardian       39. Edwardian round
    brass fire imple-          mahogany dressing
    ments with ball            stool by Brooks &
    shaped tops                Co

34. Edwardian oval         40. Victorian mahog-
    helmet shaped brass        any Pembroke table
    coal bucket with           with drop leaves,
    round base and             pull-out gateleg
    shaped handle              support, on turned
                               tapering legs
                           41. Edwardian mahog-
                               any nest of three ta-
                               bles with cham-
                               fered legs and
42. Set of eight brass     49. Nest of three tables
    and copper sauce-          with square legs
    pans with long han-        and stretchers

43. Edwardian style        50. William IV square
    brass jardiniere           mahogany break-
    stand with railed          fast or library table
    sides, on shaped           with tip-up top,
    legs                       reeded borders, on
                               turned tapering col-
44. Victorian walnut           umn with collar,
    stool with foliate         round plinth,
    upholstery, on X-          splayed legs with
    shaped frame with          scroll feet
                           51. Victorian mahog-
45. Georgian mahog-            any Pembroke table
    any chest on chest         with D-shaped drop
    with herringbone           leaves, swivel top,
    inlay, 2 short and 5       on four turned col-
    long drawers, oval         umns, with turned
    brass drop handles,        stretchers and
    on bracket feet            splayed legs
46. Italianate circular    52. Bronzed electric
    carved stand deco-         bankers lamp with
    rated with scroll          shaped base and
    reeded and lionhead        multi-coloured
    carvings, on shaped        shade
    columns with con-
    cave plinth, on        53. Ornate porcelain jar
    carved lionclaw            with multi-coloured
    feet                       Art Deco decora-
47. Mongolian needle-
    point tapestry 1.2 x
    1.8m                   54. Edwardian style ob-
                               long window seat
                               or stool covered
                               with foliate deco-
48. French style ormolu        rated upholstery
    chandelier with fac-
    eted drops and foli-
    ate decoration
55. Edwardian mahog-       62. Oriental plaque
    any dropleaf table         with figured and
    with pull-out sup-         scenic decoration
    ports, rounded cor-
    ners, frieze drawer
    with turned han-
    dles, on turned legs   63. Pair of Guinness
                               advertising ewers
56. Edwardian mahog-           with shaped han-
    any two tier wash-         dles
    stand with frieze
    drawer, separate
    top, on square legs    64. Persian style richly
                               decorated hearth
57. Victorian brass ta-        rug with foliate
    ble oil lamp with          border
    circular bowl and
    base and etched
    cranberry glass        65. Victorian mahog-
    shade                      any library or hall
58. Victorian style            table with rounded
    cranberry glass de-        borders, two frieze
    canter with grape-         drawers, angled
    vine etching               columns, on oblong
                               plinths with ball
59. Victorian mahog-       66. Edwardian mahog-
    any Pembroke table         any commode with
    with drop leaves,          lift-up lid and
    pull-out supports,         turned legs with
    two drawers with           castors
    brass drop handles,
    on turned tapering     67. Poole porcelain bal-
    legs with castors          uster shaped elec-
60. Edwardian mahog-           tric lamp with tim-
    any pedestal desk          ber base
    with three frieze
    drawers, turned
    handles, presses un-   68. Edwardian mahog-
    der, on plinths            any scales case
                               with glazed sides
61. French style ser-          and lift-up front
    pentine fronted
    walnut press with
    shelved interior, on
    cabriole legs
69. Edwardian mahog-       76. Ornate Regency de-
    any Sutherland ta-         sign bevelled glass
    ble with angled cor-       wall mirror with fo-
    ners, gateleg sup-         liate and egg & dart
    ports, on square           decoration
    legs with stretchers
                           77. Small Victorian
70. Edwardian mahog-           footstool with nee-
    any tea table with         dlepoint foliate up-
    fold-over top, gate-       holstery and cabri-
    leg support, on            ole legs
    chamfered legs
                           78. Metal figure of a
71. Edwardian mahog-           sailor on demi-lune
    any Pembroke table         base
    with drop leaves,
    pull-out supports,
    on square tapering
    legs with spade feet   79. Bronzed ornament
72. Edwardian mahog-           of a frog on a lily
    any two tier jardi-        pad
    niere or wig stand
    with tapering
    shaped legs
                           80. Regency rosewood
73. Pair of Oriental           tea table with
    vases of circular          swivel fold-over
    waisted form with          top, rounded bor-
    blue and white sce-        ders, scroll deco-
    nic decoration             rated frieze, on
                               turned tapering col-
74. Oriental style bal-        umn with foliate
    uster shaped vase          collar, on concave
    with foliate decora-       plinth with scroll
    tion                       feet and castors
                           81. Victorian mahog-
                               any circular occa-
75. Edwardian ebon-
                               sional or coffee ta-
    ised and walnut
                               ble on cabriole legs
    floor bookcase or
                               with claw on ball
    display cabinet with
    ornate beaded or-
    molu borders,
    glazed door, lined
    shelved interior,
    drop handle, with
    bracket feet
82. Iranian rug with       89. Pair of miniature
    panelled design            brass vases or can-
                               dle holders with
                               ribbed socles, on
                               stepped plinths

83. Ships or mariners      90. Louis XV style in-
    sextant in presenta-       laid and cross-
    tion case                  banded walnut and
                               mahogany kidney
                               shaped desk woth
                               curved drawer and
84. Mariners brass             presses, brass drop
    compass stamped            handles, inlaid pan-
    'Stanley London' in        els, on turned legs
    box                        with casters and x-
                               shaped stretchers
85. Edwardian style        91. Victorian mahog-
    mahogany occa-             any occasional ta-
    sional table with          ble or converted
    wavy borders,              two tier washstand
    frieze drawer with         with drop leaves,
    brass drop handle,         pull-out supports,
    on cabriole legs           frieze drawer with
    with knuckles              brass handle, on
                               chamfered legs
86. Ornate Regency
    style gilt framed      92. Ornate Regency de-
    wall mirror                sign bevelled glass
                               wall mirror with or-
                               nate foliate decora-
87. Edwardian mahog-
    any three section      93. Victorian mahog-
    Canterbury with            any square pole
    bowed rails, frieze        screen with figured
    drawer, on baluster        needlepoint decora-
    turned tapering legs       tion, turned taper-
                               ing column, on
88. Edwardian style            splayed tripod
    brass desktop timer
    with pen holders,      94. Ornate Tiffany
    on oval base               style lamp with
                               shade, figured col-
                               umn and shaped
95. Edwardian mahog-       101. Victorian mahog-
     any tea table with          any pole screen
     fold-over top,              with figured deco-
     round corners, pull-        ration, ornate scroll
     out gateleg support,        carving, on turned
     on square cham-             column with bar-
     fered legs                  leytwist foliate dec-
                                 orated column, on
 96. Edwardian inlaid
                                 hipped tripod with
     and crossbanded
                                 scroll feet
     mahogany three tier
     bow fronted corner     102. Mariners theodolite
     whatnot with raised         with swivel top and
     gallery, fireze             telescope, in fitted
     drawer with brass           presentation case
     handle, on square
     tapering legs
                            103. Mariners folding
 97. Cast iron boot              brass compass with
     cleaner with horse          swivel stand
     head decoration

                            104. Edwardian gilt
 98. Large painted tim-          framed bevelled
     ber framed wall             glass wall mirror

                            105. Edwardian style in-
 99. Edwardian mahog-            laid walnut and ma-
     any wine or lamp            hogany open book-
     table with pie-crust        shelf with adjusta-
     border, vase turned         ble shelving, on
     reeded column, on           bracket feet
     hipped tripod
                            106. Edwardian walnut
100. Georgian mahog-             low Wellington or
     any dropleaf table          campaign chest of
     with D-shaped drop          three drawers with
     leaves, pullout             bun handles and
     gateleg supports, on        lockable slide
     cabriole legs with
     claw on ball feet
107. Tiffany style Art      114. Ornate bevelled
     Deco electric table         glass wall mirror
     lamp with multi-            with ornate foliate
     coloured shade and          decoration
     baluster body, on
     shaped base
                            115. Edwardian style
108. Cranberry glass             open bookcase with
     flower vase with            adjustable shelving,
     ribbed body and             on plinth
     ruffled rim

                            116. Oval Oriental table
109. Ornate carved tim-          with carved fret-
     ber horse with or-          work, on cabriole
     nate foliate decora-        legs with claw on
     tion                        ball feet

                            117. Small Oriental table
110. Victorian oak long-         with pierced fret-
     case clock with             work and shaped
     swan arch pedi-             legs
     ment, ormolu
     mounts, enamel
     dial with date aper-   118. Models telegraph
     ture, bird and foli-        with handle, on cir-
     ate decoration              cular base
111. Edwardian inlaid
     mahogany two tier
     bow fronted corner
     whatnot with frieze    119. Mariners hand held
     drawer, circular            folding compass in
     handles, on shaped          "Natural Sine"
     tapering legs
112. Bronzed group of a
     jockey on a horse      120. William IV rose-
     on oblong base              wood tea table with
                                 swivel fold-over
                                 top, baluster shaped
                                 column with foliate
113. A bronzed figure of         collar, on shamrock
     William Shake-              shaped plinth with
     speare on circular          scroll feet
121. Ornate Victorian        127. Ivory ground cash-
     brass fireguard with         mere carpet with all
     bird scroll and foli-        over floral design
     ate decoration, on
     scroll shaped legs

122. Georgian walnut         128. Edwardian walnut
     wall clock with              framed cheval mir-
     turned tapering col-         ror with shaped
     umns, shaped fini-           dome top, reeded
     als, herringbone in-         columns with fini-
     lay, enamel dial,            als, on bracket feet
     with inlaid panels,          with castors
     by Ganter Bros
                             129. Oblong gilt framed
                                  bevelled glass wall
123. Ornate bronze elec-          mirror with beaded
     tric uplighter stand-        decoration
     ard lamp with deco-
     rated circular base
                             130. Edwardian inlaid
                                  mahogany games
124. Cast iron garden             table with fold-over
     stand with pierced           top, gateleg sup-
     shape base                   port, reeded bor-
                                  ders, inlaid games
                                  board with mahog-
                                  any ans satinwood,
125. Edwardian style              frieze drawer, on
     mahogany side-               tapering legs with
     board with reeded            spade feet
     border, frieze
     drawer, napery          131. Ornate circular
     drawer, two side             marble topped cast
     presses, circular            iron garden or patio
     brass drop handles,          table with ornate
     on tapering legs             foliate decoration

126. Edwardian inlaid        132. Mariners brass sex-
     mahogany two tier            tant in presentation
     bow fronted corner           box
     whatnot with frieze
     drawer, brass han-
     dles, shaped
     stretcher and taper-
     ing legs
133. Mariners brass ex-       139. Edwardian oak coal
     tending telescope             box with shaped
     with compass, in              brass handles
     presentation box

134. Art Deco style elec-     140. Victorian mahog-
     tric table lamp with          any tea table with
     decorated shade, on           fold-over top,
     baluster shaped col-          rounded corners,
     umn with circular             gateleg support, on
     base                          turned tapering legs
135. Georgian mahog-          141. Eleven piece Doul-
     any bureau book-              ton Burslam break-
     case with dentil              fast service with
     frieze, astragal              wavy rims and foli-
     glazed doors with             ate decoration
     shelved interior,
     reeded brass band,       142. Crown Devon bal-
     fall-down front               uster shaped flower
     with pull-out sup-            vase with ornate
     ports, interior fitted        gilt and foliate dec-
     with drawers and              oration
     pigeon holes, four
     drawers under with       143. Ornate bevelled
     serpentine brass              glass oblong wall
     drop handles, on              mirror with foliate
     bracket feet                  decorated frame

136. Edwardian walnut
     two tier occasional      144. Unusual cast iron
     work table with lift-         Rush lamp with ad-
     up lid, on shaped             justable stand and
     tapering legs                 shaped legs

137. Edwardian brass
     fire kerb with twist     145. Ornate cast iron
     reeded decoration             garden vase with
     and shaped finials            ribbed socles and
                                   shaped handles, on
                                   foliate decorated
138. Brass companion               plinth
     set with ball shaped
     tops and stand
146. Cream ground           153. Seventeen piece
     cashmere carpet             Colcough bone
     with all over floral        china tea service
     pattern with be-            with ornate gilt and
     spoke red border            foliate decoration

147. Mariners extending     154. Oriental style in-
     leather bound brass         verted baluster
     telescope in presen-        shaped vase / lamp
     tation case                 with ornate foliate

148. Ornate mariners        155. Edwardian inlaid
     compass stamped             walnut and mahog-
     West London in              any occasional
     presentation case           dropleaf table, the
                                 leaves with pull-out
                                 supports, with or-
149. Art Deco style Ori-         nate string and foli-
     gami bird shaped            ate inlay, fitted
     lamp on brass col-          frieze drawer,
     umn with circular           turned stretcher on
     base                        oblong plinths with
                                 bun feet
150. Edwardian mahog-
     any Pembroke table     156. Victorian mahog-
     with drop leaves,           any Sutherland ta-
     serpentine shaped           ble with drop
     borders, gateleg            leaves, gateleg sup-
     support, with cham-         port, on turned col-
     fered legs                  umns with reeded
                                 shaped plinths
151. Victorian mahog-
     any two tier circu-    157. Pure silk Mongo-
     lar small dumb-             lian rug 1.5 x .9m
     waiter with vase
     turned columns, on
     hipped tripod
152. Regency design gilt    158. Edwardian oak
     framed shaped mir-          framed oval bev-
     ror with scroll and         elled glass wall
     shell decoration            mirror with beaded
159. Victorian carved        166. Mariners extending
     oak wheel barome-            brass telescope on
     ter, thermometer,            adjustable stand
     circular copper              with tripod
     framed dial and
     scroll decoration
                             167. Mariners brass
160. Pair of Edwardian            small theodolite
     inlaid mahogany              with telescope and
     demi-lune side ta-           compass
     bles / dining table,
     with inlaid friezes,
     on square tapering      168. Oblong hearth rug
     legs with spade              with foliate decora-
     feet, with extra leaf        tion
161. Ornate gilt framed
     bevelled glass wall
     mirror with foliate
     decoration              169. Victorian style oval
                                  footstool with foli-
                                  ate and gilt decora-
162. Pair of Oriental bal-        tion
     uster shaped vases
     with shaped and
     figured handles,        170. Pair of Victorian
     horse and figured            mahogany coffee or
     decoration, on cir-          side tables with
     cular bases                  raised galleries, on
                                  turned tapering legs
163. Edwardian brass
     helmet shaped fuel      171. Pair of stone garden
     bucket with shaped           vases with ribbed
     handle and foliate           socles, on square
     decoration                   bases

164. Set of three brass
     fire implements         172. Ornate cast iron
     with shaped tops             shell shaped bird-
     and matching pair            bath with bird
     of rests                     mounts and pierced
165. Edwardian inlaid
     mahogany corner         173. Cast iron pump
     wall cabinet with            base converted to
     glazed door and              electric lamp
174. Stone garden statue      181. Pair of circular
     of two teddy bears            marble topped jar-
                                   diniere stands with
                                   decorated cast iron

175. Cast iron five piece     182. Four tier wrought
     garden or patio               iron plantstand with
     suite - circular table        circular foliate dec-
     and four open arm-            orated trays
     chairs with bows
     and beehive decora-
     tion                     183. Art Deco style elec-
                                   tric table lamp with
176. Pair of cast iron             multi-coloured pan-
     garden planters               elled shade, balus-
     with wavy rims and            ter shaped column,
     foliate decoration            on circular base
                              184. Art Deco style
177. Pair of ornate                domed triple fire-
     Coalbrookdale style           guard with multi-
     cast iron garden              coloured panels
     bench ends with
     leaf and foliate dec-
     oration                  185. Edwardian mahog-
                                   any Vienna wall
178. Stone boot shaped             clock with shell
     garden planter                decorated frieze,
                                   turned finials, cir-
                                   cular brass double
                                   enamel dial, brass
179. Pair of cast iron
     garden skillet pots      186. Red ground cash-
     with shaped han-              mere rug with floral
     dles                          medallion design

180. Victorian style cast
     iron hallstand with      187. Edwardian design
     ornate scroll deco-           bevelled glass wall
     ration and shaped             mirror in ornate fo-
     hangers                       liate decorated
                                   frame 115x90cm
188. Replica brass ships    195. Pair of hexagonal
     telegraph with han-         topped torchere or
     dle, on round base          plantstands with
                                 turned vase shaped
                                 columns on long
                                 reeded splayed legs
189. 'Daisy Louise'
     model yacht's hull     196. Pair of timber rep-
     keel                        lica cannons on
                                 wheeled carriages

190. Pair of Edwardian
     style bachelors side   197. Pair of Edwardian
     tables with curved          style cast iron
     fronts, pull-out            demi-lune wall
     shelf, drawers un-          planters with ribbed
     der, on reeded ta-          socles
     pering legs
                            198. Edwardian style
191. Pair of Louis XV            bevelled glass wall
     style gilded wall           mirror with foliate
     brackets with ser-          decoration
     pentine shaped              82x54cm
     fronts, ornate shell
     and foliate decora-    199. Iranian woolen rug
     tion                        with red ground
192. Replica brass and
     copper divers hel-
     met with mounts
     and clasps             200. Oriental mahogany
                                 pod table with hex-
                                 agonal top and foli-
193. Persian style rug           ate decorated or-
     with ornate decora-         molu mount, ad-
     tion 183x124cm              justable top with
                                 ratcheted column,
                                 Chippendale circu-
                                 lar brass banding,
194. Ornate walnut
                                 turned and reeded
     framed dome
                                 column, on brass
     shaped mirror
                                 mounted shaped tri-
                                 pod with brass claw
201. Three piece cast         207. Vintage metal
     iron garden or patio          'Guinness is good
     suite - circular table        for you' advertising
     and pair of domed             sign
     seats with foliate
     and scroll decora-
     tion                     208. Cast iron water
                                   pump with shaped
202. Ornate porcelain              handle
     ornament of flow-
     ers in a basket

                              220. William IV workta-
                                   ble with sarcopha-
203. Circular topped cast          gus shaped lift-up
     iron garden or patio          lid, satinwood inte-
     table with foliate            rior, drawer under,
     decorated tripod              on shaped cabriole
                                   legs with castors
204. Iranian style rug        221. Assorted lot of sil-
     with panelled deco-           verplated items, etc.
     ration                        in box

205. Edwardian mahog-         222. Set of six ornate sil-
     any davenport with            verplated circular
     leatherette inset,            tea glass cups with
     lift-up lids, four            figured scroll and
     side drawers with             foliate decoration
     drop handles, on              and shaped handles
     plinth with bun feet
                              223. Pair of Sheffield
206. Victorian mahog-              silver sauceboats
     any circular walnut           with wavy rims,
     occasional or coffee          shaped handles and
     table with baluster           three cast feet
     turned tapering col-
     umn, circular col-       224. Three piece sil-
     lar, on concave               verplated tea ser-
     plinth with scroll            vice with hawk fi-
     feet                          nial, ornate scroll
                                   and gadroon deco-
                                   ration, beak spout,
                                   shaped handles
225. Pair of boat shaped    232. Pair of Antique
     silveplated sauce-          Chinese Qing Dyn-
     boats with Celtic           asty Temple Guard-
     design rims, shaped         ian Lions / Shishi,
     handles and hoof            hand carved stone
     feet                        figures of great age
                                 also known as
226. Five Sheffield pew-
                                 Temple Fu Dogs
     ter mugs with
     shaped handles and     233. Irish provincial sil-
     spreading bases             ver sugar bowl with
                                 scrolling angular
                                 handles, wavy
227. Pair of heavy silver        reeded rim and dec-
     plated sauceboats           orated wqith swags
     with gadroon rims           and foliage, on 4
     and leaf capped             ball feet. Stamped
     scroll handles, each        'Sterling' twice,
     on three hoof feet          273g, 21 x 11.8 x
     with shell knuckles         11.5cm
228. Silverplated oval      234. Irish silver sauce-
     domed dish cover            boat with wavy rim,
     of melon form with          scroll handle, on 3
     shaped handle               hoof feet, Dublin
229. Silverplated toddy     235. London silver
     ladle with twist            sauceboat with
     reeded timber han-          wavy rim, scroll
     dle, Celtic rims and        handle and 3 hoof
     foliate decoration          feet, dated 1918
230. Two silverplated       240. Botanical print 'Lil-
     'Hotelware' tea and         ium Washingtonia-
     hot water pots with         num' 62x48cm
     shaped handles

231. Art Deco sil-          241. Vintage portrait of
     verplated alarm             a lady print
     clock in presenta-          55x45cm
     tion box, stamped
242. Marcus Stone           249. 'Irish peasants',
     'Studies of Ladies'         Welsh peasants'
     pair of prints              and 'Scotch peas-
     62x18cm each                ants' three coloured
                                 prints 35x39cm
243. Hume 'Highland
     river scene' oil on    250. English school, set
     board 25x35cm               of six equestrian
     signed                      prints 27x70cm

244. Victorian Maritime
     School 'Tall ship      251. Oval bronzed
     crossing' oil on            plaque 'Padraig
     board 12x20cm               Pearce' on marble

245. Irish school 'Muck-
     ross Abbey' oil on     252. Continental school
     board 29x24cm in-           'St. Paul' watercol-
     scribed verso               our 35x25cm in-

246. Zocchi 'Girls in a
     park' pair of prints   253. Italian School
     48x32m each                 'Gondoliers' print

247. F C Turner 'Ren-
     dezvous', 'Depar-      254. Kate Collins 'On
     ture' and 'Fatal            Parade' oil on board
     Stoop' 3 x coloured         35x45cm signed
     prints 36x36cm
248. Pair gilt framed       255. Joseph Mallard
     prints 'La Danse'           William Turner
     and 'Credulous In-          'The Leader Sea
     nocence' 34x28m             Piece' mezzotint
     each                        17x27cm
256. Continental School      264. Lia Walsh 'Coastal
     'Riverside street            study' oil on canvas
     scene' oil on canvas         40x50cm signed

257. K Rothman 'Street       265. Ken Hayes 'Sailing
     scene with figures'          offshore' watercol-
     oil on canvas                our 33x50cm
     60x90cm signed               signed

258. Irish school 'Con-      266. Maritime school
     nemara pony' oil on          'Naval engagement'
     board 24x29cm                oil on canvas
     signed                       60x90cm

259. Gerry Dillon            267. Continental school
     'Errigal Mountain'           'Winter canalside
     oil on board                 scene' oil on canvas
     18x23cm signed               40x50cm signed

260. Ken Hayes 'Rowing       268. S Adams 'Horse
     on a river' watercol-        and jockey' oil on
     our 25x35cm                  canvas 40x50cm
     signed                       signed

261. Reynolds 'One de-       269. Marie O'Neill
     sign under sail' oil         'Woodland
     on canvas                    pathway' oil on
     102x102cm signed             canvas 50x65cm

262. Gerry Dillon            270. Irish school 'River-
     'Errigal mountain,           side study' oil on
     Donegal' watercol-           canvas 40x30cm
     our 24x28cm                  signed

263. Ben Catt 'Light-        271. John Skelton
     house' oil on canvas         'White washed cot-
     140x80cm mono-               tages' print
     grammed                      36x50cm
272. Gordon Wood            280. Pair of oval minia-
     Armstrong 'Doone            tures portraits of a
     Valley, Exmoor'             lady and gent
     watercolour 34 x 45         6x4.5cm each

273. Vic Stiller 'Country   281. Circular miniature
     cottages with Trees'        portrait of a lady
     pastels 38x50cm             7.5cm diameter

274. J L Chapman, pair      282. Circular miniature
     of 'quayside scenes'        portrait of a gentle-
     limited edition             man 7.5cm diam
     prints 34x48cm
     each signed

275. Oval miniature sil-    283. 'Sheen Falls fly'
     houette of a lady           hand tied fishing
     12x10cm                     fly framed

276. Pair of silhouettes    284. Assorted lot of nee-
     16x8cm each                 dlepoint and other

277. Pair of oval minia-    285. Irish school 'Cot-
     tures 'Country              tage by a river' oil
     scenes' 4x3.5cm             on board 29x45cm

278. Oval miniature por-    286. Continental school
     trait of a lady             'Boat by a riverside
     6x4.5cm                     building' oil on can-
                                 vas 55x70cm dated

279. Oval miniature por-    287. Ralph Herring 'Doo
     trait of a gentleman        Lough, Connaught'
     6x4.5cm                     oil on board
                                 40x50cm signed
288. Moira O'Keeffe          296. S Irwin 'Battle ship
     'The Pink Hallway,           sea engagement' oil
     Coolattin House,             on canvas 50x60cm
     Wicklow' 53x43cm             signed
     signed verso

289. Ken Hayes 'Sailing      297. Frank Shipsides
     offshore' watercol-          'Return of the SS
     our 33x50cm                  Great Britain' lim-
     signed                       ited edition
                                  25x37cm signed

290. Thomas Sidney           298. Moira O'Keeffe
     'Low Tide, Rams-             'The Blue Drawing-
     gate' watercolour            room, Coolattin
     24x69cm signed               House, Wicklow'
                                  oil on board
                                  45x55cm signed
291. Marc Chagall 'Bou-           and inscribed verso
     quet with Flying
     Lovers' print           299. Irish school Set of
                                  four Irish scenes
                                  15x23cm each

292. Irish school 'The
     Rosses, Co Done-
     gal' oil on board       300. Gladys Leech
     30x38cm                      'Blackrock Castle'
                                  and 'Blarney Castle'
                                  pair of prints
293. Richard Staunton
     Cahill 'Girl fetching
     water' oil on panel     301. John Stanton 'Win-
     40x30cm signed               ter scene' watercol-
     verso                        our 29x38cm
294. After Itzchak
     Tarkay 'Ladies
     lunching' oil on
     canvas 62x52cm

295. S Adams 'Horse
     and jockey' oil on
     board 45x55cm
310. Set of six mahog-        315. Edwardian style
     any Cork 11-bar               folding occasional
     dining chairs with            chair with scroll
     reeded rails and              decorated back, li-
     sides, string inlay           onhead arms,
     and satinwood box-            shaped rails, on
     ing, foliate uphol-           plinth
     stery, on tapering
                              316. Victorian mahog-
     legs with stretchers,
                                   any upholstered tub
     including two
                                   chair on tapering
     carver armchairs
                                   legs with castors
311. Five piece Edward-
     ian inlaid mahog-
     any drawingroom          317. Set of six Victorian
     suite with oval ser-          style mahogany
     pentine pierced in-           spoonback dining
     laid splats, serpen-          chairs with pierced
     tine fronted uphol-           splats, serpentine
     stered seats, on foli-        fronted upholstered
     ate decorated cabri-          seats, on baluster
     ole legs                      turned reeded legs
312. Edwardian inlaid         318. Pair of Edwardian
     open wicker arm-              style folding garden
     chair with oval               armchairs with
     back, serpentine              shaped slats
     seat, shaped arms
     on tapering legs
     with spade feet          319. Victorian foliate
                                   upholstered button-
313. Set of seven Victo-           back occasional
     rian oak bow back             chair on turned legs
     dining chairs with            with castors
     carved and shell
     decoration, uphol-       320. Victorian mahog-
     stered seats, on              any open armchair
     turned tapering legs          with shaped rails,
314. Edwardian open                scroll arms, on bal-
     armchair with                 uster turned taper-
     wicker back,                  ing legs with cas-
     shaped arms, ser-             tors
     pentine fronted up-
     holstered seat, on
     cabriole legs
321. Edwardian mahog-       326. Pair of Edwardian
     any seven piece             mahogany open
     drawing room suite          armchairs with
     with foliate carved         reeded shaped rails
     pierced wheatsheaf          and arms, serpen-
     splats, scroll and          tine fronted uphol-
     foliate carved top          stered seats, on cab-
     rails, serpentine           riole legs
     fronted upholstered
                            327. Leather upholstered
     seats, and cabriole
                                 reclining armchair
     legs with castors
                                 and matching foot-
322. Pair of Victorian           stool with circular
     mahogany balloon            bases
     back dining chairs
     with shaped rails,     328. Pine wingback
     serpentine fronted          open armchair on
     upholstered seats,          square legs
     on baluster turned
     tapering legs with
                            329. Four piece pine
323. Victorian mahog-            framed wicker patio
     any chaise longue           or garden suite with
     with shaped back,           double settee, two
     foliate carving, on         armchairs and cof-
     carved turned taper-        fee table with
     ing legs                    shaped legs
324. Oak Arts and Crafts    330. Coalbrookdale style
     open armchair with          cast iron garden
     foliate and Star of         bench with ornate
     David carving, on           leaf decoration and
     X-shaped frame              doghead arms
     with turned
325. Victorian uphol-
     stered buttonback
     occasional chair
     with carved cabri-
     ole legs
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