Machine Translation of Low-Resource Indo-European Languages

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Machine Translation of Low-Resource Indo-European Languages

                                                                   Wei-Rui Chen                 Muhammad Abdul-Mageed
                                                                                Natural Language Processing Lab
                                                                               The University of British Columbia

                                                               Abstract                            belongs to the Romance language family. As an
                                                                                                   analogy to human learning, we would like to ask:
                                             In this work, we investigate methods for the          if there are two translators (pre-trained models),
                                             challenging task of translating between low-          for example one Catalan → Spanish translator and
arXiv:2108.03739v2 [cs.CL] 30 Sep 2021

                                             resource language pairs that exhibit some
                                                                                                   one Catalan → English translator, will they (af-
                                             level of similarity. In particular, we consider
                                             the utility of transfer learning for translating      ter extra training, i.e., fine-tuning/transfer learning
                                             between several Indo-European low-resource            process) have different abilities to translate from
                                             languages from the Germanic and Romance               Catalan into Occitan? If the Catalan-Spanish trans-
                                             language families. In particular, we build two        lator proves to perform better Catalan → Occitan,
                                             main classes of transfer-based systems to study       we may attribute this to Spanish and Occitan being
                                             how relatedness can benefit the translation per-      members of the Romance language family while
                                             formance. The primary system fine-tunes a
                                                                                                   English being a member of the, Germanic, different
                                             model pre-trained on a related language pair
                                             and the contrastive system fine-tunes one pre-        family.
                                             trained on an unrelated language pair. Our               Of particular interest to us are two sets of lan-
                                             experiments show that although relatedness is         guages belonging to two different language fami-
                                             not necessary for transfer learning to work, it       lies, one set to Romance and the other set to Ger-
                                             does benefit model performance.                       manic. For the former set, we take Catalan (ca),
                                                                                                   Italian (it), Occitan (oc), Romanian (ro), and Span-
                                         1   Introduction                                          ish (es); and we take English (en) for the latter
                                         Machine translation (MT) is currently one of the          set. We note that both Romance and Germanic
                                         hot application areas of deep learning, with neu-         are two branches of the larger Indo-European lan-
                                         ral machine translation (NMT) achieving outstand-         guage family, and hence there are some level of
                                         ing performance where large amounts of paral-             relatedness between all the languages we study in
                                         lel data are available (Koehn and Knowles, 2017;          this work. Nevertheless, languages in Romance
                                         Ranathunga et al., 2021; Luong et al., 2015a;             and Germanic differ in some syntactic structures.
                                         Nguyen and Chiang, 2017). In low-resource set-            For example, the position of attributive adjectives
                                         tings, transfer learning methods have proven useful       in Germanic languages is before the noun while it
                                         for improving system performance (Zoph et al.,            is after the noun for Romance languages (Van de
                                         2016; Nguyen and Chiang, 2017; Kocmi and Bo-              Velde et al., 2014). Despite differences, the writing
                                         jar, 2018). In this work, we focus on studying            system of all languages in this work is the Latin
                                         NMT, including in the low-resource scenario. In           script. This can be beneficial to transfer learning
                                         particular, we focus our attention on investigating       because these languages can potentially share com-
                                         the effect of language relatedness on the transfer        mon lexical items or morphemes, which may facil-
                                         process. We define relatedness of a pair of lan-          itate the transfer learning process.
                                         guages based on belonging to the same language               As mentioned, we adopt transfer learning since
                                         family. That is, by ‘related’ we mean ‘within the         it has been shown to improve translation quality for
                                         same language family’ whereas by ‘unrelated’ we           low-resource language pairs. For example, Zoph
                                         mean ‘belong to two different language families’.         et al. (2016) sequentially build a parent model and
                                         For example, we call English and Swedish related          a child model where each is trained, respectively,
                                         since they belong to the Germanic language family         on high-resource and low-resource language pairs
                                         but English and French not related since the latter       with the child model retaining parameters from
Lang. Pair     Primary       Contrastive           the child model to start fine-tuning with. Using
        ca-it       ca-it/ca-es      ca-en               this method, Zoph et al. (2016) improve system
        ca-oc         ca-es          ca-en               performance by an average of 5.6 BLEU points.
        ca-ro         ca-es          ca-en               The improvement is realized by transferring what
                                                         is learnt in the high-resource language pair to the
Table 1: Pre-trained model choices for our primary and   low-resource language pair. The Uzbek-English
contrastive NMT systems.
                                                         model obtains 10.7 BLEU score without the par-
                                                         ent model and improves to 15.0 with the French-
the parent model. In addition, Nguyen and Chi-           English parent model. The Spanish-English model
ang (2017) successfully transfer knowledge from a        has 16.4 BLEU score without the parent model and
parent model to a child model where both models          31.0 with the French-English parent model. These
are trained on low-resource but related language         results show that applying transfer learning con-
pairs. Kocmi and Bojar (2018) also adopt a similar       tributes 4.3 and 14.6 BLEU points gain. Based
approach to these previous works, but based their        on results from Zoph et al. (2016), the closer the
work on the Transformer architecture (Vaswani            two source languages, the more performance gain
et al., 2017) instead of using a recurrent encoder-      acquired. Due to the relatedness between Spanish
decoder network with attention (Bahdanau et al.,         and French (both are members of the Roman lan-
2015; Luong et al., 2015b).                              guage family), performance gain is higher for this
   Our work builds on these studies. Namely, we          pair.
empirically apply transfer learning under different          Following previous work, Nguyen and Chiang
conditions to members of various language fami-          (2017) design a paradigm similar to that of Zoph
lies. The outcomes of our work are similar to those      et al. (2016) but maintain one major difference.
of Zoph et al. (2016); Kocmi and Bojar (2018).           In particular, Nguyen and Chiang (2017) try to
That is, while we find relatedness to be beneficial,     make use of relatedness between the parent and
a positive transfer between an unrelated language        child models at the vocabulary level: instead of
pair can still be possible (although with a poten-       randomly mapping tokens in the parent and child
tially diminished performance).                          vocabulary, they retain the parent tokens for the
   The rest of this paper is organized as follows:       child model if these tokens exist in child language
In Section 2, we overview related work. We intro-        pair. This approach is based on two assumptions
duce our datasets and experiments in Section 3. In       - (i) the lexicons of the parent and child language
Section 4, we present and analyze our results. We        pair have at least some partial overlap and (ii) these
conclude in Section 5.                                   identical tokens have similar meaning. Instead of
                                                         the word-level tokenization in Zoph et al. (2016),
2     Background
                                                         Nguyen and Chiang (2017) use Byte Pair Encoding
2.1    Transfer learning                                 (BPE) (Gage, 1994; Sennrich et al., 2016) to obtain
                                                         subword tokens which may increase the number
Transfer learning is a machine learning approach
                                                         of overlapped tokens between the parent and child
that aims at transferring the knowledge of one task
                                                         models. Improvement of 0.8 and 4.3 in BLEU
to another. As an analogy to human learning, one
                                                         score were obtained for the Turkish-English and
who masters the skills to ride a bicycle may transfer
                                                         Uyghur-English child models as transferred from
the knowledge to riding a motorcycle because these
                                                         an Uzbek-English parent model.
two tasks share common abilities such as maintain-
ing balance on a two-wheel moving vehicle (Pan              Following the previous two works, Kocmi and
and Yang, 2009; Weiss et al., 2016). We employ           Bojar (2018) take a similar approach but use the
transfer learning to port knowledge from a model         Transformer architecture. They obtain an im-
trained on one pair of languages to another. We          provement of 3.38 BLEU for an English-Estonian
now discuss transfer learning in NMT.                    child model transferred from an English-Czech
                                                         parent model. Similarly, Neubig and Hu (2018)
2.2    Transfer learning in Machine Translation          add a second language related to the added low-
 Zoph et al. (2016) design a framework where a           resource language to avoid overfitting when fine-
parent model is trained on a high-resource lan-          tuning. This mechanism has shown to be effective.
guage pair while retaining model parameters for          Other works have investigated NMT approaches
to similar languages by pre-training new language      produces vocabulary of size 49, 621, 21, 528 and
models on the low-resource languages (Nagoudi          55, 255 for ca-es, ca-it, and ca-en models, respec-
et al., 2021) or without necessarily applying trans-   tively.
fer learning (Przystupa and Abdul-Mageed, 2019;
Adebara et al., 2020; Barrault et al., 2019, 2020),    3.3   Approach
and there are several works on low resource lan-       The pre-trained models are chosen based on the de-
guages (Adebara et al., 2021). We now introduce        gree of relatedness of the original target language
our experimental settings.                             on which the model is trained and the new target
                                                       language on which the model is fine-tuned. Pri-
3     Experimental Settings                            mary system takes related languages while con-
                                                       trastive system takes unrelated languages. Since
3.1    Languages & Settings
                                                       Catalan, Italian, Occitan, Romanian, and Spanish
We carry out experiments on three language pairs:      are all members of the Roman language family, we
ca-it, ca-oc, and ca-ro. The number of par-            take ca-es as our pre-trained MT model for transfer
allel sentences of each dataset is shown in Ta-        learning. As English is a member of the Germanic
ble 4. Training data are from OPUS (Tiedemann,         language family, we use a ca-en pre-trained model
2012), particularly version 1 of the WikiMatrix        for our transfer learning. Our model choices are
datasets (Schwenk et al., 2021). They are data         summarized in Table 1.
of child language pair and are used to fine-tune          Without modifying the architecture of the MT
pre-trained model. Development and test data           pre-trained models, all architecture-related hyper-
are provided by organizers of the Multilingual         parameters are identical to the original edition. As
Low-Resource Translation for Indo-European Lan-        for hyperparameters related to fine-tuning, the num-
guages shared task. The shared task is hosted in       ber of beams for beam search is modified from four
EMNLP 2021 Sixth Conference on Machine Trans-          for pre-training to six for fine-tuning. The batch
lation (WMT21).                                        size is set to be 25. Pre-trained models are further
   We build two systems: a Primary system and a        fine-tuned for 30, 000 steps on OPUS bitext. The
Contrastive system. The primary system fine-tunes      checkpoint with the lowest validation loss is then
pre-trained ca-es and ca-it models, while the con-     selected as our best model for prediction.
trastive system fine-tunes a pre-trained ca-en model      Similar to Zoph et al. (2016); Nguyen and Chi-
as shown in Table 1. The primary and contrastive       ang (2017); Kocmi and Bojar (2018), to achieve
systems serve as context for studying the role of      transfer learning, we retain the parameters of the
language relatedness in transfer learning in NMT.      parent model when fine-tuning the child model.
We submitted predictions of the two systems to the     Besides, parent and child models share a common
WMT2021 shared task, and evaluation was based          vocabulary. That is, we do not build distinct vocab-
on blind test sets with a number of metrics as run     ularies for the parent model and child models. A
by shared task organizers. An exception is the ca-it   shared vocabulary can contribute to better transfer
language pair fine-tuned on top of the ca-es pre-      learning since all our language pairs employ the
trained model–we train the model of this pair post     same Latin writing system. We suspect a shared
shared task formal evaluation.                         vocabulary is more influential when the two lan-
                                                       guages are related to each other since the languages
3.2    Model Architecture
                                                       may have common morphemes, lexical items, or
We leverage publicly accessible pre-trained models     syntactical structure. For unrelated languages, a
on Huggingface (Wolf et al., 2020) from Helsinki-      shared vocabulary may not hurt since the token em-
NLP (Tiedemann and Thottingal, 2020). The pre-         beddings are not frozen throughout the fine-tuning
trained MT models released by Helsinki-NLP are         process. That is, token embeddings can still be up-
trained on OPUS. These models are Transformer-         dated to attain better representations during train-
based implemented in the Marian-NMT frame-             ing.
work (Junczys-Dowmunt et al., 2018). Each model
has six self-attention layers in both the encoder      3.4   Baseline Models
and decoder sides, and each layer has eight at-        To demonstrate the effectiveness of our transfer
tention heads. The tokenization method is Sen-         learning approach, we provide a baseline model for
tencePiece (Kudo and Richardson, 2018) which           each language pair that is simply a parent model (a
Baseline                           Our models
          trained     Lang. Pairs       BLEU        chrF     BLEU       chrF     TER     COMET      BertScore
            ca-it         ca-it          29.31      0.583     35.06     0.622    0.477     0.391         0.886
           ca-es          ca-it          7.07       0.370     33.13     0.602    0.499         -             -
           ca-es          ca-oc          12.56      0.472     59.93     0.787    0.254     0.538         0.928
           ca-es          ca-ro          4.43       0.266     11.24     0.354    0.855    -0.908         0.749

Table 2: Primary system results. We did not submit the ca-it language pair fine-tuned on the ca-es pre-trained
model to the WMT2021 shared task, and hence the results are calculated by ourselves with Sacrebleu.

                                              Baseline                           Our models
          trained     Lang. Pairs       BLEU        chrF     BLEU       chrF     TER     COMET      BertScore
           ca-en          ca-it           1.97      0.249     25.46     0.539    0.574    -0.263         0.844
           ca-en          ca-oc           2.16      0.258     51.46     0.736    0.316     0.259         0.905
           ca-en          ca-ro           1.59      0.209      8.61     0.311    0.884    -1.119         0.725

                                               Table 3: Contrastive system reuslts

         Lang. Pairs           Train       Dev      Test          can produce better performance than between unre-
            ca-it          1,143,531      1269     1743           lated language pairs.
           ca-oc             138,743      1269     1743
            ca-ro            490,064      1269     1743           4.2   Baseline and Fine-tuned Models
                                                                  Our results in Table 2 and Table 3 show the effec-
                Table 4: Distribution of dataset
                                                                  tiveness of transfer learning for both related and
                                                                  unrelated language pairs. This is the case since
pre-trained model) without any fine-tuning on data                both systems experience a performance gain after
of the child language pair.                                       fine-tuning.
                                                                     As an interesting observation, it seems counter-
3.5       Evaluation                                              intuitive to have the unrelated language pairs ex-
The adopted metrics are BLEU (Papineni et al.,                    perience slightly higher performance gain. For
2002), chrF (Popović, 2015), TER (Olive, 2005),                  example, regarding ca-oc language pair, the trans-
COMET (Rei et al., 2020), and BERTScore (Zhang                    fer learning provides 47.37 BLEU score improve-
et al., 2019). BLEU, chrF and TER are mea-                        ment transferring from ca-es parent model but 49.3
sured with the implementation of Sacrebleu (Post,                 BLEU score improvement transferring from ca-en
2018)1 .                                                          parent model. We suspect this is because in our
                                                                  work, when fine-tuning, we fix source language
4       Results and Analysis                                      and alter the target language.
4.1       Primary and Contrastive Systems                            Unlike multilingual MT models which requires
                                                                  target language label to be prepended at the begin-
As can be seen in the rightmost five columns in
                                                                  ning of a source sentence (Johnson et al., 2017)
Table 2 and Table 3, primary system outperforms
                                                                  or notifying the model what target language is for
contrastive system across all metrics. We believe
                                                                  this forward propagation (Liu et al., 2020), the
that ca-es pre-trained MT model performs better
                                                                  pre-trained models we use in this work are bilin-
transfer learning because Spanish is closer to Ital-
                                                                  gual models which lack a mechanism to provide
ian, Occitan, and Romanian than English is to these
                                                                  the model any information about current target lan-
languages. These results, as such, indicate that
                                                                  guage. Therefore, the ca-en pre-trained model does
transfer learning between related language pairs
                                                                  not know it should now be translating Catalan to
    1                       Occitan instead of English. Due to producing pre-
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                                                              conference on machine translation (wmt20). In
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                                                              Christian Federmann, Mark Fishel, Yvette Gra-
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Acknowledgements                                            Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt, Roman Grundkiewicz,
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