EUROPE IS PLAYING WITH FIRE - A call to action on fire safety in buildings - Fire Safe Europe

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EUROPE IS PLAYING WITH FIRE - A call to action on fire safety in buildings - Fire Safe Europe
       A call to action
 on fire safety in buildings

EUROPE IS PLAYING WITH FIRE - A call to action on fire safety in buildings - Fire Safe Europe
                                                                                                                   IS PLAYING
                                                                                                                    WITH FIRE
                                                                                                                          A call to action
                                                                                                                    on fire safety in buildings

White paper of Fire Safe Europe aisbl launched on 2 December 2014 in the European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium.
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EUROPE IS PLAYING WITH FIRE - A call to action on fire safety in buildings - Fire Safe Europe
THE FIRE ALARM IS SOUNDING                                                                                            EUROPE IS PUTTING CITIZENS
                                                                                                                           AT RISK - HOW?
                                                                                                                     Fire is consistently dangerous                              countries. Often these requirements are managed
                                                                                                                     but fire safety regulations are                             by different levels of government. Amazingly many
                                                                                                                     dangerously diverse                                         European countries ascribe minimal importance
                                                                                                                                                                                 to fire safety and even in the best cases most
                                                                                                                        Europeans are justifiably proud of their diverse         regulations applied at the national or local level
                                                                                                                     cultures and traditions. But when it comes to fire          have significant room for improvement. All these
                                                                                                                     safety regulations they have one thing in common:           aspects can be improved within local stylistic and
                                                                                                                     everywhere the rules and standards are far below            cultural frameworks.
                                                                                                                     of what they need to be to
                                                                                                                     protect EU citizens when they           Many European countries                  Likewise, it should be
                                                                                                                     are at home or abroad. Yet, fires                                            possible to put in place uniform
                                                                                                                                                           ascribe minimal importance
                                                                                                                     are the same across Europe.                                                  building-material testing
                                                                                                                                                            to fire safety and even in the protocols across the EU
                                                                                                                         Much of fire safety depends        best cases most regulations without injuring local cultural
                                                                                                                     on basic aspects of building             applied at the national or          differences. Why? Because even
                                                                                                                     design such as the number of                                                 though buildings don’t travel,
                                                                                                                                                             local level have significant
In recent years, the European Union (EU) has made                                                                    floors, provisions for evacuation
                                                                                                                     routes and exits, active and
                                                                                                                                                                room for improvement.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  the building materials and
                                                                                                                                                                                                  elements needed to construct
important strides in enacting and modernizing regulations                                                            passive fire mitigation elements,                                            them do. A level playing field is

to promote the health and safety of Europeans.                                                                       and the proximity of the building to rescue
                                                                                                                     and emergency services. And, buildings of a
                                                                                                                                                                               needed not just for safety reasons but to foster a
                                                                                                                                                                               single market. But the current system only covers
Unfortunately, those strides have sidestepped one of                                                                 given type - such as schools, offices, homes, or          a part of the building-materials on the market and

the oldest and most menacing threats to daily life: fire.                                                            hospitals - can be subject to significantly different
                                                                                                                     requirements in terms of fire safety in different
                                                                                                                                                                               cannot handle complex composite products. An
                                                                                                                                                                               update is urgently needed.

                                   What is the result? More               learn and play and the hospitals that
                               than 4,000 deaths and 70,000               house the infirm and vulnerable.
                               hospitalizations every year due to            It’s time for the sidestepping to
                               fire and smoke-
                               related injuries
                                                                                           end and for an EU-
                                                                                           wide fire safety effort
                                                                                                                                                           [ CASE IN POINT ]
                                                            Across  the EU  many
                               - that’s nearly 200                                         to begin - especially                    Same buildings, strikingly disparate safety levels
                               people every day.            fire-related building          in this era when
                               Over 126 billion                 standards are              climate and energy        Fire Safe Europe recently looked at national                the combustibility of fire compartment walls (a
   in numbers:                 euros in related costs                                      security concerns are     regulations related to fire safety in an average            compartment is an area within a building which is
                                                            seriously inadequate
                               incurred annually                                           prompting extensive       school building in ten countries from all four              supposed to contain a fire if it breaks out). Out of 10
                                                           and inconsistent from
    70,000                     across the EU.
                                                          country to country, and
                                                                                           building renovation       corners of Europe. The differences were alarming.           surveyed countries, only Germany and Czeck Republic
                                                                                                                                                                                 require that compartment walls have to be made of
    people                         Europeans spend         construction material
                                                                                           programs. The effort
                                                                                           should be robust
                                                                                                                     Fire exits                                                  non-combustible materials. In most other countries,
 are hospitalised in Europe                                                                                          In some EU Member States, children have to run              they can be made of highly combustible products.
                               about 90% of their        testing protocols are out and should ensure
  each year due to severe                                                                                            six times further to reach the nearest fire exit - 10
                               lives inside buildings.                                     that construction
   injuries caused by fire                                         of date.                                          meters in Germany compared to 60 meters in Italy!           Enabling buildings to bear the load of a fire
                               We want buildings to                                        products and              Does it mean that children in Italy run faster than         Only Slovakia and the Czech Republic require
   €126bn                      be comfortable, and
                               we need them to be safe - especially
                                                                                           practices consistently
                                                                          meet appropriate and rigorously
                                                                                                                     children in Germany?                                        non-combustible load bearing structures (the
                                                                                                                                                                                 construction product used to carry the weight of the
equivalent to 1% of European
   GDP is eaten up by fire     those with public access such as the       enforced fire safety standards. And it     Ensuring fires are contained                                building) on each floor level. Five countries, including
     damage each year          schools where our children go to           should get underway without delay.         Almost half the countries surveyed do not regulate          Sweden and Spain do not regulate this at all!

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EUROPE IS PLAYING WITH FIRE - A call to action on fire safety in buildings - Fire Safe Europe
Regulation lags
                                                                   small-scale tests that in many
                               innovation and                      cases are not representative of
                               is falling further                  a real-scale fire. Consequently,                                      [ CASE IN POINT ]
                               behind                              they are profoundly limited
                                                                   in their ability to predict                           The importance of harmonized test methods
                                   Fire safety regulations and     modern real-world fire safety
                                                                                                        When an international team of scientists            The wall covered exclusively with non-
                               standards for buildings and         performance.
                               construction products seem to                                            and engineers carried out large-scale tests         combustible insulation contained the fire and
                               have failed to keep pace with           There is no harmonized           on external thermal insulation composite            remained structurally undamaged.
                               the innovations that regularly      European standard test               (ETICS) systems in Croatia recently, they had
                               revolutionize the industry. This    method to ensure for example,        to use a British standard - simply because no       The wall with combustible insulation and a
                               is the sad fact in Europe today,    that external wall (or ETICS)        EU standard exists.                                 non-combustible fire barrier above the source
                               at all level of government.         systems, which often contribute
                                                                                                                                                            of the fire delayed the spread of the fire for 10
                               Some standards are simply           to the spread of fires in large
                                                                                                        The tests aimed to demonstrate the                  minutes. However, when the blaze “jumped”
                               out of date, and others were        or high-rise buildings, are safe.
                               inadequate to begin with.           And, most alarmingly, they take      performance of different types of insulation        this barrier, the same toxic smoke and
                                                                   no account of the toxicity of        systems in high-rise buildings.                     furious flames of the first wall occurred.
                                   In the EU, construction         smoke, which is responsible for                                                          The test highlighted the shortfalls of the
                               products are governed by            more than half of all fire-related   The results were striking for many:                 current EU testing regime for ETICS solutions
                               the Construction Products           fatalities.                          A wall fitted with combustible insulation           given that there is no harmonized large-scale
                               Regulation (CPR), which
                                                                                                        pumped toxic black smoke into the air and           European test to ensure that only systems
                               aims to ensure that reliable
                                                                                                        was completely burned out within 15 minutes.        that meet rigorous fire performance criteria
                               performance-related data are
                               made available, by means of
                                                                    Fire safety test methods                                                                should be allowed on high rise buildings.
                               a Declaration of Performance          have not been revised
                               (DOP), for any construction         since 2002 and are based
                               product placed on the European
                                                                     on data from no later
                               market. The CPR also enables
                               consumers to easily identify         than 1994. They take no
                               products as “fit for purpose”       account of smoke toxicity,
                               through the “CE” marking.            which is responsible for
                               Because the CPR was intended
                               primarily to break down barriers
                                                                   more than half of all fire-
                               to trade, it also requires that          related fatalities.
                               products meet a number of
                               “essential requirements”,
                               including those related to fire
                               safety.                                 Regrettably, no mechanism
    in numbers:
                                                                   exists to correct or update the
                                   The fire safety concepts upon   technical details of test methods
2,000,000                      which the CPR is based are          in the light of changing building

   fires                       fundamentally sound. But the
                               fire safety test methods have
                                                                   technology or product evolution.

  are reported in Europe
                               not been revised since 2002 and        In short, the testing system
                               are based on data from no later     had limitations from the start
                                                                                                               A video of the test
       50%                     than 1994.                          and its inability to evolve simply
                                                                   perpetuates the inadequacies.
                                                                                                               can be watched here

  of the fire deaths are due
 to inhalation of smoke and       The test methods called on
toxic combustion gases only    by the CPR are based on

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EUROPE IS PLAYING WITH FIRE - A call to action on fire safety in buildings - Fire Safe Europe
The dust of renovation
                                                                                                                       DEVELOPING AN ACTION PLAN
                                                                               buildings and establish thermal
                               must settle on a safe
                                                                               renovation projects over the next       Europe needs a fire blanket
                                                                               years. The implementation of these
                                                                               programs should deliver significant        The European Union is unique in its ability to
 in numbers:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  E
                                   In light of the fact that buildings         energy savings, greenhouse gas          enable citizens of 28 countries to live, work and                                                                         THE ACTION PLAN SHOULD INVOLV
                               currently account for more than 40%             reductions, and millions of new jobs.   travel across border with relative ease. Currently                                                                          3 STRAIGHTFOR WA RD STEPS:
      90%                      of the energy used                                             But as buildings         over 500,000 European students study abroad
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Raising the ambition on fire safety
  of our time is spent         annually in Europe,               This exciting period         across Europe are        annually, 660 million hotel nights are booked in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         in buildings across the EU with
      in buildings             the EU has recently                                            renovated, their fire    European hotels each year, and more than 12                                                                                       a Fire Safety Strategy;
                                                                    of change and
                               taken steps to reduce                                          safety characteristics   million people, many construction workers, work
      90%                      energy consumption
                                                               renovation offers the          will change.             outside their home countries.                                                                                                      pdate the provisions in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Construction Products Regulation
   of fires in the EU          in buildings and                EU   an unprecedented
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         (CPR) to address its gaps and
  happen in buildings          thereby protect the             opportunity to act and             This exciting            It therefore seems appropriate that the EU
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          weaknesses in testing methods;
                               lifestyle and energy          improve the fire safety of period of change and           ensures that all countries strive for a common
   3                           security of its citizens.
                                                               its built environment.
                                                                                              renovation offers the    level of fire safety in buildings to safeguard the                                                                                Incorporate smoke toxicity in EU
minutes                        The EU Directives                                              EU an unprecedented      daily security of all Europeans no matter where                                                                                    standards and regulations for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          construction products.
 is all it takes for fire to   on Energy Efficiency                                           opportunity to act       they are. What’s more, the EU has already acted
 involve an entire room,       and on the Energy Performance                   and improve the fire safety of its      in the built environment and has demonstrated a
  because our buildings
                               of Buildings demand that all EU                 built environment. Fire safety rules    proven track record of success in implementing
contain more flammable
   materials than ever         countries put in place programs                 must be drastically improved and        EU-wide standards and regulations that improve
            before             to promote near-zero energy new                 consistently enforced across Europe.    and/or protect the health and well-being of its                                                                      But if the matter is faced with political bravery and
                                                                                                                       citizens.                                                                                                            a coherent action plan, it can be addressed.

                                                                                                                           The current fire safety problem is massive in                                                                        The heightened level of ambition will ensure
                                                                                                                       scale but not un-solvable. It is complicated by the                                                                  that fire safety efforts are on the right track
                                                                                                                       diversity of regulations and construction practices                                                                  across Europe. A CPR update will modernize its
                                                                                                                       across countries, the pace of change in the built                                                                    standards and regulations so that they reflect the
                                         [ CASE IN POINT ]                                                             environment, the roll out of new renovation                                                                          real-world performance of construction products
                                                                                                                       programmes, and the increased mobility of                                                                            and systems in a fire. And, the incorporation of
                                  More combustibles, faster fires                                                      construction workers (leading to complications due                                                                   toxicity will tackle the major killer in any building
                                                                                                                       to regional variations in standards and practices).                                                                  fire: smoke.
In the 1950’s it would typically take about
25 minutes for a small fire to become out of
control, allowing the rescue services time
to respond and contain the fire. Nowadays
a small fire can become a blazing inferno in
less than 3 minutes - injuring and killing the                                                                                                                                                                           [ CASE IN POINT ]
building occupants before the emergency                                                                                                                                    Road safety, where European teamwork has saved
services can arrive on the scene.
The average time it takes the fire and rescue
                                                                                                                                                                                          thousands of lives
service to arrive at a fire is between 8 and                                                                                                                                  European
                                                                                                                                                                              Road Safety Action                      A model for action already exists in the form of the EU Road Safety
15 minutes in Europe.                                                                                                                                                         2011–2020                               Strategy. The Strategy aims to cut EU road deaths by 50% by 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      compared with 2003 levels. And by 2010 a 33% reduction had already
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      been achieved.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Was it easy? Probably not. Was it worth it? Absolutely.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Is fire safety less important?

                                                                                                                                                          Working Document for the
                                                                                                                                                          Stakeholder Conference

                                                                                                                                                          2nd December 2009

                                                           8                                                            091127_2b_DGTren_RoadSafety_WorkingDoc_hw.indd 1                    27.11.2009 16:42:08 Uhr

EUROPE IS PLAYING WITH FIRE - A call to action on fire safety in buildings - Fire Safe Europe
European Fire Safety
        Strategy                                          The standardisation bodies responsible for
                                                          the development of the test methods, CEN/
                                                                                                                TAKING ACTION, SAVING LIVES
                                                          CENELEC, should then be mandated to assess
   Although each EU Member State is ultimately            and continually monitor the suitability of                Fires in European buildings injure and/or                   As long as the issue remains unaddressed,
responsible for developing, implementing, and             established test methods and to incorporate           kill over 70,000 people every year. Many of those          fire and its deadly companion- smoke will stand
enforcing safety standards applicable to its              existing or new large-scale and where possible        injuries and deaths result from building design and        unchecked as killers waiting to strike.
territories, the European Commission should               small-scale tests and criteria to ensure that         construction flaws that are not properly addressed         The European Parliament has a track record for
move with political conviction towards defining           product and systems are tested in a way that          by local or national fire safety regulations.              taking on tough issues and ensuring that Europe
minimum fire safety levels. The EU needs a Fire           reflects their real-world performance in a fire.                                                                 addresses them.
Safety Strategy.                                          External wall (ETICS) systems and sandwich               It is a problem that grows worse every day as           It is time for the European Parliament to wake
                                                          panels are particularly in need of attention, as      we change the fabric of buildings, yet despite the         up to the threat of fire. To continue to ignore the
   As was the case with the EU’s Road                     are systems with combustible elements sensitive       danger to European citizens, no EU-wide standards          problem is to sleep through a very loud alarm.
Safety Strategy, as a starting point in this              to installation errors and ageing.                    and regulations currently exist to address the
effort, reliable data, based on a harmonized                                                                    matter of fire safety in buildings.                        We call you to action.
methodology, will be needed to identify trends,
best practices, pinpoint which actions should be
taken, and indicate progress with compliance.                      Incorporating Toxicity
Goals also need to be set for each EU Member
State country on the “acceptable” human and                  Data from across the globe indicate that
economic losses for fire safety.                          more than half of all fire-related injuries and
                                                          deaths are caused not by the fire directly but
                                                          by its smoke. Smoke from a fire can obscure
                                                          evacuation routes, impair the vision of evacuees,
        Updating the CPR to address                       cause irritation to the respiratory tracts, and
        its gaps and weaknesses                           eventually bring about narcosis due to the
        in testing methods                                inhalation of asphyxiant gases. In addition, the
                                                          long term exposure to smoke also represents a
                                                          major cause of cancer among Fire Fighters.
    The test methods called on by the CPR for the
fire safety of construction products are in urgent            Clearly one of the greatest dangers of smoke
need of revision, especially with regard to their         lies in its toxic potency. Yet no current European
scale. The simple fact is that the fire behavior          regulation or standard includes smoke toxicity in
of some of the most commonly used modern                  its requirements. Opacity, yes. Toxicity, no. This
construction materials and systems cannot                 means that the greatest potential fire-related
always be reliably predicted with existing small-         killer lies silently in the background, ignored
scale tests or modelling. Fortunately, tackling           until it strikes.
the update does not mean starting with a blank
slate, because several International (ISO) and                That is why Fire Safe Europe recommends
European national test protocols already exist.           strongly that a system be put in place to quantify
                                                          the toxic potential of smoke from different
   The European Commission has published                  construction products in different fire situations.
“Guidance Paper G”, which addresses issues                ISO has developed test methods and criteria
related to the functioning of the European                for smoke toxicity. It simply needs to be applied
system for classification of construction                 via a mandate to CEN/CENELEC to incorporate
products reaction to fire. The concepts contained         toxicity criteria into the CPR classification
in Guidance Paper G should be incorporated                scheme based on the existing ISO WD 16405 and
in CPR legislation and thus made normative.               ISO 13571 methodologies.

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EUROPE IS PLAYING WITH FIRE - A call to action on fire safety in buildings - Fire Safe Europe
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     +32 (0)483 167 273
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