Page created by Theodore Owens
JULY 2022                                               DELIVERED MONTHLY TO 3,625 HOUSEHOLDS


                                                                                          Cover photo by Syed Adeel Hussain

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Community Advocates connect people to resources such as:
     Basic need                              Local events &                            Information
    referrals for:                             Programs:                                  about:
• Food                                   • No-cost and low-cost                 • Housing concerns
• Clothing                                 family recreation                    • Counselling programs
• Basic furniture &                      • Community programs &                 • Family Concerns
  household goods                          workshops                            • Financial resources
• Emergency medication                   • Volunteer opportunities

                    For North Calgary, call 403.374.0448
                    For South Calgary, call 403.204.8280
          Every 2nd Thursday 1 PM - 4 PM
        Highland Park Community Association
                   3716 2nd St NW
 Please call 403-703-0140 to book an appointment

      3303 – 17 Avenue SE. Calgary, AB T2A 0R2             #14 – 1840 Ranchlands Way NW, Calgary, AB T3G 1R4
         403.204.8280 info@sunriselink.org                          403.374.0448 info@bowwest.com
                 www.sunriselink.org                                       www.bowwest.org

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                                                            H I G H L A N D PA R K I       J U LY 2022   3
As always, for more information about the events below,           Tuesdays in July and August at 10:00 am: Weekly
please contact either our Hall Manager, Stephen, at               Community Rock-Painting Craft sessions, suitable for
hallmanager@hpca.ca or 403-276-6969, or contact our               all ages! These will be held in the HPCA field, weather
volunteer coordinator, Anne, at volunteer@hpca.ca.                permitting. Just show up, or if you need more information,
                                                                  please contact SeniorsCoordinator@HPCA.ca.
Available Now: Highland Park Activity Kits are available
to sign out. These kits were created with the support of          Wednesday, July 13: Highland Park will be holding a
a City of Calgary Neighbourhood Grant and are intended            Stampede event with free music entertainment as well
as a way to work with some Highland Park friends and              as food and drink for sale! Watch our website and social
neighbours to do a fun and free activity. We’d love it if         media for more details.
you would share the details of your activity on Highland
Park’s social media. There are five different kinds of activity   Wednesday, August 24: We’ve scheduled a second
kits to choose from, and each should have everything              Music in The Park event for this date. Details to be worked
you need to complete the activity. Do you want to make            out, but we’re planning on having some kind of supper
a craft of a pinecone bird feeder? Want to add some               (maybe food trucks?) and some great music, so mark
Highland Park history, stories, poetry, and/or pictures to        your calendar and plan to come out with your family
a shared community binder? Maybe you and some kids                and neighbours that evening. Check HPCA’s website and
want to make an animal mask while reading the picture             Facebook page for full details closer to the date.
book, “Sometimes I Feel Like a Fox”? Or plant perennial           Tuesday, September 13: Good Food Box order date
wildflower seeds or garlic to grow this season? Or even           at HPCA Hall, 6:00 to 7:00 pm with cash or cheque, or
set up a lemonade stand on a sunny day? For more details,         contact-free via e-transfer before 4:30 pm to HPCA’s Vice
navigate to the HighlandParkCommunity.ca website,                 President, Anne Naumann, at AnneNaumann@shaw.ca.
and click on the three lines in the upper right, then select      Note: there is no order date in August.
Community Connections, and Our Activity Kits. A sign-out
form is on the website at the bottom. See the pictures in         Saturday, September 17: HPCA’s Annual Community
this newsletter of two happy animal mask-makers.                  Cleanup event from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm sharp. Bring the
                                                                  following for recycling: Metal items and bikes, electronics,
                                                                  and donations of small household items in good condition.
                                                                  Bring everything else that won’t fit in your black bin to feed
                                                                  the compactor trucks! This is a free event. Volunteers are
                                                                  also needed to help direct traffic and unload vehicles.
                                                                  Every volunteer will be provided lunch and refreshments.
                                                                  Contact Volunteer@HPCA.ca to volunteer.

                                                                  Thursday, September 22: Good Food Box pick-up date
                                                                  at HPCA Hall, 6:00 to 7:00 pm.

                                                                  HPCA Email List and Website: Are you new to Highland
                                                                  Park? Make sure you are on our email contact list. We
                                                                  don’t send out a lot of emails, but when we do, it’s about
                                                                  important stuff going on in the community that may not
                                                                  have made it into the newsletter before the deadline.
                                                                  Sign up via our website at hpca.ca/join-email. While you
                                                                  are there, have a look at the Community Connections
    Happy HPCA Animal Mask Activity Kit users – “The kids         section for info on events, programs, and ways to
    had a great time making masks and really enjoyed              connect with neighbours to get involved with the
    reading the beautiful story - thank you!” – Amy Monk          community. Also, be sure to follow us @highlandPkCA
                                                                  on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

4       J U LY 2022 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities
HIGHLAND PARK                                                                                                                        JULY 2022
       MONDAY                   TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY                 THURSDAY                     FRIDAY                      SATURDAY                     SUNDAY

                   27                         28                      29                         30                             1                         2                          3
                                                                                                                                     NH 2:00 to 8:00 pm        All Halls 8:00 am to noon
                                                                                                                                     Houzi                     Peace Church
                                                                                                                                                               MH 1:00 to 6:00 pm

                    4                       5                          6                         7                              8                        9                                 10
LH 9:00 am to 3:30 pm    6:00 to 7:30 pmGood       LH 9:00 am to 3:30 pm    MH 7:00 to 9:00 pm        NH 7:00 to 9:00 pm             NH 8:00 am to 10:00       All Halls 8:00 am to noon
YMCA                     Food Box Order            YMCA                     Forge Martial Arts        Science of Spirituality        pm              Sem       Peace Church
MH 7:30 to 9:00 pm       MH 7:00 to 9:00 pm                                                                                          Park Space 9:00 am to
Bunbukan Karate          Forge Martial Arts                                                                                          noon Sportball

                    11                        12                       13                       14                              15                       16                                17
LH 9:00 am to 3:30 pm    MH 7:00 to 9:00 pm        LH 9:00 am to 3:30 pm    6:00 to 7:30 pmGood       NH 7:00 to 9:00 pm             NH 2:00 to 10:00 pm       All Halls 8:00 am to noon
YMCA                     Forge Martial Arts        YMCA                     Food Box Delivery         Science of Spirituality        Kargbo                    Peace Church
MH 7:30 to 9:00 pm                                 MH 4:00 to 10:00 pm      MH 7:00 to 9:00 pm                                       Park Space 9:00 am to
Bunbukan Karate                                    HPCA                     Forge Martial Arts                                       noon Sportball
                                                                            NH 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
                                                                            Child Development
                    18                        19                       20                        21                             22                       23                              24
LH 9:00 am to 3:30 pm    MH 7:00 to 9:00 pm        LH 9:00 am to 3:30 pm    MH 7:00 to 9:00 pm        NH 7:00 to 9:00 pm             MH 3:00 to 10:00 pm       All Halls 8:00 am to noon
YMCA                     Forge Martial Arts        YMCA                     Forge Martial Arts        Science of Spirituality        Codera                    Peace Church
MH 7:30 to 9:00 pm                                                                                                                   MH 8:00 am to 2:00 pm     NH 5:00 to 10:00 pm Mahal
Bunbukan Karate                                                                                                                      St. Uriel
                                                                                                                                     Park Space 9:00 am to
                                                                                                                                     noon Sportball
                    25                        26                       27                        28                             29                        30                         31
LH 9:00 am to 3:30 pm    MH 7:00 to 9:00 pm        LH 9:00 am to 3:30 pm    MH 7:00 to 9:00 pm        NH 7:00 to 9:00 pm             NH noon to 5:00 pm        All Halls 8:00 am to noon
YMCA                     Forge Martial Arts        YMCA                     Forge Martial Arts        Science of Spirituality        Gaal                      Peace Church
MH 7:30 to 9:00 pm
Bunbukan Karate

                               For the latest hall calendar, please visit hpca.ca/hall-calendar.

           Highland Park Community Association MEMBERSHIP                                                                                                 FORM
                              Fees: Families - $20 • Individuals aged 18 to 64 - $10 • Individual seniors (age 65 & over) - $5
                                                         Associate members (non-residents) - $10
                                                 Memberships good for one year from date of purchase
                                       Please make cheques payable to: Highland Park Community Association
                 Please mail cheque and this form to: Highland Community Association, 3716 – 2nd Street NW, Calgary, Alberta T2K 0Y4

                           Address:___________________________________________________________ Postal Code:________________

                           Phone:____________________________________Email Address:_______________________________________
                                                   *memberships also available for purchase online at hpca.ca/membership

                                                                                                                            H I G H L A N D PA R K I            J U LY 2022                 5
by D. Jeanne Kimber | development@hpca.ca                     LOC2022-0007 at 404 33 Avenue NW is an application
                                                              for a land use change to R-CG to enable construction of a
A new land use change application for R-CG at 3903 2 St       rowhouse and is still under review. We understand that the
NW was filed and is currently Under Review by the City.       developer intends to amend their application to R-CGex.
The developer wishes to build a 4-unit rowhouse with          This revised land use would disallow basement secondary
basement suites. Most of the suites would be facing           suites in the rowhouse. The Development Map simply
38 Avenue NW. The file reference is LOC2022-0071. To          shows this land use change application as “Submitted”.
provide input, search for the property address at https://    A new Development Permit application for a rowhouse
developmentmap.calgary.ca.                                    has just been submitted for the property at 3306 1 St
                                                              NE. The file reference is DP2022-04064. No further
Concurrent with LOC2022-007 is the newly submitted            information is available at this time.
Development Permit application. As of today’s date,
June 14, the application is not yet available for comment     The application to construct a 4-plex at 308 32 Ave NE
                                                              is still under review, and comments can be submitted
nor has a File Manager been assigned to the project.
                                                              online. The file reference is DP2022-00854.
Another new land use change application for R-CG              The City Planning Department finally received revised
has just been submitted to 3424 Centre B St NW. This          plans for the proposed rowhouse at 4024 2 Street NW. At
property is only one block back from Centre Street            this point, they are in the first stages of being reviewed
and very close to transit. The comment period on the          by the City. The file reference is DP2021-5688.
application closed recently and the application is now
                                                              As always, we encourage Highland Park residents to keep
Under Review. The file reference is LOC2022-0084.             informed of redevelopment activities in the community.
                                                              The City’s Development Map is a great tool to help with that.
The public hearing for the land use change to M-CG for
the property at 4320 Centre A Street NE was heard and
approved by City Council on June 7. The file reference is
LOC2021-0188. A Development Permit (DP) Application
to allow construction of a 4-plex on this property has                 Bowwest Community
also been made and is still under review. Comments can
be submitted online via the City’s development map.                      Resource Centre
The File reference for the 4-plex DP2022-00977.

A land use change application for M-CG has been                    Struggling to make ends meet?
submitted for the property at 116 43 Avenue NE and is                   BowWest connects you to resources:
currently Under Review. No plans have been filed at this               Food, clothing, shelter, transportation,
time for a development permit although the developer                   counselling, no or low cost recreation.
had indicated to the Community Association their                                    403-703-0140
hope/intention to construct a 4-plex on the parcel. The
file reference is LOC2022-0048.                                  BowWest Community Resource Centre regrets
                                                                 to announce that the food market, usually held
LOC2021-0175 for a land use change to R-CG at 457                every second Thursday at the Highland Park
33 Avenue NW was approved by City Council on May
                                                                 Community Association, must be tempo rarily
10. This change will allow the construction of a 4-unit
                                                                 discontinued. Please watch for updates regarding
rowhouse with suites. A Development Permit for the
                                                                 a re-start of the food market in Highland Park on
proposed rowhouse has not yet been submitted. This
                                                                 your community association Facebook page and
land usage conforms to the North Hill Communities
Local Area Plan, but the Community Association had               newsletter. You may also contact BowWest at
recommended the change be limited to R-CGex, which               403-703-0140.
would have disallowed the secondary suites.
6      J U LY 2022 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities
Recipes for Your Good Food Box                                  • Optional: ¼ red onion, sliced thinly (can substitute 2 to
                                                                  4 stalks of green onion, chopped)
by Anne Naumann                                                 • Optional: Toasted pecans or walnuts or sunflower seeds
The Good Food Box program will take a break in August           Dressing Ingredients:
and will restart in September with the order date of            • 1 teaspoon (5 ml) Dijon mustard
Tuesday, September 13. The pick-up date will be on              • 3 tablespoons (45 ml) of red wine vinegar (can use
Thursday, September 22 at our hall between 6:00 and               white if necessary)
7:00 pm. You can order in-person at the hall with cash or       • 3 tablespoons (45 ml) of olive oil or other vegetable oil
a cheque between 6:00 and 7:00 pm or you can e-transfer         • 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of lemon juice plus some lemon
payment for your order to me at AnneNaumann@shaw.                 rind zest, if available
ca. There have been a few orders submitted to me after          • Salt (about ¼ teaspoon), pepper (about 1/8 teaspoon),
we have assembled the order details, so please ensure
                                                                  and sugar (about ½ teaspoon), to taste
you submit your e-transfer to me by no later than 4:30 pm
on the order date. We have a hard cut-off for submitting        Directions:
orders to the Community Kitchen folks, so if you miss the       • After removing the pomegranate seeds from the peel
deadline, you miss the deadline. If you are ordering via          and membrane, and after chopping/cutting everything
e-transfer for the first time, please also send us a follow-      that needs it, combine all the salad ingredients in the
up email to GoodFoodBox@hpca.ca with your contact                 large bowl and toss together.
information (phone and email) so we can contact you to          • To make the dressing, stir everything together, and
remind you about the pick-up date and the next order              add the salt, pepper, and sugar. Taste a drop and see
date. We have a new volunteer filling the Good Food Box           if it needs more. I find the sugar helps balance out the
Coordinator role, Ellen Peterson. Thanks go out to Bonita         acid from the vinegar and lemon juice.
for her work in this role over the last year or so, and we      • Serve and enjoy!
wish her well with her expanding family.

The last Good Food Box my family ordered, a large
box, contained the following: 1 head Romaine lettuce,
5 bananas, 5 lbs. potatoes, 7 tomatoes, 1 bag of red
grapes, 1 bunch celery, 4 lbs. carrots, 2 pomegranates,
1 spaghetti squash, 7 apples, 6 oranges 1 English
cucumber, and 2 heads of garlic.

I knew I had tried a salad with pomegranate and feta
before, so I modified this recipe to use one of them, as well
as some of the lettuce and celery. It’s nice and crunchy!

Pomegranate Feta Salad
Servings: 4
Prep and Cook Time: About 15 minutes
Kitchen Supplies Needed: Large bowl and sharp knife
Salad Ingredients:
• 4 to 6 cups of chopped lettuce (spring mix, or 6 to 8
  leaves of romaine, or 1/3 to ½ a head of iceberg)
• 3 to 4 stalks of celery, diced
• Seeds of 1 pomegranate, cut it into quarters. Remove the
  peel and white membrane to release the red fruit seeds
• 125 to 175 g of feta (1/4 to 1/3 of a 500 g tub), chopped
  or crumbled

                                                                                    H I G H L A N D PA R K I   J U LY 2022   7
Highland Park Volunteer                                           area willing to share what they know about that topic
                                                                      with a few neighbours. We have seven “human books”
    Opportunities                                                     so far, but we are recruiting more! See our website
                                                                      at hpca.ca/connections/humanlibrary for details of
    Highland Park Community Association is run by                     the program, to learn about our area residents who
    volunteers, and we are looking for a few more folks to            have already agreed to be included in our library,
    help out in some key roles. Each role requires a slightly         and for more details about how you can become a
    different skill set, but none of them require much time. We       human library book and share your unique skills and
    are still looking for other Highland Park residents to fill the   knowledge with your Highland Park neighbours.
    following roles. Unless otherwise noted, contact Anne at
    Volunteer@HPCA.ca for more information and to apply.              Activity Kit Coordinator: We are looking for someone
                                                                      to take over the role of monitoring our Activity Kit
    Thanks to Ellen Peterson for offering to take on the              Coordinator email and responding to requests for kits
    role of our volunteer Good Food Box Coordinator role              when they come in. This role will not require much
    to replace Bonita Loke. Thanks, Bonita, for your service          time out of your week, so it’s perfect for someone
    to HPCA! We’ve also received an inquiry from another              with a little bit of time who wants to meet some
    resident who may be able to assist Ellen as well.                 neighbours and “give back” to the community.
    Summer Rock-Painting Craft Co-Organizer: We will                  Community Watch Captains: HPCA is partnering
    be holding community rock-painting craft sessions on              with Calgary Police Service and our community Social
    Tuesdays at 10:00 am in our hall field. This will start on July   Worker to pilot a new Community Watch program
    5, and run each Tuesday through August, provided we               in Calgary with the ultimate goal of helping prevent
    can find someone to help out before August, as our main           and reduce crime. We are looking for HPCA residents
    volunteer will be away for August. This role is suitable for      interested in connecting with neighbours on this
    a stay-at-home parent or someone who is retired or has            important issue. Free training will be provided.
    a flexible work schedule. The volunteer would bring out
    the supplies (we will provide them) and engage residents
    who want to paint designs on decorative rocks that they
    can take home. In July, the volunteer would work with Roz
    Kohut, HPCA’s Seniors Coordinator, and Jennifer DiMarzo,           YOUR CITY OF CALGARY
    our City of Calgary Social Worker.
    Seniors’ Luncheon Co-Organizer: We are planning for
                                                                      Renting a Secondary Suite in
    our Seniors’ Luncheons to restart in September. We are            Calgary?
    still looking for one or more volunteers to help organize
    these monthly Seniors’ events with Roz Kohut, HPCA’s              There are lots of benefits to renting a secondary suite
    Seniors Coordinator. The shared duties will involve (1)           in Calgary. Before you sign a lease, make sure any rental
    contacting the seniors’ phone tree leads to determine             you consider complies with local safety regulations.
    attendance at the next event, (2) planning the menu,              Visit calgary.ca/suites and enter the property address
    (3) shopping for meal ingredients and delivering                  into the Secondary Suites Registry to make sure your
    them to the people doing the meal preparation, and                prospective rental is registered and safe.
    (4) contacting our awesome team of volunteers to
    determine who is available that month to set up tables
    and chairs, serve, and clean up on the coffee or luncheon
    day. If you don’t think you can volunteer as the co-
    organizer with Roz, we also need additional volunteers
    to help out on the coffee/luncheon days as some past
    volunteers have moved out of the neighbourhood.
    Please contact Roz at SeniorsCoordinator@HPCA.ca
    for more information about volunteering or if you are
    a senior interested in attending our Seniors’ Luncheon.
    Human Library “Books:” Highland Park has started
    a Human Library that will allow you to take out a
    “human book”, someone with expertise in a particular

8         J U LY 2022 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities
Highland Park                                                             The Good Food Box
Community Association                                                     The Good Food Box is a Community Kitchen initiative
                                                                          available to anyone, not just residents of Highland
  403-276-6969               3716 2nd St. NW                              Park. Bring cash only to the address below on the
                                                                          payment date, then pick up your produce in the
BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                        pick-up date.
President                    Elise Bieche                                 It’s an excellent deal on fresh produce!
Vice President               Chris Hunt
                                                                          Large Family Size Box: 45-50 lbs $35
Secretary                    Vacant
Treasurer                    Jerry Kohut                                  Family Size Box: 35-40 lbs $30
Director                     D. Jeanne Kimber                             Single/Senior Box: 25-30 lbs $25
Director                     Gary Koehler                                 Where: HPCA Hall, 3716 2 St. NW
Director                     Kathy Koehler                                Time: between 6:00 and 7:30 pm
Director                     Rosalind Kohut                               Please contact Bonita Loke before 4:30 pm on order
Director                     Tanya Kowalchuk                              date at goodfoodbox@hpca.ca.
Director                     Donna Marzolf
                                                                         HPCA Good Food Box 2022
Director                     Greg Miller                                 Order Date		 Pick-Up Date
Director                     Carolyne Mondoux                            Tuesday, July 5		       Thursday, July 14
Director                     Anne Naumann                                Tuesday, September 13   Thursday, September 22
Director                     Braiden Valdarchi

Website                      www.hpca.ca
Facility Rental              Stephen Wright, 403-276-6969
and Management               hallmanager@hpca.ca                         Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within any published
Facility Rental                                                          article, report, or submission reflect those of the author and
                                                                         should not be considered to reflect those of Great News
Availability Calendar        hpca.ca/hall-calendar
                                                                         Media or the Community and/or Residents’ Association.
Newsletter/ Website Editor   Braiden Valdarchi                           The information contained in this newsletter is believed to
                             media@hpca.ca                               be accurate but is not warranted to be so.
Good Food Box                Bonita Loke
                                                                         Great News Media and the Community and/or Residents’
                             goodfoodbox@hpca.ca                         Association do not endorse any person or persons
Development Review           Jeanne Kimber                               advertising in this newsletter. Publication of any
                             development@hpca.ca                         advertisements should not be considered an endorsement
Seniors’ Luncheon            Rosalind Kohut, 587-349-0870                of any goods or services.
Volunteer Coordinator        volunteer@hpca.ca
Block Connector
Planning Committee             seniorscoordinator@hpca.ca                             HIGHLAND PARK’S
Activity Kits Booking and Info activitykits@hpca.ca
Community Social Worker Jennifer Dimarzo, 403-476-7295
                                                                                      BLOCK CONNECTOR PROGRAM
                                                                        Join the Highland Park Block Connector Program to:
Ward 4 Councillor              Sean Chu, 403-268-3727
                               sean.chu@calgary.ca                      • Connect with your neighbours
Police Service                 Cst. Raeann Watson, District 3           • Learn about local resources and opportunities
                               pol5218@calgarypolice.ca, 403-860-8027   • Create some fun on your block!
Bylaw Infactions               Call 311 or complete form on line at:    Contact Jennifer DiMarzo with the City of Calgary at
                               www.calgary.ca/311online                 jdimarzo@calgary.ca for more information.
                                                                                              H I G H L A N D PA R K I   J U LY 2022      9
Turn Space into Place
                                                            with ActivateYYC
                                                            by Hayley Dechaine, ActivateYYC Coordinator

                                                            Do you have an idea that can enhance the feeling
                                                            of safety and community pride in your community?
                                                            An idea that can transform neglected space in your
HIGHLAND PARK COMMUNITY                                     community into something meaningful, or an idea
                                                            that will help change how people interact with a
                                                            space in your community? The Federation of Calgary
                                                            Communities’ ActivateYYC grant program can help you
$6/person for HPCA members                                  with that! ActivateYYC funds small, temporary, low-cost
$10/person for non-members of HPCA                          projects that help change how people use and interact
                                                            with spaces.
Seniors’ Coffee Chats starting soon.
Contact SeniorsCoordinator@HPCA.ca to register              You can partner with a Calgary community organization,
to attend.                                                  community association, local business, or business
                                                            revitalization zone, and apply for one of ActivateYYC’s
                                                            two grant options.
 Highland Park Hall Rental Rates                            If you’re interested in doing something that will mobilize
 Phone: 403-276-6969                                        people to move differently in your community, re-imagine
 www.hpca.ca/hall-rental                                    space into place, or create a sense of neighbourliness, you
 We welcome rental enquiries for our facilities. We         can apply for the $1,000 Walk, Play and Be Neighbourly
 offer a choice in hall size, a kitchen with an updated     grant. This grant could fund sidewalk art, buddy benches,
 stainless steel appliances, a portable bar, a projector,   garden competitions, beautification of chain link fences,
 sound system, and loads of tables and chairs.              etc. The sky is the limit!
 Rental Rates:                                              Or, if your idea is focused on encouraging traffic calming,
 Main Hall – 186 person capacity                            accessibility, safety, and walkability, you can apply for
 $550/day or $55/hour; $500 damage deposit                  the $3,000 Bump Outs and Pathways grant. This grant
 North Hall – 60 person capacity                            can be used for projects on non-bus route residential
 $400/day or $44/hour; $400 damage deposit                  streets or neighbourhood pathways; for example, a
                                                            bump out activation that will narrow cross-streets so
 There is a once per year 25% discount for HPCA area        that car traffic is slowed and pedestrians, bikes, and
 residents with a current membership.                       scooters can reclaim the streets.
 All rentals are subject to GST.
                                                            This year there is no application deadline. Application
 Our facilities can only be rented until 10:00 pm.          intake is ongoing until all funding is granted. So, if you
                                                            have an idea for a small, temporary, low-cost project, apply
                                                            fast! To get inspired by past projects, learn more about the
                                                            application process, and fill out an application form, visit
                                                            https://activateyyc.calgarycommunities.com/. Be part of it!

10   J U LY 2022 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities
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                                                                       at 403-720-0762 or sales@greatnewsmedia.ca

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