Clicks and mortar Creating loyal customers through seamless customer engagement

Page created by Russell Howard
Clicks and mortar Creating loyal customers through seamless customer engagement
Clicks and mortar
Creating loyal customers through
seamless customer engagement

                                   May 2014
Clicks and mortar Creating loyal customers through seamless customer engagement

Introduction 3

The importance of seamless customer engagement 4

Roadblocks to achieving a 360-degree view of the customer 6

Building loyalty with omnichannel strategies 7

Epsilon recommendations 9

Conclusion 10

Epsilon solutions 11                                                   2
Clicks and mortar Creating loyal customers through seamless customer engagement

Sorry, stores. Consumers just aren’t that
into you any more. Shoppers are breaking
free of the brick-and-mortar confines that
used to limit their purchasing options and
are taking advantage of the rapid rise in
digital communication channels.
They are leveraging new technology that        If you don’t offer a seamless customer
allows them to research, compare, and          experience across multiple channels,
purchase products wherever, whenever,          you risk sacrificing business and eroding
and however they choose. Increasingly,         customer loyalty. Too many retailers still
consumers are shifting their loyalties to      operate in silos, hampered by legacy
enjoy robust online experiences, unique        information systems and organizational
social media interactions, multiple delivery   structures that limit, and often discourage,
options, and even in-store engagement.         cross-channel interactions. To break down
                                               those barriers and generate long-term
                                               loyalty, you must embrace an omnichannel
                                               approach that meets and engages customers
                                               wherever they are.                                                                               3
Clicks and mortar Creating loyal customers through seamless customer engagement
The importance of seamless
              customer engagement

                  We are only at the beginning of an                              But those days are over. During the last
                  evolutionary cycle that will progressively                      holiday shopping season, 92 percent of all
                  pull customers into the digital arena. To                       shoppers went online to research and/or
                  remain viable to consumers and retain a                         purchase gifts, according to a 2013 report
                  competitive edge in the market, you must                        from Burst Media.1
                  understand how this changing landscape
                                                                                  “The challenge now is that consumers are
                  is reshaping consumer behavior and
                                                                                  always ‘on’,” Leary adds.
                  realigning the dynamics between your
                  business and your customers.                                    This trend is dividing retailers into “the
                                                                                  haves and have nots,” Leary says. The
                  “The path to purchase has really changed,”
                                                                                  “haves” are the companies that can provide
                  notes Jack Leary, VP Industry Strategist -
                                                                                  a consistent customer experience across any
                  Retail & CPG, Epsilon. “It used to be very
                                                                                  and all channels, according to Infosys,
                  linear. Marketers reached customers when
                                                                                  a global technology consultant.2
                  they sat on their couches in the evening,
                  watching TV, reading the paper or a                             Most of the industry, though, falls into
                  magazine. Now consumers are multi-                              the “have not” category. While the vast
                  tasking using their mobile devices and                          majority of retailers (90 percent) agreed that
                  working during leisure activities.”                             consistency across their brand’s engagement
                                                                                  points affects customer loyalty, fewer than
                                                                                  half are tracking their customer data across
                                                                                  physical and online channels.3 Bridging
                                                                                  these two critical avenues is the first step
                                                                                  toward building a continuous connection

70 69
                                                                                  across a broad spectrum of engagement
                   %                           %                                  opportunities that will generate long-term
                                                                                  customer loyalty.

The percentage of              The percentage of
consumers that said            consumers that said
they wanted consistent         consistency will
product availability           determine their loyalty
and customer service           to a given retailer
across physical
stores and online
shopping venues

Source: Infosys

                Infographic: Shopping Trends for the 2013 Holiday Season, Corra, Nov. 19, 2013
                Rethinking Retail: Insights from consumers and retailers into an omni-channel shopping experience, Infosys, 2013

                                             customer engagement
It’s no longer about one channel,
but multiple channels. Social,
e-com, in-store—engage

in an omnichannel world.


                                    THI N K

Any way you touch a

                                                                                   E 0

consumer is a channel.         O M N I CHAN N E L


                                   WO R L D


                                                                                              B R E A K D OW N
                                                                                                    S I LOS
    Retailers must track customer
    data across all channels
                                             BU I L D
    and use every opportunity to                                                                                 Build an efficient internal
    engage and generate loyalty.          SE AM L E SS
                                                                                                                 system for synchronizing
    Use third-party data for more       E N G AG E M E N T
                                                                                                                 all data being collected. And
    insights and leverage your                                                                                   don’t collect data unless you
    loyalty platform database.                                                                                   know how you are going to
                                                                                                                 utilize it.

                     Be customer centric instead of                       AC H I E V E
                     product centric. Knowing your
                                                                          LOYA LT Y
                     customer allows you to generate
                     relevant offers at optimal moments
                     to insure they will act on them.
                     View your organization from the
                     perspective of the consumer and                                     Consumers are shifting their
                     you will create a more compelling                                   loyalties to those brands that are
                     brand experience.                                                   willing to meet them with robust
                                                                                         online experiences, unique social
                                                        GET A                            media interactions, multiple
                                                                                         delivery options, and even in-store
                                                      3- D V I E W
                                                                                         engagement. Seamlessly engaging
                                                      O F YO U R                         shoppers with the new technologies
                                                     CU STO ME R                         they use shows you are a brand
                                                                                         building a relationship that serves
                                                                                         the customer and your bottom
                                                                                         line well.

Roadblocks to achieving a
                  360-degree view of the customer

                      The biggest hurdle separating you from                              programs isn’t being merged with Point-of-
                      customers is data, not the lack of data.                            Sale (POS) transactional data. Online and
                      At last count, U.S. membership in loyalty                           offline sales divisions are often separate
                      programs was 2.65 billion and climbing,                             entities with different marketing depart-
                      according to the 2013 Colloquy Loyalty                              ments and competing sales goals.
                      Census.4 What’s more, the average household
                                                                                          Even if you have a Chief Marketing Officer
                      belongs to 21 loyalty programs.5 Even if
                                                                                          (CMO) responsible for coordinating all of
                      members are only active in half of the
                                                                                          these moving parts, he or she may be
                      programs they join, billions of data points
                                                                                          hamstrung by legacy information systems
                      are still pouring in every day, providing
                                                                                          that don’t coordinate all of the informa-
                      unprecedented access to individual shopping
                                                                                          tion coming in from these disparate groups.
                      patterns and preferences. The problem is
                                                                                          Without the breakdown of silos and the
                      that you don’t know what to do with all of
                                                                                          proper structure in place, you can’t build
                      the information you’re collecting.
                                                                                          a seamless customer experience. As a
                      “Marketers have access to more data than                            result, you risk missing cross-sell or upsell
                      ever before, but making sense of all that data                      opportunities, eroding consumer loyalty
                      is a challenge for many,” Leary says.                               and losing customers all together.

                      The reality—and ongoing challenge—is that                           Tearing down these silos and building an
                      consumer information tends to sit inside                            efficient internal system to synchronize all
                      corporate silos. Data gleaned from loyalty                          of the data being collected can still pose
                                                                                          issues. You may have a narrow view of how
                                                                                          your customers are interacting with your
                                                                                          company. You may also lack context for how
                                                                                          your products or services fit into the full arc
In this competitive retail environment, it’s                                              of a customer’s life. Without that broader
crucial to use every opportunity to engage                                                framework, it’s impossible to become truly
                                                                                          relevant to your best customers.
customers in-store and online to generate
loyalty. Offering a seamless experience to
customers helps you provide a consistent
experience, connect purchasing venues, and
integrate merchandising across channels.

                      Bulking Up: The 2013 Colloquy Loyalty Census, Colloquy, June 2013

Building loyalty with
    omnichannel strategies

        Marketers have multiple channels in which                        So how do customers perceive your brand?
        to touch consumers. Using more than one                          Has your company developed a corporate-
        channel is great, but combining them all—                        wide, consumer-centric strategy that
        social, e-commerce, and in-store—is a loyalty                    leverages all the data you’ve captured?
        builder. The payoff is a well-rounded relation-                  Utilizing the engagement platforms you
        ship that is as much about your customers                        currently have in a new ways is a solid
        as it is about your brand. You’ll acquire more                   strategy to build upon. Here is how you
        meaningful data about your audience, and in                      can do exactly that.
        return have the ability to build more relevant
        messaging that serves both the brand and
        consumers throughout the customer lifecycle.

1       Connect at every customer touch point.
        An integrated customer engagement                                For example, Walgreens waited to launch its
        strategy starts with good data. Build a                          Balance Rewards loyalty program until it could
        system that combines information collected                       piggyback onto a new POS system that was
        from every customer touch point, including                       being rolled out companywide in 2012.6
        POS, loyalty marketing, and online data sets.

2       Leverage your loyalty platform.
        Since loyalty platforms are built from the                       strategy. FedEx launched a new loyalty
        ground up as real-time customer databases,                       program targeting small businesses with the
        they provide the perfect foundation on which                     intention of using that platform to plug into
        to build a seamless customer engagement                          the omnichannel world.

        Late to the Loyalty Game, Walgreens Pushes the Envelope, Ad Age, Oct. 29, 2013                                                                                                   7
3       Be reactive to your customers.
        Understand how you want to communicate                  rate than Business as Usual emails because
        with customers and how you are going to                 they provide immediate information in
        respond when they engage. A rules-based                 response to a consumer’s request.7 Hilton
        system can leverage real-time customer                  Hotels & Resorts’ HHonors program, for
        information, allowing you to generate                   example, uses cookies to track online
        relevant communications and deliver them                browsing. When a member is researching
        at the exact time that the customer is most             vacation ideas, Hilton immediately delivers a
        likely to act on it. In Q4 2013, real-time,             highly customized offer designed around that
        triggered emails had a 58.5% higher open                person’s travel history and current interests.

4       Align internal stakeholders around the customer.
        The companies that are leading omnichannel              overall business success. Walgreens, for
        marketing are using their data effectively              example, is using the data gleaned from its
        to reshape their entire organization. New               program to inform every customer-centric
        processes and connections across internal               decision, from merchandizing to store
        groups need to be built to leverage the                 design to online strategies.8
        information, consumer engagement, and

        Q42013 email trends & benchmarks, Epsilon, April 2014
        Fashionably Late, Colloquy, Dec. 10, 2012                                                                                           8
Epsilon recommendations

Five years from now, engagement opportunities will develop
that we can’t even imagine today. So it’s critical that you begin
building seamless cross-channel platforms that are flexible
enough to move with customers into the future.

        1 Connect your consumer data.          translated into rules driven marketing.
Look for opportunities to begin to breaking    Learn how to create a dialogue with
down internal silos and connect data across    consumers that deepens the relationship.
the consumer database from offline and
                                                        4 Leverage external marketing
online channels. Too many organizations
                                               providers. Technologies are developing at
continue to operate as independent busi-
                                               a rapid pace and it is challenging to discern
nesses rather than serving the customer.
                                               which applications are right for a given
This can help you gain greater insight into
                                               situation. Since they evolve so quickly, new
customer behaviors. Then use this infor-
                                               features and functionality require regular
mation to begin crafting targeted, relevant
                                               upgrades. For most organizations, marketing
communication with your core market.
                                               technology is not the core focus of the
         2 Incorporate third-party data.       internal IT organization. The internal IT
Third-party data provides greater insight      group is focused on the daily operations
into your customers, helping to enrich         of business systems and therefore can be
customer profiles and accelerate the           strained to keep pace for marketers. Find
consumer connection. For specialty retailers   a good marketing services provider with
with low purchase frequency, consumer          the breadth and depth of experience that
profile enrichment can pay significant         can be an extension of your internal IT
dividends because it enables you to be         and deliver to your marketing needs.
relevant and targeted with your messages
                                                        5 Be prepared to experiment
to key customer segments.
                                               and yes, fail. You’ve entered a new era of
        3 Understand how your customers        consumer-engaged marketing. While you
want to engage with you. Move beyond           may have learned a lot, there is still much
episodic, purely campaign-based strategies     more to understand around leveraging
to real engagement with consumers. Think       Big Data, utilizing content and achieving
about the patterns around how consumers        the right interaction mix on a customer by
engage with you across your touch points       customer basis. Customers don’t expect
and determine how to ‘respond’ to them.        perfection. They want to be heard, get
The traditional linear view of customer        a response, and be engaged. Don’t be
engagement is giving way to interaction        concerned if everything isn’t perfect. Get
models and schematics that can be              into the game.                                                                                  9

The key to building a seamless customer      a branding strategy around the customer
engagement strategy is in understanding      experience.
that it’s not about the medium, but the
                                             By focusing on the customer, you can
message. To deliver an engaging experience
                                             create more compelling brand experiences,
across any and all channels, you must
                                             and then leverage technology to create a
start looking from the outside in and view
                                             seamless experience that engages before,
your organization from the consumer’s
                                             during, and after the sale…in store or online.
perspective. Then you can begin developing                                                                              10
Epsilon solutions
Epsilon offers tools to help you sharpen                capabilities designed to link consumer
your customer data and help you gain                    experiences across online, offline, and
insight into customer behavior. We have                 social channels. Our strategy and analytics
the technology and creative resources to                teams can help you define new key consumer
help you build genuine loyalty and create               opportunities and points of interaction to
lasting bonds with consumers. Agility                   put your data to good use. With TotalSource
Loyalty, Epsilon’s loyalty solution platform            Plus, Epsilon’s most comprehensive
enabled by the minds of our experts and                 compiled data, we give you unprecedented
our strategists, and shaped by technologists            insight to propel your business. To learn
who understand marketing, helps you                     more, please call Steve Messina, Business
engage customers to build brand affinity.               Development Manager, Epsilon, at
Epsilon offers real-time data management                905.425.0440.

Our approach
Creating effective connections that drive tangible business results

About Epsilon
Epsilon is the global leader in creating                Ad Age as the #1 U.S. Agency from All
customer connections that build brand and               Disciplines, #1 World Largest CRM/Direct
business equity. A new breed of agency for              Marketing Network and #3 Largest U.S.
a consumer-empowered world, our unique                  Digital-Agency Network, we employ over
approach harnesses the power of rich data,              5,000 associates in 60 offices worldwide.
world-leading technologies, engaging                    Epsilon is an Alliance Data company. For
creativity and transformative ideas to ignite           more information, visit,
connections between brands and customers,               follow us on Twitter@EpsilonMktg or call
delivering dramatic results. Recognized by              800.309.0505.

By John Bartold, VP of Loyalty Solutions, Epsilon

With over 20 years of experience in the loyalty space, John specializes in developing strategic marketing
initiatives that help brands build deep and connected relationships with their customers to achieve increased
profitability and reduced churn. John serves as a contributing editor to COLLOQUY, a magazine and website
that covers loyalty-marketing programs across global industries.                                                                                                 11
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