Hong Leong City Center - Suzhou's Top Selling Project - On Track for Growth - CDL Delivers Resilient Performance in FY 2015 CDL - World's Most ...

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Hong Leong City Center - Suzhou's Top Selling Project - On Track for Growth - CDL Delivers Resilient Performance in FY 2015 CDL - World's Most ...
APR 16

                      Hong Leong City Center –
                      Suzhou’s Top Selling Project
                      On Track for Growth –
                      CDL Delivers Resilient Performance in FY 2015
                      CDL – World’s Most Sustainable Real Estate Company

Artist’s Impression
Hong Leong City Center - Suzhou's Top Selling Project - On Track for Growth - CDL Delivers Resilient Performance in FY 2015 CDL - World's Most ...
CITY HYPE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       APR 2016

    Building Value through a                                                                                                                    Strengthening Capabilities,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mr Kwek Eik Sheng – Head, Asset
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  In addition to his existing role as Chief

    Growing Global Footprint                                                                                                                    Poised for Growth                                                                                 Strategy Officer, he develops and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  implements strategies for CDL’s diverse
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  asset portfolio to achieve optimal return,
                                                                                                                                                To ensure that CDL is well poised to            products; growing our funds management            with an increased level of oversight
    With a global presence spanning      The CDL Group delivered a strong                 As at 31 December 2015, without                       meet the dynamic changing business              business and capital recycling strategy;          and support for the Group’s operating
    94 locations in 26 countries, CDL    financial performance amidst a challenging       considering any fair value gains on                   environment and to push forward on the          enhancing our engagement with the                 subsidiaries.
    continues to grow its footprint      environment – testament to its ability to        investment properties, the Group’s balance            Group’s diversification strategies, CDL’s       investment community; and coupled with
    and develop the growth platforms     navigate through difficult times.                sheet continues to remain strong with a net           Board of Directors announced senior             prudent capital management.”                      Mr Mark Yip – CEO, CDL China Limited
    it has established in five key                                                        gearing ratio at 26.0% (FY 2014: 26.0%). If           management appointments which took                                                                In addition to his existing role as
    international markets – China, UK,   It achieved a new record net profit after        fair values on investment properties were             effect from 11 April 2016.                      New Appointments:                                 Chief Marketing Officer, he leads the
    US, Japan and Australia.             tax and non-controlling interests (PATMI)        included, the net gearing ratio will be                                                                                                                 development and implementation of CDL
                                         of S$410.5 million in Q4 2015, on the            further reduced to 19.0% (FY 2014: 19.0%).            These appointments reflect CDL’s                Mr Sherman Kwek – Deputy CEO                      China’s real estate investments and business
                                         back of gains from monetising three              Its 2015 interest cover was at 13.0 times             commitment to groom leaders internally          He assists the CEO in pursuit of CDL’s            strategies, as well as providing oversight
                                         prime office assets. For FY 2015, the            (FY 2014: 12.1 times).                                to provide for succession planning and          strategic objectives and in the oversight         of the Group’s existing investment and
    “The Group is well-poised            Group registered revenue of S$3.3 billion                                                              continuity of leadership within the senior      of key operating divisions with the               development projects in China.
    to deploy its strong balance         (FY 2014: S$3.8 billion) and a resilient         Looking ahead, the Group will continue                management team.                                Group. Additionally, he continues to lead
    sheet towards investments            PATMI of S$773.4 million, comparable to          to build value through its sustained focus                                                            CDL’s investment teams to source new              Mr Galen Lee – Head, Capital Markets
    in a period of market                S$769.6 million for FY 2014.                     on new geographies and new products.                  Mr Grant Kelley, CDL CEO said, “These           investment opportunities, and spearhead           Created in January 2016, this new position
                                                                                          Beyond capitalising on opportunities to
    dislocation, capitalising on                                                                                                                six appointments mark the first chapter         the growth of CDL’s international portfolio.      is vital for both the development and
                                         The increase in net profit for Q4 2015           deploy its strong balance sheet in its five           of our ongoing efforts to enhance CDL’s         With the new appointment, he relinquishes         growth of CDL’s funds management
    available opportunities, while       was fuelled by gains accounted from              key growth markets amidst rising market               organisational structure and management         his position as Chief Investment                  platform, and to drive new recurring
    maintaining discipline in its        monetising the Group’s three prime               dislocation, it will continue to develop its          systems. We aim to strengthen our               Officer, and CEO, CDL China Limited.              income streams.
    investments. It remains focused      office assets – 7 & 9 Tampines Grande,           funds management platform and attract                 capabilities and drive productivity, as we      As Chairman, CDL China Limited, he
                                         Manulife Centre and Central Mall (Office         best-in-class investors. Through its two
    on expanding its international                                                                                                              ramp up our diversification plans and           maintains oversight of the China business.        Ms Belinda Lee – Head, Investor Relations
                                         Tower) valued at S$1.1 billion (on a 99-         PPS initiatives in the past two years, the            position the Company for expansion                                                                In addition to her existing role as Head,
    property development                 year leasehold basis) via a second Profit        Group now has S$2.6 billion in funds                  of both the international and funds             Ms Yiong Yim Ming – Chief Financial               Corporate Communications, she is
    footprint and growing its funds      Participation Securities investment platform     under management, and is on target to                 management platforms.                           Officer                                           responsible for managing CDL’s investor
    management platform.”                (PPS 2) in December 2015 and a maiden            reach its goal of S$5 billion in funds under                                                          She assumes overall responsibility for            relations programmes, including all
                                         contribution of S$12 million from its UK         management by 2018.                                   “The new portfolios are aimed at                the Company’s financial functions, which          communications with the financial
    Mr Kwek Leng Beng                    property development platform from the                                                                 expanding our international footprint           includes strategic financial planning,            community, analysts and relevant
    CDL Executive Chairman               sale of Emerald House in Croydon.                To view the webcast of                                in property development and asset               financial reporting and accounting,               stakeholders, to provide further coverage
                                                                                          CDL’s FY 2015 results                                 management; developing new innovative           corporate tax and treasury.                       in the financial domain.
                                                                                          briefing, please visit

                                                                                                                                                                                             Reflecting on the Past,
                                                                                          or scan the QR code.

                                                                                                                                                             REFLECTING ON THE PAST
                                                                                                                                                                                             Looking to the Future
                                                                                                                                                                                             Over the past five decades, CDL has               one of the most decorated developers in
                                                                           The CDL Group’s diversified international development portfolio
                                                                                                                                                                 CITY DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED
                                                                                                                                                                                             grown from strength to strength,                  the region.
                                                                              comprises a strong pipeline with over 2 million square feet in                         ANNUAL REPORT 2015
                                                                                                                                                                                             becoming a leading real estate operating
                                                                          total saleable area, including the expansive 4.5 acres Teddington
                                                                                                                                                                                             company at the forefront of the industry.         Taking an introspective approach in
                                                                          Studios land site (pictured) in south-west London. The site will be
                                                                       redeveloped into a luxury riverside precinct with 213 apartments, six                                                 Foresight, innovation and tenacity have           conjunction with Singapore’s Golden
                                                                        houses, a refurbished Weir Cottage and 258 secure parking spaces.                                                    been its calling cards, as the Group              Jubilee celebration in 2015, CDL’s Annual
                                                                                                                                                                                             evolves into a future-ready organisation          Report 2015 shares with stakeholders its
                                                                                                                                                                                             like no other. With an eye on the future,         vision to diversify its business through
                                                                                                                                                                                             it has expanded beyond borders and                developing new overseas and
                                                                                                                                                                                             boundaries for greater things to come.            investment platforms.

                                                                                                                                                                                             In 2015, its new overseas and investment          The Report can be
                                                                                                                                                                                             platforms have bolstered its position in          downloaded from
                                                                                                                                                                                             the industry, and the Group’s focus on            www.cdl.com.sg/
1                                                                                                                                                 CDL Annual Report 2015                     sustainability and innovation has made it         annualreport2015.                                 2
Hong Leong City Center - Suzhou's Top Selling Project - On Track for Growth - CDL Delivers Resilient Performance in FY 2015 CDL - World's Most ...
CITY HYPE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   APR 2016

    Hongqiao                                                                                                                                        Hong Leong City Center –
    Royal Lake –                                                                                                                                    Top Selling Project in Suzhou for 2015
    Grandeur in
    Shanghai                                                                                                                                        Over the past five years, CDL China Limited has gained a
                                                                                                                                                    strong foothold in China with a total of four development sites
                                                                                                                                                    in Chongqing, Shanghai and Suzhou.

                                                                                                                                                    Hong Leong City Center (HLCC), an extraordinary 300,000 sqm
    Standalone villas have become                                                                                                                   eco-friendly mixed-use development in the heart of Suzhou
    increasingly scarce and extremely                                                                                                               Industrial Park (SIP) district, was acquired in 2011 and has
    valuable in China, as a result of the PRC                                                                                                       emerged the top selling project in Suzhou for 2015 with its
    government’s long-standing regulation                                                                                                           successful sales launches.
    not to approve low-density villa
    developments throughout the country.                                                                                                            As highlighted during CDL’s FY 2015 results briefing, a total of
                                                                                                                                                    677 units had been sold for Tower 1 (a 462-unit condominium)
    In Shanghai, CDL China Limited – a                                                                                                              and Tower 3 (a 912-unit SOHO development), amounting to
    wholly-owned subsidiary of the CDL                                                                                                              sales revenue of RMB 1.36 billion – this represents more than
    Group acquired Shanghai residential                                                                                                             90% of the units in Tower 1, and crossing the 25% mark for
    developer Jingwen Zhaoxiang Real                                                                                                                Tower 3. Both towers are expected to be completed towards
    Estate Limited in December 2014 at                                                                                                              the end of 2016 and the units handed over to buyers.                     Artist’s Impression

    an opportune time. The principal asset         Hongqiao Royal Lake – the luxurious villa integrates seamlessly with the surrounding greenery,
    was a 120-unit, fully completed luxury         providing a perfect sanctuary for residents away from the hustle and bustle of the city life.    Phase 2 of HLCC’s construction will comprise of Tower 2 (a 430-          HLCC comprises luxurious residences, premium Grade A office space,
                                                                                                                                                    unit residential block), a 286-room luxury hotel, a 56,000 sqm           a five-star hotel, retail gallery, high quality homes with lake view, as well
    villa development in Qingpu District’s                                                                                                                                                                                   as China’s first LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)
    affluent residential corridor, of which 85                                                                                                      shopping mall and a 30,000 sqm office tower. The excavation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Platinum serviced apartments.
    bungalows were unsold.                         In alignment with CDL’s promise to deliver         Residents can connect with business           and retaining wall works for Phase 2 were finished ahead of
                                                   quality green homes, this project boasts           associates at the National Convention         schedule in June 2015 and the whole basement structure was
    In November 2015, CDL China                    of four green technologies:                        Centre, practice golf swings at the           completed in November 2015. The entire structure of Phase 2
    relaunched this project under a new                                                               driving range of Yintao Golf Club             will be topped off towards the end of 2016.                              panoramas – offering views of Suzhou’s commercial, financial,
    name – Hongqiao Royal Lake. As CDL             •   Building integrated solar thermal              and shop at the Mega Mills Shanghai                                                                                    and cultural development areas, creating a perfect blend of both
    China’s pioneer project in Shanghai, the           system                                         with more than 150 international              With future developments within SIP trending eastwards, HLCC             the surrounding urban and natural landscapes; and the merging
    project has gone through an overhaul                                                              luxury brands. Parents will have nine         boasts an unsurpassed waterfront location with magnificent               of modernity and culture. Located at the last development site at
    which includes various renovations,            •   Solar system with patented A.O.                international schools within 15 minutes’                                                                               Jinji Lake, HLCC presents an exciting investment opportunity.
    a remodelled club house, landscape                 Smith water technologies                       drive to choose from.
    enhancements and three new show flats.                                                                                                                                                                                   As an integrated development, HLCC comprises luxurious
                                                   •   Hot water recycling from floor heating         With new mega developments sprouting                                                                                   residences, premium Grade A office space, a five-star hotel,
    Sited on an expansive 170,000                      system and kitchen sanitary ware               around the vicinity, and upcoming                                                                                      retail gallery, high quality homes with lake view, as well as
    square metres (sqm) land parcel, each                                                             subway line 17 operating at the end                                                                                    China’s first LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental
    exclusive unit has a land area of 2 mu         •   Rainwater collection and landscape             of year 2017, Hongqiao Royal Lake is                                                                                   Design) Platinum serviced apartments. Designed and built
    (approximately 1,333 sqm), plot ratio of           water management system                        poised to become an even more coveted                                                                                  with environmental sustainability in mind, this exclusive eco-
    0.3, within a low-density well maintained                                                         address and desirable investment.                                                                                      development forms a harmonious relationship with the nearby
    community. The high-end villas come            Located close to the Zhaoxiang Exit of                                                                                                                                    Jinji Lake.
    with basement and attic, roof terrace plus     the Huyu Expressway, Hongqiao Royal                As of 25 February 2016, 13 villas have
    private car park lots. Each free-standing      Lake offers great connectivity to the              been sold amounting to sales revenue                                                                                   Residents can look forward to top-of-the-range personalised
    unit has two above-ground levels and one       airport, railway and subway stations, all          of approximately RMB 260 million,                                                                                      attention at HLCC, complete with a 24/7 executive concierge
    basement level with individual backyard.       within 10 minutes’ drive. Conveniently             representing a very successful launch                                                                                  service with over 200 customised à la carte services.
    Garden units at ground level offer the         linked by G50, G60 Expressways, it also            given the large quantum for each villa
    benefits of a bungalow lifestyle amid lush     enjoys the convenience of being a mere             and considering that sales velocity for                                                                                An iconic landmark that reflects Suzhou’s cultural heritage and
    garden surroundings, with entry through        30 minutes’ drive away from the Central            this type of product is typically only one                                                                             identity, HLCC brings together the best in design innovation
    a private courtyard. The automatic door        Business District of Shanghai. Five-star           to two bungalows a month.                                                                                              and quality excellence. Designed as an architectural landmark
    with sensor is able to detect cars within 15   hotels in the vicinity include: Sofitel                                                                                                                                   for Suzhou, this luxurious integrated development by CDL
    metres, providing an intelligent solution      Shanghai Hyland, Le Royal Meridien                 For more information, visit                   Located in the heart of Suzhou Industrial Park district and built with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             China will redefine Suzhou’s cityscape.
3   for owners requiring an easier entrance        Shanghai and Intercontinental Shimao               www.cdlchina.com or call the sales            environmental sustainability in mind, HLCC forms a harmonious                                                                                            4
    into the villa, courtyard and garage.          Shanghai Wonderland.                               enquiries hotline at +86 (21) 3987 5588.      relationship with the nearby Jinji Lake.                                 For sales enquiries, please call +86 (512) 6716 6666.
Hong Leong City Center - Suzhou's Top Selling Project - On Track for Growth - CDL Delivers Resilient Performance in FY 2015 CDL - World's Most ...
CITY HYPE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          APR 2016

    Green Buildings, Good Design
                                                                                                                                                 shape and slanting facades of the towers          Mixed-use Development for Singapore
                                                                                                                                                 are oriented and designed to catch                and Best Mixed-use Architecture
                                                                                                                                                 prevailing winds and direct air flow down         for Singapore categories. A mark of
                                                                                                                                                 to the lower areas of the development             excellence with a fully transparent
                                                                                                                                                 to cool ground level spaces, while sun-           judging system audited by accountancy
    CDL Properties Biggest Winner at Singapore Good Design Mark (SG Mark) Awards 2016                                                            shading louvers and double-glazed glass           network BDO, the Asia Pacific Property
    – Seven Awards in Total Including Highest Accolade SG Mark Platinum Award for South Beach                                                    further help to reduce solar heat.                Awards shines a spotlight on high calibre
                                                                                                                                                                                                   work within the real estate industry and
                                                                                                                                                 With strategically-positioned sky gardens         highlights top quality developers, projects
                                                                                                                                                 and vertical green walls planted with lush        and services in the region.
                                                                                                                                                 foliage, the urban heat island effect can
                                                                                                                                                 be minimised. To help save water, water-             SG Mark Award Winners
                                                                                                                                                 efficient fittings and fixtures have been            • South Beach (Platinum Award)
                                                                                                                                                 incorporated, and rainwater is collected             • Jewel @ Buangkok
                                                                                                                                                 off the towers and the canopy, and                   • Gramercy Park
                                                                                                                                                 recycled for irrigation purposes.                    • The Brownstone
                                                                                                                                                                                                      • M Social Hotel and
                                                                                                                                                 For its commitment to sustainability,                   UP@Robertson Quay
                                                                                                                                                 South Beach has also received                        • The Criterion
                                                                                                                                                 recognition from the Building and                    • Echelon
                                                                                                                                                 Construction Authority, with two Green
                                                                                                                                                 Mark Platinum Awards.                                The SG Mark 2016 Award winners
                                                                                                                                                                                                      will be exhibited at the National
                                                                                                                                                 In addition, in a recent award ceremony              Design Centre from now till 30 June          UP@Robertson Quay – CDL’s trendy 70-unit
                                                                                                                                                 held on 8 April 2016 at Kuala Lumpur,                2016 – daily from 9am to 9pm.                residential development located by the
                                                                                                                                                 South Beach took home two separate                   Admission is free.                           Singapore River, is one of the SG Mark 2016
                                                                                                                                                 Asia Pacific Property Awards 2016 for Best                                                        Award winners.
    CDL Group General Manager Mr Chia Ngiang Hong (right) receiving the SG Mark Award from
    Guest-of-Honour, Minister of State for Communications and Information, Mr Chee Hong Tat
    (centre), while Design Business Chamber Singapore President Mr Tai Lee Siang (left) looks on.

    With a more competitive market and                 Submissions for 2016 were evaluated by       South Beach Wins Top Design
    discerning buyers, it is paramount for             a panel comprising reputed designers,        Award
    products and services to increase their            as well as representatives from agencies
    design value and offering. Good design             and organisations.                           The sole winner of the highest accolade
    can go beyond aesthetics and beauty                                                             – the SG Mark Platinum Award, South
    to enhance society and improve the                 In affirmation of CDL’s commitment           Beach is a distinctive and high-quality
    environment.                                       towards creating value through eco           development at Beach Road, designed
                                                       designs and innovations, CDL properties      to fit well with Singapore’s tropical
    In recognition of good design, the                 picked up the most number of SG Mark         climate and urban context.
    Design Business Chamber Singapore                  2016 Awards – with seven accolades
    launched SG Mark in 2013 – modelled                in total.                                    Several of the development’s green
    after Japan’s prestigious Good Design                                                           features impressed the judges, including
    Mark. The SG Mark aims to encourage                In addition, CDL’s joint venture South       one of its most striking features – a
    and champion holistic design practices.            Beach mixed-use development designed         microclimatic wave-like canopy that
                                                       by world-renowned architectural firm         covers the open spaces, linking the
    To acknowledge companies and individuals           Foster + Partners and the famed French       conservation buildings with the two
    who have inculcated design values in their         designer Philippe Starck, was the sole       towers. The building’s two towers are
    products and services to enhance industrial        winner of the highest-tier SG Mark           inclined to help catch and direct air flow
    development and enrich lives responsibly           Platinum Award.                              to the open spaces at the ground level.
    – one of the most important criteria of the
    Award is to embrace design for living and          The Awards were given out by Guest-          Other than the canopy filter, South
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Artist’s Impression
    the environment.                                   of-Honour, Minister of State for             Beach also has many sustainable features
                                                       Communications and Information,              designed to conserve energy such
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   CDL’s upcoming Gramercy Park, a 174-unit
    Other criteria for assessment include              Mr Chee Hong Tat, at the Awards Night        as solar thermal panels, photovoltaic                                                                                                          luxurious freehold condominium located in
5   empathy, value, inspiration, ethics and            held on 17 March 2016 at Fairmont            cells, waste-heat recovery system and        South Beach, by demonstrating good design for sustainability, emerged as the sole winner of the   Grange Road, stands out from the city skyline   6
    responsibility, sustainability and progress.       Singapore Hotel.                             energy-efficient fittings. The building      SG Mark Platinum Award.                                                                           with its two iconic curvilinear towers.
Hong Leong City Center - Suzhou's Top Selling Project - On Track for Growth - CDL Delivers Resilient Performance in FY 2015 CDL - World's Most ...
CITY HYPE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                APR 2016

    Making the                                      “CDL firmly believes that sustainability creates value for our                                  in Singapore to adopt an “Integrated            5-Star EHS Assessment System and Green          vision of becoming a cleaner, greener,
                                                                                                                                                    Reporting” approach to its sustainability       Procurement Guidelines. Today, the              smarter and more sustainable city. Our
                                                    investors and stakeholders. This has shaped a green corporate
                                                                                                                                                    report. This is centred on six capitals –       company’s contractors support its approach      quality projects will be more resource-

    Business                                        DNA across all levels of our operations at CDL – from design,
                                                    construction, procurement, and maintenance to building user
                                                                                                                                                    Financial, Manufactured, Organisational,
                                                                                                                                                    Social and Relationship, Human, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and extend the same good EHS practices
                                                                                                                                                                                                    to other developers. This has helped drive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    friendly and will cater to a green and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    smart lifestyle, taking into account various

    Case                                            engagement.”
                                                    Mr Grant Kelley
                                                                                                                                                    Natural.                                        change in the entire built industry, explains
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mr Kelley.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    aspects of energy, security, mobility and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    healthcare needs.”

    to be
                                                                                                                                                    “This integrated reporting approach
                                                    CDL CEO                                                                                         aims to present a holistic picture to CDL’s     CDL’s efforts have paid off in terms of
                                                                                                                                                    investors and stakeholders on how the           global recognition, and the company               Achieving the Triple Bottom Line

    Sustainable                                                                                                                                     interrelation between CDL’s business and        is included in numerous sustainability            CDL’s sustainability efforts have
                                                    Mr Grant Kelley, CDL CEO, says, “I               He notes that research has shown that          sustainability performance leads to value       indices globally. Significantly, it was           achieved tangible benefits including:
                                                    would say that sustainability is becoming        Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) tracking          creation over the short, medium and long-       recently ranked top among all listed              •    S$36.5 million worth of
    CDL has been setting new                        mainstream in today’s global business            socially responsible investing (SRI) indices   term,” he says.                                 real estate companies by Global 100                    savings from annual electricity
    benchmarks in the sustainability                environment. In fact, there is a strong          have outperformed those that track the                                                         Most Sustainable Corporations in the                   consumption from 57 Green Mark
    arena for over two decades.                     business case for sustainability. Integrating    parent indices over the past five years.       The Singapore Exchange announced                World. This makes CDL the first and only               awarded buildings between 2008
    BY FRANCIS KAN                                  sustainability into our corporate vision and                                                    earlier this year that it will be introducing   Singapore company to be listed on the                  and 2014;
                                                    strategy has not only created long-term          The property developer adopts a three-         sustainability reporting on a “comply           ranking for seven consecutive years.              •    21% reduction in carbon emissions
                                                    business value for CDL, but also for our         pronged approach: designing and                or explain” basis for Singapore-listed                                                                 in 2014 (from baseline year of
    Whether it is developing green buildings        investors and customers.”                        developing sustainable properties or green     companies from the financial year ending        Accolades aside, Mr Kelley believes that               2007), up from 18% in 2013, and
    or reporting its efforts to help save the                                                        buildings, managing buildings in an energy     on, or after 31 December 2017.                  the greater impact of its sustainability               is on track to achieve its target of
    environment, CDL has been blazing trails        “For over two decades, our pursuit of            and resource-efficient way, and engaging                                                       initiatives has been to deliver a positive             25% reduction by 2030;
    in the area of sustainability long before it    sustainable development has built our            and influencing stakeholders to support its    Making A Mark Globally                          impact on business, the community and
    became fashionable among corporates to                                                                                                                                                                                                            •    Water usage was reduced by 29%
                                                    leadership in Environmental, Social and          commitment to sustainability.                                                                  environment.
    do so.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 from 717,033 m3 to 508,820 m3 in
                                                    corporate Governance (ESG) performance,                                                         Being ahead of the curve in adopting                                                                   2014;
                                                    and created stronger brand equity and            CDL uses sustainability reporting as a tool    sustainable practices, CDL found                Moving forward, the developer will
    Driven by its ethos of “Conserving as           product differentiation. Our sustainability      to measure and benchmark its sustainability                                                                                                      •    Water conserved at CDL’s
                                                                                                                                                    achieving buy-in from internal and external     continue to influence and engage all
    we Construct”, the Company started              commitment has also given us a first-            performance, while enhancing corporate                                                                                                                construction sites in 2014 more
                                                                                                                                                    stakeholders a challenge when it started        stakeholders in its value chain, from
    integrating corporate social responsibility     mover advantage as environmental                 governance, transparency and stakeholder                                                                                                              than doubled to 244,608 m3 from
                                                                                                                                                    down this road. As such, the developer          architects and builders to homebuyers
    (CSR) and sustainability into its business      regulations have been progressively              engagement, Mr Kelley notes. In 2015,                                                                                                                 121,715 m3 in 2013;
                                                                                                                                                    had to devote much time and effort to           and tenants, working together to create
    as far back as 1995. This involved              mandated for the property sector.”               it became the first property developer         communicate its goals and plan, and             solutions and adopt practices for a               •    9% increase in renewable energy
    changing the way that the property group                                                                                                        introduced several key channels to engage       sustainable city.                                      generated by CDL-managed
    managed its business and operations as                                                                                                          with its contractors and suppliers.                                                                    buildings from 199,732 kWh in
    well as supply chain. The end goal was                                                                                                                                                          Says Mr Kelley, “Innovation will be a                  2013 to 217,567 kWh in 2014.
    to strike a balance in its “triple bottom                                                                                                       These included CDL’s Environmental,             key driver and we will continue to push
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Source: The Business Times © Singapore Press Holdings
    line” of financial, social and environmental                                                                                                    Health and Safety (EHS) policy, the CDL         boundaries in support of the national           Limited. Permission required for reproduction

                                                                                                                                                    CDL – World’s Most
    Much of CDL’s success in achieving its
    sustainability goals can be attributed to
    the leadership of Mr Kwek Leng Joo,
    the Group’s late Deputy Chairman. His
    conviction that CDL had to not only do                                                                                                          Sustainable Real
                                                                                                                                                    Estate Company
    well financially, but also do well for the
    community and its environment has
    helped the Company become a leading
    eco-developer.                                                                                                                                  CDL Ranked Top Real Estate Company and Top 10 in Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World

    For instance, CDL has over 80 Green Mark                                                                                                        Recognised as the world’s pre-eminent           Corporation in 2016. Starting from 81st         has listed the world’s most sustainable
    certified buildings and office interiors, the                                                                                                   sustainability equity index and gold            position in 2010, CDL’s ranking improved        companies per sector based on their
    highest among Singapore developers.                                                                                                             standard in corporate sustainability            to 34th in 2015 and rose to 10th in 2016.       score in RobecoSAM’s annual Corporate
    Among other innovations, it developed                                                                                                           analysis, the 2016 Global 100 ranking was                                                       Sustainability Assessment.
    the first CarbonNeutral® development            Artist’s Impression                                                                             announced at the World Economic Forum           In addition to Global 100, CDL has
    in Asia Pacific: 11 Tampines Concourse;                                                                                                         in Davos, Switzerland, on 21 January 2016.      also been listed on The Sustainability          Apart from the Global 100, CDL has been
                                                    To create value through sustainability, CDL continues to innovate and push boundaries through
    Singapore’s first eco-mall, City Square                                                                                                                                                         Yearbook 2016 for its strong positioning        listed on other leading sustainability
                                                    green building. One such example is The Brownstone Executive Condominium, which will be
    Mall; and first Tree House condominium,         built using the advanced Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction (PPVC) method –      CDL achieved a new record in the global         in long-term shareholder value creation.        benchmarks such as the FTSE4Good
7   which achieved a Guinness World Record          reaping benefits such as an increase of more than 40% in productivity and enhanced worksite     sustainability benchmark with its rankings      Compiled by investment specialist               Index Series (since 2002) and Dow Jones                 8
    for the largest vertical garden in 2014.        safety and cleanliness.                                                                         of Top Real Estate Company and Top 10           RobecoSAM, The Sustainability Yearbook          Sustainability Indices (since 2011).
Hong Leong City Center - Suzhou's Top Selling Project - On Track for Growth - CDL Delivers Resilient Performance in FY 2015 CDL - World's Most ...
CITY HYPE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                APR 2016

    CDL Partners NUS to Develop Novel                                                                                                                       S$2.25M Gift from CDL Enables the Setting Up of Two First-of-its-Kind Laboratories
                                                                                                                                                            to Test-Bed Building Technologies in Indoor and Outdoor Tropical Environments
    Technologies for Smart, Green Living                                                                                                                    NUS-CDL Smart Green Home                                                      NUS-CDL T² Lab

                                                                                                                                                            Artist’s Impression                                                           Artist’s Impression
    “For over 20 years, CDL has championed leading-edge innovations in our projects to create
    impactful solutions and greater value for homeowners. We will continue to push boundaries to
    develop quality homes that are even more comfortable, resource-friendly and cater to a green and
    smart lifestyle. We aim to add value to homebuyers by creating practical and crucial solutions to
    meet their energy, security, mobility and healthcare needs.”
    Mr Grant Kelley

    On 22 March 2016, CDL announced a
    partnership with the National University
    of Singapore (NUS) School of Design and
    Environment to promote innovations in smart,
    green building technologies.
                                                                                                                                                            Total Floor Area: 100 sqm                                                     Total Floor Area: 107 sqm
    CDL made a gift of S$2.25 million to the                                                                                                                Targeted Completion: December 2017                                            Targeted Completion: December 2016
    School to establish two new research                                                                                                                    The NUS-CDL Smart Green Home programme aims to harness                        This test-bed is designed and built to enable
    laboratories dedicated to the study of smart                                                                                                            research to develop innovative solutions to create homes that                 researchers to examine integrated technology
    building technologies for indoor and outdoor                                                                                                            are safe and secure, healthy and comfortable, and acoustically                solutions for people-centric, climate-responsive
    environments, and to provide funding for                                                                                                                pleasing.                                                                     buildings of the future.
    research projects. These initiatives, which are
    also supported by the Economic Development                                                                                                              This unique indoor test-bed environment will serve as a platform              The 107 sqm NUS-CDL T² Lab is conceived as an
                                                         The S$2.25 million gift from CDL enables the setting up of two first-of-its-kind laboratories at
    Board (EDB), will further entrench Singapore’s                                                                                                          for researchers to undertake holistic and innovative experimental             adaptable indoor-outdoor research space that can
                                                         NUS School of Design and Environment to develop novel technologies for smart, green living.
    position as a leading international Smart City       (From left) Professor Heng Chye Kiang, Dean of NUS School of Design and Environment;               studies on smart features, green building technologies and design for         be configured to test lifestyle scenarios, space-use
    and improve the quality of life in our highly        Professor Tan Eng Chye, NUS Provost; Mr Desmond Lee, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of         sustainable living. The NUS-CDL Smart Green Home will be designed             configurations, features as well as cutting-edge or
    urbanised environment.                               National Development and Ministry of Home Affairs; and Mr Grant Kelley, CDL CEO.                   as a world-class venue for testing, analysing, evaluating and piloting        emerging technologies. Managed by the School’s
                                                         (Photo Credit: NUS School of Design and Environment)                                               rapidly evolving smart home innovations in a “plug-and-play” and in a         Department of Architecture, the laboratory will be used
    Mr Desmond Lee, Senior Minister of State,                                                                                                               real-life environment. It will also allow researchers to experiment with      to study new ideas relating to research themes such as
    Ministry of National Development and Ministry                                                                                                           the technology-human interface.                                               “healthy, green living” which explores the integration
    of Home Affairs officiated at the launch of two                                                                                                                                                                                       of passive and active building systems to achieve
    new programmes – NUS-CDL Smart Green                                                                                                                    The facility, expected to be completed by December 2017, will be              substantial reductions of carbon emissions, as well as
    Home and NUS-CDL Tropical Technologies                                                                                                                  located within a new building at the NUS School of Design and                 “future lifestyles” which examines the adaptability of the
    Laboratory (T² Lab). These new programmes                                                                                                               Environment and it will be managed by the School’s Department of              Singapore home to ageing, safety and security, work-life
    are the first-of-its-kind tailored to the tropical                                                                                                      Building. The NUS-CDL Smart Green Home is designed as a 100 sqm               balance, and social and cultural expectations.
    climate.                                                                                                                                                full-size home. At least one facade will be designed for plug-and-play
                                                                                                                                                            experimentation of new smart materials, systems and finishes.                 The new laboratory, expected to be completed by
    Mr Grant Kelley, CDL CEO, said, “In support                                                                                                                                                                                           December 2016, will be located on the NUS Kent Ridge
    of the national vision for a smarter, greener                                                                                                           The NUS-CDL Smart Green Home will be devoted to investigating                 campus. The lab will be constructed on an existing
    and more liveable Singapore, CDL is excited                                                                                                             human centred smart materials, technologies and knowledge                     structure, and designed with flexibility to adapt to the
    to collaborate with NUS on the NUS-CDL                                                                                                                  platforms that lead to enhanced health and comfort, quality of life,          new functions while testing high-performance materials
    Smart Green Home and T2 Lab, with EDB as                                                                                                                and a sustainable and connected future.                                       and environmental systems.
    our supporting partner. With CDL’s expertise
    in pioneering sustainable building innovations,                                                                                                         One research project that will be carried out at this facility is to design   One of the projects that will take place at this facility will
    we look forward to sharing our industry                                                                                                                 and develop an intelligent system that is capable of improving indoor         be an experimental study on integrating building facade
    knowledge and carrying out pilot testing at                                                                                                             aural comfort by picking an ideal sound profile that is able to mask          design, construction and operation that suit Singapore’s
    our future developments. The capabilities            (From left) CDL CEO Mr Grant Kelley; Mr Desmond Lee, Senior Minister of State, Ministry            undesirable ambient noise. A library of desirable sounds will be              climatic conditions. NUS researchers will study the
    developed by the two NUS-CDL platforms               of National Development and Ministry of Home Affairs, and NUS Provost Professor Tan Eng            selected to manage and reduce the undesired elements of different             integration of solar panels with building facades such
                                                         Chye; Associate Professor Lee Siew Eang, Department of Building, NUS School of Design and
    will also set new benchmarks for our building        Environment; and Mr Goh Chee Kiong, EDB Executive Director (Cities, Infrastructure & Industrial
                                                                                                                                                            types of ambient noise. For example, well-blended and dosed insects’          as roof and vertical wall surfaces. For instance, they will
9   industry, as Singapore gears up to become a          Solutions), viewing a model of the NUS-CDL Smart Green Home.                                       sound and breeze may be used to mask road-tyre interaction noise and          evaluate the feasibility and efficiency of incorporating sun-    10
    smart and sustainable nation.”                       (Photo Credit: NUS School of Design and Environment)                                               air turbulence noise created by fast travelling vehicles along expressway.    shading shutters with solar membranes and panels.
Hong Leong City Center - Suzhou's Top Selling Project - On Track for Growth - CDL Delivers Resilient Performance in FY 2015 CDL - World's Most ...
CITY HYPE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         APR 2016

     Towards a
                                                        This was achieved through                           Over 6,000 kg of Pre-Loved Items                Dr Amy Khor, Senior Minister of State,
                                                        encouraging the public to extend                    Collected from Seven CDL Commercial             Ministry of the Environment and Water
                                                        the lease of life of daily items they               and Retail Properties:                          Resources and Ministry of Health, graced

     Zero Waste                                         no longer need by donating them, or
                                                        by buying from the EcoBank Bazaar
                                                                                                            • Republic Plaza
                                                                                                            • City House
                                                                                                                                                            the official launch of EcoBank.

     Nation                                             to reduce waste and raise funds for
                                                        the Singapore Council of Women’s
                                                        Organisations (SCWO), which supports
                                                                                                            • Fuji Xerox Towers
                                                                                                            • Manulife Centre
                                                                                                            • Central Mall Office Tower
                                                                                                                                                            She said, “Singapore faces unique
                                                                                                                                                            challenges in waste management, given
                                                                                                                                                            our land scarcity and the increasing
                                                        disadvantaged women and children in                 • Quayside Isle                                 amount of waste generated each year.
                                                        Singapore.                                          • City Square Mall                              The joint EcoBank project by CDL and
                                                                                                                                                            Eco-Business is the first-of-its-kind
                                                        Overwhelming Response for                           The pre-loved items, including clothes,         in Singapore, and is an example of a
                                                        EcoBank Collective Drive at                         toys and books, from the public, were sold      ground-up initiative that promotes the
                                                        CDL Properties                                      at a two-day EcoBank Bazaar held at City        message of sustainable consumption.
                                                                                                            Square Mall on 16 and 17 January 2016.          EcoBank aims to raise public awareness
                                                        Speaking at EcoBank’s official launch,                                                              of recycling and seeks to change public
                                                        Mr Grant Kelley, CDL CEO, said,                     As a co-organiser of the EcoBank                behaviour in the long run. Such outreach
                                                        “EcoBank is our latest outreach                     initiative, CDL also made a S$10,000            and engagement efforts will no doubt
                                                        initiative serving many objectives.                 pledge to the SCWO Service Fund. CDL’s          bring us closer to realising Singapore’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Dr Amy Khor, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources and Ministry
     With economic and population growth,               We hope to not only encourage waste                 contribution and funds raised from the          vision of a Zero Waste Nation. I am                of Health (second from right), toured the EcoBank Bazaar, accompanied by Mr Grant Kelley, CDL
     the amount of waste disposed in                    reduction but also support the needy                Bazaar was matched by the Singapore             heartened by such ground-up initiatives            CEO (right), Ms Jessica Cheam, Founder and Editor of Eco-Business (second from left), and Dr June
     Singapore has increased tremendously.              through the donations collected.                    government under the Community Chest’s          by corporate citizens,” she added.                 Goh, First Vice President of SCWO (left).
     CDL – as an extension of its commitment            Response has been overwhelming.                     dollar-for-dollar Care & Share movement.
     to environmental sustainability, launched          Over the past three weeks, over
     Singapore’s first EcoBank together                 6,000 kg of pre-loved items were                    Reduce and Reuse for a
     with sustainability firm Eco-Business, to          collected from seven CDL commercial                 Better Singapore
     increase awareness about sustainable
     consumption and raise funds for charity.
                                                        and retail properties. Our employees
                                                        contributed some 500 volunteer hours                EcoBank supports Singapore’s vision               CDL Sheds Light on Earth Hour
                                                        to sort and organise the collected                  of becoming a zero waste nation by
     Officially launched at Singapore’s                 items for this meaningful initiative.”              2030 under the Sustainable Singapore
     first Eco-Mall, City Square Mall on                                                                    Blueprint 2015. The blueprint, launched                                                                                                              on 24 March 2016. Mr Yuen shared key
     16 January 2016, the “reduce and reuse             The EcoBank collection drive kicked off             by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in                                                                                                                 points of the landmark COP21 Paris
     for good” initiative aimed to increase             on 26 December 2015 and collection                  2014, outlines a S$1.5 billion effort for                                                                                                            Agreement, and its impact on Singapore.
     public awareness of waste reduction and            bins were set up at City Square Mall                Singapore to become a smart, eco-
     sustainable consumption in Singapore.              and selected CDL buildings.                         friendly city with a “zero-waste” culture.                                                                                                           Earth Hour Outreach with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Earthlink NTU

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Since 2010, CDL has been supporting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Earthlink Nanyang Technological
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 University (NTU) – the only environmental
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 club in NTU which promotes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 environmentalism to staff and students
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 of NTU, as part of its focus on youth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 development and eco-outreach. This year,
                                                                                                                                                              Gracing the Earthlink NTU event as Guest-of-Honour was Mr Desmond Lee, Senior Minister
                                                                                                                                                              of State, Ministry of National Development and Ministry of Home Affairs (third from right) with    CDL joined Earthlink NTU’s Earth Hour
                                                                                                                                                              Ms Esther An, CDL Chief Sustainability Officer (second from right) and NTU students.               community outreach activities at Jurong
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Spring on 19 March 2016, and engaged
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 residents to share eco-messages.
                                                                                                                                                              In line with its commitment to help               launched the “Half-Hour Off” initiative to
                                                                                                                                                              mitigate climate change, CDL has been             encourage office workers to switch off all       To raise public awareness of
                                                                                                                                                              participating in the Earth Hour global            non-essential lights and air-conditioning.       environmental sustainability, the
                                                                                                                                                              campaign since 2008.                                                                               event included a lights-out ceremony
                                                                                                                                                                                                                To instil energy-saving habits amongst           to observe Earth Hour and a tour of
                                                                                                                                                              On 19 March 2016, CDL invited 14 of               CDL staff, a lunch talk presented by Mr          booths comprising games, information,
                                                                                                                                                              its commercial buildings to switch off            Yuen Sai Kuan, Director of Corporate             and tips on how residents can reduce
     Mr Grant Kelley, CEO of CDL (back row, fifth from right), presented a mock cheque of S$10,000 to Dr June Goh, First Vice President of SCWO (back
     row, centre), in the presence of Dr Amy Khor, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources and Ministry of Health (back     the facade building lights and main               Affairs at the National Climate Change           environmental impact through everyday
11   row, fourth from left), Ms Esther An, Chief Sustainability Officer of CDL (back row, third from left), Ms Jessica Cheam, Founder and Editor of Eco-      lights at the common areas, and also              Secretariat, was organised for CDL staff         actions.                                            12
     Business (back row, fourth from right), and students from Woodgrove Secondary School, who contributed their pre-loved items.
Hong Leong City Center - Suzhou's Top Selling Project - On Track for Growth - CDL Delivers Resilient Performance in FY 2015 CDL - World's Most ...
CITY LIFESTYLE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       APR 2016

     Millennium Hotels                                                                                                                               Hard Days Night Hotel Named
     and Resorts to                                                                                                                                  Luxury Grand Hotel of the Year
     Launch New Hotel                                                                                                                                                                                                      year. The 110-room luxurious property was also named “Hotel of

     Brand M Social                                                                                                                                                                                                        the Year” at the Work Hard, Play Hard Awards last year.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           “Liverpool is certainly a destination of choice for worldwide
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           leisure and corporate travellers, and to be recognised as a
     Singapore’s Robertson Quay district will soon see the addition                                                                                                                                                        leading place to stay within the city is fantastic. The hotel itself
     of a new Millennium Hotels and Resorts (MHR) hotel – M Social.                                                                                                                                                        reflects Liverpool’s famous cultural and historic ties to The
     The new hotel brand concept will see its first hotel open a                                                                                                                                                           Beatles, an element that continues to attract and entice guests
     stone’s throw away from the iconic Singapore River. Nestled in                                                                                                                                                        from across the globe,” Mr Dewey said.
     one of Singapore’s urban hubs at Robertson Quay complete
     with convenient amenities and services, the hotel is set to offer                                                                                                                                                     “We are excited to further our reach and attract more overseas
     a work-rest-play lifestyle.                                                                                                                                                                                           visitors, as a result of our critical acclaim and worldwide
                                                                         Mr Paul James, Senior Vice President, Global Marketing and Branding,                                                                              recognition.”
     M Social is expected to open in early June. The 293-room            Millennium Hotels and Resorts.
     hotel will have nearly 100 loft-style rooms and 200 standard
     rooms, with rooms averaging 20 sqm. Rates at M Social are
     expected to be around S$200 per night. Singaporean guests on
     staycations are expected to make up around 20% of the hotel’s

     Mr Paul James, MHR’s Senior Vice President of Global
     Marketing and Branding said, “It is called M Social because
     it’s focused on getting people together, and in a digital world,
     people value those in-real-life kind of moments.”
                                                                                                                                                     The Beatles-Inspired Hard Days Night Hotel has been named “Luxury
                                                                                                                                                     Grand Hotel of the Year”, adding to its ever-expanding cabinet of
     M Social is the first of many hotels the Group plans to open                                                                                    trophies.
     in key cities around the world to serve the needs of millennial     Artist’s Impression

     guests said Mr James, and will not only keep guests constantly
     connected but also blur the lines separating personal and           The hotel is aimed at serving the needs of millennial guests and will not
                                                                         only keep guests constantly connected but also blur the lines separating    Hard Days Night Hotel has added to its ever-expanding trophy
     professional life. “M Social is all about our guests. We know       personal and professional life.                                             cabinet having been crowned “Luxury Grand Hotel of the Year”.
     that travellers are design-savvy, tech-native, self-sufficient
     and experience-hungry. We also know that they are complex                                                                                       The Beatles-inspired hotel was selected by the Luxury Travel          Entertain clients and business associates, hold small meetings, intimate
     and sometimes contradictory…because at the end of the day,                                                                                                                                                            events or media interviews in the amazing John Lennon Suite complete
                                                                         “[The hotel] is brilliantly designed by Philippe Starck, yes it             Guide Awards due to its outstanding reputation, premium
     travellers are just busy people who need to stay away from                                                                                                                                                            with a baby grand piano (above) or the Paul McCartney Suite.
                                                                         is wired for today’s connectivity needs, but most of all it is              amenities and high standards of customer service.
     home,” said Mr James.                                               adaptive. It responds with service when and where our guests
                                                                         need it, not when they don’t. It should feel like staying with              General Manager of Hard Days Night Hotel Mr Mike Dewey said,
                                                                         really good friends.”                                                       “We are thrilled to have received this prestigious accolade from
                                                                                                                                                     the Luxury Travel Guide Awards and built on our global acclaim.
                                                                         He added that Singapore is the ideal “laboratory” for the                   It is all the more rewarding as it follows the hotel’s welcome into
                                                                         Group to test its new brand aimed at the savvy, busy global                 the Millennium Hotels and Resorts international family.
                                                                         traveller, with plans to roll out the brand in other markets such
                                                                         as Auckland and Seoul within the next two years.                            “The awards certainly represent the pinnacle of hospitality
                                                                                                                                                     achievement and champion the best in the industry, and it’s great
        The 293-room hotel
                                                                         While the new hotel promises to provide a one-of-a-kind                     to be commended for our efforts in continuing to heighten guest
        will have nearly 100                                             experience for style-conscious travellers, it is also the first             experiences. Since the hotel became a part of the Millennium
        loft-style rooms and                                             manifestation of MHR’s renewed commitment to delivering                     Hotels and Resorts brand, we have combined our core
       200 standard rooms,                                               exceptional guest experiences. The tech-savvy design-led                    ethos to deliver genuine hospitality to a global audience.”
      with rooms averaging                                               hotel will showcase new forms of automation in the lobby
      20 sqm, with interiors
     designed by renowned
                                                                         and restaurant, new in-room amenities such as a key card that               In 2015, the hotel achieved “Top Rated” status in the
13           French designer                                             enables guests to charge bills to their rooms and a whole new               LateRooms.com “Simply The Guest Awards” and received a                The Lounge and Bar features stunning artwork and is also the location for   14
              Philippe Starck.   Artist’s Impression                     take on staffing from the recruitment process to uniform partners.          TripAdvisor “Certificate of Excellence” for the fourth consecutive    one of the hotel’s “must-see” images.
Hong Leong City Center - Suzhou's Top Selling Project - On Track for Growth - CDL Delivers Resilient Performance in FY 2015 CDL - World's Most ...
CITY LIFESTYLE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     APR 2016

     MHR Completes Millennium                                                                                                                    The South Beach Sponsors
     Buffalo Renovations and                                                                                                                     World Press Photo Exhibition
     Rebrands The Bostonian                                                                                                                      Showcasing some of the world’s most compelling
                                                                                                                                                 press images, the World Press Photo Exhibition
                                                                                                                                                 is hailed as the Oscars of photojournalism and is
                                                                                                                                                 the most popular photo event that has travelled
                                                                                                                                                 the world. It recently opened in Singapore with
                                                                                                                                                 Hong Leong Group’s latest hotel The South
                                                                                                                                                 Beach as the Official Hotel Partner.

                                                                                                                                                 Held in Singapore for the fifth time, the
                                                                                                                                                 exhibition featured 145 winning photos from the
                                                                                                                                                 prestigious 2015 World Press Photo contest.

                                                                                                                                                 The South Beach provided plush
                                                                                                                                                 accommodations for the exhibition’s award
                                                                                                                                                 winning photographers such as Peter Muller and
                                                                                                                                                 Sim Chi Yin while they were in town and played         From left: Mr Patrick Daniel, Editor-in-chief of the English, Malay and Tamil Media group
                                                                                                                                                                                                        of The Straits Times’ parent company Singapore Press Holdings, Mr Baey Yam Keng,
              The updated                                                                                                                        host to a breakfast session for the photographers      Parliamentary Secretary for Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth and Mr Warren
     301-room Millennium                                                                                                                         and The Straits Times, Presenter of the Exhibition     Fernandez, Editor of The Straits Times at the ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially open
             Buffalo offers                                                                                                                      and Singapore’s main English newspaper.                the World Press Photo Exhibition.
        that are refreshing
              and inviting.

                                                                                                                                                 Grand Millennium Shanghai
                                                                                                                                                 Hongqiao Reaps Green Rewards
     Millennium Hotels and Resorts (MHR) in          Operations, North America. “We look          Offering guests easy access to historic
     North America recently announced the            forward to unveiling more transformed        attractions like the North End, Seaport
     completion of upgrades to Millennium            properties, starting with another of our     District and Boston Harbour, The
     Buffalo, New York. Located a short drive        New York hotels – ONE UN New York –          Bostonian features 204 spacious guest
     from Niagara Falls, the hotel now sports        this summer.”                                rooms and suites, some with log-burning        After more than three years of striving for green excellence, the Grand
     a new look for all 301 guest rooms and                                                       fireplaces and Juliette balconies with views   Millennium Shanghai Hongqiao’s persevering effort towards the protection
     suites. Accommodations are refreshing and       The Millennium Bostonian has also            of the city.                                   of the environment has finally paid off.
     inviting, many with their own private patio     rebranded to The Bostonian. The AAA
     or balcony overlooking the lush courtyard       Four Diamond-rated boutique hotel is         With a North 26 Restaurant and Bar             The hotel has been awarded the “Golden Leaf Green Hotel” by China’s
     and indoor pool and some feature Jacuzzi        just across from Faneuil Hall Marketplace.   showcasing New England cuisine, the hotel      highest authorities on sustainability for hotels, the National Green Hotel
     whirlpool baths for private enjoyment.          The AAA Diamond Rating Process is            also offers 7,800 sq ft of flexible meeting    Committee and China Hotel Association.
                                                     an established premier hotel rating          spaces, including Seasons Ballroom which
     The Millennium Buffalo is the ideal base        programme in North America.                  overlooks Faneuil Hall.                        To achieve this recognition, a Golden Leaf Green Hotel requires, among other
     for exploring the beauty of western New                                                                                                     things, the installation of gauges for water, gas and electricity at different
     York. Guests can discover the city’s rich art                                                                                               areas of the hotel, prohibition of using wild and protected animals in cooking,
     and culture scene with a number of nearby                                                                                                   and no serious pollution from the hotel for over a year. The overall design
     art galleries and museums while shoppers                                                                                                    of the hotel, availability of green products, service, trash management,
     can take advantage of over 200 stores at                                                                                                    environmental protection, energy resource management, material costs, and
     Walden Galleria, only a short walk from                                                                                                     water saving were also important criteria in the assessment.
     the hotel. Additionally, the hotel features
     12,000 sq ft of versatile event space.                                                                                                      Led by the hotel’s management team, every department took the ownership
                                                                                                                                                 in making the improvements with the engineering team leading the way.
     “We are thrilled to kick off the year with                                                                           The newly rebranded                                                                                        Beaming with pride as they held the “Golden Leaf Green
     the announcement of enhancements to                                                                                  The Bostonian is a     “Protecting our environment is not only one person’s responsibility, but            Hotel” award are General Manager Mr Rene Teuscher front
     our hotel that is perfectly situated for                                                                             AAA Four Diamond-      a mission for everyone. We are delighted to be a role model for green               left), Chairman of Shanghai Seagull Holding Group Mr Eric
                                                                                                                          rated boutique                                                                                             Wang (front right), and the management team that helped
     experiencing all that New York’s                                                                                     hotel featuring 204
                                                                                                                                                 hotels, and remain committed to continue on this journey to ensure a safe           drive and contribute to the achievement. Shanghai Seagull
15   second largest city has to offer,” said                                                                              spacious guest rooms   and healthy environment for our guests without compromising our service             Holding Group is the owner of the Millennium & Copthorne       16
     Mr Colin Wang, MHR Vice President                                                                                    and suites.            standards,” said General Manager Mr Rene Teuscher.                                  (M&C)-managed property.
Hong Leong City Center - Suzhou's Top Selling Project - On Track for Growth - CDL Delivers Resilient Performance in FY 2015 CDL - World's Most ...
CARING CITY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          APR 2016

                                                     Walking through Two
                                                     Million Years of History                                                                                                                                                   About the
                                                     CDL business associates and stakeholders traversed time and space
                                                     during a cocktail evening at the National Museum of Singapore, which                                                                                                       Explore the finest artefacts the world has to offer at this
                                                     included a private tour of a blockbuster exhibition featuring world                                                                                                        highly-anticipated exhibition from the British Museum in
                                                     treasures from the British Museum.                                                                                                                                         London! Come face to face with the “unlucky mummy”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                falsely rumoured to have sunk the Titanic, marvel at gold
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                jewellery from ancient Mesopotamian graves and be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                fascinated by the magical transformation mask from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Pacific Northwest Coast of North America.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Featuring stunning relics from ancient civilisations and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                treasures spanning Africa, Oceania and the Middle East,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                as well as Europe, Asia and the Americas, this extensive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                collection encompasses over two million years of abundant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                culture and history. Closer to home, the exhibition also
                                                                                                                                                            Figure of a                                                         includes items from the personal collection of Sir Stamford
                                                                                                                                                            pregnant woman,                                                     Raffles, such as a Javanese mask and a kris and scabbard
                                                                                                                                                            Cyclades, Greece,
                                                                                                                                                            2600-2400 AD ©
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                dating back to the early 19th century. Discover these
                                                                                                                                                            2016 the Trustees of                                                Treasures of the World and more at the National Museum
                                                     Objects tell stories of human experiences         Exhibited at the National Museum of                  the British Museum                                                  from now to 29 May 2016!
                                                     and cultures, and serve an important role         Singapore, it comprises over 200 artefacts
                                                     in preserving history for future generations      from all continents and time periods, both
                                                     to appreciate heritage and culture as a           visually spectacular and materially diverse.
                                                     shared humanity.
                                                                                                       As one of the sponsors for the exhibition,      Over cocktails and canapés set against        a Javanese mask and a kris and scabbard
                                                     The “Treasures of the World from the              CDL hosted a cocktail evening on 22             the enchanting backdrop of the Museum’s       dating back to the early 19th century.
                                                     British Museum” exhibition – containing           January 2016 for some 100 CDL tenants           The Salon event hall, guests were led
                                                     some of the finest objects from the British       and business associates, the highlight          in groups to the respective Galleries,        Opening the event with a speech, CDL
                                                     Museum, has arrived at the shores of              of which was a private tour of the              where they were treated to informative        Group General Manager Mr Chia Ngiang
                                                     Southeast Asia for the first time.                exhibition.                                     guided tours of the exhibition by the         Hong said, “At CDL, we are committed
                                                                                                                                                       Museum’s docents.                             to supporting meaningful art, heritage
                                                                                                                                                                                                     and environmental conservation causes
                                                                                                                                                       While moving through the exhibition,          – including this blockbuster exhibition.
                                                                                                                                                       the guests journeyed around the world         We are glad to have also contributed to
                                                                                                                                                       and across time, coming face to face          enriching our cultural landscape. At the
                                                                                                                                                       with treasures from Asia to Africa, the       Museum’s Fort Canning Entrance, there
                                                                                                                                                       Middle East to Europe, and Oceania to         is an iconic stainless steel sculpture titled
                                                                                                                                                       the Americas. The final section displayed     ‘In the Eye of the Red Dot’, that CDL
                                                                                                                                                       artistic treasures of the modern age.         commissioned jointly with the Museum
                                                                                                                                                                                                     to commemorate SG50. Such public
                                                                                                                                                       Some renowned objects in the exhibition       commissions are our way of enhancing
                                                                                                                                                       include a Lewis chess piece from the Isle     our nation’s cultural legacy and nurturing
                                                                                                                                                       of Lewis in Scotland, an 800 thousand-        the local arts community.”
                                                                                                                                                       year-old stone hand axe from Tanzania,
                                                                                                                                                       and the infamous Egyptian mummy-              The “Treasures of the World from the
                                                                                                                                                       board, which was falsely rumoured to          British Museum” exhibition at the NMS
                                                                                                                                                       have sunk the Titanic.                        will run till 29 May 2016 – daily from 10am
                                                                                                                                                                                                     to 7pm. Admission charges apply.
                                                                                                                                                       Closer to home, the exhibition also
     Mummy-board, probably from Thebes, Egypt,                                                                                                                                                                                                       Lewis Chess Piece, found on the Isle of Lewis,
17   950-900 BC © 2016 the Trustees of the British   Some 100 CDL tenants and business associates attended the CDL cocktail evening, the highlight     featured items from the personal              Visit www.nationalmuseum.sg for more            Scotland, made about AD 1150–1200 © 2016         18
     Museum                                          of which was a private tour of the “Treasures of the World from the British Museum” exhibition.   collection of Sir Stamford Raffles, such as   information on the exhibition.                  the Trustees of the British Museum
CARING CITY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        APR 2016

     Bright                                                                                                                                                        Young Minds Make the Smart Move
     Sparks                                                                                                                                                        360 Youths Embarked on Island-wide Eco-race

     for Green
     Jointly organised by the Building                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               360 youths participated in
     and Construction Authority                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      CDL E-Generation Challenge
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2016 which was flagged off
     (BCA) and CDL, this year’s BCA-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     at CDL’s City Square Mall.
     CDL Green Sparks Competition                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Pictured with the participants
     challenged participants to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and supporting partners are
     conceptualise a sustainable                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CDL Group General Manager
     community space for City Square                    Guest-Of-Honour Mr Lee Fook Sun, BCA Chairman (third from left); Dr John Keung, BCA CEO                                                                                                                                      Mr Chia Ngiang Hong (in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     green, first from left), CDL
     Mall’s existing Sky Park.                          (fourth from left); and Ms Esther An, CDL Chief Sustainability Officer (fourth from right), presented
                                                        the top prize to the winning team, “05-ARCHI”, from Singapore Polytechnic.                                                                                                                                                   CEO Mr Grant Kelley (in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     green, second from left) and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CDL Chief Sustainability
     A team of five students from Singapore Polytechnic emerged                   community bonding activities. The design leverages the existing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Officer Ms Esther An (in
     champions at the finals of BCA-CDL Green Sparks Competition                  infrastructure and capitalises on the vantage views of the site. It                                                                                                                                green, second from right).
     2015/16. Held for the third time, the green building case                    also incorporates the use of recycled shipping containers into a
     competition attracted a total of 21 team submissions from seven              modular and stacked building system.                                             There is a global call for smart               to the Smart Nation theme. It also               Now into its seventh year, the annual
     local tertiary institutions.                                                                                                                                  and sustainable cities, in view                included a deceptive element that tested         Challenge was launched in 2010 to foster
                                                                                  Coming in second and third positions were another team from                      of climate change, a growing                   participants’ ability to stay focussed, be       a new generation of green champions to
     In the competition finals held on Friday, 8 April 2016, eight                Singapore Polytechnic and Temasek Polytechnic respectively.                      world population and dwindling                 mindful of distractions and persevere till       drive eco-friendly practices for a more
     finalist teams pitched their design concepts in a booth                                                                                                       resources. To address this                     the very end.                                    sustainable future. To date, the Challenge
     presentation style to a panel of industry experts. The panel                 The BCA-CDL Green Sparks Competition is a biennial national                      need, Singapore is building the                                                                 has reached out to some 2,560 youth
     was led by the chief judge Er. Ng Eng Kiong, Immediate Past                  green built environment competition and public-private initiative                world’s first Smart Nation by                  Another station was iExperience – the            participants, with an expanded reach on
     President of Singapore Green Building Council.                               by BCA and CDL to engage and nurture local tertiary students’                    harnessing technology to the                   Information and Communications                   social media.
                                                                                  effort to green Singapore’s built environment and to raise                       fullest with the aim of improving              Technology Experience Centre at
     Teams were judged based on the amount of energy savings,                     awareness of the best green building practices and solutions                     the lives of citizens, creating                Esplanade Xchange. The station gave              The Challenge is supported by the
     environmental benefits, feasibility, creativity and aesthetic appeal         amongst future practitioners.                                                    more opportunities, and building               participants a preview of Singapore as a         Building and Construction Authority
     of the design. Teams also had to elaborate how their design                                                                                                   stronger communities.                          Smart Nation, featuring a wide range of          (BCA), National Environment Agency
     features tie in with the components of the new BCA Green Mark                Launched in 2010, the first BCA-CDL Green Sparks Competition                                                                    services and applications enabled through        (NEA), and National Parks Board (NParks).
     2015 scheme – a key judging criteria in this year’s competition.             called for participants to submit concept proposals to retrofit                  In support of Singapore’s vision, CDL has      the innovative use of infocomm and               Event partners include CDL’s City Square
                                                                                  Fuji Xerox Towers into an exemplary BCA Green Mark Platinum                      adopted “Make The SMART Move” as the           technology to improve lives.                     Mall and Star Horizon Learning.
     The winning team’s “Stack’d up @ City Square Mall” stood                     building, while the second edition saw the conceptualisation                     theme for its annual eco-race for youths
     out with their compelling design that converts the space into                of a new generation green show suite for a CDL residential                       this year.
     an energy-efficient, multi-functional facility for family and                development site.
                                                                                                                                                                   Held on 2 April 2016, participants in the
                                                                                                                                                                   CDL E-Generation Challenge 2016 were
                                                                                                                                                                   empowered to strategise their routes and
                                                                                                                                                                   make the smart moves to complete up to
                                                                                                                                                                   10 stations scattered around Singapore.

                                                                                                                                                                   More Stations with Innovative
                                                                                                                                                                   New Elements

                                                                                                                                                                   Other than the increase in number of
                                                                                                                                                                   stations for this year’s Challenge, CDL also
                                                                                                                                                                   introduced a new Escape Room format
                                                                                                                                             Artist’s Impression   known as the “Escape Maze”. Held at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  CDL CEO Mr Grant Kelley (in green, first from left), CDL Group General Manager Mr Chia Ngiang
                                                                                                                                                                   CDL’s Republic Plaza in Raffles Place, the     Hong (in green, second from left) and CDL Chief Sustainability Officer Ms Esther An (in green,
19   Artist’s impression of the winning concept, “Stack’d up @ City Square Mall”, which featured the use of recycled shipping containers in a modular and          “Escape Maze” required participants            second from right) sharing a triumphant moment with the top three winners, together with our        20
     stacked building system.                                                                                                                                      to solve mind-bending puzzles related          supporting partners.
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