Joseph d. grant County park master plan amendment - January 26, 2021

Page created by Jared Webster
Joseph d. grant County park master plan amendment - January 26, 2021
Joseph d. grant County Park
    master Plan Amendment
                     January 26, 2021
Joseph d. grant County park master plan amendment - January 26, 2021
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Joseph d. grant County park master plan amendment - January 26, 2021

                      Prepared for

                      Prepared by

                    January 26, 2021
Joseph d. grant County park master plan amendment - January 26, 2021
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Joseph d. grant County park master plan amendment - January 26, 2021
Table of Contents
Executive Summary                                     1


1 Introduction and Project Overview                   9
  1.1 Site Location and Description                  10
  1.2 Purpose of Master Plan Amendment               11
  1.3 A Definition for Backpack Camping              12
  1.4 Goals and Objectives                           13

2 History and Existing Conditions                    15
  2.1 History of the Park                            15
  2.2 Previous Planning Work                         16
  2.3 Existing Conditions                            16

3 Design Concept Development                         21
  3.1 Project Team                                   21
  3.2 Research21
  3.3 Soliciting Input                               22
  3.4 Site Analysis                                  28

4 Project Description and Implementation             35
  4.1 Overnight Use at Joseph D. Grant County Park   36
  4.2 Access, Trails, and Circulation                45
  4.3 Implementation49
  4.4 Conclusion and Next Steps                      54


Joseph d. grant County park master plan amendment - January 26, 2021
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Joseph d. grant County park master plan amendment - January 26, 2021
Figures & Charts
 Fig. 1 Map of San José Area                                                         10
 Fig. 2 Illustration of the Sulphur Springs Ranch in relation to the greater Joseph D.
      Grant County Park                                                               10
 Fig. 3 Map of Park                                                                  19
 Fig. 4 Community Open House Word Cloud                                              25
 Fig. 5 Map of Locations of Online Survey Participants                               26
 Fig. 6 Backpack Camp Alternatives                                                   29
 Fig. 7 Staging Area Alternatives                                                    30
 Fig. 8 Backcountry Toilet Alternatives                                              31
 Fig. 9 Matrix of Backpack Camp Alternatives                                         32
 Fig. 10 Matrix of Backcountry Toilet Location Alternatives                          33
 Fig. 11 Matrix of Staging Area Alternatives                                         33
 Fig. 12 Sulphur Springs Ranch Backpack Camp Site Plan                               37
 Fig. 13 Sulphur Springs Ranch Backpack Campsite Typical Layout                      40
 Fig. 14 Valley Oak Backpack Camp Site Plan                                          43
 Fig. 15 Valley Oak Backpack Campsite Typical Layout                                 45
 Fig. 16 Trail Route to Backpack Camps                                               46
 Fig. 17 Map of Trail Improvements                                                   48
 Fig. 18 Construction Sequencing                                                     50
 Fig. 19 Opinion of Construction Budget                                              52
 Fig. 20 Competitive Bidding Percentage Differentials                                53
Joseph d. grant County park master plan amendment - January 26, 2021
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Joseph d. grant County park master plan amendment - January 26, 2021
Executive Summary
Joseph D. Grant County Park (Park) is the largest         generally characterized by steep-sloping canyons
county park in the County of Santa Clara’s park           that play host to oak woodland habitat and riparian
system, located eight miles east of downtown San          vegetation growing in the deep ravines. The Ranch
José in the Western Diablo Range foothills of eastern     is named for the seeps that occur along Sulphur
Santa Clara Valley. In 2012, the County of Santa          Creek, which flows from Mt. Hamilton through
Clara Parks and Recreation Department (County             the Ranch property. The cultural legacy of the Park
Parks) acquired the 1,155-acre Sulphur Springs            begins with its original inhabitants of the land, the
Ranch (Ranch) adjacent to the Park’s southeastern         Ohlone People and the Northern Valley Yokuts. In
boundary. Though the Ranch property has not               the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century, the Park
opened for public use yet, this acquisition has           and Ranch land became privately owned and were
expanded the overall acreage of the Park to more          used largely for cattle grazing before being acquired
than 12,000 acres.                                        by County Parks. The County opened Joseph D.
                                                          Grant County Park publicly in 1978.
In 2018, the County of Santa Clara Parks and
Recreation Department began planning for the              The rugged quality of the Diablo Range defines the
public access and use of the Ranch property. This         topography of the Park with steep ridgelines and
Master Plan Amendment builds upon the planning            narrow canyons. The significant bodies of water
work detailed in the 1993 Joseph D. Grant County          and creeks within the Park and Ranch include
Park Master Plan by proposing recommendations             Grant Lake, McCreery Lake, Bass Lake, Eagle
for public use of the Ranch property and to fold the      Lake, Pig Lake, stock ponds, Arroyo Aguague,
Ranch into the public parkland.                           San Felipe Creek, Smith Creek, Sulphur Creek and
                                                          their tributaries. The Park provides habitat for an
Purpose of the Master Plan Amendment                      abundance of local wildlife and plays a critical
This Master Plan Amendment provides planning              role in conservation as a regional wildlife corridor
recommendations to facilitate opening the Sulphur         connecting the Bay Area with open space areas
Springs Ranch area, including identification of areas     south of Santa Clara County. Sensitive natural
for public use, such as trails, service roads, parking,   communities occurring within the Park include the
staging, and backcountry camping. The plan also           oak woodland habitat, the bushy spikemoss mats,
includes analysis of backcountry camping in Joseph        native grasslands, and California bay forest (Nomad
D. Grant County Park as a whole but focuses on the        Ecology, 2012).
previously unanalyzed opportunities at Sulphur
Springs Ranch.                                            The rural Halls Valley features large, open
                                                          space grasslands and topography similar to its
History and Existing Conditions                           neighboring ranches and ecological reserve.
The natural landscape of the Park is defined by           Land use within the Park tends to concentrate
the broad Halls Valley, San Felipe Creek, and             human use centrally within the Snell Trail Loop
the high ridges that rim the valley. The Ranch is         that encompasses group picnic areas and the

                                                                                   Master plan AMENDMENT      1
Joseph d. grant County park master plan amendment - January 26, 2021
campgrounds. The Park currently offers 51 miles of       assessed using the following criteria: consideration
hiking trails (with 46 of the total 51 miles also open   of environmental or cultural resources; the quality
to equestrians and 41 of the 51 total miles open to      of the users’ experience; ease of implementation;
mountain bikes), several campgrounds, and serves         and operational viability. From the analysis, two
as the setting for adventure races and astronomy         sites emerged as recommendations for backpack
events. Points of interest in the Park include the       camp locations, one location for a backcountry
complex of historic buildings located around the         toilet, one staging area (for overnight visitors), and
main ranch house near the Stockman’s Group Area,         several miles of trail improvements.
Snell Barn, the Scenic Overlook along the Dutch Flat
Trail at the western boundary of the Park, Grant         Recommendations for Overnight Use
Lake, and views of Lick Observatory as seen from         The two backpack camps are to be located within
Isabel Ridge.                                            the Ranch and will offer basic camping amenities.
                                                         The first backpack camp, officially named hereto
Developing the Recommendations                           as Sulphur Springs Ranch Backpack Camp, will be
The research and development of the                      located approximately one mile from the existing
recommendations was conducted by the Project             vehicular gate on Mt. Hamilton Road. The second
Team in close collaboration with the Consultant          site, officially named hereto as Valley Oak Backpack
Team. Research efforts during the planning process       Camp, will be located approximately one mile
included a literature review of previous master          east of the first camp area. The Sulphur Springs
planning documents, environmental assessment             Ranch Backpack Camp will offer seven campsites,
documents, property-related legal documents,             six individual sites and one group site, and a
historic structures reports, resource management         backcountry toilet. The Valley Oak Backpack Camp
and conservation plans, and cultural records.            will include five individual sites.
Additionally, engaging the public in the Master
Plan Amendment process was a critical component          Recommendations for Access,
of the planning approach and the foundation on           Trails, and Circulation
which the design alternatives for consideration          The existing Park trail network and staging will
were developed. Public input methods included            provide connection for overnight and day-users
stakeholder interviews, a community open house           seeking to access the Ranch. Day-use visitors may
event, an online survey, and a community meeting.        use any parking lot within the Park for staging,
                                                         with the suggestion of using Stockman’s Group
Following the research, the Project Team identified      Picnic Area parking for those day-users seeking a
the opportunities and constraints of the Park and        longer journey or Twin Gates for those day-users
analyzed the site conditions. Potential locations        seeking a shorter one. The Stockman’s Group Picnic
for backpack camps, staging areas, a backcountry         Area parking lot will be utilized as the staging area
toilet, and trail connections were identified and        for overnight visitors with reservations at one of the
selected for further analysis. Possible locations were   backpack camps.

The layout of the existing ranch roads forms the         each phase containing improvements that could be
backbone for the recommended trail network               reasonably built independent of the other phases, so
within the Ranch. Several of the ranch roads             long as constructed sequentially, with each phase
will be repurposed as trails for public use while        building upon previously completed improvements.
other roads will be converted to operations and
maintenance access roads or decommissioned.              Future Steps
The trail recommendations in this Master Plan            The next steps in fulfilling the vision of this
Amendment include the addition of two new trails         Master Plan Amendment will be to determine the
to the network, officially named hereto as Sulphur       order of implementation of the phases. Additional
Springs Ranch Trail and Isabel Ridge Trail, which        efforts will be needed for design development
will be developed through combination of new             and construction planning. Trail construction
trail construction and repurposing of ranch road.        and construction of the backpack campsites can
Trail improvements also include extensions of two        be implemented by County Parks staff and crew
trails currently part of the Park trail network, Smith   members as schedule and budget permit. The
Creek Trail and Manzanita Trail.                         new bridge, access road, and backcountry toilet
                                                         facility, or any work that is to be published for
Maintenance and Operations                               competitive bid, may require design development
Park staff will utilize all-terrain vehicles (ATVs)      and preparation of construction documents.
and utility task vehicles (UTVs) for maintenance,
patrol, and emergency access of the trails and
camps. Periodic or seasonal mowing of the trails
as well as mowing or weed whipping the camps
will be required to improve wayfinding and define
camping areas.

Implementation and Construction
Budget Summary
The recommendation of this Master Plan
Amendment is to fully implement all backpack
camps, trail improvements, and vault toilet
improvements as detailed in this document. The
construction budget for implementation has been
estimated to be approximately $1.9 million (2020).
In the case it is not feasible from a budgetary
and scheduling standpoint to fully implement all
recommendations in one phase, this Master Plan
Amendment identifies four construction phases;

                                                                                  Master plan AMENDMENT      3
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      County of Santa Clara Board of Supervisors
            Mike Wasserman, District 1 Supervisor
              Cindy Chavez, District 2 Supervisor
               Dave Cortese, District 3 Supervisor
             Susan Ellenberg, District 4 Supervisor
            S. Joseph Simitian, District 5 Supervisor

County of Santa Clara Parks and Recreation Commission
                  John Gibbs, District 1 (former)
                  Greg West, District 1 (former)
                 Michele Van Zuiden, District 1
                  Dan McCorquodale, District 2
                     Steve Munzel, District 3
                     Chris Kangas, District 4
                   Ann Waltonsmith, District 5
           Joe Mitchner, At Large District 3 Appointee
          Frank Soriano, At Large District 4 Appointee

                        Project Team
Chris Kangas, Vice Chairperson, Parks and Recreation Commission
                Annie Thomson, Deputy Director
             Michael Hettenhausen, Project Planner
    Michael Rhoades, Natural Resources Program Manager II
        Melissa Hippard, Partnership Program Manager II
                Michael Tobin, Senior Park Ranger
              Scott Christopher, Senior Park Ranger
              Brian Christensen, Senior Park Ranger
         Peter Mitchell, Senior Park Maintenance Worker
               John Falkowski, Senior GIS Analyst
                  Jeremy Farr, Resource Planner
                      Will Bick, Park Ranger
            Mathew Silva, Park Maintenance Worker
                       RRM Design Group

                                                         Master plan AMENDMENT   5
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Consultant Team

                                    RRM Design Group
                                  Lief McKay, Principal
                         April Miller, Senior Landscape Architect
                                Kristen Soppe, Designer
                            Yuki Igarashi, Assistant Designer
                          Brandon Ramos, Assistant Designer

                                   FirstCarbon Solutions
                                  Mary Bean, Director
                       Elizabeth Johnson, Senior Project Manager
                    Dana DePietro, Division Lead, Cultural Resources
                             Brian Mayerle, Senior Biologist

Additional acknowledgments include The Nature Conservancy and the following individuals:
                       Angel Barlow              Karen Lopez
                       Ron Bricmont             Eric McFarland
                       Kostas Chloros            Aniko Millan
                       Tamara Clark            Aylara Odekova
                      Dwayne Dutton              Melissa Ortiz
                         Seth Hiatt            Lisa Pappanastos
                       Will Howsmon              Larry Serpa.
                       Mason Hyland

                                                                       Master plan AMENDMENT   7
Image Credit: RRM Design Group
1 Introduction and Project Overview
Joseph D. Grant County Park (Park) is the largest          In 2018, County Parks began developing an
park in County of Santa Clara’s park system,               amendment to the 1993 Joseph D. Grant County Park
stretching over 10,882 acres and offering a variety of     Master Plan to study and propose recommendations
recreational activities to visitors. In 2012, the County   for public use of the Ranch property and provide
of Santa Clara Parks and Recreation Department             plans for trail and road circulation, parking,
(County Parks) acquired the 1,155-acre Sulphur             staging, and backcountry camping.
Springs Ranch (Ranch) adjacent to the Park’s
southeastern boundary. Though the Ranch property
has not opened for public use yet, this acquisition
has expanded the overall acreage of the Park to just
over 12,000 acres.

                                                                                   Master plan AMENDMENT   9
I nt
                                                          U. S .


Map Source: 2020 Google Earth Pro

                                                                                                                      Joseph d. grant
                                                                                                                       county park
                                                                               San JosÉ

                                    Fig. 1 Map of San José Area
                                    Joseph D. Grant County Park is located eight miles east of downtown San José.

                                    1.1 Site Location and Description
                                    Joseph D. Grant County Park is located eight miles                                     Keymap of Park Location Within California
                                    east of downtown San José in the Western Diablo
                                    Range foothills of eastern Santa Clara Valley, a
                                    subsection of the California Coast Ranges (Figure
                                    1). Nearby landmarks include Mt. Hamilton and the
                                    University of California’s Blue Oak Ranch Reserve
                                    and Lick Observatory. The Lick Observatory
                                    property borders the Ranch to the north and east.
                                    The elevation at the Park entrance is approximately
                                    1,600 feet with the valley floor sloping down to                     Joseph d. grant
                                    1,240 feet at the southern park boundary and rising                                                                            Illustration credit: RRM Design Group
                                                                                                          county park
                                    to a height of 3,960 feet at the most eastern park
                                    boundary. The local climate is characterized as
                                                                                                                                   Sulphur Springs
                                    Mediterranean with cool wet winters and hot dry
                                    summers. Annual precipitation is 25-27” (Nomad
                                    Ecology, 2012). Winter temperatures typically reach
                                    a low of 30 degrees Fahrenheit while summer
                                    months reach highs above 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
                                                                                                     Fig. 2 Illustration of the Sulphur Springs Ranch in
                                                                                                     relation to the greater Joseph D. Grant County Park
                                                                                                     Sulphur Springs Ranch border Joseph D. Grant County Park to
                                                                                                     the southeast

                                    10    JOSEPH D. GRANT COUNTY PARK
Image Credit: RRM Design Group

                                 Top: Photo taken at Hawk Creek in Sulphur Springs Ranch.   Top: View to west from Isabel Ridge Trail.
                                 Bottom: Oak woodland in Sulphur Springs Ranch.             Bottom: View of Lick Observatory from Isabel Ridge Trail.

                                 The natural landscape of the Park is defined by            the canyons of Smith Creek and Sulphur Creek to
                                 the broad Halls Valley, shaped over time by the            a height of 4,200 feet at Mount Isabel (the peak is
                                 flow of San Felipe Creek, and shaded by the high           beyond the property boundary).
                                 ridges that rim the valley. Several historic structures
                                 remain from the period when the land was used              1.2 Purpose of Master
                                 exclusively for grazing cattle and recreational            Plan Amendment
                                 hunting.                                                   The purpose of this Master Plan Amendment is
                                                                                            to fold the Ranch into the public parkland. This
                                 Sulphur Springs Ranch is generally characterized           Master Plan Amendment provides planning
                                 by steep sloping canyons that host oak woodland            recommendations to facilitate opening the Sulphur
                                 habitat and riparian vegetation in the deep                Springs Ranch area, including identification of areas
                                 ravines. Referred to as the Nolan Ranch at the             for public use, such as trails, service roads, parking,
                                 time of acquisition, the property has since been           staging, and backcountry camping. The plan also
                                 renamed Sulphur Springs Ranch for the seeps that           includes analysis of backcountry camping in Joseph
                                 occur along Sulphur Creek, which flows from Mt.            D. Grant County Park as a whole but focuses on the
                                 Hamilton through the Ranch property. A primary             previously unanalyzed opportunities at Sulphur
                                 geographic feature of the Ranch property is Isabel         Springs Ranch.
                                 Ridge, a moderately sloping ridge that rises between

                                                                                                                          Master plan AMENDMENT         11
Image Credit: RRM Design Group

                                 Photos taken throughout Sulphur Springs Ranch.

                                 The existing Park Master Plan was approved in         1.3 A Definition for Backpack Camping
                                 1993, several decades before the acquisition of the   This document discusses backcountry uses such as
                                 Ranch property. The intent of this Master Plan        backpack camping. For purposes of this planning
                                 Amendment is to add to the previous work included     effort, the Project Team defined backpack camping
                                 in the Master Plan by providing background            as a “remote campsite location that cannot be
                                 information on the Ranch and recommendations          accessed by motor vehicle, requiring more than one
                                 for the incorporation of the property into the        mile’s travel by foot or other non-vehicular means to
                                 public parkland. The approach of this Master Plan     access and which offers a limited number of typical
                                 Amendment is to expand on the information and         campsite amenities.” This document employs this
                                 recommendations previously included in the 1993       definition from here forward.
                                 Master Plan and limit the duplication of text and

                                 12    JOSEPH D. GRANT COUNTY PARK
1.4 Goals and Objectives

Goal                                                  Objective
The goals of this Master Plan Amendment are to: (1)   The project objectives were to:
provide planning recommendations to incorporate
and connect Sulphur Springs Ranch into the                • Plan for public security and safety.
existing Park by identifying areas for public use,        • Engage the public and community in the
trail and road circulation, parking, staging, and           planning process.
backcountry camping, and (2) analyze opportunities        • Preserve the cultural and environmental
and constraints of a backcountry toilet.                    heritage of the Park by identifying and
                                                            locating resources and adhering to setbacks
To accomplish these goals, this Master Plan                 for location of improvements.
Amendment: (1) reconsiders the location of                • Plan for improvements that can accommodate
backcountry camping sites listed in the 1993                a range of abilities and that have the broadest
Master Plan, (2) considers the existing ranch roads         appeal to the most users.
and other landscape features within the Sulphur           • Seek opportunities to facilitate and expedite
Springs Ranch boundaries in the analysis of                 implementation of recommendations.
access, circulation, and staging, and (3) considers       • Plan for operational viability by considering
the feasibility of installing and maintaining a             park operations and maintenance procedures,
backcountry toilet in the Park near a backpack              staffing, and funding during the planning
camping site.                                               process.
                                                          • Comply with California Environmental
                                                            Quality Act (CEQA) requirements.

                                                                                Master plan AMENDMENT    13
Image Credit: RRM Design Group

2 History and Existing Conditions
2.1 History of the Park                               his daughter, Josephine Grant McCreery, took
The cultural legacy of the Park spans the range       full ownership of the land by buying her siblings’
of California history beginning with its original     interests and it was Josephine who set in motion
inhabitants, the Ohlone People and the Northern       the course towards future public access when she
Valley Yokuts, moving through private ownership       bequeathed the land to Save the Redwoods League
during the Mexican land grant period (much of the     and Menninger Foundation. Each organization
park was once part of the Rancho Cañada de Pala       agreed to sell the property to the County of Santa
land grant) and the American Ranching period,         Clara Department of Parks and Recreation in
and into the modern period as a publicly owned        1975 with deed restrictions to ensure future park
regional asset.                                       development would “not impair the natural and
                                                      scenic character of the land and its environs.”
In 1880, Joseph D. Grant began acquiring the rancho   (Amphion Environmental, 1993). The park opened
lands (Carey & Co., Inc., 2012). Grant used the       to the public in 1978.
property for grazing cattle and recreation such as
hunting game and fishing. After Grant’s passing,

                                                                               Master plan AMENDMENT   15
The Ranch was purchased from Owen Nolan in             Ed R. Levin County Parks Resource Management
2012 by the County of Santa Clara with assistance      Plan for the Park and the 2012 Sulphur Springs
from The Nature Conservancy and the San                Easement Documentation Report and the 2012 Phase
Francisco Public Utilities Commission, the former as   1 Environmental Site Assessment Update of Nolan
an Easement Holder. Prior to Mr. Nolan’s purchase,     Property for the Ranch.
the property was in private ownership used for
annual cow-only cattle grazing (Nomad Ecology,         Environmental Conditions
2012).                                                 The rugged quality of the Diablo Range defines
                                                       the topography of the Park with steep ridgelines
2.2 Previous Planning Work                             and narrow canyons. The geology of the Park
This Master Plan Amendment document is                 contains Franciscan Eastern belt rocks consisting of
precedented by a legacy of work over the decades       metagraywacke, basal chert, and greenstone layers
to plan for and implement improvements at the          (Nomad Ecology, 2012). Soils in the Park consist
Park since the original property acquisition in        of Vallecitos loams, Gaviota loams, and Los Gatos
1975. Following is a condensed list of the planning    gravelly loam (Diablo Green Consulting, 2012).
studies to date:
                                                       The geomorphology of the land is shaped by several
     1. Master Plan, prepared by EDAW, 1976            creeks. Significant creeks include Arroyo Aguague,
     2. Program Report, prepared by Hardesty           San Felipe Creek, Smith Creek, Sulphur Creek and
       Associates, September 1990                      their tributaries. The significant bodies of water
     3. Preliminary Master Plan, the Amphion team,     within the Park and Ranch include Grant Lake,
       prepared by Amphion Environmental, Inc. &       McCreery Lake, Bass Lake, Eagle Lake, Pig Lake,
       2M Associates, March 1991                       and stock ponds. In addition to the mentioned
     4. Environmental Initial Studies, prepared by     hydrological features, several seasonal wetlands
       EIP, July 1991                                  occur within the property boundaries. Water
     5. Joseph D. Grant County Park Master Plan,       quality varies by hydrological feature due to local
       prepared by Amphion Environmental, Inc. &       disturbances such as erosion from grazing, seasonal
       2M Associates, July 1993                        run-off, non-native plants, feral animals, or human
     6. Joseph D. Grant and Ed R. Levin County         use. Arroyo Aguague and San Felipe Creek drain
       Parks Resource Management Plan, October         through the Coyote Creek Watershed and Smith
       1996                                            and Sulphur Creek drain through the Alameda
                                                       Creek Watershed.
2.3 Existing Conditions
The following section summarizes the                   The Park provides habitat for an abundance of
environmental conditions and built infrastructure      local wildlife and is home to a variety of special-
occurring at both the Park and the Ranch property.     status plant and wildlife species. The Park plays a
Further analysis and detailing of the information      critical role in conservation as a regional wildlife
that follows can be found in the Joseph D. Grant       corridor connecting the Bay Area with open
County Park Master Plan and Joseph D. Grant and        space areas south of Santa Clara County. This

Image Credit: RRM Design Group

                                 Historic structures located within the park. Left: Ranch House. Right: Livestock Structure.

                                 connectivity fosters migrating species as well as                  possibility a number of sensitive species greater
                                 plants and smaller animal species that benefit from                than those listed here may occur.
                                 an unfragmented landscape, supporting ecological
                                 diversity in the region.                                           Existing Structures and Park Use
                                                                                                    The rural Halls Valley features large, open
                                 The Park mainly contains mixed oak woodland                        space grasslands and topography similar to its
                                 habitat and the rolling hills display a variety of                 neighboring ranches and ecological reserve. Prior
                                 native and non-native species of vegetation. Mixed                 to acquisition as public parkland, the Ranch had
                                 riparian vegetation including white alder (Alnus                   primarily been used as rangeland. Land use within
                                 rhombifolia) and associated herbaceous vegetation                  the greater Grant County Park concentrates human
                                 are associated with the aquatic features in the Park.              use centrally within the Snell Trail Loop where the
                                                                                                    Park’s group picnic areas and the campgrounds are
                                 Sensitive natural communities occurring within                     located (Figure 3).
                                 the Park include the oak woodland habitat, bushy
                                 spikemoss mats, native grasslands, and California                  The Park consists of historic structures and
                                 bay forest (Nomad Ecology, 2012). Sensitive or                     ranch roads associated with the former owners,
                                 locally rare species observed during the 2012                      open meadows and oak woodland expanses,
                                 Ranch property assessment include the Santa Clara                  and sweeping vistas of Halls Valley. The Park
                                 thornmint, California red-legged frog, foothill                    currently offers 51 miles of hiking trails (with
                                 yellow-legged frog, sharp-shinned hawk, and San                    46 of the total 51 miles also open to equestrians
                                 Francisco dusky-footed woodrat (Nomad Ecology,                     and 41 of the 51 total miles open to mountain
                                 2012). It is worth noting that suitable habitat for                bikes), several campgrounds, and serves as the
                                 other sensitive species exists on site so there is the             setting for adventure races, astronomy events, and

                                                                                                                               Master plan AMENDMENT    17
Image Credit: RRM Design Group

                                 Views across Halls Valley at Joseph D. Grant County Park.   Photo taken along Brush trail, an unpaved hiking and
                                                                                             equestrian trail.

                                 other programs. Camping is offered at the Snell             significant improvements on the Ranch dating back
                                 Campground (closed in winter), the Halls Valley             to 1897 (Diablo Green Consulting, 2012). Vehicular
                                 Campground, the Equestrian Campground, and the              access from State Highway 130 is via the vehicular
                                 Woodland Youth Camp. Both the Halls Valley and              gate approximately one half-mile east of the CalFire
                                 Snell campgrounds have fully developed restrooms            Smith Creek Station. Pedestrian access to the Ranch
                                 and showers. Day use areas within the Park offer            from the Park’s main parking and use areas can be
                                 a variety of activities including multi-use trails,         gained by hiking the Smith Creek Trail, an existing
                                 group picnic areas, historic interpretive exhibits at       trail within the Park network.
                                 the Cook House, Ranch House, and Rose Garden,
                                 and areas for weddings and special events at the            Points of interest in the Park include the complex of
                                 Ranch House and Rose Garden. Vehicular access               historic buildings located around the main ranch
                                 to the Park and Ranch is via State Highway 130/Mt.          house near the Stockman’s Group Area, Snell Barn,
                                 Hamilton Road. Parking is available in the interior         the Scenic Overlook along the Dutch Flat Trail at
                                 of the park as well as at two trailhead staging areas       the western boundary of the Park, Grant Lake,
                                 located along State Highway 130, which bisects the          views of Lick Observatory as seen from Isabel
                                 Park in a northwest/southeast direction.                    Ridge, and the many vistas of Halls Valley or Deer
                                                                                             Valley as observed from the network of trails. In
                                 Existing improvements within the Ranch property             addition, there are known artifacts related to the
                                 include a concrete pad and picnic table, a small            residence and use of the land by indigenous people
                                 livestock corral, a man-made stock pond, and                prior to the public use and, therefore, activity and
                                 unpaved access roads and trails. The Environmental          construction within the Park must comply with
                                 Site Assessment document, completed as part of the          federal and local regulations for disturbance, or
                                 Ranch property acquisition, found no evidence of            inadvertent discovery, of human remains or cultural

                                 18    JOSEPH D. GRANT COUNTY PARK
Illustration: RRM Design Group

                                 Fig. 3 Map of Park
                                 The red hatch area indicates higher use areas within the park.

                                 resources. For security and preservation concerns,               middle eastern boundary. An overhead electrical
                                 these locations will remain undisclosed in this                  line is installed within the Ranch property near
                                 document.                                                        the vehicular gate entrance though no additional
                                                                                                  utility services exist. Local emergency services are
                                 Existing utilities within the Park have been                     available at the park ranger station or CalFire Smith
                                 developed in its central areas and provide service to            Creek Station at 22805 Mt. Hamilton Road.
                                 the ranger station, campgrounds, restroom facilities,
                                 the ranch complex, and other such amenities.                     Grazing is an integral component of the vegetation
                                 Utilities include domestic water supply, electricity,            management program within the Park. Grazing
                                 propane gas system, and septic drain field for the               infrastructure is found throughout the Park,
                                 restroom facilities (Amphion Environmental, 1993).               including cattle gates, fencing, and troughs, and can
                                 Two electrical transmission lines and associated                 be encountered along trails. Stock corrals and ponds
                                 easements cross the Park—the first crosses in the                are also located within the parkland, though are
                                 western portion and the second transmission                      more dispersed than other grazing features.
                                 corridor traversing from the southwest corner to the

                                                                                                                            Master plan AMENDMENT    19
Image Credit: RRM Design Group
3 Design Concept Development

This chapter describes the planning process, the    planning process. Project team meetings were held
Project Team and role, research conducted, public   onsite at the Park.
outreach, and site analysis.
                                                    The consultant team included the design team,
3.1 Project Team                                    RRM Design Group, who prepared the site
The Project Team was formed to assist in the        improvement recommendations in consultation
planning process and provide direction on           with Department staff and the Project Team, and
the development of the site plans and Master        the environmental consultant firm FirstCarbon
Plan Amendment. The project team included           Solutions who conducted the environmental review
Department staff, a representative from the Parks   of the Master Plan Amendment recommendations.
& Recreation Commission, and the consultant team
(RRM Design Group). The Project Team members        3.2 Research
participated in the planning process from August    Research efforts during the planning process
2018 through October 2019 and provided oversight    included a literature review of previous master
of the analysis and input at each step of the       planning documents, environmental assessment

                                                                            Master plan AMENDMENT     21
documents, property-related legal documents,              documenting the various biological communities
                                 historic structures reports, resource management          on-site; gaining a sense of the potential cultural
                                 and conservation plans, and cultural records.             resource impacts; and identifying potential
                                 Geographic information systems (GIS) databases            locations for improvements. Field research included
                                 were employed in the research of existing                 hiking miles of existing trails within the publicly
                                 conditions and in the development of site                 open park areas as well as the ranch roads currently
                                 improvement recommendations. Other parks and              closed to public access.
                                 open space agencies, for example MidPeninsula
                                 Regional Open Space District and East Bay Regional        3.3 Soliciting Input
                                 Park District, were consulted about current               Engaging the public in the Master Plan Amendment
                                 recreational trends as well as comparable uses and        process was a critical component of the planning
                                 practices.                                                approach. Stakeholders, park volunteers, visitors
                                                                                           to the park, neighbors, outdoor enthusiasts,
                                 Several site visits were conducted by Project             and members of the general public shared their
                                 Team members over the course of a year, covering          personal knowledge of the site and its history and
                                 environmental conditions for all four seasons.            provided key insights on preferences for potential
                                 Goals for the field research included examining           trail development and campsite amenities. This
                                 the Park setting, site context, topography, terrain,      input was the foundation on which the design
                                 and existing Park amenities; identifying and              alternatives for consideration were developed. A
                                                                                           variety of methods were used to capture public
                                                                                           input, including several stakeholder interviews, a
                                                                                           community workshop event, an online survey, and
                                                                                           a community meeting on the project alternatives.

                                                                                           Stakeholder Interviews
                                                                                           Stakeholder interviews were held on February
                                                                                           12, 2019 at the County of Santa Clara Parks and
                                                                                           Recreation Administration Building in Los Gatos.
                                                                                           The invited stakeholders were representatives of
                                                                                           neighboring properties, members of organizations
                                                                                           involved in the 2012 acquisition of the Ranch
                                                                                           property, representatives of organizations offering
Image Credit: RRM Design Group

                                                                                           possible partnership opportunities, and historians
                                                                                           of the Park and Ranch. The interviews were
                                                                                           conducted in a group format.
                                                                            Project Team

                                 22    JOSEPH D. GRANT COUNTY PARK
Participants included volunteers from Joseph            the park’s service area, the Project Team determined
D. Grant County Park, a representative from             providing multiple means of engagement would
a neighboring property, and an ecologist and            result in a higher participation rate. Three methods
conservationist involved in the acquisition of the      of public engagement were selected. The first was
Ranch. Collectively, these stakeholders hold a          a conventional open-house format event with a set
deep familiarity with the Sulphur Springs Ranch         time and location, which provided the community
property, as well as knowledge of the local ecology     an opportunity to communicate in-person with the
and history of Halls Valley, Mt. Hamilton, and the      Project Team. The second method was an online
Western Diablo Range.                                   survey utilizing social media platforms to provide
                                                        the public flexibility to participate in the planning
In addition to sharing their knowledge of the           process at a time convenient to them. Those who
existing conditions of the Ranch, stakeholders          could not attend the workshop could participate in
expressed:                                              the online survey and invite others, by sharing the
                                                        weblink, who may be interested in the project to
    • Support for opening Sulphur Springs Ranch to      participate. The third method involved a traditional
      public use.                                       community meeting in which the Project Team’s
    • The belief human activity on the property         draft recommendations were presented to the
      should be controlled and/or the public should     public.
      be educated about the sensitive habitats of
      the site as well as the best practices they can   Community Open House Event
      employ while visiting the site to help protect    The first public workshop was held on February
      the ecology.                                      12, 2019 at Alum Rock Branch Library in San José.
    • The suggestion camping should be confined to      Notice of the event was posted to the County Park’s
      the western areas of the Ranch property, near     dedicated project website, mailed and emailed to
      the existing park boundaries.                     contacts on file, mailed to neighboring properties,
    • An interest in an all-weather access road         provided to each Board of Supervisors’ office, and
      through the Sulphur Springs Ranch property        promoted via County Park’s social media websites.
      to Joseph D. Grant County Park to be used by
      firefighters to gain access to Lick Observatory   The purpose of the workshop event was to: (1)
      and as an alternate evacuation route for          introduce the project to the public, (2) gather the
      residents.                                        public’s knowledge of the site, (3) listen to concerns,
                                                        (4) suggest planning alternatives and solicit
Public Outreach                                         feedback, (5) launch the online survey, and (6)
A goal for the public outreach process was to           provide an opportunity for the public to meet with
reach as many members of the public as possible –       the Project Team face-to-face.
particularly potential park users - using traditional
and contemporary engagement techniques. Given
the remote location of the park, the few neighbors
residing in the rural area, and the regional scope of

                                                                                   Master plan AMENDMENT     23
Image Credit: RRM Design Group

                                 Participants engaging in conversation at workshop event.

                                 The format for the workshop was an open-house              Participants engaged with the Department staff
                                 style event. A series of exhibits were displayed           and Consultant Team and each other in discussions
                                 for attendees to peruse, and facilitators were             about the materials presented and other topics
                                 available to answer questions and participate in           related to the Park, including trails, habitat and
                                 discussion. The exhibits provided a summary of the         ecology, and concerns regarding access. Several
                                 project, including the purpose of the Master Plan          people provided recommendations on their favorite
                                 Amendment, the project goals, and background               areas of the Park. Dot stickers were placed on
                                 information. Representative campsite amenities             workshop boards to mark suggestions for backpack
                                 and backcountry toilet images, aerial imagery, trail       campsites, favorite vista points, or particularly
                                 alternatives, photos from the site, and a map of           scenic areas of the park.
                                 existing trails in both the Park and Ranch were also

                                 24    JOSEPH D. GRANT COUNTY PARK
Illustration: RRM Design Group
Fig. 4 Community Open House Word Cloud
Generated to identify trends and patterns from the input received during the community workshop. Common words are
displayed in larger text for visual emphasis. Less frequently used words are displayed in smaller text.

Common themes provided by workshop                                  Park trail improvements included reducing
participants are listed below and reflected in the                  existing trail widths to single track and
word cloud (Figure 4):                                              recommendations for trail connections.
                                                                  • The theme of restricting access to some
    • General support for the trail development                     locations of the park was echoed in several
      options as presented. One person expressed                    of the comments. Workshop participants
      concern the trail option that includes                        expressed concerns about locating a backpack
      a strenuous hiking route, proposed at                         campsite in environmentally sensitive
      approximately 6 miles, was too great a                        areas of the Park or an interest in locating a
      distance.                                                     backpack campsite in a remote location in
    • Participants expressed different preferences                  an attempt to reduce the number of users,
      for the trail uses within Sulphur Springs                     another community member felt the backpack
      Ranch. Support for mountain bike and                          campsite should not be located near creeks or
      equestrian trail use were voiced as was                       ponds.
      accommodating bike-in camping. Others                       • A comment was received expressing concern
      countered these comments by requesting trail                  that camping could lead to the ignition of
      access at Sulphur Springs Ranch be limited to                 wildfires.
      hiking only.                                                • Several people stressed the importance of
    • Several people shared thoughts on the uses                    ranger surveillance of the backpack campsites.
      of the existing Park trails: some wanted trails             • Several community members stated cattle
      to continue to be multi-use, while others                     grazing should be eliminated at the Ranch.
      expressed an interest in limiting bikes or                  • A community member felt potable water
      equestrians. Other suggestions for existing                   should be provided at the backpack campsite.

                                                                                           Master plan AMENDMENT                                     25
Illustration: RRM Design Group

                          Fig. 5 Map of Locations of Online Survey Participants
                          Orange dots represent zip code of residency for participants in online survey throughout the Bay Area.

                          Following the community workshop, all workshop                    The launch of the online survey was synchronized
                          materials were made available on the County Park’s                with the community workshop event, and the
                          website for the public to view (see Appendix).                    survey link went live the evening of Tuesday,
                          After reviewing the posters and engaging in                       February 12, 2019. Participants gained access to the
                          discussions with the Project Team, participants                   survey using a custom weblink. The survey ran for
                          were encouraged to take an online survey.                         three weeks, through March 5, 2019.

                          Online Survey Overview                                            In total, 414 people responded. A map of the
                          An online survey was developed to complement                      residential zip-code data provided revealed people
                          the in-person community workshop. The goal                        from across the greater Bay Area and beyond
                          for the online survey was to gather public input                  participated in the online survey. Though a few
                          to determine the type of backpack campsite that                   individuals submitted survey responses from as
                          most appeals to the public, the necessity of having               far away as Texas and Washington states, most
                          potable water and toilet facilities near a backpack               respondents were within a reasonable “weekend
                          campsite, and the public’s opinions on the level                  trip” driving distance of the project site (Figure 5).
                          of difficulty appropriate for the trail accessing a
                          backpack campsite. The aim was for a high rate of
                          participation from constituents across Santa Clara
                          County and the Bay Area.

                          26     JOSEPH D. GRANT COUNTY PARK
The survey was promoted by the following                Community Meeting
methods: fliers with the QR code and website link       On September 25, 2019, a community meeting was
to the survey domain address were provided at           held at the Alum Rock Branch library in San José.
the community workshop; a weblink to the survey         Attendees received a brief update of the project
was posted on the County Parks website dedicated        goals and objectives as well as a description of
to the project (; the       the analysis conducted for potential locations of
survey weblink was emailed to contacts on the           backpack camps, staging areas, and toilets. The
project distribution list; and the weblink was posted   meeting concluded with the Project Team’s draft
to County Parks social media Facebook, Twitter, and     recommendations, explanation of the next steps in
Nextdoor pages.                                         the planning process, and a question-and-answer
                                                        session about the project.
To increase the participation rate, the survey was
designed to be brief and easily completed. A total      Common questions voiced by meeting attendees
of ten closed-ended questions were included which       included:
typically took less than five minutes to finish.
Questions were developed by the Consultant                  • Emergency services accessibility to the
Team in consultation with Department staff using              backpack camps,
straight-forward common language that would                 • Proposed reservations systems, and
be familiar to people with backcountry hiking               • Operational considerations, such as closures
experience as well as those without. Only zip code            due to inclement weather.
demographic information was collected during the
survey. For the list of questions and brief summary     Summary of Outreach Process
of responses, see Appendix.                             A few common themes emerged through the public
                                                        engagement process. First, there is generally an
In summary, the majority of the survey                  appreciation for the feeling of remoteness the Park
respondents:                                            and Ranch provide, despite its proximity to the
                                                        San José metro area. A second theme is the Park
   • Prefer the hike to a backpack camp be a            is seen as a treasured but underutilized amenity.
     moderate distance and elevation gain.              Third, there is general support and enthusiasm
   • Prefer a toilet near a backpack camp.              for opening the Ranch to public access, but access
   • Are comfortable with group camping being           should be limited. And lastly, people feel that the
     available at a backpack camp.                      natural features and wildlife, as well as the history
   • Are comfortable filtering water from a creek or    of the Park and Ranch, are unique assets that are
     carrying in water.                                 important to preserve and protect.

                                                                                  Master plan AMENDMENT      27
3.4 Site Analysis

Opportunities and Constraints
The opportunities and constraints were identified           3. Nearby streams that become too arid and hot
through various research methods previously                    in late season conditions to provide a reliable
described. Opportunities to reuse existing                     potable water source;
infrastructure were identified, including the               4. Proximity to cultural resources or sensitive
extensive Park trail network, the unpaved road                 habitat; and
network at Sulphur Springs Ranch, parking lots              5. Areas deemed less scenic, such as Pig or
at Stockman’s Group Picnic Area, Grant Lake,                   Eagle Lake.
and Twin Gates, and restroom facilities. Potable
and non-potable water sources were located and         Identification of Alternatives
identified as opportunities. On the Ranch, Smith       With opportunities and constraints identified,
Creek upstream of the confluence with Sulphur          the Project Team began exploring sites within the
Creek was identified as one such potable water         Park and Ranch as potential locations for backpack
source. The sheer remoteness of the outer reaches      camps, staging areas, toilet locations, and the trail
of the Park was also identified as an opportunity to   routes to connect these three amenities. There is an
experience open space as a contrast to the typical     obvious relationship between these amenities so the
daily life of most Bay Area residents.                 analysis of these three components of the project
                                                       occurred in tandem with each other.
Constraints identified included the rugged
and steep terrain of the upper areas of Sulphur        Given that a significant part of the visitors’
Springs Ranch as well as the Cañada de Pala and        experience hinges upon the character and quality
Deer Valley areas of the Park where providing          of the camp location, the analysis began with
daily ranger access, emergency access, or toilet       assessing potential camp location’s scenic quality
infrastructure would overburden staffing resources     and remoteness. Other considerations included trail
or be prohibitively challenging to implement or        difficulty (the majority of the input indicated the
maintain. Other constraints included:                  public is seeking a moderate level of trail difficulty),
                                                       and the proximity to a creek or water feature where
     1. Visual nuisances, such as views to man-        campers can pump and filter water. The analysis
        made structures or infrastructure, including   also prioritized utilizing existing infrastructure
        overhead transmission lines;                   wherever possible, including existing parking lots,
     2. Areas with little tree canopy cover;           trails, buildings, roads, and utilities.

Illustration: RRM Design Group
       Alternative Camp Locations
       8 Sites Considered
                                                            regarding maintenance access and road
       Existing Multi-Use Trail
                                                            infrastructure requirements, providing a toilet in
       State Highway 130 / Mt. Hamilton Road                the backcountry near a remote campsite proved to
                                                            be one of the greater challenges of this analysis.
Fig. 6 Backpack Camp Alternatives
Eight locations were considered for a backpack camp area.
                                                            The potential camp locations were assessed on their
Another top consideration important to mention              proximity to currently serviceable roads or existing
included the feasibility of locating a backpack             routes that could be improved through reasonable
camp site which could be accessible by a service            means. Additional considerations included the
truck. This consideration was driven from the               frequency and ease with which maintenance
online survey data which indicated the majority             crews could access a potential location and ability
of respondents prefer a backpack camp to have a             for rangers to provide emergency response to a
backcountry toilet. However, due to constraints             location.

                                                                                     Master plan AMENDMENT       29
Illustration: RRM Design Group

                                        Staging Area
                                        3 Sites Considered
                                                                                              In addition to potential camp locations, the Project
                                        Existing Multi-Use Trail                              Team identified possible staging areas. The Project
                                                                                              Team considered the eight identified possible
                                        State Highway 130 / Mt. Hamilton Road
                                                                                              backpack campsites in the process of considering
                                 Fig. 7 Staging Area Alternatives                             potential staging areas and assessed whether the
                                 Three locations were considered for use as a staging area.   locations provided for a moderate hike. In addition,
                                                                                              sites with infrastructure such as a parking lot that
                                 The initial list of backpack camp locations included         could be used to service staging uses were given
                                 two sites from the 1993 Master Plan, four sites              extra consideration. A list of five potential existing
                                 identified by stakeholders and Park staff, and two           staging areas were identified, in addition to one
                                 sites identified by the Project Team through site            undeveloped site that could be improved to allow
                                 visits to the Ranch. These eight sites, shown in             staging. Through discussion with Park staff, three
                                 Figure 6, were identified and selected for further           sites were eliminated from consideration due to
                                 analysis.                                                    remoteness and the extent of improvements that

                                 30     JOSEPH D. GRANT COUNTY PARK
Illustration: RRM Design Group
       Alternative Toilet Locations
       3 Sites Considered
                                                           determined based on potential proximity to
       Existing Multi-Use Trail                            campground locations with suitable topography
                                                           and accessible routes for pumper trucks.
       State Highway 130 / Mt. Hamilton Road
                                                           Environmental context, such as wetlands, creeks,
Fig. 8 Backcountry Toilet Alternatives                     and sensitive habitats, were also considered in the
Three locations were considered for a backcountry toilet   selection of potential backcountry toilet locations.

would have been required and three were selected           A matrix, shown in Figures 9-11, evaluates the
for further analysis. These selected three sites are       top criteria and the recommendations derived
shown in Figure 7.                                         from the analysis. The columns list considerations
                                                           and key criteria organized by four categories:
The three potential sites identified by the Project        1) consideration of environmental or cultural
Team for a backcountry toilet location were                resources; 2) the quality of the users’ experience; 3)
analyzed. These sites, shown in Figure 8, were             ease of implementation; and 4) operational viability.

                                                                                     Master plan AMENDMENT        31
Site Considerations                                          Overall Evaluation
                                                                                                                       Near                       Toilet
                                                       Trail Difficulty Creek / water    What is the overall         Sensitive    Ranger/ staff   truck
                                       Location                                                                                                             Recommendation
                                                            Level         nearby?        user experience?            Habitat or     access?      access
                                                                                                                      Species                   possible?

                                                                                          Scenic, remote,
                                  Sulphur Springs        Moderately
                                                                            Yes         moderately strenuous            No           Direct       Yes            Consider
                                   Ranch Site 1          Strenuous

                                                                                          Scenic, remote,
                                  Sulphur Springs        Moderately
                                                                            Yes         moderately strenuous            No         Restricted     No             Consider
                                   Ranch Site 2          Strenuous

                                                                                         Scenic, not remote.
                                      Dutch Flat         Moderately
                                                                         Possibly        Possibly water from            No           Direct       Yes           Eliminate
                                      Overlook           Strenuous
                                                                                             water tank

                                                                                          Hot, dry & windy.
                                                                                        Possible visible man-
                                      Pala Seca           Moderate       Unknown                                        No         Restricted     No            Eliminate
                                                                                        made structures. May
                                                                                             lack water.

                                                                                          Scenic, remote,
                                      Deer Valley                           No          moderately strenuous         Possibly      Restricted     No            Eliminate
                                                                                         access. No Water.

                                                                                        Ease of Access. Hot,
Illustration: RRM Design Group

                                    Yerba Buena /
                                                            Easy            No          dry & windy, roadway         Possibly      Restricted     No            Eliminate
                                   Canada de Pala
                                                                                           noise. No water.

                                  Eagle Lake / Pig                                      Hot, dry, poor scenic
                                                            Easy            No                                          No         Restricted     No            Eliminate
                                       Lake                                              quality, no water.

                                                                                        Hot, dry, compromised
                                      Brush Field           Easy            No                                          No         Restricted     No            Eliminate
                                                                                           views. No water.

                                 Fig. 9 Matrix of Backpack Camp Alternatives
                                 The sites referred to in the analysis as “Sulphur Springs Ranch Site 1” and “Sulphur Springs Ranch Site 2” rated most desirably1.

                                 The rows list the potential sites considered and the                     as the most ideal for potential camp sites. While
                                 findings of that site for each criterion listed in the                   scenic areas such as Dutch Flat Overlook and Deer
                                 columns. The column on the far right indicates an                        Valley were considered, Dutch Flat Overlook was
                                 overall recommendation based on a balance of all                         eliminated due to its proximity to developed areas
                                 the factors.                                                             of the Park and Deer Valley was eliminated due to
                                                                                                          its restricted operational and patrol accessibility.
                                 Of the listed locations, Sulphur Springs Ranch Site                      Both were eliminated due to the uncertainty of
                                 1 and Sulphur Springs Ranch Site 2 were selected                         viable water sources. Pala Seca and Yerba Buena/

                                 1 To facilitate the planning work, during the site analysis process, these sites were referred to as Sulphur Springs
                                 Ranch Site 1 (SSR1) and as Sulphur Springs Ranch Site 2 (SSR2). They were officially named by the Parks and
                                 Recreation Commission’s Naming Subcommittee on October 2, 2019 to Sulphur Springs Ranch Backpack Camp and
                                 Valley Oak Backpack Camp, respectively.

                                 32      JOSEPH D. GRANT COUNTY PARK
Access for                                                           Potable     Can facility be
                                              Need for service Turnaround
       Location            pumper                                                               water     concealed from Recommendation
                                            road improvements?   space?
                            truck?                                                             source?        view?

                                                                                                                                                                     Illustration: RRM Design Group
       Springs                Yes                      Yes                        Yes            No               Yes                                    Consider
       Ranch 1
   SSR Concrete
                              Yes                      Yes                        Yes            No               No                                     Eliminate

     Deer Valley               No                      Yes                         No            No               Yes                                    Eliminate

  Fig. 10 Matrix of Backcountry Toilet Location Alternatives
  The site referred to in the analysis as “Sulphur Springs Ranch Site 1” rated most desirably.

                    Moderate distance Would an expansion

                                                                                                                        Illustration: RRM Design Group
     Location          from camp         of facility be                                         Recommendation
                       locations?          needed?

   Stockman's                 Yes                          No                        Yes              Consider

    Grant Lake                Yes                          Yes                     Possibly           Eliminate

   Twin Gates                 Yes                          Yes                          No            Eliminate

  Fig. 11 Matrix of Staging Area Alternatives
  The Stockman’s Group Picnic Area Parking Lot rated most favorably

  Canada de Pala, though scenic, did not have reliable                                  Stockman’s was the most secure and required
  water sources. Brush Field and Eagle / Pig Lake                                       the least amount of additional staging area
  locations were limited by their restricted patrol                                     infrastructure in comparison to Grant Lake and
  access and unfavorable user experiences that                                          Twin Gates.
  ultimately did not compare to the scenic quality
  found at other locations.                                                             California Environmental Quality Act
                                                                                        An independent environmental consultant prepared
  Of the potential locations for backcountry toilet                                     the CEQA Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND)
  sites, Sulphur Springs Ranch 1 was rated most                                         on behalf of the Lead Agency, Santa Clara County
  desirable due to its remote location, proximity to                                    and Recreation Department. The MND was publicly
  Sulphur Springs Ranch Site 1, and pumper truck                                        circulated for thirty days to gather public comment
  accessibility. SSR Concrete Pad was too near to the
This document was created by an application that isn’t licensed to use novaPDF.
                                                                                        on the CEQA document.
Purchase         for
         a license     a backpack
                   to generate           campthisand
                               PDF files without           the Deer Valley

  location would add significant cost to provide the                                    The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors
  necessary service road improvements.                                                  adopted a Resolution to adopt the MND, adopt the
                                                                                        Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan, and
  While each of the potential staging areas were                                        approve the Master Plan Amendment at the January
  strategically distanced from camp locations,                                          26, 2021 meeting.

                                                                                                                                                 Master plan AMENDMENT                                33
Image Credit: RRM Design Group
4 Project Description and Implementation
This chapter contains recommendations for             ranch roads within the Sulphur Springs Ranch
overnight facilities and amenities that emerged       boundaries in the analysis of access, circulation
from the planning process. A description of the       and staging, and studied the feasibility of installing
circulation, trails, and access recommendations for   a backcountry toilet in the Park near a backpack
Sulphur Springs Ranch follows.                        camping site. In addition, the planning process
                                                      re-examined the suggested backpack camping
This Master Plan Amendment considers public           locations listed in the 1993 Master Plan and
access to the Ranch for both day and overnight        reconsidered these locations for overnight use.
use. The planning process considered the existing

                                                                                Master plan AMENDMENT     35
Image Credit: RRM Design Group

                                                                                                                                                    Image Credit: RRM Design Group
                                 Above photos show area of Sulphur Springs Ranch Backpack Camp.

                                 4.1 Overnight Use at Joseph                                 Sulphur Springs Ranch Backpack Camp
                                 D. Grant County Park                                        The recommended Sulphur Springs Ranch
                                 Eight possible backpack camp locations within               Backpack Camp site is located on a grassy hilltop
                                 the Park and Ranch, including the two from the              in the northwestern area of the Ranch. The site is
                                 existing master plan, were considered. From                 distinguished by its gentle, rolling topography,
                                 the analysis, two sites emerged as the final                blue oak trees, foothill pines, and grassland. As
                                 recommended locations. Both sites are located               proposed, the Sulphur Springs Ranch Backpack
                                 within the Ranch.                                           Camp will offer seven campsites within an
                                                                                             approximately 9-acre area (Figure 12). This includes
                                 The Backpack Camps                                          six individual sites and one larger group site. The
                                 Referred to in the site analysis phase as “Sulphur          campsites would be designed to a minimum 180-
                                 Springs Ranch Site 1”, the first site, officially named     foot setback from each other to maintain a high-
                                 and hereto referred to as the Sulphur Springs Ranch         quality user experience.
                                 Backpack Camp, will be located approximately
                                 one mile from the existing vehicular gate on Mt.            Individual campsites will feature a flat area of
                                 Hamilton Road. The second site, referred to in the          compacted earth, a metal food locker (15-cubic
                                 site analysis phase as “Sulphur Springs Ranch Site          foot volume), a log bench, and an embedded pad
                                 2” officially named hereto referred to as the Valley        for camp stove cooking. Of the six individual sites,
                                 Oak Backpack Camp, will be located approximately            five will accommodate up to four people, and are
                                 one mile east of the first camp area. Each backpack         approximately 230-square feet in area each. The
                                 camping area will offer basic camping amenities.            sixth individual site will have a concealed location

                                 36    JOSEPH D. GRANT COUNTY PARK
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