History, applications, methodological issues and perspectives for the use of environmental DNA (eDNA) in marine and freshwater environments

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     History, applications, methodological issues and perspectives for the use
     of environmental DNA (eDNA) in marine and freshwater environments
Edgardo E. Díaz-Ferguson1,2 & Gregory R. Moyer2
1.    Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures, Auburn University, 203 Swingle Hall, Auburn, Alabama;
2.    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fish Technology Center, Conservation Genetics Lab, 5151 Spring Street, Warm
      Springs, Georgia 31830; greg_moyer@fws.gov

                          Received 30-I-2014.             Corrected 08-v-2014.             Accepted 10-vi-2014.

      Abstract: Genetic material (short DNA fragments) left behind by species in nonliving components of the envi-
      ronment (e.g. soil, sediment, or water) is defined as environmental DNA (eDNA). This DNA has been previously
      described as particulate DNA and has been used to detect and describe microbial communities in marine sedi-
      ments since the mid-1980’s and phytoplankton communities in the water column since the early-1990’s. More
      recently, eDNA has been used to monitor invasive or endangered vertebrate and invertebrate species. While there
      is a steady increase in the applicability of eDNA as a monitoring tool, a variety of eDNA applications are emerg-
      ing in fields such as forensics, population and community ecology, and taxonomy. This review provides scientist
      with an understanding of the methods underlying eDNA detection as well as applications, key methodological
      considerations, and emerging areas of interest for its use in ecology and conservation of freshwater and marine
      environments. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (4): 1273-1284. Epub 2014 December 01.

      Key words: environmental DNA (eDNA), detection probability, occupancy models, persistence, metabarcode,

     In order to understand distributions, pat-                             and in some cases, harmful to the environment
terns, and abundances for populations or                                    (e.g., marine bottom trawls, electrofishing and
species, the collection (detection) and identifi-                           rotenone poisoning) (Thomsen et al., 2012b).
cation of individuals from their physical origins                           The advent of novel molecular and forensic
must be undertaken. Thus, species detection                                 methods have provided innovative tools for
is fundamental to scientific disciplines such                               detecting marine and aquatic organisms that
as phylogenetics, conservation biology, and                                 may circumvent the aforementioned limitations
ecology. However, species detection is some-                                (Darling & Blum, 2007; Valentini, Pompano, &
times extremely difficult especially in marine                              Taberlet, 2009; Lodge et al., 2012).
and aquatic environments where organisms                                         One such tool is the detection of an organ-
have complex life cycles, and direct observa-                               ism’s environmental DNA (eDNA). Defined
tion of early development stages is almost                                  as short DNA fragments that an organism
impossible (Ficetola, Miaud, Pompanon, &                                    leaves behind in non-living components of
Taberlet, 2008). Species detection in these                                 the ecosystem (i.e., water, air or sediments),
environments has been conducted using tra-                                  eDNA is derived from either cellular DNA
ditional direct observation methods (visual or                              present in epithelial cells released by organ-
acoustic) (Thomsen et al., 2012a). Nonetheless,                             isms to the environment through skin, urine,
traditional detection methods can have logistic                             feces or mucus or extracellular DNA that is the
limitations, be time consuming, expensive,                                  DNA in the environment resulting from cell

            Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 62 (4): 1273-1284, December 2014                   1273
death and subsequent destruction of cell struc-               vertebrates and invertebrates) with the sole dif-
ture (Foote, Thomsen, Sveegaard, Wahlberg,                    ference being that eDNA fragments are usually
Kielgast, Kyhn, Salling, Galatius, Orlando, &                 smaller (100bp or less) and other genes besides
Gilbert, 2012; Taberlet, Coissac, Hajibabaei,                 COI are used. Because of these similarities,
& Rieseberg, 2012a). Methodologically, eDNA                   some authors refer to eDNA detection as mini-
detection requires the development of genetic                 barcode detection (Hajibabaei, Singer, Clare,
markers specific to that target taxon or taxa.                Hebert, 2007; Baird & Hajibabaei, 2012). In
Once genetic markers are developed, target                    contrast, microbiologists refer to the analysis
eDNA fragments can be detected using differ-                  of the whole bacterial communities in an eco-
ent molecular methods including traditional or                system obtained from water, sediments or soil
End-Point PCR, and visualization of the PCR                   samples as metagenomics (Handelsman, 2004).
product through electrophoresis, quantitative                      More recently, the use of eDNA has gained
or Real Time PCR (qPCR), Sanger sequencing                    attention for eukaryote detection to assess
or more recent Next-generation DNA sequenc-                   sources of fecal contamination in aquatic sys-
ing (Taberlet, Coissac, Pompanon, Brochman,                   tems (Layton, 2006). Yet, it was not until 2008,
& Willerslev, 2012b; Yoccoz, 2012). Method                    that French researchers first applied eDNA
selection is related to the research or manage-               methods to confirm the presence of an aquatic
ment question, sampling logistics, life history               invasive species (Rana catesbiana) from water
of the species, and availability of funds.                    samples in a natural lotic system (Ficetola et
     This review provides a summary of the                    al., 2008). In North America, Jerde, Mahon,
methods, history, current applications, and                   Chadderton & Lodge (2011) demonstrated the
future areas of interest for eDNA as well as                  efficacy of eDNA as a detection tool for inva-
areas of concern and uncertainty for its use in               sive species in freshwater systems. This study
marine and freshwater ecosystems.                             focused on the detection of silver and bighead
                                                              Asian carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and
              History of eDNA                                 H. nobilis). The first study to apply eDNA as a
                                                              detection tool for federally endangered organ-
     Although perceived as a modern method,                   isms was also published in 2011 (Goldberg,
eDNA has been utilized since the mid-1980’s                   Pilliod, Arkle, & Waits, 2011). In this study
for the detection of bacterial communities in                 researchers explored the effect of seasonal-
marine sediments (Ogram, Sayler, & Barkay,                    ity on eDNA detection of amphibians. Also in
1987). In the 1990’s, eDNA methods were                       2011, the first study on eDNA persistence of
employed to monitor phytoplankton blooms                      amphibian species inhabiting freshwater eco-
and assess changes in biomass of bacterial                    systems was published by Dejean, Valentini,
communities (Bailiff & Karl 1991; Weirbauer,                  Duparc, Pellier-Cuit, Pompanon, Taberlet, &
Fucks, & Peduzzi, 1993; Paul, Kellog, & Jiang,                Miaud, (2011).
1996). During this time period eDNA classifi-                      The first uses of eDNA detection in the
cation was dependent on particulate size (Paul                marine environment was conducted by Foote
et al., 1996). Thus, eDNA found in aggregates                 et al. (2012a) for genetic monitoring of marine
greater than 0.2μm associated with cells (e.g.,               mammals and by Thomsen et al., (2012b) to
microbial eDNA) was termed particulate DNA                    estimate marine fish biodiverstiy. The first
or P-DNA while eDNA less than this size (e.g.,                reviews of eDNA also came in 2012 (Taberlet
dissolved viral DNA) was considered dissolved                 et al., 2012a; Yaccoz, 2012). Methodological
DNA or D-DNA (Paul et al., 1996).                             papers trying to make approximations between
     Environmental DNA is considered a simi-                  fish biomass, abundance and eDNA detection
lar molecular identification tool as DNA bar-                 probability were also published during the
coding (i.e., a 650bp sequence of the mtDNA                   same time period by Dejean et al. (2011) and
COI gene used for the identification of                       Takahara, Minamoto, Yamanaka, Hideyuki &

1274                         Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 62 (4): 1273-1284, December 2014
Kawabata (2012). Recently, studies have been                                     appears promising (Goldberg et al., 2011;
focused on modeling persistence and detection                                    Takahara et al., 2012; Takahara, Minamoto
using multiple biotic and abiotic factors such as                                & Doi, 2013). For example, the chucky
vectors, system volume, sample volume, eDNA                                      madtom (Noturus crypticus), a United
dynamics, stream flow, discharge and particle                                    States federally endangered species, was
size (Piaggio, Engeman, Hopken, Humphrey,                                        last observed in 2004 despite intensive,
Keacher, Bruce, & Michael, 2013; Schmidt,                                        survey efforts using traditional sampling
Kery, Ursenbasher, Hyman, & Collins, 2013;                                       methods (i.e., seines and snorkel surveys).
Barnes, Turner, Jerde, Renshaw, Chadderton,                                      The increased sensitivity of eDNA over
& Lodge, 2014; Pilliod, Goldberg, Arkle, &                                       traditional sampling methods may assist in
Waits, 2014; Turner, Barnes, Charles, Jones,                                     the detection of this species; alternatively,
Xu, Jerde, & Lodge, 2014).                                                       the lack of detection could prompt a fede-
                                                                                 ral status determination for this species
        eDNA applications in ecology                                             as presumed extinct. However, caution
            and conservation                                                     should be taken when using the lack of
                                                                                 eDNA detection as a means to determine
     Multiple applications of eDNA exist for                                     a taxon’s conservation status because the
use in the fields of marine ecology and con-                                     probability of eDNA detection will vary
servation biology, and include wildlife DNA                                      depending on the volume of water sampled
forensics, detection of cryptic and endangered                                   and the presumed (but usually unknown)
species/populations, detection of aquatic inva-                                  density of the target organism in the field.
sive species (AIS), biodiversity and community                                   The development of sampling protocols
assessment, population dynamics, ecosystem                                       that address eDNA detection probabilities
health, trophic interactions, dietary studies, and                               will be critical for determining the conser-
species historical patterns of distribution. Below                               vation status of a species in the future.
is a brief synopsis of each of these applications.                        3.     Detection of aquatic invasive species
                                                                                 (AIS): The use of molecular methods to
1.   Wildlife DNA forensics: The field of wild-                                  detect AIS has proliferated in recent years.
     life DNA forensics, which is a synthe-                                      The development of molecular markers
     sis of conservation genetics and forensic                                   specific to the target species provides a new
     genetics, was developed to address the                                      tool for conservation managers that seek
     increasing need of DNA forensic tools in                                    to monitor AIS. Thus, the use of eDNA
     wildlife law enforcement (Ogden, 2008,                                      provides the possibility of confirming AIS
     2009). The applicability of eDNA as a                                       detection in hours or days instead of weeks
     forensic tool appears promising to address                                  or months, allowing managers to act quic-
     basic forensic identification issues at the                                 kly to minimize dispersal and settlement of
     level of individual (e.g., hatchery vs wild                                 the invader (Darling & Mahon, 2011). In
     origin, location of origin, species introduc-                               addition, eDNA detection of AIS provides
     tion), population, or species. Detection of                                 clues to determine origin of the introduc-
     eDNA fragments can also provide eviden-                                     tion and possible routes of invasion.
     ce for illegal wildlife trade and traceability                       4.     Biodiversity and community structure:
     of illegal fishing products (e.g., shark or                                 The term DNA metabarcoding is used to
     rayfins).                                                                   designate multispecies identification using
2.   Detection of low density populations: The                                   eDNA samples (Taberlet et al., 2012b).
     detection of eDNA for species or popu-                                      The approach relies on Next-generation
     lations that are at low densities (e.g.,                                    sequencing (permitting the sequencing of
     threatened or endangered taxa) or are                                       billions of 100 base pair reads) and the
     visually evasive (e.g., madtom catfishes)                                   creation of taxonomic reference libraries

          Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 62 (4): 1273-1284, December 2014                    1275
(e.g., the Barcode of Life). Thus instead of                      diversity can also serve as a proxy for
       identifying one species from a single water                       assessing ecosystem health. More speci-
       sample, an eDNA metabarcoding approach                            fically, changes in species diversity can
       has the potential to identify the eDNA                            influence overall ecosystem dynamics
       of any taxon collected in a water sample                          directly or indirectly, by reducing water
       given that the DNA sequences are already                          quality (Strayer, 2010), changing nutrient
       deposited in a repository. Thus, metabar-                         dynamics (Didham, Tylianakis, Hutchin-
       coding can be used as a tool to produce                           son, Ewers, & Gemmel, 2005) or affecting
       biodiversity estimates that are taxonomi-                         the distribution of submerged machro-
       cally comprehensive, quicker to produce,                          phytes (Strayer, 2010). Therefore, eDNA
       and less reliant on taxonomic expertise (Ji                       could be a useful tool for future risk-based
       et al., 2013).                                                    decision making of natural resources (Wil-
5.     Population dynamics: Detection and quan-                          son & Wright, 2013) or environmental
       tification of eDNA can be used as a referen-                      impact assessments (Veldhoen, Ikonomou,
       ce or indirect measurement of population                          & Helbing, 2012).
       attributes such as abundance, distribution,                7.     Trophic interactions and dietary studies:
       and biomass. Distributions of organisms                           Traditional studies allow quantifying and
       and biomass in freshwater systems have                            estimating the relationship between pre-
       been correlated with eDNA concentra-                              dator and prey as well as herbivore and
       tion (Takahara et al., 2012, 2013). Thus
                                                                         plant relationships using stomach con-
       eDNA concentration has been used as a
                                                                         tents, feces, or fecal pellets. The direct
       proxy for population distribution in amphi-
                                                                         observation or identification of the prey
       bians (Ficetola et al., 2008; Goldberg et
                                                                         in the stomach or in the fecal material
       al., 2011), fishes (Mahon, Jerde, Galaska,
                                                                         often is difficult and can reduce the taxo-
       Bergner, Chadderton, Lodge, Hunter, &
                                                                         nomic resolution or introduce bias (Bra-
       Nico, 2012; Minamoto, Yamanaka, Taka-
                                                                         ley, Goldsworthy, Page, Steer, & Austin,
       hara, Honjo, & Kawabata, 2012) and repti-
                                                                         2010). Thus, the use of eDNA fragments
       les species (Piaggio et al., 2013). In marine
       species no studies have been conducted to                         or metabarcoding approach using stomach
       determine the relationship between eDNA                           contents as target DNA can be used for
       concentration and species distribution,                           dietary and trophic studies without the
       abundance and biomass. However, spa-                              observation or identification of the prey
       tial and temporal oscillations of bacte-                          in the stomach or feces (Zarzoso-Lacoste,
       rial and phytoplankton communities have                           Corse, & Vidal, 2013).
       been correlated with DNA concentration                     8.     Species historical patterns of distribution:
       in coastal waters during blooming events                          Short DNA sequences can persist for long
       (Bailiff & Karl, 1991).                                           time periods mainly in cold environments
6.     Ecosystem health: Presence of AIS as                              with reduced exposure or absence of light
       well as introduced pathogens (viral or                            (Willerslev et al. 2003). This has been
       fungal) can have severe demographic and                           observed in studies conducted in old sedi-
       genetic impacts to existing native popula-                        ments and ice cores (Hofreiter, Mead,
       tions (Blanc, 2001). By using eDNA to                             Martin, & Poinar, 2003; Willerslev, Cape-
       monitor virus concentration (Minamoto,                            llini, Boomsman, & Nielsen, 2007). Thus,
       Honjo, & Kawabata, 2009) or invasive                              genetic information (ancient eDNA) in
       species, managers can indirectly monitor                          sediments, ice cores and other environ-
       for ecosystem health. In addition, the use                        mental sources could allow scientists to
       of eDNA to monitor changes in commu-                              reconstruct community structure and his-
       nity composition and reductions in species                        torical ecological process.

1276                             Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 62 (4): 1273-1284, December 2014
eDNA persistence                                          Golberg et al., 2011; Barnes et al., 2014). For
                                                                          example, eDNA persistence in freshwater len-
     DNA persistence can be defined as the                                tic systems has been shown to be as great as
continuance of DNA fragments once the source                              30 days (Ficetola et al., 2008) while for marine
of this DNA is removed from the system                                    systems (open and highly dynamic systems) it
(Dejean et al. 2011). Once extracellular DNA                              only averages approximately seven days (Foote
is released in the environment, it may persist,                           et al., 2012; Thomsen et al., 2012b).
be absorbed in organic and inorganic particles,                                 Fragment size of target eDNA is also
be degraded, or transformed by microorgan-                                important when persistence is analyzed. It has
isms. Persistence is strongly correlated with                             been shown that fragments within a range of
species density, body size and the ratio between                          300-400bp can persist in the aquatic environ-
amounts of released/degraded DNA by species                               ment for at least a week in controlled condi-
into the environment. In control conditions,                              tions (Alvarez, Yumet, Santiago, & Torantos,
DNA detection decreases with time once the                                1996; Zhu, 2006). In contrast, shorter frag-
source of DNA is removed from the environ-                                ments of DNA (100bp or less) have been
ment (Dejean et al., 2011). Persistence values                            known to remain stable after several weeks and
vary across taxa and life history i.e., changes                           even years depending on environmental condi-
in size, behavior and stage of development can                            tions (Willlerslev et al., 2003, 2007; Taberlet et
affect the amount of DNA available at a local                             al., 2012a).
scale (Thomsen et al. 2012a).
     Persistence estimates have been deter-                                          Freshwater vs marine systems
mined for different taxonomic groups: from 15
to 30 days for fresh water fishes (Dejean et al.,                              Freshwater and marine ecosystems consti-
2011 & Takahara et al., 2012a), 15 to 30 days                             tute great reservoirs of eDNA. For both, eDNA
for amphibians (Ficetola et al., 2008; Goldberg                           detection is correlated with abundance of the
et al., 2011), 0.9 to 7 days for marine mammals                           target species and the rate by which DNA is
(Foote et al., 2012), 21 days for mudsnails                               released and degraded by biotic and abiotic
(Goldberg, Sepulveda, Ray, Baumgardt, &                                   factors (Thomsen et al., 2012a, b). In freshwa-
Waits, 2013), and 14 days for reptiles (Piaggio                           ter systems, eDNA is usually homogeneously
et al., 2013). In addition to density, size and                           distributed and the successful use of this tech-
life history features of the target taxa, eDNA                            nology has been proven in a number of studies
persistence can be influenced by other biotic                             comprising a range of taxa (Lodge et al., 2012;
factors such as bacterial and fungal concentra-                           Thomsen et al., 2012a). For marine systems,
tions (Dejean et al., 2011). The role of abi-                             the detection of eDNA is possible but less reli-
otic factors on eDNA persistence has also been                            able than in freshwater systems (Foote et al.
reported (e.g., oxygen concentration, nuclease                            2012; Jones, 2013). Despite the high density
activity, pH, conductivity, UV radiation, pH                              of marine biota, the vast volume of sea water
and temperature) (Shapiro, 2008; Dejean et                                in relation to biomass promotes eDNA dilu-
al. 2011; Barnes et al., 2014). Nonetheless,                              tion and dispersion. This compounded by the
the effect of these factors has been studied                              dynamic nature of marine environments (e.g.,
independently and only one of these studies                               strong tides, current system and oceanographic
had measured how covariation of these fac-                                events) and the increased inhibition of subse-
tors (specific environmental conditions) affects                          quent molecular procedures due to the high
persistence (Barnes et al., 2014). Other abiotic                          salinity environments, make eDNA detection
factors related to the system that can also affect                        more challenging when compared to freshwater
persistence include: stream flow, currents, tidal                         systems. Currently, eDNA studies conducted in
oscillations, type of sediment, and salinity                              the marine environment are limited to detec-
(Corinaldesi, Beolchini, & Dell’Anno, 2008;                               tion of fishes, marine mammals and microbial

          Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 62 (4): 1273-1284, December 2014                  1277
communities in temperate areas (Venter et al.                   eDNA fragments; therefore, depending on the
2004; Foote et al. 2012; Thomsen et al. 2012b;                  research question, it may be necessary to incor-
Kelly, Port, Yamahara, & Crowder, 2013).                        porate information regarding the life history of
Despite of the success on eDNA detection of                     the organism in to the experimental design. For
these taxa in the marine systems; scientists                    example, during spawning events, there is a
have to consider that eDNA degrades rapidly                     release of multiple sources of genetic material
in seawater (less than seven days) and detec-                   into the environment including blood, urine,
tion of marine species is considered to be local                fecal material, epithelial cells and gametes.
(Thomsen et al. 2012b). Therefore, the use of                   Taking advantage of this information may
eDNA in marine systems is still a challenge,                    allow a better detection of the species; alterna-
especially in applications such as the establish-               tively, it could also overestimate the presence
ment of relationships between distribution,                     of a species in a particular period.
abundance, or biomass of species with eDNA                           Demographic connectivity patterns:
detection probabilities, since dilution and dis-                Movement of organisms is a measurement of
persion of eDNA is greater.                                     marine and freshwater connectivity and implies
     In addition to the aforementioned issues,                  movement of genetic material. Therefore, the
marine and freshwater tropical environments                     presence of eDNA from a particular species
have high surface temperatures (sometimes                       between geographically or oceanographically
above 30°C) and elevated UV radiation at sea                    connected areas could be a sign of population
level that may increase eDNA degradation rate                   connectivity. Understanding connectivity is
and reduce the persistence period in the water,                 essential for the establishment of population
decreasing the detection probability (Barnes                    boundaries, marine corridors and common pro-
et al., 2014). For this reason the selection of                 tected areas (Díaz-Ferguson, Haney, Wares, &
the appropriate detection method, preliminary                   Silliman, 2010; Díaz-Ferguson, 2012).
laboratory and aquarium eDNA assays and                              Taxa and animal size: Based on freshwater
consideration of species size, vertical distribu-               studies (mainly focused in fishes and amphib-
tion, current or water flow, life history and deg-              ians) the greater the size of the individual,
radation rates among different environments,                    the more likely it is to be detected because
are required before the beginning of any field                  of the increased amount of eDNA input into
detection protocol (Kelly et al., 2013).                        the system. The eDNA of invertebrates is less
                                                                likely to be detected than in vertebrates due to
           eDNA considerations for                              the presence of an exoskeleton (Golberg et al.,
             experimental design                                2013). However, high detection probabilities
                                                                have been found for freshwater tadpole shrimp
     Successful eDNA detection of eukaryotes                    (Lepidurus apus) and the New Zealand mud-
in freshwater and marine ecosystems relies on                   snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) (Goldberg
accuracy of the experimental design in accor-                   et al., 2013). Note that depending on the taxon,
dance with the environment, life history, and                   exoskeletons are often shed at known times of
behavior of the target species. Therefore the                   the year; thus making them a potential source
following topics along with clearly defined                     of eDNA.
hypotheses should be considered/articulated                          Vectors: eDNA can be transported by alter-
before the method is applied to a natural system.               native pathways or introduced into a system
     Life history considerations: Season-                       not only because the target species inhabits the
al changes in behavior including spawning                       system but by other means (Darling & Mahon,
migrations, period of larval development, phy-                  2011). Vectors are often problematic for many
lopatry, vertical movements and tidal oscil-                    eDNA applications, because while the eDNA
lations can influence eDNA concentration as                     is detected in the area, the taxon of interest
well as temporal and spatial distributions of                   is not actually there, creating a false positive.

1278                           Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 62 (4): 1273-1284, December 2014
The following are the most common vectors of                              Young, Jane, Lowe, Whiteley, & Schwartz,
DNA in freshwater and marine systems:                                     2013). In doing so, researchers minimize the
                                                                          detection of false positives. Another method
1.   Animals: Introduction of DNA by animal                               to limit the uncertainty associated with eDNA
     vectors is mainly driven by birds in natural                         false positives, is to confirm the identity of all
     ecosystems. However, any predator can                                positive eDNA via Sanger sequencing (Darling
     transport eDNA from other species via                                & Mahon, 2011).
     defecation or prey transport.                                             False negatives are also a concern for
2.   Water contamination: Input of water from                             eDNA detection. Although false negatives will
     external sources can also be an alterna-                             always be a possibility due to the myriad array
     tive pathway to introduce eDNA into a                                of abiotic and biotic factors affecting eDNA
     system. Discharge of ballast water from                              persistence, there are several steps that can be
     ships has the potential to harbor eDNA                               incorporated into an experimental design to
     because vessels often take on ballast water                          minimize eDNA false negatives. The detection
     from coastal areas rich in biodiversity and                          of eDNA is contingent on PCR; thus any inhi-
     transport species or DNA to other areas                              bition of the PCR reaction, if not accounted for,
     where these species DNA have not been                                will lead to false negatives. Leading causes of
     reported (Rothlisberger & Lodge, 2013).                              PCR inhibition include high salinity in marine
     In addition, accidental input of water from                          systems (Foote et al., 2012) and humic/fluvic
     the aquaculture industry can also cause                              acids, tannins and polyphenols in freshwater
     introduction of exogenous DNA into a                                 environments (Matheson, Gurney, Esau, &
     natural system.                                                      Lehto, 2010). Thus, a DNA extraction kit that
                                                                          removes potential inhibitors is recommended
       Perspective and future of eDNA                                     along with appropriate PCR controls (Piaggio
                                                                          et al. 2013). Specifically for marine environ-
      The perspective and future of eDNA as a                             ments eDNA detection is considered to be local
method species detection method and subse-                                due to the reduced persistence period (Foote
quent applications will focus on three general                            et al., 2012; Thomsen et al. 2012b). This fact
areas as follows: resolving eDNA methodologi-                             makes marine environments prone to high false
cal issues, improving eDNA technologies, and                              –negative detection rates. Therefore, future
exploring new of eDNA applications. Below                                 eDNA studies focused on marine ecosystems
we discuss upon each of these areas.                                      should consider preliminary laboratory assays
      Resolving eDNA methodological issues:                               that test the effect of the ecosystem dynam-
Future success of eDNA as an effective tool for                           ics on eDNA distribution (i.e., particle size
species detection will rely on resolving eDNA                             dynamics, influence of local currents, advec-
issues related to the optimization of molecu-                             tion transport and salinity gradients) (Turner et
lar assays and confirmation of positive sam-                              al., 2014), and the impact of this dynamic on
ples. Optimization of eDNA molecular assays                               false negative rates.
involves testing for sensitivity (i.e., using                                  Furthermore, eDNA, like most if not all
known amounts of DNA from the target species                              traditional sampling methods, suffers from
in order to determine the minimum amount of                               imperfect detection (Schmidt et al. 2013).
target DNA required for detection), specificity                           Therefore, the incorporation of occupancy
(i.e., conducting cross species amplification to                          models (see below) in an eDNA experimental
make sure that the assay only detect the pres-                            design will allow researchers to evaluate and
ence of the species of interest), and utilization                         quantify the false-negative measurement error
of strict field and laboratory standards and                              in freshwater and marine ecosystems (Morde-
controls (Dejean, Valentini, Miguel, Taberlet,                            cai, Mattsson, Tzilkowski, & Cooper, 2011).
Belleman, & Miaud, 2012; Wilcox, McKelvey,                                The same models can also account for eDNA

          Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 62 (4): 1273-1284, December 2014                  1279
false positives (Miller, Talley, Lips, & Camp-                  the conservation status of many threatened and
bell Grant, 2012).                                              endangered organisms.
     Improving supporting eDNA technolo-                              New frontiers and eDNA applications:
gies: The use of eDNA as a detection tool is                    Emerging areas of interest for eDNA methods
generating an increasing amount of genetic                      include areas where traditional sampling meth-
information associated to spatial and temporal                  odologies remain unfeasible such as underwa-
variables (i.e., annual data by season, site and                ter plains on the deep ocean floor (i.e., abyssal
region). This fact will be a computational chal-                plains especially hadopelagic zones). The com-
lenge for scientists in the near future. Therefore              munity composition in these deep ocean envi-
it will be necessary to increase data base size,                ronments still remains relatively unknown,
improve data management, and create archival                    primarily because studies pertaining to hadal
eDNA data bases (Yaccoz, 2012). For instance,                   ecosystems are rare (Bull, Stach, Ward, &
the collection of water samples and the DNA                     Goodfellow, 2005). Another emerging area of
extracted from those samples is an important                    eDNA interest is using the method to assess
reference to assess future spatial distribution                 specific biological events such as spawning,
of species, and monitor biodiversity and com-                   settlement, and recruitment using fluctuations
munity structure.                                               on target eDNA concentration when and where
     Statistical analyses: Sampling methods                     a particular life history event has occurred.
that rely on presence/absence data to estimate                  This may be of importance when predicting the
the number of individuals in an area, often suf-                structure and dynamics of marine communi-
fer from imperfect detection (Pollock, Nichols,                 ties from the environmental conditions they
Simmons, Farnworth, Bailye, & Sauer, 2002);                     experience, because of abundance, biomass or
and eDNA studies will too (Schmidt et al.                       productivity changes, and theoretically should
2013). To date, there has been little attention                 the amount of eDNA that may be detected. For
given to eDNA detection probabilities with                      example, eDNA detection methods may some-
most studies assuming perfect or near perfect                   day serve as tools to elucidate the processes that
detection of the taxon of interest (Hyman &                     structure phytoplankton communities, which is
Collins, 2012; Thomsen et al., 2012a). Mean-                    of importance to assessing impacts of climate
while biotic and abiotic factors influencing                    change on ecosystem function (Eggers, Lewan-
eDNA are beginning to be understood (MacK-                      dowska, Ramos, Blanco-Ameijeiras, Gallo, &
ensie et al., 2002; MacKensie, Nichols, Royle,                  Mathiesen, 2013), trophic dynamics (Sterner
Pollock, & Hines, 2006). However, how these                     & Elser, 2002), and water quality (Anderson,
parameters might affect eDNA detection prob-                    Cembella, & Hallegraeff 1998).
abilities, remains unclear (Pilliod et al., 2014).                    In summary, the detection of trace amounts
Site occupancy models provide a means to                        of DNA in environmental samples is well
account for imperfect detection of various sam-                 established in the field of microbiology, but
pling methods (Pollock et al., 2002; Andrew                     this technique has only recently garnered appli-
Royle, & Dorazio, 2008; Pilliod, Goldberg,                      cability in conservation biology and ecology –
Arkle, & Waits, 2013) including eDNA meth-                      particularly for the detection of aquatic invasive
ods (Schmidt et al., 2013). Occupancy models                    species or endangered organisms, and inven-
can be used to study the effects of various                     tory and monitoring. While eDNA applications
abiotic and biotic factors that influence detec-                appear promising, the detection of eDNA from
tion probabilities (both in the field and in the                freshwater and marine ecosystems will depend
laboratory), and to determine the number of                     on clearly articulated hypotheses and proper
visits, number of samples and volume of water                   experimental design, in both the laboratory and
needed to be confident that a species is absent                 field, to adequately address these hypotheses
from a site (Schmidt et al., 2013). The latter                  (i.e., laboratory studies should seek minimize
will be particularly important for determining                  false positives and negatives and field studies

1280                           Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 62 (4): 1273-1284, December 2014
should address imperfect detection) Finally,                               principales consideraciones metodológicas y áreas emer-
the use of eDNA to detect an organism is sim-                              gentes para su uso en ecología y conservación de ambientes
                                                                           marinos y de agua dulce.
ply another tool to be used by biologists; thus,
results should be corroborated with other detec-                           Palabras clave: ADN ambiental (ADNa), probabilidad de
tion techniques, especially when the research                              detección, modelos de ocupación, persistencia, meta códi-
has conservation and management implications                               go de barras, mini código de barras.
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