Language selection contributes to intrusion errors in speaking: Evidence from picture naming

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Language selection contributes to intrusion errors in speaking: Evidence from picture naming
Bilingualism: Language and                            Language selection contributes to intrusion
                                                             errors in speaking: Evidence from                                     picture naming
                                                             Xiaochen Zheng1              , Ardi Roelofs2 and Kristin Lemhöfer2
       Research Article                                      1
                                                               Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
                                                             International Max Planck Research School for Language Sciences, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics,
       Cite this article: Zheng X, Roelofs A, Lemhöfer       Nijmegen, The Netherlands and 2Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University,
       K (2020). Language selection contributes to
                                                             Nijmegen, The Netherlands
       intrusion errors in speaking: Evidence from
       picture naming. Bilingualism: Language and
       Cognition 23, 788–800.         Abstract
                                                               Bilinguals usually select the right language to speak for the particular context they are in, but
       Received: 4 February 2019                               sometimes the nontarget language intrudes. Despite a large body of research into language
       Revised: 26 August 2019                                 selection and language control, it remains unclear where intrusion errors originate from.
       Accepted: 6 September 2019                              These errors may be due to incorrect selection of the nontarget language at the conceptual
       First published online: 31 October 2019
                                                               level, or be a consequence of erroneous word selection (despite correct language selection)
       Keywords:                                               at the lexical level. We examined the former possibility in two language switching experiments
       bilingual; language intrusion; language                 using a manipulation that supposedly affects language selection on the conceptual level,
       selection; cross-language interference                  namely whether the conversational language context was associated with the target language
       Author for correspondence:
                                                               (congruent) or with the alternative language (incongruent) on a trial. Both experiments
       Xiaochen Zheng,                                         showed that language intrusion errors occurred more often in incongruent than in congruent
       E-mail:                           contexts, providing converging evidence that language selection during concept preparation is
                                                               one driving force behind language intrusion.

                                                             Most of the time, bilingual speakers succeed in selecting their target language for speaking in a
                                                             given language context and avoiding interference from a nontarget language (Poulisse, 1999;
                                                             Poulisse & Bongaerts, 1994). Only occasionally LANGUAGE INTRUSION ERRORS occur, which con-
                                                             cern the involuntary use of words from the nontarget language, such as a Dutch–English bilin-
                                                             gual saying “where is my fiets” to her English-speaking friend when she finds her bike stolen
                                                             (“fiets” is the Dutch word for “bike”). Such errors may happen in different contexts, for
                                                             example, after a change of interlocutor or in the presence of interfering background conversa-
                                                             tion. The rarity of language intrusion errors suggests strong language control mechanisms that
                                                             normally keep the languages apart (Declerck & Philipp, 2015; Green, 1998; Green & Wei,
                                                             2014). The mechanisms underlying language control and language selection have been studied
                                                             extensively: for example, using picture-word interference and language switching paradigms
                                                             (e.g., Boukadi, Davies & Wilson, 2015; Hermans, Bongaerts, De Bot & Schreuder, 1998;
                                                             Meuter & Allport, 1999; Zheng, Roelofs, Farquhar & Lemhöfer, 2018a). However, it has
                                                             remained unclear why and where in the speaking process language intrusion errors, as a failure
                                                             of control over target language production, may take place.
                                                                 Producing a spoken word requires first preparing the intended concept to be expressed, and
                                                             then continuing to generate the word through lexical selection (e.g., Levelt, 1993; Levelt, Roelofs
                                                             & Meyer, 1999). According to several models of bilingual word production, the intention to use
                                                             one language rather than another is specified at the conceptual level (e.g., De Bot, 2004; La Heij,
                                                             2005; Roelofs, 1998; Roelofs, Dijkstra & Gerakaki, 2013; see also Green, 1998), which then fur-
                                                             ther drives the language-specific planning processes, including the selection of the words at the
                                                             lexical level in the appropriate language. For example, correctly naming a picture of a bike in
                                                             English by a Dutch–English bilingual speaker involves selection of the target language (i.e.,
                                                             English) at the conceptual level, followed by the planning of the English word bike at the lexical
       © The Author(s) 2019. This is an Open Access          level. The intrusion error “fiets” may occur because the speaker erroneously selected Dutch as the
       article, distributed under the terms of the
                                                             target language at the conceptual level and then correctly planned the picture name in that lan-
       Creative Commons Attribution licence (http://, which          guage. Alternatively, the intrusion may happen when English was correctly selected as the target
       permits unrestricted re-use, distribution, and        language, but at the lexical level, the Dutch word fiets was nevertheless incorrectly selected. The
       reproduction in any medium, provided the              latter may occur because both languages are still activated regardless of a bilingual’s intention to
       original work is properly cited.                      speak one language only (Colomé, 2001; Costa, Miozzo & Caramazza, 1999; Hermans et al.,
                                                             1998). The current study aims at shedding more light on the question of where in the speaking
                                                             process language intrusion errors can originate from.
                                                                 Cross-language interference is typically observed in bilingual picture-word interference
                                                             studies (e.g., when so-called “phono-translation” distractors are used). In the task, participants

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Language selection contributes to intrusion errors in speaking: Evidence from picture naming
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition                                                                                                                                        789

        are asked to name pictures in a given language (e.g., name the pic-                        been used in the previous trials. Thus, any language intrusion
        ture mountain in English) while ignoring visual or auditory words                          errors in this situation are likely the consequence of incorrect lan-
        in the same or the alternative language. When distractors are                              guage selection at the conceptual level, while language switch
        words from the nontarget language (e.g., a Dutch word berm)                                errors can result from both lexical and conceptual-level interfer-
        that phonologically overlap with the picture name in the nontar-                           ence. Being able to study this kind of intrusion error would
        get language (e.g., berg, the Dutch word for mountain), they slow                          thus help us to isolate conceptual language intrusion errors
        down naming response time (RT) and increase error rates (the                               from those arising from lexical processing.
        so-called “phono-translation effect”). The interference is not                                 It is worth noting that language intrusions have also been
        only observed for distractors from the more dominant first lan-                            investigated extensively using a reading aloud task, where partici-
        guage (L1) during naming in the less dominant second language                              pants are asked to read aloud mixed-language paragraphs (Gollan
        (L2) (Boukadi et al., 2015; Hermans et al., 1998), but also the                            & Goldrick, 2018; Gollan, Schotter, Gomez, Murillo & Rayner,
        other way around (Klaus, Lemhöfer & Schriefers, 2018). In                                  2014; Li & Gollan, 2018; Schotter, Li & Gollan, 2019). However,
        these picture-word interference studies with phono-translation                             the fact that people can read aloud non-existing words suggests
        distractors, intrusion errors are occasionally observed (in the cur-                       that reading aloud does not necessarily involve concept and
        rent example, saying the Dutch word berg instead of the target                             lemma selection. Therefore, we consider the literature on reading
        English word mountain), although not frequently. These intru-                              aloud to be less relevant for answering the current research ques-
        sion errors can occur due to the incorrect selection during either                         tion and keep a discussion of it for later.
        concept preparation or lexical selection. For example, because the                             As discussed so far, language intrusion takes place in daily life
        Dutch word berg was primed by the phonologically-related dis-                              – though not very frequently (Muysken, 2000; Poulisse, 1999) – as
        tractor berm, it may be erroneously selected at the lexical level                          well as in laboratory experiments, such as in the picture-word
        even though the target language (English) had been correctly                               interference task (Boukadi et al., 2015; Hermans et al., 1998;
        selected at the concept level. Alternatively, it is also possible                          Klaus et al., 2018), the cued language-switching task (Meuter &
        that it was the nontarget language Dutch as a whole that was                               Allport, 1999; Zheng et al., 2018a; Zheng et al., 2018b), and the
        primed by the Dutch distractor word berm, and therefore the lan-                           reading aloud task (Gollan & Goldrick, 2018; Gollan et al.,
        guage itself was erroneously selected for naming.                                          2014; Li & Gollan, 2018; Schotter et al., 2019). Studying why
            Besides in bilingual picture-word interference studies, language                       intrusion errors happen can help us better understand how bilin-
        intrusion errors are also observed in language switching studies,                          guals exert control over the bilingual word production system.
        where bilingual speakers are asked to name pictures while switch-                          The aim of the present study was to examine whether language
        ing between their languages according to a given cue (e.g., a flag                         intrusion errors can happen as a result of incorrect language
        or a color patch in addition to the to-be-named picture). In such a                        selection during concept preparation, rather than as a result of
        paradigm, intrusion errors happen mostly in trials where partici-                          cross-language interference which takes place during lexical selec-
        pants are required to switch the language relative to the previous                         tion (we certainly do not exclude the latter as a possibility,
        trial (Zheng, Roelofs & Lemhöfer, 2018b). For example, after                               although we do not investigate this here). To this end, we experi-
        consecutively naming pictures in English (e.g., ant, spoon, key),                          mentally created laboratory paradigms inspired by real-life scen-
        a Dutch–English bilingual speaker may fail to switch to Dutch                              arios where language intrusions are likely to happen due to
        but continue to name the picture tree in English instead of                                priming of the nontarget language at the conceptual level rather
        using the target Dutch name boom. The mechanism of such                                    than the lexical level. For that, we manipulated the language con-
        intrusion errors, or the failure to switch, is also unclear. It is pos-                    text, which presumably will affect language activation in bilingual
        sible that the speaker fails to implement the language switch at the                       speech production (see Hartsuiker, 2015, for a review).
        conceptual level and consequently selects the previous language                                We developed two versions of bilingual picture naming tasks.
        (English). Alternatively, it is also possible that the new target lan-                     In the first experiment, we simulated the situation where the lan-
        guage (Dutch) has been correctly selected, but the planning of the                         guage associated with the interlocutor is incoherent with the con-
        word during lexical selection is interfered by previously-selected                         versational environment (e.g., when you always speak English at
        words from the nontarget language (e.g., the English words key,                            school, but one day it becomes more difficult because your sister,
        spoon, ant). Besides the failure to switch to another language, lan-                       with whom you always talk in Dutch, is also there). Bilingual par-
        guage intrusion also occurs when failing to stay in the same lan-                          ticipants were cued to speak a given language in the context of a
        guage. While this type of error is less frequent than switch errors                        cartoon interlocutor who was associated with the same language
        in the laboratory switching paradigm (e.g., Declerck, Lemhöfer &                           (congruent) or the different language (incongruent) as the target
        Grainger, 2017; Zheng et al., 2018a; Zheng et al., 2018b), it does at                      language associated with the “environment” (location of the
        least occasionally happen in real life (e.g., accidentally producing a                     to-be-named picture on the screen). In the second experiment,
        Dutch word in an English conversation). To our purposes, these                             we simulated the distraction of background noise during daily
        intrusion errors may be better suited to understand the process of                         conversation (e.g., when you are talking with your English-
        language selection than the failure to switch: when one should                             speaking friend in a bar, but everyone around you is speaking
        stay in the same language but fails to do so in a given language                           Dutch). Bilingual participants were cued to speak in a given lan-
        context (e.g., a change of interlocutor or interfering background                          guage to an interlocutor while listening to the same (congruent)
        conversation), it is less likely that the interference comes from                          or the alternative language (incongruent) as distractors. In both
        nontarget-language words at the lexical level. Even though both                            experiments, the contextual congruency manipulation concerned
        the target word and its translation-equivalent are activated during                        the language (conceptual level) rather than words in the language
        production (e.g., Declerck, Philipp & Koch, 2015; Green, 1998),                            (lexical level). Therefore, if language intrusion errors happened
        such activation remains low on repeat trials, in which the same                            because the nontarget language is selected, then intrusion errors
        language is required as in the previous trial, as compared to                              should be found more often in incongruent than in congruent
        switch trials, because words in the nontarget language have not                            contexts. We embedded the tasks in a mixed-language situation

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Language selection contributes to intrusion errors in speaking: Evidence from picture naming
790                                                                                                          Xiaochen Zheng, Ardi Roelofs and Kristin Lemhöfer

       (i.e., language switching) in order to induce higher levels of                             (CELEX database; Baayen, Piepenbrock & Gulikers, 1995) in
       general cross-language interference. To be able to investigate the                         both Dutch and English. We matched all the Dutch and
       ‘pure’ process of language selection (and possible failures), we                           English picture names as closely as possible on number of sylla-
       focused the analysis only on the repeat trials. Besides the contrast                       bles ( p = .813) and phonological onset category (e.g., fricatives
       between the congruent and incongruent conditions, we also                                  like /f/ have a delayed voice-key onset compared to vowels like
       expected to observe that the dominant language is more likely                              /a/). Based on a pilot study on naming agreement, we replaced
       to be intruded by the nondominant language than vice versa,                                two out of the 40 original pictures with drawings sketched by
       which would replicate the reverse-dominance phenomenon in a                                the first author (see Appendix A for the full set of stimuli). All
       mixed-language context (e.g., Gollan & Goldrick, 2018; Gollan                              the pictures were edited to a size of 300 × 300 pixels.
       et al., 2014; Schotter et al., 2019; Zheng et al., 2018b).
                                                                                                  Each experimental session consisted of 640 trials, divided into
       Experiment 1
                                                                                                  eight blocks of 80 trials. Each picture appeared twice in a block,
       In the first experiment, we instructed participants to name pic-                           once in Dutch and once in English. Twenty-five percent of the
       tures either in English or in Dutch, depending on the location                             trials were switch trials. We pseudo-randomized all the items in
       on the screen where the target picture was presented (‘conversa-                           each block using the program MIX (van Casteren & Davis,
       tional environment’, valid cues). The invalid cues were cartoon                            2006), with the following requirements: (1) subsequent trials
       characters presented next to the target picture. They were intro-                          were semantically and phonologically unrelated; (2) repetition
       duced as either English- or Dutch-speaking interlocutors. The                              of a picture was separated by at least four intervening trials; (3)
       invalid cues could be congruent (indicating the same language)                             there were no more than six subsequent trials in the same
       or incongruent (indicating the alternative language) with the                              language; (4) there were no subsequent switch trials.
       valid cues. After having learned the association between interlocu-                            We manipulated interlocutor-location congruency (congruent
       tors and language, participants were asked to ignore the invalid                           vs. incongruent) in both languages (L1 vs. L2). Twenty-five per-
       cues (interlocutor) and focus on the valid cues (location).                                cent of all the trials were incongruent trials, i.e., the language
       Crucially, we had the incongruent cues only on repeat trials.                              required by the object location was not the same as the language
       Therefore, if an intrusion error occurred, it was most likely to                           associated with the interlocutor. All the items were proportionally
       be a result of the incorrect selection of the nontarget language                           distributed across congruency conditions (i.e., 25 percent of
       itself (which was primed by the incongruent interlocutor) at the                           the time an item occurs on an incongruent trial). To avoid the
       conceptual level, rather than the immediate cross-language inter-                          co-occurrence of incongruency and switching, incongruent trials
       ference from the previous trial during word selection – unlike a                           only occurred as repeat trials. We also made sure that there
       switch trial, the nontarget language had not been actively used                            were no subsequent incongruent trials within a list. A second
       on the previous trials. To make the experiment more naturalistic,                          list was constructed by reversing the block order of the first list.
       we introduced the cartoon interlocutor and the naming task as
       part of a real-life scenario, as explained below.                                          Procedure
                                                                                                  Participants were seated in a sound-proof booth and the experi-
                                                                                                  ment was run using the software package Presentation (Version
                                                                                                  17.0, Neurobehavioural System Inc, Berkeley, U.S.). The computer
       Participants                                                                               screen (Benq XL2420Z, screen size 24 inch) was set to grey, with a
       Twenty-two participants took part in the experiment for course                             resolution of 1920 × 1080 pixels, at a refresh rate of 120 Hz.
       credit or vouchers. All of them were native Dutch speakers,                                    First, the participants were familiarized with all picture names:
       raised monolingually, who spoke English as their most proficient                           they saw each picture and named it in Dutch (block 1) or English
       nonnative language. All the participants had normal or                                     (block 2). After each picture naming, they were told the correct
       corrected-to-normal vision. Data from two participants were                                answer and asked to name it again in case the original answer
       excluded because they misunderstood the task or did not follow                             had been incorrect.
       the instructions, leaving a final set of 20 participants (eight                                After that, we introduced the participants to the two Dutch- and
       males). Table 1 shows the language background and English                                  English-speaking cartoon interlocutors. Both interlocutors were
       vocabulary size (measured by the LexTALE test, Lemhöfer &                                  introduced as bilinguals with one of their languages being strongly
       Broersma, 2012) of the final set of participants of this experiment                        dominant. The participants named all the pictures either in Dutch
       and the later reported Experiment 2.                                                       or in English, according to the interlocutor presented next to the
                                                                                                  picture. To make the interlocutors more salient, we used a
       Materials                                                                                  100-pixel-wide color frame for the pictures when the corresponding
       Experimental stimuli consisted of 40 black-and-white line                                  interlocutor was presented (blue frame for the English-speaking
       drawings, representing 40 translation pairs of Dutch–English                               interlocutor and orange frame for the Dutch-speaking interlocutor).
       noncognate words (e.g., the Dutch word “boom” and its                                      This served as a training of the interlocutor-language association.
       English translation “tree”). All the pictures were selected from                           The correct word was presented on the screen after each response
       the international picture naming project (IPNP) database                                   for the first ten trials and then the training continued for another
       (Bates, D’amico, Jacobsen, Székely, Andonova, Devescovi,                                   30 trials without feedback. Switch rate was kept the same as in
       Herron, Lu, Pechmann, Pléh, Wicha, Federmeier, Gerdjikova,                                 the main experiment (25%).
       Gutierrez, Hung, Hsu, Iyer, Kohnert, Mehotcheva, Orozco-                                       Then we introduced the participants to the location cues: the
       Figueroa, Tzeng & Tzeng, 2003), opting for those with highest                              target pictures would be presented in one of the four corners of
       naming agreements (Bates et al., 2003; Severens, Van Lommel,                               the screen, which represented either “school” or “home” (e.g.,
       Ratinckx & Hartsuiker, 2005) and high lexical frequency                                    top-left corner and bottom right corner for “school”, and top-

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Language selection contributes to intrusion errors in speaking: Evidence from picture naming
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition                                                                                                                                          791

        Table 1. Participants’ language background and English proficiency in Experiments 1 and 2.

                                                                                           Experiment 1 (N = 20)                                   Experiment 2 (N = 29)

           Characteristic                                                     Mean                   SD                Range            Mean                 SD                Range

           Age                                                                 22.2                  2.7              18–26              21.4               2.4                18–31
           Age of acquiring English                                            10.2                  2.3               6–14              10.6               1.6                 7–13
           Self-rated frequency of using Englisha
           - speaking                                                           3.2                  1.0               1–5                3.1               1.0                 2–5
           - listening                                                          4.4                  0.9               2–5                4.5               0.6                 3–5
           - writing                                                            3.4                  1.1               1–5                2.8               1.0                 1–5
           - reading                                                            3.8                  1.1               2–5                3.8               1.0                 2–5
           Self-rated frequency of switching languages
           - speaking                                                           2.2                  0.9               1–4                2.1               0.9                 1–4
           Self-rated proficiency of English
           - speaking                                                           4.1                  0.8               2–5                3.5               0.9                 2–5
           - listening                                                          4.7                  0.7               3–5                4.1               0.7                 2–5
           - writing                                                            4.1                  0.9               2–5                3.6               1.0                 2–5
           - reading                                                            4.7                  0.5               4–5                4.2               0.7                 2–5
           English vocabulary size
           - LexTALE test                                                      81.9                  9.9              58–96b             72.7               9.8                48–93b
        Note: SD = Standard Deviation.
          Self-ratings were given on a scale from 1 = very rarely/bad to 5 = very often/good.
          The score is a weighted % correct score, i.e., 50 is chance level, 100 is the maximum score.

        right and bottom-left corner for “home”, or vice versa). At                                        stimulus stayed on the screen for a total of 2550 ms. After another
        “school” the participants were supposed to speak English whereas                                   jittered blank screen of 250–500 ms, the next trial began. In total,
        at “home” they spoke Dutch. Two locations were used to cue                                         there were eight blocks of 80 trials. After each block, participants
        each language, so that the location could alternate between each                                   received feedback on their performance (e.g., speed) and got
        trial to avoid a confound of language switch and location switch                                   reminded of the languages represented by the locations. We
        (Mayr & Kliegl, 2003). We counterbalanced the assignment of                                        instructed them to name the pictures as quickly as possible in the
        the locations to the response language across participants. After                                  language indicated by the location cue, and also not to correct them-
        ten trials, we introduced time pressure to induce more speech                                      selves when they said something wrong. All the instructions were in
        errors. For that, a response deadline was computed dynamically                                     English.
        and calibrated individually for each participant, based on the                                          At the end of the session, the participants completed the
        80th percentile of the previous ten trials. Participants would receive                             LexTALE vocabulary test in English (Lemhöfer & Broersma,
        a warning message for being “too late” if they failed to respond                                   2012) and a language background questionnaire, as summarized
        within the time limit. This continued for another 80 trials.                                       in Table 1. The entire session took approximately 1.5 hrs.
        During this phase, the interlocutor cues (that would become invalid
        in the main experiment) were always congruent with the location                                    Data analysis
        cues (that would be the valid cues in the main experiment).                                        Error rates and RTs were used as dependent variables. Only repeat
            At the beginning of the main experiment, we introduced the                                     trials were analyzed. Participants’ responses were coded either as
        incongruent condition, i.e., when the interlocutor presented                                       (1) correct, fluent responses, or as (2) incorrect responses.
        next to the picture indicated a different language from the one                                    Incorrect responses were further categorized into language intru-
        indicated by the location cue (e.g., the participants would see                                    sion errors (i.e., complete and fluent naming responses using the
        the English-dominant interlocutor at “home”, where they were                                       translation equivalent in the nontarget language) and eleven other
        supposed to speak Dutch). Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram                                       types of errors, such as self-corrections, disfluencies, or using a
        for a trial where participants needed to name the picture in                                       wrong word in the correct language. Correctly responded trials
        English or in Dutch, in either the congruent or incongruent condi-                                 with an RT (measured automatically by the voice key) deviating
        tion. We instructed the participants to pay attention to the valid cues                            more than three standard deviations from the respective partici-
        (i.e., locations). During the experimental blocks, each trial started                              pants’ condition mean were defined as another type of error
        with the 250 ms presentation of a fixation cross, followed by a                                    (i.e., RT outliers, see Appendix C for all the categories and the
        blank screen with a jitter of 250–500 ms. Then, the picture appeared                               percentages of each type of error). We excluded all error trials
        in one of the four corners of the screen, and the picture and the                                  as well as post-error trials from the RT analysis. In the analysis
        interlocutor stayed together on the screen until 550 ms after the                                  of intrusion errors, we excluded trials at the beginning of each
        voice key (Shure SM-57 microphone) had registered the onset of                                     block and trials following language intrusion errors or other inter-
        speech. If the voice key was not triggered within 2000 ms, the                                     lingual errors (see Appendix C).

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Language selection contributes to intrusion errors in speaking: Evidence from picture naming
792                                                                                                          Xiaochen Zheng, Ardi Roelofs and Kristin Lemhöfer

       Fig. 1. A schematic diagram for Experiment 1. The target language was cued by the location (home: Dutch; school: English). Next to the picture, a cartoon inter-
       locutor was simultaneously presented with a color frame, which was associated either with the target language (congruent condition, top panel) or the nontarget
       language (incongruent condition, bottom panel). The diagram depicts an experimental trial where participants had to name the picture either in English (A) or in
       Dutch (B).

           We performed the statistical analyses using mixed-effects mod-                            Speakers made more language intrusion errors on incongruent
       els with the lme4 package (Version 1.1.13, Bates, Mächler, Bolker &                        than on congruent repeat trials, and also more when naming in
       Walker, 2015) in R (Version 3.4.1; R Core Team, 2017). The factors                         the L1 than in the L2. There was no interaction between language
       language (L1 vs. L2) and congruency (congruent vs. incongruent)                            and congruency.
       were sum-coded and included as fixed effects in the models.                                   As for RTs, speakers were slower on incongruent than on
       Participants and items were included as random effects. For both                           congruent trials and also slower when naming in the L1 than in
       RT and error analyses, we used generalized linear mixed models                             the L2. There was a significant interaction between congruency
       (GLMEMs). GLMEMs were chosen for the RT analysis to account                                and language. A follow-up analysis for each language showed that
       for the right-skewed shape of the RT distribution without the need                         the congruency effect was larger in the L1 (ML1cong = 807 ms,
       to transform and standardize the raw data (Lo & Andrews, 2015).                            SDL1cong = 63 ms; ML1incong = 883 ms, SDL1incong = 89 ms;
       All the analyses were conducted with a maximal random-effects                              β = −39.61, SE = 6.93, t = −5.71, p < .001) than in the L2
       structure, which includes random intercepts and random slopes                              (ML2cong = 754 ms, SDL2cong = 50 ms; ML2incong = 796 ms,
       for all fixed effects and their interactions for both participants                         SDL2incong = 65 ms; β = −22.33, SE = 4.98, t = −4.49, p < .001).
       and items (Barr, Levy, Scheepers & Tily, 2013). When the model                                To summarize, language intrusion errors were more likely
       failed to converge, we simplified it by removing the interactions                          and responses were slower in the incongruent than in the con-
       in the random structure (see Appendix D for the final models                               gruent contexts, and also in the dominant L1 than in the weaker
       used for analyses). For both analyses, we reported Wald’s z-scores,                        L2. There was an interaction between congruency and language
       t-scores and their associated p-values.                                                    dominance in the RTs: the congruency effect was larger in L1
                                                                                                  than in L2. These findings suggest that language intrusion can
                                                                                                  happen as a result of incorrect language selection on the concep-
       Results                                                                                    tual level.
       Speakers made different types of speech errors on 11.0% of all trials,
       including language intrusion errors (e.g., said the Dutch word
                                                                                                  Experiment 2
       “boom” instead of the English word “tree” on an English trial)
       on 4.4% of the repeat trials and 9.3% of the switch trials.                                In the second experiment, we sought for converging evidence for
          Figure 2 shows the violin plots for the language intrusion error                        intrusion errors caused by incorrect language selection, using a
       rates and the RTs on the repeat trials. Table 2 gives the statistics                       different paradigm inspired by real-life scenarios. Similar to
       from the GLMEMs.                                                                           Experiment 1, participants would see cartoon interlocutors and

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                                                                                                                                Fig. 2. Violin plots with individual data distributions for
                                                                                                                                language intrusion error rate (panel A) and mean RT
                                                                                                                                (panel B, in ms) on repeat trials, grouped by language
                                                                                                                                and congruency. The outer shapes represent the distri-
                                                                                                                                bution of individual data, the thick horizontal line inside
                                                                                                                                the box indicates the median, and the bottom and top
                                                                                                                                of the box indicate the first and third quartiles of each

        Table 2. Statistics from the GLMEMs for language intrusion error rate (ER, in %) and reaction time (RT, in ms) on repeat trials in Experiment 1.

                                                                                          Mean (SD)                  β                SE               z- or t-value                p

           ER              Language                                    L1 (Dutch)           8.2 (6.8)               0.75             0.14                   5.22
794                                                                                                          Xiaochen Zheng, Ardi Roelofs and Kristin Lemhöfer

       Fig. 3. A schematic diagram for Experiment 2. The target language was cued by the cartoon interlocutor with a color frame. Besides, an auditory distractor was
       presented either in the target language (congruent condition, top panel) or in the nontarget language (incongruent condition, bottom panel [“boer” is the Dutch
       translation of “farmer”]).The diagram depicts an experimental trial where participants had to name the picture either in English (A) or in Dutch (B) SOA: stimulus
       onset asynchrony.

       Materials                                                                                  Besides the restrictions used in Experiment 1, we made sure
       The experimental materials consisted of 40 pictures and 40 pairs                           that the auditory distractors were semantically and phonologically
       of auditory distractors which were translation equivalents between                         unrelated to the pictures after the current trial, to avoid potential
       Dutch and English. The picture stimuli were identical to the ones                          priming effects.
       used in Experiment 1.
           Dutch and English auditory distractors were voice recordings of                        Procedure
       a male Dutch native speaker. We did this to make sure that the                             The setup of the experiment was identical to Experiment 1, apart
       accent of the audios was familiar enough to our participants.                              from that the computer screen was set to black instead of grey.
       Auditory distractors were highly frequent words representing daily                         The testing procedure was similar. We describe it below, mainly
       objects. The distractors were selected to be noncognate words                              focusing on its differences from Experiment 1.
       between Dutch and English and were always presented with the                                   First, the participants were familiarized with all picture names
       same picture. Furthermore, auditory distractors were semantically                          and introduced to the two Dutch- and English-speaking interlo-
       and phonologically unrelated to the target picture name in both lan-                       cutors. In Experiment 2, we used two same-gender interlocutors
       guages (e.g., the target picture of “tree”, or “boom” in Dutch, was                        (i.e., two males) instead of the two different-gender interlocutors
       presented with the English word “dust” or its Dutch translation                            used in Experiment 1, in order to be consistent with the same-
       “stof” as auditory distractors). Lastly, syllable length of the target                     gender auditory distractors. Both interlocutors were introduced
       picture name and the incongruent (i.e., other language) auditory                           as monolingual speakers. Unlike their distractor roles in
       distractor was matched (see Appendix A for the full set of stimuli).                       Experiment 1, the interlocutors in Experiment 2 served as valid
                                                                                                  cues. The interlocutors were presented together with a color
       Design                                                                                     frame (blue frame for the English-speaking interlocutor and red
       The design was identical to that in Experiment 1, with the inde-                           frame for the Dutch-speaking interlocutor) to make the primes
       pendent variables being language (L1 vs. L2) and congruency                                more salient. Again, participants received 40 trials of training
       (congruent vs. incongruent), and the dependent variables being                             for the interlocutor-language association, where they named the
       intrusion error rates and RTs. The lists were constructed in a                             pictures either in English or in Dutch according to the interlocu-
       similar way as in Experiment 1, pseudo-randomized by the pro-                              tor cues. After that, we asked the participants to put on head-
       gram MIX. Twenty-five percent of the trials were switch trials                             phones and to name the pictures while at the same time being
       and one third of the repeat trials were incongruent trials.                                presented with the auditory distractors. They were asked to

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Bilingualism: Language and Cognition                                                                                                                                            795

                                                                                                                                Fig. 4. Violin plots with individual data distributions for
                                                                                                                                language intrusion error rate (panel A) and mean RT
                                                                                                                                (panel B, in ms) on repeat trials, grouped by language
                                                                                                                                and congruency. The outer shapes represent the distri-
                                                                                                                                bution of individual data, the thick horizontal line inside
                                                                                                                                the box indicates the median, and the bottom and top
                                                                                                                                of the box indicate the first and third quartiles of each

        Table 3. Statistics from the GLMEMs for language intrusion error rate (ER, in %) and reaction time (RT, in ms) on repeat trials in Experiment 2.

                                                                                          Mean (SD)                 β                 SE               z- or t-value                p

           ER               Language                                   L1 (Dutch)           6.9 (7.9)              0.54              0.10                   5.21
796                                                                                                          Xiaochen Zheng, Ardi Roelofs and Kristin Lemhöfer

       well as a language background questionnaire. The entire session                            to switch but fail to do so, which was the predominant line of
       took approximately 1.5 hrs.                                                                inquiry in previous research (e.g., Meuter & Allport, 1999;
                                                                                                  Zheng et al., 2018b). In both experiments, we observed more lan-
       Data analysis                                                                              guage intrusion errors and longer RTs on incongruent repeat
       We used the same analysis procedures as in Experiment 1.                                   trials (i.e., when the interlocutor and location cues were not in-
                                                                                                  dicating the same language in Experiment 1; or when the back-
                                                                                                  ground and current ‘conversation’ were not in the same
       Results                                                                                    language in Experiment 2) than on congruent trials. In both
       Speakers made different types of speech errors on 9.6% of all                              cases, the congruency manipulation concerned language selection
       trials, including language intrusion errors on 4.1% of the repeat                          rather than word selection. Therefore, language intrusion errors
       trials and 8.0% of the switch trials.                                                      that were due to incongruency can be attributed to the erroneous
           Figure 4 shows the violin plots for language intrusion error                           selection of the nontarget language.
       rates and RTs on the repeat trials. Table 3 gives the statistics                               In Experiment 1, we associated the cartoon characters (the
       from the GLMEMs.                                                                           invalid cues) with one of the two languages, rather than with
           Speakers made more language intrusion errors on incongruent                            any specific words in the languages. Therefore, the intrusion
       than on congruent repeat trials and when naming in the L1 than                             errors caused by the congruency manipulation (i.e., more intru-
       in the L2. There was no significant interaction between language                           sion errors were observed when the interlocutor was associated
       and congruency.                                                                            with the nontarget language) were likely to be a result of the non-
           As for RTs, speakers were slower on incongruent than on                                target language being primed. Interference on the lexical level due
       congruent trials and when naming in the L1 than in the L2.                                 to the congruency manipulation is unlikely, otherwise the incon-
       There was also a significant interaction between congruency and                            gruent interlocutor would have to boost the activation of the
       language. A follow-up analysis for each language showed that                               whole lexicon in the nontarget language. Note that although the
       the congruency effect was only present in the L2 (ML2cong = 732                            results of the RTs showed the same pattern as the errors (i.e.,
       ms, SDL2cong = 61 ms; ML2incong = 762 ms, SDL2incong = 68 ms;                              longer RTs in the incongruent than in the congruent condition),
       β = −15.49, SE = 3.03, t = −5.12, p < .001), but not in the L1                             this is not direct evidence for incorrect language selection because
       (ML1cong = 835 ms, SDL1cong = 89 ms; ML1incong = 842 ms,                                   these RTs were obtained in correct trials. Nevertheless, the pro-
       SDL1incong = 83 ms; β = −3.16, SE = 3.77, t = −0.84, p = .402).                            longed RTs may reflect the difficulty in selection which resulted
           To summarize, language intrusion errors were more likely and                           from additional activation of the competitive language. Our results
       correct responses were slower in the incongruent than in the con-                          are coherent with the idea that language context, such as faces
       gruent contexts. Besides, responses were slower and less accurate                          associated with a certain social-cultural identity, affects language
       in the dominant L1 than in the weaker L2. There was an inter-                              production (e.g., Blanco-Elorrieta & Pylkkänen, 2017;
       action between congruency and language dominance in the                                    Hartsuiker, 2015; Li, Yang, Scherf & Li, 2013; Liu, Timmer, Jiao,
       RTs: the congruency effect was only present in the L2. Despite                             Yuan & Wang, 2019).
       the interaction in RTs (in which the congruency effect was larger                              In Experiment 2, we used distractor words (e.g., “stof” or its
       in the L1 than in the L2), these findings converge with those of                           English translation “dust”) that were unrelated to either the target
       Experiment 1, suggesting that language intrusion can happen                                words (e.g., tree) or its translation equivalent (the Dutch word
       due to the incorrect selection of language during concept                                  boom). In the incongruent condition, these distractor words
       preparation.                                                                               were from the nontarget language, while congruent distractors
                                                                                                  were from the target language. Therefore, the occurrence of
                                                                                                  more intrusion errors in the incongruent than in the congruent
       General discussion                                                                         condition is again more likely to be a result of the selection of
                                                                                                  the nontarget language (in this case, Dutch) which was primed
       Inferences about bilingual control mechanisms can be made by                               by the distractor word. The errors are unlikely to be due to cross-
       studying how and when these mechanisms fail, e.g., when lan-                               language interference during word selection, which has been
       guage intrusions occur. In the current study, we examined                                  observed when distractor words have a specific relation to the tar-
       whether language intrusion errors may be the result of selecting                           get words like in the phono-translation condition in the picture-
       the nontarget language itself at the conceptual level rather than                          word interference task (e.g., the distractor word berm priming the
       selecting a word from the nontarget language at the lexical level                          Dutch word berg; Hermans et al., 1998). Although not particu-
       (while the language has been correctly selected). In the first                             larly investigated, the fact that merely listening to the nontarget
       experiment, we introduced incongruent interlocutor-location pairs                          language could affect target language production is also consistent
       (e.g., an English-Dutch bilingual interlocutor with English as the                         with the idea that language control mechanisms are shared
       dominant language vs. the house of a Dutch-speaking family) in a                           between comprehension and production, and that bottom-up lin-
       language switching task. In the second experiment, we combined                             guistic representations have a considerable influence on language
       the language switching task with an auditory picture-word inter-                           selection processes in both modalities (Gambi & Hartsuiker, 2016;
       ference task, to simulate the situation where background conver-                           Peeters, Runnqvist, Bertrand & Grainger, 2014).
       sation is disturbing the selection of the target language (e.g., when                          It is also worth noting that intrusion errors that happened
       the background conversation is in English whereas the current                              in the congruent condition, or that occurred on switch trials,
       target language is Dutch).                                                                 might still be attributable to erroneous lexical selection.
           Although embedded in mixed-language contexts, we only                                  Therefore, we do not reject the alternative possibility that cross-
       looked at situations where the bilingual participants were sup-                            language interference during word selection can also lead to lan-
       posed to stay in the same language (i.e., repeat trials) but failed                        guage intrusions. Actually, this type of intrusion is likely because
       to do so – in contrast to situations where participants are asked                          both languages are activated regardless of a bilingual’s intention

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Bilingualism: Language and Cognition                                                                                                                                        797

        to speak one language only (Colomé, 2001; Costa et al., 1999;                              from the ‘staying in the same language’ situation in daily life.
        Hermans et al., 1998). Nevertheless, our two experiments provide                           Future research can aim to find ways of inducing sufficient num-
        converging evidence that incorrect language selection on the con-                          bers of intrusion errors in a monolingual mode.
        ceptual level is one factor contributing to language intrusion                                 To summarize, the current study investigated whether
        errors. Moreover, although we interpret the incorrect language                             language intrusion errors can be caused by the erroneous selec-
        selection on the conceptual level as a failure of control, it has to                       tion of the language on the conceptual level. We examined this
        be acknowledged that language control goes beyond language                                 in two experiments by manipulating language context: more spe-
        selection and takes place at multiple levels of processing (e.g.,                          cifically, the congruency of two language cues (one task-relevant,
        Declerck & Philipp, 2017; Gollan et al., 2014; Olson, 2013).                               one non-relevant). In both experiments, we observed that lan-
            In both experiments, language intrusion errors were more                               guage intrusion errors occurred more often when the context
        likely and responses were slower in the dominant L1 than the                               was incongruent than congruent with the target language. This
        weaker L2. This finding replicates the so-called REVERSE                                   finding provides evidence that language selection, rather than
        DOMINANCE EFFECT, i.e., the seemingly paradoxical finding that pro-                        only selection at the lexical level, is an error-prone process during
        duction in the dominant L1 can under some circumstances be                                 bilingual word production.
        more difficult than in the L2. This effect is reliably observed in
        standard cued language switching experiments (Christoffels,                                Data availability. Data are available from the Donders Institute for Brain,
                                                                                                   Cognition and Behaviour repository at
        Firk & Schiller, 2007; Costa & Santesteban, 2004; Verhoef,
        Roelofs & Chwilla, 2009; Zheng et al., 2018b), and has also been                           Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank Kristin Witte, Max
        shown for voluntary language switching (Gollan & Ferreira,                                 Sterling, Daniel Holthuis, Elena Nicolaou, and Rick Alofs for their help in
        2009) and for other language-mixing tasks (Gollan & Goldrick,                              data collection.
        2018; Gollan et al., 2014; Schotter et al., 2019). This reverse dom-
        inance effect can be accounted for by assuming that when unba-                             References
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