A PROSPECTUS & CAREER GUIDE 2018- 2019 - Blackrock Further Education Institute - BFEI

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A PROSPECTUS & CAREER GUIDE 2018- 2019 - Blackrock Further Education Institute - BFEI
   Further Education
   Institiúid Bhreisoideachais
   na Carraige Duibhe

   PROSPECTUS & CAREER GUIDE 2018-­­­­2019


 Wo r l d. .

      o r t u n i t y
O p p

                                 EMERGENCY AND   MAKE-UP AND          NETWORKS AND
                                 HEALTH CARE     HOLISTIC THERAPIES   DIGITAL DESIGN
A PROSPECTUS & CAREER GUIDE 2018- 2019 - Blackrock Further Education Institute - BFEI
Principal’s Welcome
                                                                         It is a privilege as Principal to invite you to explore

Mission                                                                  the range of Post Leaving Certificate Level 5 & 6
                                                                         courses in a variety of disciplines that we currently

Statement                                                                have available to school leavers and adults
                                                                         returning to education.
The Institute is dedicated
to the development of the                                                By reading this prospectus or browsing our website
full potential of learners,                                              (www.bfei.ie), you will gain a greater understanding
intellectually, emotionally                                              of the courses and qualifications on offer.
and vocationally, while also                                             The graduate profiles included throughout
enhancing their independence,                 this prospectus will also give you an insight into the experience
constructive criticism,
                                              of students at our Institute.
co-operation and care
for others, in a supportive
                                              You should also know that BFEI:                    progress, while Subject Teachers give
                                              • is a modern, dynamic learning                    regular feedback on assignments/project
                                                 environment with state-of-the-art               work. Guest speakers and educational
                                                 facilities, where students benefit from the     field trips further enhance the learning
                                                 use of modern technology, well equipped         experience.
                                                 practical rooms, and in particular, the
                                                 eLearning platform, Moodle. These             • encourages students to participate in
                                                 facilities greatly enhance the teaching of      social, cultural and charity activities so
   Open Da19
                                                 practical hands-on industry skills sought       that their time in college will be both
                                                 after by employers or needed to progress        enjoyable and fulfilling.

                                                 to further studies.
                                                                                               I hope you find a course in our Institute
                                              • places the learner at the heart of             to help you to realise your career potential
                                                 everything we do. Staff are committed         and expand your horizons. We look
                                                 to providing a supportive learning            forward to helping you shape your future.
  Wednesday 23 May 2018                          environment to enable students to make
  2pm to 4pm                                     the transition from secondary school to
                                                 college or for mature students to make
  Wednesday 29 August 2018
                                                 the transition back to study. Each class
  12pm to 6pm                                                                                  Deirdre Hanamy
                                                 group is assigned a Course Co-ordinator
                                                 who takes a personal interest in each
  Tuesday 15 January 2019
  10am to 4pm

                               Principal                                                                   BFEI is a constituent College
                               Deirdre Hanamy                                                              of the Dublin and Dún
                                                                                                           Laoghaire Education &
                               Deputy Principals                                                           Training Board (DDLETB).
                               Breda Lillis, Lucy Tierney
                                                                                                           DDLETB CEO
                                                                                                           Paddy Lavelle
A PROSPECTUS & CAREER GUIDE 2018- 2019 - Blackrock Further Education Institute - BFEI
  What BFEI Can Offer You                                                                                                                         2
  Professional Qualifications and Progression to Higher Education                                                                                 3
  A New Beginning                                                                                                                                 4
  Don’t Mind The GAP!                                                                                                                             5
  Award Winning State-of-the-Art Campus                                                                                                           6
  Where BFEI Can Take You                                                                                                                         8
  The Social Side                                                                                                                                 10
  Celebrating Achievement - Graduation & Achievement Awards Ceremony 2017                                                                         12
  Fees and Funding Information                                                                                                                    13
  Application Procedure                                                                                                                           13

   Accounting Technician 		 Mornings Option Available		                 14
   Accounting Technician Apprenticeship 		 NEW 		                       15
   Auctioneering, Estate Agency and Valuation				                       16
   Pre-University Law				                                               17
   Pre-University Arts and Social Science 		 NEW		18     Business
   Business Studies				 Business                                        19
   Financial Services and Business            NEW		20
   Marketing and Social Media Strategy 				                    Business 21
   Retail Management and Marketing				                                  22

   Interior Architecture and Design		 Mornings Option Available		 Design        23
   Landscape Architecture 				                                                  24
   Garden Design		 NEW		25                                          Design

   Graphic Design				                                                           26
   Arts Administration				                                               Design

   COMMUNITY, EMERGENCY AND HEALTH CARE                                                                                     Community Emergency
   Applied Psychology 		 Mornings Option Available		                      28
   Psychology with Special Needs Assisting (SNA) NEW		29
                                                       Community Emergency
                                                       Community  Emergency

   Pre-Paramedic Fire and Ambulance Service				                           30
   Retail Pharmacy Assistant				                                          31
                                                           Community Emergency

   Nutrition, Health and Wellbeing 				                                   32
   Sports Injuries and Soft Tissue Massage Therapy 			                    33

   BEAUTY THERAPY, MAKE-UP AND HOLISTIC THERAPIES                                                                            Beauty Pherapy

   Holistic Therapies 		 Mornings Option Available		                                                                          Beauty Pherapy
   Beauty and Body Therapy				                                                                                                      Beauty Pherapy
   Nail Technology with Eyelash and Eyebrow Treatments		                                                                                           36
   Theatrical, Media & Fashion Make-Up Artistry			                                                                                                 37

   COMPUTING, NETWORKS AND DIGITAL DESIGN                                                                                   Computing

   Essential Office IT Skills		 Mornings Option Available		                                                                   Computing           38
   Computer Science 				                                                                                                           Computing
   Computer Networks and Cyber Security 				                                                                                                      40
   Games Design and Development 				                                                                                                              41
   Web Design and Digital Media		 Mornings Option Available		                                                                                     42
   Digital Publishing and Creative Writing		 NEW 		                                                                                               43

   EVENING COURSES 				                                                                                                                           44

The information herein is up-to-date at the time of publication. Any offer of a place is conditional on the Institute receiving approval and funding, which is subject to review at all times,
from the Department of Education and Skills, SOLAS and DDLETB. Course content is also reviewed on an on-going basis and this coupled with changes in resourcing and changes
in Awards, may result in course modification. Where changes occur after the publication of this prospectus, these changes will be reflected on the Institute website (www.bfei.ie).
In the event of conflicting information, please contact the Institute Admissions Office at office@bfei.ie.
© 2018 Blackrock Further Education Institute
A PROSPECTUS & CAREER GUIDE 2018- 2019 - Blackrock Further Education Institute - BFEI
What BFEI Can Offer You                                                                                                Career Guidance and
                                                                                                                       We endeavour to support you during your
                                                                                                                       time at BFEI and to ensure that you realise
                                                                                                                       your full potential. An outline of the
                                                                                                                       supports we offer is provided here.

                                                                                                                       CAREER ADVICE
                                                                                                                       BFEI has strong links with industry and places an
                                                                                                                       emphasis on preparing graduates for employment.
                                                                                                                       As Guidance Counsellors, we provide assistance
                                                                                                                       with CV writing, job search techniques, and interview
                                                                                                                       skills to help you make the transition to work.
                                                                                                                       Career focused events designed to expose you to the
                                                                                                                       different types of career options are organised in each
                                                                                                                       Department and job vacancies are posted on career
                                                                                                                       noticeboards and the Institute website.

                                                                                                                       GUIDANCE AND SUPPORT
                                                                                                                       We provide a free and confidential Guidance,
                                                                                                                       Counselling and Career Service which includes:
                                                                                                                       • 		Advice and supports if you are making
                                                                                                                         the transition back to education.
                                                                                                                       • 		Personal Counselling with any personal difficulties
                                                                                                                         you may encounter during your time at BFEI
                                                                                                                         including referral to specialised counselling
                                                                                                                         services as relevant.
                                                                                                                       • 		Study Skills Workshops including Learning Styles,
                                                                                                                         Time Management, Research Skills and Report
                                                                                                                       • 		Guidance on further study options including
                                                                                                                         CAO and UCAS applications.
                                                                                                                       • 		Support if you have a disability or a specific
A CHOICE OF COURSES WITH                                    TEACHING AND LEARNING                                        learning difficulty as outlined below.
                                                            •   BFEI staff are chosen for their qualifications,        SUPPORTS FOR THOSE WITH DISABILITIES,
•   A variety of courses leading to recognised                  experience, enthusiasm and commitment                  HEALTH CONDITIONS AND SPECIFIC
    qualifications are offered in a broad range                 to continuous professional development.                LEARNING DIFFICULTIES
    of disciplines.                                         •   Courses are delivered in small teaching groups         If you have a disability, health condition and/or
                                                                which facilitates more contact with Subject            a specific learning difficulty, we will endeavour
•   BFEI is not part of the CAO points system,                  Teachers.                                              to provide you with appropriate supports within
    and offers flexible entry to those who want
    to gain professional qualifications or alternative
                                                            •   Each class is assigned a Course Co-ordinator who       the limits of available resources. You may be entitled
                                                                will focus attention on each individual student.       to supports under the Higher Education Authority
    pathways to degree courses.
                                                            •   A broad range of methodologies are used                (HEA) Fund for Students with Disabilities. Supports
•   BFEI courses are suited to a broad student profile          including instructor-led tuition, practical classes,   available may be limited and depend on the funding
    including school leavers, and those who wish to             field trips and tutorials.                             granted by the HEA. Examples include the purchase
    return to education to re-train or upskill. If you do                                                              of assistive technology, provision of a personal
                                                            •   Continuous assessment is an integral
                                                                                                                       assistant, and additional learning support either one
    not hold the Leaving Certificate, and are looking
                                                                element of most courses.
    for a new career, and a fresh start, then BFEI offers                                                              to one or small groups. This fund applies if you have
    you that second chance opportunity. If you do not       •   Campus-wide Wifi and high performing servers           sensory, physical and/or communicative disabilities.
                                                                ensure that you will benefit from access to cutting    If you have a specific learning difficulty, such as
    meet the stated entry requirements, you should
                                                                edge technologies and that staff have access
    make direct contract with the Institute to explore                                                                 dyslexia, you will need to provide an assessment by
                                                                to the latest technologies to further enhance
    your application on an individual basis.                                                                           an educational psychologist to apply for this fund.
                                                                course delivery.

                                                            •   The eLearning platform, Moodle, is used to provide     In order to apply for supports, you will need to
                                                                you with an on-line learning resource.                 request the BFEI Supplementary Application Form
                                                                                                                       for Students with Disabilities, Health Conditions
                                                                                                                       and/or Specific Learning Difficulties when submitting
                                                                                                                       your on-line application for a place at BFEI.
                                                                                                                       Completed forms should be returned to the
                                                                                                                       Disability Advisor and early application is advisable.

                                                                                                                       We look forward to welcoming you to BFEI.
                                                                                                                       Guidance and Counselling Team

A PROSPECTUS & CAREER GUIDE 2018- 2019 - Blackrock Further Education Institute - BFEI
Professional Qualifications
and Progression to Higher Education


BFEI graduates can gain professional qualifications
certified and accredited by a range of nationally
and internationally recognised examining
and professional bodies including:

•   Accounting Technicians Ireland (ATI) -
•   Comité International D’Esthétique et de
    Cosmetologie (CIDESCO) - www.cidesco.com
•   CompTIA Certification - www.comptia.org
•   Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) -
    www.qqi.ie                                                                                                NATIONAL FRAMEWORK
•   International Therapy Examination Council (ITEC) -                                                        OF QUALIFICATIONS
    www.itecworld.co.uk                                                                                       Successful completion of a Major QQI Award at
•   Irish Pharmacy Union (IPU) - www.ipu.ie                                                                   Level 5 or Level 6 at BFEI will mean that you can apply
                                                                                                              through the CAO system for entry into participating
                                                                                                              courses in the Higher Education Links Scheme.
                                                                                                              QQI will calculate the best score for you, based
                                                                                                              on your QQI results and will forward those results
                                                                                                              directly to the CAO in July. Further details are
                                                                                                              available at http://www.qqi.ie/Articles/Pages/
                                                         PROGRESSION PATHWAYS
                                                                                                              Higher-Education-Links- Scheme-(HELS).aspx.
                                                         TO HIGHER EDUCATION
                                                                                                              BFEI has signed a Memorandum of Understanding
                                                         BFEI offers you an alternative pathway to get
                                                                                                              (MOU) with a number of Institutes of Technology
                                                         a degree. All courses lead to certification on the
                                                                                                              including the Institute of Art, Design and Technology
                                                         National Framework of Qualifications and most
                                                                                                              Dún Laoghaire (IADT) and Waterford Institute
                                                         courses offer progression options to Universities
                                                                                                              of Technology (WIT). This has resulted in some
                                                         or Institutes of Technology through the Higher
                                                                                                              places being reserved on specified courses for
                                                         Education Links Scheme (HELS). HELS reserves
                                                                                                              BFEI graduates as outlined on course pages.
                                                         places on specified courses for holders
                                                         of full QQI Certificates.
                                                                                                              Graduates from some courses who successfully
                                                                                                              complete their studies at BFEI may apply for
                                                                                                              Advanced Entry to year 2 or year 3 of an appropriate
                                                                                                              degree course. If you are a mature student (over the
                                                                                                              age of 23), then you should note that some 3rd Level
                                                                                                              Institutions reserve a number of places on degree
                                                                                                              courses for mature students. You will have to apply
                                                                                                              to each Institution individually. Check out the details
                                                                                                              on progression options on each course page.

A PROSPECTUS & CAREER GUIDE 2018- 2019 - Blackrock Further Education Institute - BFEI
A New Beginning

                                                                                                                                                      I completed the
                                                                                                                                                      Retail Pharmacy
                                                                                                                                                      Assistant Course
                                                                                                                                                      at BFEI in May 2016
                                                                                                                                                      as a mature student
                                                                                                                                                      achieving an overall
                                                                                                                                                      Distinction. Having
                                                                                                                                                      chosen Retail
                                                                                                                                                      Pharmacy as the
                                                                                                                                                      course most suited
                                                        Twenty years out of the workplace and more than
                                                                                                                                                      to my interests but
                                                        25 years since I last sat in a classroom, I signed up
                                                                                                                                                      with no experience,
                                                        to study Interior Design at BFEI. Unsure if a lifelong
                                                                                                                                                      I felt somewhat
                                                        love of design was enough, I was nervous I would be
                                                                                                                   daunted and nervous. This course offered so much
                                                        out of my depth. However, with ‘empty nest’ looming
                                                                                                                   more than I expected and provided me with valuable
It’s never too late                                     at home, I made the leap and started in September
                                                                                                                   skills and knowledge that will stay with me. There
                                                        2015. My class was a mixture of young and mature
for a new beginning!                                    students. Our combined love of design meant we
                                                                                                                   was a broad range of age groups in the class and this
                                                                                                                   added to the atmosphere and contribution during
                                                        quickly developed a camaraderie of encouragement
                                                                                                                   classes. My time spent in BFEI was both exciting and
At BFEI, we believe in the                              and support. The inevitable challenges I faced with
                                                                                                                   challenging and I gained a lot of confidence in myself.
                                                        technology were made easier with the help of my
potential of all learners at all                        peers. The Institute Design Studios, with unrivalled
                                                                                                                   I would like to say a very big thank you to BFEI and
ages and stages. You may wish                           views of sea and mountains, provide an inspirational
                                                                                                                   all the Tutors for their vision and practical guidance
                                                                                                                   without which I would never have reached my goal.
to upskill, re-skill or yearn for                       space to develop ideas and this along with the
‘second chance’ education.                              excellent teaching and support offered by Tutors           Bernie Quinn,
                                                        made even the hardest of tasks feel achievable.            Retail Pharmacy Assistant Graduate, 2016
Whatever your aspirations,                              Every assignment brought new challenges and
we provide a supportive                                 over the 2-year period, my confidence grew along
environment to embark                                   with my skill set. I graduated with my Advanced                                               The best decision
                                                        Certificate in Interior Design in May 2017.
on a new path and realise                                                                                                                             I made was to go back
                                                                                                                                                      to education. After
your dreams. A recognised                               Nuala Kiely, Interior Design Graduate, 2017
                                                                                                                                                      researching colleges
qualification will ensure you                                                                                                                         and courses, I decided
are ready to return to the                                                                Having decided that                                         that BFEI was the
workforce in your chosen                                                                  I would like to return                                      right choice for me
                                                                                                                                                      as they offered the
career or are ready to progress                                                           to work after many
                                                                                                                                                      Pre-Paramedic Fire
                                                                                          years as a homemaker,
to higher education.                                                                      I knew that I would                                         & Ambulance course
                                                                                          first have to update                                        and I had always
You may wish to be immediately employable                                                                                                             wanted to work in the
                                                                                          my skills. It was
in a chosen field or simply to become academically                                                                 emergency services. A new state-of-the-art building
                                                                                          a daunting prospect
confident and wish to transition to higher education.                                                              with up-to-date facilities made a great first impression
                                                                                          returning to study as
As adults, some people may need to overcome                                                                        when I started. The course covered all aspects
                                                                                          a mature student but
personal barriers, develop self-belief, or be                                                                      of emergency service work which was important
                                                                                          it was an absolutely
challenged to take the next steps. Doing a course                                                                  in getting me to the next stage of my training as
                                                                                          necessary step to
of your choice at BFEI will support you in that                                                                    well as gaining qualifications. All the Tutors were
                                                        take. I chose BFEI because of its location, the course
transition and you will emerge equipped to face                                                                    supportive and helped drive me forward. Just one
                                                        content and the availability of classes in the mornings.
the next steps with confidence.                                                                                    year on, I am now an Emergency Medical Technician
                                                        It was a pleasure to learn in a modern, comfortable
                                                        environment with up-to-date equipment and facilities.      working on an ambulance. My career has taken
As the stories here illustrate, many of our graduates                                                              off and I am going on to train as a Paramedic.
                                                        The course was challenging at times but support from
have launched new careers having taken the plunge                                                                  The BFEI course was definitely the foundation
                                                        other students and teachers was always there.
to come to BFEI while others have progressed                                                                       I am building my new career on.
                                                        The whole experience was extremely positive.
to further study. The success of our graduates
                                                        I achieved the goal of updating skills, regained           Michelle Whelan,
is testament to people’s enduring potential.
                                                        confidence and made some great new friends.                Pre-Paramedic Fire & Ambulance Graduate, 2016
                                                        The sense of achievement after some difficult stages,
                                                        has made it all worthwhile. I am more than happy
                                                        to recommend BFEI as the next step forward
                                                        in your career/personal development.

                                                        Kathleen Reilly, Office IT Skills Graduate, 2017

A PROSPECTUS & CAREER GUIDE 2018- 2019 - Blackrock Further Education Institute - BFEI
Don’t Mind The GAP!

After three years out of the workforce, I was anxious
to return to work. I was looking for a course that
was business orientated which would broaden
my knowledge in the area, and make me more
employable. I decided to do the Accounting
Technician course in BFEI in 2014. The option for
further study after the course and the exemptions
you get with the ATI qualification when applying for
professional accounting qualifications such as the
                                                                    What if you don’t get the points needed
ACCA exams were also deciding factors for me.
I found that as well as increasing my knowledge,           Q:       for your degree of choice?
this course helped develop extra skills not only
for the workplace but also for everyday life.
Subjects such as Tax and Law covered a lot
                                                                    Or what if you get a CAO offer but are still
of information which as well as being important
in business are also useful in the ‘real’ world! Doing     Q:       unsure about which higher education
the course made me more organised; finding time                     course is right for you?
to study and reapportioning my work/life balance.
It also allowed me to develop a plan for my career
                                                                    Maybe you just want to try something out
and set goals for the direction that I wanted
to take in the future.
                                                                    or simply need a bit of breathing space?
I began working shortly after graduating and
I now work with a mid-sized company in the services
industry. My role involves the preparation of reports
                                                                    If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these
for management for budgeting and reporting
purposes, reconciliation of finance and creditors           A:      questions then perhaps deferring your
accounts and analysis of costs. It is interesting and               CAO place or having a ‘gap year’ to study
challenging. I believe that the knowledge that                      at BFEI would help you resolve these
I gained on the course and the practical application
                                                                    searching questions.
of the concepts to everyday situations given by
the teachers helped me to make an immediate
contribution to the company even though
I had not worked in this area before.                    If you are someone who ‘minds the gap’, then be assured, that doing a one
                                                         year course can be the best decision you will ever make. Some people
Deirdre Moore,
                                                         worry it may be a waste or that you won’t continue in education. The reality
Accounting Technician Graduate, 2016
                                                         does not bear this out as evidence suggests that those who take a year
                                                         out to do an FE course are more mature, better prepared for college and
                                                         make more informed choices about which course to pursue thus ensuring
                                                         a smoother transition to third level. Courses at BFEI offer progression paths
                                                         to Level 7 and Level 8 degree courses. So why not do a course at BFEI and
                                                         allow yourself a trial period to figure out your passions before you make
                                                         the huge leap to third level!

A PROSPECTUS & CAREER GUIDE 2018- 2019 - Blackrock Further Education Institute - BFEI
Award Winning
State-of-the-Art Campus

As a student at BFEI, you will
benefit from the newest                               Award Winning
technologies and state-of-the-art                     Campus
facilities in our new award winning
campus including:
• Modern Lecture Rooms
• Beauty and Holistic Therapy Suites
• Design Studios
• Computer Laboratories
• ICT Learning Centre
• Access to the Blackrock Public Library Facilities
• Modern Student Cafeteria
• Dedicated Student Social area in the Atrium

A PROSPECTUS & CAREER GUIDE 2018- 2019 - Blackrock Further Education Institute - BFEI
“The Institute Design Studios, with unrivalled views of sea and mountains, provide an inspirational space to develop ideas”.
Nuala Kiely, Interior Design Graduate, 2017

A PROSPECTUS & CAREER GUIDE 2018- 2019 - Blackrock Further Education Institute - BFEI
Industry, Higher Education Institutions and


                                                           “Llyods Pharmacy have recruited two
                                                           graduates from the Retail Pharmacy Course
                                                           at BFEI, one is currently working in Blackrock
    “The School of Psychology at University                and another is based in Lloyds Drumcondra.
    of Wales Trinity Saint David & Swansea                 I found the BFEI course excellent, especially
    Metropolitan is proud to have established              the OTC (Over The Counter) Medicines
    a strong relationship with BFEI and to give            knowledge. The girls were ready to start
    BFEI’s Applied Psychology students the                 straight away without any major training.
    opportunity to come and study with us on               They both fit well in our busy flagship          “Inglot have been associated with BFEI, since
    our British Psychological Society accredited           stores. I can see one of the graduates as an     our first store opened over 8 years ago in
    Psychology degree. We have always found                Assistant/Store Manager in the next few          Ireland. BFEI Theatrical Make-Up students
    our BFEI students to be hard working and               years. From the first day, the girls showed      attend regular Inglot masterclasses and
    enthusiastic, with many of them going on to            a great standard of customer service, retail     make-up demonstrations hosted by our
    further postgraduate study once completing             knowledge and strong computer skills. I am       talented Senior Make-Up Artists where they
    our undergraduate degree, either in the UK             always happy to take any students anytime        learn advanced make-up techniques and
    or back home in Ireland”.                              who studied at BFEI, as I know they have         gain advice about the industry. A number of
                                                           excellent qualifications and will be a real      Inglot’s current work force are BFEI graduates
    Dr Ceri Phelps, Head of School of                      asset to our business”.                          and we run a very exciting annual BFEI/
    Psychology, University of Wales Trinity Saint
    David (UWTSD) & Swansea Metropolitan                                                                    Inglot Graduate Programme. Inglot recruit
                                                           Veronica Kostyrka, Store Manager, Lloyds
                                                                                                            a number of the Institute’s top talents each
                                                           Pharmacy, Blackrock Shopping Centre
                                                                                                            year and we look forward to seeing graduates
                                                                                                            rise up through the ranks at Inglot. We look
                                                                                                            forward to working with the Institute and
                                                                                                            their exceptionally talented tutors while
                                                           “The BFEI Pre-Paramedic Course prepares          forging more exciting opportunities for
                                                           students well for entering the BSc in            future graduates and we are honoured to
                                                           Paramedic Science here at Anglia Ruskin          be affiliated and supplying customised kits
                                                           University. The students come with a             to one of Ireland’s most highly established
                                                           good understanding of basic ambulance            Institutes”.
                                                           techniques and a thirst for knowledge to
                                                                                                            Jane Swarbrigg, Director, Inglot Ireland
                                                           bring them through the science and other
                                                           aspects of the BSc to successfully complete
                                                           their degree. They may then become a UK
                                                           registered Paramedic which opens up a wide
                                                           range of employment opportunities either
                                                           within or outside the NHS. Feedback from our
                                                           College staff regarding recent BFEI graduates                            Niamh Keane
    Dr Ceri Phelps pictured with BFEI Applied Psychology
    Graduates Lucinda De Stacpoole Lynch and Neil          including Niamh Keane (BFEI Graduate                                     BFEI Pre-Paramedic
    Fitzgerald who progressed their studies at UWTSD
    & Swansea Metropolitan.
                                                           2015, 2nd Year Paramedic Science Student,                                Graduate
                                                           Chelmsford) and Darren Ryan (BFEI Graduate
                                                           2014, 3rd Year Paramedic Science Student,
                                                           Cambridge) shows how well equipped the
                                                           BFEI graduates are to progress to further
                                                           studies. We look forward to working with
                                                           many more BFEI graduates in the future”.

                                                           Fionnuala Wayland, Faculty of Medical
                                                           Science, Anglia Ruskin University

Self-Employed Graduates Perspectives
                                                   “With a return to a strong                         “We have been visiting Blackrock Further
 “After being
                                                   economy and the demand                             Education Institute for over 10 years.
 made redundant
                                                   for property on the increase                       The level of education, training and
 from the
                                                   again, there couldn’t be a better time             qualifications provided at this Institute is
                                                   to pursue a career in Auctioneering. With          of the highest standard in Beauty Therapy,
                                                   this in mind, I would recommend the BFEI           Nail Technology, and Holistic Therapies.
 sector, my
                                                   Auctioneering Course as a great gateway            Steiner has recruited many graduates from
 local FAS office
                                                   to our industry. This course offers an excellent   BFEI because we know it is one of the best
                                                   grounding in a number of key areas. In the         Institutes in Ireland. As a global recruitment
 that I re-train. I had an interest in computers
                                                   last number of years, a number of graduates        company for all cruise ships around the
 but no qualifications and so in September
                                                   from BFEI have continued their studies on          world, we know that these are the graduates
 2009, I started a PC Maintenance Course
                                                   the IPAV Programme in IT Tallaght, and their       that we are looking to recruit as they have
 in BFEI. I did two years in BFEI, during
                                                   experience from the BFEI course has been           the best qualifications for the needs of our
 which time I got qualifications in computer
                                                   a great advantage to them and given them           clients. As a graduate of BFEI myself, I know
 maintenance and computer networking.
                                                   the confidence to progress in the industry”.       that the training standards provided to each
 Going back to learning was challenging,
                                                                                                      individual student, from course start
 however, I thoroughly enjoyed my time
                                                   Brian Dempsey, Partner, Douglas Newman             to course completion, are second to none”.
 in BFEI. The course was mostly hands-on           Good, Stillorgan, Co Dublin and
 which suited me very well. After BFEI,            IPAV President                                     Sharon Tighe,
 I did a start-your-own-business course.                                                              Steiner International Global Recruitment
 This course, coupled with my newly acquired
 IT skills, gave me the confidence to register
 myself as self-employed and begin offering        “Students who graduate from the
 my services as a Computer and Network             Advanced Certificate in Business from
 Technician. Initially, I took any IT work         BFEI are eligible for advanced entry into
 I could find. In 2011, I installed a suite        Year 2 of either the Bachelor of Business in
 of new PCs in a local primary school.             Applied Entrepreneurship (Level 7) or the
 Since then, through word of mouth,                Bachelor of Business in Entrepreneurship
 I have worked in several other schools with       and Management (Level 8). These students
 work ranging from installing WiFi systems         adapt very well to life in The Institute of Art    BFEI Beauty & Body Therapy Graduate, Katie Walsh,
                                                                                                      now working with Steiner Cruises
 to troubleshooting printers and interactive       Design & Technology, Dún Laoghaire (IADT)
 white boards. I find my job stimulating and       - our assessment is applied and practical
 rewarding, I greatly enjoy the independence       with a focus on continuous assessment and
 of working for myself and working in              the BFEI students have solid foundations
                                                                                                      “Helen Turkington Design has currently four
 different locations. Without BFEI, I would        on which to build their academic success.
                                                                                                      graduates of the Blackrock Further Education
 not be in the position I am in today, working     Alumni who commenced their studies in BFEI
                                                                                                      Institute Interior Design Course working
 full-time for myself in an expanding sector”.     have built careers in business development,
                                                                                                      as part of the Design team. We have found
 Paul Brierton, Primary IT Services                marketing and public relations. They have
                                                                                                      BFEI graduates to have a very strong working
                                                   become accountants and project managers,
                                                                                                      knowledge of all aspects of design and their
                                                   work as consultants, medical representatives
                                                                                                      technical ability is of a very high standard.
                                                   and digital marketing specialists. They have
 “Áit Urbanism                                                                                        Each team member came to work with
                                                   gone onto further studies at Masters Level
 and Landscape                                                                                        Helen Turkington Design with a very good
                                                   and have demonstrated that the knowledge,
 have been                                                                                            grounding and preparation for entering into
                                                   skill set and the competencies that they
 fortunate to                                                                                         the design industry. The BFEI graduates are
                                                   have acquired on their educational journey
 hire, Richard                                                                                        now an integral part of our design team”.
                                                   is transferrable and relevant to the current
 Jolly, a recent
                                                   economic conditions”.
 graduate of the Landscape Course who is                                                              Helen Turkington Design
 now a senior and invaluable member of our         Dr Therese Moylan,
 team. The BFEI course gave our employee a         Head of Department, IADT
 broad grounding in all aspects of Landscape
 Design and cultivated a strong attention to
 the detailing of landscape projects which has
 been a great asset to our practice. We would
 now recommend the Blackrock Course to
 young and not so young people we meet
 who are considering a career in landscape

 Daibhí Mac Domhnaill,
 Member of the Irish Landscape Institute
 Founder of Áit Urbanism & Landscape

The Social Side
Tours and Trips!                                                                                                  On the Ladder To Success
                                                                                                                  The Pre-Paramedic Fire and Ambulance students
A Freudian Trip                                                                         The last day was
                                                                                                                  and their teachers took a trip to ESTI in November.
                                                                                        spent visiting
Students and staff from the Applied Psychology                                                                    As part of this visit, students were given presentations
                                                                                        Sigmund Freud
Course departed for a trip to Vienna, City of Dreams                                                              on career opportunities open to them across many of
                                                                                        Museum, Bergasse
in November 2017. The trip commenced with                                                                         the emergency services both as Emergency Medical
                                                                                        19. The museum
a walking tour of the city which helped all get their                                                             Technicians and in the Health Care Sector. This included
                                                                                        consists of Freud’s
bearings and become familiar with many of the                                                                     hearing from many BFEI graduates who have forged
                                                                                        former practice and
city’s landmarks. A guided tour of the Jewish                                                                     successful careers both in Ireland and abroad in this
                                                                                        a part of his old
Museum Dorotheergasse followed on day two                                                                         field including in the Dublin Fire Brigade, the Dublin
                                                                                        private quarters.
where students were challenged by the guide                                                                       Airport Fire Service, Diageo (Guinness) Fire Service,
                                                                                        A history lesson
to apply Jewish history to modern day global                                                                      the HSE National Ambulance Service, the London
                                                                                        on Freud and his
events and were given an insight into the                                                                         Ambulance Service and An Garda Siochana. Students
                                                                                        evacuation from the
Jewish heritage of the city.                                                                                      were given a great insight into the daily work-life in
                                                                                        city of Vienna when
                                                                                                                  Emergency & Defence Service jobs as well as tips for
                                                                                        the Nazis occupied
The afternoon was spent visiting the Narrenturm                                                                   interviews, and the benefits of voluntary organisation
                                                                                        the city was enjoyed
(Fools Tower) which is continental Europe’s oldest                                                                membership. Overall the talks were very inspiring and
                                                                                        by all. This visit gave
building for the accommodation of mental health                                                                   showed students that there are many paths to success
                                                        the students a great insight into Freud and his
patients. The tower is currently home to the Federal                                                              in this sector with a focus on lifelong learning as they
                                                        Psychodynamic theories.
Pathologic-Anatomical Museum. Here students                                                                       continually up-skill, especially in the medical area.
were given a very informative guide of the              The trip concluded with the opportunity to shop           As one speaker put it, “this isn’t a job, it’s an adventure”.
museum by a young medical student who was very          in the beautiful city of Vienna and soak up the
knowledgeable and interesting!                          cafe culture!

Designers On Tour - Rome 2017

                                                                                                                    Food for Thought?
                                                                                                                  Students on the Advanced Certificate in Business and
                                                                                                                  the Retail Management and Marketing course have
                                                                                                                  engaged with local enterprises as part of their studies.
                                                                                                                  During a field trip to Starbucks, Blackrock, they had the
                                                                                                                  opportunity to discuss Starbucks approach to Customer
                                                                                                                  Service while also enjoying some complimentary
                                                                                                                  coffees! Further insights into the different customer
The Design Department spent an informative              All were enthralled by the movement and light of          service techniques were gleaned from the proprietor
week looking at the architectural and interior sites    the interiors. This was followed by visits to Renzo       of the amazing Heron & Grey Michelin Star Restaurant
of Rome. The trip started off with an informative       Piano’s Auditorium, Parco Della Musica, and Richard       in Blackrock Market. Students were enthralled listening
3-hour guided tour, visiting three Baroque churches     Meier’s ‘Ara Pacis’ while some of the group finished      to Andrew Heron, and delighted that staff at this
and the famous baroque sculpture of the ‘Ecstasy        the day enjoying a cocktail in the luxurious              prestigious restaurant were so generous in sharing
of St Teresa’ by Bernini. This trip ended in the        interiors of the J.K. Place Hotel!                        their expertise.
Roman Pantheon; a tribute to Roman engineering.
                                                        The final day was a busy one where students were
The afternoon was                                       free to take in sites of their choice. These included
spent browsing the                                      the Villa Farnesina in Trastevere, the Sistine Chapel
Roman Forum and                                         and a Monet Exhibition. Shopping was a great mix
the Colosseum. A visit                                  of pleasure and design! A lot of pasta and pizza
to the Maxxi Museum,                                    were consumed followed by craic in the evening.
designed by world
renowned Architect                                      All had a wonderful time
Zaha Hadid was first                                    and returned home,
on the itinerary                                        tired but motivated and
on day two.                                             confident about their
                                                        chosen field of study
                                                        and their future careers.

Fundraising and Fun-Raising                              The Blind Date finale was nothing short of hilarious
                                                         while the juggling lessons and casino gambling were
for the Simon Community!                                 also a big hit. Rumour has it that the social night in
The BFEI Student Social Committee were busy              Dtwo was one to be remembered! So thanks to all
organising RAG day in November 2017 with all             those who supported the raffle or treated themselves
proceeds going to the Dublin Simon Community.            to massages and nail polishes in aid of charity, and
It was a very successful day with a lot of laughs        of course, not forgetting the star bakers who once
and there was certainly a great buzz around the          again donned the aprons to produce the goods.
Institute for all the different events. The raffle and
the delicious cakes and treats that were on sale
on the day were the biggest money earners
for this charity event.

                                                                                                                     All of these efforts culminated in a cheque for €1435
                                                                                                                     being presented to the Dublin Simon Community which
                                                                                                                     they were grateful to receive to support their work.

And we have a winner!!
Congratulations to Interior Design student
Katharina Gummelt who was awarded first
place in the Colourtrend Interior Design Forum
competition at Ideal Home Show in October.
The jury unanimously acclaimed her sophisticated
design for a home office and guest bedroom
as the overall winner. This was a tremendous
achievement given the competition
for this prestigious award.

                                                              Erasmus +                                             experience as well as opportunities to make contacts
                                                                                                                    should they wish to travel and work abroad on course
                                                          BFEI is delighted to have secured funding for an          completion. In preparation for the placement, those
                                                          Erasmus+ Programme which is an EU programme               travelling will be given an opportunity to do a Spanish
                                                          for Education, Training, Youth and Sport. As part of      language course which will enhance the cultural
                                                          this programme 12 students on the Beauty and Body         and European dimension of the project. Participation
                                                          Therapy Course will get the opportunity to travel to      in Erasmus+ programmes has been shown to have
                                                          Tenerife in Spain for a three week work placement         a positive effect on later job prospects. It is also
                                                          with the first group scheduled to travel in Spring        provides an opportunity to improve language
                                                          2018. Under this initiative, students will receive full   skills, gain self-confidence and independence
                                                          funding for flights, and accommodation, as well as        and experience a new culture. Participation in this
                                                          support for day to day spending. They will be placed      programme is an exciting development at BFEI,
                                                          in busy Spas and Salons in the Playa de las Americas      and plans are underway to extend opportunities
                                                          region for the period and will gain invaluable work       to students on other courses.

Celebrating Achievement - Graduation
and Achievement Awards Ceremony 2017

In November 2017, graduates
from the 2016/2017 academic
year gathered in the O’Reilly
Hall in UCD for the Annual
Graduation and Achievement
Awards Ceremony. This was
a proud day for them, their
families and Institute staff.
Minister of State for Higher
Education, Mary Mitchell
O’Connor, TD., was on hand
to present the Certificates
and to offer words of
congratulations to graduates
as they embark on their chosen
careers or further studies.
As part of this ceremony, a former graduate of
the Institute is honoured with the Patrick O’Reilly
Graduate Achievement Award, and the recipient for
                                                         Senator Frances Black was the recipient of the BFEI                 Minister Mary Mitchell O’Connor, TD., is pictured above with the
2017 was Jennifer Rock. A graduate from the Beauty
                                                                                                                             Graduates of the Year, the Institute Principal, Deirdre Hanamy and
Therapy and Holistic Therapies Courses, Jennifer has     Honorary Graduate Award in recognition of her work                  the Honorary Graduate for 2017, Senator Frances Black.
forged an extremely successful career in the beauty      with the Rise Foundation. Frances spoke about her
industry. As well as being the CEO of The Skin Nerd,     own pathway in life, her return to education as a
an on-line skin consultancy company, she is the          mature student to qualify as an Addiction Counsellor
resident skin and beauty expert for TV3’s Ireland AM.    and her election to Seanad Éireann. She encouraged
In her acceptance speech, Jennifer spoke about the       graduates to never let a fear of failure prevent them
rollercoaster of having her own business, and her        from taking opportunities open to them, and
belief that attitude is everything. She told graduates   to follow their dreams, as dreams do come true.
that success is different for everyone, and encouraged   Senator Black is pictured on the right
them to push through fear to get where they              addressing graduates.
wanted to be in their career while also stressing the
importance of enjoying the journey along the way.        Jennifer Rock receiving the Patrick O’Reilly Graduate Achievement
                                                         Award from Minister Mary Mitchell O’Connor, TD.

Fees and Funding                                                                                                     Procedure
                                                                                                                         FIND THE COURSE
                                                                                                                         THAT’S RIGHT FOR YOU
                                                                                                                         Read this prospectus or browse the Institute
                                                                                                                         website – www.bfei.ie.

                                                                                                                         Come to an Open Day. Open Days provide
                                                                                                                         an opportunity to meet staff and students,
At BFEI, we make every effort                                                                                            and view the Institute’s facilities.
to keep fees to a minimum.                                                                                               Contact the Institute for advice. The Guidance
Information on financial                                                                                                 Counsellors, Principal, Deputy Principals
                                                                                                                         and Department Heads will be very happy
support and eligibility for                                                                                              to meet you and help find the best way
                                                                                                                         forward for you – contact us at office@bfei.ie
funding is available from
                                                                                                                         Still unsure? Check out www.careersportal.ie

                                                                                                                     2   SUBMIT AN APPLICATION FORM
                                                                                                                         You can apply on-line at www.bfei.ie
•   Once you decide to accept the offer of a place                                                                       If you do not have easy access to the
    at BFEI, you will be required to pay an Acceptance                                                                   internet, then you can drop-in to BFEI
    Fee of €40 in order to secure your place.                                                                            and make an on-line application using
                                                                                                                         the Institute’s facilities.
•   There are no tuition fees except for                                                                                 You should note that if there are more
    non-EU nationals who are charged a tuition                                                                           applicants than places for a course,
    fee determined by the Irish Government.                                                                              a waiting list will be formed.
    See www.bfei.ie for further details. If you are      BTEA (Back to Education Allowance)
    a non-EU National, then you should be in
    compliance with Irish Visa requirements
                                                         If you are in receipt of certain social welfare payments,
                                                         then under the BTEA you may be able
                                                                                                                     3   ADVISORY MEETING
                                                                                                                         Once you apply, you will be invited to an
    in advance of applying to BFEI.                                                                                      Advisory Meeting and get the opportunity
                                                         to retain your payments while doing a full-time
                                                                                                                         to meet course staff who will offer guidance
                                                         course at BFEI. See www.welfare.ie or
•   You will be required to pay a Student Services                                                                       to ensure that the course best suits your
                                                         www.studentfinance.ie for further details                       needs. You will be advised about course costs,
    Charge of €150 prior to course commencement.
                                                         or ask about it at your local Department                        and course registration details at the meeting.
•   A Government PLC Levy of €200 is payable prior       of Employment Affairs and Social Protection Office.
    to course commencement. You will be exempt
    from this levy if you have a medical card or are     VTOS (Vocational Training                                   4   ACCEPT YOUR PLACE
                                                                                                                         Places will be offered, on a first come basis,
    in receipt of a PLC (SUSI) Grant, BTEA, or VTOS.     and Opportunities Scheme)                                       following the outcome of the Advisory
    See www.bfei.ie for further details.                 If you are unemployed and over 21, then under VTOS,             Meeting. In order to accept your place,
                                                         you will be able to do a full-time course at BFEI and           you will be required to pay a €40
•   Other costs (books, exams, professional
                                                         retain your social welfare entitlements. VTOS applies
                                                                                                                         non-refundable Acceptance Fee.
    membership fees, optional training etc) vary

                                                         to all courses at BFEI, however, early application
    depending on the course you choose.
                                                         is advisable as places are limited. See www.welfare.ie          REGISTRATION, FEES
    You will get general information on costs at your
                                                         for further details on eligibility or ask at your local         & COURSE COMMENCEMENT
    Advisory Meeting and specific details will be                                                                        Course registration and induction will take
                                                         Department of Employment Affairs and Social
    confirmed prior to course commencement.                                                                              place in late August/early September. Fees, as
                                                         Protection Office. VTOS Application Forms are                   outlined under Fees and Funding Information,
                                                         available from www.bfei.ie.                                     are payable on/before registration. Courses
FUNDING                                                                                                                  commence in mid-September.
PLC Maintenance Grant Scheme                             OTHER FUNDING SOURCES
The Department of Education and Skills (DES)             Local Partnerships including Southside, Bray,
provides a means-tested maintenance grant scheme         Northside, and Wicklow Working Together may be
for those attending full-time further education          able to help you out with some funding if you are

                                                                                                                          Open Day
courses. Applications are made on-line to SUSI           experiencing financial difficulties. Ask at your Local
(Student Universal Support Ireland) at www.susi.ie.      Partnership Office.


                                                                                                                         Wednesday 23 May 2018
                                                                                                                         2pm to 4pm
                                                                                                                         Wednesday 29 August 2018
                                                                                                                         12pm to 6pm
                                                                                                                         Tuesday 15 January 2019
                                                                                                                         10am to 4pm
Accounting Technician

COURSE CODE: Year 1 AT1, Year 2 AT2               Is this course for you?                              • You may be eligible for subject exemptions
                                                                                                         for previously attained relevant qualifications
                                                  Do you like working with numbers?
DURATION: 1 or 2 Years                                                                                   at the discretion of the ATI. If you completed
                                                  Have you an eye for detail? Are you
                                                                                                         the LCA, then you will need to submit details
TIMETABLE: 5 Days Mornings Option                 logical, methodical and a problem solver?              of all credits awarded.
                                                  As an Accounting Technician, you will
                                                  learn how to practically apply these                 • If you are a mature student (aged 21 or over)
Where can these                                   skills in a wide range of finance roles,               and do not hold the Leaving Certificate, then
qualifications take me?                           from accounts to financial controller
                                                                                                         you are welcome to apply. Each application
                                                                                                         will be assessed individually.
                                                  and beyond. You will be involved in the
PROGRESSION                                       day-to-day practical work of accountancy             What qualifications will I get when I finish
                                                  and play a key operational role in
TO FURTHER STUDIES                                                                                     the course?
Progress, with exemptions, to higher              producing reliable financial information.            After Year 1, you will be awarded the Certificate
professional accounting qualifications            Opportunities exist throughout industry,             for Accounting Technicians. After Year 2,
including CPA, ACCA, CIMA, ACA or                 commerce and in private accountancy                  you can achieve the Diploma for Accounting
                                                  practices for qualified Technicians.                 Technicians, provided you have two years’
BBS (Hons) Accounting                                                                                  work experience. Previous relevant work
Institute of Public Administration –              What will I study?                                   experience may be considered –
www.ipa.ie                                                                                             see www.accountingtechniciansireland.ie.
                                                  Year 1: Certificate for Accounting Technicians
3rd year of a 4-year part-time programme          • Financial Accounting
                                                                                                       How will I be assessed for these
or gain advanced entry to other Business          • Law and Ethics
Degree programmes in Ireland.                     • Business Management
                                                  • Taxation                                           Assessment is based mainly on end of year
                                                  • Spreadsheets                                       examinations which take place in May each
JOB OPPORTUNITIES                                                                                      year.
                                                  Year 2: Diploma for Accounting Technicians
As a graduate of this course, you can pursue
                                                  • Advanced Financial Accounting                      What skills will I have when I finish?
careers in a range of areas across the public
                                                  • Advanced Taxation                                  You will have gained the knowledge and skills to:
sector, industry, private accountancy
                                                  • Management Accounting                              • Prepare financial statements.
practices and self-employment. Accounting
                                                  • Integrated Accounting Systems (IAS)                • Prepare financial reports and other
Technicians perform a wide range of roles
                                                                                                         management information.
including:                                        Will I do anything additional on the course?
                                                                                                       • Compute tax liabilities for companies and
• Bookkeeping                                     Career advice and help with CV preparation
                                                  is provided by the BFEI Guidance and Career            individuals.
• Financial Accounting & Budgeting                Service.                                             • Set up and manage systems for budgets,
• Costing & Credit Control                                                                               stock control, cost accounting, and cash
                                                  What are the entry requirements?                       reconciliations.
• Payroll Administration
                                                  • Leaving Certificate with pass grade in             • Set up and manage credit control procedures.
• Tax Returns                                       5 Ordinary level subjects (including an O5         • Use industry standard software (SAGE) to
                                                    in English and either Mathematics                    produce payroll and accounts.
                                                    or Accounting) OR
                                                  • Pass grades in 2 Ordinary level subjects
                                                    together with 2 pass grades at Higher               How do I apply?
                                                    level (pass grades to include a minimum
                                                    of an O5 in English and either Mathematics                Apply on-line at www.bfei.ie
                                                    or Accounting).

     “      Throughout my 15 years working in accounting based roles, I always wanted to return to education and gain
      a 3rd level qualification in Accounting. After researching the various routes to achieve my goal, I decided to enrol
      in BFEI’s Accounting Technician’s Course. As well as being a highly recognised course with all the major Accounting
      bodies, I found the hours to be very convenient with school runs etc. The two year duration was also appealing.
      BFEI itself is wonderful facility in which to learn. The classes and the communal areas all have a bright, fresh feel to
      them. The staff are all very enthusiastic and approachable, and are more than happy to provide an encouraging voice
      whenever it may be needed. Upon completing the course, I was eligible to continue my studies with Chartered
      Accountants Ireland. The fact that I qualified for exemptions was an added bonus. I have started a new job in an

      accounting practice on the strength of the qualification. I couldn’t recommend this qualification enough, if only for the amount of other
      opportunities it has created for me.

      Barry O’Neill, Accounting Technician Graduate, 2017
Accounting Technician
COURSE CODE: Year 1 ATAP1, Year 2 ATAP2             Is this course for you?                             What qualifications will I get when I finish
                                                                                                        the course?
                                                    Do you like working with numbers?
DURATION: 2 Years                                                                                       On successful completion of the two-year
                                                    Have you an eye for detail? Are you                 Apprenticeship Programme, you will be a
TIMETABLE: 1 Day College Based and
                                                    logical, methodical and a problem solver?           fully qualified Accounting Technician having
4 Days Work Based
                                                    Why not earn while you learn with the               gained a Diploma for Accounting Technicians
                                                    Accounting Technician Apprenticeship                and a QQI Level 6 Advanced Certificate in
Where can these                                     programme? On this programme,                       Accounting.
                                                    you will work with a local business
qualifications take me?                             or accounting practice four days                    How will I be assessed for this qualification?
                                                    a week, and engage in intensive study               Course assessment is based on a combination
PROGRESSION                                         at BFEI for one day a week. You will
                                                                                                        of work-based assessment documented
                                                                                                        throughout the programme and exams which
TO FURTHER STUDIES                                  be trained ‘on-the-job’, in every
                                                                                                        are held in May each year.
Graduates from the Apprenticeship                   aspect of the qualification, and will
Programme can progress to higher                    be closely mentored by a qualified                  What skills will I have when I finish?
professional accounting qualifications              Accounting Technician or Accountant.                You will have gained the knowledge and skills to:
including ACA, ACCA, CIMA, and CPA.                 You will emerge from the programme                  • Prepare financial statements.
                                                    after two years with a nationally and               • Prepare financial reports and other
JOB OPPORTUNITIES                                   internationally recognised qualification,             management information.
As a graduate of this programme, you can            solid work experience and the                       • Compute tax liabilities for companies and
pursue careers in a range of areas across           opportunity to become a fully qualified               individuals.
the public sector, industry, private
                                                    Chartered Accountant in just five years.            • Set up and manage systems for budgets,
accountancy practices and self-employment.
                                                                                                          stock control, cost accounting, and cash
Accounting Technicians perform a wide
range of roles including:
                                                    What will I study?                                    reconciliations.
                                                    Year 1                                              • Set up and manage credit control procedures.
•   Bookkeeping
                                                    • Financial Accounting                              • Use industry standard software (SAGE) to
•   Financial Accounting & Budgeting
                                                    • Law and Ethics                                      produce payroll and accounts.
•   Costing & Credit Control
                                                    • Business Management
•   Payroll Administration
                                                    • Taxation
•   Tax Returns
                                                    Year 2                                              How do I apply for the

                                                    • Advanced Financial Accounting
                                                                                                        Apprenticeship Programme?
                                                    • Advanced Taxation
                                                    • Management Accounting                             •         Apply on-line at:
          This Apprenticeship
                                                    • Integrated Accounting Systems (IAS)                   www. accountingtechnicianapprenticeship.ie
    Programme has given
                                                                                                            and nominate BFEI as your college-based
    me the opportunity to                           Will I do anything additional on the course?            Tuition Centre.
    broaden my skill set                            As part of the programme, you will be assigned
    whilst being in full-time                       both a college and a work-based mentor to           • ATI will assess your application and send it
    paid employment. As                             support and guide you.                                to employers if it meets the eligibility
    a 20 year old music                                                                                   requirements.
    graduate, I wasn’t sure what the next           What are the entry requirements?
                                                                                                        • Employers from industry, practice and the
    educational step was but this has opened        • Leaving Certificate holders from 2017 or later:
                                                                                                          public sector will review your application
    my eyes to a career I had never thought           A minimum of 310 CAO points and at least
                                                                                                          and may call you for interview.
    much about before and I’m so glad I took          an O5 in Ordinary Level English and either
    the step and joined the course. Like              Mathematics or Accounting is required.            • If successful, you will start a two-year
    many people (younger and older), it can                                                               contract with a company and will earn
                                                    • Leaving Certificate holders prior to 2017:          at least the minimum wage for the duration
    be hard to decide what you want to do             A minimum of 300 CAO points and at least
    in life, so this is a perfect taster into the                                                         of the programme.
                                                      a D3 in Ordinary Level English and either
    world of accounting and is a qualification        Mathematics or Accounting is required.
    that will serve you forever. Life is about
    trial and error, so if you’re a hard worker     • You must be at least 18 years of age on or
    and you’re thinking about accounting              before 1st July in the year of entry.

    why not take a chance on this 2 year            • You may be eligible for subject exemptions
    course. You won’t regret it!                      for previously attained relevant qualifications
                                                      at the discretion of the ATI.
    Leah Clarke, Apprenticeship
                                                    • See full eligibility requirements at
    Student, 2016/2018                                www.accountingtechnicianapprenticeship.ie.

Auctioneering, Estate
                                                                          Agency and Valuation

COURSE CODE: AEV                                   Is this course for you?                               What qualification will I get when I finish
                                                                                                         the course?
                                                   Are you intrigued by the dynamic nature
DURATION: 1 Year                                                                                         You will be awarded a QQI Level 5 Certificate
                                                   of the property market? Do you have a                 in Business Studies (5M2102).
                                                   confident, outgoing personality and good
                                                   communication skills? Are you skilled                 How will I be assessed for this
Where can this                                     in the art of negotiation? Then why not               qualification?
                                                                                                         Assessment is based on a combination of
qualification take me?                             consider a career in auctioneering and
                                                                                                         assignments and exams.
                                                   estate agency? With the upsurge in the
                                                   Irish property and rental market, there               What skills will I have when I finish?
                                                   is a demand for qualified estate agents,              You will have gained the knowledge and
TO FURTHER STUDIES                                 property valuers and property managers.               skills to:
Level 6 Higher Certificate in Real Estate
                                                   This course will give you the foundation              • Understand the principles of property
(Valuation, Sale and Management)
Apply directly to IPAV (Institute of               to build a career in this vibrant sector.               valuation.
Professional Auctioneers and Valuers) –
                                                                                                         • Appreciate the cyclical nature of the
                                                                                                           property market.
www.ipav.ie for entry to this Level 6 Award
delivered part-time in IT Tallaght.
                                                   What will I study?                                    • Understand the legal framework
                                                   •   Estate Agency Practice                              underpinning property transactions.
                                                                                                         • Prepare sales brochures and/or catalogues.
If you want to get a degree, then you can          •   Valuation
apply through the CAO system for entry into
                                                                                                         • Assist with marketing property for sale or
                                                   •   Applied Economics                                   auction.
courses in the QQI Higher Education Links
                                                   •   Business Law
Scheme such as:
                                                   •   Marketing Practice
BSc Real Estate or                                 •   Spreadsheet Methods                                 How do I apply?
BSc (Hons) Property Economics                      •   Communications                                            Apply on-line at www.bfei.ie
Dublin Institute of Technology – www.dit.ie        •   Work Experience

BSc (Hons) Property Valuation &                    Will I do anything additional on the
Management                                         course?
Limerick Institute of Technology - www.lit.ie      Career advice and help with CV preparation
                                                   is provided by the BFEI Guidance and Career
As a graduate of this course, you can pursue       What are the entry requirements?
careers in a range of areas including:             • You must have achieved 5 passes or 5 O6/
                                                     H7s or a combination of 5 O6/H7s or have
• Auctioneering Practice
                                                     achieved the LCA with a Merit profile.
• Estate Agency and Valuation
                                                   • If you are a mature student (aged 21
• Property Management
                                                     or over) and do not hold the Leaving
• Property Letting                                   Certificate, then you are welcome to
                                                     apply. Each application will be assessed

     “       I always wanted to become an estate agent, and following the economic recovery and my youngest child
      starting school, I decided to do the one year Certificate course in BFEI. I studied a range of subjects which I found
      extremely interesting and useful. While at BFEI, I worked part-time with an estate agent including showing houses
      at the weekends. When I finished in BFEI, I was accepted into the IPAV part-time Level 6 Higher Certificate Course in
      Real Estate, run in collaboration with the Institute of Technology in Tallaght, where I was joined by five BFEI classmates.
      I feel that the Certificate course in Blackrock gave me a distinct advantage in pursuing my studies, as I already
      had a good grounding in a number of subjects. I got my Level 6 Higher Certificate in Real Estate, Valuation, Sale &

      Management in 2017, and I’m now working for Horan Estate & Letting Agents, Dublin. I would recommend the BFEI
      course to anyone interested in embarking on a career in this field.

      Michelle Keeley, Auctioneering Graduate, 2015

Pre-University Law

COURSE CODE: LAW                               Is this course for you?                            What are the entry requirements?
                                                                                                  • You must have achieved 5 passes or 5 O6/
                                               Do you have an enquiring mind? Are
DURATION: 1 Year                                                                                    H7s or a combination of 5 O6/H7s or have
                                               you methodical and organised with an
                                                                                                    achieved the LCA with a Merit profile.
TIMETABLE: 5 Days                              eye for detail? Are you interested in              • If you are a mature student (aged 21 or over)
                                               legal cases and how the judicial system              and do not hold the Leaving Certificate, then
                                               works? Would you like to take the first
Where can this                                 steps to get a law degree? This course
                                                                                                    you are welcome to apply. Each application
                                                                                                    will be assessed individually.
qualification take me?                         will introduce you to the core principles
                                               of law and the Irish legal system. You             What qualification will I get when I finish the
PROGRESSION                                    will get the opportunity to study several          course?
                                               different branches of law and discover             You will be awarded a QQI Level 5 Certificate in
TO FURTHER STUDIES                                                                                Legal Studies (5M3789).
                                               the area that interests you most to pursue
If you want to get a degree, then you can      at degree level. Alternatively, you could
apply through the CAO system for entry into                                                       How will I be assessed for this qualification?
                                               use this qualification to gain employment
courses in the QQI Higher Education Links                                                         Assessment is based on a combination of
                                               in areas where a background in law is              assignments and exams.
Scheme such as:
                                               an asset such as the regulatory bodies,
Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL) or                 citizens advice and human rights
Bachelor of Business and Law (BBL)             advocacy agencies.                                   How do I apply?
University College Dublin - www.ucd.ie
                                                                                                          Apply on-line at www.bfei.ie
Bachelor of Arts (Joint Honours) Law
                                               What will I study?
Dublin City University - www.dcu.ie            • Legal Practice and Procedures
                                               • Business Law
Bachelor of Laws (Hons), LL.B
                                               • Family Law
Dublin Institute of Technology – www.dit.ie
                                               • Libel and Defamation
Bachelor of Laws (Hons), LL.B                  • Criminal Law
Waterford Institute of Technology –            • Word Processing
www.wit.ie*                                    • Communications
* 5 places reserved for BFEI Graduates
                                               • Work Experience
Minimum 3 Merits
                                               Will I do anything additional on the course?
Bachelor of Laws (Hons)                        • You will visit the Courts and also attend
Carlow Institute of Technology -                 a Forensic Criminology Workshop.
* Minimum 3 Distinctions                       • Career advice and help with CV preparation
                                                 is provided by the BFEI Guidance and
Bachelor of Laws (Hons) LL.B                     Career Service.

Dublin Business School - www.dbs.ie*
* Minimum 3 Distinctions
                                                             After missing out on Law in DIT by 5 points, my dream of
Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL)                          becoming a solicitor seemed bleak. Then I found the Pre-University
University of College Cork - www.ucc.ie              Law Course at BFEI and I knew from the moment I sat in on my
                                                     first lecture that it was for me. BFEI provided me with an excellent
                                                     foundation in an area that I love as well as giving me the chance to
JOB OPPORTUNITIES                                    form many relationships that will never be forgotten. I enjoyed my
As a graduate of this course, you can pursue         time there, and in my experience, the relationships formed between
careers in a range of areas including:               students and teachers go beyond words. Nobody is forgotten and
                                                     you’re always greeted with a smile. BFEI has numerous links to
•   Legal Assistant/Researcher                       colleges in Ireland, so there are many options once you finish. I am now studying Law
•   Legal Researcher                                 in DIT and progressing from BFEI meant that, having put in hard work, understanding
•   Paralegal Work                                   the subject area has become quite easy. I would recommend BFEI to anyone who is
•   Administrative Assistant                         unsure of where they want to go career-wise, or if you are sure, then I can promise you,

                                                     you will be well equipped with knowledge to a high standard following completion
                                                     of your course.

                                                     Janet A. Yennusick, Pre-University Law Graduate, 2017

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