Housing Australia BDAA National Virtual Design Conference 4th, 5th & 6th November 2020 - Building ...

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Housing Australia BDAA National Virtual Design Conference 4th, 5th & 6th November 2020 - Building ...

               Housing Australia
               BDAA National Virtual Design Conference
                    4th, 5th & 6th November 2020
Housing Australia BDAA National Virtual Design Conference 4th, 5th & 6th November 2020 - Building ...
It’s a groundbreaking virtual conference for our times, and our industry.

Welcome to The BDAA National Virtual Design Conference, celebrated 4th, 5th & 6th November, 2020. Aside
from its modernistic online format, the conference will address a number of revolutionary concepts set to redefine
the Australian building industry and built environment in 2020 and beyond.

Sustainability. Technologically innovative housing. Affordable housing. Energy and ecoconscious housing.
These concepts and many others will be discussed through dynamic, info-packed presentations, programs, CPD
classes, etc. This year, the conference will feature spectacular extras seldom witnessed at virtual events, including
unboxings, live factory tours, member case studies and more.

Be a part of building industry history. Join us at The 2020 BDAA National Virtual Design Conference. This
handy conference guide contains full schedules and descriptions of all conference events, plus the topics, guest
speakers and industry partners that define them.

Read the guide, set your schedule, and book your tickets today!
Just some of
the things

you                     How to build a home that is sustainable, affordable and
                        technologically advanced in structure and function

will                    About all the forms of modern-day Australian housing, be
                        that renovations and additions, new homes or high density


                        How to perfect your residential design skills

at Housing Australia:   How to better understand your ever changing role in
The 2020 BDAA           creating housing of all types across Australia.
National Virtural
Design Conference       Updates on Australian housing policy

                        What’s new in sustainable housing

                        Latest insights on affordable housing

                        All the latest facts on emerging technologies including
                        pre-fab/flatpack housing, passivehaus design / healthy
                        buildings, designing for bushfire protection, and NCC
                        changes and updates.
Housing Australia
BDAA National Virtual Design Conference | 4th - 6th November 2020

                                  How the virtual ticket works

                       01                                    02                                03
Watch the sessions                     Designed to fit your busy        Enjoy your choice of
                                       schedule                         Summit presentations
When you register for a Virtual
Ticket to Housing Australia,           The Virtual Ticket was created   You can pick and choose to
a unique ID and password               by designers for designers.      watch some sessions live or if
will grant you access to the                                            you purchased the all access
                                       That means we built it to
sessions.                                                               pass you have an additional
                                       accommodate your busy
You simply log in, select the          schedule.                        three months to soak in all the
session you’d like to watch,                                            sessions.
and join.
Just the facts
BDAA National Virtual Design Conference | 4th - 6th November 2020

 Who:                               What:                              Where:
 This Virtual Ticket is ideal for   The BDAA National Virtual          At your home, office, or on
 any designer, specifier or         Design Conference 2020             the road! You watch sessions
 business owner, who wants to       provides full online access        using your computer, tablet, or
 better understand the latest       to a variety of sessions. They     smartphone.
 design trends and products or      are available live or on demand
 discover tips and know-how to      depending on your ticket
 grow their business.               choice.

 When:                              Why:                               How:
 Sessions will run live from        You’ll be able to implement        When you purchase your
 4th - 6th November 2020. If        effective business strategies      Virtual Ticket, we’ll email you
 you choose the VIP ticket,         and tactics that will help         instructions for your exclusive
 you will have access to the        improve your design process,       access to the content.
 sessions for 3 month from the      grow your following, and build
 conference to review, rewatch      your business. This pass
 and redownload                     will ensure your business is
                                    maximising the full potential of
                                    the Built Environment!
17                                 +
                                                                    LinkedIn Live Member
                                         Live Presentations
                                                                            Case Studies

                                17 amazing live

                                presentations staged by        See compelling stories of
                                expert guest speakers          building designs brought to
                                from around the world,         life with BDAA members and
                                talking on a vast range of     industry partners working
                                relevant and timely building   together to overcome all
                                industry topics, from          barriers and challenges that
                                building sustainable homes     stood in their way.
                                to making money and
                                advances in the business of
                                building design.

    9 Formal CPD Sessions         New Product Launches
                                                      +                               +
                                                                       Live Factory Tours

 9 formal CPD events,          Our industry partners are       Virtually tour the ultra-
 delivered by our own          eager to present their          modern, technologically
 Industry Partners: the        newest and best building        innovative Australian
 best providers of building    products; innovative items      factories where the precious
 supplies and services         sure to define your future      materials that define your
 throughout Australia. Learn   designs.                        designs are conceptualised
 as you earn!                                                  and manufactured and by
                                                               our very own BDAA industry
WEDNESDAY                                                THURSDAY                                                 FRIDAY
                              4th November                                           5th November                                           6th November

                     How to Get Paid Quickly                              Samantha Anderson - ABSA                          Product Compliance to NCC codes &
                            Keystone Lawyers                                Comfort Versus Energy Take Off                      Australian Standards Lysaght

 9am                Formal CPD Presentation                             Business Continuity Workshop                                       All Fired Up
                               Brickworks                                          Webber Insurance                                             Hebel

                     Professor Tim Flannery                                   Professor Hal Pawson                            Ian Motley + Alexandra Howieson
 10am                                                                                                                          How To Sell High-Quality Design Services
                            The Climate Cure                       Unpacking Australia’s Housing Affordability Problem                 Using The Decoy Effect

                         Live Factory Tour                              Aquacomb Live Drone Footage                                   New Product Launch
 11am              Industry 4.0 Window Manufacturing
                                                                                         TEXO                                                   Hebel
                              Of The Future

                        Belinda Hodkinson                                         Jeremy Harkins                                           Daniel Kress
11:30am                                                                                                                      Healthy, Sustainable And Economical Houses
          Improving Business With Effective Technology Solutions            Is BIM right for me? Yes and No?                               For All Australian

12:30pm                  Structuring your Linkedin Live                       Limiting Liability Linkedin Live                        Pitfalls to Avoid Linkedin Live
                       business for Success                              and Essential Contract terms                           Case Examples in Contracting

                              Nigel Bell                                 Australian Copyright Council                                     Andy Russell
               Bushfire Regulations - What Gets Approved                         Copyright Fundentials                                 Condensation Salvation

              New Thermally Efficient Residential                   Introducing CUSTOMFLOWTM Refined                                  New Product Launch
                 Window Systems from AWS                             Corrugated Cladding System Lysaght                                      Brickworks

                           Lionel Buckett                            Andreas Luzzi + Charles Bernardoff                                      Tim Ross
2:30pm                                                                                                                   Designing a Legacy - A Journey Through The Greats Of
                         Love Cabins Case Study                       The Benefits Of CLT In Residential Buildings                      Australian Architecture

                           John Moynihan                                            Jerry Tyrrell                                     New Product Launch
3:30pm           Comfortable, Safe & Accessible Homes.
                         The basic ingredients                          TOOLs to Help you Build Better Buildings                             Weathertex

                       Graham Hunt - ABSA                                     James Cross - ABSA                                             Tim Ross
                  What Does An 8 Star Home Look Like?                    Why Engage An Energy Assessor Early                                  Live Q & A

 5pm                   New Product Launch                                  The Journey of The Block                                           Easytex
                              Hyne Timber                                              Colorbond                                            James Hardie

5.30pm                   Willem Overbosch                                             Easycraft                                                Naxan
              Aligning the Built Environment to the UN SDG’s                               ITI                                                  Texo

 6pm                     Live Factory Tour

         Free Ticket              BDAA Early Bird Members Rate       Non BDAA Members Early Bird            VIP All Access Pass

      AU$0.00                          AU$99.00                          AU$149.00                         AU$249.00
        Yes, 100% free!                     One-off cost                       One-off cost                      One-off cost

      Book a place                             Buy                                Buy                                Buy

Free tickets are available for    BDAA members will receive a 10     BDAA non members will             The VIP access all areas pass
Live Factory Tours, New Product   pack pass, in which they select    receive a 10 pack pass in         gives the ticket holder access to
Launches and LinkedIn Live        the speakers, presentations and/   which they select the speakers,   every conference presentation,
sessions.                         or CPD events in which they        presentations and/or CPD events   every speaker, and every CPD
                                  would like to participate.         in which they would like to       opportunity, plus automatic
                                                                     participate.                      access to panel discussions
                                                                                                       and workshops conducted at
                                  •   Access to Live Broadcasts                                        the event. As a huge added
                                      Only                           •   Access to Live Broadcasts     bonus, the VIP ticket holder
                                                                         Only                          is the only category that will
                                  •   Access up to 10 talks
                                                                     •   Access up to 10 talks         receive a recorded copy of
                                                                                                       every presentation recording for
                                                                                                       3 months after the conference,
                                                                                                       to review, rewatch, and absorb
                                                                                                       even more from the conference

                                                                                                       •   Access to Live Broadcasts
                                                                                                           and Replays
                                                                                                       •   All content available

                          AU$0.00               AU$99.00                     AU$149.00                 AU$249.00
                          Free Ticket   BDAA Early Bird Members Rate   Non BDAA Members Early Bird   VIP All Access Pass

Live Factory Tours

New Product Launches

LinkedIn Live Sessions

Formal CPD Events

Guest Speakers

Key Note Speakers

Choose 10 sessions

Copy of ALL Pitch Decks

Copy of ALL Content

Copy of ALL Recordings

                                        PROFESSOR HAL PAWSON                   BELINDA HODKINSON                        IAN MOTLEY
                                          Shaking Up Australian’s              Improving Business With            How To Sell A High Quality
         The Climate Cure
                                         Housing Affordability Crisis       Effective Technology Solutions             Design Service

Environmentalist, Scientist.         Professor, University NSW – Built   Director, Founder Magnae. A          Design Fee Consultant, Blue
Timothy Flannery is an Australian    Environment. Hal Pawson is          market leader in digital delivery,   Turtle Consulting. Ian Motley is
mammalogist, palaeontologist,        Professor Housing Research and      Belinda Hodkinson is the             a Design Fee Proposal Expert,
environmentalist, conservationist,   Policy and Associate Director       director of Magnae, a firm that      Speaker, and Author specializing
explorer, and public scientist.      at the City Futures Research        guides projects, business, and       in design fees, conversion
He has discovered more than          Centre, UNSW. He has led            government groups through            rates and scope creep. He
30 mammal species (including         several major research projects     digital transformation. She has 20   has a background in Project
new species of tree kangaroos).      funded by the Australian Housing    years’ experience in business,       Management working as a Fee
He served as the Chief               and Urban Research Institute        culture and the integration of new   Proposal Writer and Negotiator
Commissioner of the Climate          (AHURI) and by the Australian       digital markets.                     for Foster + Partners. He’s co-
Commission, and announced            Research Council (ARC). Hal’s                                            authored 5 Design Fee and
that he would co-found the           key interests include private                                            Appointment Guides that sell in
independent Climate Council,         rental housing, social and                                               13 different countries. He’s been
that would continue to provide       affordable housing, and urban                                            a keynote speaker at more than
independent climate science to       renewal.                                                                 150 Architectural conferences
the Australian public. Flannery                                                                               and private training sessions
was named Australian Humanist                                                                                 around the globe.
of the Year in 2005, and
Australian of the Year in 2007.

                                              DANIEL KRESS
       JEREMY HARKINS                                                                NIGEL BELL
                                          Healthy, Sustainable And                                                  LIONEL BUCKETT
       Is BIM right for me?                                                      Bushfire Regulations -
                                         Economical Houses For All                                                Love Cabins Case Study
           Yes and No?                                                           What Gets Approved

Founder/Director, Ineni Realtime.    Passive House Trainer, Smart          ECOdesign Architects and          Love Cabins proprietor, is a
Jeremy Harkins is the Director and   Plus Academy. Daniel worked in        Consultants. Nigel Bell is        widely celebrated sustainable
co-founder of ineni Realtime, an     Ireland on the biggest residential    the principle of ECOdesign        builder and originator of the
innovative technology company        modular project in the world at       Architects + Consultants.         Treehouse Hotel and Clifftop
focused on the development           that time. After 10 years in the      Working from his Blue Mountains   Cave concepts. Named a Master
of the Realtime Visualisation        building game, he did his studies     studio, Nigel has been involved   Builder with the Master Builders
Industry. ineni Realtime is at the   in civil engineering and worked       in environmental design and       Association in 1999, the highest
leading edge of real-time virtual    as a researcher for the European      social issues for decades.        level one can attain in NSW, he
technologies. Jeremy has spoken      Union in sustainable building.        His honours include Churchill     is also considered a master of
internationally about 3D immersive   Since 2015 Daniel has been            Fellowship, Banksia Award,        ecotourism.
environments, VR (Virtual Reality)   working in the Australian building    and TDA Timber Environmental
and AR (Augmented Reality) for       industry, starting his business       Award, and his practice was
architecture, mining and smart       Smart Plus Academy in 2017            judged a few years ago as the
cities. Working with Architects,     following his passion for educating   Blue Mountain’s “Outstanding
Engineers and Developers, Jeremy     and consulting the building           Environmental Business.”
is aimed at commercialising and      industry regarding health and
integrating new technologies         sustainable construction. Daniel is
into the Architecture, Planning,     a Certified Passive House trainer
infrastructure and Construction      and has been teaching more
industries.                          than 50% of Australia’s Certified
                                     Passive House Professionals.

         ANDREAS LUZZI                         JAMES CROSS                           TIM ROSS                         SAMANTHA ANDERSON
      The Benefits Of CLT In              Why Engage an Accredited               Designing a Legacy                Comfort versus Energy Take Off
       Residential Buildings               Energy Assessor Early

Raico Pacific. Andreas Luzzi          Director and Deputy Chairperson     TV & Radio Personality, self-          Inhabitat Group. Samantha
is the CEO of Raico Pacific,          of ABSA. This ABSA Member           proclaimed Australian architecture     Anderson, based in the Brisbane
specialising in timber and            is an Accredited Assessor that      nerd. Boasting the rare distinction    office, is a leader in technical
glass facades for sophisticated       holds the Cert IV in NatHERS        of hosting both a number 1 drive       analysis of building systems. She
architecture. A noted author          Assessment. He owns and             show and breakfast show in             is held in very high regard by
and researcher whose articles         manages a small Energy              Sydney, Comedian Tim Ross’             her peers and is very active in
have appeared in dozens of            Assessing business located          passion for architecture and design    building sustainability, including her
books and journals, he held key       in WA. James started out as a       has led to speaking engagements        involvement as a member director of
positions at Laros Technologies,      Glazier in the building industry    at The ‘50s and ‘60s House             the Australian Building Sustainability
Applied Energy Research Pty           at age 18 and has also worked       Symposium (Museum of Sydney),          Association (ABSA) Board. She has
Ltd, and Institut für Solartechnik.   as a Scheduler. Prior to starting   Home Series talks (Government          taken a leadership position and has
                                      his own business in early 2018,     House), Sydney Design Week, his        used her technical skills to deliver
                                      James worked for a national         ambassadorship for Sydney Open,        excellent outcomes to clients and
                                      Engineering firm providing          and his membership of the Creative     high-performance buildings for
                                      onsite compliance of retaining      Services Advisory Committee for        occupants. Samantha has worked
                                      structures and subsequently         Sydney Living Museums. He has          on a range of projects across
                                      moved into the company’s            written on architecture for various    Australia, Asia and the Middle East,
                                      Energy Department where he          publications, including columns in     gaining valuable experience in
                                      served as the Senior NatHERS        Real Living, Habitus, The Saturday     working across a range of building
                                      Energy Assessor.                    Paper, The Smith Journal and The       sectors and building relationships
                                                                          Guardian. In 2017, Tim launched his    with a variety of clients.eady to learn
                                                                          second book, The Rumpus Room,          from the best?
                                                                          capturing nostalgic short stories
                                                                          about life in Australia’s suburbs in
                                                                          the 60s, 70s and 80s.

    CHARLES BERNARDOFF                     JOHN MOYNIHAN                         JERRY TYRRELL                       WILLEM OVERBOSCH
      The Benefits Of CLT In          Comfortable, Safe & Accessible           TOOLs to Help you Build            Aligning the Built Environment
       Residential Buildings           Homes. The basic ingredients               Better Buildings                       to the UN SDG’s

RAICO THERM+ is a stick-            John Moynihan, director of            Jerry Tyrrell, founder of Tyrrells   Willem Overbosch is a widely
based, thermally-broken, and        Ecolateral. John is a specialist in   Property Inspections. Jerry is       known Business Development
fully insulated curtain-wall        sustainability whose consultancy      a registered architect, building     specialist with SDG Align in
system. THERM+ is Australia’s       has been established to deliver       consultant and licensed builder.     the Netherlands. His areas
highest-performing curtain-wall     a personalised service with a         He is the founder of Tyrrells        of expertise include Content
system, structurally designed       focus on solutions for the built      Property Inspections and             Strategy, Content Marketing,
for up to quadruple-glazing,        environment. He is a Water            the Tyrrells Architects Plans        Digital Marketing, Public
guaranteed water-proof with         Efficiency Assessor, Green            & Approvals division. Jerry          Speaking, Business Consulting,
dry-sealing technology, and fully   Star Accredited Professional,         co-founded Tyrrells Property         and Executive Coaching. Willem
Passivhaus certified. RAICO’s       EnviroDevelopment Professional,       Inspections more than 30             found his own company, and to
large product range offers          Registered Designer and               years ago and has supervised         create a “how-to” / Q&A business
virtually unlimited options to      Builder, and a Qld BCA Expert         the inspection of, or directly       support platform. In September
enable unique design solutions.     in Energy Efficiency. In his          inspected, almost 80,000             2017 he published his book
                                    work as a designer, educator,         properties. Jerry Tyrrell has        “TopTrends voor Ondernemers”
                                    builder and environmental             over forty years experience          (TopTrends for Entrepreneurs)
                                    consultant, he has worked to          in the building, architectural       that was nominated Dutch
                                    encourage communities to take         and timber pest industry. He is      Management Book of the Year
                                    responsibility for environmental      committed to providing the best      2018.
                                    delivery. John was the recipient      possible advice about property
                                    of the Queensland Government’s        and building work, from the first
                                    “Medal for the Year of the Built      design idea through every stage
                                    Environment, 2004 and the             of the building’s life.
                                    Queensland Premier’s Award for
                                    Environmental Services to the
                                    Building Industry”.

        GRAHAM HUNT                     ANDY RUSSELL
                                                                            DANIEL ANSTEY
       What does an 8 star           Condensation and Climate
                                                                           Copyright Essentials
        home look like?

Graham Hunt, B. Arch, Cert IV,   Andy Russell is the general        Daniel is a lawyer at the
NatHERS, Delisle Hunt Wood       manager at Proctor Group           Australian Copyright Council.
Pty Ltd. Director of Delisle     Australia, having also served      He holds a Juris Doctor from the
Hunt Wood Architects, which      the company as Asia Pacific        University of Sydney, has studied
specialises in sustainable       Manager and Japan branch           law at the Sorbonne University
design, Graham has 30 years’     manager. Established in 2005,      in Paris and the University of
experience as an architect       Proctor Group Australia has        Otago in New Zealand. Daniel
and 20 years’ experience as a    been servicing the Australian      has also completed a Bachelor
NatHERS assessor. He currently   and New Zealand building           of Arts, majoring in music from
represents the AIA on the        and construction industry          the University of Otago. Daniel
national NatHERS Technical       with an extensive portfolio of     is a musician, and enjoys skiing,
Advisory Committee, NatHERS      high-performance thermal and       surfing and rock climbing.
Stakeholder Consultation Group   acoustic insulation, as well as
and the ABCB Residential         precision-engineered geotextiles
Energy Efficiency Working        and vapour permeable
Group.                           construction membranes.
Soak in knowledge from the                                    Study key sessions by
 nation’s leading suppliers                                   watching them multiple
                                                                 times if needed

 Economically experience                                        Eliminate the costs of
the best of Australia’s Built                                 travel, including airfare,
       Environment                                              hotel, and car rental

     Access 30+ sessions that could transform your business
With a Virtual Ticket to
      The BDAA National Virtual Design
   Conference 2020 you have no costs for
travel, meals, hotels, cars, or lost time! Why?

  Because it’s an
online virtual ticket.
let’s get
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