An ensemble approach to quantify global mean sea-level rise over the 20th century from tide gauge reconstructions

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An ensemble approach to quantify global mean sea-level rise over the
20th century from tide gauge reconstructions
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Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 044043                                               


                              An ensemble approach to quantify global mean sea-level rise over
                              the 20th century from tide gauge reconstructions
6 October 2020                M D Palmer1, C M Domingues2, A B A Slangen3 and F Boeira Dias4
REVISED                       1
8 January 2021                    Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter, United Kingdom
                                  National Oceanographic Centre, Southampton, United Kingdom
12 January 2021
                                   NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Department of Estuarine and Delta Systems, Utrecht University, Korringaweg 7,
                                  4401 NT Yerseke, The Netherlands
PUBLISHED                     4
                                  Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
1 April 2021
Original content from         Keywords: sea level rise, climate change observations, tide gauge reconstructions, uncertainty quantification, climate change assessment
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under the terms of the        Supplementary material for this article is available online
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Attribution 4.0 licence.
Any further distribution
of this work must             Abstract
maintain attribution to
the author(s) and the title   We present an ensemble approach to quantify historical global mean sea-level (GMSL) rise based
of the work, journal
citation and DOI.
                              on tide gauge reconstructions. This approach combines the maximum internal uncertainty across
                              the ensemble with an estimate of structural uncertainty to provide a conservative estimate of the
                              total uncertainty. Comparisons of GMSL rise over the 20th century based on deltas and linear
                              trends (and their respective uncertainties) are consistent with past Intergovernmental Panel on
                              Climate Change assessments and show good agreement with satellite altimeter timeseries.
                              Sensitivity tests show that our estimates of GMSL rise are robust to the choice of reference period
                              and central estimate timeseries. The methods proposed in this study are generic and could be easily
                              applied to other global or regional climate change indicators.

                              1. Introduction                                                      in terms of the underlying trends and interannual-to-
                                                                                                   decadal variability (e.g. Oppenheimer et al 2019). The
                              Observational timeseries of historical global mean                   importance of this ‘structural uncertainty’ (Thorne
                              sea-level (GMSL) change are essential to our under-                  et al 2005) has led to several studies adopting an
                              standing of climate variability and change. Their                    ensemble approach to quantify uncertainty in essen-
                              uses include: assessments of the current state of                    tial climate indicators related to sea-level change (e.g.
                              our climate (e.g. Thompson et al 2020); monitoring                   WCRP 2018, von Schuckmann et al 2020).
                              and advancing knowledge of sea-level variability and                      In this paper we present an ensemble approach
                              change (Ponte et al 2019a, Hamlington et al 2020);                   to estimate observed GMSL rise, based on five tide-
                              evaluation of climate and Earth system models (e.g.                  gauge reconstructions as an example, or ‘case study’.
                              Slangen et al 2017); provision of sea level services                 While some previous studies have made use of
                              such as hindcasts and real-time forecasts (Ponte et al,              ensemble-based estimates of observed change (e.g.
                              2019b); and to inform assessments of future change                   WCRP 2018, Oppenheimer et al 2019, von Schuck-
                              and their socio-economic and environmental impacts                   mann et al 2020), we take a more holistic approach to
                              (Church et al 2013a, Oppenheimer et al 2019). All of                 the estimation of total uncertainty. This is achieved
                              the above applications require rigorous evaluation of                by combining an ensemble-based estimate of internal
                              the observational uncertainties.                                     uncertainty (i.e. the uncertainty in GMSL associated
                                  Reconstruction of GMSL change from the                           with each reconstruction, sometimes referred to as
                              available coastal tide gauge observations repres-                    ‘parametric’ uncertainty) with an ensemble estimate
                              ents a substantial scientific challenge with a num-                  of the structural uncertainty, which is informed by
                              ber of processing steps, each of which can influence                 the ensemble spread (Thorne et al 2005). We find that
                              the resultant timeseries (see section 2). Differences                both sources of uncertainty are substantial and there-
                              in methodological approaches across the available                    fore omission of either will tend to underestimate the
                              products leads to a diversity of GMSL reconstructions                total uncertainty.

                              © 2021 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 044043                                                                 M D Palmer et al

    In addition, we introduce elements of expert           Hay et al 2017), such as excluding records in tecton-
judgement and steps to avoid circularity in model-         ically active areas and/or where sediment compaction
observation comparisons that use our ensemble              is important.
timeseries. Based on our ensemble, we evaluate GMSL            Tide gauge records can be corrected for the effects
rise for a number of different periods and compare         of atmospheric pressure loading known as inverted
these to individual reconstructions and past Intergov-     barometer (IB, e.g. Piecuch and Ponte 2015), how-
ernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assess-           ever, a relationship between air pressure and sea level
ments. This comparison uses both delta (i.e. the           is not straightforward at decadal and longer times-
total change over a given period) and linear-trend         cales and thus no adjustment might be preferable to
calculations, and we discuss the suitability of these      a partial or a potentially poor adjustment (e.g. Miller
change metrics for different applications. The meth-       and Douglas 2006). Geodynamical models are used to
ods presented here are generic, and could prove useful     correct for ongoing glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA,
in the assessment of other global or regional climate      e.g. Peltier et al 2004). These models, however, do
change indicators (e.g. Trewin et al 2021).                not consider other potential sources of land move-
    The outline of the paper is as follows. In section 2   ment (e.g. sediment compaction, terrestrial water
we present the datasets used in our ensemble estim-        storage and/or cryosphere loadings). First-difference
ate of historical GMSL change, including a summary         of annual values can be used to account for uncertain
of the different methods used by the dataset origin-       datum and allow a greater number of stations to be
ators. In section 3 we describe the construction of        considered (e.g. Church and White 2011). For other
our ensemble GMSL estimate and the delta and trend         potential tide gauge corrections and more specific
calculations presented in this paper. The main res-        details, we refer the reader to WCRP Global Sea Level
ults are shown in section 4, including timeseries of       Budget Group (WCRP 2018) and references therein.
GMSL change with uncertainties and comparisons             A summary of the corrections applied to each dataset
of the estimated sea-level change for several example      used in this study is listed in table 1.
periods. Finally, in section 5 we present a summary of         Once the tide gauge records have been selected
our main findings.                                         and any corrections applied there are fundamentally
                                                           two approaches to determining GMSL (e.g. Church
                                                           and White 2011). The first, and simplest approach, is
2. Data                                                    to apply spatial averaging to the tide gauge records, to
                                                           arrive at an estimate of GMSL change. Several studies
Our 20th century ensemble analysis is based on             have adopted a ‘virtual station’ (VS) approach, which
a selection of available GMSL estimates, spanning          averages neighbouring station sea-level changes in
different methodological approaches and including          several regions before averaging the regions to get
uncertainty estimates (table 1). Where necessary,          an estimate of GMSL change (e.g. Frederiske et al
units are converted to mm and annual mean timeser-         2020; hereafter FR2020). The VS method avoids over-
ies are generated from monthly mean data, weight-          weighting of densely-sampled regions in the global
ing by the number of days in each calendar month.          average. FR2020 combined this approach with sea-
To facilitate comparisons with assessments of GMSL         level budget analysis of individual ocean basins using
change since 1901 reported in the IPCC Fifth Assess-       a large Monte Carlo simulation to sample across the
ment Report (AR5; Church et al 2013a) and the              estimated uncertainties.
IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere                The second type of approach uses estimates of
in a Changing Climate (SROCC; Oppenheimer et al            the large-scale patterns of sea-level variability and
2019), we extend the Dangendorf et al (2017; here-         change to interpolate between the tide gauge locations
after DA2017) estimate back to 1901 by simply              and thus estimate GMSL change. CW2011 applied
duplicating the 1902 value.                                the reduced space optimal interpolation (RSOI) tech-
    The long tide gauge records needed to perform          nique (Kaplan et al 2000, Church et al 2004), using
reconstructions over the 20th century have a highly        spatial patterns of sea-level variability informed by
heterogeneous temporal-spatial distribution, with          empirical orthogonal functions applied to satellite
greatest data availability in the North Atlantic sec-      altimeter data. A strength of this approach is that
tor (e.g. Church and White 2011; hereafter CW2011).        it relies purely on observational data to inform the
In addition, tide gauge records are of varying qual-       estimate of GMSL change. However, it assumes that
ity and often subject to additional non-climatic sig-      the sea-level variability captured in the satellite alti-
nals that can, to some extent, be corrected for in order   meter record since 1993 is representative of the entire
to better isolate the underlying GMSL change. There-       period, i.e. it assumes statistical stationarity. Calafat
fore, GMSL reconstructions are subject to diversity        et al (2014) have evaluated the ability of RSOI meth-
in the corrections applied to tide gauge records as        ods to represent trends and variability of GMSL using
well as the quality and criteria for selection of geo-     an analytical solution and synthetic tide gauge obser-
graphic locations to be included or excluded from          vations based on an ocean reanalysis. The authors
the analyses (e.g. Hamlington and Thompson 2015,           caution that the approach taken in CW2011 will

Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 044043                                                                                    M D Palmer et al

                                Table 1. Summary of GMSL reconstructions and methods used in this study.

Abbreviation           Period          Method                          Corrections applied                References

CW2011               1880–2013         Reduced space optimal           IB, GIA, tested for                Church and White (2011);
                                       interpolation (RSOI)            cryosphere and terrestrial         Church et al (2013b)
                                                                       water storage (minimal
HA2015a              1880–2010         Kalman smoothing (KS)           IB, GIA, cryosphere                Hay et al (2015, 2013)
                                                                       fingerprints, spatially-
                                                                       uniform fingerprint for
                                                                       thermal expansion and
                                                                       terrestrial water storage,
                                                                       sterodynamic fingerprint
                                                                       from CMIP models.
DA2017               1902–2012         Virtual station                 IB, GIA, GPS (or alti-             Dangendorf et al (2017)
                                       (VS modified)                   meter minus tide gauge),
                                                                       cryosphere fingerprints,
                                                                       terrestrial water storage
DA2019a              1900–2015         Kalman                          No IB, GIA, cryosphere             Dangendorf et al (2019)
                                       smoothing/(KS-RSOI)             fingerprints, sterodynamic
                                                                       fingerprint from CMIP
FR2020               1900–2018         Virtual station                 IB, GIA, GNSS (or                  Frederikse et al (2020,
                                       (VS modified)                   altimeter minus tide               2018)
                                                                       gauge), cryosphere fin-
                                                                       gerprints, sterodynamic
                                                                       fingerprints (including
                                                                       reanalyses), terrestrial
                                                                       water storage fingerprint,
                                                                       nodal tide correction.
    Indicates ‘hybrid’ products that include information from CMIP climate models as part of the estimate of regional sea-level changes.

tend to alias regional coastal variability at decadal                  3. Methods
timescales and over-estimate interannual variations
in GMSL. However, they found that the approach                         In this section we present our approach to construct-
of CW2011 captured the long-term trends in GMSL                        ing an ensemble estimate of historical GMSL change
reasonably well, which is the focus of the present                     that includes a conservative approach to estimating
study.                                                                 the overall uncertainty.
    Hay et al (2015; hereafter HA2015) used a Kal-                         Before describing the details of the methodology,
man Smoother (KS) approach to combine the tide                         there is an additional aspect to consider when, e.g.
gauge data with temporal-spatial patterns of sea-level                 using observations in model evaluation (e.g. Slangen
change associated with: (a) ocean processes from six                   et al 2017) or detection and attribution studies (e.g.
CMIP5 climate model simulations (Taylor et al 2012);                   Marzeion et al 2014, Slangen et al 2016); that is the
and (b) ‘fingerprints’ of sea-level change associated                  issue of ‘circularity’. Circularity, or circular reason-
with GIA and mass loss from Antarctica, Greenland                      ing, can arise in this context when information from
and mountain glacier regions. A strength of the Hay                    models is used to influence observational analyses of
et al approach is that it allows a more comprehens-                    past climate change. A common example is the use
ive treatment of the drivers of observed sea-level                     of spatially complete data from climate model sim-
change and accommodates non-stationarity of trends                     ulations to establish temporal-spatial relationships
and incomplete data records. However, an important                     that can be used to inform interpolation of obser-
caveat is that in the absence of observations, the KS                  vational data voids (see section 2). Such approaches
relies on the model dynamics. Based on these previ-                    have been applied to tide gauge reconstructions of
ous works, Dangendorf et al (2019; hereafter DA2019)                   GMSL change (e.g. Hay et al 2015, Dangendorf et al
sought to unify the RSOI and KS approaches in their                    2019) and also estimates of past ocean temperature
estimate of GMSL change in an attempt to better rep-                   and heat content change (e.g. Smith and Murphy
resent both the long-term signals (KS) and sea-level                   2007, Cheng et al 2017). These ‘hybrid’ products that
variability (RSOI). A summary of dataset methods is                    convolve observations and climate model simulations
provided in table 1, along with the main references,                   may be compromised for use in the evaluation of
where further details can be found.                                    climate model simulations and attribution studies,

Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 044043                                                                 M D Palmer et al

because they are no longer independent from model          all available products (including ‘hybrid’ products,
simulations (e.g. Torkaska et al 2019).                    figure 1(a), dashed black line). If there were good sci-
     Care must be taken not to introduce circularity in    entific justification to do so, the estimate could be
climate model evaluation or detection and attribution      based on a subset of reconstructions. However, our
studies. As far as we are aware, none of the tide gauge    approach assumes that all internal uncertainty estim-
reconstructions used here make direct use of climate       ates are equally valid and hence all are included.
model information in determining their estimate of             As discussed by Thorne et al (2005), structural
GMSL change. Therefore, we do not eliminate the            uncertainty arises from the choice of approach in
hybrid products from our ensemble. The framework           the reconstruction of observational datasets. This
we introduce in this study is generic and suitable for     is particularly important when the spatial sampling
other variables and applications. However, the meth-       density is low (as is the case for tide gauge recon-
odological details should consider the application in      structions of GMSL change), as there are different
question.                                                  approaches to account for the missing information,
     For example, if we were to consider regional sea-     such as RSOI or the VS method. We estimate the
level changes as part of this study, we would seek to      structural uncertainty through computing the stand-
maximize the information content of the reconstruc-        ard deviation of the central estimates of all products
tions in our ensemble, while avoiding circularity with     relative to the ensemble average (figure 1(a), grey
climate model simulations. This could be achieved          shading). To do this, we first express every timeseries
by omitting hybrid estimates from the ensemble that        to a reference period by subtracting the average value
is used to determine the central estimate timeser-         for 1991–2010. This is the latest 20 year period that is
ies. However, hybrid estimates would be retained for       common to all products and offers improved cover-
the purposes of informing the ensemble estimate of         age and more numerous gauge records compared to
internal and structural uncertainty (section 3.1), fol-    earlier periods (e.g. Calafat et al 2014). Note that the
lowing the terminology of Thorne et al (2005).             central estimate timeseries is also computed relative
                                                           to the same 1991–2010 reference period.
3.1. An ensemble estimate of GMSL change                       Finally, we assume that the internal and structural
There are four steps in the construction of the            uncertainty estimates are independent with a normal
ensemble estimate of GMSL change: (a) construct            distribution and we therefore add the timeseries in
the central estimate timeseries; (b) construct the         quadrature to provide a timeseries of the total obser-
ensemble timeseries of internal uncertainty; (c) con-      vational uncertainty. This timeseries is then com-
struct the ensemble timeseries of structural uncer-        bined with the ensemble central estimate to provide
tainty; (d) combine the timeseries. Each of these steps    an ensemble timeseries of GMSL change with uncer-
is described below in sequence.                            tainties (figure 1(b)).
    The choice of central estimate is made based on            To assess the robustness of our results, we carry
the application. For this study, the focus is on determ-   out two sensitivity tests. In the first, we use a much
ining long-term changes in GMSL. Since Calafat et al       longer reference period of 1902–2010 to explore the
(2014) found the RSOI approach for CW2011 to be            impact this has on our results. The choice of reference
reasonable for these purposes, we include this RSOI        period has an impact on the estimate of structural
estimate in our ensemble. Of the two reconstructions       uncertainty, as shown in figure S1 (available online
that employ a KS method to inform the long-term            at For the
GMSL changes, we use the more recent study of              second test, we eliminate hybrid products from our
DA2019. Similarly, of the two VS-based reconstruc-         ensemble central estimate, by replacing the DA2019
tions we use the more recent study of FR2020, which        timeseries with DA2017. This test affects the cent-
is more up-to-date and includes a more comprehens-         ral estimate timeseries but not the ensemble-based
ive treatment of uncertainties. The central estimate       uncertainties, as shown in figure S3. Overall, the
timeseries is constructed by simply taking the aver-       impact of the sensitivity tests on our results are small,
age of CW2011, DA2019 and FR2020, i.e. each of the         with the largest variations in central estimates and
three methods—RSOI, KS and VS (table 1)—is given           total uncertainties for GMSL change not exceeding
equal weight in our ensemble central estimate.             a few mm for all periods considered in this study
    The next step is to estimate the internal uncer-       (figures S2 and S4). Further discussion is provided in
tainty. Internal uncertainty is the term we use to         section 4.3.
describe the uncertainty estimates that are asso-
ciated with each individual GMSL reconstruction            3.2. Metrics of GMSL change: deltas vs trends
(figure 1(a)). Different estimation methods are used       We compare our ensemble timeseries to individual
among the products and result in substantial differ-       products and past assessments of observed GMSL
ences in both the magnitude and time evolution of          reported by the IPCC on the basis of two change met-
internal uncertainty. We take a conservative approach      rics.
to constructing the ensemble internal uncertainty by           The first, which we refer to as a ‘delta’ or ∆, is
selecting the largest value at any given time across       simply the difference in GMSL between two years in

Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 044043                                                                                M D Palmer et al

   Figure 1. (a) Comparison of the individual timeseries of internal uncertainty (coloured lines) and the ensemble structural
   uncertainty (grey shaded region) as function of time. The maximum internal uncertainty is taken as the ensemble estimate (black
   dashed line). (b) The ensemble timeseries of GMSL change (black line) with structural uncertainty and total uncertainty
   indicated by the shaded regions as shown in the figure legend. Note that HA2015 (blue) and DA2019 (orange) are ‘hybrid’
   estimates that are partly informed by climate model simulations.

the historical record. The uncertainty in each delta                4. Results and discussion
value is estimated by combining the total uncertainty
for each of the two years in quadrature—under the                   4.1. Ensemble timeseries of GMSL change and
assumption that the uncertainties are independent.                  uncertainties
While we consider this assumption to be reasonable                  Estimates of internal uncertainty (expressed as the
for years that are temporally distant, it may tend to               90% confidence interval) across the GMSL recon-
overestimate the uncertainty for shorter periods (e.g.              structions range from between about 30 and 40 mm
interannual-to-decadal timescale). Deltas are perhaps               at the start of 20th century to between about 5 and
the simplest approach to quantifying sea-level change               25 mm at their lowest values in the early 21st cen-
but they can be sensitive to end-point effects in the               tury (figure 1(a)). While all estimates show a sub-
presence of substantial year-to-year variability. Deltas            stantial decrease in the estimated internal uncertainty
represent a logical choice for budget studies and                   over the first half of the 21st century, the non-hybrid
may have advantages in accommodating accelerations                  estimates tend to level off around 1960. In contrast,
in rates of GMSL change, compared to linear-trend                   the two hybrid estimates (HA2015 and DA2019) con-
estimates.                                                          tinue their much smoother reduction of uncertainty
    The second metric of change we use is the slope                 into the 21st century. Our conservative ensemble
of a linear fit to the GMSL central estimate applied                estimate of internal uncertainty is based on the max-
over a specified period, which we refer to as a ‘trend’.            imum value across all products for any given year
This approach has been widely used in the IPCC AR5                  over the period 1900–2010 (figure 1(a), dashed line).
and SROCC reports to characterize the average rate of               Using this criterion, the ensemble internal uncer-
change of key indices, such as globally averaged sur-               tainty estimate is based on the HA2015 and DA2017
face temperature, globally integrated ocean heat con-               estimates, with values ranging from >40 mm to about
tent, and GMSL. While a trend over a longer period                  25 mm.
is effective for removing the effects of internal vari-                 The estimate of ensemble structural uncertainty is
ability, the assumption of a linear trend may be less               computed as the standard deviation of the ensemble
appropriate in case of substantial accelerations in the             relative to the ensemble mean, when all timeseries
rate of GMSL change. For consistency with IPCC                      are expressed relative to their 1991–2010 mean value
assessments, we compute the uncertainty in the trend                (figure 1(a), grey shading). The structural uncertainty
based on the approach of Santer et al (2008), which                 (expressed as the 90% confidence interval) is largest
accounts for serial autocorrelation in the timeseries.              prior to the mid-20th century, with an average value
Note that this approach does not make use of the                    of around 20 mm between 1900 and 1950. Between
a priori uncertainty estimates presented in figure 1.               about 1950 and 1970 there is a substantial reduction
The uncertainty arises purely from the variability                  in structural uncertainty, which has an average value
and temporal autocorrelation in the central estimate                of around 5 mm between 1980 and 2020. The estim-
timeseries (2008, 2012).                                            ate of structural uncertainty has quite a lot of residual

Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 044043                                                                                        M D Palmer et al

   Figure 2. (a) The change in GMSL for a number of example periods expressed as a difference between the first and last years; (b)
   as panel (a), but expressed as an average rate for the time period; (c) linear-trend fits to the individual timeseries for each period.
   For panel (c), uncertainties are computed following the approach used in AR5 (Santer et al 2008) based serial autocorrelation in
   the central estimate timeseries. Uncertainties are shown for the ensemble, AR5, SROCC and Altimeter timeseries only. Hybrid
   estimates are indicated by the partly-filled markers. The values for the satellite altimeter are based on timeseries provided by
   Frederikse et al (2020)

noise, with typical year-to-year variations of several                       For all periods considered, the 90% confid-
mm. Overall, the ensemble structural uncertainty is                     ence interval of each delta based on our ensemble
about 50% smaller than the ensemble internal uncer-                     GMSL estimate encompasses the individual products
tainty, making a lesser but still important contribu-                   (figure 2(a)). Our ensemble estimate is consistent
tion to the total uncertainty.                                          with the assessment of AR5 (Church et al 2013a)
     The estimates of structural and internal uncer-                    for the period 1901–2010, with a slightly lower cent-
tainty are combined in quadrature to estimate the                       ral estimate and substantially larger uncertainties
ensemble total uncertainty (figure 1(b), light grey                     (table 2). We note that reconstructions published
shading), under the assumption that they are essen-                     since the AR5, tend to show lower rates of GMSL rise
tially independent and have a normal distribution.                      over the first half of the 20th century than earlier stud-
Total uncertainty ranges from about 50 mm in the                        ies (figure 1(b); Hay et al 2015).
early 20th century to about 25 mm in the early 21st                          The deltas presented in figure 2(a) can be simply
century. The ensemble central estimate is determ-                       converted to a mean rate of GMSL rise for each
ined by taking the mean of the three non-hybrid                         period by dividing by the period length in years
products, i.e. CW2011, DA2017 and FR2020. The                           (figure 2(b)). Unsurprisingly, the comparison to AR5
ensemble central estimate has a very similar timeser-                   is very similar when expressed as an average rate.
ies to FR2020, with some reduction in the higher fre-                   Our ensemble estimate for the period 1901–1990
quency variability as a result of averaging across sev-                 shows remarkably good agreement with the assess-
eral estimates. We note that the CW2011 product,                        ment presented in the recent SROCC (Oppenheimer
which is based on an RSOI method, shows less variab-                    et al 2019). The ensemble estimate uncertainties
ility than products based on a VS approach (DA2017                      for 1993–2010 and 1971–2010 seem large compared
and FR2020).                                                            to the spread of individual GMSL reconstructions.
                                                                        Since structural uncertainty is relatively small dur-
4.2. Comparison of long-term changes in GMSL                            ing these periods, the ensemble total uncertainty
In this section we compare changes in GMSL from                         is dominated by the internal uncertainty estimate
our ensemble estimate with the individual central                       (figure 1).
estimates of the products listed in table 1 and the                          The comparison of average linear trends
assessment ranges presented in recent IPCC reports.                     and uncertainties following Santer et al (2008)
We consider estimates of GMSL change based deltas                       (figure 2(c)) presents a very different picture to
and trends (see section 2) for the periods 1901–2010,                   the analysis based on deltas (figure 2(b)). While
1901–1990, 1901–1993, 1993–2010 and 1971–2010.                          the ensemble central estimate is broadly similar to
These periods are informed by the periods used in                       the rates based on deltas, there is a large reduc-
past IPCC assessments and the availability of satellite                 tion in the estimated uncertainties. As a result,
altimeter data from 1993.                                               for every period, one or more individual GMSL

Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 044043                                                                                M D Palmer et al

   Table 2. Summary of the estimated deltas, rates and trends in GMSL. Uncertainties are expressed as the 90% confidence interval.

                           1901–2010             1901–1990              1901–1993              1993–2010              1971–2010

Ens. ∆GMSL                  175 ± 50              120 ± 50               121 ± 50                54 ± 33                83 ± 36
Ens. rate                   1.6 ± 0.5             1.3 ± 0.6              1.3 ± 0.5              3.0 ± 1.9              2.1 ± 0.9
(mm yr−1 )
Ens. trend                  1.5 ± 0.1             1.4 ± 0.1              1.4 ± 0.1              3.0 ± 0.2              2.0 ± 0.3
(mm yr−1 )
AR5 ∆GMSL                   190 ± 20                  —                      —                      —                      —
AR5 trend                   1.7 ± 0.2                 —                      —                  3.6 ± 0.5                  —
(mm yr−1 )
SROCC trend                     —                 1.4 ± 0.6                  —                      —                      —
(mm yr−1 )
Altimeter ∆GMSL                 —                     —                      —                   49 ± 9                    —
Atlimeter rate                  —                     —                      —                  2.7 ± 0.5                  —
(mm yr−1 )
Altimeter trend                 —                     —                      —                  2.9 ± 0.2                  —
(mm yr−1 )

reconstructions exhibit a trend that lies outside the               table 2). For the GMSL change based on deltas, as
ensemble 90% confidence interval. The AR5 assess-                   expected, the satellite altimeter timeseries have much
ment for 1901–2010 has similar, albeit slightly larger,             smaller uncertainties than our tide gauge reconstruc-
uncertainties than our ensemble. The AR5 assessment                 tion ensemble (figures 2(a) and (b)), which nev-
was based on the reconstruction of CW2011, using                    ertheless encompass our ensemble central estimate
ordinary least squares linear fit with the uncertainty              (table 2). A comparison of trends based on Santer et al
representing the 90% confidence interval (Rhein et al               (2008) yields very similar central estimates and uncer-
2013; their Table 3.1) using a similar method to Santer             tainty values (figure 2(c) and table 2).
et al (2008) to account for serial autocorrelation. We                   The trend results presented here call into ques-
note that our ensemble approach (section 3) will                    tion the suitability of the Santer et al approach for
tend to reduce variability in our central estimate                  estimating uncertainties in GMSL rise, which does
timeseries and may explain why our uncertainties are                not account for structural or internal uncertainty in
smaller than those of AR5, based on the Santer et al                the ensemble (figure 1), and appears to underestimate
method.                                                             the overall trend uncertainty (c.f. figure 2(b) and (c)).
     The SROCC (Oppenheimer et al 2019) used an                     We note that this method was devised primarily in the
ensemble estimate that augmented the GMSL recon-                    context of estimates of global mean surface temperat-
structions available at the time of AR5 with the addi-              ure (GMST) change, which has very different obser-
tional estimates of Hay et al (2015) and Dangendorf                 vational properties to GMSL. Compared to GMSL,
et al (2017) to arrive at an assessed rate of GMSL                  estimates of GMST are supported by more numerous
rise of 0.8–2.0 mm yr−1 for the period 1901–1990.                   and well-distributed observations and the methodo-
We arrive at very similar 90% confidence interval                   logical uncertainties are relatively small compared to
for this period, i.e. 1.0–2.0 mm yr−1 , based on the                the observed signals (e.g. Morice et al 2012). GMST
standard deviation of trends computed using Church                  is subject to large internannual-to-decadal variabil-
and White (2011), Ray and Douglas (2011), Jevre-                    ity associated with ENSO and other modes of climate
jeva et al (2014), Hay et al (2015) and Dangendorf                  variability and therefore Santer et al (2008) is a very
et al (2017). The SROCC approach is similar to the                  useful approach for quantifying uncertainties in the
ensemble estimate presented here and shows remark-                  underlying multi-decadal trends. For climate indices
ably good agreement with our estimated uncertainties                with lesser variability and larger observational uncer-
based on deltas. If we were to carry out our ensemble               tainties (e.g. GMSL, ocean heat content) our results
method using an identical ensemble to SROCC, we                     suggest that it is important to incorporate a priori
might expect to see larger overall uncertainties arising            estimates of internal and structural uncertainty when
from the estimate of internal uncertainty in addition               assessing the observed changes. We would therefore
to structural uncertainty.                                          caution against using the Santer et al (2008) method
     The ensemble estimates of GMSL change are                      for assessing trend uncertainty in GMSL. Our res-
highly consistent with values based on the satel-                   ults suggest that the spread in linear trends across the
lite altimeter timeseries presented by Frederikse et al             ensemble is a more reliable basis for estimating uncer-
(2020) for the period 1993–2010 (figures 2(a)–(c);                  tainty in GMSL change.

Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 044043                                                                        M D Palmer et al

4.3. Sensitivity tests                                     scientific judgement might include: selecting a subset
As a fist sensitivity test, we recompute our GMSL          of products to estimate the uncertainties; or select-
ensemble using a longer reference period of 1902–          ing a sub-ensemble to inform the central estimate
2010 (figure S1), since the choice of reference period     based on those that are less subject to known sampling
is somewhat subjective. This results in an estimate of     biases.
structural uncertainty that is more time-constant and          While we have used tide gauge reconstructions of
does not show the substantial reduction after 1950         GMSL to illustrate the method, it could be readily
see in figure 1(a). Relative to our original ensemble,     applied to other metrics of global or regional climate
the total uncertainty increases in the last few decades    change of relevance to climate monitoring, model
of the timeseries. The sensitivity to reference period     evaluation or detection and attribution studies.
arises due the different decadal rates of change seen
across the reconstructions, particularly during the        Data availability statement
period 1940–1980 (figure 1(b)). While the change in
reference period has no impact on the central estim-       All data that support the findings of this study are
ates of GMSL change, it does increase the uncertainty      included within the article (and any supplementary
of the delta in GMSL for the periods 1993–2010 and         files).
1971–2010 by 6 mm and 4 mm, respectively (figure
S2). The effect on the uncertainty for the longer peri-    Acknowledgments
ods does not exceed ~1 mm.
     In a second sensitivity test, we eliminate hybrid     We are grateful to Paul Durack, Jean-Baptiste Sallée,
estimates from our central estimate ensemble by            Karina von Schuckmann, Kyle Armour and John
replacing DA2019 with DA2017, while retaining the          Church for helpful discussions during the devel-
1991–2010 reference period. While the multi-decadal        opment of this paper and thank three anonymous
characteristics of GMSL are largely unchanged, the         reviewers for constructive comments on previous
new ensemble has substantially larger interannual          versions of the manuscript. MDP was supported
and decadal variability (figure S3). However, the          by the Met Office Hadley Centre Climate Pro-
uncertainties in delta GMSL are unaffected by the          gramme funded by the BEIS and Defra, UK. CMD
change of central estimate, and differences in the cent-   was supported by the Australian Research Coun-
ral estimate does not exceed 3 mm for any period           cil (ARC, Future Fellowship FT130101532, Discov-
(figure S4).                                               ery Grant DP160103130), ARC Centre of Excellence
                                                           for Climate Extremes (CE170100023) and by the
5. Summary                                                 Natural Environment Research Council (TICTOC,
                                                           NE/P019293/1). FBD was supported by the Academy
We have presented a simple ensemble-based method           of Finland (Project 322432).
to estimating GMSL change over the 20th century.
This method considers the contribution from both           ORCID iDs
internal uncertainty (i.e. the estimates of uncertainty
in GMSL change associated with individual ensemble         M D Palmer 
members based on their chosen method) and the              198X
structural uncertainty (i.e. the differences among         C M Domingues 
ensemble member central estimates that arise from          5100-4595
choice of method). Our results suggest that both           A B A Slangen 
internal uncertainty and structural uncertainty make       6683
an important contribution to the overall uncertainty.      F Boeira Dias 
The implication is that estimates of GMSL change           2120
based on a single product are likely to underestim-
ate the total uncertainty, as are ensemble-based estim-
ates that do not account for internal uncertainty (i.e.    2018 WCRP global sea level budget group: global sea-level budget
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