Page created by Debbie Sanchez

Table of Contents

           Gmail                                      4                        11    Yahoo Mail             19
           Spam Filtering                             4   Spam Filtering                      11   Spam Filtering         19
           Postmaster Services                        5   Postmaster Services                13    Postmaster Services    20
           Email Infrastructure                       6   Email Infrastructure               14    Email Infrastructure   20
           Partners                                   7   Partners                           15    Partners               21
           Whitelists and Prioritized Delivery 7          Whitelists and Prioritized Delivery 15   Prioritized Delivery   21
           Gmail Inbox Categories                     7   User Interface                     15    User Interface         22
           Unsubscribe Methods                        9   Message Features                   16
                                                          Unsubscribe Methods                17

Marketer’s Field Guide to Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo                          2                                  
           Thanks to better ways of filtering and blocking spam,
           inboxes are nearly free of unwanted mail—but not
           without a price. On average, 20 percent of global
           permission based email never reaches its intended
           destination—your customers’ inboxes.

           While it would be great if there was a single algorithm
           that all of the mailbox providers used, that simply isn’t
           the case. Gmail,, and Yahoo Mail have
           each developed unique spam filtering formulas to
           deliver the email their users want and protect them
           from malicious messages.

           In this guide, we’ll clear up misunderstandings about
           the different rules of deliverability, and help senders
           understand what it takes to reach inboxes at the top
           three mailbox providers.

Marketer’s Field Guide to Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo                    3
           Google’s free email service, Gmail, launched in 2004 and in just 13 years has become the world’s largest webmail service
           provider. Currently, Gmail has over a billion active users.

           As the top webmail provider, understanding how to reach Gmail inboxes is crucial for senders. However, the requirements
           for reaching Gmail inboxes are a closely guarded secret. Unlike many of its large competitors, Gmail doesn’t utilize
           whitelists, disclose use of public blacklists, or provide a lot of direction, tools, or support for senders.

           In this section, we will talk about Gmail’s known spam filtering practices, their recommendations for email infrastructure,
           and their postmaster services. We will also provide some recommendations to help senders navigate the path to the
           Gmail inbox.

             Spam Filtering
           Gmail primarily uses its community of users to determine whether email is spam or not. Gmail considers the following user
           feedback important in their spam filtering decisions:

                            Spam reports/complaints                               Starred messages

                            Not spam votes                                        Messages replied to

                            Messages read and deleted                             Inbox activity

                            Messages deleted without reading

           As with most spam filters, the content of the email headers, body, and attachments is scoured for keywords, images, HTML,
           URLs, malware, and many other common components. Content is always included in the overall spam filtering algorithm,
           but how much weight it carries usually depends on the reputation of the sender.

Marketer’s Field Guide to Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo                         4                                                  
Gmail continued
           Sending history                                                      Blacklists
           Gmail temporarily blocks new IP addresses without a                  Gmail does not make any blacklists available publicly. However,
           reputation for the first two to 24 hours, then delivers small        our research shows a correlation between spam filtering at
           amounts of mail to both the inbox and the spam folders to            Gmail and Spamhaus.
           gauge subscriber reactions. If complaints are too high, future
           emails will be delivered mostly to spam. If more people rescue        Postmaster Services
           messages from the spam folder by clicking “this is not spam”
                                                                                Previously, Gmail was very secretive about their policies
           during this period, it indicates that the mail is safe to be
                                                                                around reaching the inbox. But in 2015 they launched their own
           delivered to the inbox.
                                                                                postmaster site to provide senders with some insight about
                                                                                what it takes to reach Gmail users.
           User engagement is a major factor in Gmail’s filtering
                                                                                Gmail postmaster tools
           decisions. Gmail evaluates both a user’s engagement with
                                                                                To begin using the Gmail’s postmaster tools, senders need
           their mailbox in general and their engagement with a specific
                                                                                to first add and verify their authenticated domain. Once
           sending domain to determine what to deliver to each user.
                                                                                authenticated, senders need to prove they own the domain
           Users who interact with email from a domain regularly are
                                                                                by entering the DNS TXT or the DNS CNAME. Once verified,
           more likely to get those messages placed in their inbox.
                                                                                senders will be able to access several dashboards.
           Additionally, users who frequently interact with their mailbox
           overall receive a higher percentage of messages in their inbox
                                                                                Bulk sender guidelines
           than other users.
                                                                                Gmail compiled a list of best practices for reaching Gmail
                                                                                users in their Bulk Sender Guidelines. This includes
           It’s important for senders understand the relationship between
                                                                                recommendations around subscribing new addresses,
           these two measures of engagement. Users who are less
                                                                                authentication, unsubscribing, and email format to help
           engaged with your domain than with the rest of their mailbox
                                                                                senders optimize their program to reach Gmail inboxes.
           may have fewer of your messages delivered to the inbox, even
           if you consider them an engaged subscriber.

Marketer’s Field Guide to Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo                         5                                                      
Gmail continued
           Feedback loop                                                        Email Infrastructure
           Gmail’s feedback loop works a bit differently than a typical
           feedback loop. Traditionally, when a user clicks the “report        When it comes to proper email setup, Gmail advises the
           spam” button, a message is sent back to the sender or to the        following:
           sender’s email service provider in Abuse Reporting Format
                                                                                1 1. Consistently send from the same IP address(es).
           (ARF) which shows the actual email address of the complainer
                                                                                2 2. Have valid rDNS for sending IP addresses pointing to your
           to be removed.
                                                                                3 3. Use a consistent “From:” domain for each type of email.
           Gmail, however, does not send feedback in the form of an
                                                                                4 4. Sign messages with DKIM.
           ARF. Instead, they use aggregated spam statistics to show
                                                                                55. Publish a SPF record.
           complaints overall by customers. In order to get information
                                                                                6 6. Publish a DMARC policy.
           in the postmaster tools for the feedback loop, senders need
           to embed a header called the Feedback-ID, consisting of
           parameters that uniquely identify their individual campaigns.       Authentication
                                                                               Gmail has increased their reliance on authentication. In
                                                                               addition to authentication’s impact on filtering, Gmail
           Header format: Feedback-ID: a:b:c:SenderID
                                                                               distinguishes authenticated versus unauthenticated mail for
                                                                               their users. If a Gmail user receives a message that was not
           Feedback-ID is the name of the header to be embedded,
                                                                               authenticated with either SPF (Sender Policy Framework) or
           while a, b, and c are optional fields that can be used by
                                                                               DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), the sender’s profile photo
           the sender to embed up to three identifiers (campaign/
                                                                               or avatar is replaced with a red question mark.
           SenderID is a mandatory unique identifier (5-15 characters)
           chosen by the sender. It should be consistent across the
           mail stream.

Marketer’s Field Guide to Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo                        6                                                           
Gmail continued
           In addition to authentication, Gmail also advocates                     Gmail Inbox Categories
           Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption. If Gmail receives
           email not encrypted with TLS, they will display a broken lock          To help Gmail users organize and quickly access their email,
           icon in the message as a warning to Gmail users that the               Gmail created an inbox filing system called inbox categories.
           message is unsecured.                                                  All incoming mail is filtered into the following categories:

                                                                                      Social        Social notifications and updates

                                                                                      Promotions    Email marketing promotions and offers

                                                                                                    Transactional emails like receipts and
                                                                                                    shipping notifications

                                                                                       Forums       Mailing lists and groups

                                                                                                    Personal emails and messages from other
                                                                                                    categories where the tab isn’t turned on

           Although Gmail does not have any official partners, they do have
           thousands of hosted business domains that use Google Apps.

             Whitelists and Prioritized Delivery
           Gmail does not offer their own whitelisting services, nor do
           they subscribe to any third party whitelists.

Marketer’s Field Guide to Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo                           7                                                      
Gmail continued
           Gmail classifies incoming messages into these categories             Gmail users have many options for influencing how messages
           using a special algorithm that looks at everything from              are categorized:
           content and metadata to user feedback, then places them
           into the relevant tab. Gmail currently enables the Primary,           1 1. Right clicking and selecting the desired category from the
           Social, and Promotions tabs by default, but users can also               “Move to tab” menu
           choose to enable any combination of tabs or restore a single,
           uncategorized inbox. For more information on how subscribers          2 2. Selecting the message and choosing a label from the
           are currently interacting with Gmail’s categorized inbox, read           dropdown
           The Email Marketer’s Guide to Gmail Categories.
                                                                                 3 3. Starring a message: The starred message will appear in
                                                                                    the Primary inbox, but only that particular message will
                                                                                    appear in the Primary inbox. Future promotional
                                                                                    messages will still be filtered to the Promotions, Social,
                                                                                    Updates, or Forums tab.

                                                                                 4 4. Dragging and dropping a message into a different

                                                                                    tab: When a user drags and drops a message into a
                                                                                    different tab, Gmail displays a prompt asking users if
                                                                                    they would like all future messages from that sender to go
                                                                                    to the selected tab. If yes is selected, all messages from
                                                                                    that sender will automatically be sent to the new tab
                                                                                    going forward. Otherwise messages from that sender will
                                                                                    continue to go to the original tab.

Marketer’s Field Guide to Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo                         8                                                          
Gmail continued
           While helpful for Gmail users, Gmail’s multiple “inboxes” adds an extra challenge for senders attempting to reach their Gmail
           subscribers. Similar to the way a message delivered to the spam folder typically goes unnoticed, messages not delivered to
           the location subscribers expect won’t be seen or interacted with. As a sender, it’s important to ensure your emails are being
           classified correctly as either Social, Promotions, Updates, or Forums. A misclassified email can result in lower open rates and
           cause a bad user experience.

           Following are suggestions from Gmail to help ensure your messages are directed to the correct category:
                •   Send different categories of mail (e.g., promotions, transaction notifications, social updates) from different,
                    authenticated sender addresses, and try to keep those addresses consistent over time.
                •   Avoid mixing different types of content in one email, since each message can only be sorted to a single category. For
                    example, putting a promotion into a transactional email may cause the message to be misclassified as a promotion.

             Unsubscribe Methods
           In addition to the unsubscribe links included in the email body, Gmail offers two different unsubscribe methods: an optional
           List-Unsubscribe that senders can include and the report spam and unsubscribe button in Gmail’s user interface.

           List-Unsubscribe is text located within a header that email senders can include to provide a safe way for end users to
           unsubscribe. Many senders incorporate this text into their header as a way to dissuade subscribers from marking their email
           as spam.

Marketer’s Field Guide to Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo                            9                                                   
Gmail continued
           After clicking the unsubscribe link, the following is displayed:

           Report spam and unsubscribe
           This method is triggered when a user clicks on the report spam button in Gmail’s user interface. When clicked, the user receives
           the notification shown below, and is able to choose if they want to unsubscribe in addition to reporting the message as spam.

Marketer’s Field Guide to Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo                           10                                                    
           Launched in 1996 as Hotmail, Microsoft’s email service was one of the first web based email services. In fact, the name
           original name Hotmail is a play on HTML, or HoTMaiL.

           In 2013, Microsoft rebranded its service as to align with its desktop offering, Microsoft Outlook. Currently
  has over 400 million active users and is available in more than 106 languages, making it one of the leading
           global mailbox providers.

           In this section, we will walk through’s spam filtering systems, features, support tools, and whitelisting services.

             Spam Filtering

           Exchange Online Protection
           Exchange Online Protection (EOP) is a cloud based filtering system that protects users against spam and
           malware. Microsoft is currently in the process of merging EOP and SmartScreen filters to increase the accuracy of their

  utilizes Microsoft’s patented SmartScreen spam filtering technology. This technology uses a machine learning
           approach to help protect users’ inboxes from junk email. SmartScreen technology learns from known spam and phishing
           threats, as well as from’s customers who have chosen to participate in the Sender Reputation Data network.

Marketer’s Field Guide to Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo                          11                                                     continued
           Sender Reputation Data
           Like many mailbox providers, factors volume, spam complaints, and spam traps into their filtering. However, the
           company also relies heavily on their Sender Reputation Data (SRD) network for their filtering decisions.

           Microsoft refers to their SRD program as the Spam Fighters Program. Along with other sources of reputation data—such as
           the Junk eMail Reporting Program (JMRP)—SRD helps to train and improve the way their filtering classifies messages based
           on email content and sender reputation.

           The goal of the SRD program is to derive a better picture of a sender’s reputation by using feedback from trusted voters.
           Participants in the SRD program are selected from active users at random from over 200 countries and no one
           can volunteer for the program.

Marketer’s Field Guide to Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo                       12                                                    continued
           To get feedback, Microsoft resends copies of emails that members of their SRD panel received in the past 24 hours. The message
           comes from Microsoft Spam Fighters and the sender’s original subject line is appended with “[Microsoft Spam Fighters] Junk or
           Not?”. In the SRD email body, subscribers vote on whether they think the email is junk or not junk. A junk vote is seen as negative
           feedback and a not junk vote is seen as positive.

           SRD feedback is more reliable than feedback derived from complaints, because while senders can lower their overall complaint
           rate by sending more volume, they cannot artificially lower SRD rates.

             Postmaster Services

           Smart Network Data Services (SNDS)
           SNDS is a free service that provides aggregate data on email volume, subscriber complaints, spam traps, and more.

                                                      Result   Example            Verdict percentage

                                                      Green                       Spam < 10%

                                                      Yellow                      10% < spam < 90%

                                                      Red                         Spam > 90%

           SNDS uses a color coded system which indicates trustworthiness:
                • Green indicates a positive sending reputation, and higher inbox placement rates to are likely.
                • Yellow signals reputation issues starting to surface, and a mix of inbox and junk folder placement is likely.
                • Red means that there are serious underlying reputation issues, which are causing most, if not all, emails sent to land in
                    the junk folder.

Marketer’s Field Guide to Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo                          13                                                         continued
           Junk Mail Reporting Program (JMRP)
  offers their Junk eMail Reporting Program (JMRP) as a free feedback loop service to anyone who wants to
           sign up. JMRP reports are generated as the result of spam complaints originating from users only, and does
           not include SRD participants. The headers of the received complaint will also indicate if the subscriber marked it as junk
           or phishing. Emails marked as phishing indicate that the sending identity wasn’t known, or perhaps something in the
           content looked suspicious.

  offers self help and escalation paths for senders having deliverability issues. Senders are asked to ensure
           they are following all best practices on the troubleshooting page. If senders are certain they are following
           best practices, they can enter a ticket to the postmaster team.

             Email Infrastructure
  asks that senders’ mail infrastructure comply with the following:
                • SPF: asks all senders publish an SPF record for the return-path.
                • DKIM: also conducts DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) checks on inbound email.
                • DMARC: recommends senders publish a DMARC record to reject or quarantine mail sent from
                  illegitimate senders.
                • DNS: requires a valid reverse DNS with a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). If Microsoft webmail
                  domains are unreachable, Microsoft recommends querying the most current list of MTAs through nslookup:
                  “nslookup –q=mx”

Marketer’s Field Guide to Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo                         14                                                 continued
  does not currently have any partners.

             Whitelists and Prioritized Delivery
  does not maintain an internal proprietary whitelist. They do however participate in Return Path’s Certification
           Program. Return Path Certification provides preferential treatment to accredited senders, allowing them to bypass certain filters
           to reach the inbox. Those accepted into the Certification program are required to maintain the standards set by Return Path and
           its participating partners.

             User Interface
           The interface makes it easy to sort through personal mail, social notifications, graymail, and more.

Marketer’s Field Guide to Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo                         15                                                        continued
             Message Features
           Scheduled cleanup
           Scheduled cleanup allows users to set rules to automatically delete
           old emails and only keep the latest from a sender. For most senders,
           this isn’t an issue. But for senders that send multiple times a day, a
           different From: addresses for each mail stream may be needed.

 ’s categorization can be used as Quick Views for users,
           which is a similar concept to Gmail’s tabbed inbox.

 ’s archive feature moves all messages to the Archive
           folder keeping the main inbox clutter free.

           Delete all from
           The “delete all from” functionality allows users to easily delete all
           email from a particular sender based on the From: address. This is
           good news for any business that has had to deal with
           users using the “Report Junk” button in the past.

           Focused Inbox
 ’s new feature separates the emails receive into
           two inboxes. Emails users frequently interact with arrives in the
           “focused inbox” with the rest delivered to the “other inbox.”

Marketer’s Field Guide to Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo                            16 continued
             Unsubscribe Methods
           Like Gmail, also takes advantage of the List-Unsubscribe header. There are two ways subscribers access the List-
           Unsubscribe functionality: through the “too many newsletters” footer or the “sweep” feature.

           Too many newsletters? Unsubscribe.
           As shown below, displays the “Too many newsletters?” verbiage under the email. It is important to note that this
           verbiage is not part of the email. Rather, it’s part of’s user interface. When the hyperlink is clicked, the following
           popup will be displayed if a List-Unsubscribe header is present.

           If the List-Unsubscribe header is not included, the following popup will be displayed:

Marketer’s Field Guide to Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo                           17                                                       continued
              Sweep unsubscribe
              Using’s Sweep feature, users can select        With either method of unsubscribing, the user will see a
              one of several actions for a given email, including        screen like this where they can click a button to confirm
              unsubscribe.                                               the unsubscribe.

Marketer’s Field Guide to Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo                 18                                                     
Yahoo Mail
           Yahoo Mail was one of the first free webmail providers to hit the market and is one of the three largest providers in the world with
           225 million users. In June 2017, Yahoo was bought out by Verizon Communications, which in 2015 also bought AOL. Verizon has
           not yet disclosed any plans to merge Yahoo Mail with other email services.

           In this section, we will look at Yahoo Mail’s filtering process, services, and offerings for senders.

             Spam Filtering
           Yahoo builds the majority of their spam algorithms in house. They put a heavy emphasis on content, URL filtering, and spam
           complaints from users.

           Yahoo is one of the few mailbox providers that filter email based on the reputation of both the sending domain and the IP
           address. So reputation is critical in determining inbox or bulk folder placement. Reputation is driven by many factors including
           unknown user rates, spam complaints, and spam traps.

           Engagement has always been an important measure of subscriber interest for senders, Yahoo is now placing greater emphasis
           on engagement as part of their filtering decisions, as well. Factors being considered include:

                             What messages                        What messages are moved                          How quickly mail
                              are opened                              between folders                                is deleted

           To reach Yahoo inboxes, it’s important to send relevant email that your subscribers want. You can determine what resonates
           with your subscribers by tracking opens, clicks, and conversions along with other hidden engagement metrics.

Marketer’s Field Guide to Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo                             19                                                      
Yahoo Mail continued
             Postmaster Services
           Yahoo tells senders the best way to get delivered to the inbox is to avoid looking like a spammer. Visit their postmaster page to
           troubleshoot Yahoo delivery issues and make sure you are following their recommended best practices.

           Troubleshooting SMTP errors
           If your mail isn’t getting delivered to Yahoo, refer to your SMTP log. Once the bounce code is discovered, review Yahoo’s list of
           common SMTP errors to determine the reason for the error.

           Complaint feedback loop
           Yahoo offers a complaint feedback loop (CFL) service. We recommend that you suppress users who complain immediately to maintain
           a positive reputation with Yahoo. Note that DomainKeys or DKIM authentication and access to the postmaster@DKIMdomain
           mailbox to submit verification key are required to sign up for Yahoo’s CFL.

             Email Infrastructure
           SPF, DKIM, and DMARC
           Authenticating email with SPF and DKIM is recommended. Yahoo! supports DMARC and the standards that are required.

           Connection and throughput
           Servers should be configured to allow for 150 simultaneous connections with throughput set at 20 emails per connection. Rate
           limiting will occur for high complaints and poor reputation, so use this as a guideline to determine your optimal setting.

           Publish a PTR record for your sending IP addresses, and use a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) so it doesn’t look like a
           dynamically assigned IP address is sending mail.

           Use a consistent and static “From:” address
           Senders using consistent domains and sending From: addresses benefit when subscribers whitelist their email address. It also
           helps prevent email campaigns being identified as spam by Yahoo’s spam filters.

Marketer’s Field Guide to Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo                           20                                                     
Yahoo Mail continued
           Yahoo has several partners including AT&T (which include BellSouth, SBC, and Ameritech), TNZ, ExtraNZ, and Nokia. These
           partners utilize Yahoo’s infrastructure for their customers’ email. Each partner has its own filtering at the gateways before mail
           is handed over to be processed by Yahoo’s filters, but we have found email sent to these partners should have inbox placements
           rates that are consistent with direct Yahoo users.

             Prioritized Delivery
           There are two kinds of priority listings: Yahoo’s internal Bulk Sender Application and Return Path Certification.

                      Internal Bulk Sender Application:                                   Return Path Certification
                      Yahoo’s Bulk Sender Application is free, and allows                 Yahoo also honors the Return Path Certification
                      senders to submit their IP addresses for review. Based              program. Return Path Certification provides
                      on the review, Yahoo may alter the sender’s reputation              preferential treatment to accredited senders,
                      for increased inbox placement. Those accepted are still             allowing them to bypass certain filters to reach the
                      subject to certain filters including user level filtering,          inbox. Those accepted into the Certification program
                      content filtering, and URL filtering, and inbox placement is        are required to maintain the standards set by Return
                      not guaranteed.                                                     Path and its participating partners.

                      While the exact criteria for increased placement isn’t public,
                      Yahoo does require a positive sending reputation. New IP
                      addresses—for example, when you move to a new email
                      service provider or add a new IP address—must be in
                      service at least 30 days before Yahoo will evaluate them for
                      Bulk Sender status.

Marketer’s Field Guide to Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo                                  21                                               
Yahoo Mail continued
             Yahoo User Interface
           Yahoo’s user interface makes it easy to interact with email and access additional Yahoo applications.

Marketer’s Field Guide to Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo                         22                           
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Marketer’s Field Guide to Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo                                    23                                                     
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