Page created by Ted Brady
How inclusion matters
May 2020
In the COVID-19 crisis, diversity and inclusion matter more than ever

For business executives the world over, the                         employees need to feel and perceive equality
COVID-19 pandemic is proving to be one of the                       and fairness of opportunity in their workplace.
greatest leadership tests of their careers. Not only                Companies that lead on diversity have taken bold
must they protect the health of their employees                     steps to strengthen inclusion.
and customers, they must also navigate far-
                                                                    Early signs suggest that the COVID-19 crisis could
reaching disruption to their operations, plan for
                                                                    deepen these trends. Companies that already
recovery, and prepare to reimagine their business
                                                                    see I&D as a strength are likely to leverage it to
models for the ‘next normal’.
                                                                    bounce back quicker—and they will use this time
In this challenging context, the task of fostering                  to seek new opportunities to boost representation
inclusion and diversity (I&D) could easily take a                   and inclusion to strengthen performance and
back seat—and the painstaking progress made                         organizational health. As the CEO of a European
by many firms in recent years could be reversed.                    consumer-goods company told us: “I know we have
As this report shows, however, I&D is a powerful                    to deal with COVID-19, but inclusion and diversity is
enabler of business performance. Companies                          a topic too important to put onto the back burner”.
whose leaders welcome diverse talents and include
                                                                    On the other hand, some of the companies we have
multiple perspectives are likely to emerge from the
                                                                    spoken to are viewing I&D as a “luxury we cannot
crisis stronger. In short: diversity wins, now more
                                                                    afford” during the crisis. We believe that these
than ever.
                                                                    companies risk tarnishing their license to operate
This report was originally due for release in                       in the long term and could lose out on very real
March 2020, but we put publication on hold as the                   opportunities to innovate their business model and
COVID-19 crisis ensued. Since then, in talking to                   strengthen their business recovery.
CEOs, CXOs and CHROs and assessing the radically
                                                                    If companies deprioritize I&D during the crisis,
changed business landscape, we have come to the
                                                                    the impact is felt not just on the bottom line but in
conclusion that its findings are even more relevant
                                                                    people’s lives. Research and experience warn us
right now.
                                                                    that diverse talent can be at risk during a downturn
The report demonstrates that the business case for                  for several reasons, including that downsizing can
gender and ethnic diversity in top teams is stronger                have a disproportionate impact on the roles typically
than ever. Since we first published Why Diversity                   held by diverse talent. 1, 2 As companies send
Matters in 2015, the likelihood of diverse companies                staff home to work, this could reinforce existing
outperforming industry peers on profitability has                   exclusive behaviors and unconscious biases and
increased significantly. The data also shows that                   undermine inclusion. In addition, unequal sharing
there is a clear divergence in how companies are                    of childcare and homeschooling responsibilities,
engaging with I&D. A third of the firms we have                     and unequal availability of home workspace and
tracked over the past five years have significantly                 access to broadband could be putting women and
improved both gender and ethnic diversity on their                  minorities at a disadvantage during this time of
executive teams, while the majority have stalled or                 working remotely.
gone backwards.
                                                                    Companies and their leaders can seize this
We also find that the dynamics around inclusion are                 moment—both to protect the gains they have
a critical differentiator for companies. Our evidence               already made, as well as to leverage I&D to position
is that an emphasis on representation is not enough;                themselves to prosper in the future.

    How “Neutral” Layoffs Disproportionately Affect Women and Minorities, HBR, June 2016
    McKinsey & Company, Women in the Workplace 2019

Diversity wins: How inclusion matters
There is ample evidence that diverse and inclusive             purpose and values even more closely, potentially
companies are likely to make better, bolder                    even more so in the current pandemic. Those that
decisions—a critical capability in the crisis.                 tap into the growing sense of solidarity that is a
For example, diverse teams have been shown to be               characteristic of the crisis—by reaffirming their
more likely to radically innovate and anticipate shifts        commitment to I&D, supporting vulnerable talent
in consumer needs and consumption patterns—                    who are at greater risk of infection, and reaching out
helping their companies to gain a competitive edge. 3          to local communities—could strengthen employee
                                                               motivation and win lasting approval.
In this context, the shift to technology-enabled
remote working presents an opportunity for                     The findings and case studies presented in this
companies to accelerate building inclusive and agile           report will be of enduring relevance to companies
cultures—further challenging existing management               in every industry, long after the world has emerged
routines. With its benefits of increased flexibility,          from the COVID-19 crisis. But we are convinced
remote working can facilitate retention of women               that, as companies and their leaders navigate the
and minorities, who are often shouldered with a                crisis itself and plan their emergence from it, they
disproportionate share of family duties. It thus               will find that I&D is an essential enabler of recovery,
widens access to an array of diverse talent that may           resilience, and reimagination.
not have been available to companies previously. 4

Moreover, a visible commitment to I&D during the
crisis is likely to strengthen companies’ global
image and license to operate. In times of crisis,
stakeholders typically interrogate a company’s


Vivian Hunt, DBE                                               Sara Prince
Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company                             Partner, McKinsey & Company
London                                                         Atlanta

Sundiatu Dixon-Fyle                                            Kevin Dolan
Senior Expert, McKinsey & Company                              Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company
London                                                         Chicago

May 2020

Diversity wins: How inclusion matters

Executive summary                                                    3

Introduction                                                        10

A stronger business case for diversity, but slow progress overall   13

Citigroup: strengthening equality of opportunity                    22

The widening gap between winners and laggards                       24

Pentair: building an inclusive culture                              31

How inclusion matters                                               32

Target Corporation: staying open                                    39

Winning through inclusion and diversity: taking bold action         41

Lockheed Martin: breaking down barriers to inclusion                46

Conclusion                                                          47

Methodology                                                         48

About the authors	                                                  52

Acknowledgments                                                     52

Diversity wins: How inclusion matters                                 1
2   Diversity wins: How inclusion matters
Executive summary
The business case for inclusion and diversity (I&D) is stronger
than ever. For diverse companies, the likelihood of outperforming
industry peers on profitability has increased over time, while
the penalties are getting steeper for those lacking diversity.
Progress on representation has been slow, yet a few firms are
making real strides. A close look at these diversity winners
shows that a systematic, business-led approach and bold,
concerted action on inclusion are needed to make progress.

Diversity Wins is the third in a McKinsey series                        A stronger business case for diversity,
investigating the business case for diversity,                          but slow progress overall
following Why Diversity Matters (2015) and
                                                                        Our latest analysis reaffirms the strong business
Delivering through Diversity (2018).1 This report
                                                                        case for both gender diversity and ethnic
shows not only that the business case remains
                                                                        and cultural diversity in corporate leadership—
robust, but also that the relationship between
                                                                        and shows that this business case continues
diversity on executive teams and the likelihood of
                                                                        to strengthen. The most diverse companies are now
financial outperformance is now even stronger
                                                                        more likely than ever to outperform
than before. These findings are underpinned by our
                                                                        non-diverse companies on profitability.
largest data set to date, encompassing 15 countries
and more than 1,000 large companies. The report                         Our 2019 analysis finds that companies in the top
also provides new insights into how inclusion                           quartile of gender diversity on executive teams were
matters, through an analysis of employee sentiment                      25 percent more likely to experience above-average
in online reviews; this shows that companies need                       profitability than peer companies in the fourth
to pay much greater attention to inclusion, even in                     quartile. This is up from 21 percent in 2017 and
relatively diverse industries.                                          15 percent in 2014.

By following the trajectories of hundreds of large                      Moreover, we found that the higher the
companies in our data set since 2014, we find that                      representation, the higher the likelihood of
overall slow growth in diverse representation in                        outperformance. Companies with more than
fact masks a growing polarization between these                         30 percent women on their executive teams are
firms. While most are stalled or even slipping                          significantly more likely to outperform those with
backwards, some are making impressive progress in                       between 10 and 30 percent women, and these
improving diversity, particularly in executive teams.                   companies in turn are more likely to outperform
We show that these diversity winners are adopting                       those with fewer or no women executives.
systematic, business-led approaches to I&D, with                        As a result, there is a substantial performance
special focus on inclusion. And we highlight the                        differential—48 percent—between the most
areas where companies should take far bolder                            and least gender-diverse companies.
action to bring about lasting change in inclusive
culture and behavior.

    The data set for Diversity Matters was assembled in 2014, while that for Delivering through Diversity was assembled in 2017. Likewise,
    this report, published in 2020, is built on data gathered in 2019. We therefore refer to three data sets in this report—for 2014, 2017
    and 2019.

Diversity wins: How inclusion matters                                                                                                        3
In the case of ethnic and cultural diversity, the        The widening gap between winners
    findings are equally compelling. We found that           and laggards
    companies in the top quartile outperformed those
                                                             While overall progress on representation is slow,
    in the fourth by 36 percent in terms of profitability
                                                             our research makes it clear that this in fact hides
    in 2019, slightly up from 33 percent in 2017
                                                             a widening gap between leading I&D practitioners
    and 35 percent in 2014. And, as we have previously
                                                             and companies that have yet to embrace diversity.
    found, there continues to be a higher likelihood
                                                             A third of the firms we analyzed have achieved
    of outperformance difference with ethnicity than
                                                             real gains in top-team diversity over the five-year
    with gender.
                                                             period. But most firms have made little progress or
    Despite this, progress overall has been slow.            remained static and, in some, gender and cultural
    In the companies in our original 2014 data set,          representation has even gone backwards.
    based in the United States and the United Kingdom,
                                                             This growing polarization between high and low
    female representation on executive teams has
                                                             performers is reflected in an increased likelihood
    risen from 15 percent in 2014 to 20 percent in
                                                             of a performance penalty. In 2019, fourth-quartile
    2019. Across our global data set, for which our data
                                                             companies for executive-team gender diversity
    starts in 2017, this number has moved up just one
                                                             were 19 percent more likely than companies in
    percentage point from 14 to 15 percent in 2019—
                                                             the other three quartiles to underperform on
    and more than a third of companies still have no
                                                             profitability. This is up from 15 percent in 2017
    women at all on their executive teams. This lack of
                                                             and nine percent in 2015. And for companies in
    material progress is evident across all industries and
                                                             the fourth quartile of both gender and ethnic
    in most countries. Similarly, representation of ethnic
                                                             diversity the penalty is even steeper in 2019:
    minorities on US and UK executive teams stood at
                                                             they are 27 percent more likely to underperform
    only 13 percent in 2019, up from just 7 percent in
                                                             on profitability than all other companies in our
    2014. For our global data set in 2019, this number
                                                             data set.
    is 14 percent, up from 12 percent in 2017.

4   Diversity wins: How inclusion matters
By tracking the progress of companies in our                To further understand how inclusion matters—and
original 2014 data set, we identified five cohorts          specifically what aspects of inclusion employees
based on their starting points and speed of                 consider to be significant—we conducted for
progress on executive-team gender representation            the first time an analysis of indicators relating to
and, separately, ethnic-minority representation.            inclusion, outside-in. This analysis focused on
The first two cohorts, Diversity Leaders and                employee reviews about the firms they work for
Fast Movers, have shown strong improvement over             made on online recruitment websites.
the past five years. For example, gender Fast
                                                            While this approach is indicative, it provides a more
Movers have almost quadrupled representation of
                                                            candid read on inclusion than internal employee-
women on executive teams to 27 percent in 2019;
                                                            satisfaction surveys do—and it allows data across
for ethnicity, companies in the equivalent cohort
                                                            dozens of companies to be analyzed rapidly and
have increased representation from just 1 percent
                                                            simultaneously. We focused on three industries
in 2014 to 18 percent in 2019.
                                                            with the highest levels of executive-team diversity
At the other end of the spectrum are the Laggards,          in our data set: financial services, technology
which have seen their already poor diversity                and healthcare. In these sectors, comments directly
performance decline further. In 2019, these firms           pertaining to I&D made up around one-third of the
had an average of 8 percent female representation           total comments made, showing that this topic is high
on their executive teams—and no ethnic-minority             on employees’ minds.
representation at all. The two other cohorts
                                                            We analyzed comments relating to five indicators.
are Moderate Movers, which have on average
                                                            The first two—diverse representation and
experienced slower growth, and Resting on Laurels,
                                                            leadership accountability for I&D—are markers
which started with higher levels of representation
                                                            of a systematic approach to I&D. The other three
than did Laggards, but have similarly seen this
                                                            indicators—equality, openness, and belonging—
decline since 2014.
                                                            are core components of inclusion. Across several
We also found that the average likelihood of                of these indicators, our findings suggest that there
financial outperformance in these cohorts                   are marked “pain points” in the experiences of
is consistent with our findings in the quartile             employees, as follows:
analysis above. For example, in 2019 companies
                                                            — While overall sentiment on diversity was
in the Resting on Laurels cohort on average
                                                              52 percent positive and 31 percent negative,
have the highest likelihood of outperformance
                                                              sentiment on inclusion was markedly worse
on profitability, at almost 62 percent—possibly
                                                              at only 29 percent positive and 61 percent
reflecting their historically high levels of diversity on
                                                              negative—which encapsulates the challenge
executive teams. Laggards, on the other hand, are
                                                              that even the more diverse companies still face
more likely to underperform their national industry
                                                              in tackling inclusion. Hiring diverse talent isn’t
median profitability, at 40 percent.
                                                              enough—it’s the experience they have in the
                                                              workplace that shapes whether they remain
How inclusion matters                                         and thrive.
We sought to explore how differing approaches
                                                            — Leadership and accountability as it pertains
to I&D could have shaped the trajectories of
                                                              to I&D accounted for the highest number of
the companies in our data set, through analysis
                                                              mentions, and was also strongly negative.
of surveys and company research. These pointed
                                                              On average across industries, 51 percent of
to two critical factors: a systematic approach to I&D,
                                                              the total mentions related to leadership, and
and bold action on inclusion.
                                                              56 percent of those mentions had negative
We have previously advocated a systematic,                    sentiment. This underscores the increasingly
business-led approach to I&D, based on a robust               recognized need for companies to engage their
bespoke business case, evidenced-based targets                core business managers better in the I&D effort.
and core-business leadership accountability.

Diversity wins: How inclusion matters                                                                              5
— Considering the three indicators of inclusion—         — Strengthen leadership accountability and
      equality, openness, and belonging—we found               capability for I&D. Companies should place
      particularly high levels of negative sentiment           their core business leaders and managers at
      around equality and fairness of opportunity.             the heart of the I&D effort—beyond their
      Negative sentiment around equality ranged from           HR functions or employee resource-group
      63 to 80 percent across the industries analyzed.         leaders. They also need to strengthen inclusive
      Openness of the working environment, which               leadership capabilities among their managers as
      encompasses bias and discrimination, was also            well as their executives, and more emphatically
      of significant concern, with negative sentiment          hold all leaders to account for progress on I&D.
      across industries ranging from 38 to 56 percent.
                                                             — Enable equality of opportunity through
      Belonging elicited overall positive sentiment,
                                                               fairness and transparency. It is critical that
      but from a relatively small number of mentions.
                                                               companies ensure that there is a level playing
    These findings highlight the importance not just           field in advancement and opportunity, in pursuit
    of inclusion overall, but specifically of the varying      of true meritocracy. Companies should deploy
    extents to which particular aspects of inclusion           analytics tools to build visibility into
    matter. Even where companies are more diverse,             the extent to which promotions and pay
    many appear as yet unable to cultivate work                processes and criteria are transparent and fair.
    environments which effectively promote inclusive           They should de-bias these processes and work
    leadership and accountability among managers,              to meeting diversity targets across long-term
    equality and fairness of opportunity, and openness         workforce plans.
    and freedom from bias and discrimination.
                                                             — Promote openness and tackle
                                                               microaggressions. Companies should uphold
    Winning through inclusion                                  a zero-tolerance policy for discriminatory
    and diversity: taking bold action                          behavior such as bullying and harassment—
    We took a close look at the companies in our data          and actively build the ability of managers and
    set that are achieving higher levels of diversity—         staff to identify and address microaggressions.
    and benefitting from an increased likelihood of            They should also establish norms for what
    financial outperformance. The common thread for            constitutes open, welcoming behavior, and ask
    these diversity winners is a systematic approach,          leaders and employees to assess each other on
    together with bold steps to strengthen inclusion.          how they are living up to that behavior.
    Drawing on best practices from these firms,
                                                             — Foster belonging through unequivocal
    this report highlights five areas of action for
                                                               support for multivariate diversity. Companies
    companies, as follows:
                                                               should build a culture in which all employees
    — Ensure representation of diverse talent. This            feel they can bring their whole selves to work.
      is still an essential driver of inclusion. Companies     Managers should communicate and visibly
      should focus on advancing diverse talent into            embrace their commitment to multivariate forms
      executive, management, technical and board               of diversity, building connection with diverse
      roles. They should ensure that a robust, bespoke         individuals and supporting employee resource
      business-driven case for I&D exists and is well          groups to foster a sense of community and
      accepted, while being thoughtful about which             belonging. Companies should also explicitly
      forms of multivariate diversity to prioritize (for       assess belonging in internal surveys.
      example, going beyond gender and ethnicity).
      They also need to set the right data-driven
      targets for representation of diverse talent.

6   Diversity wins: How inclusion matters
Diversity wins: How inclusion matters   7
The business case for inclusion & diversity
is stronger than ever
Diverse companies are more likely to financially outperform their peers

Difference in likelihood of outperformance of 1st vs 4th quartile¹

           Gender                                                                                                    Ethnicity

     15%                              21%                             25%                                       35%                                33%                               36%
      2014                            2017                             2019                                       2014                              2017                             2019

The penalty for lagging on gender diversity is                                                         Progress on executive team diversity in our
growing, while top quartile companies are more                                                         2014 dataset continues to be slow
likely to be at an advantage
                                                                                                        Representation in US and UK

Difference in likelihood of financial outperformance²                                                        Gender              Ethnicity

Penalty for bottom quartile                                                                             2014


                                  -9%                                                                            7%

2017                  -15%                                                                              2017

2019           -19%                                                                                              18%


Advantage for top quartile                                                                              2019

2019                                                                             11%

¹ Difference in likelihood of financial outperformance vs the national industry median of five years average EBIT margin, using the full dataset of companies in each year.

² Difference in likelihood of financial outperformance vs the national industry median of five years average EBIT margin for 4th quartile vs 1st-3rd quartile, and 1st quartile vs
2nd-4th quartile, using the full dataset of companies in each year.

8     Diversity wins: How inclusion matters
There is a widening gap between leaders and laggards
One-third of the firms we tracked since 2014 have achieved real gains in executive team diversity. However
about 50% have made little or no progress and, within that, many have seen gender and ethnic minority
representation even go backwards.

Representation in US and UK, %                                                                                                                                            2014        2019

                                   Diversity leaders                     Fast movers                    Resting on laurels                 Moderate movers                  Laggards

                                          26                                         27                        28
           Gender                                                                                                      22                                 19
                                                                             7                                                                    12                         9        8

% of companies                               5%                                28%                               29%                               10%                        28%

           Ethnicity                       17                                        18                         18                                3
                                                                              1                                         12                                10                  1       0

% of companies                              15%                                   24%                            22%                               12%                        28%

Promoting diversity does not ensure a culture of inclusion

We used a social listening approach to analyze employer reviews posted online³

Overall sentiment on diversity is positive                                                             But sentiment on inclusion is the opposite

52%                                               31%                                                  29%                         61%
positive                                          negative                                             positive                    negative

Bold actions are needed to strengthen both inclusion and diversity

A systematic, business-led approach to I&D                                                             Bold steps to strengthen inclusion

              Increase diverse representation, particularly                                                           Enable equality of opportunity through fairness
    1                                                                                                      3
              in leadership and critical roles                                                                        and transparency

              Strengthen leadership and accountability                                                                Promote openness, tackling bias and
   2                                                                                                      4
              for delivering on I&D goals                                                                             discrimination

                                                                                                                      Foster belonging through support for
                                                                                                                      multivariate diversity

³ Social listening is the action of tracking social media platforms for mentions and conversations related to a brand or topic, then analyzing them for
insights to discover opportunities to act; US only.

                                                                                                                                              Diversity wins: How inclusion matters       9
     Over the past decade, many companies around the world have
     incorporated I&D into their visions and strategies. Increasingly,
     business leaders recognize that a diverse and inclusive employee
     base—with a range of approaches and perspectives—is an asset
     when competing in a fast-moving, globalized economy.

     Along with growing acceptance of the business           teams—the leadership groups that drive company
     case for I&D, progress has been helped along            strategy and organizational transformation, and act
     by regulatory pressure, media scrutiny, and an          as bellwethers for a company’s commitment
     upswelling of social-justice demands.                   to I&D. Diversity Wins draws on an expanded data
                                                             set of more than 1,000 large companies in
     Yet significant, sustainable progress remains
                                                             15 countries, comprising of company surveys, case
     challenging. Companies are struggling not
                                                             studies, and interviews, as well as new analysis
     because they haven’t put I&D on the agenda, but
                                                             of employee sentiment about I&D. (See Box 1:
     because it’s hard to get right. Common pitfalls
                                                             Expanded data set, updated methodology.)
     include fragmented I&D initiatives, overly relying
     on individual commitments, and the lack of a clear      The report sets out the findings of this research, and
     link with the company’s core business strategy.         the actions needed to strengthen I&D,
     Many companies are battling additional headwinds        in four sections as follows:
     of uncertainty over the economy and the future of
                                                             — A stronger business case for diversity,
     work more broadly, as well as the threat of diversity
                                                               but slow progress overall
     fatigue and backlash.
                                                             — The widening gap between winners
     This report, the third in the series after Why
                                                               and laggards
     Diversity Matters (2015) and Delivering through
     Diversity (2018), shows how some companies are          — How inclusion matters
     winning through diversity—and how others can            — Winning through inclusion and diversity:
     do the same. It continues to focus on diversity of        taking bold action
     gender and of ethnicity and culture in executive

        Box 1
        Expanded data set, updated methodology
        Our purpose in the Diversity Matters series is to explore the link between increased gender and ethnic
        diversity in companies’ top teams, and those companies’ business performance. We also seek to
        provide a robust basis for tracking companies’ progress in advancing I&D among their leadership.
        In so doing, we continue to substantiate the business case for diversity, and provide helpful insights
        for companies seeking to strengthen diversity and translate it into business results.

        Over the past five years, we have tracked the progress of hundreds of large companies (each with
        annual revenues exceeding $1.5 billion) in countries around the world. For this report, we have
        expanded that global data set to take in 1,039 companies in 15 countries: Australia, Brazil, France,
        Germany, Norway, Denmark, India, Japan, Mexico, Nigeria, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, the
        United Kingdom, and the United States.

10   Diversity wins: How inclusion matters
Our data set spans over 1,000 companies in 15 countries
Exhibit 1
Our data
Our    dataof
Distribution set
             set  spans
               sample     over1,000
                      by over
                         country1,000   companies
                                 and industry         inin1515countries
                                              group1, %        countries
Distribution of sample by country and industry group1, %

                                                                                                             2017                              2019
                                 + 2014                                                                      2017
 Brazil           United Kingdom +              Australia        Germany          Japan              Singapore +           Denmark           Sweden
 Mexico           United States                 France           India            Nigeria            South Africa          Norway
 Brazil           United Kingdom                Australia        Germany          Japan              Singapore             Denmark           Sweden
 Mexico           United States                 France           India            Nigeria            South Africa          Norway

 Regions, %
 Regions, %                                                                21   Continental
                                                                           21   Continental

  31                                                        12
  States                                                    UK

                                                            Sub-Saharan                                         26
                                                            Sub-Saharan                                         26
                      7                                     Africa                                              Asia

 Industries, %
 Industries, %                                7
                                   9          7                       24
                                   9                                  24
                                                                                              Consumer goods and retail
                         11                                                                   Energy, basic materials and environment
                                                                                              Consumer  goods  and retail
                         11                                                                   Heavy
                                                                                                       basic materials and environment
                                                                                              Heavy    media and technology
                                                                                                       media andand professional services
                           13                                                                 Healthcare  and pharmaceuticals
                                                                                              Finance, insurance and professional services
                           13                                                                 Transportation,
                                                                                              Healthcare and logistics and tourism
                                                                                              Transportation, logistics and tourism
1. n = 1,039.                                 15
Source: McKinsey Diversity Matters data set
1. n = 1,039.
Source: McKinsey Diversity Matters data set
                              Diversity wins: How inclusion matters                                                                                   11
Drawing on this unique data set, we have                     That said, I&D in other areas of leadership and
     been able to conduct longitudinal analysis                   management is, of course, important too. We
     of 365 large US- and UK-based companies                      include a brief discussion of diversity at board
     included in our sample since 2014. For dozens                level in this report, and we consider I&D across
     of these companies, we have conducted                        company levels in other McKinsey research.2
     in-depth interviews with senior executives to
                                                                  Finally, although our research focuses on
     understand their I&D challenges, strategies
                                                                  gender and ethnicity as intrinsic forms of
     and progress. That, in turn, has supported
                                                                  diversity which are measurable at scale,
     a segmentation of the companies into five
                                                                  we recognize the increasingly multivariate
     distinct cohorts.
                                                                  nature of diversity—including multiple forms
     We also undertook additional quantitative                    of acquired diversity such as educational or
     analysis of inclusion in this report—the first               socio-economic background, or diversity of
     time we have done so. We used outside-                       thought. Over the past decade, traditional
     in analysis of employee sentiment on I&D                     identities of race and gender have fractured
     in several major industries to understand                    as people start to embrace openly a more fluid
     the relationship between inclusion and the                   sense of who they are, highlighting the need to
     experiences of diverse talent in organizations,              recognize multiple forms of intersectionality.
     what drives their engagement, and how this                   Although this is more difficult to measure,
     influences diverse representation.                           it is a significant additional driver of the need
                                                                  to focus on inclusion.
     We should note that this report’s focus on
     executive teams is deliberate, as these                      For further detail on our methodology,
     leaders are the primary drivers of company                   see page 48.
     strategy and organizational transformation.

         See, for example, Women in the Workplace 2019, October 2019, McKinsey.com.

12   Diversity wins: How inclusion matters
A stronger business case for
diversity, but slow progress overall
The business case for I&D as a source of competitive advantage
is growing stronger. Increasingly, we find that the most diverse
companies recognize I&D as more than a social-justice imperative;
they also see it as a core enabler of growth and value creation.
These diversity winners are pulling ahead of the rest.

For five years our research has shown a positive,                    For both executive teams and boards, gender
statistically significant correlation between company                and ethnic diversity has progressed—but
financial outperformance and diversity, on the                       progress is still very slow. But this overall picture
dimensions of both gender and ethnicity. This                        masks the fact that some companies have made
is evident at different levels of the organization,                  impressive advances over the past five years.
particularly on executive teams. In our updated 2019                 Across geographies and industries, these diversity
data set—covering 15 countries on five continents—                   winners are pulling ahead on both gender and ethnic
this correlation holds and is even stronger. And we are              diversity on executive teams. In this section of the
also seeing that the positive correlation between board              report we consider each dimension in turn.
diversity and financial outperformance observed in
our previous research has now become statistically
significant. (See Box 2: The increasingly clear link
between board diversity and business performance.)

   Box 2
   The increasingly clear link between board diversity
   and business performance
   Our expanded 2019 data set shows that companies whose boards are in the top quartile of gender
   diversity are 28 percent more likely than their peers to outperform financially. In previous years, while
   the correlations were positive between board gender diversity and outperformance on earnings
   before interest and taxation (EBIT) margin, they were not statistically significant; now they are.

   This difference in significance could be linked to an overall rise in female representation on boards.
   In recent years, many countries have ramped up efforts to boost this, as evidenced by the significant
   uptick in representation we have observed in several countries. For example, companies in France
   and Norway have, on average, over 40 percent women on their boards. We hypothesize that this
   higher representation may be linked to the increased likelihood of financial outperformance of their
   companies becoming statistically significant.

   The interplay between boards, executive teams and company profitability is not well understood.
   Could these more diverse boards be operating differently? Or could a visible commitment to board
   diversity be signaling a company’s openness towards increasingly diverse customers, employees,
   businesses and communities, which in turn is positively influencing financial performance?
   Board diversity could symbolize a company’s commitment to equality, innovation and inclusive growth.
   Certainly, these questions warrant further research. 3

       “Toward a value-creating board: McKinsey Global Survey results,” 2016, McKinsey.com.

Diversity wins: How inclusion matters                                                                                   13
A clear opportunity from pushing                                          on gender diversity in boards has been similarly
                              towards gender parity                                                     slow, albeit with a marked uptick in the past two
                                                                                                        years. Across our full 2019 data set of 15 countries,
                              When we assessed our original 2014 data set,
                                                                                                        progress (tracked since 2017) has been even slower
                              we found that companies in the top quartile for
                                                                                                        (Exhibit 3). Women make up just 15 percent of
                              gender diversity in their executive teams were 15
                                                                                                        executive-team membership, and more than
                              percent more likely to experience above-peer-
                                                                                                        a third of companies have no women at all on their
                              average profitability than companies in the fourth
                                                                                                        executive teams.
                              quartile. 4 Three years later, in our Delivering through
                              Diversity report, this had increased to 21 percent.                       Taking a country lens, progress towards female
                              In our 2019 data set, it has increased again to 25                        representation on executive teams is low in most
                              percent (Exhibit 2). As mentioned above, female                           countries (Exhibit 4). We observe extremes in
                              representation on executive teams has also                                representation, ranging from Norway, where all
                              increased slowly but steadily during this time frame,                     the companies in our data set have at least one
                              widening the gap between the top and bottom                               female executive, to several major economies—
                              quartiles. This has also been the case for gender                         including Brazil, India, Germany and Japan—
                              diversity on boards, which we discuss in Box 2.                           where up to 83 percent of companies have zero
                                                                                                        women on their executive teams, and female
                              Female representation on the executive teams of
                                                                                                        representation averages 8% or less. Developed
                              the mostly US and UK companies we have been
                                                                                                        countries on average have higher rates of diversity
                              tracking since 2014 has risen from 15 percent in
                                                                                                        representation than do emerging economies.
                              2014 to 20 percent in 2019. This represents an
                                                                                                        (See Box 3: Comparing gender diversity in
                              annual average change over the past five years
                                                                                                        developed and emerging economies.)
                              of just 1.1 percentage points per year. Progress

                                  Our 2014 original data set consisted of 383 companies largely in the United States and the United Kingdom. In 2017, this data set had
                                  grown to 991 companies from 12 countries and our 2019 data set consisted of 1,039 companies from 15 countries, including three
                                  Scandinavian countries; Women Matter: Reinventing the workplace to unlock the potential of gender diversity, 2015, McKinsey.com.

Exhibit 2
The business
The business case
             case for
                                            executive  teams
                                                     teams is is stronger
                                                              stronger    than
                                                                       than    ever
Likelihood of financial outperformance1, %

                                                                                                                         Quartile      4th     1st       Median

      Why diversity matters                                     Delivering through diversity                                   Div ersity win s
      20142                                                     20173                                                          20194

                  +15%                                                      +21%                                                          +25%
                              54                                                        55                                                           55
               47                                                        45                                                            44
                                          50                                                       50                                                            50

1.   Likelihood of financial outperformance vs the national industry median. p-value
Gender and ethnic diversity in leadership teams has progressed slowly in our 2014 data set
and even slower in our global 2017 data set
Exhibit 3 and %
Representation, ethnic diversity in leadership teams has progressed slowly in our 2014 data set
Gender    and   ethnic diversity
and even slower indiversity
          and   ethnic           in2017
                       our global   leadership
                                   leadership  teamshas
                                        data set     hasprogressed
                                                                          in in our
                                                                              our   2014 data
                                                                                  original 2014set
data even
      set   slower  in our global  2017 data set
Representation, %
Leadership  teams
Representation, % from 2014 data set                                                                                                    Board         Executive team

    Gender teams
            1    from 2014 data set                                                                  Ethnic minorities1
                                                                                                                                        Board         Executive team
Leadership teams from 2014 data set                                                                                                     Board         Executive team
                           Average annual change,
        Gender1            percentage points                                                         Ethnic minorities1
        Gender1                                                                                      Ethnic minorities1
                           Average annual change,
                           Average annual
                           percentage     change,
                                      points                                                                 Average annual change,
                           percentage points
                                                                        +1.3                                 percentage points
                                                                                                             Average annual change,
                              24                                        +1.3                                 Average annual
                                                                                                             percentage     change,
       21                                          28 20
                                                                        +1.3                                 percentage points
                                     19            28                                                                                        17
              15              24                                        +1.1                                                                                +1.1
       21                                                 20            +1.1                                          14                            13
       21                            19                   20                                    13                            12                            +0.8
                                     19                                                                                                      17             +0.8
              15                                                                                                                             17
              15                                                                                         7            14                                    +1.1
                                                                                                13                    14      12                    13      +1.1
                                                                                                13                            12                    13
         2014                   2017                   2019                                      2014 7                  2017                   2019

1. n = 365 for women and n = 241 for ethnic minorities; Subset of companies from Diversity Matters 2014 dataset with ethnicity data available for 2014,
   2017 2014
        and 2019.             2017                   2019                                      2014                   2017                     2019
         2014                   2017
Source: McKinsey Diversity Matters data set
                                                       2019                                      2014                    2017                   2019
1. n = 365 for women and n = 241 for ethnic minorities; Subset of companies from Diversity Matters 2014 dataset with ethnicity data available for 2014,
1. n     andfor
     = 365   2019.
                women and n = 241 for ethnic minorities; Subset of companies from Diversity Matters 2014 dataset with ethnicity data available for 2014,
Source:  and 2019.Diversity Matters data set
Source: McKinsey Diversity Matters data set

Leadership teams from global 2017 data set                                                                                              Board         Executive team

Leadership teams from global 2017 data set                                                                                              Board         Executive team
Leadership  1
                 from global 2017 data set                                                           Ethnic minorities2                 Board         Executive team

                   Average annual change,
        Gender1percentage points                                                                     Ethnic minorities2
        Gender1                                                                                      Ethnic minorities2
                   Average annual change,                                                                     Average annual change,
                   Average annual
                   percentage     change,
                              points                                                                          percentage points
                   percentage points
                                                                   +0.0                                       Average annual change,
              24                           24                                                                 Average annual
                                                                                                              percentage     change,
                                                                                                              percentage points
              24                           24                      +0.0                                                                                     +1.0
                                                                   +0.0                                                               16
              24 14                        24 15                                                       14                                     14            +1.0
                                                                                                                                      16                    +1.0
                                                  15               +0.5                                                                                     +1.0
                      14                                           +0.5                                14                             16      14            +1.0
                      14                          15                                                   14       12                            14            +1.0
                2017                            2019                                                      2017                          2019

1. n = 957 (global dataset) in 2017 and 2019.
2. n = 528 (global dataset) in 2017 and 2019.
                2017                            2019                                                      2017                          2019
Source: McKinsey Diversity Matters data set
               2017                             2019                                                      2017                          2019
1. n = 957 (global dataset) in 2017 and 2019.
2. n
1. n== 957
       528 (global
           (global dataset)
                   dataset) in
                             in 2017
                                2017 and
                                      and 2019.
2. n = 528
Source:    (global Diversity
        McKinsey   dataset) in  2017 and
                              Matters data
                               Diversity  2019.
                                           set How inclusion matters
                                         wins:                                                                                                                         15
Source: McKinsey Diversity Matters data set
Exhibit 4
In nearly
   nearly all
   nearly all 15
          all  15countries,
               15 countries,women
                  countries, womenare
                             women areunderrepresented
                                   are underrepresentedonon
                                       underrepresented  onexecutive teams
                                                             executive teams
Female representation,
       representation, %
                                      Average female
                                      Average female                                      Companies
                                                                                          Companies with
                                                                                                      with at
                                                                                                                                    Female workforce
                                      representation                                      least one
                                                                                          least one woman
                                                                                                    woman onon                      participation
                                                                                          executive team

         Norway                                               28
                                                                                                                              100          48
         Australia                                            27
                                                                                                                             98            46
         Sweden                                           24                                                            94
                                                                                                                        94                 47
         United States
                States                               21                                                            90
                                                                                                                   90                      45
         Singapore                                  19                                                 73
                                                                                                       73                                  44
         United Kingdom
                Kingdom                             18
                                                    18                                                   76
                                                                                                         76                                46
         South Africa
               Africa                               18                                                  75
         Nigeria                                 17
                                                 17                                                           80
                                                                                                              80                           46
         Denmark                               13
                                               13                                47
                                                                                 47                                                        47
         France                                13
                                               13                                                 64
                                                                                                  64                                       45
         Brazil                            8
                                           8                              40
                                                                          40                                                               42
         Germany                           8
                                           8                                     48
                                                                                 48                                                        45
         Mexico                            8                                    46
         India                         5                           28
         Japan                        3                  17
            erraa g
                  gee                            15                                               65
1. nn=
     = 1,039;
        1,039; 2019.
               2019. Respective
                     Respective weighted
                                 weighted averages:
                                           averages: 9%
                                                      9% and
                                                          and 45%
Source: Diversity Matters data set; World Bank (labor force participation
        Diversity Matters data set; World Bank (labor force participation rate,
                                                                          rate, September
                                                                                September 2019)

16                           Diversity wins: How inclusion matters
At the current rate of progress, it will take 29 years                    better all-round board performance, and ultimately
                             and 24 years respectively for the average US and                          increased corporate performance for both
                             UK company in our data set to reach gender parity                         companies and their shareholders.”7
                             on its executive team, and 18 years and 13 years
                                                                                                       Our data set appears to substantiate this view and
                             on boards. 5 Again, that picture differs radically
                                                                                                       shows that there are likely additional benefits to
                             by country: comparable figures for Brazil are 238
                                                                                                       pushing for gender parity on executive teams.
                             years on executive teams and 27 years on boards. 6
                                                                                                       In our US and UK data set, companies with female
                             The overall slow pace of progress across industries                       executive-team representation exceeding
                             and countries is a missed opportunity—and                                 30 percent are significantly more likely to
                             leaves most companies far off well-established                            outperform those whose executive teams are
                             targets, such as the minimum 30 percent female                            between 10 and 30 percent female. 8 Those
                             representation on boards and executive teams                              companies, in turn, are more likely to outperform
                             put forward by the United Kingdom’s 30% Club                              those with fewer than 10 percent female
                             a decade ago. This coalition of business leaders                          executive-team representation. As a result, there
                             believes the following:                                                   is a substantial likelihood of outperformance
                                                                                                       differential—48 percent—between the most
                             “Gender balance on boards and in senior
                                                                                                       and least gender-diverse companies (Exhibit 5).
                             management not only encourages better leadership
                             and governance, but diversity further contributes to

                                 Calculated by extrapolating rates of increase in representation since 2014 in our original data set.
                                 Our 2015 Women in the Workplace report stated that companies in the United States were 100 years away from gender parity in the
                                 C-suite, based on progress in female representation between 2012 and 2015. While this progress has accelerated over the 2014–19 time
                                 period, we should also note that our current report draws on a different data set of companies, so its findings are not strictly comparable
                                 with those of Women in the Workplace.
                                 https://30percentclub.org/about/who-we-are. In the United Kingdom, the target of 30 percent average female representation on
                                 executive teams and boards of major listed companies has since been met.
                                 On EBIT margin.

Exhibit 5
Executive teams
           teams with
                                              morelikely toto
                                                    likely  outperform those
                                                              outperform     with
                                                                         those with
fewer or
fewer or no
Likelihood of financial outperformance1, 2014, %


                                                50               43

Women on executive teams2, %                                   0-10                        10+                        30+
Number of companies                                              114                        210                         41

1.   Likelihood of financial outperformance vs the national industry median.
2.   n = 365; US and UK; EBIT 2014-2018.
Source: Diversity Matters data set

                              Diversity wins: How inclusion matters                                                                                                      17
This finding begins to substantiate the business                  We also took a close look at the roles women occupy
                             rationale for pushing further than historical 30                  in executive teams—in particular, the extent to which
                             percent representation targets, and closer towards                they occupy line decision-making roles, which have
                             gender parity on executive teams. Yet very few                    the most direct influence on business performance
                             companies today are close to this. In our latest data             and provide a stronger path to the CEO position.
                             set, only around 4 percent of companies have more                 Only one-third of women executives in our 2019
                             than 40 percent women on their executive team.                    data set sample occupied line roles, with two-
                             On the other hand, 42 percent of companies have                   thirds occupying support or staff roles. Further, for
                             10 percent or less female executives.                             companies in the bottom two quartiles for gender
                                                                                               diversity, the proportion of women in staff roles is
                             Taking a view across industries, we find significant
                                                                                               even greater. These proportions have barely shifted
                             differences in the rates of progress since 2014
                                                                                               since we started tracking such roles in 2017, and are
                             (Exhibit 6). Female representation in executive
                                                                                               consistent across other areas of our research.9
                             teams has increased at the fastest rates in the
                             financial services and the technology and media                   Taking an intersectional lens to our US data
                             industries, at about 1.5 percentage points a year.                set, we find that black women continue to be
                             In healthcare, by contrast, it has increased at just              disproportionately underrepresented in line roles,
                             0.3 percentage points a year, despite this being                  with only 5 percent of female line roles held by black
                             an industry where female representation at entry                  women. Of the 33 percent of women who occupy
                             level is particularly high. Surprisingly, this starting           line roles, the vast majority—83 percent—are white.
                             point does not appear to have led to a stronger push              Asian women (9 percent) and Hispanic women (2
                             towards gender parity in healthcare leadership—                   percent) make up the rest. In the United Kingdom
                             as the slow growth rate shows.                                    the picture is similar.

                                 Women in the Workplace, October 2018 & 2019, McKinsey.com.

Exhibit 6
Across  majorindustries,
                industries,   female
                           female    executive
                                  executive      representation
                                            representation       remains
                                                           remains         below
                                                                   below 25%, and 25%,
                                                                                  has and
has increased
increased slowlyslowly   since 2014
                  since 2014

Average female representation 1, %                                                                        2014-2019 annual growth, p.p.

     Healthcare                                                                               24                  0.3

     Finance                                                                                  24                                             1.5

     Technology and media                                                              21                                                1.4

     Retail                                                                           20                                   0.8

     Transport and tourism                                                       19                                              1.1

     Energy and materials                                                       18                                                     1.3

     Heavy industry                                                            18                                                1.1

     Average                                                                          21                                         1.1

1. n = 365; US and UK; 2019.
Source: Diversity Matters data set

18                           Diversity wins: How inclusion matters
Previous McKinsey research has found that black        In aggregate, the above findings make it clear that
women face the greatest barriers to progress in        there is opportunity for most companies to take
the workplace, a consequence of accumulation of        much bolder action to advance gender diversity
different forms of discrimination, including racism,   on executive teams—and to push towards parity
sexism, and classism. In the United States, for        and increased representation in line decision-
example, we have shown that for every 100 men          making and technical roles.
who receive their first promotion from entry level
to manager, only 79 women receive that same
promotion. For black women that number is 60.10

     Women in the Workplace 2019, op. cit.

Diversity wins: How inclusion matters                                                                        19
Box 3
                                   Comparing gender diversity in developed and emerging economies
                                   We compared the likelihood of outperformance on profitability for firms in advanced economies
                                   with that for their counterparts in emerging economies. We hypothesized that the business case for
                                   gender diversity would be stronger in advanced economies where markets are typically more efficient
                                   and the I&D agenda is often more advanced at national level.

                                   What we found backs this up. The likelihood of financial outperformance by companies with gender-
                                   diverse executive teams climbs to a high of 47 percent in advanced economies that have high gender
                                   parity, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Finland, and Sweden. By contrast, the
                                   likelihood of financial outperformance by such gender-diverse companies stood at an average of
                                   17 percent in lower-parity emerging economies such as Brazil, India, and Nigeria.

                                   The fact that they are trailing offers firms in emerging and low gender-parity economies an
                                   opportunity to learn from the progress and mistakes of their peers in more developed markets.
                                   They have the opportunity to replicate what works and, more importantly, skip what doesn’t—
                                   creating the possibility that they can leapfrog to a position of greater competitive advantage.

                              Ethnic and cultural diversity:                                           36 percent higher likelihood of outperformance
                              potentially an even bigger opportunity                                   on EBIT margin for top quartile companies for
                              As with our Delivering through Diversity report, we                      ethnic and cultural diversity on executive teams—
                              analyzed data from countries where the definition                        up from 33 percent in 2017 and 35 percent in 2014
                              of ethnic and cultural diversity was consistent,                         (Exhibit 7). This is consistently higher than for
                              and our data were reliable.11 We found that the                          gender diversity, but with progress similarly slow.
                              business case for ethnic and cultural diversity was                      The business case for ethnic and cultural diversity
                              comparable to our previous findings, with a                              on boards remained significant in 2019. (See Box 2).

                                   The countries included in the analysis were the United States, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Mexico, and Singapore.

Exhibit 7
The business
The business case
             case for
                                                      teams remains
                                                          remains   strong
Likelihood of financial outperformance1, %

                                                                                                                      Quartile      4th     1st        Median

Why diversity matters                                       Delivering through diversity                                 Diversity wins
20142                                                       20173                                                        20194

             +35%                                                      +33%                                                         +36%
                         58                                                        59                                                             59
          43                           50                           44                         50                                 43                      50

1.   Likelihood of financial outperformance vs the national industry median. p-value
The findings highlighted in Exhibit 7 support                             representation in the general population.12
the argument that there is significant opportunity                        The United Kingdom, at 9 percent non-majority
from promoting ethnic and cultural diversity in                           representation on executive teams, is just under
companies’ top teams. Yet despite this, ethnic                            halfway to achieving fair-share representation
diversity appears to have been less of a focus                            of ethnic minorities (20 percent), while all others
than gender for many companies—hence the slow                             are further behind, including the United States
progress. In the United States and the United                             (14 percent on executive teams compared to
Kingdom, overall ethnic-minority representation                           37 percent fair share).
in executive teams moved from 7 percent in 2014
                                                                          Beyond average representation, the proportion of
to 13 percent in 2019 (see Exhibit 2, above). Not
                                                                          companies in our data set with zero non-majority
surprisingly, as with gender diversity, we found that
                                                                          representation in their executive teams is a telling
most countries and industries need to pick up the
                                                                          measure of the lack of progress: in the United
pace in strengthening ethnic diversity in leadership.
                                                                          States this is 31 percent, in the United Kingdom
As we saw for gender above, we found significant                          58 percent, and in Brazil 73 percent. There is a
differences across the six countries for which                            significant opportunity for many companies that
we analyzed executive ethnic diversity. Only                              have fallen behind on this measure. By increasing
in Singapore was this in line with “fair share”                           ethnic and cultural diversity on their top teams,
representation, with the companies in our data set                        they could potentially reinvigorate performance
averaging 33 percent non-majority representation                          and growth.
on their top teams—well above the 24 percent

     Fair share is calculated based on diverse representation in each country’s population.

Diversity wins: How inclusion matters                                                                                           21
Citigroup: strengthening
     equality of opportunity
     Global investment banking company Citigroup is powering
     ahead with a no-nonsense I&D agenda and placing equality,
     accountability and transparency at the center of everything
     that it does.

     It’s a common refrain in the I&D space: there’s           majority talent by location to counter
     not enough female or black talent in a particular         the talent-shortage myth and uses a heatmap
     industry and that is why targets can’t be achieved—       showing how different areas are trending in order
     but that’s a story Citigroup just isn’t buying into.      both to increase transparency and to create a bit
                                                               of healthy competition.
     A fast mover—Citigroup has gone from 8 percent
     gender diversity on its executive team in 2014 to         Having secured diverse talent, the retention and
     over 30 percent in 2019—the firm places equality          promotion of this is a key priority. “You can’t over-
     of opportunity, accountability and transparency           index on hiring and expect that that’s going to
     at the center of everything that it does. Business        solve the problem,” says Hogan. “You can’t just
     leaders at all levels are directly involved in and held   think about retention, you also have to think about
     accountable for advancing I&D across the firm,            promotion. In this it all comes down to culture.”
     with scorecards presented at each board meeting
                                                               Which is why the firm is ratcheting up the focus
     where “very granular” and “very transparent”
                                                               on building an inclusive workplace. Here too,
     conversations are encouraged.
                                                               transparency is key. Believing that creating a diverse
     “We are not debating any more whether I&D is              and inclusive culture is the responsibility of all of its
     the right thing to do,” says Teri Hogan, Global Head      employees, not just those who identify with a certain
     of Talent and Diversity. “We spent a long time on         gender, ethnicity or affinity, Citigroup has invested
     the business plan and our CEO is on record as             heavily in Implicit Association Test (IAT) training
     saying it’s simply ‘smart business’—now we just           and Affinity Groups to enable people to talk openly
     need to get down to delivering.”                          about barriers and the need to hold themselves and
                                                               others to account. They are not shying away from
     The focus is on three key areas: targeted
                                                               difficult and uncomfortable conversations and,
     recruitment, development and retention, and
                                                               when they do fall short, they strive not to sweep
     promotion paths and processes. On the recruitment
                                                               their failings under the carpet.
     front, accountability is foregrounded through
     cascading targets for women and non-majority              “You have to think big and bold,” says Hogan.
     staff. And these targets are in the public domain.        “When it comes to I&D you have to address every
     The company also works with external providers to         part of the system because this cuts across all
     set targets and determine the availability of non-        aspects of the organization.”

22   Diversity wins: How inclusion matters
Diversity wins: How inclusion matters   23
The widening gap between
     winners and laggards
     One-third of the firms we tracked—our diversity winners—have
     achieved real gains in top-team diversity. But most of the firms we
     analyzed have made little or no progress and, for some, gender
     and cultural representation has even gone backwards.

     We sought to establish whether the few                    penalty highlighted in our earlier reports remains.
     companies progressing far more boldly on diverse          Companies in the bottom quartile for gender diversity
     representation in leadership were also starting to        on executive teams are more likely to underperform
     pull away from their peers in terms of a widening         all other companies in the data set to an increasing
     likelihood of financial outperformance. Our analysis      extent: from 9 percent in 2014 to 19 percent in 2019.
     shows clearly that this is the case: companies in the     Considering both gender and ethnicity, bottom-
     top quartile for both gender and ethnic diversity         quartile companies on both dimensions were 27
     are 12 percent more likely to outperform all other        percent more likely to underperform than all other
     companies in the data set (Exhibit 8).                    firms in the data set in 2019, similar to the 29 percent
                                                               we found in 2017 (Exhibit 8).
     For the larger group of companies that are making
     little or slow progress with diversity, the performance

     Companies in the top quartile
     for both gender and ethnic
     diversity are 12 percent more
     likely to outperform all other
     companies in the data set.

24   Diversity wins: How inclusion matters
Exhibit 8
The penalty for
             for lagging
                  laggingon  ondiversity
                                                              top quartilecompanies are
                                                                            companies   more
                                                                                      are    likely
to     to outperform
   outperform  all theirallpeers
                            their peers
Likelihood of financial outperformance1, %

                    Penalty for bottom quartile                                                                                  Advantage for top quartile
                    Quartile         4th    1–3rd                                                                                Quartile         2nd–4th   1st

                    Why diversity                     Delivering through                 Diversity wins                             Diversity wins
                    matters 20142                     diversity 20173                    20194                                      2019

                                -9%                               -15%                               -19%                                        +11%

                           47              52                45           53                    44          54                              50         55


                               -25%                               -29%                               -27%                                        +12%

                                           53                             57                                54                              51         57
                           40                                40                                 39
and Ethnicity

1. Likelihood of financial outperformance vs the national industry median. p-value
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