Customs Declaration Service - Venue: HMRC Business Centre, Suites 1.11, 1.12, 1.13 1 Ruskin Square Dingwall Road Croydon - ACITA

Page created by Clifton Palmer
Customs Declaration Service - Venue: HMRC Business Centre, Suites 1.11, 1.12, 1.13 1 Ruskin Square Dingwall Road Croydon - ACITA
Customs Declaration Service
Date: 21 January 2020

Time: 11:00 – 15:00

Venue: HMRC Business Centre,
       Suites 1.11, 1.12, 1.13
       1 Ruskin Square
       Dingwall Road
       CR0 2WF                   Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   1
Customs Declaration Service - Venue: HMRC Business Centre, Suites 1.11, 1.12, 1.13 1 Ruskin Square Dingwall Road Croydon - ACITA
NCTS API changes
  James Waters

                   Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   2
Customs Declaration Service - Venue: HMRC Business Centre, Suites 1.11, 1.12, 1.13 1 Ruskin Square Dingwall Road Croydon - ACITA
NCTS API changes
We want to speak to you!

We are making some changes to the NCTS API that is currently in use

We would like to understand
   • how you use it now
   • what we can do to help you make these changes easier
   • Understand any problems you have with the current API
   • If we remove EDIFACT, how does that effect you?

    And help us shape what you want the new API to do

             For further details please contact:
                                                                      Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   3
Customs Declaration Service - Venue: HMRC Business Centre, Suites 1.11, 1.12, 1.13 1 Ruskin Square Dingwall Road Croydon - ACITA
SDST Stats
Raymond Cameron

                  Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   4
Customs Declaration Service - Venue: HMRC Business Centre, Suites 1.11, 1.12, 1.13 1 Ruskin Square Dingwall Road Croydon - ACITA
Trade Test Queries


                                                                            Total Number of Queries

                                                                             Total Number of Queries
                                                                             Total Number of Queries

                                                                           Accurate up to and including 15th January 2020

Total Number of Queries Resolved     Total Number of Queries Outstanding

                                                                                                                                   Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   5
Query Statistics by Month
                             Total responses    Outstanding (from
 Month      Queries Raised
                             sent (per month)      that month)

  July           201               227                 0

 August          174               186                 3

September        240               238                 7

 October         200               176                 8

November         182               194                 22

December         130               174                 34

                                                            Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   6
Average Response Time


14                                                                           Average Response Time
                                                                                 (working days)

                                                                   July               14
                                                                  August              14
                                                                 September            12
                                                                  October              9
                                                                 November             10
     July   August   September   October   November   December   December              9

                                                                                           Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   7
CDS Trade Test – Answered Queries Log

          Raymond Cameron
            Mick Buckley​
                                Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   8
• Specialist Projects team commissioned by the Director and DD to deliver new tools and processes to
  support Software Developers and CSPs.

• To date delivered i) an FAQ and ii) a newsletter (about to be issued).

• Commissioned to deliver a tool that enables SWDs to view closed queries raised by the developer
  community without breaking commercial confidences.

• Explored IT solutions –restricted by time to deliver and commercial issues with suppliers.

• Opted for a simple spreadsheet solution that would provide quick results but requires a) a one-off historical
  query review and b) essential changes to current ticket processes

                                                                                    Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   9
What is the AQL and where can I find

• The AQL is a spreadsheet that has been introduced to provide software
  developers participating in the CDS Trade Test with visibility of queries
  raised by other developers.
• The AQL contains both the developer's query and HMRC's response.
• Each query is categorised to facilitate search.
• The AQL will be published on Google Drive.

                                                                 Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   10
How and when will the AQL be

• Following the initial launch, we plan to update the AQL on a
  regular basis, frequency to be agreed.

                                                      Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   11
Which queries will be included in the launched AQL?

• To ensure that content is relevant we have opted to include closed queries
  you raised from 4th September 2019, following Trade Test Release 8.1.0
• Queries have not been added to the AQL if:
   • responses were superseded by updated guidance
   • they contained personal information
   • they related to personal requests (e.g. request for an application ID to
     be whitelisted)
   • a final answer is yet to be provided
   • they were chasing a response to a previous query
   • they related to a past event – e.g. system outage.

                                                                Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   12
Permission to share

• A query is only entered on the AQL
  if the developer raising it has given
  HMRC explicit permission to do so.
• If after receiving a response to your
  query you no longer wish to share it
  via the AQL, you must e-mail SDST
  within 5 working days.

                                          Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   13
How do I provide feedback to AQL?

• You can provide feedback at any time via the SDST
  mailbox or via your Business Responsible Manager.

• We will be asking for structured feedback via a survey in
  March as part of a formal review of the AQL.

                                                Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   14
Programme Updates

  Dave Morgan

                    Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   15
Programme Updates

KELs (Known Error Logs)
Tax Lines Document

High level overview of Release 2.6.0 to 3.6.0 / TT 8.4 - TT9.0

OGD Routes

                                                            Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   16
CDS Trade Test Roadmap

Last updated 17/01/2020

                          |   OFFICIAL   | Trade Test Roadmap |   17
CDS Trade Test Roadmap – Mar 2019
                                                          Imports                                Imports Frontier

       TTM5.1 Scope
                                                                           Tariff Download
                                                                                Service            Immediate
                                                                                                 Declarations and
                                                                                                                                                    Further Imports
                                                                                                                                                                              Initial Exports
                                                                                                                                                                            Inventory Linking
                                                                                                                                                                                                           All Imports
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Declaration Types
                                   TTM6.0.0              TTM6.1.0                                   Payments               Declarations              Declarations

Inventory linked types:      Aggregation of
                                                                          Tariff download
                                                                                             Amendment of type:       Submission &
                                                                                                                      cancellation of type:
                                                                                                                                                    Continued on Next Slide
• C, F.                                                                                      •   A, B, C, Y, Z.
Submission of type:           Relief & Suspension: change.                                   Cancellation of type:    •   Exports Y, Z.
                              • Onward Supply      Unhappy path                                                       Authorisation
• C, F, Y, Z.                                      imports inventory                         •   A, B, D, E, F.
                                 Relief.                                                                              validation:
Cancellation of type:                              linking.                                  Further Relief &
                              • Inward                                                       Suspension.              •   SDP, EIDR,
• C, Y, Z.                       Processing.       Removal of                                                             AEO.
Currency conversion.                               workarounds on                            •   Increased range
                              Resolution of some   inventory-linked                              of procedure         Licensing.
Front-End Credibility checks. inventory linking    submissions.                                  codes available.
Declare goods with local DIT defects.              Submission of types:                      Imports Immediate
/ RPA licences.               Authorisation                                                  Payments MOP:
                              validation:          • A, B, D, E.
Value build-up.                                                                              •   A (cash).
CCG authorisation validation. • SDP, AEO, EIDR                                               •   B (cheque,
                                  and special
Validation of DAN / EORI          procedures                                                     bankers draft).
relationship.                     authorisations.                                            •   C (card).
Procedure codes:              Error code                                                     •   H (electronic bank
•   40 00 000.               transformation.                                                     transfer).
•   40 71 000.               Procedure codes:
•   61 23 000.               •   07 00 000.
•   71 00 000.               •   51 71 000.                                                                                           Key Notes:
•   42 71 000.               •   51 00 000.                                                                                           1.   Trade Test roadmap calls out key externally-facing functionality that has
                                                                                                                                           been prioritised, but is not indicative of all releases into Production and is
•   07 71 000.               •   51 21 000.                                                                                                not a definitive list of all content within each Trade Test delivery.
                             •   42 00 000.                                                                                           2.   The order of releases into CDS Trade Test and their content are subject
                                                                                                                                           to change. Specifically, multiple functional areas may be delivered
                             •   40 53 000.
                                                                                                                                           together or a single functional area may be broken into smaller releases.
                             •   40 51 000.                                                                                                In addition, system upgrades may be released into the Trade Test       18
                                                                                                                                           environment between releases to resolve high priority defects.

                                                                                                                                                                            |   OFFICIAL   | Trade Test Roadmap |
CDS Trade Test Roadmap – Jun 2019
       Imports Frontiers,                                                                                                TTM8.Multiple Exports
          Immediate                                            Initial Exports                                    All Imports
       Payment, Exports
                                                                                         Exports Dual
                                                                                       Running TTM7.2.0
                                                                                                                                Arrivals &
                                                                                                                                                                        1.0 Declaration
                                                                                                                                                               Further Imports
                                                                                                                                                                               All Exports
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Exports Dual
                                        TTM7.0.0                                                                                           Processing
         Declarations                                             TTM7.1.0                                         TTM8.0.0

Amendment of Imports           Push Notification API Exports frontier   Ability to use CDS to               Submission,            Multiple arrivals.       All C21 procedures.     Submission,
declaration types:             Enhancement.          declarations A/D.  arrive, depart, and                 amendment &            Multiple departures.     Simulated quota         amendment &
•   A, B, C, Y, Z.             File Upload Endpoint Validation of MUCR. consolidate inventory               cancellation of types:
                                                                                                                                   Automatic                service.                cancellation of types:
                               Enhancement.                             linked declarations                 • J, K (limited                                                         •       J, K.
Cancellation of Imports                             Movement of goods. submitted in CHIEF.                                         departures.              CCG waiver &
declaration types:                                                                                              procedure codes).                           document status         Excise movements.
                                                    Consolidation.                                                                 Notification
•   A, B, D, E, F.                                                                                          Documentary and        enhancement: ROE         codes.                  Documentary and
                                                                                      For TTM7.2.0:         physical controls.     control type to SOE      Tariff error handling   physical controls for
Further Relief & Suspension.
                                                                                      CHIEF stubbed.        View declaration       topic type.              (CDS4-series).          multiple arrivals.
•   Increased range of                                                                                      status & history
    procedure codes                                                                   Date for full                                Submission,             Error code
                                                                                      integration TBC.      (Iteration 1).         amendment &             enhancements &
                                                                                                            Paper licenses.         cancellation of types: granularity.
Imports Immediate Payments
MOPs A, B, C, H.                                                                                            Security scenarios      •   A, B, C, D, E, F.
                                                                                                            with Immediate          Authorisation
Submission & cancellation of                                                                                Payment and Duty
Exports declaration type:                                                                                                           validation:
                                                                                                            Deferment for:
•   Y, Z.                                                                                                   •   Preference.
                                                                                                                                    •   IP, OP, TA, CW,
                                                                                                                                        CSE.                   Continued on Next Slide
Authorisation validation:                                                                                   •   Relief &
•   SDP, EIDR, AEO, MoU.                                                                                        suspension.
Exports Licensing.                                                                                          Excise calculations.

                                  Key Notes:                                                                Further Reliefs &
                                  1.    Trade Test roadmap calls out key externally-facing
                                        functionality that has been prioritised, but is not indicative of   Front-End Credibility
                                        all releases into Production and is not a definitive list of all    enhancement.
                                        content within each Trade Test delivery.                            Minimum import price
                                  2.    The order of releases into CDS Trade Test and their content         calculation.
                                        are subject to change. Specifically, multiple functional areas
                                        may be delivered together or a single functional area may
                                                                                                            Low value bulking.
                                        be broken into smaller releases. In addition, system                                                                                                                                     19
                                        upgrades may be released into the Trade Test environment
                                        between releases to resolve high priority defects.
                                                                                                                                                                                        |    OFFICIAL   | Trade Test Roadmap |
CDS Trade Test Roadmap – Jan 2020
Exports Dual Running with                                    Infrastructure            Infrastructure      Imports & Exports
   HMUT Connectivity                    D1ND                                                                                      Imports & Exports                                        Additional
                                                                Release                  Release &             Functional                                                                                              Future
        TTM8.1.2                       TTM8.2.0                                                                                     Enhancements                  Licensing                Methods of
                                                                TTM8.3.0               D1ND Rollback         Enhancements                                                                                           Enhancements
                                                                                                                                      TTM9.X.0                                              Payment
                                                                                            TTM8.4.0            TTM9.0.0
                                                                                                                                                                              Trade Test Continues
                                                                                                       Further error codes        View declaration          Amendment and
Integration between CDS       Declaration                Non-functional         Non-functional                                                                                     Declaration                 Anti-dumping and
                                                                                                                                  status & history          cancellation of a
Trade Test and CHIEF          processing in              infrastructure update. infrastructure update. enhancements.                                                                                           countervailing
                                                                                                                                  (Iteration 2).            declaration where an processing using all
HMUT established.             preparation for a UK                                                     Enhanced processing                                                                                     measures.
                                                                                                                                                            electronic licence has methods of payment:
                              Exit from the EU:                                                        of electronic DIT &        EORI, Badge ID or
Aggregation and                                                                 EU Tariff Data load to                                                      been declared.         • Cash accounts             SPV / SIV calculation
consolidation of inventory    •   Roll-on Roll-off                                                     RPA licences.              CSP authentication                                                           of duties.
                                                                                align with Production                             details for identifying                        •       Guarantee
linked declarations submitted     Movements                                                            Complex Excise
                                                                                                                                  originating party in                                   accounts              Interim deferment
on both CDS and CHIEF.            (RoRo)                                                               scenarios.                                                                                              payments and
                                                                                                                                  CDS.                                           •       Individual
                              •   Northern Ireland                                                         Imports Type B&E                                                                                    deferment account
                                  Calculation of                                                           rework (address                                                                                     top-up.
                                  Duties (NI)                                                              known errors).                                                                                      Reprocessing errors.
                              •   Parcels Relief                                                           Non-standard country                                                                                Rules rework
                              •   Transitional                                                             codes (exports).                                                                                    (address known
                                  Simplified                                                               ILE Query Service                                                                                   errors).
                                  Procedures (TSP)                                                         Uplift (exports).
                              •   Postponed VAT                                                            Dual Running
                                  Accounting (PVA)                                                         Location Codes
                              •   Merchandise in                                                           (exports)
                                  Baggage (MIB)                                                            Enhanced
                                  Key Notes:
                                  1.   Trade Test roadmap calls out key externally-facing
                                       functionality that has been prioritised, but is not indicative of
                                       all releases into Production and is not a definitive list of all
                                       content within each Trade Test delivery.
                                  2.   The order of releases into CDS Trade Test and their content
                                       are subject to change. Specifically, multiple functional areas
                                       may be delivered together or a single functional area may
                                       be broken into smaller releases. In addition, system                                                                                                                                  20
                                       upgrades may be released into the Trade Test environment
                                       between releases to resolve high priority defects.
                                                                                                                                                                                     |   OFFICIAL   | Trade Test Roadmap |

                                  Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   21
Red Team Overview

Principles:                                   Milestones:
   • Immediate focus on most frequently       Aug 19    • Red Team Formed
     triggered error messages and “quick                • Initial analysis workshops complete
     wins” where HMRC can implement
     the    changes     through   in-house    Sept 19   • 50 new error codes created to add granularity
     configuration.                                       to CDS12056 & CDS10001
   • Improve granularity of existing
     messages where required.                 Nov 19    • 6 new error with 20+ wording updates to
   • Update error message & add more                      add granularity to CDS12007
     detail to errors where the opportunity             • Tariff error messages updated
     exists to do so.
                                              Jan 20    • Change from supplier implemented into Trade
                                                          Test will allow multiple pointers to be returned
                                                          for 800+ rule instances

                                                                               Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   22
September 2019
CDS12056 split into 48 codes (47 new).
CDS10001 split into 4 codes (3 new) and wording updated.

                                                           Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   23
Improvements to CDS12056
      CDS12056 is an error code previously triggered in the majority of instances where cross field
      validation has failed a validation test. The previously generic all-encompassing message has been
      broken down into forty-seven new error codes with more detailed corresponding error message
      (excluding BR675).

                                                                                    Updated Error Messages Returned

                                                            Relation error: The combination of elements is not allowed
          Previously Returned Error Message
                                                                                             NEW: CDS12070
                        CDS12056                            Relation error: The value supplied in Data Element 1 mandates the completion of
     Relation Error: The combination of elements is         Date Element 2
                       not allowed
                                                                                              NEW: CDS12120
                                                            Relation error: The appropriate authorisation has not been declared for this
                                                            Declaration Type (D.E. 1/2)

                                                                                              NEW: CDS12121
Note: This document only contains specific examples and     Relation error: This combination of Additional Information codes (DE.2/2) is not
is not a comprehensive guide to all the changes. Please     allowed
refer to the CDS codelist document for full list of error
codes & messages.                                                         + 44 New Error Codes with newly defined Error Messages

                                                                                                                  Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   24
Split of CDS10001
CDS10001 is an error code previously triggered for a number of different scenarios relating to
obligatory declaration completion rules. The previously generic all-encompassing message has been
broken down into four error codes (three new codes) with more detailed error messages.

                                                                            Updated Error Messages

                                                    Obligation error: Mandatory Data Element has not been provided

           Previous Error Message                                                 NEW: CDS10002
                                                    Obligation error: Data Element is not allowed
Obligation Error: Obligation rule not met                                        NEW: CDS10003
                                                    Obligation error: Number of Occurrences exceeds what is allowed for the
                                                    Data Element

                                                                                NEW: CDS10004
                                                    Commodity code error: Mandatory data element not provided or format
                                                    error or number of occurrences exceeds what is allowed for the data

                                                                                                Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   25
November 2019
CDS120007 split into 2 additional codes
4 new error codes
Wording changes made to 20+ error messages
Tariff error messages updated for 6 scenarios

                                                Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   26
Split of CDS12007
      CDS12007 is an error code previously triggered for a number of different scenarios relating to
      authorisations, licences and duty deferment validation failures. The previously generic all-
      encompassing message has been broken down into three error codes (2 new codes) with more
      detailed error messages.
                                                                                    Updated Error Messages Returned

                                                            Authorisation error: Authorisation has expired; or
                                                            Authorisation reference number does not belong to the party on the declaration; or
                                                            Authorisation reference number provided is not recognised
          Previously Returned Error Message
                                                                                               NEW: CDS12124
                                                            License error: License has expired; or
                                                            License ID cannot be recognised; or
     Authorisation Error: Authorisation, License or
                                                            License ID does not belong to the party on the declaration; or
     DAN is invalid or required permissions not held
                                                            License declared has Insufficient balance remaining; or
                                                            License does not apply to the goods or country declared
Note: Due to the set up of the business rule templates,
error codes could not be configured for each individual
scenario within the License, DAN and Authorisation space.                                     NEW: CDS12125
                                                            DAN error: Account number is not recognised; or
Note: This document only contains specific examples and     Account is suspended or revoked; or
is not a comprehensive guide to all the changes. Please     Parties declared on the declaration do not have authority to use account number
refer to the CDS codelist document for full list of error   provided
codes & messages.

                                                                                                                  Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   27
Other Error Message Updates
The wording of all other declaration validation related error messages have been reviewed and
updated where feasible. 20+ updates have been made. See below for examples:

              Previous Error Message                                     Previous Error Message                          Previous Error Message

                       CDS11003                                                   CDS11003                                       CDS11003
Relation Error: invalid Item total value                   Relation Error: differing requested procedure     Uniqueness Error: non-unique amendment element

              Updated Error Messages                                     Updated Error Messages                         Updated Error Messages

                     CDS11003                                                   CDS11003                                         CDS11003
Relation error: The value declared in Total Number          Relation error: The Requested Procedure (D.E.    Relation error: The same data element cannot be
of Items (D.E. 1/9) does not correspond with the            1/10) for each goods item must derive the same   amended more than once in the same request.
number of goods items on the declaration                    declaration category. (eg H1)

Note: This document only contains specific examples and is not a comprehensive guide to all
the changes. Please refer to the CDS codelist document for full list of error codes & messages.

                                                                                                                             Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   28
Tariff Error Message Updates
We have reviewed error handling for our Tariff application. We are now returning more information
when measure conditions are not fulfilled alongside various other updates. This additional information
now gives a more detailed breakdown of the cause of the error as well as the actions required to
resolve the issue.
• Scenario 1 - Required certificate not                                                 • Scenario 2 - Quantity or Price per
  supplied:                                                                               Unit is incorrect:
       • DMSREJ points to the additional                                                          • DMSREJ points to the goods item
         documents for the goods item throwing                                                      throwing the error.
         the error.                                                                               • DMSREJ confirms details of values
       • DMSREJ confirms details of certificate                                                     required to fulfil the measure condition
         required to fulfil the measure condition.                                                • DMSREJ confirms details of measure type
       • DMSREJ confirms details of measure type                                                    & commodity code.
         & commodity code.                                                                        • The action code & measure condition
       • The action code & measure condition                                                        code will also be returned.
         code will also be returned.
Note: This document only contains specific examples and is not a comprehensive guide to all
the changes. Please refer to the CDS codelist document for full list of error codes & messages.

                                                                                                                         Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   29
January 2020
Multiple pointers can be returned
Affects 863 rule instances

Note: The error codes used in this section are not yet be available in Trade Test or Production.

                                                                                                   Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   30
BR675 Headline Change
BR675 Relation Error has been updated to return two or more (where relevant) error blocks. This
allows CDS to describe all relevant data items that have caused a validation rule to fail. There are 863
instances of BR675 in the CDS2.6.0 release, all of which will return the newly designed DMSREJ
                         Previous DMSREJ (example)                                                                     Updated DMSREJ (example)

                  CDS12070                                           CDS12070
                      42A                                      42A
                      67A                                      67A
                                                                                 One Error Block Pointing                                                            One Error Block Pointing
                                                                                 to Data Element 1                  1                  to Data Element 1
                      68A                                      68A
                      6                                                6
                      02A                                      02A
                      360                                                                  360
CDS12070: Relation error: The value supplied in Data Element 1                                                  
mandates the completion of Data Element 2.                                                                          67A
                                                                                                                                                                     One Error Block Pointing
The updated BR675 DMSREJ now points to Data Element 1 & Data                                                    
                                                                                                                    1                  to Data Element 2
Element 2. This will allow you to determine which Data Element is                                                   68A
mandating the completion of which other Data Element.                                                           
Additional Examples of the updated BR675 can be found in                                                            02A
“Understanding DMSREJ”                                                                                              D028
                                                                                                                                                                Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   31
Understanding DMSREJ – A “How To” Guide

                                          Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   32
DMSREJ Analysis – Current Approach and WCO Pointer Structure

Principles and Assumptions:                                                       
• Schema is aligned to: WCO v3.6                                                         42A
• Multiple pointers are returned across multiple Error objects using WCO IDs             1
  and no explicit link.                                                              
• No explicit link between pointers - Software has to infer that where a given           68A
  Error code is encountered, the next Error object contains the related pointer          3
  for that same validation failure.                                                      D006
• Additional guidance has been provided by CDS to describe the number of
  expected pointers per error code.                                                   
N.B. If error is related to D.E. 2/3 Document Type and D.E. 2/6 Deferred              
Payment, then an additional error block will be received due to concatenated              1
fields. This means where two pointers are usually returned, then three will be        
sent.                                                                                     3
                                                                                               Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   33
DMSREJ Analysis – Understanding the XML Elements

• Validation Code:                                                                       
     • The  XML element captures the error code thrown identifying the          42A
       error. The error code can be mapped to an error message.                             
• Pointer:                                                                                  
     • The  XML elements are used to locate the specific WCO element that              68A
       has triggered the rejection of a declaration.                                        
• Tag ID:                                                                                       D006
     • Once a WCO element has been identified, a  XML Element may be used         
       to further specify the data element that has caused the rejection of the              
• Sequence Numeric:                                                                              67A
     • Where a declaration may have multiple instances of an item that a pointer could       
       refer to (e.g. second entry in D.E. 2/3 (Documents)), the  XML       
       Element may be used to identify which specific instance has caused the                    3
       declaration to be rejected.                                                               D031
     • Where a specific instance can not be identified as the offending item, a
       sequence numeric will not be returned.

                                                                                                      Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   34
Example 1 – One Pointer

                          Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   35

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   36
DMSREJ XML – Focus on the Error XML Blocks


                                                                                 Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   37
DMSREJ XML – Understanding What’s Left
                     CDS71252                          Error Code: Describes what Error has been thrown

                         42A                 Pointer: Narrows down to the WCO Element
                                                                                   causing the error to be thrown
Error Block

                         1                            Sequence Numeric: (Where a list exists) identifies
                         68A                  offending instance of the list.
                                                                                                   Tag ID: Narrows down to the WCO Element causing
                                                                                                   the error to be thrown
                                                                                                  Please refer to “CDS Codelists and WCO References
                                                                                                  v1.41” to translate DocumentSectionCode & TagID
                         …000A        Note: The error codes used in this page may not yet be
                                                                         available in Trade Test or Production.
                                                                                                                               Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   38
DMSREJ XML – Understanding What’s Left – Refer to WCO.
                     CDS71252                          CDS71252: Licence not valid for declared Country of Origin

                         42A                 42A: Declaration
                         67A                 62A: Goods Shipment
Error Block

                         68A                 68A: 1st Government Agency Goods Item
                         92A                 92A: Origin
                                                                                                  063: Country Code
                     KM_20191107111111   This DMSREJ tells us that the Country Code for the Origin
                     19GBAAAAAAAAAAAAA0                                        on the declaration of the first goods item on the
                                                                          declaration is not a valid Country Code.
                         …000A        Note: The error codes used in this page are not yet be
                                                                         available in Trade Test or Production.
                                                                                                                               Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   39
Resolving the Issue for this Example
• The Error Message is: Licence not valid           With this information, we now know that the
  for declared Country of Origin.                   licence is not valid for the Country of Origin.
• The pointer points to:                            Therefore, we either need to use a different
    • The Country of Origin on the 1st goods item   licence where Allowed Countries include
      (D.E. 5/15).                                  “NZ” or submit a declaration for the goods
• D.E. 5/15 on the first goods item is “NZ”.        where the Country of Origin is “JP”.
• Allowed Countries on the licence is “JP”.

                                                                                Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   40
Example 2 – Two Pointer

                          Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   41
DMSREJ XML (Error Blocks Only)

                                                                    CDS12056: Relation error: The combination of
                                                                    elements is not allowed
                                                                                                                   The 2 error blocks point to:
        42A    42A: Declaration                               • The 6th Document Status Code for Goods Item 1 on the
                                                                    67A: Goods Shipment
                                                                                                                   • The 6th Document Reason for Goods Item 1 on the declaration
                                                      68A: 1st Government Agency Goods Item
                                                                    02A-360: The Document Status Code of
                                                                                                                   Note: The error codes used in this page are not yet be
                                                                    the sixth entry in D.E. 2/3                    available in Trade Test or Production.
    DMS12070             CDS12056: Relation error: The combination of
                                                      elements is not allowed
        42A    42A: Declaration
         67A   67A: Goods Shipment
                                                                    68A: 1st Government Agency Goods Item
                                                      02A-D028: The Document Reason of the
        6              sixth entry in D.E. 2/3
                                                                                                                                                         Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   42
Resolving The Issue
• The Error Message is: Relation Error: The                Looking at the guidance on the Paper Tariff:
  value supplied in Data Element 1 mandates
  the completion of Data Element 2.
• The pointers point to:
    • The 6th Document Code on the 1st goods item (D.E.
    • The 6th Document Reason on the 1st goods item
      (D.E. 2/3).
• The declaration was completed as follows:                • The Paper Tariff confirms that
    • The 6th Document Status Code on the first goods
                                                             Document Status Code “XW”
      item on the declaration is: “XY”                       mandates a Reason be provided.
    • The 6th Document Reason on the first goods item on   • To resolve this issue, we must provide
      the declaration is : Null
                                                             a Reason when using Document
                                                             Status Code “XW”.

                                                                                       Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   43
Example 3 – Two Pointer

                          Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   44
DMSREJ XML (Error Blocks Only)

                                                                   CDS12119: Relation Error: Declared Additional Document (D.E. 2/3) is
                                                     not allowed with this Procedure Code (D.E. 1/10 or D.E. 1/11)
                                                                                                                                          The 2 error blocks point to:
        42A   42A: Declaration                                                       • Pervious Procedure Code for Goods Item 1 on the declaration
                                                                                                                            • The 2nd Previous Document Code on the declaration
                                                    67A: Goods Shipment
        68A   68A: 1st Government Agency Goods Item
                                                                   70A-161: The Previous Procedure Code
                                                                                                                                          Note: The error codes used in this page are not yet be
                                                                   in D.E. 1/10                                                           available in Trade Test or Production.
    CDS12056            CDS12056: Relation error: The combination of
                                                     elements is not allowed
        42A   42A: Declaration
                                                    67A: Goods Shipment
        D019                              99A-D019: The 2nd Previous Document
                                                    Code in D.E. 2/1

                                                                                                                                                                                Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   45
Resolving The Issue
• The Error Message is: Relation Error:                    Looking at the guidance on the Paper Tariff:
  Declared Additional Document (D.E. 2/3) is
  not allowed with this Procedure Code (D.E.               • The Paper Tariff
  1/10 or D.E. 1/11).                                        confirms that
                                                             Previous Document
• The pointers point to:                                     Code “X337” is not a
    • The Previous Procedure Code on the 1st goods item      valid Previous
      (D.E. 1/10).                                           Document Code for
    • The 2nd Previous Document Code on the declaration      Procedure Code
      (D.E. 2/1).
• The declaration was completed as follows:
                                                           • To resolve this issue,
    • The Procedure Code for the 1st goods item of the
      declaration is: “4051”
                                                             we can remove the
         •   The Previous Procedure Code is “51”             Previous Document
    • The 2nd Previous Document Code on this declaration     Status Code “X337”.
      is : “X337”

                                                                                       Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   46
Example 4 – Three Pointer

                            Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   47
DMSREJ XML (Error Blocks Only)
    CDS12056            CDS12056: Relation error: The combination of       DMS12056                  CDS12056: Relation error: The combination of
                                                     elements is not allowed                                                                                   elements is not allowed
        42A   42A: Declaration                                       42A         42A: Declaration
        67A   67A: Goods Shipment                                    1
                                                                                                           67A         67A: Goods Shipment
                                                     68A: 1st Government Agency Goods Item              
        1                                                                                                                       68A: 1st Government Agency Goods Item
        68A                                                          1
                                                                   02A-360: The Document Status Code of                                                                                    02A-D031: The Document Category of
                                                                   the second entry in D.E. 2/3                                                                                            the second entry in D.E. 2/3
        02A                                                          2
        360                                                                                      02A
    CDS12056            CDS12056: Relation error: The combination of
                                                     elements is not allowed
        42A   42A: Declaration
        67A   67A: Goods Shipment
                                                                                                                  The 3 error blocks point to:
                                                                                                   • Document Status Code for Goods Item 2 on the declaration
                                                     68A: 1st Government Agency Goods Item
        1                                                            • Document Type for Goods Item 2 on the declaration
                                                                   02A-D006: The Document Type of the             • Document Category for Goods Item 2 on the declaration
                                                                   second entry in D.E. 2/3
                                                                                                                         • N.B. Document Type + Document Category = Document
        02A                                                            Code
                                                                                                                  Note: The error codes used in this page are not yet be
                                                                                                                  available in Trade Test or Production.

                                                                                                                                                                           Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking           48
Resolving The Issue
• The Error Message is: Relation error: The                  Looking at the guidance on the Paper Tariff:
  combination of elements is not allowed.
• The pointers point to:
    • The Document Code on the 2nd goods item (D.E.
    • The Document Status Code on the 2nd goods item         • The Paper Tariff confirms that
      (D.E. 2/3).
                                                               Document Status Code “RE” is not a
• D.E. 2/3 on the second goods item was                        valid Document Status Code for
  completed as follows:                                        Document Code “X001”.
    • The 2nd Document Code on this declaration is:
      “X001”                                                 • To resolve this issue, we can use one
    • The 2nd Document Identifier on this declaration is :     of the allowed Document Status
      “AAA11111111A”                                           Codes for Document Code “X001”.
    • The 2nd Document Status Code on this declaration
      is: “RE”

                                                                                         Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   49
Errors and Pointers

Should you have any questions regarding Errors and Pointers, please write to your BRM at the
following address

Please note this mailbox is only to be used to collate queries relating to Errors and Pointers.

                                                                              Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   50
API Rate Limit / Questionnaire

       Raymond Cameron

                                 Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   51
• It protects our platform from harm

• Important because our platform supports a large number
  of APIs, many of which are already Live

• Breaching the rate limit results in a 429 HTTP error (too
  many requests). This does not result in permanent
  disconnection from the platform. Once the peak drops
  away, transactions will be accepted again.
                                                         Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   52
• Make sure that applications have the required ‘bandwidth’
  to do what they need to do

• Make sure that we’re able to adapt to changes in
  requirement within a reasonable period of time

• All CDS applications are pre-approved for a rate limit of
  500, but start at 150 transactions per minute.

• If you want your limit increased to 500, just send SDST an
  email including the Application ID for the app which needs
  increasing.                                           Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   53
• 500 transactions per minute

• 720,000 transactions per day

• 262.8 million transactions per
                                   Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   54
Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   55
External Test Strategy

        Elli Bell

                         Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   56
External Test Overview
The purpose of CDS External Test is to provide an HMRC platform for all external partners (CSPs, SWHs, express operators, and declarants) to complete their
required assurance activities so they are confident in their readiness for migration to CDS. The CDS External Test offering has two core services: Trade Test and
Trader Dress Rehearsal, which are outlined below.
In addition to Trade Test and Trader Dress Rehearsal, HMRC also provides a range of Technical Documentation, including API specifications, Technical
Completion Matrix, and the online UK Trade Tariff to support the CDS development journey.

                        Purpose                                    Audience & Availability                           Core Capabilities
                        A functional test platform where 3rd       Audience:
                        party developers can assure their          • SWHs                                            • Test trader and account data
                        software integration against CDS APIs      • CSPs                                            • Process all declaration types and procedures
                        and a CDS back-end for all core            • FPOs / EOs                                      • Integration testing for all APIs
 Trade Test             declaration processes and notification     • Traders with in-house capabilities              • Exports inventory linking, including dual running
                        types.                                                                                         arrivals via CHIEF (HMUT)
                                                                   Available 24/7 to all whitelisted users.          • Simulated controls, quota, immediate payments
                        Code in Trade Test is one version          Supported 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday,               services
                        ahead of Production.                       excluding UK bank holidays via SDST.

                        A CDS-like service to support              Current: Limited number of migrating traders
                                                                                                                     • Live trader and account data
                        declarants in submitting all types of      for a pre-agreed period of time.
                                                                                                                     • Process all declaration types and procedures (Note:
                        declarations to expose all actors in the
                                                                   Future: All declarants for up to 4 weeks after      does not currently support inventory linking)
 Trader Dress           supply chain to declaration processing
                                                                   migration to CDS.                                 • Integration testing for all APIs (Note: current service is
 Rehearsal              in CDS as part of their final assurance
                                                                                                                       Customs Dec API only)
                        activity prior to migration.               Available 24/7 to all subscribed declarants. To
                                                                                                                     • Simulated controls, quota, immediate payments
                                                                   be supported by CDS Live Services during
                        Code in TDR matches Production.            open TDR / migration (TBC)

                                                                                                                                            Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   57
External Test Phases
After receiving access to CDS technical specifications and business documentation, developers (SWHs, CSPs, FPOs, and traders with in-house capabilities) use
Trade Test to assure their software integration against CDS APIs and a CDS back-end for all core declaration processes and notification types.
Once software is “declarant-ready”, Trader Dress Rehearsal (TDR) is used to expose all actors in the supply chain to declaration processing in CDS as part of their
final assurance activity prior to migration to CDS. Multiple declarants using the same software package may go through separate TDR and migration phases.
Enhanced support will be provided during Trader Dress Rehearsal for the first declarant migrated to CDS for each developer or CSP.

                                                                         Development        Test
                                                              & Design

                                                                           Trade Test                       Declarant-
              Declarant 3 Declarant 2 Declarant 1

                                                                                                                         TDR Declarant 1               Migrates

                                                                          Prepare for CDS                                    TDR Declarant 2                       Migrates

                                                                                                                                         TDR Declarant 3                       Migrates

                                                                                                                                   Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking      58
Trade Test Service: Purpose and Principles
Purpose: Trade Test is an HMRC functional test platform where 3rd party developers (SWHs, CSPs, FPOs, and traders with in-house capabilities) can assure their
software integration against CDS APIs and a CDS back-end for all core declaration processes and notification types.

1. The scope of the Trade Test service is one release ahead of Production or aligned with Production depending on the delivery lifecycle. Functionality is
     typically delivered into Trade Test a week before Production.
2. Trade Test is not to be used by declarants. The service targets developers building applications to integrate with CDS. Developers should test all declaration
     processing scenarios and notifications for CDS and be able to fully assure their integration with CDS through the Trade Test service.
3. Trade Test is the CDS equivalent of CHIEF HMUT. There are no plans to decommission the Trade Test environment and the capabilities offered will become
     part of the ongoing CDS Live Service, providing a platform for assurance on any future fix or enhancement to CDS.
4. Trade Test uses Production-equivalent applications as much as possible for both Imports and Exports processing, but some components may be stubbed or
     particular scenarios may be limited for business or technical reasons.
5. Intervention by HMRC users should not be required to support BAU declaration processing and testing in Trade Test.
6. No live party or deferment account data should be used in Trade Test.
7. Full performance and throughput analysis should not be conducted in Trade Test (e.g. to break point). The Trade Test environment has not been configured
     and sized to the same standard as a Production environment. For technical reasons any measured or perceived levels of system performance should not be
     expected to be matched in the final Production system. The speed at which Trade Test processes declarations is controlled and delays may be experienced
     during peak use. Please contact HMRC for specific analysis requirements.
8. Automated testing and testing of legitimate business volume scenarios are supported in Trade Test.
9. Open and continual access to the service will be available to validated developers that have been whitelisted to the Trade Test APIs.
10. Trade Test is supported Monday to Friday (9am – 5pm), excluding UK bank holidays, but service is available through the environment 24/7.
11. Developers should complete integration testing for all core customer processes in Trade Test before proceeding to TDR or migration to CDS.

                                                                                                                                Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   59
Trader Dress Rehearsal Service: Purpose & Principles
Purpose: Trader Dress Rehearsal is the HMRC platform targeting the trader / declarant community. It is used to expose all actors in the supply chain to
declaration processing in CDS as part of their final assurance activity prior to migration to CDS.

1. Scope of the Trader Dress Rehearsal service to always aligned to Production. Functionality is typically delivered into TDR the day after a Production
2. Trader Dress Rehearsal is not intended for functional testing (e.g. by developers). Declarants should use Trader Dress Rehearsal to assure their
     declaration processing scenarios prior to CDS migration using their own party and deferment data.
3. Trader Dress Rehearsal is not a replacement for CHIEF Live Training but provides an open and usable service to support transition to CDS. It is funded as
     a finite service, currently planned to end once migration to CDS is complete.
4. Trader Dress Rehearsal uses Production-equivalent applications as much as possible for both Imports and Exports processing, but some components
     may be stubbed or particular scenarios may be limited for business or technical reasons.
5. Intervention by HMRC users should not be required to support BAU declaration processing and testing in Trader Dress Rehearsal.
6. Real party and deferment account data will be used to allow declarants to “dress rehearse” using their own information. Data will be handled using the
     same access security controls as Production to ensure confidentiality of data.
7. Full performance and throughput analysis should not be conducted in Trader Dress Rehearsal (e.g. to break point). The Trader Dress Rehearsal
     environment has not been configured and sized to the same standard as a Production environment. For technical reasons any measured or perceived
     levels of system performance should not be expected to be matched in the final Production system. The speed at which Trader Dress Rehearsal
     processes declarations is controlled and delays may be experienced during peak use. Please contact HMRC for specific analysis requirements.
8. Automated testing and testing of legitimate business volume scenarios are supported in Trader Dress Rehearsal.
9. Open and continual access will be available to “legitimate” declarants (with EORIs) that are already subscribed to CDS for the duration of each declarant’s
     Trader Dress Rehearsal period, which extends for up to 4 weeks after migration (Note: not currently enabled).
10. Enhanced support will be provided for the first declarant migrated to CDS for each developer or CSP. For other customers, Trader Dress Rehearsal will be
     supported Monday to Friday (9am – 5pm), excluding UK bank holidays, but service will be available 24/7.
11. Developers should complete functional integration testing for all core customer processes in Trade Test prior to TDR. Declarants should have completed
     sufficient testing in Trader Dress Rehearsal to be confident in all major declaration processes prior to submission in Production.
                                                                                                                               Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   60
Migration Update

Nicholas Swaffer / Phillip Le Quesne

                                       Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   61
Migration session


         Exports Migration Actors and Phasing
         Implications of phase one on development,
         testing and rollout

         Snapshot - Dual Running for export migration
         Explanation of what that means for migration and

         Imports - frontiers update

Exports Migration Actors and Phasing
                Phase 1                                   Phase 1
               Entry gate                                 Exit gate
                                                          Phase 2                              Phase 2
                                                         Entry Gate                           Entry Gate
Pre Phase 1                       Phase 1                                    Phase 2

CSP Readiness                   CSP Migration

 CSP Testing                        Migrate                       Proving
  /proving                          Loaders
                              DEP, Consolidators
                                                                 SWDs &
   Loader                          Air Sheds
  readiness                                                       Prove           Migration
                                   Migration       Proving
                                   Planning        Phase 2       Process
 SWD and
 movement                          Phase 2         Testing
  testing                                          Phase 2
  Roll out
Snapshot - Dual Running for export migration
                 Currently                                          Phase 1                                                  Phase 2
 •      All movement messages submitted to        •     Movement messages start to be migrated                •     All movement messages submitted to CDA
        CHIEF                                           to CDA                                                •     Declarations start to migrate to CDS
 •      All declarations submitted to CHIEF       •     All declarations submitted to CHIEF

                CSP/Loader                                           CSP/Loader                                                  CSP/Loader

                                                            Migration to CDA



                    CDA                                                        CDA                                                    CDA

                                                                                                                                  Migration to CDS

    CHIEF                            CDS                 CHIEF                            CDS                        CHIEF                               CDS
 Declarations                    Declarations         Declarations                    Declarations                Declarations                       Declarations
    100%                             0%                  100%                             0%                          50%                                50%

                                                • Key phase of CSP migration where community readiness      • Declarants will initially be managed across to CDS,
                                                  of loaders, DEPS, SHEDs and consolidators needs to have     reducing volumes on CHIEF.
       Movement Messages                          been completed before exit to phase 2                     • True open migration may only occur once in phase two
                                                                                                              when all CSPs have migrated to CDS.
Imports update
General discussion

                     Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   65
CDS Performance Update

Dougie Mackenzie – Volumetrics Lead, CDS Performance, CDIO

January 2020

                                                      Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   66

  If CDS can handle submissions of 10 declarations per second (DPS) at a 5 second response
  time, then we can meet the priority 1 declaration SLAs as agreed with the business for
  March 2020

  If CDS can handle submissions of 14 declarations per second (DPS) at a 5 second
  response time, then we can meet all prioritised declaration SLAs as agreed with the
  business for March 2020

                                                                       Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   67
  CDS Major Performance Milestones

              Dec                                       Enhanced and
                                                       Prioritised Queue
                                     14 declarations
                                       per second

                8 declarations
                 per second
                                      99 Line Item               Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   68

The Context
      The “throttle” and “declaration optimisation service”

The solution diagram illustrates the flow of our volume                                                     This priority overflow queue (or “expired queue”) will hold
of declarations and messages through queues and                            Priority                         items which have exceeded the maximum queue length for
solution components                                                       Overflow                          medium and low priority declarations / messages.
                                                                          Queue*                            In the instance where the overflow queue is populated the
                                                                                                            declaration optimisation service will pull messages from the
                                                                           Expired items
                                                                                                            overflow queue and the high priority queue at a 50/50 ratio
                                                  High                                                      until the overflow queue is empty
                                                                                           Mix of H priority /
                                           Max queue length set to 60s
                                                                                           Overflow items                             This queue is built with a 2x throttle capacity,
                                                                                                                                      which may result in an additional 2 second delay to
                                                Medium                                                                                high priority declarations

   MDTP                    MDG                  Priority
                                                Queue                                      Declaration
                                           Max queue length set to 60m                     Optimisation
Note: Arrows represent logical flow of           Queue                                                                    Throttled
declarations and messages through the      Max queue length set to 3hrs                                                                                                           DMS
system and do not represent whether
system is pushing or pulling information
between components                                                                                                                            Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   69
The Context
     How the prioritisation works

                                                                                            Scenario 1
                                                                                            (Total number messages) =< (Intermediate Queue length)
                                                                                            The total messages on all queues is less than the Intermediate queue length.
                                                                                            All messages will be transferred onto the Intermediate queue.

 Scenario 2
(Total number of messages) > (Intermediate Queue length) AND (Length P1 Queue +
Expired Queue Length) =< (Intermediate Queue length)                                                       P1               P2               P3             Expired Queue
The total messages on all queues is greater than the hopper queue length. All P1 and
expired messages can fit on the Hopper queue
All messages from P1 queue and expired queue are transferred to the Intermediate queue
If the hopper queue still has availability, transfer any available messages from P2 queue
onto Intermediate queue
If the hopper queue still has availability, transfer any available messages from P3 queue
onto Intermediate queue

                                                                                            Scenario 3
                                                                                            (Total number of messages) > (Intermediate Queue length) AND (Length P1 Queue +
         P1              P2             P3            Expired Queue
                                                                                            Expired Queue Length) > (Intermediate Queue length)
                                                                                            The total messages on all queues is greater than the Intermediate queue length. Not all P1
                                                                                            and expired messages can fit on the Hopper queue
                                                                                            The Intermediate queue should be filled with half messages from the P1 queue and half
                                                                                            messages from the expired queue. Giving the P1 queue and the expired queue messages
                                                                                            equal priority.                                   Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking 70
All results indicative

Agreed Prioritisation, SLAs & Associated Volumes
  2018 CHIEF Priority Declaration and Message Volumes for MVP
                                         Imports /   Declaration /                                   Priority
      Priority           SLAs                                            Volumes      Contributio                  Priority %
                                          Exports    Message Type                                    Volumes

                                                     GPNs (Arrivals)      5,184,800     7.50%
                                                     Frontier (stand-
                                          Import                                -       0.00%
                                                     Amendments /                                                                       The volume of Frontier standalone declarations is
                 95% processed in 5s                                       427,072      0.62%                                           being investigated but at this stage they are all
       High      99% processed in 20s                                                               16,121,365      22.99%              being modelled as a pre-lodge and a GPN as a
                 100% processed in 65s               GPNs (Arrivals)    10,396,348      13.54%                                          worst case scenario
                                                     Frontier (stand-
                                          Export                                -       1.50%
                                                     Amendments /
                                                                           113,145      0.16%
                 90% processed in 5m      Import       Pre-lodged         5,184,800     7.50%
      Medium     95% processed in 10m                                                               15,581,148      22.22%
                 100% processed in 1hr    Export       Pre-lodged       10,396,348      13.54%

                 45% processed in 1hr     Import     Supplementary      37,510,094      54.30%
       Low       92% processed in 2hr                                                               38,428,222      54.80%
                 100% processed in 3hr    Export     Supplementary         918,128      1.33%
                                                                                                                                        NB: this prioritisation will be revisited
                                                                        70,130,735*                                                                 following MVP

                                                                                                                                              Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   71
                                                                            *Total equates to c.55m declarations
All results indicative

The Results of 2018 CHIEF Analysis
       Modelling the Throttle for P1 declarations and messages

1) It is assumed that high priority Declarations are prioritised
2) The results are based on minute by minute total declaration data 2018
3) The analysis only indicates when high priority declarations don’t queue for longer than a minute, there may be spikes within the minute that queue
    declarations to the next second(s) – and therefore, we advise applying an uplift to understand when queues are below 20 seconds or 5 seconds etc.

                     Top 5 Peaks - Sep 18 min data
 DPM                                                                         Results impact on High Priority declarations and messages
                                                                             The analysis of P1 declarations show that if the declaration per minute
 450                   437     437
                                                                             capacity is greater that 440 then the P1 declarations will not queue. This
 400                                             356
               330                                                           equates to 7.3dps
 350     318                                           310      average
 300                                                            median
                                                                st dev       Analysing these numbers against the peak P1 declaration minutes across
                                                                             the whole of 2018, there is 1 instance where 10dps is not sufficient to
 150                                                                         keep the queue less than 1 minute, so this is an outlier.
 100                                                            min
                                                                             A 10dps minimum requirement for P1 declarations is suggested
        -3     -2       -1   Peak    1       2         3

                                                                                                                               Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   72
All results indicative

The Results of 2018 CHIEF Analysis
     Modelling the Throttle on P3 declarations

1) The results are based on hour by hour total declaration data for the whole of 2018
2) The analysis only indicates when P3 declarations queue for hour long periods (we know from the previous slide that at 10dps and higher there will be
    no queue for P1 declarations)
3) All P2 declarations are queued within the hour at both 10dps and 14dps

                                                       10 dps                                                                              14 dps
                    P3 RATIO: Results - Hours                                              #        %   P3 RATIO: Results - Hours                                              #            %
                    Total 2018 volumes                                            38,428,222      N/A   Total 2018 volumes                                            38,428,222          N/A
                    Total volume of declarations processed without being queued   12,011,057   31.26%   Total volume of declarations processed without being queued   22,048,298       57.38%
                    Total volume of queued declarations                           26,417,165   68.74%   Total volume of queued declarations                           16,379,924       42.62%
                    1 ≤ t < 2 hours                                               13,982,298   36.39%   1 ≤ t < 2 hours                                               15,866,016       41.29%
                    2 ≤ t < 3 hours                                               10,373,151   26.99%   2 ≤ t < 3 hours                                                  513,908        1.34%
                    3 ≤ t < 4 hours                                                2,061,716    5.37%   3 ≤ t < 4 hours                                                        0        0.00%
                    4 ≤ t < 5 hours                                                        0    0.00%   4 ≤ t < 5 hours                                                        0        0.00%
                    5 ≤ t < 6 hours                                                        0    0.00%   5 ≤ t < 6 hours                                                        0        0.00%
                    6 ≤ t < 7 hours                                                        0    0.00%   6 ≤ t < 7 hours                                                        0        0.00%
                    7 ≤ t < 8 hours                                                        0    0.00%   7 ≤ t < 8 hours                                                        0        0.00%
                    8 ≤ t < 9 hours                                                        0    0.00%   8 ≤ t < 9 hours                                                        0        0.00%
                    9 ≤ t < 10 hours                                                       0    0.00%   9 ≤ t < 10 hours                                                       0        0.00%
                    10 ≤ t hours                                                           0    0.00%   10 ≤ t hours                                                           0        0.00%
                    Max queue time (hours)                                              4.00   68.74%   Max queue time (hours)                                              3.00       42.62%

                    At 10 dps it is forecast that 5.4% of supplementary declarations (low priority) will go into the “priority overflow queue”.
                                                   At 14 dps all declaration types are forecast to meet their SLAs
                                                                                                                                                                       Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   73

      Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking   74
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