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This is the peer reviewed version of the following article:

Carbia, P.S., Brown, C., Park, J.M., Gaston, T.F., Raoult, V., Williamson, J.E.
(2020) Seasonal and developmental diet shifts in sympatric and allopatric
intertidal gobies determined by stomach content and stable isotope analysis.
Journal of Fish Biology. vol. 97, no. 4, pp. 1051– 1062.

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Macquarie University PURE Research Management System
Seasonal and developmental diet shifts in
     sympatric and allopatric intertidal gobies
     determined by stomach content and stable
                 isotope analysis
    Penelope S. Carbia¹*, Culum Brown¹, Joo Myun Park¹², Troy F. Gaston³,
                     Vincent Raoult³, Jane E. Williamson¹
         ¹ Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney NSW 2109, Australia
² Dokdo Research Center, East Sea Research Institute, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology, 36315
                                         Uljin, Republic of Korea
   ³ School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle, Ourimbah NSW 2258, Australia.
                       *Corresponding author:

       Resource partitioning facilitates the coexistence of sympatric species through spatial,

temporal, and/or trophic strategies. Fishes living in the intertidal zone demonstrate highly

adaptive plastic behaviour, including resource partitioning, through spatial and temporal

shifts in diet and micro-habitat. Although intertidal fish assemblages are influenced by inter-

and intraspecific competition, few studies have compared the extent of resource partitioning

between sympatric species in the context of trophic niche plasticity. Here we used

complementary approaches, stomach content and stable isotope (δ¹³C and δ¹⁵N) analyses, to

evaluate seasonal and growth shifts in trophic niche position in two sympatric (Favonigobius

lentiginosus and Bathygobius krefftii), and one allopatric (Bathygobius cocosensis) species of

intertidal goby. Our results indicate that resource partitioning in the two sympatric species

varied with season, with almost no trophic niche overlap in summer to a~30% overlap in

winter. We also found evidence of dietary changes in B. cocosensis, which is likely

associated with a shift in micro-habitat and intraspecific competition. Our findings highlight

     This article has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Fish Biology and
     undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting,
     pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this
     version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as doi: 10.1111/jfb.14463

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the temporal range of behavioural plasticity in trophic niche position of intertidal gobies,

which likely has high adaptive value in the dynamic intertidal zone.

       The intertidal zone is a relatively small and hostile ecotone with high biodiversity,

leading to intensified levels of resource competition between coexisting species (Menge and

Sutherland, 1976). Rockpool dwelling fishes demonstrate plastic behavioural responses to

this dynamic habitat and competition from morphologically similar species (Horn et al. 1998;

Chelazzi and Vannini, 2013). ‘Resident’ rockpool fish species, which spend most or all of

their life stages amongst rocky platforms (Mahon and Mahon, 1994; Gibson and Yoshiyama,

1999; White and Brown, 2013) share valuable resources including food, shelter and spawning

sites (Nieder, 1997). Residents also experience short-term competition from secondary

residents and transient species. We can therefore expect behavioural strategies, such as

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resource partitioning, to play a vital role in reducing competition for limiting resources in

intertidal fish assemblages.

       Species interactions play a primary role in abundance, distribution and, therefore,

competition (Arakaki et al. 2014). Competition for resources may be alleviated using spatial

or temporal strategies. For instance, sympatric species successfully reduce competition for

shelter by occupying different micro-habitats (Mayr and Berger, 1992), while intraspecific

competition is lessened by ontogenetic shifts, where larger individuals occupy deeper pools

than their smaller counterparts (Davis, 2000; Faria and Almada, 2001; Dominici-Arosemena

and Wolff, 2006). Shifts in micro-habitat throughout ontogeny are often accompanied by an

associated dietary shift, which has indeed been demonstrated in several benthic fish species

(Muñoz and Ojeda, 1998; Velasco et al. 2010), leading to trophic plasticity and associated

behaviours in response to limited resources and competition (e.g. Boyle and Horn, 2006;

Castellanos-Galindo and Giraldo, 2008; Velasco et al. 2010). In addition, an increasing

mouth gape and growing metabolic demand throughout ontogeny may also result in a shift to

larger prey types within a cohort (Kotrschal and Thomson, 1986; Horn and Gibson, 1988;

Muñoz and Ojeda, 1998; Norton and Cook, 1999). Moreover, some species are carnivorous

or omnivorous during early ontogeny and shift to herbivory as adults (Horn et al. 1982; Barry

and Ehret 1993; Aldana et al. 2002; German et al. 2004). Understanding these changes in

resource use is particularly important from an ecological perspective, as they may assist in

illustrating wholistic ecosystem functioning (Floeter et al. 2004; Hooper et al. 2005).

       Stable isotope analysis is becoming an increasingly common tool used to investigate

trophic niche overlap (Bearhop et al. 2004; Córdova-Tapia et al. 2015; Eurich et al. 2019) and

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the preferred means to measure prey contribution to diet over time (Post, 2002; Park et al.

2017a). Such data were traditionally sought using stomach content analyses, but variable

assimilation rates of prey items within the stomach were often misinterpreted (Bearhop et al.

2004; Baker et al. 2014), leading to discrepancies in reported diets or trophic niches in some

species (e.g. Boyle and Horn, 2006). Quantifying naturally occurring stable isotopes has thus

become complementary to stomach content analyses (Peterson and Fry, 1987; Michener and

Schell, 1994; Davis et al. 2012) to trace pathways of organic matter through food webs

(Hesslein et al. 1991; Michener and Lajtha, 2008). Carbon (δ¹³C) and nitrogen (δ¹⁵N)

isotope ratios follow predictable patterns mirrored by assimilation of carbon and nitrogen in

animal tissue, such that predictable changes in ratios occur between consumer and food

source (Griffiths, 1991). Organisms have similar δ¹³C isotopic compositions to their diet with

little enrichment (~1%, DeNiro and Epstein, 1978; Fry and Sherr, 1989; France and Peters,

1997), while δ¹⁵N isotopes are enriched by ~3.4‰ at each trophic level, allowing

researchers to estimate the trophic position of consumers (DeNiro and Epstein, 1981;

Peterson and Fry, 1987; Post, 2002; Richert et al., 2015). Stable isotope analysis additionally

provides insight into the niche width of multiple fish species and possible overlaps in space

and time (Pinnegar and Polunin, 1999; Thomas and Cahoon, 1993; Jackson et al. 2011; de la

Morinière et al. 2003), subsequently providing insight into competition and resource

availability (Faria and Almada, 1999; Gibson and Yoshiyama, 1999; Park et al. 2017b). For

example, macroalgae is a common food source for many marine fish species, but its relative

contribution to total diet volume in fishes varies seasonally (Connolly et al. 2005) and

ontogenetically (Velasco et al. 2010), leading to different carbon and nitrogen isotopic values

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in the consumer. Stable isotope analysis, therefore, can yield useful insights into seasonal and

ontogenetic dietary shifts in fishes of the intertidal zone (Grossman, 1986; Jones, 1988).

       Gobies are the most abundant benthic fishes in the intertidal zone (Gibson, 1972;

1982; Faria and Almada, 1999; 2006; Beckley, 2000; Griffiths et al. 2003; Barreiros et al.,

2004) and the top consumers in intertidal habitats worldwide (Vinagre et al. 2018). Sympatry

between morphologically similar species suggests that they exhibit high levels of prey

selectivity and resource partitioning (Magnhagen and Wiederholm, 1982). Although the diet

of temperate intertidal fishes has been well documented in the northern hemisphere (e.g.

Yoshiyama, 1980; Grossman, 1986; Ojeda and Muñoz, 1999; Quijada and Caceres, 2000;

Angel and Ojeda, 2001; Berrios and Vargas, 2004), most of these studies did not account for

spatial or temporal changes in diet, or ontogeny of the fishes themselves. Likewise, temperate

intertidal communities on the east coast of Australia have been investigated only from an

assemblage perspective (Silberschneider and Booth 2001; Griffiths et al. 2003; 2006; White

et al. 2015). The combined factors of sympatry, high abundance, site attachment and

interaction between resident and transient species at high tide suggests that gobies must

display a high degree of plasticity in their diet to mitigate competition.

       We investigated the diet of three common goby species from rockpools and sandy

shores along the intertidal zone of the south east coast of Australia. Diet and trophic niche

were assessed using stomach content and stable isotope analyses, and results were compared

between seasons and size classes. We hypothesised that the two sympatric species would

have narrower, less stable niche widths owing to resource partitioning, while the third

allopatric species would exhibit a relatively stable and wider niche year-round owing to

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reduced competition from similar species. In addition, we expected to see a shift in preferred

prey between size classes.


Study species

       Three goby species were assessed, two of which (Bathygobius cocosensis; Bleeker,

1854 and B. krefftii; Steindachner, 1866) are resident, rockpool specialists, while the third

(Favonigobius lentiginosus; Richardson, 1844) mostly occurs on sandy shores. Sympatric

populations of B. krefftii and F. lentiginosus occur in Chowder Bay, NSW, Australia. The

former species generally occurs in permanent rockpools but ventures out onto the sandy flats

at high tide to forage. Therefore, it is expected that some trophic overlap exists between these

two species. Our allopatric study species, B. cocosensis, is ubiquitous along the east coast of

Australia, and has been reported as the most abundant fish species in rockpool assemblages

(Griffiths et al. 2004; White and Brown, 2013; White et al. 2015). This species defends

resources aggressively and directly impacts the distribution of other species (Griffiths et al.

2003; Paijmans and Wong, 2017). We used a population from Dee Why, NSW, as a

comparative group of the Bathygobius genus and an example of a highly abundant species in

an intertidal community. Previous faunal assessments list other goby species as residents in

Dee Why rockpools, however, these were not included in this study due to low abundance

(White et al. 2015).

Study area and sampling

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B. krefftii (n = 109) and F. lentiginosus (n = 102) were collected from Chowder Bay,

an intertidal region in Sydney Harbour, New South Wales, Australia (-33.840011,

151.252376). B. cocosensis (n = 122) was collected at Dee Why, New South Wales (-

33.754931, 151.298739). Both Bathygobius species were collected from randomly selected

rockpools using small, hand-held nets during low tide, while F. lentiginosus were collected

on snorkel. Individuals were collected in summer (Dec-Jan) and winter (Jun-Jul) for two

consecutive years (2015, 2016). Once caught, all individuals were immediately transferred to

a buffered tricaine methane sulfonate (MS222) solution and euthanised. Individuals were

measured for total length (TL ±1.0 mm), and weight (BW ±0.1mg). A portion of individuals

were submersed in ethanol (70%) for gut content analysis and the remainder were transferred

to an ice slurry to be processed for isotope analysis (Barrow et al. 2008). All gobies were

caught in compliance with NSW Fisheries (permit no. P08/0010-3.0) and Macquarie

University Ethics Committee (ARA 2014/003).

Stomach content analyses

       Stomachs were removed, their fullness quantified (by volume) using a stereo

microscope (Olympus SD30), and the contents preserved for at least 24 h in 70%

isopropanol. Following this, all prey items were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic

level (typically to family). The relative contribution of each prey type was also visually

assessed using a grid-marked Petri dish (Park et al. 2017b). Dietary data were expressed as

frequency of occurrence (%F = 100×Ai×N-1) and as a volumetric percentage (%V =

100×Vi×VT-1), where Ai is the number of fish preying on prey taxa i, N is the total number of

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fish examined (excluding those with empty stomachs), Vi is the volume of prey taxa i, and VT

is the total volume of prey taxa.

       To investigate growth trends, volumetric dietary data for all three species were

aggregated into two size classes based on the minimum and maximum values collected. For

convenience and ease of result interpretation, the size classes are arbitrarily referred to as

small (21-40 mm) and large (41-51 mm), for B. krefftii and F. lentiginosus. In the case of B.

cocosensis, too few individuals above 55 mm were collected to establish an entire size class,

so larger individuals were grouped into a wider class of 41-70 mm. Size classes for B.

cocosensis are referred to as small (31-40 mm) and large (41-70 mm). Temporal changes in

diet were examined by aggregating the dietary data for each of the three species into summer

and winter. Mean percentage (%V) contributions of each prey taxa to size classes were

calculated for both seasons.

Stable isotope (¹⁵N and ¹³C) analyses

       Skinless muscle samples were taken from the lateral flank of the gobies (F.

lentiginosus n = 38; B. krefftii n = 39; B. cocosensis n = 55), with care to ensure there were no

bone fragments. Samples were stored in 5 mL screw-cap tubes and immediately frozen at –20

°C for storage until analysi (Davenport and Bax, 2002). Samples were then dried at 60°C for

24 h and ground to a fine powder using a mortar and pestle, 1-2 mg of which was transferred

into a tin capsule. Analyses for carbon (¹³C/¹²C) and nitrogen (¹⁵N/¹⁴ N) stable isotopes were

carried out using a Europa EA GSL elemental analyser coupled to a Hydra 2022 mass

spectrometer (Sercon Ltd., UK) at Griffith University (Queensland, Australia). Precision for

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this spectrometer is expected to be within 0.20 % for δ¹³C and 0.10 % for δ¹⁵N ratios (Raoult

et al. 2015). ¹³C/¹²C (δ¹³C) and ¹⁵N/¹⁴ N (δ¹⁵ N) ratios were expressed as the relative

difference per thousand (‰) between the sample and a standard. C:N values were < 3.5 in all

cases, and thus required no mathematical correction for high lipid content (Skinner et al.


Statistical Analyses

         Cumulative prey curves were constructed to ensure the stomachs analysed were

sufficient sample size to adequately describe the diet of each species (Ferry and Cailliet,

1996). The method followed Park et al. (2017a), where a curve was considered to asymptote

if a minimum of 10 previous values of the total number of prey taxa were in range of the

asymptotic number of prey ± 0.5 (Huveneers et al. 2007).

         To examine dietary differences based on growth patterns and season within species,

dietary data for all species were sorted into size classes comprised of 7-36 individuals in each

season (depending on the sample size of that group), and the mean %V for each prey taxa

were determined As the relative contribution of each prey taxa is best represented by

volumetric data, especially when prey is of variable sizes (Hyslop, 1980), subsequent

analyses were performed using this method. Such grouping of volumetric data was designed

to reduce the number of prey items in the samples with zero values, thereby increasing the

effectiveness of multivariate analysis (White et al. 2004; Marshall et al. 2008). Volumetric

data were square-root transformed to avoid any tendency for the main dietary components to

be excessively dominant. Bray-Curtis similarity matrices were constructed for the gut content

analyses each species (Platell and Potter, 2001; Clarke et al. 2006) and visualised via nMDS

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ordination. The matrices were then subjected to a series of two-way permutational

multivariate analysis of variances (PERMANOVAs) to assess any significant effects of size

class and/or season on gut content, as well as two-way interactions. The component of

variation attributable to a fixed factor in a given model was considered in terms of the sum of

squared fixed effects (Anderson et al. 2008).

       We used similarity percentage (SIMPER) to determine which prey taxa typified the

diets of each goby species and made the greatest contributions to the dissimilarities identified

by PERMANOVA. All analyses were performed using routines in the PRIMER v7

multivariate statistics package ( and the PERMANOVA+ add-on module

(Anderson et al. 2008; Clarke and Gorley, 2015).

       Differences in mean stable isotope values (δ¹⁵N and δ¹³C) between species, and

within species between seasons and size class, were assessed using ANOVA (mixed design;

Vizzini and Mazzola, 2003) with species, season and size class as fixed effects.

       To determine a) the seasonal trophic niche area of each species, b) the relative overlap

between the two seasons for each species, and c) the relative overlap between the two

sympatric species within each season, Bayesian standard ellipse areas (SEAs) were calculated

from the carbon and nitrogen isotope signatures from each individual. Standard ellipse areas

are widely recognised as the optimal method of assessing isotopic niche area (Syväranta et al.

2013) and incorporating a Bayesian framework within these metrics allows the inclusion of

uncertainty and, subsequently, more robust comparisons between species or communities

(Jackson et al. 2011). Bayesian standard ellipse areas for each species in summer and winter

were calculated using the SIBER package (Jackson et al. 2011) that uses a MCMC algorithm

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in R (R Development Core Team, 2013) version 3.4.4. Bayesian models to estimate standard

ellipse areas were run for 2x105 iterations and the first 104 sets of values were discarded.

Relative overlaps of those estimated Bayesian standard ellipse areas were then estimated

using the Bayesian Overlap function, with 1000 draws, a 95% confidence interval, and 1000

points per ellipse. Note that priors from stomach sample analyses were not used to inform the

Bayesian models, as evidence suggests that this may bias results, particularly in SIBER and

negatively impact conclusions (Swan et al. 2020).


Stomach content analyses

       The stomach contents of 67 B. cocosensis (TL = 31-68 mm), 70 B. krefftii (TL = 24-

51 mm) and 64 F. lentiginosus (TL = 27-49 mm) were examined (Table 1). Percentages of

empty stomachs were 4.5% for B. cocosensis (BC), 5.7% for B. krefftii (BK) and 3.1% for F.

lentiginosus (FL). Cumulative prey curves reached asymptotes after about 50 stomachs for B.

cocosensis, approximately 45 stomachs for B. krefftii and 40 for F. lentiginosus (Fig. S1,

supp. material). Therefore, our sample sizes were sufficiently large enough for us to

confidently describe and analyse the diet of these goby species in our two study sites.

       In terms of both frequency and volume, molluscs, insects, and crustaceans contributed

greatly to the diets of all goby species (Table S1, supp. material). For B. cocosensis, tanaids

and gastropods were the most important prey taxa in terms of volume, occurring in 76.1%

and 45.7% of all stomachs and contributing 37.1% and 27.4% to the total volume,

respectively. Chironomid larvae and copepods frequently occurred in the diets (occurring

54.3% and 56.6%, respectively), but made relatively low contributions to the diet volume

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(9.7% and 4.8%, respectively). B. krefftii diets contained at least 15 identifiable prey taxa

(Table S1, supp. material), the most common being algae (33.3% by occurrence and 33.2%

by volume). Chironomids and copepods were second in importance for this species,

comprising 58.3% and 39.6% by occurrence, and 24.8% and 12.8% by volume, respectively.

A total of 10 prey taxa were recorded for F. lentiginosus, dominated by amphipods and

polychaetes which comprised 63.2% and 31.6% by occurrence, and 68.9% and 16.3% by

volume, respectively. Copepods and gastropods were the next most abundant prey items, and

accounted for 26.3% and 23.7% by occurrence, and 3.7% and 2.8% by volume, respectively.

Growth and seasonal trends in dietary compositions: Bathygobius cocosensis

       Volumetric dietary data for each species were examined by size class for each season.

During summer, smaller B. cocosensis fed mainly on tanaids, chironomids and copepods, the

latter of which declined in importance as body size increased (Fig. 1). Winter diets for small

individuals appeared more varied than summer, with bivalves and gastropods contributing in

addition to those prey observed in summer. Diets of the large size class contained mostly

tanaids, followed by chironomids in summer and gastropods followed by tanaids in winter.

       Dietary samples for B. cocosensis on the nMDS ordination plot displayed a central

cluster with high overlap between size classes, though small and large fish tended to be

separate during summer (Fig. 2). Dietary composition of B. cocosensis differed significantly

between size and season (PERMANOVA; p = 0.002 and 0.0017, respectively), but did not

interact significantly between these two factors (p = 0.247). The components of variation

(COV) was similar for size class and season. SIMPER showed that gastropods, copepods,

tanaids and chironomids all contributed to the dissimilarities in the diets between smaller and

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larger B. cocosensis. Seasonal comparisons of diet showed a greater volume of gastropods

and a lesser volume of chironomids in winter compared to summer.

Bathygobius krefftii

        Overall, summer diets were more varied than winter diets, where both size classes

consumed a variety of prey including chironomids, algae and polychaetes (Fig. 3). In winter,

by contrast, large and small gobies predated almost exclusively amphipods (~ 80%) and

copepods (~ 75%), respectively. The frequency of copepods tended to decrease in frequency

relative to B. krefftii body size (Fig. 3).

        For B. krefftii, the nMDS ordination showed the diets of larger individuals during

summer formed a discrete group away from smaller individuals during winter, found toward

the middle left of the plot (Fig. 4). Diets of small B. krefftii overlapped substantially in both

seasons on the nMDS plot whereas that of the large size class were more distinct (Fig. 4).

PERMANOVA showed that dietary compositions of B. krefftii differed with season (p =

0.002), but not between size classes (p = 0.105) nor in interactions between the two factors (p

= 0.068). The COV value was two times greater for season than size class. SIMPER analysis

revealed 80% dissimilarity in the diets between seasons. Copepods contributed greatly to

winter diets in all size classes, whereas summer diets had greater volumes of algae,

amphipods and chironomids.

Favonigobius lentiginosus

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Amphipods dominated the diet of this species during summer, comprising > 94% of

diet volume in both size classes. During winter, the contribution of copepods tended to

decline as body size increased (Fig. 5). Small gobies consumed less polychaetes, algae,

gastropods and amphipods than larger gobies (Fig. 5).

       Seasonally distinct diets were observed for F. lentiginosus in the nMDS ordination

plot, whereby samples from summer appeared clustered on the on the right side of the plot,

separated from the dispersed winter samples (Fig. 6). In terms of size class, summer data

points overlapped substantially, while winter data points were scattered on the nMDS

ordination with no clear separation. The dietary composition of F. lentiginosus differed

significantly with season (PERMANOVA, p = 0.001) but not between size classes, and there

was no significant interaction between these two factors (p = 0.210 and 0.379, respectively).

According to the SIMPER analysis, amphipods and polychaetes typified the diet of F.

lentiginosus in summer and winter, respectively. These two prey taxa greatly contributed to

the dissimilarity between seasons (84 %).

Stable Isotope Analysis

       A total of 132 fish were sampled in summer and winter for isotope analyses.

Individuals sampled in summer were, on average, larger than those collected in winter. Mean

TL and δ¹³C/ δ¹⁵N values for each species are summarised in Table 2. The highest carbon

(δ¹³C) mean value was found in B. cocosensis and the lowest in F. lentiginosus (Table 2).

δ¹³C isotope ratios were significantly different between species (F = 143.382, p < 0.0001) and

season (F = 32.258, p = < 0.0001), and a significant interaction was observed between the

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two factors (F = 3.709; p = 0.027). δ¹³C values differed significantly between seasons in all

species (BC: p = 0.007; BK: p = 0.001; FL: p < 0.001). δ¹³C values also differed significantly

between size classes in all species, with assimilation generally decreasing with body size

(BC: F = 10.554, p = 0.002; BK: F = 4.814, p = 0.035; FL: F = 9.469, p = 0.004).

        Mean nitrogen (δ¹⁵N) isotope values were most depleted in B. cocosensis followed

closely by those of B. krefftii in winter, while F. lentiginosus had the most enriched levels

(Table 2). δ¹⁵N values differed significantly between species (F = 93.213, p < 0.0001) and

season (F = 25.291, p < 0.0001), but there was no significant interaction between the two (F =

2.354, p = 0.099; Fig. 7). Between seasons, δ¹⁵N values were significantly different in the

two sympatric species (BK: p

   This study explored the interspecific seasonal and intraspecific developmental diet shifts

in three intertidal goby species, and the underlying complexities of resource partitioning in

sympatric versus allopatric associations. Results from the stomach content analyses were

consistent with previous reports that amphipods, copepods, polychaetes and gastropods form

the majority of the diet of rocky intertidal fishes (Norton and Cook, 1999; Velasco et al.,

2010; Compaire et al. 2016). We found contrasting strategies of coexistence through seasonal

resource partitioning in two sympatric species, and developmental dietary shifts in an

allopatric species. Our results suggest that the allopatric Dee Why population of Bathygobius

cocosensis has a relatively stable trophic niche between seasons, whereas the two sympatric

species vary between very low (~5%) to almost one-third (~30%) niche overlap in summer

and winter, respectively. Previous work has suggested that higher diet niche plasticity is

beneficial in a dynamic environment such as the intertidal zone (Grossman et al. 1980;

Barrett et al. 2016; Compaire et al. 2016; Vinagre et al. 2018).

   As expected, seasonal diets differed substantially between the sympatric species. The

sympatric Bathygobius krefftii and Favonigobius lentiginosus exhibited some overlap in prey

preference, but stomach content and isotope analyses suggested some seasonal resource

partitioning. F. lentiginosus fed almost entirely on amphipods during summer, regardless of

size class, while B. krefftii avoided amphipods almost entirely, and instead consumed a wide

variety of alternative prey. During winter, the reverse was observed, where F. lentiginosus

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consumed a variety of prey types (polychaetes, copepods, gastropods, chironomids, tanaids)

while B. krefftii predominantly preyed on taxa less common in the diet of F. lentiginosus

(copepods and amphipods). Thus, the sympatric species showed good evidence of resource

partitioning, but the nature of the partitioning varied between seasons. In contrast, the diet of

the allopatric rockpool resident B. cocosensis comprised several different taxa in both

seasons, with an increased presence of tanaids in summer and gastropods in winter, likely

related to prey availability.

    Seasonal micro-niche partitioning is common in temperate intertidal fishes (Grossman et

al. 1980; Zander, 1990; Davis, 2000; Compaire et al. 2016), and we suggest that the seasonal

diet discrepancies in F. lentiginosus and B. krefftii may be explained by seasonal habitat

partitioning and opportunistic foraging in rockpools by B. krefftii in summer. During this

time, the most common prey type consumed by B. krefftii was algae and chironomid larvae,

the latter of which occur in high abundances in intertidal rockpools during warmer months of

the year (Colbo, 1996). The high volume of algae suggests individuals subsidise high tide

foraging excursions with local foraging in their rockpools. As Bathygobius species breed

during spring (Taru et al. 2002; Thia et al. 2018) and collections were done in early summer,

high intake of algae may indicate feeding on available resources without compromising nest

guarding. Alternatively, some intertidal algae can experience nutrient enhancement through

their close association with other species (Williamson and Rees, 1994), and there is the

possibility that the algae consumed in summer by B. krefftii serve an important dietary role

for the breeding individuals not assessed in this study. During this time, F. lentiginosus

preyed almost entirely on amphipods, suggesting little competition on the sand flats from B.

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krefftii. On the other hand, differences in diet may be explained by different mouth

morphologies and, hence, feeding strategy. B. krefftii selectively feeds from the top of the

substrate or from the water column while F. lentiginosus forages by scooping up mouthfuls

of sand and filtering prey items through gill-rakers (Chargulaf et al. 2011). Like Chargulaf et

al. (2011), we found traces of sand in the stomachs of F. lentiginosus, though not in high

enough volumes to warrant the ‘ballast’ function they described. However, it may serve a

digestive purpose by grinding down the integument of invertebrates, homologous to the

gizzard in birds.

   Although there was a significant difference between seasonal diets in B. cocosensis, this

was probably due to the high influx of gastropods in winter. Nonetheless, both seasonal

profiles depict a wide range of prey types, suggesting that individuals do not need to consume

only one prey type to avoid competition. Indeed, the food variation may be explained by the

high abundance of B. cocosensis at this particular study site (White et al. 2015) and their

highly aggressive nature (Griffiths et al. 2003).

   We found seasonal shifts in diet were mirrored in δ¹³C/δ¹⁵N values between and within

species. F. lentiginosus exhibited greatest carbon (δ¹³C) depletion and nitrogen (δ¹⁵N)

enrichment in both seasons, however, variation in isotopic niche space was the lowest of the

three species. Nonetheless, the isotopic niche of F. lentiginosus increased marginally during

winter, with a greater range of prey and δ¹⁵N isotopic values. B. krefftii displayed a much

larger isotopic niche range in winter than summer, and individuals varied from combinations

of depleted δ¹³C/enriched δ¹⁵N, to the inverse. δ¹³C isotope levels decreased with body size

and larger B. krefftii had the most depleted levels of δ¹³C in summer, indicative of higher

                                    This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
algae consumption (Horn et al. 1982). Isotopic niche overlap in the sympatric B. kreftii and F.

lentiginosus was higher during winter, where the latter broadened their prey intake and/or

utilised a greater range of habitat type. Although benthic meiofaunal community structure in

this region has been correlated with upwelling and wave action (Dexter, 1983), these factors

do not necessarily vary on a seasonal scale (Short and Wright, 1981; Dexter, 1984). Thus, the

trophic overlap in winter observed between F. lentiginosus and B. krefftii in our study may

not be a function of seasonal changes in benthic community, but rather a shift in dietary

profile of the latter. During this time, it is likely that larger B. krefftii individuals occupied a

higher trophic niche by foraging on the benthos rather than in rockpools. In contrast to the

sympatric species, B. cocosensis showed a decreased isotopic niche width during winter

compared to summer. In both seasons, B. cocosensis had enriched carbon (δ¹³C) and depleted

nitrogen (δ¹⁵N) levels compared to F. lentiginosus and B. krefftii.

    Ontogenetic dietary shifts have been reported in many fish species (Preciado et al. 2006;

Gning et al. 2008), however, they generally occur in combination with other changes such as

habitat, morphology or prey availability (Nunn et al. 2012). Here, we found notable dietary

changes between two size classes in only one of the species studied. In B. cocosensis,

stomach content analyses suggested a change from generalist to specialist diet, as larger

individuals consumed mostly tanaids in summer and gastropods in winter. Moreover,

polychaetes were only seen in the large goby stomach samples. In contrast, both sympatric

species showed no significant changes in diet between the two size classes, though some

notable difference were nonetheless observed. In F. lentiginosus, for instance, small and large

individuals preferred copepods and polychaetes, respectively. Polychaetes burrowing in the

                                      This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
sediment may be difficult for smaller gobies to extract, and larger fish may be more

experienced in foraging and extracting worms from the substrate (Chargulaf et al. 2011).

Alternatively, the preference for polychaetes in larger individuals may be linked to micro-

habitat shifts (Zander and Hagemann, 1989). Large B. cocosensis tend to shift toward deeper,

sandy pools further down on the rock platform (Malard et al. 2016) whereas smaller

individuals are restricted to the higher, more rocky pools where polychaetes cannot burrow. It

should also be noted that shift toward amphipods and away from copepods was observed in

large B. krefftii, suggesting an increasing mouth gape capable of consuming larger prey.

   We found high levels of resource partitioning between the two sympatric species in all

size classes, with very little overlap of prey type. Conversely, Velasco et al. (2010), reported

a high diet overlap in 16 benthic fish species, suggesting that coexistence was facilitated by

high exploitation of abundant prey coupled with specialised use of limited resources between

species, thereby reducing some competition. Furthermore, there was a gradual ontogenetic

shift toward herbivory or carnivory in most of the species. In contrast to the isotopic niches of

the sympatric species, the relatively stable trophic width in B. cocosensis suggests a lack of

competitive constraint on food resources and consequently little shift in trophic position

(Layman et al. 2007). Muñoz and Ojeda (1998) argue that ontogenetic diet shifts mean that

individuals occupy different guilds in their lifetime, however, we found no shift from

herbivory to carnivory here, nor the inverse (herbivory >50% algae; Horn, 1989; Horn and

Ojeda, 1999). Other authors suggest that a species/sex/size interaction in isotope values likely

reflects high levels of inter- and intraspecific resource partitioning (Vizzino and Mazzola,

2003), while our results suggest that it is driven by resource partitioning at the interspecific

                                    This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
level between sympatric B. krefftii and F. lentiginosus and at the intraspecific level in the

allopatric B. cocosensis.

        To conclude, behavioural plasticity in diet and niche occupation plays an important

role in highly adaptable and successful intertidal goby species. Resource partitioning appears

to play a pivotal role in the coexistence of two sympatric populations of goby species and

facilitates minimal interspecific competition. This contrasts with the stable trophic niche

width of an allopatric species between seasons but high levels of intraspecific resource

partitioning between size classes to minimise agonistic encounters with conspecifics. We

have highlighted that niche plasticity remains adaptive throughout ontogeny and between

seasons, however, residing in the dynamic intertidal zone probably means that niche plasticity

also extends over shorter temporal gradients, such as changes in meiofaunal communities

between tidal cycles. Therefore, diet comparisons between high and low tide may provide

further insight into the extent of trophic niche plasticity in intertidal gobies.

                                     This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Ethical note
       Gobies were caught in compliance with NSW Fisheries (permit no. P08/0010-3.0) and

Macquarie University Ethics Committee (ARA 2014/003).

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