EID MESSAGE - Muslim Views

Page created by Heather Peterson
EID MESSAGE - Muslim Views
Vol. 33 No. 5                                      SHAWWAAL 1440 l JUNE 2019

                                                                                                                                                                          EID-UL-FITR is a time
                                                                                                                                                                          of joy and anticipation of
                                                                                                                                                                          the reward of Allah for a
                                                                                                                                                                          month of fasting for His
                                                                                                                                                                             We rejoice at Eid but
                                                                                                                                                                          we should also reflect on
                                                                                                                                                                          the condition of Muslims
                                                                                                                                                                             The ummah is besieged,
                                                                                                                                                                          in various parts of the
                                                                                                                                                                          globe, by great trials that
                                                                                                                                                                          should urge us to seek the
                                                                                                                                                                          mercy of Allah, fortified
                                                                                                                                                                          by the discipline of the
                                                                                                                                                                          fast in the sacred month.
                                                                                                                                                                             Muslim Views pays
                                                                                                                                                                          tribute to all our advertis-
                                                                                                                                                                          ers and readers who sup-
                                                                                                                                                                          port our newspaper. May
                                                                                                                                                                          Allah reward you abun-
                                                                                                                                                                          dantly and grant you His
                                                                                                                                                                          grace in this world and
                                                                                                                                                                          the hereafter.
Imam Abdullah Haron was arrested 50 years ago, on May 28, 1969. To mark the day, two of his children, ex-detainees, family members, supporters and leaders of
                                                                                                                                                                             Eid mubarak on behalf
various religious groups gathered in front of Cape Town Central Police Station, then known as Caledon Square. This is where Imam Haron was held and questioned            of the staff and manage-
after his arrest. Two of Imam’s three children (the eldest, Shamela Shamis, lives in the UK), were joined by (from left): Zainal Makda, Imam Haron’s niece; Imam Achmad
Cassiem, ex-political prisoner and close family friend; the Imam’s only son, Professor Muhammed Haron; Advocate Michael Donen, who appeared for a number of
political prisoners during the apartheid era; Shaikh Sa’dullah Khan, who led the group in prayer; the Imam’s younger daughter, Fatiema Haron-Masoet; ex-political
prisoner, Yusuf Patel; Brigadier Hansia Hansraj, station commander of Cape Town Central Police Station; Cassiem Khan, co-ordinator of the Imam Haron
                                                                                                                                                                             Sharief Hassan-Palekar
Commemoration Committee (partly obscured); Father Michael Lapsley, a social justice activist who lost his hand in a letter bomb attack by covert forces of the
                                                                                                                                                                                Managing Director,
apartheid regime; and Imam Dr Rashied Omar, imam of Claremont Main Road Mosque. In an address after the prayer, Brigadier Hansraj acknowledged that it was
through the sacrifices of people like the Imam that she occupies a position where she can make a difference.                                     Photo TOYER NAKIDIEN
                                                                                                                                                                                      Muslim Views

                                       Islamic Relief South Africa thanks you for your loyal, generous support this Ramadan.
                                                      May the auspicious occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr bless you with
                                                            peace and bring joy to your heart and home.
EID MESSAGE - Muslim Views
EID MESSAGE - Muslim Views
Muslim Views . June 2019        3

                                                                                                            EID-UL-FITR 1440 AH
                                                                                                       INSIDE THIS SPECIAL EDITION

Muslim media must report
                          Vol. 33 No. 5 l SHAWWAAL 1440 l JUNE 2019

in the public interest                                                                                  4   Nouman Ali Khan
                                                                                                            case was ‘grossly
                                                                                                              mishandled’              Spiritual abuse:
                                                                                                                                       the violation of
THIS edition of Muslim Views contains              We are confident that we are complying with                                           an amanah
two articles relating to allegations of            the requirement for this standard.
‘spiritual abuse’ against a renowned               Similarly, we are confident that there is
international Muslim preacher.                     compelling affirmation by classical and
These articles call for some reflection on the     contemporary Muslim scholars of the
type of content we publish and the relevant        principle of masalih al mursala, which
standards we apply when considering                recognises the pre-eminence of goodness
publication of such stories.                       and virtue – as opposed to evil and vice – as
The substance of these stories, and that of        the ideal of human conduct.
others we have published in the past, is
unusual in that it potentially affects the
                                                   There is a striking distinction between the
                                                   South African Press Code, which is based on
                                                                                                        8    Eid: invigorated
                                                                                                             with heightened
                                                                                                                                       Islamic heritage
                                                                                                                                        as colonial and
dignity and reputation of individuals.             secular democratic values, and that of                        capacity             apartheid redress
Usually, we do not publish content that            masalih al mursala, which is founded on
focuses on the wrongdoing of named                 Islamic values.
individuals or the personal lives of public        The latter recognises the sovereignty of
figures, unless this is justified by its public    moral, ethical and spiritual conduct over
interest value.                                    public interest in the secular sense.
This is the broad standard that is applicable      Therefore, masalih al mursala imposes a
when considering publication of such stories.      higher, more onerous, universal standard of
In this respect, we rely on two main sources,
namely, a regulatory framework in the form of
the Press Code of the Press Council of
                                                   the ‘common good’ on a Muslim publisher
                                                   than on a publisher that embraces only
                                                   conventional public interest secular values.
                                                                                                       28     Reimagining
                                                                                                             Imam Abdullah
                                                                                                                                        Marking Imam
                                                                                                                                        Haron’s arrest
                                                                                                              Haron’s path
South Africa and the Islamic principle of          We are equally confident that our coverage                                           50 years ago
                                                                                                              to shahadah
masalih al mursala.                                of content such as the articles referred to
Muslim Views is committed to the Press             above are consistent with the principle of
Code, which covers, inter alia, guidelines on      masalih al mursala.
gathering and reporting news; independence         It is in the application of both a secular press
of the media; privacy, dignity and reputation      code and an Islamic principle that an
and the protection of personal information.        independent Muslim media organisation
The code also stipulates that the work of          must constantly assess whether content is
media is ‘guided at all times by the public
interest, understood to describe information
                                                   newsworthy, in the public interest and
                                                   consistent with the principle that advocates
                                                                                                       32       Al Andalus:
                                                                                                                                        The politics of
of legitimate interest or importance to            goodness and virtue over evil and vice.                  a land of Islam for
                                                                                                                                        Halaal tourism
citizens’.                                         And if goodness and virtue are potentially               a thousand years

The code imposes a standard that, inter alia,      subverted by the conduct of people and their
is credible and worthy of the public trust,        institutions then a Muslim newspaper has a
strives for truth, avoids unnecessary harm         responsibility to publish appropriately.
and reflects a multiplicity of voices.             The mission of Muslim Views is to use
In addition, the code requires ‘sensitivity to     contemporary media to provide information,
the cultural customs’ of their readers and         comment and analysis and to advocate
independence by publishers and journalists.        universal values and social justice.
The conduct of an individual or a collectivity,
like a business or an organisation, is of
                                                   And we are committed to doing so
                                                                                                       55   Poor man’s gold
                                                                                                                                        Overseas tour
                                                                                                                                         a boost for
public interest when there is clear and            In fulfilling this mission, we carefully consider                                     community

                                                                                                       EID MUBARAK!
compelling reason for showing how the              the applicable guidelines that make adequate                                            cricket
public interest is undermined by such              provision for appropriate coverage of
conduct.                                           relevant stories in the public interest.

                 Our editorial comment represents the composite viewpoint of the
          Editorial Team of Muslim Views, and is the institutional voice of the newspaper.
                       Correspondence can be sent to editor@mviews.co.za

                                                                                                                                    Muslim Views subscribes to the
        Publishers: BRISKTRADE 175 (Pty) Ltd • P O Box 442 Athlone 7760 South Africa                                                Code of Ethics and Conduct for
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EID MESSAGE - Muslim Views
4         Muslim Views . June 2019

Nouman Ali Khan case was ‘grossly mishandled’

THE visit of Nouman Ali Khan
to South Africa this Ramadaan,
as guest of Masjidul Quds, in
                                                                                                                                The code is in the form of a
Cape Town, sparked
unprecedented controversy.                                                                                                     contract, is intended to have
    The mosque’s invitation was
met with objections by a group of
29 Muslim activists concerned                                                                                                  legal effect and is envisaged
about allegations that Khan is
guilty of misconduct in respect of
his dealings with women.
                                                                                                                                    as part of a broader
    The group of activists consists,
inter alia, of academics and pro-
fessionals who are signatories to a
                                                                                                                                       mechanism of
letter requesting the Masjidul
Quds committee to rescind their
invitation to Khan.
                                                                                                                                accountability for Muslims
    The mosque committee de-
clined the request, and Khan pro-                                                                                                in positions of leadership.
ceeded to present a programme
that was well received and well at-
tended throughout his stay in
Cape Town.                                                                                                                   Did the panel have any judicial      importance of due process and an
    The objection of the activists to                                                                                    or quasi-judicial standing at any        evidence-based approach to mak-
Khan’s programme in South                                                                                                level in American society? What          ing a just finding in such matters.
Africa is essentially founded on                                                                                         legal and ethical framework did          This, he says, is not consistent
the position adopted by a panel of                                                                                       they apply? Did they use any writ-       with an Islamic legal and ethical
six leading Muslims in the US and                                                                                        ten code of conduct and did they         framework.
Canada in 2017, under the leader-                                                                                        produce any documented finding?             He also expressed disappoint-
ship of Imam Muhammad Magid,                                                                                             Did they examine and test the evi-       ment that the activists and
executive imam of All Dulles Area                                                                                        dence?                                   Masjidul Quds have missed an op-
Muslim Society Center, in Vir-                                                                                               Can the panel explain, from an       portunity for meaningful conver-
ginia.                                                                                                                   Islamic legal and ethical frame-         sation about their differences on
    The other panel members in-                                                                                          work, why the identity of the ac-        this contentious issue. He is hope-
cluded Dr Ingrid Mattson, Profes-                                                                                        cusers is being withheld? Has the        ful though that it is still possible to
sor of Islamic Studies at Huron                                                                                          panel responded to any of Khan’s         obtain consensus, specifically on

                                        Danish Qasim, of California, USA, is the founder of In Shaykh’s Clothing, a
University College, Western Uni-                                                                                         counter-allegations?                     the principle of the imperative for
                                        project launched in 2017 to confront spiritual abuse.
versity, in Canada and Dr Tamara                                                                                             Do they admit that it may be         evidence in disputes of this nature.
                                                                                           Photo IN SHAYKH’S CLOTHING
Gray, who has an academic back-                                                                                          necessary – if at all possible at this      In addition, he is of the view
ground in leadership as well as                                                                                          stage – to call on another, inde-        that local Muslim community or-
qualifications as an Islamic                Nadwi’s statement is also sup-       tions with several women’ as            pendent tribunal to adjudicate the       ganisations and institutions must
scholar. Another academic on the        ported by 48 Muslim scholars and         claimed by the panel of six and the     matter with the willing participa-       sustain a commitment to embrac-
panel was Dr Altaf Husain, asso-        clerics, mainly from the US.             group of four scholars?                 tion of Khan and the complainants        ing the ethos for respectful dis-
ciate professor in Social Work at       Khan’s supporters generally treat           (In his Facebook statement           on a fair and reasonably open and        agreement on any issue in future.
Howard University.                      the allegations as defamatory and        Khan makes a generic plea for for-      transparent forum?                          A pioneering US-based project
    Two other professionals on the      they fiercely defend him. Some de-       giveness for ‘sins known and un-            Panel leader Imam Muhammad           called In Shaykh’s Clothing (ISC)
panel were Aisha Al-Adawiya,            nounce, in vile fashion, those who       known to myself and others’.            Magid replied to Muslim Views on         was launched in 2017 to address
founder of Women in Islam, an or-       support the allegations.                 Given that Khan denies all the al-      May 14, saying they have no com-         the problem of spiritual abuse by
ganisation dedicated to social jus-         In a statement on his Facebook       legations, this generic plea, by im-    ment. Once again, this compounds         educating and empowering com-
tice for women, and Salma               page on September 22, 2017,              plication, is presumably not            the climate of speculation.              munities to confront it. Danish
Abugideiri, a mental health profes-     Khan explicitly denies the allega-       directed at the women he had al-            The allegations against Khan         Qasim*, the founder of ISC, has a
sional and counsellor.                  tions. Moreover, he makes several        legedly wronged.)                       are serious. The activists request-      background in Islamic Studies and
    This panel issued a statement       counter-allegations of blackmail,           It is also important to know if,     ing Masjidul Quds to rescind their       Fiqh. He is currently pursuing
on October 3, 2017, in which they       threats and harassment. He also          at any stage, he recognised the au-     invitation to Khan say the panel of      doctoral research in spiritual
announced that they had engaged         claims that he has evidence of           thority of the two panels that en-      six found that ‘he had indeed ma-        abuse.
with Khan and some of the               ‘loads of explicit illegal activity’     gaged him. At what stage, and           nipulated women into secret sham            This month ISC launched their
women who accuse him of serious         against him and his company,             why, did engagements with these         marriages and then attempted to          code of conduct for Muslim lead-
‘violations of trust, spiritual abuse   Bayyinah Institute.                      panels break down?                      buy their silence or threaten them       ers, which covers aspects like mar-
and unethical behaviour’. The               The discourse remains ex-               Would he agree, in the interests     if they called him out or put pres-      riage,     finances,     harassment,
panel says that they ‘confirm’ that     tremely polarised. On the one            of justice, to appear in front of an    sure on him’.                            exploitation and children.
the allegations are true and advise     hand, there are serious allegations      independent Islamic tribunal that           The activists express concern           The code is in the form of a
Khan to seek the women’s pardon         of wrongdoing, and confirmation          will conduct a fair hearing in a        for the well-being of the women          contract, is intended to have legal
and face justice.                       that the allegations are true, by        dignified manner without the the-       with whom Khan is alleged to             effect and is envisaged as part of a
    The statement by the panel of       two panels of reputable Muslim           atrics witnessed thus far?              have had inappropriate contact.          broader mechanism of accounta-
six follows the same conclusion by      leaders, academics and profession-          Everyone has a private life but      However, their unsuccessful at-          bility for Muslims in positions of
another panel of four Muslim            als.                                     not everyone is a public figure. To     tempt to bar Khan from speaking          leadership.
scholars and leaders. Both panels           On the other hand, there is em-      what degree, if at all, does Khan       in South Africa has raised other            Qasim says, with reference to
concluded that the allegations are      phatic denial of the allegations by      accept that the private life of a       concerns, even among some of the         the Khan case, that the statement
true and asked Khan to suspend          Khan, who enjoys the support of          public figure – including his own       signatories.                             by the panel of six does not in-
his preaching.                          dozens of other leaders and schol-       – should be subjected to public             At least two of the signatories      clude a clear accusation or evi-
    However, there was a break-         ars, as well as millions of loyal fol-   scrutiny?                               are of the view that in an Islamic       dence. As such, one cannot expect
down in co-operation between            lowers worldwide.                           Muslim Views made sustained          legal and ethical framework one          organisations to treat the state-
Khan and the panels. He resumed             It is important to note that no      enquiries, for over a week, to se-      cannot compromise evidence and           ment as a conviction.
his preaching in public not long        criminal charges were brought            cure an interview with Khan.            due process. This means that, as            He adds that the allegations of
thereafter.                             against Khan and that no court           However, he did not agree to an         Muslims, we have a legitimate ex-        ‘violations of trust, spiritual abuse
    What followed was the extreme       has yet heard the matter. Also, no       interview. Unfortunately, without       pectation of those advancing the         and unethical behaviour’ are
polarisation of Khan’s supporters       formal finding in the matter was         Khan’s direct response to ques-         cause of the complainants – the al-      vague and ambiguous if specific
and his accusers. For over a year,      ever made and the parties did not        tions, there remains ample room         leged victims of spiritual abuse –       instances of each are not cited.
there has been bitter online and        have the benefit of due process.         for unwanted speculation and            to disclose all the relevant facts of       Danya Shakfeh, attorney and
social media vitriol, largely from          And the evidence, much of            drama.                                  the matter in order to effect due        ISC co-founder, says in an article
Khan’s supporters over the world.       which is now exposed for public             Muslim Views also forwarded          process.                                 on lessons from the Khan case that
    This is fueled by the public cir-   consumption, was never examined          questions to the panel of six. Was          One signatory told Muslim            the matter in the US was ‘grossly
culation of nearly thirty screen-       and tested before a properly con-        there any formal process that led       Views that he signed the letter be-      mishandled’.
shots reflecting personal social        stituted judicial body. (And I will      to the constitution of the panel? If    cause of what he regarded as valid          She arrived at this conclusion
media communication between             deal with the role of the panel of       so, what was that process?              moral and ethical complaints             after carefully considering the var-
Khan and the women he had al-           six presently.) Thus the drama and          Did the panelists do a check for     raised regarding Khan’s conduct.         ious social factors, evidence, ve-
legedly wronged. Khan’s accusers        histrionics we witness wherever          possible conflicts of interest in the   However, he has reservations             racity of the claims, politics, covert
argue that the social media posts       Khan has followers, is akin to a         course of setting up the panel? For     about the activists’ reliance on a       manipulation and morality.
and the panel’s statement consti-       trial by media and in the court of       example, Dr Altaf Husain on the         progressive neoliberal approach          * Qasim manages the online
tute compelling evidence of his         public opinion.                          panel and Shaikh Omar Suleiman          which is associated with the             platform https://inshaykhscloth-
wrongdoing.                                 The presence of Khan in Cape         are respectively president and vice     #metoo movement. The signatory           ing.com and works with all
    This position is in stark con-      Town this Ramadaan presented             president of the Yaqeen Institute.      believes such an approach rele-          faiths.
trast to that of Dr Mohammad            Muslim Views with an opportu-               Shaikh Suleiman was an em-           gates the Islamic requirement for
Akram Nadwi, of India, a re-            nity to request an interview so that     ployee of the Bayyinah Institute        evidence and due process.                 • Page 3: Our editorial
spected scholar and mentor of           we could ask some key relevant           and Khan filed a lawsuit against            Another signatory says many of          comment.
Khan, who regards the allegations       questions in the public interest.        him for a million dollars at the        the activists in the Khan case ap-        • Page 4: Spiritual abuse – the
and evidence against Khan as                For example, did Khan confess        time the allegations against Khan       pear to have adopted the #metoo             violation of an amanah, by
‘flimsy and unspecific’.                that he had ‘inappropriate interac-      surfaced.                               movement logic of diminishing the           Professor Sa’diyya Shaikh
EID MESSAGE - Muslim Views
EID MESSAGE - Muslim Views
6         Muslim Views . June 2019

Spiritual abuse – the violation of an amanah: rethinking Muslim gender ethics
  PROF SA’DIYYA SHAIKH                     Indeed, when other human be-          great responsibility, and when one     duct yourself in a diametrically        itual integrity demands that you
                                        ings are being harmed through the        stands at the threshold of guiding     opposed way. The Quran has a            take on this amanah fully.
NOUMAN Ali Khan, the                    sins of such a person, we are not        people to the Quran and the            name for such people who are                Change is afoot, with a younger
American religious celebrity, was       meant to conceal their transgres-        straight path then the responsibil-    squarely condemned: munafiqoon          generation courageously address-
invited as the Ramadaan speaker         sions. We, in fact, become party to      ity for ethical conduct is manifold.   (hypocrites).                           ing social justice issues. The na-
by Al-Quds Masjid despite               that transgression by doing so.              Why? Because there is so much          The way we live our deen is         tional MSA union distanced itself
objections raised by a number of           Secondly, when we invoke a            destruction when a person who is       deeply connected to power and           from the Cape MSA chapter who
local Muslims.                          forgiveness narrative without so-        meant to usher believers to the        politics. Despite our pride in living   hosted Nouman Ali Khan,
   Khan has been mired in contro-       cial accountability, we have re-         straight path actually defiles that    in a democracy and our joy in           squarely standing against the
versy from 2017 for grooming of         neged on our divinely ordained           path, when he makes crooked and        being Muslim, we have to recog-         abuse of women by religious lead-
women followers, persuading             responsibility to persistently stand     ugly that which is meant to be a       nise that our society is profoundly     ers.
them into secret marriages, send-       up for justice as witnesses to Allah     path of beauty and truth.              unjust.                                     Minhaj Jeenah, delivered a
ing crude sexual messages and           and we neglect the Quranic call to           Spiritual abuse constitutes a          Sadly, within our very commu-       lucid critique in his khutbah talk
shirtless selfies, then attempting to   believers ‘to enjoin the good and        corruption of the power associ-        nities women are being abused,          at Claremont Main Road Mosque
bribe and coerce women into si-         forbid evil’.                            ated with religion and God. A re-      and sometimes this abuse is             (CMRM), entitled ‘Towards a
lence, and transferring large assets       It is clearly established within      ligious leader who exploits a          couched in religious terms in a va-     rupture of Islamic patriachy’
just before filing for divorce from     our tradition that when you have         position of care and guidance en-      riety of situations.                    (available on CMRM FB page).
his longstanding wife and mother        infringed on the rights of others,       trusted to him to satisfy his lower        Sabr is invoked in times of mar-        CMRM has as a consequence
of his seven children.                  you have to seek their forgiveness       self is committing a serious spiri-    ital abuse to not impugn the repu-      of current debates initiated possi-
   An invitation to Khan, despite       before Allah will forgive you. An        tual and social violation.             tation of religious men. Fitnah is      bly the first official sexual harass-
his sexual improprieties and abuse      Islamic conception of justice there-         He is infecting and polluting      weaponised against those calling        ment policy for its congregants
of spiritual authority has opened       fore demands accountability.             the experience of the Holy (al-        for accountability and justice          and leadership as well as a policy
up a long overdue conversation             Repentance and forgiveness is         Quddus) for a believer. The dam-       against abusive men.                    on platforming speakers, which
among Muslims. The responses re-        not simply between a believer and        age to women when a religious              As a community, we have for         will henceforth apply in selecting
veal some deep problems that need       God when this believer has dam-          leader engages in sexual predation     too long protected the powerful at      future speakers at the masjid.
readdress if we seek to be an ethi-     aged another human being.                is enormous – there is often misdi-    the expense of those who have               More globally, an American
cal ummah.                                 There is no short circuit in spir-    rected shame, guilt and alienation     been oppressed and violated, and        Muslim organisation called ‘Fac-
   Some people invoke the hadith        itual accounting so when we hear         from the very source of all that is    we will be called to account for        ing abuse in community environ-
that a Muslim should conceal the        a general reminder to forgive oth-       good.                                  this by our Creator.                    ments’ provides tools and
faults of another, and hide people’s    ers so that you might be forgiven,           Some simply walk away from             So to those religious organisa-     resources addressing the account-
sins and failings. Others suggest       this is in fact a manipulative call to   the faith. So when we choose to        tions who chose to be silent but re-    ability gap by abusive Muslim re-
that we should each bear in mind        grant perpetrators of abuse a free       hide the faults of an abusive reli-    fused an invitation by the              ligious leaders, inspired by the
our own transgressions and sin,         pass.                                    gious teacher or remain silent in      Gatesville Masjid to attend their       hadith, ‘Allah does not punish the
and so forgive others that we              Violations by religious leaders       the face of injustice and abuse, we    dinner for Nouman Ali Khan, or          individuals for the sins of the com-
might be forgiven. And then there       are unique in that they are gifted       are complicit in such abuse.           who refused to host him, you have       munity until they see the evil
are those who have been conspic-        with a special amanah or a trust:            When we say it is not our busi-    travelled half the journey but there    spreading among themselves, and
uously silent.                          they hold in their hands some of         ness to judge Nouman Ali Khan,         is still a road ahead. Silence is not   while they have the power to stop
    The first two responses draw        the deepest spiritual aspirations of     that his talks inspire us to better    enough as it ends up in complicity.     it, do not do so.’
on a powerful current of compas-        those who receive their teachings        understand the Quran, we need to           To our esteemed ulama: please           Let us together usher in this
sion in Islam. However, these re-       and counsel.                             pause and reflect on what we are       listen to the stories of women as if    new spiritual dawn of integrity,
sponses are misdirected and                Their jamaah invests faith,           saying more carefully; hypocrisy,      you are listening to the stories of     dignity and social justice within
harmful within the context of           hope, vulnerability and desire for       abuse and genuine understandings       your own daughters and sisters.         our community.
powerful religious men abusing          the pleasure of God in the guid-         of the Quran cannot live together      Begin the courageous and difficult      Sa’diyya Shaikh is associate
their authority in a broader social     ance of such leaders. This is a sa-      in one human heart.                    conversations on spiritual abuse        professor and head of depart-
setting characterised by gender in-     cred trust.                                  Ours is a deen of integrity. You   and gender justice within the           ment of Religious Studies at the
equality.                                  Indeed, with great power comes        cannot teach one thing and con-        ulama fraternity. Ethical and spir-     University of Cape Town.
EID MESSAGE - Muslim Views
EID MESSAGE - Muslim Views
8         Muslim Views . June 2019

Eid: invigorated with heightened capacity
 SHAIKH SA’DULLAH KHAN                                                               Are we not aware?                         We are aware of the ongoing                            Where is the resolution from
                                                                                                                            strife in Syria and the war between                    the 53 Organisation of Islamic Co-
WE are blessed to have witnessed                                                 As we are concerned about our              the richest Arab countries and the                     operation (OIC) nations which de-
another month of Ramadaan; a                                                  own individual well-being, we                 Arab world’s poorest country,                          scribes itself as the ‘collective voice
month of earnest prayer, of                                                   should never forget that we are               Yemen – a bloody war which is                          of the Muslim world’ and prom-
seeking forgiveness and of                                                    part of a larger family of humanity           now the scene of the world’s                           ised it ‘would address the legiti-
focusing on pursuing                                                          and a global fraternity of believers,         largest humanitarian crisis.                           mate concerns of Muslims around
righteousness.                                                                the ummah of the Final Messenger                                                                     the world’?
   It has been a month of in-                                                 (SAW).                                                 Plight of the Uighurs
creased generosity, of controlling                                               We should always be conscious                                                                               Continue the
                                                                                                                               We are aware of Chinese in-                                spirit of Ramadaan
our negative urges and emotions;                                              of the rights of all people and               ternment camps in the Xinjiang re-
indeed, a month for heightening                                               never be forgetful, particularly of           gion, where over a million Uighur                          As we celebrate Eid, realise that
our capacity to improve ourselves                                             the plight of our Muslim brothers             Muslims are being incarcerated                         we have imbibed desirable man-
and the world around us.                                                      and sisters wherever they may be              and punished for their faith under                     ners such as humility and forgive-
   The question is: have we                                                   in the world. We are duty bound               the pretext of ‘re-education’ but                      ness during Ramadaan.
                                       Shaikh Sa’dullah Khan.
emerged from the month of Ra-                                                 to be concerned about the situa-              are actually being forced into                             Do not then spoil that away
                                                           Photo SUPPLED
madaan with better personalities                                              tion of the ummah.                            brainwashing programmes.                               with arrogance, self-righteousness
and stronger character?                                                          As we emerge from a month of                  They are being kept apart from                      and harshness.
   Are we confident of our ability                                            heightened consciousness, we need             their families, their children and                         We have been generous during
to subordinate our desires to our      our bodies, our hearts, minds and      to contemplate the reality of the             tortured to forget their identities                    Ramadaan; let’s not then withhold
higher values, our actions to sin-     souls? How has it enhanced our         world around us, a world seem-                and denounce their religion.                           our generosity after Ramadaan.
cerity, our emotions to our intel-     consciousness and elevated our         ingly filled with strife and struggle.           We are well aware of the cruel                      We have been conscious of the
lect and our hearts to our faith?      spirits?                                  We are aware of the ongoing                realities faced by our fellow Mus-                     needy and the downtrodden; let us
                                                                              oppression of our Palestinian                 lims in China but where are the                        not now forget the oppressed of
         Self-evaluation                        Rejoicing at Eid              brothers and sisters in Palestine             voices of denunciation by Muslim                       the world.
   Let each one of us open the            In celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr, we      under Zionist occupation.                     leaders?                                                   Let the day of Eid-ul-Fitr be an
book of our individual muhasabah       are rejoicing at the accomplish-          We are aware of the struggles of              When will the heads of Muslim                       opportunity to cleanse ourselves
(self-examination) and reflect as to   ment of an ibadah (worship)            the people of Kashmir under bru-              majority countries put morality                        from grudges and suspicion.
what was achieved through the          which required us to abstain from      tal Indian domination.                        before money, human rights be-                             Let it be an occasion for elimi-
month of Ramadaan.                     the three fundamentals of life –          We are aware of the plight of              fore greed, goodwill before per-                       nating rancour and hatred.
   What benefits were derived?         food and drink (necessary for          the Rohingya Muslims (in Myan-                sonal power interests, and speak                           Let it be a time of renewed
Which behaviours were adjusted?        daily survival), as well as intimacy   mar/ Burma) who have been de-                 out against what is becoming the                       kindness to dear ones.
What good practices have been          (which facilitates the perpetuation    scribed by the UN as the world’s              modern world’s largest campaign                            Let it be a time for fostering
adopted?                               of the human race).                    most persecuted people.                       of ethnic cleansing?                                   love among Muslims and empathy
   Which bad habits have been re-         We have done this mode of                                                                                                                for humanity.
linquished?                            worship unquestioningly, for a                                                                                                                  Let us conscientise ourselves
   Which faults have been elimi-       whole month.                              We should always be conscious of the rights of                                                    with the responsibility of doing
nated?                                    So, on the auspicious day of                                                                                                             what is right and focusing on what
   How did the prayers and fast-       Eid-ul-Fitr, Muslims should be           all people and never be forgetful, particularly of                                                 is important.
ing of Ramadaan influence our at-      ready to engage the year that lies                                                                                                              Let us do it with affection and
titudes and perspectives? How          ahead with renewed strength, ded-           the plight of our Muslim brothers and sisters                                                   compassion.
has it improved our relationships      icated fervour, enthusiastic zeal,                                                                                                              Eid mubarak!
with Allah, our families, friends      greater understanding, clearer in-                 wherever they may be in the world.                                                       Shaikh Sa’dullah Khan is the CEO
and neighbours? How did it affect      sight and universal goodwill.                                                                                                               of Islamia College, Cape Town.

EID MESSAGE - Muslim Views
Muslim Views . June 2019             9

Ramadaan, a time of inner renewal
                                                                                                                              fil God’s rights upon us, is seam-       ipate in these blessed acts of gen-
                                                                                                                              lessly intertwined with fulfilling       erosity, we feel the renewed
                                                                                                                              the rights of others in justice and      strength of taking ownership of
THE mosques around Cape                                                                                                       fairness.                                our community and reaching be-
Town reverberate with the                                                                                                         This is especially relevant to       yond the I to the other.
takbeer in an unmistakably local                                                                                              South Africa as endemic corrup-             To truly instil lasting change in
tune – ‘Allahu Akbar, Allahu                                                                                                  tion threatens the very continuity       society requires each of us to com-
Akbar, Allahu Akbar, la ilaaha                                                                                                of our society and has dispos-           mit our lives and means to the
illa Allahu, Allahu Akbar, Allahu                                                                                             sessed millions of the most vulner-      service of our community and to
Akbar wa lillaahi al- amd …’                                                                                                  able of their rightful share, socially   abandon the aggrandisation of the
    As these beautiful words find                                                                                             and economically.                        self.
expression, it is as if time stands                                                                                               This grotesque dispossession is         Placed within the verses of fast-
still with the past and present con-                                                                                          only done by those who lack com-         ing, Allah addresses both husband
verging into one timeless moment                                                                                              passion and integrity. The perpe-        and wife saying that ‘they are gar-
stretching from our childhood to                                                                                              trators of this great injustice have     ments for you and you are gar-
the present day.                                                                                                              certainly strayed far from their fi-     ments      for     them’.    Hence,
    We recall the faces of our loved                                                                                          trah. The general electorate, and        Ramadaan serves as a time for re-
ones on Eid; our fathers wearing                                                                                              especially the youth, have shown         newal of the family, the bedrock
their pristine thobes, our mothers                                                                                            their growing disillusionment with       within our communities, and Eid
preparing the Eid breakfast, our                                                                                              those who vie for power by stay-         further rejuvenates these bonds.

                                        The writer, Moulana Khalil Hendricks, is the director of Mizan Institute, an Arabic
siblings dressed in their new Eid                                                                                             ing away en masse in the recent             Arresting the growing disinte-
                                        and Quran studies institute, and the director at the InLight Foundation – an NGO
outfits.                                                                                                                      elections.                               gration of the family unit requires
                                        development and training institute.                               Photo SUPPLIED
    We recall those who were once                                                                                                 As the words ‘Allah is Greater,      us to beautify ourselves inwardly
with us but no longer are.                                                                                                    Allah is Greater’ stir our hearts,       and to radiate this loving beauty
    For any Capetonian who has                                                                                                we renew our determination to            to those who very intimately share
been abroad on Eid morning, the         apart, and the new emerges to              closer to Him.                             rise and establish His justice, for      our lives. Through this striving,
palpable longing for home is espe-      once again experience yet another             In a world increasingly beset           His justice will always prevail and      we are able to nurture resilient and
cially acute on this day.               derivative from fa-ta-ra, which is         with injustice, greed and oppres-          ‘verily, God does not love those         thriving homes that serve as sta-
    We have come to the end of yet      the fitrah, our innate primordial          sion, it is only those who maintain        who oppress’.                            ble, safe havens in troubling times.
another Ramadaan, yet another           nature.                                    inner rectitude who are able to                Vicegerency requires that we, as        Finally, at the very centre of the
fast. Eid-ul-Fitr is the celebration       This day of Eid is the celebra-         truly project the polished mirror          the South African community,             verses of fasting, Allah exhorts us
of this end. The word ‘fitr’ is de-     tion of this rebirth as the scales of      of their inward states and set right       raise our voices and hold those          to call upon Him saying, ‘Indeed,
rived from the verb ‘fa-ta-ra’          our being have been rebalanced             the outer.                                 who occupy positions of power            I am close. I respond to the call of
which means ‘to cleave or break         through stilling our lower self and           It is through the Divine Wis-           accountable. Our legacy has been         the caller when he/ she calls. So let
apart’ as it is on this day that Mus-   polishing the spiritual heart that         dom that the verse that follows            the struggle against injustice and       them call upon Me and let them
lims around the world celebrate         houses the consciousness of our            immediately after fasting is, ‘Do          our inspiring belief is the prophetic    have faith in Me in order that they
the conclusion of the fast of Ra-       Creator.                                   not consume another’s wealth un-           saying that the ‘greatest jihad is a     may be guided.’
madaan.                                    At this moment, as the takbeer          justly and bribe rulers so that you        word of truth before the unjust             With this divine invitation we
    ‘Fa-ta-ra’ also has another pro-    echoes through our memories, we            may consume a portion of the               ruler’.                                  call upon al-Mujeeb, the one who
found meaning and that is ‘to cre-      make a choice whether to main-             wealth, sinfully and knowingly.’               Eid-ul-Fitr is also the culmina-     responds, to guide our hearts,
ate, to bring into being’.              tain this noble, elevated state or to         This placement emphasises that          tion of a month in which we wit-         bless our actions and accept us
Ramadaan is thus the month              once again debase ourselves and            the spiritual dimension of Ra-             ness a massive outpouring of             into His Eternal Grace.
where the old has been cleaved          abandon all that has brought us            madaan, essentially striving to ful-       charity by Muslims. As we partic-           Eid mubarak!

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EID MESSAGE - Muslim Views
10          Muslim Views . June 2019

Islamic heritage as colonial and apartheid redress
          SADIQ TOFFA

‘THE community spirit of
Bo-Kaap as described in many
historical studies has been carried
through the last two centuries by
generations of families residing in
the area. The protection of
religious, cultural and
architectural heritage of the area
is at the fore of community
    These are the opening words of
the Government Gazette Notice of
April 30, 2019, where 19 places
across Bo-Kaap, Cape Town, were
declared national heritage sites by
the Department of Arts and Cul-
    They include six mosques, three
schools, four historic homesteads
and six open landscapes.
    This large number of concur-
rent declarations is unique and un-
precedented in the history of
post-apartheid South Africa.
    Heritage is activated when
there is a sense of imminent threat
to the survival of a people or a          A total of 19 sites in Bo-Kaap, including mosques, schools, homes and open spaces were declared national heritage sites on April 30, 2019. This large number of
                                          concurrent declarations is unique and unprecedented in the history of post-apartheid South Africa. Important questions that arise are: How was this achieved? Why
                                          now? What has been lost and won? And who belongs?                                                                                                Photos SADIQ TOFFA
    In Bo-Kaap, what is under
threat is the inter-generational
transmission of cultural knowl-           ‘border imperialism’ to signal to           Rather, they are artificial con-          These borders have proven to           and social polarisation.
edge, its religious life and its archi-   us who ought to matter and who           structions unjustifiably inscribed        be adaptable and resilient, where            These are new and unpre-
tectural heritage.                        ought not, who is enriched and           upon land and bodies through vi-          the apartheid buffer strip has            dictable modes of dispossession
    Under this wide ambit, heritage       who is dispossessed by economic          olence.                                   transformed in the post-apartheid         that must be understood alongside
has become a political keyword            growth, and who belongs in the              Border zones partition not only        era into an onslaught of high-rise        centuries-old processes of coloni-
for the negotiation of identity, ac-      city versus who does not.                space but also people and races.          gated developments that has dis-          sation that continue to shatter
cess to resources and the wielding           Borders confine, enclose and          Bo-Kaap’s borders became for-             rupted the character and culture of       communities and alienate individ-
of power.                                 exclude a group.                         malised under the Group Areas             the area.                                 uals today.
    Threats to Bo-Kaap have                  They also lay claim to space          Act, where an apartheid buffer               These new borders take the
largely been one of displacement          and determine who is an insider          strip was instituted to separate          form of fenced-in back streets,
and colonisation along its borders.
                                                                                                                                                                           CONTINUED ON PAGE 11
                                          and who is an outsider.                  ‘Malay’ and ‘coloured’ population         locked up public spaces, gated
The South Asian academic and ac-             Borders are neither natural nor       groups from the colonial white            communities and developments
tivist Harsha Walia uses the term         apolitical.                              city.                                     that promote economic exclusion

                                                                  Eid Mubarak
                                  Wishing you and your families a blessed Eid!

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Muslim Views . June 2019          11

                                                                                                                                                                     administrative processes, with
                                                                                                                                                                     each group having its own respon-
                                                                                                                                                                     sibilities and accountabilities to
   To speak of border imperialism                                                                                                                                    each other.
is to speak of capitalist exploita-                                                                                                                                     The task team provides for a
tion, racial hierarchy and class di-                                                                                                                                 mechanism where power is shared
vision that pushes us to make the                                                                                                                                    and representatives of communi-
necessary connections that borders                                                                                                                                   ties are empowered to participate
have with Western and neoliberal                                                                                                                                     with government in developing,
worldviews, racism, dispossession,                                                                                                                                   implementing, and evaluating her-
displacement, patriarchy and, ulti-                                                                                                                                  itage policies.
mately, empire.                                                                                                                                                         It gives assurance that there is
   The borders of Bo-Kaap have                                                                                                                                       representative and transparent de-
thus maintained a 21st century                                                                                                                                       cision-making that supports social
colour-line. Racial capitalism                                                                                                                                       equity, social justice and respect
helps us to understand how com-                                                                                                                                      for minority viewpoints.
munities become divided from                                                                                                                                            Co-management is a participa-
                                       Driven out by coercion, intimidation and abandonment, the forced removal of ‘the Kraal’ informal settlement in Bo-Kaap on
each other in the name of eco-                                                                                                                                       tory process of collective owner-
                                       September 11, 2015, (left) resembled the methods of removal of District Six a generation earlier, and was a key to enabling
nomic and political survival,                                                                                                                                        ship and governance of heritage
                                       the escalation of gentrification of the area, coinciding with the breaking ground of the 117 on Strand development, just
                                       metres away (right).                                                                                    Photos SADIQ TOFFA
where divisions between insiders                                                                                                                                     resources that is people-centred
and outsiders under a racialised                                                                                                                                     and community oriented.
regime of global apartheid are                                                                                                                                          The declaration of the first 19
mirrored at the local, daily level.    velopments such as ‘40 On Lion’           gles have contributed to the emer-            This would change in late 2018        sites formed Phase One of the dec-
   Border imperialism helps us to      and ‘117 on Strand’ on its borders.       gence of a nation, to democratic           when the South African Heritage          laration process.
understand how borders are de-            This devastating event for the         freedoms and provided the earliest         Resources Agency (Sahra) estab-             There is now Phase Two that is
ployed as mechanisms for uproot-       families affected by the removal is       model of religious tolerance and           lished a Bo-Kaap Stakeholder             currently underway to declare a
ing and segregation. Today,            a blight on Bo-Kaap in the post-          coexistence.                               Forum.                                   second round of sites, including
gentrification in Bo-Kaap has be-      apartheid era, much as District Six          More broadly, it provides open-            This is a collective of 10 organ-     karamats, mosques and other sites
come the primary instrument of         had been a generation earlier. The        ings to new research and under-            isations representative of Bo-Kaap       of heritage significance.
social displacement, cultural trans-   Wash House Quarry, the former             standings about the contributions          and the wider Muslim community              The continuation of this
formation and economic exclu-          home of the Kraal, is now a na-           of Islam to the emergence of West-         under the facilitation of the state      process is one that centres dignity
sion.                                  tional heritage site.                     ern civilisation, both locally and         through the agency of Sahra.             in research and activism, undoes
   The precondition for gentrifica-       We must celebrate our achieve-         globally, and that science and civil-         The stakeholder forum is an           border imperialism and advances
tion is twofold. It depends upon       ments but also learn from our fail-       isation are the products of hu-            unprecedented structure for Bo-          decolonisation.
sustained and wilful neglect and       ures. It asks us profound questions       mankind as a whole.                        Kaap where           often-opposing         Bo-Kaap, with the founding
disinvestment by state and private     about who has been uprooted,                 This true image of history must         groups with divergent views were         ouliyah of Islam at the Cape, com-
actors, creating an artificially de-   who should be able to stay, who           be shown and nurtured to our               seated around a table together for       munity and places of worship, is
pressed local market ripe for ex-      should have a say, and, ultimately,       youth in their educative years,            the first time to set aside their dif-   the heartland of Islam in South
ternal capital reinvestment.           who belongs?                              which would contribute to histor-          ferences, to listen, learn and work      Africa.
   It also depends upon the violent       The declaration of national her-       ical and social justice.                   together toward a common proj-              The heart is that which turns
expulsion of the ‘ugly’ face of        itage sites in Bo-Kaap also begins           With Bo-Kaap first nominated            ect.                                     and also returns to the Creator,
poverty. Driven out by coercion,       to challenge prevailing ‘regimes of       for national heritage status in               From the forum, a smaller task        making heritage an innately Is-
intimidation and abandonment,          truth’ as purported by pejorative         2003, it would take another 16             team was established to nominate         lamic principle where remem-
the forced removal of Bo-Kaap’s        narratives about the history and          years for the declaration to be con-       sites for declaration.                   brance is a form of ibadah and a
two informal settlements in 2015,      character of the ‘coloureds’ and          firmed. This prolonged process                This successful model of co-          pathway for the future.
known as ‘the Farm’ and ‘the           the ‘Malays’.                             was partly the result of institu-          leadership between government            Sadiq Toffa is an architect and
Kraal’, opened the way for the es-        The experience of slavery, colo-       tional incapacity and obstruction,         and the community was a support-         anthropologist based at
calation of gentrification in the      nialism and apartheid has bonded          and, partly, division from within          ive model of capacity-building,          University of Cape Town and is a
neighbourhood, with high-rise de-      Muslims to this land. Our strug-          the community.                             able to execute complex legal and        trustee of the Tana Baru Trust.
12        Muslim Views . June 2019

Now is the time for an emancipatory alternative
THE Economist magazine,               some of its institutions would, of       India’s Narendra Modi and, closer      foisted on most of our children.       to a discredited liberal consensus.
investment firm Goldman Sachs         course, be welcome.                      to home, Rwanda’s Paul Kagame,         No society can endlessly endure           We require that the wealth of
and the South African                    But it is not, on its own, enough     they come from the Left, and the       the kinds of violence that are a       this society be understood as the
Communist Party all see strong        to start to address the conditions       promise to mobilise popular or-        routine feature of life for the ma-    property of the people as a whole
support for President Cyril           that allowed for the predatory and       ganisation to empower the state to     jority in the country.                 and redirected not to a cynical and
Ramaphosa at the polls in the         authoritarian project that cohered       share the collective wealth of hu-        We inhabit as clear a case as       rapacious counter-elite but to
May 8 elections as the best way       around Zuma to win control of            manity on a more equitable basis.      any of what Frantz Fanon called        where it can alleviate want and
forward for South Africa.             the ruling party – and then the             This is why, for instance, Bernie   ‘non-viable society, a society to be   suffering most effectively, and un-
   The standard argument for this     state – in the first place.              Sanders, and not Hillary Clinton,      replaced’.                             leash human potential most effi-
position takes the view that             Going back to things as they          would have been the correct Dem-          Ramaphosa and many of his           ciently.
Ramaphosa is the only viable          were before Zuma’s ascent to             ocratic candidate to run against       backers assume that we can re-            We need inclusive, safe and
buffer against the avarice, author-   power is not a politically viable        the Republican Trump in the            store things to the way they were      beautiful cities, with glorious
itarianism and, in some cases, out-   option.                                  United States.                         before Zuma disrupted the post-        parks that can be enjoyed by all.
right chauvinism, of the predatory       The only alternative to those            South Africans are often insular    apartheid settlement.                     We need schools in which every
nationalists in the ANC and the       who exploit the massive racialised       and obsessed with our own pain            The Economist and Goldman           child can enjoy sport and music,
EFF.                                  impoverishment and exclusion in          and its particularities. And we cer-   Sachs seem to think that we are        and learn what they need to learn
   It is undeniably important to      our society for their own ends is a      tainly do have some particulari-       the one country where the liberal      to be able to thrive in a rapidly
put a stop to the looting that        project that offers a genuine route      ties.                                  order can be restored.                 changing world.
marked the years under then pres-     to a more just society.                     The history of national oppres-        We are not.                            We need streets on which
ident Jacob Zuma, along with the         That requires both ideas for vi-      sion and the hegemony won by a            Even if Ramaphosa were to ac-       women can walk, linger and laugh
descent into crude forms of chau-     able alternatives and the develop-       national liberal movement, for in-     quire the sort of power within the     in safety.
vinism and, particularly in           ment of the social forces to             stance, means that deeply conser-      ANC that would allow him to               We need to take deliberate and
KwaZulu-Natal, the routine mo-        support the realisation of those         vative figures such as Zuma often      drive his agenda effectively, we       effective measures to oppose the
bilisation of political violence.     ideas.                                   mask themselves in elements of the     would remain a non-viable society      racism that continues to fester and
   But Ramaphosa is a billionaire,       Ramaphosa has neither. He is,         language of the anti-colonial Left.    with millions of people locked out     reproduce itself a quarter of a cen-
one of the people whose personal      to put it plainly, utterly bereft of        The EFF can engage in the most      of opportunity.                        tury after first post-apartheid pres-
fortunes have benefitted the most     both.                                    atrocious kind of public sexist in-       The inevitable result of that is    ident Nelson Mandela was sworn
from the compromise that saw the         Across the planet, candidates         timidation, along with other forms     profound disruption of business as     into office.
ANC – which had won a global          that supported the neoliberal elite      of chauvinism, and still be called     usual.                                    Ramaphosa does not provide a
moral victory but failed to mount     consensus that crashed and               progressive.                              We cannot make easy assump-         viable and sustainable alternative
a serious military campaign           burned in the financial crisis of           But our society was fundamen-       tions about the character of that      to the altogether grim forms of
against apartheid or to sustain       2008 are now unelectable.                tally shaped by colonialism, a         disruption.                            politics that cohered around
popular power after the transition       The advantage has rapidly             global project, and much of our           Radical      disruption      can,   Zuma and now seek other cham-
– take state power in 1994.           shifted towards the Right, and to        economy remains in the hands of        whether via some charismatic           pions in and out of the ANC.
   Ramaphosa’s understanding of       forms of politics that incite and        global capital.                        charlatan talking up a good game          This is not the time to abandon
the world is, in many respects,       pander to people’s crudest preju-           We are not an island apart from     on television or some kind of rup-     aspirations for a genuinely demo-
now typical of that class, what the   dices to turn ordinary people            the rest of humanity.                  ture in the streets, move in very      cratic and egalitarian society.
Occupy movement in the United         against each other while handing            No society in history has been      dangerous directions. Already             On the contrary, the imperative
States called ‘the one per cent’.     an ever greater share of the collec-     able to sustain the mass unem-         xenophobia, a key ideological          of the moment, a perilous moment
   He is as much a Davos man as       tive wealth over to the billionaire      ployment that has been visited on,     touchstone for much of the Right       to be sure, is to recover the
French president Emmanuel             class.                                   in particular, young black people      around the world, is rapidly being     prospects for a genuinely emanci-
Macron or former British prime           Where there are real prospects        in South Africa.                       normalised in our politics.            patory alternative.
minister Tony Blair.                  of effective opposition to the hor-         No society on the planet can           We require, and with far more       This article was first published by
   Cleaning up the state and          ror of figures like Brazil’s Jair Bol-   prosper in the world to come with      urgency that most other societies,     New Frame
restoring the basic integrity of      sonaro, America’s Donald Trump,          the atrocious education that is        a genuinely progressive alternative    (www.newframe.com)
Muslim Views . June 2019             13

Top ratings for Toyota as new Corolla and RAV4 excel in Euro NCAP safety testing

                                                                                                                The Toyota Corolla (left) and the Toyota RAV4 (top) have performed strongly in
THE new Toyota Corolla and           and to ‘vulnerable road users’,          The scores in each category for   the safety tests by Euro NCAP’s independent programme. Photo MOTORPRESS
RAV4 have both secured a top         such as pedestrians and cyclists, as   Corolla and RAV4, respectively,
five-star rating in Euro NCAP’s      well as the effectiveness of the       were:                               and 85%; and                             which the models are built, help-
independent safety testing           Toyota Safety Sense active safety        Adult Occupant: 95% and              Safety Assist: 77% and 77%.           ing to maintain the integrity of the
programme.                           systems (applicable to RAV4 VX         93%;                                   The crash test results also           cabin in the event of a collision.
                                                                                                                demonstrate the ‘designed-in’
                                                                                                                                                             CONTINUED ON PAGE 15
   The cars performed strongly       models locally).                         Child Occupant: 84% and
across the board in the protection      The scores achieved in each test    87%;                                strength of the Toyota New
given to adult and child occupants   category are listed alongside:           Vulnerable Road Users: 86%        Global Architecture platforms on
14          Muslim Views . June 2019

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Muslim Views . June 2019           15

                                                                                                                    At highway speeds, collisions      matic High Beam and Road Sign
                                                                                                                were avoided when approaching a        Assist.
                                                                                                                slower vehicle; when coming up            These achievements demon-
   The robust structures, both for                                                                              behind a stationary or slowing car,    strate the success of Toyota’s com-
the Corolla Hatchback and Toy-                                                                                  impacts were avoided in most           mitment to car safety, which sits at
ota RAV4 SUV, are reinforced in                                                                                 cases, and mitigated in others.        the heart of its mission to make
critical areas and make strategic                                                                                   The system’s pedestrian and cy-    ever-better cars.
use of high-strength steel to ab-                                                                               clist recognition function also per-      Toyota ensures that the benefits
sorb and channel impact forces                                                                                  formed well, with collisions being     of advanced safety technologies
away from the cabin.                                                                                            avoided in all tests, in day and       are not limited to high-end, high-
   The second generation Toyota                                                                                 night conditions.                      specification models but are made
Safety Sense package includes a                                                                                     Other significant Toyota Safety    available across the board, max-
Pre-Collision System which can        driving, and can also recognise cy-   points in Euro NCAP’s testing at    Sense features include Adaptive        imising their potential to make
detect pedestrians in the vehicle’s   clists by day.                        low, city speeds, with collisions   Cruise Control, Lane Departure         driving safer.
path in both day and night-time           The system scored maximum         being avoided at all test speeds.   Alert with steering control, Auto-     Source: MotorPress
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