Keeping Families Close®

                                                              1705 West Clinch Avenue   Knoxville, Tennessee 37916
                            Spring 2019

                                    BEAT THE WINTER BLUES
Is there anything more       There is simply no better      Akima, B-97.5 Radio, John
soul-satisfying than glo-    way to spend a cold            & Carol Sheridan, The Pour
rious, fragrant blooms?      winter’s evening than to       Guys, UT Culinary, Betsy
Apparently, the 350          be surrounded not only by      Thomas & Larry Kirchner,
guests in attendance at      Mother Nature’s finery, but    Misty Castiglia State Farm
our February 1st event       by creative, artistic, and     Agency, Massey Electric,
were in complete agree-      one-of-a-kind decorations      Knoxville Beverage, Robert
ment with us.                crafted     especially   for   Kelso, DDS, Joe & Pat
                             guests’ enjoyment.      The    Johnson, Anne Jackson, Kirk
                             nearly $19,000 raised that     & Joanne Huddleston, Julie
                             night was made possible        Howard & Ted Flickinger,
                             by our incredibly talented     Tom & Terri Hale, Barna
                             committee and our sponsors:    & Mary Ann Gibson, CTM
                                                            Financial LLC, John & Kathy
                                                            Buckingham, and Bearden
                                                            High School Key Club.

Stanley’s    Greenhouse
played host once again
to the banner crowds that
were eager for a taste of
spring and the delectable
food and wine that was
There is an old saying that     A sunny day, a beautiful         Our golfers started off by
goes . . . “A good friend is    venue, good friends, great       shopping in the mobile
like a four-leaf clover; hard   food and a wonderful course!     pro-shop we’d set up, and
to find and lucky to have”.     What more could you ask for      deciding what to purchase
                                in a fund-raising event?         with the $100 gift card
And    that   sentiment                                          we gave them as their
expresses exactly how                                            goody bag and ended the
we feel about our dear                                           day on a delicious note,
friends at Dollywood’s                                           enjoying the barbecued
Splash Country that we                                           rib dinner that was
are “lucky” enough to                                            graciously provided by
have.                                                            Texas Roadhouse.
They not only raise                                              All in all, everyone left the
funds and awareness for                                          course with a smile. . . the
our House, such as the                                           golfers having enjoyed a
$15,000 raised by an on-                                         great game and our Board
line ticket discount pro-       Egwani Farms once again          and staff knowing that
motion and the $10,790          hosted our golf tournament       our bank balance was up
raised in conjunction with      as 120 “duffers” hit the links   $61,000.
area McDonald’s offering        for an enjoyable day of play.
coupons . . . but they also
“adopt” us for a day prior
to the Christmas holidays,
doing all the heavy lifting
of our thirty-plus storage
totes of decorations, sort-
ing and distributing them
to make it easier for “dec-
orators” who come the fol-
lowing day to work their

We are lucky indeed!
Dillards                        KFI                              Chocolatefest 2019
Since 1994, Dillard’s has       The genesis of the love affair   On the heels of our BTWB       And as if tasty treats
reached out to embrace          between the KFI Board and        event at a greenhouse,         weren’t enough, attend-
Ronald McDonald Houses          our House began in 1985,         we went from flowers one       ees also enjoyed stroll-
nationwide to offer their       the year we opened, when         day to chocolate the next,     ing along the Main Street
unqualified love and fi-        there just happened to be        both perfect segues to         shopping area where a
nancial assistance. During      several hundred dollars left     Valentine’s Day, which was     variety of vendors were
the 2018 holiday season,        in the “kitty” of their annual   a mere two weeks away.         selling everything from
the stores once again of-       golf outing. A suggestion                                       clothing and lotions to
fered a stellar Southern        was made to the group                                           jewelry. They even had
Living cookbook for sale        that the fledgling charity                                      the chance to peruse our
with proceeds benefitting       RMH could put that money                                        RMH silent auction items.
their local Houses. We’re       to good use, and the rest
                                                                                                What a fun way to spend
so fortunate to have had        is history! All it took was
                                                                                                a cold winter’s day and
General Manager extraor-        that one visit to our House
                                                                                                raise $5,341 for our
dinaire Geoff Johnson, in-      and this group of long-time
spiring his staff that raised   friends were “hooked.” For
an impressive $4,892 for        the next three decades, their
us.                             golf tournament became
                                our tournament.          More    Jennifer     Johnsey,    the
During a February check         recently, the Board switched     creative genius behind
presentation, we were           gears and their event went       breathing new life into the
not only presented with         from the country club to         Chocolatefest event and
the money, but with an          the ballroom where they          her equally dynamic board
ongoing offer of support        now host a concert for us        wowed the crowds on
any time a need arose.          featuring food, fellowship,      February 2 with a bounty
Thankfully for our House,       and a live auction as part of    of sweet treats that folks
that’s taking friendship to     the festivities. Amazingly,      from one to ninety happily
the next level!                 these dear people have           devoured.      I mean, who
                                raised $819,730 for us over      could resist white-chocolate
                                the years.                       covered popcorn?!

                                Their love for our House
                                is quite evident and we
                                truly hope they all realize
                                that it is reciprocated a

                 The KFI will present...
            “The Chairmen of the Board”
         July 27 at the Doubletree Hilton in
     Oak Ridge. If you’re looking for a fun-
     filled evening, look no further. Contact for further details.
Farm Bureau                                                                                 Please join us on Septem-

It’s been said that “to be
                                                              “Clays for Kids”              ber 27 at Lucky Seven in
                              On March 11, our Farm                                         Sweetwater for our in-
with dear friends is very     Bureau “family” graced                                        augural “Clays for Kids”
warm and comforting”          us with nearly $8,000 in                                      event. We’ll have 4-mem-
and truer words were          provisions, staying to enjoy                                  ber teams complete 15
never written than when       a “thank you brunch” we’d                                     stations per round with
Farm Bureau members           prepared and some lively                                      AM and PM time slots
from several surrounding      fellowship.                                                   available. More informa-
counties came to visit.                                                                     tion will soon be avail-
                              We’ve always said that our                                    able on our website
Since     1995,      these    House is only as wonderful                          
caring folks have worked      as those who love it, and
tirelessly each year to       these people most certainly
gather food enough to fill    help us attain that lofty
our pantries and freezers     goal.
to capacity, giving us gift                                               Calling All Golfers!
cards as well, to purchase
needed items throughout
the year.

                                                             Our     long-time       golf     weather.    So please
                                                             tournament will have a           make plans to be with
                                                             new look this year as            us at Egwani Farms Golf
                                                             we’re making some minor          Course on Wednesday,
                                                             changes to enhance the           October 2, for a great
                                                             experience for participants.     day of play, great food
                                                             The heat and humidity            and prizes, all for an
                                                             of our June date will be         even greater cause!
                                                             replaced with autumn

                                                                              BOARD UPDATE
                                                             How incredibly fortunate we are to keep finding the
                                                             “best of the best” when it comes to adding new
                                                             Board members into the fold.
                                                             In 2019, we are thrilled to welcome: Will Edwards
                                                             with Hodges, Doughty, Carson; Meg Millikan, a
                                                             beloved community volunteer; Stacy Woodard with
                                                             Shafer Insurance; and Cindy Bresee, a community
                                                             volunteer extraordinaire. Their many talents and
                                                             caring hearts will certainly ensure another successful
• Once again this year,        their association spon-       en the fact that we are       of the patients we
  we were most gener-          sors. Among those re-         all here to help each         serve to take up the
  ously remembered by          cipients was RMH Di-          other, their gift to us, in   task and a lovely new
  Enterprise Holdings,         rector Sue Beverly, who       turn, was used to bring       tradition was born.
  Joe Molino and Chance        accepted a $10,000            comfort to many and we        In 2018, 13-year-old
  Pennington present-          check on behalf of the        couldn’t be more grate-       Hannah McIntosh of
  ed a $5,000.00 check         House.                        ful for their partnership.    Smyrna, Tennessee,
  to us from their Foun-
  dation on March 29,
  much to our delight.                                     • When May rolls around,
  Their ongoing belief                                       we can’t help but think
  in the work we do is                                       of spring flowers, the
  the “real” gift and we                                     last day of school, and
  couldn’t appreciate                                        the annual car show
  them more!                                                 hosted by members of
                             • For the last several          the Smoky Mountain
                               years, we have been           Classic Chevy Club. The
                               invited to apply for a        third Saturday in May
                               grant from the Butterfly      has been their date of
                               Fund, an organization         choice for as long as
                               founded eleven years          we can remember and
                               ago to assist non-prof-       throngs of vintage car
                               its that deal with pe-        owners gather in Sevi-
                               diatric cancer issues.        er County to check out
                               With new treatment            the competition, enjoy
                               options now available         their fellow enthusiasts      created our wild-
                               in our area, we have          and the warm hospital-        ly popular card that
                                                             ity of their congenial        raised $62,650 for
• We all know that fire-                                     hosts. May 18 is the          us. But taking her
  fighters are daring,                                       date that a trip to the       idea from concep-
  courageous and hero-                                       Inn at Christmas Place in     tion to production
  ic. . . but we’ve also                                     Pigeon Forge is in order      required     addition-
  seen another side of                                       to enjoy the festivities.     al assistance and,
  them . . . their caring,                                                                 thankfully for us, WS
  generous side! On                                        • One of our longest run-       Packaging Group, Inc.
  December 14, Kevin                                         ning fundraisers has          once again graced us
                               seen an increase in re-       been the creation and         with their kindness
  Faddis, president of
                               ferrals made to us for        sale of holiday cards.        and generosity by
  Knoxville Firefighters,
                               patients with cancer.         Early on, local artists       donating all the costs
  presented       several
                               Therefore, we were es-        generously    donated         associated with pro-
  charities with sub-
                               pecially delighted to re-     their talents to the          ducing the cards.
  stantial     donations
                               ceive a grant for nearly      cause. But then one
  during intermission
                               $10,000 last year. Giv-       year, someone sug-
  of an annual concert
                                                             gested asking some
• We so deeply appre-       had the chance to           • We were thrilled to re- • On November 29,
  ciate being remem-        gather goodies, deco-         ceive a call from the     members of the Ten-
  bered by the Town of      rate cookies, enjoy the       William Knight Insur-     nessee        Smokies
  Farragut that hosts a     play areas, and help          ance Agency that had      came to the House
  family-friendly trick     our House at the same         collected      Christmas  and     bravely   ad-
  or treat event each       time. The only admis-         gifts for Santa to give   dressed   our massive
  year on the Friday        sion to the festivities       to our families during    “honey-do” list that
  before Halloween. . .     was the suggested             our Christmas Eve fes-    included cooking du-
  aptly named “Freaky       donation of a needed          tivities and we were      ties, yardwork, paint-
  Friday”. Throngs of       household item from           equally thrilled to re-   ing, and some main-
  costumed       children   our wish list. Never let      ceive a $520 from these   tenance chores.
                            it be said that ghosts        caring folks as well.
                            and goblins aren’t gen-
                            erous as our van left the
                            park that evening full to
Next Generation of Caring
 Years ago, a daycare center brought their 4-year-olds for
 a visit and to deliver Christmas ornaments they’d made to
                                                                 JAfter learning how recycling could help both the
                                                                  environment and our RMH, 2nd grade classes at
 adorn our tree. We sat them down and tried to explain              Rocky Hill Elementary School collected aluminum
 what we did at our House and how we helped families,               cans for our benefit.
 not knowing how much of it would actually sink in. As the
 children were preparing to leave, one little fellow came
 up to the Director, tugged on her pant leg to get her at-       JKey
                                                                  Once again last Fall, members of Bearden High School
                                                                      Club sold parking spots at our Annex and raised a
 tention and said, “Ms. Sue, I bet you wish you could close         whopping $13,210 for us.
 up your House ‘cuz that would mean that kids weren’t sick
 no more”.
                                                                  The lovely ladies of ADPi, both the UT and Tennessee
                                                                       chapters, worked tirelessly throughout the year
 That was an “ah-ha” moment for certain and re-enforced             for our benefit, from volunteering at the House, assist-
 the idea that you’re never too young to understand the             ing with our social media and raising greatly needed
 concept of caring. That being said, we’d like to warm              funds to the tune of $16,034.
 your hearts further with some other “acts of kindness”
 from the next generation.
                                                                  In an effort to create and execute a business plan,
                                                                            of Girl’s Inc. made and then sold jars of
J come
  The second-grade classes from Concord Christian School
        to tour the House and filled our dining room table
                                                                    multi-colored slime and were kind enough to donate
                                                                    $160 of their profits to our House.
    to the point of over-flowing with items they’d collected
    from our wish list, but they didn’t stop there. These en-
    terprising children held a craft sale during the holidays,   Jfour
                                                                  And Board member Terri Hale was beyond proud of her
                                                                       granddaughters who took it upon themselves to
    raising an incredible $2,428.                                   adopt us by selling lemonade to thirsty neighbors in
                                                                    their subdivision, raising an impressive $150.
J First grade classes at Farragut Primary School
    presented us with a gift of $772.71.
                                                                  We could certainly feel the love that went into each and
J   Farragut Middle School chose the House to be the re-
    cipient of their fund-raising promotion and we were
                                                                  every donation!

    delighted to receive $300 from their efforts.

                                               The Year at a Glance
         u•   Eight different medical facilities referred families to us in 2018

         u•   We served 1,528 people last year

         u•   The top five reasons for a referral were: premature births, respiratory issues, behavioral
              problems, cancer, and bowel/colon disorders.

         u•   Our families came from 39 counties within the state.

         u•   We hosted families from 15 different states.

         u•   Volunteers donated nearly 6,400 hours to us in 2018, a truly remarkable feat given by
              equally remarkable people!
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