11 15. 3. 2019 Frankfurt am Main - New sequence of days! - Messe Frankfurt

Page created by Ann Marshall
11 15. 3. 2019 Frankfurt am Main - New sequence of days! - Messe Frankfurt
Frankfurt am Main

11. – 15. 3. 2019
NEW: Monday – Friday      New
                        of days!
11 15. 3. 2019 Frankfurt am Main - New sequence of days! - Messe Frankfurt
Welcome to ISH
                                                         Great business

                                                         »» around 200,000     Our international trade fair
                                                                               is your personal stage.
                                                                                                                       Visitor magnet, door opener,
                                                                                                                       revenue driver: ISH is the must-
                                                            visitors                                                   do event for the industry.
                                                                               ISH is the world’s leading trade

                                                         »» including 40 %     fair focusing on the responsible
                                                                               management of water and energy
                                                                                                                       »» Attract visitors by showcasing
                                                                                                                          your latest ideas at ISH.
                                                            from outside       in buildings. It sets trends for
                                                                               modern bathroom design, sustain-        »» Use ISH to maintain existing
                                                            Germany, from      able heating and air-conditioning          contacts and to gain new cus-
                                                            152 countries      technology as well as intelligent
                                                                               home systems. ISH also meets
                                                                                                                          tomers and business partners.

                                                                               the growing demand for comfort,         »» Benefit from the large presence
                                                         »» 45 % with          convenience, individualisation,            of specialists and decision
                                                            ­decision-making   well-being and aesthetics. Inte­
                                                                               grated solutions are able to cover

                                                             authority         all these requirements and make
                                                                               a decisive contribution to energy-
                                                                               efficient and resource-friendly
                                                                               building systems.

                                                                               Present your new products and
         Frankfurt welcomes the entire sector.
                                                                               solutions to a highly qualified,
         You’ll find all key target groups at ISH.
                                                                               international trade audience at ISH
                                                                               – the number one venue for the
         »» Sanitation, heating and air-conditioning                           industry. The fair offers an unparal-
            installers and industry                                            leled opportunity to do business
         »» System planners and engineers                                      worldwide from a single event in
         »» Wholesalers and retailers                                          Frankfurt am Main.
         »» Architects, interior architects, designers
         »» Construction and housing industry
         »» Investors and local authorities

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11 15. 3. 2019 Frankfurt am Main - New sequence of days! - Messe Frankfurt
Bathe in the glow
ISH Water

                                                          of success.

                                                          Your personal showroom.                The largest industry forum for
                                                                                                 installation technology.
                                                          The ISH Water area is the world’s
                                                          largest showroom for modern            Modern installation systems help
                                                          bathroom concepts. And you can         installers and planners to save on
                                                          be right at the heart of the action.   time and reduce costs. Systems
                                                          Present your offering here – from      that meet the latest requirements
                                                          individual products through to         in terms of drinking water hygiene
                                                          complete room concepts and             and materials spark substantial
                                                          sustainable sanitary solutions.        interest.

                                                          »» In 2017, 37 % of all trade visi-    »» 29 % of trade visitors were
                                                             tors found useful information          interested in installation tech-
                                                             about sanitary technology              nology

                                                          »» Around 18,500 decision makers       »» More than 65,000 sanitation,
                                                             came from the areas of archi-          heating and air-conditioning
                                                             tecture, planning and design           installers found useful informa-
                                                                                                    tion about new products on
                                                          »» More than 21,000 buyers came           the world market
                                                             from the retail and wholesale

            With over 90 % visitor satisfaction, the
            ISH Water area received outstanding ratings
            for the offer.

4                                                                                                                                      5
11 15. 3. 2019 Frankfurt am Main - New sequence of days! - Messe Frankfurt
ISH Energy


                                                                Forum of the future.                   Attractive innovations.

                                                                The ISH Energy area is the ultimate    The efficient use of energy is one
                                                                showcase for efficient heating and     of the most important issues of
                                                                air-conditioning systems in combi-     our time. New solutions, such as
                                                                nation with renewable energies –       sector coupling which is already
                                                                as well as being the leading           an important theme at ISH, par-
                                                                platform for the entire spectrum       ticularly attract the attention of
                                                                of intelligent building services and   visitors to the show. Use this
                                                                green building technologies.           opportunity to explore new devel-
                                                                                                       opments, such as the promising
                                                                                                       future market of energy storage.
                                                                Here you are in the spotlight.         How can excess energy from
                                                                                                       photovoltaic systems be stored
                                                                ISH is the most important source       and distributed according to
                                                                of inspiration for future-oriented     requirements? ISH 2019 addresses
                                                                building services technology.          this growing area of technology
                                                                Offering solutions for heating,        and creates an attractive presenta-
                                                                air-conditioning and system, room      tion platform for exhibitors.
                                                                and building automation, the
                                                                importance of the ISH energy area      »» In addition to 65,000 installers,
                                                                continues to grow – as does the           you’ll meet more than 18,000
                                                                attention you receive here.               decision makers from the areas      »» 57 % of trade visitors in 2017
                                                                                                          of plant engineering, planning         came to find out about heating
                                                                                                          and architecture                       technology

                                                                                                       »» And a further 8,000 or so           »» 28 % of trade visitors came
             The ISH Energy area received top marks:                                                      decision makers and investors          to find out about system, room

             97 % of visitors rated the offer as outstanding.                                             from the housing industry and
                                                                                                          project development sector
                                                                                                                                                 and building automation

                                                                                                          will also be here

6                                                                                                                                                                             7
11 15. 3. 2019 Frankfurt am Main - New sequence of days! - Messe Frankfurt
The right climate for
Refrigeration, air-conditioning and ventilation technology

                                                             business to flourish.

                                                             Refrigeration, air-conditioning       Refrigeration systems for
                                                             and ventilation technology            buildings

                                                             The refrigeration, air-conditioning   Refrigeration systems are becom-
                                                             and ventilation technology area       ing ever more important elements
                                                             showcases future-oriented solu-       in technical building installations.
                                                             tions offering increased automa-      In addition to thermal comfort,
                                                             tion and comfort as well as better    increasing attention is being paid
                                                             energy efficiency and greater use     to architectural requirements and
                                                             of renewable energies. This area      flexibility of use. The joint presen-
                                                             gives you the ideal platform from     tation of refrigeration, air-con­
                                                             which to inform an international      ditioning and ventilation compe-
                                                             audience of professionals about       tence in combination with
                                                             the strategies, technologies and      innovative building automation
                                                             products of the future.               reflects this development.
                                                                                                   Architects, planners, building
                                                             »» Refrigeration, air-conditioning    operators and investors are being
                                                                and ventilation technology         targeted more strongly with this
                                                                installers are an important        integrated presentation, which
                                                                target group for around one-       offers enormous benefit for you as
                                                                third of exhibitors. 80 % of       an exhibitor.
                                                                exhibitors were very satisfied
                                                                with their success in reaching     »» As a supplier of refrigeration
                                                                this target group                     technology solutions, ISH is the
                                                                                                      ideal platform to showcase
                                                             »» 30 % of trade visitors came           your products
            Meet 18,000 decision makers from the                to find out about refrigeration,
                                                                air-conditioning and ventilation
            plant engineering, planning and architecture        technology


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11 15. 3. 2019 Frankfurt am Main - New sequence of days! - Messe Frankfurt
Facts and figures

                     The numbers tell a compelling story.
                     ISH is the leading international trade fair – as evidenced by the visitor and exhibitor figures.

                     Number of visitors                                              Number of exhibitors
                     ISH 2017                                                        ISH 2017

                     78,304                                   198,810 Total                                         893       2,485 Total
                                                              120,506 Germany                                                   893 Germany
                                                               78,304	Outside                                                1,592	Outside
                                                                       Germany                                                       Germany
                                    198,810                                                         2,485

                                                     120,506                         1,592

                     Total number of visitors 2015: 196,777                          Exhibition space: 261,300 m2
                                                                                     Total number of exhibitors 2015: 2,465

                     Global attraction.
                     International audience – 40 % of visitors come from outside Germany.

                     Origin of visitors from outside Germany                         Visitors by country
                     ISH 2017                                                        Top 10 visitor nations, ISH 2017 (excluding Germany)

                               4% 2%
                                                                  72 %   Europe       1.   China
                                                                  21 %   Asia         2.   Italy
                    21 %                                          	4 %   America      3.   France
                                                                 	 2 %   Africa       4.   Netherlands
                                                                   1%    Australia    5.   Switzerland
                                                                                      6.   UK
                                                                                      7.   Poland
                                                          72 %                        8.   Belgium
                                                                                      9.   Austria
                                                                                     10.   Spain

10                                                                                                                                             11
11 15. 3. 2019 Frankfurt am Main - New sequence of days! - Messe Frankfurt
Facts and figures

       Meeting place for different target groups.                                                                       Decisive – the decision makers.
       ISH is a must for visitors from all sectors.                                                                     Almost half the visitors to ISH are in top management positions.

       Economic sectors of visitors                                                                                     Occupational status of visitors                                                       Influence on purchasing decisions
       ISH 2017                                       Germany                 Outside Germany                   Total   ISH 2017                                                                              ISH 2017

                                                                                               43                              Independent entrepreneur                        24
                                 Skilled trades                              23                      35 %
                                                                                                                                                                                                              26 %                            27 %
                                                                                                                                             CEO/Director            11            Top
                     Manufacturing industry
                                                                    16                               22 %                                                                       management
                                                                                  30                                                                                                                                                                  27   %   Decisive
                                                                                                                          Divisional head/works manager              10            45 %
                      Wholesale/retail sector
                                                         7                                           11 %                                                                                                                                             25   %   Contributory
                                                                     18                                                            Departmental/unit head                 15                                                                          22   %   Advisory
             Firms of (interior) architects,                   11                                    10 %                                                                                                                                             26   %   Not involved *
       engineers, planners and consultants                 8                                                                                Salaried staff                     22

                                Other services
                                                       4                                                 5%                               Trainee/student             12
                                                                      19                                                                            Other        6
                                         Other*                     16                               17 %                                                                                                     22 %                            25 %
                                                                                                                                                             0            20            40 %
                                                  0                 20                40 %

                                                                                                                                                                                                              * Includes students and others not in employment (8 %)
       * Includes students and others not in employment (8 %)

       Talk to people with something to say.                                                                            Open to your products.
       Visitors come from all major corporate areas.                                                                    Visitors to ISH are interested in and receptive to new ideas.

       Area of responsibility of visitors                                                                               Objectives of trade visitors
       ISH 2017                                                                                                         ISH 2017, multiple responses allowed

              Business/company/enterprise management                                                24                                  Viewing/discovering new products                                                       52
                                         Repair/maintenance                                15                                              Increasing specialist knowledge                                                47
                                            Sales/distribution                            12                                  Viewing/discovering different product types                                      32
                             Research/development/design                              9                                              Cultivating existing business contacts                               26
                                    Purchasing/procurement                        6                                                                Comparing competitors                                 23
                                  Manufacturing/production                        4                                                       Initiating new business contacts                               23
                                   Marketing/advertising/PR                   3                                                                    Exchanging information                                22
                                                           Other*                                    27                 Gaining an overall impression of the market situation                            22

                                                                         0                 20                 40 %                          Preparing for buying decisions                     11
                                                                                                                                              Making purchases at the fair               4
       * Includes students and others not in employment (8 %)
                                                                                                                                                                                    0               20            40            60 %

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11 15. 3. 2019 Frankfurt am Main - New sequence of days! - Messe Frankfurt
Facts and figures

                    Magnetic trade fair concept.
                    All product areas at ISH attract visitors.

                    Interest in the offer
                    ISH 2017

                    Heating technology                                                       57
                    Sanitary technology                                              37
                    Refrigeration, air-conditioning
                    and ventilation technology                                     30

                    Installation technology                                        29
                    Home and building automation,
                    energy management, measuring,                                  28
                    and control technology
                    Other                                                    6

                                                                        0               50        100 %

                    ISH – a success for everyone.
                    96 % of all visitors are satisfied with their visit.

                    Visitor satisfaction
                    ISH 2017

                                                      50 %                  50 % Very satisfied
                                                                            46 % Satisfied
                                                                             4 % Not very satisfied

                    46 %

                                The Society for Voluntary Control of
                                Fair and Exhibition Statistics (FKM)

14                  Source: Messe Frankfurt, Corporate Research, 2017                                     15
11 15. 3. 2019 Frankfurt am Main - New sequence of days! - Messe Frankfurt
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Congress Center

         Hall plan and concept
                                                                                                                                                                 Ready for your
                    More space, easier access: ISH Energy
                    with new hall concept.
                                                             The future attracts: ISH Water remains
                                                     Eingang a visitor magnet.
                    The number of visitors and exhibitors is
                                                                  There will also be lots of new things to
                    growing – and so is the ISH Energy area.      discover in the ISH Water area. While the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                New hall
                    From 2019, the new Hall 12 will increase      Bathroom Experience will be attracting
        Galleria                                         Messeturm
                    the overall area and related themes will      visitors in its usual location, installation
                    be brought closer together.
                     Eingang                         Eingang
                                                         Galleria technology solutions will    be presentedTorhaus
                                                                                            Galleria          in
                     Galleria                        GalleriaEingang                                 Galleria
                                                                  Halls 4.0, 5.0 and 5.1 and tools and mount-
                                                                  ing material will be on show in Hall 4.2.
                                                                        Eingang                                      Galleria
                                                                                                                     Galleria                   Messeturm
                                                                        Galleria                                                              Eingang                                                                  Messeturm
                                                                                                                                              Torhaus                                      Messeturm
                                                                                                                                                          Entrance              Galleria
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Congress Center
                                                 Congress Center                                                                                                                                                              Messeturm
         Energy m                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Eingang
               Galleria               Eingang                                                                                                                                                                                                               City

                  sse heat transfer
          Heat generation,    Torhaus                                         Halls 11/12                                            Eingang
               Me                              12.1
                                                                                                                                Congress   Eingang
          Single Eingang
                 room fireplaces                                              Hall 9.2                                                     Torhaus                                                            Congress Center
                Portalhaus                                                                                                                  Eingang                         Congress Center      Entrance
                                                                                                                                            Eingang                                              Torhaus           Congress Center
          Heat distribution: pumps, expansion vessels                         Hall 9.0                                                      Torhaus
                                                                                                                                            Torhaus                                                                                             Congress Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Congress Center
          Heat distribution: valves,rstations, fittings                       Hall 9.1
                                 te                                                                                             Dependance                                                                  Eingang
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Halle 3
                        r s
                                                                              Hall 8.0
                                                                                             Cargo Center
                C                           Torhaus                                                  Service-Center
          System, room, building automation,                                  Hall 10.2              Torhaus                            Congress Center
          measuring  and test equipment

                                                                                                                   Torhaus                                                                                      Festhalle
        System, room, building automation,        Festhalle               Torhaus
                                                                              Hall 10.3
                                                                                                                             Torhaus                                        Torhaus
        energy management
  Torhaus                                                     Service-Center                Service-Center   Torhaus

                                                              Torhaus                       Torhaus
         Water                                                                                    Torhaus     Festhalle
                                                                                                   Service-Center                                                           Festhalle                         Festhalle                   Eingang
                                                                  	Halls 1.1, 2.0, Eingang        Torhaus
          The Bathroom Experience                                   3.0, 3.1, 4.1, Forum           Torhaus                                                                                                          Festhalle             City                          Entrance
                                                                                      City                                                                                                                                                                              City

          Installation technology                                  Halls 4.0, 5.0, 5.1                                                 12.1                                                                           Festhalle
ngang                                                                                                           Entrance
                                                  st  h                                             ng          Portalhaus
        Tools, mounting12.0
                        material               Fe                  Hall 4.2                  i n ga                                    12.0                 Eingang
       Service-Center                                                                       E ty                                                            City                                                                          Eingang
       Torhaus                                                                               Ci                                                                                                         Eingang
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          City Eingang
          International Sourcing                                   Hall 1.2                                                                                                  Dependance                 City
                                                                                                                                                            Cargo Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Hall 3      City
                      12.1                                                                                  Dependance                   Festhalle                                         Eingang                                               Eingang
ang                  Eingang                                                                                                                                                               Halle 3                                               City
  Eingang            Halle 312.1                                   Cargo Center
  Portalhaus 12.0                12.1
   Eingang                     12.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           17
   Portalhaus                                                                                            Eingang
                                   12.0                                                                  Halle 3
                                                                                                           Dependance                                             Eingang             Eingang
11 15. 3. 2019 Frankfurt am Main - New sequence of days! - Messe Frankfurt
Your location
Stand rental prices

                      in the spotlight.
                      Stand rental prices for ISH 2019
                                                                 Stand area             Stand area          Stand area     We raise your profile:
                                                                up to 399 m²          400 m² or over      800 m² or over
                      Early booking
                                                                   in €/m²                in €/m²             in €/m²      with the ISH Media Package.
                      Rental for stand area for declarations of intention received by 1. 12. 2017
                      1 side open                                  312.50                  258.50                          We present your company before, during and
                      2 sides open                                 319.50                  265.00                          after ISH professionally online and offline. We
                      3 sides open                                 323.50                  267.50                          draw the attention of visitors to you and make
                      4 sides open                                 325.50                  272.00                          sure they are able to find you easily.

                      Outdoor area                                                         210.00
                                                                                                                           Print presence (catalogue)
                      2-storey structure up to 99 m²                                       120.00
                      2-storey structure 100 m² or over                                    60.00                           »» Company name, address, phone no., fax no.,
                                                                                                                              website, e-mail address, hall and stand
                                                                 Stand area             Stand area          Stand area     »» Inclusion in 2 product groups
                      Normal price                              up to 399 m²          400 m² or over      800 m² or over
                                                                   in €/m²                in €/m²             in €/m²

                      Rental for stand area for declarations of intention received 2. 12. 2017 or later                    Online presence
                      1 side open                                  392.00                  343.00                          (exhibitor and product search engine)
                      2 sides open                                 402.00                  351.00
                      3 sides open                                 413.00                  362.00
                                                                                                             306.00        »» Company name, address, website, e-mail
                      4 sides open                                 424.00                  373.00                             address, hall and stand number
                                                                                                                           »» Publication of the product groups booked
                      Outdoor area                                                         210.00                             for the catalogue
                      2-storey structure up to 99 m²                                       120.00                          »» 1 company page and 5 product pages
                      2-storey structure 100 m² or over                                    60.00                              with text and photo
                                                                                                                           »» 5 keywords for full text search
                      All above prices are:
                      plus environmental levy € 2.90/m²                                                                    »» 1 product direct link
                      plus AUMA charge € 0.60/m²
                      plus Media Package € 750.00                                                                          »» Social media link
                      plus statutory VAT
                                                                                                                           »» Document download (up to 6 documents
                                                                                                                              per language)

                                                                                                                           Onsite presence

                                                                                                                           »» Entry in the Compass visitor information
                                                                                                                              system at the exhibition centre during the

                                                                                                                           Navigator app

                                                                                                                           »» (Mobile application for iPhone and android)
                                                                                                                              contains: Entry in exhibitor and product
18                                                                                                                            search engine, hall plan etc.      19
Subject to change, as of July 2017. Printed in Germany 7 / 17 / 0.8 GB

Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH
Postfach 15 02 10
60062 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Tel. +49 69 75 75 - 0
Fax +49 69 75 75 - 67 88
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