Inspector General Evaluation of the Air Force Systems Engineering Processes Used in the Development of the Refueling Boom for the KC-46A Tanker

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Inspector General Evaluation of the Air Force Systems Engineering Processes Used in the Development of the Refueling Boom for the KC-46A Tanker
Report No. DODIG-2021-088

 I nspec tor Ge ne ral
                      U.S. Department of Defense

 M AY 2 1 , 2 0 2 1

     Evaluation of the Air Force
     Systems Engineering Processes
     Used in the Development of
     the Refueling Boom for the
     KC-46A Tanker

Inspector General Evaluation of the Air Force Systems Engineering Processes Used in the Development of the Refueling Boom for the KC-46A Tanker
Inspector General Evaluation of the Air Force Systems Engineering Processes Used in the Development of the Refueling Boom for the KC-46A Tanker
Results in Brief
                               Evaluation of the Air Force Systems Engineering Processes
                               Used in the Development of the Refueling Boom for the
                               KC-46A Tanker

May 21, 2021                                     Finding (cont’d)
Objective                                             testing environment after Boeing officials presented
                                                      a system design at the preliminary design review
The objective of this evaluation was                  in 2012 that differed significantly from the initially
to determine whether the Air Force                    proposed design; and
adhered to DoD and Air Force systems
                                                    • did not verify full functionality of the KC-46A tanker
engineering processes during the design
                                                      refueling boom in accordance with the program’s Test
and development of the KC-46A aerial
                                                      and Evaluation Master Plan when they performed flight
refueling boom.
                                                      testing of the KC-46A tanker refueling boom with
                                                      Air Force receiver aircraft.
Background                                       These shortfalls with the KC-46A refueling boom
The KC-46A Pegasus tanker is an aircraft         occurred because:
whose mission is aerial refueling of DoD            • officials from the KC-46 Program Office did not revalidate
and Allied aircraft. The refueling boom               changes to critical technologies or technology maturity
is the component of the aerial refueling              at any point during the engineering and manufacturing
system that transfers fuel from the tanker            development phase, since revalidations were not
to the receiver aircraft.                             required by DoD policy; and
In February 2011, the Air Force awarded             • officials from the KC-46 Program Office decided,
a fixed-price-incentive contract for the              and officials from the Office of the Deputy Assistant
KC-46A tanker to Boeing. Under this                   Secretary of Defense for Developmental Test and
contract, Boeing is responsible for designing,        Evaluation accepted, in 2014 that reduced flight testing
developing, testing, and manufacturing                was sufficient to evaluate the performance of the
179 KC-46A tankers for delivery to                    KC-46A tanker in support of the Milestone C decision
the Air Force. The Air Force contracted               in 2016. Despite encountering flight test failures in
with Boeing to deliver the KC-46A tankers             January 2016 that required Boeing engineers to redesign
in August 2017; however, deliveries did not           the refueling boom, the KC-46 Program Office officials
begin until January 2019. As of October               did not change their decision to perform reduced flight
2020, Boeing delivered 38 of the required             testing prior to the Milestone C decision. This reduced
179 KC-46A tankers to the Air Force.                  flight testing did not include the stressing conditions
                                                      under which the refueling boom problem could

Finding                                               potentially occur.

KC-46 Program Office officials did not           As a result, in 2018, when Boeing attempted to test full
effectively manage the development of            functionality of the KC-46A tanker refueling boom after
the refueling boom for the KC-46A tanker.        Milestone C, flight test reports documented that refueling
Specifically, KC-46 Program Office officials:    boom performance remained a problem during in-flight
                                                 refueling of the A-10, C-17, and F-16 receiver aircraft.
   • did not ensure that critical
                                                 Specifically, the 38 KC-46A tankers that Boeing delivered
     technologies for the refueling boom
                                                 could not refuel the A-10 or several variants of the
     were demonstrated in a relevant

                                                                    DODIG-2021-088 (Project No. D2019-DEV0SR-0199.000) │ i
Inspector General Evaluation of the Air Force Systems Engineering Processes Used in the Development of the Refueling Boom for the KC-46A Tanker
Results in Brief
                                       Evaluation of the Air Force Systems Engineering Processes
                                       Used in the Development of the Refueling Boom for the
                                       KC-46A Tanker

  Finding (cont’d)
  C-130 receiver aircraft, and Air Force officials imposed    Additionally, we revised the following
  operational limitations allowing the B-52, C-17, F-15,      two recommendations:
  F-16, F-35A, HC/MC-130J, KC-10, KC-46A, and KC-135             • Use scientific test and analysis techniques to the
  receiver aircraft to aerially refuel only under limited          maximum extent possible to develop the Test and
  flight conditions.                                               Evaluation Master Plan.
  In August 2019 and March 2020, the Air Force                   • Use scientific test and analysis techniques to
  issued contract modifications, valued at $100 million,           the maximum extent possible to justify the
  for the redesign of the KC-46A tanker refueling boom.            elimination, deferral, or modification of planned
  Had KC-46 Program Office officials effectively managed           tests that were originally documented in the Test
  the development and testing of the refueling boom for            and Evaluation Master Plan.
  the KC-46A tanker, the Air Force would not have had to
  spend an additional $100 million for the redesign of the    Finally, we added two recommendations:
  refueling boom to achieve its required performance.            • Include the most critical or stressing test conditions
  Furthermore, retrofit of the refueling boom for the              in the Test and Evaluation Master Plan for any
  delivered KC-46A tankers is not estimated to begin until         tests where the use of scientific test and analysis
  January 2024, and will result in additional undetermined         techniques is impractical or not applicable when
  costs, as well as approximately a 5-year delayed delivery        developing the Test and Evaluation Master Plan.
  of the first KC-46A tankers with fully mission-capable         • Include the most critical or stressing test
  refueling booms. This delay limits the DoD’s use of the          conditions in revised test plans when proposing
  KC-46A tanker for its intended refueling missions.               elimination, deferral, or modification of planned
                                                                   tests that were originally documented in the Test
  Recommendations                                                  and Evaluation Master Plan.

                                                              Management Comments
  We recommend that the Under Secretary of Defense
  for Research and Engineering and the Under Secretary
  of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment revise DoD       and Our Response
  acquisition policy to require program managers of major
                                                              The Director of Developmental Test, Evaluation, and
  defense acquisition programs to:
                                                              Assessments, responding for the Under Secretary
      • Conduct knowledge-building technology readiness       of Defense for Research and Engineering, in coordination
        assessments throughout the acquisition life cycle,    with the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition
        including at preliminary design review, critical      and Sustainment, agreed with two recommendations
        design review, and Milestone C, at a minimum.         related to the use of knowledge-building technology
      • Develop and execute technology maturation             readiness assessments and technology maturation plans.
        plans for critical technologies that have not been    Additionally, the Director partially agreed with the
        demonstrated in a relevant testing environment,       two recommendations related to the use of scientific
        as determined by a knowledge-building or              test and analysis techniques to develop the Test
        statutory technology readiness assessment.

ii │ DODIG-2021-088 (Project No. D2019-DEV0SR-0199.000)
Inspector General Evaluation of the Air Force Systems Engineering Processes Used in the Development of the Refueling Boom for the KC-46A Tanker
Results in Brief
                               Evaluation of the Air Force Systems Engineering Processes
                               Used in the Development of the Refueling Boom for the
                               KC-46A Tanker

Comments (cont’d)
and Evaluation Master Plan and for proposing the
elimination, modification, or deferral of planned tests
documented in the Test and Evaluation Master Plan.

Although the Director agreed, his comments only
partially addressed our recommendations. Therefore,
the recommendations are unresolved.

We request that the Director provide additional
comments on the final report to describe the specific
actions that the USD(R&E), in coordination with the
USD(A&S), will take to address the recommendations.
Management comments and our response are discussed
in detail in the Recommendations, Management
Comments, and Our Response section of this report.

Please see the Recommendations Table on the next page
for the status of recommendations.

                                                             DODIG-2021-088 (Project No. D2019-DEV0SR-0199.000) │ iii
Inspector General Evaluation of the Air Force Systems Engineering Processes Used in the Development of the Refueling Boom for the KC-46A Tanker
Recommendations Table
                                                                Recommendations Recommendations Recommendations
                               Management                          Unresolved       Resolved         Closed
             Under Secretary of Defense for Research            1.a, 1.b, 1.c, 1.d,
                                                                                       None               None
             and Engineering                                    1.e, 1.f
             Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition         1.a, 1.b, 1.c, 1.d,
                                                                                       None               None
             and Sustainment                                    1.e, 1.f

           Please provide Management Comments by June 21, 2021.
           Note: The following categories are used to describe agency management’s comments to individual recommendations.
                • Unresolved – Management has not agreed to implement the recommendation or has not proposed actions that
                  will address the recommendation.

                • Resolved – Management agreed to implement the recommendation or has proposed actions that will address the
                  underlying finding that generated the recommendation.

                • Closed – OIG verified that the agreed upon corrective actions were implemented.

iv │ DODIG-2021-088 (Project No. D2019-DEV0SR-0199.000)
Inspector General Evaluation of the Air Force Systems Engineering Processes Used in the Development of the Refueling Boom for the KC-46A Tanker
                                 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
                                 4800 MARK CENTER DRIVE
                              ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA 22350-1500

                                                                                   May 21, 2021


SUBJECT: Evaluation of the Air Force Systems Engineering Processes Used in
         the Development of the Refueling Boom for the KC-46A Tanker
         (Report No. DODIG-2021-088)

This final report provides the results of the DoD Office of Inspector General’s evaluation.
We previously provided copies of the draft report and requested written comments on
the recommendations. We considered management’s comments on the draft report when
preparing the final report. These comments are included in the report.

This report contains recommendations that are unresolved. Comments from the Director
of Developmental Test, Evaluation, and Assessments, responding for the Under Secretary of
Defense for Research and Engineering, in coordination with the Under Secretary of Defense
for Acquisition and Sustainment, partially addressed the recommendations. Additionally, we
made two new recommendations that require comment from the Director.

Therefore, as discussed in the Recommendations, Management Comments, and Our
Response section of this report, the recommendations remain open. We will track these
recommendations until an agreement is reached on the actions that you will take to address
the recommendations, and you have submitted adequate documentation showing that all
agreed-upon actions are completed.

DoD Instruction 7650.03 requires that recommendations be resolved promptly. Therefore,
please provide us within 30 days your response concerning specific actions in process or
alternative corrective actions proposed on the recommendations.

                                                Randolph R. Stone
                                                Assistant Inspector General for Evaluations
                                                Space, Intelligence, Engineering, and Oversight

                                                                                              DODIG-2021-088 │ v
Inspector General Evaluation of the Air Force Systems Engineering Processes Used in the Development of the Refueling Boom for the KC-46A Tanker
                  Objective............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
                  Background.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

                  Finding. The KC-46 Program Office Did Not
                  Effectively Manage the Development of the
                  KC-46A Tanker Refueling Boom........................................................................................................... 9
                  The KC-46 Program Office Did Not Ensure Critical Technologies for the
                     Refueling Boom Were Demonstrated in a Relevant Testing Environment. .........................10
                  DoD Policy Does Not Require Acquisition Programs to Revalidate Technology
                     Readiness During the Engineering and Manufacturing Development Phase...................14
                  The KC-46 Program Office Did Not Verify Full Functionality of the Refueling
                     Boom During Flight Testing. ....................................................................................................................................................... 18
                  The KC-46 Program Office Reduced the Scope of Flight Testing for Initial
                     Refueling Boom Verification....................................................................................................................................................... 23
                  The Air Force Issued $100 Million in Contract Modifications for the Redesign
                     of the Refueling Boom With Additional Schedule Impacts Expected........................................ 24
                  Recommendations, Management Comments, and Our Response. ............................................................ 25

                  Appendix A. Scope and Methodology. ....................................................................................................................................... 30
                            Use of Computer-Processed Data.......................................................................................................................................... 32
                            Prior Coverage............................................................................................................................................................................................. 32
                  Appendix B. Timeline of Major Events in the KC-46A Tanker Modernization
                     Program Related to the Refueling Boom Problems. ....................................................................................... 34

                  Management Comments................................................................................................................................... 35
                  Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering and the Under
                     Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment.............................................................................. 35

                  Acronyms and Abbreviations. ............................................................................................................... 38

vi │ DODIG-2021-088
Inspector General Evaluation of the Air Force Systems Engineering Processes Used in the Development of the Refueling Boom for the KC-46A Tanker

The objective of this evaluation was to determine whether the Air Force adhered
to DoD and Air Force systems engineering processes during the design and
development of the KC-46A tanker refueling boom.1 Specifically, we determined
whether the systems engineering processes for the KC-46A Tanker Modernization
program led to a critical deficiency with the KC-46A tanker aerial refueling
capability that the Air Force encountered during post-Milestone C flight testing.

Defense Acquisition System Milestones
DoD Directive 5000.01 establishes the policies and principles that govern the
defense acquisition system, and forms the management foundation for all DoD
acquisition programs. 2 The defense acquisition system’s primary objective is
to acquire quality products and satisfy user needs with measurable improvement
in mission. The defense acquisition system’s major capability acquisition process
includes three DoD program decision points to assess a program’s readiness to
proceed to the next acquisition phase—Milestone A, Milestone B, and Milestone C.
The milestone decision authority decides whether the program is ready to transition
to the next acquisition phase and is the sole and final decision authority. 3

At the Milestone A decision, the milestone decision authority decides whether
an acquisition program can enter the technology maturation and risk reduction
phase, where program officials reduce the weapon systems risks, develop capability
requirements, and finalize affordability caps. At the Milestone A review,
program officials present program documentation, such as their acquisition
strategy, program risk assessment, and affordability analysis, to the milestone
decision authority.

At the Milestone B decision, the milestone decision authority decides whether
an acquisition program can enter the engineering and manufacturing development
phase where program officials develop, build, and test that the weapon system

     Air Force Instruction 63-1201, “Life Cycle Systems Engineering,” defines systems engineering as an interdisciplinary
     approach encompassing the entire set of scientific, technical, and managerial efforts needed to evolve, verify, deploy,
     and support an integrated and life-cycle-balanced set of system solutions that satisfy customer needs. The refueling
     boom is the component of the aerial refueling system that transfers fuel from the KC-46A tanker to the receiver aircraft.
     DoD Directive 5000.01, “The Defense Acquisition System,” September 9, 2020.
     The milestone decision authority for the KC-46A tanker program was the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition,
     Testing and Logistics until November 2017, when the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment
     delegated the milestone decision authority to the Secretary of the Air Force.

                                                                                                                                 DODIG-2021-088 │ 1
Inspector General Evaluation of the Air Force Systems Engineering Processes Used in the Development of the Refueling Boom for the KC-46A Tanker

                 meets all requirements to support production or deployment decisions. At the
                 Milestone B review, program officials present program documentation to the
                 milestone decision authority, such as their desired capability requirements,
                 an independent cost estimate, and the acquisition program baseline.

                 At the Milestone C decision, the milestone decision authority decides whether
                 an acquisition program can enter the production and deployment phase where
                 program officials produce and deliver requirements-compliant products to
                 receiving military organizations. At the Milestone C review, program officials
                 present program documentation to the milestone decision authority to demonstrate
                 that the weapon system is stable, within the approved affordability caps, and will
                 meet requirements.

                 Developmental Test and Evaluation
                 Developmental test and evaluation is conducted throughout the acquisition
                 process to assist in engineering design and development and to verify that
                 technical performance specifications have been met. The Test and Evaluation
                 Master Plan (TEMP) serves as the primary document for managing a test and
                 evaluation program. The TEMP contains an integrated test program summary
                 and master schedule of all major test events or test phases. Program officials
                 update the TEMP as needed to support acquisition milestones and decision points.
                 The program manager uses the TEMP as the planning and management tool for
                 all program test activities.

                 KC-46A Tanker Modernization Program
                 The KC-46A Tanker Modernization program is a major defense acquisition
                 program. 4 In February 2011, the Air Force awarded a contract to The Boeing
                 Company (Boeing) to develop an aerial refueling tanker by modifying a commercial
                 767 passenger aircraft and designated this modified aircraft the KC-46A Pegasus
                 tanker, shown in Figure 1. The KC-46A Pegasus tanker is an aircraft whose mission
                 is aerial refueling of DoD and allied aircraft. Boeing is currently producing the
                 KC-46A tanker for the Air Force to replace its aging fleet of KC-135 tanker aircraft
                 that have been a significant component of the DoD’s refueling aircraft fleet since
                 approximately 1956.

                 An integral part of the KC-46A modernization program is the refueling boom.
                 Figure 1 illustrates the location of the refueling boom at the rear of the
                 KC-46A tanker. Figure 2 illustrates the components that make up the refueling

                         Section 2430, title 10, United States Code, 2012, defines a major defense acquisition program as a DoD acquisition
                         program that is either designated by the Secretary of Defense as a major defense acquisition program or that is
                         estimated for all increments of the program to require an eventual total expenditure for research, development,
                         and test and evaluation of more than $525 million in fiscal year 2020 constant dollars or, for procurement, of more
                         than $3.065 billion in fiscal year 2020 constant dollars.

2 │ DODIG-2021-088

boom, including the pivot point where the boom mounts to the KC-46A tanker, the
telescoping section that moves in and out to accommodate movement of receiver
aircraft during refueling operations, and the nozzle that transfers fuel to receiver
aircraft. In addition to the refueling boom, the KC-46A tanker is equipped with
a centerline drogue refueling system and wing aerial refueling pods which provide
expanded aerial refueling capabilities. 5

     Figure 1. KC-46A Tanker Key Features
     Source: The Air Force.

      A drogue refueling system consists of a funnel-shaped device that is attached to the end of a long flexible hose
      suspended from a tanker aircraft in flight and into which the probe of a receiver aircraft connects to receive fuel
      from the tanker.

                                                                                                                            DODIG-2021-088 │ 3

                     Figure 2. KC-46A Tanker Refueling Boom
                     Source: The Air Force.

                 The refueling boom is the component of the aerial refueling system that transfers
                 fuel from the KC-46A tanker to the receiver aircraft. A receiver aircraft is any
                 DoD or allied aircraft capable of being aerially refueled. During aerial refueling,
                 an operator on the KC-46A tanker extends the refueling boom into a receptacle
                 on the receiving aircraft to transfer fuel. The goal of aerial refueling is to extend
                 the range or time a receiver aircraft can remain in the air.

                 The Air Force Initiated the KC-46A Tanker Modernization
                 Program in 2011
                 In February 2011, KC-46 Program Office officials initiated the KC-46A Tanker
                 Modernization program at Milestone B and entered the engineering and manufacturing
                 development phase of the DoD acquisition process. Shortly after program initiation
                 in 2011, Air Force officials awarded Boeing a fixed-price-incentive contract
                 for the acquisition of 4 KC-46A tankers. Including options to procure up to an
                 additional 175 KC-46A tankers, for a total of 179 aircraft, this contract was valued
                 at $41.5 billion. The engineering and manufacturing development phase of the
                 KC-46A Tanker Modernization program ended in August 2016, upon Milestone C
                 approval. The Air Force contract required Boeing to deliver the KC-46A tankers in
                 August 2017; however, deliveries did not begin until January 2019. As of October 2020,
                 Boeing had delivered 38 of the 179 KC-46A tankers to the Air Force.

4 │ DODIG-2021-088

KC-46A Tanker Refueling Boom Performance
During developmental testing prior to Milestone C in early 2016, Air Force pilots
reported performance problems to KC-46 Program Office officials regarding
the operation of the KC-46A tanker refueling boom with C-17 receiver aircraft. 6
Specifically, the boom axial loads were too high during testing, meaning that the
boom was too stiff and would not extend or retract during flight testing unless
subjected to more force than the system performance specification required.7
Initially, Boeing engineers implemented software updates to the refueling boom
control system in an attempt to optimize the performance of the refueling boom,
and then decided to pursue a software and hardware solution to reduce refueling
boom axial forces. However, after Boeing engineers made software and hardware
updates, additional flight tests in 2018 demonstrated that refueling boom
performance remained a problem due to high axial loads during in-flight refueling
of the A-10, C-17, and F-16 receiver aircraft.

The refueling boom performance problems caused Air Force Materiel Command
flight test officials to issue a Category I performance deficiency in September 2018,
identifying the boom as being too stiff while in contact with the receiver aircraft. 8
The performance deficiency report stated that excessive receiver aircraft engine
thrust was necessary to compress the boom under certain aerial refueling
conditions. Additionally, the deficiency report documented that receiver aircraft
needed to make large engine power corrections when attempting to make a
forward or backward position adjustment to maintain contact with the refueling
boom. The large engine power corrections could result in potentially unsafe
flight operations during the process of disconnecting the receiver aircraft from
the refueling boom. Because the refueling boom was too stiff, it caused pilots
of receiver aircraft to inadvertently use excess engine power or not use enough
engine power, which, upon disconnecting from the refueling boom, could cause
the receiver aircraft to rapidly accelerate toward or away from the tanker.
The rapid aircraft acceleration could cause the receiver aircraft to lunge into
the refueling boom, potentially causing damage to the receiver aircraft, the
refueling boom, or both.

     Developmental test and evaluation is conducted throughout the acquisition process to assist in engineering design
     and development and to verify that technical performance specifications have been met.
     Axial load is the force applied on a structure directly along an axis.
     According to Air Force Instruction 99-103, “Capabilities-Based Test and Evaluation,” Category I deficiencies are those
     that may cause death, severe injury, or severe occupational illness; may cause loss or major damage to a weapon
     system; critically restrict the combat readiness capabilities of the using organization; or result in a production line
     stoppage. Boeing engineers designed the KC-46A tanker refueling boom to extend and retract, adjusting the length
     of the boom so that contact with the receiver aircraft can be maintained for aerial refueling operations.

                                                                                                                               DODIG-2021-088 │ 5

                 Subsequently, in December 2018, KC-46 Program Office officials established new
                 technical requirements for the redesign of the KC-46A tanker refueling boom and
                 issued associated contract modifications in 2019 and 2020. As of October 2020,
                 Boeing had delivered 38 of the 179 KC-46A tankers to the Air Force. However,
                 the 38 KC-46A tankers that were delivered did not have the redesigned refueling
                 boom and, as a result, none of the delivered tankers could refuel the A-10 or several
                 variants of the C-130 receiver aircraft.9 To address the refueling boom deficiencies,
                 the Air Force imposed operational limitations on these 38 tankers allowing the
                 B-52, C-17, F-15, F-16, F-35A, HC/MC-130J, KC-10, KC-46A, and KC-135 receiver
                 aircraft to be aerially refueled only under limited flight conditions. Examples
                 of limited flight conditions included reduced tanker refueling boom range of
                 motion and no refueling in a covert or lights-out scenario.

                 KC-46A Tanker Modernization Program Stakeholders
                 There are several DoD and Air Force organizations that have roles and
                 responsibilities for the KC-46A program.

                 Air Force Life Cycle Management Center
                 The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) is located at Wright-Patterson
                 Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. The AFLCMC is responsible for life cycle management
                 of Air Force weapon systems from inception to retirement. Ten Program Executive
                 Officers within AFLCMC, including the Program Executive Officer for the Mobility
                 and Training Aircraft Directorate, are responsible for the activities within
                 their respective portfolio and report to the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force
                 for Acquisition.10

                 KC-46 Program Office
                 The KC-46 Division of the AFLCMC Mobility and Training Aircraft Directorate
                 (KC-46 Program Office) is responsible for the planning and execution of all
                 life-cycle activities for the Air Force’s KC-46A tanker fleet. The KC-46 Program
                 Office is located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. The life-cycle activities
                 that the KC-46 Program Office is responsible for include the development, test,
                 production, fielding, and support of the KC-46A tanker.

                          The variants of the C-130 aircraft that the KC-46A tanker could not refuel included the AC-130J, AC-130W, EC-130J,
                          MC-130H, and MC-130J.
                          In May 2020, the Air Force reorganized the AFLCMC, realigning three tanker program offices from the Tanker Directorate
                          to the Mobility and Training Aircraft Directorate.

6 │ DODIG-2021-088

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Developmental Test
and Evaluation
Prior to June 2018, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Developmental
Test and Evaluation (DASD[DT&E]) was the principal advisor to the then-Secretary
of Defense and the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and
Logistics (USD[AT&L]).11 The DASD(DT&E)’s primary responsibilities included
establishing policy and guidance for the conduct of developmental test and
evaluation in the DoD and assessing the developmental test and evaluation
activities of each major defense acquisition program.

DoD Revised Acquisition Policy During the KC-46A Tanker
Modernization Program
During the engineering and manufacturing development phase of the KC-46A Tanker
Modernization program, the DoD revised DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02 twice—once
in November 2013 and again in January 2015.12 The version of DoDI 5000.02 issued
in December 2008, in effect at Milestone B of the KC-46A Tanker Modernization
program, required Acquisition Category ID programs—such as the KC-46A Tanker
Modernization program—to conduct a technology readiness assessment (TRA) at
both Milestone B and Milestone C.13 A TRA is a formal metrics-based process and
accompanying report that assesses the maturity of critical hardware and software
technologies called critical technology elements. In November 2013, DoDI 5000.02
was revised to require all major defense acquisition programs to conduct a TRA
before release of development contract requests for proposal, with updates to the
TRA before Milestone B if changes had occurred, and a TRA at Milestone C only
if the program was initiated at Milestone C. DoDI 5000.02 was revised again in
January 2015; however, the requirements related to TRAs remained the same as
in the version of DoDI 5000.02 issued in 2013.

     As of June 25, 2018, in accordance with Public Law 114-328, the “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal
     Year 2017,” Section 901, “Organization of the Office of the Secretary of Defense,” the DoD reorganized the Office of
     the USD(AT&L) to establish the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering and the Office
     of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment. Additionally, the DoD reorganized the Office of the
     DASD(DT&E) to establish the Office of the Deputy Director for Developmental Test, Evaluation, and Prototyping within
     the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering.
     DoDI 5000.02, “Operation of the Defense Acquisition System,” December 8, 2008. DoDI 5000.02, “Operation of the
     Defense Acquisition System,” November 26, 2013. DoDI 5000.02, “Operation of the Defense Acquisition System,”
     January 7, 2015.
     An Acquisition Category ID program is a major defense acquisition program, as defined in Section 2430, title 10,
     United States Code, for which the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment makes a decision
     to become the milestone decision authority or designate another Office of the Secretary of Defense official as the
     milestone decision authority. The milestone decision authority is the designated individual with overall responsibility
     for a program and with the authority to approve entry of an acquisition program into the next phase of the
     acquisition process.

                                                                                                                               DODIG-2021-088 │ 7

                 In January 2020, the DoD further restructured the acquisition process, referred
                 to as the Adaptive Acquisition Framework, which established six acquisition
                 “pathways,” including the major capability acquisition pathway.14 Accordingly,
                 in August 2020, the DoD issued DoDI 5000.85 to establish policy and prescribe
                 procedures that guide the acquisition of major capability acquisition programs,
                 including major defense acquisition programs.15 Additionally, in November 2020,
                 the DoD issued DoDI 5000.88 to establish policy, assign responsibilities, and
                 provide procedures for the engineering management activities necessary to guide
                 the development of defense systems.16

                          DoDI 5000.02, “Operation of the Adaptive Acquisition Framework,” January 23, 2020.
                          DoDI 5000.85, “Major Capability Acquisition,” August 6, 2020.
                          DoDI 5000.88, “Engineering of Defense Systems,” November 18, 2020.

8 │ DODIG-2021-088

The KC-46 Program Office Did Not Effectively Manage
the Development of the KC-46A Tanker Refueling Boom
KC-46 Program Office officials did not effectively manage the development of the
refueling boom for the KC-46A tanker. Specifically, KC-46 Program Office officials:
     •   did not ensure that critical technologies for the refueling boom were
         demonstrated in a relevant testing environment after Boeing officials
         presented a system design at the preliminary design review in 2012
         that differed significantly from the initially proposed design; and
     •   did not verify full functionality of the KC-46A tanker refueling boom
         in accordance with the program’s TEMP when the Air Force performed
         flight testing of the KC-46A tanker refueling boom with Air Force receiver
         aircraft, including the A-10, C-17, and F-16, in 2016.

These shortfalls with the KC-46A refueling boom occurred because:
     •   officials from the KC-46 Program Office did not revalidate changes
         to critical technologies or technology maturity during the engineering
         and manufacturing development phase since revalidations were not
         required by any version of DoDI 5000.02; and
     •   officials from the KC-46 Program Office decided, and officials from
         the Office of the DASD(DT&E) accepted, in 2014 that reduced flight
         testing was sufficient to evaluate the performance of the KC-46A tanker
         in support of the Milestone C decision in 2016. Despite encountering
         KC-46A flight test failures in January 2016 that required Boeing engineers
         to redesign the refueling boom, the KC-46 Program Office officials did
         not change their decision to perform reduced flight testing prior to the
         Milestone C decision. This reduced flight testing did not include the
         stressing conditions under which the refueling boom problem could
         potentially occur.

As a result, despite actions by Boeing to correct the refueling boom performance
problems, when Boeing attempted to test full functionality of the KC-46A tanker
refueling boom after Milestone C in 2018, flight test reports documented that
refueling boom performance remained a problem during in-flight refueling of the
A-10, C-17, and F-16 receiver aircraft. As of October 2020, Boeing had delivered
38 of 179 total KC-46A tankers to the Air Force, however, the 38 KC-46A tankers
that Boeing delivered could not refuel the A-10 or several variants of the C-130
receiver aircraft. In addition, the DoD continued to experience problems when
refueling the B-52, C-17, F-15, F-16, F-35A, HC/MC-130J, KC-10, KC-46A, and
KC-135 receiver aircraft, which the Air Force addressed by limiting the flight
conditions for aerial refueling operations with these receiver aircraft.
                                                                                      DODIG-2021-088 │ 9

                 The Air Force issued contract modifications in August 2019 and March 2020,
                 valued at $100 million, for the redesign of the KC-46A tanker refueling
                 boom. These modifications did not include the acquisition of the redesigned
                 refueling booms and their installation on the KC-46A aircraft already delivered.
                 The associated contract modifications will be negotiated at a later time. According
                 to the KC-46A program officials, the Air Force plans to start the installation of
                 the redesigned refueling booms on the delivered KC-46A aircraft in January 2024.
                 Had KC-46 Program Office officials effectively managed the development and
                 testing of the refueling boom for the KC-46A tanker, the Air Force would not
                 have had to spend an additional $100 million for the redesign of the refueling
                 boom to achieve its required performance. Furthermore, retrofit of the
                 refueling boom for the delivered KC-46A tankers is not estimated to begin
                 until January 2024, and will result in a delay of approximately 5 years for the
                 delivery of the first KC-46A tankers with full mission-capable refueling booms.
                 This delay limits the DoD’s use of the KC-46A tanker for its intended refueling
                 missions. Additionally, the Commander of United States Transportation Command
                 identified the aerial refueling fleet as the most stressed of the air mobility forces,
                 and stated that any delay of the KC-46 production puts the Joint Force’s ability
                 to effectively execute war plans at risk. Finally, Congress included minimum
                 inventory requirements and prohibitions on the retirement of legacy KC-10 and
                 KC-135 refueling tankers in the FY 2021 National Defense Authorization Act.

                 The KC-46 Program Office Did Not Ensure Critical
                 Technologies for the Refueling Boom Were
                 Demonstrated in a Relevant Testing Environment
                 The KC-46 Program Office did not ensure that critical technologies for the
                 KC-46A tanker refueling boom were demonstrated in a relevant testing
                 environment after Boeing officials presented a system design at the preliminary
                 design review in 2012 that differed significantly from the proposed design at the
                 time of the TRA for the Milestone B decision in 2011.17 Section 2366b, title 10,
                 United States Code, 2010, requires the milestone decision authority to certify, based
                 on an independent review, that technology in a major defense acquisition program
                 has been “demonstrated in a relevant environment” prior to Milestone B approval.
                 The DoD defines a relevant environment as “a testing environment that simulates
                 both the most important and most stressing aspects of the operational environment.”18

                       Preliminary design review is a technical assessment to ensure the preliminary design and basic system architecture are
                       complete, that there is technical confidence the capability need can be satisfied within cost and schedule goals, and that
                       risks have been identified and mitigation plans established.
                       The DoD Technology Readiness Assessment (TRA) Deskbook, published in 2009, provides definitions of terms associated
                       with technology maturity, including “relevant environment” and “critical technology element.”

10 │ DODIG-2021-088

In accordance with the DoDI 5000.02 that was in effect during the KC-46A Tanker
Modernization program Milestone B decision in 2011, technology procured from
industry “shall have been demonstrated in a relevant environment or, preferably,
in an operational environment to be considered mature enough to use for product
development.” The DoDI 5000.02 in effect at Milestone B required a program
office to conduct a TRA for major defense acquisition programs and provide the
results to the milestone decision authority at both Milestone B and Milestone C.
However, prior to the KC-46A Tanker Modernization program Milestone C decision
in August 2016, DoDI 5000.02 was revised to require major defense acquisition
programs to conduct a TRA only at the milestone of program initiation in the DoD
acquisition life cycle. This policy change eliminated the requirement to conduct
a TRA for the KC-46A Tanker Modernization program at Milestone C.

According to DoD TRA guidance, a program office will establish an independent
review team of subject matter experts to conduct a TRA. A TRA is a formal
metrics-based process and accompanying report that assesses the maturity of critical
hardware and software technologies called critical technology elements. A TRA
independent review team examines program concepts, technology requirements,
and demonstrated capabilities. For the purposes of a TRA, a technology element is
critical if “the system being acquired depends on this technology element to meet
operational requirements (within acceptable cost and schedule limits) and if the
technology element or its application is either new or novel or in an area that poses
major technological risk during detailed design or demonstration.”19

The KC-46 Program Office Conducted a Technology Readiness
Assessment and Found the Refueling Boom Was Not a Critical
Technology in 2011
In support of the Milestone B decision, the KC-46 Program Office formed an
independent review team to conduct a TRA focused on technology readiness of the
KC-46A Tanker Modernization Program, which determined that the KC-46A tanker
refueling boom was not a critical technology element. The Assistant Secretary
of Defense for Research and Engineering approved the TRA report in February 2011.
The TRA report stated that the independent review team determined that Boeing
engineers used no new or novel technology in the design of the KC-46A tanker
refueling boom because the design was “based on that of the well-proven KC-10
[refueling boom] and the control laws [were] based on the Italian KC-767A and
Japanese KC-767J control laws.”20 As a result, the independent review team
completed no further assessment to ensure that the refueling boom technologies
had been demonstrated in a relevant testing environment.

     The DoD Technology Readiness Assessment Deskbook, 2009.
     Refueling boom control laws are the mathematical rules that control the refueling boom’s flight control surfaces and
     extension of the boom based on the aerial refueling operator’s control inputs, so that the boom can be maneuvered
     throughout its operational envelope (its range of allowable positions and orientations).

                                                                                                                            DODIG-2021-088 │ 11

                 According to the TRA report, the independent review team identified the
                 critical technology elements used in the KC-46A tanker based on the results
                 of Boeing’s assessment of the technology maturity and information in Boeing’s
                 proposal, including:
                      •   mission capability and non-mandatory technical requirements,
                      •   design approach description,
                      •   system development and management plan, and
                      •   contract work breakdown structure.

                 The TRA report states that when Boeing’s proposal lacked enough information
                 to determine whether a technology should be identified as a critical technology
                 element, the independent review team requested additional information from
                 Boeing, and in some cases, the information from Boeing was supplemented with
                 outside research (including technical reports, technical papers, and interviews
                 with subject matter experts).

                 However, the KC-46 Program Office was unable to provide any documentation
                 that supported the independent review team’s determination that the KC-46A
                 tanker refueling boom was not a critical technology element. Therefore, we
                 were unable to independently verify the TRA review team’s determination that
                 the KC-46A tanker refueling boom should not have been identified as a critical
                 technology element.

                 Boeing Officials Presented a Refueling Boom Design to the
                 Air Force in February 2012 that Differed Significantly from
                 the Design in the Technology Readiness Assessment Report
                 in 2011
                 After the Air Force completed the TRA in 2011, Boeing officials presented refueling
                 boom design details to the Air Force during the preliminary design review in
                 February 2012. We reviewed the preliminary design review documentation and
                 found that it showed a refueling boom design that differed significantly from the
                 proposed design that the independent review team documented in the TRA report.

                 Based on our analysis of the preliminary design review documentation, we found
                 that the KC-46A tanker refueling boom included a computer control system that
                 was an integral part of its function. In contrast, the mature technology of the
                 KC-10 refueling boom—which the KC-46A tanker refueling boom was proposed
                 to be based upon—did not include a computer control system.

12 │ DODIG-2021-088

According to Air Force aerial refueling engineers, the KC-10 refueling boom was
a hydromechanically controlled system. The KC-10 refueling boom design did not
include the measurement of boom axial loads and use of a computer system to
actively control refueling boom axial loads. However, the KC-46A refueling boom
used sensors and a computer to measure refueling boom axial loads and to process
the measurements to actively control movement of the refueling boom. Based on
this information, we concluded that the KC-46A refueling boom included new or
novel technology and, therefore, should have been identified as a critical technology
element. 21 Therefore, KC-46 Program Office officials should have ensured that
the refueling boom was demonstrated in a relevant testing environment before
proceeding beyond Milestone B.

KC-46 Program Office Officials Did Not Revalidate the TRA
When Presented with Information Showing KC-46A Tanker
Refueling Boom Technologies Were New or Novel
We found that the KC-46 Program Office did not revalidate the technology
readiness assessment of the KC-46A tanker refueling boom after being presented
with new technical information during the preliminary design review. Air Force
aerial refueling engineers for the KC-46A tanker stated that their first indication
the KC-46A tanker refueling boom technology was not based on the KC-10 refueling
boom design was during the Milestone C decision in 2016. However, e-mail
correspondence between AFLCMC aerial refueling engineers and KC-46 Program
Office officials in 2013—before the Milestone C decision in 2016—showed that
Air Force aerial refueling engineers were aware that the KC-46A tanker refueling
boom relied on a computer control system to function.

AFLCMC aerial refueling engineers and KC-46 Program Office officials told us in
2020 that they would have assessed the KC-46A tanker refueling boom technology
to be new or novel if they had known the operation of the refueling boom was
computer controlled and not hydromechanically controlled, as in the KC-10.

     According to the DoD Technology Readiness Assessment Deskbook, 2009, a critical technology element is a technology
     element that (1) the system being acquired depends on to meet operational requirements and (2) is either new or novel
     in application or in an area that poses major technological risk during detailed design or demonstration.

                                                                                                                         DODIG-2021-088 │ 13

                 DoD Policy Does Not Require Acquisition Programs
                 to Revalidate Technology Readiness During the
                 Engineering and Manufacturing Development Phase
                 KC-46 Program Office officials did not revalidate changes to critical technologies
                 or technology maturity during the engineering and manufacturing development
                 phase because revalidations were not, and still are not, required by any version
                 of DoDI 5000.02. 22

                 Knowledge-Building Technology Readiness Assessments Are
                 Necessary Throughout System Development
                 Performing continuous knowledge-building TRAs throughout development could
                 benefit acquisition programs by mitigating the cost and schedule overruns these
                 programs have experienced due to lack of technology maturity. 23 The Government
                 Accountability Office (GAO) best practices recommend reviewing technology
                 maturity as needed throughout the product development life cycle. Additionally,
                 GAO best practices state that TRAs are important inputs into systems engineering
                 events, such as a project’s preliminary design review and critical design review,
                 and can expose knowledge gaps.

                 However, the DoD does not require acquisition programs to conduct a TRA once
                 programs have proceeded beyond Milestone B, unless Milestone C is the point
                 of initiation of the program. If DoD acquisition policy required major defense
                 acquisition programs to revalidate critical technologies and technology maturity
                 throughout the engineering and manufacturing development phase, then KC-46
                 Program Office officials may have identified the KC-46A tanker refueling boom
                 as a critical technology that needed to be further matured before the program
                 entered production.

                 According to the GAO’s TRA guide, “the expert community has recognized that
                 more frequent, regular assessments of the maturity of a project’s or program’s
                 critical technologies are also best practices….” The GAO states, “some experts
                 have been concerned that applying the same set of practices to these more

                       DoDI 5000.02, “Operation of the Defense Acquisition System,” December 8, 2008. During the engineering and
                       manufacturing development phase of the KC-46A Tanker Modernization program, the DoD revised DoDI 5000.02
                       multiple times, including in 2013 and 2015. Ultimately, the DoD restructured the acquisition process in January 2020
                       and issued DoDI 5000.02, “Operation of the Adaptive Acquisition Framework,” January 23, 2020. DoDI 5000.02 still
                       does not require program offices to revalidate changes to critical technologies or technology maturity for major defense
                       acquisition programs during the engineering and manufacturing development phase.
                       GAO Report No. GAO-16-410G, “Technology Readiness Assessment Guide: Best Practices for Evaluating the Readiness
                       of Technology for Use in Acquisition Programs and Projects,” August 2016—subsequently updated and reissued as GAO
                       Report No. GAO-20-48G in January 2020. The GAO developed this TRA guide to: (1) describe generally accepted best
                       practices for conducting effective evaluations of technology developed for systems or acquisition programs; and
                       (2) provide program managers, technology developers, and governance bodies with the tools they need to more
                       effectively mature technology, determine its readiness, and manage and mitigate risk.

14 │ DODIG-2021-088

frequent assessments might make them too time consuming and cost prohibitive
and ultimately dissuade technology and program managers from conducting
them.” However, the GAO states that these program self-assessments (referred to
as knowledge-building technology readiness assessments) could be conducted by or
for a narrow audience—for instance, the program manager or systems engineers—
to assess the progress in achieving technical maturity for a specific technology or
group of technologies. Additionally, the GAO states that organizations conducting
tailored TRAs in periods between decision points as knowledge-building exercises
can put program managers and technology developers in a better position to gauge
progress, monitor and manage technology maturity, and identify and manage risks
before they become more costly.

Immature Technologies Are a Systemic Cause of Problems in
DoD Acquisition Programs
According to the GAO’s TRA guide, the GAO found that, in many DoD acquisition
programs, cost growth and schedule delays resulted from overly optimistic
assumptions about technology maturity. Additionally, the GAO stated that during
product development, TRAs are important inputs into systems engineering
events, such as a program’s critical design review, and can expose knowledge
gaps. If a system’s critical technologies are not mature and have not at least been
demonstrated in a relevant environment at the point of the program’s critical
design review, then the program may not have a solid technical basis on which
to develop its design.

According to several prior DoD OIG and GAO reports, technology maturity problems
occurred in other DoD programs. The following examples are of DoD acquisition
program failures where program offices used immature technologies and failed
to demonstrate those immature technologies in a relevant environment.

Ford Class Aircraft Carrier Advanced Arresting Gear
DoD OIG Report No. DODIG-2016-107 found that ten years after the program
entered the engineering and manufacturing development phase, the Navy was not
able to prove the capability or safety of the system to a level that would permit
actual testing of the system on an aircraft carrier because of hardware failures
and software challenges. This occurred because the Navy pursued a technological
solution for its Ford-class carriers that was not sufficiently mature for the planned
use, resulting in hardware failures to mechanical and electrical components, and
software modifications to accommodate these failures. 24

     DODIG-2016-107, “Advanced Arresting Gear Program Exceeded Cost and Schedule Baselines,” July 5, 2016.

                                                                                                             DODIG-2021-088 │ 15

                 As a result, the advanced arresting gear system required significant redesign
                 of mechanical and electrical components to meet system requirements, which
                 delayed developmental testing and contributed to research, development,
                 test, and evaluation costs increasing $571.5 million from the 2005 Acquisition
                 Program Baseline.

                 National Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental
                 Satellite System
                 GAO Report No. GAO-07-96 found that costs for DoD space acquisitions have been
                 consistently underestimated over the past several decades, sometimes by billions
                 of dollars. In 2006, the GAO showed that cost growth in DoD space programs was
                 largely caused by initiating programs before determining whether requirements
                 were achievable. On the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental
                 Satellite System program, only 1 of 14 critical technologies was mature at program
                 initiation, and 1 technology was found to be less mature after the contractor
                 conducted more verification testing. The combination of optimistic cost estimates
                 with immature technology resulted in cost increases and schedule delays.

                 U.S. Army Crusader
                 GAO Report No. GAO-02-201 found that the Army identified requirements for
                 the Crusader, a lighter and more deployable advanced field artillery system,
                 to replace the Paladin system in 2000. In 2002, the GAO found that the Army
                 had overestimated the maturity of critical technologies and risked cost overruns,
                 schedule delays, and performance shortfalls by prematurely committing the
                 program to product development. The GAO stated that the DoD viewed the Army’s
                 long time experience with certain technologies within the program as one reason
                 for the Army’s failure to identify all critical technologies. The GAO recommended
                 that the Army further mature the Crusader’s technologies before committing
                 to product development and assess the projected capabilities and fielding schedules
                 for future combat systems as part of the Crusader’s milestone decision for
                 beginning product development.

                 Columbia Class Submarine
                 GAO Report No. GAO-18-158 found that the Navy conducted the 2015 Columbia
                 class TRA in accordance with a DoD-approved plan; however, it did not follow
                 best practices for identifying all critical technology elements, resulting in an
                 underrepresentation of the technical risk facing the program. Specifically, the
                 TRA only identified two critical technology elements, but the GAO identified
                 four additional critical technology elements. The GAO determined that the
                 Columbia class TRA did not identify all appropriate critical technology elements

16 │ DODIG-2021-088

because the Navy used a more restrictive definition of a critical technology element
than that recommended in the GAO best practices guide. The GAO guide states that
reused existing technologies can be critical if they are used in a different form, fit,
or function. The GAO concluded that, given the risks facing the program and the
significance of potential delays or cost growth, this program warranted increased
scrutiny of its critical technologies, several of which were immature.

Technology Maturation Plans Are Necessary for Critical
Technologies That Are Less Mature Than Required
According to the GAO’s TRA guide, it is important for program managers to develop
a plan for maturing critical technologies that are rated at a lower technology
readiness level than expected. After completion of the TRA, program managers
should provide the appropriate information for maturing new technology in other
key planning and analytical documents, such as technology maturation plans and
risk management plans.

Technology maturation plans establish a road map for maturing technologies to
a designated or higher technology readiness level. According to the GAO’s TRA
guide, a technology maturation plan is a “management planning tool that lays
out the steps, actions, and resources needed for maturing critical technologies
that have been assessed as less mature than desired or are lagging in maturity
compared to other critical technologies.”

Technology maturation plans are also useful as key reference documents at
program milestones to verify that a program has made adequate progress in
closing the maturity gaps. Programs should update technology maturation plans
as progress is made, new information is discovered, or as conditions that materially
affect the plans occur. If DoD acquisition policy required major defense acquisition
programs to use technology maturation plans to ensure that critical technologies
are matured to the required technology readiness levels, then KC-46 Program
Office officials may have taken additional action to develop the KC-46A tanker
refueling boom critical technologies before entering production—potentially
minimizing the costly redesign efforts and delayed delivery of the
modernized tankers.

                                                                                      DODIG-2021-088 │ 17
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