Eco Play An all-abilities play space - Deep Creek Reserve - Access Key

Page created by Clifford Ayala
Eco Play An all-abilities play space - Deep Creek Reserve - Access Key
Deep Creek Reserve
Eco Play
An all-abilities play space
Cameron Way, Pakenham
Phone: 1300 787 624

Cardinia Shire Council
Access Key
Updated March 2021 V2.0
Eco Play An all-abilities play space - Deep Creek Reserve - Access Key
Contents and definitions
Guidelines                                     3   Actively supervise – Parents must have their        buttons. These skills are also needed for self-
Did you know?                                  4   children within eyesight at all times when          care and participation in activities at school
                                                   actively supervising                                and at home
Getting there                                  5
Parking                                        6   AFFL – Above finished floor level                   Gross motor skills – Gross motor skills use the
                                                   Balance – A biological system that enables          large muscles of the body. Commonly used
Eco Play map                                   7
                                                   us to maintain a body’s desired position and        gross motor skills include actions such as
Deep Creek Reserve map                         8                                                       rolling, crawling, walking, jumping, riding a
                                                   requires a number of sensory systems to work
Public toilets                                 9                                                       bike, and climbing stairs. Gross motor skills
                                                   together. Good balance builds better posture,
Changing Places                               10   helps to prevent falling over when standing or      are essential to movement and participating in
Playspace entry                               11   moving, improves coordination and increases         activities at school and at home
Barbecue shelter and social space             12   muscular power                                      Hand–eye coordination – The synchronisation
Music hub                                     13   Coordination – The ability to use different parts   of eye and hand movements. An example of
                                                   of the body together smoothly and efficiently.      hand–eye coordination may include grasping
Spinner                                       14
                                                   Good coordination can protect children from         objects
Water play                                    15
                                                   falling and injuries. These skills are needed       Imagination – the ability to produce and
Sandpit                                       16
                                                   for participation in everyday tasks as well as      simulate novel objects, peoples and ideas in
Dragonfly                                     17   active participation in playgrounds and sports      the mind without any immediate input of the
Lily pad swing and swing set                  18                                                       senses
                                                   Cause and effect – When something happens
Giant basket swing                            19   that makes something else happen                    Proprioception – awareness of position and
Liberty swing                                 20                                                       movement of the body
                                                   Core strength – Stabilises and controls your
Herb and sensory gardens                      21   abdominal muscles, back muscles and the             Socialise – Practise taking turns, team building
Slides                                        22   muscles around the pelvis which all influences      and collaborative play
Wheelchair slalom                             23   the legs and upper body. Strong core muscles        Spatial awareness – Knowing where your body is
Lookout                                       24   make it easier to do many physical activities       in space in relation to objects or other people
Playground surrounds                          25   Creativity – The use of imagination or original     Sensory awareness – The direct focus on specific
Party hire                                    26   ideas to create something                           sensory aspect/s of the body or the outer/
Accessibility                                 27   DCR – Deep Creek Reserve                            inner environment
Safety                                        28   Fine motor skills – Fine motor skills involve the   TGSI – Tactile ground surface indicators. A
Cardinia Shire Council Contacts               29   use of the small muscles in the hands. These        tactile ground surface to assist pedestrians
In-document links – click underlined text and      include skills such as grasping objects, writing,   who are visually impaired. Often found on
map locations to follow links.                     cutting with scissors, shoe-tying, and fastening    footpaths, stairs and train station platforms
Eco Play An all-abilities play space - Deep Creek Reserve - Access Key
Thank you for choosing to use an Access Key for Deep Creek Reserve Eco Play – all-abilities play space and water play area.

For your Access Key to be successful, we recommend you follow these guidelines.
• Access Keys are available online to help you prepare for your visit in advance.
• Access Keys be read and shared in an environment free of distractions.
• Access Keys can be read independently or shared with a friend, family member, carer or support worker to prepare for the visit.
• If sharing the Access Key with a participant, help the participant comprehend key points, consistently monitoring for level of understanding.
• If sharing the Access Key with a participant, contextualised photographs can be used to summarise information and experiences.
• If using the Access Key as a reflective tool, make sure to enjoy the pivotal link between experience and recall after the visit has taken place.
• Once the visit has taken place, revisit the Access Key to celebrate success.
• Accessibility information is located on page 27.
• Safety information is located on page 28.
• Download Access Key in its entirety – 29 pages in total.

                                                                                  Access Keys are designed and developed by Access Ability Australia.

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                                                                                  For Access Keys in Braille or audio, please Contact Us.
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Carney and are protected by Australian copyright laws.

Eco Play An all-abilities play space - Deep Creek Reserve - Access Key
sensory gardens and environmental education
                                                                                                             sessions for schools.

                                                                                                          • Wide gravel walking trails that wrap around
                                                                                                             the boundaries of DCR are a beautiful way to
                                                                                                             explore the site and its surrounds. Enjoy the
                                                                                                             tranquillity of nature and if you’re lucky enough,
                                                                                                             you may see some of the colourful wildlife along
                                                                                                             the way.

                                                                                                          • There is a kickabout oval at the rear of the
                                                                                                             playground within the surrounding walkways
                                                                                                             where visitors are welcomed to play ball sports.

                                                                                                          • DCR wetlands is home to many different species
Did you know?                                       • Deep Creek Reserve Eco Play is proudly owned           of frogs and birds.
                                                       and operated by Cardinia Shire Council.
                                                                                                          • The community-driven indigenous plant nursery
The play space is designed for people of all
                                                    • Cardinia Shire Council’s Access and Inclusion          features display gardens, propagation facilities,
ages and abilities to play, learn, get physically
                                                       Policy and Action Plan can be found on the            shade houses and green houses to grow plants
active and enjoy sensory exploration.
                                                       Cardinia Shire Council website.                       as well as educational classrooms for schools.
                                                                                                             The facility is managed by
It includes:
                                                    • This all-abilities play space and water play area      Cardinia Environment Coalition
• Play equipment and structures
                                                       is located in Cardinia Shire’s exciting outdoor
• Sand and water play area
                                                       space, Deep Creek Reserve (DCR). It is very        • To provide feedback please call Cardinia Shire
• Shelters
                                                       much a place of environmental significance            Council on 1300 787 624 (during business
• ‘Bush Kinder’ outdoor classrooms
                                                       and boasts a multipurpose function centre             hours and after hours) or email
• Sensory Garden
                                                       and golf club, an indigenous plant nursery,  
• Barbecues and drinking fountain
                                                       demonstration wetlands, demonstration and
• Indigenous plants.
Eco Play An all-abilities play space - Deep Creek Reserve - Access Key
Getting there
DCR Eco Play is located at 62 Cameron Way,
Deep Creek Reserve, Pakenham.

See Google Maps reference here.

The nearest bus stop is approximately 170
metres away on Cameron Way. This stop is
accessed via bus route 929.

For more information on how to get here, please
visit PTV.

Eco Play An all-abilities play space - Deep Creek Reserve - Access Key
The most convenient parking is located within Deep Creek Reserve, directly   Bike racks are located outside the main playground entrance. Additional
outside the entrance to the play space.                                      bike racks are located outside the entrance to Deep Creek Reserve and Eco
                                                                             Centre. Please remember to bring your own bike lock.
There are:
                                                                             Bus parking is located within the main car park, directly opposite the main
• two accessible parking bays located approximately 35m away from the        entry to the Eco Centre.
  main entrance and 20m away from the car park entrance
• an additional two accessible parking bays are located approximately
  85m from the main entrance and 30m away from the car park entrance
• general parking with no restrictions.

Eco Play An all-abilities play space - Deep Creek Reserve - Access Key
Eco Play map

                                                                                  Main path
                                                                                  Wheelchair slalom course
                                                                                  Wheelchair entry
                                                                                  Changing places/baby change
              4                                                                   Accessible picnic tables

                                                                                  Picnic tables
                                                                                  Single slide
                                                                                  Accessible slide

                                                                            1     Main entrance
                          6   7           10                                2     Car park entrance
                                               11                           3     Music hub
                                                                            4     Zig zag seating
                                  9                                         5     Spinner

                                                              Etiam sed justo congue
                                                                                  Water play
                                                                                  Sand pit
                                                                                  Herb garden
                                                                            9     Dragonfly
                                                                            10    Lily pad swing
                                                                            11    Social space
                                                    12                      12    Sensory garden
                                                                            13    Liberty swing
                                                                            14    Giant basket swing
                                                                            15    Lookout

Eco Play An all-abilities play space - Deep Creek Reserve - Access Key
Deep Creek Reserve map

                                                              Main walking paths
                           2                                  Entry/exit to Eco centre
                                                              Wheelchair access
                                                              Changing places/baby change
                                              7               Barbecue
                                                              Accessible picnic tables

                                              8         1     Nursery
                                                        2     Golf cart shed
                                                        3     Demonstration garden
                                                        4     North car park
               5                                        5     South car park
                                                        6     Eco Centre
                                                        7     First tee
                                                   12   8     Driving range
                                                        9     Eco Play (all-abilities play space)
                                                        10    Demonstration wetland

                                        Etiam sed justo congue
                                                        11    Bush kinder
                                                        12    Kickabout
                                                        13    Lookout


Eco Play An all-abilities play space - Deep Creek Reserve - Access Key
Public toilets
Deep Creek Reserve has two sets of public toilets.

 Set 1                                                  Set 2
 Location: Directly opposite the play space on the     Location: Inside the Eco Centre. Enter the facility
 outside of the Eco Centre.                            via the entrance opposite the play space. Turn
                                                       immediately right into a hallway.

 Includes:                                             Includes:
 • one unisex, accessible toilet with sensor           • one unisex, accessible toilet with sensor
     lighting                                              lighting
 • push button automated sliding door. Button          • push button automated door opening inward.
     height 990mm AFFL. Door clearance of                  Button height 910mm AFFL. Door clearance of       Set 1 public toilets
     1,050mm. Push button lock at 1,110mm AFFL             910mm. Push button lock at 1,100mm AFFL
 • cubicle space 2,350mm x 2,370mm                     • cubicle space 1,970mm x 2,030mm
 • grab bars to the right and behind toilet            • grab bars to the left and behind toilet
 • toilet height 450mm AFFL with right-hand            • toilet height 250mm AFFL with left-hand
     transfer                                              transfer
 • sink height 810mm AFFL with lever tap               • sink height 810mm AFFL with lever tap
     1,000mm AFFL                                          1,000mm AFFL
 • baby change area                                    • baby change area
 • separate unisex ambulant toilets.                   • separate male and female toilets including
                                                           ambulant.                                         Set 2 public toilets

                                                                Feel                       Sounds                     Sights             Smells
                                                     Change in ground surface          Automated doors              Bright lights     Bathroom smells
                                                         Heating/Cooling                     Echo                 Mirror/Reflection    Disinfectants
                                                      Shared personal space              Hand dryers                   People
   Sensory guide                                                                            People
                                                                                        Toilet flushing
                                                                                        Water running
Eco Play An all-abilities play space - Deep Creek Reserve - Access Key
Changing Places
Deep Creek Reserve has a dedicated Changing           • baby change area
Places/fully accessible toilet and changeroom.        • adult change table – electronically height
Changing Places toilets have extra features and         adjustable and manual foldable table with
more space to meet the needs of people with             maximum load 200kg
severe and profound disabilities.                     • Stellar 444F ceiling hoist with hoist/carry bar
                                                        with maximum load 200kg.
Location: Opposite the play space, directly beside
the first set of toilets. The Changing Places can     Please remember to bring your own sling and
be accessed from outside or from within the           ensure it is compatible with the hoist. If there is
Eco Centre.                                           any uncertainty, please do not use hoist.

Includes:                                             The Changing Places facility requires an MLAK
• a unisex, fully accessible toilet and adult         key to access. Users are encouraged to bring
    change facility with sensor lighting              their own MLAK key. If you do not have access
• access is via push button operated                  to your own MLAK key, please speak to a staff
    automated sliding door. Button height             member in the Eco Centre during operating hours
    970mm AFFL. Door clearance 1050mm.                for assistance.
    Automated lock 1,010mm AFFL
• flip up grab bars on either side of toilet          For information on how to apply for a MLAK key
• toilet height 450mm with left- or right-hand        visit
• sink height 810mm AFFL with lever tap
    1,000mm AFFL
                                                              Feel                       Sounds                 Sights             Smells
                                                     Change in ground surface         Automated door          Bright lights     Bathroom smells
                                                         Heating/Cooling                    Echo            Mirror/Reflection    Disinfectants
                                                                                        Hand dryer
   Sensory guide                                                                       Toilet flushing
                                                                                       Water running

Play space entry
There are three convenient access points.

Main Entry: Located directly opposite the Eco Centre and the toilets.

1. Enter through a manual latch swing gate opening inward with a
   clearance of 1,230mm.
2. Proceed through the airlock entry. There is a bench seat with back and
   armrests here.
                                                                              Main entry                       Car park entry
3. Enter the play space via a manual latch swing gate opening outward
   with a clearance of 1,230mm.
                                                                                                                      An undercover
Car park entry: Located opposite the main car park via a manual latch                                                 area is located
swing gate opening inward with a clearance of 1,230mm.
                                                                                                                      directly ahead
Additional entry: Located at the rear of the play space, this entry can be                                            of the main
accessed via the surrounding wetlands walking track. Access is via a                                                  entry, within
manual latch swing gate opening inward with a clearance of 1,110mm.
                                                                                                                      the play space.
                                                                              Additional entry

                                                              Feel                  Sounds              Sights                   Smells
                                                      Shared personal space    Gardening equipment   Flying insects              Nature
                                                            Weather                  Nature               Glare                 Sunscreen
                                                                                     People              Nature
   Sensory guide                                                                                         People

Barbecue shelter and social
Come prepared for a picnic or barbecue.

All six electric barbecues have been designed to be accessible for
wheelchair users, with an operating height of approximately 900mm and a
knee clearance of 830mm. Barbecues are push button operated. Operating
controls are conveniently displayed on the side of the hot plate.

Seating options include picnic tables with a dedicated wheelchair seating
space with a knee clearance of 720mm and benches. Surrounding bench
seating with backs and armrests are also available in this immediate area.

An additional 3,600mm long by 960mm wide stainless-steel picnic table
is also available. Knee clearance of 660mm. Please note, seating is not
provided for this table.

The social space can be used for visitors to sit, relax and dine together.

Short distances to accessible parking bays and the Changing Places facility
enable easy access for parents and carers.

                                                               Feel                   Sounds              Sights         Smells
                                                      Change in ground surface    Barbecue sizzling    Flying insects   Food/Drink
                                                       Shared personal space     Gardening equipment        Glare         Nature
                                                              Weather            Musical instruments       Nature       Sunscreen
   Sensory guide                                                                       People              People

Eco Play

Music hub                                                                                                                                                           map location


                                                                                                                                So much more than
                                                                                                                                meets the eye
                                                                                                                                Wellbeing and educational benefits
                                                                                                                                • Sensory elements can include tactile,
                                                                                                                                   auditory and manipulative activities.
Musical rain wheel              Gong drums                       8–key accessible               Bell harp                       • Stimulates imagination and creativity.
                                                                 marimba                                                        • Helps to improve sensory awareness
Standing 1m high and            A set of three stainless steel   105cm tall and accessible      This beautiful 2m high bell
                                                                                                                                   and allows children to explore the
accessible for wheelchairs,     drums standing 450mm             for wheelchairs, this          harp produces seven, clear
                                                                                                                                   world around them.
this iron bark and stainless-   high produce a ringing           instrument produces            bell-like sounds. Instrument
                                                                                                                                • Helps to improve fine motor skills and
steel rain wheel produces       gong or cymbal like sound.       mellow pitches from the        can be played by using the
rain like or shaker sounds.     Instrument can be played         tuned wooden keys. It          attached mallets.
Sounds are activated by         with hands, fingers or sticks.   can be played with the         Mallets are stored in holders
                                                                                                                                Tip: Instruments can be played and
turning or spinning the         Visit YouTube to see gong        attached mallets. Mallets      on the equipment. Visit
                                                                                                                                enjoyed by everyone, regardless of age
wheel either way.               drums in use.                    are stored in holders on the   YouTube to see a bell harp
                                                                                                                                and ability.
Visit YouTube to hear a                                          equipment. Visit YouTube to    in use.
rain wheel.                                                      hear marimba drums
                                                                 in use.

                                                                           Feel                           Sounds                   Sights                  Smells
                                                                 Change in ground surface         Gardening equipment           Flying insects             Nature
                                                                  Shared personal space           Musical instruments                Glare                Sunscreen
                                                                         Weather                        People                      Nature
    Sensory guide                                                                                                                   People

Eco Play

Spinner                                                                                                                                            map location


                                                                                                         Learn, play and grow

                                                                                                         Wellbeing and educational benefits
                                                                                                         • Helps to improve balance, core
                                                                                                            strength and proprioception.
                                                                                                         • Helps to train the sense of spatial
                                                                                                         • Encourages children to socialise and
                                                                                                            practise turn taking, team building and
                                                                                                            collaborative play.

                                                                                                         Tip: The training of balance is particularly
The spinner offers level entry access from a flat    • For safety, do not exceed the comfortable         important for children with Autism and
fall surface.                                          spinning speed of yourself and other users.       vision impairments, as well as a range of
                                                     • For users aged 3+.                                physical disabilities.
Directions and rules                                 • Supervision by an adult at all times.
• Push hand grabs to operate rotation. Handle        • Take caution of foot traffic entering
    bars with a knee clearance and height of           from edges.
    750mm AFFL on the spinner to hold.

                                                               Feel                     Sounds              Sights                      Smells
                                                      Change in ground surface     Gardening equipment   Flying insects                 Nature
                                                              Dizziness            Musical instruments        Glare                    Sunscreen
                                                    Increase in body temperature         People              Nature
   Sensory guide                                        Increase in heart rate
                                                       Shared personal space
Eco Play

Water play                                                                                                                                  map location

Sheltered from the elements of weather and all
under cover, the water play area is pure sensory                                                    Let your imagination
stimulation. Level entry access to this space
is provided.
                                                                                                    run wild
                                                                                                    Wellbeing and educational benefits
It includes:                                                                                        • Water play releases energy. It can
• a water ball with a push button at an                                                                be both invigorating or relaxing and
     operating height of 900mm AFFL                                                                    calming.
• a water tap with a lever at an operating height                                                   • Helps to stimulate creativity and
     of 620mm AFFL                                                                                     imagination.
• a water table at a height of 470mm AFFL.                                                          • Helps children to develop and
                                                                                                       understand cause and effect.
The water play area is surrounded by a small,                                                       • Helps children to explore their world
shallow creek bed for water to safely flow into the                                                    using their senses.
drainage system.                                                                                    • Helps to develop scientific concepts.
                                                                                                    • Helps to develop fine motor skills.
Please remember to actively supervise children at                                                   • Encourages cooperation and teamwork
all times.                                                                                             and encourages children to socialise.

                                                                                                    Tip: Don’t forget a towel and sunscreen.

                                                              Feel                 Sounds              Sights                    Smells
                                                         Being splashed       Gardening equipment   Flying insects               Nature
                                                           Cool water         Musical instruments        Glare                  Sunscreen
                                                      Shared personal space         People              Nature
   Sensory guide                                        Water resistance           Splashing            People
                                                            Weather              Water running

Eco Play

Sandpit                                                                                                                                       map location


                                                                                                        Create and pretend

                                                                                                        Wellbeing and educational benefits
                                                                                                        • Helps to develop spatial awareness.
                                                                                                        • Helps to facilitate development of fine
                                                                                                           and gross motor skills.
                                                                                                        • Helps to stimulate creative and
                                                                                                           imaginative skills.
                                                                                                        • Helps children to explore the world
                                                                                                           around them using their senses.
The sandpit consists of three multistorey levels    Directions and rules                                • Helps to develop hand–eye
offering children textural elements to engage       • The sand digger is to be used for digging only,      coordination.
their sense of touch. It includes a carved log          no striking other play users.
sand table at a height of 600mm AFFL, sculptural    • Stay a safe distance from the digger at all       Tip: Wash hands after playing in the sand.
rocks and a sand digger with operating handles at       times when in use.
770mm AFFL.                                         • Please no throwing sand.

Access to level one requires users to step down
approximately 300mm. Access to sandpit levels
two and three requires users to step over a low
wall at a height of 330mm AFFL.
                                                            Feel                     Sounds                Sights                    Smells
                                                          Cool sand             Gardening equipment     Flying insects               Nature
                                                         Gritty sand            Musical instruments          Glare                  Sunscreen
                                                    Shared personal space             People                Nature
   Sensory guide                                           Weather                 Water running            People

Dragonfly                                                              Eco Play
                                                                      map location

The dragonfly is the centre piece for this play space.

The accessible large dragonfly body is an elevated sculpture that acts as
a bridge across the park. It safely allows all visitors to experience height
above the play space below and views to the surrounding area.

Access to the dragonfly structure is via a choice of two gravel pathways
located on either side of the dragonfly. Each pathway is approximately 40m
in length with one landing platform. The pathways have an approximate
average gradient of 1:19 (5.3%) and a handrail on one side.

Bench seating with backs and armrests are available at the top of
both pathways.                                                                         Explore, view, access
                                                                                       Wellbeing and educational benefits          Tip: From the body of
Access through the dragonfly is slightly sloped with an approximate
                                                                                       • Helps to develop imaginative and          the dragonfly, enter the
average gradient of 1:26 (3.9%) and a handrail on both sides. Rubber
                                                                                          creative skills.                         tunnel to step inside
mats line the flooring.
                                                                                       • Helps to develop gross motor skills.      its head.
                                                                                       • Facilitates social skill development in

                                                               Feel                       Sounds                     Sights                   Smells
                                                       Change in ground surface      Gardening equipment          Flying insects              Nature
                                                     Increased body temperature      Musical instruments               Glare                 Sunscreen
                                                         Increased heart rate              People                     Nature
   Sensory guide                                        Shared personal space                                         People

Eco Play            Eco Play

Lily pad swing and swing set                                                                                                 map location        map location

                                                                                                                                 10                 13
                                                                                                                             Lily pad swing        Swing set
The lily pad swing (see below) includes high back
full bucket seats and is fun for all ages.                                                               Swing high, swing low
The swing set includes a toddler swing and two
sling seat swings side by side. Also included is an                                                      Wellbeing and educational benefits
all ages adaptable swing at a height of 510mm                                                            • The smooth, back-and-forth motion
AFFL (see right).                                                                                           can be soothing and calming.
                                                                                                         • Helps to develop balance and core
                                                                                                         • Helps to encourage turn taking and
                                                                                                            cooperative play.

                                                                                                         Tip: Make sure to stand at the side of the
                                                                                                         swings while waiting your turn. Do not
                                                                                                         walk in front or behind moving swings.

                                                                Feel                    Sounds             Sights                       Smells
                                                      Increased body temperature   Gardening equipment   Flying insects                 Nature
                                                        Increased heart rate       Musical instruments        Glare                    Sunscreen
                                                       Shared personal space             People
   Sensory guide                                         Sensation of flying
Eco Play

Giant basket swing                                                                                                                                map location


                                                                                                           Swing high, swing low

                                                                                                           Wellbeing and educational benefits
                                                                                                           • The smooth, back-and-forth motion
                                                                                                              can be soothing and calming.
                                                                                                           • Helps to develop balance and
                                                                                                              core strength.
                                                                                                           • Helps to encourage turn taking and
                                                                                                              cooperative play.

                                                                                                           Tip: Make sure to stand at the side of the
                                                                                                           swings while waiting your turn. Do not
                                                                                                           walk in front or behind moving swings.
The giant basket swing is an awe-inspiring piece        Access to the giant basket swing is via gravel
that attracts children like a magnet. It offers         pathways which are 1.5m in width, approximately
multiple directions of swinging and has room for        30m in length and have approximate average
many children to be seated, standing, or lying down.    gradients of 1:22 (4.4%). The giant basket swing
                                                        sits at approximately 950mm AFFL.

                                                               Feel                   Sounds                 Sights                      Smells
                                                   Increased body temperature    Gardening equipment       Flying insects               Nature
                                                        Increased heart rate     Musical instruments            Glare                  Sunscreen
                                                       Shared personal space           People
   Sensory guide                                         Sensation of flying
Eco Play

Liberty Swing                                                                                                                            map location


                                                                                                  Limitless fun

                                                                                                  Wellbeing and educational benefits
                                                                                                  • The Liberty Swing is both therapeutic
                                                                                                     and fun.
                                                                                                  • Helps to develop balance and core
                                                                                                  • Helps to develop visual-spatial
                                                                                                     awareness, muscle tone, head
The Liberty Swing offers wheelchair users the
                                                                                                     control, self-regulation, attention and
opportunity to experience the joy of being able to
swing at the park. The access ramp on the Liberty
                                                                                                  • Helps to encourage turn taking and
Swing is 700mm wide.
                                                                                                     cooperative play.

The Liberty Swing requires an MLAK key to
                                                                                                  Tip: Liberty Swings suit people of all
operate. Users are welcome to bring their own
                                                                                                  ages including residents from aged care
MLAK or collect one from staff in the Eco Centre
                                                                                                  facilities. For directions on how to use,
during operating hours.
                                                                                                  view the demonstration videos.

For information on how to apply for a MLAK key

                                                            Feel                 Sounds              Sights                     Smells
                                                     Increased heart rate   Gardening equipment   Flying insects                Nature
                                                      Sensation of flying   Musical instruments        Glare                   Sunscreen
                                                           Weather                People              Nature
   Sensory guide                                       Weightlessness                                 People

Eco Play           Eco Play

Herb and sensory gardens                                                                                                  map location       map location

                                                                                                                              8                 12
                                                                                                                          Herb garden    Sensory Garden

                                                                                                       Smell, touch, see

                                                                                                       Wellbeing and educational benefits
                                                                                                       • Gardening and plant care help children
                                                                                                          develop gross and fine motor skills.
                                                                                                       • Gardens improve physical fitness,
                                                                                                          health, mood and cognition.
                                                                                                       • Can be a calming space for anyone
                                                                                                          who may be feeling overwhelmed.
                                                                                                       • Helps children to make sense of the
The herb and sensory gardens have been            In the herb garden, children can learn new skills,      world around them by providing a
designed to stimulate a wide variety of           have fun, play and develop self-confidence by           range of experiences to stimulate
sensory experiences.                              tending and nurturing plants. Most children             the senses.
                                                  enjoy being outdoors and love digging in the soil,   • Helps to encourage imaginative play.
The sensory garden offers a tranquil place to     getting dirty, creating things and watching plants
stroll as well as a range of features including   grow. Users are encouraged to utilise the push       Tip: Wash your hands when finished and
log steppers, wooden balancing beams, cubby       button operated sprinklers to water plants. These    don’t forget sunscreen and hat.
structures, bench seating with backs and          sit at an operating height of 900mm AFFL and a
armrests and a variety of ground surfaces.        depth of 450mm.

                                                           Feel                     Sounds                Sights                    Smells
                                                  Change in ground surface    Gardening equipment      Flying insects               Herbs
                                                     (sensory garden)         Musical instruments           Glare                  Nature
                                                   Cool dirt (herb garden)          People                 Nature                 Sunscreen
   Sensory guide                                      Fine water spray                                     People
                                                       (herb garden)
                                                   Shared personal space
There are two plastic mound slides: a blue junior mound slide and a yellow double mound slide which
includes a rope up to the mound. There is also one wide concrete slide down mound with climbing holds       Slip and slide
and deck.

The plastic mound slides are located on the right-hand side of the dragonfly and the concrete slide down    Wellbeing and educational benefits
mound is located on the left-hand side of the dragonfly.                                                    • Helps to develop/improve
Slides provide children with the thrill of motion and moving fast.                                          • Helps to develop balance and core
                                                                                                            • Helps to develop gross motor skills.
                                                                                                            • Helps to encourage turn taking and
                                                                                                               cooperative play.

                                                                                                            Tip: Do not walk or run up or down
                                                                                                            the slides.

Access to the blue junior plastic   Access to the yellow plastic            Access to the concrete mound
mound slide is via a step at        mound slide is via a step at            down slide is via a step at a
a height of 260mm AFFL and          a height of 460mm AFFL and              height of 90mm AFFL and
handrails on both sides.            handrails on both sides.                handrails on both sides.

                                                               Feel                      Sounds                Sights                    Smells
                                                     Increased body temperature     Gardening equipment     Flying insects               Nature
                                                        Increased heart rate        Musical instruments          Glare                  Sunscreen
                                                       Shared personal space                                    Nature
    Sensory guide                                          Stomach drop

Wheelchair slalom
The wheelchair slalom is located on the edge of
the play space, directly opposite the                                                                  Zoom zoom zoom
kickabout oval.

Wheelchair slalom is a fun, fast-paced and                                                             Wellbeing and educational benefits
exciting sport with the overall aim of navigating                                                      • Helps to develop fine and gross motor
through a course. It includes challenging                                                                 skills.
obstacles and lateral activities such as course                                                        • Helps to improve wheelchair control,
mounded ground planes and rumble strips,                                                                  balance and core strength.
markers to weave between and lined paths to                                                            • Helps to improve overall health, fitness
stay within.                                                                                              and wellbeing.
                                                                                                       • Helps to encourage cooperation and
The slalom provides an immersive experience for                                                           facilitate communication in children.
wheelchair users and can also double as a
bike track.                                                                                            Tip: Practice obstacles at slow speed to
                                                                                                       begin with and build up speed slowly.

                                                              Feel                    Sounds              Sights                    Smells
                                                    Increased body temperature   Gardening equipment   Flying insects               Nature
                                                      Increased heart rate       Musical instruments        Glare                  Sunscreen
                                                     Shared personal space             People              Nature                   People
   Sensory guide                                         Surface bumps                                     People

Eco Play

Lookout                                                                                                                                          map location


The lookout overlooks the surrounding wetland area and gives a towering      Safety barriers sit at approximately 1,220mm AFFL. Vertical bars spaced at
view of the play space. This allows children the chance to get up high and   90mm apart line the safety barrier.
look out over the entire play space and spot where they want to head next.
Visitors are also encouraged to relax and enjoy the view.

Access to the lookout is via gravel pathways which are 1.5m in width,
approximately 30m in length and have approximate average gradients of
1:22 (4.4%).

                                                            Feel                   Sounds                      Sights                   Smells
                                                    Shared personal space     Gardening equipment           Flying insects              Nature
                                                          Weather                   People                       Glare                 Sunscreen
                                                                                                                Nature                  People
  Sensory guide                                                                                                 People

Playspace surrounds               Compost corner
                                  Located between the cafe and playground is a working compost
                                  display. It was established for school education, community
                                  workshops and park users. It also helps provide an opportunity for
                                  the Deep Creek Reserve cafe to compost their kitchen scraps and
                                  food waste.

• Kickabout oval                  The display of different worm farms and home composting systems
                                  also features signage and stepping stones, encouraging visitors to
• Walking trails
                                  walk through the space and learn about food waste and the benefits
• Eco Centre – multipurpose       of home composting.
• Demonstration wetlands          Compost systems and worm farms are a great way to help reduce
• Indigenous plant nursery        the environmental impact of the food we throw away and the garden
                                  beds at compost corner enable a circular economy, growing herbs to
• Environmental education
  for schools                     be used in the cafe’s kitchen.

                              Etiam sed justo congue

Party hire
There is a room available for party hire.

It is located within Deep Creek Reserve
Eco Centre.

If entering from the play space, this room
is located on the left-hand side after the

If entering through the centre’s main entry,
please see staff at reception who will be
able to direct you to the party room.

Access to the party room is via a manual
door opening inward. Door clearance of
900mm. There is an additional sliding
door entry point with a door clearance of

Toilets are located within and on the
outside of the centre. For further
information on toilets, go to page 9 and
page 10 of this Access Key.

For bookings, please email

• Pram ramps from accessible parking bays to     • Spaces for a wheelchair user to sit with      • Walking paths surrounding the site
  access walkway.                                  friends and log steppers at height to sit       approximately 2.5m width with smooth rise
• Clear path of travel from car park to            by wheelchair.                                  and fall gravel surfaces. Please take care to
  play space.                                    • Bench seating with backs and armrests are       protect local wildlife.

• Waiting zone and bench seats with backs and      available throughout.                         • Visitors who use assistance dogs certified
  armrests at car park entry to play space.      • Sensory garden with cubby structures to fit     by a registered authority are welcome.
                                                   children in wheelchairs.                        Assistance dogs must be restrained by a
• Changing Places facility (under 50m distance
                                                                                                   harness or leash at all times. Please note:
  from social space).                            • It is recommended that you bring your own
                                                                                                   assistance dogs are the only dogs permitted
• Large visual map of play space located after     drinking water.
                                                                                                   within the play space area.
  car park entry.                                • No knee clearance on the carved log sand
• Wide, clear walkways, minimum 1.5m wide          table within the sandpit.
  throughout the play space.                     • Space for whole class/groups to gather.
• Adequate space to park mobility aids and
  prams throughout.
• TGSI on pram ramps leading from
  accessible parking bays to walkway.
• Bollards at waiting zone car park entry to
  play space.
• Airlock entry at main gate.
• Surrounding fencing allows families and
  groups to safely utilise the play and social
  space, allows parents and carers peace of
  mind to enjoy the space together without
  the risk of children running onto busy roads
  or other hazards.                              • Overhead hazards include play equipment          • Spinner’s rotating edge with adequate
• Seats near fence openings.                       and play structures.                               distance to the outside edge of the play
                                                 • No TGSI prior to access pathways within            space soft fall surface. This is to help
• Terrain varies throughout the play space
                                                    play space.                                       prevent head injuries in case of a fall from
  and includes soft fall play surface, gravel,
  sand and tanbark. Please use caution when      • Smoking and alcohol are not permitted
  mobilising around the play space.                within the play space.                           • Snakes, birds and other wildlife may be
                                                                                                      present along the walking trails.
• Curb edging on walkways within the             • Sandpit – please be aware that there are no
  play space.                                      handrails, barriers or TGSI prior to step into   • Children to be supervised at all times.

• Bench seating does not offer colour contrast     sandpit to indicate a potential hazard.          • Emergency assembly points located in
  to ground. Please use caution when             • Swings with surrounding barrier fencing.           car park.
  mobilising around the play space.                                                                 • During Eco Centre opening hours,
                                                 • Liberty Swing – the manufacturer
• Tactile indicator steel pavers at the            recommends a maximum carrying capacity             defibrillators are available. One is located in
  entry to the dragonfly to indicate the           of 250kg (550 lbs).                                the main reception foyer of the centre and
  commencement of rubber ramp.                                                                        the other in the golf shop. In the event of an
                                                                                                      emergency, please call 000.
Cardinia Shire Council
Civic Centre
20 Siding Avenue, Officer

PO Box 7
Pakenham 3810

Phone: 1300 787 624

National Relay Service (NRS)
TTY: 133 677 (ask for 1300 787 624)
Speak and Listen (speech-to-speech relay):
1300 555 727 (ask for 1300 787 624)

       Translator Interpretation Service
       131 450 (ask for 1300 787 624)

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