Deposits of disease-associated alpha-synuclein may be present in the dura mater in Lewy body disorders: implications for potential inadvertent ...

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Deposits of disease-associated alpha-synuclein may be present in the dura mater in Lewy body disorders: implications for potential inadvertent ...
Free Neuropathology 1:6 (2020)                                                                                                                                                    Ellen Gelpi et al
doi:                                                                                                                             page 1 of 9

                                                                                                                                                                    Original Paper

Deposits of disease-associated alpha-synuclein may be present in
the dura mater in Lewy body disorders: implications for potential
inadvertent transmission by surgery

Ellen Gelpi MD1,2, Naomi P. Visanji PhD3, Selma Hönigschnabl MD4, Angelika Reiner MD4, Peter Fischer
MD5, Anthony E. Lang MD3, Herbert Budka MD1, Gabor G. Kovacs MD3,6,7
    Division of Neuropathology and Neurochemistry, Department of Neurology, Medical University of Vienna,
    Vienna, Austria
    Neurological Tissue Bank of the Biobanc-Hospital Clinic-IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain
    Edmond J. Safra Program in Parkinson’s Disease and the Morton and Gloria Shulman Movement Disorders
    Clinic, Toronto Western Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Institute of Pathology, Danube Hospital of Vienna, Austria
    Department of Psychiatry, Medical Research Society Vienna D.C., Danube Hospital, Vienna, Austria
    Laboratory Medicine Program & Krembil Brain Institute, University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada;
    Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology and Tanz Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative
    Disease, University of Toronto

Corresponding author:
Professor Gabor G Kovacs MD PhD FRCPC · Laboratory Medicine Program · Toronto General Hospital · University Health Network · 200
Elizabeth Street · Toronto ON · Canada · M5G 2C4

Submitted: 09 January 2020                                                     Accepted: 06 February 2020                                                     Published: 12 February 2020


Deposition of alpha-synuclein in the brain is a hallmark of Lewy body disorders. Alpha-synuclein has been con-
sidered to show prion-like properties. Prion diseases can be transmitted by the transplantation of cadaveric
dura mater causing iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Recent observations of amyloid-β deposition in dural
grafts support the seeding properties of amyloid-β. Here we assessed the presence of alpha-synuclein in dura
mater samples as a potential transmissible seed source. We immunostained 32 postmortem dura mater sam-
ples; 16 cases with Lewy-body disorder (LBD) showing different pathology stages and 16 non-LBD cases for
phosphorylated (Ser129) and disease-associated (5G4) alpha-synuclein. Disease-associated alpha-synuclein
aggregates were identified in intradural nerve fibres and associated with a vessel in a single LBD-Braak stage 4
case. We conclude that alpha-synuclein is detectable, although rarely, in dura mater samples in patients with
LBD. The risk of potential transmissibility of dural alpha-synuclein deserves assessment by complementary ex-
perimental studies.

Keywords: Alpha-synuclein; Dura mater; Lymphatic drainage; Prion; Propagation; Transmission

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Deposits of disease-associated alpha-synuclein may be present in the dura mater in Lewy body disorders: implications for potential inadvertent ...
Free Neuropathology 1:6 (2020)                                                                            Ellen Gelpi et al
doi:                                                     page 2 of 9

Introduction                                                   we assessed human postmortem dura mater samples,
                                                               some of which have been previously shown to harbor Aβ
                                                               deposits (7), for the presence of alpha-synuclein aggre-
     Neurodegenerative diseases are considered pro-
                                                               gates, which may represent seeds with the potential of
tein-misfolding disorders. As described in prion diseases,
                                                               propagating further synucleinopathy.
the host physiological protein adopts an abnormal con-
formation (seed), capable of inducing misfolding and
aggregation of the neighboring molecules (e.g. for prion
                                                               Material and methods
protein: the physiological PrP converting to disease-
               Sc        Sc                    C
associated PrP , and PrP recruiting more PrP ). In prion
                                                                     Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded postmor-
disease, strong clinical, epidemiological and experi-
                                                               tem tissue samples of the dura mater from the left tem-
mental evidence has demonstrated human and inter-
                                 Sc                            poral and posterior region as well as cross-sections from
species transmissibility of PrP (1). For several other
                                                               the area of the superior sagittal sinus and confluence of
proteins associated with neurodegenerative conditions,
                                                               sinuses (7), were cut into 5-micrometer thick sections.
such as Amyloid-β (Aβ), Tau, alpha-synuclein, and TAR
                                                               This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the
DNA binding protein (TDP-43), properties similar to
                                                               Medical University of Vienna.
those of PrP have been shown predominantly in an ex-
perimental setting (2).                                               Brains were previously evaluated neuropathologi-
                                                               cally and a final primary diagnosis and concomitant pa-
       The potential of Aβ peptides to be transmitted be-
                                                               thologies were recorded. Fixation time of dura mater
tween humans has been a topic of great interest for
                                                               samples ranged from 3 to 10 years. Immunohistochemis-
public health. Young adults with iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-
                                                               try of the dura mater samples was performed on an
Jakob-Disease (CJD) following cadaveric pituitary-derived
                                                               automated immunostainer (DAKO Autostainer Link 48,
growth hormone in childhood were found to have Aβ
                                                               Glostrup, Denmark) using two different anti-alpha-
deposits in the brain parenchyma and blood vessels (3,
                                                               synuclein antibodies: clone 5G4 (1:4000), Roboscreen,
5, 6), as well as in iatrogenic CJD after dura grafting (4).
                                                               Leipzig, Germany; specific for disease-associated forms
Two studies have reported the presence of Aβ deposits
                                                               and the phospho-specific anti-alpha-synuclein phos-
in dura mater samples of postmortem brains of patients
                                                               phorylated at serine 129 (Wako) (1:2000). In addition,
with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other neurodegenera-
                                                               we performed immunohistochemical staining to depict
tive pathologies (7, 8). Additionally, neurosurgical pro-
                                                               the nerve fibres within the connective tissue of the dura
cedures and dural grafting during childhood or teenage
                                                               mater: anti-neurofilament protein (NFP), clone 2F11
years have been related to increased cerebral amyloid
                                                               (1:800), DAKO; PGP 9.5 (1:100), DAKO, rabbit polyclonal;
angiopathy (CAA) decades later (9, 10). These findings
                                                               anti-tyrosine hydroxylase, clone 1B5 (1:200), Novocas-
indicate that dura mater grafts could be also a source of
                                                               tra, Newcastle, UK; and anti-phosphorylated neurofila-
Aβ seeds capable of inducing the aggregation of Aβ in
                                                               ments, clone SMI31 (1:5000), former Covance Research
the CNS of the graft recipients.
                                                               Products, Princeton, NJ, USA, and for blood and lym-
      Lewy-body disorders (LBD) and multiple system at-        phatic vascular endothelia (anti-CD34, clone QBEnd/10
rophy (MSA) are characterized by the accumulation of           (1:100), Novocastra; and podoplanin (1:3000), rabbit
alpha-synuclein. A growing body of experimental evi-           polyclonal). DAKO Flex system (peroxidase/DAB) was
dence supports prion-like propagation in alpha-                used for visualization of antibody reactions. Samples
synucleinopathies (11-13). Observations in a small num-        were assessed blind to the neuropathological diagnosis.
ber of subjects with Parkinson`s disease (PD) treated          The presence or absence of each specific immunoreac-
with fetal mesencephalic dopaminergic grafts in the            tivity was recorded. In addition, double immunofluores-
striatum, who years later were found to have alpha-            cence combining PGP 9.5 and 5G4 antibodies and im-
synuclein positive LBs in grafted neurons, first suggested     munofluorescence staining with NFP and 5G4 on adja-
the potential of alpha-synuclein propagation from host         cent tissue sections was performed in one selected case.
to graft cells (14, 15). While experimental studies have
also successfully demonstrated the transmission poten-
tial of MSA alpha-synuclein in genetically modified            Results
mouse models (16), observations in humans argue
against a human-to-human iatrogenic transmission of                 We analyzed postmortem dura mater samples
MSA and PD (17). Given the potential implications for          from 32 donors (50% females) aged between 84 and 87
public health, we posit that thorough assessment of the        years (mean 84.9) from the Vienna Transdanube Aging
potential transmissibility of all neurodegenerative pro-       (VITA) Study (19).
teinopathies is essential (18). Therefore, in this study,
Deposits of disease-associated alpha-synuclein may be present in the dura mater in Lewy body disorders: implications for potential inadvertent ...
Free Neuropathology 1:6 (2020)                                                                                                  Ellen Gelpi et al
doi:                                                                           page 3 of 9

                                                               •   Synuclein pathology
                        Synuclein                                                        Additional neuro-       Synuclein
 Case                                                              in the CNS                                                   Abeta patches
        Age   Gender      CNS           Clinical diagnosis                               pathological find-       in dura
  no.                                                          •   Synuclein pathology                                             in dura
                       (1 yes/ 0 no)                                                            ings           (no.of nerves)
                                                                   in DMNV/vagus nerve

                                                               •   LBD stage 6                                   negative
   1     84   female        1                   PD                                       AD-NP: A2, B2, C2                         negative
                                                               •   positive                                      (0/n.e.)

                                                               •   amygdala predomi-
   2     85   female        1          vascular risk factors       nant LBD              AD-NP: A3, B3, C3                         negative
                                                               •   negative

                                                               •   LBD stage 3                                   negative
   3     84    male         1          vascular risk factors                               PART def + CAA                          negative
                                                               •   positive                                       (0/45)

                                                               •   amygdala predomi-
                                                                                         AD-NP: A3, B2, C3 +     negative
   4     84    male         1                 none                 nant LBD                                                        negative
                                                                                              AGD II              (0/36)
                                                               •   negative

                                                               •   amygdala predomi-
                                                                                         AD-NP: A3, B3, C3 +     negative
   5     85    male         1           stroke, dementia           nant LBD                                                        POSITIVE
                                                                                         CAA + limbic TDP43       (0/18)
                                                               •   negative

                                                               •   LBD stage 2           AD-NP: A1, B2, C1 +     negative
   6     85   female        1          vascular risk factors                                                                       negative
                                                               •   positive                 AGD II + SVD          (0/28)

                                                               •   amygdala predomi-
                                         stroke, vascular                                AD -NP: A3, B3, C3      negative
   7     86   female        1                                      nant LBD                                                        negative
                                             epilepsy                                    + HS-TDP43 + SVD         (0/7)
                                                               •   negative

                                       dementia, vascular      •   LBD stage 4           AD-NP: A2, B2, C2 +     negative
   8     86   female        1                                                                                                      negative
                                          risk factors         •   positive                     CAA               (0/12)

                                       ischaemic cardiomy-     •   amygdala predomi-
   9     84    male         1             opathy, AD type          nant LBD              AD-NP: A3, B3, C3                         negative
                                             dementia          •   negative

                                        PD, dementia, vas-
                                                               •   LBD stage 5            AD-NP: A2, B2, C1      negative
  10     82    male         1          cular leucoencepha-                                                                         negative
                                                               •   positive                  + vascular           (0/7)

                                                               •   LBD stage 1           AD-NP: A2, B2, C2 +     negative
  11     83    male         1          stroke, hypertension                                                                        negative
                                                               •   positive mild         mild CAA + vascular      (0/10)

                                         lung carcinoma,
                                        ischaemic and re-      •   LBD stage 4           AD-NP: A2, B1, C1 +     POSITIVE
  12     85    male         1                                                                                                      negative
                                       strictive cardiomyo-    •   positive                  vascular             (9/28)

                                        AD type dementia,      •   MSA                   MSA + AD-NP: A3,
  13     84   female        1          invasive colon carci-   •   Negative, GCI in wm    B3, C3 + CAA +                           POSITIVE
                                              noma                 tracts                  TDP43 limbic

                                                                                         AD-NP: A2, B1, C2 +
                                         metastatic colon      •   LBD stage 4                                   negative
  14     85   female        1                                                            complex tauopathy                         POSITIVE
                                           carcinoma           •   positive                                       (0/19)
                                                                                            + TDP limbic

                                        dementia with psy-
                                                               •   amygdala predomi-
                                       chiatric alterations,                             FTLD-TDP43 type C       negative
  15     86   female        1                                      nant LBD                                                        negative
                                       oesophagus carcino-                               + AD-NP: A1, B1, C1      (0/33)
                                                               •   positive mild

                                        stroke, ischaemic      •   LBD stage 4                                   negative
  16     84    male         1                                                              PART def + CAA                          negative
                                         cardiomyopathy        •   positive                                       (0/44)
Free Neuropathology 1:6 (2020)                                                                                                     Ellen Gelpi et al
doi:                                                                              page 4 of 9

                          Synuclein                              •   Synuclein pathology
 Case                        CNS                                     in the CNS            Additional neuropa-                     Abeta patches
         Age   Gender                   Clinical diagnosis                                                           in dura
  no.                     (1 yes/ 0                              •   Synuclein pathology    thological findings                       in dura
                                                                                                                  (no.of nerves)
                             no)                                     in DMNV/vagus nerve

                                       dementia, ischaemic
                                         cardiomyopathy,                                                            negative
  17     84     female       0                                              0               AD-NP: A3, B3, C3                         negative
                                       vascular risk factors,                                                        (0/42)
                                         renal carcinoma

                                         COPD, empyema,
  18     84     male         0        respiratory insufficien-              0               AD-NP: A3, B2, C3                         negative
                                      cy, abd skin melanoma

                                       generalized arterio-
  19     86     female       0         sclerosis, dilatative                0               AD-NP: A2, B2, C2                         negative

                                       brain contusion after
                                         fall, pneumonia,                                  AD-NP: A3, B2, C2 +      negative
  20     85     female       0                                              0                                                         negative
                                      ischaemic cardiomyo-                                  CAA + HS-TDP43           (0/12)

                                       dementia, parkinso-
                                                                                           AD-NP: A3, B3, C3 +      negative
  21     85     female       0         nism, thyroid carci-                 0                                                         negative
                                                                                                  CAA                (0/6)
                                        noma, pneumonia

                                      ischaemic cardiomyo-
                                                                                           AD-NP: A3, B3, C3 +      negative
  22     87     male         0        pathy, cardiac insuffi-               0                                                         negative
                                                                                                  CAA                (0/17)

                                       hypertension, diabe-                                AD-NP: A2, B1, C2 +      negative
  23     86     male         0                                              0                                                         negative
                                         tes, fall with hip                                    vascular              (0/8)

                                      pancreas adenocarci-                                                          negative
  24     86     male         0                                              0                      CBD                                negative
                                             noma                                                                    (0/50)

                                      parkinsonism vs PD,
                                      diabetes, hypertensi-                                PSP + AD-NP: A2, B2,     negative
  25     86     female       0                                              0                                                         POSITIVE
                                      on, dilatative cardio-                                     C2 + CAA            (0/67)

                                      dementia, pacemaker,
                                                                                           AD-NP: A2, B2, C2 +      negative
  26     86     female       0         hypertension, breast                 0                                                         POSITIVE
                                                                                                AGD II               (0/20)

                                         COPD, dilatative                                  AD-NP: A2, B2, C2 +      negative
  27     84     male         0                                              0                                                         negative
                                         cardiomyopathy                                    mild CAA + vascular       (0/47)

                                      ischaemic cardiomyo-
                                                                                           AD-NP: A2, B2, C2 +      negative
  28     85     male         0           pathy, diabetes,                   0                                                         POSITIVE
                                                                                              CAA + AGD I           (0/n.e.)

                                         metastatic gastric
                                                                                           AD-NP: A3, B3, C3 +      negative
  29     85     female       0           adenocarcinoma,                    0                                                         POSITIVE
                                                                                                  CAA                (0/34)
                                      diabetes, hypertension

                                       dementia, diabetes,                                 AD-NP: A3, B2, C2 +      negative
  30     87     male         0                                              0                                                         negative
                                         hypertension                                         CAA + AGD II          (0/n.e.)

                                        AD type dementia,                                  AD-NP: A2, B2, C2 +      negative
  31     87     female       0                                              0                                                         POSITIVE
                                      diabetes, nephropathy                                    mild CAA              (0/38)

                                      COPD, cardiomyopa-
                                      thy, traumatic spinal                                AD-NP: A3, B3, C3 +      negative
  32     83     male         0                                              0                                                         negative
                                      cord injury, pneumo-                                 CAA + limbic TDP43        (0/54)

Table 1: Demographic and neuropathological features of the study cohort

Abbreviations: AD: Alzheimer’s disease; PD: Parkinson’s disease; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; AD-NP: Alzheimer’s
disease neuropathological changes; CAA: cerebral amyloid angiopathy; AgD: argyrophilic grain disease; HS: hippocampal sclerosis;
PART: primary age-related tauopathy; SVD: small vessel disease; CBD: corticobasal degeneration. n.a.: not available; n.e.: not evaluable
due to unsteady immunoreactivity
Free Neuropathology 1:6 (2020)                                                                                             Ellen Gelpi et al
doi:                                                                      page 5 of 9

      These cases were analyzed in a previous study for                   distribution: large nerves surrounding large vessels (Fig.
the presence of Aβ deposits Neuropathological diagno-                     1A, B) or smaller nerve branches in between both dura
ses included 16 cases with alpha-synuclein pathology                      layers (Fig. 1C, D). ). These patterns were also observed
(Table 1; six cases with amygdala predominant Lewy                        by immunofluorescence (Fig. 2). No immunoreactivity
body pathology, one MSA case, single cases of Braak                       for tyrosine-hydroxylase could be detected. CD34 and
stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, stage 5 and stage 6, and four                  podoplanin also gave negative results.
cases with Braak stage 4 of PD-related pathology) (20);
and 16 cases without LB pathology but other neuropa-                           Detailed immunohistochemical analysis of dura
thological conditions. Nerve fibers were detected mainly                  samples identified pathological alpha-synuclein aggre-
by NFP immunohistochemistry in all cases in variable                      gates with the 5G4 antibody in one case.

Figure 1: A-D: Histologic appearance of dura mater consisting of two lamellae of connective tissue. Within the connective tissue there
are large and small vessels, which are surrounded by nerve fibres (A-D, neurofilament immunohistochemistry). Nerve fibres are also
identified between the lamellae and within the connective tissue (arrows). E-I: Immunohistochemistry for phosphorylated alpha-
synuclein at serine 129 and for oligomeric forms with the 5G4 antibody did not show abnormal alpha-synuclein aggregates in most of
the studied cases (Fig. 1E, F). In one case (case #12 table 1), coarse (G) and punctate (H) aggregates within nerve fibres and perivascular
(I) aggregates were identified with the 5G4 antibody.
Free Neuropathology 1:6 (2020)                                                                                        Ellen Gelpi et al
doi:                                                                 page 6 of 9

      These aggregates consisted of small punctate de-                 coronary disease with severe and generalized athero-
posits along nerve fibres (Fig. 1H, 2B, D), coarse aggre-              sclerosis, an old myocardial infarction, as well as pulmo-
gates (Fig. 1G, 2F) and perivascular deposits (Fig. 1I, 2A).           nary adenocarcinoma. No parkinsonism or dementia
We observed a variable staining intensity of axons                     were clinically reported. Neuropathological examination
among the different cases and also within the same                     revealed a vascular encephalopathy and Braak stage 4
case, which was not related to the presence/absence of                 Lewy-body pathology, with only mild neurofibrillary
alpha-synuclein. This variability might have been related              pathology in the limbic system and mild neuritic plaque /
to the fixation time or tissue quality, among other po-                Aβ pathology (Table 1, case 12). In the remaining cases
tential variables, so we could not reliably assess axonal              included in our study, with or without CNS Lewy body
preservation in the patient with alpha-synuclein aggre-                pathology, there was a complete lack of alpha-synuclein
gates. We found no tortuous axonal profiles or axonal                  immunoreactivity in dural samples applying both anti-
swellings. This individual was an 85-year-old male with                bodies.

Figure 2: Immunofluorescence images
A, B: Double immunofluorescence for PGP 9.5 depicts delicate perivascular fibres (red) which focally also accumulate alpha-synuclein
(5G4, green). Other regions show nerve fascicles with variable density of axonal profiles: some have abundant axons (B, PGP 9.5, red)
and show only tiny alpha-synuclein accumulations (5G4, green, white arrow). C-F: In adjacent tissue sections some nerve fascicles have
only few axons (C, NFP) while others show an intermediate density of axons (E, NFP red) with relatively abundant and coarse alpha-
synuclein aggregates (F, 5G4).
Free Neuropathology 1:6 (2020)                                                                            Ellen Gelpi et al
doi:                                                     page 7 of 9

                                                                     The dura mater is thoroughly innervated by affer-
Discussion                                                    ent fibres arising from the ipsilateral trigeminal ganglion
                                                              and nerve (including its ophthalmic, maxillary and man-
      In this study, we found alpha-synuclein aggregates      dibular divisions) and by sympathetic fibres arising from
in dura mater samples from one patient with Lewy-body         the ipsilateral superior cervical ganglion. The posterior
pathology (Braak stage 4) (20). Alpha-synuclein aggre-        cranial fossa dura mater receives sensory meningeal
gates were not identified in the dura mater of 31 other       branches from the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves.
cases with different stages of LBD or in other neuro-         The sympathetic ganglion is upstream from the stellate
degenerative conditions. These findings might have            ganglion, which has been shown to harbor prominent
implications for public health as well as for the under-      alpha-synuclein or Lewy-type pathology in postmortem
standing of alpha-synuclein propagation.                      studies of patients with PD and dementia with Lewy
                                                              bodies (23, 24), along with the dorsal motor nucleus of
       Concerning public health, individuals with symp-       the vagal nerve in the CNS (20). Therefore, it might be
tomatic or prodromal alpha-synucleinopathies may un-          reasonable to consider that these sympathetic and para-
dergo neurosurgical interventions contacting the dura         sympathetic fibres innervating the dura mater might also
mater (for example, the widespread use of deep brain          accumulate alpha-synuclein. Although in that particular
stimulation in PD). While there is still no epidemiological   case where we found alpha-synuclein in the dura mater,
evidence of human-to-human transmission of alpha-             we did not have the opportunity to stain the trigeminal
synuclein (17), the application of appropriate prevention     ganglion or nerve nor the stellate ganglion, we have
measures will be increasingly required if experimental        previously evaluated the trigeminus nerve using im-
studies strengthen evidence of the potential transmissi-      munostaining for alpha-synuclein. In that study we
bility of synucleinopathies. This further emphasizes the      found alpha-synuclein immunoreactivity in two out of
need for effective biomarkers for the early diagnosis of      four PD/LBD cases where a total of six trigeminal nerves
alpha-synuclein related diseases (21-24). Furthermore,        (in two cases both sides available) were examined (28).
there is a clear need for the detailed mapping of tissues     Alternatively, we have previously reported that the
that may harbor potential seeds. Indeed, with respect to      presence of lymphatic vessels in dura mater might be a
the present findings, since dura mater transplants are in     drainage route for molecules from the brain parenchyma
direct contact with brain tissues, they might provide an      in neurodegenerative disorders, including alpha-
increased potential to propagate seeds to the recipient’s     synuclein in LBD (25). Although we found discrete peri-
CNS.                                                          vascular alpha-synuclein aggregates in dura mater sam-
                                                              ples, we were not able to confirm whether these repre-
      Concerning protein propagation, the dura mater          sent lymphatic vessels, possibly due to the prolonged
has been a source of disease transmission in human            fixation time of this dura mater sample (>6 years), and
prion disease (1) and is also a source for Aβ seeds (9,       therefore this question deserves further study.
10). Recent studies support the notion that these seeds
are able to propagate pathological proteins, even with-             The present study has some limitations. First, as
out inducing the classical Alzheimer´s phenotype. How-        mentioned above, the dura mater samples were ob-
ever, they can lead to unexpectedly increased frequency       tained after a prolonged fixation time, which may influ-
of cerebral amyloid angiopathy and associated brain           ence immunohistochemical results, not only for CD34,
hemorrhages (9, 10).                                          podoplanin and TH, but for phospho-synuclein as well
                                                              (29). Therefore, the interpretation concerning the peri-
      Propagation of human alpha-synuclein has been           vascular association of alpha-synuclein aggregates needs
considered since the detection of alpha-synuclein aggre-      some caution. We could also not reliably assess axonal
gates in grafted fetal mesencephalic neurons in PD pa-        preservation in the case harboring alpha-synuclein ag-
tients (14, 15). This has subsequently been demonstrat-       gregates. The prolonged fixation also does not allow
ed in experimental studies (13) including inoculation of      complementary molecular/biochemical studies. While
human substantia nigra extracts containing Lewy bodies        the identification of characteristic pathological aggre-
into wild-type mice and macaque monkeys (26). In con-         gates of alpha-synuclein with only one antibody is limit-
trast, the inoculation of extracts of peripheral alpha-       ing, the 5G4 antibody has shown to be a robust marker
synuclein from the autonomic sympathetic stellate gan-        of early alpha-synuclein pathology, even in brains with
glion did not induce pathological conversion of endoge-       prolonged fixation time (30). Second, the level of patho-
nous alpha-synuclein, alpha-synuclein propagation, or         logical forms of alpha-synuclein detectable by conven-
neurodegeneration in mice (27). Thus, central and pe-         tional immunohistochemistry may be low. Moreover,
ripheral nervous system-related alpha-synuclein might         the analysis of the supratentorial, rather than the in-
have different propagation potential and therefore dif-       fratentorial dura could also have been a limiting factor
ferent transmissibility.
Free Neuropathology 1:6 (2020)                                                                                                    Ellen Gelpi et al
doi:                                                                             page 8 of 9

due to differences in their innervation; however, the                      supratentorial dura mater, here in a single patient with
supratentorial dura mater also receives sympathetic and                    Lewy-body-type alpha-synucleinopathy in the CNS. This
parasympathetic innervation, and thus could also be                        suggests propagation of alpha-synuclein from the brain
exposed to transport of misfolded proteins. The negative                   and may indicate that dura mater could be a potential
findings in the other LBD cases of the series might reflect                risk tissue for inadvertent transmission of alpha-
a sampling limitation, as it was not feasible to examine                   synuclein by dura mater grafts or surgery. Further exper-
the whole dura mater. Alternatively, the lack of staining                  imental and biochemical studies are needed to assess
could also reflect the diverse innervation of the dura and                 the risk of alpha-synuclein transmission via dura mater
different pathogenic capacities of central and peripheral                  and its relationship with human disease.
alpha-synuclein, or it could also indicate that the dura
mater is not a primary vulnerable region for alpha-                        Acknowledgements
synuclein aggregation and could be considered to be a                            We are grateful to Susi Schmid, Irene Ebner, Gerda
low risk tissue for the accumulation of potentially
                                                                           Ricken and Sigrid Klotz from the Division of Neuropa-
transmissible seeds. It must be emphasized that this
                                                                           thology and Neurochemistry, Department of Neurology,
study raises a potentially important issue but is unable
                                                                           Medical University of Vienna, for excellent technical
to provide a conclusion on the risk of transmission of                     support. We are indebted to brain donors and their
alpha-synuclein via dura mater grafts or neurosurgical
                                                                           family of the Vienna Transdanube Study (VITA) for gen-
procedures. This observation would ideally be comple-
                                                                           erous brain and sample donation for research.
mented by experimental studies using prospectively
collected freshly harvested, short fixed and frozen dura                        This work has been supported by the Bishop Karl
samples, including a larger cohort of patients of different                Golser Award to GGK.
age groups.

     Disease-associated alpha-synuclein is detectable by
conventional immunohistochemistry in postmortem

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