An Integrated Analysis of Nonmenstrual Adverse Events With Implanont

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An Integrated Analysis of Nonmenstrual
Adverse Events With Implanont
J. Urbancsek

This integrated analysis evaluates nonmenstrual adverse                        gain.1 The percentage of progestin-only pill users
events, blood pressure, and body weight changes during                         reporting any nonmenstrual adverse events was gen-
the use of the single-rod etonogestrel-containing contracep-                   erally in the range of 21%– 45% whereas discontinu-
tive implant, Implanont; these aspects are compared for                        ation rates as a result of nonmenstrual adverse events
Implanon and Norplantt, the six-capsule implant contain-                       were ,10% in most studies.1,2
ing levonorgestrel. Overall, 47% of Implanon users had                            Users of the six-capsule levonorgestrel-containing
drug-related adverse events, whereas in the comparative                        implant, Norplantt, show considerable variations in
studies the figure for those using Implanon (61%) was                          the reported adverse events, both among populations
slightly lower than that for Norplant users (69%). In all
                                                                               and among individuals.3,4 Headache, weight gain,
Implanon studies, 12 of 1716 women (0.7%) were affected
                                                                               depression, anxiety, and mood changes are the most
by serious adverse events that were considered drug re-
                                                                               commonly reported reasons for removal of Norplant,
lated. In comparative studies three of the 689 Implanon
                                                                               but loss of libido, acne and other skin problems,
users (0.4%) and one of 689 Norplant users (0.1%) had such
                                                                               breast tenderness, dizziness, and nausea are also fre-
experiences. The most frequently reported drug-related
                                                                               quently reported.4,5
adverse events were acne, breast pain, headache, and
weight gain. The adverse events that most often caused
                                                                                  An integrated analysis of the safety data from 13
discontinuation of Implanon were weight gain and acne.                         studies of the single-rod etonogestrel-containing con-
The development or aggravation of acne was a frequent                          traceptive implant, Implanont, is reported. Evalua-
adverse event (in 18.5% of Implanon and 22.3% of Nor-                          tions of bleeding irregularities, dysmenorrhea, and
plant users in the comparative studies) but individual                         hemoglobin levels, as well as of implant insertion and
studies indicated that there were also many subjects                           removal, are not reported in this paper but are pub-
whose acne improved during implant use. There were                             lished in tandem with the present analysis.6,7 Aspects
gradual increases in body weight over time but these may be                    concerning the effects of Implanon on metabolic
only partly attributable to implant use and partly attribut-                   parameters, including hemostasis, lipid metabolism,
able to normal increases over time. CONTRACEPTION 1998;58:                     liver function, carbohydrate metabolism, and ophthal-
109S–115S © 1998 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.                    mology, will be considered in separate publications.
                                                                                  The aim of this analysis is to evaluate nonmen-
KEY WORDS:   contraceptives, progestin-only, implant, etono-                   strual adverse events (AE), as well as Implanon’s effect
gestrel, adverse events, safety, Implanont                                     on blood pressure and body weight, and to compare the
                                                                               profile of Implanon with that of Norplant.
Progestin-only contraceptives are associated with a
variety of adverse events, in addition to bleeding                             Materials and Methods
irregularities. The prevalence of headache, breast ten-                        Trials Included
derness, nausea, and dizziness may be slightly ele-                            The present analysis includes data from 13 different
vated with the use of these contraceptives. It has been                        clinical trials carried out in Europe, North and South
suggested that the androgenic activity of these con-                           America, and Southeast Asia between 1989 and 1997
traceptives may lead to acne, hirsutism, and weight                            (core data set; Table 1); six were open, noncompara-
                                                                               tive trials, and seven were open, randomized, compar-
First Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Semmelweis University Medi-     ative trials. In the comparative trials, the six-capsule
cal School, Budapest, Hungary                                                  levonorgestrel implant (Norplant) was used as the
   Name and address for correspondence: Dr. J. Urbancsek, MD, PhD, Head,
Division of Assisted Reproduction, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,   reference product. The procedures described below
Semmelweis University Medical School, Baross Utca 27, H-1088 Budapest,
                                                                               and the definitions and methods used to record AE
   NorplantT is a registered trademark of the Population Council, New York.    were the same for all of the trials included.

© 1998 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.                                                                   ISSN 0010-7824/98/$19.00
655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010                                                                     PII S0010-7824(98)00122-X
110S     Urbancsek                                                                                                                    Contraception

Table 1. Trials included in the core data set for the integrated analysis of adverse events
                                                                      Implanon                                              Norplant
                                                                     Age             Body weight                          Age             Body weight
Trial no.                          Region             N*           (years)†             (kg)†              N*           (years)†             (kg)*

Comparative trials
  34508                          Europe                16        29.5 6 6.63         59.3 6 7.82            16        30.1 6 5.30         60.7 6 5.52
  34509                          Europe                43        28.2 6 5.88         60.5 6 7.62            43        28.4 6 5.58         60.2 6 7.04
  34510‡                         Indonesia            (45)       29.3 6 3.65         49.8 6 8.35           (45)       31.7 6 4.71         54.5 6 8.16
  34510                          Thailand              15        28.5 6 5.37         51.3 6 6.77            15        27.7 6 5.47         51.4 6 4.79
  34511                          Singapore             40        29.1 6 4.61         58.1 6 11.1            40        29.2 6 3.88         56.5 6 8.26
  34512                          Europe                40        28.7 6 6.47         59.7 6 7.42            40        27.3 6 5.42         60.6 6 6.84
  34514‡                         Indonesia            (11)       33.1 6 5.17         51.4 6 7.70           (10)       29.5 6 4.33         50.3 6 6.65
  34514                          Europe                30        27.0 6 4.71         63.8 6 6.82            30        26.1 6 4.49         61.1 6 7.34
  34520‡                         Indonesia           (449)       29.0 6 5.04         49.6 6 8.37          (450)       29.5 6 5.24         50.0 6 8.31
Total comparative§                                    184                                                  184
                                                     (689)                                                (689)
Noncomparative trials
 34502                           Thailand             15         26.0 6 5.37         52.7 6 6.76
 34503§                          Indonesia            15         29.7 6 2.26         46.7 6 6.33
 34505                           Thailand            100         26.3 6 4.79         51.2 6 7.05
 34506§                          Indonesia           200         28.3 6 3.74         49.8 6 8.12
 34507§                          Chile               107         28.6 6 5.47         59.3 6 6.61
 34507                           Europe              528         29.2 6 5.58         62.1 6 8.97
 34507                           Europe               52         24.0 6 4.15         63.1 6 10.1
 34515                           Singapore            10         32.3 6 4.52         56.0 6 7.77
Grand total§                                         889                                                   184
                                                   (1716)                                                 (689)
  *Number of subjects in the ‘All-Subjects-Treated’ group, ie., those subjects who received study medication.
  †Values are means 6 SD.
  ‡Studies in Indonesia and Chile (italics) differed substantially in reporting of adverse events from the other areas and these data have been considered
separately from the main data set (normal print).
  §Figures without parentheses are the totals of women in studies excluding Indonesia and Chile; figures in parentheses are the totals of all studies.

Subjects                                                                       plant consists of six capsules, each 3.4 cm long 3 2.4
All women enrolled in the trials were between 18 and                           mm in diameter and containing 36 mg levonorgestrel.
40 years of age, sexually active, and of childbearing                          Implanon was inserted using a disposable applicator
potential; they were in good mental and physical                               on the inside of the nondominant upper arm and
health, without contraindications to the use of con-                           Norplant was inserted according to the manufactur-
traceptive steroids, had regular menstrual cycles, and                         er’s instructions. The implants were initially in-
were willing to give written informed consent.                                 tended to be left in place for 2 years but volunteers
                                                                               were given the opportunity to extend this to 3 years
                                                                               (and in some cases up to 5 years). Volunteers using
                                                                               Norplant could continue beyond the study period
At the screening visit, subjects who complied with all
                                                                               because the contraceptive effects of this system are
of the inclusion and exclusion criteria underwent a
                                                                               claimed to last for 5 years. All volunteers were asked
general medical and gynecologic examination and
                                                                               to attend the clinic regularly and whenever a serious
their medical, gynecologic, and drug histories were
                                                                               complaint occurred during the studies.
obtained. In addition, a cervical smear was collected,
hemoglobin was measured, and a pregnancy test was
done. The cervical smear result had to be Papanico-                            Subject Assessment
laou class I or II for the women to be included in the                         Subjects were to visit the trial clinics at least once
study. If the results of these assessments were satis-                         every 3 months. At each visit the implantation site
factory, Implanon was inserted on or between days 1                            was inspected, diary cards were checked and col-
and 5 of a menstrual period, or Norplant was inserted                          lected, and possible signs of pregnancy, occurrence of
on or between days 1 and 7.                                                    adverse events, and use of concomitant medication
  Implanon, a single-rod implant, is 4 cm long 3 2                             were assessed by open questioning. Blood pressure
mm diameter and contains 68 mg etonogestrel (the                               and body weight were measured at implant insertion,
biologically active metabolite of desogestrel). Nor-                           after 3 and 6 months, and every 6 months thereafter.
Contraception                                                   Nonmenstrual Adverse Events With ImplanonT   111S

Once a year, subjects also underwent a pelvic and          lows. A systolic blood pressure recording that was
physical examination. Cervical smears were taken at        .140 mm Hg and had increased .20 mm Hg from
screening and at the end of the study. All adverse         baseline at at least two assessments or at last assess-
events were recorded according to terminology de-          ment (single recording) was considered clinically sig-
fined by the World Health Organization (WHO).              nificant. A clinically significant diastolic blood pres-
                                                           sure had to read .90 mm Hg and increase .10 mm
Integrated Analysis of Adverse Events                      Hg from baseline at at least two assessments or at last
From the data collected in individual studies, it was      assessment. An increase in body weight of .10%
clear that there were regional differences in the re-      from baseline at least once during treatment was
porting of AE. Therefore, a preliminary analysis of        considered clinically significant.
these differences has been performed to determine
whether data from any region should be excluded
                                                           Statistical Analysis
from the main data set.
                                                           The frequencies of AE with Implanon and Norplant
   Data are presented for two populations: 1) all Impla-
                                                           were compared using x2 tests. For vital signs, compar-
non users in all studies (noncomparative and compar-
                                                           isons of changes from baseline were done using the
ative); and 2) Implanon and Norplant users in the
                                                           center-adjusted Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test.
comparative studies. Data for IUD users, who were
included in one study, are not presented.
   Adverse events are defined as any new complaint or      Results
symptom emerging during the study period or any
                                                           Study Population
preexisting complaint or symptom that increased in
                                                           Details of the study populations included in the
severity or frequency during the study period; severe
                                                           analysis are shown in Table 1; the populations ex-
AE are those that interfere significantly with func-
                                                           posed to both systems in comparative trials were
tioning. Serious adverse events (SAE) include those
                                                           similar with respect to age and body weight. The
that are fatal, life-threatening, permanently disabling,
                                                           preliminary AE analysis indicated that there were no
require inpatient hospitalization, or prolong hospital-
                                                           consistent differences between countries except that
ization, and include congenital anomalies, cancer,
                                                           far fewer AE were reported in Indonesia and many
and overdose. The numbers and percentages of sub-
                                                           more in Chile than in the other regions. This low
jects with AE, SAE, discontinuation due to AE, AE of
                                                           incidence was seen in both treatment groups in the
severe intensity, and drug-related AE (judged by the
                                                           large comparative study (study 34520) conducted in
investigator) are presented. The drug-relatedness of
                                                           Indonesia. The Indonesian sites contribute to more
SAE was judged both by the investigator and by
                                                           than 40% of the subjects for all studies, whereas for
Organon’s SAE committee. In case of a difference in
                                                           the comparative studies the Indonesian contribution
opinion, the most serious (closest) relationship is
                                                           is more than 70%. The number of subjects participat-
presented. The SAE that were thought to be possibly,
                                                           ing in the Chilean centers is limited compared with
probably, or definitely related to study drug adminis-
                                                           Indonesia (about 6% of the total study population).
tration were classified as drug-related and those that
                                                           Pooling the data of these deviating centers with the
were thought to be unlikely or not related were
                                                           data of all other studies would lead to heterogeneity
classed as not related.
                                                           in the data and hinder the interpretation of all AE data.
   Women who discontinued treatment, giving AE as
                                                           The results for the other countries are presented to-
the primary reason, are listed. In some studies only
                                                           gether (main data set) and those for Indonesia and Chile
one AE was specified as the most important AE
                                                           are presented separately. The total extent of exposure
leading to discontinuation. In these cases only the
                                                           (all studies, all regions) was 4103 woman-years for
marked AE is listed; for the other studies, all AE
                                                           Implanon and 1826 woman-years for Norplant.
mentioned as leading to discontinuation are listed.

                                                           Adverse Events
                                                           There were no deaths reported among the study
In four studies (34507, 34509, 34512, 34515), acne
                                                           populations. Table 2 summarizes the frequencies of AE.
intensity was assessed both before implant insertion
                                                              In total, 61 SAE have been reported with Implanon
and at removal.
                                                           (all regions combined). Overall, 12 of 1716 (0.7%)
                                                           women receiving Implanon had SAE that were con-
Blood Pressures and Body Weights                           sidered to be possibly or probably drug related. None
Criteria for the identification of clinically signifi-     of the SAE were considered to be definitely drug-
cantly abnormal vital signs were predefined as fol-        related in either group. In the comparative studies,
112S     Urbancsek                                                                                                             Contraception

Table 2. Frequencies of adverse events for all Implanon studies and for comparative studies
                                                                                      No. (%) of women reporting adverse event
                                                                                                                Comparative studies
                                                                        All studies
                                                                        Implanon                        Implanon                 Norplant

Main data set
  No. of women included                                                  889                            184                      184
  Serious adverse events*                                                 54 (6.1)                        7 (3.8)                  5 (2.7)
  Drug-related serious adverse events*                                    12 (1.3)                        3 (1.6)                  1 (0.5)
  Adverse events*                                                        638 (71.8)                     150 (81.5)               163 (88.6)
  Adverse events of severe intensity*                                     90 (10.1)                      19 (10.3)                21 (11.4)
  Drug-related adverse events*                                           421 (47.4)                     112 (60.9)               127 (69.0)
  Adverse events causing discontinuation                                  65 (7.3)                       11 (6.0)                 14 (7.6)
  No. of women included                                                  107
  Serious adverse events*                                                  7 (6.5)
  Drug-related serious adverse events*                                     0
  Adverse events*                                                        106 (99.1)
  Adverse events of severe intensity*                                     31 (28.9)
  Drug-related adverse events*                                            97 (90.7)
  Adverse events causing discontinuation                                  16 (15.0)
  No. of women included                                                  720                            505                      505
  Serious adverse events*                                                  0                              0                        0
  Adverse events*                                                         35 (4.9)                       21 (4.2)                 28 (5.5)
  Adverse events of severe intensity*                                      0                              0                        2 (0.4)
  Drug-related adverse events*                                            12 (1.7)                        9 (1.8)                 14 (2.8)
  Adverse events causing discontinuation                                   7 (1.0)                        4 (0.8)                  5 (1.0)
 *For definitions see ‘‘Integrated analysis of adverse events’’ in the Materials and Methods section.

seven SAE were reported with Implanon and five with                                 The overall incidence of AE in Implanon studies
Norplant. Three of 689 (0.4%) women using Impla-                                 was 72% (main data set; Table 2), whereas in
non had SAE that were considered drug related; in the                            comparative studies the incidences were 82% for
Norplant group there was one of 689 (0.1%) women                                 Implanon and 87% for Norplant. The corresponding
with a drug-related SAE—an ovarian cyst—which is a                               figures for Implanon for Chile (noncomparative
known complication of progestin-only administration.                             studies only) and Indonesia (comparative as well as
  The 12 drug-related SAE with Implanon (including                               noncomparative studies) were 99% and 5%, respec-
the seven that were reported in the comparative studies)                         tively.
are presented here. A case of papilloma (Condyloma                                  In all of the Implanon studies (main data set), 47%
vulvae) was judged as drug-related because it was prob-                          of women reported AE that were considered to be
ably caused by a human papillomavirus infection, the                             drug related (Table 2). In comparative studies, drug-
expression of which could have been induced by the
                                                                                 related AE occurred in a smaller proportion of those
administration of steroid hormones. One subject was
                                                                                 using Implanon (61%) than in those using Norplant
initially diagnosed as having a transient ischemic attack
                                                                                 (69%), although the difference was not statistically
(TIA) but this diagnosis could not be substantiated by
                                                                                 significant (p 5 0.170).
magnetic resonance imaging and computerized tomog-
                                                                                    In all of the Implanon studies, the drug-related AE
raphy. Nevertheless, this was listed as a drug-related
SAE. One subject developed chest pain/tachycardia,                               that occurred most frequently (in .5% of subjects in
which was first noticed a half day after implant                                 one of the treatment groups in comparative studies in
insertion. The symptoms worsened over the next 3                                 the main data set; Table 3) were acne (15.3%), breast
days and the implant was, therefore, removed. Symp-                              pain (9.1%), headache (8.5%), and weight increase
toms remained for at least another week. As the                                  (6.4%). These AE were similar for the two treatment
half-life of elimination of etonogestrel is about 24 h, a                        groups although the percentages of patients affected
drug relationship becomes doubtful. Nine other SAE                               were slightly higher, albeit not significantly (p .0.05),
in Implanon users that were considered to be drug                                in the Norplant group (Table 3). In Chilean implant
related were: breast fibroadenosis (n 5 2), headache,                            users the most frequently observed AE were similar
uterine fibroid, ovarian cyst, cervical dysplasia, fever/                        to those seen in the other regions, although they were
headache, teratoma, and asthma.                                                  seen in considerably greater percentages of patients
Contraception                                                                        Nonmenstrual Adverse Events With ImplanonT                 113S

Table 3. Drug-related adverse events with incidences of $5% (for Implanon or Norplant in comparative studies)*
                                                                Percentage of women reporting adverse event
                                         Implanon,                     Implanon                      Norplant,                     Implanon,
                                        all studies†                 comparative†                  comparative†                      Chile
                                         (N 5 889)                     (N 5 184)                     (N 5 184)                     (N 5 107)
Adverse event                     Drug related       Total      Drug related        Total     Drug related        Total     Drug related         Total

Acne                                   15.3            16.1          18.5           18.5           21.2            22.3           11.2            11.2
Breast pain                             9.1            10.6           9.8            9.8           11.4            12.5           24.3            29.9
Headache                                8.5            12.9          16.8           21.2           20.1            28.3           54.2            69.2
Weight increase                         6.4             7.1           6.5            6.5            7.1             7.1           38.3            40.2
Abdominal pain                          4.3             8.1           8.2           11.4            8.2             9.8           21.5            42.1
Libido decrease                         2.9             3.0           3.3            3.3            5.4             5.4           15.9            17.8
Dizziness                               2.9             4.3           6.5            8.7            7.1             8.7           13.1            16.8
Injection site pain                     2.6             2.8           4.9            4.9            7.1             7.1           15.9            16.8
Emotional lability                      2.5             2.7           4.9            5.4            7.6             7.6            0.0             1.9
Influenza-like symptoms                 2.1             6.9           7.1           10.9            4.3            13.6            0              18.7
Nausea                                  2.0             3.6           3.3            3.8            5.4             6.5            3.7            10.3
 *There were no drug-related adverse events with incidences of $5% in the Indonesian subjects.
 †The main data set includes data for Europe, Thailand, Singapore, and Canada.

(Table 3). No individual AE affected as many as 5% of                        tion in all of the Implanon studies were weight gain
women in the Indonesian studies.                                             and acne. In the comparative studies the reasons for
  Adverse events of severe intensity were experienced                        discontinuation were not distinctly different between
by 10.1% of Implanon users in all studies (main data                         the two implants (Table 4).
set). In comparative studies, severe AE were experi-
enced by 10.3% of Implanon users and 11.4% of Nor-
plant users. In Chile and Indonesia these incidences                         Acne
were 29.0% and 0.0%, respectively, for Implanon users.                       Acne had the highest incidence of all drug-related AE
                                                                             in both systems (Table 3).
Discontinuations Due to Adverse Events Other                                    Table 5 shows the shifts from baseline to implant
Than Bleeding Irregularities                                                 removal for acne. Acne was present in 24% of the
Overall, 7.3% of Implanon users (main data set)                              women at baseline, and in 21% of the women at
discontinued use, giving an AE other than bleeding                           removal. In 108 of 184 of the women with preexisting
irregularities as the primary reason. In comparative                         acne (59%), this condition disappeared or improved
studies, the figures were 6.0% for Implanon and 7.6%                         (light gray area). In 18 of 184 women (10%), the
for Norplant, whereas in Chile and Indonesia the                             condition worsened during treatment and 83 of 576
figures were 15% and 1%, respectively (Table 2). The                         women unaffected at baseline developed acne (14%)
most frequently occurring reasons for discontinua-                           (dark gray area).

Table 4. Adverse events reported as the primary reason for discontinuation in $1% of any of the study populations*
                                                                       No. (%) of women discontinuing
                                 Main data set†                                                                                            Chile, all
                                  all studies                            Main data set† comparative studies                                 studies
                                    Implanon                           Implanon                             Norplant                       Implanon
Adverse event                       (N 5 889)                          (N 5 184)                           (N 5 184)                       (N 5 107)

Weight increase                       13 (1.5)                           1 (0.5)                              1 (0.5)                          6 (5.6)
Acne                                   9 (1.0)                           2 (1.1)                              3 (1.6)                          1 (0.9)
Decreased libido                       6 (0.7)                           2 (1.1)                              1 (0.5)                          0 (0.0)
Depression                             4 (0.4)                           2 (1.1)                              3 (1.6)                          0 (0.0)
Headache                               3 (0.3)                           0 (0.0)                              1 (0.5)                          5 (4.7)
Dizziness                              0 (0.0)                           0 (0.0)                              1 (0.5)                          2 (1.9)
 *There were no adverse events reported as the primary reason for discontinuation in $1% of the study population in the Indonesian subjects.
 †The main data set includes data for Europe, Thailand, Singapore, and Canada.
114S   Urbancsek                                                                                             Contraception

Table 5. Acne intensity, shift from screening to last measurement (studies 34507, 34509, 34512, 34515)
                                                                    Acne at last measurement
                       Total                 None                  Occasional              Mild                  Severe
Acne at
screening          N           %        N           %         N             %         N           %          N            %

None             576        75.8       493          64.9      46            6.1       36          4.7        1            0.1
Occasional       139        18.3        84          11.1      39            5.1       13          1.7        3            0.4
Mild              45         5.9        21           2.8       3            0.4       19          2.5        2            0.3
Total            760       100         598          78.7      88           11.6       68          8.9        6            1.4

  The figures were similar to those reported in com-        ache, and body weight increase were the most fre-
parative studies (Implanon, n 5 82; Norplant n 5 80)        quent drug-related AE among Implanon users,
with both treatments.                                       whereas the AE that most often caused discontinua-
                                                            tion of Implanon were acne and body weight increase.
                                                            With Norplant, similar incidences were reported.
Blood Pressure
                                                               The events defined as drug related included all
The incidence of clinically significant increases in
                                                            those that were thought by the investigator to be
blood pressure was low. In all studies, among the
1710 evaluable Implanon users, seven (0.4%) had             possibly or probably related to the study drug. This
clinically significantly increased systolic and 12          inevitably includes events that are not related to
(0.7%) had clinically significantly increased diastolic     implant use but occur frequently in the study popu-
pressure values. In comparative studies, the corre-         lation in any case. In the present analysis, most of the
sponding figures were one woman (0.1%, systolic) and        events recorded as drug related have previously been
three women (0.4%, diastolic), of 688 using Implanon,       associated with the use of progestin-only contracep-
whereas for Norplant there were six systolic (0.9%)         tives, indicating that they could be drug related (with
and five diastolic (0.7%), of 687 women. The median         the possible exception of influenza-like symptoms).
systolic and diastolic blood pressures were unchanged          Large regional differences in both the levels and
in both treatment groups.                                   distribution of AE have been seen in previous studies
                                                            with Norplant.3,4 Similar regional differences were
                                                            noted in the present study for both implant systems,
Body Weight                                                 particularly in Chile and Indonesia. Such differences
Weight increase was reported as a drug-related AE in        are probably the result of cultural, social, and envi-
6.4% of all Implanon users (Table 3), whereas in            ronmental differences but differences in the basic
comparative studies it was reported by a similar            rates of symptoms and in the interpretation of proto-
proportion of Norplant users (7.1%). Clinically signif-     cols may also contribute.
icant increases in body weight (.10% more than                 The AE seen most frequently in the present study
baseline) were seen in 20.7% of all Implanon users.         were typical of the spectrum of adverse events seen
The incidence observed in the comparative studies           with progestin-only contraceptives in general1 and
was 21.0% for Implanon and 17.6% for Norplant. A            were similar to those previously reported in studies
gradual mean increase in body weight over time,             with Norplant.4,5,8 –10
amounting to 1.5%–2% per year, was noted for both              Acne was frequently reported as an adverse event
implant systems. In one comparative study (study            with both implants. However, in the Implanon stud-
34510, based on Indonesian data only), nonmedicated         ies in which acne was observed more thoroughly, it
IUD users were included. Mean body weight in-               was found that the incidences of acne were similar at
creases were 2.6%, 2.9%, and 2.4% over 2 years for          baseline and at removal. In women with acne at
Implanon, Norplant, and IUD users, respectively.            baseline the condition improved in the majority of
                                                            women, whereas it first occurred in 14% or worsened
Discussion                                                  in 10%. In comparative studies with both systems, a
Overall, 47% of Implanon users (main data set ex-           similar pattern was seen. This suggests that acne
cluding Indonesia and Chile) had drug-related non-          presents less of a problem for implant users than the
menstrual AE at any time during their 2–5 years’            AE data indicate, and illustrates the negative bias that
participation in the studies. In the comparative stud-      may be introduced by presenting only AE and no
ies, the figures for Implanon and Norplant users were       improvement of preexisting conditions.
61% and 69%, respectively. Acne, breast pain, head-            Small but steady weight increases were noted for
Contraception                                                   Nonmenstrual Adverse Events With ImplanonT     115S

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