Industry insights in Paris - Rencontres de l'industrie à Paris - Sun & Wind Energy

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Industry insights in Paris - Rencontres de l'industrie à Paris - Sun & Wind Energy
9+10/2013   The Magazine for Renewable Energies                   ISSN 1861-2741 74714   € 12.00 • International issue

                            Renewables in france

            Industry insights in Paris
            Rencontres de l’industrie à Paris
            Solar thermal                         photovoltaics                              Wind energy

            Solar storage tanks:                  Inverters: Innovation                     CMS: Where the
            Enamel on the rise                    and specialisation                        all-seeing eye is good
Industry insights in Paris - Rencontres de l'industrie à Paris - Sun & Wind Energy

          More appreciation for value
                      he debate on renewable energy usually        is thus not only a few financially strong
                      focusses on the costs of generating ener-    ­investors – as is often claimed in the heated
                      gy from solar and wind power. In Germa-       debates – who are benefitting. These argu-
          ny, for example, the debate centres on the                ments ignore the fact that town and local
          question of by how much electricity costs for             ­authority budgets also benefit through taxes         Dr. Volker Buddensiek
          private households can be allowed to rise in               and levies of € 1.1 billion, with a further          Editor-in-chief
          ­order to pay for the so-called “Energiewende”.            € 1.3 billion benefitting at the state level and
           The debate is highly emotional and is strongly            € 4.5 billion at the federal budget level.
           ­orchestrated by the media. It has meanwhile                     It is here, that decentralised renewable
            even become a central subject of the German              ­energy systems have a particular strength
            general election campaign. However, it is not             aside from their use to the operators. As the
            just restricted to Germany, but is being deba-            manufacturers and operators of renewable
            ted right across Europe, from Spain and France            ­energy systems, plus the various service pro-
            to the Czech Republic and Bulgaria, and from               viders and specialist dealers, are mainly based
            Great Britain to Italy.                                    in different locations, jobs and value creation
                   But while the supporters and opponents of           are spread across the whole country. This is
            an energy transition in Germany irreconcilably             very different from large conventional power
            debate the costs of switching to renewable                 plants, where it really is only a few energy
            ­energy supplies until they are red in the face, it        ­suppliers and the few communities with ­power
             is worthwhile to shift the focus somewhat and              plant sites which benefit.
             look at the value creation through renewable                   A growing number of places in which wind
             energies. This has now been done by the                    power or photovoltaic systems are being oper-
             ­Institute for Ecological Economy Research                 ated are thus benefitting from wind and solar
              (IÖW) in Berlin. The results of the study “Value          power generation. The 166,000 directly asso-
              Creation and Employment Effects through the               ciated jobs created in Germany by wind, solar
              Expansion of Renewable Energies” deserve to               and biomass companies, from manufacturing
              be presented as the study does indeed contain             and installation to operation and maintenance,
              impressive figures. The use of wind power,                plus the 211,000 indirect jobs at least partly
              ­solar and biomass in Germany in 2012 achieved            dependent on these, are playing a role in
               a value creation of € 16.9 billion. Despite sink-        strengthening especially the structurally poor
          ing system prices especially for photovoltaics,               rural areas.
          the renewables sector as a whole managed to                       Those all around Europe who set about
          increase the volume of value creation by 10 %                 having discussions on the costs of renewables
          over the year before. By 2030 the authors of                  should – just in case – also have these figures
          the study even expect an increase in annual                   at hand to provide an example of how switch-
          value ­creation from renewable energies to ap-                ing to wind and solar power does not simply
          proximately 25 billion.                                       cost money.
                   According to the study, the manufacturing
          of plants and components makes up the ­largest
          share of value creation, at € 6.6 billion. But
          maintenance and operator profits together
          achieve exactly the same amount again. And it

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Table of contentS

                                                                       Photo: REC
                                                                                                                                    Process heat:
                                                                                                                                    It can’t be done without a partner
                                                                                                                                    Solar thermal process heat has the potential to grow into a large
                                                                                                                                    field of business. Concentrating collectors can be paired with
                                                                                                                                    combined heat and power or can even generate steam directly,
                                                                                                                                    without the need for heat exchangers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 55

      World market silicon & wafer:
                                                                                                      Photo: Industrial Solar

      Light at the end of the tunnel
      Like everybody else, the silicon and wafer manufacturers have
      been feeling the effects of the downturn in the PV industry
      whose recent past has been characterized by overproduction,
      falling prices and profit slumps. More than one company has
      fallen by the wayside. Meanwhile, however, the most difficult                                                             THE MAGAZINE for
                                                                                                                                                   Renewable Energies
      time seems to have passed and hope is growing. But the                                                                                                                   ISSN 1861-2741 7471
                                                                                                                                                                                                  4   www.sunwindenergy.c
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         om   € 12.00 • International
      ­industry players need a good strategy.                                                                                                                                                                                                                issue

                                                       Page 84

  Industry insights in Paris
  Rencontres de l’industrie à Paris
                                                                                                                                        RENEWABLES IN FR
  This year, the solar industry will get together at the EU PVSEC in                                                                                                    ANCE
  Paris. In addition to the conference presentations about the                         Industry insights
  ­latest developments and innovations, companies will present
                                                                                       R                 in Paris
                                                                                                  encontres de l’ind
   their new products at the PV industry exhibition.                                                                ustrie à                                                                                    Paris
                                                     Page 78
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Photo: EU PVSEC

                                                                                           SOLAR THERMAL
                                                                                    Solar storage tanks                                                                                       WIND ENERGY
                                                                                                       :                                                   Inverters: Innovati
                                                                                    Enamel on the ris                                                                         on           CMS: Where the
                                                                                                     e                                                     and specialisation
                                                                                                                                                                                           all-seeing eye is go

  4                                                                                                                                                                                                   Sun & Wind Energy 9+10/2013
Industry insights in Paris - Rencontres de l'industrie à Paris - Sun & Wind Energy

                            Onshore logistics still has
                            Logistics is more than just a side topic for the
                            wind power industry. A lot of money can be
                            saved or also wasted here. Logistics compa-
                            nies expect business in the billions in the
                            field of onshore wind ­power. They are thus
                            ­expanding their portfolios and becoming

                                                                                                                                                                                                Photo: REpower/Oelker
                                                             Page 122

                                                                                                                    French market:
                                                                                                                      On the rocky road to renewables
                                                                                                                           Un chemin semé d’embûches
                                                                                       France is quite bureaucratic in many areas. The PV industry in France is rapidly shrinking – but
                                                                                       at the same time, some companies are expanding and occcupy interesting niches. The solar
                                                                                       thermal market has stabilised, but another decline is in sight. And in the wind energy sector
                                                                                       François Hollande has promised improvements because wind farm approval takes an eternity.
Photo: Philosolaire

                                                                                       S&WE offers you an insight in the different markets of renewables in France.

                                                                                                                                              Pages 28, 38, 68, 78, 112

                          Review                                                  Photovoltaics                                            Department
                            6     International news                                68     French market:                                      129 Directory
                            18    Off-grid projects: Solar electricity for Mali   		       Happiness is found in niches                        138 Preview and imprint
                            22    Hybrid power: Now it’s quiet                    		       Niches: des opportunités à saisir
                          		      in the Seychelles                                 78     EU PVSEC: Industry meeting in Paris
                            24    Intersolar North America:                       		       Rendez-vous de la branche à Paris
                          		      Networking in the USA                             82     Interview with Julien Chirol, Donauer,
                            137   International events                            		        about the French market
                                                                                    84     World market silicon & wafer:
                          Country Special                                         		       Light at the end of the tunnel
                            28 France: On the rocky road to renewables              92     Solar Power International: A fresh breeze
                          		   Un chemin semé d’embûches                            94     Solar power in the USA: state of the industry

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Photo: MT-Energie

                                                                                    97     India: Who ever said it would be easy?
                          Solar Thermal                                             100    Inverters: More than just transducers
                            38    French market:                                    106    Inverters and data loggers:
                          		      Kicking a man when he’s down                    		       Small segment with clever specialisation
                          		      Coup de grâce au soldat blessé
                            44    Storage tanks: Enamel on the rise               Wind energy                                              Waste fermentation: Doubly useful –
                            52    Absorber coatings: On the move                    112    French market:                                  biogas and compost
                            55    Process heat: It can’t be done                  		       Service and maintenance gain momentum
                          		       without a partner                              		       Essor du SAV et de la maintenance               The recycling of waste in Europe is nowhere near
                            58    Municipal systems:                                117    Condition monitoring:                           where it could be if political policy were more
                          		      In line with low consumption                    		       Where the all-seeing eye is good                consistent. Especially bio-waste can be energe­
                            60    Review Intersolar Europe: The final frontier      122    Onshore logistics still has potential           tically put to use through fermentation, while
                            64    Interview with Elizabeth Duarte Pereira,                                                                 ­nutrients can be recovered on top, as projects in
                          		      UNA University Centre in Brazil                 BioENERGY                                                 England and Germany have shown.
                            66    Interview with Daniel Mugnier, IEA SHC            126 Waste fermentation: Doubly useful –                                                 Page 126
                          		      Task 48, on solar cooling                       		    biogas and compost

                             Sun & Wind Energy 9+10/2013                                                                                                                             5
Industry insights in Paris - Rencontres de l'industrie à Paris - Sun & Wind Energy
Review                          News – russia

   Russian solar thermal energy
   industry on verge of big changes

   Photo: Eugene Gerden             he Russian solar thermal industry is on the                     Despite the existing problems, the situation in the
                                    ­verge of big changes. Despite the massive             industry has improved significantly over the last sever-
                                     ­protests of local oil and gas lobbyists, the nati-   al years. In addition, the Russian parliament recently
                          onal government has approved a set of measures                   approved a draft of a bill on the development and use
                          ­aimed at supporting it.                                         of renewable energy.
                                  The adopted measures involve selecting projects                   Several months ago, a special research council in
                           in the area of renewables on a cost-competitive basis.          the field of renewables and in particular solar thermal
                           The operators of these projects will be eligible to sign        energy was established at the Russian Academy of
                           a contract on power supply, which will provide a guar-          ­Sciences. Experts at the Russian Ministry of Energy
                           anteed return on investments. Preference will be ­given          have also completed the development of a solar radia-
                           to projects that have a high level of localisation of pro-       tion map, which is specially designed for the use of
                           duction equipment. The first selections are expected             ­designers of solar systems.
                           to take place this fall.                                                 NPO Machinostroyniy, which is based in Reutovo
                                  According to Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister                (Moscow region) and is one of Russia’s leading
                           Arkady Dvorkovich, who is the person responsible for              ­machine-building companies, is also currently ­Russia’s
                           the initiative, the winner of the selection process will           largest manufacturer of solar power plants. Another
                           receive payments for power during a period of 15 years             large-scale production facility for solar ­collectors is
                           after the launch of the facility, with a guaranteed rate           ­located in Ulan-Ude (Buryatia), where mostly Chinese
                           of return on investments of 14 %.                                   parts are used.
                                  The support measures already in place for the na-                 The largest exporters of solar collectors to the Rus-
                           tional solar power industry were in danger of being                 sian market are currently German companies such as
                           dismantled until now, due to a recent joint letter to               Buderus, Viessmann, Wolf, Vaillant and Schüco, ­Ariston
                           Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The letter                 from Italy and the Slovak company Thermo/Solar.
                           was sent by the Russian Community of Energy                              Most Russian solar power plants are installed in
                           ­Consumers, a union that unites the largest consumers               the southern regions of the country, which have the
                            of electricity, and the Council of Power, which is com-            highest levels of solar irradiation. The main areas are
                            prised of the largest players in Russia’s conventional             Krasnodar, Stavropol Krai and the Astrakhan region.
                            power supply market.                                                    In addition to the southern regions, Buryatia is ex-
                                  Most Russian analysts in the field of solar thermal          pected to remain another centre of the Russian solar
                            energy and other renewables have welcomed the gov-                 thermal industry. At present, the total number of instal-
                            ernment’s decision to provide support to the domes-                lations in the region is more than 90 (more than
                            tic solar thermal energy industry and ignore the argu-             4,000 m²).
                            ments of opponents. They hope this will improve the                     According to Vitaly Butuzov, professor, Director of
                            situation in the industry, which is still difficult.               Krasnodar Power Technologies and one of Russia’s
                                  The total area of solar power plants in Russia is            leading designers of solar collectors, solar thermal en-
                            still small, not exceeding 30,000 m². So far, one of the           ergy has mainly been developed on the initiative of lo-
                            greatest obstacles to the development of solar ther-               cal authorities and private investors up till now. How-
                            mal energy has been the lack of a federal law and clear            ever, there is a chance that this is set to change signif-
                            state policy in this area. The industry is also still suf-         icantly in the near future if a sound legislative basis for
                            fering from an acute shortage of affordable                        the industry is adopted and subsidies are ensured.
                            ­equipment.                                                                                                     Eugene Gerden

   6                                                                                                                            Sun & Wind Energy 9+10/2013
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Country Special                        France

On the rocky road
to  renewables
 Un chemin semé d’embûches

Roof space available:                France wants to reign in nuclear power and strengthen renewables. The
solar thermal systems for
backup space heating are             problem: in the face of ever-tightening budgets, the cost to Paris of
still a rare sight here in
the Languedoc-Roussillon
                                     expanding green electricity will have to be kept low. This plays right into the
region.       Photo: Philosolaire   hands of onshore wind energy.

De la place sur les toits :                rançoise Dachy could not be more satisfied.
Les installations ther-                    “Photovoltaics are bringing our communities re-     La France veut limiter la production
miques solaires servant                    liable returns,” says the Mayor of Leyritz-­        d’énergie nucléaire et renforcer celle
de chauffage d’appoint               Moncassin, a small municipality in the department of      des énergies renouvelables. Le
comme ici, dans la région            Lot-et-Garonne, situated halfway between Toulouse
                                                                                               problème est que, compte tenu des
du Languedoc-Roussillon              and Bordeaux. “Clean energy is ideally suited to our
sont encore rares.                   region.” The region has little industry and lots of fo-
                                                                                               restrictions budgétaires, le
                                     rests – the swath of land in the centre of Aquitaine      développement du courant écologique
                                     could be called economically underdeveloped. There,       ne doit pas coûter trop cher à Paris.
                                     on land that stretches across several of the              L’éolien « onshore » est avant tout
                                     department’s municipalities, the German company           appelé à jouer un rôle.
                                     GP Joule operates one of the largest solar farms in
                                     southwest France with a capacity of 40 MW. The

                                     roughly half a million euros the participating munici-        rançoise Dachy a tout lieu d’être satisfaite. La
                                     palities receive annually in leases and trade taxes are       photovoltaïque rapporte à nos communes des
                                     most welcome, considering the lack of economic                recettes régulières », déclare la maire de Leyritz-

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Industry insights in Paris - Rencontres de l'industrie à Paris - Sun & Wind Energy
Country Special                           France

                                   a­ lternatives. And yet when the conversation turns to        Moncassin, une petite commune du département
                                    nuclear energy, enthusiasm for the PV plant soon             Lot-et-Garonne, à mi-chemin entre Toulouse et
                                    ­gives way to scepticism. “If the whole country were to      ­Bordeaux. « L’énergie propre convient parfaitement à
                                     switch to renewable energy, electricity could get too        notre région ». Peu d’industries, beaucoup de forêts
                                     expensive,” says Dachy. “We shouldn’t do away with           – cette bande de terre au beau milieu de l’Aquitaine
                                     low priced nuclear energy.” France’s President               est ce que l’on appelle une région défavorisée. Sur le
                                     ­François Hollande is of a similar opinion. Nuclear          terrain de plusieurs communes, la société allemande
                                      ­power, he believes, should remain the backbone of          GP Joule exploite l’un des plus grands parcs solaires
                                       France’s energy mix. But, instead of remaining at the      du Sud-Ouest de la France avec 40 MW. Les commu-
                                       current 75 to 80 %, he wants to see its share of ener-     nes participantes engrangent annuellement environ
                                       gy production reduced to 50 % by 2025. The socialist       un demi-million d’euros versés pour les baux et les
                                       included this promise in his election campaign in          taxes professionnelles, une manne qui tombe à point,
                                       2012. He’s talked the talk, now he has to walk the         compte tenu du manque d’alternatives économiques.
                                       walk. Just how the transition energetique francaise –      Et pourtant, lorsque la discussion s’oriente sur l’éner-
                                       the French energy transition – should look was a sub-      gie nucléaire, l’enthousiasme fait rapidement place
Wind energy in France                  ject for debate among the public and stakeholders up       au scepticisme. « Le passage aux énergies renouve-
still has much potential,              until the summer recess in July. If all goes according     lables à une échelle nationale risque d’augmenter
as here in Bar-le-Duc,                 to plan, the National Assembly will forge the results      considérablement la facture d’électricité », estime
Lorraine – the industry                of the debate into law by the end of this year.            Dachy. Nous ne devrions pas renoncer à l’énergie
is hoping to be the first                                                                         nucléaire bon marché. »
choice as a replacement            Good opportunities for wind                                          Le Chef de l’État, François Hollande, voit les
for nuclear energy.               energy                                                         ­choses de la même façon. L’énergie nucléaire doit
            Photo: Oliver Ristau                                                                   rester le pilier du mix français en matière d’électricité.
                                   France wants to put a stronger emphasis on renewa-              Toutefois, au lieu de 75 à 80 % actuellement, sa part
L’énergie éolienne en              ble energy; that much is clear. But it is a rocky road.         dans la production d’électricité doit diminuer à 50 %
France, ici à Bar-le-Duc           Scarcely had the public discussion ended for the                d’ici 2025. C’est avec cette promesse que le socialiste
en Lorraine, possède               summer recess when the French trade association                 est entré en campagne électorale en 2012. A présent,
encore un grand potentiel          MEDEF, which is in favour of maintaining the nuclear            il s’agit de réaliser les promesses faites. La société et
– le secteur espère faire          status quo, began campaigning against the energy                les parties prenantes ont discuté jusqu’en juillet, date
partie du premier choix            reform. The central argument: too expensive. In addi-           de la pause estivale, des mesures à adopter dans le
dans le cadre du rempla-           tion, the French Court of Auditors published a high-            cadre de ce que l’on appelle la transition énergétique
cement de l’électricité            profile report in late July, indicating a need to limit the     française. Selon les dispositions prévues, d’ici la fin
nucléaire par l’électricité        cost of expanding renewables in order to spare pub-             de l’année, l’Assemblée nationales pourrait fournir un
renouvelableé.                     lic finances. After hydropower, which has limited po-           cadre législatif aux résultats.
                                   tential for growth in France, the report cited onshore
                                   wind energy as the most favourable renewable source
                                   of power, a conclusion that delighted the French wind
                                   energy sector which is hoping to be the first choice as
                                   a replacement for nuclear power.

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Solar thermal                  French Market

Kicking a man
when       he’s     down
Coup de grâce au soldat blessé
                                                                                        Le marché français du solaire s’est
                                                                                        stabilisé mais une autre crise
                                                                                        s’annonce. La France est en effet à
                                                                                        présent confrontée à une propagande
                                                                                        nationale négative au sujet de la
                                                                                        technologie solaire thermique.

                                                                                                   onner une image négative du secteur en
                                                                                                   France équivaut un peu à « donner le coup de
                                                                                                   grâce à un soldat déjà blessé : beaucoup de
                                                                                        sociétés de la branche sont dans une mauvaise situa-
                                                                                        tion financière et il est urgent de réorganiser le sec-
                                                                                        teur en redorant son blason, en opérant une réorien-
                                                                                        tation intelligente des subventions publiques et en
                                                                                        donnant une nouvelle dynamique à la R&D et à l’inno-
                                                                                        vation. » déclare Daniel Mugnier, spécialiste du
                                                                                        ­solaire thermique au bureau d’études français
                                                                                         Tecsol SA.
                                                                                                Jean-Marc Robin, PDG de Robin Sun, société spé-
                                                                                         cialisée dans la construction de capteurs solaires
                                                                                         thermiques intégrés aux bâtiments, ne semble pas
                                                                                         très optimiste en ce qui concerne l’avenir à court terme
                                                                                         du secteur solaire thermique en France. Il attire
                                                                                         ­l’attention sur la presse très négative, comme le rap-
                                                                                          port intitulé « La politique de développement des
                                                                                          énergies », publié par la Cour des Comptes. Ce rapport
                                                                                          présente clairement le solaire thermique comme
                                                                                          ­désavantageux par rapport à d’autres sources d’éner-
                                                                                           gies renouvelables. Le message est clair : cette techno-
Robin Sun collectors can       The French solar market has                                 logie est trop coûteuse et trop peu performante. Le
be integrated seam-                                                                        rapport poursuit en disant que la France a investi trop
lessly into the building       stabilised, but another decline is in                       d’argent dans de « telles » technologies inefficaces et
­envelope. Photo: Robin Sun                                                               que cette situation ne peut perdurer.
                               sight. As if that were not enough,                               Mugnier confirme que l’étude de la Cour des com-
Les capteurs de Robin          France is facing a negative national                        ptes montre, bien que de manière très inexacte, un
Sun s’intègrent parfaite-                                                                  problème réel, à savoir que les prix pour le solaire
ment dans l’enveloppe du       propaganda campaign against solar                           thermique en France sont encore trop élevés bien
bâtiment.                                                                                  qu’un volume important de subventions ait déjà été
                               thermal technology.                                         investi dans ce domaine. Néanmoins, il souligne que
                                                                                           l’étude compare le solaire thermique à la biomasse

                                     o paint a bad picture of the sector in France is      pour la génération de chaleur renouvelable et que la
                                     a bit like “kicking a man when he’s down”:            comparaison se base sur le coût du financement public
                                     ­Many companies in the sector are in a bad fi-        par tep (tonne équivalent pétrole) annuelle. Cette
                               nancial condition, which is why it is urgent to             comparaison n’est pas juste, se plaint Mugnier, parce

38                                                                                                                        Sun & Wind Energy 9+10/2013
Industry insights in Paris - Rencontres de l'industrie à Paris - Sun & Wind Energy
r­ eorganise the sector by restoring its good image, in-    que, d’une part, elle n’inclut pas le coût annuel du bois
 telligently re-orienting public incentives, and resto-     lors du calcul de l’efficacité de la biomasse et, d’autre
 ring dynamism in R&D and innovation,” says Daniel          part, la base de l’énergie tep pour le solaire thermique
 Mugnier, a solar thermal specialist at French enginee-     est seulement prise en compte pour une année et pas
 ring company Tecsol SA.                                    sur 20 ans, ce qui correspond à la durée de vie moyen-
        Jean-Marc Robin, CEO of Robin Sun, a firm build-    ne d’un tel système. Il poursuit en disant que les études
 ing custom integrated solar thermal collectors, is ap-     nationales macroéconomiques font souvent une
 parently not very optimistic about the near future for     analyse approximative de la situation en créant des
 solar thermal in France. He points to very negative        raccourcis sur l’interprétation des chiffres. En réalité,
 press, such as a report, by the French Court of            le solaire thermique peut afficher un bon ratio entre les
 ­Auditors (Cour des Comptes) entitled Energy Develop-      fonds publics et l’efficacité énergétique combinée à la
  ment Policy (la politique de développement des ener-      qualité, particulièrement dans de nouvelles maisons
  gies). It clearly presents solar thermal as disadvanta-   individuelles et immeubles collectifs lorsqu’il est géré
  geous in comparison to other sources of renewable         par des sociétés compétentes. Telle devrait être la si-
  energy. The message is that solar thermal costs too       tuation que présentera l’ADEME (Agence française de
  much and is too inefficient. Furthermore, the report      l’environnement et de maîtrise de l’énergie) dans un
  states that France has already invested too much          proche avenir, déclare Mugnier. « L’ADEME vient de
  money in inefficient technologies and that such in-       terminer une étude très détaillée sur la compétitivité
  vestment “cannot continue”.                               du secteur solaire thermique. Cette étude n’a pas en-
        Mugnier confirms that the Court of Auditors         core été publiée mais conduira à un évènement très
  study points, although very inaccurately, to a real       important, à savoir les premiers Etats Généraux du
  problem, that prices for solar thermal in France are      Solaire thermique », conclut ­Mugnier.
  still too high, although a significant volume of sub-
  sidies have already been invested in this field.          Mesures de soutien proposées
  However, he stresses that in the Court of Auditors        par le Fonds Chaleur : trop de
  study solar thermal is compared with biomass for
  renewable heat production and that the compari-
  son is based on the cost of public funding per an-        Le nombre de projets solaires thermiques approuvés
  nual TOE (Ton of Oil Equivalent). This comparison is      par le Fonds Chaleur est en diminution (cf. tableau
  not fair, Mugnier complains, because on one hand          n°1). « Le Fonds Chaleur est une très bonne initiative
  the annual wood cost is not included when calcu-
  lating the efficiency of biomass, and furthermore
  for solar thermal the TOE energy basis is only con-
  sidered for one year and not over a 20 year period,
  the average service life of such a system. He says
  that national macro studies are often based on an
  approximate analysis of the situation, and then
  take shortcuts in the interpretation of the figures.
  In reality, solar thermal can offer a good ratio be-
  tween public money and efficiency when combined                               IT‘S ALL ABOUT                 QUAND IL S‘AGIT
  with quality and managed by skilled companies,                                PERFORMANCE                    DE PERFORMANCES
  especially in new single-family and multi-family                              Fresh water station            Station de production ECS
  houses. This is a more accurate conclusion, and                               TacoTherm Fresh 120            TacoTherm Fresh 120 pour
  one that will be presented by the French                                      for the particularly fast      la production instantannée
  ­Environment and Energy Management Agency                                     and efficient production       et efficace de l‘eau chaude
   (ADEME) in the near future, Mugnier says. “ADEME                             of fresh hot water in large    sanitaire dans les grandes
   has just finished a very detailed study on the com-                          installations.                 installations.
   petitiveness of solar thermal, which is not yet pub-
   licly available, but will precede a very important
   event, the first general assembly of the solar
   ­thermal sector,”Mugnier concludes.

Incentives through Heat Fund too
The number of solar thermal projects approved by
the Heat Fund (Fonds Chaleur) is decreasing (see
­table 1.). “The heat fund has been a very good ini-
 tiative with significant budgets since 2009. But it
 has been rapidly “killed” by important bureaucrat-
 ic and complex procedures which have led to a rap-                             Further Information on / Autres informations sur
 id decrease in the number of projects over the

Sun & Wind Energy 9+10/2013                                                                                                                     39
Industry insights in Paris - Rencontres de l'industrie à Paris - Sun & Wind Energy
Photovoltaics                  french market

Exosun equipped the Porette de Nérone solar park in the southeast of France with trackers.			                                     Photos (2): Exosun
Exosun a équipé la centrale photovoltaïque au sol « Porette de Nérone » dans le Sud-Est de la France de trackers solaires.

Happiness is found in niches
Niches : des opportunités à saisir
                              Anyone who does not know the
                                                                                         Celui qui ne connaît pas bien la France,
                              country well enough might not                              n’imaginerait pas que ce pays est assez
                              believe it: France is quite                                bureaucratique dans beaucoup de
                                                                                         domaines. Le secteur solaire en France
                              bureaucratic in many areas. The                            est en perte de vitesse mais, en même
                              solar industry in France is rapidly                        temps, quelques entreprises
                                                                                         connaissent une croissance. Leur
                              shrinking – but at the same time,                          principe : trouver des niches
                              some companies are expanding.                              intéressantes.
                              Their strategy: occupy interesting

                                                                                                 étrospective : en avril 2009, le village de
                              niches.                                                            Cornas en Ardèche est ensoleillé, le climat y
                                                                                                 est doux et parfaitement adapté à la viticul-

                                     look back: In April 2009, the village of Cornas     ture. Vincent Paris, grand espoir de la France parmi
                                     on the banks of the Ardeche is basking in the       les viticulteurs, qui se compte lui-même parmi les
                                     sun; the climate is mild and just perfect for the   « jeunes vignerons fougueux » et gère son exploita-
                              cultivation of wine. Vincent Paris, France’s great ‘hope   tion selon des principes biologiques, avec rigueur et
                              of winemakers’, who counts himself among the               dynamisme, observe avec une satisfaction évidente

68                                                                                                                      Sun & Wind Energy 9+10/2013
Discover                     TM

‘young, wild winemakers’ and consistently uses bio-
dynamic cultivation methods, watches the display on
his solar energy system with evident pleasure. Paris
often stands in front of the display with visitors from
                                                                         The lowest life-cycle

far and wide who come to see the spectacle of the con-
stantly updating kilowatt-hour display. Paris’s photo-
voltaic system is – as unlikely as it sounds – the only                cost utility solar tracker
one within a dozen kilometres. And that in an area of
the country that has 50 % more solar irradiation than
the average value in Germany and provides at least
2.500 h/a of sunshine. The solar boom was smoth-
ered in France in 2009 by excessively high d­ emand.

The run on the modules
If you ask Paris about the root causes, the answer
comes quickly: “The authorities are very difficult to
deal with, as is the network operator who has to con-
nect the photovoltaic system. If you already have
enough work, as many farmers in the village do, then
this task can hardly be accomplished.” The situation
was so dire that a completely new service was created
to address the need. For a few hundred euros, profes-
sional approval experts would take matters with the
authorities into their own hands and provide the serv-
ice of obtaining the necessary approval, explain Paris
                                       (continued on page 72)

l’affichage de son système photovoltaïque. Il arrive
souvent que Paris se tienne devant cet écran en
compagnie de personnes qui viennent aussi de loin
pour ne pas manquer le spectacle de l’égrenage des
kWh sur le système en cours de fonctionnement. En
effet, l’installation photovoltaïque de Vincent Paris
est, aussi invraisemblable que cela puisse paraître, la
seule dans un périmètre d’environ 12 km, dans une
région qui bénéficie d’un ensoleillement supérieur de
50 % à la moyenne en Allemagne et jouit de 250
heures de soleil par an ! Le boom de l’énergie solaire
a échoué en 2009 en France en raison d’une trop
grande demande.

Ruée sur les panneaux
photovoltaïques                                                                              Over
                                                                                           150 M
Si l’on en demande les raisons à Vincent Paris, la ré-
ponse ne se fait pas attendre : « Les démarches                                                  W
auprès des administrations sont très difficiles, au                                         sold
même titre que les relations avec l’exploitant du ré-
seau qui doit raccorder l’installation photovoltaïque.
Quand on a déjà beaucoup de travail, comme c’est le
                                                                 - Exclusive warranties
cas ici pour beaucoup d’agriculteurs du village, il est
impossible de faire face à cette charge supplémen-
                                                                 - No greasing: - 60% maintenance costs
taire. » Paris s’explique : « La situation était tellement
désespérée qu’une prestation de service entièrement
                                                                 - Highest wind resistance on the market
nouvelle est apparue. Moyennant quelques centaines
d’euros, des professionnels habitués au contact avec
                                                                 - Third-party certified
les administrations se sont chargés, avec son instal-
lateur Richard Barras, des démarches administratives
en vue de l’obtention des autorisations nécessaires,
dans le cadre d’une prestation de service. La deu­
xième raison qui explique que la forte demande des
                                          (suite à la page 72)

Sun & Wind Energy 9+10/2013
Wind energy                      French Market

Service and maintenance
gain momentum
Essor du SAV et de la maintenance
                                   A host of laws makes the French wind market a hard nut to crack. President
                                   François Hollande has promised improvements because wind farm approval
                                   takes an eternity. The service and maintenance market is gaining

                                              he French wind market is trailing far behind
                                                                                                  L’appareil législatif constitue un
                                              ­official political objectives. Although the num­
                                               ber of new installations over the past few years
                                                                                                  obstacle sérieux au développement du
                                   has been quite respectable, the target of 19 GW                marché français de l’énergie éolienne.
                                   ­onshore is still a long way off. Currently, 4,500 tur­        Le Chef de l’État François Hollande a
                                    bines are rotating in France with a rated capacity of         promis des améliorations pour
                                    just 7,800 MW.                                                accélérer la procédure d’autorisation
                                           The sluggish expansion is due to an abundance of
                                                                                                  en vue de la création de nouveaux
                                    laws and regulations. To date, project developers have
                                    had to muster a great deal of patience. The reason is
                                                                                                  parcs éoliens, actuellement
                                    that depending on the département, approval proce­            extrêmement longue. Le marché du SAV
                                    dures take up to between three and ten years and are          et de la maintenance est plus
Wind turbines don’t                 very risky. “Abolishing the ‘zone de développement            dynamique.
­always cause pro-                  éolien’, which only permitted the installation of wind
 tests. They also attract           turbines in these zones, is bound to speed up the pro­

 onlookers curious to               cedures. However, the industry is hoping for more                   e marché français de l’éolien affiche un retard
 watch their spectacular            ­reforms,” says Philippe Vignal, wpd AG’s CEO in                    sensible par rapport aux objectifs politiques
 construction.                       France. “This could soon be the case as part of the                formulés. Bien que, ces dernières années, un
           Photos (2): ABO Wind     ‘choc de simplification’ that has been announced,”           taux de construction passablement satisfaisant ait pu
                                     comments Vignal. He added that Hollande had                  être atteint, l’objectif des 19 GW « on shore » est loin
Les éoliennes ne font                ­promised in mid-July to cut the red tape for private        d’avoir été atteint. A l’heure actuelle, la France
pas toujours l’objet de               ­individuals and companies.                                 compte en effet 4 500 installations qui représentent
protestations. Il y a aussi                In the meantime, the rule that wind farms need to      une puissance nominale de quelque 7 800 MW.
des curieux qui prennent               consist of at least five turbines has been already over­       La lenteur du développement des constructions
plaisir à regarder leur                turned. And the French President has further plans. He     d’installations est en étroite corrélation avec toute
montage spectaculaire.                 intends to reduce the share of nuclear energy from         une série de lois et de directives. Les cabinets d’étude

112                                                                                                                               Sun & Wind Energy 9+10/2013
75 to 50 % and to accelerate the development of                    doivent jusqu’ici faire preuve de beaucoup de ­patience
­renewable energy by passing a new environment law.                car les procédures d’autorisation durent, selon les
 Another hot issue is what role the listed Électricité de          départements, de 3 à 10 ans et comportent beaucoup
 France (EDF) is going to play. After all, the majority            de risques. « La suppression de la « Zone de
 state-owned energy giant dominates 98 % of the                    ­Développement Eolien » qui ne permettait l’érection
 French electricity market.                                         d’éoliennes qu’à l’intérieur de ces zones, raccourcira
                                                                    certainement la durée de ces procédures. La branche
Manufacturers have a firm grip on                                   espère néanmoins d’autres réformes », déclare
service                                                             ­Philippe Vignal, Directeur général de la société wpd
                                                                     AG en France. Ceci pourrait être le cas dans le cadre du
 All this doesn’t discourage project developers, be­                 « Choc de simplification » annoncé », espère Vignal.
 cause although the 15-year-long incentives are fairly               Mi-juillet, François Hollande a promis d’alléger les
 complicated they are still quite acceptable. Depend­                charges administratives qui pèsent sur les citoyens
 ing on the district and project, the tariff amounts to              français, ajoute-t-il.
 € 0.82/kWh for the first ten years. On top of this,                      Le règlement imposant un nombre minimum de
 ­operators are compensated for inflation. The full-load             5 installations pour un parc éolien a déjà été annulé et
  hours achieved on site will be gaining importance,                 le Chef de l’État a encore d’autres projets. Il souhaite
  ­especially in the last five years. Subject to annual              réduire la part du nucléaire dans la production d’élec­
   ­reference operation time, the upshot will be between             tricité de 75 à 50 % et accélérer le développement des
    € 0.28/kWh (for more than 3,600 hours) and                       énergies renouvelables par une nouvelle loi sur l’envi­
    € 0.82/ kWh (for less than 2,400 hours). After the               ronnement. Il ne faut pas non plus négliger le rôle
­15-year period, operators will be forced to compete                 d’EDF, société cotée en bourse. En effet, le géant du
 and to market their electricity themselves.                         secteur énergétique contrôlé en majorité par l’État
             But it’s these pretty acceptable conditions of all      détient 98 % du marché français de l’électricité.
 things that have paralysed the wind market. French
 opponents to wind power considered this to be a state             Prédominance des fabricants dans
 subsidy and took legal action right up to the ­European           le secteur du service après-vente
    Court of Justice. Since nobody wanted to tackle a
    project any more, new installations dropped to 73 MW           Les bureaux d’étude ne se découragent pas pour
    in the first quarter of 2013, whereas the figure was           autant car les conditions de financement sont correc­
    202 MW on average per quarter in the previous year.            tes, même si leur durée fixée à 15 ans les rend com­
             It’s precisely due to the many difficulties and the   pliquées. Suivant le département et la nature du
    resulting pent-up demand that many experts regard              projet, une indemnité de 8,2 €-ct/kWh est accordée
    France as one of the emerging wind markets. And                pendant les 10 premières années. Les exploitants
    this is where German companies have had the upper              bénéficient en outre d’une compensation pour infla­
    hand to date (see p. 116). These companies also                tion. Le nombre d’heures de pleine charge atteintes
    ­control the service and maintenance business, as              sur le site entre avant tout en ligne de compte durant
     they mostly sign long-term, full-service maintenance          les 5 dernières années. Suivant la durée d’exploita­
     ­agreements.                                                  tion annuelle de référence, une rémunération com­
             To offer customers the best service possible,         prise entre 2,8 €-ct/kWh (pour plus de 3 600 heures)
      ­market leader Enercon has developed a decentralized         et 8,2 €-ct/kWh (pour moins de 2 400 heures) est
       service network in France. It consists of 25 service        encore accordée aux exploitants. Au bout de 15 ans,
       ­stations with more than 100 service teams in all           ces derniers doivent faire face à la concurrence et
        ­regions. In total, Enercon employs more than              vendre leur courant eux-mêmes.
         450 ­people in France, with an increasing tendency.           Paradoxalement, ces conditions assez favorables
                                                                   ont contribué à paralyser le marché de l’éolien. Les
End of warranty                                                    adversaires de l’énergie éolienne en France y ont vu
                                                                   une subvention d’État et ont porté plainte devant la
While Enercon ties in customers with its maintenance               Cour européenne de justice. Étant donné que plus
concept for the whole term, wind turbines from                     personne ne voulait toucher à un projet, le nombre
­Nordex, Vestas or REpower offer some potential for                des nouvelles installations a chuté à 73 MW au cours
 companies that are independent of the manufacturer.               du premier trimestre. Au cours de l’année précédente,
 One of them is the Dutch trading platform Spares in               la moyenne trimestrielle était encore de 202 MW.
 Motion. “We tapped into this market because our cus­                  Ces nombreuses difficultés et le besoin de rattra­
 tomers who are vendors see good opportunities for                 page qui en résultent font que les experts considèrent
 the spare parts market in France,” says Jochem Sauer,             le marché français comme l’un des marchés émergents
 managing partner of Spares in Motion.                             dans le secteur de l’éolien. Ce marché est actuelle­
     For the main part, the platform brings buyers and             ment avant tout dominé par des entreprises alleman­
 sellers of spare parts together. According to Sauer, es­          des (voir p. 116). Ces entreprises dominent également
 pecially the demand for gear and control units has                le marché du SAV et de la maintenance étant donné
 been high since the platform’s launch in France. ­Sauer           que, la plupart du temps, elles ont conclu des contrats
 remains optimistic: “The manufacturers play a major               de maintenance complète à long terme.

Sun & Wind Energy 9+10/2013                                                                                                     113
Bioenergy                            Waste Fermentation

  Doubly useful –
  biogas and compost

  The Swancote plant in Bridgnorth has a pasteurisation unit with which food waste can be pre-treated for an hour at 70 °C.          Photo: MT-Energie

  The recycling of waste in Europe is nowhere near where it                                ­ dditionally, separating out the organic waste from
                                                                                           landfill waste would save 500 million pounds of
  could be if political policy were more consistent.                                       ­disposal costs.
                                                                                                  “Designing a landfill ban could help to maximise
  Especially bio-waste can be energetically put to use                                      renewable energy and nutrient recovery,” says
  through fermentation, while nutrients can be recovered                                    ­Benton: “We’d be mad not to.” The up-and-coming
                                                                                             British biogas sector could certainly thus be provided
  on top, as projects in England and Germany have shown.                                     with additional resources. The number of new plants
                                                                                             that are not part of sewage plant operation achieved

                                      mprovements in the waste economy have only             an impressive annual rise of 46 % in the year to April.
                                      ­been made very slowly in many European coun-          The German plant manufacturer MT-Energie GmbH,
                                       tries. The European Commission therefore recently     which has a branch in the British Midlands, built five
                               announced that it would look at EU waste regulations          biogas plants on the island between 2010 and 2012.
                               and recycling targets. Next year, new guidelines are to       Three of these use various organic wastes in a co-­
                               aim at recycling half of communal and household               fermentation process with energy crops, such as the
                               ­waste within the EU by 2020 and to have stopped land-        2 MW plant at Swancote Energy Ltd. in Bridgnorth/
                                fill in a step-by-step process by then as well.              Shropshire. In a wet fermentation process, biogas is
                                       In the last ten years, for example, Great Britain     obtained from 38,000 t of raw materials made up of
                                has considerably increased its recycling share from          corn and grass silage, potato peelings, dairy and food
                                12 to 39 %, but the British still lie far behind the         waste. Thanks to an unpacking system, all types of
                                ­model waste management countries of Austria, Ger-           packaged foods are to be useable here.
                                 many, Belgium and the Netherlands, with their shares             Additionally, the Swancote system has a pasteur-
                                 of over 50 %. Dustin Benton, a political consultant at      isation unit, with which food waste can be pre-­treated
                                 the influential Green Alliance think tank, has now de-      for an hour at 70 °C, and which is run using heat from
                                 manded a landfill ban on biological and food waste in       a CHP plant. Supermarkets and food processing com-
                                 the AD & Biogas News, “in view of the clear econom-         panies in the region can deliver their waste to
                                 ic and ecological benefits.” The value of this material     Bridgnorth and thus save on transportation and
                                 as a biogas substrate lies at £ 693 million a year.         refuse costs. The plant in Bridgnorth received no

  126                                                                                                                       Sun & Wind Energy 9+10/2013
state support whatsoever and it gets an electricity         ment already went into operation in September 2012.
 price of 15 p/kWh. The ecological advantages are            Approximately 20,000 t of food waste and 10,000 t of
 that landfill use is spared and nutrients are returned      slurry can be processed here. The second phase is
 to the fields.                                              nearing completion. It is to be officially inaugurated at
      In Germany, as of 1st June 2005, no more untreat-      a public open day on 7th September. In this dry fermen-
ed municipal waste has been allowed to go to landfill.       tation phase, 22,000 t of communal bio-waste and
A major point here is the already separate collection        8,000 t of biological commercial waste are to be
of household waste in order to send recyclables to re-       ­treated.
cycling. The separate collection of municipal biologi-               “We have one-stop shop for all the phases of
cal waste already began some 25 years ago. Since              ­value creation, and that on the one site,” says ­Biothan
then, the volume of bio-waste covered by this has in-          head Andreas Bug. This enables an overall optimisa-
creased more than sevenfold. The Waste ­Management             tion as the individual plant units can be set up to
and Product Recycling Act now requires bio-waste to            match each other best. The seven employees are cur-
be collected separately right across Germany by                rently utilising external help to train up in all the pro­
2015. This means that an increase in recovered                 cesses and details of the plant. Each construction
­volumes of up to 45 % is possible, forecasts Michael          phase only took about one year. The wet fermentation
 Kern, head of the waste, environment and energy               was put up by Schmack Biogas GmbH and the gas
 company Witzenhausen-Institut für Abfall, Umwelt              treatment by Schmack Carbotech GmbH, both compa-
 und Energie GmbH.                                             nies in the Viessmann Group. The construction of the
      The bio-waste is mainly treated through compost-         dry fermentation, which uses the plug flow process,
 ing. The compost replaces peat from high moors as a           was carried out by Axpo Kompogas AG from Switzer-
 fertiliser and soil improver. Recently there has been a       land. In the future, high-quality compost for gardens
 trend to further develop composting with anaerobic            and forestry is to be obtained from the solid fermen-
 pre-treatment plants for dry fermentation. An esti-           tation material separated out after dry fermentation.
 mated 10 to 25 % of the total volume of bio-waste             The liquid fertiliser is to be used in agriculture.
 (4.2 million t), green waste (4.6 million t of garden               Together, the two fermentation processes should
waste and material from public green spaces/­                  generate 47 million kWh of untreated biogas a year.
landscape management) is currently brought togeth-             This will be processed to natural gas quality in the
er and used for energy. “The additional costs for the          pressure swing adsorption plant, with a capacity of
pre-treatment unit are compensated for through the             600 Nm³/h of biomethane, then fed into the gas net-
EEG and heat yields. The EEG 2012 further improved             work. RhönEnergie Fulda as the mother company will
the economic viability, but it’s not yet a sure-fire sell-     then be responsible for selling the gas. At the begin-
er,” says Kern on the current satisfactory conditions.         ning of January, the two brands “Biothan 100” (pure
                                                               biomethane) and the 20 % mix “Biothan 20” were
Universal waste treatment                                      ­introduced.
                                                                     The starting point was the desire to be able to of-
An innovative plant in Kleinlüder, Germany, for the first       fer natural gas customers green, renewable gas and
time combines wet fermentation, dry fermentation and            to do something for the region at the same time, ex-
post-composting. Biothan GmbH, a subsidiary of                  plains Bug. A large plant for energy crops would have
RhönEnergie Fulda GmbH (formerly Gas- und                       required a lot of agricultural land and possibly have
­Wasserversorgung GWV Fulda GmbH), GWV Osthessen                had a negative effect on lease prices. The use of plant-
 GmbH and the town of Fulda, is to produce biomethane           ed renewable materials was thus not an option. Bug
 from 60,000 t of annually supplied materials, whereby          says: “This fundamental decision played a major role
 the plant concept allows all manner of waste to be used.       in increasing acceptance for the plant in all sectors of
 The first phase with wet fermentation and gas treat-           society.”                                  Christian Dany

Instead of using planted renewable materials, Biothan GmbH ferments bio-waste. There are thus no conflicts
with the population or farmers.                                                                Photo: Biothan

Sun & Wind Energy 9+10/2013                                                                                                  127
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