Page created by Timothy Pearson
Pgs 1-2: Contents Page & Explanation of Tasks
Pgs 3-6-: The Structure of the Course
Pgs 7-10: The Exams & Assessment
Pgs 11-13: General Tips
Pgs 14-17: Learning about Spain Tasks
Pgs 18-20: Grammar Tasks
Pgs 21-24: Key Links
Pgs 25-35: Key Vocabulary to help with Spanish articles
Pgs 36-38: Common Mistakes in Speaking & Writing at A-
Pgs 39-43: Overused Vocabulary & Suggested
                                                        Pg 1
Pgs 44-45: Chunks & Key Language
We are delighted that you will be studying A-Level Spanish! We hope that this booklet helps to support you in preparation for A-
Level, There are a number of tasks & resources explained in red below. Please complete as much as you can.

Pgs 1-2: Contents Page & Explanation of Tasks: Explanation of the booklet.
Pgs 3-6-: The Structure of the Course: This information explains the topics & sub-topics of the content that is covered.
Pgs 7-10: The Exams & Assessment: This information explains how the course is assessed. Please read through.
Pgs 11-13: General Tips: This information provides general advice on the skills of reading, listening & speaking.
Pgs 14-17: Learning about Spain Tasks: These tasks are to help to build an understanding of Spain through knowledge of its culture. Please complete
these tasks.
Pgs 18-20: Grammar Tasks: Please complete these tasks.
Pgs 21-24: Key Links: On pg 21 there are some excellent general links to websites. On pgs 22-23 there are some links to each of the sub-topics
covered in Year 12. Some are in English & some in Spanish. Please read through some of the information in these links as it will help to give a good
background knowledge of information ahead of the topics. However, if you choose a Spanish link please take your time, look up a good amount of
language beforehand & then read it through. Please remember that these will be demanding at this stage.
Pgs 25-35: Key Vocabulary to help with Spanish articles: A number of the articles, past paper questions & texts that will be studied contain some
‘journalistic’ language. These slides contain a tally of the language that has appeared on all of these. Please run the PPT & click so that the meanings
are covered up & spend some time learning this vocabulary.
Pgs 36-38: Common Mistakes in Speaking & Writing at A-Level: These pages show the common mistakes/misconceptions that have been made
previously. Please take some time reading through these.
Pgs 39-43: Overused Vocabulary & Suggested Replacements: These pages show ways to vary your vocabulary. Please read through.
Pgs 44-45: Chunks & Key Language: These are examples of some excellent chunks & ways to enhance essay-writing, speaking & writing in general in
Spanish. Please read through.

                                                                                                                                                   Pg 2
The Structure of the Course

                          Pg 3
The Structure of the Course
Welcome to A-Level Spanish! We are delighted that you are studying a truly wonderful and global language! The A level course draws
on some of the themes previously covered and explores them in more depth as well as introducing new, more “grown-up” topics. It
allows students to improve such skills practised at GCSE and learn new transferable skills such as translating, paraphrasing, giving
thoughtful opinions and debating skills. We will be studying the AQA course.

Topics studied in year 12 and 13, in addition to grammar
Students may study all sub-themes in relation to any Spanish-speaking country or countries.

Aspects of Hispanic society:                                                 Artistic culture in the Hispanic world

Modern and traditional values (los valores modernos y                        Modern day idols (la influencia de los ídolos)
                                                                             •   Cantantes y músicos
•   Los cambios en la familia                                                •   Estrellas de televisión y cine
                                                                             •   Modelos
•   Actitudes hacia el matrimonio y el divorcio
                                                                             Spanish regional identity (La identidad regional de España)
•   La influencia de la iglesia católica
                                                                             •   Tradiciones y costumbres
Cyberspace (el ciberespacio)                                                 •   La gastronomía
•   La influencia de internet                                                •   Las lenguas
•   Las redes sociales : beneficios y peligros                               Cultural heritage (el patrimonio cultural)
•   Los móviles inteligentes en nuestra sociedad
                                                                             •   Sitios turísticos y civilaciones prehispánicas : Machu Picchu, la
Equal rights (la igualdad de los sexos)                                          Alhambra, etc
•   La mujer y el mercado laboral                                            •   Arte y arquitectura
•   El machismo y el feminismo                                               •   El patrimonio musical y su diversidad
•   Los derechos de los gays y las personas transgénero
                                                                                                                                                 Pg 4
Multiculturalism in Hispanic society          Aspects of political life in the Hispanic world
Immigration (la inmigración)                  Today’s youth, tomorrow’s citizens (Jóvenes de hoy, ciudadanos
                                              del mañana)
•   Los beneficios y los aspectos negativos
•   La inmigración en el mundo hispánico      •   los jóvenes y su actitud hacia la política : activismo o apatía
•   Los indocumentados – problemas            •   el paro entre los jóvenes
                                              •   su sociedad ideal
Racism (el racismo)
                                              Monarchies and dictatorships (Monarquías y dictaduras)
•   Las actituded racistas y xenófobas
•   Las medidas contra el racismo             •   la dictadura de Franco
•   La legislación anti-racista               •   la evolución de la monarquía en España
                                              •   dictadores latinoamericanos
Integration (la convivencia)
                                              Popular movements (movimientos populares)
•   la convivenciade culturas
•   la educación                              •   la efectividad de las manifestaciones y las huelgas
•   las religiones                            •   el poder de los sindicatos
                                              •   ejemplos de protestas sociales (eg. El 15-M, las Madres de
                                                  la Plaza de Mayo, …)

                                                                                                                Pg 5
Here are the topics highlighted in yellow for the ones that are AS Topics & in green for A2 Topics. The AS are studied in
      Year 12 & the A2 are studied in Year 13.
3.1 Social issues and trends
3.1.1 Aspects of Hispanic society
                                                                                3.2 Political and artistic culture
Students may study all sub-themes in relation to any Spanish-speaking country
                                                                                3.2.1 Artistic culture in the Hispanic world
or countries.
                                                                                Students must study the sub-theme Spanish regional identity in relation to Spain. Students may
•Modern and traditional values (Los valores tradicionales y modernos)           study the remaining sub-themes in relation to any Spanish-speaking country or countries.
       •     Los cambios en la familia                                          •Modern day idols (La influencia de los ídolos)
       •     Actitudes hacia el matrimonio/el divorcio                                   •     Cantantes y músicos
       •     La influencia de la Iglesia Católica                                        •     Estrellas de televisión y cine
•Cyberspace (El ciberespacio)                                                            •     Modelos
       •     La influencia de internet                                          •Spanish regional identity (La identidad regional en España)
       •     Las redes sociales: beneficios y peligros                                   •     Tradiciones y costumbres
       •     Los móviles inteligentes en nuestra sociedad                                •     La gastronomía
•Equal rights (La igualdad de los sexos)                                                 •     Las lenguas
                                                                                •Cultural heritage (El patrimonio cultural)
       •     La mujer en el mercado laboral
                                                                                         •     Sitios turísticos y civilizaciones prehispánicas: Machu Picchu, la Alhambra, etc
       •     El machismo y el feminismo
                                                                                         •     Arte y arquitectura
       •     Los derechos de los gays y las personas transgénero                         •     El patrimonio musical y su diversidad
3.1.2 Multiculturalism in Hispanic society                                      3.2.2 Aspects of political life in the Hispanic world
Students may study all sub-themes in relation to any Spanish-speaking country   Students must study Monarchies and dictatorships in relation to any relevant Spanish-speaking
or countries.                                                                   country or countries. Students may study the remaining sub-themes in relation to any Spanish-
•Immigration (La inmigración)                                                   speaking country or countries.
       •     Los beneficios y los aspectos negativos                            •Today's youth, tomorrow's citizens (Jóvenes de hoy, ciudadanos del mañana)
       •     La inmigración en el mundo hispánico                                        •     Los jóvenes y su actitud hacia la política : activismo o apatía
       •     Los indocumentados - problemas                                              •     El paro entre los jóvenes
•Racism (El racismo)                                                                     •     Su sociedad ideal
       •     Las actitudes racistas y xenófobas                                 •Monarchies and dictatorships (Monarquías y dictaduras)
                                                                                         •     La dictadura de Franco
       •     Las medidas contra el racismo
                                                                                         •     La evolución de la monarquía en España
       •     La legislación anti-racista                                                 •     Dictadores latinoamericanos
•Integration (La convivencia)
       •     La convivencia de culturas
                                                                                •Popular movements (Movimientos populares)
                                                                                         •     La efectividad de las manifestaciones y las huelgas                  Pg 6
       •     La educación                                                                •     El poder de los sindicatos
       •     Las religiones                                                              •     Ejemplos de protestas sociales (eg. El 15-M, las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo, …)
The Exams & Assessment

                         Pg 7
Exam information:
                                                      Paper 1 Listening , Reading and Writing
What's assessed
 • Aspects of Hispanic society

    • Artistic culture in the Hispanic world

    • Multiculturalism in Hispanic society

    • Aspects of political life in Hispanic society

  • Grammar
How it's assessed
•  Written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes

•    100 marks

•  50% of A-level
•  Listening and responding to spoken passages from a range of contexts and sources covering different registers and adapted as
   necessary. Material will include complex factual and abstract content and questions will target main points, gist and detail. Studio
   recordings will be used and students will have individual control of the recording.

All questions are in Spanish, to be answered with non-verbal responses or in Spanish (30 marks)
•    Reading and responding to a variety of texts written for different purposes, drawn from a range of authentic sources and adapted
     as necessary. Material will include complex factual and abstract content and questions will target main points, gist and detail.

All questions are in Spanish, to be answered with non-verbal responses or in Spanish (50 marks)
•    Translation into English - a passage of minimum 100 words (10 marks)

•    Translation into Spanish - a passage of minimum 100 words (10 marks).
                                                                                                                               Pg 8
Paper 2 Writing
                              •We will be studying 1 novel and 1 film:

Paper 2 Writing
What's assessed
•       One text and one film (or two texts) from the list set in the specification
•       Grammar
How it's assessed
•       Written exam: 2 hours
•       80 marks in total
•       20% of A-level
•       Either one question in Spanish on a set text from a choice of two questions
and one question in Spanish on a set film from a choice of two questions.
•       All questions will require a critical appreciation of the concepts and issues
covered in the work and a critical and analytical response to features such as the
form and the technique of presentation, as appropriate to the work studied (eg
the effect of narrative voice in a prose text         or camera work in a film).
        No access to texts or films or a dictionary during the assessment.
        Students are advised to write approximately 300 words per essay.
        We will be studying 1 novel and 1 film:                                     Pg 9
Paper 3 Speaking
What's assessed
•      Individual research project
•      One of four sub-themes ie Aspects of Spanish-speaking society: current
trends, Aspects of Spanish -speaking society: current issues, Artistic culture in the
Spanish -speaking world, Aspects of political life in the Spanish -speaking world
How it's assessed
•      Oral exam: 21–23 minutes (including 5 minutes preparation time)
•      60 marks in total
•      30% of A-level
•      Discussion of a sub-theme with the discussion based on a stimulus card (5–6
minutes). The student studies the card for 5 minutes at the start of the test (25
•      Presentation (2 minutes) and discussion (9–10 minutes) of individual
research project (35 marks).
No access to a dictionary during the assessment (including 5 minutes preparation).
Students may take the assessment only once before certification.
Assessments will be conducted by your teacher and marked by an AQA examiner.
                                                                                Pg 10
General Tips

               Pg 11
Skills for Studying Spanish
As at GCSE, A level Spanish develops Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing skills throughout
the course.

Reading Tips

Read as much as you can!         Try and read at least one thing in Spanish each day.
See the list of websites at the end. Ideally, build up your
 general knowledge as well as your vocabulary.

Keep it short!   A short article regularly is better than trying to attempt a very long text

Get the gist!    You don’t have to understand every word. See how much you can understand but
don’t try to translate it all.

Make a note!           Make a note of any idioms or phrases you like. Write a sentence with the
new language in, to make it stick. Buy a notebook or make a vocab section in your folder.
Useful reading websites: Spanish newspaper online
                Accessible reading and video clips
                Spanish newspaper online
                Spanish TV network                                Pg 12
Listening tips

Get the gist!    You don’t have to understand every word. See how much you can understand
but don’t try to translate it all.

Keep listening! Listen to an extract several times: it helps you to tune your ear and you’ll
pick up extra words.

Use the news! The news is often easier to understand as the articulation is often better. Try Select the Spanish option at the top, listen to the videos with the
transcripts. See earlier websites, too.

Speaking Tips

Keep on practising!   Use Spanish at every opportunity – in the classroom and with teachers, with native speakers
                      when you go abroad.

Communicate!          Speaking is about expressing ideas; you don’t need to know every word.

                                                                                                         Pg 13
Don’t be shy!         It’s up to you to make an effort to speak Spanish. Don’t be shy – try it!
Learning about Spain Tasks

                             Pg 14
Find out about Spain’s politics.
Who is the current King and what is his role?
Who is the current Prime Minister? Which party does he belong to?
What are the other main political parties?
*After 1975, Spain underwent a process of “transición”. What was it transitioning from and to?
Find out about the political geography of Spain.
How many “comunidades autónomas” are there in Spain? Try to get a map with them labelled.
What is a “comunidad autónoma”? What powers do they have?
What are the main languages of Spain? What percentage of the population speak the main minority
languages? *How important are these?
In which “comunidades” have there been calls for independence from Spain? * Why these ones
rather than other ones?

                                                                                             Pg 15
Find out about Spain’s politics.
Who is the current King and what is his role?
Who is the current Prime Minister? Which party does he belong to?
What are the other main political parties?
*After 1975, Spain underwent a process of “transición”. What was it transitioning from and to?
Find out about the political geography of Spain.
How many “comunidades autónomas” are there in Spain? Try to get a map with them labelled.
What is a “comunidad autónoma”? What powers do they have?
What are the main languages of Spain? What percentage of the population speak the main minority
languages? *How important are these?
In which “comunidades” have there been calls for independence from Spain? * Why these ones
rather than other ones?
(questions marked * are designed to make you think for yourself)

Writing tasks

Escribe 100-200 palabras sobre tí para presentarte a tu profe. ¿Qué tipo de persona eres ? ¿Qué
haces en tu tiempo libre ¿Cuáles son las otras asignaturas que estudiarás para los A levels? ¿Cuáles
son tus deseos para el futuro?
Escribe 100- 150 palabras para explicar los beneficios de estudiar una otra lengua, en tu opinón.

                                                                                             Pg 16
Language tasks
For each of the following topics, follow the instructions regarding the audio,
using the short version first and then the long one as directed. Finally,
answer the comprehension questions, note down 5-10 new words from the
text/audio, and learn these. You may also like to read the links (enlaces)
though this is not essential.

•     Asturias, the natural paradise of Spain
•     Cervantes
•     Eating street food in Mexico
•     Madrid (no audio)
•     Paella (no audio)
•     Studying Spanish in Latin America
•     The Páramo

                                                                         Pg 17
Grammar Tasks

                Pg 18
Grammar tasks                                  Pon los infinitivos en la forma correcta del futuro simple (1-
Preterite tense: Fill in the blank with the    word future):
correct form of the given verb.
Group A: Regular Verbs                         Mi hermana Clara (escribir) ______________ una carta a su
1. Eduardo _____________ español. (hablar)        amiga.
2. Yo _____________ muy bien. (bailar)         El fin de semana pasado (yo, viajar) ______________ a Italia
3. Mis amigos y yo _____________ en el coro.
(cantar)            4. Tú _____________ la        con mi familia.
foto. (mirar)                                  3. Mis amigos del colegio (jugar) ___________ al fútbol ayer.
5. Mauricio _____________ el español.          4. El año pasado (tú, ganar) ____________ un trofeo de
(enseñar)                    6. Yo
                                                  natación, ¿verdad ?
_____________ cinco cursos. (tomar)
7. Carlos _____________ mucho. (estudiar)      5. ¡Vosotros    no   (pedir)   ______________       permiso      al
8. Marisol y Julia _____________ en una           profesor !
oficina. (trabajar)
                                               6. Enrique y yo (bailar) ______________ en la discoteca
Group B : Irregular Verbs
1. Carmen _____________ en el parque.             toda la noche.
(estar)                2. María y Teresa       7. La    semana      pasada    Miguel    y    Sandra     (cantar)
_____________ a la playa. (ir)
                                                  ______________ en un karaoke.
3. Eduardo _____________ el ruido. (oír)
4. Marisol _____________ ingeniera. (ser)      8. Esta mañana Juan (levantarse) __________________ a
5. Ellas _____________ en los Estados             las siete menos cuarto.
Unidos. (estar)          6. Yo te              9. Mi abuelo (mirar) __________ Eastenders anoche.
_____________ el libro. (dar)
7. Ellos _____________ una casa. (construir)   Tú y Sergio (comer) ________________ demasiados helados
8. Yo _____________ del aeropuerto. (salir)       el verano pasado.
                                                                                                                     Pg 19
Change these verbs into the conditional, and then translate the
passage into English.

Cuando yo tenía quince años, lo que quería hacer más que nada era
viajar a España. Un día, mi tío me dijo que él ___________ (ir) a España
a trabajar durante tres meses. Me explicó que necesitaba a alguien que
pudiera ayudarle.     Yo ________ (ir) con mi tío y ___________ (pasar)
diez   semanas   en    España.    Cuando   nosotros   ________   (volver),
_________ (traer) muchos regalos para la familia y muchos cuentos
sobre España para decirles a nuestros amigos. Después de mi regreso,
yo ____________ (acostumbrarse) de nuevo a la vida inglesa sin muchos

                                                                    Pg 20
Key Links

            Pg 21
Check out these websites for other grammar points as
ar.html                                           Pg 22
Here are the topics highlighted in yellow for the ones that are AS Topics & in green for A2 Topics. The AS are studied in
    Year 12 & the A2 are studied in Year 13.

3.1 Social issues and trends
3.1.1 Aspects of Hispanic society
Students may study all sub-themes in relation to any Spanish-speaking country or countries.
•Modern and traditional values (Los valores tradicionales y modernos)
    • Los cambios en la familia 1)
    • Actitudes hacia el matrimonio/el divorcio 2)
    • La influencia de la Iglesia Católica 3)
•Cyberspace (El ciberespacio)
    • La influencia de internet 4)
    • Las redes sociales: beneficios y peligros 5)
    • Los móviles inteligentes en nuestra sociedad 6) :
•Equal rights (La igualdad de los sexos)
    • La mujer en el mercado laboral 7)
    • El machismo y el feminismo 8)
    • Los derechos de los gays y las personas transgénero 9)

                                                                                                                       Pg 23
Here are the topics highlighted in yellow for the ones that are AS Topics & in green for A2 Topics. The AS are studied in
     Year 12 & the A2 are studied in Year 13.

3.2 Political and artistic culture
3.2.1 Artistic culture in the Hispanic world
Students must study the sub-theme Spanish regional identity in relation to Spain. Students may study the
remaining sub-themes in relation to any Spanish-speaking country or countries.
•Modern day idols (La influencia de los ídolos)
     • Cantantes y músicos 10)
     • Estrellas de televisión y cine 11)
     • Modelos 12)
•Spanish regional identity (La identidad regional en España)
     • Tradiciones y costumbres 13)
     • La gastronomía 14)
     • Las lenguas 15)
•Cultural heritage (El patrimonio cultural)
     • Sitios turísticos y civilizaciones prehispánicas: Machu Picchu, la Alhambra, etc 16)
     • Arte y arquitectura 17)
     • El patrimonio musical y su diversidad 18)

                                                                                                                        Pg 24
Key Vocabulary to help with
Spanish articles

                              Pg 25
Words to do with increasing/decreasing & tendencies…
1)    PERCENTAGES! HAVE AN ARTICLE WITH THEM-‘un 69% de los adolescents lo practica así’
2)    aumentar = to increase (number/size)
3)    subir = to increase
4)    la tasa = rate (OR tax)
5)    un incremento = increase
6)    registrar una subida = to record an increase
7)    descender = to fall/drop /decrease
8)    superior a = higher than
9)    inferior a = lower than
10)   un ascenso = increase
11)   incrementarse = to increase
12)   incrementar (not reflexive) = to increase
13)   ir a aumentar = to go on the increase
14)   ir en aumento = to be on the rise
15)   sigue creciendo = it is on the increase
16)   crecer = to grow/increase/rise
17)   elevar = to raise/increase
18)   el auge/el punto culminante = peak
19)   un auge = increase OR peak/boom
20)   la subida = increase
21)   un bajón = decrease
22)   un descenso = decrease/fall/drop
23)   creciente = (adj.) increasing (en número cada vez mayor = in increasing number)
24)    cada vez más’ = more and more
25)   cada vez menos = less and less                                                       Pg 26
26)   elevar = to raise/increase
Words to do with increasing/decreasing & tendencies…
1)  reducido = small (number) (una cantidad reducida = small amount)
2)  un número reducido de = small number of
3)  disminuir = to decrease
4)  decrecer = to decrease
5)  bajar (for ‘los precios’) = to decrease
6)  decaer = to fall
7)  ir disminuyendo = to be decreasing
8)  reducir = to reduce/decrease (spending)
9)  decreciente (adj.) = decreasing
10) la disminución = decrease
11) el descenso = dcrease
12) decreasingly = cada vez menos
13) descender = to drop/fall
14) caer = to fall/drop (está cayendo…)
15) la caída = fall/drop
16) experimentar un descenso = to experience a decrease
17) una baja (prices)
18) una bajada de de precios = a fall in prices
19) sufrir una caída de precios = to suffer a fall in prices
20) una tendencia creciente = a growing tendency
21) la cantidad Vs la calidad * (quantity Vs quality)
22) la tenencia Vs la tendencia
23) tender a (tienden a…+ inf.) = to have a tendency to…*
24) tener tendencia/propesnsión a + inf. (tiene tendencia a engordar = he has a tendency to put on
    weight)                                                                                          Pg 27
25) los precios tienden a la baja = prices are tending downward
Words to do with increasing/decreasing & tendencies…
1)    tender al alza = to trend upward
2)    tender a la baja = to trend downward
3)    tener tendencia hacia algo = to have tendency towards something
4)    suele OR tiende a estar de mal humor por la mañana (use of ‘soler’)
5)    la opinión pública se inclina hacia/en contra de la pena capital = public opinion trends toward/away
      from capital punishment
6)    la tendencia = trend
7)    de’ OR ‘del’ with figures! ‘el…es de cinco semanas
8)    el índice = sign/indication/rate
9)    empeorar = to worsen/get worse/deteriorate *
10)   un tercio de = a third of (but ‘tercer(o)’ = third (adjective)
11)   la mitad de = half of
12)   medio/a = average (El resultado medio = the average result)
13)   restringir = to restrict/cut/limit*
14)   limitar = to limit/restrict
15)   el promedio de = the average of (el promedio de mis ingresos = my average earnings)

                                                                                                             Pg 28
Words to do with key journalistic, comparative articles etc.
1)    destacar ** = to highlight/emphasise
2)    relatar = to tell/relate (story) ***
3)    respecto a = regarding…**
4)    procedente(s) de = arriving from/coming from ***
5)    tal como = just as/such as **
6)    el papel = role **
7)    denominar = to ‘so-call something’ ‘el denominado efecto invernadero’ = the so-called Greenhouse
      effect **
8)    determinado/a/os/as = certain (‘entre determinados grupos…’)**
9)    implicar = to entail/involve***
10)   en cuanto = as for/regarding/as regards ****
11)   en materia de = as for/regarding/as regards ****
12)   desarrollar = to develop **
13)   la falta de = the lack of **** (una escasez de = a lack of)
14)   frenar = to slow down/check/curb ***
15)   una polémica = controversy ***
16)   suprimir = to abolish/delete *
17)   apenas = hardly/barely OR as soon as/no sooner…than (apenas…cuando) *
18)   alcanzar = to reach **
19)   el apoyo = support/help *
20)   suponer = to suppose/mean OR IN THIS CONTEXT ‘to involve’ ***
21)   acudir = to turn up to/come *
22)   padecer (de) = to suffer (from) *
23)   realizar = to carry out/fulfil/execute/make OR realizarse = to come true/fulfill oneself**
24)   superar = to exceed/go beyond/beat                                                                 Pg 29
25)   mantener = to support/keep/maintain/have **
Words to do with key journalistic, comparative articles etc.
1)    llevar a cabo = to carry out/execute
2)    un dato = piece of information OR los datos = data/information ***
3)    producirse = to take place/occur/happen
4)    recordar = to remember/remind/recall (in this article ‘to remind’) ***
5)    añadir = to add
6)    se ha convertido = has become (convertirse en = to become)
7)    suponer = to suppose/imagine OR to mean/inply/involve
8)    captar = to capture/win/gain/attract ****
9)    contar con = to have/count on/rely on ****
10)   llevar a cabo ** = to carry out
11)   un sondeo/una encuesta ** = survey
12)   asegurar = to assure/to state**
13)   apenas = scarcely/hardly *
14)   lleno/a/os/as de = full of ***
15)   procedente(s) de = from *
16)   los fuentes = sources **los/las asistentes = those present/attending (la asistencia = attendance)**
17)   el balance * = the result/outcome
18)   superar ** = to overcome
19)   asegurar = to state *
20)   mantener* = to have/keep/maintain
21)   la franja = stripe/border/fringe *
22)   sumar = to add up
23)   buscar + inf. = to aim at OR to set out to/to try to/for ***
24)   fomentar* = to promote/encourage/boost
25)   proponer = to propose/suggest *                                                                       Pg 30
26)   prever = to foresee/anticipate/forecast ***
Words to do with key journalistic, comparative articles etc.
1) la norma = rule **
2) prevenir = to prevent OR to warn **
3) resulta que…= so now…
4) acentuar = to highlight/stress/emphasise
5) así = thus
6) destinar (a) = to post/send/assign/allocate to(destinados a…= allocated to…) ***
7) un informe * = report
8) atender a = to meet the demands of/needs of*
9) a causa de = because OF/due to OR ‘debido a’*
10) en torno a = around ****
11) frente a = compared to ***
12) en cuanto a = with regards to ***
13) una encuesta = survey (una encuesta de opinion = opinion poll)
14) apuntar = to point out/note ***
15) campañas de sensibilización = awareness campaigns (una campaña de sensibilización
16) ciudadana = public awareness campaign) **** (sensibilización = awareness)
17) sensibilizar a los ciudadanos sobre el problema = to sensitize people to the problem/raise public
    awareness of)
18) acabar con = to get rid of/finish off
19) el índice = sign/indication/rate OR index* (el índice de desempleo = rate of unemployment)
20) relatar = to tell/relate (story) ***
21) el suceso/el acontecimiento = event *
22) una denuncia = report
la muestra = sign/indication
1) implicar = to involve*                                                                               Pg 31
2) la implicación = involvement*
Words to do with key journalistic, comparative articles etc.
entre = amongst
1) advertir = to warn OR to notice*
2) las comunidades autónomas (CCAA) = autonomous regions/communities *
3) llamativo/a ** = striking
4) ante = in view of/before/considering/given (ante la juventud de hoy = considering the youth of
5) a falta de = in the absence of *
6) surgir = to arise/come up/appear*
7) el entorno/el ambiente = environment *
8) afirmar/declarar/alegar* = to report
9) la postura/la actitud = position/stance ***
10) ante = faced with/considering/given/in view of *****
11) llevar a cabo ** = to carry out
12) subrayar = to underline/emphasise/stress*
13) esconder = to hide/conceal **
14) predominar * = to dominate/consist mainly of
15) por consiguiente = as a result/therefore *
16) incluso ** = even
17) preocupado/a = worried BUT despreocupado/a = carefree *
18) superar = to exceed/go beyond/beat OR to overcome **
19) negar = to deny BUT as a reflexive ‘negarse a + inf.’ = to REFUSE *
20) asistir a (clase) = to attend/be present at/to attend (class) ***
21) asimismo = likewise/also *
22) *resultar = to turn up/out
23) lograr + inf. ** = to manage to (lograr = to succeed) (lograr que + subj. = to finally manage to…)   Pg 32
24) enterarse de = to find out (also ‘averiguar’ = to find out) **
Words to do with key journalistic, comparative articles etc.
1) en cambio * = however, on the other hand
2) finalizar = to finish*
3) enfrentarse con OR a = to face up to OR to clash ***
4) añadir = to add
5) **encabezar = to head**
6) por parte de = on the part of
7) denunciar = to report (to the police or higher autority) **
8) concienciar/concientizar ** = to make…aware (la concienciación/concientización =increasing people’s
     awareness & concientizador/a = conciousness-raising)
9) **pretender = to hope/expect
10) ** contar con
11) comprometerse a = to commit to/make a promise to **
12) acudir = to come/attend **
13) ampliar = to extend/expand/enlarge/improve (amplio/a = wide/broad/full) ***
14) *atender a = to see to/look after
15) *asistir a = to attend/be present at
16) fomentar = to promote/encourage/boost **
17) cada vez más + cada vez menos ***
18) gozar de ** = to enjoy
19) soler + inf. *
20) realizar ***
21) los impuestos = taxes *
22) seguido de = followed by
23) los malagueños = native/inhabitant of Málaga the people of Málaga
                                                                                                         Pg 33
Words to do with key journalistic, comparative articles etc.
1)    ***volver a + inf. = again
2)    hartarse de/estar harto/a de = to be sick of **
3)    acabar con = to finish with/end/do away with ********
4)    denunciar = to report (to the police, to an authority) OR to denounce/condemn OR to reveal ***
5)    una denuncia = a report (to the police) **
6)    presunto/a = alleged ***
7)    someter a = to subject to ***
8)    *hacer caso de/prestar atención a = to pay attention to
9)    elaborar * = to produce/make/draw up***volver a + inf. = again
10)   hartarse de/estar harto/a de = to be sick of **
11)   acabar con = to finish with/end/do away with ********
12)   denunciar = to report (to the police, to an authority) OR to denounce/condemn OR to reveal ***
13)   una denuncia = a report (to the police) **
14)   presunto/a = alleged ***
15)   someter a = to subject to ***
16)   *hacer caso de/prestar atención a = to pay attention to
17)   elaborar * = to produce/make/draw up
18)   advertir = to warn **
19)   cara a = in view of *****
20)   se debe a = is due to ***
21)   La portavoz = spokesperson **
22)   implicar *** = to involve/entail
23)   el asunto = matter/affair *
24)   el incremento = increase **
25)   la concienciación = awareness **                                                                 Pg 34
26)   la actuación = performance OR conduct ****** (or process)
Words to do with key journalistic, comparative articles etc.
1) polémico/a = controversial ***
2) la postura/la actitud = position/stance ***
3) el supuesto/la supuesta = supposed **
4) acoger = to take in/receive/cater for (dar refugio a/albergar) ***
5) el suceso/el acontecimiento = event *conseguir + inf. = to manage to **
6) el inicio = start ***
7) los/las asistentes = those present/attending (la asistencia = attendance)**
8) los encuestados = those surveyed ******
9) pensar + inf. = to expect to…****
10) frente a = compared to ***
11) asimismo = likewise/also *
12) subrayar = to underline/emphasise/stress*
13) acontecer = to happen/take place/occur *
14) advertir = to warn **
15) subrayar = to underline/emphasise/stress*
16) afirmar/declarar/alegar* = to report
17) tratar de = to deal with/to be on the subject of *
18) enfocar = to look at/consider (enfocaron el problema desde otro punto de vista) *
19) contemplar = to gaze at/examine/study OR to consider **
20) denominar = to ‘so-call something’ ‘el denominado efecto invernadero’ = the so-called Greenhouse
    effect **
21) fomentar = to promote/encourage/boost **
22) valorar = to value/assess/appreciate **
23) plantearse = to think about/consider/give rise to (‘se plantea’ más de la mitad no se plantea…= more
    than half don’t consider…)
desprenderse de = to emerge from/comes out from (surveys etc.) = este resultado se desprende de las        Pg 35
encuestas realizadas = this result emerges/comes out of the surveys that were carried out
Common Mistakes in
Speaking & Writing at A-Level

                           Pg 36
Common Mistakes in Speaking & Writing at A-Level (1)
1) ‘Gustar’-Never without a pronoun with it-‘los jóvenes de hoy gustan’-should be ‘A los jóvenes les
gusta + infinitive/singular noun’ OR ‘A los jóvenes les gustan + plural noun’ (in the present tense of
2) Never use ‘son aumentado/son aumentando’-you wouldn’t really ever use the present continuous in
an essay in any case to say what is happening-so, ‘la tasa aumenta’ would be a much better way of
doing things-or use a reflexive ‘se’ version with -‘se incrementa’
3) Vary the tense-use the imperfect tense and the present tense together-so, ‘la tasa de los
jóvenes…aumentaba en el pasado y aún se incrementa hoy en día’
4) Use ‘si’ sentence construction more-so, ‘si + sentence in the present tense + next sentence in the
future tense’. So, ‘si los jóvenes toman drogas con frecuencia, sufrirán de…/padecerán de…’
5) Vary the introductory phrases when giving an opinion-don’t rely on ‘Pienso que’, ‘Es importante’-USE
SOME OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING:                                                                   Pg 37
-Me parece que, opino que, si se examina el caso más detalladamente podemos deducir que…, si yo
dijiera mi opinión diría que se trata de + infinitive OR un/una etc., parece que + subjunctive, parece
ser que + subjunctive
6) Use ‘es importante que, es imprescindible que’ (it’s essential that…) WITH THE SUBJUNCTIVE & NOT
‘es importante + infinitive on more than one occasion (so, ‘es importante que tengamos el tiempo/es
imoprtante que podamos decir… etc.)
Common Mistakes in Speaking & Writing at A-Level (2)
8) Avoid over-using ‘los jóvenes’-don’t use more than 2-3 times-instead use ‘los adolescentes’ or use
a more specific word that can describe young people in a different context-so, if writing an essay on
friends, then use ‘estos amigos’ or ‘los alumnos’ if talking about an essay on school
9) Learn 10 set phrases-2 of which should be ‘introductory phrases’, 2 of which should be ‘concluding
phrases’ & the others should be 3 set phrases with different tenses in (‘siempre ha sido un gran
problema y no diría otra cosa’) & the other 3 should be ‘impressive’ set subjunctive phrases.
10) Don’t copy words incorrectly! If using a word from the essay title then you must ensure that the
word is spelled/copied correctly
11) Instead of using ‘el/la/los/las’ with the noun vary the determiner and use ‘este’, ‘esta’, ‘estos’,
‘estas’ + noun
12) Personal ‘a’-ensure that in phrases where you are talking about ‘la gente’ and ‘los jóvenes’ that in
the majority of the cases you will use personal ‘a’-so, ‘para conocer A nueva gente’-also, ‘eso afecta A
mucha gente…etc.’
13) Don’t use ‘puede’ on its own-e.g. ‘puede difícil’ should be ‘puede ser difícil’
14) Don’t use singular nouns with the ‘they’ form of the verb! So, ‘Todo el mundo’, ‘La policía’ , El
15) If saying ‘because OF’ something (i.e. ‘as a result of’ something then you can never use Pg 38
‘porque/porque de’-it ALWAYS has to be ‘
16) Watch out for words that are ‘anglicisms’. So, you have to use ‘el efecto’ BUT ‘afectar’ as the verb
(it is never ‘el afecto’ for ‘the effect’)

                     Pg 39
Over used vocabulary & phrases   Alternatives To Use
es bueno…es buena cosa           sería mejor si fuera así OR aparece como si
                                 una solución adecuada, una solución suficiente,
                                 una solución eficaz
bueno                            útil, conveniente, oportuno, adecuado,
                                 provechoso, beneficioso, favorable, servible,
                                 ventajoso, saludable, serviciales (helpful)

es importante                    Me parece que, opino que, si se examina el caso
                                 más detalladamente podemos deducir que…, si
                                 yo dijiera mi opinión diría que se trata de +
                                 infinitive OR un/una etc., parece que +
                                 subjunctive, parece ser que + subjunctive
es importante + infinitive       Use ‘es importante que, es imprescindible que’
                                 (it’s essential that…) WITH THE
                                 SUBJUNCTIVE & NOT ‘es importante +
                                 infinitive on more than one occasion (so, ‘es
                                 importante que tengamos el tiempo/es
                                 imoprtante que podamos decir… etc.)
                                                                                   Pg 40
los jóvenes                  los adolescentes, algunos, unas personas, la
                             juventud hoy en dia, los que dicen…/esta
                             juventud actual…
el problema-general use of   ‘este’, ‘esta’, ‘estos’, ‘estas’ + noun
el problema es               mucho se ha hablado del problema de los/las…
                             el problema siempre ha sido…
                             el problema que se plantea es…
                             el problema se enfoca en…
el problema                  la dificultad es que…
                             eso es la gran incógnita…(that is the million
                             dollar question)
                             la duda, la pregunta, la cuestión, la incógnita, el
                             dilema, el enigma, el rompecabezas, el asunto
                             la preocupación, la contrariedad, el
                             contratiempo, el inconveniente,el obstáculo, el
                             impedimento, desde esta perspectiva

                                                                                   Pg 41
son…                algunos influyen en…
son…                generan…
saben…conocen…      son conscientes de los…
hay                 tenemos, se ve, existe, se puede encontrar
The Present Tense   Use the present tense and then follow it with
                    saying how it used to be in the past-so, ‘esta
                    juventud actual fuma mucho y fumaba mucho en
                    el pasado también’ or ‘sigue siendo un gran
                    problema y sera así en el futuro también’
malo                espantoso/a, insuficiente, el/la peor, •nocivo,
                    dañino, peligroso, perjudicial, aciago, nefasto,
muy                 cada vez más, tan
también             asimismo, igualmente, incluso, además,

                                                                       Pg 42
una solución        un remedio, una conclusión, un resultado,
                    desenlace (outcome), un fin, un término, un
                    arreglo, un recurso, un acuerdo, un compromiso,
                    un alivio, una solución eficaz
puede ser…          si fuera posible…
se preocupan por…   inquieta a los…/ un tema que inquieta a la
                    juventud/eso alarma a los…/es alarmante para
                    los…/ los jóvenes se obsesionan con…/los
                    jovenes responsabilizan a otros de sus actos
                    (they hold others responsable)
es/no es…            figura(n)…/aparece(n)…(to feature)

                                                                      Pg 43

                   Pg 44
1. además de lo dicho = in addition to what has been said
                                                                                        1. tomar medidas urgentes = to take urgent measures
2. o sea = or to put it another way
                                                                                        2. volvamos al punto de partida = let us return to the
3. dicho de otro modo = in other words
                                                                                           starting point
4. no me explico por qué = I don’t understand why
                                                                                        3. una perspectiva optimista = an optimistic outlook
5. como ya se sabe = as we already know
                                                                                        4. ojalá pudiera concluir diciendo que = I wish I could
6. teniendo en cuenta el hecho de que = bearing in mind the fact that
                                                                                           conclude by saying that
7. esto me lleva a pensar que = as far as I know
                                                                                        5. no hay otra conclusion que valga = there is no other
8. no estoy ni a favor ni en contra de eso = I’m neither for nor against that
                                                                                           valid conclusion
9. según se oye = according to what one hears
                                                                                        6. esto nos lleva a la conclusion inevitable que = this
10. según un sondeo = according to a survey
                                                                                           brings us to the inevitable conclusion that
11. cualquiera es capaz de ver que = anyone can see that
12. que se sepa = as far as is known
13. que yo sepa = as far as I know
14. es una ilusión creer que + NEXT SENTENCE IN SUBJUNCTIVE = we are kidding ourselves if we believe that
15. sondar las opinions = to sound out opinions
16. es de presumir que = presumably
17. la gente piensa que = people think that
18. visto así = seen like that
19. se tiene que hacer hincapié en = one has to make a special point of...
20. no se puede negar que = there is no denying that
21. me limito a señalar = I limit myself to pointing out
22. por si acaso = just in case
23. para colmo = to cap it all
24. según toda probabilidad vale considerar = in all probability it’s worth considering
25. para ilustrar este problema = in order to illustrate this problem
26. vale agregar que = it’s worth adding that
27. no cabe duda de que = there’s no doubt that
28. un 70% de los entrevistados opina que = 70% of those interviewed that
29. hay quienes afirman que = there are those who maintain that
30. parece inverosímil que = it seems unlikely that (+ subjunctive)
31. pongamos por caso que (+ subjunctive) = let us suppose that
32. pongamos el argumento patas arriba = let’s turn the argument on its head
33. si aceptamos este enfoque = if we accept this line of approach
34. hacer la vista gorda a = to turn a blind eye to
35. rechazar un argumento = to reject an argument
36. carece de sentido y carece de sustancia = it lacks sense and it lacks substance
37. no tiene pies ni cabeza = it’s all at sixes and sevens
38. un caso irrecusable = a watertight case
39. la clave del problema tiene que ser = the key to the problem has to be
                                                                                                                                                  Pg 45
You can also read