Tree growth and regeneration dynamics at a mountain ecotone on Changbai Mountain, northeastern China: Which factors control species distributions? ...

Page created by Bob Delgado
21 (3-4): 387‒404 (2014)

Tree growth and regeneration dynamics at a mountain
ecotone on Changbai Mountain, northeastern China:
Which factors control species distributions? 1
Yun ZHANG 2, Key Laboratory for Forest Resources & Ecosystem Processes of Beijing, Beijing Forestry University, 100083,
   P. R. China, and Institut de recherche sur les forêts, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT),
   445 boul. de l'Université, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec J9X 5E4, Canada.
Yves BERGERON, Institut de recherche sur les forêts, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT), 445 boul.
   de l'Université, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec J9X 5E4, Canada.
Lushuang GAO, Xiuhai ZHAO 3 & Xiaoming WANG, Key Laboratory for Forest Resources & Ecosystem
   Processes of Beijing, Beijing Forestry University, 100083, P. R. China, e-mail:
Igor DROBYSHEV, Institut de recherche sur les forêts, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT),
   445 boul. de l'Université, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, J9X 5E4, Canada, and Southern Swedish Forest
   Research Centre, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, PO Box 49, 230 53 Alnarp, Sweden.

                                 Abstract: To improve our understanding of climate-driven long-term dynamics of eastern Asian mountain forests, we used
                                 field surveys and dendrochronological techniques to examine regeneration density, growth rate of mature trees, and growth
                                 sensitivity to climate of 3 common coniferous tree species at their respective altitudinal distribution limits on Changbai
                                 Mountain, northeastern China. The studied species were Manchurian fir (Abies nephrolepis, distributed between 780 and
                                 1750 m asl), Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis, 780 and 1300 m asl), and Jezo spruce (Picea jezoensis var. komarovii, 1000
                                 and 1750 m asl). Regeneration densities did not differ significantly among the elevations except for Jezo spruce, which
                                 showed a significantly lower regeneration density at 1000 m asl as compared to 1300 and 1750 m asl. All 3 species showed a
                                 significantly higher basal area increment (BAI) at the middle part of their distribution ranges than at their limits. The growth
                                 of Manchurian fir and Jezo spruce exhibited higher sensitivity to precipitation than to temperature at their lower distribution
                                 limits, and the inverse pattern was observed at the upper limit. In all cases the correlations between growth and the respective
                                 climate variable were positive, except for the correlation between Jezo spruce growth and precipitation. Growth of Korean
                                 pine was positively correlated with spring temperature and summer moisture at its lower distribution limit and with summer
                                 temperature at its upper limit. Our study suggests that elevational limits of forest vegetation were likely constrained by
                                 climate factors affecting growth of dominant species rather than those controlling regeneration density.
                                 Keywords: Asian temperate forests, climate change, dendrochronology, ecotone, mountain forests.

                                 Résumé : Afin d'améliorer notre compréhension de la dynamique à long terme de l'influence des facteurs climatiques
                                 sur les forêts de montagne de l'est de l'Asie, nous avons réalisé des relevés sur le terrain et utilisé des méthodes
                                 dendrochronologiques pour examiner la densité de régénération, le taux de croissance d'arbres matures et la sensibilité au
                                 climat de la croissance de trois espèces communes de conifères à leurs limites respectives de répartition altitudinale dans
                                 le massif Changbai, au nord-est de la Chine. Les espèces étudiées étaient le sapin de Mandchourie (Abies nephrolepis,
                                 retrouvé entre 780 et 1750 m asl), le pin de Corée (Pinus koraiensis, 780 à 1300 m asl) et l'épinette Jezo (Picea jezoensis,
                                 1000 à 1750 m asl). La densité de régénération ne variait pas significativement entre les élévations, sauf pour l'épinette Jezo
                                 qui avait une densité de régénération significativement plus faible à 1000 m qu'à 1300 m et 1750 m asl. L’accroissement de
                                 la surface terrière pour les trois espèces était significativement plus élevée dans la partie centrale de leur aire de répartition
                                 qu'aux limites. La croissance du sapin de Mandchourie et de l'épinette Jezo montrait une plus grande sensibilité aux
                                 précipitations qu'aux températures à leurs limites inférieures de répartition alors que le patron inverse était observé à leurs
                                 limites supérieures. Dans tous les cas, les corrélations entre la croissance et une variable climatique en particulier étaient
                                 positives, sauf pour la corrélation entre la croissance de l'épinette Jezo et les précipitations. La croissance du pin de Corée
                                 était corrélée de façon positive avec les températures printanières et l'humidité estivale à sa limite inférieure de répartition
                                 et avec les températures estivales à sa limite supérieure. Notre étude suggère que les limites altitudinales de la forêt sont
                                 probablement contraintes par des facteurs climatiques affectant la croissance des espèces dominantes plutôt que par des
                                 facteurs régissant la densité de la régénération.
                                 Mots-clés : changements climatiques, dendrochronologie, écotone, forêts de montagne, forêts tempérées asiatiques.

                                 Nomenclature: Xu et al., 2004.

1 Rec. 2015-06-25; acc. 2015-01-09.
  Associate Editor: Lee E. Frelich.
2 Present address: National Plateau Wetlands Research Center,

  Southwest Forestry University, Kunming, 650224, P. R. China.
3 Author for correspondence.

DOI 10.2980/21-(3-4)-3702

Zhang et al.: Tree species distributions in mountains

                       Introduction                                  The northern slope of Changbai Mountain hosts major
                                                                forest types of northeastern China, including broadleaved–
     Climate warming may have a major impact on for-            Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) forests and spruce–fir
est ecosystems (Boisvenue & Running, 2006) by affecting         (Picea jezoensis var. komarovii – Abies nephrolepis) forests.
physiological processes (Way & Oren, 2010), tree sensitiv-
                                                                These communities have remained largely undisturbed by
ity to environmental variability (Allen et al., 2010), and
                                                                human activities (Wang et al., 1980; Barnes, Xu & Zhao,
natural disturbance regimes (Bergeron et al., 2010). In
                                                                1992). As in other mountain ecosystems, numerous distribu-
the Northern Hemisphere, the average annual temperature
                                                                tion limits are observed along the elevational gradient of the
in the mid- and high latitudes increased by 0.74 °C from
                                                                mountain (Yu et al., 2011), providing suitable sites for the
1906 to 2005, and climate models predict an additional
                                                                study of climate–growth relationships.
increase of 1.6–6.4 °C by 2100 (Solomon, Qin & Manning,
2007). Changes in climate may be affecting growth, estab-            Most dendrochronological studies in this region have
lishment, and distribution of species in many boreal and        been conducted on a single tree species (Yu et al., 2006;
temperate forests (Peñuelas & Boada, 2003; Gamache &            2013) or at a single elevation (Gao et al., 2010; Gao, Wang
Payette, 2005; Jump, Hunt & Peñuelas, 2006). In mountain        & Zhao, 2011); only 1 has focused on the growth response
ecosystems, trees respond to climate change by shifting         of multiple species to climate change along the entire ele-
the position of their elevational ranges (Grace, Berninger      vational gradient (Yu et al., 2011). All of these studies have
& Nagy, 2002; Kullman, 2002; Peñuelas & Boada, 2003).           suggested that temperature, precipitation, and soil moisture
However, there are factors that limit the possibilities for     limit tree growth on Changbai Mountain, and that climate
such migration. These include seed dispersal limitations,       change may affect forest structure in this mountain region.
competition pressure from resident species in new habitats,     However, growth data alone are inadequate to identify fac-
and local soil conditions (Brubaker, 1986; Stephenson,          tors behind changes in a species distribution or forest com-
1990; Peterson & Peterson, 1994; Korner & Paulsen, 2004).       position (Brubaker, 1986; Wang, Zhang & Ma, 2006), since
                                                                such dynamics may also be related to the recruitment pat-
     The climate of northeastern China has become warmer        terns (Silva et al., 2012; Fisichelli, Frelich & Reich, 2013)
and drier over the last century (Qian & Zhu, 2001; Qian &
                                                                and natural disturbance regimes (Flannigan & Bergeron,
Qin, 2006). Climate records show an increase in the annual
                                                                1998; Vila-Cabrera et al., 2012).
mean temperature by 2 °C between the 1900s and the 1990s
(Qian & Zhu, 2001) and a decrease in summer precipita-               The aim of this study was to advance our understand-
tion by –0.81 mm·y–1 between the 1960s and the 2000s            ing of the factors controlling the vegetation of the broad-
(Liang, Li & Liu, 2011). Climate models predict a further       leaved–Korean pine/spruce–fir forest ecotone (BKSFE) on
increase in annual mean temperature of 4.6 °C towards the       Changbai Mountain and to discuss its dynamics under the
end of the 21st century (He et al., 2005), which may result     future climate. We evaluated recruitment and growth of
in a northward or an elevational extension of distribution      the Korean pine, Jezo spruce, and Manchurian fir at their
limits for dominant coniferous species (Xu & Yan, 2001;         elevational distribution limits and upscaled these results to
He et al., 2005).                                               discuss forest composition at the upper and lower edges of
                                                                BKSFE. Although the selected species were the main can-
     Recruitment and tree growth are particularly sensi-        opy dominants along the BKSFE, they possess different life
tive to climate change at species' distribution limits due      strategies. Korean pine is a shade-intolerant canopy species
to an increased frequency of sub-optimal environmental          (as trees older than 40–50 y), Jezo spruce is a shade-tolerant
conditions causing seedling and sapling mortality, growth       canopy species, and Manchurian fir is a shade-tolerant spe-
declines, and tree mortality (Brubaker, 1986; Lescop-           cies typically dominating sub-canopy. We hypothesized that
Sinclair & Payette, 1995; Wang, Zhang & Ma, 2006).
Responses of recruitment and growth to climate vary along       1) regeneration density would decline at the tree dis-
the elevational gradient (Gworek, Wall & Bruss, 2007;              tribution limits, as compared to the central part of
Yu et al., 2011). Temperature regime tends to be critically        tree distribution;
important for seedling establishment and tree growth at         2) the growth rate of mature trees would decline at their
species' upper elevational limits (Tranquillini, 1979). Trees      distribution limits, as compared to the central part of
at upper limits often respond to climate warming with an           their distributions; and
increase in regeneration density (Szeicz & MacDonald,
                                                                3) tree species would be more temperature-sensitive at
1995) and radial growth (Frank & Esper, 2005). Water
                                                                   higher elevations and more precipitation-sensitive at
availability and biotic interactions tend to control recruit-
ment and growth at middle to lower limits (Stephenson,             lower elevations.
1990). Drought stress and increase in competition at lower      To test these hypotheses, we studied the regeneration
limits may therefore lead to low regeneration density and       density (hypothesis 1) and basal area increment of the
decline in radial growth (Gworek, Wall & Bruss, 2007;           canopy trees (BAI, hypothesis 2) and used dendroclimatic
Peng et al., 2008; Rigling et al., 2013). Elevational zones     analyses to study the trees' growth sensitivity to climate
separating different bioclimatic domains (termed ecotones;      (hypothesis 3) across their distributions. Finally, we com-
Odum, 1983) provide numerous examples of strong climate         bined our knowledge of climate effects on regeneration and
control of regeneration and tree growth (Peñuelas & Boada,      growth with data on forest composition to discuss potential
2003; Peng et al., 2008; Takahashi et al., 2011).               effects of climate change on the dynamics of the BKSFE.

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                                 Methods                                      Each forest type possesses a unique assemblage of sub-
                                                                              canopy trees and shrubs (Table I). The distributions of
Study area
                                                                              Manchurian fir, Korean pine, and Jezo spruce are limited
     The study was conducted in northeastern China, on the                    to 700–1800 m asl, 700–1300 m asl, and 900–1800 m asl,
northern slope of Changbai Mountain within the territory                      respectively (Figure 1). Two forest ecotones are formed
of the Changbaishan Natural Reserve (41°31'–42°28'N,                          along this elevational gradient. The BKSFE ranges from
127°9'–128°55'E, Figure 1). The area has a temperate con-                     1000 to 1300 m asl, with the canopy dominated by Korean
tinental climate, with long, cold winters and wet sum-                        pine and Jezo spruce and the sub-canopy by Manchurian
mers. Mean annual temperature varies from 2.8 °C in                           fir. The spruce–fir/alpine dwarf birch forest ecotone is
the lower reaches (700 m asl) to –7.3 °C at the top of the
                                                                              located between 1700 and 1800 m asl, with Jezo spruce and
mountain (2691 m asl). Mean annual precipitation varies
                                                                              Erman's birch dominating the canopy layer and Manchurian
from 750 to 1340 mm along this gradient (Zhao, 1981).
                                                                              fir dominating the sub-canopy layer.
About 70% of the annual precipitation falls between June
and September (Appendix I, Figure 1). Below 1700 m asl,
the topography of the area is gentle, with slope inclina-                     Climate data
tions below 5°. Above 1700 m asl, the slopes are relatively                        The closest meteorological stations to the sampling
steep, with an average angle exceeding 20°. Volcanic soils                    sites are the Open Research Station of Changbai Mountain
overlying a deep layer of volcanic ash are common across                      Forest Ecosystems (ORS, 740 m asl), the Tianchi meteoro-
the study area (Shao, 1996). Soil type varies from mod-                       logical station (TC, 2623 m asl), and Songjiang town (SJ,
erately deep mountain brown forest soil (about 50 cm)                         601 m asl) meteorological station (Figure 1). Comparison
at 750–1100 m asl to more shallow (about 20 cm deep)                          of climate records (mean and maximum monthly temper-
mountain brown coniferous forest soil at 1100–1700 m asl                      atures and total monthly precipitation) among the 3 stations
(ECJF, 1988).                                                                 showed significant correlations (P < 0.05). A check for
     Forest vegetation is composed of broadleaved–                            homogeneity in the climate data from the 3 stations, using
Korean pine forests at 750–1100 m asl, spruce–fir forests                     Mann–Kendell and Double-Mass tests, found no indica-
at 1100–1700 m asl, and Erman's birch (Betula ermanii)                        tions of abrupt changes in climate records, indicating that
forests from 1700 to 2000 m asl (Wang et al., 1980).                          data from any of these stations could represent the climate

                                      50 N

                                                                                                                           780 m
                         Changbai  Mountain
                          Changbai Mountain

                                  North Korea
                                              40 N

                                                                                                                                 1000 m

                        120 E             130°E
                                          130 E
  110 E
                                                      30 N                                                                      1300 m
                                                                                                                                1300 m

    b)              Volcanic   lake
                     Volcanic lake

                                                                                                                                 1750 m

         1800 m
         1800 m                                                                   Study   sites
                                                                                  Study sites                              TC
                                                          nephrolepis             Meteorological
                                                                                  Meteorological     station
                                            Picea jezoensis
                                                                                                                                 North Korea
                                                                                                                                North  Korea
    1300 m
    1300 m                                                                                 Road
                                 Pinus koraiensis
                                 Pinus koraiensis                                          Contourlineline
  900 m
  900 m                                                                                   Boundary
                                                                                          Boundary ofof nature
                                                                                                      Nature   reserve
 700 m
 700 m                                                                             Broadleaved-Korean   pine forest
                                                                                      Broadleaf-Korean pine   forest
                                                                                   Broadleaved-Korean pine/spruce-fir forest ecotone
                                                                                   Spruce-fir forest
Figure 1. Location of the Changbai Mountain Natural Reserve in the Northeastern China (a), distribution of species by elevation (b), and location of the
meteorological stations (SJ: Songjiang town, ORS: Open Research Station, TC: Tianchi) and study sites (c).

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Zhang et al.: Tree species distributions in mountains

Table I. Community structure of major forest types along the elevational gradient on the northern slope of Changbai Mountain, based on
data from Xu et al., 2004.

Forest zone                                  Elevation (m)   Canopy species         Understory species      Shrub species
Erman's birch forest 1700‒2000 Betula ermanii Sorbus pohuashanensis                                         Rhododendron chrysanthum
		                             Larix olgensis Alnus mandshurica
Spruce-fir/alpine dwarf birch forest ecotone 1700‒1800 Picea jezoensis Sorbus pohuashanensis                Rhododendron chrysanthum
		                                                     Betula ermanii  Abies nephrolepis                    Vaccinium uliginosum
		                                                     Larix olgensis  Acer ukurunduense                    Lonicera caerulea
Spruce-fir forest 1100–1700 Picea jezoensis   Betulla costata                                               Rosa acicularis
		                          Abies nephrolepis Acer barbinerve                                               Ribes maximowiczianum
			                                           Acer tegmentosum                                              Lonicera maximowiczii
			                                           Acer ukrunduense
			                                           Sorbus pohuashanensis
Broadleaved-Korean pine/spruce-fir forest ecotone 1000‒1300 Pinus koraiensis Abies nephrolepis              Lonicera chrysantha
		                                                          Picea jezoensis  Acer barbinerve                Lonicera maximowiczii
		                                                          Larix olgensis   Acer tegmentosum
			                                                                          Acer ukrunduense
Broadleaved-Korean pine forest 750–1100 Pinus koraiensis       Acer barbinerve                              Philadelphus schrenkii
		                                      Tilia amurensis        Acer tegmentosum                             Corylus mandshurica
		                                      Fraxinus mandshurica   Acer ukrunduense                             Ribes mandshuricum
		                                      Quercus mongolica      Acer pseudosieboldianum                      Drutzis parviflora
		                                      Phellodendron amurense Acer mono                                    Evonymus pauciflora
		                                      Ulmus japonica         Prunus padus                                 Berberis amurensis
		                                      Betulla costata        Tilia mandshurica                            Viburnum burejaeticum
		                                      Betula platyphylla     Syringa amurensis                            Viburnum opulus
		                                      Populus ussuriensis    Malus baccata                                Lonicera praeflorens
		                                      Populus davidiana      Maackia amurensis                            Lonicera chrysantha

of the study area. In the analyses, we used data produced by          data with the data from a published study (Xu et al., 2004;
the SJ station since it had the longest record (1958–2007)            Table I).
as compared to the other stations (ORS, 1982–2007; TC                      One 20 × 20-m subplot was selected randomly
1959–1988) and showed a generally higher correlation with             within each plot to count the amount of regeneration
growth than data from the ORS and TC stations.                        (seedlings >1 cm in diameter at the stem base and
ÉCOSCIENCE, vol. 21 (3-4), 2014

distribution limits, we established plots only below those       and is often used to evaluate climate–growth relation-
limits, since the higher trees were sparsely distributed,        ships. Correlation coefficients of response functions were
making it impossible to obtain sufficient replication for the    calculated using the DendroClim2002 program (Biondi
dendrochronological analyses.                                    & Waikul, 2004) over the common interval 1958–2007.
     We collected soil samples from the mineral layer            Climate data included mean monthly temperature and total
(20–30 cm) to characterize the soil texture and pH in each       monthly precipitation from July of the previous year to
plot. One pit was dug in the central part of each subplot, and   September of the current year, as climate conditions of the
4 soil samples were collected from each plot. The soil sam-      previous year might have an effect on tree growth in the
ples from the same plot were mixed together, air dried at        current year (Fritts, 1976). We also considered known sea-
20 °C for 1 week, and sieved through a 2-mm grid. Soil tex-      sonal weather patterns in the study area (Yu et al., 2013)
ture was quantified using the hydrometer method (Sheldrick       and used the mean maximum temperature and the total
& Wang, 1993), and pH was measured in 0.01 M CaCl2 at a          sum of precipitation of the previous autumn (September–
1:5 soil solution ratio.                                         October), the current spring (April–May), and the current
                                                                 summer (June–August). We preferred maximum temper-
Statistical analyses                                             ature over mean temperature since the former produced
      To test hypothesis 1, we evaluated differences between     more statistically significant results and might have a
regeneration density among the elevations for each species       stronger influence on growth processes than mean temper-
by using one-tailed ANOVA with type III sum of squares           ature (Oberhuber, 2004).
and LSD post hoc tests, using elevation as independent fac-
tor. The analysis was conducted in SPSS 13.0 (Park, 2009)                                   Results
at 0.05 significance level.
      To test hypothesis 2, we analyzed variability of species   Soil characteristics and tree-ring chronologies
growth rate along the elevational gradient. We averaged               Soil texture and pH were similar among sites and
all single-tree chronologies into a mean chronology for          did not show a clear elevational pattern (Appendix IV). A
each species and elevation and converted tree-ring width         majority of sites had a high sand content (>70%) and acid
increment into basal area increment (BAI) to obtain aver-        soil conditions.
age BAI over 1996–2005, since the value of BAI was a                  The 9 tree-ring chronologies ranged from 122 to 354 y
better representation of the tree growth rate than diameter      in length. Jezo spruce had the longest chronology, extending
increment (Pedersen, 1998). As in the regeneration density       back to 1654 (Appendices III and V). Mean sensitivity
analyses, we used ANOVA with LSD post hoc tests to test          (MS) of the chronologies increased with decreasing ele-
the effect of elevation on growth. We used the most recent       vation. The contribution of the first principal component
10-y frame in this analysis because this period covered the      (PC1) in the data sets of the Korean pine chronologies
mature phase in the trees' lifespan for all species, enabling    increased with elevation, while the PCs obtained on the
us to minimize age-related effects on growth. Furthermore,       Manchurian fir and Jezo spruce data sets did not show
selecting the most recent decade helped minimize the poten-      any trend (Appendix III). We observed high signal-to-
tial impact of past stand-specific disturbances on the growth    noise ratios (SNR), expressed population signals (EPS),
dynamics. To further evaluate variability in growth rates        and amount of variability accounted for by the first PCs
along the elevation gradient, we calculated mean diameter        in all site residual chronologies, indicating a strong
growth rate of the 3 species at 3 elevations by dividing         population-wide signal.
DBH by tree ages. As with the analyses of BAI dynam-
ics, we used ANOVA to assess the effect of elevation on          Forest composition
average growth.                                                       The forest composition and importance values of can-
      To test hypothesis 3, we used response function analy-     opy dominants varied across the elevation gradient. The
sis of monthly and seasonal climate variables and annual         diversity in canopy and understory strata decreased with
tree-ring increments. We removed the age- and size-related       increase in elevation (Table II). Species diversity in all 3
trends in tree growth by detrending chronologies with a          strata was higher at the lowest (46 species at 780 m) than
cubic spline with a 50% frequency response at 60 y, using        at the highest elevation (16 at 1750 m). In the BKSFE
the ARSTAN program (Cook & Peters, 1981). Ring width             (1000–1300 m), the differences in species numbers were
values were transformed into index values by dividing the        higher for the canopy and understory strata (15 versus 9
observed chronology values by the predicted values. This         species) than for either the shrub or the herb strata (9 versus
detrending procedure retained high-frequency variation           7 species and 11 versus 10 species, respectively). The stud-
and filtered out low-frequency age- and disturbance-related      ied coniferous trees showed the lowest importance values
trends. Autoregressive modeling was performed on each            (IV) at their respective lower distribution limits (Table II).
detrended series to remove temporal autocorrelation and          Manchurian fir and Korean pine showed the highest IV at
amplify common signals (Cook et al., 1990). The resulting        the centre of their distributions, whereas Jezo spruce had
residual chronologies were used in the analyses of climate–      the highest IV at its upper limit. For Manchurian fir, high IV
growth relationships at annual scale (Cook et al., 1990).        was largely attributable to its high density, while for Korean
      We used response function correlations to assess asso-     pine and Jezo spruce high IVs were due to their high basal
ciation between annual growth and climate variables. A           area. This was particularly true for Korean pine, which
response function is a principal component regression            exhibited a high relative dominance (22.7%) and a low
to solve the problem of collinearity among climatic pre-         relative density (6.7%) at its upper limit (at 1300 m). IV of
dictors (Briffa & Cook, 1990; Morzukh & Ruark, 1991)             broadleaved trees was negatively correlated with elevation.

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              Table II. Diversity and importance values (IV) of canopy trees by elevation (E) on the northern slope of Changbai Mountain. Broadleaved trees (BT) include canopy dominants
              Tilia amurensis, Quercus mongolica, Fraxinus mandshurica, Acer mono, Betula platyphylla, and Populus davidiana. Standard deviation (SD) of the respective mean values is indicated
              in parentheses. Values of Relative Density (RDe) and Relative Dominance (RDo) are in percents.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Zhang et al.: Tree species distributions in mountains

                              Numbers of species
              Elevation All trees					Broadleaved species				A. nephrolepis				P. koraiensis				                                                                                  P. jezoensis
              (m)        / BT      Shrubs Herbs		 RDe RDo IV		 RDe RDo      IV		 RDe RDo     IV		 RDe                                                                                 RDo            IV
               780     18 / 15     13      15		25.6 (2.4)   37.8 (3.1)   31.7 (2.9)		 3.8 (0.6)     8.0 (1.8) 5.9 (0.9)		    4.3 (1.5)    6.2 (2.8)    5.3 (1.9)		      ‒             ‒              ‒
              1000     15 / 11      9      11		18.2 (3.1)   24.5 (5.3)   21.4 (4.3)		 35.8 (6.2)   17.2 (2.7) 26.5 (5.1)		   5.1 (2.3)   26.5 (5.7)   15.8 (4.1)		    5.8 (1.2)     5.0 (3.7)     5.4 (2.7)
              1300      9/4         7      10		 0.4 (0.1)    0.6 (0.2)    0.5 (0.2)		 71.9 (2.9)   15.5 (4.2) 43.7 (3.3)		   6.7 (1.7)   22.7 (3.1)   14.7 (2.3)		   10.3 (4.7)    16.5 (5.8)    13.4 (5.1)

              1750      5/2         3       8		 ‒              ‒             ‒		 23.0 (4.6)        14.5 (3.9) 18.8 (4.0)		      ‒           ‒            ‒		         27.9 (2.7)    36.0 (3.5)    31.9 (3.8)
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Regeneration density                                                                               pair-wise comparisons between species at each eleva-
     There was no significant difference in the regeneration                                       tion (Appendix VI). All 3 species showed a significantly
densities of Manchurian fir and Korean pine among the                                              higher BAI at the central part of their distribution range
elevations (Figures 2a and b; Appendix VI). Regeneration                                           (Figure 2d). Korean pine had the lowest BAI at its lower
of Manchurian fir and Korean pine was abundant at all                                              limit, while Manchurian fir and Jezo spruce showed the
elevations, with the density exceeding 565 seedlings·ha–1                                          lowest BAI at their upper limits (Figure 2d). Analysis of
(Figure 2a). Neither species showed a significant tendency                                         average growth rates over whole tree lifespans showed pat-
towards a higher regeneration density at the midpoint                                              terns similar to those seen in the analysis of BAI dynamics:
of their distribution range (Figure 2b). Jezo spruce was                                           all 3 species showed the highest growth rate at the middle
the only species that showed significant differences in                                            rather than the limits of their distributions (Appendix VI).
regeneration densities between its lower distribution limit
(222 ± 46 seedlings·ha–1) and the central part of its distribu-                                         All 3 species revealed higher sensitivity to temperature
tion (1441 ± 449) (Figure 2b; Appendix VI). The recruit-                                           than to precipitation at their upper limits, and the inverse
ment data from BKSFE showed multimodal patterns of age                                             pattern was observed at their lower limits (Table III; Figures
structure in all 3 species (Appendix II). Despite the occur-                                       3 and 4). At their respective upper limits, positive responses
rence of significant warming during the 1970s and 1980s                                            to temperature occurred during the current year summer (for
(Appendix I; Figure 2), we did not observe an increase in                                          Korean pine and Jezo spruce) and the current year spring
recruitment of the 3 species (Appendix II), which suggests a                                       (for Manchurian fir) (Table III; Figure 3). At their respect-
temporally stable pattern of recruitment.                                                          ive lower limits, a positive effect of precipitation during the
                                                                                                   previous year autumn was observed (Table III; Figure 4).
Dynamics of bai and climate–growth relationships                                                   Jezo spruce differed from the 2 other species in terms of its
    Korean pine had the largest 10-y mean BAI among                                                response to monthly climate variability. Growth at spruce's
the 3 species, while the BAI of Manchurian fir was the                                             lower and middle distribution ranges responded negatively
lowest (Figure 2c). BAI was significantly different in                                             to precipitation of the current April (Figure 4).

                                                    A.                                                                             C.                                A. nephrolepsis
                                                   a)                                                                              c)
                        ity, ha ‒1)

                                          2000                A. nephrolepis                                                 20
                                                                                                                             20                                      P. jezoensis

                                                              P. jezoensis                                                                                           P. koraiensis

                                          1600                                                                               16
                                                              P. koraiensis
                                                                                                                  B AI

                                           1200                                                                              12


                                           800                                                                                8
 R egenera tion

                                           400                                                                                4

                                             0                                                                                0

                                          -400                                                                               ‒4
                                                          780          1000
                                                                      1000         1300
                                                                                  1300      1750
                                                                                            1750                                            780
                                                                                                                                           780          1000
                                                                                                                                                      1000           1300
                                                                                                                                                                   1300       1750
                                                                    Elevation (m)                                                                    Elevation (m)
                                                                   Elevation, m                                                                   Elevation, m
                                                   B.                                                                              D.
                         ity, ha -1 ‒1)

                                          2000     b)                                                                        20
                                                                                                                             20     d)

                                                                                                                    (cm )

                                          1600                                                                               16
                                                                                                                  B AI

                                          1200                                                                               12

                                            800                                                                               88
 R egeneration

                                            400                                                                               44

                                              00                                                                              00

                                           -400                                                                              ‒4
                                                        Low            Middle
                                                                       Middle        High
                                                                                     High                                                 Low
                                                                                                                                         Low          Middle
                                                                                                                                                     Middle           High
                                                                    Elevation                                                                       Elevation
F igure 2. Regeneration density and basal area increment (BAI) over 1995‒2006 for 3 dominant species along the elevational gradient in the
Changbai Mountain. In a) and c), x-axis represents the real elevation of the species distribution, while x-axis of b) and d) shows the relative position along
the elevational gradient

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Zhang et al.: Tree species distributions in mountains

             Table III. Response function coefficients between tree growth and seasonal climate variables. Asterisk indicates significant correlations
             (0.05 level). Maximum temperature refers to the mean maximum temperature of respective season.

             Climate		                                                                          A. nephrolepis                           P. koraiensis            P. jezoensis
             variable Season                                                          780 m        1300 m     1750 m		         780 m        1000 m 1300 m		 1000 m 1300 m 1750 m
             Precipitation                          Previous autumn (Sept–Oct)         0.38 *       0.24     0.12		             0.37 *      0.15    0.15		 0.30*    –0.17    0.07
                                                    Current spring (April–May)        –0.11        –0.04    –0.25		            –0.01        0.04   –0.04		 –0.32*   –0.06   –0.18
                                                    Current summer (June–Aug)          0.1          0.12     0.1		              0.36 *      0.1     0.21		 –0.01     0.16    0.17
             Maximum                                Previous autumn (Sept–Oct)        –0.06        –0.04     0.2		 0.09                    –0.05   0.23		–0.06       0.03      0.08
             temperature                            Current spring (April–May)        –0.06         0.03     0.25* 		 0.09                  0.05   0.17		 0.13       0.12      0.13

                                                A. nephrolepis
                                                     A. nephrolepis                        P. koraiensis
                                                                                                P. koraiensis                       P. jezoensis
                                                                                                                                          P. jezoensis
                                          0.4                                                                                    0.4

                                          0.2                                                                                    0.2
                                                                                                                                                                      1750 m
                                                                                                                                                                       1750 m
                                         0.0                                                                                     0.0

                                        ‒0.2                                                                                    ‒0.2

                                          0.2                                        0.2                                          0.2
                           coe cient

                                                                                                                                                                      1300 m
                                                                                                                                                                       1300 m
                                         0.0                                         0.0                                          0.0
              Correlation coefficient

                                        ‒0.2                                        ‒0.2                                        ‒0.2


                                                                                  . 0.2
                                                                                     2                                           0.2

                                                                                  . 0.1
                                                                                     1                                           0.1                                  1000 m
                                                                                                                                                                       1000 m
                                                                                 0. 0.00                                         0.0

                                                                                 -. ‒0.1
                                                                                      1                                         ‒0.1
                                                                                                                                   N P-AUG


                                                                                                                                         M ry
                                                                                                                                       Ja ber

                                                                                                                                        te uly
                                                                                                                                       ve ber
                                                                                                                                        te ly
                                                                                                                                 P- pP-JUL

                                                                                                                                   Se JUN

                                                                                                                                       APR M


                                                                                                                                   Se P-J


                                          0.2                                                                                                                          780 m

                                                                                                                                                                       780 m


                                           N P-AUG




                                                                                     P- pP-JUL
                                         P- ptP-JUL

                                                                                             M ry
                                                                                          Ja ber

                                                                                             em ly
                                                                                             em er
                                                                                       N tem y
                                               M ry
                                               an ber

                                               em ly
                                               em er

                                               em ly

                                                                                       Se MAY



                                           Se JUN



                                                                                           FEB ar







                                                                                       Se P-J
                                           Se P-J


             Figure 3. Response function analyses between the residual chronologies of A. nephrolepis, P. koraiensis and P. jezoensis and mean temperatures from the

             previous year July (P-July) to the current year September on the northern slope of the Changbai Mountain for the period 1958-2007. Grey bars indicate sig-

             nificant response coefficients at p < 0.05.

                                                              Discussion                                         in the growth rate of mature trees towards their distribu-
                                                                                                                 tion limits (supporting hypothesis 2). We also observed
                  Our study detected no clear pattern in regeneration                                            similar climate–growth relationships in the 3 studied spe-
              densities along the elevational gradient in 2 out of the                                           cies along the elevational gradient, the growth being pre-
              3 studied species (rejecting hypothesis 1) and a decline                                           cipitation-sensitive at the respective lower distribution

               394                                                                                     ©Écoscience
ÉCOSCIENCE, vol. 21 (3-4), 2014

                                    A. nephrolepis                     P. koraiensis                       P. jezoensis
                                       A. nephrolepis                       P. koraiensis                         P. jezoensis

                              0.2                                                                    0.2
                                                                                                                                            1750 m      m
                             0.0                                                                     0.0

                             ‒0.2                                                                   ‒0.2
                 coe cient

                              0.2                              0.2                                   0.2

                                                                                                                                            1300 m      m
                             0.0                               0.0                                   0.0
   Correlation coefficient

                              -.2                             ‒0.2                                  ‒0.2


                                                               0.2                                   0.2
                                                                                                                                              1000      m
                                                                                                                                            1000 m
                                                              00.0.0                                 0.0

                                                              -. 2
                                                              ‒0.2                                  ‒0.2

                                                               -. 4
                                                              ‒0.4                                  ‒0.4

                                                                                                        ov P-AUG
                             0.4                                0.4

                                                                                                    P- pteP-JUL


                                                                                                      Se MAY
                                                                                                            nu r

                                                                                                           em y
                                                                                                      N m y



                                                                                                        pt JUL


                                                                                                      Se P-J

                             0.2                               0.2                                                                            780
                                                                                                                                             780 m   m

                             0.0                               0.0

                         ‒0.2                                 ‒0.2




                                                                 N P-JUL
                               N P-JUL

                                                                       nu er


                                                                        m y
                                                                        m r
                                                               P- pte uly

                                                                 Se MAY


                               Se MAY
                                     nu er


                                                                   pt JUN
                                    em ly
                                      m r
                             P- pte uly

                                 pt JUN


                                                                      eJUL  l


                                 ov mbe





                                                                 Se P-J

                               Se P-J



   Figure 4. Response function analyses between residual chronologies of A. nephrolepis, P. koraiensis and P. jezoensis and precipitation from the previous
   year July (P-July) to the current year September on the northern slope of the Changbai Mountain for the period 1958-2007. Grey bars indicate significant
   response coefficients at p < 0.05.

    limits and temperature-sensitive at the upper limits, which                         successfully regenerate along the studied gradient. In addi-
    supported hypothesis 3. Based on these findings, we con-                            tion, seedlings of pine and fir can tolerate lower light levels
    clude that climate influence on the position of BKSFE on                            than seedlings of co-occurring broadleaved species, which
    Changbai Mountain is likely realized through the control of                         likely made them competitive under conditions of high
    tree growth rather than of regeneration. The future drier and                       canopy closure (0.7–0.9), typically observed in these forests
    warmer climate will likely change relative growth rates of                          (Xu et al., 2001). In contrast, regeneration of Jezo spruce
    the canopy dominants, which in turn may lead to changes in                          appeared to be negatively affected by the climate conditions
    their relative abundances and eventually affect the structure,                      at its lower limit, supporting our 1st hypothesis. Although
    diversity, and position of the BKSFE.                                               Jezo spruce is also capable of producing large seed crops
                                                                                        and has shade-tolerant seedlings, soils with low water-
    Pattern of regeneration density along the                                           holding capacity may limit seedling survival and growth
    elevational gradient                                                                (Iijima et al., 2006). The sites at the lower limit of this
         Climate effects on regeneration density differed among                         species were generally drier than those at its upper limit
    the 3 species. Observed regeneration patterns failed to sup-                        (Chi, Zhang & Li, 1981; Jiang et al., 2003), which might
    port our hypothesis suggesting regeneration-level control                           disfavour spruce regeneration due to reduced water avail-
    of the distribution limits for Korean pine and Manchurian                           ability. Negative effects of drought on seedlings are often
    fir. Both species have been shown to be abundant seed                               caused by poor root development and associated decline
    producers (Wang et al., 1959; Okitsu, Ito & Li, 1995) that                          in nutrient assimilation, effects that have been reported in

                                                                               ©Écoscience                                                             395
Zhang et al.: Tree species distributions in mountains

Jezo (Iijima et al., 2006) and in other spruces (Chhin &            more frequently observed significant correlations between
Wang, 2008; Slugeňová et al., 2011).                                climate data and chronologies at low elevations as compared
                                                                    to other parts of the distribution ranges (Table III; Figures 3
Growth  rates and importance values along the eleva-
                                                                    and 4). Adequate soil water reserves at the end of the pre-
tional gradient and diversity of the bksfe
                                                                    vious growing season might be important for tree growth
     All 3 species showed the highest BAI and mean diam-            at the respective lower limits. An increase in precipitation
eter growth rate at the middle of their respective distribution     during the previous autumn was positively correlated with
ranges, which supports our second hypothesis and suggests           growth (Table III; Figure 4), and likely facilitated accumula-
that current species distributions are centred in the area with     tion and storage of carbohydrates used for the next year's
climatic optima for the growth rates. Two of the 3 stud-            growth (Ettl & Peterson, 1995; Liang et al., 2001). The soils
ied species (Manchurian fir and Korean pine) also showed            on Changbai Mountain are rich in volcanic float stone with
the highest importance values (IV) here, likely indica-             low water-holding capacity (Yu et al., 2011), which might
tive of their competitive advantage in the middle of their          lead to a limiting effect of soil moisture on growth. Earlier
distribution ranges.                                                dendrochronological studies have pointed to the summer
     Importance values of studied canopy dominants varied           water deficit as an important factor limiting the growth of
between their respective lower and upper limits, suggesting         Korean pine at its lower distribution limit (Yu et al., 2011;
that forest composition might be controlled by different            2013). In our study, we demonstrated that moisture condi-
factors. At their lower limits, both competition with broad-        tions of both the current summer and the previous autumn
leaved species (Table I) and the climate (see next subsec-          affected Korean pine growth at its lower limit. In contrast,
tion) might be limiting canopy abundance of the coniferous          Manchurian fir at the same elevation did not show response
species and their range expansion towards lower elevations.         to water stress, probably due to the species' lower evapo-
In contrast, the high IV of the 3 studied species at their          transpiration demand as a shade-tolerant sub-canopy tree.
upper limits may be caused by the lack of broadleaved trees         Positive effects of precipitation in the previous autumn have
at high elevation (above 1100 m). This suggests a direct            previously been shown for growth of subalpine conifers
climate effect on forest structure through limiting distri-         at the species' lower distribution limits in northern China
bution of broadleaved species towards higher elevations.            (Gao et al., 2013), including specifically for Korean pine on
Indeed, the annual average temperature for the upper limits         Changbai Mountain (Yu et al., 2011).
of all 3 species was below –0.75 °C (Jiang et al., 2003), sup-           At the species' upper limits, summer (June through
porting the idea that low temperature is a limiting factor for      August) temperature positively affected the growth of the
upward expansion of broadleaved trees.                              Korean pine and Jezo spruce and had a similar though
     Variation in forest composition of the BKSFE pointed           non-significant effect on Manchurian fir (Figure 4). Higher
to the important role of climate controlling the structure of       temperatures during the growing period probably increase
the studied ecotone. An increase in elevation was associated        activity of the cambial tissue, promoting the radial growth
with a decline in diversity across all forest strata (Table II).    (Kozlowski, 1962). In addition, an increase in temper-
Canopy dominants and undercanopy trees appeared to be               ature might imply a longer growing season. As compared
moderately sensitive to changes in environmental condi-             to the middle parts of their respective distributions, the
tions along the BKSFE. In both groups the commonness of             growing season at the upper limits was 27 d shorter for
tree species was high (55% and 57%, respectively) across            both Manchurian fir and Jezo spruce and 28 d shorter for
the whole BKSFE. Importantly, no new species (i.e., spe-            Korean pine (Chi, Zhang & Li, 1981). For Manchurian fir
cies absent at the lower limit of the ecotone) were recorded        and Jezo spruce at their upper elevations (1750 and 1300 m,
in either canopy or undercanopy strata at the upper limit of        respectively), a positive effect of spring temperatures on
the BKSFE (Table I). This pattern was likely related to the         growth (Table III; Figure 3) was apparently related to the
gradient in trees' tolerance of low temperatures, which saw         thawing rate of the snowpack and the onset of the physio-
broadleaved species gradually disappearing from the canopy          logically active period (Tranquillini, 1979; Peterson &
with increasing elevation (Table II). In contrast, shrubs and       Peterson, 2001; Deslauriers, Morin & Begin, 2003).
herbs were more sensitive to environmental variations, as                In Jezo spruce, growth was strongly and negatively cor-
indicated by the small proportion of species that reached the       related with spring precipitation both at the species' lower
upper limit of the BKSFE, 36% of shrubs and only 22% of             limit and at the middle of its distribution range (Table III;
herbs. Considering the more open conditions (with decidu-           Figure 4). Two mechanisms could explain this relationship.
ous trees) at the forest floor, it is not surprising to find that   First, since the snow starts to melt in April, higher precipi-
ground vegetation at the lower limit of the BKSFE contains          tation during this period could cause waterlogging in the
more shade-intolerant species than ground vegetation at             soil associated with a decrease in soil oxygen content and
the upper limit (Xu et al., 2004). Variation in the species         an increase in carbon dioxide concentration, reducing soil
composition of these strata might, therefore, be partly due to      redox potential and subsequently limiting root and photo-
changes in the degree of canopy openness along the BKSFE.           synthetic activity (Armstrong, Jackson & Brändle, 1994;
                                                                    Stokes, 2008). Jezo spruce requires higher soil drainage
Growth sensitivity to climate                                       levels and has lower tolerance to waterlogged conditions as
    Tree growth was more sensitive to climate at the lower          compared to Korean pine and Manchurian fir (Andersson,
than at the upper limits, as indicated by the pattern of mean       2005). Second, the pattern might be due to the fact that pre-
sensitivity of tree-ring chronologies (Appendix III) and the        cipitation in April falls as snow and heavier snowfalls would

396                                                         ©Écoscience
ÉCOSCIENCE, vol. 21 (3-4), 2014

imply delayed onset of both the budburst (Worrall, 1983;            of the Nordic-Canadian network on forest growth research, sup-
Hansen-Bristow, 1986) and the growing period (Kramer &              ported by the Nordic Council of Ministers (grant # 12262 to I.
Kozlowski, 1979). In general, our results were consistent           Drobyshev), and the Swedish-Canadian network for cooperation
with previous studies that showed a negative relationship           in forestry research, supported by the Swedish Foundation for
between spring precipitation and Jezo spruce growth at the          International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education
                                                                    (STINT; grant # IB2013-5420 to I. Drobyshev).
middle and lower limit of its distribution range on Changbai
Mountain (Yu et al., 2006; Gao, Wang & Zhao, 2011).
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