Managing digital evidence - Forensic technology services - Smith & Williamson

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Managing digital evidence - Forensic technology services - Smith & Williamson
Forensic technology services
Managing digital evidence - Forensic technology services - Smith & Williamson
A ‘new media’ and digital age
The frequency of global                           As we are now firmly in a
commercial disputes has increased                 ‘new media’ and digital age,
rapidly in recent years. In the                   evidence can take a variety
last two years, ‘bet the company’                 of forms, making locating and
work has quadrupled1. So too on                   managing data ever-more
the increase is the volume of data                challenging. With the number of
that is involved in these complex                 devices on which information can
disputes. Disclosure can involve                  be held constantly growing, legal
reviewing millions of documents2.                 teams are faced with practical
                                                  hurdles as well as pressure to
                                                  deliver an efficient and cost
                                                  effective solution3.

  BTI Litigation Outlook 2017
  The Lord Chief Justice’s Report 2016
  CPR PD 31B 6(1) *accurate at time of printing

Managing digital evidence - Forensic technology services - Smith & Williamson
Our approach
Smith & Williamson’s forensic technology advisers
will provide you with scalable and technically
focused solutions to issues surrounding the recovery,
retention, investigation and presentation of
electronic data, both in complex investigations and
during the disclosure process.
Our team are technically adept      Changes in scope during an
and commercially minded. They       e-Disclosure case can have a
work closely with the parties and   significant impact on costs and
their legal advisers guiding them   the ability to recover them.
through the digital minefield       Our team can readily respond
explaining their findings in a      to those changes while keeping
commercial context.                 costs under control. Our
                                    specialists can work as part of
Our approach ensures that there
                                    your team to minimise those
is minimal disruption to your
                                    costs and manage the impact of
client’s business. We actively
                                    any changes to an e-Disclosure
make suggestions about the
                                    exercise, to make the transition
best way to manage your case
                                    as smooth as possible.
to maintain proportionality of
costs and deliver results in a
                                     You can benefit from:
timely manner.
                                     •   A reliable service
We have excellent experience         •   One-to-one or group
in the defensible culling of data        training
and review management. We are
                                     •   Partner-led cases
able to advise on and assist with
the use of advanced analytics,       •   A thorough and flexible
such as predictive coding, e-mail
threading and concept clustering     •   A commercial outlook
in order to make reviews                 where needed
as accurate and as efficient
as possible.

Managing digital evidence - Forensic technology services - Smith & Williamson
Our forensic services
Smith & Williamson provide the    Included in our service offering are:
full range of forensic services   •   Quantum and valuation services in
and our multi-disciplinary            international arbitrations and cross-
                                      border disputes
team advise on a variety of
                                  •   Forensic technology and
dispute resolution matters.           e-Disclosure services
We work closely with lawyers      •   Fraud and financial crime investigations
from around the world, taking     •   Anti-bribery and corruption services
on a litigation support role on   •   Competition services (including
their cases.                          European Commission cases)

Managing digital evidence - Forensic technology services - Smith & Williamson
Our forensic technology services
Our advisers will provide you with scalable and technically
focused solutions to issues surrounding the recovery, retention,
investigation and presentation of electronic data.
We have a thorough understanding               Our team are engaged on a variety of
of the legal process and we use both           commercial disputes, assisting with:-
technical expertise and a commercial           •   e-Disclosure;
approach when gathering data and
                                               •   regulatory response;
protecting digital evidence ensuring
that it conforms to relevant legal and         •   fraud and money
regulatory requirements.                           laundering investigations;
                                               •   competition investigations;
                                               •   disciplinary investigations; and
                                               •   gathering forensically sound
                                                   digital evidence.

  Examples of our assignments include:
  •   Instructed by the Legal Council to a Sovereign State to investigate allegations
      concerning a multi-million dollar fraud stretching back 30 years within a
      Sovereign Wealth Fund. This assignment has involved enquiries in EMEA (including
      Switzerland) and North America, and involves the hosting of over 1 million
  •   Co-ordinated the response to a Section 26 notice issued by the Office of Fair
      Trading for an international household goods supplier. This case required the
      collection, production and review of millions of items of data in an extremely
      time sensitive environment.
  •   Conducted a large scale eDisclosure exercise on behalf of an international
      corporation involving many hundreds of thousands of documents, and provided
      technical assistance into preparing the legal response.
  •   Conducted and led many without notice intervention exercises specialising in the
      acquisition of data in high pressure/short timescale environments.
  •   Co-ordinated a response to a potential Health and Safety Executive investigation
      following a serious incident within an international energy supplier. Knowledge
      of investigation procedures in addition to technical capability provided the client
      with the information needed to respond fully to any subsequent action.

Managing digital evidence - Forensic technology services - Smith & Williamson

Building a litigation case can              When faced with all of this, an e-Disclosure
                                            exercise could easily spiral out of control
bring with it a number of
                                            in terms of cost and information overload.
challenges, especially when it              The cost of disclosure greatly impacts the
comes to e-Disclosure.                      overall cost of litigation, especially in the
                                            context of big commercial cases. A well-
The amount of information generated by
                                            managed e-Disclosure exercise is crucial in
companies makes disclosure a complex
                                            ensuring that you keep control of the case.
exercise. Whether you have completed
                                            At Smith & Williamson, we put you back in
many cases requiring e-Disclosure, or are
                                            control of the case by offering a complete
relatively inexperienced in such matters,
                                            e-Disclosure solution that:
there are usually common issues to
overcome, such as:                          •   reduces the cost of e-Disclosure
                                                through flexible charging structures;
•   excessive data volumes;
                                            •   saves you time and money for more
•   careful budgeting requirements;
                                                cost-effective planning;
•   tight time frames;
                                            •   simplifies even the most complex
•   resourcing constraints; and                 e-Disclosure exercise through
•   numerous devices holding data.              advanced analytics;
                                            •   delivers cost-efficiency to your clients;
                                            •   lets you regain control of the case,
                                                putting you in the driver’s seat.

Managing digital evidence - Forensic technology services - Smith & Williamson
A successful e-Disclosure engagement,          Features
relies on more than just software. Our
multi-disciplined team has the expertise       Step 1 — Automated Digital Discovery
and skills to guide you through all stages     (ADD®)
of the e-Disclosure process. By working        ADD® is the most streamlined workflow
as part of your team, we give you the          in e-Disclosure. With ADD®, data is
insight and assistance you need to ensure a    automatically copied, processed,
smooth e-Disclosure exercise every time.       filtered and loaded into review systems
                                               with limited human interaction.
Ipro Enterprise                                The self-service function in ADD® allows
At the heart of our e-Disclosure solution      you to upload data from anywhere in
is Ipro Enterprise, an integrated modular      the world directly into a case within
software system that allows us to host and     minutes, removing the need to ship
access large amounts of data, which could      to a separate location or transfer the
save you time and money.                       data from a laptop. There is no third
Ipro is a global leader in e-Discovery         party handling so you do not need to
technology used by legal professionals         wait for an administrator to ingest the
to streamline the discovery of electronic      data. ADD® can be deployed on your
data. Ipro is an industry pioneer that draws   infrastructure and hosted and managed
upon decades of innovation to deliver          by your internal team.
high-performance software that drastically     ADD® forensically copies data to the
reduces the cost and complexity                data centre and into the database and
of e-Discovery4.                               begins the chain of custody on data with
Smith & Williamson are the exclusive UK        one easy process.
supplier of Ipro software.


Managing digital evidence - Forensic technology services - Smith & Williamson
Step 2 — Eclipse: Web-based review                Analytics
    featuring advanced analytics                      Document review can be a time consuming
    The review platform is called Eclipse             and expensive element of litigation
    and it enables the review of the                  and lawyers are under pressure to use
    consolidated data using advanced                  technology that ensures that document
    analytics in a unified web-based view.            management activities are undertaken
    The data can also be sent to the                  efficiently and effectively5. To alleviate
    document production element of the                the cost, Eclipse incorporates advanced
    system called eCapture for enhanced               analytics, technology-assisted review (TAR)
    disclosure options and document                   functionality and cutting-edge features
    imaging.                                          which allow you to streamline your
                                                      workflow, reducing inefficiency and saving
    It is not necessary to create new copies          time and money throughout the review
    of the electronically stored files, saving        process.
    time and storage costs while keeping
    the document collection pristine and              This platform is able to prioritise
    reducing the chance of errors or missing          documents based on relevance by using
    files.                                            a small set of ‘sample’ documents. After
                                                      an initial human review of the sample
    With Eclipse, you can:-                           set, Eclipse quickly uses this set to sort
    •   Begin native file review immediately          the population into categories and leaves
                                                      irrelevant documents as ‘uncategorised’.
    •   Save time and storage costs
                                                      By using advanced document
    •   Gain ultimate control with robust
                                                      categorisation technology this technology-
        security at user level
                                                      assisted workflow allows you to achieve
    •   Use advanced analytical solutions             better reviews faster.
    •   See the bigger picture, sooner with
        visual representation

    CPR PD 31B 6(2)   *accurate at time of printing

Managing digital evidence - Forensic technology services - Smith & Williamson
Advanced analytics can be used to identify
and thread email conversations, find
and compare near duplicate documents
and cluster conceptually like documents
together, giving you an immediate ‘first
look’ at the collection before even
starting your review. The use of analytics
can speed up review times and increase
accuracy by reviewing logical ‘clusters’ of
documents in the same batch.
Advanced analytics include:-
•     email threading;
•     technology-assisted review (TAR);
•     near de-duplication;
•     keyword highlighting;
•     data clustering;
•     non-English language detection; and
•     identification.

    Step 3 — eCapture: high-speed
    eCapture is the processing component
    of the IPRO e-Disclosure platform. Fully
    distributed and infinitely scalable,
    eCapture can perform enhanced
    processing and full production on
    litigation document collections of
    any size.
    The in-built language identification
    system allows non-English documents
    to be separated and identified, even
    in documents containing multiple
    languages. TIFF and PDF versions
    of documents can be produced at
    very high speed and to almost any
About Smith & Williamson and
Nexia International
Smith & Williamson is an accountancy               We are a member of Nexia International, a
and financial services firm with 12                global network of independent accounting
offices and over 1,700 people located              firms. With 600 offices in over 120
across the UK, Ireland and Jersey. Our             countries, Nexia International links us with
business uniquely combines a UK top ten            major cities around the world.
accountancy practice* with an investment
management business.

*Accountancy Age magazine 2019

Our forensic technology team
Our team consists of experienced                   Contact us
Information Technology professionals
                                                   To get you started on IPRO, we are happy
and former police officers. They are led
                                                   to offer a free initial demonstration for
by John Holden, a specialist in the field,
                                                   you and your team.
with over 10 years’ experience, who has
provided complex forensic computing                For further details of how we can assist
evidence to the High Court.                        you, please contact:

                             John Holden
                             +44 (0)20 7131 8128

                             Andries Smit
                             Senior Manager
                             +44 (0)20 7131 8418

                  Supported by a team of experienced network analysts


TAR Technology-assisted review            Clustering
Enables the automated classification      The automated analysis of data content,
of documents based on low volume          grouping related documents together into
human review.                             data clusters.

Metadata                                  TIFF / Tag Image File Format
Data that serves to provide context       Common graphic file format.
or additional information about other
data. For example, information about      FTP / File Transfer Protocol
the title, subject, author, typeface,     A system commonly used for exchanging
enhancements, and size of the data file   large volumes of data over a network.
of a document constitute metadata about
that document.                            Custodian / Custodian (Data Custodian)
                                          A person whose electronically
Keyword search
                                          stored information is collected for
A keyword search is a basic search        litigation purposes.
technique that involves searching for
one or more words within a collection     De-NIST / DeNisting (deNISTing or
of documents and returns only those       de-nisting)
documents that contain the search
terms entered.                            Removing the operating system files,
                                          program files and other non-user created
                                          data. The NIST (National Institute of
OCR / Optical Character Recognition
                                          Standards and Technology) list contains
Process of converting images of printed   more than 40 million known files.
pages into electronic text.
                                          Near de-duplication / Deduplication
Tagging                                   (de-duplication or ’de-duping’)
The classification of a document after    A process of identifying near
review, for example, “relevant” / “not    duplicate copies of documents in a
relevant” etc.                            document collection.

We have taken great care to ensure the accuracy of this publication. However, the publication is written in general terms and you are
strongly recommended to seek specific advice before taking any action based on the information it contains. No responsibility can be
taken for any loss arising from action taken or refrained from on the basis of this publication.
© Smith & Williamson Holdings Limited 2020. 01320eb exp: 31/01/2021.

Smith & Williamson LLP Regulated by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales for a range of
investment business activities. A member of Nexia International.
Smith & Williamson Investment Management LLP Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Registered No 580531. The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate all of the products and services referred
to in this document, including Tax, Assurance and Business Services.
The word partner is used to refer to a member of Smith & Williamson LLP.

               Smith & Williamson is a member of Nexia International, a worldwide
               network of independent accounting and consulting firms.
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