GMARG Meeting Thursday 19th April 2018 - Gas Networks Ireland

Page created by Emma Lawrence
GMARG Meeting Thursday 19th April 2018 - Gas Networks Ireland
GMARG Meeting

Thursday 19th April 2018
GMARG Meeting Thursday 19th April 2018 - Gas Networks Ireland
Today’s Agenda
    1.    Introduction
    2.    Review of Previous Minutes and Actions – 15 March 2018   10:30 - 11:00
    3.    MPD 42 Supplier Complaints Process                       11:00 - 11:10
    4.    MPD 43 PPM Refunds Process                               11:10 - 11:20
    5.    Schema Date                                              11:20 - 11:30
    6.    Long Term PPM Solution                                   11:30 - 11:40
    7.    Revenue Protection update                                11:40 – 11:55
    8.    Storm Emma Incident Report                               11:55 - 12:05
    9.    Site Specific Correction Factor Notification             12:05 - 12:10
    10.   GNI Verbal Updates                                       12:10- 12:25
          1.   PPM Front Office Framework
          2.   GNI Network Development Plan
          3.   Shipper Survey
          4.   Data Processor Agreement
    11.   CRU Verbal Updates                                       12:25-12:30
    12.   Market Statistics (PAYG/GPRO)                            12:30-12:40
    13.   Dates of Next GMARG Meetings and Conference Calls        12:40-12:50
    14.   A.O.B.
GMARG Meeting Thursday 19th April 2018 - Gas Networks Ireland
2. Review of Previous Minutes & Actions
                               15 March 2018
Action   Status    Overview                                                                     Responsible

G121     Open      Data Processing Agreement: revised DPA schedule, Shippers to comment on      GNI/CRU/ Shippers
                   Schedule; GNI to write to CRU to clarify timeline for Eligibility List
                   circulation. All to check if “TLS” security standard in use in their
G 175    Open      GNI to maintain watching brief on Eircodes, communicate go-live project      GNI
                   plan, co-ordinate future go-live project plan with ESBN.
G 185    Open      High level impact assessment of introducing supplier locks on PAYG meters    GNI
                   – GNI to clarify MPD update status.
G 190    Open      Review MPD2 re reflect change of mind: Shippers to comment on Change of      Shippers/GNI
                   Mind principles. GNI to issue revised MPD 2/5 to reflect Change of Mind by

GMARG Meeting Thursday 19th April 2018 - Gas Networks Ireland
2. Review of Previous Minutes & Actions
                           15 March 2018 (continued)
Action   Status     Overview                                                                            Responsible

G 202    Open       Vulnerable Customers: GNI to raise DR to cease Priority flag removal after CoS by   GNI
G 203    Open       Misdirected Payments GNI to consider front office adjustment process.               GNI

G 206    Open       GMARG ToR including revised CR/DDR timelines. CRU to provide update in first half CRU/Shippers
                    of year on final version of GMARG ToR. Suppliers, if they wish, to submit views to
                    CRU by 29/03.
G 207    Propose    PPM Slots – (subject to no material comment being received)                        Shippers
         to Close
G 208    Open       Long-term PPM solution – GNI to arrange a PPM workshop with suppliers               GNI

2. Review of Previous Minutes & Actions
                            15 March 2018 (continued)
Action   Status     Overview                                                                         Responsible
G 218    Open       Shippers to revert with final date for Schema by 22/03. GNI to set up industry   All/GNI
                    conference call on 23/03 to agree date for Schema. GNI to update former change
                    matrix by 22/03.
G 221    Propose    Call centre warm transfers: GNI had convened call with Shipper CSR reps          GNI
         to Close
G 223    Propose    Incident management Plan: GNI to advise forum when CRU final approval granted.   GNI
         to Close
G 225    Open       GNI Complaints Process: Shippers to provide feedback on Draft MPD by 21st of     Shippers/GNI
                    GNI to review feedback, update MPD and circulate in advance of April GMARG.
G 227    Open       PPM User guides: PPM User Guide to be developed by GNI by end of Q2 of 2018.     GNI

G 228    Propose    All to consider if Skype can be utilised for future GMARG calls                  All
         to Close
2. Review of Previous Minutes & Actions
                            15 March 2018 (continued)
Action   Status     Overview                                                                        Responsible
G 229    Open       Prepayment Meter Refunds: Shippers to provide feedback on DRAFT MPD by 29th     Shippers
                    of March
                    GNI to review feedback, update MPD and circulate in advance of April GMARG
G 231    Open       PPM Framework - GNI to review responses and progress                            GNI

G 232    Propose    Shipper/Supplier survey: Shippers to revert with comments by the 8th of March   GNI
         to Close
G 233    Open       PPM Market Scan: GNI had arranged PPM workshop                                  GNI

G 234    New        GNI to issue Storm Emma Incident report                                         GNI

3. MPD42 Supplier Complaints

Con O’Donnell

19 April 2018
Update & Next Steps
• Draft MPDs previously circulated and discussed

• Feedback on latest draft received from two supplier following GMARG meeting in March.

    ‒ GNI reverted to both suppliers.

    ‒ Remaining item related to escalation pathway which has now been provided for in the
      updated MPD, which was circulated on 13 April.

• GNI believes all supplier issues have been addressed.

• In the absence of any further feedback, GNI propose to issue the MPD to the CRU for approval.

• GNI to commence internal changes required to facilitate this new process.

4. MPD43 PPM Refunds

Con O’Donnell
19th April 2018

• DRAFT MPD developed “MPD 43 – Prepayment Meter Refunds” by GNI and circulated on
     12th March.

• Feedback received from 1 supplier - see slide overleaf.

• MPD updated based on feedback received and re-circulated to suppliers on 12 April.

Feedback Received
ID        Feedback                                                        GNI Response
1.        Step 7: Please can the following text be edited: “The           Agreed –the MPD will be updated to reflect this.
          Supplier will process the refund within 28 days of the refund
          file being issued to the Supplier.”
2.        Will GNI provide the Customer with a kWh or € value for the     GNI provide the supplier and the customer with a € value. The refund
          refund? If GNI are calculating the € value, how does GNI do     calculation is specific to the site and based on the vends undertaken
          this? Does the Supplier provide the rates? If so, this should   during the period where the meter was incorrectly recording. Details have
          be called out in the MPD as part of the process                 been included in Section 4 of the MPD - “Supplementary Information”.
3.        Where the meter has been exchanged but it’s been                There is no requirement to revert to the customer, or the supplier for that
          confirmed that the meter was not over recording the process     matter, when there is no issue. These meters could be removed for any
          simply ends and there is no further action. Will GNI            number of reasons and this process is to ensure refunds are issued to
          communicate the testing result to the customer? Please can      customers impacted. If a customer asked for their meter to be tested, this
          this be documented as part of the process?                      would be treated differently but is outside of this process.
4.        What process will GNI follow if a meter they take away has      In a normal exchange process, if a meter has credit or debt on it when it is
          credit on it does GNI put the same value on the new             exchanged, the fitter will transfer the credit or debt on to the new
          exchanged meter or send it to the Supplier ? Same question      meter. If the fitter is unable to do this on-site then Maximo is updated with
          if the meter has a general debt (an accrual of unpaid           the credit/debt amount(s) which then auto sends an email to the supplier
          standing charges) ?                                             to advise them of this so they can apply the credit or debt to the new

Next Steps
• Final Comments on MPD to be submitted to by 26th of April.

• GNI will review feedback, revert to the respondent and update MPD, if required.

• Depending on feedback, GNI will issue MPD to CRU for approval.

• GNI propose to perform another refund process, similar to the process undertaken in
     December 2017, in advance of the enduring process/MPD being agreed/approved.

5. Schema Release

Con O’Donnell
15 March 2018
6. Long Term PPM Solution

Con O’Donnell
19th April 2018
• PPM Workshop held on 27 March in Dublin, very positive engagement and the session was well
     attended by stakeholders. The following was discussed:

• GNI advised of the PPM Market Scan undertaken in Q4 and it’s conclusion that GNI does not
     see any alternative to the Siemens Quantum solution ahead of the roll-out of the National Smart
     Metering Programme (2024).

• Siemens presented slides proposing 3 potential enhancement to the existing PPM Quantum
      ‒ Additional Tariff Pages;
      ‒ Quantum On-Line; and
      ‒ Home Vend / Mobile Top-Up.
• GNI provided suppliers with the opportunity to present an alternative PPM solution – no
  supplier accepted this invitation.

Actions & Next Steps
• The following actions were recorded at the PPM Workshop on 27 March:
Action # Overview                                                                     Responsible   Status
     1   Update slides to give further background on Vend Online/ Mobile Top-Up       Siemens       Open
         capabilities and constraints
     2   Present PPM Workshop outcomes to April GMARG                                 GNI           Open
     3   Suppliers to consider which of the 3 Enhancements to the existing solution   Suppliers     Open
         they wish to implement and communicate same to GNI following April

Next Steps
• Suppliers to revert in relation to the enhancements advising whether they would like to implement
  all/some of the options presented by Siemens (by 3rd May).
• Suppliers to advise of any IT timeline constraints in the next 24 months which might impact an
  enhancement project.
• GNI will collate responses and revert to industry.

7. Revenue Protection update

Aidan Hogan

15th March 2018
Revenue Protection Read
Current Status

• 8 March 2018 – CRU verbalised its RP Read
  Decision at RP Workshop
• 28 March 2018 - CRU written confirmation of
  decision received
• Code of Practice Working Group submitted RP
  Read report to CRU on 5 April
     ‒ CRU to provide feedback on report by 26/04/18

• Implementation date to be confirmed
     ‒ 1 Aug 2018 proposed by GNI
     ‒ CRU to direct a firm implementation date by 30/04/18
Revenue Protection Read
Next Steps towards Implementation
• Information Pack (for GNI, Suppliers, CRU):
                                                           Scheduled RP Workshops
     ‒ Process Description
     ‒ Standardised Communications & Common Language       • 7 June (6 weeks)
     ‒ Frequently Asked Questions                          • 2 August (14 weeks)
     ‒ Document Templates
     ‒ Worked Examples

• IT Testing
     ‒ Confirm that RP Read messages can be received and
       contain correct information

• Training & education of staff
     ‒ Individual in-house sessions with Suppliers
Revenue Protection Code of Practice
Code of Practice
Work to Date
• Sep 2017 - Working Group established    • Staged submissions to CRU
     ‒ GNI & Suppliers in working group      ‒ Draft CoP text & working group report
     ‒ Monthly working group meetings        ‒ Presentation to CRU at RP Workshops
     ‒ RP Workshop every 2 months            ‒ Final consolidated CoP at end of process

Date                    Meeting Type                          Topic
                                                                      BLOCK 1         (2 Months)

  Code of Practice                                                    25 Aug 2017
                                                                      15 Sep 2017
                                                                                           Workgroup #1A
                                                                                                                                Site Visits / RP Disconnect /
  Progress Update                                                     5 Oct 2017
                                                                      17 Oct 2017
                                                                      2 Nov 2017
                                                                                           Workgroup #1B
                                                                                           RP Workshop #1
                                                                                           CER [Sign-off] [Acceptance]

                                                                      BLOCK 2         (2 Months)
           Working Group         Working Group         CRU Sign-      20 Oct 2017          Start
           Report (to be)         Output (to be)          off         9 Nov 2017           Workgroup #2A
                                                                                                                                   Objective, Principles,
                                                                      30 Nov 2017          Workgroup #2B
            Submitted            Presented at RP                      12 Dec 2017          RP Workshop #2                         Prevention & Detection
                                    Workshop                          22 Dec 2017          CER [Sign-off] [Acceptance]
                                                                      BLOCK 3        (2 Months)
Block 1       11 Oct 2017          17 Oct 2017                        15 Dec 2017          Start
                                                                      11 Jan 2018          Workgroup #3A
              8 Dec 2017           12 Dec 2017                        1 Feb 2018           Workgroup #3B                                 RP Read
Block 2                                                               15 Feb 2018          GMARG / RP Workshop #3
                                                       Due 26 April   1 Mar 2018           CER [Sign-off] [Acceptance]
Block 3       5 April 2018         12 April 2018
                                                          2018        BLOCK 4        (2 Months)
                                                                      16 Feb 2018          Start
Block 4       5 April 2018         12 April 2018                      8 Mar 2018           Workgroup #4A
                                                                      29 Mar 2018          Workgroup #4B                            Ancillary Processes
Block 5       8 Dec 2017           12 Dec 2017                        12 Apr 2018
                                                                      26 Apr 2018
                                                                                           GMARG / RP Workshop #4
                                                                                           CER [Sign-off] [Acceptance]

Block 6   5 June 2018 (prelim)                                        BLOCK 5       (2 Months)

                   &              19 June 2018         1 Sep 2018
                                                                      13 Apr 2018          Start
                                                                      3 May 2018           Workgroup #5A                        Communication / Reporting /
                                    (prelim text)
          26 June 2018 (final)                                        24 May 2018          Workgroup #5B                           Complaints / Dispute
                                                                      7 June 2018          GMARG / RP Workshop #5               Resolution / Change Control
                                                                      21 June 2018         CER [Sign-off] [Acceptance]
                                                                      BLOCK 6      (2 Months)
                                                                      8 June 2018          Start
                                                                      28 June 2018         Workgroup #6A
                                                                      19 July 2018         Workgroup #6B                            Consolidated Draft

          CURRENT                                   ORIGINAL
                                                                      2 Aug 2018
                                                                      31 Aug 2018
                                                                                           GMARG / RP Workshop #6
                                                                                           Submit Final Draft to CER
                                                                      Approval & Effective Date

           STATUS                                    PLAN             1 Oct 2018
                                                                      1 Nov 2018
                                                                                           CER Approval of Code of Practice
                                                                                           Effective Date of Code of Practice
Code of Practice
Remaining Work & Timeline

‒ Re-check for inconsistencies / duplication                      BLOCK 6: Consolidated Draft
‒ Add intro, reference docs, definitions etc.                 3 May 2018     Workgroup #5A
                                                              24 May 2018    Workgroup #5B
‒ Identify further work (process, MPDs, IT etc.) to be
  developed to support CoP                                    5 June 2018    Submit prelim draft to CRU
                                                              19 June 2018   RP Workshop #5
‒ Propose effective date (or dates) fro CoP
                                                              21 June 2018   GMARG
‒ Internal reviews of draft text by all parties               26 June 2018   Submit Final Draft to CRU

      Working Group members to ensure wider circulation
       & consultation within their organisations during May          Approval & Effective Date
       & June                                                 1 Sep 2018     CRU Approval
      GNI & Suppliers – operational, legal, GDPR etc.        TBC            Effective Date(s)

8. Storm Emma Incident
Management Report
Con O’Donnell

15 March 2018
Storm Emma Incident Management Report

• Draft issued 17/04/18
• GNI would welcome comments by 3rd May 2018
• Final report will then be issued

9. Site Specific Correction
Factor Update


19 April 2018
•    Metering gas usage at site is adjusted by

       ‒   Smaller Annual Quality Sites: Site Specific Correction Factor (SSCF);&

       ‒   Larger Annual Quality Sites(e.g. greater than 3GWh): Volume Corrector Installation

•    What is a SSCF?

       ‒   Site Specific Correction Factor converts the volume of gas measured by the meter into the equivalent volume for standard reference
           conditions (i.e. 1,013.25mbar and 15°C)

•    How is it calculated?

       ‒   Where the operating pressure is >25mbar and/or the Annual Quantity is >732,000kWh, the factor is determined by Site Specific
           Correction Factor formula: SSCF = CF (compressibility) x CF (temperature) x CF (pressure)

•    Why does it need to be updated?

       ‒   Due to operating pressure changing

•    How will it affect metering consumption at a site?

27     ‒   Metering consumption, in subsequent periods, will be adjusted and may increase or decrease as a result.
April 2018 SSCF Notification
•    What is happening?

       ‒    Proactive communication to suppliers of updates to SSCF parameters for NDM customers

•    When is it happening?

       ‒    23rd – 25th April 2018

•    What customers are affected?

       ‒    Shipper / Supplier’s will be advised via email, detailing the changes for each customer affected*

•    What happens next?

       ‒    GNI proposed that the Shipper /Supplier Contact will be as per the AQ Setting Contact.

       ‒    GNI will verify with current Supplier AQ Setting contact that they are the correct contact for this.

•    Who do Shipper / Supplier’s contact with any queries?

       ‒    Shipper Services –
* Suppliers are normally notified in the next subsequent meter read message (M803N)
10. GNI verbal updates

PPM Front Office Framework
     GNI Network Development Plan
     Shipper Survey
     Data Processor Agreement

11. CRU Updates

11. CRU Updates


12. Market Statistics

March PPM Review – Meter Installation Stats
    ‒ Total consuming PPM Population 106,567 (as of 31/03/2018)
    ‒ This represents 16.2% of the Total NDM Residential Population
          This represents an increase of 0.6% in the NDM population to PPM since this time last year.
          Card Services are available in Payzone outlets, An Post and Postpoint outlets.

Meter Installations

     ‒ 844 PPM Meters were installed in March
     ‒ PPM Installations are broken into 3 groups
          1) PPM Meter Fit (22) 2) Credit Meter to PPM Exchange (436) 3) PPM to PPM Exchange (386)
     ‒ 54.3% of all PPM meter installations in March were new PPM installations, the remainder were PPM-PPM exchanges
Regional Installation Data:
            Total Meters
 Month         Fitted         Dublin         Cork         Limerick      Waterford   Rest Of Leinster   Rest Of Munster   Connacht + Ulster

March 18        883            443            91            64             24             225                22                 14
Financial Hardship
     ‒ 69,320 Financial Hardship PPM meters have been installed since the project began in 2009.
            75 Financial Hardship meters installed in March 2018.
     ‒ 14% of all meters fitted in the last 12 months were assigned Financial Hardship.
Meter Installations Analysis

Weather data – Indicative of vend patterns.

GPRO CoS monthly
                        CoS monthly Gas Year to date
         Month       RD Credit     RD PPM     I/C         Total      GYTD

           Oct-17          7,603      1,765         375      9,743       9,743
           Nov-17         10,247      2,013         295     12,555      22,298
           Dec-17          7,338      1,596         232      9,166      31,464
           Jan-18          9,364      2,155         274     11,793      43,257
           Feb-18          9,354      2,656         265     12,275      55,532
           Mar-18          9,166      2,144         215     11,525      67,057
           Apr-18                                                0
           May-18                                                0
           Jun-18                                                0
            Jul-18                                               0
           Aug-18                                                0
           Sep-18                                                0
            GYTD          53,072     12,329     1,656

GPRO CoS Rejections
                               CoS rejections
             Month              Number           Rejections vs Successful
                     Oct-17               466             4.8%
                     Nov-17               569             4.5%
                     Dec-17               423             4.6%
                     Jan-18               592             5.0%
                     Feb-18               609             5.0%
                     Mar-18               680             5.9%
                      GYTD               3,339

GPRO Debt Flagging Stats
                                 Debt Flagging in CoS
                      Total Debt Flag   Total CoS   % of Debt Flags % Debt Flag to
                         Received       Cancelled   then Cancelled     CoS #'s

            Oct-17         122             39           32.0%           1.3%
            Nov-17         111             34           30.6%           0.9%
            Dec-17          71             26           36.6%           0.8%
            Jan-18          87             27           31.0%           0.7%
            Feb-18          99             38           38.4%           0.8%
            Mar-18         134             59           44.0%           1.2%
             GYTD          624            223
GPRO Corrections and Amendments
                           Corrections and Amendments
                     Corrections   Amendments   Total C&A   Total C&A processed vs
                                                                Completed CoS
           Oct-17       399           179         578                5.9%
           Nov-17       520           146         666                5.3%
           Dec-17       451           74          525                5.7%
           Jan-18       522           107         629                5.3%
           Feb-18       620           84          704                5.7%
           Mar-18       487           58          545                4.7%
            GYTD       2,999          648        3,647

13. GMARG Proposed Meetings

     Day (in-person meetings       Meeting/       Date
     have 10:30 am starts, calls   Call
     have 10am starts)
     Thursday                      Call                   17/05/2018
     Thursday                      Meeting                21/06/2018
     Thursday                      Call                   19/07/2018
     Thursday                      Meeting                16/08/2018
     Thursday                      Call                   20/09/2018
     Thursday                      Meeting                18/10/2018
     Thursday                      Call                   15/11/2018
     Thursday                      Meeting                13/12/2018

     * Conference Call slots subject to agreement at previous physical GMARG
14. A.O.B.

• Safety Leaflet for IC customers

PPM T21 Issue – IBM Recommendations
     Recommendation                                                                                                                                                                          Status

  A report be developed by GNI on the ‘open field text’ User interface by GNI field staff to establish key issues and trends emerging.                                                       In progress
  In this instance of the T21 issue, the error code T21 was entered into the open field text on the User, Interface by the GNI Field Engineers, therefore there must be a report run and
  developed by GNI to report on meter problems and open field texts to see if there are trends emerging on any given meter

  Technical governance should be included in the agenda of the quarterly service review meetings with Payzone and Siemens.                                                                   Complete
  It is recommended that the agenda of the quarterly meetings held with GNI, Siemens and Payzone should also include any open issues, planned technical changes or roll outs and any
  impacts this may have across GNI, Payzone and Siemens. There should be an IT presence from all parties attending this quarterly meeting.

    Introduce service requests and open queries into monthly reports                                                                                                                         Complete
    In the monthly report developed by Payzone and provided to GNI, there is currently no section documenting any open queries, service request and or defects. The reason for It is
3   recommended to include a section in the monthly report from Payzone detailing any open queries, service requests, incidents and or defects.
    A set of incident management guidelines should be agreed upon                                                                                                                            Complete
4   There is currently no structured incident management procedure in place.
    The test environment should be improved and maintained regularly.                                                                                                                        Complete
    A key issue of the T21 incident relates to test coverage with both Siemens and Payzone. It is recommended that both parties have coverage of each side of the technical ecosystem.
5   (Terminals/Meters etc)
    The Payzone Patch 2 on the Ingenico terminals should be tested in a controlled environment.                                                                                              In progress
6   Similar to the Cross Participant in place for planned or ad hoc releases by Payzone or Siemens. It is recommended that the required testing for Patch 2 should be included in the
    upcoming market assurance exercise and does not need to include all market participants.
    Release notes should be provided by Payzone with any change on the front office solution.                                                                                                Complete by
    In conjunction with the introduction of a formal testing procedure, it is recommended that technical release note documentation should be documented and distributed by Payzone to       end Q1
    GNI and Siemens with any major patch releases or software upgrades.

  Payzone should provide confirmation of testing and results of any changes on their terminals.                                                                                     Complete by
8 With the dynamic nature of the market in which Payzone operate, there are continuous product and service developments, therefore Payzone should formalise and inform GNI of their end Q1
  regression testing scope and results for any of these related changes.
  Payzone to refresh its support team’s knowledge on the GNI prepayment solution                                                                                                             Complete
9 As Payzone had some initial issues pinpointing the root cause of the issue, training is recommended to the Payzone support team to improve their knowledge specifically in relation to
  the GNI prepayment solution
                                                                                        * Where appropriate, recommendations for the Front Office Provider will be implemented across all Front Office Providers
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