Business Plan Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia 2016/17 to 2018/19 - LTSA

Page created by Herman Garner
Land Title and
Survey Authority of
British Columbia

Business Plan
2016/17 to 2018/19
LTSA Business Plan 2016/17 to 2018/19

Table of Contents
Corporate Description  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .             3

Mission, Vision, Values .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .            4

Message from the Chair and President & CEO  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                                  5

Business Priorities .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .       6

Strategic Objective 1: Stakeholder and Customer .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                                 7

Strategic Objective 2: Quality Plus Efficiency  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                           9

Strategic Objective 3: Learn and Improve .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                            11

Strategic Objective 4: Financial  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                 13

The Next Three Years  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .           15

Contact Information .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .          16

    Table of                                  Mission,                                  Business           Stakeholder        Quality +    Learn &                                        Print Page
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    Contents                               Vision, Values                               Priorities         & Customer         Efficiency   Improve                                           2/16
LTSA Business Plan 2016/17 to 2018/19

Corporate Description
The Land Title and Survey Authority                      and survey records, and enables
of British Columbia (LTSA) is a publicly                 efficient title, document and plan search            Innovation
accountable, statutory corporation                       services. In collaboration with the
responsible for operating BC’s land                      Province, which maintains the legislative       The LTSA is constantly developing,
                                                                                                         implementing and managing new
title and survey systems.                                framework for BC’s land title and survey
                                                                                                         processes and systems to ensure
                                                         systems, the LTSA provides advice for
                                                                                                         it meets the ever-evolving needs of
The LTSA is established as a regulatory                  legislative proposals from an operational       its stakeholders.
authority, independent from the                          perspective. The LTSA’s achievement of
government, with the mandate to                          performance requirements established
“manage, operate and maintain the                        by the Province are published annually.
land title and survey systems of British
Columbia.” The LTSA complies with the                    Over the past eleven years, the LTSA’s
Land Title and Survey Authority Act and                  success has been the result of its
                                                                                                         The LTSA and its employees are
other enactments, and an Operating                       close consultative relationships with
                                                                                                         accountable for maintaining public
Agreement with the Province.                             stakeholders to deliver efficient,              trust in BC’s land title and survey
                                                         sustainable, cost-effective operations and      systems. The LTSA provides assurance
As the operator and regulator of BC’s                    prudent financial management.                   that its services are delivered
land title and survey systems, the LTSA                                                                  honestly, ethically, and with integrity.
is charged with the reliable and secure                  Annually, about 3.65 million online
delivery of these systems which are an                   transactions are processed by the LTSA.
essential underpinning to BC’s private                   Approximately 20 percent of transactions
property market and the civil justice                    are for registration of land title interests
system. These systems also support civic                 and approximately 80 percent are for            With an earned reputation for
governance, taxation and Crown land                      searches of registered records and              reliable, trusted and accountable
management frameworks.                                   issuance of certificates.                       public administration, the LTSA is
                                                                                                         poised to move its mission forward
                                                                                                         over the next three years.
The LTSA maintains BC’s land title and                   The LTSA is an efficient and progressive
survey systems through the timely,                       organization that enjoys excellent
efficient registration of land title interests           customer satisfaction.

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LTSA Business Plan 2016/17 to 2018/19

Mission, Vision, Values

  Mission                                                Vision                                   Values
   Deliver responsive and trusted                        Be the leader in providing               Accountability:
   expertise and reliable land title                     exceptional service and innovative       We are accountable and responsive
   and survey systems which are an                       solutions in the operation and           to customers and stakeholders.
   essential foundation to economic                      administration of land title and
   and social prosperity.                                survey systems.
                                                                                                  We act with the highest standards
                                                                                                  of integrity.

                                                                                                  We treat each other and our
                                                                                                  customers and stakeholders
                                                                                                  with respect.

                                                                                                  We continuously develop our
                                                                                                  business, knowledge and skill.

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LTSA Business Plan 2016/17 to 2018/19

Message                                                     from the Chair and
                                                            President & CEO

As the LTSA enters its second decade,                    permit myLTSA customers to
its focus remains on delivering                          browse and search for property
reliable land title and survey systems                   information through the geographic
and the innovation of these systems                      representation of parcel information
to enable customers and employees                        in the fabric.
to undertake their work more quickly
and efficiently.                                         In the coming years, the LTSA plans
                                                         to undertake further customer-facing
This Business Plan describes the LTSA’s                  system improvements by redefining the
initiatives over the next three years, which             electronic front end of the business and
build upon the tradition of continuous                   continuing to refine the user experience.
improvement by providing enhanced                        One example is offering the ability for
customer service and launching new                       customers to use map-based information
products and services.                                   to inform searches. Another is redefining
                                                         the way customers electronically file.
The rollout of ParcelMap BC remains a                    These activities will drive many of the      Geoff Plant, Q.C.
priority for the LTSA, with the final major              LTSA’s business improvements over the        Chair, Board of Directors
software release of the initiative due                   next three years.
in summer 2016. This release will allow
participating stakeholders (the Province,                The strategic objectives discussed in
BC Assessment and members of the                         this Business Plan reflect the LTSA’s
Integrated Cadastral Initiative Society                  commitment to its stakeholders               Connie Fair
and the Association of BC Land Surveyors)                to administer sustainable, reliable,         President and
to download all or a portion of the                      customer-focused operations.                 Chief Executive Officer
published fabric. The release will also

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LTSA Business Plan 2016/17 to 2018/19

Business Priorities
The LTSA has identified four
objectives for the 2016/17 to                                Some innovation highlights include:
2018/19 fiscal years to support its
mission of delivering responsive                         Implementation of the final major software release in summer 2016 for ParcelMap
and trusted expertise, and reliable                      BC, the rollout of more regional increments within the fabric, and ongoing
land title and survey systems — an                       improvement to the fabric
essential foundation to economic
and social prosperity in BC.
                                                         Commitment to improve the customer experience via new and enhanced
These objectives focus on maintaining
                                                         services on myLTSA
confidence and integrity of the systems
through accountable collaboration with
the Province, customer-centric delivery
of services, optimal human resources                     Exploration of business development opportunities aligned with the LTSA’s legal
management, and the sustainable                          and regulatory requirements
and cost-effective management of
LTSA operations.

The four objectives will be achieved in
compliance with the complex regulatory
framework that applies to the LTSA,
through responsible and prudent
fiscal management, and as a result of
innovation and business improvements.

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LTSA Business Plan 2016/17 to 2018/19

Strategic Objective 1                                                                                                      Stakeholder
                                                                                                                           and Customer

In collaboration with the Province,
maintain confidence in the integrity                         Strategies
of the land title and survey systems
of British Columbia.                                      Operator – Administer the                 Steward – Establish an
                                                          land title and survey systems             accountable leadership forum with
Of paramount importance to the LTSA is                    in accordance with statutory              the Province to identify mutual
maintaining confidence in BC’s secure,                    requirements, administrative              strategic priorities and monitor
                                                          justice principles and the agreed         coordinated action, including
reliable, and trusted land title and
                                                          to transactional performance              the advocacy of the security and
survey systems. To assist in meeting this
                                                          standards, as well as conserve            reliability of BC’s land title and
objective, the LTSA collaborates with the                 historic records.                         survey systems.
Province in maintaining the legislative
framework for the systems, and also                       Regulator – Protect the integrity         Strategist – Uphold the quality of
consults the Province and professional                    of the land title register and            the land title and survey systems
stakeholders to obtain advice and                         survey system by ensuring                 through strategic and operational
suggestions on regulatory, operational                    access to accurate and reliable           regulatory activities, conduct
and practice matters.                                     information, undertaking proactive        ongoing regulatory scans for best
                                                          outreach with stakeholders                practices, inform the Province’s
                                                          and users, implementation of              legislative priorities with relevant
                                                          fraud prevention measures and             operational and policy advice,
                                                          maintenance of appropriate                establish practice standards for
                                                          disaster recovery and crisis              the registration/filing of land title
                                                          communication plans.                      and survey applications to monitor
                                                                                                    fraud attempts and Assurance
                                                                                                    Fund claims.

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LTSA Business Plan 2016/17 to 2018/19

Strategic Objective 1                                                                                                     Stakeholder
                                                                                                                          and Customer [continued]

Key Initiatives
Administration of Land Title and                         Access to Accurate and                       Accountable Leadership                       Regulation of Land Title
Survey Systems                                           Reliable Information                         The LTSA and the Province share              and Survey Systems
The LTSA manages BC’s land title and                     The LTSA aims for the highest standards      responsibilities for informing the           In establishing practice requirements
survey systems in accordance with related                of practice in the use and management        legislative and regulatory framework         and procedures, LTSA officials liaise
enactments and an Operating Agreement                    of BC’s land title and survey systems.       of BC’s land title and survey systems.       with the Province, stakeholders, and the
with the Province, and in a manner that                  Best practices are established for all       Effective, accountable ongoing               professionals who interact with the systems
ensures security and confidence. The LTSA                aspects of the LTSA’s business, and these    communication between the two entities       on behalf of their customers or employers.
is committed to continuous improvement,                  approaches are supported through             supports coordinated regulatory action       The strict application of these requirements
with a particular focus on improvements to               defined policies and procedures.             and continued alignment with the             ensures the integrity of and trust in the land
service consistency for its customers.                                                                priorities of the Province.                  title and survey systems in BC.

The LTSA will continue its long-term
efforts to preserve the extensive
collection of historic land title and
survey records under its care. Ongoing                         Performance Measures                                     Targets
conservation efforts will focus on
attending to the highest priority                        Measures                                                       16/17                    17/18                   18/19
documents — those documents that
                                                                                                                                        95% of transactions completed within
are both in high demand and in poor
physical condition. Additionally, the LTSA
                                                         Land Title registration                                        6 days                   6 days                  6 days
will continue to focus on taking steps, as
resources are available, to archive original             Crown Land Survey Plan approval                                21 business days         21 business days        21 business days
historical documents and maintain
records of them in electronic format.                    Crown Grant issuance                                           21 days                  21 days                 21 days
These actions will support access to the
                                                                                                                                                 Implement plan to
information contained in the records and                                                                                83% overall                                      85% overall
                                                         Overall customer satisfaction rating                                                    improve satisfaction
preserve the original documents.                                                                                        satisfaction rating                              satisfaction rating

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LTSA Business Plan 2016/17 to 2018/19

Strategic Objective 2                                                                                                          Quality Plus

Improve and deliver professional,                        Key Initiatives
consistent and responsive services to
meet customer needs.                                     ParcelMap BC                                   ParcelMap BC will result in the following major benefits:
                                                         ParcelMap BC is creating a single,
                                                                                                        • Improve the speed and efficiency of land-related research, planning and business
While respecting the guiding legislation,                complete, trusted, and sustainable
                                                                                                          decisions through a visual representation of the parcels contained in the land title
the LTSA continues to develop and                        electronic map of all active titled parcels
                                                                                                          register and Crown land registry in an integrated spatial information infrastructure
enhance BC’s land title and survey                       and surveyed provincial Crown land
                                                                                                        • Minimize possible data discrepancies and confusion by reducing the need to consult
systems. Focused on improving customer-                  parcels in BC. Updated by the LTSA on
                                                                                                          separate spatial systems in BC
facing electronic services, the LTSA is                  a continual basis, ParcelMap BC offers
                                                                                                        • Support faster and more accurate real estate dealings by using the visual
developing and implementing initiatives                  an accessible visual land information
                                                                                                          representation of the parcels contained in the land title register, e.g., view a parcel in
to respond to changing customer needs.                   infrastructure to fulfill a long-standing
                                                                                                          context with those surrounding it
Customer service remains a top business                  need for location-specific land
                                                                                                        • Provide a single, continuously improved cadastral representation of parcel
priority for the LTSA in developing and                  information to support a wide range of
                                                                                                          boundaries suitable as a base map for aligning other data products province-wide
maintaining reliable, secure systems that                programs and activities.
are available when customers need them.
                                                                                                        An incremental approach to parcel fabric compilation is being employed, with all
                                                                                                        regional increments targeted for completion by May 2017. Once ParcelMap BC is fully
         Strategies                                                                                     operational, it will create a platform for future service offerings such as value-added
                                                                                                        layers provided by the LTSA or other entities.
     Develop and implement ParcelMap
     BC by May 2017, on time and
     on budget

     Promote customer-facing
     improvements by redefining the
     front end of the business

     Continue to improve internal
     processes to achieve better customer
     responsiveness, and efficient and
     consistent decision making

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LTSA Business Plan 2016/17 to 2018/19

Strategic Objective 2                                                                                                 Quality Plus
                                                                                                                      Efficiency [continued]

Key Initiatives [continued]
                                                               Performance Measures                                 Targets
Improve Customer-facing Services
                                                         Measures                                                   16/17                   17/18                  18/19
Over the next three years, the LTSA aims
to significantly improve how customers                   ParcelMap BC                                               Province-wide fabric    Fully operational      Continue value-
electronically file and reference                                                                                   compilation complete    system, and            added enhancements
accompanying policy and instructional                                                                                                       commencement
materials. The LTSA is in the initial phases                                                                                                of value-added
of seeking guidance from stakeholders on                                                                                                    enhancements
possible improvements incorporating the
                                                         Improve Electronic Filing                                  Plan significant        Implement              Continue
latest technologies and best practices.
                                                                                                                    improvements to         improvements to        improvements to
                                                                                                                    electronic filing       electronic filing      electronic filing
Improve Internal Processes
The LTSA will continue to make processes
consistent between land title offices, and
clarify its written communications to
customers, such as Notices Declining to
Register. Continuing an effort begun in
2015, the LTSA Customer Support team
will encourage customers to empower
themselves by actively referencing
relevant help and practice information to
answer questions.

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Strategic Objective 3                                                                                                     Learn and

Ensure the optimum structure,                                                                       Key Initiatives
people and tools for the effective                          Strategies
operation of the LTSA.                                                                              Engagement                                    Balanced Scorecard
                                                         Implement plans to improve                 The LTSA will implement action plans to       The LTSA will continue with the
Experienced leaders and engaged                          employee engagement                        promote increased career development          implementation of the balanced
employees are the key to realizing the                                                              opportunities and improve internal            scorecard to provide at-a-glance
                                                         Focus on performance management
LTSA’s business objectives. Through                                                                 communications by using information           information to support the activities
                                                         for all employees to support
sharing of knowledge, modelling best                                                                gathered from both formal employee            underpinning the following corporate
                                                         the continued transition to a
practices, and effective performance                     performance and values-driven,             engagement surveys and informal               strategic objectives:
management, the LTSA will be positioned                  customer-centric organization              employee focus groups.
as a customer-centric organization                                                                                                                •   Stakeholder and Customer
that achieves its goals, recognizes its                  Implement the use of the balanced          Performance Management                        •   Quality plus Efficiency
employees, and delivers results.                         scorecard to measure the LTSA’s            Performance management targets                •   Learn and Improve
                                                         success in aligning organizational
                                                                                                    and tools will continue to be shared          •   Financial
                                                         goals with performance planning
                                                                                                    with employees to enhance employee
                                                         Develop leadership capacity to create      engagement and increase transparency          The scorecard is used by the LTSA to
                                                         succession candidates for leadership       of business priorities and goals.             measure progress and is being cascaded
                                                         and other specified key roles                                                            from management to employees to inspire
                                                                                                    Enhanced productivity measurement to          greater alignment of internal activities with
                                                                                                    optimize customer service and financial       the LTSA’s strategic objectives.
                                                                                                    results will be used to identify trends and
                                                                                                    opportunities for improvement.

                                                                                                    Performance management will also focus
                                                                                                    on the due diligence and careful public
                                                                                                    administration of the land title and survey
                                                                                                    systems in the public interest.

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LTSA Business Plan 2016/17 to 2018/19

Strategic Objective 3                                                                                                 Learn and
                                                                                                                      Improve [continued]

Key Initiatives [continued]
                                                              Performance Measures                                  Targets
Leadership Capacity
Continued training and mentorship
                                                         Measures                                                   16/17                   17/18                 18/19
of Land Title Division employees will                    Employee engagement survey                                 Improve results         Re-survey employees   Improve results
complement employee engagement                                                                                      against                                       against
activities in developing leadership                                                                                 prior survey                                  prior survey
capability to help the LTSA capture and
share knowledge across its geographically                Performance management participation rate                  Achieve 100%            Achieve 100%          Achieve 100%
                                                                                                                    participation           participation         participation
dispersed organization.

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LTSA Business Plan 2016/17 to 2018/19

Strategic Objective 4                                                                                                      Financial

Ensure the financial sustainability                          Strategies
of the LTSA through sound financial
management and development of                             Use sound financial planning tools         Maintain Contingency Cash Reserve
new business initiatives.                                 to achieve efficient and sustainable       at a prudent level while still
                                                          business objectives                        allowing sufficient reinvestment
                                                                                                     of capital to keep pace with
To continue to support the LTSA’s
                                                          Manage costs in line with                  customer needs and the changing
efforts in exercising responsible fiscal
                                                          revenues to ensure the LTSA has            marketplace
management in its operations of BC’s
                                                          sufficient net income to meet
land title and survey systems, sound
                                                          ongoing operational and capital            Use a risk management
financial planning and risk management                    investment needs                           framework methodology and
measures will be maintained to ensure                                                                reporting mechanism to mitigate
stability and sustainability. The LTSA’s                  Maintain the Assurance Fund at             reputational, financial and
capital investment of internally-generated                a high statistical confidence level        regulatory impacts
net income in required and anticipated                    by conducting periodic actuarial
service enhancements is critical to                       assessments                                Evaluate, on the basis of a business
                                                                                                     case, business development
this sustainability. Careful planning
                                                                                                     opportunities to ensure customer,
and strategic investment decisions
                                                                                                     regulatory and financial objectives
respond directly to customer needs, and                                                              are achieved
contribute to the LTSA’s high customer
satisfaction and confidence levels.

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LTSA Business Plan 2016/17 to 2018/19

Strategic Objective 4                                                                                                       Financial [continued]

Key Initiatives
                                                                                                       	Performance Targets
Assurance Fund                                           Sound Financial Management                      Measures
To ensure the sufficiency and stability of               The LTSA will continue to manage its
the Assurance Fund, periodic actuarial                   finances, being aware of identified risks.    Measures                   16/17                 17/18               18/19
reviews will be conducted to reflect                     Such risks will be managed through
                                                                                                       Assurance Fund             Maintain a $6         Maintain a $6       Maintain a $6
changing market conditions, transaction                  appropriate methodologies, reporting
                                                                                                                                  million cash          million cash        million cash
volumes and claims history.                              mechanisms, and mitigation strategies                                    reserve to fund       reserve to fund     reserve to fund the
                                                         to maintain the LTSA’s sound                                             the Assurance         the Assurance       Assurance Fund
Contingency Cash Reserve                                 financial position.                                                      Fund Reserve          Fund Reserve        Reserve
A Contingency Cash Reserve will be
maintained at a prudent level to                         Based on the organization’s capital           Contingency Cash Reserve   Maintain an           Maintain an         Maintain an
provide a buffer against rapid changes                   reinvestment goals, the LTSA Board                                       additional cash       additional cash     additional cash
                                                                                                                                  reserve of the        reserve of the      reserve of the
in business activity.                                    and Executive team will further define
                                                                                                                                  equivalent of 25%     equivalent of 25%   equivalent of 25%
                                                         annual financial performance measures
                                                                                                                                  of annual cash        of annual cash      of annual cash
Net Income from Core Business                            to ensure the organization has the                                       operating costs       operating costs     operating costs
and myLTSA                                               necessary capacity to invest in service
Continue to tightly manage costs to                      enhancements in the public interest.          Operating Income           Achieve 10%           Achieve 10%         Achieve 10%
generate net income to fund ongoing                                                                                               operating margin      operating margin    operating margin
capital investments in essential land title              Risk Management
and survey systems.                                      To mitigate exposure to unnecessary
                                                                                                       New products               Achieve 10%           Achieve 10%         Achieve 10%
                                                         risks in reputation, financial matters,
                                                                                                                                  operating margin      operating margin    operating margin
                                                         and regulatory obligations, the LTSA
                                                         will continue to refine its risk
                                                         management framework.

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The Next Three Years
Key Initiatives                                                                                                                                    In 2016/17
Assurance Fund                                           Sound Financial Management                    Over the next three years, a major focus    • Province-wide fabric compilation of
To ensure the sufficiency and stability of               The LTSA will continue to manage its          for the LTSA will be managing the build,      ParcelMap BC is complete
the Assurance Fund, periodic actuarial                   finances, being aware of identified risks.    rollout, and operations of ParcelMap BC.    • Plan for significant improvements to
reviews will be conducted to reflect                     Such risks will be managed through            The LTSA is rolling out and releasing the     electronic search and filing
changing market conditions, transaction                  appropriate methodologies, reporting          parcel fabric region-by-region through      • Continue to enhance myLTSA portal
volumes and claims history.                              mechanisms, and mitigation strategies         a phased approach, with Province-wide         through new and enhanced services
                                                         to maintain the LTSA’s sound                  completion targeted for May 2017. A         • Conduct Stakeholder Survey
Contingency Cash Reserve                                 financial position.                           continued focus on enhancing customer-
A Contingency Cash Reserve will be                                                                     facing procedures and help materials will
maintained at a prudent level to provide                 Based on the organization’s capital           also be a priority over the coming years.
a buffer against rapid changes in business               reinvestment goals, the LTSA Board
activity.                                                and Executive team will further define
                                                         annual financial performance measures
Net Income from Core Business                            to ensure the organization has the
and myLTSA                                               necessary capacity to invest in service
Continue to tightly manage costs to                      enhancements in the public interest.
generate net income to fund ongoing
capital investments in essential land title              Risk Management
and survey systems.                                      To mitigate exposure to unnecessary
                                                         risks in reputation, financial matters,
                                                         and regulatory obligations, the LTSA
                                                         will continue to refine its risk
                                                         management framework.

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Contact Information
In 2017/18                                               In 2018/19                                 Land Title and Survey                     Kamloops Land Title Office
                                                                                                    Authority of British Columbia             Kamloops/Nelson Land Title Districts
• ParcelMap BC is fully operational                      • Develop and implement plans for value-   Corporate Office                          Suite 114-455 Columbia Street
• Develop and implement plans for value-                   added enhancements to ParcelMap BC       Suite 200-1321 Blanshard Street           Kamloops, British Columbia
  added enhancements to ParcelMap BC                     • Continue to enhance myLTSA portal        Victoria, British Columbia                Canada V2C 6K4
• Implement significant improvements to                    through new and enhanced services        Canada V8W 9J3
  electronic search and filing                           • Conduct Stakeholder Survey                                                         New Westminster Land Title Office
• Streamline customer facing procedures                                                             General Inquiries                         Vancouver/New Westminster
  and help materials                                                                                1 877 577-5872 (LTSA) or 604 630-9630     Land Title Districts
• Continue to enhance myLTSA portal                                                                                      Suite 300-88 Sixth Street
  through new and enhanced services                                                                                                           New Westminster, British Columbia
• Conduct Employee Engagement Survey                                                                                                          Canada V3L 5B3

                                                                                                                                              Victoria Land Title Office
                                                                                                                                              Victoria/Prince George/Prince Rupert
                                                                                                                                              Land Title Districts
                                                                                                                                              Suite 200-1321 Blanshard Street
                                                                                                                                              Victoria, British Columbia
                                                                                                                                              Canada V8W 9J3

                                                                                                                                              Surveyor General Division
                                                                                                                                              Suite 200-1321 Blanshard Street
                                                                                                                                              Victoria, British Columbia
                                                                                                                                              Canada V8W 9J3

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