Earthmatters - How trees can help the climate crisis Dan Snow finds out why we need more trees - Friends of the Earth

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Earthmatters - How trees can help the climate crisis Dan Snow finds out why we need more trees - Friends of the Earth
From Friends of the Earth
Autumn 2019

How trees                   Plus
                            “Why I joined a
can help                    Climate Action
the climate
                            How to stay green
crisis                      as the leaves
                            change colour
Dan Snow finds
out why we need
more trees
Earthmatters - How trees can help the climate crisis Dan Snow finds out why we need more trees - Friends of the Earth
2                                                                                                       Earthmatters Autumn 2019                                                                  3

Comment                                                          Earthmatters                           Content snapshot
                                                                 For over 30 years Earthmatters
                                                                 has been delving into the
                                                                 biggest environmental issues
                                                                 and helping people adopt new
                                                                 ways of doing things that are            10 Dan Snow
                                                                 better for the planet.
                                                                                                          takes us back
                                                                 Front cover                              to our roots
                                                                 Photo by: Jonathan Salariya
                                                                 Earthmatters is published by
                                                                 © Friends of the Earth
                                                                 ISSN 956-665
                                                                 August 2019
My hometown of                     While the UK has
Cambridge recorded              suffered the 10 hottest          Editor
                                                                 Phil Byrne
the UK’s highest-ever           years on record since
temperature in July. It not     2002, we know the world’s        Design
only brought home the           poorest countries are            Diana Edwards Design
harsh reality of the climate    facing some of the most
emergency, but also the         severe impacts. As part of       Advertising
                                                                 Michael York – EMSM Ltd
urgency. The growing            an international network,
scientific consensus is that    "think global, act local" has    The views expressed in
we must act in the next         always been at the heart of      Earthmatters are not necessarily
18 months if we want any        how we campaign.                 those of Friends of the Earth.
chance of saving the planet.       That’s why we’re
                                                                 Friends of the Earth Limited,
   Friends of the Earth has a   empowering people                registered in England and Wales,
long history of campaigning     through a network of             number 1012357.
against climate-wrecking        Climate Action groups
projects in the UK. We’ve       across the UK.                   Registered office:
                                                                 139 Clapham Road,
helped block the opening           Residents in Manchester       London SW9 0HP
of coal mines, thwarted         are developing a "Bee            Switchboard: 020 7490 1555             6 Plastic scandal            15 T-shirt giveaway            18 “Why I joined a
fracking, and appealed          Network" campaign to
                                                                 Printed by Intygra
                                                                                                          Why our plastic is being      Circular fashion: putting      Climate Action group”
against Heathrow’s              reduce carbon pollution
                                                                 Our paper is totally recycled and        dumped on the streets         the old into new.              Jo Judges is no
expansion plans. Key to         by improving cycling and
                                                                 our printers hold EMAS certification     of Indonesia.                                                campaign activist.
each of these was a bunch       walking routes. In doing so,     which means they care about the                                                                       So how did she feel
of dedicated people who         they are tackling obesity,       environment.
                                                                                                        10 Dan Snow takes us                                           after attending her
wanted a healthy future         congestion and making
                                                                                                           back to our roots                                           first Climate Action
for their environment and       travel more pleasant.
                                                                                                           The renowned presenter                                      group meeting?
community.                         We don’t have to wait for
                                                                                                           speaks to experts
   What we do now will          politicians to act. If enough
                                                                                                           and artists about the                                    22 Smarter living
determine the future            of us take action at a local
                                                                                                           magnificence of trees                                       What’s in season as the
of our world. That’s a          level, it can inspire a sea of
                                                                                                           and their role in the                                       nights draw in? And tips
difficult sentence to write,    change across the nation
                                                                                                           climate crisis.                                             to stay warm.
especially as a parent.         and internationally – from
                                                                                                                                     16 Fracking success
But I’m optimistic because      local to global.
                                                                                                                                        How communities
we’re seeing solutions in       Craig Bennett,                                                                                          in Lancashire are
action all over the UK.         Chief Executive                                                                                         resisting fracking.
Earthmatters - How trees can help the climate crisis Dan Snow finds out why we need more trees - Friends of the Earth
4                                                         Earthmatters Autumn 2019                                                                      5

                                                          27 April 2019                                               1 July 2019
    BREAKTHROUGH MOMENTS                                  We trigger a wave of new                                    Belfast City Council
                                                          Climate Action groups                                       supports a campaign to
“…in the last 6 months of    6 March 2019                 to create local solutions
                                                          to climate breakdown,
                                                                                                                      pull pension funds out of
                                                                                                                      coal, oil and gas. The local
                             More bad news for the
Friends of the Earth's       fracking industry as the     focusing on 6 main areas:                                   government pension fund
                                                          transport, power, buildings,                                invests over £300 million
climate campaign ”           government rejects a
                             proposed site at Roseacre    agriculture, infrastructure                                 in climate-wrecking fuels.
                             Wood. You’ve helped          and international justice.                                  We won over the council
                             us support Lancashire                                                                    with media stunts,
                             residents who've been                                                                    petitions and meetings
                             defending their local                                                                    with councillors. Although
                             environment from fracking                                                                the council doesn't have
                             for 5 long years.                                                                        the final say, it's a big step
                             Full story p.16.                                                                         towards cleaner pensions.

7 February 2019              23 April 2019                           1 May 2019
The government appears       Swedish climate activist                MPs vote in Parliament
to block the fracking        Greta Thunberg backs up                 to declare a climate            Our goal = convince the government to
industry from triggering     our young campaigner                    emergency. It puts              adopt our Climate Action Plan and:
larger earthquakes by        Yusif Ibrahim as he asks                a spotlight on the              • AInvest
                                                                                                             im for 100% clean energy.
ruling out a review of the   MPs at Westminster                      government to reduce
                                                                                                     • Doubleintree green and affordable transport.
regulations. Thank you to    how they can vote to                    planet-warming emissions
                                                                                                     • Ban frackingcover.
all our supporters who’ve
been writing to their MPs,
                             expand Heathrow when
                             climate chaos is already
                                                                     at a much faster rate.
                                                                     But on the very same day,       • Fund insulationandandstopeco-heating
                                                                                                                                   using dirty fuels.

urging them not to weaken    devastating countries like              the High Court dismisses        • schemes.
the regulations. We’ll be    his own, Ghana. It was a                our case against a third
keeping up the pressure      proud moment for Yusif,                 runway at Heathrow.             • Oairport
                                                                                                             ppose harmful infrastructure like
on the new government.       made possible by your                   We immediately appeal the
                             support for our My World                decision on climate change      • countriesfairdeal
                                                                                                            ay our     share to help vulnerable
                                                                                                                          with climate breakdown.
                             My Home programme to                    grounds. “It’s about more
                             empower young people.                   than a runway, it’s about a     Help us make it happen
                             Find out more p.8.                      future fit for our children,”
                                                                     says our Chief Executive
                                                                     Craig Bennett.
Earthmatters - How trees can help the climate crisis Dan Snow finds out why we need more trees - Friends of the Earth
6                                                                                 International News   Earthmatters Autumn 2019                                                                        7

You’re part of a worldwide movement                                                                                                       3 French law used on oil giant

                                                                                                                                         Friends of the Earth France and Friends of the Earth
     1 Plastic’s hidden journey to Indonesia
    		                                                                                                                                   Uganda have teamed up with other groups to send a
    “Our plastic waste is polluting every aspect of their lives,”                                                                        formal notice to Total, a French oil and gas company,
    says campaigner Emma Priestland of her trip to Indonesia.                                                                            about its activities in Uganda. It’s developing a huge oil
       Surabaya is Indonesia's second biggest city. I've come here                                                                       project – linked to the intimidation and forced eviction
    to meet Prigi, a friend I've known for many years.                                                                                   of thousands of people. Under a French law that
       We drive to a collection of small villages. As we approach,                                                                       holds companies to account for human rights, Total
    I’m hit by choking black smoke. In front of me is a five-metre-                                                                      has to show it’s meeting its social and environmental
    high dump of plastic waste. How did it get here?                                                                                     obligations, or victims can bring the issue before a judge.
       Indonesia imports our waste paper for its recycling plants.
    But there’s a problem. The machines that sort our recycling have                                                                     “We fought to see this law passed.
    difficulty distinguishing between flat pieces of paper and flat pieces                                                               This first case is a test to see if it does
    of plastic.                                                                                                                          indeed allow us to prevent future
       According to Prigi, when the Indonesian recycling factories find rogue                                                            human and environmental catastrophes,”
    bits of plastic in their paper bales, they remove them, put them on a lorry
                                                                                                                                         Juliette Renaud of Friends of the Earth.
    and dump them here in the street.
       I see a logo from the UK on the ground. It’s a milk label.                                      3

        “When it rains a lot of this rubbish just gets swept
            into the local rivers,” says a local resident.                                                                4
      Prigi takes me to a tofu factory. They’re using the same plastic waste
      as fuel to prepare tofu. Fumes from the burning plastic are rising into
                    the area where the tofu is being prepared.
    Read the full story and sign our petition to phase out pointless plastic
                                                                                                                      3                                           1

                                                                                                                           4        voices and energy security
                                                                                                                          Through training marginalised communities to install

Snapshots                              		Our
                                        2    water, our right
                                                                                                                          solar power, Friends of the Earth Palestine (PENGON)
                                                                                                                          discovered the disproportionate hardship women

from groups                            Friends of the Earth Nigeria (ERA) has stopped an
                                       attempt by the Lagos state government to privatise
                                                                                                                          suffer because of energy scarcity. Here, women are
                                                                                                                          the main breadwinners. They produce and sell milk

around the                             the water supply. Visionscape Sanitation Solutions
                                       was lined up to take on the contract. But ERA’s
                                                                                                                          products. Energy scarcity affects the quality of these
                                                                                                                          products, hitting income and leading to excessively

world                                  campaign encouraged citizens to show how badly the
                                       company was already managing waste in the city.
                                                                                                                          long work shifts. PENGON’s project is helping women
                                                                                                                          to take part in community decision-making, which is
                                       As a result, the government took back control of                                   empowering them to lead on acquiring renewables to
                                       waste management and dropped its privatisation plans.                              solve their energy problems.
Earthmatters - How trees can help the climate crisis Dan Snow finds out why we need more trees - Friends of the Earth
8                                                                                             Earthmatters Autumn 2019                                                                  9

                                                                                              Saving a loved wildlife spot from a
                                                                                              damaging new road

                                                                                                                                              1991  W
                                                                                                                                                      elsh Office of the UK
Empowering young people
                                                                                              After nearly 30 years of campaigning
                                                                                              against a new M4 relief road that would                government proposes new road.
                                                                                              have bulldozed through protected habitats,      1993  Friends of the Earth starts
To date, 170 young people have                    “As young people we’re continually being    we can finally celebrate a win for nature.              campaign to defend landscape
completed our student programme                silenced. The truth of the climate crisis is       Building more roads creates more                    and wildlife.
My World My Home.                              continually being concealed.                   traffic, more air pollution and more planet-    1999  Powers devolved to newly
   With your support, we’re training the          “I will not stop striking until the         warming gases.                                          established Welsh government
next generation of                                             government communicates            The new motorway would have cut                     and National Assembly for Wales.
environmental leaders.                                         the harsh reality of our       through the Gwent Levels in south Wales.        2009  Deputy First Minister of Wales
And they’re already                                            ecological crisis.             It’s one of the UK’s most distinctive                   rejects plans for a new road.
                                “The My World
making a difference,                                              “I will not stop striking   landscapes and loved by local people.
from interrogating MPs
                               My Home course                  because Bangladesh, where      Distinct field patterns, salt marshes and
                                                                                                                                              2011  C
                                                                                                                                                      hancellor George Osborne
                              was the best thing                                                                                                     backs the road, promising to
to getting their voices in                                     my family comes from, is       mudflats make up land reclaimed from the               borrow money.
the media.                     I did in my whole               one of the most vulnerable     sea during Roman times.
                                                                                                                                              2014  Welsh Transport Minister
   The youth climate        2 years at sixth form.” countries at risk of complete                 Diverse birdlife includes everything from
                                                                                                                                                      approves plans.
strikes are a great                  Lili, London              destruction due to the         sparrowhawks to bitterns. And it’s one of
example of young                                               impacts of climate change.     the only habitats in Wales where the rare       2018  ( March) Public Inquiry closes
people organising                                                 “I will not stop striking   Shrill carder bee thrives.                              and later recommends scheme
                                                                                                  You may remember reading about                      should go ahead.
themselves to influence                                        because climate change does
decision-makers. They ramped up the            not favour a specific race, class, age or      Wales’ Well-being of Future Generations         2018  ( December) Under public
pressure on Parliament to declare a            gender. It will affect us all.”                Act – a new law that Friends of the Earth               pressure, First Minister Carwyn
climate emergency. Ummi Hoque, a recent                                                       Cymru led on winning. It undoubtedly                    Jones postpones the decision.
My World My Home graduate, spoke to us         Hear Ummi’s full story                         influenced the decision to reject the road.     2019  ( June) New First Minister
about the strikes:                                                                                                         Mark Drakeford rejects the new
                                                                                                                                                     road on cost and environmental
Earthmatters - How trees can help the climate crisis Dan Snow finds out why we need more trees - Friends of the Earth
10                                                                         Earthmatters Autumn 2019                                                  11

                                                                                                      1 | Mat Disney is a leading scientist on new
                                                                                                      technology to observe trees. He’s also a
                                                                                                      senior geography lecturer.

                                                                                                      Dan: A tree is not just a tree, is it?

                                                                                                      Mat: No, not at all. The more we learn about
                                                                                                      trees, the more we realise we don’t know.
     For the sake of our                                                                                 Take this beech tree – 80 to 100 years

     wildlife and the                                                                                 old. How much carbon is stored in there?
                                                                                                      We need to know how heavy it is. But how

     climate we urgently
                                                                                                      do you weigh a tree? We use satellites and
                                                                                                      lasers to build a three-dimensional model.
                                                                                                      If we know how dense the wood is, we can
     need more trees                                                                                  estimate the mass. I’d say there is about 10
                                                                                                      tonnes of carbon in there – half the weight
                                                                                                      of the tree. It depends on who you are and
     Dan Snow investigates                                                                            where you are but (global average) this kind
                                                                                                      of tree will absorb the equivalent to how
                                                                                                      much fossil fuel an individual might use
                                                                                                      over half their life, potentially.
                                                                                                         The carbon is one thing that tends to be
                                                                                                      focused on because it’s something we can
                                                                                                      put a price on. People who live in areas that
                                                                                                      have higher green space are healthier.

                                                                                                      2 | Zakiya Mckenzie is a writer in residence
                                                                                                      for the Forestry Commission.

                         History buff and presenter Dan Snow is                                       Dan: What does that mean?
     1                   supporting our campaign to double tree        2
                         cover in the UK.                                                             Zakiya: Creatively writing and responding
                           In this special report Dan ventures into                                   to the things I experience.
                         the forest to hear 5 different perspectives                                      We need to connect trees to our cities a
                         on the importance of trees.                                                  lot more because trees are for everyone
                                                                                                      to enjoy.
                                                                                                          Some people feel excluded. A lot of it
                                                                                                      is about class and culture and race, but
                                                                                                      also I think it’s spatial as well. There are
                                                                                                      probably a lot of people who just don’t feel
                         “We’re not some wild utopians.                                               comfortable in a quiet space.
                          If we double tree cover in the                                                  We don’t want to have to go out into the
                                                                                                      countryside to connect with nature – and
                          UK, we still won’t be up at the
                                                                                                      then once back home we’re done with it for
                               European average.”                                                     the week. We want nature to be a thing that
                                                                                                      is ingrained in people always.
Earthmatters - How trees can help the climate crisis Dan Snow finds out why we need more trees - Friends of the Earth
12                                                   Earthmatters Autumn 2019                            13

3 | Sam Lee is a Mercury-Prize-nominated             4 | Andrew Simms is an economist and
folk singer and the creator of the Nest          3   author of several books including Cancel        4
Collective which connects people to                  The Apocalypse and Tescopoly.
nature through music.
                                                     Dan: Here we are in the New Forest, it’s
Dan: The noise of the forest is almost               been a massive economic resource for
deafening.                                           centuries, hasn’t it?

Sam: That concept of the peace of the                Andrew: You could argue the British
countryside is nonsense, really.                     Empire was built on the resources of
What you get is this incredible orchestra            this forest.
of sound, and when nature thins out, so                 The oaks that grow here were the
do the soundmakers. And what we’re                   backbone for ship building. It would take
experiencing in this country is that thinning        about 2,000 mature oaks to make one.
out of our ecosystem.                                They had to take a long view of their
    We’re losing our birdsong – all of us have       economic value.
to work our absolute hardest to turn that               In a world that is getting increasingly
around.                                              hotter, those benefits become more
    We are part of nature. For us to protect         and more.
it, we need to understand it. To understand             Forest cover helps insulate us, it creates
it we have to fall in love with it. Music is a       a buffer against extreme weather.
wonderful way of connecting us to places             And Britain imports an awful lot of wood
like this.                                           and wood products.
    Doubling tree cover is such a beautiful             Having more forest is incredibly good for
and poetic way we can put our energies               people’s health. You’ve got this mixture of
into something productive and change the             hard economic benefits, incredible social
world we live in.                                    benefits – and of course, just the pure
                                                     pleasure of being out in a beautiful wood
                                                     that makes Britain a better place if it’s got
                                                     more trees.

                                                     5 | Lynne Boddy is an ecologist leading
                                                     the Fungal Ecology Group at Cardiff

                                                     Dan: What’s going on with this tree?

                                                     Lynne: You can see that it’s hollow.
                                                     Fungi are rotting that wood and releasing
                                                     nutrients so that the tree can use them
                                                     again. These holes are important habitats.
                                                     In the UK there about 1,700 species of
                                                     invertebrates entirely dependent on
                                                     decaying holes in trees.
                                                        So it’s important to also ensure the
                                                     wellbeing of our ancient trees. The trees
                                                     we plant now won’t get into this state till
                                                     long after we’ve gone.
Earthmatters - How trees can help the climate crisis Dan Snow finds out why we need more trees - Friends of the Earth
Earthmatters Autumn 2019                                                     15

Finding the land to
                                                             higher, literally, we should
                                                             be creating more forests           Can a t-shirt fight climate breakdown,
double tree cover
                                                             in remote upland areas to
                                                             provide space for nature           and help nature thrive?
                                                             and reduce the risk of
                                                             flooding downstream.               Ours can.
                                                                We need to think closer
                               Woodland covers 13%           to home too. Greening
                               of the UK – roughly 70%       urban areas by planting            Look good. Do good. Inspire others.
                               of the rest is farmland.      more street trees offers
                                                             multiple benefits: providing                                                     Buying our organic
                               If we’re going to double
                                                             shade, countering air                                                            cotton t-shirts, hoodies
                               tree cover, we’ll need
                                                             pollution and improving                                                          or tote bags supports
                               to convert some of this
                                                             people’s physical and                                                            our campaigns.
                               farmland into woodland.
                                                             mental health.
                                                                Another bold move                                                             Benefits:
                                                             would be to expand
                                                             our woodlands into the
                                                                                                                                              • 100% organic cotton
                                                             Green Belts surrounding                                                          • Dtheonation to Friends of
                                                             most of our cities. Green                                                                 Earth
                                                             Belts are protected from
                                                             development, so tree                                                             • M ade with renewable
                                                             planting wouldn’t be                                                                energy and printed on
It would take 237 years to     more mixed farms, where       competing with house                                                              demand (so no waste)
double tree cover in the UK    livestock improves soils      building.
if we continue planting at     by grazing and trampling         Doubling tree cover in                                                        • Plastic-free packaging
the current rate.              on grass plants (which are    the UK is possible and the
   To tackle the climate       then left to recover).        UK has the land available to
emergency and nature loss,        Imagine planting trees     do it.
Friends of the Earth wants     alongside crops, or as
to double UK woodland          shelter for livestock –        How to double tree

cover by 2045. But is there    known as agroforestry.         cover in England                                              AN ORGANIC
space? And where’s best to
grow all those trees?
                               Using land in this way also
                               has great potential for
                                                              •    lant on 1 million acres
                                                                  of Grade 4 (poor-quality)
                                                                                                                            COTTON T-SHIRT
   If we continue to shift     increasing tree cover while        farmland near where
our diets to eating less       supporting sustainable             people live.
and better meat and dairy,     farming. So too does the
we’ll be able to free up a     restoration of species-rich    • AGrade
                                                                   nd on 3 million acres of
                                                                        4 land in remote          For a chance to win a
lot of land that’s currently   meadows and grasslands,            areas.                                                                       Don’t be square –
used for pasture, especially   many of which have been
                                                                                                  t-shirt of your choice,
                                                                                                                             We’ll pick        be circular
                                                              • Eadd
                                                                   xpand agroforestry to          visit

low-grade rough pasture        lost over the past century                                                                                      When your product wears
and cropland that’s used for   as a result of agricultural
                                                                      700,000 acres more
                                                                  tree cover.
                                                                                                  and answer the simple
                                                                                                                                 lucky         out, Teemill can recycle
livestock feed.
   Picture a smaller
                                  But not everywhere          • T=otal additional tree cover     question by midnight,          winners       it into its range of new
                                                                                                                                               t-shirts. That’s what we
livestock population           is suitable – planting on           4.7 million acres (15% of                                     at random.    call circular fashion.
grazing on higher-quality,     peat bog can damage the            England’s land).                20 October 2019.
                                                                                                                                               Just return your old
more species-rich pasture;     ecosystem and lead to soil     Visit our Insight website                                                        garment and you’ll get
fewer intensive pig and        carbon being released.         for further analysis
                                                                                                                                               £5 credit for your efforts.
poultry mega-farms; and           Setting our sights
Earthmatters - How trees can help the climate crisis Dan Snow finds out why we need more trees - Friends of the Earth
Earthmatters Autumn 2019                                            17

  “It has made our
community stronger                                                                           The Women
  as we all united.                                                                          in White
 We had volunteers
   and supporters                                                                            Elsewhere in Lancashire,
                                                                                             Women’s Wednesdays have
   in abundance.”                                                                            become a regular feature of the
                                                                                             protest against fracking.
                                                                                             Local women calmly walk to
                                                                                             the gates of the fracking site
                                                                                             at Preston New Road. They
                                                                                             dress in white and stand in
                                                                                             silence – bearing witness to the
                                                                                             threat to their communities and
                                                                                             the environment. It was their
                                                                                             hundredth gathering in July.

                                                                                             Seismologists detected

                                                                Barbara Richardson
                                                                (right) chair of Roseacre
Saving the climate:                                             Awareness Group.             earthquakes when Cuadrilla
                                                                                             started fracking at the site
local people versus fracking                                                                 last year.

In March, fracking firm Cuadrilla lost a                                                     Help local communities under
planning appeal to start work at                                                             the threat of fracking by taking
Roseacre Wood in Lancashire.                                                                 our online action:
The Roseacre Awareness Group (RAG) has                                             
been resisting fracking for over 5 years.
Local resident and member of the group
Barbara Richardson was both delighted
and relieved.                                                                                                                   The win against fracking in
                                                                                                                                Roseacre shows that people
  “We knew we weren’t alone.                                                                                                    can make a difference when
 Organisations such as Friends                                                                                                  it comes to protecting and
                                                                                                                                even improving their local
of the Earth have supported us.”                                                                                                environment. It also shows
                                                   “To extract shale gas
                                                                                                                                how vital community action is
                                                 in a commercial capacity                                                       in decarbonising the UK and
In the end, RAG beat fracking over
concerns about the thousands of journeys           would make it almost                                                         winning the battle against
that heavy goods vehicles would be making         impossible to meet our                                                        climate chaos.
along narrow country lanes to and from            climate change targets.                                                       Next up:
the fracking site. But to Barbara and other   It would mean industrialising                                                     People taking
residents, it was about more than just               our countryside.”                                                          Climate Action
Earthmatters - How trees can help the climate crisis Dan Snow finds out why we need more trees - Friends of the Earth
18                                                                                            Earthmatters Autumn 2019                                   19

                                                                                                What are
                                                                                                                               Who can join?
                                                                                                Climate                        Anyone fed up watching the

                                                                                                                               UK sleepwalk into climate
                                                                                                                               chaos. Bigger and more

                                   “Why I joined a Climate                                      groups?
                                                                                                                               diverse groups are likely to
                                                                                                                               enjoy more success.

                                   Action group”                                                                               So even if you can’t commit
                                                                                                                               much time, you can still
                                                                                                                               make a difference.

                                                                                              They’re people developing
                                                                                              local solutions to the climate
                                                                                              crisis to create fairer,
                                                                                              greener communities.
                                                                                              As part of a network,
                                                                                              they’re pushing the
                                                                                              government to adopt a
                                                                                              national climate plan to
                                                                                              make the big changes we
                                                                                              urgently need.
Jo Judges is a healthcare          “Going to the meeting         Joining her Climate
assistant. Her main            helped. We were asked what      Action group has left
occupation is caring for the   we wanted to tackle, rather     her feeling positive and
elderly. But recently she’s    than trying to do everything.   pragmatic.
become deeply concerned        It gave us structure.
about the climate crisis           “There were so many           “Open your eyes
and what her two teenage       different people. One           and see what’s going
daughters will have to         woman said she rang                on around you.
contend with.                  Sainsbury's to let the store
   Earlier this year she       know she’d be opening
                                                               Who’s dealing with
attended her first Climate     products wrapped in plastic        this? Why does
Action group meeting.          and leaving the packaging           that happen?
                               at the store.”
“I feel overwhelmed                Jo says that people are         “Don’t think you haven’t
                                                               got something to give. If we
                                                                                              How many are there?
 by so many things             her number one concern.                                        We had
                               She’s hoping to find a way      all start saying something,
 going wrong in the
  world. Where do
                               to get the council to use
                               empty buildings to house
                                                               maybe we can change
                                                               things.                        44 groups
      you begin?               the homeless. That said,           “You can’t immediately
                                                                                              at the time Earthmatters
My youngest comes              she realises how vital a        make massive changes
                                                                                              went to print.
home and says we’ve            healthy environment is for      like stopping whaling. But     We're aiming for                 How do I join or find
    got until 2030.            everyone.                       you can sort little ones out                                    out more?
The clock is ticking.              “Unless you try to help
                               save the environment, there
                                                               locally that then add up.”
                                                                                              within the next year.
                                                                                                                               Visit our website:
                               won’t be anything else left                                                                     groups
                               to save.”
20                                                                                            Earthmatters Autumn 2019                                                                21

                       6 climate fixes your                                                     How to influence your local authority

      6                local authority could
                       act on straight away                                                       1
                                                                                               Check your local authority
                                                                                               website to find out who
                                                                                                                             Write a polite letter
                                                                                                                             explaining the problem
                                                                                                                                                          Make a phone call.
                                                                                                                                                          Be friendly and focus on
                                                                                               you need to contact.          and solution in simple       your concern and the
                                                                                                                             terms.                       solution.
                                                                                                  4                           5                           Being part of a diverse

 6                                                                                     2                                                                  Climate Action group will
                                                                                                                                                          increase your influence
                                                                                               Tweet but don’t spam or                                    over local decision-
                                                                                                                             Arrange to meet in person.
                                                                                               troll. Fact check before                                   makers.
                                                                                                                             Meetings are short so
                                                                                               sharing news.
                               Identify whether every                                                                        focus on no more than        For more advice visit
                               council recommendation                                                                        3 key messages.    
                               would help or hinder
                               climate, air pollution and
 Get schools, hospitals and    nature plans.                    Introduce workplace
 others to design menus                                         parking charges to fund
 containing more plant-                                         better and cleaner public
 based options – using less                                     transport and cycling.
 and better meat.                                                                               Why join a Climate
                                                                                                Action group?
               Most local authorities are doing far too little about the climate                Climate Action groups
               emergency. Some are even making decisions that will increase                     are for people from all
               planet-warming emissions. We need them to listen and act.                        walks of life who want
                                                                                                to solve the problems
                                                                                                in their communities
 5                                                                                     3        that are contributing
                                                                                                to climate breakdown
                                                                                                – as well as working
                                                                                                with others across the
                                                                                                country on a national
                                                                                                climate action plan.
                                                                                                   By starting a Climate
                                                                                                Action group or by signing
 Double tree cover on                      4                    Roll out charging points to     your existing group up
                                                                                                to the Climate Action
 council-owned land and                                         enable the rapid shift to
 ensure existing trees are     Pinpoint spots for               electric vehicles.              network, you’ll become
 properly protected.           renewable energy in the                                          part of a movement so
                               local plan and oppose coal,                                      powerful that our leaders
                               oil and gas extraction.                                          will have to act.
22                                                                       Earthmatters Autumn 2019                                23

Smarter living
       How to stay green as
       the leaves change colour


 Heads up, foodies. Hearty                                                                      5. WINTER WARMER:
 soups, stews and pies are                                                                      Heat apple juice with a pinch
 back on the menu – and                                                                         of nutmeg, orange peel and
 they taste even better when                                                                    sugar to taste. Serve in a
 prepared with seasonal           2. BEE MINDFUL OF OTHERS                                      mug with a cinnamon stick
 veggies like leeks, potatoes,                                                                  (and an optional glug of
 parsnips, kale, carrots, chard                                                                 brandy).
 and beetroot. Apples are              Bees need nectar from very
 also back. Buy British and as         early spring until early winter
 local as you can.                     – some even need food
                                       during winter. Help them out
                                       with one of our Bee Saver
                                       Kits. Get one today at

                                       Shop for cozy knitwear on
                                       websites like eBay instead
                                       of buying new.                                     6. Thinking ahead:
 Leave the weather outside.
                                                                                          plastic or real Christmas tree?
 Draught-proofing around
 windows and doors could
 cut £20 off your energy bill.                                                                  If you’ve got a fake tree,
 Read our article on heating                                                                    reuse it for as long as you
 for more tips:                                                                                 can. Plastic trees take a lot                                                                            of energy to make and most
                                                                                                aren’t recyclable. As for real
                                                                                                ones, get a potted tree with
     3. GET OVER DRAUGHTS                                                                       roots so you can replant it.
                                                                                                Or rent one – some garden
                                                                                                centres will deliver a live
                                                                                                potted tree, which they’ll
                                                                                                collect after Christmas.
                                  4. SHOP SMART
Earthmatters Autumn 2019                                                                     25

                                                       Hannah’s Happiness Project
                                                       Hannah Kern is cycling from
                                                                                              Trees provide us with vital services.
                                                       Vietnam back to London to raise
                                                       awareness of environmental and
                                                                                              How valuable are they?
                                                       social issues – as well as money       Question 1                       Question 3                     Question 6
                                                       for our campaigns. Hannah's            London’s trees do a lot for      According to a study by        How do you weigh a tree
                                                       11,000-mile bike ride will take        the city’s residents, from       Manchester University, how     without chopping it down?
                                                       two years, passing through Asia,       filtering air pollution to       many degrees cooler were       a. Use lasers
                                                       the Middle East and Europe.            mitigating floods. These         concrete surfaces under        b. Eyeball it
                                                        free “ecosystem services”        permanent tree cover?          c. Compare it to nearby
                                                                                              are valued at how much a         a. 5°C                             objects
                                                                                              year?                            b. 19°C
                                                                                                                                                              Question 7
                                                                                              a. £450,000                      c. 24°C
                                                                                                                                                              How much carbon dioxide
                                                                                              b. £1 million
                                                                                                                               Question 4                     (CO2) does a hectare of
                                                                                              c. £130 million
Supporter spotlight                                                                           Question 2
                                                                                                                               A study by Lancaster
                                                                                                                               University found that silver
                                                                                                                                                              trees remove each year?
                                                                                                                                                              The same as:
                                                                                              If you’re ever in the            birch trees planted in front   a. 1 typical family car will
                                                                                              wilderness and need to           of houses trapped what             produce in a year
We’ve received some                                          for Friends of the Earth.        make a reliable piece of         percentage of particle         b.4 typical family cars will
incredible stories of                                        Deep in training, she told us,   rope, which tree’s bark          pollution?                       produce in a year
supporters attempting                                                                         would provide you with the       a. 10%                         c.14 typical family cars will
the craziest things to                                        “I’ve spent the past            fibres you need?                 b. 30%                           produce in a year
raise money for Friends                                      year making lots of              a. Lime                          c. More than 50%
of the Earth, including                                        small changes in               b. Silver birch                                                 Need some inspiration?
somersaulting backwards                                                                                                        Question 5
                                                             my life to be kinder             c. Beech                                                        Head to our website:
for a mile.                                                                                                                    Trees are vital habitats for
From tackling the Three                                           to the planet.                                               many species. How many
Peaks challenge to asking                                     Now, I want to take                                              species of invertebrates
for donations instead of      Designs to run                 on a bigger personal                                              exist in a tree hollow?
birthday presents, we love    Lorna McEvoy is part of an                                                                       a. 300
everything you’re doing to    eco-friendly interior-design                                                                     b. 1,700
help us create a cleaner,     collective at the House Of                                                                       c. 10,000
                                                             PS. We’d love to hear what
fairer world.                 Hackney. This year Lorna
                                                             you think about our new
For fundraising tips visit    and her colleagues are                                                                             techniques, Dr Mathias          days.
                                                             smaller magazine.                 and by public transport.       running the Royal Parks                                          journeys on foot and bike,
                                                                                                                                 airborne laser scanning         more comfortable on hot
                               half-marathon in London           we need to make more
                                                                                                                                 of ground-based and             can make our lives a lot
                                                                                                                                 6. (a) Using a combination      3. (b) It shows how trees
                                                                                               as planting lots of trees
                                                                                               20 tonnes. So as well           of other species.              and rope making.
  Work For Good allows        For every crumble sold                                           forest sequesters about         make it a home to hundreds     source of fibres for cordage
  small businesses to         she donates 20p to                                               CO2 a year. A hectare of        fungi decaying the tree to     history been an important
  donate to charity without   Friends of the Earth.                                            emits about 5 tonnes of         hollows are a sign of the      lime trees has throughout
  endless form-filling.
                                  “With every
                                                                                               a typical passenger car         Lynne Boddy points out,        2. (a) The inner bark of
  It’s helped us link up
                               crumble, I thought
                                                                                               7. (b) In very general terms,   5. (b) As ecologist
  with Kimberley Innes of                                                                                                                                     pounds.
  Humble Crumble, a street        about how I                                                  down.                              tyre wear, and road dust.   hundreds of millions of
  baker who makes epically
                                could reduce CO2
                                                                                               without chopping them              exhausts, brake-pad and     natural services worth
  boozy fruit pies.
                                   and waste.”
                                                                                               method for weighing trees          usually come from car       1. (c) London’s trees provide
                                                                                               Disney has developed a             4. (c) These pollutants     Answers
26                                                                       Earthmatters Autumn 2019                                                                                    27

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Earthmatters Autumn 2019                                                      29


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Earthmatters Autumn 2019                                                                                                                  31

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