Association of high profile football matches in Europe with traffic accidents in Asia: archival study - The BMJ

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                                      Association of high profile football matches in Europe with

                                                                                                                                                               BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.m4465 on 16 December 2020. Downloaded from on 3 January 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                      traffic accidents in Asia: archival study
                                      Kai Chi Yam,1 Joshua Conrad Jackson,2 Jenson Lau,3 Xin Qin,4 Christopher M Barnes,5
                                      Juin-Kuan Chong1
 National University of               Abstract                                                     deficits while watching and driving. Annually, this
Singapore, Singapore 119245           Objective                                                    increased rate of traffic accidents may translate to
 University of North Carolina at      To investigate the association between popular               approximately 371 accidents among taxi drivers in
Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
                                      football games played in Europe and the incidence of         Singapore and approximately 41 079 accidents among
 Temple University, Philadelphia,
                                      traffic accidents in Asia.                                   the Taiwanese public, as well as economic losses of
 Sun Yat-sen University,              Design                                                       approximately €821 448 among Singapore taxi drivers
Guangzhou, Guangdong, China           Study based on 41 538 traffic accidents involving taxis      and approximately €13 994 409 among Taiwanese
                                      in Singapore and 1 814 320 traffic accidents in Taiwan,      drivers and insurers. The total health and economic
 University of Washington,
                                      combined with 12 788 European club football games            impact of this finding is likely to be much higher
Seattle, WA, USA                                                                                   because GMT+8 is the most populous time zone,
                                      over a seven year period.
Correspondence to: X Qin                                                                           encompassing 24% of the world’s population.                    Setting
(ORCID 0000-0001-8365-0217)           Singapore and Taiwan.                                        Conclusions
Additional material is published                                                                   Days featuring high profile football matches in Europe
online only. To view please visit     Participants
                                                                                                   were associated with more traffic accidents in Taiwan
the journal online.                   The largest taxi company in Singapore, with fine
                                                                                                   and Singapore than were days with lower profile
Cite this as: BMJ 2020;371:m4465      grained traffic accident records in a three year span;                                                                football matches. A potential causal mechanism may
                                      all traffic accident records in Taiwan in a six year span.
                                                                                                   be Asian drivers losing sleep by watching high profile
Accepted: 23 June 2020                Exposure                                                     European matches, which are often played in the
                                      Days when high profile football games were played or         middle of the night in Asia.
                                      not played.
                                      Main outcome measure
                                      Number of traffic accidents.
                                                                                                   Football (soccer) is viewed by more people worldwide
                                      Results                                                      than any other sport.1 Although football enjoys
                                      Regression based and time series models suggest              global popularity, most high profile games are played
                                      that days with high profile European football matches        in Europe. The top five most watched leagues (the
                                      were more positively associated with traffic accidents       English Premier League, the Spanish La Liga, the
                                      than days with less popular European football                French Ligue 1, the Bundesliga, and the Italian Serie
                                      matches. For an approximate €134.74m (£120.25m;              A) are all European. The Champions League—generally
                                      $159.76m) increase in average market value for
                                                                                                   considered the top club competition in the world—is
                                      matches played on a given day, approximately one
                                                                                                   contested by top division European clubs, and more
                                      extra accident would occur among Singapore taxi
                                                                                                   than half of the past 21 World Cup tournaments have
                                      drivers, and for an approximate €7.99m increase
                                                                                                   been played in Europe.
                                      in average market value of matches, approximately
                                                                                                      This European dominance of the football market
                                      one extra accident would occur among all drivers in
                                                                                                   means that fans who reside outside of the European
                                      Taiwan. This association remained after control for
                                                                                                   continent must watch these games at odd local times
                                      weather conditions, time of the year, weekend versus
                                                                                                   owing to differences in time zones. Asian fans are the
                                      weekday effects, driver demographics, and underlying
                                                                                                   most affected. If Manchester United, the most popular
                                      temporal trends. It was also stronger for daytime
                                      traffic accidents than for night time traffic accidents,     football club in 2018, is scheduled to play at 8 pm
                                      suggesting that the association between high profile         local time, fans in Beijing, Hong Kong, and Singapore
                                      football matches and traffic accidents cannot be             will have to stay up until 4 30 am to finish the game,
                                      attributed to night time celebration or attention            whereas fans in Seoul and Tokyo will have to stay up
                                                                                                   until 5 30 am. Asian fans have to stay up just as late to
                                                                                                   watch matches played in the Americas. For example,
                                                                                                   East Asian fans had to stay up from 2 am to 4 am to
 What is already known on this topic                                                               watch the World Cup finals held in Rio de Janeiro in
 Sleep deprivation increases the risk of auto accidents                                            2014. Despite these hardships, football viewership
                                                                                                   in Asia has been steadily increasing over the past
 What this study adds
 Watching popular football (soccer) games from distant time zones (eg, at 3 am                        Sleep deprivation is one clear outcome of staying up
 local time) is positively associated with the prevalence of local auto accidents                  late to watch football games, which leads us to a novel
 This is especially problematic given that Asia has the most populous time zone,                   hypothesis: on days featuring high profile football
 and many of the most popular football games are played approximately eight                        matches in Europe, more traffic accidents should occur
 time zones away in Europe                                                                         in other continents (most notably Asia, in which the

the bmj | BMJ 2020;371:m4465 | doi: 10.1136/bmj.m4465                                                                                                     1
Christmas 2020: The Citadel

                time zone differences mean that the matches are played       accidents). The dataset also included data on detailed

                                                                                                                                            BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.m4465 on 16 December 2020. Downloaded from on 3 January 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                at typical sleep times). Given that sleep deprivation is     characteristics of the accident, including characteristics
                associated with poor attention management, slower            of the taxi driver involved in the accident (gender, age,
                reaction times, and impaired decision making,3-6 we          educational level, driving experience via number of
                suggest that drivers are more likely to be involved in       years driving, and colour of car) and weather at the
                traffic accidents on days when high profile football         time and location of the accident (wet versus dry).
                games air early in the morning. If true, this finding           We retrieved Taiwanese data from the Taiwanese
                would have important policy implications, as traffic         National Police Agency. This dataset contained all
                accidents can result in considerable economic and            documented traffic accidents—not solely those invol­
                medical costs.                                               ving taxis—in Taiwan between January 2013 and
                   We suggest that sleep deprivation is a major reason       December 2018 (1 814 320 accidents). These data did
                why high profile football matches are positively             not include detailed characteristics of the accidents
                associated with traffic accidents, but other plausible       and the drivers.
                mechanisms may explain this relation. High profile
                football matches may, for example, lead to more night        Football data
                time celebration or more people watching games while         We coded all football games in the top five European
                driving, which could lead to more traffic accidents. High    football leagues: English Premier League, Spanish La
                profile football matches and traffic accidents could         Liga, German Bundesliga, Italian Serie A, and French
                also be rising over time owing to other causes, which        Ligue 1. We also coded games in the knockout stage
                could account for a correlation between the variables.       of the annual European Champion League and Europa
                However, our sleep deprivation account suggests that         League. We gathered all data about these teams from
                the association between high profile football matches This source contains data on the
                and traffic accidents should hold after we controlled        names of football clubs, matching time, and matching
                for general trends over time and that the association        date in either Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+0) or British
                may actually be stronger for daytime (rather than night      Summer Time (GMT+1) time zone. We then converted
                time) accidents, as people watch games at night or           these time zones and dates to Taiwan’s and Singapore’s
                early in the morning and feel tired the next day.            time zone (both GMT+8).
                   We tested these hypotheses in two contexts: traffic          The most direct measure of the popularity of football
                accidents across Taiwan and traffic accidents among          matches is viewership ratings. However, viewership
                taxis in Singapore. These datasets offer us unique           ratings in Singapore and Taiwan were not available
                strengths. In Taiwan, we were able to test the association   for most of these matches. We therefore coded the
                between football games and traffic accidents at high         combined team salary cap as a proxy for the game’s
                scale, analysing data on all recorded traffic accidents      popularity. For example, FC Barcelona had a salary
                from 2013 to 2018 (1 814 320 accidents) across both          cap of €1280m (£1142; $1518) in 2018, whereas
                rural and urban regions in Taiwan. However, these data       Seville FC had a salary cap of €295m, reflecting their
                do not include information about weather at the time         respective popularity. We obtained all year specific
                or location of the accident and driver demographics.         market value data from Transfer Markt (https://www.
                Data from Singapore, although smaller in scale (41 538 for 2012-18. This source provides
                accidents in 2012-14), contain fine grained data on          all football players’ salaries (in Euros), as well as teams’
                driver demographics as well as weather conditions            combined salary cap in every year. We then used these
                at the time and location of each accident. Moreover,         statistics to calculate the combined market value of a
                Singapore has a climate characterised by relative            match between any two clubs.
                uniformity in terms of rainfall, temperature, and               We included all the matches from 2012-18 among
                daylight hours (1.5° north of the equator) and generally     the top five most watched leagues (the English Premier
                good roadside conditions, making it a perfect test case      League, the Spanish La Liga, the French Ligue 1, the
                for predictors of traffic accidents. In both datasets,       German Bundesliga, and the Italian Serie A). We
                we hypothesised that high profile football games are         also included matches from the round of 16 or more
                associated with a higher rate of traffic accidents and       advanced matches in both the Champions League
                that this relation transcends weather conditions, driver     and the Europa League. We excluded the group stage
                demographics, and day and month information.                 games in the Champions League and the Europa
                                                                             League because they are often contested by at least one
                Methods                                                      (and often two) low profile team not belonging to one
                Traffic data                                                 of these top five football leagues. As such, group stage
                We retrieved separate datasets for daily accidents           games are likely to be unpopular in Asia.
                in Taiwan and accidents in Singapore. We retrieved
                Singapore data from the largest taxi company in              Analytical plan
                Singapore, with a fleet size of more than 13 000 taxis.      In total, there were 1379 game days from 2012 to
                This organisation accounts for more than 60% market          2018 (total coverage of our datasets; we excluded
                share of the taxi transport industry in Singapore.           non-game days). Each of these game days featured
                The resulting dataset contained all daily accident           at least one football match, but not all matches were
                records from January 2012 to December 2014 (41 538           equally high profile. For example, 27 December 2013

2                                                                                 doi: 10.1136/bmj.m4465 | BMJ 2020;371:m4465 | the bmj

                               featured several high profile games, including a match         people celebrate during or immediately after football

                                                                                                                                                          BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.m4465 on 16 December 2020. Downloaded from on 3 January 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                               between Manchester City and Liverpool FC, with games           games or watch and check football games while they
                               representing teams with an average market value                are driving, resulting in higher rates of night time
                               of €742m. By contrast, 4 May 2012 featured lesser              accidents. By contrast, our sleep deprivation hypothesis
                               viewed games, including a match between Dijon FCO              predicts that high profile football games are associated
                               and AJ Auxerre, with games representing teams with             with traffic accidents because people are tired from
                               an average market value of €62.7m.                             staying awake to watch football games early in the
                                  Our primary models analysed the relation between            morning, which may result in more daytime accidents
                               this market value statistic (the average market value,         as people drive to work on the same day. Analysing
                               in millions) for football games played on day k and the        daytime and night time accidents separately allowed
                               number of traffic accidents on day k. As games aired           us to adjudicate between these two hypotheses.
                               early in the morning, we predicted that the number                Sunrise and sunset times in Singapore do not vary
                               of accidents that same day would be higher because             substantially across months. For example, the average
                               people would be more sleep deprived during the rest            sunrise time is 7 07 am in January and 7 03 am in July.
                               of the day. Our analyses excluded traffic accidents that       For accidents in Singapore, we therefore classified
                               occurred before the first European football match that         “daytime accidents” as those falling between 7 am and
                               day, to avoid conflating traffic accidents that occurred       7 pm throughout the entire year. Taiwan daylight hours
                               after games and traffic accidents that occurred before         vary across season. For example, the average sunrise
                               games. This procedure excluded 960 accidents from              time in Taiwan is 6 40 am in January but 5 08 am in
                               the Singapore dataset and 51 131 accidents in Taiwan.          July. For accidents in Taiwan, we therefore classified
                                  We did three sets of analyses to test for the               “daytime accidents” differently depending on sunrise
                               association between high profile football matches              and sunset times throughout the year.
                               and traffic accidents. The first set of analyses used             The third and final set of analyses used time series
                               Poisson regression models to predict the total number          models that allowed us to rule out the possibility that
                               of accidents in a day. Using a dataset in which cases          average market value and number of traffic accidents
                               represented days, we regressed the number of traffic           were related because of an underlying temporal trend
                               accidents per day on the average market value of               (for example, both factors increasing linearly over
                               football games from that day. We used Poisson                  time). These time series models could also isolate
                               modelling because our traffic accident variables               whether an association between average market value
                               represented count data, but results were similar               and number of accidents was contemporaneous (as
                               when we used more traditional ordinary least squares           we hypothesised) or was defined by a more complex
                               modelling (supplementary tables S3 and S4). The                lagged dynamic. For example, a linear trend in
                               primary effect size from Poisson models are incidence          market value existed in the 2013-18 Taiwan dataset,
                               rate ratios, which we denote here as ∆incidence. This          such that market value correlated with time (r=0.40;
                               coefficient is the exponent of the Poisson regression          P
Christmas 2020: The Citadel

               Asia. However, our analysis still relied on two key         population, of whom 35 (out of 100) stayed up late

                                                                                                                                         BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.m4465 on 16 December 2020. Downloaded from on 3 January 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
               assumptions. The first assumption was that taxi drivers     at least once. We found no significant difference
               are a representative sample of Singaporeans, in terms       between the average number of nights in the previous
               of football viewing habits. On the one hand, taxi drivers   month that taxi drivers (mean 0.98 (SE 0.15)) and the
               demographically skew male and less educated, which          general public (0.70 (0.12)) stayed up late to watch
               may make them more likely to watch football matches         games (mean difference 0.28, 95% confidence interval
               than the average Singaporean. On the other hand, taxi       –0.10 to 0.66; P=0.144). The lack of difference was
               drivers often work long shifts, and their schedule may      even more apparent when we controlled for gender
               make them less likely to watch football matches than        (mean difference 0.03, –0.35 to 0.41; P=0.991). In
               the average Singaporean. Our second assumption              sum, this suggests that many taxi drivers lose sleep to
               was that the market value of football teams is a valid      watch football games and that this tendency is at least
               indicator of viewership. Asian fans may be more likely      somewhat representative of the general population in
               to watch games involving low budget teams if they           Singapore.
               are evenly matched, or may only watch their favourite          We next examined whether people would be more
               teams regardless of market value. Although the first        interested in watching games involving teams with
               assumption does not apply to our Taiwan data because        higher (versus lower) market values. We examined this
               we included all accidents that occurred, the second         question across two repeated measures analyses of
               assumption could affect analyses in both contexts.          variance. The first analysis investigated participants’
                  To confirm that our assumptions were correct, we         interest in games involving their favourite team. This
               did a supplemental behavioural study involving 100          showed a significant effect (F1,199=11.88; P

                                Table 1 | Poisson regression predictors of accident incidence rates in Taiwan and Singapore

                                                                                                                                                                                             BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.m4465 on 16 December 2020. Downloaded from on 3 January 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                 Variable                                       Estimate (SE)                   ∆Incidence              P value               95% CI of estimate
                                Taiwan model (df=1066)
                                Intercept                                      6.74 (0.004)                     841.98
Christmas 2020: The Citadel

                                         Traffic accidents in Taiwan
                                   800                                                                                                             240

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.m4465 on 16 December 2020. Downloaded from on 3 January 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
 No of daytime traffic accidents

                                                                                                              No of night time traffic accidents
                                   600                                                                                                             180

                                   400                                                                                                             120

                                   200                                                                                                              60

                                    0                                                                                                               0

                                         Traffic accidents in Singapore
                                    40                                                                                                              28
 No of daytime traffic accidents

                                                                                                              No of night time traffic accidents
                                    30                                                                                                              21

                                    20                                                                                                              14

                                    10                                                                                                               7

                                    0                                                                                                               0
                                     0                     500                    1000                1500                                           0              500                 1000                 1500
                                                                          Average market value (€ millions)                                                                     Average market value (€ millions)

Fig 1 | Relation between average market value of football games and number of daytime and night time traffic accidents. Values have been
residualised to control for covariates and then linearly transformed to be positive for display purposes

                                                              by Akaike information criterion fit statistics—                                            only because of an underlying temporal trend from
                                                              estimated that average market value had a significant                                      extraneous variables.
                                                              contemporaneous association with number of traffic
                                                              accidents (χ2=4.68; P=0.03), with a null lagged                                            Strengths and limitations of study
                                                              association (F4,1156=1.81; P=0.12). These tests are                                        This work has limitations, which could spark future
                                                              not as suitable as regression analysis for calculating                                     research. Firstly, the consequences of traffic accidents
                                                              effect sizes, but they show that the relation between                                      can range from minor injuries to multiple deaths, but
                                                              high profile football matches and traffic accidents is                                     we do not have data on the severity of the accidents
                                                              better characterised by same day associations than                                         reported, which limits our ability to discern the total
                                                              by multi-day lagged associations, consistent with our                                      medical impact of these findings. Secondly, although
                                                              hypothesis.                                                                                our results from both datasets provide convergent
                                                                                                                                                         support to our sleep deprivation explanation of these
                                                              Discussion                                                                                 effects, future research could do primary survey stu­
                                                              Our analysis of traffic accidents in Taiwan and                                            dies and directly assess drivers who were in accidents
                                                              Singapore supports our hypothesis that days with                                           and survey their football viewing habits and sleep
                                                              high profile European football matches also have                                           hours before their accidents. Thirdly, we did not
                                                              higher than average rates of traffic accidents in Asia.                                    compare days when football matches were played
                                                              Our account of these findings is that people in East                                       against non-game days, and readers should interpret
                                                              Asia stay awake until the early hours of the morning                                       our findings across days when football matches were
                                                              to watch high profile football games. Our data were                                        played only as a function of the games’ market values.
                                                              correlational, which means that we cannot make                                             Fourthly, drivers in Singapore and Taiwan have to pay
                                                              causal claims. However, our models show that the                                           for subscriptions to watch football games, and we
                                                              association between high profile football matches                                          do not know if the drivers in our samples had these
                                                              and traffic accidents holds across two geographically                                      subscriptions. However, with the popularity of illegal
                                                              and culturally diverse regions (Singapore and Taiwan)                                      streaming services, we suggest that people can watch
                                                              and also when we controlled for weather, weekday                                           games easily even without such paid subscriptions.
                                                              versus weekend effects, month of year, and driver                                          Finally, we did not distinguish sleep disruption arising
                                                              demographics, meaning that this association is                                             from staying up to midnight versus 3 am. Although
                                                              unlikely to be confounded by an unmodelled covariate                                       crucial recovery, maintenance, and growth activities
                                                              or regional differences. Moreover, our time series                                         occur during both rapid eye movement (REM) and non-
                                                              models rule out the possibility that high profile football                                 REM sleep,8 9 future research could explore whether
                                                              matches and traffic accidents are positively associated                                    disruptions to REM versus non-REM sleep, as a result

6                                                                                                                                                             doi: 10.1136/bmj.m4465 | BMJ 2020;371:m4465 | the bmj

                              Taiwan cross correlation function                                       researchers to account for all potential costs and

                                                                                                                                                                                  BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.m4465 on 16 December 2020. Downloaded from on 3 January 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.

                                                                                                      benefits associated with European football games.
                      0.10                                                                            Nevertheless, these estimates are also probably
                                                                                                      conservative because our account suggests that cities
                      0.05                                                                            within the GMT+8 time zone are likely to be affected
                                                                                                      similarly. To put this into perspective, Singapore and
                                                                                                      Taiwan combined represent less than 1.73% of the
                      -0.05                                                                           population in this particular time zone.
                                                                                                         Our analysis has shown an association between high
                                                                                                      profile football matches and traffic accidents in the
                      -0.15                                                                           most populous time zone in the world, with more than
                                                                                                      1.7 billion people (~24% of the world’s population).
                              Singapore cross correlation function                                    These findings have important policy implications

                                                                                                      for traffic regulation and televised sports in Asia. One
                      0.10                                                                            policy implication is that football’s governing societies/
                                                                                                      leagues could consider scheduling high profile games
                      0.05                                                                            more strategically. We do not recommend that they
                         0                                                                            change the start time of games, but scheduling
                                                                                                      more high profile games in Saturday or Sunday early
                      -0.05                                                                           mornings (local Asia time zones) when fans can sleep
                                                                                                      in immediately after watching the games might have
                                                                                                      the potential to lower traffic accidents. That said, we
                      -0.15                                                                           acknowledge that any scheduling changes would
                              -10             -5             0            5            10
                                                                                                      be difficult. Another implication is that increasing
                                                                                 Lag (days)
                                                                                                      roadside safety in Asia on high profile game days (for
                                                                                                      example, more traffic patrols), as well as banning all
Fig 2 | Results of cross correlation analysis involving average market value of football
games and number of daily traffic accidents in Taiwan (top) and Singapore (bottom).
                                                                                                      video based devices for drivers, could potentially
Each bar in plot represents correlation at different lag. Negative lags indicate                      reduce these economic impacts and injuries related to
that accidents preceded high market value football games. Positive lags indicate                      traffic accidents.
that accidents followed high market value games. Dashed orange line represents
significance at α=0.05
                                                                                                      We thank Ho Kai Weng and Roy Yeh Zhe-wei for their assistance and
                                                                                                      advice in part of the data input. We also thank Junsheng Zhang and
                                            of watching football games, are more detrimental for      the Guangzhou Office Union Football Club for their advice on an early
                                                                                                      draft of this paper. A preprint of the paper is available at https://www.
                                            traffic accidents.                              
                                                                                                      Contributors: KCY formulated the research idea, designed the study,
                                            Conclusion and policy implications                        analysed the data, and drafted the manuscript. JCJ analysed the data
                                            Our model estimates allow us to calculate the potential   and drafted the manuscript. JL coded the data and provided critical
                                                                                                      revisions to the manuscript. XQ, CB, and JKC provided critical revisions
                                            monetary impact of football matches on East Asian         to the manuscript. The corresponding author attests that all listed
                                            drivers. Based on our incidence rates, €134.74m in        authors meet authorship criteria and that no others meeting the
                                            football games’ market value translates to one extra      criteria have been omitted. KCY and JCJ contributed equally to this
                                                                                                      work. KCY is the guarantor.
                                            daily automobile accident among Singapore taxi drivers
                                                                                                      Funding: This study was funded by the National University of
                                            in our dataset, whereas €7.99m translates to one          Singapore’s Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty Research
                                            extra daily automobile accident among all Taiwanese       Fellowship (grant No R-317-000-152-646) and the National Natural
                                            drivers. Given these figures, we estimate that football   Science Foundation of China (grant No 71872190 and 71502179).
                                            games may be responsible for at least 371.53 accidents    Competing interests: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform
                                                                                                      disclosure form at and declare:
                                            a year among taxi drivers in Singapore (the figure is     support from the National University of Singapore’s Humanities and
                                            likely much larger across all drivers in Singapore) and   Social Sciences Faculty Research Fellowship and the National Natural
                                            approximately 41 079.50 accidents per year among the      Science Foundation of China; no financial relationships with any
                                                                                                      organisations that might have an interest in the submitted work in the
                                            Taiwanese general public (see supplementary materials     previous three years; no other relationships or activities that could
                                            for the impact analyses). Furthermore, insurance data     appear to have influenced the submitted work.
                                            indicate that the average insurance claim in Singapore    Ethical approval: Not needed.
                                            was €2129 and the average insurance claim in Taiwan       Data sharing: All data and codes are available via the
                                            was €2044.10 11 The economic impacts of our findings      Open Science Framework:
                                            thus total at least €821 448 annually among Singapore
                                                                                                      The lead author affirms that the manuscript is an honest, accurate,
                                            taxi companies, and €13 994,409.50 for Taiwanese          and transparent account of the study being reported; that no
                                            drivers and insurance companies.                          important aspects of the study have been omitted; and that any
                                               We note, however, that these economic impacts          discrepancies from the study as originally planned (and, if relevant,
                                                                                                      registered) have been explained.
                                            should be interpreted with caution because other
                                                                                                      Dissemination to participants and related patient and public
                                            obvious economic benefits are associated with football
                                                                                                      communities: We will disseminate these findings via news articles
                                            viewership in Asia, such as revenues for restaurants      to the public communities. We have not yet prepared a summary at
                                            and bars in extended hours. We thus encourage future      this point.

the bmj | BMJ 2020;371:m4465 | doi: 10.1136/bmj.m4465                                                                                                                        7

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