Eagle View Adult Center - September & October 2021 - City of Brighton

Page created by Salvador Jennings
Eagle View Adult Center - September & October 2021 - City of Brighton
Eagle View
          Adult Center
September & October 2021
                                            Lottery Registration
                                               Call EVAC at
                                         303-655-2075 with your
                                         name and phone number
                                        no later then Mon. Aug 30
                                        at 4:00 p.m. See page 2 for
                                               more details.

        Car Show - Sat. Sept 11
Friday Feast - Fri. Sept 24 & Oct 8
 Craft Fair Sign-up - Wed. Oct 6
Elvis is in the House - Tues. Oct 12

       1150 Prairie Center Parkway, Brighton, CO 80601
        303-655-2075 ~ evacinfo@brightonco.gov
Eagle View Adult Center - September & October 2021 - City of Brighton
2                          Center Information
Table of Contents                     Page          Registration Procedure for All Programs
Continuous Drop-in Activities ....... 3                To lessen the amount of people entering EVAC at
                                                        once, we will do a lottery registration, which will
September Happenings.................. 4 & 5            begin in person Wed. Sept 1 at assigned times.
October Happenings….…….….… 6 & 7                       To be included, call EVAC at 303-655-2075
                                                        with your name and phone number no later
Trips………...……………………. 8 & 9                              then Mon. Aug 30 at 4:00 p.m.
Classes...…………………………. 10 - 13                          All names will be entered in the lottery and
                                                        chosen randomly. You will receive a phone call
Medicare Series.…………………. 14                             on Tues. Aug 31 with your assigned registration
Center Info & Cancellations …….. 2 & 15                 time for Wed. Sept 1.
                                                       To make registration run efficiently:
Don’t Miss This …….………….... 16                           * Arrive on time.
                                                         * Registration form must be completed before
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.                meeting with staff.
Phone: 303-655-2075                                      * Do not fill out checks in advance.
Location: 1150 Prairie Center Parkway                    * Payment is due at the time of registration.
              Brighton, CO 80601                         * You can sign up for yourself and one other
                                                            person for the same programs.
Eagle View Center Staff                                  * Only those with appointments will be
Sue Corbett - Director                                      registered on Sept 1.
Donna Singer - Program Coordinator                     On Thurs. Sept 2, registration will open on a
Evon Benitez - Information & Referral                   first-come, first-serve basis.
Gayle Martinez - Administrative Assistant
Calvin Perdue - Program Coordinator                 Online Registration
Eleanor Maestas - VOA Meal Site Coordinator            Starting Oct 1 Eagle View will now offer online
Judy Walters - Front Desk/Rentals                       registration.
Cindy Castro - Custodian                               If you’re interested in learning how this will
Karen Mitchell - VNA Nurse                              work, please join us on Tues. Sept 21 at 1:30 p.m.
***************************                             During this presentation we will show you how to
On The Cover:                                           create a login and navigate our webpage. See
Left Photo: Jeanette Chadwick, Chris Fretter,           page 2 of the registration form.
Janet Urban, Judy Walters, Mark Day,                   If you have registered for programs at Eagle View
Mary Ann Ferrie                                         in the past and have a Household Account with
Right Photo: Sheryl Stoddard, Diane Figlewicz,          us, you will have a unique username and
Diane Berkland                                          password. Please call the center after Sept 22 at
                                                        303-655-2075 for your temporary login
***************************                             information. If new to the Center and not needing
                                                        help, you can visit http://evac.brightonco.gov to
VOA Lunch                                               create an account.
A hot, nutritious lunch is provided by Volunteers
of America, Mondays and Thursdays at 11:30          Senior Wellness Clinic
a.m. Please reserve your VOA meal in                The Senior Wellness Clinic focuses on health
advance: For Mondays reserve the Thursday           promotion and disease prevention for seniors 55+.
before, for Thursdays reserve the Monday            Operated by Visiting Nurses Association (VNA),
before. Call Eleanor at 303-655-2271 between        services include foot care, health checks, and blood
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., Mon. & Thurs.               pressure checks. Fee for foot care is $35 payable at
    Daily meal donations are appreciated.           the time of your appointment. Foot care may be
    $2.50 Donation per meal if age 60+              Kaiser covered with pre-approval. Reduced fee upon
    $8.50 Mandatory charge if under 60              approval available. Masks required for everyone.
                                                    Call 303-655-2075 for appointment.
             Closed on Mon. Sept 6.                      Clinic hours: 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
                                                         Thursdays: Sept 9, 16, 23; Oct 14, 21, 28
                                                         Fridays: Sept 10, 17; Oct 8, 15
Eagle View Adult Center - September & October 2021 - City of Brighton
Continuous Drop-in Activities                                            3

Billiards                              Craft Time
Are you looking for a great place      Work on any DRY craft hobby
to play pool? We have two tables       such as tatting, knitting,                               Rosalie Farrer
that are first-come, first-serve       crocheting, and in the company of                         is an amazing
during business hours. “Ladies         others!                                                     all around
only” play on Mondays between              9:00 - 11:00 a.m.                                      instructor at
1:00 - 4:00 p.m.                           Mondays                                                   EVAC.
     25¢ per day                           25¢ per day
                                           Closed Mon. Sept 6
Bingo In-Person
Join us in the dining room every       Knit & Crochet Drop-in
                                       Drop in to knit or crochet with        Cards, Cards, Cards!
Thursday with Barbara as our                                                  New players welcome. Call the
caller. One card per player. Win       others. No instructor.
                                           10:00 - 11:30 a.m.                 listed volunteer.
gift cards!
     12:15 p.m.                            Wednesdays                         Hand and Foot
     Thursdays                             Conference Room                        12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
                                           25¢ per day                            Mondays
Gift card prizes sponsored by:                                                    Room: Hawk/Heron
                                       Mexican Train Dominos
Sept 2, 16; Oct 7, 14, 28:             This is an easy game to learn - it’s       Linda: 303-910-4221
Inglenook at Brighton                  regular dominos with a fun twist.          Closed Mon. Sept 6
Sept 9, 30; Oct 21: Eagle View             12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Senior Advisory Board
                                                                              Pinochle Pals
                                           Wednesdays                            12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Sept 23: Home Helpers Home             Scrabble                                  Tuesdays
Care                                                                             Room: Hawk/Heron
                                       Play Scrabble with others who
                                       enjoy the game.                           Sandy: 303-917-7153
Computers Available                        12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Computers with free internet are                                              Cribbage
                                           Wednesdays                            12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
available when Falcon Room is
unoccupied. You will need to           Toys for God’s Kids                       Wednesdays
reserve a time. When you arrive,       Make and/or assemble wooden               Room: Peer
go to the front desk for assistance.   cars to distribute to kids around         Shirley: 720-685-3369
A cleaned and sanitized keyboard       the world through “Toys for God’s         Tournament: $4
will be checked out for you to use.    Kids.” Call Dave at 303-637-7686          Wed. Sept 29 & Oct 27
                                       for details.
Free Wi-Fi                                  8:15 - 10:15 a.m.            Bridge
Free Wi-Fi is available throughout          Tuesdays                        12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
EVAC. Inquire at front desk.                25¢ per day                     Fridays
                                                                            Room: Hawk/Heron
Ladies Billiards                       Wood Carving Drop-in                 Judy: 303-378-5226
This is “women only” time to           Learn to carve wood or work on       Please call if new.
enjoy the pool tables.                 an existing project. Call Norm at
    1:00 - 4:00 p.m.                   978-568-1191 to arrange free      Pitch
    Mondays                            instruction.                         12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
    25¢ per day                             8:15 - 10:15 a.m.               Fridays
    Closed Mon. Sept 6                      Tuesdays                        Room: Falcon
                                            25¢ per day                     Shirley: 720-685-3369

            Monday                     Tuesday               Wednesday            Thursday        Friday
   9:00 Craft Time              8:15 Toys for God’s     10:00   Knit & Crochet 12:15 Bingo 12:30 Bridge
   12:30 Hand & Foot                 Kids               12:30   Cribbage                   12:30 Pitch
   1:00 Ladies Billiards        8:15 Wood Carving       12:30   Dominos
                                12:30 Pinochle Pals     12:30   Scrabble
Eagle View Adult Center - September & October 2021 - City of Brighton
4                       September Happenings
Blood Pressure Screening               Bunco                                  Counseling.
The Brighton Fire Department will      Bunco is a fun game of dice filled        1:00 p.m.
perform FREE blood pressure            with laughter and prizes. No              Mon. Sept 13
checks. New time!                      refreshments will be served at this       $2
    10:30 - 11:30 a.m.                 time. All Bunco players will be           Deadline: Fri. Sept 10
    Thurs. Sept 2/ Mon. Sept 27        asked to sanitize their hands before
                                       and after play.                        The Constitution
Denver Broncos History                      1:15 - 3:15 p.m.                  Nobody Wanted
September 9th starts the 61st               Thurs. Sept 9 & 30                EVAC & Zoom
season for the Denver Broncos as            $4 (per day)                      To commemorate its signing on
a National Football League team.            Deadline: Wed. before             September 17, 1787, come to this
Hear about the history of our                                                 historical presentation on the U.S.
hometown team by NFL historian         Evaluating Your Drug Plan              Constitution. After the members of
Scott Perry. Wear your best            EVAC & Zoom                            the Continental Congress signed the
football fan attire to enter a prize   Medicare Open Enrollment is the        Declaration of Independence, they
drawing.                               time you can annually review and       came up with an idea for a
    2:00 p.m.                          change your prescription drug plan     government - the Articles of
    Tues. Sept 7                       to make sure your medications are      Confederation - which turned out to
    $5                                 covered and you are getting the        be ineffective. However, when
    Deadline: Fri. Sept 3              best deal. This program will help      delegates met in Philadelphia in
                                       you evaluate your Part D coverage      1787 to devise a new plan for
Meditation                             with a demonstration on how to         government, they argued and
Meditation can free us from stress,    look up your medications using the     compromised so much hardly
allow us more joy, help us sleep,      Medicare.gov system. Presenter         anyone embraced the Constitution
and give the body more energy. It      Lisa Asmussen is a Medicare            at the time. Presenter: Paul
is so simple that anyone can           specialist. Lisa will also cover       Flanders.
meditate and see its true benefits.    prescription discount programs              2:00 p.m.
You will be introduced to several      such as Good RX.                            Tues. Sept 14
meditation styles to find one that          1:30 p.m.                              $4
works for you! You may meditate             Fri. Sept 10                           Deadline: Mon. Sept 13
in a chair or on the floor (bring a         Free
yoga mat or blanket). Meditation            Deadline: Thurs. Sept 9           Active Minds: New York
facilitator Cameron Cordova has                                               EVAC & Zoom
traveled world-wide in search of       Car Show                               There’s no place in the world quite
meditation techniques and has          Everyone loves old cars, fancy         like New York City. From
practiced for 20+ years. This is a     cars, fast cars - and Brighton has a   Broadway to Wall Street, Little
follow-up to our “Battling Belly       lot of cars! They will be proudly
                                                                              Italy to Central Park, New York has
Fat” class.                            displayed in our parking lot at our
                                                                              a history and an energy all its own.
     9:00 - 10:00 a.m.                 Annual Car Show. Call
                                                                              Join Active Minds as we virtually
     Wednesdays                        303-655-2075 to find out how to
                                                                              visit one of the world’s most
     Sept 8, 15, 22                    get your car in the show. Brighton
                                                                              important cities. We’ll explore the
     $15 (3 wks)                       Jazz will be performing!
                                                                              city’s past and present, as well as
     Deadline: Tues. Sept 7                 8:30 - 10:30 a.m.
                                                                              the important people and places that
                                            Sat. Sept 11
                                                                              have shaped this unique city.
Kindness Counts                                                                    1:30 p.m.
This group is about fun, easy ideas    Managing Grief                              Wed. Sept 15
for spreading a little kindness        and Loneliness                              $6
throughout the community. Each         Come learn about processing the             Deadline: Tues. Sept 14
month we pick a project and work       loss of relationships and the
together as a group to be kind.        challenges associated with               To be included in the initial
     11:00 a.m.                        loneliness, and other aspects of         registration, call EVAC at
     Wed. Sept 8                       grief and loss. Facilitated by          303-655-2075 with your name
                                       Andrea Durocher and Kelly Webb             and phone number by
                                       from Pennock Center for                   Mon. Aug 30 at 4:00 p.m.
Eagle View Adult Center - September & October 2021 - City of Brighton
September Happenings                                                  5

Feathered Friends:                      Temples                                There’s Gold in
Eurasian Kestrel                        of India                               Them Thar Hills
The Eurasian or “Common”                Join us to                             EVAC & Zoom
kestrel is the only non-native          learn                                  Let’s head into the hills to see the
raptor that the Raptor Education        intriguing                             boomtowns that filled the Front
Foundation cares for. If you’ve         facts about                            Range, and the mines that gave them
ever been to Paris, Rome, or            the temples of India, many dating      a reason to be! Cities like Idaho
Salzburg, chances are one of these      back centuries. View the               Springs and Georgetown got rich on
falcons was spying on you from          wonderful architecture, intricate      metals, and on mining the men who
the edge of an ancient cathedral.       designs, and beautiful art inside      mined the mountains, honestly and
Learn about their long association      the temples. A temple is reserved      not! Presented by Denver History
with humans in Europe and around        for spiritual rituals and activities   Tours, we will strike it rich in some
the world. Your fee supports the        such as prayer, meditation,            of the mountain boomtowns that
Raptor Education Foundation in          sacrifice, and worship. They           have given Colorado so much of its
caring for injured birds.               serve as a place to understand         history.
     1:30 p.m.                          and appreciate Indian art, culture,         2:00 p.m.
     Thurs. Sept 16                     and religion for generations to             Mon. Sept 27
     $5                                 come. Instructor Akila                      $4
     Deadline: Wed. Sept 15             Arumugam is from India and an               Deadline: Wed. Sept 22
                                        instructor at EVAC.
Nutrition and Belly Fat                      1:30 p.m.                         “Tiny” Hill’s Biggest Times
As a follow-up to our “Battling              Wed. Sept 22                      Local historian Robin Kring shares
Dangerous Belly Fat” program,                $5                                highlights, photos, music
Nutritionist Diana Berkland will             Deadline: Tues. Sept 21           recordings, and memorabilia from
provide tips on choosing the right                                             Tiny Hill’s hugely-popular Big
food combinations for weight loss       Cultivating New                        Band career and his personal
and avoiding weight gain. She           Relationships                          connection to the Brighton/Fort
will provide information on hidden      It is often challenging to make        Lupton area. “America’s Biggest
fats/sugars in food, weight loss        new connections. This class will       Band Leader” (all 350 lbs. of him)
myths, and “eat this, not that” tips.   focus on cultivating relationships     packed national ballrooms at the
Fun visuals will enhance this           and nurturing new friendships.         height of the Big Band era (1930 -
interesting and educational             Facilitated by Andrea Durocher         1940) recording over 100 records!
program. Time after for questions.      and Kelly Webb from Pennock            Also learn about his Fort Lupton
     1:00 p.m.                          Center for Counseling                  farm, Brighton radio station, and his
     Mon. Sept 20                             2:00 p.m.                        three “fit for a country-music-song”
      $3                                      Thurs. Sept. 23                  marriages. Robin Kring is a local
     Deadline: Fri. Sept 17                   $2                               historian/speaker/author.
                                              Deadline: Wed. Sept 22                1:30 p.m.
Medicare Counseling                                                                 Tues. Sept 28
Meet one-on-one with Ann                Friday Feast                                $5
Brothers on Medicare issues. She        Who doesn’t love John Denver                Deadline: Fri. Sept 24
is specially trained on Medicare        music? Back by popular request,
insurance programs, including           we have a special treat today with     Cribbage Tournament
Medicare Part D. Call Evon at           Chris Collins performing               Our monthly cribbage tournament is
303-655-2079 to make an                 everything John Denver. We’ll          lots of fun and includes prize
appointment. Adams County               be serving tailgate ham                winnings. Just drop in and pay fee
residents with Medicare questions       sandwiches, Craisin-broccoli           to the tournament volunteer. All
can also call Benefits in Action at     salad, and dessert provided by         players are to sanitize their hands
720-221-8354.                           Inglenook.                             before playing. No refreshments
     10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.                  12:00 noon                        will be served at this time.
     Tues. Sept 21                           Fri. Sept. 24                              12:30 p.m.
     Deadline: Fri. Sept 17                  $6                                         Wed. Sept 29
                                             Deadline: Wed. Sept 22                     $4
Eagle View Adult Center - September & October 2021 - City of Brighton
6                         October Happenings
   To be included in the initial      Flu Shots                                 many different religions and
   registration, call EVAC at         Platte Valley Medical Center will         denominations. Through this
  303-655-2075 with your name         be here to give annual flu shots.         architectural journey, participants
     and phone number by              No appointment necessary – just           will also learn about the growth of
    Mon. Aug 30 at 4:00 p.m.          walk in. For more information,            Denver and hear a few stories that
                                      call 303-498-3590.                        have linked hand in hand the
                                           8:00 - 11:00 a.m.                    people of Denver with their faith.
Craft Fair Sign-Up                         Thurs. Oct 7                         Denver has more historic
Our Craft Fair will be Sat. Nov 6                                               buildings devoted to religion than
from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. All        Spellbinders Storytelling                 you might realize.
items must be hand-crafted. One       The past storytelling was such a hit           2:00 p.m.
table per person. If you are          that we’re bringing Julie and Kathy            Mon. Oct 11
interested in a table, call 303-655   back for another fun-filled event.             $4
-2075 no later than Mon. Oct 4        Stories help us make sense of our              Deadline: Wed. Oct 6
by 4:00 p.m. Leave your name          world, impart a lesson, pass down
and phone number. All names           history, and more. They can teach         Elvis is in the House!
will be entered into a lottery        us how to love, to forgive, to be         It will be a great night! You will
drawing. If your name comes up        just, and to strive for better than we    hear George Gray sing Elvis
in the first 45 names drawn, you      have. Be sure to stay after bingo         Presley’s songs and learn Elvis
will receive a phone call on Oct 5    for this great program featuring          trivia. It will bring back lots of
with your registration time to be     two different storytellers.               memories. We’ll be serving
held on Oct 6. You will then               1:15 p.m.                            southern bbq pork sandwiches,
come to the center at that time,           Thurs. Oct 7                         side dishes, and Elvis’s favorite
select your table, and pay your            Free                                 cake!
fee (cash or check only.) Due to           Deadline: Tues. Oct 5                     5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
COVID, we will reduce the                                                            Tues. Oct 12
number of tables and no food will                                                    $7
be sold. If the health conditions     Friday Feast                                   Deadline: Fri. Oct. 8
in the community worsen, we           Mandolin Ranch will be
will cancel this event and you        performing today. This duo                Hair Sparkles
will receive a full refund.           features Charlie Provenza, a              Add sparkle to your life. Silk hair
     Assigned Registration Times      national mandolin champion, and           tinsel is tied onto hair strands and
     Between 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.        singer Billy Byrd. They play a            can stay in for weeks. Hair must
     Wed. Oct 6                       variety of music ranging from             be straight or slightly wavy and at
     $35 per table                    rock, country, bluegrass, Irish, and      least 5-6 inches long. Dates will
                                      a little gypsy too!! Lunch today          be available when Sarah Hoskin-
Top Ten Mistakes People               will be Mexican lasagna, salad, and       Clymer returns from her trekking
Make When Dying                       cookies from Brookdale.                   adventure. Watch for flyers at
EVAC & Zoom                                 12:00 noon                          Eagle View.
Come and learn the top ten                  Fri. Oct 8
mistakes people make when                   $6
preparing for their eventual                Deadline: Wed. Oct 6                              Key
death. An experienced estate                                                   EVAC & Zoom - Attend in
planning attorney from Dolan and      Churches of Denver                       person at EVAC or at home through
Associates will share common          EVAC & Zoom                              Zoom. To register for in person
mistakes that if avoided will         Not every Denver pioneer was out         attendance see the attached
result in a better transition for     here to strike it rich on gold. Some     registration sheet. Zoom classes
your family upon your death.          came to save souls and find riches       now require a membership. See
     1:00 p.m.                        in generosity, good works, and           page 12 for more details.
     Wed. Oct 6                       ministry. Presented by Denver
                                      History Tours, it's time to see          ***Programs with NO designation
     Free                                                                      are at Eagle View. Register by
     Deadline: Mon. Oct 4             Denver’s houses of worship across
Eagle View Adult Center - September & October 2021 - City of Brighton
October Happenings                                                  7

Dream Therapy                          they are secretive, but efficient
This introductory dream class will     predators - hunting everything          October Happenings
help you get back in touch with the    from moths to collared doves!          Descriptions: Pages 4 & 5
magical world of your sleeping         This is one of REF’s newest
mind. We will cover topics such as     ambassador birds, recently
flying, visiting loved ones and old    arriving from Michigan. Pictures      Blood Pressure Screening
pets, granting wishes, and resolving   encouraged. Your fee supports              10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
nightmares. There is no limit to the   the Raptor Education Foundation            Mon. Oct 11/ Thurs Oct 28
ways that dreams can heal our past     in caring for injured birds.          Kindness Counts
and light our future. This                  1:30 p.m.                             11:00 a.m.
workshop will show you how.                 Thurs. Oct 21                         Wed. Oct 13
Facilitator Cameron Cordova has             $5
studied dream healing for five years        Deadline: Wed. Oct 20            Bunco
and is an expert in the ancient art                                               1:15 - 3:15 p.m.
known as Lucid Dreaming.               First Arrivals:                            Thurs. Oct 14 & 28
     9:00 - 10:30 a.m.                 The American Colonies                      $4 per day
     Mon. Oct 18                       EVAC & Zoom
     $7                                The Old World had most of its         Medicare Counseling
     Deadline: Thurs. Oct 14           land and social status tied up in          10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
                                       the landed gentry. It had                  Tues. Oct 19
                                       restrictive religious practices and        By appointment
Medicare Series
                                       customs as well. The New World
Our annual Medicare Series begins
                                       offered numerous opportunities
                                                                             Cribbage Tournament
Tues. Oct 19. See page 14 for                                                     12:30 p.m.
details.                               and free land, inspiring families
                                                                                  Wed. Oct 27
                                       to risk crossing the treacherous
Active Minds:                          North Atlantic. Presenter Paul
Salem Witch Trials                     Flanders is a former high school
                                       history teacher.                       Wonderful Wolves
EVAC & Zoom                                                                   Ahh-woooooo!! It’s that spooky
In 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts an          1:00 p.m.
                                            Fri. Oct 22                       time of year again and it will be
extraordinary series of events                                                extra scary as we welcome the
coupled with the hysterical reaction        $4
                                            Deadline: Thurs. Oct 21           W.O.L.F. Sanctuary and one of
of the community resulted in the                                              their wolf dog ambassadors. The
Salem Witch Hunt. Hundreds of
individuals were tried for the crime
                                       Cemetery Symbolism                     hour-long program will go over
                                       Jacquelyn Smith has done               wolf biology, behavior, and
of witchcraft and many were                                                   ecology. Additionally, the
                                       extensive research on cemetery
executed. Join Active Minds as we                                             program covers information about
                                       art and Victorian mourning
seek to understand this astounding                                            wolf dogs and the pet wildlife
                                       practices. She has a wealth of
piece of early American history.                                              crisis. Come see a live wolf dog in
                                       information about the hidden
Speaker Mark Mertes has done                                                  person!
                                       meanings behind the symbols and
extensive research on the subject.                                                 11:00 a.m.
                                       art found on headstones. She will
     1:30 p.m.                                                                     Wed. Oct 27
                                       also share unusual mourning
     Wed. Oct 20                                                                   $6
                                       practices of old, as well as
     $5                                                                            Deadline: Fri. Oct 22
                                       interesting Colorado tombstones
     Deadline: Tues. Oct 19
                                       and cemetery tours. Join us after
                                       lunch for this “hauntingly”                        Massage
Feathered Friends:                     entertaining program. Lots of         We are actively working on
Screech Owl                            time for questions and to view        securing a massage therapist to start
This month’s feathered friends is an   artifacts.                            in Sept/Oct. More information will
eastern screech owl, a common and           1:00 - 2:30 p.m.                 be available at Eagle View when
diminutive owl found on the                 Mon. Oct 25                      we have made the appropriate
western side of Colorado’s Front            $5                               arrangements and background
Range. Weighing only five ounces,           Deadline: Thurs. Oct 21          checks to begin massage services.
Eagle View Adult Center - September & October 2021 - City of Brighton
8                         September Trips
  Masks Required on Vans            Growing Gardens at                        10:30 a.m.
 All riders are required by         Long Family Farm                          Thurs. Sept 23
 Federal mandate to wear masks      For the past 20 years, Growing            $20 (plus food $10+)
 prior to and when boarding         Gardens has brought sustainable           Deadline: Fri. Sept 3
 transit. While onboard one of      agriculture education and food       Hike A
 our vans you will be required to   donations to over 136,000
 wear a mask at all times. When                                          Evergreen Lake Trail
                                    Boulder County residents. It is
 you arrive at the venue or         located on 11 acres on the Long      Rating: Easy
 destination it is at your          Family Farm in Boulder. The          “Stop and Smell the Roses”
 discretion to wear a mask unless   90-minute guided walking tour        Evergreen Lake Trail is a loop trail
 the venue requires one to enter.   will take you through their          located near Evergreen, Colorado
 Mask mandates and other            property, which includes a visit     that features a lake and beautiful
 guidelines change often for each   with their herd of goats. Lunch on   mountain views. The hike is on a
 venue.                             your own in Old Town Louisville.     flat, hard-packed trail that makes
                                         9:00 a.m.                       for easy walking. Dress for
                                         Wed. Sept 15                    hiking, pack your lunch, and
        Denotes lots of walking          $11 (plus meal $15+)            bring plenty of water. Don’t
                                         Deadline: Thurs. Sept 9         forget money for ice cream on the
                                                                         way home.
                                                                         Distance Round-trip: 1.4 mi.
Denver Mob Tour                     Gardens on                           Elevation: +/- 7,077 ft.
Join Denver Mob historian Tom       Spring Creek                         Elevation Gain: +/- 42 ft.
Hackett on this exciting bus tour   The Spring Creek          Gardens          8:00 a.m.
through North Denver's Little       in Fort Collins reopened in 2019           Mon. Sept 27
Italy! Explore former social        after a year of renovations. Join          $5 (plus ice cream $5+)
clubs, homes, and haunts of some    us for a 90-minute guided walking          Deadline: Wed. Sept 22
of Denver’s most influential        tour. Spend most of the
Denver crime families, while        tour outside learning about this     Rockies vs.
uncovering the truth behind         beautiful park. You’ll also get to   Nationals
many of these legends. This trip    visit their butterfly house with     Watch the Rockies take on the
is reserved for those who haven’t   over 300 butterflies and 100+        Washington Nationals in a shaded
gone before. Lunch after at         tropical plants. Lots of walking.    seat. Pack your lunch or buy food
Gaetano’s.                          Lunch on your own in Old Town        on site at the many vendors. Dress
     Trip A                         Fort Collins.                        for the weather. There are two
     10:15 a.m.                          9:00 a.m.                       handicap and two aisle seats
     Thurs. Sept 9                       Tues. Sept 21                   available. Let us know if you
     $24 (plus meal $15+)                $19 (plus meal $15+)            need one at registration. You may
     Deadline: Fri. Sept 3               Deadline: Tues. Sept 7          only register for one Rockies
                 by noon                                                 game. See flyer at registration for
                                    Rockies vs.                          new bag policy at Coors Field.
Helga’s German                      Dodgers                                   10:30 a.m.
Restaurant                          Watch the            Rockies take         Wed. Sept 29
This authentic German home-         on the Los Angeles Dodgers in a           $20 (plus food $10+)
style restaurant in Aurora serves   shaded seat. Pack your lunch or           Deadline: Thurs. Sept 9
amazing dishes that will not        buy food on site at the many
disappoint. You’ll feel like        vendors. Dress for the weather.              Trip Allotment
you’ve been transported to          There are two handicap and two       On the first day of registration
Bavaria!                            aisle seats available. Let us know   (Wed. Sept 1), you are allowed to
     11:00 a.m.                     if you need one at registration.     sign up for a maximum of two trips
     Thurs. Sept 9                  You may only register for one        per month. You can only sign up
     $4 (plus meal $15+)            Rockies game. See flyer at           for one Rockies game. On Thurs.
     Deadline: Tues. Sept 7         registration for new bag policy      Sept 2 you can register for other
                                    at Coors Field.                      trips that have space available.
Eagle View Adult Center - September & October 2021 - City of Brighton
October Trips                                               9

 A completed 2021                     North Side Tavern                    stories, and art intermingle to tell
 Outdoor Readiness                    Restaurant                           the tale of Colorado and the
 Assessment Form is                   This is a local favorite in          American West. This Denver
 required at registration for         Broomfield serving classic tavern    museum, consisting of over fifteen
 both hikes.                          fare with a Colorado twist.          exhibits spanning four floors,
                                      There’s a wide range of dishes to    captures the pioneering and
Hike B                                choose from making this a great      individualistic spirit of Colorado.
                                      place for all.                       Lunch at Rendezvous Café in the
Caribou Trail                                                              museum at a time of your choice.
                                           11:00 a.m.
Rating: Moderate                           Wed. Oct 13                          10:15 a.m.
Located in Caribou Ranch Open              $4 (plus meal $15+)                  Mon. Oct 25
Space this 4-mile beautiful loop           Deadline: Mon. Oct 11                $17 (plus meal $12+)
trail near Nederland features wild                                              Deadline: Thurs. Oct 21
flowers, aspens, open meadows,        Top Golf
and creeks. Dress for hiking,         We’re heading to Top Golf in
pack your lunch, and bring                                                 Haunted
                                      Thornton for 2 hours of play time    Denver Tour
plenty of water. Don’t forget         on two bays. You won’t get
money for ice cream on the way                                             Join Denver
                                      bored with over 10 different         History Tours for
home.                                 games to choose from. This isn’t
Distance Round-trip: 4.0 mi.                                               an exploration for
                                      your everyday golf range, so sign    our incorporeal
Elevation: +/- 8,569 ft.              up to find out what makes this
Elevation Gain: +/- 300 ft.                                                counterparts.
                                      place so special. If this is your    From the
      7:30 a.m.                       first time at Top Golf, you will
      Tues. Oct 5                                                          murderous rampage of Jack the
                                      need an extra $5 to pay for a one-   Strangler to mansion basements
      $5 (plus ice cream $5+)         time membership, payable at Top
      Deadline: Thurs. Sept 30                                             that are fields of bones, this is a
                                      Golf. Lunch after at Lazy Dog        tour that will get you in the spirit
                                      Restaurant and Bar.                  of the season for spirits! It is not
Denver Mob Tour                             8:30 a.m.
See page 8 for description.                                                for the faint of heart, and some of
                                            Tues. Oct 19                   the stories will be certain to turn
    Trip B
                                            $10 (plus meal $15+)           your stomach. On this van tour of
    10:15 a.m.
                                            Deadline: Fri. Oct 15          Denver we will stop for lunch at
    Wed. Oct 13
    $24 (plus meal $15+)                                                   the midway point (on your own).
    Deadline: Tues. Oct 5             History                                   10:00 a.m.
                                      Colorado Center                           Tues. Oct 26
                                      Calling all history buffs and             $23 (plus meal $15+)
                                      Western aficionados! Artifacts,           Deadline: Thurs. Oct 14
    2019 EVAC Car Show                                                     Candlelight Dinner
                                                                           Theater: Peter Pan
                                                                           In the adventure of a lifetime,
                                                                           Peter, Tinkerbell, and the travelers
                                                                           come face to face with a ticking
                                                                           crocodile, a band of fierce pirates
                                                                           and, of course, the villainous
                                                                           Captain Hook. Meal included
                                                                           during this performance at
                                                                           Candlelight Dinner Theater in
                                                                                4:45 p.m.
                                         Join us Sat. Sept 11                   Thurs. Oct 28
                                     See page 4 for more details.               $57
                                                                                Deadline: Tues. Oct 12
Eagle View Adult Center - September & October 2021 - City of Brighton
10                                    Classes
 To be included in the initial       questions. Instructor: Lisa         examples in display case).
 registration, call EVAC at          Asmussen.                           Additional key rings can be
303-655-2075 with your name              10:00 - 11:15 a.m.              purchased. Instructor: Donna
   and phone number by                   Mondays                         Landon.
  Mon. Aug 30 at 4:00 p.m.               Sept 20, Oct 4                      1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
                                         $13 (2 wks)                         Tues. Oct 5
                                         Deadline: Thurs. Sept 16            $6
In-Person Classes                                                            Deadline: Mon. Oct 4
These classes are all in-person at   Bridge - Intermediate
EVAC. You must register in           The intermediate bridge class is    Genealogy
advance by the deadline. Space       for players who have taken          Find your
is limited. COVID restrictions       lessons in the past or who have     ancestors and
will be in place as required.        mastered basic bridge               record the
Masks are suggested for those        fundamentals through past           information using
who have not been vaccinated.        playing. Class content will         the computer and other resources.
                                     expand participants' knowledge      Facilitators Sheryl Johnson and
AARP                                 through evaluation of hands,        Fred Trail will work 1-on-1 with
Smart                                bidding practices, conventions,     students. Class limited to three
Driver                               play of hands, reading game         people on the EVAC computers -
                                                                         tell us at registration if you need
Course                               play, and scoring, as well as
                                                                         one. Five more students can
In-person class is back! Take        stressing bridge fundamentals.
                                     Class will be two hours long        bring a laptop or device with
AARP’s driving refresher course                                          wireless capabilities. Some
of safe driving practices and        every other week. Instructor:
                                     Bobbi Jo Unruh.                     computer ability necessary.
rules. Become a safer driver and                                         Bring a flash drive and pencil
get a discount on your auto               10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
                                          Wednesdays                     with eraser. New start time.
insurance! If it has been three                                                9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
years or longer since you have            Sept 15, 29, Oct 13, 27
                                          $16 (4 wks/2 hours)                  Fridays
taken the course, you need to                                                  Sept 10 - Oct 29
repeat it to get the discount.            Deadline: Mon. Sept 13
                                                                               $20 (8 wks)
Instructor: Dennis Gibbons.                                                    Deadline: Wed. Sept 8
     12:00 noon - 4:30 p.m.          Diamond Dots:
     Fri. Oct 15                     Bookmarks                           Greeting Cards
     $20 - AARP member               Learn how to create a beautiful     Make amazing greeting cards
     $25 - Non-member                diamond dots bookmark. You          using a variety of materials.
     Deadline: Wed. Oct 13           will get to choose from a variety   Learn simple techniques to
                                     of designs (see display case for    complete three creative, pre-
Android Q & A                        examples). If you enjoy doing       designed cards per class (See
Have questions                       diamond dots, the instructor will   display case for examples.). In
about your                           have other kits available for       October, class may work on
Android phone?                       purchase. No experience             holiday cards depending on class
Get the answers!                     necessary. Instructor: Donna        vote. All supplies and envelopes
This class will                      Landon.                             included in fee. Sign up for one
cover basic usage of your smart           1:00 - 3:00 p.m.               or more classes! Instructor Linda
phone, texting, and call features         Tues. Sept 14                  Addison has been teaching crafts
that add functionality. Class             $6                             and painting for 45+ years. She
will cover adjusting settings for         Deadline: Fri. Sept 10         is a certified “Stampin Up”
various needs, as well as                                                instructor.
addressing the individual needs      Diamond Dots: Key Rings                  10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
of participants. Class meets         Create a beautiful two-sided             Fridays
twice with a week in between so      diamond dots angel or Christmas          Sept 10, 24, Oct 8, 22
you can practice and ask             key ring. You will get to choose         $15 (per 1-day class)
                                     from several designs (see                Deadline: Wednesday
Classes                                          11

iPhone Q & A                        examples.) Instructor: Karen          Sharon for supply questions.
Have questions                      Kloberdans.                           Instructor: Sharon Krohn.
about your                              12:30 - 2:30 p.m.                      12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
iPhone? We have                         Tues. Sept 21, 28                      Mondays
answers! This                           $8 (2 wks)
                                        Deadline: Fri. Sept 17                Session 1: Succulent Bowl
class will cover                                                              Sept 13, 20, 27
basic usage of your smart                                                     $38 (3 wks)
phone, texting, and call features   Quilting Intermediate:                    Deadline: Thurs. Sept 9
that add functionality. Class       Gift Items
will cover adjusting settings for   This is the time of year to make          Session 2: Orchids
various needs, as well as           those small, homemade gifts you           Oct 4, 11, 18
addressing the individual needs     want to sell at the craft bazaar or       $38 (3 wks)
of participants. Class meets        make for your friends and                 Deadline: Thurs. Sept 30
twice so you can practice what      family. We will provide a variety
you learned. Lots of time for                                                 Session 3: Deer Card
                                    of patterns and walk you through          Oct 25
questions. Instructor: Lisa         how to make a couple of different
Asmussen.                                                                     $13 (1 wk)
                                    items (mesh grocery bags, etc.).          Deadline: Thurs. Oct 21
     8:30 - 9:45 a.m.               Instructors: Cheryl Stoddard and
     Mondays                        Wilma Laughlin.
     Sept 20, Oct 4
                                         1:00 - 3:00 p.m.                 Zentangle is an easy-to-learn,
     $13 (2 wks)                         Thursdays                        relaxing, and fun way to create
     Deadline: Thurs. Sept 16            Sept 9 - Oct 14                  beautiful images by drawing
                                         $20 (6 wks)                      structured patterns using pen and
Iris Folding:                            Deadline: Wed. Sept 8            pencil. You will develop
Holiday Cards                                                             drawing skills while learning
Learn an easy folding technique     Square Dancing                        patterns that are simple to draw
using recycled papers to make       Square Dancing is a fun way to        when broken down into their
gorgeous and unique greeting        exercise! Class is geared to older    basic element. You will start
cards. You will complete three      adults, where the pace and the        with a base design and then make
cards - Halloween,                  music is slower. No dance             the drawing uniquely yours. All
Thanksgiving and Christmas, or      experience or partner needed and      supplies are included in your
take home materials to complete     all abilities welcome. Instructor     cost. Instructor: Sharon Krohn.
the same. (See display case for     Mike Olivieri is a professional            9:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon
examples.) All supplies             caller. COVID safety measures              Wednesdays
provided. Instructor Karen          will be followed as required.
Kloberdans has taught craft              10:00 - 11:00 a.m.                   Session 1: Koala Card
classes most of her life.                Wednesdays                           Sept 8
     12:30 - 2:30 p.m.                   $20 (4 wks)                          $13 (1 wk)
     Tues. Oct 19, 26                                                         Deadline: Tues. Sept 7
     $7 (2 wks)                          Session 1: Sept 8 - 29
                                         Deadline: Tues. Sept 7               Session 2: Peacock
     Deadline: Fri. Oct 15                                                    Sept 15, 22, 29
                                        Session 2: Oct 6 - 27                 $38 (3 wks)
Painted Rocks                           Deadline: Mon. Oct 4                  Deadline: Mon. Sept 13
We will be painting rocks to
make some easy, cute                Watercolor Painting                       Session 3: Fall Still Life
decorative items for your home      Learn the magic of watercolor by          Oct 6, 13, 20
or to give as gifts. Rocks will     doing a “painting with a purpose.”        $38 (3 wks)
be sealed for displaying            Participants will all work on the         Deadline: Mon. Oct 4
outdoors if desired. Make paper     same painting to learn new skills         Session 4: Halloween Card
weights, garden markers, and        and techniques. Get supply list at        Oct 27
more. No painting skills            registration. New beginners call          $13 (1 wk)
needed. (See display case for                                                 Deadline: Mon. Oct 25
12                         Exercise Classes
                                   designed to stimulate both brain        Line Dance
     Zoom Membership               and body. Exercise can be done
We are establishing a new policy                                           EVAC & Zoom
                                   seated or standing. Improve your        Get moving and
for our Zoom program. You          leg and upper body strength,
will need to purchase a Zoom                                               have fun by line
                                   balance, and posture. Be ready          dancing in this
membership each newsletter in      with a good sturdy chair, two hand
order to participate online.                                               one-hour class
                                   weights (or water bottles), and a       for both
Purchasing a membership will       fitness band or dish towel. Note:
give you access to all EVAC’s                                              beginners and
                                   This class was formerly called          advanced
programs that are being offered    Move & Be Fit. Instructor:
on Zoom for two months. Only                                               beginners. No
                                   Rosalie Farrer.                         prior line dance experience
Zoom members will receive the           9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
E-Blast with Zoom links. To                                                needed. Once you learn basic
                                        Tuesdays                           steps you will be dancing in no
register, see page 1 on the             $20 (4 wks)
registration sheet.                                                        time! Instructor: Rosalie Farrer.
     Sept & Oct Membership             Session 1: Sept 7 - 28                   9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
     $20                               Deadline: Thurs. Sept 2                  Fridays
     Deadline: Ongoing                                                          $20 (4 wks)
                                       Session 2: Oct. 5 - 26
                                       Deadline: Fri. Oct 1                    Session 1: Sept 10 - Oct 1
Balancing Act                                                                  Deadline: Wed. Sept 8
Dottie is back offering a one-     Healthy Aging                               Session 2: Oct 8 - 29
hour workshop on better            Exercise Program                            Deadline: Wed. Oct 6
balance. Learn movements and       This class incorporates group
exercises that can be done at      exercises, relaxation techniques,
home to keep you staying           and health education for adults
upright! No worries about          60+ with or without arthritis. Goal
remembering them - you will get
a handout. Find out what leads
                                   is to increase physical activity,           Exercise Classes
                                   enable participants to manage their    Exercise classes are offered both
to losing our balance and          arthritis, improve functional
understand how the body works                                             in-person and by Zoom, unless
                                   ability, decrease depression, and      noted. You must register in
to support balance. Posture and    increase confidence in one’s
feet are key so we will work on                                           advance and pay the class fee by
                                   ability to exercise. Pre/post senior   the deadline date to join any in
those as well. Wear comfortable    fitness tests are given to check
clothing and bring water. Canes                                           person classes taught at Eagle
                                   improvement so attendance is           View. You must provide your
and walkers are fine. Note: we     essential. This program is
will be moving and walking a                                              own equipment if attending in
                                   sponsored by the Volunteers of         person. Space is limited.
lot. Note: You may sign up for     America and the Arthritis
only one class. Instr uctor                                               COVID restrictions will be in
                                   Foundation. NOTE: There is no          place as required.
Dottie LaFleur.                    fee for this program, but you must
     10:30 - 11:30 a.m.            be committed to attending eight
     $6 per class                  weeks of classes twice a week.                      Key
     Session 1: Tues. Sept 14      Check your calendar before             EVAC & Zoom - Attend in
     Deadline: Fri. Sept 10        signing up for this special class!     person at EVAC or at home
     Session 2: Tues. Oct 12            9:00 - 10:00 a.m.                 through Zoom. To register for in
     Deadline: Fri. Oct 8               Wednesdays & Fridays              person attendance see the
                                        Sept 29 - Nov 19                  attached registration sheet.
                                        No Fee (8 wks)                    Zoom classes now require a
Be Fit Through                          Deadline: Mon. Sept 27            membership.
EVAC & Zoom                                                               ***Programs with NO
Improve your fitness level with                                           designation are at Eagle View.
movements and exercises                                                   Register by deadline.
Exercise Classes                                          13

Move It or Lose It!                      provided. Bring a yoga mat, a       Zumba Gold®
EVAC & Zoom                              strap or belt, two yoga blocks or   EVAC & Zoom
This 45-minute class is designed         two books, and a blanket or         Get fit to a Latin beat and have
to accommodate everyone in a             towel. Instructor: Carolyn          fun doing it! Zumba® is a Latin
fun and supportive atmosphere.           Priola. Space is limited - must     -inspired workout that is part
Great class if you are just              register in advance.                dance, part fitness. Zumba
starting out or getting back into             9:45 - 10:45 a.m.              Gold® is a modified class that
fitness. Focus will be on                     Mondays                        uses easy-to-follow moves
improving strength, flexibility,              $15 (3 wks)                    focusing on balance, range of
proper alignment, and balance to                                             motion, and fun. Instructor:
help keep you mobile. Class can               Session 1: Sept 13 - 27
                                              Deadline: Thurs. Sept 9        Rosalie Farrer.
be done entirely seated or                                                        9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
standing. We will use a good                  Session 2: Oct 4 - 18               Thursdays
sturdy chair, two hand weights                Deadline: Fri. Oct 1                $20 (4 wks)
(or water bottles), and a fitness
band to have fun and get healthy.                                                 Session 1: Sept 9 - 30
                                         Yoga Intermediate                        Deadline: Tues. Sept 7
Bring your own equipment to              Start your week off right with
class. Instructor: Rosalie Farrer.       Yoga on Monday mornings for             Session 2: Oct 7 - 28
     10:15 - 11:00 a.m.                  advanced beginning and                  Deadline: Tues. Oct 5
     Thursdays                           intermediate level participants.
     $20 (4 wks)                         No new beginners. The ability
       Session 1: Sept 9 - 30            to get on the floor is required.
       Deadline: Tues. Sept 7            You will need to bring a yoga
                                         mat, a strap or belt, two yoga
       Session 2: Oct 7 - 28             blocks or books, and a blanket.
       Deadline: Tues. Oct 5             Instructor: Carolyn Priola.
                                              8:30 - 9:30 a.m.
Yoga Beginning                                Mondays                        Zumba Gold Toning®
Learn a new lifetime skill for                $15 (3 wks)                    EVAC & Zoom
health and relaxation. This basic             Session 1: Sept 13 - 27        Shake up your fitness routine
beginning class will focus on                 Deadline: Thurs. Sept 9        with this class for active older
relaxation and breathing, as well                                            adults. It focuses on strength
as increased range of motion and              Session 2: Oct 4 - 18          training exercises (using light
flexibility. You must be able to              Deadline: Fri. Oct 1           weights or toning sticks) while
get onto and off the floor. No                                               dancing to the rhythm of fun
EVAC equipment will be                                                       Latin-based music. It is a low to
                                                                             moderate intensity workout
                                                                             designed to reduce the loss of
                                                                             muscle mass/strength that often
                      EVAC Safety Protocols                                  comes with aging. Bring your
        All unvaccinated patrons should continue to wear masks              own toning sticks or two 1-2 lbs.
         inside the facility at all times. Patrons are asked to social       weights to class, or tell instructor
         distance by 6-feet whenever possible.                               if these are not available to you.
                                                                             Instructor: Rosalie Farrer.
        Wash your hands frequently. Several hand sanitizer stations              10:15 - 11:15 a.m.
         are available throughout the center for your use and                     Tuesdays
         safety. Always use hand sanitizer before and after playing               $20 (4 wks)
         cards, games, or billiards.
                                                                                 Session 1: Sept 7 - 28
        Bring all your own equipment for fitness and craft classes.             Deadline: Thurs. Sept 2
        Stay home if you are sick or not feeling well.                          Session 2: Oct. 5 - 26
                                                                                 Deadline: Fri. Oct 1
14                             Medicare Series

                   “Everything You NEED to Know About Medicare”
Free series provided by Benefits in Action and the Eagle View Adult Center. Classes are available in person at
the Eagle View Adult Center and via Zoom. Call or stop by to register for these programs.

Medicare 101
EVAC & Zoom
This informative overview of Medicare covers how it works and what it covers, especially under Part A and B.
Most people need to sign up for Medicare BEFORE they turn age 65! The evening program includes an
in-depth review of Part D drug plans.
    Tues. Oct 19 @ 1:30 p.m.
    Deadline: Mon. Oct 18
    Tues. Nov 2 @ 6:30 p.m.
    Deadline: Mon. Nov 1

Supplemental Plans & Part D
EVAC & Zoom
Part I. Lear n about Medicar e supplemental insur ance that may be needed to cover gaps in Medicar e
Parts A and B and how to choose a “Medi-gap” policy.
Part II: This Par t D - Prescription Drug Plan overview is for new Medicare recipients choosing the Plan A &
B option, as well as review of 2022 changes for existing consumers. Drug plans and pricing change every year
so you should review annually.
    Tues. Oct 26 @ 1:30 p.m.
    Deadline: Mon. Oct 25

Medicare Advantage Plans & Extra Help
EVAC & Zoom
Part I: How does Medicar e wor k when you sign up for HMO plans like United Healthcar e or Kaiser ?
Typically called Medicare Advantage Plans (or Part C), these plans combine Parts A, B & D into one. Learn
the pros and cons to consider before signing up for this type of plan.
Part II: The Medicar e Saving Plans & Extr a Help Pr ogr am is a benefit available to individuals based on
income to help pay for Part B and prescription coverage. Learn if and how you qualify!
     Tues. Nov 2 @ 1:30 p.m.
     Deadline: Mon. Nov 1

Medicare Part D Open Enrollment
Need help enrolling in a Part D - Prescription Drug Plan? Meet with a Benefits in Action Medicare Counselor
to get free one-on-one assistance. Call Evon at 303-655-2079 for an appointment.
     10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
     Oct 26, Nov 2, 9, 23, 30
News & Center Information                                               15

Senior Advisory Board                                  Program and Activity Policies
The purpose of the Advisory Board is to advise
and assist in the needs and operations of Eagle           Anyone 55 years of age or older is given priority
View. The Board will meet Tues. Sept 21 and                to participate in all center activities and programs.
Oct. 19 at 1:00 p.m. Members are: Fran King,              If adults age 40 - 54 want to attend a class or
Dave Thomas, Peggy Jarrett, Dan Buckner, Olly              program they will be added to a wait list. Inquire
Ramirez, Steve Yarish, Bill Alsdorf, Heidi Storz,           at the EVAC front desk.
Judy Schissler, George Phillips, Ellie Davis, and         Payment is due at registration. Cash, checks, or
Gayle Shibao. Visitors are welcome.                        credit cards accepted. Keep your receipt.
Charitable Contributions                                  The Center reserves the right to cancel any
Together we can continue to enhance the great               activity if minimum registration is not met.
programs and services offered for seniors and             Refund Policy for Cancellations:
active adults in the Brighton area. Your financial
support will be recognized on the donor wall at            If the CENTER cancels the activity/trip:
Eagle View. All donations are tax deductible.              Full refunds will be given.
Make donations payable to: Brighton United                 If YOU cancel BEFORE the deadline date:
Senior Citizens, 1150 Prairie Center Parkway,              Refund of cost, minus a $4 cancellation fee.
Brighton, CO 80601.                                        If activity charge is $4 or less, NO refund is given.
Donor Opportunities for Wall Recognition:                  Allow 1 - 2 weeks to process refunds. Or ask us
     Friend: $100 - $499                                   to keep as a “household” credit for future use at
     Memorial: $100+                                       Eagle View.
     Sponsor: $500 - $999
     Benefactor: $1000+                                    If YOU cancel AFTER the deadline date:
                                                           NO REFUND IS GIVEN unless we can sell your
Friends Program Fund                                       spot. If you can’t go on a ticketed trip, DO NOT
The Senior Advisory Board has established a                give your space to anyone before checking with
scholarship fund. The Friends Program Fund                 Eagle View to see if there is a waiting list. If there
provides financial assistance to older adults to           is NO wait list, you may give away or sell your trip
participate in programs sponsored by Eagle View            space. The person taking your spot must go on the
Adult Center. The simple application form is               van. Tell EVAC BEFORE the trip if someone is
available at the front desk. Applications must be          taking your place; one-day notice preferred.
approved PRIOR to registering for the event.
Donations to the fund are appreciated.                 Transportation
                                                       Via Mobility pr ovides specialized tr anspor tation
Outreach & Referral                                    within the City of Brighton. Via can take you to
Do you need help and unsure where to turn? Evon        medical appointments, grocery shopping, and Eagle
Benitez will assist you with completing forms and      View, to name just a few of the places you can go in
finding needed services. It is vital that you make     Brighton. New Via users - call 303-447-2848
an appointment to see Evon as she’s often meeting      ext. 1014 to get started. To schedule rides, call
with others. To make an appointment, call Evon         303-447-9636. Free rides to and from Eagle View in
at 303-655-2079. Leave a message.                      Via service area (provided by funds from the Senior
                                                       Advisory Board).
Medical Equipment Loans
Basic medical equipment is available for loan.         FlexRide - This is an RTD ser vice. Call
Items may include wheelchairs, front wheel and         303-299-6000 for reservations. The driver will pick
seated walkers, canes, crutches, toilet seat risers,   up and deliver you anywhere within Brighton,
commodes, and bath benches. There is no                Mon - Fri. 6:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Cost is the local RTD
guarantee what is available at any time. Call          bus fare.
303-655-2075 for information.
Don’t Miss This!                                          16

              Tech Tuesdays                                        The Wall that Heals
Need help with your laptop, tablet, or smart      The 2021 tour of The Wall That Heals and Mobile
phone? Whether it is setting up a Gmail           Education Center will be making its sole stop in Colorado
account or getting to know Zoom, we will do       in Brighton Sept. 2 - 5. The Wall That Heals honors the
our best to help you become more comfortable      more than three million Americans who served in the U.S.
using your device. Schedule an appointment        Armed forces in the Vietnam War and bears the names of
with Calvin at 303-655-2187.                      the 58,279 men and women who made the ultimate
                                                  sacrifice fighting the Vietnam War. The Wall will be
           Teddy Bear Project                     located at Carmichael Park, behind City Hall (500 S. 4th
The Child Rescue Foundation gives stuffed         Ave.) and will be open 24 hours a day and free to the
animals to Metro area children in crisis (those   public.
in safe houses due to domestic violence or                           Candlelight Ceremony
homelessness). In 2019, over 10,000 teddy         A candlelight ceremony will be held at The Wall That
bears were distributed and Eagle View alone       Heals featuring speakers to follow including Mayor
donated 145! The need is even greater in 2021.    Gregory Mills, Councilman Tim Watts, Adams County
Share the love by donating a huggable-size        Commissioner Charles “Chaz” Tedesco, and local veteran
NEW stuffed bear or animal. The bears will be     George Ryan. Fri. Sept 3 at 6:30 p.m.
collected until Nov. 9 and tagged by our
“Kindness Counts” group. Start buying now                             Art in the Park
and store in a smoke-free home or drop off at     The City of Brighton will host its fourth annual Art in the
Eagle View starting in October. Questions:        Park festival. This one-day festival will give attendees the
Donna at 303-655-2077.                            opportunity to meet with local, regional, and international
                                                  artists showcasing their best work. Enjoy live musical
                                                  performances, artist demonstrations, and entertain children
           Zoom Membership                        with interactive art activities.
We are establishing a new policy for our Zoom          Carmichael Park, 650 Southern Street
programs. You will now need to purchase a              10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Zoom membership each newsletter in order to            Sat. Sept 18
participate online. Purchasing a membership
will give you access to all EVAC’s programs                              Trash Bash
that are being offered on Zoom for 2 months.      Drop off unwanted furniture, appliances, doors, lawn
Only those who have paid for a Zoom               equipment, lumber, etc. Suggested donation of $10 to
membership will receive the E-Blast emailed       defray costs. No hazardous materials. Wastewater Plant,
newsletter containing the Zoom links. To          325 Kuner Road. Seniors can request pickup by calling
register, see page 1 on the registration sheet.   303-655-2087. Thurs. Sept 23 and Sat. Sept 25
     Sept & Oct Membership
     $20                                                                Cemetery Walk
     Deadline: Ongoing                            Brighton’s annual Cemetery Walk will be held on
                                                  Sat. Oct 2. For more information, call Rhiannon Natali at

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