English and Maths Support for Maintained Schools - Babcock ...

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English and Maths Support for Maintained Schools - Babcock ...
English and Maths Support for Maintained Schools
English and Maths Support for Maintained Schools - Babcock ...
Universal Offer
We are offering all maintained primary and secondary schools access to ongoing support to develop their school
based approaches to vocabulary teaching as part of the mainstream provision. The majority of schools accessed
the Vocabulary CPD resources last year and have been progressing with their development. This year, we want to
consolidate this work and support schools to embed their practice and continue to share, refine and develop

The Universal Offer is
o A conference called ‘Moving on with Vocabulary Teaching’ which will include sharing of practice from schools,
   support for the next phase of development and more great ideas to take back to school. Schools can send up
   to two participants. There will be a small charge of cost £35 per head to cover incidental costs (lunch
o   In addition to this Universal offer and the targeted support options below, we will be returning to all three
    cohorts of schools previously supported with Vocabulary work: we will contact you about this, you do not
    need to make a selection on the offer to access our support.

The national focus on mathematics over the past few years has been around Teaching for Mastery and we have
been supporting schools with this work, through subject leader meetings, professional development opportunities,
publications and our maths hub work. We think this is a good time to reflect on this work and support schools to
continue to refine, develop and embed practice.

The Universal Offer is:
o   A one day conference called ‘Moving on with Mastery’ which will include sharing of practice from schools and
    will focus on leadership and management, supporting the next phase of development. There will be a small
    charge of £35 per head to cover incidental costs (lunch provided)

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MATHS Targeted Offer: Maintained Schools select from the programmes below
                                                                                                                                          If purchased
Programme          Focus                Details including charge as chosen option                                                         via Babcock
1.                 Maths:               The role of the maths subject leader means having responsibility for: developing the quality of   £200 per
Mathematics        Subject leaders      teaching and learning; ensuring pupils’ progress and attainment is monitored; managing            person
subject                                 resources; and having direct leadership responsibility for a number of staff to ensure that
                                        together they are able to secure the best outcomes for children in mathematics. Each of the
                                        four afternoon sessions is designed to stimulate leadership thinking and develop leadership       Additional in-
programme                               capacity to support and challenge, in order to secure school improvement in mathematics and
                                                                                                                                          school support
                                        develop personal career potential. Teachers work with a learning partner and engage in three
Autumn/Spring                           in-school activities between sessions in their own and their partner’s schools; two of these      as part of the
terms                                   may need to take place during school time.                                                        programme is
                                                                                                                                          offered: £285
                                        £20 charge per person for incidental costs.
                                                                                                                                          for half a day
                                        Additional in-school support as part of the programme offered on a traded basis £285 for half a

2.                 Maths:               One of the challenges in mathematics teaching is supporting children to reason about their £400 per
Developing         Foundation Stage     mathematics: notice things, use what they know, make connections and make decisions. This person
Reasoning          and Y1 teachers      needs to start with the youngest children and continue throughout their education. This
                                        programme is targeted at Foundation Stage and Y1 teachers and includes:
Nursery to Y1      We encourage         • Six face to face PD days (two each term) exploring both executive function and aspects of
                                        mathematical understanding that are key to early development
                   schools to send
                                        • In-school activities between days (working with pupils and with colleagues)
Yearlong           teachers in pairs
programme          where possible       • Three cycles of collaborative lesson study which involve working with teachers from other
                                        schools and a maths adviser to plan in detail an adult-led session, which is then taught and
                                        observed with a follow up discussion.
                                        £40 charge per person for incidental costs

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MATHS Targeted Offer: Maintained Schools select from the programmes below: CONTINUED
                                                                                                                                                If purchased
Programme                 Focus               Details including charge as chosen option                                                         via Babcock
3.                        Maths:              Reasoning is at the heart of mathematics and developing reasoning is about developing             £400 per
Developing                Y1 to Y6 teachers   mathematical thinkers. It is one of the aims of the national curriculum, underpins a teaching     person
Reasoning                                     for mastery approach and is increasingly the focus of tests and exams. This programme will
                                              support Y1 to Y6 teachers to examine reasoning in depth and provide them with practical
                                              ideas for how they can make this part of their daily practice. The programme includes:
Y1 to Y6                  We encourage
                                              • Six face to face PD days (two each term)
                          schools to send
                                              • In-school activities between days (working with pupils and with colleagues)
Yearlong                  teachers in pairs
                                              • Three cycles of collaborative lesson study which involve working with teachers from other
programme                 where possible
                                              schools and a maths adviser to plan in detail a live session, which is then taught and observed
                                              with a follow up discussion.
                                              £40 charge per person for incidental costs.

4.                     Maths:              ‘Making a Difference: developing additive reasoning’ is a comprehensive training programme £250 per
Supporting             Teaching Assistants which explores in depth how to support understanding and address misconceptions within         person
Flexible               and Teachers        additive reasoning. It includes a set of flexible intervention materials, containing detailed
                                           activities, which can be used as part of immediate intervention sessions during teaching
                       We encourage        sequences in Y2 to Y5 or as an intervention programme for children who are working
Making a               schools to send     significantly below age-related expectations in KS2, KS3 and beyond. The materials build on
Difference             people in pairs     the understanding developed in KS1 (explored within From Counting to Calculating) and cover
Programme –            where possible: a   the expectations in the National Curriculum from Y2 up to the end of Y4, specifically:
Autumn term            teacher and a       • Understanding and using place value with two-digit and three-digit numbers
                       teaching assistant
NB Schools with                            • Understanding and using the relationship between addition and subtraction with two-digit and
                       or two teaching
places from 2019/20                        three-digit numbers
do not need to                             • Applying understanding to add and subtract pairs of two-digit and three-digit numbers
include their existing
                                           including developing an understanding of written methods
places as part of their
choice, they will
receive these

    4            Copyright © Babcock IP Management (Number One) Limited, 2019. No unauthorised copying permitted.                       www.babcockldp.co.uk
MATHS Targeted Offer: Maintained Schools select from the programmes below: CONTINUED
                                                                                                                                           If purchased
Programme          Focus                 Details including charge as chosen option                                                         via Babcock
4. CONTINUED        Maths:              The training programme includes:                                                                   £250 per
Supporting          Teaching Assistants • Half day exploring and preparing for diagnostic assessments                                      person
Flexible            and Teachers        • Two days focussed on subject knowledge and pedagogy related to key aspects of additive
Intervention:                             reasoning
Making a                                 • Half day focussed on impact and next steps
Programme                                £30 charge per person for incidental costs.

5.                  Maths:               ‘Fair and Equal’ is a comprehensive training programme which explores in depth how to             £295 per
Supporting          Teaching             support understanding of and address misconceptions and difficult areas within multiplicative     person
Flexible            Assistants and       reasoning. The package includes a flexible set of intervention materials, containing detailed
                                         activities, written to support children with developing conceptual understanding and covering
Intervention:       Teachers
                                         key ideas in multiplication, division and fractions in the National Curriculum from Y2 to Y6.
Fair and Equal                           The training aims to support participants to:
Programme           We encourage
                                         • Understand how different representations of mathematics (including language, context,
                    schools to send      images and symbols) play a part in developing conceptual understanding
Spring term         people in pairs      • Understand issues, misconceptions and difficult areas in learning within multiplicative
                    where possible: a    reasoning and how to address them
                    teacher and a
                    teaching assistant   The training programme includes:
                    or two teaching      • Three days focussed on subject knowledge and pedagogy related to key aspects of additive
                    assistants           reasoning
                                         • Materials to support work in school

                                         £35 charge per person for incidental costs.

   5          Copyright © Babcock IP Management (Number One) Limited, 2019. No unauthorised copying permitted.                       www.babcockldp.co.uk
MATHS Targeted Offer: Maintained Schools select from the programmes below: CONTINUED
                                                                                                                                              If purchased
Programme           Focus                   Details including charge as chosen option                                                         via Babcock
6.                   Maths:                 Number Sense includes developing an understanding of numbers and the number system;                £115 per
Developing           Reception/KS1          this understanding underpins calculation. The two half-days in this programme will focus on        person
Early Number         teachers and           building an understanding of how our numbers work and fit together and includes exploring
                                            place value, comparing and ordering numbers and rounding, and applying this understanding
Sense                subject leaders
                                            in different contexts.
                                            £20 charge per person for incidental costs

7.                   Maths:                 The two half-days in this programme will explore key ideas in mathematics teaching including      £115 per
Early Career         KS1 and KS2            the principles underpinning teaching for mastery, the importance of reasoning and assessing       person
Programme            teachers in their      understanding. Participating teachers will have an opportunity to discuss areas of
                                            mathematics teaching they find challenging and explore ways to be more effective. Targeted
                     first three years of
                                            at early career teachers, the day will also be suitable for returning teachers and teachers new
Spring/Summer        teaching               to primary.
                                            £20 charge per person for incidental costs

  6            Copyright © Babcock IP Management (Number One) Limited, 2019. No unauthorised copying permitted.                       www.babcockldp.co.uk
ENGLISH: Targeted Offer: Maintained Schools select from the programmes below
                                                                                                                                        If purchased
Programme         Focus               Details including charge as chosen option                                                         via Babcock
8.                Whole school         Up to 40 schools who have not yet received any adviser support can receive additional             £570 per
Targeted          development          support to continue to implement the vocabulary development materials in school. This             school
additional                             support will comprise:
support for                            • 2 half days visits to school from an English adviser
Vocabulary                             Schools will need to have attended the launch events in 2019/20 but do not need to have
Development                            completed the cpd sessions from the resources.

9.                English              The role of the English subject leader means having responsibility for: developing the quality   £200 per
English subject   Subject leaders      of teaching and learning; ensuring pupils’ progress and attainment is monitored; managing        person
leadership                             resources; and having direct leadership responsibility for a number of staff to ensure that
programme                              together they are able to secure the best outcomes for children in English. Each of the four     Additional in-
                                       afternoon sessions is designed to stimulate leadership thinking and develop leadership           school support
                                       capacity to support and challenge, in order to secure school improvement in English and          as part of the
                                       develop personal career potential.                                                               programme is
                                                                                                                                        offered: £285
                                       £20 charge per person                                                                            for half a day
                                       Additional in-school support as part of the programme offered on a traded basis £285 for half
                                       a day

  7         Copyright © Babcock IP Management (Number One) Limited, 2019. No unauthorised copying permitted.                     www.babcockldp.co.uk
ENGLISH: Targeted Offer: Maintained Schools select from the programmes below: CONTINUTED
                                                                                                                                       If purchased
Programme        Focus                Details including charge as chosen option                                                        via Babcock
10.               English subject      This course will consider the skills and experiences needed for children to write at greater     £130 per
Writing at        leads or teachers    depth across KS1 and KS2.                                                                        person
Greater Depth
                                       Participants will explore examples of writing to secure clear understanding of what
                                       characterises greater depth. Planning for a range of writing experiences and needs will be
                                       £35 charge per person for incidental costs

11.               FS/KS1 teachers      This one day course focuses on the subject knowledge and pedagogy of systematic,                £130 per
Phonics and                            synthetic phonics and early reading and exemplifies this with the Letters and Sounds            person
Early Reading                          programme.

                                       £35 charge per person for incidental costs

12.               English subject      This course will consider the teaching of reading at both KS1 and KS2 with a focus on           £130 per
Re-Think          leads or teachers    developing comprehension and inference. We will explore the most effective structures and       person
Reading                                approaches to teach the comprehension strands of the National Curriculum. The course will
                                       draw on examples from our new publication: ‘Re-think Reading’ but purchasing this resource
                                       is not necessary to access the course.

                                       £35 charge per person for incidental costs

  8         Copyright © Babcock IP Management (Number One) Limited, 2019. No unauthorised copying permitted.                     www.babcockldp.co.uk
ENGLISH: Targeted Offer: Maintained Schools select from the programmes below: CONTINUTED
                                                                                                                                        If purchased
Programme          Focus                  Details including charge as chosen option                                                     via Babcock
13.                 English subject       This course will be an updated version of our previous spelling course. The course will:       £130 per
Teaching            leaders or teachers   • Provide a pathway for teaching the new National Curriculum for spelling                      person
Spelling            from Y2-6             • Provide a conceptual framework for the teaching, application and assessment of spelling
Effectively                               • Consider the teaching and application of effective spelling strategies
                                          • Explore effective spelling teaching activities
                                          £35 charge per person for incidental costs

14.                 Teachers or           This is an intervention programme but also contains classroom strategies. The training aims   £130 + £65 for
Improving           teaching assistants   to improve adult awareness of the challenges some readers face, so that adults feel better    the resource
Reading                                   equipped to help. It also includes a toolkit to have diagnostic conversations with sample     file
Comprehension                             pupils about texts to gain insight into what strengths and weaknesses pupils’ experience
and Enjoyment                             The training draws on a range of current research about what works to outline key classroom
(intervention                             and school wide strategies to improve reading comprehension and enjoyment.
                                          £35 charge per person for incidental costs + £65 for the resource file

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