Libra: In-network Gradient Aggregation for Speeding up Distributed Sparse Deep Training

Page created by Aaron Davis
Libra: In-network Gradient Aggregation for Speeding
 up Distributed Sparse Deep Training

 Heng Pan†, Penglai Cui† , Zhenyu li†, Ru Jia† , Penghao Zhang† , Leilei Zhang† , Ye
 Yang†, Jiahao Wu† , Jianbo Dong‡, Zheng Cao‡, Qiang Li‡ , Hongqiang Harry Liu‡ ,
 Mathy Laurent§ , Gaogang Xie∗
arXiv:2205.05243v1 [cs.NI] 11 May 2022

 † ICT, CAS, China ‡ Alibaba Group § University of Liege ∗ CNIC, CAS, China
 ABSTRACT We have witnessed the huge increasing of the size
 Distributed sparse deep learning has been widely used in of sparse DL models and the training datasets in recent
 many internet-scale applications. Network communication years. For example, for a business advertising system [28],
 is one of the major hurdles for the training performance. In- petabytes (PB) of training data is generated everyday, and
 network gradient aggregation on programmable switches is the trained DL model consists of billions of features. Indeed,
 a promising solution to speed up the performance. Neverthe- training a sparse DL model is a time-consuming task, and
 less, existing in-network aggregation solutions are designed the distributed sparse DL training, which leverages a cluster
 for the distributed dense deep training, and fall short when of nodes to perform training tasks cooperatively, emerges
 used for the sparse deep training. To address this gap, we and becomes a practice [40, 48].
 present Libra based on our key observation of the extremely A popular architecture for distributed DL is the param-
 biased update frequency of parameters in distributed deep eter server (PS) architecture with data parallelism [20, 28,
 sparse training. Specifically, Libra offloads only the aggre- 32]. The training dataset is divided into equal-sized parts
 gation for “hot” parameters that are updated frequently (called chunks). In each iteration, workers pull the up-to-
 onto programmable switches. To enable this offloading and date model from parameter servers and perform local train-
 achieve high aggregation throughput, we propose solutions ing with a chunk of data. The local training results are then
 to address the challenges related to hot parameter identifi- sent to parameter servers for the global DL model update.
 cation, parameter orchestration, floating-point summation Distributed sparse DL training also follows the above pro-
 on switches as well as system reliability. We implemented cedure. It has been found that with the increasing of used
 Libra on Intel Tofino switches and integrated it with PS-lite. workers, the communication between workers and parame-
 Finally, we evaluate Libra’s performance through extensive ter servers will become the performance bottleneck [11, 24].
 experiments and show that Libra can speed up the gradient Specifically, a recent measurement study [38] reveals that
 aggregation by 1.5∼4×. the two factors that hurt the performance: intensive and
 bursty communications.
 1 INTRODUCTION A straightforward way to mitigate intensive communi-
 cation is to reduce transmission data volume via gradient
 High-dimensional sparse data widely exits in Internet-scale
 compression (e.g. gradient quantization [11] and sparse pa-
 deep learning (DL) applications, such as search engine, rec-
 rameter synchronization [10]). Other solutions aiming at
 ommendation systems and online advertising [28]. To en-
 mitigating communication burstiness decouple the depen-
 able efficient DL training with sparse data, sparse DL mod-
 dency between computation and communication [24, 27, 39]
 els [25, 26, 28] typically use a two-tier architecture, where
 through scheduling. These solutions improved the perfor-
 the first tier is a SparseNet that embeds high-dimensional
 mance at the end node side (i.e. workers). Another recently
 sparse data into a low-dimensional space via representation
 emerging direction is to explore the computation capacity
 learning, and the second is a DenseNet that models the rela-
 in network devices, especially programmable switches, for
 tionship between between the dense embedding representa-
 gradient aggregation [13, 33, 41, 42], which can further ac-
 tion and supervised labels. Two unique features distinguish
 celerate the training process. Nevertheless, all the previous
 the sparse DL models from the dense DL ones: (i) data spar-
 in-network aggregation solutions are targeted for dense dis-
 sity that the samples from training data contain a large num-
 tributed DL models. We found they indeed fall short in ac-
 ber of features, but only a few are non-zero; (ii) model spar-
 celerating the distributed sparse DL training, because their
 sity that the most gradients are zero in each training itera-
 streaming-based aggregation assumes synchronising all the
local updates (i.e. gradients) in every worker in each train- • We propose the solutions that include the sampling-
ing iteration, regardless of whether individual updates are based hot parameter identification, the heat-based pa-
zero or non-zero. This assumption no longer holds in dis- rameter placement on switches, the parameter layout
tributed sparse DL training, as only the non-zero embed- aware gradient packaging on workers, the table-lookup
ding vectors and non-zero gradients are transmitted in pairs. on switches, and two enhancements for improving reli-
 To address the above gap, we design and implement ability.
Libra to enable in-network gradient aggregation for dis- • We implement Libra, and integrate it with PS-lite and
tributed sparse DL training. Libra is built on our key obser- Intel Tofino switches. Extensiveߠexperiments ଵ ̱ߠ௠ with real-
vation from industrial sparse DL applications that the up- world sparse DL applications demonstrate PS 1 that
 PS 2Libra im-
date frequencies of parameters in sparse deep models are proves the aggregation throughput by 1.5∼4× with lim- Global Model

extremely biased, where about 50% of updates are for only ited extra overhead. ‫݌׏‬ ‫݌‬ ‫݌‬ ‫݌׏‬
the top 30,000 parameters (out of over millions of param- Pull Push

eters) (§ 3.1). Libra thus aggregates the gradients on pro- Network
 Local Model
grammable switches only for these hop parameters, and let 2 BACKGROUND AND ‫݌׏‬
 ‫݌‬ ‫݌׏‬ ‫݌‬ ‫݌׏‬ ‫݌‬

the servers aggregate the gradients for the remaining cold
 2.1 Distributed Deep Learning
ones. That said, rather than offloading the gradient aggrega-
 Distributed deep learning (DDL) Workerleverages
 1 Worker
 a cluster2 of train-Worker 3
tion task for all the parameters in [13, 33, 41, 42], Libra only
offloads the task for the hot parameters, while keeping the ing nodes (called workers) to cooperatively train DL mod- Partition

aggregation task for the cold parameters in PS servers. els. We consider the widely used
 Training data
 data parallelism mode,
 We address several challenges to implement Libra. First, where the training dataset is divided into equal-sized parts
we propose a sampling-based mechanism to identify the hot to feed training nodes for local training. A widely adopted
parameters by running the training task with a small sam- DDL architecturePS 1 in industry
 PS 2 is the parameter server (PS) ar-
ple (4% − 8%) of the whole dataset (§ 3.3). Second, we design chitecture (see Figure 1); Microsoft Multiverso
 Global Model[2], Alibaba
a heat-based parameter placement mechanism at the switch XDL [28] and ByteDance BytePS [39] are all built with this
 ‫݌׏‬ ‫݌‬ ‫݌‬ ‫݌׏‬
side and a parameter layout (on switch registers) aware gra- architecture.
 Scheduler In the PS architecture, workers train their lo-
 Pull Push
dient packaging mechanism at the worker side to coopera- cal DL models, while
 Network PS servers manage globally shared but
tively reduce the probability that the associated parameters non-overlapped
 ‫݌׏‬ ‫݌‬
 DL‫݌ ݌׏‬
 model parameters.
 ‫݌׏‬ ‫݌‬
 That said, the param-
of one gradient packet belong to one register (§ 3.4). In do- eters that a PS server manages are non-overlapped with the
ing so, we reduce the chances that one packet writes a reg- parameters of any other PS servers. In eachLocal Model of train-
ister multiple times in a pipeline, which is not supported by ing,Worker
 1 first Worker
 pull the
 2 up-to-date Workermodel3 from parameter
programmable switches. Third, we propose a table-lookup servers, and then perform forward-backward computation
 Summation Update Weight
mechanism that enables the on-the-fly floating-point sum- with one chunk of training data locally. At the end of an it-
mation on switches, which is essential for gradients aggre- eration,
 Training workers
 data push the trained results (i.e. gradients) to
gation (§ 3.5). Last but not least, we enhance the reliability the servers for updating the DL model.
of Libra from the perspectives of packet loss recovery and
switch failover (§ 3.6).
 We implement Libra and integrated it with PSLite [7] and
Intel Tofino [8] programmable switches (§ 4). We perform PS server 1 PS server 2
extensive experiments using a benchmark that includes var- ߠ ̱ߠ ଵ ߠ௠ ̱ߠ ௠ାଵ ௡
 Global Model
ious sparse DL training tasks (§ 5). The results demonstrate
the superior performance of Libra, in comparison with the ‫݌‬ ‫݌‬
 ‫݌׏‬ ‫݌׏‬
 Pull Push
state-of-the-art solutions. Network
 In summary, our contributions are three-fold: ‫݌‬ ‫݌׏‬ ‫݌‬ ‫݌׏‬ ‫݌‬
 Local Model

 • We design Libra that accelerates the distributed sparse
 DL training with in-network gradient aggregation on Worker 1 Worker 2 Worker 3
 programmable switches. Specifically, it offloads the ag-
 gregation task for “hot” parameters from PS servers to
 Training data
 programmable switches.

 Figure 1: The parameter server architecture.

Synchronous vs Asynchronous. Training jobs can be for DenseNet; only a few vectors of the SparseNet gradients
scheduled in either synchronous or asynchronous mode. Syn- are non-zero.
chronous training requires PS servers to collect all the gra-
dients from all workers at each integration; it is less effec- Table 1: Neural Network Characteristics of Multiple layer
 perception [26] (MLP), Crossmedia [19] (CM) and Deep in-
tive when workers are equipped with different computation
 terest network [49] (DIN).
capacities. Asynchronous training, on the other hand, al-
lows workers to work at their own pace, without waiting
 Deep Model Neural Net. # parameters
for other workers to finish their training. SparseNet 18 Billion
Reliable Transmission. Although distributed DL training MLP
 DenseNet 1.2 Million
can tolerate some packet losses due to their special algo- SparseNet 5 Billion
rithm properties (e.g. bounded-loss tolerant) [46], reliable CM
 DenseNet 1 Million
transmission is still a must in industry for two reasons [39]. SparseNet 18 Billion
First, distributed DL application developers assume reliable DenseNet 1.7 Million
transmission in network substrate; they may optimize their
training algorithms based on this assumption. Second, the Two unique features of the SparseNet distinguish sparse
gradient loss (during transmission) will slow the training deep training from dense deep training. First, as listed in
convergence and degrade the the end-to-end job perfor- Table 1 which shows the model characteristics of three
mance. As such, the approaches that do not provide reliable popular sparse models, the SparseNet uses a much larger
transmission may not be viable in practice. training network with billions of parameters than that in
 DenseNet (millions of parameters). Second, while many gra-
2.2 Sparse Deep Learning dients of SparseNet in each iteration are zero (i.e. sparse),
High-dimensional sparse data widely exists in Internet- there are still many heavy non-zero vectors. Let us take a
scale applications (e.g. search engine and online advertising). NCF [25] model with a typical training dataset [23] as an
Data sparsity could cause low training efficiency if not han- example. In each iteration, out of 680MB of SparseNet gra-
dled properly; to this end, several sparse DL models have dients, ∼104MB are for non-zero vectors; in comparison, the
been proposed [25, 26, 28]. These models typically follow a DenseNet only generates 0.4MB of gradients.
two-tier architecture (see Figure 2): representation learning Distributed sparse training. In distributed sparse train-
(SparseNet) and function fitting (DenseNet). The represen- ing, each worker runs the local training job showed in
tation learning embeds high-dimensional sparse data into Figure 2, and synchronizes with other workers for both
a low-dimensional space via embedding layers, while the the SparseNet model and DenseNet model. To reduce the
function fitting models the relationship between dense em- amount of gradient data for transimission, individual work-
bedding representation and supervised labels. ers encode gradient vectors as a list of key-value pairs, and
 push only the non-zero vectors to PS servers in each iter-
 SparseNet DenseNet
 ation. Consequently, the parameters (indices) involved in
 Sparse Data Embedding vectors Label the transmitted gradients from different workers may not
 D = (0,*,Ċ,0)
 *: non-zero entries be overlapped.

 Sparse gradients Dense gradients θ1 θ2 θ3 ĊĊ θ1000
 Forward Pass
 Update gradients Backward Propagation

 i-th iteration Gradient update
Figure 2: A conceptual architecture of sparse deep training. θ1 θ201 θ901 θ9 θ191 θ9901 θ97 θ891 θ30901
 push push push
Sparse model training. Specifically, in the forward pass, a
training node reads a batch of sparse data samples, maps
them into dense embedding vectors via SparseNet1 , and Worker 1 Worker 2 Worker 3
then feeds the results into DenseNet. The backward prop-
agation reverses this data flow and output gradients. The Figure 3: Gradient updates in distributed sparse training.
generated gradients in each iteration consist of two parts:
the sparse gradients for SparseNet and the dense gradients Figure 3 shows such an example. In the i-th iteration,
1 Usually,
 one can look up a huge dictionary or utilize a few CNN/RNN Worker 1 pushes 3 non-zero gradients ( 1 , 201 and 901 ) for
models to implement data mapping. updating the global model, while Worker 2 and Worker 3
transmit non-zero gradients for other parameters (e.g. { 9 , the non-zero gradients are sent to PS servers for aggregation.
 191 , 9901 } from Worker 2). It is worth noting that the pa- Worth still, the parameters with non-zero gradients in indi-
rameters with non-zero gradients in individual workers are vidual workers are unknown in advance. Simply applying
unknown in advance. existing approaches will lead to limited chances of aggrega-
 tions on programmable switches, or even incorrect aggrega-
2.3 Limitations of Prior In-network tion.
 Aggregation Another design component in existing approaches that
Recently, a large amount of research effort [13, 33, 42] has we aim to improve is about floating-point arithmetic. Be-
been devoted to in-network gradient aggregation in order to cause Tofino programmable switches only support integer
reduce the communication volume and improve the overall summation [47], both SwitchML and ATP adopt a float-
training performance. Specifically, programmable switches to-integer approach that converts floating-point gradients
are exploited to sum the gradients sent by workers and send into integers via multiplying a scaling factor at the worker
only the summation results to PS servers. By doing so, the side. To reduce the accuracy loss introduced by this float-
data volume to PS servers is greatly reduced. to-integer approach, a negotiation mechanism may be used.
 We particularly focus on two state-of-the-art systems that For instance, SwitchML requires all workers to negotiate
leverage programmable switches for in-network gradient with each other to decide an appropriate value of the scaling
aggregation: SwitchML [42] and ATP [13]. While being ef- factor before transmitting the streams of gradient. Such fre-
fective for dense training, they fall short in speeding up quent negotiations would introduce performance overhead.
sparse DL training because of their streaming-based aggre-
gation. 3 LIBRA DESIGN
 To show this, we briefly describe their workflow. As illus- This section presents the design of Libra that is able to ac-
trate in Figure 4, the gradients are chunked into streams at celerate asynchronous distributed sparse DL training. We
each worker, where the -th ( < ) stream in each worker begin with the key observation that encourages the design
contains the gradients for the same set of parameters. Each of Libra, and then detail Libra’s main components.
worker sends one stream at each time slot to programmable
switches for aggregation. Programmable switches will ag- 3.1 Characterizing “Hot-cold”
gregate (i.e. sum) the gradients of the -th streams from all Phenomenon
workers. This approach works well in dense deep learning, We first present our observation on the highly skewed up-
where in each iteration, the gradients of all the parameters date frequency of parameters in distributed sparse DL train-
need to be sent out for aggregation. Besides, because of the ing. This observation is derived from our (industrial) train-
limited storage space in programmable switches, some ap- ing tasks of two typical sparse deep learning models: search
proaches (e.g. ATP) require synchronization of time slots engine and online advertising recommendation.
among workers — all workers not to transmit the next
stream of gradients until the programmable switches relieve Experimental setup. We use a testbed with 16 workers
the last aggregated results. That said, they may not support and 1 PS servers to train DDL models for online advertising
asynchronous training. recommendation (Task 1) and search engine (Task 2). The
 model of Task 1 consists of 150 million parameters, while
 Switch Task 2 contains about 9 million model parameters. During
 R1 R2 R3 ... Rn training, we collect logs from the PS server, and count the
 Sum Sum
 update frequency of each parameter.
 Streaming-based aggregation
 Stream 1 θ11 θ12 ... θ1n θ11 θ12 ... θ1n θ11 θ12 ... θ1n 0.8 0.8
 Stream 2 θ21 θ22 ... θ2n θ21 θ22 ... θ2n θ21 θ22 ... θ2n
 Cumulative Proportion (%)
 Cumulative Proportion (%)

 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.7

 Trade-off point
 ... θmn 0.7
 Stream m θm1 θm2 ... θmn θm1 θm2 ... θmn θm1 θm2 0.6
 i-th iteration push push push 0.6 0.5
 Trade-off point 0.4

 0.4 0.2
 Worker 1 Worker 2 Worker 3 0.1
 1K 10K 20K 30K 40K 50K 100K 1K 10K 20K 30K 40K 50K 100K
 # of Top hot parameters # of Top hot parameters
Figure 4: The Streaming-based in-network gradient aggre-
gation in [13, 42]. (a) Recommendation (b) Search

 The above streaming-based approach does not work for Figure 5: Cumulative distribution of the parameter update
deep sparse training, simply because in each iteration, only frequency for two production sparse models.
Observation. We sort the DL model parameters based on predicted because the update frequency of parameters do
their update frequency, and present the cumulative propor- not follow a pre-defined pattern and thus may vary from a
tion of update frequency for the top 100K parameters in Fig- sparse DL task to another (see Figure 5).
ure 5. Our most surprising finding is that they contain very To this end, we adopt a sampling-based mechanism to
“hot” parameters who contribute the bulk of the update. For approximately capture the update frequency distribution of
example, across the 150 million parameters, the top 30,000 DL model parameters. To this end, we first extract a small
parameters of Task 1 constitute over half of all updates. Like- training dataset by randomly sampling the whole dataset.
wise, for Task 2, its top 30,000 parameters even account for We then train the DL model with the sampled dataset and
about 70% of updates. record the update frequency of each model parameter. Fi-
Summary. High-dimensional sparse deep learning tasks nally, we sort the parameters based on their update fre-
exhibit a hot-cold phenomenon where the hot parameters quency, and label the top parameters as hot ones. As we
contribute most traffic. Some independent research [38] show in §5.3, by running the training with only 8% of the
also reported this phenomenon. Putting this in the context whole dataset as input, we can identify hot parameters with
of in-network gradient aggregation, we envision a system an accuracy 90%.
that aggregates the gradients only for the “hot” parameters The number of hot parameters ( ) whose gradients will
as they contribute most of the updates. By doing so, we can be aggregated also depends on the available resources on
accelerate the distributed sparse training with a limited stor- switches. Specifically, we identify hot model parameters
age requirement on programmable switches. based on Principle 1.
 Principle 1. (Hot parameter Identification). Consider a list
3.2 Design overview of parameters ={ 1 , 2 , ..., } that are ranked in descending
Libra uses programmable switches for in-network sparse order by the update frequency. We use ={ 1 , 2 , ..., } to
gradient aggregation. Figure 6 shows its two components refer to their corresponding update frequency. We also assume
on the switch, namely _ and _ . _ is de- that one programmable switch is equipped with 20MB on-chip
ployed on the switch pipeline to implement gradient aggre- memory, and storing a model parameter in a switch consumes
gation, while _ runs on the local CPUs of the switch 4 bytes of memory. We say that the top- parameters ({ 1 , ...,
to facilitate reliable transmission (see Section 3.6). Given }) are hot if they satisfy the following two conditions:
the “hot-cold” phenomenon we observed, Libra adopts a 
hot-cold separation mechanism. Specifically, it selects those / ≥ 
“hot” model parameters that are frequently updated for ag- 4 × ≤ × 20 
gregation on switches, while the remaining “cold” parame- where = =1 , = =1 , ∈ (0, 1) and ∈ (0, 1) are
 Í Í
ters are handed over to the parameter servers without in- two design parameters.
network aggregation. It is noteworthy that such an sepa-
ration does not require synchronization between workers; The parameter is the fraction of on-chip memory that
workers can pull the up-to-date aggregation results from the we would like to use for gradient aggregation. In practice, 
switch and the parameter servers. should be small (0.05 ∼ 0.1) because occupying too much
 memory would affect conventional functions of switches
 ARM (e.g. packet forwarding). The parameter is the expected
 Local CPUs proportion of traffic that will be intercepted and processed
 Switch pipeline Registers ... by the switch. While a larger is preferred (so as ), more
 Write Read CPU port
 memory would be required. Nevertheless, as showed in Fig-
 Libra_p Gradient θ(1) +θ(2) …+θ(n) ure 5, the marginal benefit in terms of traffic saving (i.e. the
 aggregation 1 1 1

 growth of ) when increasing beyond some points (called


 Input trade-off points) becomes very small. Let us take Figure 5(b)
 arbiter Cold Path as an example. Increasing beyond 30 will bring very lim-
 ited benefit in terms of traffic saving. In this example, will
 be set as 30,000 in our implementation.
 Figure 6: The overview of Libra.
 3.4 Parameter Orchestration
3.3 Identifying Hot Parameters Parameter layout in switch registers. The on-chip mem-
Without running the training work, the hot parameters are ory in a switch is physically organized as registers. A reg-
unknown. In fact, the hot parameters cannot be accurately ister is similar to an array (see Figure 7), which consists of
31 32 63 64 95 96 127
 ­ ­ ­ ­

 0 31 32 63 64 95 96 127
 the “heat” distribution of the hot parameters is non-uniform
 ­1 ­20 ­109 ­498 A register
 (see Figure 5), so the heat of would be much higher than
 Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4
 that of + . Therefore, the probability that the gradients of
 Figure 7: An example of a register caching multiple param- and + are encapsulated into one packet is low. That
 eters. said, we can use one register to store and + . With this
 basis, we deduce the above conclusion that + ∗ where
 0 ≤ ≤ ⌊ / ⌋ are assigned to one register. We will show
 multiple register slots. One hot parameter takes one register the effectiveness of this layout in §5.4.
 slot to cache its gradient; a new gradient will be added to the
 cached gradient to get the final summation of all the gradi- Packaging gradients at workers . At the worker side, we
 ents of this parameter. A practical restriction on switches is adopt a parameter layout aware gradient packaging mech-
 that one register can be operated only once in one pipeline. anism for encapsulate gradients into packets (see Algo-
 That said, if a register cached gradients of two parameters rithm 1). The core idea is to encapsulate parameter gradients
 whose updates are carried in one packet, they would not be into packets in order to achieve two goals: (i) reducing the
 able to be aggregated in one pipeline. While we could use likelihood that the parameters encapsulated to one packet
 the recirculation operation in programmable switches to re- are cached in one register; (ii) using as few packets as possi-
 circulate the packet back to the pipeline, recirculations can ble. We assume that workers know the number of registers
 degrade the performance. As such, we need to carefully as- . When a batch of gradients for the hot parameters need
 sign hot parameters to registers so that the chances that the to be transmitted, we use Algorithm 1 for packaging gradi-
 updates of two parameters assigned in one register are car- ents into packets. The algorithm first estimates how many
 ried in the same packet is low. packets2 (denoted by ) are needed to carry these parame-
 Before delving into the detail of parameter layout, we first ter gradients (line 2), and then process each parameter as
 describe the mapping of parameter indices. Gradients in dis- follows, where is the (rank) index of the parameter.
 tributed deep sparse training are transmitted in the form of • First, it uses the index of to locate the register ID ( )
 < , > pairs, where is the index of a param- that caches (line 4) at switches;
 Hot parameters Registers
 eter. Because we will use the index to directly locate their • Second, it filters out the packets that have carried at
 Topcorresponding Regwe need to map the indices ob-
 register slots, least one parameter that also belongs to the -th reg-
 ­ Reg
 tained from the models into the range of [0, − 1], where ister (line 7 to 9);


 ­ is the number of register slots used for gradient aggrega- • Third, it appends in a candidate packet and updates
 Reg corresponding states. (line 10 to 16).
 ­m+1Suppose we rank the parameters in descending order
 ­m+2 on Placement
 the update frequency, then a parameter’s index af- • Forth, there is no such packet, will be recorded to a
 ter mapping is its rank (from 0 to − 1). Workers store the set ( ) for further processing (line 17 to 18).

Down ­ ′
 mapping information locally, which is used to restore the Finally, if is not empty, the worker will encapsulate the
 indices of the aggregation results. parameter gradients in into a number of packets without
 considering the parameter layout in switch registers (line
 Hot parameters 19-20). The reason why we do not use the packets in to
 Top Down ′
 ­1 ­2 ... ­m ­m+1 ­m+2 ... ­n carry the parameters in is as follows. Let us assume that
 the number of parameters in is . If we used the packets
 ... ... ... Placement ′
 in to carry , it would lead to times recirculation op-
 Reg1 Reg2 ... Regm erations. On the contrary, if we encapsulate them into new
 Registers packets directly, the usage of recirculation operations can
 be significantly saved, because the parameters in are un-
 Figure 8: The heat-based parameter placement, where likely to belong to one register.
 registers are used to cache hot parameters.
 3.5 Gradient aggregation on switches
 Next we describe the parameter layout in registers using a Switches parse the received gradient packets using their pro-
 heat-based parameter placement mechanism (see Figure 8). grammable parser. By doing so, the switch will get the a list
 Specifically, let us consider a list of hot parameters { 1 , 2 , of pairs, each of which is the gradient (value) of
 ..., } ranked in descending order of their update frequency a parameter with key as the index. Specifically, for an update
 (i.e. heat). Our method places the parameters into reg-
 isters as follows. The -th register, stores the ( + ∗ )-th 2 Because we need to parse the whole packet by the parser of programmable

 parameters, where 0 ≤ ≤ ⌊ / ⌋. Our intuition is that switches, the packet size is limited to 192 bytes.
Algorithm 1: Parameter_orchestrating(G, m) For any two positive numbers and , the following equa-
 Input: , a batch of gradients to be transmitted. tion holds: + = 2 + 2 (1+2 ) , where = log2 ( ) and
 Input: , the number of switch registers. = log2 ( ). A 32-bit floats in IEEE 754 consists of three por-
 Output: return some packets that carry the tions: the sign field (1 bit), the exponent field (8 bits) and
 gradients. the fraction field (23 bits); they together form a key for table
 1 ← Estimate_packets(G); lookup. Thus, a strawman solution is to set up three tables
 2 ← ∅; 1 ← ; // P is a list of packets.
 on switches: (i) a logTable that is used to record the loga-
 rithm values of all possible keys; (ii) a miTable that is used to
 // Packaging G to packets
 get ( ) = log2 (1 + 2 ) for a given ; (iii) an expTable that is
 3 for ∈ do
 to get the exponential value for a given key. Let us consider
 4 ← . % ; // Get register ID
 two 32-bit floats and to illustrate the floating-point oper-
 5 2 ← 1 ; // 2 carries candidates for ations using the these 3 tables. Both and are first mapped
 6 _ ← ; into the logarithmic number system [31] by looking up the
 // Find out pkts having already include first table (logTable), yielding log2 ( ) and log2 ( ). Next it
 the parameters sharing the same computes = log2 ( ) minus log2 ( ) and uses to look up
 register with the second table (miTable) and gets log2 (1 + 2log2 ( )−log2 ( ) ),
 7 ← same_reg_pkt_find(k); which then is added by log2 ( ). Finally, the summation is
 8 if ≠ then taken as the key to look up the third table (expTable) to get
 9 2 .erase( .begin(), .end()); the value of + .
10 ← 2 .first(); Unfortunately, the bit width of the key in logTable can
 be up to 32 bits, so it would consume ∼16GB (232 × 4 ) on-
11 if ≠ NULL then
 chip memory, which is unacceptable in practice. To this end,
 // will carry . we further propose an approximate method to divide the
 // 1 tracks the full state of pkts. large logTable into a few small tables in order to reduce the
12 Update( 1 , , ); memory consumption. More specifically, a positive IEEE 754
13 Update( , , ); // Final results. 32-bit float is represented as =2 −127 ∗ 1. 1 2 ... 23 , and we
14 _ ← ; assume that = 1. 1 2 ... 11 and Δ = 0. 12 13 ... 23 ∗ 2−11 .
15 if is_full(pkt) == True then Consequently, = 2 −127 ∗( +Δ ), and ( ) = ( − 127) +
16 1 .erase( ); ( + Δ ).

17 if _ ≠ then
 ′ ( ) = ( − 127) + ( + Δ )
18 .append( );
 1 1
 ′ = ( − 127) + ( ) + Δ − 2 Δ 2 + · · ·
19 if ≠ ∅ then ln 2 ln 2
 1 (1)
20 .insert(create_pkt_padding( )); ≈ ( − 127) + ( ) + Δ 
 ln 2
21 return ;
 = ( − 127) + ( ) + 2 (Δ )− ( ln 2)

of the parameter , the switch locates the register as well as
the slot in the register that caches . More specifically, we The approximation error is negligible because Δ is far
use a hash table to map the the index of one parameter into less than . Due to space limitation, we omit the related the-
the position of the registers. Then the update (i.e. gradient) oretical proof, but confirm the error is very limited through
is added to the cached value. experiments (see § 5.5).
 Consequently, the huge logTable is replaced by five small
Floating-point summation on switches. Gradients
 tables: an 8-bit epoTable, three 12-bit logTable and a 16-bit
are typically represented as 32-bit floats. Nevertheless,
 expTable. More specifically, we use the epoTable to obtain
the pipeline in programmable switches does not support
 the result of ( − 127), which is then used to look up the
floating-point summation. Rather than using the aforemen-
 logTables to get ( ), (Δ ) and ( ln 2). Finally, the
tioned floating-to-integer method that may introduce accu-
racy loss, we propose a table-lookup method that enables expTable is used to obtain 2 (Δ )− ( ln 2) .
the on-the-fly floating-point summation for 32-bit floats. In summary, we need seven tables to implement the float-
Our method is inspired by [15] that implements floating- pointing summation on switches; the total storage demand
pint operations for 16-bit floats. for these tables is only 408.5KB (=256 ∗ 2 + 3 ∗ 4096 ∗ 2 +
65536∗2 +65536∗2 +65536∗2 )3. Figure 9 summarizes the recording in the switch, the switch will wrongly aggregate
procedure for the 32-bit float-point summation on switches the gradients twice.
using our table-lookup mechanism.
 Find log(x), log(y) Find σ(z)=log2(1+2z)
 1. send p Registers

 Find e-127
 Key Value 16-bit width
 Key Value Packet loss 2. Reply ack Switch
 -15000 s(-15000)
 000...000 0-127 e-127
 Ă Ă
 3. Write 6. Write with
 000...001 1-127 log(m) z=log2(y)- 17000 s(17000) 4. Retransmit p errors
 ... ... + log2(x)
 epoTable log(m)
 exp(t) miTable 5. Reply ack
 Find log2(m), log2(əm), t=log2(x)+s(z)
 log2(mln2) Get exp(u)
 Key Value Key Value Get exp(t) Figure 10: An illustration of the repeat-write-error.
 000...001 Log2(1) -32000 exp(-32000) Key Value
 000...010 Log2(2) log(mln2)
 log(əm) Ă Ă -32000 exp(-32000)
 ... ... u 17000 exp(17000) Ă Ă
 expTable 17000 exp(17000) We address the issue caused by the repeat-write-error
 32-bit-logTable as follows. Workers will explicitly mark the retransmitted
 packet (e.g. using one bit in the packet hearder). When re-
 Figure 9: 32-bit floating-point arithmetic on switches. ceiving a retransmitted packet, the switch will check the lo-
 cal records to figure out whether the gradients in the packet
 has been aggregated. The local records can be implemented
3.6 System Reliability either in local CPUs on the switch or using a Bloom Filter in
The system reliability is important in production environ- the pipeline. Our current implement relies on local CPUs.
ments. We consider two sources of failures that would un- Failover mechanism. Switches may fail unexpectedly in
dermine Libra: packet loss and equipment failure. practice. For the traditional switches that only forward pack-
Packet Retransmission. While packet loss happens much ets, we can reroute packets to detour around the failed
less frequently in data center networks (< 10−3 [22]), it in- switches. However, because now the switches have been
deed may happen. A packet loss would result in the loss leveraged for gradient aggregation, the above bypass-based
of all the gradients the packet carries and thus degrading mechanism will result in the loss of aggregated gradients
the training performance. To this end, we leverage the per- on programmable switches and thus crash down the train-
packet ACK mechanism for loss detection and retransmit ing task.
the lost packets. Specifically, the receiver of a packet will im- To this end, we design a detection-migration failover
mediately return an ACK to the sender. That said, switches mechanism (see Figure 11), which leverages the controller
will ack the gradient packets sent from workers; PS servers of the switches for the detection of failure and invoking the
will ack the packets for cold parameters; and workers ack task migration. Specifically, the controller periodically re-
the aggregation packets that are sent either from switches quests the status of switches through heartbeat messages.
or PS servers. The sender of a packet will mark the packet Switches reply with statistics of the switches (e.g. resource
as loss if it does not receive the ack before the timer expires; utilisation). The controller then uses these statistics along
the retransmited packet has the same sequence number as with the response delay to detect whether the switch is
the original one. about to fail (e.g. high packet loss rates, high on-chip mem-
 To implement the above mechanism, switches need to ory usage). If the controller finds out the abnormal status of
keep the unacked aggregation packets locally for possible the switch via the heartbeat packets, the switch states (a.k.a
retransmissions. To this end, when sending out aggregation aggregation results) are passively pulled by the controller.
packets to workers, switches also forward one copy to its
local CPUs ( _ ). That said, the local CPUs are only in- Controller
volved for reliable transmission. ŝ Migration Ś Heartbeat
 Ŝ Passive ś Proactive
 In practice, we also observe the other error related to Pull-backup Push-backup
packet loss: repeat-write-error, where the ack packet is lost Switch
(see Figure 10). It happens in the case that the ack packet Local CPUs Libra_s

sent from a switch to a worker is lost, but the switch has Switch Registers CPU port

aggregated the gradients carried by the packet that is be- Write read

ing acknowledged. The worker deems the gradient packet
has been lost, so it retransmits the packet. Without a local Switch pipeline
3 While this on-chip
 memory demand is acceptable in practice, we can also
leverage the prefix-based compression proposed in [15] to further reduce
 Figure 11: A detection-migration based failover mecha-
the memory consumption. nism.
Because the layout of the hot parameters on registers are Benchmarks. Our benchmark models include two types of
pre-defined, Libra can deploy _ and _ to the sources: two industrial sparse DL applications and several
standby switches in advance. The controller selects one of real-world sparse models. The two industrial applications
these standby switches and sends the states to this switch. are search engine (SE) and on-line advertising (OA) from a
The selected switch then uses the migrated states to resume large Internet enterprise (see Figure 5 for their characteris-
the training. tics). The real-world sparse models include DeepLight [16],
 LSTM [30] and NCF [25], which are trained by a number of
4 IMPLEMENTATION open-source datasets [1, 12, 23].
We implement a prototype of Libra on commodity servers Baselines. We compare Libra with SwitchML [42], a state-
and programmable switches. Specifically, data plane com- of-the-art in-network aggregation solution, and the PS-lite
ponents at switches are implemented with 416 language framework4 which transmits non-zero gradients in form of
(1500+ LoC) and compiled with the Barefoot Capilano soft- . To enable SwitchML to support sparse DL
ware suite; they are deployed to 3.2 Tbps Intel Tofino training, the gradients of the entire sparse DL model are
switches. Libra host stack is customised on lwIP [3], a light- transmitted in each iteration, rather than only the non-zero
weight user-level TCP/IP stack. Finally, we integrate Libra gradients. It is noteworthy that the default available mem-
into PS-lite[7], an open-source parameter server platform. ory of programmable switches for aggregation is limited to
Data plane component. Programmable switches like the 1MB (5%*20MB) for both Libra and SwitchML.
Intel Tofino switch that we use have some restrictions on We evaluate Libra from five aspects: (i) the effectiveness
the access of registers and tables. A particular restriction of sparse gradient aggregation; (ii) the feasibility of our
that we have to deal with is that a register can only be read sampling-based method for identifying hot model parame-
and written once per packet processing. In case we need ters; (iii) the benefit of the hot parameter layout and orches-
to read and write a register more than once, we adopt the tration; (iv) the performance of the table-lookup floating-
recirculation operation that recirculate to the packet back point summation compared with the float-to-integer solu-
to the pipeline. In our implementation, a packet is at most tion used in SwitchML; (v) the overhead due to the intro-
recirculated once, i.e. it goes through the pipeline twice at duced mechanisms for reliability; and (vi) the resource con-
most. sumption on the switch data plane.
Host Stack. lwIP is a lightweight user-level TCP/IP stack;
the current versions running on Linux servers only provide 5.2 Aggregation Throughput
TAP/TUN virtual adapters. TAP/TUN adopters incur multi- We first evaluate the aggregation throughput of Libra, and
ple packet copy operations and context switches between compare it with the two baselines. To this end, we use the
the kernel space and user space, degrading the whole per- tensors generated by training the benchmark models to test
formance. To this end, we turn to DPDK (Data Plane De- the aggregation throughput, where each worker transmits
velopment Kit) [4]. Specifically, we use DPDK APIs to im- the tensors it generated when training individual models5 . It
plement a network device driver based on the template pro- is noteworthy that in SwitchML, each worker has to trans-
vided by lwIP; by doing so, lwIP can send/receive packets at mit all gradients in each iteration, regardless whether the
line speed. gradients are zero or not. Besides, we selected the top 30,000
System integration. PS-lite utilizes ZeroMQ [9] (a.k.a parameters with the most update frequency as hot parame-
zmq), which is a high-performance asynchronous messag- ters for OA and SE (see Figure 5), top 40,000 for DeepLight,
ing library, to enable high-performance communication be- and top 60,000 for LSTM and NFC.
tween workers and PS servers. ZeroMQ is based on the ker- Figure 12 shows the aggregation throughput over 5 mod-
nel stack; we use lwIP to replace its kernel stack via replac- els. Libra consistently achieves higher aggregation through-
ing the interfaces invoked in ZeroMQ. put than that of the baselines, because of its sparse-
 awareness to aggregate only the hot parameters on pro-
5 EVALUATION grammable switches. Indeed, SwitchML falls short in terms
 of aggregation throughput in supporting these deep sparse
5.1 Methodology training, because of its streaming-based aggregation that
Testbed Setup. Our testbed includes 8 physical machines has to aggregate all gradients for all parameters on switches
connecting to an Intel Tofino programming switch (3.2T/s)
 4 We choose PS-lite as one baseline because it is the basis of many PS-based
that is equipped with two ARM cards (ARMv8.1 SoC, 24
 learning systems (e.g. MXNet).
cores). Each physical machine is equipped with 2 32-core 5 As in [33], we do not directly compare the end-to-end training perfor-
Intel®Xeon®4214R CPU, 128GB memory and Mellanox CX- mance in order to eliminate the impacts of computation capacities on work-
5 dual-port 100G NICs; the OS is Ubuntu 16.04. ers on training performance.
Libra SwitchML Libra SwitchML Libra SwitchML Libra SwitchML Libra SwitchML
 PS-lite PS-lite PS-lite PS-lite PS-lite
 Normalized Througtput

 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

 Normalized Througtput
 Normalized Througtput

 Normalized Througtput
 Normalized Througtput

 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6

 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
 4 8 16 32 4 8 16 32 4 8 16 32 4 8 16 32 4 8 16 32
 # of workers # of workers # of workers # of workers # of workers

 (a) DeepLight (b) LSTM (c) NFC (d) OA (e) SE
 Figure 12: Aggregation throughput normalized by that of Libra.

(See §2.3). Because of the limited memory in the data plane To show the impact of memory cap in the data plane on
for gradient aggregation (1MB), the benefit of in-network throughput, we increase the memory cap for in-network ag-
aggregation in SwitchML may even be out-weighted by its gregation from 1MB to 2MB for SwitchML. We correspond-
extra overhead, leading to even poorer performance than ingly double the number of hot parameters from 30K to 60K
the PS-lite, especially for the models with high sparsity (e.g. for Libra. We use 16 workers for this set of experiments.
DeepLight). Note, the PS-lite follows the typical deep sparse Figure 13 shows the results. Both Libra and SwitchML
training where only the non-zero gradients are transmitted. benefit from increasing the switch memory cap. However,
We also find that the advantage of Libra becomes more sig- for Libra, the improvement is limited: although the of-
nificant as the number of the workers gets larger, because floaded hot parameters are double, the improvement is 7%
more workers means more opportunities of in-network ag- for OA and 1.7% for SE. The reason is that, as shown in Fig-
gregation. Specifically, with 32 workers, the aggregation ure 14, the extra offloaded parameters contribute to a limited
throughput can be improved by 1.5∼4× in comparison with amount of updates that can be aggregated.
the PS-lite-sparse. SwitchML, on the other hand, is much sensitive to the
 memory cap: the throughput also doubles. This is because
 Libra SwitchML
 for SwitchML, a larger amount of on-chip memory lead
 1.2 to more parameters to be aggregated. Nevertheless, even
 Normalized throughput

 with doubled memory usage, the aggregation throughput
 of SwitchML is only 45.6% of the throughput of Libra with
 0.6 default configuration. These results show the importance of
 sparseness-awareness when aggregating gradients for dis-
 tributed deep sparse training.
 Figure 13 shows the results. Both Libra and SwitchML
 p 1MB Top 2MB To
 p 1MB Top 2MB
 0 K
 0 K
 0K benefit from increasing the switch memory. However, for
 Available memory Libra, the brought improvement is limited. Even if the of-
Figure 13: Aggregation throughput with different memory floaded hot parameters are increased up to 2.67 times, the
caps. We normalize the throughput results with that of Libra improvement is below 7% for OA and 1.7% for SE. This
running on the default configuration. is because that the extra offloaded parameters only corre-
 spond to a few traffic that can be aggregated. SwitchML
 seems more sensitive to the switch memory, and we dou-
 1.20 ble the used memory so that SwitchML is able to achieve
 Normalized throughput

 SE more than 2.23X speedup comparing with its own default
 result. Indeed, for SwitchML, a large of switch registers en-
 1.10 able SwitchML to aggregate more parameters at the same
 time. However, even so its aggregation throughput is far
 away from Libra equipped with the default configuration
 1.00 (only reaching 45.6%), since SwitchML indeed aggregates
 40K 50K 60K 70K 80K
 too much zero gradients. In addition, the available switch
 Top K hot parameters
 memory for in-network aggregation actually is often lim-
Figure 14: Libra’s throughput when increasing the number
 ited, which cannot provide sufficient resources to accelerate
of hot parameters for in-network aggregation. The through-
put is normalize by that with the default configuration. aggregation.

5.3 Precision of Hot Parameter Radom
 Parameter layout
 Parameter layout
 Parameter layout+orchestration Parameter layout+orchestration

 # of recirculation per a packet
 # of recirculation per a packet
 10 10

We identify the hot parameters by running the training with
a sampled small dataset (§3.3). In this set of experiments, 1 1

we evaluate the precision in identifying the hot parameters.
 0.1 0.1
To this end, we first train the sparse models on our testbed
with the whole datasets, and record the update frequency
 0.01 0.01
of each model parameter at the PS server side. By doing so, 10 13 16 10 13 16
 # of hot parameter in a packet # of hot parameter in a packet
we get the global hot parameters. Specifically, we sort the
model parameters in descending order according to the up- (a) SE (b) OA
date frequency, and add each time 1,000 parameters to the Figure 16: The number of recirculations per packet for the
hot parameter list from the highest rank to the lowest, two benchmark models; the -axis is in log scale.
till the increase of the cumulative update frequency falls be-
low a pre-defined threshold (1% in our experiment). We then per packet. The results also show the additional benefits of
train the sparse model with the sampled datasets, and use our gradient packaging method. We also notice that more re-
the same method to get the hot parameter list . Finally, circulations are required in the OA model than the SE model.
we use | ∩ |/| | to evaluate the precision. This is because the heat (i.e. update frequency) distribution
 of hot parameters in OA is less biased than SE (see Figure 5).
 DeepLight LSTM
 0.9 5.5 Benefit of Floating-Point Summation

 We next evaluate the benefit of the on-the-fly floating point
 summation enabled by our table-lookup mechanism (§3.5).
 To this end, we first show in Figure 17 the extra delay
 introduced by the float-to-integer solution that is used in
 0.6 SwitchML [33] due to the scaling factor negotiation. We can
 4 8
 Simpling rate (%) see that for each iteration of negotiation, the extra delay is
Figure 15: Precision of the sampling-based method in iden- over 100ms when only 8 workers are used; the extra delay
tifying hot parameters under different sampling rates. increases to 130ms when 32 workers are used for training.
 Note that our table-lookup solution does not need this ne-
 Figure 15 shows the results. For the considered bench- gotiation and thus can save the extra delay.
mark models, the precision exceeds 80% even with a sam-
pling rate as low as 4%. Increasing the sampling rate to 8% 130 25%~75%
 Range within 1.5IQR
improves the precision to over 90%. These results demon- 125 Median Line
 Extra delay (ms)

strate the high accuracy of identifying hot parameters using 120
our sampling-based method. 115

5.4 Evaluation of Hot Parameter Layout
 and Orchestration
We next evaluate the benefit of the parameter orchestration 8 workers 16 workers 32 workers

(see §3.4) in terms of the reduction of recirculations. In this Figure 17: The extra delay incurred in each iteration for
set of experiments, we use the two benchmark models (OA negotiating the scaling factor in the float-to-integer mecha-
and SE) from industry. We first design the parameter layout nism in SwitchML [33].
in registers and generate the packets accordingly at work-
ers. We then count the number of recirculation operations Next we evaluate the precision of the two solutions us-
needed on the switch and report the average number of re- ing two datasets: 1) gradients from our benchmark models
circulations for each packet. For the comparative purpose, ( 1 ); and 2) randomly generated floating-point numbers be-
we take a random parameter placement as the baseline. tween (-1, 1) ( 2 ). For the float-to-integer solution, we use
 Figure 16 shows the results, which demonstrate the effec- a negotiated scaling factor as in [33]; in our table-lookup
tiveness of our algorithm. Specifically, the average number mechanism, each table is equipped with 30,000 entries (large
of recirculations per packet is less than 1 for both models. enough to hold all possible numbers in our experiments).
In comparison, the random layout requires 10 recirculations We selected 100,000 pairs of floating-point numbers from
each of the two datasets and compute the summation of each 5
 4 workers

pair of floats using the two mechanisms respectively. 4 8 workers

 Loss (%)
 3 16 workers
 Table 2: The precision of float summation. 32 workers

 Solution Dataset Median Average 1
 1 99.97% 99.89% 0
 Float-to-integer [33] 0.01% 0.05% 0.1%
 2 36.79% 62.46%
 1 99.92% 99.87% Loss Rate
 2 100% 99.84%
 Figure 18: Performance loss under different packet loss
 Table 2 shows the results for the two solutions. Both so-
lutions can achieve over 99.98% precision on the the DL
benchmark dataset ( 1 ). However, on the random dataset the number of pipeline stages in use. In addition, Libra re-
 2 , the float-to-integer solution fail to provide a high preci- quires about 118KB for 30,000 hot parameters, 408.5KB for
sion, while the table-lookup solution still achieves a preci- floating-point calculation, and 130KB for logic control. In
sion over 99.8%. The reason is that the range of decimals in total, it uses 656.5KB on-chip memory—only 3.21% of the
deep learning applications are relatively small, so the float- 20MB on-chip memory in our Tofino switch. Other types
to-integer mechanism can find out an appropriate scaling of resources include VLIW instructions (37 out of 384) and
factor. In the random decimal dataset, however, the range hash dist units (16 out of 32).
becomes much larger and it cannot identify a proper scaling
factor. It is worth noting that, as computed in §3.5, the table- 6 DISCUSSION
lookup mechanism uses only about 408KB on-chip memory Multi-tenant training. Libra can be easily extended to
in the switch data plane. multi-tenant training. Specifically, we can divide the switch
 In summary, the proposed table-lookup mechanism elim- on-chip memory into equal-sized parts, each of which is as-
inates the need of scaling factor negotiation (and thus the signed to one training task; workers and PS servers belong-
extra delay) and achieves a high precision in gradient sum- ing to one task label their transmitted packets with a specific
mation with very low overhead. job ID that will be parsed by switches. Multi-tenant training
 tasks can share the tables used by the table-lookup mecha-
5.6 Evaluation of Packet Loss Recovery nism for floating-point operations.
To enable packet loss recover, the switch local CPUs are in- Multi-rack switches. Libra can also work with multi-rack
terleaved in the gradient packet processing (See §3.6). This switches in data centers. Specifically, we can designate the
may introduce extra delay. To evaluate this overhead, we ToR switches with which individual PS servers connect to
trained the OA model in our testbed with packet loss rate run Libra’s two components ( and ) for gradi-
varying from 0.01% to 0.1% as in [22]. Figure 18 shows per- ent aggregation.
formance loss with different packet loss rates, where the per- RDMA and Libra. AllReduce implementations make use
formance loss is measured by the increase of training time. of RDMA to speed up communication. The authors in [13]
We find that our packet loss recovery mechanism is practi- showed that in-network aggregation achieves better perfor-
cal, as even with 0.1% packet loss rate, the performance loss mance than the allreduce approach over RDMA, when train-
is under 3%. ing deep models for dense-data applications. We leave the
 comparison between Libra and RDMA, as well as the possi-
5.7 Resource consumption on Switches bility of integrating them as one of our future works.
Finally, we evaluate the resource consumption on the switch
data plane. Libra uses extra switch on-chip memory for gra- 7 RELATED WORK
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