Dynamics of mantle flow and melting at a ridge-centered hotspot: Iceland and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

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Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 Ž1996. 53–74

Dynamics of mantle flow and melting at a ridge-centered hotspot:
             Iceland and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
                                                    a,)                 b,1                     c,2
                                    Garrett Ito           , Jian Lin          , Carl W. Gable
     MIT r WHOI Joint Program, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543,
               Department of Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA
                    Earth and EnÕironmental Sciences, Los Alamos National Laboratories, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA
                                               Received 24 April 1996; accepted 29 July 1996


    The dynamics of mantle flow and melting of a ridge-centered plume were investigated with three-dimensional
variable-viscosity numerical models, focusing on three buoyancy sources: temperature, melt depletion, and melt retention.
The width, W, to which a plume spreads along a ridge axis, depends on plume volume flux, Q, full spreading rate, U,
buoyancy number, B, and ambientrplume viscosity contrast g . When all melting effects are considered, our numerical
results are best parameterized by W s 2.37Ž Q r U .1r2 Ž Bg . 0.04. Thermal buoyancy is first-order in controlling along-axis
plume spreading while latent heat loss due to melting, and depletion and retention buoyancy forces contribute second-order
effects. We propose two end-member models for the Iceland plume beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge ŽMAR.. The first has a
broad plume source with temperature anomaly DTp of 758C, radius, a, of 300 km, and Q of 1.2 = 10 7 km3rmy. The second
is of a narrower and hotter plume source with DTp of 1708C, a radius of 60 km, and Q of 2.1 = 10 6 km3rmy. The broad
plume source predicts successfully the observed seismic crustal thickness, topographic, and gravity anomalies along the
MAR, but predicts an along-axis geochemical plume width substantially broader than that suggested by the observed
   Srr 86 Sr anomaly. The narrow plume source model predicts successfully the total excess crustal production rate along the
MAR Ž2.5 = 10 5 km3rmy. and a geochemical width consistent with that of the 87Srr 86 Sr anomaly, but it requires
substantial along-axis melt transport to explain the observed along-axis variations in crustal thickness, bathymetry, and
gravity. Calculations suggest that lateral plume dispersion may be radially symmetric rather than channelled along the ridge
axis and that the topographic swell, which is elongated along the Reykjanes Ridge, may be due to rapid off-axis subsidence
associated with lithospheric cooling superimposed on a broader hotspot swell. The two plume source models predict seismic
P-wave velocity reductions of 0.5–2% in the center of the plume, producing travel time delays of 0.2–1.2 s. Predicted
P-wave delay times for the narrow plume source model are more consistent with recent seismic observations beneath
Iceland, suggesting that this model may be more representative of the Iceland plume.

Keywords: Iceland; Mid-Atlantic Ridge; melting; hot spots; mantle plumes

         Corresponding author. Fax: q1 508 457 2187. E-mail: gito@magellan.whoi.edu
         Tel: q1 508 289 2576. Fax: q1 508 457 2187. E-mail: jlin@whoi.edu.
         Tel: q1 505 665 3533. E-mail: gable@lanl.gov.

0012-821Xr96r$12.00 Copyright q 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII S 0 0 1 2 - 8 2 1 X Ž 9 6 . 0 0 1 5 1 - 3
54                            G. Ito et al.r Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 53–74

1. Introduction                                                    and melting related buoyancy forces on along-axis
                                                                   spreading of ridge-centered plumes. We used three-
    Centered on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge ŽMAR., the                  dimensional Ž3D., variable viscosity, numerical mod-
Iceland hotspot is the largest melt anomaly through-               els to simulate a buoyant plume rising beneath
out the world’s mid-ocean ridge system and is among                spreading plates and systematically test the effects of
the large oceanic igneous provinces w1x. The idea that             thermal, melt depletion, and melt retention buoyancy
Iceland marks a mantle convection plume rising                     forces. Our second objective was to constrain the
beneath the MAR has become well established since                  temperature anomaly, dimension, and volume flux of
its original conception in the early 1970s Že.g. w2–4x..           the Iceland plume by comparing theoretical predic-
The broad topographic swell ŽFig. 1. and correlated                tions with observed variations in seismic crustal
along-spreading-axis geochemical anomalies indicate                thickness, topography, gravity, and geochemistry on
that the plume rises beneath Iceland and spreads                   Iceland and along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. We pro-
laterally along the ridge axis w4,5x. Such along-axis              pose two end-member models for the mantle plume
spreading of a mantle plume feeding a ridge axis                   source beneath Iceland to explain the observations,
may also explain topographic and geochemical                       and discuss their implications on basalt geochem-
anomalies affected by other near ridge-axis hotspots               istry, melt migration, and seismic velocity variations
Že.g. w6–8x., many of which may have contributed                   along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge axis.
substantially to the earth’s heat and magmatic budget
throughout geologic history.
    While the original concept that plumes feed and                2. Governing equations
spread along nearby ridges was proposed two decades
ago, only recently have the fluid dynamic aspects                     To model mantle flow of a plume–ridge system
been investigated quantitatively. Recent numerical                 in the upper mantle, we treat the mantle as a fluid of
and laboratory tank experiments have shown that the                zero Reynolds number and infinite Prandtl number.
width, W, over which a plume spreads along axis,                   The 3D stress tensor, t , is defined according to:
increases with plume volume flux, Q, and decreases
with plate full-spreading rate, U w9–11x. Such studies             t s 2h Ž TR , p . e˙ y pI                           Ž 1.
are important in revealing the pertinent physical
                                                                   where I is the identity matrix and h is viscosity,
processes governing plume–ridge interactions and in
                                                                   which depends on real temperature TR and hydro-
placing theoretical constraints on properties of man-
                                                                   static pressure p. The strain rate tensor e˙ depends on
tle plumes such as temperature anomaly, size and
                                                                   spatial derivatives of mantle flow rate u according to
volume flux.
                                                                   e˙ s 1r2Ž u i,j q u j,i .. The equilibrium equations in-
    Two potentially important sources of buoyancy,
                                                                   clude conservation of mass:
however, have not been considered in previous
plume–ridge studies. These are melt depletion, which               = Ø us0                                             Ž 2.
lowers the FerMg ratio in the residual mantle and
thus reduces its density w12x, and melt retention in
the mantle, which also reduces mantle bulk density                 = Ø t s yDr Ž T , X , f . gzˆ                       Ž 3.
Že.g. w13–15x.. It has been proposed that melt deple-
                                                                         and energy:
tion may be primary in driving spreading of in-
traplate plumes beneath the lithosphere w16x. It has               ET                               TD S
also been proposed that both melt retention buoy-                        s k= 2 T y u Ø = T y              M˙          Ž 4.
                                                                    Et                               cp
ancy and depletion buoyancy may contribute signifi-
cantly to along-axis variations in mantle flow and                    Žsee Table 1 for definition of variables.. Eq. Ž2.
crustal thickness beneath normal mid-ocean ridges                  satisfies the Boussinesq approximation and neglects
w17,18x.                                                           dilational flow due to the extraction of melt, which is
    The objectives of this study were two-fold. First,             likely to be small w19x. Eq. Ž3. balances viscous
we investigated numerically the effects of thermal                 stresses with the body force due to density varia-
G. Ito et al.r Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 53–74                                       55

                                                                            Permeability K depends on grain size b according
                                                                         to K s Ž b 2f 2 .rŽ72p .. Finally, the rate of melt per-
                                                                         colation is assumed to be equivalent to the rate at
                                                                         which melt is generated such that:
                                                                                               ro        z
                                                                         fŽ z. vŽ z. s                    ˙ z
                                                                                                       HD Md                                 Ž 8.

                                                                         3. Numerical method and boundary conditions

                                                                            To solve the above equations, we use a Cartesian
                                                                         numerical code presented by Gable w20,21x. Time
                                                                         integration is achieved by iterating through discrete
                                                                         time steps, during each of which we solve for mantle
                                                                         flow, mantle potential temperature, and melt deple-
                                                                         tion. In solving the dimensionless forms of the flow
                                                                         equations ŽEq. Ž1. Eq. Ž2. Eq. Ž3. Eq. Ž4.., horizontal
                                                                         derivatives are expressed in terms of their Fourier
                                                                         components while vertical derivatives are expressed
Fig. 1. Combined shipboard and Etopo5 bathymetry map Žcontour
                                                                         as finite difference approximations. We then invert
interval of 0.5 km. showing Iceland Ž658N, 188W. and the Reyk-           for horizontal and vertical components of velocities
janes Žsouth of Iceland. and Kolbeinsey Žnorth of Iceland. ridges.       and stresses using a standard relaxation method.
Bold lines mark the ridge axes. This figure and Fig. 4, Fig. 7, Fig.        The dimensionless form of Eq. Ž3. is:
8 and Fig. 10, were produced using the GMT software package
                                                                                      r o gD 3                            r o y rm
                                                                         =Øt s                     ž   a To T X q b X q              f   /   Ž 9.
                                                                                        kho                                 ro
                                                                         where primes denote dimensionless variables. The
tions, which depend on potential temperature T, melt                     body force Žright hand side of Eq. Ž9.. is the sum of
depletion X, and mantle porosity f , according to:                       three terms: the first term, which scales with T X , is a
                                r o y rm                                 Rayleigh number:
Dr s yr o a T q b X q
                                           f   /               Ž 5.
                                                                         Ra s
                                                                                   r o gD 3
                                                                                              a To
   Eq. Ž4. balances energy transfer associated with                                 kho
heat conduction, heat advection, and latent heat loss                    the second term, which scales with X, is a melt
due to melting. Melt depletion is governed by:                           depletion Rayleigh number:
EX                                                                                  r o gD 3
     s yu Ø = X q M˙                                           Ž 6.      Ra X s                b
 Et                                                                                   kho
where M is melt fraction and M˙ s Ž E M Ž p,T ..rŽ E t ..
   To estimate the distribution of porosity f , we                       and the third term, which scales with f , is a melt
assume that melt migrates vertically through the                         retention Rayleigh number:
mantle at a melt–mantle velocity contrast Ž v y w . as                              r o gD 3       r o y rm
governed by Darcy’s flow law:
                  Ž r o y rm . gK
                                                                         Raf s
                                                                                      kho      ž        ro    /
f Ž vyw. s                                                     Ž 7.      Assumed values for b and Ž r o y rm .rr o are 0.06
                         hm                                              w12,16x and 0.121 w14,18x, respectively. Conse-
56                                 G. Ito et al.r Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 53–74

quently, depleting the mantle by 25% yields a den-                      where reference viscosity ho is defined as the mantle
sity reduction equivalent to heating the mantle by                      viscosity for T s To and z s 0.5D; TR in Kelvin is
4408C, while a melt porosity of 3% yields a density                     ŽT q 0.6 z q 273., where the term 0.6 z takes into
reduction equivalent to heating the mantle by 1078C.                    account the adiabatic gradient; and TR o is the real
    We assume that mantle viscosity varies with real                    temperature value of To . To approximate numerically
temperature, TR , and pressure according to:                            the effects of non-Newtonian rheology, we use re-
                 E q pV       E q r o g Ž 0.5D . V                      duced values of activation energy E and activation
h s ho exp   ½    RTR
                                     RTR o           5     Ž 10 .       volume V w22x ŽTable 1.. Because lateral variations
                                                                        in viscosity introduce nonlinearity to the above flow

Table 1
Variable                  Meaning                                           Value                        Units
a                         plume radius                                                                   km
b                         grain size                                        3 = 10y4                     m
B                         buoyancy number
cp                        specific heat                                     1000                         J kgy1 8Cy1
D                         fluid depth                                       400                          km
E                         activation energy                                 1.9 = 10 5                   J
g                         acceleration of gravity                           9.8                          mrs
Dhc                       isostatic crustal topography                                                   km
Dhm                       mantle dynamic topography                                                      km
K                         mantle permeability                                                            m2
M                         melt fraction                                                                  wt%
p                         pressure                                                                       Pa
P                         plume tracer concentration
Q                         volumetric plume flux                                                          km3rmy
R                         gas constant                                      8.314                        J Ky1 moly1
Ra                        thermal Rayleigh number
Ra X                      depletion Rayleigh number
Raf                       retention Rayleigh number
DS                        entropy change on melting                         400                          J kgy1 8C
T                         mantle potential temperature                                                   8C
TR                        mantle real temperature                                                        K
DTp                       plume temperature anomaly                                                      8C
uŽ u,Õ,w .                mantle flow rate vector                                                        kmrmy
U                         ridge full spreading rate                                                      kmrmy
V                         activation volume                                 4 = 10y6                     m3
W                         along-axis plume width                                                         km
X                         melt depletion                                                                 wt%
a                         coefficient of thermal expansion                  3.4 = 10y5                   Ky1
b                         coefficient of depletion density reduction
g                         horhp
k                         thermal diffusivity                               31                           km2rmy
h                         viscosity                                                                      Pa s
ho                        reference viscosity                                                            Pa s
hp                        plume viscosity at 0.5D                                                        Pa s
hm                        melt viscosity                                    1.0                          Pa s
v                         vertical melt flow rate                                                        kmrmy
r                         mantle density                                                                 kgrm3
rc                        crust density                                     2800–3030                    kgrm3
rm                        melt density                                      2900                         kgrm3
ro                        mantle reference density                          3300                         kgrm3
rw                        water density                                     1000                         kgrm3
G. Ito et al.r Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 53–74                                      57

equations, we linearized the equations by introducing                      determines the rate of decompression melting, com-
additional body force terms w20,23x. The nonlinear                         prising the source terms in Eq. Ž4. and Eq. Ž6.. The
terms and solutions were then updated upon succes-                         melting rate term in Eq. Ž4. is latent heat loss, which
sive iterations until solutions converged to our speci-                    inhibits buoyant mantle flow by increasing both
fied limit. We found that a convergence criterion of                       mantle density and viscosity, while the melting rate
0.1–0.5% yielded time-integrated solutions with er-                        term in Eq. Ž6. generates low density depleted man-
rors of - 0.5% while minimizing computing time.                            tle residuum. To calculate melting rate M, ˙ we incor-
This computational method was tested in 2D with                            porate the solidus and liquidus functions of McKen-
independent finite element solutions, while in 3D it                       zie and Bickle w25x, as well as their functional depen-
produced solutions within 2.6% of the best-estimated                       dence of M on homologous temperature for adia-
extrapolated solutions of a benchmark problem of                           batic batch melting.
w24x.                                                                          The rate of melting also determines the volume
    The final velocity field is then used in the advec-                    fraction of melt retained in the mantle, f , which is
tion term in Eq. Ž4. to solve for a new temperature                        the source of retention buoyancy. To compute poros-
field. Our energy solver uses finite differences with a                    ity we combine Eq. Ž7. and Eq. Ž8. and solve the
tensor diffusion scheme to reduce numerical diffu-                         integral in Eq. Ž8. numerically similar to w18x. The
sion, which is intrinsic to finite difference methods                      grain size dependent melt permeability that we incor-
w20,21x. The same tensor diffusion method is used to                       porate results in maximum porosities of 1–3%, which
solve Eq. Ž6. for the depletion field. Vertical flow                       is slightly higher than the 0.1–1% porosity range

Fig. 2. Perspective diagram illustrating steady-state flow Žsmall arrows. and potential temperature Žshaded and contoured at 1008C intervals.
fields of an example calculation that considers thermal buoyancy only and no melting effects Žmodel 5a.. Vertical plane on the right is a
depth cross-section along the ridge axis Ž x s 0., while the vertical plane to the left is a depth cross-section perpendicular to the ridge axis
Ž y s 0.. Top plot shows depth-averaged plume tracer concentration, P, along the ridge axis, which we used to define plume width W. Both
top Ž z s 0. and bottom Ž z s D . boundaries are isothermal planes with the bottom, a free slip boundary and the top, fixed at a horizontal
velocity of 0.5U Žlarge horizontal arrow.. All boundaries are closed to flow both in and out of the numerical box, thus material flows
downward at the end of the box opposite the ridge Ž x s 800 km. and recirculates toward the ridge axis along the base of the box. The effect
of this recirculation on the interaction between plume and ridge are insignificant.

Table 2
Parameters and results of experimental sets
Model           Grid size d x yd y            U         DTp   B        g       Q                W      W Ž Qr U .y1 r2
                Žkm.                          Žkmrmy.                          Ž10 6 km3 rmy.
Set A: thermal buoyancy without latent heat loss
1a              12.5–12.5                     20        100   1.729    2.352    0.974            512   2.322
2a              12.5–6.25                    120        100   0.0522   2.352    1.059            219   2.328
3a              12.5–6.25                     60        100   0.195    2.352    0.987            281   2.193
4a              12.5–6.25                     40        100   0.460    2.352    1.038            362   2.251
5a              12.5–12.5                     20        200   6.977    5.054    1.965            938   2.991
6a              12.5–6.25                    120        200   0.244    5.054    2.478            331   2.305
7a              12.5–6.25                     60        200   0.746    5.054    1.892            419   2.358
8a              12.5–12.5                     50        200   1.468    5.054    2.585            662   2.914
Ice 1a          12.5–12.5                     19         75   36.553   1.849   12.39            2312   2.864
Ice 2a          10.0–10.0                     19        170   14.866   3.757    2.186            830   2.447
Set B: thermal buoyancy with latent heat loss
1b              12.5–12.5                      20       100   1.720    2.352    0.969            488   2.215
2b              12.5–6.25                     120       100   0.0463   2.352    0.939            206   2.331
3b              12.5–6.25                      60       100   0.166    2.352    0.843            256   2.162
4b              12.5–12.5                      40       100   0.389    2.352    0.876            312   2.111
5b              12.5–12.5                      20       200   7.001    5.054    1.972            838   2.667
6b              12.5–6.25                     120       200   0.203    5.054    2.059            281   2.147
7b              12.5–6.25                      60       200   0.750    5.054    1.901            369   2.072
                                                                                                                         G. Ito et al.r Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 53–74

8b              12.5–12.5                      50       200   1.193    5.054    2.100            462   2.257
Ice 1b          12.5–12.5                      19        75   34.774   1.849   11.79            2212   2.809
Ice 2b          10.0–10.0                      19       170   14.857   3.757    2.185            710   2.094
Set C: thermalq depletion buoyancy with latent heat loss
1c                 12.5–12.5               20              100          1.427             2.352              0.804              488             2.431
2c                 12.5–6.25              120              100          0.0452            2.352              0.917              206             2.360
3c                 12.5–6.25               60              100          0.164             2.352              0.834              256             2.173
4c                 12.5–12.5               40              100          0.385             2.352              0.868              338             2.291
5c                 12.5–12.5               20              200          6.788             5.054              1.912              988             3.194
6c                 12.5–6.25              120              200          0.188             5.054              1.902              281             2.234
7c                 12.5–6.25               60              200          0.724             5.054              1.835              406             2.323
8c                 12.5–12.5               50              200          1.159             5.054              2.040              538             2.661
Ice 1c             12.5–12.5               19               75          34.117            1.849             11.56              2288             2.932
Ice 2c             10.0–10.0               19              170          14.597            3.757              2.147              830             2.469
Set D: thermalq depletionq retention buoyancy with latent heat loss
1d                 12.5–12.5               20              100          1.433             2.352              0.808              488             2.426
2d                 12.5–6.25              120              100          0.0452            2.352              0.917              206             2.359
3d                 12.5–6.25               60              100          0.1648            2.352              0.836              256             2.171
4d                 12.5–12.5               40              100          0.358             2.352              0.868              338             2.292
5d                 12.5–12.5               20              200          6.764             5.054              1.905              913             2.956
6d                 12.5–6.25              120              200          0.193             5.054              1.961              281             2.200
7d                 12.5–6.25               60              200          0.718             5.054              1.820              419             2.404
8d                 12.5–12.5               50              200          1.139             5.054              2.005              563             2.809
Ice 1d             12.5–12.5               19               75          34.089            1.849             11.56              2288             2.933
Ice 2d             10.0–10.0               19              170          14.501            3.757              2.133              870             2.597

For all experiments vertical grid separation d z is 8 km. Models 1–8: b s 0.06, DT s13008C, ho s1=10 20 Pa s, Ras 0.915=10 6 , Ra X s1.35=10 6 , Raf s 2.75=10 6 ,
a s 70 km. Models Ice 1 and 2: b s 0.024, DT s13508C, ho s 5=10 19 Pa s, Ras1.90=10 6 , Ra X s1.12=10 6 , Raf s 5.70=10 6 . Model Ice 1: as 300 km, DTp s 758C.
Model Ice 2: as60 km, DTp s1708C.
                                                                                                                                                                     G. Ito et al.r Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 53–74
60                            G. Ito et al.r Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 53–74

inferred from 238 U– 230 Th– 226 Ra disequilibria in               width and plume flux converged to steady-state val-
Hawaiian lavas w26x.                                               ues. We ran four sets of experiments ŽTable 2.:
    The numerical model set-up is illustrated in Fig.              experimental set A includes only thermal buoyancy
2. A ridge axis Ž x s 0. is simulated by defining                  and omits all melting effects; set B considers only
reflecting temperature Ži.e., zero heat flux. and flow             thermal buoyancy but includes latent heat loss; set C
Ži.e., zero shear stress. boundary conditions at the               includes additional buoyancy from melt depletion;
vertical sides, and setting the top boundary Ž z s 0. to           and set D includes additional buoyancy from melt
move at a constant half-spreading rate 0.5U. Temper-               retention.
ature at the surface Ž z s 0. is maintained at 08C,                   Fig. 2 shows an example of steady-state velocity
which cools and thickens a high viscosity lithosphere              and temperature field for a calculation in set A with
approximately with the square-root of x. A plume is                a plume source temperature anomaly of 2008C Žmodel
introduced by imposing a columnar-shaped tempera-                  5a.. Velocity vectors illustrate the plume rising from
ture anomaly in the lower portion of the box, cen-                 the conduit source and then spreading both perpen-
tered beneath the ridge axis. The plume is hottest                 dicular to and along the ridge axis after it impinges
ŽT s To q DTp . at its center and cools as a Gaussian              on the base of the lithosphere. The combined effects
function of radial distance to To at its radius a. We              of thermal buoyancy and reduced plume viscosity
exploit the symmetry in x and y by centering the                   result in a maximum plume upwelling rate of 244
plume column at x s y s 0, which allows a quarter                  kmrmy, which is ) 20 times that of the half spread-
plume in solution space to represent a fully circular              ing rate of 10 kmrmy. The corresponding average
plume in virtual space. In the lower portion of the                upwelling rate in the melting zone Ž z F 110 km. is
box Ž z ) 0.6 D ., we impose the potential temperature             85 kmrmy.
to be To everywhere except inside the plume source.                   Fig. 3a shows the steady-state velocity and mantle
Thus, the energy equation is solved only in the upper              density fields for the same plume source temperature
portion of the box Ž0.6 D G z G 0..                                anomaly but with the additional effects of latent heat
    To ensure numerical accuracy in the flow solu-                 loss Žmodel 5b.. In the melting region of the plume
tions, we set a non-dimensional viscosity Žhrho .                  center, potential temperatures are ; 1308C cooler
upper limit of 200 and set a lower limit of 0.1. The               and consequently the plume is 65% less buoyant and
upper viscosity limit is sufficient to simulate accu-              3 times more viscous than the calculation without
rately a rigid lithosphere Ži.e., u s U and Õ s w s 0              latent heat loss ŽFig. 2.. The resulting average up-
in the lithosphere., while the lower limit allows us to            welling rate in the melting zone is 50 kmrmy, only
incorporate the full viscosity reduction in a plume                ; 60% of the predicted average upwelling rate of
with temperature anomaly of 2008C. The depth de-                   the model without latent heat loss Žmodel 5a..
pendence of viscosity yields a factor of ; 4 viscos-                  The addition of melt depletion buoyancy in model
ity increase between top and bottom of the box for a               5c generates an additional ; 1% lateral density con-
constant mantle temperature.                                       trast between the plume center and the mantle be-
                                                                   neath normal ridge sections far from the plume ŽFig.
                                                                   3b.. The resulting average melting zone upwelling
                                                                   rate is 67 kmrmy. As material rises more rapidly in
4. Steady-state along-axis width of a mantle plume                 the plume center, it spreads more rapidly along the
head                                                               base of the rigid lithosphere. This in turn inhibits
                                                                   upwelling at radial distances of 100–150 km, shown
   We seek here to quantify the effects of melting on              as negative velocity differences in Fig. 3b.
mantle flow and thus the dependence of along-axis                     Finally, model 5d considers the additional buoy-
plume width, W, on plume flux, Q, and plate spread-                ancy from melt retention ŽFig. 3c.. The high melting
ing rate, U. We began numerical experiments with                   rate in the plume center results in a maximum poros-
the steady-state temperature solution of a ridge with-             ity of 2.5%, to reduce bulk density in the plume
out the plume. Then, after activating the plume, we                center by an additional 0.3%. This added retention
integrated through time until both along-axis plume                buoyancy further enhances the average upwelling
G. Ito et al.r Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 53–74                                61

rate in the melting zone to 77 kmrmy, which is                          the upwelling-inhibiting effects of latent heat loss.
; 90% of that predicted by the model that neglects                         In all models examined we find, as did Ribe et al.
all melting effects Žmodel 5a.. Thus, the added melt-                   w11x, that the thickening lithosphere does not channel
ing-related buoyancy forces approximately balance                       the plume preferentially along the ridge axis. On the

Fig. 3. Perspective views of depth cross-sections showing percentage density reduction in the mantle due to: Ža. thermal buoyancy with
latent heat loss Ž DTp s 2008C. Žmodel 5b.; Žb. plus melt depletion buoyancy Žmodel 5c.; and Žc. plus melt retention buoyancy Žmodel 5d..
Contour interval is 0.5%. Vectors in Ža. show mantle flow. Vectors in Žb. show the differences between flows with and without melt
depletion buoyancy. Vectors in Žc. show the difference between flows with and without melt retention buoyancy. Downward pointing
vectors in Žb. and Žc. illustrate reduced upwelling, not downwelling.
62                                              G. Ito et al.r Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 53–74

contrary, the spreading lithosphere enhances ridge-                                  plume flux weighted by plume temperature anomaly.
perpendicular flow by pulling plume material away                                    With these modifications we obtain a best-fit linear
from the ridge-axis, and actually impedes along-axis                                 regression of W s 2.80Ž QrU .1r2 B 0.05 which is in
flow by viscous shear. These effects however are                                     good agreement with that of Ribe et al. w11x of
small — the total along-axis flux at y s 70 km is                                    W s 2.93Ž QrU .1r2 B 0.052 . While the scaling and ex-
within a few percent of the total ridge-perpendicular                                ponential factors vary slightly between our results
flux at x s 70 km. Thus, the rate of spreading away                                  and those of w9x and w11x, the general form of Eq.
from the plume center is approximately equal in all                                  Ž11. is robust and insensitive to differences in far-
radial directions.                                                                   field experimental boundary conditions.
   To determine how W depends on Q and U for                                             For calculations of thermal buoyancy with latent
each experimental set, we examine spreading rates                                    heat loss Žset B., we obtain a best-fit linear regres-
between 20 and 120 kmrmy and we vary Q by                                            sion function:
changing DTp between 1008C and 2008C ŽTable 2..                                                         1r2
We track the distribution of plume material by intro-                                                                  0.02

ducing a tracer, P, in the plume and using our tensor
                                                                                     W s 2.21    ž /
                                                                                                              Ž Bg .                               Ž 12 .
diffusion scheme to advect P passively with the                                         The smaller constant and exponential coefficients
mantle. P s 1 is introduced in the plume source                                      relative to those in Eq. Ž11. reflect the inhibiting
column to represent 100% plume material, while                                       effects of latent heat on along-axis plume spreading.
P s 0 represents 0% plume material and 100% ambi-                                    The average values of W Ž Q r U .y1 r2 for experi-
ent mantle. We define W as the along-axis extent to                                  mental set B is 2.29, or ; 92% of the average in set
which the depth-integrated tracer concentration:                                     A.
     1       0.6 D
                                                                                        Addition of depletion buoyancy in experimental
ž   0.6 D
            H0       P Ž 0, y, z . d z      /                                        set C results in a best-fit regression function:
                                                                                                   Q    1r2
is ) 0.05 ŽFig. 2.. The volume flux of the plume is
measured at z s 0.6 D by integrating the vertical
                                                                                     W s 2.37    ž /
                                                                                                              Ž Bg .                               Ž 13 .
flow of the plume source over its cross-sectional                                       This function is essentially the same as that of Eq.
area.                                                                                Ž11. for set A. The average value of W Ž Q r U .y1 r2
    For calculations that include thermal buoyancy
only without latent heat loss Žset A., we find, similar
to w9,11x, that W depends primarily on the scaling
quantity Ž QrU .1r2 , and depends secondarily on the
p lu m e       buoyancy           num ber Ž B s
Ž Q r o a DTp .rŽ48ho U 2 .., as defined in w11x, and on
the ambientrplume viscosity ratio g s horhp , at
z s 0.5D. A modified buoyancy number which de-
pends on plume viscosity is thus Ž Bg .. The best-fit
linear regression function obtained by fitting linear
and constant coefficients to lnŽ Bg . is:
                 Q                   0.04                                            Fig. 4. Numerical results Ždots. of calculations with all melting
W s 2.35     ž / U
                            Ž Bg .                                      Ž 11 .       effects included Žset D.. The two Iceland models are circled. The
                                                                                     solid black line is the best-fit linear regression shown by Eq. Ž13.,
   Calculated values of W Ž Q r U .y1 r2 range from                                  which yields a standard deviation misfit that is 7% of the median
2.2 to 2.9 ŽTable 2. with a mean value of 2.50. To                                   value of W Ž Qr U .y1 r2 . Also shown are corresponding linear
                                                                                     regressions of calculations of thermal buoyancy without latent
compare our results directly with those of Ribe et al.                               heat loss Žset A, gray., thermal buoyancy with latent heat loss Žset
w11x, we omit the dependence on g and incorporate                                    B, dotted., and additional buoyancy from melt depletion Žset C,
their definition of Q, which is the integrated vertical                              dashed..
G. Ito et al.r Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 53–74                       63

of 2.51 is also essentially the same as that in set A.                     We take the top of our model to be the isostatic
The further addition of melt retention Žset D. does                    depth of the seafloor for a 7 km thick model crust,
not change this relationship significantly, as shown                   and assume isostatic compensation of crustal thick-
by the similarity in regression lines of set C and set                 ness variations that deviate from this model crust.
D ŽFig. 4.. Thus, the effects of retention buoyancy                    Consequently, variations in crustal thickness impart
occur at wavelengths too short to affect the full                      no lithostatic pressure variations in the mantle. To
width W. In summary, the effects of latent heat loss                   prevent melting at depths shallower than the isostatic
to inhibit lateral plume spreading are approximately                   base of the thickened Icelandic crust we prohibit
balanced by the added buoyancy of melt depletion                       melting everywhere at depths - 28 km. Melting
which enhances plume spreading.                                        may stop deeper, however, if hydrothermal cooling
                                                                       is important w32x.
                                                                           To calculate isostatic topography of the seafloor,
                                                                       we consider contributions from both the crust Ž D h c .
5. Models of Iceland and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
                                                                       and mantle Ž D h m .. In calculating D h c , we assume
                                                                       Airy compensation of the crust with a surface den-
    We next investigate models of mantle flow and                      sity contrast of Ž rc y r w . for the submarine portion
melting beneath Iceland, a relatively well studied                     of topography and rc for the subaerial portion. The
example of a ridge-centered plume. Our objective is                    crust along the Reykjanes and Kolbeinsey ridges is
to constrain the temperature anomaly, dimension,                       assumed to have a density of 2800 kgrm3 , except
and volume flux of the Iceland plume by comparing                      within 500 km of the plume center, where we in-
theoretical model predictions with observed along-                     crease it linearly to a maximum of 3030 kgrm3 at
axis variations in seismic crustal thickness, topogra-                 Iceland, to account for the higher MgO content of
phy, gravity, and basalt geochemistry. Previous geo-                   the Icelandic crust w33x. The mantle contribution to
physical studies of the Iceland–MAR system demon-                      topography, or dynamic topography is calculated
strated that the topographic high at Iceland coincides                 from vertical normal stress at the top layer of our
with a low in mantle Bouguer gravity anomaly                           model:
ŽMBA., and that both MBA and topographic anoma-
lies can be explained by the combined effects of                                      tz z
anomalously thick crust and low density mantle gen-                    Dhm s                                             Ž 15 .
                                                                                 Ž ro y rw . g
erated by the Iceland plume w27,28x. MBA are calcu-
lated by subtracting from free-air gravity the attrac-                    With this definition, our calculations predict
tion of seafloor topography and the crust–mantle                       seafloor depths to increase approximately with the
interface, assuming a uniform crustal thickness of 7                   square-root of distance from the ridge-axis, which is
km Že.g., w29,30x.. Because as much as 75% of the                      consistent with lithospheric half space cooling mod-
along-axis topographic and MBA variations may arise                    els Že.g. w34x.. In addition to using D h m to predict
from thickened igneous crust w28,31x, crustal thick-                   topography, we also use D h m to estimate crustal
ness calculations are an important link between our                    thickness in a manner independent of our mantle
models and surface observations.                                       melting calculations. This ‘isostatic crustal thick-
    To predict crustal thickness from mantle melting                   ness’ is defined as the isostatic thickness of crust
calculations, we assume that all melt generated within                 required to account for the difference between the
200 km of the ridge-axis accretes perpendicularly to                   observed topography and D h m .
the ridge-axis and take the top of our numerical box                      In computing MBA we again consider both crustal
to be the isostatic depth of the seafloor for crust of                 and mantle contributions. The crustal contribution is
normal thickness Ž7 km.. The crustal thickness as a                    the gravitational signal due to undulations at the
function of along-axis coordinate y is therefore:                      crust–mantle interface that deviate from the constant
             2   ro                                                    crustal thickness reference model originally assumed
Cr Ž y . s       ž /   HM˙ Ž y . d xd z                   Ž 14 .       in generating MBA. For these calculations we em-
             U   rm                                                    ploy the method of w35x. The mantle contribution to
64                           G. Ito et al.r Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 53–74

gravity is calculated by integrating the contributions            model Ice 1d also shows good agreement with the
from lateral density variations at each model layer               observed crustal thickness profile ŽFig. 5b.. The
w29x.                                                             excess magmatic flux rate required to sustain the
                                                                  anomalous Žin excess of a 7 km thick. isostatic crust
5.1. Broad plume source model                                     along the MAR, 1000 km north and south of Iceland,
                                                                  is 2.33 = 10 5 km3rmy. This value is within a few
    Our first model of the Iceland–MAR system,                    percent of the 2.45 = 10 5 km3rmy excess crustal
much like that of Ribe et al. w11x, considers a broad             production rate predicted from our melting model.
plume source with a relatively small temperature                      The predicted topography from the melting-model
anomaly Žmodel Ice 1, a s 300 km, and DTp s 758C.                 crustal profile generates 70% Ž; 2.5 km. of the total
rising beneath a model MAR with a full spreading                  along-axis topographic anomaly of ; 3.5 km ŽFig.
rate of 19 kmrmy w36x ŽFig. 5a.. At this spreading                5c.. We predict the remaining 30% Ž; 1 km. of
rate, To s 13508C is required to produce a ; 7 km                 topography to be supported by dynamic mantle uplift
thick, normal oceanic crust. The calculation that                 which is obtained with a b value of 0.024 w12,17x.
includes all melting effects Žmodel Ice 1d. predicts a            Of mantle dynamic topography, D h m , thermal buoy-
plume volume flux of ; 1.2 = 10 7 km3rmy, gener-                  ancy generates ; 70% while depletion and retention
ating an along-axis plume-head width, W, of ; 2300                buoyancy generate the remaining 22% and 8%, re-
km ŽFig. 5a.. The predicted maximum upwelling rate                spectively. The predicted total amplitude of D h m is
in model Ice 1d is 105 kmrmy, which is ) 10 times                 consistent with the 0.5–1.5 km of Eocene uplift as
that beneath the unaffected portion of the ridge far              inferred from sediment core analyses w38x.
from the plume. The predicted upwelling rate aver-                    The mantle Bouguer anomaly along the subma-
aged through the melting zone in the plume center is              rine portions of the ridge is also matched well by
20 kmrmy. Melt retention buoyancy contributes                     predictions of model Ice 1d using both the melting
minimal effects to this average upwelling rate and                model and isostatic crust ŽFig. 5d.. Similar to
thus very little to melting rate.                                 bathymetry, the crustal MBA accounts for most
    The enhanced upwelling rate in the plume center,              Ž70%. of the total predicted anomaly of ; 330
combined with an increase in total melt extent Ž23%               mGal, with the mantle contributing the remaining
compared to 13% beneath the ridge far away from                   30%. Of the predicted mantle gravity signal, 75% is
the plume., generates a maximum crustal thickness                 from thermal expansion, while 20% and 5% are
of ; 30 km, consistent with the seismic measure-                  generated by melt depletion and retention, respec-
ments on Iceland w37x ŽFig. 5b.. Along the length of              tively. The successful predictions of both topography
the Reykjanes Ridge, the crustal thickness profiles               and MBA support the hypothesis that these anoma-
predicted by melting in model Ice 1d shows striking               lies are from the same sources: primarily crustal
similarity to the seismic measurements. From the                  thickness variations and secondarily density varia-
plume center, the predicted crust first thins to 9.5 km           tions in the shallow mantle.
at an along-axis distance of ; 300 km, then thickens
to 11 km at a distance of ; 500 km, and finally                   5.2. Narrow plume source model
tapers to a thickness of 6.7 km at a distance of
; 1300 km. The predicted local minimum in crustal                    Our second set of models ŽIce 2. represent an-
thickness at y ; 300 km is caused by a reduced                    other end-member possibility — that of a narrower
mantle upwelling rate at the plume edge, caused by                and hotter plume source ŽFig. 6a; a s 60 km, and
the rapid vertical flux in the plume center. Melt                 DTp s 1708C.. With all melting effects included,
retention does not significantly affect crustal thick-            model Ice 2d predicts a plume volume flux of 2.1 =
ness because the predicted 0.5% contrast in porosity              10 6 km3rmy, which spreads plume material to a full
between the plume center and normal sub-ridge man-                width, W, of 870 km along the ridge axis. The
tle is too small to appreciably enhance plume up-                 maximum upwelling rate of model Ice 2d is 283
welling rate in the shallowest 100 km, where melting              kmrmy, which is ) 2.5 times greater than the maxi-
occurs. The isostatic crustal thickness profile of                mum upwelling rate in the broad plume source Žmodel
G. Ito et al.r Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 53–74                                  65

Fig. 5. Ža. Perspective diagram of model Ice 1d Žbroad plume source. shaded according to temperature. Black contours are depletion
Žcontour interval is 5%. and white contours are melting rates of 0.01, 0.03, and 0.05 myy1 . Žb. Comparison between model Ice 1d melting
model crust Žsolid. and isostatic crust Ždashed., and seismic crustal thickness measurements along the Reykjanes Ridge Ždots. and at older
seafloor near the continental margins Žtriangles. from w37x. Žc. and Žd. Comparison between the observed bathymetry Žthick gray curve in c.
and MBA Žthick gray curve in d. along the MAR and predicted profiles of model Ice 1d using the melting model crust Žbold curves in c and
d. and isostatic crust Žthick dashed curved in d.. Also shown are predicted mantle components due to various mantle density sources as
labeled. Bathymetry data and MBA are from w28x. We do not consider the on-land gravity of Iceland.

Ice 1d., and ; 30 time faster than normal ridge                          that of Ice 1d, which results in melting rates an order
upwelling rates. In addition, the maximum extent of                      of magnitude greater than those in model Ice 1d ŽFig.
melting is increased to 30%. Thus, a larger volume                       6a.. For the model without melt retention Žmodel Ice
of mantle material is predicted to circulate more                        2c., the melting-zone averaged upwelling rate is 63
rapidly through a thicker melting zone relative to                       kmrmy and the maximum melting model crustal
66                                 G. Ito et al.r Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 53–74

                                                                        drastically exceed the observed crustal thicknesses
                                                                        ŽFig. 6b.. The resulting topographic and MBA
                                                                        anomalies also fail to match the observations ŽFig.
                                                                        6c,d.. The isostatic crustal profile, on the other hand,
                                                                        yields predictions in much better agreement with the
                                                                        observed crustal thicknesses ŽFig. 6b., topography
                                                                        Žby definition. ŽFig. 6c., and MBA ŽFig. 6d. along
                                                                        the ridge-axis. Thus, if the Iceland plume is compa-
                                                                        rable in radius and temperature to our narrow plume
                                                                        source model, a substantial portion of the melt pro-
                                                                        duced beneath Iceland must accrete more uniformly
                                                                        along-axis than our melting-model crust, much like
                                                                        our isostatic crustal profile. This condition suggests
                                                                        melt migration andror lower crustal ductile flow
                                                                        w40x occurs over distances of several hundreds of
                                                                        kilometers away from Iceland, along the Reykjanes
                                                                        and Kolbeinsey ridges.
                                                                           Because the mechanisms of along-ridge-axis melt
                                                                        transport are poorly understood, we do not attempt to
                                                                        model this process in this study. Instead, we assume
                                                                        a priori that along-axis melt redistribution does occur
                                                                        and that the end result of this process leads to the
                                                                        isostatic crustal profile. In arriving at our final Ice 2
                                                                        models, we thus sought values of DTp and a such
                                                                        that the total volume rate of melt produced by the
                                                                        melting model matched that required to sustain the
                                                                        isostatic crustal profile. The best solutions of DTp s
                                                                        1708C and a s 60 km yield a total excess melt
                                                                        production rate of 2.54 = 10 5 km3rmy Žmodel Ice
                                                                        2d., which is within 1% of that required of the
Fig. 6. As Fig. 5 but for Ice 2 models Žnarrow plume source..           isostatic crustal profile.
Symbols as in Fig. 5 except melting rate contours in Ža. are 0.01,
0.03, 0.05, 0.2 and 0.4 myy1 .
                                                                           In these narrower, hotter plume source models,
                                                                        the mantle contribution to topography and gravity
                                                                        relative to the crustal contribution becomes much
thickness is 147 km. With melt retention Žmodel Ice                     larger than in the broader, cooler source models. For
2d., the 2.9% porosity in the plume is sufficient to                    example, model Ice 2d predicts a mantle topographic
increase the predicted melting-zone-averaged up-                        uplift that is 51% Ž1.8 km. of the observed along-axis
welling rate to 80 kmrmy and the maximum melt-                          topographic anomaly ŽFig. 6c., and a mantle contri-
ing-model crustal thickness to 166 km ŽFig. 6b.. In                     bution to MBA that is 48% Ž158 mGal. of the
model Ice 2d, the melting-model crust thins to 3 km                     observed MBA variation ŽFig. 6d.. The crust there-
at an along-axis distance of 120 km, where up-                          fore generates only 49% and 52% of the total topo-
welling and thus melting rate is strongly reduced at                    graphic and MBA variations, respectively. Calcula-
the edge of the rapidly upwelling plume center ŽFig.                    tions also predict the importance of melt-related
6a..                                                                    buoyancy to the mantle anomalies to be significantly
   The high maximum crustal thicknesses predicted                       greater for these hotter plume source models relative
by the narrow plume source melting model drasti-                        to the cooler source models. Thermal buoyancy is
cally exceed calculations of previous studies that                      predicted to produce 47% of D h m , and 60% of the
assumed passive mantle upwelling Že.g. w28,39x. and                     mantle MBA variation; melt depletion produces 39%
G. Ito et al.r Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 53–74                            67

of D h m and 25% of the mantle MBA; and melt                          between Iceland and an across-axis distance of 400
retention produces the remaining 14% of D h m and                     km away from the ridge-axis, and both predict the
15% of the mantle MBA variation.                                      south-pointing swell, elongated along the Reykjanes
                                                                      Ridge. As demonstrated above, the southward deep-
5.3. Reykjanes Ridge bathymetric swell                                ening of the ridge axis reflects crustal thinning and
                                                                      mantle density increase with distance from the Ice-
   Similar to along-axis topography, we predict map                   land plume source. But perpendicular to the ridge-
view topography by adding mantle dynamic topogra-                     axis, seafloor topography is dominated by the subsi-
phy ŽEq. Ž15.. and isostatic topography of the crust                  dence of the cooling lithosphere. Thus, contrary to
considering only along-axis variations in crustal                     previous notions Že.g. w5,6x., the regional bathymetric
thickness. For model Ice 1d, we use the melting-                      swell does not require a pipe-like flow of plume
model crust and for model Ice 2d, we use the                          material along the ridge axis. Instead, we predict the
isostatic crust. Fig. 7 illustrates the observed topog-               plume head to spread radially and explain the gen-
raphy in map view along the Reykjanes Ridge south                     eral shape of the elongated Icelandic swell as the
of Iceland, and predictions of models Ice 1d and Ice                  superposition of radial plume spreading and across-
2d. The similarity between the predictions and obser-                 axis lithospheric cooling. The models presented in
vations at broad wavelengths Ž); 500 km. are                          this study, however, do not consider time-dependent
compelling: both models predict the ; 2.0 km                          variations in crustal accretion which may also con-
across-axis decrease in broad wavelength topography                   tribute to across-axis topographic variations.

Fig. 7. Ža. Observed topography of Iceland and the Reykjanes Ridge Žoblique Mercator projection.. Žb. Mantleq crustal topography
predicted from our broad plume source model Ice 1d using the melting model crust. Žc. Mantleq crustal topography predicted from our
narrow plume source model Ice 2d using the isostatic crust.
68                                  G. Ito et al.r Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 53–74

5.4. Rare earth element and isotopic anomalies                           with previous inversions of melt fraction versus depth
                                                                         as calculated by White et al. w33x. At the plume
   A potentially useful independent constraint on                        center, our broad plume source model ŽIce 1d. and
melting depth and extents, which reflect mantle tem-                     narrow plume source model ŽIce 2d. predict melt
perature, is rare earth element ŽREE. concentrations                     fractions that are lower and higher, respectively, than
of axial basalts. A simple comparison can be made                        White et al.’s w33x inversions for Krafla volcano on
                                                                         Iceland ŽFig. 8a.. The potential temperature of the
                                                                         Iceland plume source, therefore, is likely to be
                                                                         1425–15208C, as represented by our two end-mem-
                                                                         ber models. At ; 550 km from Iceland on the
                                                                         Reykjanes Ridge, model Ice 1d predicts melting
                                                                         depths and extents closely matching those obtained
                                                                         from the REE inversions w33x ŽFig. 8b.. Model Ice
                                                                         2d, however, underpredicts the extents and depths
                                                                         because plume material from our narrow plume
                                                                         source did not spread to this along-axis distance.
                                                                         Thus, in order to explain the REE composition of
                                                                         basalts sampled 550 km away from Iceland, once
                                                                         again our model Ice 2d seems to require plume-de-
                                                                         rived melts to migrate substantially along the Reyk-
                                                                         janes Ridge axis.
                                                                            While REE concentrations reflect melting process
                                                                         beneath Iceland, Sr isotope ratios may reflect the
                                                                         concentration of the plume source material relative
                                                                         to that of normal mid-ocean ridge basalts ŽMORB..
                                                                         Schilling w8,41x interprets the peak in 87 Srr 86 Sr at
                                                                         Iceland to mark the center of the Iceland plume,
                                                                         where the plume source concentration is highest, and
                                                                         interprets the decrease in 87 Srr 86 Sr north and south
                                                                         of Iceland to reflect a decrease in percent of plume
                                                                         material comprising the mantle melt source.
                                                                            To address questions of where and how plume–
Fig. 8. Ža. and Žb. Comparison between White et al.’s w33x REE           MORB mixing occurs, we calculate the fraction of
inversion of melt fraction Žgray. and our predictions from models        plume tracer, P, in accumulated melts along the
Ice 1d Žsolid. and Ice 2d Ždashed. at Krafla, near the plume center      model ridge-axis Žneglecting along-axis melt migra-
Ža., and at DSDP Site 409 on the Reykjanes Ridge 550 km away
from the plume center Žb.. This inversion method assumes frac-
                                                                         tion. ŽFig. 8c.. At each numerical grid where new
tional melting and includes differences in partitioning coefficients     melt is generated, P is weighted by melting rate. We
between the spinel and garnet stability fields. It also assumes          then integrated over each ridge-perpendicular plane
complete extraction and mixing of all melts generated in the             to compute a weighted mean value Ž P . for each
melting region, which makes the estimation of maximum depth of           point along the ridge axis:
melting sensitive to the low-degree melt compositions w49x. An-
other assumption is the parent source composition Žprimitive
mantle beneath Krafla and a 50–50% mix of primitive and
                                                                                    HP Ž x , y, z . M˙ Ž x , y, z . d xd z
                                                                         P Ž y. s                                            Ž 16 .
depleted MORB source along the Reykjanes Ridge., which is                                  HM˙ Ž x , y, z . d xd z
important in estimating the maximum extent of melting. Žc.
Comparison between observed Sr isotope concentrations w41x along            This calculation thus approximates the plume con-
Iceland and the MAR and weighted mean plume tracer concentra-
tion P in the accumulated melts for models Ice 1d Žsolid. and Ice
                                                                         centration of pooled melts along the ridge axis. For
2d Ždashed.. The peak in 87 Srr 86 Sr to the north of Iceland is due     example, P s 1.0 indicates that all of the melt gener-
to the Jan Mayen hotspot w41x which we do not model.                     ated in a plane perpendicular to that point of the
G. Ito et al.r Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 53–74                                  69

ridge is entirely plume source derived. Likewise,                        km, which is more consistent with that of the
P s 0.0 indicates that none of the melts are plume                         Srr 86 Sr anomaly; however, its profile in P would
derived and 0.0 - P - 1.0 indicates plume–MORB                           likely be broader if along-axis melt migration were
mixing.                                                                  considered. Both model Ice 1d and Ice 2d predict
   Model Ice 1d predicts an along-axis geochemical                       that the melts are entirely plume derived Ž P s 1.0.
plume width of ) 2000 km, significantly greater                          over most of the plume width, and become fully
than that suggested by the 87 Srr 86 Sr anomaly. Ice                     ambient mantle derived Ž P s 0.0. within 200–300
2d, on the other hand, predicts a width of ; 1000                        km of the edge of the plume. These results suggest

Fig. 9. Ža. Lower diagram shows predicted P-wave velocity variations with contour interval of 0.5% for model Ice 1d Žbroad plume source.
caused by the combined effects of temperature, melt depletion, and melt retention. Top panel illustrates the predicted P-wave travel-time
delays, assuming vertically passing rays, for along-axial and across-axis profiles due to successively added mantle effects as labeled. Žb.
Same as Ža. but for model Ice 2d Žnarrow plume source.. The lowest velocity region occurs at depths 50–100 km due to the predicted high
melt retention.
70                           G. Ito et al.r Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 53–74

that, within most of the plume-affected portion of the            anomalies over a much narrower lateral extent. Be-
ridge, very little mixing occurs between plume and                low the melting zone, the 1708C plume temperature
ambient source material in the shallow mantle. Thus,              anomaly reduces calculated P-wave velocities by
if the gradients in 87 Srr 86 Sr away from Iceland                more than 1%. In the melt zone, however, the P-wave
reflect plume–MORB mixing, it most likely occurs                  velocities are reduced to as much as 2% due to the
deeper in the mantle, possibly by ambient mantle                  2.9% melt retention ŽFig. 9b.. Along the ridge-axis,
entrainment of the ascending plume Že.g. w42x..                   the travel-time delay for vertically passing rays is
                                                                  predicted to be q0.75 s at the plume center and to
                                                                  decrease by 0.85 s within ; 80 km. Approximately
5.5. Predictions of P-waÕe seismic Õelocity anoma-                half of this travel-time residual is predicted to arise
lies                                                              in the high-porosity melt zone in the shallow mantle.
                                                                  Across the ridge-axis, the additional effect of litho-
   Observations of compressional wave ŽP-wave.                    spheric cooling yields a predicted travel-time differ-
seismic travel-time variations and associated mantle              ence of 1 s within ; 80 km of the plume center and
P-wave velocity variations provide critical con-                  a travel-time difference of 1.2 s over an across-axis
straints on mantle properties beneath Iceland. To                 distance of 400 km. Preliminary results of the ongo-
predict P-wave seismic velocity anomalies, we as-                 ing ICEMELT experiment at Iceland have revealed
sume a reference P-wave velocity of 8 kmrs, which                 azimuthal variations in P-wave travel times as high
decreases by 6.25 = 10y3 % for each 18C increase in               as 1 s within 100 km of the ridge axis w44x, suggest-
mantle temperature, increases by 0.1% for each 1%                 ing that the narrow plume source model better repre-
increase in depletion, and decreases by 1.25% for                 sents Iceland than does the broad plume source
each 1% increase in pore volume w43x. We also                     model.
predict P-wave travel-time residuals by calculating
travel times of seismic rays passing vertically through
the 400 km thickness of our mantle models.
                                                                  6. Discussion
   The broad plume source model ŽIce 1d. predicts a
maximum decrease in P-wave velocity below the
melting region of ; 0.5% relative to the surrounding              6.1. Importance of melting effects
mantle. In the melting region, the predicted P-wave
velocity anomaly diminishes because the velocity-                    The importance of melting effects on mantle flow,
enhancing effects of latent heat loss and melt deple-             melt production, and surface observables are summa-
tion exceed the velocity-reducing effect of melt re-              rized in Fig. 10. Mantle melting generates apprecia-
tention ŽFig. 9a.. The corresponding travel-time de-              ble effects on mantle properties; however, over the
lay for vertically passing rays is predicted to be                range of plume viscosities considered in our models,
q0.23 s at the plume center and decrease to zero at               the effect of latent heat loss on mantle flow largely
an along-axis distance of ; 1200 km. The contribu-                cancels the effects of depletion and retention buoy-
tions to travel-time delay above the plume center are             ancy. As a result, the combined effects of these
q0.25 s from excess mantle temperature, y0.09 s                   factors on mantle flow are small, as reflected in the
from melt depletion, and q0.07 s from melt reten-                 small changes in the predicted values of W Ž Q r
tion. Across the ridge-axis, lithospheric cooling dom-            U .y1 r2 ŽFig. 4 and Fig. 10.. Similarly, when plume
inates, resulting in a predicted travel-time difference           temperature anomalies are mild, as in the Ice 1
of 0.5 s between the plume center and at an across-               models, the melting-related factors have only sec-
axis distance of 400 km. The broad plume source                   ond-order effects on upwelling rate, as reflected in
model thus predicts only a gradual decrease in                    small changes in the predicted crustal thickness ŽFig.
travel-time delay across the ridge axis and even                  10.. When plume temperature anomalies are larger,
smaller variations along the ridge-axis.                          however, as in the Ice 2 models, melt retention may
   In contrast, the narrow plume source of model Ice              enhance the predicted crustal thickness by 20% rela-
2d predicts significantly larger amplitudes of P-wave             tive to calculations that do not include retention.
G. Ito et al.r Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 53–74                      71

                                                                        6.2. Model uncertainties

                                                                            Because melting-related factors do not affect sig-
                                                                        nificantly large-scale mantle flow, uncertainties asso-
                                                                        ciated with our melt calculations, such as the as-
                                                                        sumed batch melting w25x, our choice of b values,
                                                                        and the melt porosity calculations, are likely to have
                                                                        only secondary effect on our estimates of plume
                                                                        source radius and temperature. By far the most im-
                                                                        portant uncertainty in this regard is mantle rheology.
                                                                        The reference mantle viscosity ho controls directly
                                                                        the rate of mantle upwelling in response to density
                                                                        variations ŽEq. Ž9... But, unfortunately, viscosity be-
                                                                        neath ridges is not known to within one or even two
                                                                        orders of magnitude Že.g. w45x.. One mechanism that
                                                                        may yield a substantially higher viscosity than that
                                                                        which we have assumed is dehydration at the onset
                                                                        of melting w45x. A higher melting zone viscosity, for
                                                                        example, would most likely require a greater temper-
                                                                        ature anomaly of the broad plume source model to
                                                                        explain the geophysical observations, or require a
                                                                        greater source radius and less along-axis melt redis-
Fig. 10. Characteristic variables predicted by models with melting
normalized by those predicted by models without melting. We
                                                                        tribution of our narrow plume source model to ex-
choose the mean value of W Ž Qr U .y1 r2 for each experimental          plain the observations. Thus, because of the uncer-
set and maximum value of along-axis variations for each of the          tainty of viscosity, our Iceland plume models are not
other variables. Crustal thickness anomalies are normalized by          unique. However, they do provide reasonable bounds
calculations with thermal buoyancy and latent heat loss.                on the plume source radius and temperature given
                                                                        the similarities between model predictions and the
                                                                        variety of geophysical and geochemical observations
    Contrasting with their mild influence on mantle                     considered.
flow, the melting-related factors have substantial ef-
fects on the predicted geophysical observables and                      6.3. Plume Õolume flux estimates
these effects increase with increasing plume tempera-
ture ŽFig. 10.. For mantle contributions to topogra-                        It may still be possible to constraint plume vol-
phy and MBA, latent heat loss reduces the ampli-                        ume flux independent of ambient viscosity based on
tudes of predicted anomalies by 20–40% relative to                      the observed MBA and bathymetric anomaly widths
calculations without latent heat loss. Depletion buoy-                  and the theoretical relationship between flux and W
ancy increases predicted mantle topographic anoma-                      Ži.e. Eq. Ž13... The use of Eq. Ž13. to infer plume
lies and MBA by 10–65% relative to calculations                         volume flux is valid if the surface anomaly widths
without depletion, while retention buoyancy in-                         directly reflect the along-axis plume width in the
creases predicted anomalies by 5–25% relative to                        mantle, which would be the case if along-axis melt
calculations without retention. Melting effects on                      migration is negligible, as assumed in the Ice 1
P-wave delay-time are also important: latent heat                       models. The flux required to match the along-axis
loss decreases predicted delay-time by ; 13%, melt                      MBA and bathymetric anomaly widths as predicted
depletion decreases delay-time by 20–30%, but melt                      from model Ice 1d is 1.2 = 10 7 km3rmy. This flux,
retention increases delay-time by 20–60%. It is thus                    however, is several times larger than previous esti-
important to consider melting effects on mantle                         mates of the Iceland plume of 2 = 10 6 kmrmy w46x,
properties when predicting geophysical observables.                     1.43 = 10 6 kmrmy w8x, and 2.2 = 10 6 kmrmy w28x.
72                           G. Ito et al.r Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 53–74

If, on the other hand, along-axis melt migration is               melt migration andror lower crustal ductile flow to
important, as suggested for the Ice 2 models, we                  occur over hundreds of kilometers along the MAR in
cannot use Eq. Ž13. to constrain the Iceland plume                order to explain the geophysical and geochemical
volume flux independent of ho . We must therefore                 observations. Our calculations predict that plume
rely on the fact that our melt production rate esti-              spreading away from the plume center is radially
mates are consistent with the total volume of ob-                 symmetric rather than channelled preferentially along
served excess crust as we did for the Ice 2 models.               the ridge axis. The elongated bathymetric swell along
Indeed, model Ice 2d predicts a plume volume flux                 the Reykjanes Ridge can be explained by rapid
of 2.1 = 10 6 km3rmy which is more consistent with                off-axis subsidence due to lithospheric cooling super-
the above estimates of the previous studies. An                   imposed on a broader hotspot swell. Both the broad
intriguing new question arising from this narrow                  and narrow plume source models predict very little
plume source model is, what specific mechanisms                   mixing between the plume and MORB sources in the
may allow melt generated beneath Iceland to migrate               shallow mantle; hence, we suggest that mixing may
hundreds of kilometers along-axis? Possible evi-                  occur deeper in the mantle, possibly due to entrain-
dence for such melt transport may include the V-                  ment of the isotopically depleted portion of the
shaped axial bathymetric highs propagating away                   mantle by the rising mantle plume. Our narrow
from Iceland along the Reykjanes Ridge as first                   plume source model predicts seismic P-wave veloc-
noted by Vogt w47x in 1971.                                       ity variations more consistent with recent seismic
                                                                  observations beneath Iceland, suggesting that this
                                                                  model may better represent the Iceland plume.
7. Conclusions

   We have investigated the dynamics of mantle                    Acknowledgements
flow and melting of a ridge-centered plume using
three-dimensional, variable-viscosity models with fo-                 We gratefully acknowledge N. Ribe, D. Sparks,
cus on three buoyancy sources: temperature, melt                  and C. Wolfe for their constructive and timely re-
depletion, and melt retention. When all melting ef-               views. We thank Y. Shen and P. van Keken for
fects are considered, the relationship between along-             supplying independent finite element solutions used
axis plume width, W, plume volume flux, Q, full                   to test our variable viscosity flow solver. This paper
spreading rate, U, buoyancy number, B, and ambi-                  also benefited from discussions with R. Detrick, J.G.
entrplume viscosity ratio, g , is best parameterized              Schilling, and M. Spiegelman. This work was sup-
by W s 2.37Ž Q r U .1r2 Ž Bg . 0.04 . Calculations that           ported by NSF grant OCE-9302915 and benefited
include melting yield a similar relationship to those             from collaborations facilitated through a NSF-sup-
that do not include melting because of the competing              ported Mantle Convection Workshop at the Los
effects of latent heat loss and depletion buoyancy.               Alamos National Laboratories and additional funds
We propose two end-member models for the Iceland                  granted through the WHOI Education Office. Contri-
plume beneath the MAR. The broad plume source of                  bution 9217 of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Insti-
radius s 300 km represents a low temperature Ž DTp                tution. [CL]
s 758C. and high flux Ž Q s 1.2 = 10 7 km3rmy.
end-member, while the narrow plume source of ra-
dius s 60 km represents a high temperature Ž DTp s
1708C. and low flux Ž Q s 2.1 = 10 6 km3rmy. end-                  w1x M.F. Coffin and O. Eldholm, Large igneous provinces:
member. The broad plume source predicts success-                       Crustal structure, dimensions, and external consequences,
fully the observed along-axis variations in seismic                    Rev. Geophys. 32, 1–36, 1994.
                                                                   w2x W.J. Morgan, Convection plumes in the lower mantle, Na-
crustal thickness, topography, and mantle Bouguer
                                                                       ture 230, 42–43, 1971.
gravity anomalies; whereas the narrow source model                 w3x P.R. Vogt, Evidence for global synchronism in mantle plume
predicts adequately the total excess crustal produc-                   convection, and possible significance for geology, Nature
tion rate Ž2.5 = 10 5 km3rmy. but requires extensive                   240, 338–342, 1972.
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