A Look Inside an Anti-Government Militia - The Three Percenters: POLICY REPORT - Newlines Institute

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A Look Inside an Anti-Government Militia - The Three Percenters: POLICY REPORT - Newlines Institute

The Three Percenters:
A Look Inside an
Anti-Government Militia

                        February 2021
A Look Inside an Anti-Government Militia - The Three Percenters: POLICY REPORT - Newlines Institute
The Three Percenters:
                         A Look Inside an
                     Anti-Government Militia
                                       By Alejandro J. Beutel and Daryl Johnson


Executive Summary ������������������������������������������������������ 3               Forecast������������������������������������������������������������������������ 13

Introduction ������������������������������������������������������������������� 4       Policy Recommendations ������������������������������������������ 14

The Contemporary U.S. Far Right, the Anti-                                                Conclusion�������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
Government Movement and ‘Militias’�������������������������� 5
                                                                                          Appendix A: Beyond “Militias” – A Broader Snapshot
   A Brief Typology of the U.S. Far-Right Milieu and U.S.
                                                                                          of the U.S. Far-Right Anti-government Movement�� �� 22
   Anti-Government Movement����������������������������������������5
                                                                                             Faith-Based Categories����������������������������������������������� 23
   The Contemporary U.S. ‘Militia’ Movement����������������6
                                                                                             Non-Faith-Based Categories������������������������������������� 23
Rise of the ‘Three Percenters’�������������������������������������� 7
                                                                                          Appendix B: Analyzing and Categorizing the
   Use of Historical Narratives and Imagery������������������8
                                                                                          NSGP Funds������������������������������������������������������������������ 23
   Movement Activities ������������������������������������������������������8
                                                                                          Endnotes ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 24
Incorporating Anti-Muslim Hate into Anti-Government
Extremist Narratives and Target Sets�������������������������� 9

COVER PHOTO: A “Three Percenter” patch is seen at a rally at Delta Park in Portland, Oregon in September 2020.
(MARANIE R. STAAB/Getty Images)

                                                                                      2                                                                         February 2021
A Look Inside an Anti-Government Militia - The Three Percenters: POLICY REPORT - Newlines Institute
Executive Summary
■ The U.S. far-right milieu is not
monolithic. It can be divided
into at least five sections:
racist extremism, namely
white nationalism/supremacy;
anti-government extremism;
nativist extremism; anti-abortion
extremism; and male supremacy.
■ The anti-government
movement, which is the most
relevant to this brief, can be
categorized into six further
sub-sections: militias, tax
protesters, sovereign citizens,       National Guard soldiers secure the U.S. Capitol grounds on Feb. 8, 2021
                                      in preparation for Congressional hearings for the impeachment of former
constitutional sheriffs, far-right
                                      President Donald Trump. The Three Percenters movement has been linked
segments of survivalist or            to the Capitol riots that fueled the impeachment process.
“prepper” communities, and            (TASOS KATOPODIS/Getty Images)
conspiracy propagandists.
                                      Lives Matter, George Soros,          ■ Second, before proposing
■ The Three Percenter                 Muslims, and others).                additional federal domestic
movement is a subset of the
                                      ■ Like other anti-government         terrorism statutes related
larger far-right anti-government
                                      extremists, Three Percenters         to penalty enhancements,
militia movement, organized
                                      frame their activities – including   officials must rigorously enforce
primarily around intense fear
                                      paramilitary, firearms, and          existing federal and state legal
and loathing of the U.S. federal
                                      other weapons/survival               prosecuting authorities and
government. Although fixated
                                      training – in defensive terms.       carefully study their effects.
on the federal government,
                                      Nevertheless, the movement’s
anti-government extremists                                                 ■ Third, enhance physical
                                      supporters have engaged in
use coded rhetoric that also                                               security for nonprofits and
                                      armed confrontations with law
expresses anxiety toward              enforcement and engaged in           places of worship that are
historically disenfranchised          planned violence against various     often the object of fixation
racial/ethnic/religious minorities.   targets, including American          and/or targeted violence by
Their ideology and narratives         Muslim faith-based institutions.     anti-government extremists,
are malleable enough to identify                                           including Three Percenters.
additional perceived enemies,         Policy Recommendations
including Muslims. They
                                                                           ■ Fourth, we reiterate and
also often attempt to portray         ■ First, increase public             reemphasize our call that law
themselves as armed protectors        awareness and understanding          enforcement, military, and
of the U.S. Constitution              of the potential threats Three       intelligence community leaders
against tyrants-in-waiting            Percenters and the broader U.S.      need to implement stricter
(the U.S. federal government)         far right pose, in terms of their    measures and policies to purge
and various collaborators             associated extremism, hate, and      militia members and extremists
(anti-fascists [“antifa”], Black      violence, to local communities.      from their ranks.

                                                      3                                                 February 2021
A Look Inside an Anti-Government Militia - The Three Percenters: POLICY REPORT - Newlines Institute
Weapons lean on a panel during military-style drills of the III% Georgia Security Force in Flovilla, Ga. in November
 2016. The militia calls itself the Georgia Security Forces (GSF). The group is part of the Three Percenters movement.
 (MOHAMMED ELSHAMY / Getty Images)

Introduction                              included adherents of a dozen              other groups traditionally targeted
                                          different far right extremist              by far-right actors, Muslims
The insurrection at the U.S. Capitol      groups and movements.1 Among               tend to be understudied.2 Yet
in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6,           them were supporters of the                the growing importance of
2021, is the latest in a string of        Three Percenters, a subset of              anti-Muslim hate on the far right
events shining a spotlight on the         the broader anti-government                must not be overlooked. Unlike
dangers of far-right extremism            militia landscape. This publication        more traditionally recognized
and its propensity for violence.          provides background and analysis           motivations, anti-Muslim hate is
Thousands of devout followers of          on who they are, what they believe,        one of the few issues that brings
former President Donald Trump             the types of challenges and violent        together otherwise disparate
answered his call to assemble             threats some adherents pose, and           and fractious elements of the
near the White House and march            policy recommendations on how to           far-right, both within3 and beyond
to the U.S. Capitol to contest the        mitigate for the risks they pose.          national borders.4
false claims of a “stolen election”
and unsubstantiated allegations of        Some may wonder why we chose               Moreover, for analysts interested
rampant “voter fraud.”                    to examine anti-Muslim animus in           in forecasting trends, closely
                                          the context of a publication about         watching dynamics of anti-Muslim
Using the rally as cover, more            the Three Percenter movement.              prejudice may hold insights for
extreme elements of the crowd             In recent years, the expression            future developments on the far
came prepared to enact violence           of prejudice toward Muslims                right. Starting in the late 1970s and
and insurrection. According               has become a key feature of                early 1980s, far-right actors began
to academic researchers and               various far-right movements                to pivot their focus from pseudo-
watchdog advocates, they                  around the world. Relative to              scientific biological distinctions

                                                             4                                                     February 2021
A Look Inside an Anti-Government Militia - The Three Percenters: POLICY REPORT - Newlines Institute
toward greater emphasis on socio-       the Three Percenter movement in         perspectives has been described
cultural differences – what some        particular, the intent is to add our    by at least one scholar as
researchers have called “biological     voices to the growing chorus of         “conceptual chaos.”8
racism” versus “cultural racism,”       researchers providing policymakers
respectively.5 In turn, this has        with a sober, but urgent analysis of    These issues notwithstanding,
coincided with shifts in ideology,      far-right violence and extremism        to set the wider context of this
rhetoric, and violent targeting         challenging our nation.                 brief’s topic we categorize the U.S.
preferences. Muslims now reside                                                 far right as an umbrella political
in far-right actors’ expanding target   The Contemporary U.S. Far               milieu divided into at least five
set and are increasingly confronted                                             types:9 racist extremism, namely
by various forms of ideologically
                                        Right, the Anti-Government              white nationalism/supremacy;
motivated violence.6 This ranges        Movement and ‘Militias’                 anti-government extremism (also
from sporadic hate crimes to                                                    sometimes called the “Patriot”
planned mass casualty incidents         A Brief Typology of the U.S.            movement), which is animated
at Utoya Island and Oslo, Norway        Far-Right Milieu and U.S.               by intense fear and loathing of
(2011), Quebec City, Canada (2017),     Anti-Government Movement                the federal government rather
Christchurch, New Zealand (2019)                                                than racial/ethnic/religious
and Hanau, Germany (2020).              Many researchers have attempted         hatred, per se; nativist extremism,
                                        to define and categorize what           characterized by anti-immigrant
As we will discuss further in this      constitutes the contemporary            and anti-Muslim sentiments;
publication, these shifts have also     American “far right,” leading to        anti-abortion extremism, which
occurred in the United States.          different definitions and typologies,   advocates for and condones
Although the focus here is on           each with their own strengths           unlawful violence against abortion
anti-government extremism, and          and limitations.7 This plethora of      providers; and male supremacists,

                                                          5                                                 February 2021
A Look Inside an Anti-Government Militia - The Three Percenters: POLICY REPORT - Newlines Institute
who believe women are innately                        The Contemporary                                      see as the armed protection of
physically, intellectually, and/                      U.S. ‘Militia’ Movement                               constitutional rights against an
or morally inferior to men due                                                                              NWO-type threat. Therefore, in
to biology, which justifies their                     According to Arie Perliger,                           line with their tradition of civil
advocacy for oppression of women.                     professor at the University of                        activism (see below), they tend
                                                      Massachusetts Lowell,12 the militia                   to vehemently oppose laws and
The anti-government movement                          movement is concerned with three                      regulations they perceive to restrict
is particularly relevant to this                      overarching issues:                                   the use or possession of firearms
publication. According to J.J.                                                                              in any way. By extension they also
MacNab, a Fellow at George                            ■ Preventing a “New                                   support laws that maximize an
Washington University’s Program                       World Order” (NWO)                                    individual’s ability to use or possess
on Extremism, as of April                             ■ Armed protection of con-                            firearms, such as “open carry” laws.
2018 this movement can be                             stitutional rights against per-                       Outside of nonviolent civil and
further divided into at least five                    ceived threats/enemies                                political activism, they also organize
other overlapping but distinct                        ■ Maintaining a tradition                             and train in armed paramilitary
sub-movements/ideologies:10                           of civil activism13                                   formations, tactics, and strategies.
                                                                                                            The narrative of preparing for “civil
■ Militias                                            The NWO theory is a conspiratorial                    war” to defend against perceived
                                                      narrative that claims American                        overreaching or “tyrannical”
■ Tax protesters
                                                      national sovereignty and citizens’                    government actions is strongly
■ Sovereign citizens                                  rights are being eroded by a cabal                    associated with this movement.
■ Constitutional sheriffs                             of foreign actors (“globalists”)
                                                      and institutions (e.g., the                           Third, they seek to maintain a
■ Far-right segments of survivalist/                                                                        tradition of civil activism, partly
“prepper” communities                                 United Nations) conspiring with
                                                      collaborators working outside                         as a nonviolent means to protect
                                                      (“socialists” & “Marxists”) and inside                constitutional rights (e.g., voting/
We humbly add a sixth category,                                                                             lobbying elected officials or
conspiracy propagandists,11                           U.S. federal government agencies
                                                      (“deep state”). While the NWO and                     community service), and claim
to this typology.                                                                                           to leave armed violence as a last
                                                      other anti-government narratives
                                                      primarily fixate upon the federal                     resort.14 It is also partly a means
It is outside the scope of this brief                                                                       of legitimating their paramilitary
                                                      government, they also use coded
to further discuss other segments                                                                           training and ideology to the wider
                                                      rhetoric that expresses anxiety
of the anti-government movement                                                                             public. To do so, they often portray
                                                      toward historically disenfranchised
and what relationship, if any, they                                                                         themselves using narratives,
                                                      racial/ethnic/religious minorities.
may have to Three Percenters.                                                                               vocabulary, and imagery closely
                                                      As we will explain later, this
(For a brief overview of the other                    and other anti-government                             associated with the American
subsections of the U.S. far-right                     narratives are malleable enough                       Revolution and the Founding
anti-government movement, please                      to adopt new objects of fixation,                     Fathers.15 They often refer to
see Appendix A.) It is sufficient to                  including Muslims.                                    themselves as the “Citizens’ Militia”
say here that the segment of the                                                                            or the “Unorganized Militia,”16 which
U.S. anti-government movement                         Second, in reaction to this                           are intended to connect themselves
most relevant to Three Percenters                     perceived threat, militia movement                    to citizen state militia units that
is the so-called “militia”a movement.                 actors engage in what they                            fought alongside the Continental

a Under the Militia Act of 1903, there are official militias created and controlled by the federal and state governments. Each state has two mandatory
  organized militias, the state Army National Guard and the state Air National Guard. These are both state and federal forces, which at any point can
  be called up by the president of the United States. Many states also have state defense forces and state naval forces that assist, support, and augment
  National Guard forces. This study excludes any information pertaining to these official militias and instead focuses on unofficial, private militias that
  have no legal existence codified in law.

                                                                              6                                                                    February 2021
A Look Inside an Anti-Government Militia - The Three Percenters: POLICY REPORT - Newlines Institute
Army in the War of Independence.17     Rise of the                            The Three Percenter movement
(The term “Three Percenter” is a                                              was founded in late 2008.
pseudo-historical attempt to make
                                       ‘Three Percenters’21
                                                                              Like much of the resurgent
a similar type of connection.)         The Three Percenters are               anti-government movement, it
                                       a decentralized movement               arose in reaction to, among other
Data from the Southern Poverty                                                things, the election of President
                                       within the broader U.S. far-right
Law Center points to two “waves”                                              Barack Obama22 as president of
                                       anti-government militia movement.
of contemporary militia and other                                             the United States.23
anti-government movement               There is no single central authority
activity.18 The first wave was         or definitive group. Instead, there
                                       are multiple discrete organizations    The movement’s origins began
from 1993 until the early 2000s.                                              with Michael Brian Vanderboegh,24
Observed militia movement activity     with a national presence openly
                                       associating themselves with            a former far-leftist25 of Pinson,
went through a nadir from 1999 to
                                       the broader movement, such as          Alabama, who later became a
2008, despite efforts to rebuild the
                                       The Three Percenters – Original,       well-known anti-government militia
movement during this period.19 The
                                       American Patriots The III%, United     extremist during the 1990s while
second wave of observed activity
                                       Patriots 3%, and Three Percent         writing publications advocating
and group (re)formation began in
2009 and continues to the present.     Security Force (also known as          violence against the U.S. federal
While in recent years the number       IIISF). This does not include          government.26 Vanderboegh also
of observed active anti-government     numerous local/regional and            became a member of the Oath
groups is down from its peak in        state-specific spin-off groups, many   Keepers (created in April 2009), a
2011-2015, it has consistently         of which have broken away from         group that the Three Percenters
remained on par with numbers           larger nationwide organizations,       “remain loosely allied with and
from 2009, when the second wave        such as American Constitution          who publicized the movement on
began.20 It is around the beginning    Elite III%, Confederate States         his blog ‘Sipsey Street Irregulars’
of this second wave that the Three     III%, and Rhode Island Patriots        beginning November 2008.”27
Percenter movement arose.              III%, among others.

                                                        7                                                February 2021
A Look Inside an Anti-Government Militia - The Three Percenters: POLICY REPORT - Newlines Institute
Use of Historical                         protect the citizens of the United    Republic, as they envision it.
Narratives and Imagery                    States if there ever comes a          According to The Three Percenters
                                          day when our government takes         – Original’s website, “We intend to
One discrete organization                 up arms against the American          provide a framework and guidance
associated with the Three                 people.29 (emphasis added)            that ‘The People’ can use to make
Percenter movement, The Three                                                   positive change in restoring
Percenters – Original, claims            This assertion has never been          the founding principles of our
the movement’s name “Three               substantiated by historical evidence   Constitutional Republic.”31
Percenters” (also often written as       or the opinions of professional
“III%ers”) represents the number of      historians of the American             A 2016 document intended as a
active forces in the field that fought   Revolution.30 Regardless, the          guide for would-be activists and
against British tyranny during the       historical narrative, imagery, and     supporters articulates this historical
American Revolution.28 As they           analogy are clear. Three Percenters    imagery further and bridges its
state on their website:                  claim to be today’s modern             message to the present moment to
                                         “minutemen”: ever-vigilant, armed,     tell a crisis story: “The Constitution
 an idea was coined of having            trained, and ready at a moment’s       has been metaphorically shredded
 “Minutemen” available at a              notice to mobilize against today’s     in many states, and our rights have
 moment’s notice should the              tyrants-in-waiting, namely the U.S.    become a mere shadow of what
 King’s tyranny show up in their         federal government. One of the         the Founding Fathers envisioned.
 town, on their streets, or at their     most popular symbols of Three          We need to restore America to the
 door. These Minutemen would             Percenters is the Nyberg flag,         Republic she once was.”32
 meet, train, and prepare to             named after creator Gayle Nyberg,
 defend themselves, their family,        which is a Betsy Ross Flag with        Movement Activities
 and their townships from an             a Roman numeral “III” inside the
 ever-encroaching empire. It is          circle of 13 stars representing the    This deep political anxiety and
 from these Minutemen where the          original 13 U.S. states.               sense of impending crisis is
 3% name originated. It is a rough                                              reinforced by niche websites, chat
 estimate that only 3% of the            Like other actors within the militia   boards, and social media accounts
 colonists were actively fighting        and broader anti-government            that discuss and generate a steady
 in the field against British forces     movements, Three Percenter             stream of moral outrage over a
 at any given time. Today we             movement supporters share a            wide range of issues including
 recognize with this 3% in being         political vision that advocates a      anti-fascists (“antifa”), Black
 that we will be the last defense to     return to the original American        Lives Matter, “fake news,” and

                                                           8                                                February 2021
A Look Inside an Anti-Government Militia - The Three Percenters: POLICY REPORT - Newlines Institute
perceived corrupt politicians; fears       supporters actively participated       violence. For example, allegedly
of economic collapse; enacting             in the 2014 Bunkerville, Nevada,       inspired by Vanderboegh’s
their vision of a constitutionally         standoff, the 2016 takeover of the     violent militia fantasy novel
constrained government;                    Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Oregon,     “Absolved,” in 2011 a group of four
concerns over the loss of Second           and other land-use disputes            Georgia-based militia extremists
Amendment rights via firearms              involving mining in Montana and        were arrested for conspiring to
laws and regulations; anger at             Oregon. They have also been visible    commit terrorist attacks in Atlanta
perceived unjustified police raids;        at pro-Trump and other right-          using explosives and the deadly
predictions of mass civil unrest; and      leaning political rallies across the   biological agent ricin.35
stories about Islamist terrorism.          country since at least 2016, often
                                           claiming to act as “security.”33       As we will discuss in the next
It also fuels the persistent                                                      section, the Three Percenters’
paramilitary, firearms, and other          Most Three Percenters do not           perceived enemies are not limited
combat skills training activities          openly advocate offensive              to the federal government. They,
associated with involvement                violence and deny embracing            and many other segments of the
in the Three Percenter and                 anti-government beliefs.               wider militia movement, have
wider anti-government militia              Instead, they tend to frame            broadened their list of adversaries
movements. Three Percenters                their paramilitary, firearms, and      in recent years to include Muslims,
encourage each other to conduct            other combat skills training in        antifa, and immigrants unlawfully
firearms and paramilitary training         defensive terms. According to          present in the United States
as individuals and in units with           Vanderboegh, these and other           (“illegals”). This incorporation
other movement supporters.                 activities conducted by actors         of anti-Muslim hate into militia
They often participate in joint,           claiming to be Three Percenters        extremists’ narratives has coincided
often regularly scheduled, field           must be governed by four               with armed public protests and
training exercises with other Three        principles: moral strength, physical   attempts at ideologically motivated
Percenter and militia actors.              readiness, no first use of force,      violence against American Muslim
                                           and no targeting of innocents.34       faith-based institutions.
Consistent with the broader militia        Nevertheless several actors who
movement’s efforts to engage in            self-identified as Three Percenters    Incorporating Anti-Muslim
armed protection of constitutional         have committed criminal activity,
rights and maintaining traditions of
                                                                                  Hate into Anti-Government
                                           including attempting unprovoked,
civil activism, protest and counter-       ideologically motivated violence, as   Extremist Narratives and
protest activity is encouraged             well as engaging in armed protests     Target Sets
within the Three Percenter                 directed at their perceived enemies.
movement. It is not uncommon                                                      While the contemporary U.S.
to find individuals who openly             In fact, the above-mentioned 2014      anti-government extremist
identify as Three Percenters (e.g.,        standoff in Bunkerville, Nevada,       movement is primarily mobilized
wearing clothing or carrying flags         and 2016 militia takeover of the       by fear and loathing toward the
with the “III%” and similar symbols)       Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Burns,      federal government, it is important
attending pro-gun rights rallies,          Oregon, are two examples of Three      to note its historical origins were
engaged in lawful open carry of            Percenter involvement in armed         substantially influenced by a type of
firearms, and wearing tactical gear.       provocations that they and other       white supremacy called “Christian
In more extreme cases, however,            anti-government extremists viewed      Identity.”36 As the movement
Three Percenters have engaged in           as justifiable defensive actions       evolved over several decades,
armed political protest involving          against a perceived overreaching       anti-government extremists
threats of violence toward law             and tyrannical government.             largely eschewed overt bigotry.
enforcement and other government           Moreover, other rhetoric from          Nevertheless, much of their rhetoric
officials to further their ideologically   Vanderboegh himself may have           and key narratives contain strong
driven goals. Several movement             informed plots of non-defensive        racial/antisemitic undertones

                                                            9                                                 February 2021
A Look Inside an Anti-Government Militia - The Three Percenters: POLICY REPORT - Newlines Institute
“Before conspiracy narratives became prevalent among
      prominent militia movement supporters, anti-Muslim
      extremists had propagated those theories for several years. ”

and tend to closely parallel those       associations between all Muslims,       European Offensive.” His essay
of white supremacists, but often         including those in the North            espouses a more anti-Muslim
without their explicit hatred.37 Thus,   America and Europe, and the violent     version of the earlier mentioned
it is not surprising that although       extremist fringe of individuals         “New World Order” and “Civil War”
they represent two distinct              claiming to act in the name of their    narratives. This version, often
segments of the broader U.S.             faith. Second, a network of political   referred to as the “Red-Green Axis”
far-right milieu, white supremacist      and financial profiteers emerged in     by its proponents, broadly argues
and anti-government movements            the post-9/11 socio-political climate   that far-leftists and Islamists are
continue to frequently overlap in        to effectively exploit, amplify, and
                                                                                 conspiring together to undermine
terms of supporters.38                   mainstream public fear of Islam
                                                                                 the foundational socio-political
                                         and Muslims.41 Often referred to
In addition to the federal                                                       norms and institutions of
                                         as the “Counter-Jihad” movement
government, additional targets of        by supporters42 but dubbed the          Western nations.
many militias’ anxieties included        “Islamophobia network”43 by
multiple minority groups, largely        critics, its rhetoric has not only      Similar to the broader “civil war”
expressed in code words, such as         enjoyed a certain level of public       narrative, some versions describe
Jews (“Federal Reserve,” “Bankers/       mainstream currency for several         it as a slow-moving, ongoing set
Financiers,” or “George Soros”),         years, but also made its way into       of events often characterized
African-Americans (“inner city           the discourse of the U.S. far-right     by ideological conflict as much
gangs” or “Black Lives Matter”)          militia extremist movement. Before      as physical violence.47 Other
and Latinx (“National Council of         conspiracy narratives became            versions, like Bracken’s, see it as
La Raza,” “MS-13,” or “illegals”). For   prevalent among prominent militia       a forthcoming violent apocalyptic
Muslims, this is expressed in both       movement supporters, anti-Muslim        event enabled by the “political
coded (“Muslim Brotherhood” or           extremists had propagated those         correctness” of “cultural Marxists.”
“Islamists”) and explicit bigotry        theories for several years. Lastly,     Comparing it to the 1968 Tet
(fears of “shariah” replacing the U.S.   these narratives are reinforced         offensive during the Vietnam
constitution and other laws).            among militia movement actors,44        War, Bracken states:
                                         including the Three Percenters,45
Three factors appear to have             by the presence of current and           The 1968 Tet Offensive involved
facilitated militias’ increasing         former military personnel within         approximately 80,000 armed Viet
fixation on and hostility toward         the movement, including veterans         Cong infiltrators sneaking into
Muslims, including activities such       returning from conflict zones in
                                                                                  Vietnamese cities and towns,
as armed protests outside of             Iraq and Afghanistan.
                                                                                  (unnoticed by the “experts” in
Muslim houses of worship and
                                         The result has been a Muslim fear        intelligence, I will add.) How many
attempted acts of ideologically
motivated violence.                      variant on older anti-government         of the almost a million muhajirun
                                         extremist narratives.46 One              [lit. “migrants,” but referring here
First, after the Sept. 11, 2001          illuminating example is an essay         to refugees] now loose in Europe
terrorist attacks by al Qaeda, some      written by anti-government               will take up arms for the cause,
political commentators39 and             extremist Matthew Bracken called,        after the first initiating wave of
public officials40 explicitly made       “Tet, Take Two: Islam’s 2016             Tet 2016 terror attacks? […]

                                                          10                                                 February 2021
A member of the Georgia Security Forces (GSF) takes part in a military drill with group members of III% Georgia Security
Force in Flovilla, Georgia in November 2016. The group is a part of a wider movement called “The Three Percenters (III%)”
scattered across the U.S. (MOHAMMED ELSHAMY / Getty Images)

 Historians will study how this            to defend themselves from              Extremists Expand Target Sets
 mass hijra invasion, and the              the planned attack.48                  to Include Muslims,” describes
 consequent Tet 2016 and                                                          in detail how increasingly violent
 European Civil War came to              The incorporation of anti-Muslim         speech from militia movement
 happen. The truth is it was an          hatred into the militia movement’s       supporters has the potential to
 inside job by the traitor class,        core beliefs and conspiracy              lead to “additional harassment of
                                         narratives coincides with an             or violence against Muslims” in
 the cultural Marxist open-border
                                         increased targeting of American          the United States.49
 international socialists. First,
                                         Muslim communities and
 they numbed and dulled their
                                         institutions. This increased             The graphic on the next page
 own compatriots into apathy,            targeting comes in two forms:            provides several illustrative
 before opening the gates to             mostly lawful, but intimidating,         examples of Three Percenters
 the Islamist barbarians. They           armed protests outside of mosques        targeting American Muslim
 injected the paralyzing curare of       and faith-based nonprofits; and          institutions and communities.
 multi-cultural political correctness    unlawful, ideologically motivated
 into their own societies, in            violence. An FBI Intelligence Bulletin
 order to render them unable             dated May 28, 2015, titled, “Militia

                                                           11                                                   February 2021
Three Percenter Anti-Muslim Armed Protests and Terrorist Plots
   The actors listed are identified as part of the Three Percenter movement who either engaged in armed protest outside of a Muslim
   house of worship or else planned or carried out a terrorist attack.
                                                  [INSERT GRAPHIC WITH                 cancelled it, and in a thinly             Neatly three months later
                  Actor’s name (age)              THREE PERCENTER                      veiled referenced to the                  they would also attack
    Date                                    Plot/Incident
                                                  ANTI-MUSLIM TERROR                                  Plot/Incident
                                                                                       GSFIII’s actions,      said the Summary   an abortion clinic in
                   or organization
                                                  PLOTS – TEXT IS BELOW,               decision was motivated                    Champaign, Illinois, before
  Sun.,        Bureau on                   Armedand we mightAneed         to extremist
                                                                    militia            by “uncivil    threats or
                                                                                           group calling                         their eventual
                                                                                                                 itself the Bureau         of American arrest.58Islamic
                                                  keep the text as part                intentions [that] must be
  Nov. 22,     American-Islamic            Participation         Relations (BAIR), a group associated                    with the wider Three Percenter
                                                  of the document:]                    taken seriously”.53                       April 21,of  2018.     A coterie
  2015         Relations                   in Protest            movement50, conducted an armed protest outside                                  a Sunni      Muslim
                                                                                                                                 of far-right provocateurs
                                                                 mosque in Irving, Texas.           51
                                                                                       Oct. 14, 2016. A trio of                  held an “anti-shariah” rally
                                                                                       militia extremists who                    in Dearborn, Michigan, a
  Sat.,        Bureau on                   Armed                 The Bureau of American              Islamic “the
                                                                                       called themselves          Relations (BAIR)
                                                                                                                                 city withconducted
                                                                                                                                              a large Muslim an armed
                                                  Timeline of Three
  April 2,     American-Islamic            Participation         protest
                                                  Percenter Attacks and     outside    of  a  Nation
                                                                                       Crusaders”      — of  Islam
                                                                                                           Patrick     mosque       in  South
                                                                                                                                 population.      Dallas,
                                                                                                                                                  Several    Texas.
                                                                                                                                                             armed     52

  2016         Relations                   in Protest
                                                  Plots Targeting Muslims              Stein, 47, and Curtis Allen               militia extremist groups
                                                                                       and Gavin Wright, both                    acting as event “security”
  Mon.,        Georgia Security            ArmedNov. 22, 2015.   InAprotest    of  a   49 —zoning
                                                                                     local    were arrested
                                                                                                         hearing   bytoFBIdiscusswere theamong
                                                                                                                                            proposedthe attendees,
                                                                                                 for attempting        to Security
                                                                                                                                 including     at least
  Aug. 1,      Force III%                  Participation
                                                  extremist groupof awith
                                                                        mosque, a group                    the Georgia                     Force      III%two
                                                                                                                                                           filmed a
                                                                                       carry out a terrorist attack              groups that explicitly
  2016                                     in Protest            videotoward
                                                  particular hostility    of themselves       outside a church,
                                                                                       against Muslims         living
                                                                                                                                   armed, expressing
                                                                                                                                               with the Three
                                                  Muslims calling    itself
                                                                 opposition      to theinmosque.       53
                                                                                          Garden City, Kansas.54                 Percenter movement.59
                                                  the Bureau of American
                                                                                       Despite denials from Chris
                                                  Islamic Relations (BAIR),
  Fri.,        Patrick Stein, 47           Terrorist             A trio of militia extremists
                                                                                       Hill, nationalcalling
                                                                                                         leader of themselves    Jan.“the22,Crusaders”
                                                                                                                                             2019. Four were
                                                  whose supporters
  Oct. 14,     Curtis Allen, 49            Plot self-identify with
                                                                 arrested     by
                                                                      the Three
                                                                                  FBI agents
                                                                                       the IIISF,for
                                                                                                   an attempting
                                                                                                        investigation to carry        out
                                                                                                                                 far-right  a  terrorist attack
                                                                                                                                             extremists      — Brian
  2016         Gavin Wright, 49                                  against    Muslims    byliving
                                                                                           the Southern
                                                                                                  in  Garden  Poverty
                                                                                                                   City,  Kansas.F.   54
                                                                                                                                    Colaneri,     20, denials
                                                                                                                                                        Vincent R. from
                                                  Percenter movement
                                                                                       Law   Centerofsuggests         thatThreeVetromile,
                                                    , conductedChris     Hill, national
                                                                  an armed                 leader         the group                Percent 19,  Security
                                                                                                                                                       Andrew Force
                                                                                       Stein may have previously                 Crysel,    18, Center
                                                                                                                                                and Nicholas
                                                  protest outside(IIISF),
                                                                     of a an investigation by the Southern Poverty                       Law                strongly
                                                                                       affiliated himself with the               Pheilshifter,    60
                                                                                                                                                      16 with
                                                                                                                                                          — plotted
                                                  mosque in Irving,    Texas.that
                                                                                             may     have
                                                                                                              of  IIISF. 55   affiliated    himself              the Kansas
                                                                                                                                 to attack the tiny hamlet
                                                                 chapter of IIISF.55
                                                                                                                                 of Islamberg in upstate
                                                  April 2, 2016. BAIR
                                                                                       Nov. 11, 2016. Individuals                New York. At least one of
  Fri.,        Unnamed Three               Armedconducted anIndividuals
                                                                   armed         on motorcycles
                                                                                       on motorcycles    andand in inpickup trucks       circledVetromile,
                                                                                                                                 the plotters,        the Dallas   had
  Nov. 11,     Percenter supporters               protest
                                           Participation   outside   of a
                                                                 office of the Council        on   American-Islamic            Relations,       an    American
                                                                                       pickup trucks circled the                 expressed support for the
                                                  Nation of Islam mosque in
  2016                                     in Protest            Muslim advocacy           group,
                                                                                       Dallas        while
                                                                                                office        displaying
                                                                                                         of the    Council signs Threeaffiliated
                                                                                                                                          Percenterwith       the Three
                                                  South Dallas, Texas.52
                                                                 Percenter movement.   on American-Islamic
                                                                                                56                               in a social media post prior
                                                                                       Relations, an American                    to his arrest.61 Islamberg
                                                  August 2016. In protest              Muslim     advocacy       group,          has been      thePercent
                                                                                                                                                     subject of
  Sat.,        Michael Hari, 47            Terrorist
                                                  of aPlot       Three
                                                        local zoning      extremists belonging to the “White Rabbit
                                                                      hearing                                                             Three                  Militia,”
                                                                                       while displaying signs                    far-right conspiratorial
  Aug. 5,      Michael McWhorter, 29              to discuss the attacked
                                                                   proposeda mosque          in Bloomington, Minnesota, with a pipe bomb. No
                                                                                       affiliated with the Three                 paranoia for several
  2017         Joe Morris, 22                     construction casualties
                                                                  of a mosque,  were Percenter
                                                                                        reported movement.
                                                                                                      from the incident.
                                                                                                                                 years,   whichmonths      later, they
                                                                                                                                                    has made
                                                  a group called attacked
                                                                   the Georgiaan abortion clinic in Champaign, IL,it subject        before to  their    eventual
                                                                                                                                                   the same           arrest.58
                                                  Security Force III% (GSFIII),                                                  annual protest for three
                                                                                       Aug. 5, 2017. Extremists
  Sat.,        Michigan United             Armedthe state chapter      of the of far-right provocateurs held an “anti-Sharia”
                                                                 A coterie             belonging to the “White                   years from far-rightrally inactors,
  April 21,    Patriots Three Percent             Three Percent
                                           Participation           Security a city with a large Muslim population.
                                                                 Michigan,                                                               Several
                                                                                                                                 including     Three   armed
                                                                                       Rabbit Three Percent
                                                  Force (IIISF), filmed a                                                        groups,    62
                                                                                                                                               as well as the
  2018         Ohio III Percent            in Protest            groups acting asMilitia”event—“security”
                                                                                                    Michael Hari,  were among         the attendees,         including at
                                                  video of themselves                                                            target of previous        alleged
               Security Force                                    leastwhile
                                                  outside a church,      two groups47,   identifying       with the Three Percenter
                                                                                            Michael McWhorter,                                    movement.         59

                                                                                       29, and Joe Morris,                       militia extremist terrorist
                                                  armed, expressing their                                                        plots. All four plotters pled
                                                                                       22 — attacked a mosque
  Tues.,       Brian F. Colaneri, 20              opposition toFour
                                           Terrorist              the Muslim
                                                                        individualsinplotted       to attack       Islamberg,guiltya hamlet
                                                                                                                                         63       in upstate
                                                                                                                                            and received      prisonNew
                                                                                          Bloomington,        Minnesota
  Jan. 22,     Vincent                     Plot house of worship.York.Local
                                                                           At least one      of  the   plotters,
                                                                                       with a pipe bomb. No          Ventromile,       had
                                                                                                                                 sentences   supported
                                                                                                                                                 ranging from the Three
                                                  county commissioners
  2019         R. Ventromile, 19                                 Percenter movement             on social
                                                                                       casualties              media before
                                                                                                      were reported                 histoarrest.
                                                                                                                                 four       12 years.Far-right
                                                                                                                                                     61 64
                                                  who scheduled the hearing
               Andrew C. Crysel,18                               conspiratorial paranoia
                                                                                       from the made
                                                                                                   incident. Islamberg subject to three annual protests

               Nicholas Pheilshifter,16                             from far-right actors, including Three Percenter groups.62 In 2015, a
                                                                    Tennessee man was arrested for trying to assemble a strike team of
                                                                    militia extremists to attack the hamlet. All plotters pled guilty63 and
                                                                    received prison sentences ranging from four to 12 years.64

It is important to point out here that, given the focus of our brief, this list is limited to Three Percenters and does not include
cases of other militia extremists or other far-right (e.g., white supremacists or violent anti-Muslim single-issue extremists)
acts of violence and armed protest.

                                                                           12                                                                                    February 2021
Forecast                                Our conclusion is based on the           timeline in which mask-wearing
                                        following reasons, including             public health mandates eventually
Through 2021 and up to at least         lingering tensions associated with       lead to imposition of religious full-
2024, we expect militia extremists,     the results of the 2020 presidential     body coverings (burqas).68 In the
including Three Percenters, to          election, an additional spike in         run-up to the 2020 U.S. presidential
continue their efforts to recruit       coronavirus infections that may          election, QAnon became more
and radicalize target audiences         roll back efforts to reopen the          popular among militia extremists
as well as mobilize existing            economy, continued post-election         – many of whom have notable
                                        far-left violence,66 evidence of         histories of anti-Muslim activities69
movement supporters.
                                        ongoing disinformation efforts           – and at least 78 QAnon supporters
In an earlier Terrain Assessment        related to COVID-19 protective           ran for congressional office,70
                                        measures, and fear about                 two of whom won. One of these
published by the Newlines Institute
                                        mounting civil unrest spreading          candidates, U.S. Representative
for Strategy and Policy, formerly
                                        to rural, predominately white            Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), is
the Center for Global Policy, we
                                        sections of the country.                 particularly notable because she
noted that the recent surge in                                                   openly embraced anti-Muslim hate,
armed U.S. far-right mobilization       Against this tumultuous backdrop,        antisemitic tropes, and anti-Black
was associated with several             some far-right actors – including        racism71 while managing to win
national-level factors: deepening       Three Percenters and groups/             support from several high-profile
socio-political polarization, the       individuals associated with the          political figures,72 including Trump.73
public health crisis caused by the      broader militia extremist movement       Although at least some supporters
COVID-19 pandemic, the economic         – may be encouraged and/or               of the wider QAnon movement
downturn caused by COVID-19             enabled by the more permissive           appear to be fracturing and
and public health responses, and        socio-political environment to plot      exiting from it, others appear to
the multifaceted issues fueling         and attempt acts of ideologically        be maintaining their belief in the
the anti-racism protests. We            motivated targeted violence against      larger conspiracy, while others still
also pointed out that the policy        their perceived enemies. We              appear to be targets of recruitment
challenges posed by the resurgent       believe this elevated risk extends       from neo-Nazis and other white
armed far-right mobilization were       to Muslims, and those perceived to       supremacists.74 Regardless of the
further complicated by heated           be Muslim (e.g., Sikhs), because of      QAnon movement’s trajectory, it has
rhetoric from national elected          four additional factors:                 created an additional conspiratorial
officials, counter-violence from                                                 avenue for anti-Muslim bigotry to
                                        ■ The “QAnon” anti-government            enter into extremist movements
far-left actors, and the poor quality
                                        conspiracy movement’s increased          closely associated with violence.
of intelligence from local/regional
                                        association with anti-Muslim hate:
fusion centers.65
                                        QAnon, a once-fringe movement,           ■ The importance of anti-Muslim
                                        was politically ascendant and            animus in online disinformation
We also observed all these
                                        entering into parts of mainstream        efforts amid recently
associated factors have not
                                        political discourse until presidential   demonstrated public vulnerability
abated; in some cases, they have        powers peacefully transitioned           to false rumors during anti-racism
intensified. Our ongoing analysis       from Trump to President Joseph           protests: Anti-Muslim hate has
of the current socio-political          Biden. While ascendant, the              been a substantial component
climate leads us to believe this        movement had embraced                    of past disinformation efforts.75
remains the case. Therefore, we         medical conspiracy narratives            The current socio-political climate
maintain the view that America is       about COVID-19, several of which         provides a ripe environment for
facing an elevated risk of social       included Muslims.67 For example,         any actors, foreign or domestic,
upheaval, including political           an internet meme circulating widely      to engage in further “fake news”
violence, for several                   among anti-government extremist          propagation. A recent example
years to come.                          communities shows an imagined            of these two factors converging

                                                         13                                                   February 2021
“An investigation ... found one anti-government group with ties
      to the Three Percenter movement used its Facebook page to
      coordinate surveillance on 10 houses of worship and faith-
      based institutions throughout the U.S. Southeast, northern
      Great Plains, and northern Rocky Mountains.”

is a viral social media post that       Three Percenter movement used           issues to exploit.85 As noted earlier,
falsely claimed a Muslim “shariah       its Facebook page to coordinate         their ideology and narratives are
patrol force,” in partnership with      surveillance on 10 houses of            malleable enough to adopt new
antifa actors, will hit the streets     worship and faith-based institutions    perceived enemies and issues of
of Minneapolis once the city’s          throughout the U.S. Southeast,          interest. In past five years, this
police department is dissolved.76       northern Great Plains, and northern     growing antagonism, sometimes
This comes against the backdrop         Rocky Mountains.79                      violent, toward Muslims, antifa,
of a recent study by social media       Another group we identified80 –         and “illegals.” Most recently,
analysis firm Graphika, suggesting                                              this has also included intense
                                        which explicitly propagates the
Russian foreign actors had                                                      demonstrations of opposition,
                                        “Red-Green Axis” narrative, openly
shown interest in boosting QAnon                                                often armed and sometimes
                                        supports the far-right crypto-fascist
content.77 Such efforts are likely to                                           violent, to COVID-19 public health
                                        group Proud Boys,81 and displays
intensify if another “trigger” event                                            measures (e.g., mask-wearing and
                                        a large Three Percenter image on
precipitating another shock occurs,                                             shutdowns), Black Lives Matter,
                                        its website’s homepage – claims
like George Floyd’s killing did for                                             and the recent 2020 national
                                        one of its founders covertly visited
the recent nationwide                                                           election results.
                                        and gathered information on
anti-racism protests.
                                        several U.S. mosques, Islamic           We expect militia attention to shift
■ Anti-government extremists’           centers, and Muslim businesses82        again as the Biden administration
recent history of involvement in        for several years. The founder’s        takes power, elements of the
surveilling Muslim communities          surveillance included in-person         QAnon movement fracture due to
and faith-based institutions:           activity as recently as June 5,         its apocalyptic predictions failing
The earlier-mentioned May 28,           2020.83 While the purpose of these      to come true,86 and the prevalence
2015, FBI report also noted that        visits appears to be research aimed     of COVID-19 eventually waning
“multiple sources with varying          at perpetuating anti-Muslim fear,       due to ongoing mass vaccination
levels of access report conducting      it may inspire others to conduct        efforts. As far-right actors are
surveillance in diverse locations       similar activities, but toward          likely to feel threatened by the
including Alaska, Arizona, Indiana,     more violent ends.                      new administration’s perceived
Montana, New York, North and                                                    progressive outlook – including
South Carolina, Utah, and Texas.”78     ■ The need for the anti-                symbolically by its diverse staff and
Our review of open sources              government militia movement to          Cabinet picks87 – we assess that
suggests such activities remain         identify new objects of fixation:       Muslims may once again become
ongoing. An investigation published     Anti-government militia extremists      an increasingly attractive target of
in April 2019 by the Southern           are constantly in search of new         rhetorical and physical attacks from
Poverty Law Center found one anti-      narratives to justify their political   supporters of the militia movement,
government group with ties to the       relevance84 and flashpoint events/      including Three Percenters.

                                                         14                                                  February 2021
Policy Recommendations                 “Centers of Excellence,” university-       However, even in years when
                                       based entities conducting research         agencies were not typically facing
To mitigate the risk of violence and   that advance homeland security-            budget shortfalls, critical programs
marginalize movements promoting        related scientific research.90             like State and Local Anti-Terrorism
extremism and hate, we offer           The fact sheet also states that            Training (SLATT) were in danger
the following recommendations          these centers have attracted               of not receiving funding due to
to policymakers in government          “over $420 million in additional           congressional neglect.98 (SLATT
and decisionmakers in civil            funding from external sources              is a federally funded training
society, respectively:                 for homeland security research,            program established after the
                                       development, and education.”91             1995 Oklahoma City bombing to
                                                                                  teach local, state, territorial, and
First, increase public awareness
                                       For non-governmental actors,               tribal law enforcement agencies
and understanding of the
                                       especially local citizen activists         about various terrorist threats they
potential threats the Three
                                       and other members of civil society,        may encounter from across the
Percenter movement and the
                                       this means drawing upon best               ideological spectrum.)99 To the
broader U.S. far right pose,
                                       practices to raise awareness of and        extent possible, law enforcement
in terms of their associated
                                       marginalize ideologically driven           executives are urged to not slash
extremism, hate, and violence,
                                       voices of violence, extremism,             funding for training. However,
to local communities.
                                       and hate. Several organizations            we also advocate that federal
For government policymakers,           have produced resources                    policymakers, including members
this means investing further in        containing detailed strategies,92          of Congress, allocate increased
academic and scholarly research        model campaigns,93 and useful              funding for research-informed
to increase understanding of           principles94 for elected officials,        programs like SLATT, which offer
the phenomenon. According to           communities, and grassroots                terrorism awareness trainings at no
a bipartisan panel of experts          advocates to use. In the words of          cost100 to law enforcement.
convened by the Stimson Center,        veteran civil rights advocate Ken
the U.S. government has spent          Toole, one of the goals “should be         Second, before proposing
an estimated $2.8 trillion on          to inform the public and to call into      additional federal domestic
counterterrorism between FY 2002       the question the premises that             terrorism statutes related to
and 2017.88 Comparatively little       underlie extremist movements – in          penalty enhancements, officials
has gone toward research that          the process, initiating meaningful         must rigorously enforce existing
generates further scholarly and        community discussion of pluralism,         federal and state laws and
empirical insights that can be used    tolerance, and the values necessary        carefully study their effects.
to combat ideologically motivated      to the conduct of public business in
violence. For example, a database      a free society.”95                         As Americans’ public awareness
search of research grants on                                                      of domestic terrorist actors
terrorism given by the U.S. Justice    For law enforcement agencies               increased over the past several
Department’s National Institute        and supporting policymakers,               years – especially after the
of Justice revealed a total of 77      this means significantly investing         violence associated with the Aug.
awards amounting to $69,592,368        in training for patrol officers,           12, 2017, “Unite The Right” rally
were declared and/or distributed       analysts/investigators, academy            in Charlottesville, Virginia – there
between 1999 and 2020.89               instructors/field trainer staff, and       has been a heated debate over
                                       executives/managers on domestic            whether101 or not102 additional
In a similar vein, a 2019 fact         ideologically motivated violence.          federal domestic terrorism statutes
sheet from the U.S. Department         Unfortunately, in times of budget          are needed to curb a widely
of Homeland Security’s Office of       constraints, quality officer training96    perceived resurgence of far-right
University Programs states its         – which is crucial for effective           extremist violence in the United
efforts are responsible for directly   policing – is typically one of the first   States. At the same time, an
providing $140 million to its          items to get slashed.97                    August 2019 report by the Brennan

                                                         15                                                  February 2021
Center for Justice at the New York     A June 2020 study by the Institute      future rallies similar to the Unite the
University School of Law identified    for Constitutional Advocacy             Right rally in Charlottesville.”104 In
73 federal laws, including predicate   and Protection (ICAP) at the            total, the ICAP report identified 116
offenses related to terrorism,         Georgetown University School            state laws105 that address at least
                                       of Law found that every state           one of the following issues:
hate crimes statutes, and other
                                       in the country has “at least one        “(1) constitutional provisions
criminal violations, that can be       constitutional or statutory provision   requiring the subordination of the
used to prosecute perpetrators of      that applies to [legally proscribing]   military to civilian authorities;
far-right ideologically motivated      the type of paramilitary and private    (2) statutes restricting unauthorized
violence in America.103                militia activity that may arise at      private militia activity;

                                                        16                                                  February 2021
(3) anti-paramilitary-activity
criminal laws; and (4) prohibitions
on the false assumption of the
uniform or duties of a peace officer
or member of the military.”106
Finally, an April 2018 article
published in the UCLA Law Review
comprehensively surveying local
and state laws as well as federal
court case precedent found that
“state and local officials have
significant latitude to enact and
enforce laws that restrict the
intimidating display of firearms at
public demonstrations. Instead
of inhibiting constitutional rights,
these laws protect people’s             A girl waves a Confederate battle flag during an August 2018 Richmond Virginia
rights to speak freely and to           protest against recommendations to remove a Jefferson Davis statue. Protesters
peaceably assemble.”107                 include the Virginia Task Force of Three Percenters.
                                        (CHIP SOMODEVILLA / Getty Images)
These studies collectively suggest
that ample legal authorities            the ICAP report, yet it continues        rights, and civil liberties standpoint,
and latitude already exist to           to have a longstanding and robust        and may be needed to enhance
prosecute criminal offenses often       anti-government militia scene. This      coordination and government
associated with Three Percenter         includes several groups, including       efficiency. Nevertheless, we also
and broader anti-government             ones that identified as Three            recommend a close re-examination,
militia movements. To the extent        Percenters, that showed up armed         and where appropriate, updating
any new laws may be needed,             to an April 2018 “anti-shariah” rally    of these legislative proposals.
state and local governments may         in Dearborn, Michigan, a heavily         For example, one widely cited
wish to consider statutes and           Arab and Muslim municipality.109         bill113 contains language about
ordinances that prohibit bringing       More recently, in what some              creating new structures within
firearms to public demonstrations       analysts now see as a prelude to         these agencies, including a
and prohibitions on paramilitary        events at the U.S. Capitol complex       Domestic Intelligence Executive
activities where none currently         on Jan. 6, 2021, Michigan is also        Committee, which at minimum
exist. Regarding the latter set         where several armed militia men          warrants caution and careful
of authorities, ICAP points out         stormed the state capitol building       scrutiny to avoid government
that only 29 of 50 U.S. states          on April 30, 2020,110 and where          overreach. Moreover, the same bill
have anti-paramilitary laws. The        law enforcement prevented a plot         only explicitly mentions mandating
lack of anti-paramilitary laws in       by several other anti-government         an assessment of threats posed
a neighboring state could cause         extremists attempted to kidnap           by white supremacists, including
some groups, depending on their         Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D)                infiltration of law enforcement and
location, to simply cross state lines   in October 2020.111                      military entities, but no mention
to avoid legal troubles.108                                                      of the same thing for activities
                                        That said, any proposed                  conducted by anti-government
However, it bears re-emphasizing        domestic terrorism statutes              extremists or other far-right actors.
that enforcing existing laws            related to delineating roles and         We find this to be a significant
must also remain a priority. For        responsibilities among federal           oversight considering that entire
example, Michigan has all four          agencies112 are somewhat of              organizations (e.g., Oath Keepers)
categories of laws described in         less concern from a privacy, civil       and sub-sections (“Constitutional

                                                          17                                                  February 2021
Sheriffs”) of the wider far-right     to connect DOJ records to the          budget, paying for training and
anti-government movement              court cases themselves.115 We          physical security enhancements
are specifically dedicated to         recommend Congress ameliorate          – such as camera systems,
recruitment of law enforcement        this issue by passing legislative      locks, lighting, intrusion detection,
and military personnel.               relief that requires the DOJ to        alarms, access control systems –
                                      publish the docket numbers             could be too costly.
We also recommend, however,           alongside their data.
careful study and systematic                                                 The U.S. Department of Homeland
empirical evaluation of what legal    Third, enhance physical security       Security’s (DHS) Federal Emergency
authorities are most effective        for nonprofits and places of           Management Agency (FEMA) offers
and where any gaps may exist,         worship that are often the object      security training assistance and
particularly at the federal level.    of fixation or targeted violence by    grants to pay for physical security
Unfortunately, as the Brennan         militia extremists.                    upgrades to facilities through
Center has pointed out, court                                                its Non-Profit Security Grant
data published by the U.S.            Examples like the ideologically        Program (NSGP). Unfortunately,
Department of Justice (DOJ)           motivated shootings in Halle,          this help is not reaching several
through its Legal Information         Germany,116 and Jeffersontown,         underserved faith communities
Office Network System is often        Kentucky,117 show how physical         that also happen to comprise
unreliable because it frequently      security measures prevented            predominantly people of color.
gets misreported.114 The issue is     assailants from entering houses of     Amid resurgent far-right activity
further compounded by domestic        worship and inflicting catastrophic    across the nation, we assess
terrorism prosecution data getting    loss of life on their congregations.   many of these same underserved
published without including the       For many houses of worship and         communities to be in a state of
court case docket numbers that        faith-based nonprofits, especially     elevated vulnerability (e.g., Muslims
would allow third-party researchers   those that operate on a tight          and those often perceived to be),118

                                                       18                                                 February 2021
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