Council Tax Business Rates - 2019-2020 and - Blaby District ...

Page created by Dorothy Adams
Council Tax Business Rates - 2019-2020 and - Blaby District ...
Your guide to the

      Council Tax
Business Rates

The information contained within
this leaflet forms part of your bill
Council Tax Business Rates - 2019-2020 and - Blaby District ...
    The Net Cost of Services for 2019/20 is £12.477m           Blaby for the increase in new housing provision in the
    compared with £11.838m in 2018/19. This is supported       district over the last year. This means that income from
    by a contribution from balances and reserves of            government grants has increased from £3.436m in
    £0.515m, meaning that the amount to be met from            2018/19 to £3.774m in 2019/20.
    government grants and taxation is estimated to be
                                                               The amount that we need to raise from Council Tax
    £11.962m (£11.257m in 2018/19).
                                                               (the Council Tax Requirement) has, therefore, been set
    Blaby's share of business rates is expected to             at £5.462m (£5.216m in 2018/19). This allows for an
    contribute £2.733m to help support the 2019/20 budget,     increase in Band D Council Tax of £5, and an increase
    representing an increase of £0.143m compared with          in the estimated number of band D properties in the
    2018/19. 2019/20 is the first year in which Blaby no       District (the Council Tax Base).
    longer receives any Revenue Support Grant from the
                                                               The following tables show the Council's expenditure
    Government. However, this loss has been covered by
                                                               plans by service area:
    an increase in New Homes Bonus Grant which rewards

                     2018/2019                                                                   2019/2020
       Gross Exp.       Income Net Exp.     Service                               Gross Exp.        Income Net Exp.
            £’000        £’000     £’000		                                              £’000        £’000     £’000
              546         (430)      116    Building Control                              675         (503)      172
            2,426         (681)    1,745    Central Services to the Public              2,947         (605)    2,342
            1,603            0     1,603    Corporate & Democratic Core                 1,610            0     1,610
            1,865         (419)    1,446    Environmental & Regulatory Services         1,891         (448)    1,443
            2,343         (651)    1,692    Health & Recreation Services                2,287         (279)    2,008
           17,869      (16,156)    1,713    Community Services                         18,048      (16,070)    1,978
            2,278         (642)    1,636    Planning & Development Services             2,717         (824)    1,893
            3,540       (1,137)    2,403    Refuse Collection & Recycling               3,711       (1,114)    2,597
              779          (62)      717    Street Cleansing                              743          (44)      699
             (728)        (505)   (1,233)   Other Services & Appropriations            (1,649)        (616)   (2,265)
           32,521      (20,683)   11,838    Net Cost of General Fund Services          32,980      (20,503)   12,477
     			                           (214)    Contribution to/(from) General Fund Balance			                           8
     			                           (367)    Contributions to/(from) Earmarked Reserves			                       (523)
     		                           11,257    Amount to be met from Government Grants & Local Taxation 11,962
     			                          (3,436)   Less: Government Grants			                                        (3,774)
     			                          (2,590)   Less: Income from Business Rates			                               (2,733)
     			                             (15)   Collection Fund (Surplus)/Deficit			                                     7
     			                           5,216    Council Tax Requirement			                                         5,462

Council Tax Business Rates - 2019-2020 and - Blaby District ...
The District Council’s Expenditure Plan (continued)
                                      CHANGE IN NET COST OF SERVICES
       2019/20                                                                                      2019/20
     		 £’000                                                 		 £’000
     Increased Expenditure:                                   Offset by:
     Establishment costs                           720        Reduced Expenditure:
                                                              Net Savings from Leisure Management Contract (189)
     Car Allowances & Expenses                      28
                                                              Contributions towards Capital Expenditure   (140)
     Premises-related expenditure                  172
                                                              Capital Financing Costs                      (21)
     Supplies & Services                           333
                                                              External Legal Fees                          (73)
     Loan Interest Payable                          56
                                                              Fuel and other Fleet management costs        (48)
                                                              Other net reductions in expenditure          (28)
     Reduced Income:
     Loss of Recycling Credits                      76                                     (499)
                                                              Increased Income:
     Grants and Contributions - Non Government     207
                                                              Building Control Partnership (100)
     		                                            283        Planning Fee Income                         (128)
                                                              Lightbulb Partner Contributions              (94)
                                                              Investment Income                            (70)
                                                              Other fees and charges                       (62)
                                                              Net Movement                                 639

   PROGRAMME 2019/2020
The Council proposes new capital investment of £7,062k for 2019/2020.
The allocations are as below.

   Disabled Facilities Grants                                 500
   Community Development Projects                             245
   Fleet Replacement Programme                                282
   Leisure Centre Refurbishments                            5,000
   Other Council Assets                                     1,035
   Total                                                    7,062

   Aggregate Liabilities as at 31 March 2018		              £’000

   Loan Debt Outstanding		                                  2,945
Council Tax Business Rates - 2019-2020 and - Blaby District ...
    The calculation of the Council       		                                                    £’000   £ Per Head
    Tax for each precepting
                                         Net Budget Requirement (exc. Parishes)               11,962       120.86
    authority is determined by
    dividing the net precept             Less: Redistributed NNDR                              2,733         27.61
                                                 Section 31 Grants                               889          8.99
    requirement by the Council Tax
                                                 Redistribution of Levy Surplus                   33          0.34
    Base of 33,441.71.
                                                 New Homes Bonus Grant                         2,852         28.81
    The calculation determines the               Contribution to/from Collection Fund             -7         -0.07
    Band D Council Tax amount.           Precept Requirement                                   5,462        55.18

                                       Net Precept Requirements £’000        Council Tax Band D £
       Blaby District Council                                        5,462                 163.32      *Add to this
       Leicestershire County Council                                43,213               1,292.18      figure the
       (includes an element for Adult Social Care Services)                                            appropriate
       OPCC for Leicestershire                                       7,465                 223.23      Parish
       Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Combined                  2,229                  66.64      Supplement
       Fire Authority                                                                                  shown in the
       Total                                                    58,369                  1,745.37*

                              2019/2020              2018/2019           (BAND D) COUNCIL TAX (BAND D)
      PARISH                            £                      £                 £                    £
      Aston Flamville                   0                      0              0.00               163.32
      Blaby                       313,167                298,167            147.34               310.66
      Braunstone Town             604,817                574,107            124.17               287.49
      Cosby                        91,714                 88,240             78.46               241.78
      Countesthorpe               314,636                295,222            122.32               285.64
      Croft                        53,339                 44,820             98.53               261.85
      Elmesthorpe                  10,250                  9,012             32.77               196.09
      Enderby                     206,633                135,000            106.26               269.58
      Glenfield                   311,215                298,825             82.84               246.16
      Glen Parva                  219,270                199,525            119.98               283.30
      Huncote                      58,082                 56,337             91.49               254.81
      Kilby                         6,100                  5,850             50.12               213.44
      Kirby Muxloe                180,043                168,068             89.91               253.23
      Leicester Forest East       172,000                167,000             70.45               233.77
      Leicester Forest West             0                      0              0.00               163.32
      Lubbesthorpe                 25,000                      0             67.85               231.17
      Narborough                  365,625                341,036            123.20               286.52
      Potters Marston                   0                      0              0.00               163.32
      Sapcote                      97,122                 91,658             87.32               250.64
      Sharnford                    20,550                 14,076             52.38               215.70
      Stoney Stanton             103,650                  84,350             70.72               234.04
      Thurlaston                   15,000                 13,500             52.81               216.13
      Whetstone                  242,325                233,345             102.98               266.30
      Wigston Parva                     0                      0              0.00               163.32
      TOTALS                      3,410,538             3,118,138
Council Tax Business Rates - 2019-2020 and - Blaby District ...
Council Tax Calculation and Precepts (continued)
As explained in the following guidance notes, each dwelling is allocated into one of eight valuation Bands.
The amount of Council Tax in each Band/Parish is shown in the following table.

                                         COUNCIL TAX PER BAND (£ PAYABLE)

  PARISH                     Band        Band       Band        Band        Band       Band        Band         Band
                                A           B          C           D           E          F           G            H

  Aston Flamville         1,163.58    1,357.50   1,551.45    1,745.37    2,133.23   2,521.08    2,908.95      3,490.74
  Blaby                   1,261.81    1,472.10   1,682.42    1,892.71    2,313.31   2,733.91    3,154.52      3,785.42
  Braunstone Town         1,246.36    1,454.08   1,661.82    1,869.54    2,284.99   2,700.43    3,115.90      3,739.08
  Cosby                   1,215.89    1,418.52   1,621.19    1,823.83    2,229.12   2,634.41    3,039.72      3,647.66
  Countesthorpe           1,245.13    1,452.64   1,660.18    1,867.69    2,282.74   2,697.77    3,112.82      3,735.38
  Croft                   1,229.27    1,434.14   1,639.04    1,843.90    2,253.66   2,663.41    3,073.17      3,687.80
  Elmesthorpe             1,185.43    1,382.99   1,580.58    1,778.14    2,173.28   2,568.42    2,963.57      3,556.28
  Enderby                 1,234.42    1,440.15   1,645.90    1,851.63    2,263.10   2,674.57    3,086.05      3,703.26
  Glenfield               1,218.80    1,421.93   1,625.08    1,828.21    2,234.47   2,640.73    3,047.01      3,656.42
  Glen Parva              1,243.56    1,450.82   1,658.10    1,865.35    2,279.87   2,694.38    3,108.91      3,730.70
  Huncote                 1,224.57    1,428.66   1,632.77    1,836.86    2,245.05   2,653.23    3,061.43      3,673.72
  Kilby                   1,197.00    1,396.48   1,596.00    1,795.49    2,194.49   2,593.48    2,992.49      3,590.98
  Kirby Muxloe            1,223.52    1,427.43   1,631.37    1,835.28    2,243.12   2,650.95    3,058.80      3,670.56
  Leicester Forest East 1,210.54      1,412.29   1,614.07    1,815.82   2,219.33    2,622.84    3,026.36      3,631.64
  Leicester Forest West 1,163.58      1,357.50   1,551.45    1,745.37   2,133.23    2,521.08    2,908.95      3,490.74
  Lubbesthorpe            1,208.81    1,410.27   1,611.76    1,813.22   2,216.16    2,619.08    3,022.03      3,626.44
  Narborough              1,245.71    1,453.32   1,660.96    1,868.57   2,283.81    2,699.03    3,114.28      3,737.14
  Potters Marston         1,163.58    1,357.50   1,551.45    1,745.37   2,133.23    2,521.08    2,908.95      3,490.74
  Sapcote                 1,221.79    1,425.42   1,629.07    1,832.69   2,239.95    2,647.21    3,054.48      3,665.38
  Sharnford               1,198.50    1,398.24   1,598.01    1,797.75   2,197.25    2,596.74    2,996.24      3,595.50
  Stoney Stanton          1,210.73    1,412.50   1,614.31    1,816.09   2,219.66    2,623.23    3,026.82      3,632.18
  Thurlaston              1,198.79    1,398.58   1,598.39    1,798.18   2,197.78    2,597.36    2,996.97      3,596.36
  Whetstone               1,232.23   1,437.60    1,642.99    1,848.35   2,259.10    2,669.83    3,080.59      3,696.70
  Wigston Parva           1,163.58   1,357.50    1,551.45    1,745.37   2,133.23    2,521.08    2,908.95      3,490.74

    The Environment Agency is a levying body for its Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Functions under the
    Flood and Water Management Act 2010 and the Environment Agency (Levies) (England and Wales) Regulations 2011.
    The Environment Agency has powers in respect of flood and coastal erosion risk management for main river and
    along tidal and sea defences in the area of the Trent Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (2,369 km), Anglian
    Northern Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (2,292 km) and Severn & Wye Regional Flood and Coastal
    Committee (2,486 km). Money is spent on the construction of new flood defence schemes, the maintenance of the
    river system and existing flood defences together with the operation of a flood warning system and management of
    the risk of coastal erosion.
    The financial details are:
                                                       Regional Flood and Coastal Committees
                                           Trent Regional              Anglian Northern           Severn & Wye Regional
                                          Flood and Coastal           Regional Flood and            Flood and Coastal
                                             Committee                Coastal Committee                Committee

                                         2018/19       2019/20        2018/19      2019/20          2018/19        2019/20
                                          (’000)        (’000)         (’000)       (’000)           (’000)         (’000)
      Gross Expenditure                  £46,438       £74,586         £56,765      £82,537         £14,847        £15,871
      Levies Raised                       £2,054        £2,095          £1,698      £1,698           £1,128        £1,151
      Total Council Tax Base              1,792         1,821            581          592             958           974

    The majority of funding for flood defence comes directly from the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural
    Affairs (Defra). However, under the new Partnership Funding rule not all schemes will attract full central funding.
    To provide local funding for local priorities and contributions for partnership funding the Regional Flood and Coastal
    Committees recommend through the Environment Agency a local levy.
    A change in the gross budgeted expenditure between years reflects the programme of works for both capital and
    revenue needed by the Regional Flood and Coastal Committee to which you contribute.
    Midlands Region - Trent
    The total Local Levy raised has increased by 2.0% and has increased from £2,054,297 in 2018/2019 to £2,095,383 for
    Anglian Northern Region
    The total Local Levy raised has stayed the same at £1,697,648 for 2019/2020 as it was for 2018/2019.
    Midlands Region – Severn & Wye
    The total Local Levy raised has increased by 2.0% and has increased from £1,128,018 in 2018/2019 to £1,150,579 for
    Flood Defence
    The County Council pays flood defence levies to the following Regional Flood and Coastal Committees (RFCC) of the
    Environment Agency:

                                 2018/2019 2019/2020
                                   £’000     £’000
      Trent RFCC                   239        243          The total levy for the Trent RFCC in 2019/20 is £2.1m
      Anglian Northern RFCC         46         46          The total levy for the Anglian Northern RFCC in 2019/20 is £1.7m
      Severn & Wye RFCC		            7             7       The total levy for the Severn & Wye RFCC in 2019/20 is £1.2m
      Total                        292        296
County Council % increases

  Example using Band D – percentage increases apply to all Bands

                                                    2018/19 £                 2019/20 £               Increases *
   Main Element                                        1,163.20                 1,200.35                     3.0%
   Adult Social Care Precept                              79.40                    91.83                     1.0%
   Total                                              1,242.60                  1,292.18                     4.0%

* Per Government guidance, each percentage is calculated as an increase to the 2018/19 total (£1,242.60 in the case
of a Band D property). Percentages are shown to one decimal place, as displayed on Council Tax bills. The actual
overall increase is 3.99%.

The Government introduced the Adult Social Care Precept in 2016/17, based on 2% of the 2015/16 Council Tax. The
Government subsequently allowed Councils to make increases of up to 6% across the three financial years 2017/18,
2018/19 and 2019/20 with a maximum of 3% in any one year. The County Council approved a 2% increase in 2017/18,
a 3% increase in 2018/19 and has now approved a further 1% increase for 2019/20.

It should be noted that the Adult Social Care Precept was introduced to help address the significant pressures faced
by Councils regarding this particular service. Around 50% of the main element of the County Council’s Council Tax is
also spent on Adult Social Care.

The following paragraphs are required to be included with information to be made available to bill-payers. They
explain that the County Council can raise an additional amount of Council Tax, for Adult Social Care, without
requiring a referendum:

"The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government has made an offer to adult social care authorities.
(“Adult social care authorities” are local authorities which have functions under Part 1 of the Care Act 2014, namely
County Councils in England, District Councils for an area in England for which there is no County Council, London
Borough Councils, the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.)

The offer is the option of an adult social care authority being able to charge an additional “precept” on its Council Tax
for financial years from the financial year beginning in 2016 without holding a referendum, to assist the authority in
meeting expenditure on adult social care. Subject to the annual approval of the House of Commons, the Secretary
of State intends to offer the option of charging this “precept” at an appropriate level in each financial year up to and
including the financial year 2019-20.”

worried about paying
    Your council tax?
    Are you finding it hard to pay?
                                              Blaby Citizens Advice
    Finances stretched?
       “We are here to help you”.         Call our Gateway Assessment Service on 0300 330 1025
       “We will listen to you!”           County Money Advice Service on 0116 340 0116
                                          Monday to Friday: 9.00am - 4.00pm
    Call us now and have a chat with
    our Revenues Team                     Web address:
                                          Email address:
    Tel: 0116 272 7530
    Email:          Blaby Branch
    Other Useful Contacts                 Civic Centre, 252 Leicester Road, Blaby, Leicester LE8 4GQ
                                          Monday: 12.30pm – 3.45pm (Appts only)
    Benefits Team
    Blaby District Council                Phone 07929 922 237
    Tel: 0116 272 7510
    Email:          Narborough
                                          Blaby District Council, Desford Road, Narborough,
    INCOME AND COLLECTIONS TEAM           Leicester LE19 2EP
    (dealing specifically with debt       Friday: 1:30pm – 3.45pm and alternate Friday:
    collection/advice after you have      9.30am -12.00pm (Appt Only)
    received a Summons notice)            Phone 07929 922 237
    Tel: 0116 272 7620
    Email:          Glenfield
                                          Glenfield Parish Council, Park House,
    Resident Support Team
                                          Stamford Street, Glenfield, Leicester LE3 8DL
    Blaby District Council
    Tel: 0116 272 7771                    Alternate Mondays: 9.30am to 11.30am (Appt Only)
    Email:   Phone 07929 922 237 to make an appointment
                                          at this outreach
    Housing Options Team
    Blaby District Council                Braunstone Town
    Tel: 0116 272 7770                    Braunstone Civic Centre, Kingsway,
    Email:   Braunstone Town, Leicester LE3 2PP
    Clockwise                             Thursday: 9.30am – 4.15pm (Appt only)
    1 St. Nicholas Place, Leicester       Phone 0116 289 0045 to make an appointment
    LE1 5LB                               at this outreach
    Tel: 0116 242 3900
    Email:       Stoney Stanton
                                          The Library, St Michaels Court, Stoney Stanton,
    Christians Against Poverty            Leicester LE9 4TH
    Tel: 0800 328 0006                    Alternative Tuesdays: 10.00am - 12.00pm (Appt only)
    Email:                 Phone 07929 922 237 to make an appointment
    Website:                at this outreach
PAYment information
                                                     Standing Order
                                                     Contact your bank and quote the
                                                     Council’s bank details:
We’ve made it even easier to start paying by
Direct Debit – simply complete the online            HSBC Bank Plc, Blaby, Leicester;
form on or contact the              Sort Code: 40-12-35;
Revenues Section by telephoning (0116) 272           Account No: 51285440;
7530 with your bank account details in order         Account Name: Blaby District Council Head Office
to set up a Direct Debit, or simply complete         Collection A/c.
the form overleaf and return it to the Council       PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOUR ACCOUNT
Offices (although this will delay the process        REFERENCE NUMBER IS QUOTED
of collecting your payments). We now offer
3 collection dates every month so you may            Debit/Credit card using our 24 hour
choose whether you have your payments                automated payment line
claimed on the 1st, 15th or 28th day of the          Certain debit cards may be used and payment can
month.                                               also be made by credit card.

The Direct Debit Guarantee                           Please telephone (0116) 272 7722 and have
                                                     your debit/credit card and Council Tax Account
• This Guarantee is offered by all Banks and         Number to hand.
  Building Societies that take part in the Direct
  Debit Scheme.                                      Internet Payments
                                                     This facility is available by logging onto the
• The efficiency and security of the Scheme is       Council’s website:
  monitored and protected by your own Bank 
  or Building Society.
                                                     Using the Bar Code on your bill at
• If the amounts to be paid or the payment           Allpay Outlets
  dates change BLABY DISTRICT COUNCIL                • At Post Offices you can pay by cash,
  will notify you 14 days in advance of your              cheque or debit card without any charges.
  account being debited or as otherwise
  agreed.                                            •    PayPoint outlets take cash payments
                                                          without any charges and some accept
• If an error is made by BLABY DISTRICT                   debit cards (but may charge you for this).
  COUNCIL or your Bank or Building Society,
  you are guaranteed a full and immediate            •    Many outlets, shops and supermarkets
  refund from your branch of the amount paid.             are open outside normal office hours
                                                          and at weekends making this a very
• You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by            convenient way to pay.
  writing to your Bank or Building Society. Please
  send a copy of your letter to us.                  The bar code will be scanned and a receipt will
                                                     be provided.

Blaby District Council                          Instruction to your Bank or Building
Council Offices                                    Society to pay by Direct Debit
Desford Road
LE19 2EP
0116 275 0555
                                                                        Originator’s Identification Number

                                                                            9       5        7        1       1          0

Please complete the shaded areas of this form using a                   Blaby District Council’s Reference Number
ball-point pen and return it to the Council Offices.
Name(s) of Account Holder(s)

                                                                          FOR BLABY DISTRICT COUNCIL’S OFFICIAL USE ONLY
                                                                          This is not part of the Instruction to your bank or building

                                                                          There are 3 different payment dates available for Direct
                                                                          Debit. Please circle your preferred payment date,
Bank/Building Society Account Number                                      otherwise the 1st of the month will used:
                                                                                                 1st, 15th,       28th

                                                                        Instructions to your Bank or Building Society
Branch Sort Code                                                        Please pay Blaby District Council Direct Debits from the
                                                                        account detailed in this Instruction to the safeguards
                                                                        assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that
                                                                        this Instruction may remain with Blaby District Council
                                                                        and, if so, details will be passed electronically to my Bank
Name and full postal address of your                                    or Building Society.
Bank or Building Society

 Bank/Building Society                                                    Signature(s)

                                This guarantee should be detached and retained by the Payer.

                                                    The Direct Debit Guarantee
 • This guarantee is offered by all Banks and Building Societies that take part in the Direct Debit scheme. The efficiency and security of
   the scheme is monitored and protected by your own Bank or Building Society.
 • If the amounts to be paid or the payment dates change Blaby District Council will notify you 14 days in advance of your account being
   debited or as otherwise agreed.
 • If an error is made by Blaby District Council or your Bank or Building Society, you are guaranteed a full and immediate refund from
   your branch of the amount paid.
 • You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by writing to your Bank or Building Society. Please send a copy of your letter to us.
Council Tax Valuation Bands                                       Penalty Charges
Every domestic property in the District has been placed           Please note that failure to supply or knowingly supply
in one of the following Council Tax valuation bands in            false or misleading information will render you liable
accordance with its presumed capital value at 1st April 1991:     to a Penalty of £70.00 and possible further prosecution
                                                                  under the Local Government Finance Act 1992.
    Valuation Band         Range of Values                        Therefore, should you have any queries or require any
           A               Up to and including £40,000            further assistance, please contact the Revenues Section
           B               £40,001 – £52,000                      on 0116 272 7530.
           C               £52,001 – £68,000                      Blaby District Council is under a duty to protect the
                                                                  public funds it administers and to this end may use the
           D               £68,001 – £88,000                      information you have provided in respect of your Council
           E               £88,001 – £120,000                     Tax liability for the prevention and detection of fraud.
           F               £120,001 – £160,000                    We may also share this information with other bodies
           G               £160,001 – £320,000                    responsible for auditing or administering public funds
           H               Over £320,000                          for these purposes.
                                                                  People with Disabilities
The valuation band for your property is shown on your
bill. If you have recently moved into the property and you        If your property has an extra room required for the special
disagree with the banding you have six months from the            needs of a disabled person or there is sufficient space
date of occupation to appeal to:                                  to use a wheelchair indoors, you may be entitled to a
The Listing Officer, District Valuer’s Office,                    reduction in your bill. The reduction will be equivalent to
Northampton Valuation Office Agency, Princess                     a rebanding of the property into the band immediately
House, Cliftonville Road, Northampton, NN1 5AE                    below that shown in the valuation list. From 1st April 2000,
Tel: 03000 501 501                         this reduction can also be applied to Band A properties.
                                                                  Further details can be obtained from the Revenues
Discounts                                                         Section.
The Council Tax bill assumes that there are two adults            Exempt Dwellings
living in a property. If you are the only adult occupier of
your property you are entitled to a 25% discount. You             Some dwellings are exempt, including properties
may be able to get a discount or, in some cases, a full           occupied only by students, minors, persons who are
exemption if no-one lives in the property.                        severely mentally impaired and vacant properties which:
Properties undergoing structural alteration or major              • Are owned by a charity (exempt for up to 6 months).
repair will be granted a discount of 50% for up to 12             • Are left empty by someone who has gone into prison.
months (from when the work commenced).                            • Are left empty by someone who has moved to receive
                                                                     personal care in a hospital or a home or elsewhere.
A discount of 100% will be given for vacant/unfurnished           • Are left empty by someone who has moved in order
properties for 1 month from the date that the property               to provide personal care to another person.
became empty.                                                     • Are waiting for probate or letters of administration to
Personal Discounts                                                   be granted (and up to 6 months after).
Certain people will not be counted when looking at the            • Have been repossessed.
number of adults in a property if they meet certain conditions:   • Are the responsibility of a bankrupt’s trustee.
• Full-time students, student nurses, apprentices and             • Are empty because their occupation is forbidden by law.
    youth trainees.                                               • Are waiting to be occupied by a minister of religion.
• Patients resident in hospital                                   • Are “Granny” Annexes.
• Patients who are being looked after in care homes.              Forces barracks, messes and married quarters are
• People who are severely mentally impaired.                      also exempt, as are properties occupied by members
• People staying in certain hostels or night shelters.            of visiting forces and their dependents where they
• 1,8 or 19 year olds who are at or have just left school.        are neither British citizens nor ordinarily resident in
• Careworkers working for low pay, usually for charities.         the United Kingdom. If you think that any of the above
• People caring for someone with a disability who is              circumstances apply to your property, you should
    not a spouse, partner or child under 18.                      contact the Revenues Section on 0116 272 7530.
• Members of visiting forces and certain international            Granny Annexes
    institutions and foreign language assistants.                 An annexe or similar self contained part of the property,
• Members of religious communities (e.g.: monks, nuns).           which is occupied by an elderly or disabled relative
• People in prison (except those in prison for                    of the residents living in the rest of it, should not
    nonpayment of Council Tax or a fine).                         be regarded as a separate dwelling for Council Tax
If a member of your household falls into any of these             purposes.
categories you should contact the Revenues Section for
further information.
If a discount is granted and your entitlement changes
you must inform the Revenues Section immediately as
failure to do so could result in the IMPOSITION OF A                                                                             11
Guidance notes (continued)
     Annexe Discount                                                 Empty Properties - Premium Charge - new
     Annexes which are used by the occupier of the main house        for 2019
     as part of the main home, or annexes which are occupied         From 1st April 2019 properties that have been empty and
     by a relative of the person living in the main house will be    substantially unfurnished for more than 2 years will be
     entitled to a 50% reduction in the Council Tax payable on       charged a premium of 100% on top of the full Council
     the annexe.                                                     Tax charge. If you think you should be exempt from the
     The criteria for the annexe discount is:                        premium charges, please contact the Revenues Section on
     The annexe must form part of a single property which            0116 272 7530
     includes at least one other property. ie. the annexe must       Appeals
     be within the grounds of the main house (not necessarily        In addition to your right of appeal on valuation matters i.e.
     attached) and must be included in the title deeds of the        the banding of your property, you may also appeal on non-
     main house and not registered separately.                       valuation matters, these are:
     And either:                                                     (a) Any decision of the Council that a property is
     • The annexe is being used by the resident of the main               chargeable, or that you are liable to pay Council Tax in
        house, as part of their main home,                                respect of that property.
     or                                                              (b) Any calculation made by the Council of an amount
     • The annexe is lived in by a relative of the person who             which you are liable to pay in respect of Council Tax.
        lives in the main house. For this purpose a relative         If you wish to make an appeal then you must put your
        is defined as: a partner, parent, child, step child,         reasons in writing to the Revenues and Benefits Manager.
        grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, uncle, aunt,
        nephew and niece (also includes great grandparent,
        great grandchild etc. and great great grandparent etc).

     Non-Domestic Rates                                              are available from the VOA or from Your
     Non-Domestic Rates, or business rates, collected by             billing authority can only backdate any business rates
     local authorities are the way that those who occupy             rebate to the date from which any change to the list is to
     non-domestic property contribute towards the cost               have effect. Further information about the grounds on
     of local services. Under the business rates retention           which appeals may be made and the process for doing so
     arrangements introduced from 1st April 2013, authorities        can be found on the website.
     keep a proportion of the business rates paid locally. This      National Non-Domestic Rating Multiplier
     provides a direct financial incentive for authorities to        The local authority works out the business rates bill
     work with local businesses to create a favourable local         by multiplying the rateable value of the property by the
     environment for growth since authorities will benefit from      appropriate multiplier. There are two multipliers: the
     growth in business rates revenues. The money, together          standard non-domestic rating multiplier and the small
     with revenue from council tax payers and certain other          business non-domestic rating multiplier. The former is
     sums, is used to pay for the services provided by local         higher to pay for small business rate relief. Except in the
     authorities in your area. Further information about the         City of London where special arrangements apply, the
     business rates system, including transitional and other         Government sets the multipliers for each financial year
     reliefs, may be obtained at                          for the whole of England according to formulae set by
     Rateable Value                                                  legislation.
     Apart from properties that are exempt from business             The current multipliers are shown on the front of your bill.
     rates, each non-domestic property has a rateable value          Business Rates Instalments
     which is set by the valuation officers of the Valuation         Payment of business rate bills is automatically set on a
     Office Agency (VOA), an agency of Her Majesty’s Revenue         10-monthly cycle. However, the Government has put in
     and Customs. They draw up and maintain a full list of all       place regulations that allow businesses to require their
     rateable values, available at            local authority to enable payments to be made through 12
     organisations/valuation-office-agency. The rateable value       monthly instalments. If you wish to take up this offer, you
     of your property is shown on the front of your bill. This       should contact the local authority as soon as possible.
     broadly represents the yearly rent the property could have
     been let for on the open market on a particular date. For
                                                                     Revaluation 2017 and Transitional
     the revaluation that came into effect on 1st April 2017, this
     date was set as 1st April 2015.                                 All rateable values are reassessed at a general
                                                                     revaluation. The most recent revaluation took effect from
     The valuation officer may alter the value if circumstances      1st April 2017. Revaluations make sure each ratepayer
     change. The ratepayer (and certain others who have              pays their fair contribution and no more, by ensuring
     an interest in the property) can request a change to the        that the share of the national rates bill paid by any one
     value shown in the list if they believe it is wrong, through    ratepayer reflects changes over time in the value of their
12   the reformed Check, Challenge, Appeal (CCA) process             property relative to others.
     introduced in April 2017. Full details on the CCA process
Non-domestic rates (continued)
A £3.6 billion transitional relief scheme limits changes in       or £27,999 in London on each day for which relief is being
rate bills as a result of the 2017 revaluation. To help pay       sought. If the rateable value, or aggregate rateable value,
for the limits on increases in bills, there are also limits       increases above those levels, relief will cease from the day
on reductions in bills. Under the transitional scheme,            of the increase.
limits continue to apply to yearly increases and decreases        The Government has introduced additional support to
until the full amount is due (rateable value times the            small businesses. For those businesses that take on an
appropriate multiplier). The scheme applies only to the           additional property which would normally have meant the
bill based on a property at the time of the revaluation. If       loss of small business rate relief, the Government has
there are any changes to the property after 1st April 2017,       confirmed that they will be allowed to keep that relief for
transitional arrangements will not normally apply to the          a period of 12 months.
part of a bill that relates to any increase in rateable value     Where a ratepayer meets the eligibility criteria and has not
due to those changes. Changes to your bill as a result of         received the relief they should contact their local authority.
other reasons (such as changes to the amount of small             Provided the ratepayer continues to satisfy the conditions
business rate relief) are not covered by the transitional         for relief which apply at the relevant time as regards
arrangements. The transitional arrangements are applied           the property and the ratepayer, they will automatically
automatically and are shown on the front of your bill.            continue to receive relief in each new valuation period.
Further information about transitional arrangements               Certain changes in circumstances will need to be notified
and other reliefs may be obtained from Blaby District             to the local authority by a ratepayer who is in receipt
Council or the website                of relief (other changes will be picked up by the local
business-rates.                                                   authority). The changes which should be notified are—
More information on the 2017 revaluation can be found at          (a) the ratepayer taking up occupation of an additional            property, and
Unoccupied Property Rating                                        (b) an increase in the rateable value of a property occupied
                                                                  by the ratepayer in an area other than the area of the local
Business rates will not be payable in the first three months      authority which granted the relief.
that a property is empty. This is extended to six months in the
case of certain industrial properties. After this period rates    Charity and Community Amateur Sports
are payable in full. In most cases the unoccupied property        Club Relief
rate is zero for properties owned by charities and community      Charities and registered Community Amateur Sports Clubs
amateur sports clubs. In addition, there are a number of          are entitled to 80% relief where the property is occupied
exemptions from the unoccupied property rate. Full details        by the charity or the club, and is wholly or mainly used for
on exemptions can be obtained from your local authority.          the charitable purposes of the charity (or of that and other
Partly Occupied Property Relief                                   charities), or for the purposes of the club (or of that and other
                                                                  clubs). The local authority has discretion to give further relief
A ratepayer is liable for the full non-domestic rate whether      on the remaining bill. Full details can be obtained from the
a property is wholly occupied or only partly occupied.            local authority.
Where a property is partly occupied for a short time, the
local authority has discretion in certain cases to award          Relief for Local Newspapers
relief in respect of the unoccupied part. Full details can be     The Government is providing funding to local authorities so
obtained from the local authority.                                that they can provide a discount worth up to £1,500 a year on
Small Business Rate Relief                                        office space occupied by local newspapers. This was due to
                                                                  run for 2 years from 1st April 2017. At Autumn Budget 2018,
Ratepayers who occupy a property with a rateable value            the Government extended the scheme for an additional year
which does not exceed £50,999 (and who are not entitled           (2019/20). This scheme provides up to a maximum of one
to other mandatory relief or are liable for unoccupied            discount per local newspaper title and per hereditament,
property rates) will have their bills calculated using the        and up to state aid limits. The relief will be delivered through
lower small business non-domestic rating multiplier,              local authority discretionary discount powers (under section
rather than the national non-domestic rating multiplier.          47(3) of the Local Government Finance Act 1988). Eligibility
In addition, generally, if the sole or main property is shown     criteria for this relief, is set out in a guidance note: “The case
on the rating list with a rateable value which does not           for a business rates relief for local newspapers”, which can
exceed £15,000, the ratepayer will receive a percentage           be obtained at
reduction in their rates bill for this property of up to a        case-for-a-business-rates-relief-for-local-newspapers.
maximum of 100%. For a property with a rateable value of
not more than £12,000, the ratepayer will receive a 100%          Spring Budget 2017 Relief Scheme:
reduction in their rates bill.                                    Supporting Small Business
Generally, this percentage reduction (relief) is only             Ratepayers losing Small Business or Rural Rate Relief as
available to ratepayers who occupy either—                        a result of the 2017 revaluation will have their increases
(a) one property, or                                              limited to the greater of either (i) a cash value of £600
(b) one main property and other additional properties             per year, or (ii) the matching cap on increases for small
providing those additional properties each have a rateable        properties in the transitional relief scheme. This relief will
value which does not exceed £2,899.                               run until the next revaluation in 2021 and ratepayers will
The aggregate rateable value of all the properties                receive the relief until this date or they reach what their
                                                                  bill would have been without the relief scheme, whichever            13
mentioned in (b) must not exceed £19,999 outside London
                                                                  is first.
Non-domestic rates (continued)
     This relief will be delivered through local authority                 undertaking to receive up to EUR 200,000 ‘de minimis’
     discretionary discount powers (under section 47(3) of the             aid over a rolling three-year period. If you are receiving,
     Local Government Finance Act 1988). Further information               or have received, any ‘de minimis’ aid granted during the
     can be obtained from the local authority.                             current or two previous financial years (from any source),
     Spring Budget 2017 Relief Scheme:                                     you should inform the local authority immediately with
     Discretionary Scheme                                                  details of the aid received.
     The Government is providing £300 million of funding to                Hardship Relief
     local authorities over 4 years to 31st March 2021 to provide          The local authority has discretion to give hardship relief in
     discounts to ratepayers in their area on a discretionary              specific circumstances. Full details can be obtained from
     basis. Each authority has been allocated a share with                 the local authority.
     which to design and implement a scheme to deliver                     Rating advisers
     targeted support to ratepayers.
     Local authority allocations can be found at:                          Ratepayers do not have to be represented in discussions                          about their rateable value or their rates bill. However,
     discretionary-business-rates-relief-scheme                            ratepayers who do wish to be represented should be
     This relief will be delivered through local authority                 aware that members of the Royal Institution of Chartered
     discretionary discount powers (under section 47(3) of the             Surveyors (RICS - website and the Institute
     Local Government Finance Act 1988). Further information               of Revenues, Rating and Valuation (IRRV - website www.
     can be obtained from the local authority.                    are qualified and are regulated by rules of
                                                                           professional conduct designed to protect the public from
     Retail Discount                                                       misconduct. Before you employ a rating adviser, you
     At Autumn Budget 2018, the Government announced a one-                should check that they have the necessary knowledge
     third discount for eligible retail businesses with a rateable         and expertise, as well as appropriate indemnity insurance.
     value of less than £51,000, up to state aid limits. This scheme       Information Supplied with Demand Notices
     will run for two years from April 2019. This discount will be
     applied to the bill after the application of any reliefs, excluding   Information relating to the relevant and previous financial
     any local discounts.                                                  years in regard to the gross expenditure of the local
     The Government has issued guidance on the operation of                authority is available at A hard copy
     the scheme, which can be found at:                   is available on request by writing to the Council or by
     uk/government/publications/business-rates-retail-                     telephoning (0116) 272 7530.
     discount-guidance.                                                    Rate Relief for businesses in rural areas
     This relief will be delivered through local authority                 Certain types of properties in a rural settlement with a
     discretionary discount powers (under section 47(3) of the Local       population below 3,000 may be entitled to a discount.
     Government Finance Act 1988). Further information can be              The property must be the only general store, the only post
     obtained from the local authority                                     office or a food shop and have a rateable value of less than
     Local Discounts                                                       £8,500, or the only public house or the only petrol station and
     Local authorities have a general power to grant                       have a rateable value of less than £12,500. The property has
     discretionary local discounts. Full details can be obtained           to be occupied. An eligible ratepayer is entitled to relief at 50%
     from the local authority.                                             of the full charge whilst the local authority also has discretion
                                                                           to give further relief on the remaining bill. The 2016 Autumn
     State Aid                                                             Statement confirmed the doubling of rural rate relief from 50%
     The award of discounts is considered likely to amount to              to 100% from 1st April 2017. Local authorities are expected to
     state aid. However, it will be state aid compliant where it           use their local discount powers to grant 100% rural rate relief
     is provided in accordance with the De Minimis Regulations             to eligible ratepayers from 1st April 2017. Full details can be
     EC 1407/2013. The De Minimis Regulations allow an                     obtained from the local authority.

     You can make your complaint in writing, by telephone, email           may contact us and request a review of your complaint by an
     or by completing the Council’s online complaints form. You            independent officer, who has not had any previous involvement
     can even make a complaint in person to the Manager for the            in your complaint. You should set out clearly the reasons why
     Service area you are concerned about - or direct to any of the        you are unhappy with the outcome, preferably in writing. The
     Council's Group Managers.                                             review process will normally take 15 working days and you will
     We will acknowledge your complaint within five working days           receive a written response.
     and we aim to provide a full response to your complaint within        If you are still unhappy after going through the Council’s
     15 working days. If we need longer to consider aspects of your        complaints procedure, you can take your complaint to the
     complaint we will keep you informed of the reasons why and            Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman who may
     when you should expect to receive a response.                         decide to investigate the issue on your behalf.
     If you are not satisfied with the response you receive, you
If you require this information in an alternative
version such as large print, Braille, audio tape or
help in understanding it in your language, please
contact the Revenues section by telephone on
0116 272 7530 or by email







For enquiries about Council Tax/NNDR
or any other Council Services contact:
Blaby District Council                                            Opening Hours:
Council Offices                                                   Monday, Tuesday and Thursday:
                                                                  8.45am to 5.15pm
Leicester LE19 2EP                                                9.30am to 5.15pm
Tel: 0116 275 0555                                                Friday:
(All divisions unless shown separately below)                     8.45am to 4.45pm
                                                                  In case of emergencies outside
24 Hour Payment Line:
                                                                  normal office hours please telephone
0116 272 7722
                                                                  0844 736 9545
Fax: 0116 275 0368                                                (Please specify the service required)
Minicom: 0116 284 9786                                            Calls cost 5p per minute plus your telephone
Website:                                         company’s network access charge.

Blaby District Council now has direct lines to many of its main
services, including:
Anti-Social Behaviour                           0116 272 7677        Email:
Benefits                                        0116 272 7510        Email:
Building Control                                0116 272 7533        Email:
Council Tax and Non-Domestic Rates              0116 272 7530        Email:
Domestic Violence                               0116 272 7637
                                   Mobile:      0790 022 6875        Email:
Elections/Electoral Registration                0116 272 7560        Email:
Environment                                     0116 272 7555        Email:
Refuse and recycling, garden waste, food hygiene, health and safety, noise, pollution, street cleaning, litter, dogs and
Disabled Facilities Grants                      0116 272 7683        Email:
Health & Leisure                                0116 272 7703        Email:
Housing and Homelessness                        0116 272 7770        Email:
Planning                                        0116 272 7705        Email:
Economic Development                            0116 272 7735        Email:
Resident Support                                0116 272 7771        Email:
The Pavilion, Sportsfield Lane,
Huncote, Leicestershire LE9 3BN                 0116 402 8088        Email:
Enderby Leisure and Golf Centre        0116 275 0234                 Email:
Mill Lane, Enderby, Leicester LE19 4LX
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