Goodbye third-party cookies. Hello human experience.

Page created by Fernando Ingram
Goodbye third-party cookies. Hello human experience.
Hux by Deloitte Digital:
                                                                          Elevate the human experience
                                                                                     at every interaction.

Goodbye third-party cookies.
Hello human experience.
The end of third-party cookies can be great news
for your brand and your customers.
The long-heralded end of           sensitive, emotionally resonant   you already own and connecting
third-party cookies is now nigh.   human experiences that today’s    it across touch points, leaning
After two decades of relying       consumers demand.                 in to “walled-garden” media
on cookies as a key tool for ad                                      ecosystems and bringing key
personalization, attribution       This shift represents a once-     data-driven functions in-house,
and performance tracking, the      in-a-generation opportunity       you can build better bonds
time has come for brands to        to not just change how you        with customers, increase the
reimagine how they’re collecting   connect with customers and        effectiveness of online marketing
and using online consumer          leads, but to strengthen those    for your brand ... and contribute
data—while at the same time        connections. By focusing on the   to a better online experience
fostering the contextually         first-party customer data that    for all.

Goodbye third-party cookies. Hello human experience.
Shadowed by shoes: the rise and
    demise of third-party cookies.
    The invention of browser                been an essential building block     $8 billion spent in 2000 to
    cookies in 1994 was a                   of personalized advertising, by      $107.5 billion spent in 2018.1 This
    foundational moment for                 helping ad networks provide          growth has, in turn, fueled a
    the commercialization of                increasingly fine-grained            proliferation of at-your-fingertips
    e-commerce and for ad-                  audience segmenting and              content that has helped make
    supported content online.               attribution, connecting your         our world more connected,
    Shopping carts, logins, content         marketing tactics to desired         more informed and more
    personalization and other               results.                             empowered.
    site features and functions
    have since relied on first-party        In large part due to the             It doesn’t take a sweet tooth
    cookies to maintain a user’s            capabilities enabled by third-       to understand why many
    identity and activity within and        party cookies, online advertising    advertisers love third-party
    between browsing sessions.              has seen explosive growth over       cookies and the sophisticated,
    And third-party cookies have            the past generation—from             fine-grained segmenting

         Understanding cookies:
         What’s changing, what’s not—and what it means.
         • HTTP cookies, generally             First-party cookies are           the one that the user is
           just referred to as cookies,        used to keep track of site        directly interacting with,
           are small bits of textual           interactions and activities       most typically when an
           data placed by a website            such as shopping cart             advertisement is displayed
           server onto a user’s device         contents, login status, etc. No   on the page but also through
           and then subsequently               other web server can directly     the use of invisible tracking
           accessed to help maintain an        access the first-party cookies    pixels and other means.
           understanding of the user’s         placed by a site. First-party     Third-party cookies can track
           activity across clicks and          cookies remain a valuable         user behavior across any site
           sessions.                           (though often underutilized)      where the third-party server
                                               element of brands’ first-party    places ads or tracking pixels.
         • First-party cookies are placed
                                               customer data.                    No major web browser will
           on the user’s device by
                                                                                 support this type of tracking
           the website that the user         • Third-party cookies are
                                                                                 by 2022.
           is directly interacting with.       placed by sites other than

Goodbye third-party cookies. Hello human experience.
that they can enable. But for         threatens the economic model
consumers, they’ve been an            of the very publishers that have      Worldwide, websites place an
increasing source of heartburn        benefited from the rise of online     average of 12.4 first- and
in recent years—particularly          advertising. Approximately one        third-party cookies4 and
with the advent of retargeting.       in four US users now employ           report data to 3.9
                                      some form of ad blocking while        third-party domains via
That pair of shoes or trendy shirt    surfing the internet,3 reducing       third-party cookies.5
that you looked at once and that      the ad revenues that publishers
now follows you everywhere            can collect to support their
                                                                            Some sites report to more
you go on the web has raised          work.
                                                                            than 100 third-party
the hackles of both privacy
advocates and consumers who           As consumers have taken more
bristle at such clear evidence        proactive steps to block ads
that they’re being watched and        and clear cookies to thwart         This cat-and-mouse game has
followed online. Two out of five      traditional tracking, some          led to increasing scrutiny and
Americans believe that digital        advertisers and platforms have      has strengthened the push
advertisers are too aggressive in     developed more sophisticated        toward regulations such as the
following them on every device        methods of tracking, such           California Consumer Privacy
or browser 2 —which means             as digital fingerprinting—the       Act and the EU’s General Data
your brand could be alienating        ability to identify a particular    Protection Regulation. All of the
40 percent of its audience at this    user based on a combination of      leading browser makers have
very moment.                          device settings such as monitor     been working to block digital
                                      resolution, operating system,       fingerprinting.
Invasive ad fatigue is creating a     language settings, etc.
vicious cycle that, ironically, now

Goodbye third-party cookies. Hello human experience.
From tracking to trust.
    Ultimately, personalization isn’t     providers to take a step back    permission and consent from
    the problem. As the rise of           and reimagine how to achieve     leads and customers.
    social networks has made clear,       relevance and performance
    users prefer a more customized,       through targeted online          The good news is, by
    human experience online. Nor          advertising—while also earning   collaborating with end users and
    is advertising itself the problem.                                     consumers on approaches that
    Deloitte Digital’s research on          According to Deloitte
                                                                           serve their needs for a more
    emotion-driven engagement               research, trustworthiness      personal, human experience
    shows that consumers generally          (83%), integrity (79%) and     combined with greater control,
    welcome contextually sensitive,         honesty (77%) are the          transparency and respect
    coherent brand engagements.             emotional factors that         for privacy, it is possible to
    In fact, 62 percent of people           consumers feel most align      cultivate a better online
    consider themselves to be in a          with their favorite brands.6   experience—and more
    relationship with a brand.6                                            effective advertising—for all.

    The frustrations and
    objections of consumers are
    ultimately rooted in a lack
    of consent, transparency
    and control. Over the past two
    decades advertisers and adtech
    companies have been collecting
    personal information from
    users, in many cases without
    explicitly asking their permission
    and without explaining what
    is being done with that
    information. As a result, when
    consumers see the details of
    their lives and interests reflected
    back in advertising, the relevance
    that advertisers intend can look
    more like invasiveness.

    Rather than seeking out new
    technologies to achieve the
    same result, the time has
    come for brands and adtech

Keys to successful, consent-driven engagement.
In order to understand the           delight (rather than annoy) those     that are available to you, as well
impacts that will be caused by       customers will help prepare your      as transparency into how your
the phaseout of third-party          brand for the moment when all         audiences are being targeted
cookies, a good place to start       browsers end support of third-        and reached and how that
today is by looking at how           party cookies.                        connects to the results you
the blocking of third-party                                                seek.
cookies has already impacted         Herein lies your first challenge,
performance of your current          however. Vendors and agencies         To get to that understanding,
marketing activities. If you         that have relied on third-party       we recommend that brands
are selling goods or services        cookies for targeting and             focus on three key initiatives
online, there’s a chance you’re      performance tracking are likely       going forward:
missing a third or more of your      to claim that they have the
potential conversions already if     solutions that will solve for these   1. Owning and mastering first-
your retargeting campaigns are       impending changes. After all,            party customer data.
powered by third-party cookies,      they don’t want to lose your          2. Deepening capabilities in
assuming your audiences follow       business.                                social and other walled-
general demographics for                                                      garden media ecosystems.
browser use.                         This is not a moment for blind
                                                                           3. Bringing mission-critical
                                     trust. When assessing campaign
                                                                              capabilities such as media
Understanding those impacts          performance, it’s critical that you
                                                                              buying in-house.
and finding new ways to              have an objective understanding
genuinely connect with and           of the tools and techniques

  1      Own your own data.
Given the ongoing changes            and leverage the consent of your      such as email, while also earning
to third-party data availability     customers and prospects while         their trust and loyalty, long-term.
and evolving customer privacy        developing a fully contextualized
considerations, it is increasingly   and connected understanding           In the post-third-party cookie
important to invest in ownership     of customer data. By deploying        world, quality connected
and mastery of your first-party      those tools in combination            customer data will become one
customer data.                       with first-party cookies and          of the most important strategic
                                     noncookie identifiers, you can        assets that a business can own.
Getting there means investing in     begin to elevate the human            Brands that leave those assets
the right consent management         experience for customers              in the hands of outside vendors
solutions and in an advanced         through personalization of            or agencies will likely find it
customer data platform that          advertising, website experiences      difficult to leverage fully the
together allow you to manage         and permission-based channels,        potential within that data.

2      Lean in to the walled gardens.
    Mastering your first-party          level of personalization that            largely underutilized by brands
    customer data and consent           is unmatched through other               today. Those platforms also will
    is also critical in order to take   technologies or platforms.               not be as impacted by the move
    maximum advantage of the                                                     away from third-party cookies as
    targeting, measurement and          Yet the deep and wide data               will the rest of the programmatic
    advanced analytics capabilities     assets and technical capabilities        universe.
    within social media platforms       within those ecosystems are
    and the walled-garden or
    control-access content and
                                          Why the end of third-party cookies
    data ecosystems maintained by
                                          benefits social platforms.
    the world’s largest search and
    e-commerce players.                   Leading social media applications will likely gain an advantage in user
                                          tracking as third-party cookies phase out. That’s because those
    These closed ecosystems are,          platforms can obtain consumer opt-in permission to track and
    for the most part, today well         segment all interactions with content that is shared within that network.
    ahead of other adtech platforms       The reason: social platforms have access to the data about what
                                          content people are interested in.
    and publishers when it comes
    to consumer consent regarding
                                          By contrast, data aggregators that work with thousands of publishers
    the data being tracked and used
                                          as a source for their data must ensure that those thousands of
    for marketing. They also offer
                                          publishers are all complying with proper consent management for
    exceptionally strong machine
                                          each user. The compliance work of that data aggregator is significant
    learning algorithms for digital       compared to that faced by a single social media application.
    ad performance optimization.
    When combined with their vast         We are already seeing the effect of this outside the United States,
    stores of consumer data and           where less data is now available in the programmatic space due to
    your own first-party data,            higher consent and privacy restrictions related to the EU’s GDPR.
    those systems can provide a

3      Consider moving critical
         engagement functions in-house.
Owning and connecting your            to a lack of transparency into         strategies, brands can begin
customer data across touch            those processes and decisions          to eliminate some of the
points and driving efficiencies in    and how they connect back to           layers of intermediaries and
walled-garden ecosystems can          customers.                             poor technologies that create
help facilitate a more seamless,                                             waste and added cost. When
contextually coherent, human          That’s why the next two years          combined with better first-party
experience for your customers.        may be a good time to consider         data mastery, this approach
But brands that continue to           bringing some of your brand’s          can create a virtuous circle that
rely on outside agencies and          media strategy and/or buying           deepens customer relationships
martech platforms for targeting,      in-house. By selecting the right       by creating a more coherent
bidding and buying of media           partners to work with, and             experience across marketing
will likely run into analytics        by becoming better-informed            touch points.
and attribution hurdles due           about viable solutions and

  Is your brand ready for a future without third-party cookies?

  As your brand moves toward a future in which           outsourced, what capabilities your organization
  third-party cookies are no longer supported by major   needs to grow in-house—and how to ultimately
  browsers, we believe it’s important to develop a       connect your data, decision-making strategy and
  comprehensive, thorough and unbiased                   messaging in ways that improve the human
  understanding of what works, what should be            experience for all of your customers.

  Along the way it will be important to address key questions such as:
  • Do you clearly understand the       evaluate new solutions over the    • Where is your first-party data
    potential impact on your            next two to three years?             today, and how can it be better
    business once third-party                                                connected and leveraged to
                                      • Are your technology and
    cookies are no longer                                                    support your marketing
                                        marketing teams partnering to
    supported by any major web                                               activities?
                                        drive solutions for digital
                                        identity?                          • Do you have the right internal
  • Do your key media and                                                    talent and tools to bring some
                                      • Do you have a plan for evolving
    marketing partners have viable                                           or all of your media strategy,
                                        your marketing strategy and
    solutions that are                                                       buying, optimization and
                                        your technology capabilities to
    privacy-compliant?                                                       analytics in-house?
                                        solve for digital identity of
  • Does your technology road           customers and leads by 2022?
    map have budget reserved to

Toward a better, safer, more
    human experience for all.
    The next two years will likely                       The potential benefit to                        Deloitte Digital’s impartial
    be a bumpy road for many                             consumers cannot be                             knowledge of the vendors and
    advertisers, publishers and                          understated. As trust and                       tools across the media and
    adtech firms as they work                            transparency grows, likely so                   advertising landscape coupled
    to figure out the best path                          too will consumer willingness                   with our strong alliances and
    forward in a world without                           to share more data with the                     global capabilities in customer-
    third-party cookies. What’s clear                    brands they love—giving brands                  led marketing can help brands
    is that significant changes are                      more nuanced opportunities                      seize this moment as an
    needed across the media and                          to treat people as people                       opportunity to not just shift
    advertising spheres in order                         through intuitive, perfectly timed              digital marketing tactics but to
    to provide consumers with                            engagement, while providing                     deepen bonds with customers
    the privacy protections they                         consistent and respectful brand                 and drive rapid growth.
    demand and the emotionally                           experiences across touch points.
    resonant, contextually relevant
    experiences they desire.


    Get in touch                                                                    1. A. Guttmann, “Online
                                                                                       advertising revenue in the
                                                                                                                      4. Web Cookies Scanner,
                                                                                                                         “Cookie number statistics,”
                                                                                       United States from 2000 to, https://
    Alex Kelleher                                                                      2018,” statista, August 19,
                                                                                       2019, https://www.statista.
                                                                                                                         cookies/, accessed January
    Managing Director, Deloitte Consulting LLP                                         com/statistics/183816/us-         30, 2020.
    CMO, Hux by Deloitte Digital                                                       since-2000/, accessed          5. Web Cookies Scanner, “Third
                                                                                       February 1, 2020.                 party domains,” WebCookies.                                                                                               org, https://webcookies.
                                                                                    2. Ross Benes, “Five Charts:         org/third-party-domains,
                                                                                       Why Users Are Fed Up              accessed January 30, 2020.
    Ken Nelson                                                                         with Digital Ads, People
                                                                                                                      6. Deloitte Digital, “Exploring
                                                                                       are annoyed by the state
    Managing Director, Deloitte Investments LLC                                        of advertising,” eMarketer,       the Value of Emotion-Driven
                                                                                       October 16, 2018, https://        Engagement,” https://                                                                                     
                                                                                       content/five-charts-users-        content/dam/deloittedigital/
                                                                                       are-fed-up-with-digital-          us/documents/offerings/
    Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”),       ads?ECID=SOC1001,                 offerings-20190521-
    its global network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL (also         accessed February 3, 2020;        exploring-the-value-
    referred to as “Deloitte Global”) and each of its member firms are legally         quoting Janrain, “Data            of-emotion-driven-
    separate and independent entities. DTTL does not provide services to clients.      Privacy Consumer Survey,”         engagement-2.pdf May 2019.
    Please see to learn more.                                   October 10, 2018. (Janrain
                                                                                       has since been purchased by
    This communication contains general information only, and none of                  Akamai.)
    Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, its member firms or their related entities
                                                                                    3. Guttmann, “Ad blocking
    (collectively, the “Deloitte network”) is, by means of this communication,
                                                                                       user penetration rate in the
    rendering professional advice or services. Before making any decision or
                                                                                       United States from 2014 to
    taking any action that may affect your finances or your business, you should
                                                                                       2021,” statista, August 9,
    consult a qualified professional adviser. No entity in the Deloitte network
                                                                                       2019, https://www.statista.
    shall be responsible for any loss whatsoever sustained by any person who
    relies on this communication.
                                                                                       accessed February 1, 2020.
    Copyright © 2020. Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

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